Archives Nml. OF TECWNozo SIEP 26 1962 A SYSTEM FOR THE CONTROL OF BURNING OF A SOLID PROPELLANT Akira Kayama Submitted in Partial Fulfillment . of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY August 1962 Signature redacted Signature of Author Dep . . . August 20, 1962 Signature redacted . Certified by %ment of MechanicaJngineering Thesis Advisor Signature redacted . Accepted by . . . . Chairman, Departmental Committee on Thesis j4. 38~ A SYSTEM FOR THE CONTROL OF BURNING OF SOLID PROPELLANT by Akira Kayama Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering on August 20, 1962 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science. ABSTRACT The aim of this thesis is to propose and study a system for the control of burning of a solid propellant. The proposed scheme controls the burning rate by pneumatically forcing with a piston an end burning grain against a refractory metal ram which is fixed in the combustion chamber. This scheme is Tn application of the recent experimental work by Dr. C. H. Marston on the controlled hot gas generation from a solid propellant A model of the proposed control system is based on Marston's work and is formulated for study on an analogue computer, The computer study revealed that the feedback linkage parameter plays an important role in improving the transient and steady state performance of the system. The transient performance is the combustion chamber pressurerise time, and steady state error in combustion chamber pressure is chosen as steady state performance parameter of the system. The initial air chamber volume affects the transient response of the combustion chamber pressure more markedly than any of the other system parameters. If the system is designed for a large value of friction between piston and air chamber inner wall, the transient and steady state performance is slightly improved. The combustion chamber volume has little effect on the rise time of combustion chamber pressure because of the favorable counteracting behavior of burning rate increase. Thesis Supervisor: Robert W. Mann Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author is indebted to Professor R. W. Mann for his unfailing support and encouragement throughout the duration of the work. The advice and assistance of Dr. C.H. Marston who ably led the earlier work on controlled burning is also gratefully acknowledged. The author is particularly grateful to Professor J.L. Shearer whose valuable advice has been indispensable in carrying on this work. Acknowledgement must also be made to Mr. Wormely and Mr. Stokes with whom the author had extremely -stimulating conversations and whose suggestions have often been helpful. This work has been supported in part by the United States Nayy, Bureau of Weapons under contract Nonr 1841 (66) sponsored by the Division of Sponsored Research of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Part I Part II Introduction 1.1 Object of Thesis 1 1.2 Why Burning Rate Control is Required 1 The Method of Controlling the Burning Rate 2.1 Rammed Burning 3 2.2 Preliminary Analysis of Geometry and Flow 3 2.2.1 Burning Surface Geometry when Ram Increases Burning Rate 2.2.2 Burning Rate Increase as a Function of Ram Force Part III The Proposed Control System 3.1 Part IV Part V 5 Description of the Control System 9 System Analysis 4.1 Basic Assumption 4.2 Component Analysis 11 4.2.1 The Air Tank 11 4.2.2 The Control Valve 11 4.2.3 The Air Actuator 13 4.2.4 Force Balance on the Grain 18 4.2.5 The Ram-Fuel Interaction 22 4.2.6 The Combustion Chamber Volume 26 4.2.7 The Measuring De-rice 28 4.2.8 The System Model 31 Analogue Computer Study of the Control System 33 5.1 The Analogue Computer 33 5.2 The Dependent Variables 33 5.3 The System Parameters 33 Part V (cont.) Part VI 5.4 Numerical Values of System Variables 35 5.5 Investigation 35 5.6 The Transient Response 35 5.7 The Steady State REsponse 39 Results 6.1 Parameters Held Constant during Investigation 6.2 The Steady State Rdsponse 6.3 40 40 6.2.1 Steady State Rblations 6.2.2 Pal Pal and Pc2/ Pc Steady state 6.2.3 Steady State Error 44 6.2.4 Steady State Valve Displacement 45 6.2.5 Steady State Ramming Force 46 Values at 43 The Transient Response 6.3.1 The Effect of Linkage Parameter on the Rise Time 46 6.3.2 The Effect of the Initial Air Chamber Volume on the Rise Time 64 6.3.3 The Effect of 0 65 6.3.4 The Effect of Friction Parameter on the Rise Time 65 6.3.5 The Effect of Combustion Chamber Time Constant on the Rise Time 66 on the Rise Time 6.4 Summary of Results 68 Appendix A Definitions of Symbols 86 Appendix B Derivation of numerical Values of System Variables 90 Appendix C Derivation of Alternative Transfer Function for Transition from a Rammed Burning to Another 97 Bibliograpby and References 101 List of Figures (continued) /P,, versus Y/L 80 versus B/API 81 32 Rise Time of PC 33 Rise Time of r /r, 34 Rise Time of P, /Pc 1 versus B/APc 35 Rise Time of Pg /P4, versus 7 36 Rise Time of r 37 Overshoot of r 38 .7 /r, versus . /10t C/l0t /r, versus combustion chamber volume 39 Transition time from a rammed State to Another W- Alternative Transfer Function for Transition from a Rammed Burning to Another 82 83 84 85 95 96 99-100 I PART I INTRODUCTION 1.1 The Object of Thesis The object of this thesis is to propose and study a system for the control of burning of a solid propellant. In this proposed system the burning rate is controlled by pushing a movable end-burning grain so that its burning surface is in close proximity to a refractory metal ram which is fixed in the combustion chamber. This process results in an increased burning rate under the ram and the increase in burning rate is approximately proportional to the force applied to the ram. The system consists of a pneumatic motor which forces the grain, a combustion ,chamber with the ram, a measuring device which is a bellows and a linkage to provide feedback. , The purpose of this paper is the study of the dynamic effects of'various system parameters on the transient and steady state performance of this ram controlled burning rate system. 1.2 Why Burning Rate Control is Required Rocket motors and Auxiliary Power Units (APU) which utilize the products of combustion of solid propellant as an energy source have been in service for several years. The hot gas generated is used to give thrust to the vehicle in the case of rocket motors, or in the case of an APU, to drive a turbo-generator or pressurize a:hydraulic accumulator. When a variation of the thrust or the mass flow rate is desired, the current practice in rocket engineering is to use the method of varying the nozzle cross-sectional area, or to pre-shape the grain configuration so that at a certain point the burning surface area may change to give the different weight flow rate. To vary the thrust or the weight flow rate according to an arbitrary external command signal by varying the nozzle cross-sectional area or by varying the burning area would require a complicated mechanism which would add weight to the vehicle. Therefore, in order to vary 2. either the thrust or the weight flow rate to match it to the changing requirements of the load, an alternative approach is to control the burning rate by as simple a mechanism as possible. The ram burning cOntrol system may be a promising scheme to meet this requirement. 3 PART II 'IE METHOD OF CONTROLLING THE BURNING RATE 2.1 Rammed Burning The burning rate of an end-burning double-base solid propellant can be continuously varied, at will, over a range up to at least six times the equilibrium vented vessel burning rate. A molybdenum (or other refractory metal) "rramtt heated by the products of combustion, is pushed into close proximity to the burning surface. The increase in burning rate is approximately proportional to the force applied to the ram. This phenomenon has been under investigation by Dr. C.H. Marston in the thesis "Controlled Hot Gas Generation from a Solid Propellant"' 2.2 Preliminary Analysis of Geometry and Flow 2.2.1 Burning Surface Geometry When Ram Increases Burning Rate Marston analyzed the geometrical aspects of ram-propellant interaction when a ram is suddenly forced against a propellant grain burning at equilibrium rate, ro Assume that the ram causes the burning rate to increase suddenly . and uniformly to a new value covers. rate ro r, on that part of the burning surface which it The remaining uncovered annulus continues, by assumption, to burn at . Making use of the principle that burning takes place normal to the local surface, Marston derived equations which govern the transition weight flow rate from unrammed to rammed burning. ino r- - Rr t ) R .^ + R2 Wini-~ The equations are: t(2.1) t (2.2) 4Wno where = unrammed weight flow rate (equilibrium steady state) from grain surface W;n = instantaneous weight flow rate from grain surface Wini = initial steady state weight flow rate from grain surface at rammed burning r0 unrammed burning rate (equilibrium steady state burning rate) instantaneous burning rate initial R steady state burning rate rammed burning radius of propellant grain = Rr radius of ram t time transition time to or from rammed state The transition back to equilibrium burning is given by the similar equations. W'n \RI r ti R( (2.3) (2.4) wno The transition time for both Eqs. (2.1) and (2.3) is given by: r rr -0 ~~.-Pr. (2.5) These governing equations for the transition from unrammed to rammed burning and from rammed to unrammed burning are based upon the geometric configurations shown in Figure 1. C.H. Marston also derived the equations governing the transition from one W - _+ino 0 Ino~~ ro ( o t ( resron ce -to burning' rate step chan.Te) )r. R R + t - - rammed burning to: another. RJJ (2.6) tt trsti In the above cases the transition time (2.7) is given by ttIR%- Rr - ro -tt o t, __ __ (2.8) r. . cannot exceed By definition in another limiting form: _ Setting the two ratios equal results _ R3 - Rr These equations are based upon the geometric configurations reported in Figure 2. 2.2.2 Burning Rate Increase as a Function of Ram Force Marston correlated the burning rate increase with the force on the rem by the following equation. r = .density where K Ar K F0 K0Eya~ (2.10) of grain an experimentally determined slope which varies one rem design to another = area of ram contact surface applied to ram =force = The derivation of this equation is based upon: the data shown in Figure 3 where the burning ratio is plotted as a function of ram surface pressure. 6 Transition to and from rammed burning Et I 7777777F 7T7 r, I I '0, //'/ 7/// / / in response to step change of ramming forcet Ozt4tt / ro r0 t t0 r0 t tc 7r7 I77Z777577 7 -Figure I / t >tc Transition from one ramed burning to another in response to step chang of? rammin -force R t=o ram r, dOWN Ir t r2t / I t~t t= tt Itransftion complete Figur e ?a 8 Ramming Force vs 6 Burnin 8 Rate Increase 4-4 20 40 60 F \06Ar pS y02 Figure 3 80 100 PART III TEE PROPOSED CONTROL SYSTEM 3.1 Desdription of the Control System Figure 4 illustrates schematically the proposed configuration of the hot gas generator. Basically we are confronted with the problem of bringing a ram into contact with a burning propellant surface. moving the ram or the grain. This can be accomplished by To move the ram requires a larger mechanism and introduces the problem of sealing a piston rod entering the combustion chamber. The proposed scheme of moving the propellant has the advantages of simplicity and low weight. control valve. Furthermore, no combustion gas flows through the Pressurized air is stored in a tank and its flow rate is controlled by a valve before entering the air chamber to actuate the piston. The piston has one or two 0-rings which prevent the leakage of air. One end of the grain is attached to the piston so that both the piston and the grain move as a single unit. The other end of the gain is loosely supported near the combustion chamber by a graphite supporting ring. as dry lubricant. The graphite also serves Since the grain expands when exposed to heat, a loose fit with the supporting ring is necessary. The ram is rigidly attached to the combustion chamber. The combustion chamber pressure is measured by a bellows. The linkage provides feedback and transmits the displacement of the bellows to the pneumatic valve. Input is given as a displacement at one end of the lever. Description of Control System Inhibi+or Air Actuator ----- Gra hile suIPXOrt"ng pin Rff-+ U Air Chamber Combustion Chamber i Rar' Grain L -O-rins Air Tank 0 Exhaus-t Pressure Feed back Pipe LinIkageeI. Bhpellows Nc zz E Con+rol VaIve -+t~eFe Inpvt Lever gure 4 II PART IV SYSTEM ANALYSIS 4.1 Basic Assumption The analysis of the system performance is based on the following assumption The system is initially under the steady state ramming condition. In other words, the grain is being pushed at a constant speed that is equal to the steady state rammed burning rate which is determined by the initial steady state force on the ram. The object of analysis is to set up the fundamental equations which describe the transition from the inital steady state rammed burning to a new steady state rammed burning condition. Equations are all non-dimensionalized with reference to the initial steady condition. 4.2 Component Analysis 4.2.1 The Air Tank The air tank stores the highly pressurized air. In order to simpli'y the analysis, assume that the capacity and the pressure level of the tank are high enough to maintain choked flow through the valve orifice for any operating condition of the system. 4.2.2 The Control Valve The control of the flow of fluid power from the air tank to the actuator is accomplished by the closed center valve. The characteristics of the ideal closed center three way valve (neither underlap nor overlap) with constant supply pressure are exhibited in Figure 5. When the flow is choked, the mass flow rate 12 Characteristics of three--way pneumatic valve with constant supply pressure , variable upstream orifice, variable downs+ream orifice, closed center (neither underlap -tior overlap), from "Handbook of Fluid D namics"McGraw -Hdil Book Co. N.Y.. 0.9 A1 WIM> PS f-0.8 0. ,ft J- 0. 0.4 00 0. T N 0 To A: r I~ -- I --0. AP -.0o P/ TeeTs -o3 -o.2 --.o -0.1 Pe P CdAref(0.532) Ps /T A re = A nax = 2max At /Aref, A2=0 Wre figure 57 0 Y A,=A2=o -A2/Aref, A,=O 0, W, Max = Wref 0.1 0.2 Pr. o 0. 3 o:4 0.5 is solely dependent upon the orifice area. X _Wa X, X where 4.2.3 This relationship is expressed by (4.1) Wa = valve displacement measured from center position = initial steady state valve displacement measured from center position Wa= weight flow rate of fluid (air) Wal= initial steady state weight flow rate of fluid (air) Air Actuator The following assumptions are made is constant.. 1. Supply pressure (tank pressure) 2. Supply temperature (air temperature in tank)- 3. Heat transfer between working gas and its 4. The -working gas (air) obeys the perfect-gas law 5. Flowing of air into the actuator is adiabatic. 6. The passage connecting valve and ram are very short and offer negligible resistance to flow. T. Temperature of the gas flowing between the valve and the ram is at is constant. environment is negligible. all times equal to supply temperature Under these assumptions, the equation describint the relationship between 2 pressure, flow, and piston motion is Wet Ts 0' dVa . C dt d (PaVa) 4.2) kR. dt = gravity where 'a t = air chamber volume (actuator chamber volume) = time Wa = instantaneous weight flow rate of air from valve k Raw . Ps = ratio of specific heat, for air: 1.4 = gas constant = instantaneous pressure at the air chamber Cp = specific heat for constant pressure + YA (4 .3 ) 'he volume of the air chamberVa is :YeYA 14 O where = instantaneous position of piston measured from one end of actuator at the instant when the input signal is given. Y = instantaneous position of piston measured from A = actuator piston cross-sectional area O These symbols are illustrated in Figure 6. The equation (4.2) is re-written using (4.4) kRair C (4.4) A P dY (Y+Y ) d Pa Rairl7TS dtkci (4-5.) - W Rair substituting (4.3) into (4.5) z3AP--Y Wa - a (Y+Y) k d RairT ~d6 Now, non-dimensionalizing the above equation: Wa 3APair ( RairTS Wal Pa Wal al where r \r, + 9A Pa, L Y))_ RaiTs WaF ti k d--d((t) = weight flow rate of air from valve at initial steady state (rammed burning)burning rate at initial steady state ramned burning condition L = L , and t grain total length before it is used burning time, or burning duration when the grain burns at the rate of r for the distance of L are correlated by the following equation: (4.8) And at the inital steady state: Wa ~ R, r Rajr'TS that is: 3AP r RairTs Wai Substituting (4.9) into (4.7), (4.9) Air Actuator I Yo t I _______________________________ Y I ___ (Pm) R9 17 r Ln i- Ts- F igure 6 Air Actuator Block Diagram Yo ro II Figure 7 r 17 ri (4.1o) + ( Pa ) _W RewriPaig t )i Rewriting this equation: Wa P Wai Pai/\ ri)k YO'+ d() (4.11) lot, Time is now non-dimensionalized with reference to ten times the burning time to. The reason for the selection of this value is explained in Appendix C L, ro , L , and to are correlated as follows = where T equilibrium (unrammed burning) burning rate. ro= When a new steady state is reached, the equation (4.11) reduces to Wa 2 R Wai ~ where all- 2 N (4.12) r,I Pa = air chamber pressure at new steady state rammed burning condition ra = burning rate at new steady state rammed burning condition And at the initial steady state (4.11) simply reduces to (4.13) Wal . Pa IV I- is the distance travelled by the piston (or grain) after the input Since signal was given at the lever, it is described by the following equation. fr dt Y 0 In the non-dimensionalized for m : L L0 r ro toto-(drr .0 o -t The equations (4.11) and (4.15) are transformed, using operator D 3 r Y+Y _Wa. -'( .P P,) + ___ \P,/ Waj Y = 10d- L. k sg(P lot0 P i se-(4.17) The block diagram describing this relationship is shown in Figure 7. 4.2.4 Force Balance on the Grain The following assumptions are made. 1. Inertia of the grain is negligible 2. The grain is in contract with the ram all the time. No bouncing motion occurs such as the grain coming off the ram and colliding with it again. The friction is coulomb-type. So the friction force is constant and independent of piston speed when it is moving. 3. Under such assumptions, the force balance equation is Pa A= PcA+ B + F A = cross-sectional area of actuator Pc = instantaneous combustion chamber where B F pressure A PeB I ~ePr I and piston = friction force = force on raml Dividing (4.17) by Pa/p (4.18) A (4.19) are rewritten as follows. a- Pr,1 ~Pa B __ /PCOi )Pc) ( PCo APok Po B (4.21) / A Pei (4.20) where P = initial steady state rammed burning combustion chamber pressure. The burning rate increase and the force on the ram is related by the following equation as explained in 2.2.3. r ~ KF + F (4.22) 10'Ar f,, 0 io'Ar sr2 / rl Rewriting: FO A K r r Therefore _ o A'4. F AP i A K PCi. \ , rO rrr(4.24) r, As the choked flow is always maintained at the exhaust nozzle: S .... ro ~~ Pco = where (4.25) I combustion chamber pressure at equilibrium unramed burning. Substituting (4.25) into (4.24) rr 10"Arfs - AP1 (4.26) A K Po ri Finally, substituting (4.19), (4.20), and (4.26) into (4.18), the force balance equation is obtained. Pa\ Po\(__ (Pa \O 81/C\ \IPco.\ (B 4co Fi/ co) I'Arfs r cl _" F _ A K PC) (4.-27) When the new steady state is reached, the above equatLon reduces to: 1 W __2 2 Pa Pal P f L2P1) P ) +- oP'A' ~ \AfoI Pe + AK'co c r r 2 0j ri (4.428) And at the initial steady state: (/pa\ _g tPCo (o A0o40$_L E \PC = 1+ - \ APCO) Pcc/ + A K Po (4.29) If the cross-sectional area of the actuator piston is Q(times the effective cross-sectional area of grain (without inhibitor) and if the ratio of the ram cross-sectional area to the effective cross-sectional area of gain is defined , the following relationship is obtained. Ag At - 0 ~\ A -A Ar - where A= A-= A cross-sectional area of actuator piston cross-sectional area of ram (area of ram contact surface) effective cross-sectional area of grain (burning surface area of end burning grain) (4'30) Force Balance on Grain F \\ PaA U K q \\\\\K\~ZS~NKK K 7/7 LP B F igure 8 PcA * 4- Force Balance Block Diagram PCI Coo rFgure 9 22 Substituting (4.30) into (4.27), (4.28), and (4.29), the equations are obtained in the final form. tr , L /CP PC CO-j B__1O + t'1 ' RP Ao) (4c 11 (4.31) f( ,O Q0)KPCO. r r At the new steady state: (Pa',)(Pe- PKPco 0(P,,) r02 ( tB 2 (4.32) (2 At the initial steady state: S+ pTI\ Pa B APe Pc P-- X(K P- (4-33) The illustration of force sunmation of grain and block diagram of the above equations are shown in Figure 8 and Figure 9 respectively. 4.2.5 The Ram-Fuel Interaction The governing equations for the transition from rammed to another rammed burning were introduced in 2.2.1 as the equations (2.6) and (2.7). Using the relationship of (4.30), they are re-written : r2 + Win __ r' ro Wino (rt r r And 2 _ 0 (4-35) -to where R , [ ~-to) Re-writing (4.34) W in Win * r, 0 (4.34) t . W rii< i(-) __ (ri-- r, ) +... t r At the equilibrium steady state unrammed burning and the initial steady state 2S rammed burning the follpwing relationship exists: (4.37) - WVini W ;no Using this relationship: W W n- (6 -) 0 nf.. +t(-0 W;n 1 t, (4.38) 0 .t <t And by making time t ( +Q's Ma ) n - W2nt M 'A4 (4.38) becomes dimensionless, W~pI The value of /, (4.39) 0 < 1 during the transition period will be approximated by a first order lag so that the function may be easily simulated on the analogue computer. The model of the transition region is: (4.40) d dit tt where ,7t. The approximation for the transition time region is shown in Figure 10 and results in more total flow thaA actually occurs. The equation (4.34) then becomes _ r- r' 1e (1-0) (4.41) + Win - Win ~ Win, G where in -form of transfer function ) Using dimensionless time, (4.41) is rewritten (r. is rerlace d/b, r Win1 Wint _ttD'+ 3 wi-rI r-; - Will (4.42) (1-0) 0* 16 +-3~tD+L 4 And s-ate (4.43) S(.S. ) -at t4e hew sieeady 10o WiM~ 1 Ram - Fuel Interaction I NEW STEADY STATE RAMMED BURNINCr j / I | INITIAL STEP r2-r mTAL STEADY STATE RAMIE D SURtNIN G - as . wr/ it wm TRANSITION PERIOD i t tt FIgu re 10 Ram-Fuel Interaction Block Diagram , Eo I win I N -- F'i gure - oto- 9) 10 to I I qrt 26 The preceding equation (4.42) and (4.43) may be combined to form the block diagram of the ram-fuel interaction as shown in Figure 11. 4.2.6 Combustion Chamber Volume The mass flow rate through,the nozzle is affected by the combustion chamber volume in the following way Win= wout where + V.o (4.44) VO = Cambustion chamber volume Wout = Weight flow rate of combustion gas through nozzle .f = Density of combustion gas At the initial steady state: = Wout I W; (4.45) And from the choking condition of the nozzle and with the assumption of a perfect gas and constant combustion gas temperature: Wout _ Wout (4.46) where Wout 1 = Weight flow rate of combustion gas through nozzle at initial steady state = Density of combustion gas at initial steady state Ro, Using (4.45) and (4.46), (4.44) becomes: d Wout + Dividing by Wouti, : Win Wout, Wool Wout I Wout~ W;" wout i .. Wo t wout I Wout Wouti In operator form: (4-47) (4.48) Wou I tdwot, Wout - Wout SS O Tt_ Using dimentionless time: Wit, ( Wout outi Wu o W1; I(Lo W 9C (-o woD wo1 0 (4.49) ) Win (4.50) Combustion Chamber Block Dia gram Win 10t0 Win V-D _ ___ __ _ ___ __ __ __ out PCI N3 F gure I 2 where == I O Wout 1 (4.51) Since the flow through the nozzle remains choked: Wout PC1 Woutl PCI (4-52) And at the initial steady state: .53) W;n 1 Wout combining. (4.51) through (4.53): P. +Dt. \ P( Win l The effect of chamber volume on the wieght rate of flow may be modeled as shown in Figurel2. 4.2.7 Measuring Device The bellows has been selected as a pressure sensing element. The combustion chamber pressure and the displacement of the bellows are related by the following equation. V= where 4.2.8 Kb -P(455) V = displacement of bellows Ab= cross-sectional area of bellows K= bellows stiffness Feedback Linkage The motion of the feedback linkage shown in Figure 13 is defined by equation (4.56) Z = (a+ b)x + a V where (a+ b)-X V a and b are defined as shown in Figure 13 = Input displacement of lever = Valve displacement The equation (4.56) is made dimensionless in the following manner: a (4.56) L nkage and Measuring E-envice .4 aA V II --- W--r-r-rq II XY STIFFNESS b .1. z Fi gure I 3 L nk age and Measuring Device Block Diagram z 2 ZI bV, az, az) a z, /+b/ ~bVI x x PC PCI F ig u re 14 / ~31 Introducing the relationship (4.55), the equation (4.57) is obtained _(a+ b) X X + MI (457) At the new steady state: Z, \ a -Z --- Y.. .9 /\x,/$1 ) (a+ b) X, L (TI/ At the initial steady state: + bv. 4 , (+) The block diagram of the linkage is as shown in Figure 14. 4.2.8 The System Model The complete system model is formed by combining the models derived above. It is shown in Figure 15. (4.58) 32 System Block Diagram YO L: I lot Z2 bV, PC 10kto bv, SWAM .-nip tl )XI I A PCOP I I D IL loto 9t gure 15 I 33 PART V ANALOGUE COMPUTER STUDY OF THE CONTROL SYSTEM 5.1 The Analogue Computer The computer is a Philbrick Analogue Computer consisting of of twenty K5U universal linear operating units and four K5M multipliers. 5.2 The Dependent Variables The combustion chamber pressure is selected as the main dependent variable and the burning rate as the auxilliary dependent variable. These variables were non-dimensionalized with reference to their respective initial steady state values. are _ 2 and A for steady state, and A PC Ii __ for trans- PrI ient state. 5.3 and They The System Parameters The system parameters which affect the transient and steady state performance of the system are shown below. 1. bV1 /aZ1 defined as (non-dimensionalized) linkage parameter. This parameter depends upon lever length ratio (b/a) and initial steady state lever displacement (Z1) and bellows displacement. In other words, this can be rewritten as follows. 34 bV~ bA= : a2 aKbZ, Kb and-Ab are bellows stiffness and crosssectional area. Therefore, the linkage para- meter contains the characteristic of bellows. The feed back elements affect the system performance through this parameter. Y/L defined as (non-dimensionalized) initial air chamber volume. The piston position (Y0 ) 2. when input-signal is given, is divided by original grain length (L). 3. X/1oto defined as (non-dimensionalized) combustion chamber time constant. Combustion Chamber time constant (.7 c) is divided by ten times the equilibrium unrammed burning duration (to)* 4. B/APci defined as (non-dimensionalized) friction parameter. Friction force B is .divided by force on the piston (APci) caused by initial steady state rammed burning combustion chamber pressure (PCi), 5. The ratio of the ram cross-sectional area to grain cross-sectional area. 6. z 2 /Z 1 defined as (non-dimensionalized) input leveJ displacement. New steady state input leve (Z2 ) for rammed burning is divided by initial steady state level displacement (Zj) for rammed burning. 5.4 Numerical Values of System Variables Although, throughout the analysis non-dimensionalized system variables are used, the values of the system variables are determined by studying the experimental apparAtus described in "Controlled Gas Generation from a Solid Propellant". ratus the fuel grain diameter was one inch. 1 In the appa- Using this value and other experimentally determined parameters, the average numerical valdes of the system variables were determined. These values are given in Figure 16 and derived in Appendix B. 5.5 Investigation The purpose of the investigation is to study the response of the dependent variables to a step change in input lever displacement for different values of the system parameters defined in 5.3. 5.6 The Transient Response The rise time Tr is a parameter which characterizes the transient response of the dependent variables. The rise time is non-dimensionalized and expressed as Tr/ 10to. The definition of rise time is described in Figure 17. It is defined as the time occuriin8 between the time when the input step change is given, and the time at which the combustion chamber pressure or 36 Figure 16 TABLE OF NUMERICAL VALUES OF SYSTEM VARIABLES Variable Unit Value L inches 10 D inches 1 Rt inches 0.5 A sq. inches 0.785 D inches 1.2 A sq. inches 1.13 Dr inches 1.0, 0.9, 0.8 Rr inches 0.5, 0.45, 0.4 A sq. inches 0.785, 0.636, 0.503 r 1.44 1.0, 0.81, 0.64 pc in./sec. rPcO 1 lb / in./sec. 0.14 400 0.175 lbf/ 500 lb / 500 ... ft./sec. 2 32.17 to sec, 71.5 t sec. 57.2 B lb 10 ... .P lb./in.3 PC 1 PpC 1750 k 0.055 160 37 Variable Unit K Value 0.05 tt see. 0, 0.498, 0.997 2800 mf 22.9 (z:/,) 1.0 (it/ ( ) 0. 01 77.-- 0. 2832 0.4 ot,) Ot 3.5 ) (B/A r1 (y. /L ... o) 0 t.) *.. 0.8 o, c A97 x 10-4, 1.395 x 10-3 ,232 4.65 x 104 8.34 x 10-5 (bva) 5.0 x 10-4 0.1 ... 0.99 10-4 38 Response Parameters Z2 I /lo Pet .1 STEAD ( PC' STATE ERROR I / _________________ I 0.8 Z2 (: Z, ISF RISE " TIME I PC 2 -ml 2 T r t lOo r - I Over shoot ) (r ri r -4 r rise time lt -K Fg u re I7 31 burning rate has reached 80% of its steady state value measured from the initial steady state level. Overshoot a is defined as: ~ (5-1) where non-dimensionalized burning rate value at first peak. non-dimefisioitlized buf'ning rate at new steady state rammed burning. 5.7 The Steady State Response The relationships between the input values and the steady state values of air chamber pressure, ram force, combustion chamber pressure, and valve displacement are of primary concern. The steady state error is defined as the difference between the input value (non-dimensionalized input lever displacement) and the putput value (non-dimensionalized combustion chamber pressure). That is, EZ 2 X, _ CP. PI (5-2) 40 PART VI RESULTS 6.1 Parameters Held Constant during Investigation The results stated in Part VI of this thesis are reported for a model which has the parameters recorded in Figure 18 held constant. 6.2 6.2.1 The Steady State Response The Steady State Relations The equations which govern the steady state condition are summarized as follows. aP R) + Pe aPC'PC, c K(6.3) P C . AMPi r(6.2) C c where ( cc' KPac rs (6 .5 ) -, 1 6a(6.1) 41 P al initial steady state rammed burning air chamber pressure Pa2 new steady state rammed burning air chamber pressure PCO equilibrium unrammed burning combustion chamber pressure Pcl initial steady state rammed burning combustion chamber pressure Pc2 new steady state rammed burning combustion chamber pressure B friction force A piston cross-sectional area 9 ratio of ram cross-sectional area to grain crosssectional area ratio of piston cross-sectional area to grain cross-sectional area. fs grain density K ramming coefficient (sensivity of burning rate to force) r0 equilibrium unrammed burning rate ri initial steady state rammed burning rate r2 new steady state rammed burning rate initial steady state input lever displacement Z2 new steady state input lever displacement x1 initial steady state valve displacement x2 new steady state valve displacement V1 initial steady state bellows displacement b/a lever length ratio F2 new steady state rammed burning ratio, The calculated steady state values of Pa2 /al' Pc2/c1' X 2 /X1 FIGURE 18 PARAMETERS HELD CONSTANT DURING THE INVESTIGATION Parameter Units Value L inches 10 D inches 1 R inches 0.5 A sq. inches 0.785 D inches 1.2 A sq. inches 1.13 ro in./sec. 0.14 pco lbf/ r in./sec. Pcl lbf/ ft./sec. 2 k t0 MA 0.175 500 32.17 1.4 sec. 71.5 sec. 57.2 lb /in. T 400 3 OF 0.055 2800 -22.9 43 and F 2 /APC 1 versus Z2 '1 for different values of 9 and B/APc1 are represented graphically in Figure 19, Figure 20, Figure 25, and Figqlre 26. P,2p a1 and Pc2/Pcl Values at Steady State 6.2.2 Referring to Figures 19 through 20, it is observed that at certain values of the friction Pc2/ c1 become greater than Pa2 /a1 parameter B/APC 1 as the parameter is increased from zero. Since the ramming force is caused by the difference of air chamber pressure and combustion chamber pressure, Pa2/al Pc2/P1 seems un- reasonable., The following analysis of steady state governing equations, however, justifies this result. is rearranged:(Pca) - + ?)ror [ e KPeoir, ACO k 41)< (a) P0 o ,) P2 ai +s The equation (6.1) rIo (6.6) Substituiting equation (6.3) into (6.6): (C) ( PC I where + 0 f roC o(K Po Vco C *-P-O Cc Pci Gr 1* o K P. IT/ (6.8) This is a first order equation representing the relationship PaI al and Pc 2/p0 1 . PC1I & At the initial steady state, Pa I a (6.9) 44 So the line representing equation (6.7) passes through (1,1) as shown in Figures 21,(A) and 21(B). It is observed that at the new steady state, Pa2/al is greater or less than Pc2/Pcj according to whether C is negative or positive. C becomes negative when the friction parameter B/Apc1 is smaller than the second term of the equation (6.8). This computer solution is photo- Sraphed d and displayed as Figure 22(A) and Figure 22(B). 6.2.3 Steady State Error Steady state errors are calculated using equations (6.1) (6.2), and (6.3) and shown in Figures 23 and 24 in relation to c2 /P ci 23 for different values of bVi/aZi, 9, and B/AP c1 . P hc; how The Uinkage equation shown below as (6.10). b I ai(6.10) / At the initial steady state, the equation (6.10) is: = a~b)( )X (bVi (6.11) from which the range of variation of the parameter is determined to be: (6.12) At the new steady state, the combination of equations (6.1) and (6.4) reduces to: X2 kPc s(B SAK ++10%4 I V AK P)J(PC)(6.1 3 ) P Now if a+ b i/t1 bV0 ._, from the equation (6.10), and (6.13), the steady state error is PA E- PT .1 iOA %+ rl)+ AKPo/ (AK P ) -= 3 ro_'\ i-- Pes/ AKPe 8 AK Pe(6.14) \Ae which is a second order equation with respect to Pc2/ c1. now if: br/ (x) e. C And > the steady state error approaches zero. From equation (6.10) - PC.C 1-+0 Therefore the steady state error versus Pc2/ c1 graphs with X/Z- bVj/aZ 1 as a variable parameter are limited in the domain bounded by the abscissa and the-parabolic curve of (6.14) as shown in Figure 23 where the friction parameter is a fixed constant. Figure 24 (A) through Figure 24 (C) shows the effects of 9 which is the ratio of ram area to grain area, and friction parameter upon the steady state error, versus combustion chamber pressure. In these cases the linkage parameter is held constant, equal to 0.99. It is seen that effect of 9 is very slight and that of friction is rather significant. 6.2.4 Steady State Valve Displacement Steady state valve displacement X 2 /X1 is calculated from the equation (6.1) and (6.4). That is: S+ (Pat/P A' e p) This is a second order equation with respect to Pc2/?cl* (6.15) In Figure 25(A) through Figure 25(C), the steady state valve displacement X 2/X1 versus Pc2/ c1 are plotted for different values of 9 and friction parameter. The effect of B/APci and 9 on steady state valve displacement is very similar to the case of steady state error. The increase in friction results in the decrease ofX1, and the decrease in e tend to,"decrease X2 1 slightly. 6.2.5 Steady State Ramming Force (F /APCi) 2 steady state ramming force was calculated from the equation (6.5) and represented graphically in Figure 26 for different values of 9 . As 9 decreases steady state ramming force decreases linearly. 6.3 The Transient Response 6.3.1 The Effect of Linkage Parameter on the Rise Time of Pc,' c1 and r,/r The effect of linkage parameter bV,/aZl on rise time is reported in Figures 27(A), 27(B), and 27(C). In these figures rise time versus bVi/aZi was plotted for different values of 9 and Z 2 /Z1 . The combustion chamber time constant JC/10to, initial air chamber volume Y/L, and friction parameter B/APci are all held constant as explained in these figures. The range of variation of linkage parameter bV,/aZl is between zero and unity as described in 6.2.3. It is understood that as bVj/aZ1 approaches unity the rise time of both Pc2/ .1 and r2/r 1 approach zero. As explained -7447 '4'1-Y '744 +4 , ~ . . . ,7., 4-4 4 11141 * 1 1 -. 4- 41 ~4.T -~1-4 .4-4 - 44~~~- t. 4 11-7 4t +1 1 - :4:2 {~. i- +4-' 44_1 ~ -1 ' "4 -T -4'4 ~~t~ 2'- I r- 247 * t 4 4 4 4S - -IT7 tT + 44- _"i _ __7 49 - 'WI ' 2tL --- A- 44 ' 44 444 t4. r~4 -44-- f-H i f tfl. ?t' 44-4 444i1-4 P41-P 4 -, . L-L I -4-44-4iF4 -#A 1 IF A I111Ti ..... V -- LRL.L- _LM_ L Ll L-Aff I I .-LIE 17! ':14::. 1~1EIi 22: A. -A 2274-: :4:22::': -A'.-- ... ... 4 14-4 4- 2422tp22l~t~444iit4:;4 I1q, Hif 241.--'-, 4-'4 4444 42- 4 -4 4 - 4A-4 ;4- T4 ~lv +4~~ ft 'f~~i I J- 42 2424~~4ir i-+ ~4 4 k44 I___ ft____Vt_1_____________ H t--4-- I+ 1,1, 77t 7 tT 4 4 Hi 1ft 444 4 4242 t11 , ii- - .- 1747K - ift Tit l- 1+4 4- 1 44 11 F 14 11 1 i 44 -Hf TTT_ A41 4127'2''f''~J YrY ~ 141 fHd-7 2 0 I~-A 4 1 ; III ~U:j~~ t4_' ;Ti j t T .. !! +-TIT ill7 'tI' jj!! 1'', ... ... :4. it 411 L-L L T'11 F': t- 4-Ij t4 lTit . I- ~Al~di1 1} H t44Ij -till IA!K4 ~~7~FflTV 4 LIE 4--- 4 -4 J4 E4-411 ii - "~Q :7:]::> TTTTTT +4 -Lii1i P i4 -4 "22741T 222 _Ti :4: "'-Al m4 :4'i EFdj, -' P_4 f71-t77 12 '_2I--T 'it ~jj- fAj--r2- HA 2-444 440 ~, 4-A-4-A-U-4-L-LL--L-4-L fff I' I 11 ---+ 4 - T4 lit -44-14 9 - 44 4,t .T i iii 24 -~ 4- ItN- rt " I r 50 T -- -14- $if jt~~j a i44 4 ,#TV-T t TT 'iii tj 1; -. -44 442 44d~t b'it _J4 <-4.T- - ,- 4 - A n + 1 jpy -- - - - t 1-i1 ll4< 1-IlT 4-T1 - . S - -- -- - ~I 2-i V 141 171 .-. ,.i--.Y- 1- 4 1 t1-1 A;q~.2 {.jJA4fl lt 1- 1 11 +. :11+ 21-14- - j4 - 1 2i'iLIAhtiL$hI~ b~I~C A7tI77T7tT1t7'7tt'~i -f44. : 4414441 J 4_4-4.+ 441 +11 n -T- - ---4 4- ~- {t;j it-F f,Ptht~ 1Wbh$~~ t I I1agL .TTu m ~ --T TI -I P V.- U' itP 0~h 4-- f * 1T - --- t'$ifUi}2141i2j5Ejj44 P 1 1 ~t~X' I I I -- 1 71u14%14b147 f41I i-i-ti' 14I 1k -+ - t i-F 24Z44.44i444..44411414441424-flZrt IL 4- noTnr e -7t1rv tne+mer It.. t tm-A TT. '0 -- - ' 11 : ho 1 o -- : t7 I 'I I - - - - -- II I- 4 4414 . . .. . . .. . . .. . I-I-- - - - 4~ 12 I: -t - -!J-1- - - LLL # 4- ZT1 t J-t F.-- $ I Ht ,4- 43 1 I 4t 4 4 - ~ - -t--H-N - 4 -11 t T t 11,14 T -~-4-- - - -7- T - - 4 - + --+ -- -t- 7- -l -fi 44 i T u IT 4 - 72 4~P If : 1 .-I I - ij -4 < lII& ATT ~' itI4-i}51 4'- 41~~ - +--l I ~ 111t<'~ , - . . A ri-I::tl::::f:::-1:-::I:::-I:''I~E T14- 414'_rl 4-4-4- ii - -+- ---- -- - - 1::]: ' TI t - I - F-mi; 4.; 12-U ~Z442$24 44 I4424-4~22< 4 -22-4..- 4-- 4+4p I T4- t1 ti44<1 V+Pmi M7 ,,I -7 -I] 1I F-ilt W ~ i' HILE-+4 I11 41 44 p_ t Vij + 44 H 4-4U 4b 7' 4 40j-444-4--44 .- +44 , - 4 -- -. - 4+ NL TM il7.<I I 1~~ - - - -- 4T 4 ~ -4-1- L - . +- 4 ~tj4~1~ P 4 A441 7t - - ' K J% . L ~ -- 44' - - - - - -+ ~ -- - -- - -~ Hill +37 -, - - I - tt :1:7: - <-:71>7: :1::: E ' 1$ S I SIll::: '4~ - 7777< it - - 1 -r - A I: A 1-1 ' 7 NT7 - ~ AN J ::iiI:i2it:14<4X:.14::414214:14:.1u:i:4i ''I~~~ I I 1t h~t t~<tt2K~tIV22~t~aVt-C2V2-.Lt.4 Ii 41 t1 1_ *Ei- -ftlt - I 4 T< -- + + -K t T 1 . .- - a- - ---- --- -- - - - * -'h -* - 1 _4 dtrtdt i -T , Vvi. 2I +H 4-~i~4~ - 44H4-M 4 V- Ft - -+ H Fi-I-rh-I-i ii I 1- F-simS VV T- - " +-f .. 9H -4 - 14 4~ 4-- -4-4 -H 1 U+It.... 4. - 44 --- IT!- - mtP. II ---- 44+- #1 -i+- +t JI4 v t .t ------ -+ 14 T --- 14 If- 0 4 I 4I-7 114__ '4 -" 4-4 277 444 '-- H4+-+4-4+-4+ iT 14T 4I t4I- -4S 1 -- 7.- 77, Pdi - R 2 vs. Pa New steady Stat e Pat pa I C >0 Figure 21 (A) -~--- ~initial steady CT > 4S' PC 0 10.0) PC2 I Pi *pcl PC I New steady + Pa 2 Sfate A C so Fijure 21 (B) Pa 1- Ini4ial Steady RI State 450 t C (0.0) PI PCI =12 Figure .P Pai 22 (A) PC and m-UU R P, PaI 16 6 4 4 W&.M om.o ofafim 3 2 -o 2 -1 -O tLIJ 2.5 x \ l curve Ieft curve right 0 0.64 4;. 3.65 AB 14.16 X 16' 9c l0-o0 LO 1. 4. x 164 [x 0.5 PC I I ; q I. 14 F gure 22 (B) an d PCI Pat PC P p P -5 .4 .4 13 2 .3 -0 2.5 x left curve right curve - .5 06 (E.) R, R S - 0.64 * 3.5 .77 x0 LAk 1.4 x 1~' A 0.5 i I . ' i 9.S4:: 2444i-4't444 i1HT ~il~IL~IL1 F1 -1t K I I 4 - .. - -T I -1, 1, I I i444JIj;. I I I I 7 -4 fl4 ':1:::. IT 4-tt , -144- t.2T1 -, WttlTfr 4- J. 4 A~i -1- 4 ~ .......... ....... tiiJ5 ----------R4 . -t TT ----------- 1 4v Ifi l b~ i - I I H444+-M4-,4, riv;1v b ~ .17. .... -17. 7 1~- 41 ~T iT77T - - . - ------- --- 4 i - ------- ------ - -- JNM - - '11+1 AJ 7 tti tV-7- 4 - 2' 4 ' 2 -1 44j:: i T. 7 :t. 444 I IA7LLILL 4 -4 ~ 14:-1 - - ~ I - 4T 4+ i-il t_- 14 -4 -- 4-4 1..' 44 1 Ij ,ts'ftp 4~r 2 Ai -4. J~ 7- -4 -1-- + +4 - T .. ... 4 :-!:! A U I ffl++4q4A 1 1 14 it ttr L~ti I- fIVIH14: tuff'"i 4-44 I - Sit ;~h: 1-'* 1 1 I flij' ---i-I :t liii' 27244<27 +95:5: a d '-4 41F 4~ If ~ -- ----- -~I-432 7: U~1t' ir'-'! ''L-'nu'i'+F4+it'fF 'itt '4 II 4.11 2.274.1.. <Ti- 4 4_5j 4-- - -4 f. p~ I 4'. '.c1>- I 1 1 7<7 t_:z- it I -" .17 .tt414. 1.4 V-4lVZE2A7Y2.121Put~f +'t7~i{1d-4Bh% 5 V14 4 1 .4..: -1Ii-f 4 4-41 'ji-tn --7 t 7 I+4 44 t-' 4- 4ii 1< -7 JI --- --- -~ '-4- 427 4- t 4; + I*## I * .1:::.. .t. -.. 1 Am .1. -4 :<pnm .- -44T4 4-1 I'>t1ii:it23;41i4tt.i+I4.i5fr 4 bttihiuE4t1t >5 4Af~ :.:i *1 -"Lb.L,1,tI > WN T4qt -4111111 111T; 47f{'j4 ~4 - f m rI fh TlT1 j+f, III 4.- I . ...... .... T7:_ - I: __ _ - -, + ;,4f 44-i t t1 4++++ d- 77 T F +ft 77 t7ll 1-4 7---7 7-,-- IT T 44 ttt + 4+ 1-T Z_111--1T___4t 71 I -t :T1 Tl u L HT It If +H+ IM t 4+ +H+ +H -T ##1 T T 1. TT= TT IT . ..... .......... . . likru 14TI 'T7 ... a-4t 77 It AW _ti t #P 44 Au 4+ qr ,77, t L :1 i r t TV w i: ,, -it tT7 4T 4 4 T: I-L 14 444+ -+_7 77_ _, _- l it It t: +4,j -+ ,, -7' L ti f, - 7 i, +H+ ZR r1r r4 iti- + 4-4 ## T -77- IT 4f t + L! +ff+ T t ' 4 4, _.T I =-T- + 44M' T T - t 4, 4: + - ,4 4_1 41_F -7 -F ....... ....... + 44 i _L___ il"R tit IEEE f EH T L: t7 4444-- .-4 + ------ M "TT -4 ------------ 7:. ........ 44 ... _ L Op ZL tt -77-V rFt-K -14 4 44 14-1-- ___-~~~ . 4-~~. T14-~-L 41 41 __i + -- 4- -j-- 't -7 p I' 1' -i -- t, 4 1 r-~~~~-~ 777 ' ' H t r ' < '~4 ' r -77~-_ ' r 1471 1 < I t f r I i -{ ' 4- i _11H_ ~ ' 4;4+; T 4 - I - , 11 - 1 4,;_1- ~ . - -r - ~ ~L~i.1I1~4fi ~ T, T I, 4 -4 14 -i I- 7 . ~ 5+ 4 1 J 4 4; .1.... ...j 7 -4 :7:4::: J .7 ###_fT#TM - -r II ~~I2T~ 1 . I ' l - 1 M IF I II1-.. 1--_ _V1-r-.::- NTTT TIT Z_ 4-_4-d _7777-777 :4.::.. -4T T +-4- 44 4; 144l -t +-4 I##14 ; ~ I ~444 171 T T 1 i4 17- ~ I it i4 - f# 4 4 4.41 -1 4 1l 4- 4414 4 41* 4-, T ii -tT'- J7 + . . -f - 1-t- ++_1i - 14- I 6I C2 1111 -4+ + "i~~4wAvAnztsrz~nr2rn~241A2.tAzLz2itw 4- ~4 J-~4 .1... h~ I -i 4-44- -1 ~ tA.1- ifs 'ii-imi~~-i> F A1~ I -LLLI-L LL Mw 4 4- 24 I ;4 A 44 4A4 4 +4< 21 4+ W, t{7 ~4-~-4,4-, 4j44-, P It I I A71iit~ 424:2 ATIf4 22. 2 I-44-;~1S14t;TA iAiit'7'i4' +~- [tW'2 it ,~j, viP- -4-'-- LW~1:k ti7t$tt~ ttkt1tttt.2ttItt7t.ti4tittTttTttt7tttttt~ .74: ~7 -'1-'-'- -I lus;tnzslvS +it 4ll 1- ti-t4477T- ~ l/ 4 4 I jii4t1. i1. I :1174tt 1 -- -I- T -,~ r i . 7w --- - ---tt 5 1A 4 2 1 t ' i 4 '9 it '' " 4 ,t- I4 - 41- t4 ' -- - ---------- 4-- -ir-t4'- I 774 1-4 T 4-t - +4- 7+1% + :7 '4 a I :4.: 4- -tP-4AI I K ; , I-m -. V K *7 L t -I IT'W - 4 i -41 -j14 - t 41 4 -4 4 At t 1-t -~~~ p- 4 t - .~~~ :-4 -7 ;. ~ ... -~ a~ -- - - -- (- - liti - -~~~~~. - - -- - T T:I _TI --- .7 . .7 4-----~~~~ ~~~--- -- ~ 7 -7 - ---- -Z - - -- -- ~ - lita - MI+~t ~ :: - -- -- - - - 7 77 ~ ~---- -, -- - -- -- -1 - - ... - -7- lit - -**- -7--- - - i -t -- * - - --- - -. U -7 T--#.-# -- - --- T -- 7- -- -f4 - - T -I - .. T -- -- - -4--- - - + - + - + - . $t . --fi 74 - . --- - - - - t - . i - -- .+ -L! H- t - - T .--. .--.--. .-n- 1 -- - 11 T in 6.2.3. The steady state error also decreases when bVI/aZi approaches unity. The simultaneous decrease in rise time and steady state is explained in the following way. The decrease in rise time of P0 )/cP 01 and r /r1 means Referring to Figure 28, quicker pressure rise in the air chamber. it is seen that the response speed of Pa/Pal is dependent upon . the type of input at the location marked as and the values at the location respectively. and location Q Let the be expressed as is, at the new steady Then state: 32 ( a(I Pc% PC (6.16) For a given value of aZ,/bV,, when the steady state error becomes smaller, is Therefore, also becomes smaller, an important factor to know the behaviour of steady state error 1 minus ?c2 which is defined as Z2 c1' with Variation of time in the transient state was observed on the computer display screen and photographed. shows 6 versus time and Pc/Pc1 versus time. . and the value at the location is expressed as and P / and Figure 29(B) Figure 29(A) shows bVj/aZj equals 0.94. shows r /r, for the case Figure 29(A) shows . versus time. Figure 30(B) Figure 30(A) The latter value shows step input in Z2 Comparing the behaviour of both cases, it is seen that in the Figure 29(A) step-like than that in the Figure 30(A). for is more The values of are related by the following equation 1 and 64 bV V a S(6.17) For a given value of bV,/aZ,, the value of ts automatically given by the equation (6.11). and Then are related -by a constant for a given value of linkage parameter. 2 Thus, the shape of the expansion of the ( versus time curve is the vertical versuastime curve by the factor of This factor is 15.7 when bV,/aZl is 0.94, and 99 when bV1/aZ 1 is 0.99. Thus, the shape of the r2 versus tirm curve is much more inpulse-like for the case of bVj/aZj being 0.99 than that for the case of bV,/aZ1 being 0.94 which looks more like step. This difference will result in the quicker pressure rise at the air chamber which eventually leads to a quicker pressure rise in the combustion chamber for the case of bVj/aZ 1 = 0.99 than the case of bV,/aZ, = 0.94. The final combustion chamber pressure Pc/ c1 versus time curves are shown in Figure 29(B) and Figure 30(B). ( As shown in Figure 29(A) and Figure 30(A), =0.99 reaches the steady state more quickly than = 0094. for bVj/aZ1 for bV,/aZ, And the steady state value of the former is smaller than that of the latter. Accordingly, the steady state error for the former is smaller than that for the latter. 6.3.2 The Effect of .the Initial Air Chamber Volume on the Rise Time The effect of the initial air chamber volume Y/L on the rise 0 65' time of PC/P 1 is shown in Figure 32. In this case, the com- bustion chamber time constant, fricti6n; and linkage parameters are held constant as described in the Figure. results in the increase in rise time. Increase in Y/L The initial air chamber volume affects the rise time of Pc/ cl more markedly than any of the other system parameters. 6.3.3. The Effect of 9 on the Rise Time The effect of ram-grain cross-sectional area ratio on the time rise of both Pc /c and r/r is shown in every figure which represents the transient rise time of either Pc/Pc1 or r/rj or As 9 was decreased from 1 to 0.64 corresponding to the both. ram-grain radius ratio change from 1 to 0.8, the rise time of Pc/ c1 increased. Changing the cross-sectional: area ratio alters the area of the grain that is initially affected by a change from initial steady rammed burning to new steady ramihed burning; thus as the ratio is decreased, more area of the grain must pass through the transition goemetry corresponding to a longer transition time. As for the rise time of r/rl, the decrease in 9 leads to This apparently contradictory phe- nomenon will be explained in 6.3.5 6.3.4 . the decrease in rise time. The Effect of Friction Parameter B/APci on the Rise Time The effect of a cnage in B/APc1 on the rise time of P/PCl and r/r1 was reported in Figures 33 and 34, where the combustion 66 chamber time constant, linkage parameter and initial air chamber volume are held constant as specified in the figures. Since at the initial steady state: Pa - P. Pai Pa 1 PC x X Xt Pc, Ps Pe (6.18) regardless of the value of B/APc1, the difference in B/APc1 means the difference in valve port width at the initial steady state. Valve opening area through which air flows into the air chamber is VALVE PORT WIDTH x VALVE DISPLACEMENT. Therefore, the larger value of B/APci means that the system must have the valve of larger port width in order to satisfy the condition at the intitial steady state shown as (6.18). As was studied in 6.2.4, the steady state valve displacement (the valve displacement X 2/X1 at the new steady state) is smaller for the larger value of B/APcl. In other words, in the transition from the initial steady dtate to a new steady state, the valve displacement change is smaller for the valve of larger port width (which is associated with larger value of B/APc1), than that for the valve of smaller port width (associated with smaller value of B/APci). parameter B/APic Figure 33 and 34 show the increase in friction leads to. a slight decrease in the rise time of Pc/Pci and r/rl. 6.3.5 The Effect of Combustion Chanber Time Constant C/1ot0 on the Rise Time The effect of combustion chamber time constant Z/1Ot0 upon the rise time of combustion-chamber pressure is shown in Figure 35 where the air chamber volume, friction parameter and linkage parameter are held constant as specified in the Figure. As the combustion chamber time constant increases, the rise time of combustion chamber pressure tends to increase gradually up to a certain point, after which the rise time remains practically constant despite the increase of combustion chamber time constant. The rise time of burning rate r,/r .1 is affected by combustion chamber time constant in a manner as shown in Figure 36. The rise time of r/r, decreases if combustion chamber time constant increases. As combustion chamber time constant gradually increases, the rise time of r/r1 decreases steadily and in addition overshoot starts to occur and becomes greater with the further increase of combustion chamber time constant as follows. .c/1oto. This can be explained The burning rate increase is caused by the ram force acting upon the grain surface. This force is originally caused by the pressure difference between air and gas chambers. When the pressure in the air chamber is increased, the pressure in the combustion chamber will increase after a certain lag time which is a function of combustion chamber volume, friction, and the ratio of ram-grain cross-sectional area. Increase in this lag time will increase the ramming force because of slower combustion chamber pressure build-up which will result in greater pressure difference between air and gas chambers at the early stages of the transient process. Because of this ramming force increase, the burning rate increase becomes quicker and greater, thus reducing the rise time of r2/r1 and causing the overshoot. Thus, the effect of increase in combustion chamber volume is counteracted by the quicker and greater burning rate increase, Therefore, the rise time of the combustion chamber pressure is not much affected by the increase in combustion chamber time constant. The burning rate overshoot is depicted in the photographs shown in Figures 31(A) and 31(B). Figure 31(B) also shows the cor- responding ramming force. Figure 37 shows overshoot of r/r, versus combustion chamber time constant for 9 = 0.51 The effect of a on the rise time of r/r is similar to that of the combustinn chamber time constant because the decrease in 9 retards the pressure-build up in the combustion chamber and causes a more rapid burning rate increase, 6.4 Summary of Results The effects of the system parameters on the transient and steady state performance are summarized as follows, Bringing the linkage parameter close to unity by proper selection of linkage length ratio and bellows characteristics (stiffness and cross-sectional area) will lead to a decrease in steady state error and rise time of burning rate and combustion chamber pressure. Decrease in the ram to grain cross-sectional area results in a decrease in steady state error, steady state ramming force, steady state valve displacement, and in an increase in the rise, time of combustiop chamber pressure. The initial air chamber volume affects the rise time of combustion chamber pressure more 6? markedly than any of the other system parameters. This means that theTearlier the input signal is given, the smaller the rise time of combustion chamber pressure becomes. This is a defect of the proposed control system because the response of combustion chamber pressure is dependent upon the timing of input signal relative to the unburned grain length. The proper addition of an internal feedback arrangement may reduce this defect. Friction is one of the factors which determine the valve port area. If the system is designed for a large value of fbiction the transient and steady state performance is improved slightly over a design based on small friction values. The improvement consists of decrease in combustion chamber pressure rise time, steady state error, and steady state valve displacement. However, for a large friction the system must have a larger air supply tank than is needed for a small friction system. The magnitude of the input lever displacement affects the transient performance of the system, because of non-linearity of system design. Smal- ler input is prefered, because of the lower steady state error, and quicker transient response of both the combustion chamber pbessure and burning rate. The combustion chamber time constant has little effect on the rise time of combustion chamber pressure due to the favorable counteraction of burning rate increase. Throughout the ana- lysis, no overshoot was observed in either air chamber pressure or combustion chamber pressure. ---- H ... F-FH .... ' 4 4T Alb vI -:7p 7 . . .... 4-4. - t ,t,]I+ TZ 4 - T 1, 4 '44 11 4j 17-7-71 F I _4f~~ ..... I 7+ It 7-. :7- iI - -- Jf-L: F _1 t i 44 i 4 T7 I V I7-t 1-4--4444 44-1-4P-i 4H4" 44 :ii I 4--- 4 44,-4 _,t -r- ;'4 .. $2 I4 ++ttt+ rt 'zrir ii: 4P+4Z4Th~$~4-~4~tt-44$2$2FA4Th44-2TVW rutuzrnartznzn~wtw-nt-uiza$wntt j jr--" 1 17-, 4 ft t+4-fTt$2 ' "I I ii i K444 aI t t_ t -It 77 -i iI i2-U j4 1 4# T t- : I 44 77 777 :Th22t ... tIf~ -4 -hi if -t+f4- 4 ht F_ M -I z~ _7 4- if4" - 1+14 -- +-- I + -1+It !i i i i I+! i i 7f i - 44+4+~~-----+ Ti Vl.LIELL Tm t+$1 l44 W T h !! I7TT41lt'tfItI!- I <-E I 1+I451t1 -444 ~wJThrlThPiKkLttLivflJw1r~i 4~it~-4j1;~5Ijt~g4{4t-k~jtw} 44 1'14tfd i +HJJ4+j-t f-H-HI 144W 4-44 - .rj .j .. .~ . 11 I 5 -: - T tT -44- ftt Kj 14~ 4 I~~ 1-.~ .' 4 14f IV ft -- Air Chamber and Linkage Block Diagram forrn Iocation~~D_____ vaFre 2u ro D ocation value sva10k Fi gu re 28 r : I Pa locarion( valu'e r PC .PCf Y# Figure 2'? (A) 0DI @, 10 -5 -0 42.s x le (ri.) IV1 0.94 3.5 ____ 7.0Sx1O 1.4 -I o LO___ 75 Fi gure 29 (B) and PC I-P PCI r, PC I 5 4 3 2 1 0 tT~s 1 5 1.4 3 -2 - r, r upper curve r lower curve e x 2L 2 7.08X10 0.5 lo I.4-cIO~4 L __ ____ 0.94 74 Figure 30 (A) and 0@I @1 ,5 490 40 -320 -5 160 -0 0 ( t) upper curve H3 lower curve , Aio I aVC I 3.5 x le j10 YO. 708 x 16w 3.05 L0.7 @8 o.c9c? 71 Figure 30 (B) and Pei 1Z Z, Z2 10o -.5 2.5 x 14 (Tf PCI 4 3 0 ) -0 P; PC upper curve lower curve 0 ] ~Z, b V,0.99 I 3.5 7.08 x 10 3.05 x 164 Y0o 127o 0.5 Figure 31 (A) r -PaI and PG Pai to Pa r, , Ril PQ. 4 3 2 0 L~A 2.5X d upper curve r niddle curve Pa lower curve ee j~L 3.5 7.08 xviO ICt 3.05 x 10~ 0.5 Pc I I 0.99 J 6 y, and r A . Figure 31 (B) r,.AP 5 4 3 2 05 0.25 -0 2.5 x 10) upper curve lower curve r 0.9'I Z 3.5 Xpe, 17. 0 8x 105 lot 2fO L 3.05 X 1 0.5 -0 7 t7T +1414 t4 1 - I- 4 --- - I_!_-_ I-I + 4- 1 -V i ------- / J 1~ j~ It- It +-- -t II. _ t i T; 4 44 77 i t . ... .. 11L.A ~t -- I 7-4 1 -4 + ~~ +4 71 1 4- -- 4fI 44 T-- t 4 -~- tV4 4, __ _ __ ____________ ''~ _ _ _ _____ 4 - - 4r7_ .. I . . L ...... . _ __ l1f ___ _____ _ __ _____ _ _ __ _ _...... ______ j _ _ _____ - ~~~ -~~~~~ - . - 14--.- -~~~~~ _________ m - 4 FH T-1__.1 _ 4 T! + 44 4 -T -,i!-Il 447 ~ *4 4 44 ill 144 41 -4 i::i }T- ... . . .. 4 44-< ~;-4 ---- 4 -,#t - IT -1- IT 1 ''4 4' T TITFi.4 .;44 I t- !tl -I-- .1 - . 1- ':A II: -t- t _7 j '7 :77 77 t '4 ff 4 1 1- -4. 1 1 .11: 4 T4 4~~ 11~ 7.- --- - __ r + Lt- 7. 6" T qT i if , ta As i4l" ...... .... +4 -4 L:= : 7- 7 L T+7' ;--L- L fil . _-T -1__ t--; - '.T,- - - t- I T--T-, L_: t: 77 77 It - - 4-4 + -J T_4 -7 zq r I T T TT 4_4 F L T L L 4tt+ l-4 + -77 4-1 T444 -7 4+ t 17 F+ 14 t-ff 7Tt-t- _t ti-t 41- t- - I ++F M-Ell r- - + I titt- Tr" i* 40W. *44 4 4 44 4V--+4 i-r IN ;11 T-1 11- 1 7, M ...... .. T7 4 _4 _+ __ T 4 1 -T 7 tH t t i--, IT f t i- TO t; LL - : I +F L i4 L;J 4 + - t IT r14- IrT t T T 7 t T-Ir I[- t 4,1 t t t t L 7 4: 4 t-7 r !T74 -_ T -Ft tT +-f 17t I 7T7- -TT T' low II T II I + -T 7 6 t 1 -7 + w 7 7 L 17, 77 7.71 -44 1..~f~4K>I29J7~44}jTI} I . - + ; - V 0 ~t7 I , , t 1 " ftl it _tT , t ...... iu <i$T I I II I _f . T I - It , - . - . I L 4 LH IT, L ,! tr -T [ALT~~~~~~~~~~~ 721t 22z ~rL L 11 ~-4t2K221iE" 2142> --- l o g r2 !t# 1 171 t1 -4 ...... ..... 71< . I II I -+, I I -Hmv -+4 i 1 1 -H-H-HH l T r 7 7 - 1:277 11 f- I --I 4 -- .~ .. 4- 1 iiT. L -V .-+-~-T- t4PTrf till L4I4i~l~i~: ii 12:f:Itt 4 1 tuw V-4-i 72274 12 I1-1 I I2, -21 i4 I__L~L1LL~+4L _T T7t tel"t .4-4-44-L4--14-44--44 . 7714 + 4 - ----- t41 4 f-i-4 4. 4 I 4 t4 , <4 I. t ~ ~ .. . . -'47 -44. 7- '-4- L '; ----- -7 44 .77 . . . 4- .. . . -4 4 4 4" -14 4, -j71 7 4 1- + 14L +- 11+ 4714. +4 86 APPENDIX A DEFINITION OF SYMBOLS UNIT L length of grain before in use', exclusive of inhibitor in. D grain diameter exclusive of inhibitor in. R grain radius exclusive of inhibitor in. A grain cross-sectional area exclusive of inhibitor in. D_ actuator piston diameter (inclusive of 0-rings) in. A actuator piston cross-sectional area inclusive 0-rings in! D, ram diameter in. Rr ram radius in. At ram cross-sectional area in. o( ratio of piston cross-sectional area to grain cross-sectional area --- e ratio of ram cross-sectional area to grain cross-sectional area r. equilibrium unrammed burning rate --- PCO equilibrium unrammed burning combustion chamber pressure psi r, initial in./sec. Pc, initial steady state rammed burning combustion chamber pressure psi Pa initial steady state rammed burning air chamber pressure psi r instantaneous rammed burning rate in./sec. PC instantaneous rammed burning combustion chamber pressure psi P instantaneous rammed burning air chamber pressure psi r2 new steady state rammed burning rate in./sec. steady state rammed burning rate 't P new steady state rammed burning combustion chamber pressure psi Pa2 new steady state rammed burning air chamber pressure psi Wal weight rate of air flow at initial Wa instantaneous air flow steady state rammed burning lbf/sec. lbf/sec. Wa? weight rate of air flow at new steady state rammed burning lbf/sec. 0 TS temperature of air in tank PS pressure of air in tank Yo instantaneous piston-end location measured from air chamber F psi in. end-plate when input signal is given at the lever-end instantaneous piston-end location measured from Y. in. gravity ft/sec2 . Y k specific heat ratio for air t time taken when grain burns at r (equilibrium combustion duration) ti timie taken when grain burns at r, for distance of L (initial steady state combustion duration) t time B friction force lbf F force on ram lbf F force on ram at initial steady state rammed burning lbf F2 force on ram at new steady state rammed burning lbf grain density 1bM1/in3 for distance of L sec. sec. sec. K ramming coefficient a length of linkage bar between bellows and valve in. b length of linkage bar between valve and input-lever-end in. Z, input lever displacement at initial Z2 input lever displacement at new steady state rammed burning steady state rammed burning in. in. X1 valve displacement from center position at initial steady state in. rammed burning X2 valve displacement from center position at new steady state in. V, bellows displacement at initial steady state rammed burning in. Kb bellows stiffness lbf/in. Ab bellows cross-sectional area in. tt transition time from a rammed state to another sec. 7t transition time from a rammed state to another for simplified rammed burning model sec. T temperature of combustion gas OF R gas constant of combustion gas Ptlbf Ibm1f Ma molecular weight of combustion gas -.. combustion gas density at equilibrium unrarmed burning lb/in. combustion gas density at initial steady state rammed burning lbZ/in. combustion gas density lbM/ine V0 combustion chamber volume in. Zc combustion chamber time constant sec. Win weight rate flow of gas from grain surface at initial lbf/sec. steady state rammed burning instantaneous weight rate flow of gas from grain surface lbf/sec. Wjn 2 weight rate flow of gas from grain surface at new steady state lbf/sec. Wouil weight rate flow of gas through nozzle at initial steady state rammed burning lbf/sec. W 0ut instantaneous weight rate flow of gas through nozzle lbf/sec. WM 2 weight rate flow of gas through, nozzle at new steady state rammed burning lbf/sec. Win rammed burning (Z 2 /7i) non-dimensionalized input lever displacement (Pa/Pat) (82/P it I I 81) (rl,N)w instantaneous air chamber pressure new steady state air chamber pressure instantaneous burning rate new steady state burning rate (PC cI) instantaneous combustion chamber pressure new steady state combustion chamber pressure combustion chamber time constant time linkage parameter air chamber initial volume friction force Ml0 t. "t o new steady state ranming force rise time It (/a ) tr It valve displacement it transition time from a rammed burning to another rammed burning i transition time from a rammed burning to another rammed burning for simplified model burning rate at first peak T rise time 0 overshoot E steady state error sec. q0 APPE11DIX B DERIVATION OF NUMERICAL VALUES OF SYS'TEM VARIABLES B. 1 Linkage Parameter he range of variation of the linkage parameter is determined by equation (4.59). aTherefore, (4.59) bVu/a Z As a result, the range of variation of the linkage parameter is chosen from 0.99 to 0.1. B. 2 The Length (L) and Diameter of Grain (Di) The length of grain L is 10 inches before in use and its diameter is one inch. Both values are measured exclusive of inhibitor. B. 3 Initial Air Chamber Volume Since the value of Y/L ranges from zero to unity, four appropriate values are selected. B. 4 They are 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8. The Ratio of the Ram Area to Grain Cross-sectional Area() The values of chosen in the analysis are 1, 0.81, and 0.64. These values correspond to the ram radius to grain radius ratios of 1, 0.9 and 0.8. The grain cross-sectional area and the grain radius are measured exclusive of the inhibitor. B. 5 The Ratio of the Actuator Piston Cross-sectional Area to the Grain Cross-sectional Area C0( Considering grain inhibitor thickness and grain radius thermal expansion 91 the selected value of o( is 1.44 which corresponds to the piston to grain radius ratio of 1.2. B. 6 Friction The non-dimensionalized expression of friction force is A11 The value of B is determined with respect -to the one inch grain diameter. Since the friction force is mainly due to the interaction between the air chamber inner surface and 0-rings on the actuator piston, the friction on the graphite supporting ring is neglected. According to the Parker 0-Ring Catalogue, the running friction force with respect to a single 0-ring is roughly 22.4 lb, when the 0-ring is under the maximum compression. break-out friction force, the catalogue states. 70 As for "As a general rule for a durometer rubber against an 8 micro-inch surface, the maximum break-out friction which will develop in a system is 3 times the running friction. ratio can be reduced by the use of a softer rubber". This The friction force in the proposed control system can be crudely considered to lie between break-out and running friction. This is because the speed of the actuator piston is very The burning rate of the grain is about 0.14 inches per second at the small. combusion chamber pressure of 400 psi under the equilibrium unrammed burning condition. As an example, the burning rate increases 4.5 times of the un- rammed burning rate, then the speed of the piston becomes 0.63 inches per second. The break-out friction force with respect to a single 0-ring is about 67 lb when the 0-ring is under the maximum compression. may use two 0-rings to assure sealing. The actuator piston In this case the break-out friction is 134 lb. Taking these ambiguous situations into consideration, the range of vaiation of the friction force B is chosen from 10 lb. to 160 lb. B. 7 Ranmming Coefficient ( K) The experimental result shown in Figure values of K. 3 suggests the three possible In the analysis, a value of K equal to central line in the Figure was chosen. 5X lo-a corresponding to the 92 The Ratio of the Unrammed Equilibrium Burning Rate to the Initial B. 8 Steady State Ranmed Burning Rate ( or) At the equilibrium unrammed steady state burning condition the values of ;rand R0 were specified as 0.14 inch per second and 400 psi respectively, throughout the analysis, The combustion chamber pressure of 400 psi is the The initial minimum value which maintain stable burning. steady state rammed- burning rate was chosen as 0.l75inches per second so that the combustion chamber pressure under the same condition will be 500 psi. value of ro/r equals 0.8. The Unrammed Equilibrium Burning Combustion Chamber Pressure ( Pc. ) B. 9 Therefore, the ) and Burning Rate ( ro As explained in B.7 (Pc is 400 psi and ra is 0.14 inches per second. The Initial Steady State Rammed Burning Combustion Chamber Pressure ) and Burning Rate (r As explained in B.8, P, ) B. 10 P, is 500 psi and r, is 0.175 inches per second. B. 11 The Maximum Ratio of the New Steady State Rammed Burning Pressure to the The experimental result /PCiA ) Initial Steady State Rammed Burning Pressure (?a revealed that the burning rate can be increased as much as six times as in the case of equilibrium burning. Since the flow through the nozzle is always choked, the steady state burning rate ratio is equal to the steady state combustion pressure ratio. possible steady state pressure ratio is six. and B. 10, the maximum possible value of This is Pcia /P Therefore, the maximum PC2 /PC* is 4.8. . From B.9 In this analysis the range of variation is from 1 to (3.5 minus Steady State Error). B .12 The Maximum Ratio of the New Steady State Rammed Burning Ratio to the ) Initial Steady State Rammed Burning Ratio Under the choked flow condition, the steady state burning ratio is equal to the steady state combustion chamber pressure ratio. r/r. B. 13 is from 1 to (3.5 minus Steady State Error). Input Lever Displacement Ratio (Z2 /Z Z2 /Z% is chosen from 1 to 3-5. As the steady state error reduces to So the choice of Z/Z variation range is based on B.11. zero, Z/Z approach P/P. B.14 1 ) of So the range of variation Grain Density Grain density is 0.055 lbm/in3 B.15 The Diameter of the Actuator Piston From B.2 and B-5 the diameter of the actuator piston is 1.2 inches (including 0-ring) The Value of Pco \ The Values of (fPal) P). B.17 PC were calculated using equation (4.29). ( c The Combustion Chamber Time Constant The range of Variation of ) B.16 can be determined as follows. As is defined in equation (4.51) : iVo- Ps 0vo 11- Wout 0 Wout And:ro'a And: T Wout o = ro As PC0 *~Ri T. A4 is the temperature of combustion gas. T was assumed 2800 F. Ris gas constant which is calculated from the molecular weight of combustion gas. The molecular weight is assumed 22.9. chamber time constant Figure 3S shows the dimensionless combustion c/ot~versus combustion chamber volume. In the Figure combustion chamber volume is shown in term of non-dimensionalized combustion chamber length = j which is defined as follows. combustion chamber volume/grain cross-sectional area (A) aIn B.18 diameter (D) Non-Dimensionalized Time In the analysis , real time is made dimen ionless by dividing it by 10 t. is the time taken when the grain burns at the rate of 0.14 inches per second for the total length of L=10 inches. to is, therefore, 71.5 seconds. The reason is explained in Appendix C why 10%, was chosen as a reference for non-dimensionalization. B.19 tt The Transition Time from a Rammed State to Anothert can be calculated from the following equation as explained in anct -a I, ~er-a when -ir r0 r0 Since the maximum value of in B.12 and 4-.375. r is 1.25 as explained in B.8, the maximum value of r/rO Thus the maximum tt equation ( B.2). equation (B, ). in this analysis is chosen 3-5 as explained For each ram radius of R each ram radius tt 31j is for each ram radius, is calculated from , therefore the value of tt varies from For the sake of convenience, the assumption is made that for is constant, being equal to the average of its maximum from equation(B. 2) and minimum from equation (I shown in Figure 0 for each ram radius, is calculated from the The minimum value of tt the maximum to minimum. r2/r i). The calculated values of tb is 14- 14 ;_T*Id iti ~-4i 4.~~ihh4 t 11,11 m 1,111,11,11,1M ... 1+ 14 I. 4 Ft -IT~ IE4T-1 W TI I.: tvttV _ltIU .. V A'4--.lI 1 -4 4 4 I 1-i E1T4ddit lt 1"4 2 ,1 11 14 I %4I'1144115T 1i 4$Y--iI1rL~~i&KSbi7 111ITFW1T1THI 1444421" 1t1I~t' t2VL2I2Z12'2L1t4h&2,z7ix ITj4 -4'-, .. tt7 444-4 1<4 147t41 :[1l; P4-PT -7 T= .1 T-T r- 71 1 144 +1 'T-fl 77 14 .l.,4,,Itt4 ft" iit-T+ 1 1ff $mlittn,r#lt H Tt I-I 1 ,A02-4- t. ... 4 t- 4 1 1 ~~: ri~vR~K 7IU4- StitVII14t ' 4'" -- 4t4 4 I: ,I + + 41 4424 1A T 4. ;'tv 'Ii I I fi 1-T 711V -%4.4' 1i i t''H 44f IdA 4'{ijI~1J., I~ jtjili J4 f4t ~ - _ , 4 -t'4T t 1~ 4 1 11 4 Tt .'- - t 142"''a -IT 4- L4t lji442 aIt_ -4 ..t. 44- -4- . . . . . . . . -t~~4 - IM 4t - i iiw11111I i I -4 T + H <T ~~ ~~ ~ ~ 44 t~h~ Ut ITF1TITITVEY4M t Figure tt /A0 tt 0 0.498 O.8\ 0.64 The value of first j 37 0.197 . J /1 Ot. 0 0 3 0.67xI\ 0.232xIOJ .3j5 x1j 3 O.465 X0~3 /W uring the transition period will be approximated by a order lag so that the function may be easily simulated computer. The model of the transition region is --D+ I d(4t-) ae The values of - D71 ' lot6 ~3ot8 t axe also given in Figure 3q 3'7 . where * /OtO on the analog APPENDIX C DERIVATION OF ALTERNATIVE TRANSFER FUNCTION FOR TRANSITION FROM A RAMMED BURNING TO ANOTHER The transition from a rammed burning to another rammed burning is governed by the equation (C. resprnte -to the step c.hanSge in $ii ) MA) where Rr R when ra ra/. ro+ g The value of the initial W in equation. step shown in Figure may be determined by setting t=O - during the transition period was Although in the analysis the value of order lag to ease the analogue simulation, more approximated by a first accurate transfer function can be synthesized by use of the delay line The equations synthesizer. Wi Win - (C.1) . -r ~~ win are re-written t (r-ri)(1- 9) l 0 .1 D r, so the transfer function is ( 2,. is replaced NA/i wt. - wi'" __--r, --6(1- ' ~ -0) '6tD by tt . (ra - r )(-)10t Yt e r) y DTD , Rr_____ R- burnn rate. The response of weight rate flow to a step input is the combination of step and ram output. The delay e tt The process of transfer synthesis is shown in Figure 40(A. 10V is synthesized by the delay line synthesizer. The synthesizer at the Engineering Project Laboratocry was designed to be used with the existing GAP/R analog computing equipment. Four milliseconds was chosen for the total delay time. Since the machine has twenty setting units, the delay time for a single unit is then to be 0.004/20 = 0.200 millisecond. In the analysis, the value of tb is from zero to 997 milliseconds. in order to use the synthesizer, tt must be non-dimensionalized to be within the maximum delay time of four milliseconds. non-dimensionalization. 1.395 x 10 Therefore 10t0 is chosen as a reference for The non-dimensionalized tt/ft is from zero to which is within the limit of four milliseconds. The transfer function may be synthesized in an alternative way. case two selectors were used in place of the delay line synthesizer. In this The process is illustrated in Figure4O (B). The selectors pass only positive voltage. In Figure4*() selectors are drawn as units which give unit-gain for positive input voltage and zero-gain for negative input voltage. Alternative Transfer Fun ci ion LIII 7 1 -e (In r +k o* 0 0 ~~*1 ('Vd-- -W 4-' tt Dt Idt0 FOGi. iot.I W, r<'' r, Ir, = + (f 8)Figure 40 (A) D + r -rj r1 r, -(I > (I lot elt D Alternalive Transfer Function 101 r-ro - ~1 ~~~ I - 0 0 0 X+ i-me Figure - 40 (B) 0 + 6--- w i01 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND REFERENCES 1. Marston, C.H., Controlled Hot Gas Generation from a Solid Propellant, Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Cambridge, M.I.T., May 1962 2. Blackburn, J.F., Reethof, G., and Shearer, J.L., Fluid Power Control, The Technology Press of M.I.T. and John Wiley and Sons, 1960 3. Parker 0-Ring Handbook, Parker Seal Co., CulVer City, California, 1961 4. Wormley, D.N., A Controlled Burning Rate System For A Solid Propellant.," Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Cambridge, M.I.T., May 1962 5. Korn, G.A., and Korn, T.M., Electronic Analog Computers, New York, McGraw- Hill Book Company, 1959