Functional Characterization of Mobilized Tumor Cells by Xiaosai Yao B.S. Biomedical Engineering Johns Hopkins University, 2007 Submitted to the Department of Biological Engineering in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Biological Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology February 2014 © 2014 Massachusetts Institute of Technology All rights reserved Signature of Author: ____________________________________________________________ Department of Biological Engineering December 11, 2013 Certified by: ___________________________________________________________________ K. Dane Wittrup C.P.Dubbs Professor of Chemical Engineering and Biological Engineering Thesis Supervisor Accepted by: __________________________________________________________________ Forest M. White Associate Professor of Biological Engineering Chair, Graduate Program Committee 1 Thesis committee members John M. Essigmann, Ph.D. (Chair) Besty P. Leitch Professor of Chemistry and Biological Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology Tyler E. Jacks, Ph.D. Professor of Biology Massachusetts Institute of Technology J. Christopher Love, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology Christina A. Williamson, M.D. Senior Consulting Surgeon Lahey Hospital and Medical Center Assistant Clinical Professor of Surgery Tufts University School of Medicine 2 Functional Characterization of Mobilized Tumor Cells by Xiaosai Yao Submitted to the Department of Biological Engineering on December 11, 2013 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Biological Engineering ABSTRACT Despite being responsible for 90% of cancer mortality, metastasis is not well understood. This thesis is focused on the circulation step of the metastatic cascade, examining three types of mobilized tumor cells: circulating tumor cells (CTCs), intraoperatively shed tumor cells, and malignant pleural effusions (MPE). We investigated the functional behavior of mobilized tumor cells in order to explain the discrepancy between the number of tumor cells in circulation and the number overt metastases. The first part of this thesis examines the functional behavior of CTCs isolated from the peripheral blood of metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer patients. Individual CTCs were compartmentalized using arrays of nanowells to enable clonal comparison and mapping of heterogeneity. The viability, invasiveness and secretory profiles of CTCs were measured. Only a subset of CTCs was found to possess malignant traits indicative of metastatic potential. These CTCs were resistant to anoikis, were invasive or secreted proteolytic enzymes. The second part of this thesis determines the presence of intraoperatively shed tumor cells using blood samples withdrawn from the pulmonary vein after pulmonary lobectomy procedures. Previous studies did not distinguish tumor cells from normal epithelial cells specifically or sensitively. Single-cell genetic approaches were used to compare the genotype of isolated single cells to matched tumor cells and normal adjacent tissue, thereby confirming the malignancy of shed epithelial cells. The third and last part of the thesis delineates the tumorigenic population with surface markers using MPEs. A total of 35 surface antigens were screened from four categories: 1) cancer stem cell 2) epithelial-mesenchymal transition 3) metastatic signature and 4) tyrosine kinase receptors. Surface antigen CD24 was found to be specifically and abundantly expressed in MPE, and was required for the colonization of the lung. In conclusion, metastatic inefficiency is due to the presence of inactive cells and cellular heterogeneity. Inactive cells are either normal epithelial cells or apoptotic tumor cells. Cellular heterogeneity may arise from differences in surface marker expression or functional states. Therefore, only a subset of mobilized tumor cells can give rise to metastases, and therapeutic strategies should be focused on this subset. Thesis Supervisor: K. Dane Wittrup Title: C.P. Dubbs Professor of Chemical Engineering and Biological Engineering 3 Acknowledgments The past five years at MIT have brought many mentors and friends into my life. They have inspired me with their ingenuity and drive, helped me through moments of inadequacy and allowed me to mature scientifically. I have learnt that many seemingly impossible things are in fact possible, and there might be many ready solutions out there waiting to be utilized. The key to success that I have gleaned from my mentors is an open mind to possibilities substantiated by constant learning. First of all, I would like to thank my advisor, Dane Wittrup. His scientific acumen has charted the project to the right direction. He has also given me the freedom to pursue my own interests and form collaborations beyond his lab, while reminding me the importance of stay focused. His moments of excitement during discoveries have spurred me on to greater work while his unwavering trust during my failures has kept me trying. I would also like to thank Chris Love, who welcomed me into his lab of wonderful people and state-of-the-art technology. He has taught me the importance of scientific rigor along with the art of presentation. I thank him for his numerous comments and feedback during group meetings and preparation of manuscripts. Christina Williamson is committed as a collaborator, encouraging as a committee member and motherly as a friend. She has provided me with over sixty invaluable patient samples for the work described in Chapter 3 and has always responded to my enquiries promptly. Despite her busy schedule, she and I have had hours of discussion at her office and over the phone. I thank my other committee members John Essigmann for his patience and enthusiasm and Tyler Jacks not only for his criticism and feedback but also for creating the most conducive environment for cancer research as the director of the Koch Institute. My other mentors before MIT has laid the foundation of my graduate work. Dr. Lim Koh Pang at the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology Singapore patiently taught me all the important molecular lab techniques and gave me a head start in my career. I was able to further my research skills in the fascinating field of tumor immunology under the guidance of Dung Le and Elizabeth Jaffee at Johns Hopkins. My time at the Wittrup lab was very enjoyable, with special thanks to Tiffany Chen, Nicole Yang, Cary Opel, John Rhoden, Alessandro Angelini, Jim van Deventer, Byron Kwan and Michael Traxylmayr. Tiffany, Nicole and I spent almost every day of the past five years together. I am grateful for their company during the otherwise lonesome nights, and for their assistance during my major life events. Cary and I shared the “Awesome Lab” together, and he always came to my rescue with his Doraemon collection of lab supplies. John always cheered me up with his bag of pranks and jokes. The senior lab members, some of whom I didn’t overlap very long, Ben Hackel, Kelly Orcutt, Annie Gai, Jamie Spangler, Jordi Mata-Fink, Eileen Higham, nevertheless taught me the importance of hard work very early on. The Love lab has given me tremendous scientific assistance. Yvonne Yamanaka introduced me to the lab and helped me set up many experiments initially and throughout the five years. I admire her for her scientific rigor, discipline and fun-loving nature outside the lab. Viktor Adalsteinsson is also working on CTC and has offered invaluable scientific advice especially on cancer genomics. Rachel Barry and Adebola Ogunniyi helped me pick many cells. Todd Gierahn and Denis Loginov set up many software and network infrastructure instrumental 4 to data analysis. Li-Lun Ho, Qing Han and Rita Contento have helped me with bioinformatics and microengraving analysis. The help of Myriam Labelle and Shahinoor Begum in the lab of Richard Hynes has made the animal work in the Chapter 4 possible. Myriam and Richard edited my manuscript very meticulously and taught me important lessons as a writer. My other collaborators at Lahey Clinic, Carla Lamb, Kimberly Christ and Donna Spencer coordinated the delivery of pleural effusion samples for the work of Chapter 4. Dr. Atish Choudhury from Dana Farber provided valuable blood samples from prostate cancer patients for the work of Chapter 2. The diligence and meticulousness of my UROPs, Robert William, Ryan Keating and Ashty Karim, greatly increased my productivity. The staff at Swanson Biotechnology Center, especially Glenn Paradis of the flow cytometry core and staff of the sequencing facilities, were extremely patient and helpful to my work. My life at MIT is not complete without my friends from BE especially Amneet Gulati and friends from home, Qunya Ong, Chyan Ying Ke, Teck Chuan Lim, Wang Jia. Lastly, I’m most grateful to my supportive family. My husband, Shao Ning Pei, and I vowed our lifetime commitment in the presence of friends at MIT. He is always there when I need him the most. He kept me cool in moments of frustration and has brought me true happiness. My mother-in-law gave up her job to take care of my son, Larry, so that I could sleep through the night and focus on my work. Most importantly, I thank my parents for everything. I did not appreciate the degree of their sacrifice and dedication until I have become a parent myself. They have always put my needs before their own, and unburdened me with workload unrelated to the pursuit of my academic ambitions. It is because of their upbringing that I am able to come to MIT and do the work described in this thesis. 5 To my parents For their unconditional love & In loving memory of my grandfathers Who battled cancer 6 ! ! ! ! ! Table of Contents 1! Chapter 1: Introduction and Motivation ............................................................................ 10! 1.1! Abstract ........................................................................................................................................ 10! 1.2! Cancer metastasis ........................................................................................................................ 10! 1.3! Types of mobilized tumor cells ................................................................................................... 12! 1.4! Single cell technology .................................................................................................................. 13! 1.5! Thesis overview ............................................................................................................................ 15! 2! Chapter 2: Functional Characterization of Circulating Tumor Cells in Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer Using Nanowells ......................................................... 17! 2.1! Abstract ........................................................................................................................................ 17! 2.2! Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 17! 2.2.1! Isolation of circulating tumor cells ........................................................................................ 17! 2.2.2! Current understanding of circulating tumor cells .................................................................. 18! 2.3! Materials and methods ................................................................................................................ 19! 2.3.1! Patient recruitment ................................................................................................................. 19! 2.3.2! Fabrication of nanowell arrays ............................................................................................... 20! 2.3.3! CTC enrichment ..................................................................................................................... 21! 2.3.4! Staining and microscopy ........................................................................................................ 21! 2.3.5! Proliferation assay .................................................................................................................. 22! 2.3.6! Invasion assay ........................................................................................................................ 23! 2.3.7! Microengraving ...................................................................................................................... 24! 2.3.8! Proteolytic assay with FRET-based peptides ......................................................................... 25! 2.4! Results........................................................................................................................................... 26! 2.4.1! Isolation of circulating tumor cells with arrays of subnanoliter wells ................................... 26! 2.4.2! A subset of circulating tumor cells was viable at the time of isolation ................................. 30! 2.4.3! The majority of circulating tumor cells underwent rapid cell death ...................................... 31! 2.4.4! A subset of circulating tumor cells was invasive. .................................................................. 35! 2.4.5! A subset of circulating tumor cells secreted soluble factors .................................................. 37! 2.4.6! Some EpCAM- cell persisted in Matrigel .............................................................................. 43! 2.5! Discussion ..................................................................................................................................... 44! 2.5.1! Only a subset of circulating tumor cells exhibit malignant traits indicative of metastatic potential .............................................................................................................................................. 44! 2.5.2! Nanowells allow functional characterization of circulating tumor cells................................ 47! 3! Chapter 3: Identification of Intraoperatively Dislodged Tumor Cells during Surgical Resection of Lung Tumor........................................................................................................... 48! 3.1! Abstract ........................................................................................................................................ 48! 3.2! Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 48! 3.2.1! Putative tumor cells were shed during surgical manipulation of tumors ............................... 48! 3.2.2! Earlier studies did not distinguish normal epithelial cells from malignant cells ................... 49! 3.2.3! Isolation and retrieval of intraoperatively shed cells using nanowells .................................. 49! 3.3! Materials and methods ................................................................................................................ 50! 3.3.1! Patients and sample collection ............................................................................................... 50! 3.3.2! Enrichment of epithelial cells from blood samples ................................................................ 53! 3.3.3! Staining and microscopy ........................................................................................................ 53! 3.3.4! Single cell retrieval ................................................................................................................ 53! 7 3.3.5! Tumor disaggregation and flow sorting ................................................................................. 54! 3.3.6! Mutation analysis of single cells using nested PCR .............................................................. 54! 3.3.7! Whole genome amplification ................................................................................................. 55! 3.3.8! Copy number variation analysis ............................................................................................. 56! 3.3.9! Targeted sequencing .............................................................................................................. 56! 3.4! Results........................................................................................................................................... 56! 3.4.1! Surgery released EpCAM+ cells into the tumor-draining pulmonary vein. ........................... 56! 3.4.2! Copy number variation analysis revealed tumor signature in pulmonary vein blood after surgery. ............................................................................................................................................... 58! 3.4.3! Targeted sequencing confirmed consistent mutations between primary tumor and pulmonary vein blood after surgery. ..................................................................................................................... 61! 3.4.4! Mutation analysis of single cells identified tumor cells released into the pulmonary vein during thoracotomy. ........................................................................................................................... 62! 3.5! Discussion ..................................................................................................................................... 66! 3.5.1! Surgical manipulation releases both normal and malignant epithelial cells. ......................... 66! 4! Chapter 4: Analysis of Surface Markers in Malignant Pleural Effusions....................... 68! 4.1! Abstract ........................................................................................................................................ 68! 4.2! Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 68! 4.2.1! Surface antigens for antibody targeting ................................................................................. 68! 4.2.2! Pleural effusions as a source of disseminated tumor cells ..................................................... 69! 4.3! Materials and methods ................................................................................................................ 70! 4.3.1! Collection of patient samples ................................................................................................. 70! 4.3.2! Surface marker expression analysis using flow cytometry .................................................... 71! 4.3.3! Quantification of surface receptors expression ...................................................................... 73! 4.3.4! Sorting and animal studies ..................................................................................................... 74! 4.3.5! Cell lines and shRNA knockdown ......................................................................................... 74! 4.3.6! Seeding study ......................................................................................................................... 74! 4.3.7! Lung colonization study ......................................................................................................... 75! 4.3.8! Platelet binding assay ............................................................................................................. 75! 4.3.9! Anoikis assay ......................................................................................................................... 75! 4.3.10! Statistical analysis ................................................................................................................ 75! 4.4! Results........................................................................................................................................... 76! 4.4.1! Only the EpCAM+ population of cells in pleural effusions was tumorigenic........................ 76! 4.4.2! CD24 was one of the several surface markers abundantly expressed in malignant pleural effusions ............................................................................................................................................. 78! 4.4.3! CD24 predicted increased tumor growth in xenograft tumors of pleural effusions............... 83! 4.4.4! CD24 was critical for tumorigenic lung colonization ............................................................ 86! 4.4.5! CD24 was pro-survival .......................................................................................................... 89! 4.4.6! Higher expression of CD24 in malignant pleural effusions correlated with a worse patient outcome .............................................................................................................................................. 91! 4.5! Discussion ..................................................................................................................................... 91! 4.5.1! CD24 is a cancer-specific, abundantly expressed and functionally important for lung colonization of tumor cells. ................................................................................................................ 92! 4.5.2! CD24 promotes tumor growth ............................................................................................... 93! 4.5.3! Future improvements ............................................................................................................. 94! 5! Chapter 5: Discussions and Future Perspectives ............................................................... 96! 5.1! Discussions ................................................................................................................................... 96! 5.1.1! Circulating tumor cells and metastasis .................................................................................. 96! 5.1.2! Working with clinical specimens ........................................................................................... 97! 5.2! Future experiments ..................................................................................................................... 97! 8 5.2.1! Discovery of EpCAM- CTCs ................................................................................................. 97! 5.2.2! The switch from dormancy to proliferation ........................................................................... 99! 9 Chapter 1: Introduction and Motivation 1 1.1 Chapter 1: Introduction and Motivation Abstract This thesis examines the functional behaviors of mobilized tumor cells obtained directly from cancer patients because these cells may advance into life-threatening metastases. In particular, we wish to address the discrepancy between the number of tumor cells found in circulation and the number of overt metastases (section 1.2). The three types of mobilized tumor cells are circulating tumor cells, intraoperatively shed tumor cells and malignant pleural effusions (section 1.3). The rarity of mobilized tumor cells and the low purity of tumor cells in bodily fluids present a technical challenge to their characterization and require tumor enrichment and single-cell technologies (section 1.4). We address specific questions for each type of clinical specimens: functional characterization of circulating tumor cells (Chapter 2), malignancy of intraoperatively shed epithelial cells (Chapter 3) and surface marker expression of malignant pleural effusions (Chapter 4) (section 1.5). 1.2 Cancer metastasis Metastasis is the lethal stage of cancer. Metastasis kills in a patient in two ways: 1) organ failure and 2) cytokine overproduction [1] (Figure 1-1). As cancer spreads, tumor cells can interfere with the vital functions of the organs they invade, such as brain, liver and lung. At the same time, a systematic overproduction of pro-inflammatory cytokines can result in clinical syndromes [1] including cachexia (wasting syndrome 30-87% patients), thrombosis (hypercoagulation, 50% patients) and dyspnea (shortness of breath, 20-80% patients). Lethality of Metastasis Organ Failure - Brain - Liver - Lung - Bone Cytokine Overproduction - Cachexia (30-90% patients) - Thrombosis (50% patients) - Dyspnea (20-90% patients) Figure 1-1: Metastasis is lethal because of organ involvement and clinical syndromes as a result of cytokine overproduction 10 Chapter 1: Introduction and Motivation The metastatic cascade (Figure 1-2) consists of five steps: 1) tumor invasion, 2) tumor intravasation, 3) transport through the circulation, 4) extravasation and 5) colonization. Since the process of metastasis may take years to complete, tracking metastasis in real time in patients has not been achieved. However, through experiments that tried to model metastasis by intravenous injection of mouse melanoma cells, Luzzi and colleagues estimated the efficiency of extravasation and colonization to be 80% and 0.02% respectively [2], implying that the colonization is the rate limiting step of metastasis. Figure 1-2: Five steps of metastatic cascade Understanding how cancer cells behave in circulation is important to the development of prophylactic therapy against overt metastasis. The hope is to halt the proliferation of mobilized tumor cells before they can progress to colonize new sites. In reality, by leaving their solid milieu to enter a fluid environment, mobilized tumor cells have already subjected themselves to a harsh selection pressure. Mobilized tumor cells have to severe their connection with their neighboring tumor cells and lose anchorage from extracellular matrix where growth factors are docked. In exchange for the harsh condition, however, mobilized tumor cells gain mobility, a prerequisite for invasion and metastasis. What happened to tumor cells after they became detached from the primary tumor and while they get transported in the circulation? Two observations have provided important clues to the above question (Figure 1-3A): 1. The number of shed tumor cells far exceeds the number of metastases. Autopsy reports on cancer patients revealed that the number of metastases is 1-13 per patient, in 2-3 organs [3]. This is far less than an average of 0 - 23,618 CTCs per 7.5 ml of blood [4], or 10 - 7×106 cells shed in surgery [5]. 2. Metastases are clonal. Genetic comparison between single cells found in primary tumors, early disseminated cells and overt metastases revealed that metastases are more homogeneous than primary tumors 11 Chapter 1: Introduction and Motivation [6] and early disseminated cells [7], implying that metastases may have resulted from single clones derived from the primary tumor [6]. Two models describe the mechanism of metastatic evolution - linear progression model, and parallel progression model (Figure 1-3B) [3]. The linear progression model believes that dissemination occurs late in tumor development and the more malignant clones break off late in tumor progression. On the other hand, parallel progression model believes that dissemination happens relatively early, and the disseminated tumor cells may evolve independently from the primary tumors. However, the precise mechanism of metastatic evolution remains unclear, it is unknown whether the linear progression model or the parallel progression model predominates. A B Linear progression Shed tumor cells >> Metastases Metastases are clonal Parallel progression Figure 1-3: A) Current observations of metastasis, B) The linear progression and the parallel models to describe the formation of metastases. 1.3 Types of mobilized tumor cells In this thesis, I will examine three kinds of mobilized tumor cells: 1) circulating tumor cells, 2) intraoperatively shed tumor cells and 3) malignant pleural effusions. Even though all three types of cells are mobilized tumor cells, there are fundamental differences between them. The first difference is the staging of the cancer patients from whom we obtained these cells from. Pleural effusions and circulating tumor cells were retrieved from advanced, late stage (stage IV) disease patients. These late stage patients had their primary tumors resected years before the collection of the mobilized tumor cell specimens. In contrast, intraoperatively shed tumor cells were retrieved from early stage (stage I-III) cancer patients whose tumors have not spread and were still resectable. The second difference between the three cell types is their abundance. Pleural metastases are very abundant in number, ranging from 103-106 cells, allowing the use of flow cytometry as a 12 Chapter 1: Introduction and Motivation suitable analysis method. On the other hand, both CTCs and intraoperatively shed cells are rare, and are concealed amongst blood cells which are 6-9 orders of magnitude more abundant than the tumor cells. Therefore, to retrieve and characterize these rare cells, we had to apply tumor enrichment followed by single cell analysis (see section 1.4 for literature review). The last difference between the three types of mobilized tumor cells is their tumorigenicity. Tumor cells from pleural effusions form tumors with high efficiency (~75%, chapter 4). On the other hand, the frequency of tumor formation by CTCs is very low (3/110 patients), and the minimal number of cells required is 1000 [8]. In reality, it is rather rare for 1000 CTCs to seed at the same spot, so the actual tumorigenicity of CTCs in patients might be even lower. For intraoperatively shed tumor cells, there has been one report that showed tumor formation from 105-106 tumor cells [9], which means tumor formation is even less likely. A summary of the three types of cells and their properties is shown below in Table 1-1: Mobilized cells Location Abundance Staging (cells/ available volume) Circulating tumor cells Intraoperatively shed Blood Blood 1- 100 cell/ 10 ml 2 3 3 6 10 -10 cells/ 2-10 ml (minimal cells required) I - IV 3% (1000 cells) I - IV Not tumor cells Pleural effusions Tumorigenicity determined (105-106 cells) Pleural cavity 10 -10 cells/ 100 -1000 ml IV 75% (100 cells) Table 1-1: Types of mobilized tumor cells examined 1.4 Single cell technology Because of the low abundance and high impurity of mobilized tumor cells in clinical samples, sensitive techniques are necessary to analyze their properties. Understanding single cells requires three technical components: 1) tumor enrichment, 2) single cell isolation and 3) single cell characterization. Conventional single cell techniques, such as flow cytometry and cytology, can be used to analyze pleural effusions but can become limited when applied to blood specimens. Flow cytometry requires at least 50 cells to provide a high enough statistical confidence in the results. Cytology enables examination of single cells, but is a rather low throughput technology. Furthermore, cytology requires prior enrichment of tumor cells if the 13 Chapter 1: Introduction and Motivation number of contaminating non-tumor cells exceeds one million/slide. In the case of circulating tumor cells, the number of red blood cells is 109 cells/ml, so cytology alone cannot easily identify tumor cells. To circumvent the limitation of conventional single cell analysis, a plethora of tumor enrichment techniques have been developed recently. They can be divided into three categories: 1) antibody-mediated, 2) size-based and 3) density-based. In the antibody-mediated approach, an antibody against a surface antigen expressed on the tumor cells selectively binds to the tumor cells. The most common surface antigen used is EpCAM as it is an epithelial marker expressed in as high as 80% of various carcinomas such as colon, pancreas and prostate [10]. The antibody could be immobilized on magnetic particles or devices [4, 11, 12]. In the size-based approach, a microfiltration system retains tumor cells based on their bigger size [13]. Inertial focusing selects cells based on their hydrodynamic radii [14, 15]. Lastly, the density of tumor cells could also be used for their enrichment [16]. Tumor enrichment step only removes 3-4 logs of contaminating non-tumor cells, therefore a second step – single-cell retrieval – is necessary to obtain a high purity of tumor cells. Micromanipulation uses a glass capillary tube to manually aspirate the cells of interest, but it is labor-intensive and requires training of the operator. Other microfluidics devices can perform trapping of single cells [17], although they are not easily coupled to downstream molecular analysis. Lastly, a few single cell molecular analysis methods have emerged to enable the characterization of rare cells. Two technologies, multiple displacement amplification (MDA) using random priming and the strand-displacing 29 polymerase under isothermal conditions [18], and multiple annealing and looping-based amplification cycle (MALBAC) [19], can amplify the whole genome of single cells with improved coverage and decreased biases. The amplified genomic products can be used for downstream assays such as copy number variation, exome capture for mutation analysis [20]. Single cell transcriptomics methods sought to decrease 3’ positional bias and use principles including homopolymer tailing and template switching [20]. The major drawback with these single cell analysis techniques is that the tumor cells are lysed and therefore dynamic information about their behaviors is lost. Our work hopes to expand upon the existing single cell analysis to interrogate the secretion of soluble factors and cellular behaviors including invasion and proliferation in viable tumor cells. 14 Chapter 1: Introduction and Motivation 1.5 Thesis overview The overall goal of this thesis is to have a more in-depth understanding of the properties of mobilized tumor cells since far less data exists on mobilized tumor cells than on solid tumors. The primary hurdle in the study of mobilized tumor cells is their paucity, thus requiring technological innovations to address the relevant biological questions. The biological question this thesis hopes to address is why so few of the mobilized tumor cells can progress to overt metastases – what cell types or functional properties are directly responsible for tumor progression. The answer to this question is translatable to clinical benefit because pinpointing the tumorigenic subset will allow us to design targeted therapy against the most relevant cells, and better stratify patients and identify their risks. In this thesis, I hope to characterize the three types of mobilized tumor cells described above. Because of the differences in their properties, each clinical sample has a different focus in the question we ask. In the characterization of circulating tumor cells, the goal is to optimize a method of single cell analysis using nanowells and investigate the functional behaviors of single, viable CTCs, specifically their viability, invasion and secretion of soluble factors. Spatiotemporal tracking of single, viable CTCs can give insights to the function of CTCs as well as the heterogeneity of CTCs. Interestingly, we identified that only a rare subset of CTCs possessed malignant traits (anti-apoptotic, invasive or secreting proteolytic enzymes). In the characterization of intraoperatively shed tumor cells, the goal is to distinguish tumor cells from normal epithelial cells by using genetic mutations consistent between the EpCAM+ cells found in the blood and the EpCAM+ cells found in primary tumor. This part of the thesis also made use of the nanowell approach to isolate and retrieve single epithelial cells. We found tumor cells mobilized during the course of the surgery along with normal epithelial cells. In the characterization of pleural effusions, the goal is to identify a surface marker that can delineate the tumorigenic population. We screened a panel of 35 surface antigens implicated in cancer metastasis and/or tumorigenicity using three criteria: 1) levels of expression, 2) cancer specificity and 3) functional requirement for tumorigenicity. We narrowed down to CD24 as a promising cancer target and showed that it was required for tumor formation in cancer cell line and xenograft tumors. 15 Chapter 1: Introduction and Motivation The underlying hypothesis for all three types of clinical specimens is that tumor cells are heterogeneous. Indeed, I believe that the discrepancy between the number of mobilized tumor cells and overt metastases is due to the inactivity of many mobilized tumor cells and the heterogeneity of mobilized tumor cells. We observed normal epithelial cells shed intraoperatively and many apoptotic circulating tumor cells even in advanced cancer patients, implying that many of the mobilized epithelial cells have already lost the ability to form metastases while in circulation. Differential expression of surface markers in pleural effusions and the different degree of malignancy in circulating tumor cells affect the ability of these mobilized tumor cells to colonize subsequently. 16 Chapter 2: Circulating Tumor Cells 2 Chapter 2: Functional Characterization of Circulating Tumor Cells in Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer Using Nanowells 2.1 Abstract Ample evidence supports genetic and functional heterogeneity in primary tumors, but it remains unclear whether circulating tumor cells (CTCs) also exhibit the same hierarchical organization. We examined the functional diversity of viable, single CTCs using an array of subnanoliter wells (nanowells). The compartmentalization of single cells by nanowells allowed clonal comparison and mapping of heterogeneity of single cells or preformed clusters of cells. By measuring the short-term viability, invasiveness and secretory profiles of individual CTCs, it was evident that only a rare subset of CTCs possessed malignant traits indicative of metastatic potential in late-stage, progressing metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) patients. These CTCs were resistant to anoikis after being in the circulation, were invasive in their epithelial state, or secreted proteases capable of cleaving peptide substrates. Not every CTC observed exhibited such metastatic potential, suggesting that enumeration of CTCs alone may be insufficient to understand metastasis or stratify patients. 2.2 2.2.1 Introduction Isolation of circulating tumor cells Two broad categories of tumor enrichment – positive and negative selection – have been used to isolate CTCs. Positive selection is affinity-based and usually involves the use of an antibody against the epithelial lineage antigen, EpCAM, commonly expressed in most carcinomas [10]. Devices using positive selection can vary depending on how the antibodies are mobilized, and can come in the form of microfluidics devices such as the CTC chip [11, 21], immunomagnetic particles such as the MagSweeper [12] and the FDA approved CellSearch system [22] or magnetic nanoparticles and detection by photoacoustic signals [23]. The negative selection method depletes the contaminating blood cells either by CD45 depletion or a debulking process where the smaller erythrocytes and leukocytes were removed by inertial focusing [14, 15]. Other label-free depletion methods also include density gradient separation (OncoQuick) [16], filtration (ScreenCell) [24], or dielectrophoresis [25]. 17 Chapter 2: Circulating Tumor Cells 2.2.2 Current understanding of circulating tumor cells 1. CTC count is prognostic of patient outcome Enumeration of CTCs by the CellSearch system, which defines CTC as EpCAM+/CK+/DAPI+/CD45- cells, is prognostic of patient progression-free and overall survival in a variety of cancer types. Using ≥5 CTCs as the threshold, overall survival was 21.7 vs. 11.5 months for castration-resistant prostate cancer patients before chemotherapy [26]. In stage III and IV lung cancer patients, progression-free survival was 6.8 vs. 2.4 months (P < .001) and overall survival was 8.1 vs. 4.3 months (P < .001) for patients with fewer than five CTCs compared with five or more CTCs before chemotherapy [27]. 2. CTCs evolve with treatment Changes in CTC counts before and after chemotherapy can predict rates of relapses in breast cancer patients [28]. Only 1/28 patients relapsed in the group with greater than 10-fold decrease in the number of CTCs after the treatment, compared to 5/30 patients with less than 10 fold changes and 14/30 patients with greater than 10-fold increase in the number of CTCs after treatment. The mutation status of CTCs can also change with the course of treatment [29]. In lung cancer patients treated with Gefitinib, CTCs continued to harbor the primary EGFG activating mutation but the frequency of T790M drug-resistant mutation started to increase during the course of the therapy. The CTCs of some patients also acquired new EGFR mutations that were previously absent in the primary tumors. This indicates that CTC is a dynamic reflection of the systemic tumor evolution in patients. In another study with breast cancer patients, the number of CTCs and the percentage of mesenchymal CTCs declined in patients who responded to therapy. In contrast, patients who had progressive disease on therapy showed an increase in the number of mesenchymal CTCs [30]. 3. CTCs are tumorigenic but the efficiency is low Two recent studies established the ability of CTCs to form xenograft tumors in immunocompromised mice [8, 31]. In the first study, CTCs were enriched by CD45 depletion and injected directly into the femur of mice. Only three out of 113 patients had CTCs that successfully engrafted, and all three patients had CTCs count > 1000. This indicates that even though CTCs may have tumorigenic potential, this potential is low. 18 Chapter 2: Circulating Tumor Cells The second study isolated EpCAM- CTCs with surface expression of HER2/EGFR/NSSE/NOTCH1. Not only could these CTCs propagate in vitro, they could also establish xenograft tumors with spontaneous metastasis to the brain and the lung, closely resembling the behavior of CTCs in patients. The frequency of engraftment is relatively high – 3/8 patients had CTCs that successfully established tumors in nude mice. 4. CTC vs. primary tumor The relationship between CTCs and patient matched primary tumor has been explored by copy number variation analysis using array CGH [32, 33]. DNA from single as well as pooled CTCs was amplified and compared to the primary tumor. The degree of concordance between primary tumor and the CTC ranges from very high to moderate (0.89-0.46) depending on the patients [33]. CTCs and primary tumor share many common aberrations, but the CTCs also acquired divergent genomic alternations. For example, the CTCs of one patient revealed a high level of amplification of CDK8, which was absent in the primary tumor and the liver metastasis 34 and 24 months before the analysis the CTCs. The presence of CDK8 may change treatment options since this patient could be eligible for CDK inhibitors. 2.3 2.3.1 Materials and methods Patient recruitment The patient cohort used in this study was generated from the Prostate Clinical Research Information System (CRIS) at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. The CRIS system consists of dataentry software, a central data repository, collection of patient data including comprehensive follow-up of all patients, and tightly integrated security measures as previously described [34]. All patients provided written informed consent to allow the collection of tissue and blood and the analysis of clinical and genetic data for research purposes. Patients with metastatic castrationresistant prostate cancer were identified for this trial based on 1) progression on a phase II study of abiraterone in combination with dutasteride or 2) PSA >20 to enrich for patients likely to have detectable circulating tumor cells. Patient status was assigned by changes in serum PSA levels, with progression at the time of blood collection defined as a PSA increase of >5% per 30 days. Refer to Table 2-1 for patient information. Blood was drawn into EDTA tubes and processed within 4 hr. Whole blood from healthy donors was purchased from Research Blood Components. 19 Chapter 2: Circulating Tumor Cells Patient Age ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 56 65 57 76 73 69 70 65 56 61 87 80 60 63 76 57 78 77 65 58 22 53 19 53 28 CTC&count&in&Fig&2 Staging metastatic metastatic metastatic metastatic metastatic metastatic metastatic metastatic metastatic metastatic metastatic metastatic metastatic metastatic metastatic metastatic metastatic metastatic metastatic - PSA at time of blood draw (ng/ml) CalceinAM+/ CalceinAM+ CalceinAMAnnexinV/AnnexinV+ /AnnexinV+ 322.39 7336.98 248.68 5.57 140.58 191.41 125.8 75.93 110.13 97.49 20.3 109.2 48.99 1305.5 134.99 20.32 919.79 20.05 403.72 - 314 90 33 7 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 2 2 1 0 0 0 131 34 27 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 62 8 25 0 0 0 0 3 5 8 17 0 17 4 9 3 2 2 6 0 0 2 0 0 8 9 0 2 3 0 CalceinAM/AnnexinV39 26 315 3 5 0 1 15 4 2 24 3 2 0 6 1 7 1 2 20 31 2 4 3 1 Status at blood draw progressing progressing progressing progressing responding progressing responding progressing progressing responding responding progressing progressing responding progressing stable progressing progressing progressing healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy healthy Table 2-1: Patient information 2.3.2 Fabrication of nanowell arrays A silicon master [35] was microfabricated (Stanford foundry) and mounted in a metal mold. Poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) (Dow Corning) (10:1 ratio of base to catalyst) was injected through a port into the silicon mold, cured at 80°C for 4 hr, and then removed to produce an array containing 84,672 cubic wells (65 µm). Before use, the PDMS array was oxygen plasma treated for 2 min and immediately submerged in PBS to preserve the hydrophilicity rendered by the plasma treatment. The array was then blocked in serumcontaining media for 15 min before cells were loaded 20 Chapter 2: Circulating Tumor Cells 2.3.3 CTC enrichment Negative selection was performed using either the EasySep or RosetteSep CD45 depletion kit (StemCell Technologies). With the EasySep kit, 45 ml of red blood cell lysis buffer (Biolegend) was added to 5 ml of whole blood and the mixture was incubated at room temperature until the red blood cells were completely lysed (15 – 20 min). Blood was washed once with wash buffer (2% Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS), 1% Bovine Serum Antigen (BSA), 5 mM Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) in Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS)). CD45 depletion was performed with the EasySep human CD45 depletion kit according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The remaining cells were suspended in approximately 200 µl wash buffer and were directly deposited onto the PDMS nanowells and allowed to settle for 5 min. With the RosetteSep kit, 250 µl antibody cocktail was incubated with 5 ml of whole blood for 20 min. The blood was then diluted with PBS at a 1:1 ratio and layered onto Ficoll-Paque Plus (GE Healthcare) in a SepMate tube (StemCell Technologies) and centrifuged at 800x g for 10 min. The upper layer containing the serum and buffy coat was removed and washed twice. Further red blood cell lysis was sometimes necessary to remove residual red blood cells. 2.3.4 Staining and microscopy Cells were either stained directly on the array of nanowells in a tube for 1 hr at room temperature with EpCAM and a cocktail of lineage markers for leukocytes including CD3, CD16, CD20, CD38 and CD45 (refer to the list of antibodies used in table 2-2. For viability assays, the cells were rinsed with PBS and stained with Calcein AM violet (Molecular Probes) and Annexin V FITC (BD Pharmingen) in Annexin V binding buffer (BD Pharmingen) for 10 min at room temperature. For viability assays, the cells were rinsed with PBS and stained with Calcein AM violet (Molecular Probes) and Annexin V FITC (BD Pharmingen) in Annexin V binding buffer (BD Pharmingen) for 10 min at room temperature. The stamps were imaged with an epifluorescence microscope (Zeiss) with filter wheels at the following wavelengths: Calcein AM violet (Ex: 390 nm, Em: 440/40 nm), FITC (Ex: 488 nm, Em: 525/36 nm), PerCP-eFluor710 (Ex: 488 nm, Em: 716/40nm), PE/CY7 (Ex: 570 nm, Em: 809/81 nm) 21 Chapter 2: Circulating Tumor Cells Compensation was performed with beads that were precoated with anti-Fc antibodies (Bangs Laboratories). Each antibody was incubated with the beads and imaged in all the fluorescent channels. The percentage of bleed over was computed by plotting the fluorescence intensity of the signal channel versus the intensity of all other channels individually. The slope of the linear plot gave the percentage bleed over of the signal channel into the second channel. Cells were identified with Enumerator, a custom image analysis software developed in house. For each nanowell array, we generated a list of cell information including the well IDs, cell size and fluorescent intensities. The text file was converted into a FlowJo-readable text format [36]. Gating and cell statistics were analyzed in FlowJo (Treestar). Assay Antigen Clone Fluorophore Vendor Surface staining EpCAM 1B7 PerCP-eFluor710 eBiosciences Surface staining CD45 HI30 PE-CY7 Biolegend Surface staining CD3 UCHT1 PE-CY7 Biolegend Surface staining CD20 2H7 PE-CY7 Biolegend Surface staining CD16 3G8 PE-CY7 Biolegend Surface staining CD38 HIT2 PE-CY7 Biolegend Microengraving PSA (capture) 181811 N/A R&D systems Microengraving PSA (detection) Goat polyclonal Alexa Fluor 488 R&D systems N/A Life Technologies Alexa Fluor 700 Jackson (Product Number: BAF1344) Microengraving hIgG (capture) Goat polyclonal (81-7100) Microengraving hIgG (detection) 09-175-098 ImmunoResearch Table 2-2: List of antibodies used 2.3.5 Proliferation assay CTCs were cultured directly in the nanowells. C4-2 cells were obtained from ATCC. Matrigel (1 ml; BD Biosciences) was added directly onto the nanowells and allowed to solidify for 1 hr at room temperature. Cells were maintained in a growth medium that was previously 22 Chapter 2: Circulating Tumor Cells reported to enhance the proliferation of epithelial cells [37]. The growth medium consisted of 3:1 Ham’s F-12 Nutrient Mixture-Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (Cellgro), 5% FBS (SigmaAldrich), 0.4 µg/ml hydrocortisone (Sigma-Aldrich), insulin (5 µg/ml) - transferrin (5 µg/ml) sodium selenite (5 ng/ml) supplement (Roche), 8.4 ng/ml cholera toxin (Sigma-Aldrich), 100 U/ml Penicillin-Streptomycin (Cellgro), 10 ng/ml epidermal growth factor (Life Technologies), 24 µg/ml adenine (Sigma-Aldrich), 10 µM Y-27632 (Enzo Life Sciences) and 1 pM 5αAndrostan-17β-ol-3-one (Sigma-Aldrich). In addition to the growth conditions described above, we applied a second culture condition that has previously been used to grow intestinal stem cells and primary prostate cancer cells [38]. The growth medium consisted of 3:1 Ham’s F-12 Nutrient Mixture-Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (Cellgro), 1x N2 supplements (Life Technologies), 1x B-27 supplements (Life Technologies), 1 mM N-acetylcysteine (SigmaAldrich), 1 µg/ml R-spondin (Life Technologies), 100 ng/ml Noggin (Life Technologies), 50 ng/ml epidermal growth factor (Life Technologies), 100 U/ml penicillin-streptomycin (Cellgro), 10 µM Rho-kinase (ROCK) inhibitor (Y-27632) (Enzo Life Sciences) and 1 pM 5α-Androstan17β-ol-3-one (Sigma-Aldrich). There was, however, no significant difference in the percentage of CTC survival between the two culture conditions. The predicted probability of the viability of a cluster was estimated based on the viability of a single cell. A cluster was considered viable if it contained at least one viable cell. The viabilities of clusters containing different numbers of cells were weighted by the frequencies of each cluster according to the following formula: !!"#$%&',!"#$%& 1 =! ! !!"# !×!! (1 − (1 − !!"#$%&,!"#$%& )! ) !!! where ! = total number of cells found in clusters,!!= number of cells found in a cluster (ranging from 2 to !!!"# ), !! = number of clusters containing i cells, and !!"#$%&,!"#$%& = viability of single cells. 2.3.6 Invasion assay After cell loading, 1 ml of Matrigel was pipetted directly onto the nanowell arrays and allowed to solidify for 1 hr at room temperature. Cells embedded in Matrigel were stained with antibodies (1:200) for 2 hr at 37 °C before imaging. The array was then imaged every three days. 23 Chapter 2: Circulating Tumor Cells EpCAM+ cells were identified and tracked by their positive EpCAM staining. The coordinates of the centroid of the individual cells or cell clusters and of their wells were read in AxioVision (Zeiss). The relative coordinates of the cells to the wells were calculated as: !"##!"# = (!"#! , !"#! ) ! = (!!"## − !!"## , !!"## − !!"## ) The distance that the cells had moved from their initial position was calculated as: !"#$%&'( = ! (!"#!!"#!! − !"#!!"#!! )! + (!"#!!"#!! − !"#!!"#!! )! 2.3.7 Microengraving Microengraving was performed as previously described [39]. Poly-lysine-coated glass slides were coated with 1 µg of capture antibody in 80 µl sodium borate buffer (pH 9) for 1 hr at room temperature or 4°C overnight and then blocked in PBS + 1% BSA for 30 min. The cellloaded array of nanowells was rinsed with basal media containing 0.04% human serum. Human IgGs in the serum were used to mark the position of each well; every well should be positive for human IgG because anti-human IgG capture and detection antibodies were included in the panel of antibodies. The antibody-coated glass slide was then sealed on top of the nanowells in a hybridization clamp for 4 hr at 37°C. The slide was then blocked with 5% milk + 0.5% TWEEN20 + PBS (blocking buffer) for 15 min and incubated with 0.3 µg fluorescently conjugated detection antibodies in 150 µl of blocking buffer for 45 min at room temperature. The dried slide was scanned with a GenePix 4400A scanner (Molecular Devices). The scanned image was analyzed with Matlab programs developed in house, Crossword and Matchbox. The IgG background channel was used to identify the position of each well. A positive event was defined as a well that 1) had 50% of its pixels 2 standard deviations above the mean intensity of the background and 2) 3 ≤ signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) ≤12. Each positive event was further manually inspected for potential artifacts. To account for print-to-print variability, the distribution of SNR of PSA was normalized to mean = 1, standard deviation = 0.2. The normalization of the SNR was performed as follows: < !"# >!= (!"# − !!)/! ∗ 0.2 + 1 24 Chapter 2: Circulating Tumor Cells where < !"# > = normalized SNR value, !"#!= SNR of each well, !!= mean of the SNRs of all the wells in a print, !!= standard deviation of the SNRs of all the wells in a print. The calibration curve for determining rates of secreted PSA was constructed by spotting 1 µl of diluted PSA detection antibody (1 µg/µl) (5000x – 10,000,000x dilution) on a poly-lysine slide. The slide was dried under vacuum for 5 min and then scanned using the same settings as the clinical samples. The median intensity was quantified using GenePix Pro 6.0 (Molecular Devices). To estimate the probability of secretion of each cell type (Figure 2-10), we compiled the percentage of secretion for each permutation of cell types from the print, and fit the observed secretion rate to the following equation by non-linear regression in order to obtain the probability !"## of secretion for each cell type, !!"!!!"! : !"##!!(!"#$%"%$&,!"#$,!"#$,!"!#) !"## (!!"!!!"# )!!"## ! !!"# = ! 1 − !!"!!!"# = 1 − where !!"# = probability of secretion from the microengraving results, !!"## = number of cells for that particular cell type, which was generated by tabulating the manually gated cells. 2.3.8 Proteolytic assay with FRET-based peptides Whole blood from a prostate cancer patient was first enriched for CTCs using the RosetteSep CD45 depletion kit. The cells were then loaded into the nanowells and stained with Calcein AM Violet, EpCAM and lineage antibody cocktail for 1 hr. Next, 500 µl of 5 µM FRET polypeptides (BioZyme) mixture was added to the array of nanowells. A glass slide was sealed over the array using a hybridization clamp for 3 hr in a humidifier chamber. The array of nanowells was then imaged with the microscope using the FITC channel (Ex: 488 nm, Em: 525/36 nm) for the FRET peptides. The peptides are substrates of Matrix Metalloproteinases (MMPs) 1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13 and 14 and A Disintegrin and Metalloproteinases (ADAMs) 8, 10, 17 as described previously [40]. The sequences of the peptides are shown in Table 2-3. 25 Chapter 2: Circulating Tumor Cells After the initial time point, the arrays of nanowells containing CTCs were placed in the lower chamber of a 0.2 µm transwell petri dish (Corning). C4-2 cells (1 x 104 cells, ATCC) and MG-63 cells (1 x 106 cells, ATCC) were seeded on top of the transwell. The 0.2 µm transwell allowed secreted factors from C4-2 cells and MG-63 cells to diffuse to the CTCs in the lower chamber. The cells were maintained in growth medium as described in the proliferation assay for one week, at which point the proteolytic activity was measured again. PEPDAB005 Dabcyl-Leu-Ala-Gln-Ala-Homophenylalanine-Arg-Ser-Lys(5-FAM)-NH2 PEPDAB010 Dabcyl-Ser-Pro-Leu-Ala-Gln-Ala-Val-Arg-Ser-Ser-Lys(5-FAM)-NH2 PEPDAB022 Dabcyl-Leu-Arg-Ala-Glu-Gln-Gln-Arg-Leu-Lys-Ser-Lys(5-FAM)-NH2 Table 2-3: Sequences of FRET-peptides 2.4 2.4.1 Results Isolation of circulating tumor cells with arrays of subnanoliter wells In order to resolve the variance between individual CTC, we developed a system to characterize single cells in a high-throughput manner. Our PDMS array comprises 84,762 cubic wells of 275 pl each (65 µm x 65 µm x 65 µm). CTCs were enriched from whole blood by negative selection against CD45 and loaded onto the array to settle into the nanowells by limiting serial dilution (Figure 2-1A). Because CTCs are rare, the loading biased the occupancy of each well to single CTCs or preformed clusters, allowing comparisons among individual CTCs. To interrogate all the cells, we imaged the entire array and obtained the surface fluorescence and position of every cell using a custom-designed image processing software (onchip cytometry). In addition to surface fluorescence, we were also interested in measuring the secretion of individual cells. We placed glass slides functionalized with capture antibodies in contact with the nanowells to capture soluble factors secreted by cells in the individual wells in a process known as microengraving [41]. Because the unique well ID retains the spatial information of each cell, we can visually inspect rare cells with their images, track the same cells over time and map secretion events back to the respective cells (Figure 2-1B). Using this approach, we made three types of measurements on viable CTCs isolated from patients with 26 Chapter 2: Circulating Tumor Cells prostate cancer: (1) immediate and short-term viability of CTCs, (2) invasive potential of CTCs, and (3) secretion of soluble factors. Figure 2-1: Functional measurements of viability, invasion and secretory profiles of CTCs using arrays of nanowells. (A) Scheme for the enrichment and functional characterization of CTCs using nanowells for viability, invasion, or secretion of soluble factors. (B) Scatter plot (left) is generated from on-chip imaging cytometry of 50 C4-2 cells spiked into 5 ml of whole blood. A single cell can be mapped back to its original image (middle) or secretion event determined by microengraving (right) based on its unique well ID. We validated the performance of our method using spiked tumor cell lines. We determined the overall yield using C4-2 prostate tumor cells and HT29 colon tumor cells to be 30% (Figure 2-2A). The depletion of CD45+ cells was the dominant source of loss (Figure 2-2B). We have tried two commercially available CD45 depletion kits. RosetteSep depleted red blood cells and leukocytes in a single step using a Ficoll-Paque gradient, and it had a yield of 50%. EasySep kit required a prior red blood cell lysis step and depleted leukocytes by immunomagnetic separation. It had a slightly lower yield of 45% because it involved one additional step of red blood cell lysis. Cell loss also resulted from the loading of cells onto the stamp. The loading efficiency was proportional to the total area of the wells. Removal of channels from the original design also marginally improved the yield (Figure 2-2C) to close to 80%. 27 Chapter 2: Circulating Tumor Cells A B C Percentage yield 100 80 60 40 20 0 50 µm channels 65 µm 65 µm channels no channels Figure 2-2: Nanowells can recover spiked tumor cells. (A) 5-118 C4-2 cells and 5-57 HT29 cells were spiked into 5 ml of whole blood. The recovery of tumor cells is about 30% with both C4-2 (top) and HT29 (bottom) cells. (B) CTC enrichment from human whole blood using arrays of nanowells involves depleting the CD45 cells and loading onto the arrays. We quantified the cell loss of each step. Shown is the recovery of spiked HT29 cells at each step. CD45 depletion was performed using either of two commercially available kits (RosetteSep or EasySep) and each kit usually results in 50% loss of spiked tumor cells. Cell loss from red blood cell lysis or loading onto the array is less significant (10% and 20% respectively). (C) Yield of the cell loading step is affected by the design of the device. The efficiency of depletion could vary quite significantly from patient to patient. Here is a typical distribution of the occupancy of the wells (Figure 2-3). But because CTCs are rare, the loading biased the occupancy of the wells to single CTCs or preformed clusters per well, allowing comparisons among individual CTCs. 28 Chapter 2: Circulating Tumor Cells Figure 2-3: Occupancy of wells by cell type. Shown is a typical distribution of the number of cells by well after the depletion of erythrocytes and leukocytes by RosetteSep. Black – white blood cells; blue – platelets; red – red blood cells. The number of cells per well was tabulated by Enumerator, and plotted against the cumulative distribution function of the corresponding well occupancy. We have experimented with other tumor enrichment methods: 1) density separation (Oncoquick) and 2) a positive EpCAM-based immunomagnetic enrichment kit from Veridex. However, both methods gave lower yield than RosetteSep did (Figure 2-4). Percentage yield 100 80 60 40 20 0 RosetteSep OncoQuick CellSearch kit Figure 2-4: Alternative CD45 depletion methods have a lower yield than RosetteSep. We compared the yield of two other tumor enrichment kits using approximately 100 spiked C4-2 cells. OncoQuick uses a density gradient to deplete CD45 and recovers tumor cells in the buffy coat layer. The CellSearch kit is a positive EpCAM-based immunomagnetic enrichment kit. The yield of OncoQuick is 20% and CellSearch is only 10%. The process maintained the viability of the isolated tumor cells (95% ± 10% for HT29 cells and 90% ± 7% for C4-2 cells). Therefore, viability of CTCs lower than 90% is a likely result of previous apoptotic events, rather than death induced from processing. 29 Chapter 2: Circulating Tumor Cells 2.4.2 A subset of circulating tumor cells was viable at the time of isolation Previously reported methods have not distinguished among viable and dead CTCs from blood samples. Therefore, we determined the viability of primary CTCs isolated from the blood of prostate cancer patients. We applied a combination of live (Calcein AM+) and apoptotic (Annexin V+) markers in addition to lineage markers (EpCAM+, CD45-). The non-fluorescent Calcein AM is hydrolyzed to a fluorescent form by intracellular esterases in live cells, while Annexin V binds to phosphatidylserine on apoptotic cells. Using imaging cytometry, we analyzed CTCs isolated from the blood of prostate cancer patients and categorized them as either fully viable (Calcein AM+/ Annexin V-), apoptotic (Calcein AM+/ Annexin V+), dead (Calcein AM-/ Annexin V+), or disintegrated (Calcein AM-/ Annexin V-) (Figure 2-5A). Our results showed that a significant proportion of CTCs was already dead in the circulation. Since most CTC enumeration methods count the total number of viable, apoptotic and dead cells (Figure 2-5B, top panel), previous analysis might have overestimated the abundance of biologically active CTCs. The range of viable CTCs observed in 18 prostate cancer patients is 0 – 314 cells per 5 ml of blood (mean = 25, median = 0) (Figure 2-5B, bottom panel). 30 Chapter 2: Circulating Tumor Cells TL A 102 103 CD45 104 101 104 EpCAM 103 102 101 101 EpCAM Calcein Annexin 2 Calcein AM 102 103 104 1 10110 10210 10310 10410 Annexin V 1 65 3 4 2 3 4 + viability + 1000 100 10 1 Annexin V in the count 1000 100 10 1 Calcein AM B + + - + + - + 1000 100 10 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 patient ID Figure 2-5: Viability of CTCs at the time of isolation. (A) Assessment of viability of CTCs using on-chip cytometry data for apoptotic (Annexin V) / viable (Calcein AM) markers. Scatter plot of EpCAM+ cells (left) yields population of EpCAM+CD45- cells that are scored for both Annexin V and Calcein AM (middle) to classify viable cells (1), apoptotic cells (2), dead cells (3) and disintegrated cells (4). Representative phase contrast and epifluorescence micrographs (right) are shown for each classified state. The dimension of the side of each well is 65 µm. (B) Bargraphs of the number of CTCs by classified state of viability. The numbers of total intact EpCAM+ cells (top), Calcein AM+/EpCAM+ cells (middle) and Calcein AM+/Annexin V-/EpCAM+ cells (bottom) are shown for 18 prostate cancer patients (red) and 6 healthy donors (black). . 2.4.3 The majority of circulating tumor cells underwent rapid cell death A subset of CTCs may represent “in transit” tumor cells with metastatic potential, but the rate-limiting step of metastasis is thought to be colonization at the distant site (20). Next we sought to determine whether viable CTCs isolated from blood maintained their viability and/or possessed any proliferative potential. We tracked the viability (Figure 2-6A) and surface area (Figure 2-6B) as a proxy for proliferation (cells in a cluster fused and could not be accurately counted after a week in culture) in 125 CTCs from patient ID2 and 48 spiked C4-2 prostate cancer cells for 16 days in Matrigel. 31 Chapter 2: Circulating Tumor Cells Tracking was possible because CTCs maintained expression of EpCAM and other cell types started to die as early as day 4. Both the CTCs and C4-2 cells had clusters of cells and single cells. In the case of C4-2 cells, a subset of cells experienced substantial growth (Figure 2-6B), forming colonies from single cells or clusters (Figure 2-6C). In contrast, none of the primary CTCs exhibited sustained proliferation. Most surviving CTCs spread out after becoming adherent to the Matrigel but remained dormant throughout the 16 days of culture (Figure 2-6 B,C), suggesting that CTCs have a low in vitro clonogenic potential compared with prostate cancer cell lines. The absence of any proliferative cells might be a result of their low abundance or the inability of our in vitro system to mimic the important stromal factors found in vivo. We also cultured the CTCs using different conditions (see Methods) and with co-culture of fibroblasts, but none of these culture conditions resulted in proliferation. We observed that the overall viability of single cells declined at a faster rate than did cell clusters for both CTCs and C4-2 cells (Figure 2-6A). We asked whether being in a cluster imparted enhanced survival to cells. Since we considered the entire cluster to be viable if at least one cell remained alive, we needed to correct for the higher number of cells found in a cluster (see Methods for formula). We compared the observed and predicted viability of clusters extrapolated from single cells (Figure 2-6A. See Methods for formula) and found that clusters of CTCs did not show enhanced survival but clusters of C4-2 cells had an increased survival rate compared with single cells. We cultured CTCs from 10 more patients in Matrigel in nanowells for up to 7 days (Figure 2-6D). Similar to that of patient ID2, most CTCs underwent cell death, but a small number of cells remained viable after a week of culture in Matrigel (Figure 2-6D). We did not observe outgrowth of CTCs in samples without any starting viable CTCs (in case some CTCs could upregulate their EpCAM expression once becoming established in culture). The two patients (ID1 and ID2) with the highest number of persistent CTCs were deceased within six months of their blood draws. Therefore, it is suggestive that the presence of large numbers of persistent CTCs indicates an aggressive clinical disease and poor patient outcome. These persistent cells appeared resistant to anoikis after being in the circulation and thus may have the potential to colonize when growth conditions become favorable. None of the CTCs exhibited sustainable proliferation. There are two possibilities: 1) our culture condition is not optimal, 2) CTCs have a low clonogenic potential. In addition to the 32 Chapter 2: Circulating Tumor Cells culture condition described, we have tried two other alternative methods of culture. The first was adapted from the culture conditions used for intestinal stem cells with CTCs seeded directly on chip [38]. The second method involved seeding CTCs on a layer of support cells (irradiated MG63 osteosarcoma cells) in a 6 well dish [42]. Neither method saw proliferation of CTCs after one month. In contrast, single C4-2 cells proliferated well on chip, suggesting that CTCs obtained from patients have a lower clonogenic potential than C4-2 cells (Figure 2-6C). 33 Chapter 2: Circulating Tumor Cells D A patient ID2 Number of viable CTCs per 5 ml blood day 1 viability (%) viability (%) C4-2 days day 7 100 10 1 days 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 15 17 patient ID C4-2 clusters days patient ID2 clusters fold change in area patient ID2 single cells fold change in area fold change in area C4-2 single cells fold change in area B days days days C day 4 day 7 day 10 cluster (5 cells) single cell cluster (3 cells) patient ID2 C4-2 single cell day 1 34 day 13 day 16 Chapter 2: Circulating Tumor Cells Figure 2-6: Short-term viability of CTCs is low compared to that of C4-2 cell line. (A) Left: viability of single C4-2 cell line (black line, n = 34), clusters of C4-2 cells (red, solid line, n = 32) and predicted viability of clusters of C4-2 (red, dashed line). Right: viability of single CTCs (black line, n = 23), clusters of CTCs red, solid line, n = 9) and predicted viability of clusters of CTCs (red, dashed line) of patient ID2. (B) Fold changes in the surface area of single cells or clusters of C4-2 cells or CTCs from patient ID2. C) Representative optical micrographs of the proliferation of a single C4-2 cell, a cluster of 5 C4-2 cells, a single CTC from patient ID2, and a cluster of 3 CTCs from patient ID2. EpCAM staining is in magenta. D) Bargraph of number of viable CTCs as a function of time in culture. Persistent viable CTCs after one week in Matrigel culture (red bar) were only present in progressing patient 2.4.4 A subset of circulating tumor cells was invasive. In addition to clonogenic potential, the invasiveness of tumor cells also correlates with metastatic potential. When we cultured CTCs from patient ID2, we noticed that even though CTCs did not proliferate, they could invade through the Matrigel layer. Using each CTC’s original well as a reference point, we monitored cell movement by recording the coordinates of their centroids over time (Figure 2-7A). Tracking was possible because CTCs maintained expression of EpCAM and other cell types started to die as early as day 4. We quantified the invasiveness of individual CTCs from patients ID1 and ID2. Both patients had single cells and cell clusters in their blood samples (Figure 2-7B), although clusters from patient ID1 comprised only doublets whereas clusters from patient ID2 ranged from two to nine cells. Clusters from patient ID1 did not exhibit enhanced invasive behavior relative to single cells (Figure 2-7B). On the other hand, cell clusters from patient ID2 exhibited a greater range of migration compared to single cells (Figure 2-7B). Individual cells also differed significantly in their invasive behavior, ranging from no movement to over 100 µm in two weeks. 35 Chapter 2: Circulating Tumor Cells A B Figure 2-7: Some CTCs were invasive. (A) The movement of the CTCs can be tracked by their uniquely barcoded wells. The centroids of the CTCs, cellref, are reported relative to the centroids of the wells which can be determined by the custom-designed image analysis software, Enumerator. The distance moved by a CTC is the Euclidean distance between the relative positions of the same CTC of two time points. Optical micrographs (top) of EpCAM+ 36 Chapter 2: Circulating Tumor Cells cluster of cells (red) in Matrigel and plot of spatial coordinate of the centroid of the cluster as a function of time (bottom). (B) Heat maps of the cumulative distance moved by the CTCs isolated from two patients. Each row represents a single cell or a cell cluster. The distribution of the number of single cells and number of cells in a cluster is shown below the heatmap for each patient. 2.4.5 A subset of circulating tumor cells secreted soluble factors One key advantage of the nanowells is the ability to use them to detect secreted factors from single cells with high sensitivity. We used microengraving (4 hr) to detect the secretion of prostate specific antigen (PSA) from CTCs. PSA is a secreted protein specific to cells from prostate. While EpCAM staining can only ascribe the histologic classification of a cell to be epithelial, secretion of a tissue-specific protein such as PSA can further reveal the origin of CTCs. Surface staining could not differentiate PSA+ cell line (C4-2) from PSA- cell line (PC3). Intracellular staining could but it also killed the cells. Microengraving could clearly distinguish PSA secreting cell line from PSA non-secreting cell line and preserve cell viability at the same time (Figure 2-8). Surface Intracellular Staining Microengraving Figure 2-8: Microengraving can detect secretion of soluble factors. PSA levels were measured in PSA+ cell line, C4-2 (blue) and PSA- cell line (PC3) by surface staining (left), or first permeabilizing the cells and staining with antibodies (middle), or microengraving (right). In the case of surface and intracellular staining, the single cells were stained with anti-PSA 488 antibodies, imaged with microscope and the 488 fluorescence level was quantified by image analysis software, Enumerator. In the case of microengraving, the print with captured PSA was scanned and the fluorescence level quantified with Genepix. We sought to determine whether CTCs in the blood produce serum PSA. Using a signalbackground-ratio of 3 to 12, we could distinguish spiked prostate cells (C4-2 and LNCaP) from other blood cells and HT29 colon tumor cells with 100% specificity (Figure 2-9A). We found that CTCs of prostate cancer patients could secrete PSA (Figure 2-9B), but surprisingly, only a very small subset of them did during microengraving (4 hr). For one patient (ID3), only 2/31 CTCs secreted PSA above the detection level. The low percentage of cells actively secreting in a 37 Chapter 2: Circulating Tumor Cells population of cells at one instance has been reported in both clinical and cell lines, indicating that not all cells are constitutively secreting soluble factors. Furthermore, the number of PSA-secreting events did not correlate with serum PSA levels. The rate of detectable PSA secretion by CTCs was low, ranging from 0.05-0.2 pg/hr/cell (Figure 2-9C), implying that PSA secreted by CTCs is a negligible source of total serum PSA (typically in the ng/ml range). This result also suggests that the numbers of CTCs reflect only a small fraction of the total tumor burden in a patient if serum PSA correlates with tumor volume. 38 Chapter 2: Circulating Tumor Cells A C B Figure 2-9: CTCs secrete PSA. (A) PSA-secreting prostate cancer cells (LNCaP and C4-2), and non-PSA-secreting colon cancer cells (HT29) were spiked into whole blood, loaded onto separate arrays of nanowells and probed for secretion of PSA by microengraving. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of wells containing all the spiked prostate tumor cells were plotted as a cumulative distribution function to determine the range of positive secretion events. Similarly, wells containing HT29 cells or blood cells are used to estimate the range of negative secretion events. In this example, a range of 3 to 12 of SNR can distinguish prostate cancer cells from HT29 cells and blood cells with 100% specificity. (B) Scatter plot of the signal-to-noise ratio of secreted PSA measured by microengraving for 5 39 Chapter 2: Circulating Tumor Cells prostate cancer patients, 6 healthy donors and 2 prostate cancer cell lines. Each dot indicates one measured well. Micrographs of the secreted PSA (green) and control measure (hIgG; red) are shown for a subset of events. Red line indicates threshold used for positive events. (C) The rate of PSA secretion of CTCs was determined by constructing a standard curve using different dilutions of PSA detection antibody (black dots). We assume that one PSA molecule is bound to one PSA detection antibody, thus the signal intensity of PSA detection antibody can give an estimate of the amount of PSA. The four positive CTC secretion events in B) (red triangles) are also superimposed onto the calibration curve. The rates of PSA secretion of 4 events are between 0.05 – 0.2 pg/hr/cell. We tried to detect other soluble factors in addition to PSA. We first screened a panel of 19 factors in five different prostate cancer cell lines (Figure 2-10A). We narrowed down to six factors (PSA, VEGF, CXCL1, CXCL5, CXCL8 and MMP9) because these factors were most abundantly expressed in cancer cell lines or were functionally important. We proceeded to screen these factors in the blood of prostate cancer patients and healthy donors as a control (Figure 2-10C). Surprisingly, we found that CTCs were not a dominant source of angiogenic factors (Figure 2-10C, D). In fact, leukocytes and platelets secreted these factors at a relatively high frequency (Figure 2-10C). 40 Chapter 2: Circulating Tumor Cells A B RBCs WBCs CTCs calcein violet platelets CD41a C GlycoA Lin healthy donor 1 EpCAM healthy donor 2 cancer pt 1 cancer pt 2 D surface staining microengraving CalceinV CD41a GlycoA EpCAM Lin CXCL1 CalceinV CD41a GlycoA EpCAM Lin PSA CXCL5 CXCL8 hIgG VEGF MMP9 hIgG 41 Chapter 2: Circulating Tumor Cells Figure 2-10: CTCs did not secrete detectable level of angiogenic factors. (A) We screened a panel of 19 soluble factors in five prostate cancer cells by microengraving. We chose five of the highest expressing factors (PSA, MMP9, CXCL1, 5, 8) and a functionally important factor (MMP9) for further analysis in primary samples. (B) Because whole blood contained various cell types even after tumor enrichment, we identified each cell type by surface staining (CD41a – platelets, Glycophorin A- erythrocytes, lineage marker – leukocytes, EpCAM – CTCs). Erythrocytes stained negative for Calcein Violet. Platelets alone stained slightly positive for Calcein Violet. Leukocytes and CTC stained positive for Calcein Violets. Some platelets adhered onto leukocytes, accounting for the Calcein Violet high/CD41a+ population. (C) The percentage of secretion in single cells was estimated by globally fitting the microengraving results with the number of each cell type for all the wells. Platelets and leukocytes, not CTCs, secreted angiogenic factors. (D) Shown are examples of two wells containing a single CTC (top) and a single CTC with a leukocyte (bottom) from the blood of a prostate cancer patient. The single CTC did not secrete CXCL1, 5 or 8, but the CTC with the leukocyte secreted PSA and MMP9. Although we could pinpoint which cell secreted which factor, we could deduce that the CTC secreted PSA based on PSA’s tissue specificity and that the leukocyte secreted MMP9 based on the high probability of MMP9 secretion by leukocytes. In addition to direct measurement of secreted factors, we also measured the activity of enzymes secreted into the wells by observing the cleavage of their substrates. We incubated enriched CTCs with a FRET-based polypeptide protease substrates (moderately specific for matrix metalloproteinases and A disintegrin and metalloproteinases) in the nanowells. Only a small proportion of CTCs cleaved the substrates immediately after isolation (Figure 2-11). To mimic the paracrine interactions in the bone microenvironment since prostate cancer cells have a tendency to metastasize to the bone tissue, we cultured the CTCs with conditioned media from MG63 osteosarcoma cells and C4-2 prostate cancer cells. After a week in culture, two of the five surviving CTCs cleaved the peptides to a greater degree than did freshly isolated CTCs, resulting in an increase in the fluorescent signal within the well (Figure 2-11). These results indicate that CTCs can secrete proteolytic enzymes necessary to break down extracellular matrix. Number of CTCs 20 day 1 day 7 EpCAM / FRET peptide 15 10 5 0 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 signal to background ratio Figure 2-11: CTCs secrete proteolytic enzymes. Histogram of proteolytic activity of CTCs was measured by the cleavage of FRET-based polypeptide substrates immediately after isolation (gray) or one week in culture (red). 42 Chapter 2: Circulating Tumor Cells Optical micrograph shows one example of positive signals generated by an EpCAM+ cell (magenta) after 7 days. Each well is 65 µm in width. 2.4.6 Some EpCAM- cell persisted in Matrigel When we cultured the EpCAM+ CTCs, we also observed that some EpCAM- cells remained viable at the end of the seven days. Compared to the EpCAM+ CTCs, the majority of the EpCAM- cells were smaller in size. The EpCAM- cells were also more abundant than the EpCAM+ CTCs but their numbers did not correspond to the disease status of the cancer patients. Therefore, it is likely that a large fraction of the EpCAM- cells were normal cells. We retrieved some of these cells and performed whole-genome amplification, but we did not detect any p53 mutations in the cells that were successfully amplified. 43 Chapter 2: Circulating Tumor Cells A EpCAM+ 100 B 10 EpCAM- 1 0.1 1 10 Day 1 Calcein AM AnnexinV EpCAM 1000 Day7 CD45 TL Calcein AM AnnexinV EpCAM CD45 EpCAM- EpCAM+ TL 100 Figure 2-12: Some EpCAM- cells persisted for one week in Matrigel. (A) EpCAM+ cells (left) rapidly underwent cell death after one week in Matrigel (white bar – starting number of cells, red bar – remaining number of cells after one week). We also observed the persistence of some EpCAM- cells which were defined by Calcein Violet+/Annexin V-/EpCAM-/Lin- staining. (B) Shown are examples of a surviving EpCAM+ cell (first row) and EpCAM- cells (rest of the rows) from a cancer patient. Surviving cells are indicated by yellow arrows. 2.5 2.5.1 Discussion Only a subset of circulating tumor cells exhibit malignant traits indicative of metastatic potential Heterogeneity among CTCs adds complexity to the understanding of cancer metastasis. We demonstrated that CTCs found in mCRPC patients exhibit functional heterogeneity in terms of viability, invasiveness and proteolytic activity, with as few as 2% of the total viable CTCs 44 Chapter 2: Circulating Tumor Cells possessing malignant traits in progressing patients. For example, patient ID3 had 117 viable CTCs at the time of isolation but only 2/117 remained viable on day 7. In a separate experiment, only 2/86 CTCs of the same patient secreted proteolytic enzymes. The rarity of malignant CTCs agrees with two pieces of evidence supporting metastatic inefficiency. First, the low engraftment rate of CTCs in an immunocompromised mouse model, and the requirement for at least 103 CTCs to initiate tumor formation, suggest that metastatic initiating cells (MICs) comprise a rare fraction of total CTCs [8]. Second, the discrepancy between the number of CTCs (0 – 23,618 cells per 7.5 ml of peripheral blood[4]) and the number of metastases (1-13 lesions per patient [3]) implies that the majority of the shed tumor cells are incapable of progressing to overt metastases. Here we have provided two additional pieces of evidence to account for the low frequency of tumorigenic CTCs: 1) significant apoptosis during and after circulation and 2) dormancy of CTCs. By preserving the viability of isolated CTCs, we quantified the distribution of viable and dead cells. The relatively high percentage of apoptotic cells we saw agree with previous studies that detected a significant number of apoptotic CTCs by Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) assay [43] or caspase cleavage at cytokeratin 18 [44, 45]. Because these previous studies used an intracellular marker, however, they could not directly quantify the presence of viable cells. Our data indicated that only 22% of the patients have ≥ 1 viable cells in 1 ml of blood after isolation. The majority of these surviving cells continued to undergo rapid cell death after leaving the circulation, and only a few cells could persist in Matrigel culture for over two weeks. Secondly, we found that these viable CTCs are in a quiescent state. The observation that these CTCs are non-proliferative may seem surprising initially but corroborates an earlier study that fails to detect any Ki-67 staining in the CTCs of 47 breast cancer patients [46]. A separate genetic analysis of CTCs also showed that compared with established cell lines, CTCs had a quiescent phenotype, with a decreased expression of growth factors such as VEGFA, MET, ESR1, EGFR, and HER2 and the cell cycle genes downstream of these growth factors including MYC, ATF3, TERT, RAC1, FOXA1, RRM1, CCNB1, and BIRC5 [47]. It is important to realize that the proliferative potential of CTCs found in patients differs significantly from that of cell lines. Conventional chemotherapy is ineffective in eliminating single dormant cells in the bone marrow of cancer patients [48] because these dormant cells evade drugs that target proliferating 45 Chapter 2: Circulating Tumor Cells cells. These dormant cells may have the potential to restart their proliferative program after a number of years as minimal residual disease [49]. Accordingly, the presence of dormant disseminated tumor cells correlates with a worse prognosis and a higher rate of relapse [50-52]. We demonstrated that clusters of CTCs could exhibit invasive phenotypic behaviors while retaining their expression of EpCAM, an epithelial marker. This collective cell invasion, in which multicellular units invade while maintaining their cell-cell junction molecules, was thought to be the predominate form of invasion in highly differentiated tumors such as epithelial prostate cancer [53, 54]. While experimental evidence has demonstrated the importance of epithelial-mesenchymal transition for cell invasion to occur, and has thus raised the question whether CTCs expressing EpCAM, an epithelial marker, can be invasive. This result suggests that the loss of epithelial markers is not a requirement for invasion to occur. Furthermore, consistent with our observation that the invasive CTCs were quiescent, an earlier study identified primary tumor cells in the invasive margin of ductal carcinoma to be invasive yet dormant. These cells were enriched for pro-migratory and anti-proliferative genes relative to intratumoral cells [55]. An in vitro model using tumor cell lines encapsulated in 3D collagen matrices also demonstrated that tumor cells could be highly invasive and dormant, but knockdown of p27 could reverse this dormancy [55]. We detected the secretion of PSA in 60% patients, which is lower than the reported 83.3% using ELISPOT [50]. The differences might be due to our higher limit of detection to ensure specificity. But we showed that the number of PSA-secreting cells is very low, and CTCs are not a significant source of PSA. It is possible that other sources of tumor cells, for example, disseminated tumor cells in bone marrow, or other undetectable micrometastases also constitute a significant reservoir of mobilized tumor cells. Interrogating the functional behavior of individual CTCs allowed us to demonstrate that CTCs from the same patient differ significantly in their viability, invasiveness and secretory profiles. We identified a rare subset among isolated CTCs with phenotypes consistent with more efficient metastasis in mCRPC patients. Cells in this subset can resist apoptosis and remain dormant for the duration of our experiments. These dormant cells are, however, invasive, and they can secrete proteolytic enzymes. Therapy to target this quiescent but potentially dangerous subset of cells may be necessary to eliminate minimal residual disease. A larger cohort of 46 Chapter 2: Circulating Tumor Cells patients and emergence of new CTC markers in the future can potentially bring insight into how functional behavior of CTCs affects patient outcome. 2.5.2 Nanowells allow functional characterization of circulating tumor cells The spatially-addressable array of nanowells offers three advantages: (1) the registration of each cell allows the spatiotemporal tracking of individual cells; (2) the compartmentalization of single cells allows clonal comparison and mapping of tumor heterogeneity; and (3) direct onchip assays measure native cell behaviors. This approach can be applied to screen other rare cells such as cancer stem cells, and elucidate the organization of the rare cells amongst the network of numerous other cell types. 47 Chapter 3: Intraoperatively Dislodged Tumor Cells 3 Chapter 3: Identification of Intraoperatively Dislodged Tumor Cells during Surgical Resection of Lung Tumor 3.1 Abstract Intraoperative tumor shedding is thought to be a potential cause of tumor dissemination. Earlier studies defined tumor cells primarily by cytomorphological examination and/or epithelial marker staining, and thus could not clearly distinguish normal epithelial cells from tumor cells. It remains to be determined whether tumor cells are mobilized during surgery. In this study, we used arrays of subnanoliter wells to analyze blood samples withdrawn from the tumor-draining pulmonary vein at the end of pulmonary lobectomy procedures. Malignancy was determined by comparing the genotype of shed EpCAM+ cells to matched tumor cells and normal adjacent tissue. Genotyping was performed using three genetic approaches: 1) copy number variation of pooled epithelial cells (10-20 cells), 2) targeted sequencing against a panel of frequently mutated genes in lung cancer and 3) nested PCRs of single cells. We found that a majority of the EpCAM+ cells shed were normal epithelial cells, implying that enumerating tumor cells by EpCAM staining alone may lead to an overestimate of the amount of tumor cells shed intraoperatively. The number of tumor cells detected varied depending on the type of surgeries performed. VATS (no wedge) has the highest number of tumor cells due to post-surgery tissue compression and VATS (wedge) has the lowest number due to the removal of tumor tissue prior to the ligation of pulmonary vein. Thoracotomy procedures gave the most realistic estimate of the number of tumor cells shed intraoperatively. Tumor cells were present in a subset of patients who have undergone thoracotomy procedure. 3.2 3.2.1 Introduction Putative tumor cells were shed during surgical manipulation of tumors Surgical resection of the primary tumor is the first line of treatment in early stage non- small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), but 30% of the patients relapse and succumb to distant metastases [56]. Intraoperative tumor shedding can potentially contribute to tumor recurrence [9]. A number of studies have reported incidences of tumor seeding during surgery [9, 57], or local recurrences as a result of surgery [58, 59]. In particular, the study by Yamanaka et al. took sampling of blood through a catheter inserted into the mesenteric vein, and found clusters of 48 Chapter 3: Intraoperatively Dislodged Tumor Cells tumor cells released into the blood stream in patients with portal invasions [57]. In addition, notouch isolation technique, in which ligation of venous egress preceded the isolation of malignant tissue, was developed to reduce intraoperative tumor shedding and shown to improve overall survival by 15% in colon cancer [60, 61]. Therefore, it is of interest to quantify how much tumor cells are dislodged during the physical manipulation of the tumor tissue. 3.2.2 Earlier studies did not distinguish normal epithelial cells from malignant cells These earlier studies identified shed tumor cells primarily by cytomorphological examination, immunohistochemical staining or indirect detection of epithelial cell markers such as cytokeratin and EpCAM using RT-PCR [9, 62-64]. Using cytokeratin staining, it was previously estimated that the number of tumor cells shed during surgery ranged from 10 to 7 x 106 [9]. Another study reported a high number of tumor cells found in the pulmonary vein (mean 1195, median 81) compared to the peripheral blood (mean 1, median 0 per 7.5 ml of blood) [63]. However, it remains to be determined whether the count of tumor cells is contaminated by normal epithelial cells since none of the epithelial markers used is tumor-specific. The lack of single cell isolation techniques when performing genetic analysis such as RT-PCR also limits the sensitivity of detection to about ten cells [64, 65]. This sensitivity may be suboptimal when the amount of tumor cells shed is extremely rare. 3.2.3 Isolation and retrieval of intraoperatively shed cells using nanowells We made use of recent advances in single cell isolation techniques and genomic analysis [20] to interrogate single epithelial cells shed intraoperatively. We obtained whole blood from ligated tumor-draining pulmonary vein that was removed during pulmonary lobectomy procedures. We isolated individual epithelial cells using arrays of subnanoliter wells previously developed [41]. The array comprises 84,762 cubic wells of 65 um each. Because the shed cells are rare, loading of cells biased the occupancy of the wells to single epithelial cells. We then used a robotic micromanipulator to retrieve the single cells for targeted or whole genome sequencing. By sequencing the matched tumor and adjacent normal tissue, we can pinpoint whether the shed cells are tumor in origin. 49 Chapter 3: Intraoperatively Dislodged Tumor Cells 3.3 3.3.1 Materials and methods Patients and sample collection Patients were recruited according to Institutional Review Board-approved protocol at the Lahey Hospital and Medical Center and Use of Humans as Experimental Subjects approved study at MIT. Patients identified had biopsy proven lung cancer, or had lung tumors suspicious for lung cancer by CT scan characteristics and/or PET scan findings. Lung cancer patients underwent thoracotomy or video-assisted thoracoscopy. Blood were withdrawn from the patients, 8 ml each, from their arterial line (referred to as peripheral blood) at the start of surgery and placed in an EDTA tube. If a lobectomy, segmentectomy, or extended wedge resection was performed for the treatment of the patient’s malignancy, then 8 ml of blood was obtained from the draining pulmonary vein (referred to as pulmonary vein blood) once the ligature/stapler has been placed around the pulmonary vein and was controlled. After the blood was drawn from the pulmonary vein the vessel was ligated/stapled and divided. Once the lobe had been removed from the patient, the few remaining blood (2 – 8 ml) in the pulmonary vein specimen (referred to as specimen blood) was placed in a separate EDTA tube. If the tumor was at least 1.5 cm in size then a 5 mm x 5 mm x 5 mm segment of tumor was removed and placed in saline and on ice. A 2 cm x 2 cm x 1 cm segment of the adjacent normal tissue was removed 4-5 cm outside the tumor margin. The tissue specimens were transported to MIT within 2 hr. Table 3-1 shows the patient information. 50 Chapter 3: Intraoperatively Dislodged Tumor Cells ID CW1 CW4 CW5 CW6 CW7 CW10 CW11 CW12 CW13 CW14 CW20 CW21 CW22 CW23 CW24 CW25 CW26 CW27 Procedure VATS (wedge) VATS(no wedge) VATS(no wedge) VATS(no wedge) VATS (wedge) VATS(no wedge) VATS (wedge) thoracotomy VATS (wedge) VATS (wedge) VATS (wedge) thoracotomy thoracotomy VATS(no wedge) thoracotomy thoracotomy thoracotomy VATS(no wedge) Sex M M M F F M M F F F F F F M F F M M Age 68 73 65 78 72 53 69 69 66 53 46 61 72 75 76 66 69 66 Smoker 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cl Stage IA (T1aN0M0 IIA(T1aN1M0) IB(T2aN0M0) IA(T1aNoM0) IB(T2aN0M0) IB(T2aN0M0) IB(T2aN0M0) IIA(T1bN0M0) IA(T1aN0M0) IA(T1aN0M0) IA(T1aN0M0) IIB(T3N0M0) IIB(T3N0M0) IB(T2aN0M0) IA(T1aN0M0) IA(T1bN0M0) IA(T1aN0M0) IA(T1bN0M0) Path Stage IA (T1aN0M0) IIA(T2aN1M0) IIA(T2aN1M0) IA (T1aN0M0) IB(T2aN0M0) IB(T2aN0M0) IA(T1bN0M0) IIB(T3N0M0) IA(T1aN0M0) IB(T2aN0M0) IA(T1aN0M0) IIB(T3N0M0) IIB(T3N0M0) IIIA(T2aN2M0) IB(T2aN0M0) IA (T1bN0M0) IA(T1aN0M0) IA (T1aN0M0) Path Adeno Adeno Squam Adeno Adeno Adeno Adeno Adeno Adeno Adeno Adeno Squam Squam Adeno Adeno Adeno Adeno Adeno Grade 1 3 2 2 2 3 2 1 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 # positive nodes 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 CW28 thoracotomy M 70 1 IIA(T2bN0M0) IIA(T2bN0M0) Squam 3 0 CW29 CW30 thoracotomy VATS (wedge) F M 65 57 1 1 IIIA(T1aN2M0) IA(T1aN0M0) IA(T1aN0M0) IA(T1aN0M0) Adeno Adeno 2 3 0 0 CW41 CW42 CW43 CW44 CW45 VATS (wedge) VATS(no wedge) VATS (wedge) VATS(no wedge) VATS(no wedge) M M F F M 56 58 67 79 68 1 1 1 1 1 IA(T1aN0M0) IA(T1bN0M0) IA(T1bN0M0) IIA(T1aN1M0) IA(T1aN0M0) IA (T1aN0M0) IA(T1bN0M0) IA(T1aN0M0) IIIA(T1aN2M0) IA(T1bN0M0) Adeno Adeno Adeno Adeno Squam 2 1 3 2 3 0 0 0 5 0 CW46 CW47 VATS(no wedge) VATS (wedge) M F 62 65 1 1 IA(T1aN0M0) IA(T1aN0M0) IIB(T2bN1M0) IB(T2aN0M0) Adeno Adeno 3 3 6 0 CW48 CW49 CW50 VATS(no wedge) VATS(no wedge) thoracotomy M F F 86 76 59 1 1 1 IIA(T1aN1M0) IA (T1bN0M0) IIB(T3N0M0) IIA(T2aN1M0) IA(T1bN0M0) IIIA(T3N1M0) 3 3 3 2 0 2 CW51 CW53 CW54 thoracotomy VATS(no wedge) VATS(no wedge) F M F 64 79 55 1 1 1 IIA(T1bN1M0) IA(T1bN0M0) IA(T1aN0M0) IIIA(T1bN2M0) IA(T1bN0M0) IA(T1aN0M0) Adeno Squam Adeno 15% Squam, 70% large neuro, 10% small Squam Adeno 4 2 2 8 0 0 51 LgV Inv LySm V Inv VPL Inv 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4.5 2.8 7 lobe remove d LUL RML LLL LLL LUL LLL LUL RLL LUL wedge RUL RUL RUL RLL RUL LUL RUL RUL left pneum RLLR ML RUL LUL Tri RUL RUL RUL LLL RMLR LL RUL RMLR LL RLL RLL 3 3 1.1 RMLR LL RUL RLL tumor size 1.2 2.5 3 1.3 4 3.7 3 4 1 1 1 5 3.5 3.4 2.7 2.5 2 2 6 0.9 2 1 1.5 3.5 2 1.5 2.3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1.5 # EpCAM+ cell 161 277 272 20 149 9 632 17 423 9406 1219 10 26 190 78 22 22 8 12 9 104 232 24 1015 99 41 509 53 131 21 17 31 140 469 Chapter 3: Intraoperatively Dislodged Tumor Cells CW55 CW56 VATS(no wedge) thoracotomy F M 86 62 1 1 IIB(T3N0M0) IB(T2aN0M0) IB(T2aN0M0) IB(T2aN0M0) Adeno Squam 2 2 9 0 CW57 CW58 VATS(no wedge) thoracotomy F F 59 45 1 0 IA(T1aN0M0) IIIA(T1aN2M0) IIB(T3N0M0) IIIA(T1aN2M0) Adeno Adeno 2 4 0 10 CW59 CW60 CW61 CW62 thoracotomy VATS (wedge) VATS (wedge) thoracotomy F F F F 69 63 57 63 1 0 1 1 IIB(T3N0M0) IA(T1bN0M0) IA(T1aN0M0) IA(T1bN0M0) IIB(T3N0M0) IA(T1aN0M0) IA(T1aN0M0) IA(T1bN0M0) Adeno Adeno Adeno Adeno 1 1 2 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 4 4 1.8&7 mm 1.5 9 1.5 1.2 3 LUL RLL 433 30 RUL RML RULR ML RLL RUL RLL 0 120 14 47 92 2920 Table 3-1: Patient characteristics: Cl- clinical; Path – pathology; LgV InV – large vein invasion; LySmV Inv – lymphatics and small vein invasion; VPL Inv – visceral pleural invasion 52 Chapter 3: Intraoperatively Dislodged Tumor Cells 3.3.2 Enrichment of epithelial cells from blood samples For each of blood sample, 5 ml of was enriched for epithelial cells using RosetteSep CD45 depletion kits (StemCell Technologies). Subsequently, 250 µl antibody cocktail was incubated with 5 ml of whole blood for 20 min at room temperature. The blood was then diluted with PBS in 1:1 ratio and layered onto Ficoll-Paque Plus (GE healthcare) in a SepMate tube (StemCell Technologies) and centrifuged at 800x g for 10 min. The upper layer containing the serum and buffy coat was transferred to a new tube and washed twice. Further red blood lysis was sometimes necessary to remove residual red blood cells. 3.3.3 Staining and microscopy Following CD45 depletion, the residual cells from whole blood were stained with EpCAM, a cocktail of lineage markers for leukocytes including CD3, CD16, CD20, CD38 and CD45 in a dilution of 1:20 (refer to the list of antibodies used) and 1 µM Calcein AM violet (Molecular Probes) at room temperature for 1 hr. For viability assay, the cells were rinsed with PBS and stained with and Annexin V FITC (BD Pharmingen) in Annexin V binding buffer (BD Pharmingen) for 10 min at room temperature. 3.3.4 Single cell retrieval Enumerator generates a list of well positions containing the epithelial cells of interest. A robot micromanipulator (CellCelector, AVISO GmbH) calibrates the position of each well of the array and drives to the specified wells to retrieve the cells. The robot aspirates 1 µl of PBS directly above each well and deposits the cells into a 96-well plate for downstream assays. Borosilicate capillary tubings (internal diameter 0.86 mm, outside diameter 1.5 mm, length 10 cm, Sutter Instrument) were purchased and shaped with a micropipette puller (Sutter Instrument P-97). The tip was manually scored with a ceramic tile (Sutter Instrument) to achieve an internal diameter of 50 to 60 µm. 53 Chapter 3: Intraoperatively Dislodged Tumor Cells 3.3.5 Tumor disaggregation and flow sorting Tumor and adjacent normal tissues were cross diced with a pair of scalpels, and resuspended in 2 ml of digest media consisting of 1 mg/ml collagenase A (Roche) and 1 mg/ml dispase (Stemcell Technologies). The diced tissue was incubated on a shaking platform at 37 °C for 1 hr. The digested tissue was then rinsed twice in PBS and stained with the same antibodies as the blood samples and flow sorted into a 96 well plate by FACSAria III (BD Biosciences). The sorted cells were frozen until further genomic analysis. 3.3.6 Mutation analysis of single cells using nested PCR Single cells from blood samples were deposited into 0.8% triton X-100 in 9 µl Ultrapure water (Invitrogen) and 1 µl Proteinase K (600 mAU/ml, Qiagen) by the robot manipulator as described in the cell retrieval section. Cell lysis was achieved by one freeze-thaw cycle and 1 hr Proteinase K digestion at 55 °C. Two rounds of nested PCRs were performed to amplify the exons of interest with multiplex PCR kit (Qiagen). The first round of PCR amplification was performed for 25 cycles (each cycle consists of denaturation 95 °C 30 s, annealing 60 °C 4 min, extension 72 °C 90 s). The second round of PCR amplification was performed for 35 cycles (each cycle consists of denaturation 95 °C 30 s, annealing 60 °C 3 min, extension 72 °C 90 s). Refer to Table 3-2 for primers used for p53 and kras sequencing. Gene Exon PCR Direction Sequence (5'-3') TP53 4 outer forward CTGAGGACCTGGTCCTCTGACT TP53 4 outer reverse GGCCAGGCATTGAAGTCTCAT TP53 4 inner forward ACCTGGTCCTCTGACTGCTCTT TP53 4 inner reverse AAGCCAGCCCCTCAGGGCAA TP53 4 sequencing forward CCTGGTCCTCTGACTGCTCTTTTCACCCA TP53 5 outer forward GCTCGCTAGTGGGTTGCAGGAGGTGC TP53 5 outer reverse TGTCGTCTCTCCAGCCCC TP53 5 inner forward TGCTGCCGTGTTCCAGTTGCT TP53 5 inner reverse TGTCGTCTCTCCAGCCCC TP53 5 sequencing forward CAACTCTGTCTCCTTCCT TP53 6 outer forward GGCTGGTTGCCCAGGGTCC TP53 6 outer reverse GGTCAAATAAGCAGCAGGAGAAAGCCCCC TP53 6 inner forward GGCTGGTTGCCCAGGGTCC TP53 6 inner reverse CTTAACCCCTCCTCCCAGAG 54 Chapter 3: Intraoperatively Dislodged Tumor Cells TP53 6 sequencing forward GGTCCCCAGGCCTCTGATTCC TP53 7 outer forward GCCACAGGTCTCCCCAAGGCG TP53 7 outer reverse AGCGGCAAGCAGAGGCTGGG TP53 7 inner forward CGCACTGGCCTCATCTTGGGC TP53 7 inner reverse AGTGTGCAGGGTGGCAAGTG TP53 7 sequencing forward CCTCATCTTGGGCCTGTGTT TP53 8 outer forward GGCTCCAGAAAGGACAAGGGTGG TP53 8 outer reverse ATAACTGCACCCTTGGTCTC TP53 8 inner forward TGGGAGTAGATGGAGCCTGGT TP53 8 inner reverse CCCTTGGTCTCCTCCACCGCT TP53 8 sequencing forward CCTTACTGCCTCTTGCTTCT KRAS 2 outer forward CGTCTGCAGTCAACTGGAAT KRAS 2 outer reverse TCATGAAAATGGTCAGAGAAACC KRAS 2 inner forward GGTGGAGTATTTGATAGTGTATTAACC KRAS 2 inner reverse GGTCCTGCACCAGTAATATGC KRAS 2 sequencing forward TTAACCTTATGTGTGACATGTTCTAA EGFR 18 outer forward GCGTACATTTGTCCTTCCAAATGAGCTGG EGFR 18 outer reverse AGATGATGGAAATATACAGCTTGCAAGGAC EGFR 18 inner forward CCGTGTCCTGGCACCCAAGC EGFR 18 inner reverse TCTGGGCTCCCCACCAGACC EGFR 18 sequencing forward TGGTGAGGGCTGAGGTGACCC EGFR 19 outer forward GCTCCACAGCCCCAGTGTCC EGFR 19 outer reverse CAGCATGGGAGAGGCCAGTGC EGFR 19 inner forward CCTTCGGGGTGCATCGCTGG EGFR 19 inner reverse GCCATGGACCCCCACACAGC EGFR 19 sequencing forward GGGCAGCATGTGGCACCATCTC EGFR 20 outer forward ACAGCCCTGCGTAAACGTCCC EGFR 20 outer reverse GCTGCATGCACGCACACAC EGFR 20 inner forward TGGCCACCATGCGAAGCCAC EGFR 20 inner reverse GGAGCGCAGACCGCATGTGAG EGFR 20 sequencing forward GCCACACTGACGTGCCTCTCC EGFR 21 outer forward AGTCACTAACGTTCGCCAGCC EGFR 21 outer reverse CAGCTGCTGCGAGCTCACCC EGFR 21 inner forward TCCTCGACGTGGAGAGGCTCAG EGFR 21 inner reverse GCAGCCTGGTCCCTGGTGTC EGFR 21 sequencing forward ACCCTGAATTCGGATGCAGAGCTTC Table 3-2: List of primers used for nested PCR of single cells to detect mutations in TP53, KRAS and EGFR 3.3.7 Whole genome amplification Whole genome amplification (WGA) was performed using the REPLI-g single cell kit (Qiagen). 10 – 20 single cells from blood samples were deposited into a single well containing 8 55 Chapter 3: Intraoperatively Dislodged Tumor Cells µl Ultrapure water, 0.3 µl DLB buffer (reconstituted in 55 µl water) and 0.1 µl 1M DTT buffer by the robot manipulator. The volume of aspiration was reduced to 0.2 µl per cell. The cells were lysed at 65 °C for 10 min. 3 µl Stop solution was added to quench cell lysis, followed by 29 µl Reaction Buffer and 2 µl DNA polymerase. Isothermal amplification was carried out at 30 °C for 8 hr. 3.3.8 Copy number variation analysis WGA products were quantified by PicoGreen (Invitrogen), adjusted to 2.5 ng/ul for library preparation using the Nextera DNA Sample Prep Kit (Illumina), and barcoded with the Nextera Index Kit (Illumina). Sequencing of barcoded pools was performed with paired-end 150 reads using the Illumina MiSeq. 3.3.9 Targeted sequencing Amplicon enrichment was performed using the Lung Cancer Panel within the GeneRead DNAseq Targeted Exon Enrichment Panels for NGS (Qiagen). Library preparation was done with the NEBNext DNA Library Prep Master Mix Set for Illumina (NEB) and barcoded with the NEBNext Multiplex Oligos for Illumina (NEB). Sequencing of barcoded pools was performed with paired-end 150 reads using the Illumina MiSeq and data were analyzed using a combination of the Cloud-Based DNAseq Sequence Variant Analysis (Qiagen) and custom scripts. 3.4 3.4.1 Results Surgery released EpCAM+ cells into the tumor-draining pulmonary vein. The patients in our study underwent one of the three surgical procedures (Figure 3-1A). In the video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) (no wedge) procedure, a lobe of lung (approximately 20 cm) was removed through a 4-5 cm incision in the chest wall. In the VATS (wedge) procedure, a diagnostic wedge containing the tumor was removed at the start of the surgery. In a thoracotomy procedure, the tumor containing lobe was removed through a larger incision of approximately 20 cm in the chest wall with minimal tissue compression. In order to investigate whether tumor cells were shed intraoperatively, we removed blood (1-10 ml) from the ligated tumor-draining pulmonary vein once the lobe was outside the patient’s 56 Chapter 3: Intraoperatively Dislodged Tumor Cells body. Therefore, the cells we measured were shed from the time when the pulmonary vein was ligated to the time when the lobe was removed. Because EpCAM+ cells were rare in the specimen blood, we developed a platform to enumerate and retrieve single cells. The 65 µm cubic nanowells partitioned the cells into units of single cells or preformed clusters, and the robotic micromanipulator could accurately retrieve only the cell(s) of interest but not the neighboring cells (Figure 3-1B). On the other hand, epithelial cells were abundant in normal and tumor tissue, so we used flow cytometry to isolate them. The Calcein AM+/Annexin V-/EpCAM+ /Lin- staining allowed us to isolate viable epithelial cells. We observed a significant number of EpCAM+ cells in the pulmonary vein (Figure 3-1C), with the lowest in thoracotomy (mean 165, median 22, range 3 to 2920), followed by VATS (no wedge) (mean 221, median 197, range 0 to 509) and the highest in VATS (wedge) (mean 1128, median 115, range 47 to 9406). The high number of EpCAM+ cells in VATS (wedge) was surprising initially because the tumor tissue was already removed prior to the ligation of pulmonary vein in this procedure and tumor cells should not be detected in the pulmonary vein. This implied that many normal EpCAM+ cells were released as a result of tissue compression of the lobe as it was squeezed through a narrow incision during a VATS procedure. Therefore we needed to distinguish between normal and malignant epithelial cells using methods other than EpCAM staining in order to accurately quantify the tumor cells shed. In addition, since thoracotomy does not involve tissue compression through a narrow incision, it might most accurately reflect the degree of tumor cell mobilization during surgery. 57 Chapter 3: Intraoperatively Dislodged Tumor Cells Figure 3-1: Isolation of intraoperatively shed tumor cells from three types of procedures. A) NSCLC patients recruited in this study underwent either VATS or thoracotomy. VATS is a laparoscopic procedure whereas thoracotomy involves opening of the chest wall. Within the VATS procedure, patients either have the entire lobe removed with the tumor in place or first have the tumor removed through a diagnostic wedge. B) EpCAM+ cells from tumor and normal tissue were isolated by flow cytometry whereas EpCAM+ cells from the tumor draining pulmonary vein were isolated by nanowells. C) The number of EpCAM+ cells found in pulmonary vein was enumerated using nanowells. ** p-value < 0.001 3.4.2 Copy number variation analysis revealed tumor signature in pulmonary vein blood after surgery. Copy number variation allowed us to quickly survey the genomic landscape of intraoperatively shed tumor cells, without a priori knowledge of specific mutations. We compared a low-pass copy number variation analysis between normal tissue, tumor and specimen blood (10-20 pooled cells). The profile of EpCAM+ cells in the blood of VATS (no wedge) procedures generally resembled the profile of the tumor tissue in the two patients shown, suggesting a high tumor content in the pooled epithelial cells (Figure 3-2A). On the other hand, the profile of VATS (wedge) blood specimens was relatively uniform (Figure 3-2B), implying that no or few tumor cells were released into the pulmonary vein since the tumor tissue was already removed from the 58 Chapter 3: Intraoperatively Dislodged Tumor Cells lobe. Interestingly, the profiles of thoracotomy blood specimens were mixed (Figure 3-2C). Two patients (CW56 and CW59) had a flat profile whereas two other patients (CW51 and CW62) had gains and losses of chromosomes. The profile of CW51 blood specimen resembled that of the matched tumor, but the degree of gains and losses was attenuated, suggesting that only a small fraction of the EpCAM+ cells in the blood was malignant, and was being diluted by the presence of normal cells. On the other hand, the degree of chromosomal aberrations of blood was greater than that of the tumor tissue in patient CW62, implying that the blood specimen has an enriched tumor content even more than the matched tumor. 59 Chapter 3: Intraoperatively Dislodged Tumor Cells Figure 3-2: Copy number variation analysis. EpCAM+ cells from normal tissue, tumor and pulmonary vein were whole-genome amplified and subjected to next generation sequencing. The copy number variation analysis was performed with HMMCopy, a software that segments chromosomes using a Hidden Markov Model. Chromosomal gains are colored in red; losses are colored in green; neutral copies are colored in blue. Patients underwent either VATS (no wedge) in A), or VATS (wedge) in B) or thoracotomy in C). 60 Chapter 3: Intraoperatively Dislodged Tumor Cells 3.4.3 Targeted sequencing confirmed consistent mutations between primary tumor and pulmonary vein blood after surgery. The low purity of tumor cells in a pooled sample can attenuate the copy number changes, making the analysis difficult to interpret. A low number of tumor cells could be present in thoracotomy specimens and even VATS (wedge) specimens in case of residual tumor tissue. The sensitivity of copy number variation analysis cannot resolve a low tumor content in a pooled sample especially when the primary tumor has low copy number gains or losses. Therefore, we performed targeted sequencing against a panel of 20 frequently mutated genes in NSCLCs. Instead of sequencing across the entire genome at a low coverage as in the case of the copy number variation analysis, targeted sequencing focuses only on 20 genes but yields a deep coverage (50x to 5000x) for each gene. The deep coverage at common somatic mutations increases the sensitivity of detection and can estimate the frequency of tumor cells in a pooled population. In the VATS (no wedge) samples we screened, we detected a high fraction of alternate alleles (30%) in the blood specimens (Table 3-3), corroborating the earlier copy number variation analysis (Figure 3-2A). The mutations detected in the blood matched that of the tumor, with a nonsense mutation of TP53 (CW46) and activating mutation as KRAS codon 12 (CW48 and CW54). In the VATS (wedge) samples (Table 3-3), no somatic mutation was detected in the blood specimens even though they were present in the primary tumor, implying that wedge removed most if not all of the tumor tissue. The thoracotomy specimens gave mixed results (Table 3-3) but were consistent with the copy number variation analysis. CW56 had no detectable mutations in the blood specimens whereas CW51 and CW59 has approximately 10% of the reads matching the TP53 mutation and STK11 mutation found in the primary tumor respectively. The blood specimen of CW62 had a high proportion of the reads (81%) harboring an activating EGFR mutation at codon 719, matching that of the primary tumor. Interestingly, the fraction of reads mapped to the EGFR mutation is rather low in in the primary tumor (17%), and could be due to impurity from normal epithelial cells in the tumor microenvironment. 61 Chapter 3: Intraoperatively Dislodged Tumor Cells Patient ID Procedure CW46 VATS (no wedge) CW48 Mutations Tumor Normal Specimen Blood Alt Ref Alt Ref Alt Ref TP53, W91* 250 27 4 810 104 244 VATS (no wedge) KRAS, G12D 298 804 0 860 495 1382 CW54 VATS (no wedge) KRAS, G12C 183 285 60 1426 2 115 CW47 VATS (wedge) KRAS, G12C 296 7 0 524 0 34 CW61 VATS (wedge) KRAS, G13C 303 9 3 483 0 67 CW51 Thoracotomy TP53, R248Q 2337 129 8 5078 721 4370 CW56 Thoracotomy TP53, K120E 42 168 1 431 2 1435 CW59 Thoracotomy STK11,Y60* 2366 5 0 52 1 9 CW62 Thoracotomy EGFR, G719A 195 936 0 1648 182 44 Table 3-3: Targeted sequencing. The whole-genome-amplification products of tumor, normal tissue or shed epithelial cells found in the blood as described in Figure 3-2 were also used in targeted sequencing of 20 commonly mutated genes in NSCLC. The table indicates the number of reads mapped to the reference alleles (indicating the presence of normal cells) or alternate alleles (indicating the presence of tumor cells). Shown are three patients who have undergone VATS (no wedge), two patients who have undergone VATS (wedge) and four patients who have undergone thoracotomy. 3.4.4 Mutation analysis of single cells identified tumor cells released into the pulmonary vein during thoracotomy. While both copy number variation analysis and targeted sequencing gave convincing and consistent evidence to the presence of shed tumor cells, these two methods of analysis were conducted in a pooled sample of 10-15 cells (mainly due to cost limitations). We developed a third method of detecting somatic mutations that is applicable to single cells. Multiplex nested PCR followed by Sanger sequencing is cost effective and sensitive down to single cells. We designed multiplex primers against TP53 exons 4-8, KRAS exon 2 and EGFR exons 18-21 as these were the most common mutations in NSCLC. For each patient, we first confirmed the mutations present in the bulk tumors, then screened the same mutation in single cells of the blood specimens. The results of the nested PCR were highly consistent with targeted sequencing, even though the two methods were conducted independently. The former amplifies by PCR whereas the latter utilizes multiple displacement amplification of the whole genome using 62 29 Chapter 3: Intraoperatively Dislodged Tumor Cells polymerase under isothermal condition. Both methods detected the same mutations in the bulk tumor cells, with comparable frequencies of alternate alleles (Figure 3-3, Table 3-2). Sanger sequencing is less sensitive at detecting low abundance mutations. The EGFR mutation of CW62 would not have been easily detected by Sanger sequencing without the results from targeted sequencing as this mutation has a low penetrance in the bulk tumor (Figure 3-3). Nevertheless, the sensitivity of Sanger sequencing is sufficient for single cells. We detected single and clusters of tumor cells in VATS (no wedge) procedures (Figure 3-3). Morphologically, the tumor cells were larger and more irregularly shaped. No tumor cells were detected in the VATS (wedge) procedures, consistent with the copy number variation analysis and targeted sequencing results. In the thoracotomy samples, we did not detect single tumor cells in CW56, CW59 and CW50. However, we detected single tumor cells harboring the activating EGFR G719A mutation in CW62 as observed in the matched tumor. Morphologically, the tumor cells were indistinguishable from normal cells, further supporting the inadequacy of cytomorphological means to quantify the number of tumor cells. 63 Chapter 3: Intraoperatively Dislodged Tumor Cells A CW48 kras G>A, G12D CW46 p53 G>A, W91* TL TL Calcein EpCAM Calcein EpCAM Lin Lin F28S B CW61 kras G>T, G13C CW47 kras G>T, G12C TL Calcein EpCAM Lin TL C 64 Calcein EpCAM Lin Chapter 3: Intraoperatively Dislodged Tumor Cells C CW51 p53 G>A, R248Q CW50 p53 G>T, G244S TL Calcein EpCAM Lin CW56 p53 A>G, K120E TL Calcein EpCAM TL Calcein EpCAM Lin CW62 EGFR G>C, G719A Lin TL 65 Calcein EpCAM Lin Chapter 3: Intraoperatively Dislodged Tumor Cells Figure 3-3: Nested PCR of single cells or single preformed clusters. Shown are 8 patients whose bulk tumor, normal tissue and individual epithelial cells were subjected to two rounds of PCR amplification reactions against specific somatic driver mutations in TP53, KRAS and EGFR. Shown are patients who have undergone VATS (no wedge) in A), patients who have undergone VATS (wedge) in B) and patients who have undergone thoracotomy in C). The sequences of the normal and tumor tissue are indicated next to the patient ID with the tumor tissue boxed in red. The bright field and fluorescence images of single shed tumor cells are shown next to the sequences of codons mutated in the bulk tumor. Mutations matching those of bulk tumor are boxed in red. For patient CW48, one cell (the fifth cell down the column) did not habor the G12D mutation as in the primary tumor but had a F28S mutation in KRAS. 3.5 3.5.1 Discussion Surgical manipulation releases both normal and malignant epithelial cells. We have shown that pulmonary lobectomy mobilizes viable tumor cells into the pulmonary vein. EpCAM+ cells found in the blood harbored the same driver mutations as the primary tumor, as confirmed by single-cell targeted sequencing. Along with the tumor cells, we also detected normal epithelial cells mobilized during the surgery; these cells stained positive for EpCAM but did not contain the same mutation as the primary tumor and have a uniform copy number profile. This implies that enumerating the number of epithelial cells by cytomorphological means alone can lead to an overestimation of the amount of tumor cells shed intraoperatively. The presence of mobilized tumor cells raises the question what is the best surgical practice for minimizing local recurrence and tumor dissemination. For instance, should the tumor be wedged out earlier or does the order of pulmonary vein ligation affect patient outcome? A recent study compared the sequence of pulmonary vessel ligation in thoracotomy patients and its impact on tumor cell shedding using CD44v6 and CK19 as the tumor marker, but the results showed no appreciable differences in patients whether their pulmonary vein was ligated before or after the ligation of the pulmonary artery [66]. It is possible that our genetic approaches may give a different count of tumor cells and reveal a difference in the degree of tumor cell shedding depending on the sequence of pulmonary vessel ligation. In our limited sample size, only one out of the five thoracotomy samples (patient CW62) had a significant number of tumor cells (~1000 tumor cells) mobilized into the pulmonary vein. Other thoracotomy patients either have no detectable tumor cells (CW50, 56) or a very low number of tumor cells based on the results of targeted sequencing (CW51, 59). In addition to measuring the number of tumor cells, it remains to be determined whether the mobilized tumor cells are capable of forming metastases. A more extensive, longitudinal study is necessary to establish whether intraoperative tumor shedding affects patient outcome. 66 Chapter 3: Intraoperatively Dislodged Tumor Cells In this study, we confirmed the presence of intraoperative tumor shedding by identifying consistent mutations between EpCAM+ cells found in the pulmonary vein blood and patient matched tumor. While it still remains to be determined whether the shed tumor cells are tumorigenic, surgeons should take care to minimize tumor manipulation cell mobilization during surgery. 67 Chapter 4: Analysis of Surface Markers in Malignant Pleural Effusions 4 Chapter 4: Analysis of Surface Markers in Malignant Pleural Effusions 4.1 Abstract Many targets have been identified in solid tumors for antibody therapy but it is less clear what surface antigens may be most commonly expressed on disseminated tumor cells. Using malignant pleural effusions as a source of disseminated tumor cells, we compared a panel of 35 antigens for their cancer specificity, antigen abundance and functional significance. These antigens have been previously implicated in cancer metastasis and fall into four categories: 1) cancer stem cell 2) epithelial-mesenchymal transition 3) metastatic signature of in vivo selection and 4) tyrosine kinase receptors. We determined the antigen density of all 35 antigens on the cell surface, which ranges from 3x103 – 7x 106 copies per cell. Comparison between the malignant and benign pleural effusions enables us to determine the antigens specific for cancer. We further picked 6 antigens and examined the correlation between their expression levels with tumor formation in immunocompromised mice. We concluded that CD24 is one of the few antigens that could simultaneously meet all three criteria of an ideal target, as it is specifically and abundantly expressed in malignant pleural effusions. CD24high tumor cells formed tumors in mice at a faster rate than CD24low tumor cells, and shRNA-mediated knockdown of CD24 in HT29 cells confirms a functional requirement for CD24 in the colonization of the lung. Concomitant consideration of antigen abundance, specificity and functional importance can help identify potentially useful markers for disseminated tumor cells. 4.2 4.2.1 Introduction Surface antigens for antibody targeting The discovery and validation of antigen targets is the first step in the development of an efficacious antibody therapy [67]. Several successful targets have been identified in solid tumors, but it is unclear whether the same targets are equally applicable to disseminated tumor cells, which are cells detached from the primary site and often possess greater tumorigenic potential than the primary tumor [68]. We wish to evaluate a panel of antigens for their suitability to target disseminated tumor cells. In terms of antigen characterization, an ideal antibody target should fulfill these three criteria: 1) cancer specificity, 2) abundant expression and 3) functional importance [67]. One of 68 Chapter 4: Analysis of Surface Markers in Malignant Pleural Effusions the most successful antibody targets, ErbB2, is an antigen that has met all three criteria. ErbB2 is overexpressed in 82% of breast cancer samples [69]. However, antibody therapy against ErbB2 with Trastuzumab is only effective in patients expressing the highest levels of ErbB2 at around 5x105 receptors per cell but ineffective in patients expressing 2x105 receptors per cell, indicating that abundant expression of the antigen is an essential determinant of therapeutic outcome [70]. Functionally, ErbB2 plays an important role in tumor growth as it can promote tumor growth by recruiting survival and mitogenic pathways [71]. While many targets have been evaluated according to the above-mentioned guidelines in solid tumors, few antigens have been assessed in disseminated tumor cells. Based on recent evidence, we identified candidate antigens that are particularly involved in the molecular pathways and cellular mechanisms of metastasis. They fall under four general categories. First, cancer stem cell (CSC) markers have been shown to delineate subpopulations with markedly increased tumor-initiating potential [72, 73]. Second, the loss of epithelial markers and the gain of mesenchymal markers during epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) are features of a more invasive cell type [74]. Third, in vivo selection experiments have identified gene signatures responsible for the organ tropism of metastasis [75] or metastasis in general [76]. The fourth class is the family of receptor tyrosine kinases important for tumor growth, and monoclonal antibodies targeting these are used to treat solid tumors [77]. 4.2.2 Pleural effusions as a source of disseminated tumor cells Acquisition of biological materials to evaluate the targets presents a challenge for target discovery in disseminated tumor cells [67]. Circulating tumor cells are too rare (~1 cell/ml blood) for direct screening of surface antigens [4]. On the other hand, malignant pleural effusions are a large reservoir of highly malignant tumor cells (104- 106 cells/L), with suspended tumor cells of increased tumorigenic potential than that of primary tumors [68]. In addition to cancer, congestive heart and liver diseases can also cause the buildup of fluids in the pleural cavity, forming benign effusions that can be used as negative controls in the measurement of cancer specificity. Soluble factors have been evaluated as tumor markers for malignant pleural effusion [78, 79] but to our knowledge there has not been a previous screening effort of cell-surface antigens. Cell-surface antigens are desirable for antibody targeting because they are directly accessible and localized to the cells of interest. 69 Chapter 4: Analysis of Surface Markers in Malignant Pleural Effusions 4.3 4.3.1 Materials and methods Collection of patient samples Pleural effusions were obtained from consenting patients as part of an Institutional Review Board-approved protocol at the Lahey Hospital and Medical Center and Use of Humans as Experimental Subjects approved study at MIT. Samples were collected from patients with biopsy-proven cancer and patients with no cancer as determined by clinical presentation and histology. 400 ml of pleural fluid was set aside for routine cytologic evaluation and the rest was sent to MIT on ice within 24 hours after collection, and analyzed for surface expression within 48 hours after collection. 12 malignant pleural effusions and 8 benign effusions were used for surface antigen analysis. Refer to Table 4-1 for detailed patient information. 70 Chapter 4: Analysis of Surface Markers in Malignant Pleural Effusions Benign (n=8) Malignant (n=12) ID Diagnosis Survival (months) Site of Metastasis LC28 lung cancer 7.2 brain LC51 lung cancer >12 brain LC52 rectal cancer 2.7 pleura LC74 endometrial cancer 5.3 ovaries, fallopian tubes, omentum LC86 lung cancer 5.3 lymph nodes LC90 lung cancer 2.4 rib, soft tissue LC95 lung cancer 9.4 lymph nodes, pleura LC101 lung cancer >12 lymph nodes, bone LC103 lung cancer >12 lymph nodes LC109 lung cancer 3.6 none reported LC129 colon cancer 2.1 lungs, liver LC131 lung cancer 1.4 lymph nodes, pleura LC47 congestive heart failure >12 - LC48 congestive heart failure >12 - LC49 congestive heart failure >12 - LC55 renal disease >12 - LC77 liver cirrhosis 5.2 - LC102 primary biliary cirrhosis >12 - LC122 primary biliary cirrhosis >12 - LC128 liver cirrhosis >12 - Table 4-1: Patient information 4.3.2 Surface marker expression analysis using flow cytometry 30 ml of pleural effusions were passed through a 40 µm cell strainer (BD Biosciences), incubated with human FcR block (eBiosciences) in 1:20 dilution and then stained with antibodies (Table 4-2) for 30 min on ice. DAPI is added immediately before flow cytometry analysis to gate out the dead cells. Cells were analyzed on LSRII (BD Biosciences) with 4 different lasers (355nm, 488 nm, 561nm and 635nm) in 5 different channels: DAPI, FITC (marker 1), PE (marker 2), EpCAM-APC and CD45-PECY7 using HTS plate reader. Antibodies were purchased directly conjugated, or labeled with Alexa488 dye (Invitrogen) or PE (Dojindo). The fluorophores were chosen to be those with minimal bleed through. Compensations were 71 Chapter 4: Analysis of Surface Markers in Malignant Pleural Effusions performed with beads (Bangs Laboratory) coated with individual clone of antibodies, and the compensation matrix was applied to all the patient samples. Refer to Table 4-2 for the list of antibodies. Antigen Clone Fluorophore Reactivity IgG type VendorCat # 488 isotype MOPC- 488 hu mouse IgG2A Biolegend 400233 FITC hu mouse IgG2b Biolegend 332014 PE hu goat polyclonal R&D FAB1790P 173 ABCG2 5D3 Cad-11 CD24 ML5 PE hu mouse IgG2A Biolegend 311106 CD44 IM7 488 hu rat IgG2b Biolegend 103016 CD44v4 VFF-4 FITC hu mouse IgG1 Genetex GTX75289 CD44v6 VFF-7 FITC hu mouse IgG1 Genetex GTX75292 CD44v7 VFF-9 FITC hu mouse IgG1 Genetex GTX75294 CD45 HI30 PE/Cy7 hu mouse IgG1 Biolegend 304016 CD51/61 23C6 488 hu mouse IgG1 Biolegend 304408 CEA sm3e 488 hu human Developed in sm3e Wittrup lab CLDN7 4D4 PE hu mouse IgG2a Sigma WH0001366M 1 CXCR4 12G5 PE hu mouse IgG2A Biolegend 306506 CXCR7 8F11-M16 PE hu mouse IgG2b Biolegend 331103 E-Cad 67A4 488 hu mouse IgG1 Biolegend 324110 EGFR EGFR.1 PE hu mouse IgG2b BD 555997 EpCAM 9C4 488 hu mouse IgG2b Biolegend 324210 EpCAM 9C4 APC hu mouse IgG2b Biolegend 324208 EPHB6 465327 488 hu mouse IgG1 R&D MAB33841 erbB2/HER2 24D2 PE hu mouse IgG1 Biolegend 324406 erbB3/HER3 1B4C3 PE hu mouse IgG2A Biolegend 324706 FGFR1 M19B2 PE hu mouse IgG1 Genetex GTX20823 (discont.) ab823 AbCAM FGFR2c 133730 PE mouse rat IgG2A R&D MAB7161 FGFR2b 98707) 488 hu mouse IgG1 R&D MAB665 FOLR1 548908 PE hu mouse IgG1 R&D MAB5646 72 Chapter 4: Analysis of Surface Markers in Malignant Pleural Effusions GLP-1R 197920 488 hu mouse IgG2b R&D MAB2814 HLA G46-2.6 APC hu mouse IgG1 BD 555555 ICAM1 BB1G-l1 FITC hu mouse IgG1 R&D BBA20 IGFIRa 1H7 PE hu mouse IgG1k BD 555999 N-cadherin 401408 PE hu rat IgG2A R&D FAB1388P PDGFRa PRa292 PE hu mouse IgG2 R&D FAB1264P PDGFRb PR7212 PE hu mouse IgG3 R&D FAB1283P PE isotype MOPC-21 PE hu mouse IgG1 BD 559320 SPARC 122511 488 hu mouse IgG1 R&D MAB941 TNFRSF11b 98A1071 488 hu mouse IgG AbCAM ab79064 VCAMI 51-10C9 FITC hu mouse IgG1 BD 551146 VEGFc 193208 PE hu mouse IgG2b R&D MAB752 VEGFR1 49560 PE hu mouse IgG R&D FAB321P Table 4-2: List of antibodies used 4.3.3 Quantification of surface receptors expression The number of receptors per cell is determined by calibrating the fluorescence intensity using microspheres with known Antibody Binding Capacities (Bangs Laboratory). The Quantum Simply Cellular micropheres come with 1 blank and 4 standards with increasing levels of Fcspecific capture antibodies. The beads were labeled to saturation with the same antibodies used to stain the cells and analyzed on the flow cytometer with the same settings used to analyze the cells. The standards were then used to construct a calibration curve. The number of antigen was determined by converting the mean fluorescence level to antibody binding capacities. Since we only used monoclonal antibodies to stain the cells (except cadherin-11), each antibody only binds to one antigen and the antibody binding capacities of the microspheres is equivalent to the number of antigens. The mean fluorescence level is tabulated by Flowjo (Tree Star) and compiled using a Matlab (Mathworks) program. Monoclonal antibody for Cadherin-11 was not commercially available, so we used a goat polyclonal antibody. The calibration kit against goat Fc was also not available, so we estimated the number of Cadherin-11 based on the fluorescence intensity of N-cadherin antibody. 73 Chapter 4: Analysis of Surface Markers in Malignant Pleural Effusions 4.3.4 Sorting and animal studies All experimental protocols were approved by the Animal Care and Use Committee of MIT. Tumor from patient LC52’s pleural effusion was formed after injecting the cells pelleted from 30 ml of pleural effusion subcutaneously into NOD/SCID/IL2γR-/- with 200 µl Matrigel (BD Biosciences). LC52 was propagated in vivo by serial transplantation. The tumors were cut up with razor blades, and digested in 1 mg/ml collagenase A (Roche) and 100 units/ml DNAse I (Roche) in RMPI at 37°C for 20 min. Single cell suspensions were stained with antibodies for 30 min on ice and sorted on Aria (BD) by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS). Sorted cells were injected with Matrigel and observed for tumor formation for up to 1 year. 4.3.5 Cell lines and shRNA knockdown HT29 cells (ATCC) were maintained in DMEM (Cellgro) and 10% FBS (PAA Laboratories). shRNA lentiviral particles were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (clone1 TRCN0000057675, 5'-CCGG-TCTTCTGCATCTCTACTCTTA-CTCGAG- TAAGAGTAGAGATGCAGAAGA-TTTTTG-3' and clone 2- TRCN000007677, 5'-CCGGCGCAGATTTATTCCAGTGAAA-CTCGAG-TTTCACTGGAATAAATCTGCG-TTTTTG-3'). The non-targeted control uses an shRNA sequence targeting no known mammalian genes (Sigma-Aldrich SHC002V). Cells were plated at 1 x 104/well in a 96-well plate, transduced with lentiviral particles, and selected with puromycin for 10 days. After antibiotic selection, cells were further FACS-sorted for CD24 low-expressing cells. 4.3.6 Seeding study HT29 cells transduced with non-targeted shRNA were labeled with CellTracker Green CMFDA (Invitrogen) and HT29 cells transduced with CD24 shRNA were labeled with CellTracker Red CMPTX (Invitrogen). The cells were mixed at 1:1 ratio. Each mouse was injected with a total of 1x106 cells through the tail vein. Their lungs were harvested 48 hours later and examined under a fluorescence microscope (Zeiss). The number of cells in each field was counted with ImageJ. 74 Chapter 4: Analysis of Surface Markers in Malignant Pleural Effusions 4.3.7 Lung colonization study 1x105 HT29 cells, either transduced with non-targeted shRNA or CD24 shRNA, were injected into mice through the tail vein. The lung tissue was fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde for 15 min and rinsed with PBS. The lungs were embedded in paraffin, sectioned 100 µm apart and stained by hematoxylin and eosin (H&E). The number of metastases observed was counted and averaged over 5 sections per mouse. 4.3.8 Platelet binding assay Platelets were isolated from 10 ml human whole blood (Blood Research Components) by centrifuging once at 200 x g for 10 min, and centrifuging the supernatant a second time at 1600 x g for 10mins. 1x104 HT29 cells were incubated with platelets at 37°C for 1 hour, washed twice with PBS and stained with anti-CD41a antibody (BD Pharmingen). 4.3.9 Anoikis assay Plates were coated with 500 µl 12mg/ml poly-HEMA dissolved in 95% ethanol (Sigma- Aldrich) and dried overnight. HT29 cells were cultured in serum-free medium for 48 hours. Cells were collected and stained with Annexin V-APC (Biolegend) and analyzed by flow cytometry. 4.3.10 Statistical analysis ANOVA tests in Matlab were used to determine p-values of the heatmap. Kaplan-Meier plots were created and p-value calculated by a log-rank test in GraphPad Prism. Sample size determination for statistical powering of Type II error is computed by this formula: where n = sample size, d = effect or the difference between the mean of two population s = standard deviation C = 7.85 when significance level (α) = 0.05 and power (1-β) = 0.08 75 Chapter 4: Analysis of Surface Markers in Malignant Pleural Effusions 4.4 4.4.1 Results Only the EpCAM+ population of cells in pleural effusions was tumorigenic. The pleural effusion is a complex mixture of immune cells, mesothelial cells, fibroblasts, and cancer cells. Since the proportion of stromal cells can be >90% of the total population, taking the global average across different cell types would skew the result towards the more abundant cell types and preclude antigen discovery in rarer tumor-forming cells. Therefore, we used lineage markers – CD45 for hematopoietic cells and EpCAM for epithelial cells – to provisionally separate the pleural effusions into different subsets. We observed three distinct populations in malignant pleural effusions: 1) EpCAM+, 2) EpCAM-/CD45- and 3) CD45+ (Figure 4-1A). The subsets were morphologically distinct, with the EpCAM+ cells being round and the EpCAM-/CD45- cells spindle-shaped (Figure 4-1A). The EpCAM+ subset was present in 50% of the malignant pleural effusions and was completely absent in the benign effusions (Figure 4-1A). Before we could evaluate the antigens for cancer specificity, we need to establish which subset is tumorigenic. Therefore, we FACS sorted 7 malignant effusions into EpCAM+, EpCAM/CD45- and CD45+ subsets and injected the sorted cells subcutaneously into NOD/SCID/IL2γR-/mice, monitoring for tumor growth for up to a year (Table 4-3). All cells obtained from sorting were injected without normalization to a common cell number, to maximize each subset’s probability of tumor formation. The sorting results showed that only the EpCAM+ subset formed tumors in mice, with a 75% efficiency (Table 4-4). Four of the seven effusions sorted contained EpCAM+ cells and tumor formation was restricted to these EpCAM+ samples. No tumor formation was observed with the EpCAM-/CD45- subset (Table 4-4). When pleural effusions were injected into mice without prior sorting, the formed tumors were entirely EpCAM+ (Figure 4-1B). For example, the percentage of EpCAM+ cells in the LC52 sample (Figure 4-1B) increased from 0.4% to 99% during tumor growth. 76 Chapter 4: Analysis of Surface Markers in Malignant Pleural Effusions Figure 4-1: The EpCAM+ subset is tumorigenic. (A) Cells from pleural effusion samples were separated into 5 different subsets based on their EpCAM and CD45 expression, and whether obtained from a cancer patient (malignant) or otherwise (benign). The EpCAM+ subset was only present in the malignant effusions whereas the EpCAM-/CD45- and CD45+ subsets were found in both the malignant and benign effusions. Cells were imaged directly after sorting with bright field microscopy. (B) The pleural effusions and their corresponding xenograft tumors were analyzed for their EpCAM and CD45 expression. The xenograft tumors were pre-gated with HLAABC antibody to remove contaminating mouse cells. Shown are the histology images of the xenograft tumors for each pleural effusion. 77 Samples Samples EpCAM- EpCAM+ Chapter 4: Analysis of Surface Markers in Malignant Pleural Effusions ID Diagnosis EpCAM+ EpCAM-/CD45- CD45+ LC28 lung cancer 2 x 105 3 x 105 8 x 105 LC42 breast cancer 4 x 105 1.4 x 105 8 x 104 LC60 lung cancer 1 x 104 1.5 x 105 2 x 105 LC74 endometrial cancer 2 x 103 2 x 103 Not injected 5 1 x 105 LC40 lung cancer Absent 3 x 10 LC65 lung cancer Absent 1 x 106 2 x 106 LC103 lung cancer Absent 2 x 105 Not injected Table 4-3: Malignant pleural effusions were sorted into the EpCAM+, EpCAM-/CD45- and CD45+ subsets by flow cytometry and injected subcutaneously into NOD/SCID/IL2ϒR-/- mice and monitored for tumor formation for up to a year. The table shows the number of cells injected for each subset of the patient. Cancer Non-cancer 1. EpCAM+ 2. EpCAM-/CD45- 3.CD45+ unsorted 3/4 0/7 0/5 0/5 Table 4-4: This table shows the ratio of the number of tumors formed to the total number of clinical samples injected. Only the EpCAM+ subset formed tumors. 4.4.2 CD24 was one of the several surface markers abundantly expressed in malignant pleural effusions. After establishing that the EpCAM+ subset is tumorigenic, we proceeded to screen surface antigens for their abundance and cancer specificity. We analyzed 12 malignant and 8 benign pleural effusions using flow cytometry and stained the effusions with 35 directly conjugated antibodies. Because the antibodies were labeled with different fluorophores and with different labeling efficiency, we calibrated the raw fluorescence signal to the absolute number of surface receptor molecules using beads with predetermined antibody binding capability (Figure 4-2A). We used monoclonal antibodies to calibrate the absolute number of receptors because each monoclonal antibody should theoretically bind to a single receptor, allowing us to equate the number of receptors to the number of monoclonal antibodies, with the assumption that all the receptors are fully saturated with antibodies. Polyclonal antibodies are not suitable for this application because multiple polyclonal antibodies may bind to a single receptor, thus overestimating the number of receptors. We included carcinomas of various tissue types 78 Chapter 4: Analysis of Surface Markers in Malignant Pleural Effusions including lung, endometrial or colorectal so as to identify ubiquitously expressed markers. The benign effusions came from patients with congestive heart failure or liver diseases. A B Figure 4-2: (A) This is an example calibration curve showing surface receptor quantification with calibration beads of predetermined antibody binding capacity (ABC) values. Refer to methods section for details. (B) The pleural effusions were analyzed by flow cytometry using the following gating: the bigger cells were gated out by the forward and side scatters. The live cells were then gated on the DAPI- population. The live cells were stained for CD45 and EpCAM. Within each of the subsets (EpCAM+, CD45-/EpCAM-, CD45+), we reported the mean expression of each given marker (E-cadherin and N-cadherin are used as examples). The fluorophores were chosen with minimal bleed through. Compensations were performed with beads bound to a single antibody respectively. Expression levels of 35 surface markers for each of the five cell subsets (malignant EpCAM+, EpCAM-/CD45- and CD45+; benign EpCAM-/CD45- and CD45+) (Refer Figure 4-2B for gating strategy) is shown in the heatmap (Figure 4-3) (Refer to Table 4-5 for specific values). The surface expression of receptors was obtained by averaging all the patient samples for each of the subsets (Refer to Figure S2C for individual patient surface expression). An analysis of variance (ANOVA) was applied to each marker and a small p-value indicates that the distribution of any one subset (most commonly the cancer patient EpCAM+ subset) deviates significantly from the other subsets. A preferred cancer marker was defined as one that is both consistently overexpressed across multiple cancer patients and is found abundantly on the cell surface (Figure 4-3). 79 Chapter 4: Analysis of Surface Markers in Malignant Pleural Effusions ! A B Figure 4-3: Surface marker expression in malignant and benign pleural effusions. (A) Each of the 5 FACSdefined subsets was stained with a panel of 35 surface markers by flow cytometry. We determined the absolute number of receptors on the cell surface with fluorescence calibration beads (exact values given in table S3). Shown 5 6 are the average numbers of receptors averaged across all patients from each subset. Range shown is 1x10 to 1x10 receptors/cell. Markers with * are differentially expressed in at least one subset with p-value< 0.05 (** p-value< 0.001) based on the ANOVA test. (B) For the same surface marker expression in (a), the p-values are plotted against the absolute number of surface markers for the EpCAM+ subset to illustrate the point that an ideal marker is both consistently overexpressed across different patients (p-value< 0.05) and highly expressed (>105 receptors/cell). The dotted line separates the markers with p-value <0.05 from those with p-value> 0.05. Some example markers are 80 Chapter 4: Analysis of Surface Markers in Malignant Pleural Effusions circled in red, representing the statistically significant markers, and in green representing the non-statistically significant markers. Marker Cancer EpCAM Cancer + EpCAM Cancer - CD45 + /CD45- Non-cancer EpCAM - Non-cancer CD45+ /CD45- EpCAM 6.3E+05 2.8E+04 1.9E+04 1.4E+04 1.6E+04 CEA 8.9E+05 6.9E+04 1.3E+05 4.0E+04 1.0E+05 E-cad 9.7E+05 3.2E+04 3.9E+04 3.8E+04 3.4E+04 CLDN7 7.8E+04 6.6E+04 7.0E+04 6.4E+03 1.9E+04 FGFR2b 1.7E+05 2.6E+04 3.7E+04 2.0E+04 2.6E+04 N-cad 2.9E+03 1.0E+03 5.5E+02 1.6E+02 2.3E+02 Cad-11 4.5E+04 6.4E+02 2.9E+03 1.0E+03 1.6E+03 FGFR2c 8.8E+05 4.7E+04 3.2E+04 2.9E+03 6.0E+03 EGFR 1.4E+05 6.2E+04 8.3E+04 7.4E+04 4.3E+04 ERBB2 2.3E+05 5.7E+04 8.9E+04 6.6E+04 4.5E+04 ERBB3 3.1E+03 3.2E+02 1.2E+03 4.0E+02 4.0E+02 FGFR1 2.2E+05 4.9E+04 9.9E+04 3.0E+03 1.8E+04 FOLR1 4.8E+04 1.1E+03 5.2E+03 4.1E+02 1.7E+03 IGF-1 Ra 4.3E+04 4.0E+03 6.7E+03 3.2E+03 3.0E+03 GLP1R 4.8E+04 4.8E+04 3.9E+04 1.2E+04 1.4E+04 PDGFRa 1.2E+04 2.8E+03 1.1E+04 5.7E+03 8.8E+03 PDGFRb 2.2E+04 5.6E+03 2.6E+04 6.2E+03 3.5E+04 TNFRSF11b 3.4E+05 3.3E+04 2.7E+04 9.7E+03 8.9E+03 EPHB6 2.8E+04 2.8E+04 2.3E+04 2.7E+04 3.3E+04 VEGFR 3.7E+04 8.7E+03 2.5E+04 3.2E+03 1.5E+04 VEGFc 2.9E+05 3.5E+04 7.6E+04 3.2E+03 2.4E+04 ABCG2 8.5E+04 4.4E+04 3.6E+04 1.7E+04 2.0E+04 CXCR4 1.8E+05 1.5E+05 1.8E+05 5.0E+04 1.6E+05 CXCR7 1.7E+05 4.7E+04 8.9E+04 4.8E+04 5.0E+04 integrin-αvβ3 7.2E+04 4.9E+04 5.2E+04 4.8E+04 4.8E+04 SPARC 1.5E+05 4.4E+04 5.7E+04 3.6E+04 4.6E+04 VCAM 5.9E+04 3.6E+04 2.9E+04 8.2E+04 2.5E+04 ICAM 3.7E+05 6.1E+04 7.3E+04 1.0E+05 5.9E+04 CD44 8.6E+04 8.5E+04 2.3E+05 1.2E+05 2.2E+05 CD44v4 1.3E+06 2.1E+05 1.3E+05 2.0E+04 5.4E+04 CD44v6 4.9E+05 3.7E+04 3.0E+04 9.5E+03 1.1E+04 81 Chapter 4: Analysis of Surface Markers in Malignant Pleural Effusions CD44v7 7.2E+06 9.4E+05 4.3E+05 4.3E+04 9.5E+04 CD24 6.8E+05 7.0E+03 4.0E+04 1.1E+03 1.1E+04 Table 4-5: Absolute number of surface markers expressed on cells found in pleural effusions (averaged across all patients) Epithelial markers such as EpCAM, CEA and E-cadherin (E-cad) were the most highly expressed surface proteins, at close to 1 x 106 receptors/cell in the EpCAM+ subset. In contrast, we did not observe high expression of mesenchymal markers such as N-cadherin (N-cad) and cadherin-11 (Cad-11) in any of the subsets. These mesenchymal markers were expressed at 1 x 103 -1 x 104 receptors/cell, approaching background staining. The mesenchymal marker FGFR2c was sometimes overexpressed, but its expression was inconsistent across different patient samples. The expression of signaling receptors predominantly fell between 1x 104 to 2 x 105 receptors/cell. ErbB2, ErbB3, IGF-I Ra were significantly overexpressed in the EpCAM+ subset although they were much less abundant than the other epithelial markers. Integrin αvβ3, SPARC and ICAM1 were the adhesion molecules overexpressed in the EpCAM+ subset. Interestingly, CD44 variants and CD24 but not CD44 were significantly overexpressed in the EpCAM+ subset. The CD44 variants have an extra stem structure between the hyaluronan-binding amino terminal domain and transmembrane region. We also compared the marker expression of the EpCAM-/CD45- and CD45+ subsets between the malignant and benign effusions by t-test. There was no significant difference between cancer and non-cancer EpCAM-/CD45- cells. However, the CD45+ cells of cancer samples showed a somewhat higher expression of signaling receptors, namely erbB2, erbB3 and IGF-1Ra (Table 4-6). 82 Chapter 4: Analysis of Surface Markers in Malignant Pleural Effusions Marker EpCAM CEA E-cad CLDN7 FGFR2b N-cad Cad-11 FGFR2c EGFR ERBB2 ERBB3 FGFR1 FOLR1 IGF-1 Ra GLP1R PDGFRa PDGFRb TNFRSF11b EPHB6 VEGFR VEGFc ABCG2 CXCR4 CXCR7 integrin-αvβ3 SPARC VCAM ICAM CD44 CD44v4 CD44v6 CD44v7 CD24 EpCAM-/CD45- p-value 4.3E-01 2.1E-01 7.9E-01 3.2E-01 5.8E-01 1.7E-01 1.0E+00 3.7E-01 9.7E-01 9.5E-01 7.1E-01 4.6E-01 1.1E-01 6.1E-01 2.2E-01 7.0E-01 7.5E-01 1.7E-01 9.9E-01 1.5E-01 3.5E-01 2.4E-01 2.1E-01 7.7E-01 7.9E-01 8.2E-01 3.1E-01 6.5E-01 7.1E-01 2.7E-01 4.9E-01 2.9E-01 8.5E-01 ! CD45+ p-value 7.4E-01 3.3E-01 4.2E-01 1.9E-01 2.1E-01 1.6E-02 2.9E-01 2.4E-01 2.1E-02 2.4E-02 3.3E-02 3.8E-01 8.5E-02 2.7E-02 9.5E-02 3.5E-01 9.1E-01 2.0E-01 8.6E-01 2.7E-01 2.1E-01 1.7E-01 5.0E-02 5.1E-02 2.7E-01 4.2E-01 3.2E-01 4.1E-01 5.8E-01 2.3E-01 2.7E-01 4.6E-01 1.9E-01 - - Table 4-6: t-test of surface marker expression between the malignant and benign samples in EpCAM /CD45 and + CD45 subsets 4.4.3 CD24 predicted increased tumor growth in xenograft tumors of pleural effusions We further explored whether antigens overexpressed in the EpCAM+ population were correlated with tumor growth. To address this question, tumor cells propagated in mice from the 83 Chapter 4: Analysis of Surface Markers in Malignant Pleural Effusions pleural effusion of a colorectal cancer patient (LC52) were sorted based on surface marker expression. This xenograft tumor was used because it retained the complex tissue morphology of its origin (Figure 4-1B), and it could be propagated in the shortest amount of time (around 2 months for each passage) and could grow to a reasonable size yielding sufficient cells for the subsequent experiment. A total of six antigens were examined for their ability to predict tumorigenicity, in which four were overexpressed in malignant pleural effusions and they represented the major categories of surface antigens we screened: CEA (epithelial marker), ICAM1 (adhesion marker), CD44v7 and CD24 (stem cell markers), and two were mesenchymal markers: Cadherin-11 and FGFR2c. After gating on the human cells with human leukocyte antigen class I (HLA-A, B, C) staining, LC52 tumor cells were sorted into the top and bottom 10% expressing each of the six antigens (Figure 4-4A), reinjected subcutaneously into NOD/SCID/IL2γR-/- mice, and monitored for tumor growth (Figure 4-4B). CD24high, CEAhigh, CD44v7low, and Cadherin-11low populations form statistically significantly faster-growing tumors. The faster tumor growth observed with cell populations expressing low levels of certain cancer markers suggests that overexpression does not always correlate with faster tumor growth. To investigate whether tumors retained the same level of surface expression as their starting population, we compared the marker expression in tumors formed from high and low populations by flow cytometry at the end of the tumor induction study (Figure 4-4C). Of note, tumors from CD24low and CEAlow cells regained their CD24 and CEA expression, reaching the same level of expression as CD24high and CEAhigh tumors. This implies that marker expression is a dynamic process and that selected markers, in this case CD24 and CEA, are upregulated as tumors form. 84 Chapter 4: Analysis of Surface Markers in Malignant Pleural Effusions A B C high Figure 4-4: CD24 cells are tumorigenic. (A) To investigate which surface marker predicts tumorigenicity, we used tumor formed from xenotransplants of the LC52 effusion, FACS-sorted the highest and lowest 10% of cells expressing each of the 6 markers. (B) Sorted cells were injected subcutaneously into NOD/SCID/IL2ϒR-/- mice and monitored for tumor growth (n = 4 per group). Red curves represent the average tumor growth from cells expressing the highest 10% of the indicated markers whereas the green curves represent the tumor growth from cells expressing the lowest 10% of the markers. Error bars shown are the standard errors of the mean. Overexpression of CD24 and CEA correlates with faster tumor growth (*p-value <0.05 for each day). (C) Tumors formed from high (red bars) and low (green bars) starting populations were analyzed for surface marker expression at the end of the tumor growth studies shown in (b) by flow cytometry (*p-value < 0.05). 85 Chapter 4: Analysis of Surface Markers in Malignant Pleural Effusions 4.4.4 CD24 was critical for tumorigenic lung colonization To investigate a possible causal role for CD24 in tumorigenicity, we knocked down CD24 expression by shRNA in the HT29 colorectal adenocarcinoma line (Figure 4-5A, B). A colorectal line was chosen because LC52 was of rectal origin but LC52 tumor cells were refractory to lentiviral transduction. HT29 was chosen because it has a marker expression profile similar to LC52 and other EpCAM+ pleural effusions (Table 4-7); high in EpCAM, CEA and CD24. We found that HT29 cells transduced with CD24 shRNA grew at a similar rate in vitro as did the non-targeted control (Figure 4-5C). When HT29 cells were injected subcutaneously, CD24 imparted a small but statistically significant growth advantage to tumors during the linear phase (p<0.05) (Figure 4-5D). Both the in vitro and in vivo growth curves are consistent with previous observations (15). Interestingly, whereas CD24high HT29 cells formed numerous tumor nodules in the lungs of mice when injected intravenously, very few nodules were observed when HT29 cells in which CD24 was knocked down were injected. This result demonstrates that CD24 expression by tumor cells is required for efficient lung colonization (Figure 4-5E). 86 Chapter 4: Analysis of Surface Markers in Malignant Pleural Effusions B CD24 mRNA level Percentage of maximum A NT CD24-1 CD24-2 D Mean absorbance tumor size (mm2) C CD24 surface expression Days Days Number of lung metastases per section E NT CD24-1 CD24-2 Figure 4-5: CD24 is critical for tumor colonization. To investigate the functional role of CD24, we knocked down the expression of CD24 in HT29 cells. Both the mRNA levels (A) and the surface protein expression levels (B) of CD24 were reduced by 90% in the shRNA clones. NT: non-targeted control; CD24-1: CD24 shRNA clone 1; CD242 shRNA clone 2. (C) HT29 cells were plated and monitored for in vitro proliferation. The knockdown of CD24 had 87 Chapter 4: Analysis of Surface Markers in Malignant Pleural Effusions little effect on the in vitro proliferation of HT29. (D) HT29 cells were injected subcutaneously and monitored for tumor formation (n = 4 per group). (*p-value < 0.05). Error bars shown are the standard errors of the mean. (E) HT29 cells were injected intravenously and the numbers of lung nodules formed were counted one month post injection (n = 5 per group). Scale bar = 100 µm. p-value < 0.001 for both shRNA clones. On the H&E section, black arrows indicate some examples of lung nodules formed from HT29 cells with non-targeted shRNA control. Pleural Effusion (EpCAM+ cells) HT29 EpCAM 6.3E+05 2.6E+06 CEA 8.9E+05 2.5E+05 E-cad 9.7E+05 1.1E+05 CLDN7 7.8E+04 1.5E+04 FGFR2b 1.7E+05 2.5E+04 N-cad 2.9E+03 8.1E+02 Cad-11 4.5E+04 6.7E+02 FGFR2c 8.8E+05 8.4E+03 EGFR 1.4E+05 1.2E+05 ERBB2 2.3E+05 6.4E+05 ERBB3 3.1E+03 5.2E+03 FGFR1 2.2E+05 9.3E+04 FOLR1 4.8E+04 1.6E+04 IGF-I Ra 4.3E+04 1.6E+04 GLP1R 4.8E+04 1.3E+04 PDGFRa 1.2E+04 5.9E+03 PDGFRb 2.2E+04 6.3E+03 TNFRSF11b 3.4E+05 1.3E+04 EPHB6 2.8E+04 2.3E+04 VEGFR 3.7E+04 1.1E+04 VEGFc 2.9E+05 9.3E+03 ABCG2 8.5E+04 3.1E+04 CXCR4 1.8E+05 1.3E+05 CXCR7 1.7E+05 1.5E+05 integrin-αvβ3 7.2E+04 6.3E+04 SPARC 1.5E+05 8.4E+04 VCAM 5.9E+04 3.0E+04 ICAM 3.7E+05 4.4E+04 CD44 8.6E+04 1.7E+05 CD44v4 1.3E+06 1.7E+04 CD44v6 4.9E+05 6.1E+03 CD44v7 7.2E+06 6.5E+04 CD24 6.8E+05 1.8E+07 Marker 88 Chapter 4: Analysis of Surface Markers in Malignant Pleural Effusions Table 4-7: Absolute number of surface markers on HT29 cell line 4.4.5 CD24 was pro-survival To elucidate further the contributing functions of CD24 in tumorigenesis, we investigated the effect of knocking down CD24 on the in vitro phenotypes of HT29 cells. First of all, there was no significant loss of initial seeding efficiency of HT29 cells in the lungs after the knockdown of CD24: an equal ratio of HT29 cells with non-targeted shRNA to CD24 shRNA was observed in the lungs 48 hours after intravenous injection (Figure 4-6A). The majority of the observed HT29 cells were physically trapped in the lung capillaries due to their large size. We next tested whether CD24 could protect HT29 cells from apoptosis. The viability of HT29 cells lacking CD24 was decreased after being maintained in both serum-free adherent and suspension cultures (Figure 4-6C). Protection from anoikis is critical for tumor cells in suspension and this might account for the enrichment of CD24+ cells in pleural effusions. Since CD24 is a known ligand for P-selectin [80], one hypothesis to explain the differences seen in the tumor colonization potential is that the binding of tumor cells to Pselectin on platelets protects them from immune-mediated clearance [81, 82]. A reduction of platelet binding was observed upon CD24 knockdown (Figure 4-6D). 89 Chapter 4: Analysis of Surface Markers in Malignant Pleural Effusions NT1 / CD24 shRNA clone 1 B Non-targetde/CD24 shRNA seeding ratio A 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 CD24-1 CD24-2 D 80 60 40 * ** ** * 20 re su nt sp en si on 0 * ** 80 60 40 20 0 no ad 100 pl at el et C N D T C 24D 1 24 -2 100 No platelet Non-targeted control CD24 shRNA clone 1 CD24 shRNA clone 2 he Percentage of Cells Non-targeted control CD24 shRNA clone 1 CD24 shRNA clone 2 CD41a levels normalized to non-targeted control (%) C Figure 4-6: CD24 protects tumor cells from apoptosis and affects cell cycle progression. (A, B) To determine the seeding efficiency in the lungs, pre-labeled non-targeted controls (green) and CD24 shRNA knockdowns (red) were mixed at 1:1 ratio and injected intravenously through the tail vein. Lungs were harvested 48 hours later and the ratio of green to red cells was counted. (C) HT29 cells were grown in adherent culture or in suspension in polyHEMA-coated plates. Cells were stained for Annexin V two days after seeding. Shown is the percentage of cells that are dead after 2 days. (D) HT29 cells were incubated with platelets and stained for CD41a (a platelet marker). CD24 knocked-down cells bind platelets less effectively than do non-targeted controls. 90 Chapter 4: Analysis of Surface Markers in Malignant Pleural Effusions 4.4.6 Higher expression of CD24 in malignant pleural effusions correlated with a worse patient outcome From our dataset of 8 benign effusions and 15 pleural effusions (12 malignant pleural effusions in the surface expression analysis and 3 additional lung cancer pleural effusion samples), we observed that CD24 was overexpressed in cancer patients, and a cutoff of 1000 mean fluorescence intensity can exclude 7/8 benign effusions and divide the cancer patients into CD24high and CD24low groups (Figure 4-7A). Using the survival data of 15 cancer patients, we found that CD24 overexpression was correlated with worse patient outcomes in this study (pvalue = 0.008) (Figure 4-7B). We gated out the CD45+ cells and used the mean CD24 expression of the EpCAM+ and the EpCAM-/CD45- cells combined. This is because in 8 out of the 15 pleural effusions, the EpCAM+ subset was absent. The worse prognosis of CD24 overexpression is consistent with an earlier meta-analysis of multiple studies that found CD24 overexpression to be correlated with metastasis and poor prognosis [83]. B Fraction survival CD24 expression (mean fluorescence) A Benign (n=8) Malignant (n=15) Days Figure 4-7: Patients with higher CD24 expression have reduced overall survival. (A) Cancer patients have a higher expression of CD24 in their pleural effusions compared to that of benign patients. Shown is the mean fluorescence intensity of CD24 of the CD45- cells. Patients with CD24 expression > 1000 mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) are grouped as “CD24 high” and patients with CD24 expression < 1000 MFI are grouped as “CD24 low”. (B) Median survival of CD24 high group = 111 days, CD24 low group = 582 days. Hazard ratio = 6.471 (95% CI: 1.6 to 25.9). p-value = 0.008 (log-rank Mantel-Cox test). Patients who were still alive but not followed for the entire duration of the study were considered censored. 4.5 Discussion 91 Chapter 4: Analysis of Surface Markers in Malignant Pleural Effusions 4.5.1 CD24 is a cancer-specific, abundantly expressed and functionally important for lung colonization of tumor cells. Identifying a surface antigen commonly expressed on disseminated tumor cells could help improve therapeutic outcome in metastatic disease. With that objective, we evaluated 35 previously known cancer antigens based on three criteria: cancer specificity, abundance and functional requirement for tumor growth. We used malignant pleural effusions as the source of disseminated tumor cells because the tumor cells found in the effusions are highly tumorigenic and much more abundant than other sources of disseminated tumor cells such as circulating tumor cells in blood or cytokeratin positive cells in bone marrow aspirates. CD24 emerged as a candidate antigen that fulfills all three criteria simultaneously – it is abundantly and specifically expressed in malignant pleural effusions, and is required for the colonization of the lung. In contrast, not all antigens can meet this tripartite assessment. The CD44 splice variants were previously shown to mediate metastasis of rat carcinoma [84], but in our screening, even though CD44v7 was specifically and abundantly expressed, it did not seem to be required for tumor formation. Another example is erbB3, despite being cancer specific and functionally important [85, 86], is expressed at a relatively low level of 3.1 x 103 copies per cell on average. Targeting this low-abundance antigen can be challenging and may require highaffinity antibodies. Lastly, we examined the mesenchymal markers because tumor cells undergoing EMT are highly invasive and anchorage-independent [74], so we expected the highly malignant cells in pleural effusions to exhibit similar expression profile. Contrary to our hypothesis, we found that N-cad and Cad-11, were neither abundant nor cancer specific. The tumor formation experiment also did not suggest any requirement for Cad-11. The low expression of mesenchymal markers in our screening indicates that tumor cells in pleural effusions are not in the state of EMT but remain predominately epithelial. We have applied a general guideline to evaluate the suitability of targets for disseminated tumor cells: the concomitant consideration of antigen abundance, specificity and functional importance, along with the use of tumor cells disseminated from the primary site. CD24 is an antigen that has satisfied all three criteria, especially its functional importance in the colonization of the lung and thus a potential relevance to metastasis. In the future, this screening method can be extended to a greater panel of antibodies for the discovery of targets in disseminated tumor cells. 92 Chapter 4: Analysis of Surface Markers in Malignant Pleural Effusions 4.5.2 CD24 promotes tumor growth We demonstrated that CD24 is functionally important as a cancer antigen. It is interesting to note that CD24 mediates the lung colonization of HT29 cells without contributing significantly to tumor growth as seen in subcutaneous tumor growth experiment. The most prominent effect is CD24’s protection against apoptosis, especially in suspension culture, which mimics the effect of anoikis. Protection against anoikis plays a crucial role in metastasis [87]. It is known that some genes important for metastasis do not actually have a direct effect on tumor growth, such as tumor-derived endothelin-1[88]. The use of pleural effusion as a source of highly malignant tumor cells can help identify targets unique to metastasis. CD24 is a heavily glycosylated, GPI-anchored peptide expressed in naïve B cells and cancer cells [89]. Antibody against CD24 has achieved therapeutic efficacy in preclinical models [90, 91], especially in the prevention of metastatic formation in the lungs. Earlier studies ascribed the role of CD24 in tumorigenesis and metastasis as two-fold: 1) proliferation and 2) cell motility. CD24-siRNA knockdowns of HT29 cells showed a reduced exponential growth and lower saturation density, with effects seen more prominently in serum-starved conditions [90]. Network analysis using gene expression arrays revealed that downregulation of CD24 also affected members in the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway downstream of Ras. Other pathways affected also included phospholipase C signaling, vascular endothelial growth factor, hypoxia and angiogenesis [90]. Another group has shown that CD24 is regulated by Ral GTPases, which mediate cell transformation through Ras [92]. Secondly, the involvement of CD24 in cell motility was observed when CD24-siRNA clones of HT29 cells failed to transpass transwell assays [90]. Indeed, studies have shown CD24 promotes binding to extracellular matrix including fibronectin, laminin, collagen I and collagen V through α3β1 and α4β1 and is important for cell spreading[93]. The importance of CD24 may seem contrary to the observation that CD44+/CD24- cells were of increased tumorigenic potential [94] and potential cancer stem cells [95] in breast cancer. However, the CD44+/CD24- phenotype is not always seen in other cancer types. For example, it is the CD44+/CD24+ cells that take on the properties of cancer stem cells in pancreatic cancer. Secondly, despite the evidence of CD24- cells being the cancer stem cells in breast cancer, overexpression of CD24 has a poor prognosis in breast carcinomas including increased staging, tumor grade and lymph node positivity [96]. In human bladder cancer, CD24 93 Chapter 4: Analysis of Surface Markers in Malignant Pleural Effusions expression was observed in 75% of the primary tumors and 93% of the matched metastases, indicating an increased CD24 expression with more advanced tumor staging [91]. 4.5.3 Future improvements One improvement that can be made to our study is to include a larger patient size with a defined cancer type. In general, a sample size of 8 to 12 will only be powered to find effects of a rather large size. This means that only highly overexpressed markers can be identified by this sample size. A sample size of 8 is powered to find effects 1.5 times that of the standard deviation of the population (see Methods). The difference seen for a few markers including CD24 between the EpCAM+ population of the malignant effusions and the other benign populations exceeds this magnitude, and thus our sample size is sufficiently powered to detect the large effects. But increasing the sample size can detect subtler differences. With our small sample size, we observed considerate patient heterogeneity, indicating the need for patient stratification. We did not limit our patients to lung cancer because effusions from rectal (LC52) and endometrial (LC74) cancers were both tumorigenic in mice. Another limitation of our study is that we could not obtain matched primary tumors because the resection of the primary tumor took place years before the development of pleural effusions and not always performed in the same hospital. Therefore, it is unclear whether the antigens overexpressed in pleural effusions were present in the primary tumor or in the adjacent healthy tissue. Tumor tissue was formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE); membrane antigens were sensitive to crosslinking, and not all the antibodies are developed for in FFPE slides. Future study would involve the analysis of fresh tumor samples, and waiting 3-5 years for pleural effusions to develop in a subset of samples. Nevertheless, an antigen expressed in normal tissue may still be a useful cancer target when it was found in an unusual location. EpCAM, a marker of both normal and tumor epithelia, indicates metastatic disease when present in pleural effusions, blood or bone marrow. Antibody against EpCAM can completely eliminate EpCAM+ cells in the bone marrow aspirates of some patients [93]. Lastly, in the quantification of surface antigen abundance, we assume that all the antibodies are equally accessible to the antigens and all antigens are labeled to saturation. This may not always be the case because our results showed that although CD44 variants are expressed at high levels, CD44 standard form is not. CD44 variants are only different from the standard form by an extra stem structure [97], so their levels should be comparable. Therefore, it 94 Chapter 4: Analysis of Surface Markers in Malignant Pleural Effusions might be more valid to verify the antigen expression by a different antibody targeting a separate epitope. A more accurate quantification of surface antigen can be accomplished if the Kd of the antibodies is known. !!" = !" !" [!"] !≈ !! !" !" + !! [!"] + !! where yeq = fraction of saturation of surface antigens, [Ab] = concentration of antibody, and Kd = affinity of the antibody. However, an estimate of Kd was not available for each of the 35 antigens in this study. 95 Chapter 5: Discussions and Future Perspectives 5 Chapter 5: Discussions and Future Perspectives 5.1 5.1.1 Discussions Circulating tumor cells and metastasis The finding in this thesis seems to suggest a rather dormant nature of circulating tumor cells, in contrary to what might be the conventional belief – shed tumor cells are aggressive players, actively invading the stroma. My data, however, seemed to suggest the inadvertent release of CTCs into the blood stream perhaps as a result of 1) the proximity of tumor cells to the blood supply and 2) leaky and damaged blood vessels due to inflammation and tumor necrosis. CTCs are passive bystanders who got swept into the whirlpool of blood, which is a tremendous source of selection pressure, and only the fittest tumor cells can survive through this selection. It is conceivable that while inside the circulation, CTCs halt their proliferative program as suggested by the absence of in vitro proliferation and secretion of soluble growth factors. They have entered a hibernation state before landing on fertile soil again. However, it is not clear, how upon landing, circulating tumor cells turn their proliferative program back on, and it is an important topic for future studies. Despite the passive nature of CTCs, the number of CTCs is prognostic of patient outcomes. This is perhaps due to the correlation between the rate of tumor shedding to tumor burden, the number of metastases, and how loosely the tumor cells are attached to the stroma – all of which are indicators of poor prognosis. Therefore, the number of CTCs might be a good predictor of clinical outcome. However, the sensitivity of CTC as a prognostic method is limited by its rarity and the lack of tumor-specific markers. We did encounter patients with progressive disease but no CTCs. This is perhaps due to the fact that we are undersampling the amount of blood. We sampled 5 ml of blood at one time point, while the total volume of blood is 5L, and the half-life of CTCs is estimated to be 1-2 days. Since it takes years for metastasis to develop, the probability of capturing a robust cancer cell capable of forming metastasis is extremely low. On the other hand, circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) is potentially a more sensitive source of materials, and the stability of DNA may result in a longer half-life than CTCs. If the mutations of the primary tumor are known (many drivers genes have high penetrance such as TP53 in most cancers, KRAS in pancreatic cancer, TMPRSS2-ERG fusion in prostate cancer, BRCA in breast 96 Chapter 5: Discussions and Future Perspectives cancer and APC in colon cancer), we can monitor the progress of the patients more easily with ctDNA. 5.1.2 Working with clinical specimens Working with clinical specimens has proven to be more challenging than working with cell lines or animal models for the following reasons: 1. The paucity of CTCs and their failure to proliferate prevented me from performing more in-depth mechanistic analysis. Therefore, the lack of sufficient materials is the bottleneck of CTC characterization. 2. The pleural effusion samples were resistant to shRNA knockdown, and a cell line was used instead to analyze the functional mechanism of CD24. 3. The large patient-to-patient variation makes statistically significant conclusion difficult to obtain. For practicality concerns, it is best to perform mechanistic exploration in in vitro models and then perform measurements of a limited set of parameters in a large cohort of patients. 4. The clinical status of the patients may have a huge impact on the behavior of the cancer cells, and this may partially account for the patient-to-patient variation observed. It is plausible that shed tumor cells may become more invasive as cancer progresses. Therefore, it is important to clearly define the patient characteristics at the start of the trial so that convincing conclusions can be obtained with a more homogenous group of subjects. 5. Some findings are not generalizable across cancer types. The requirement of CD24 for colorectal cancer but not breast cancer is one such example. 5.2 5.2.1 Future experiments Discovery of EpCAM- CTCs We have shown convincing proof for the tumorigenicity of EpCAM+ cells, however, many are speculating the presence of EpCAM- CTCs. Indeed, EpCAM- CTCs have been shown to form tumors and spontaneous metastases in mice [31]. My preliminary data on EpCAM- cells has revealed that there are ~103 EpCAM- cells in 5 ml of blood (Figure 2-12), much more than the number of EpCAM+ cells. The first hypothesis to be tested is whether some of these cells are malignant. Since it is likely that the tumor content is low, we need both a sensitive and a high 97 Chapter 5: Discussions and Future Perspectives throughput method to determine the presence of tumor cells. This can be achieved by pooling the EpCAM- cells and forming targeted amplification of mutation present in the primary tumor. In this case, a single mutation is sufficient but it must be present in the tumor and absent in the adjacent normal tissue. The coverage at the mutated site should be greater than 10 times the number of cells. Once it is confirmed that tumor cells are contained in the mixture, the next logical question is which of the single cells are tumor cells. This can be obtained by performing amplification of the mutation for each cell separately. This may be achieved with a mutation specific primer (the 3’ end of the primer is complementary to the mutation) and performing onchip PCR or RT-PCR in the nanowell system. Since there are more copies of the mutation in the RNA, we can consider probing RNA instead of DNA. Their cytosolic localization also renders them more accessible to PCR amplification. Invitrogen has developed a Single Cell-to-Ct kit that combines cell lysis, reverse transcription and PCR all in one step, thus eliminating the need to open the nanowells repeatedly for several steps of the reaction. We should expect amplification in only the wells containing the mutation. For background normalization, we should also include a primer against the wildtype labeled with a second fluorescent. Discovery of surface markers for EpCAM- cell is challenging because we have the circular problem of not knowing what the phenotypes of tumor cells are and therefore not being able to isolate them for surface marker screening. We can survey the entire genomic landscape of all the EpCAM- cells but the cost is prohibitory given the number of cells we have to screen. ENCODE recommends the number of reads for evaluating the similarity between two polyA+ samples as 30 million paired end [98]. One HiSeq run is ~ 150 million reads, which implies we can only multiplex 5 cells in one lane. The cost can increase substantially if we are screening 1000 EpCAM- cells per sample. Therefore, limiting the number of transcripts may be a more cost effective approach. This has been achieved in hematopoietic cells in which 280 surface molecules were quantified during RT-PCR by custom designed primers [99]. The mutation present in the primary tumor must be included in the panel of targeted genes to determine the malignancy of the cells. Suppose we would like to screen 100 genes and these genes are expressed at 100 transcripts per cell on average. The number of reads we need for a single cells with 1x coverage is 100 genes x 100 copies/transcript/cell x 1 time coverage x 1000 bases 98 Chapter 5: Discussions and Future Perspectives (average size of a gene) / 50 read lengths = 200,000. This means we can multiplex 750 cells in a single HiSeq lane. Ultimately, the circulating tumor cells that do progress to overt metastases will utilize the same proliferative program that the primary tumor or the metastases thrive on. In fact, our data seems to suggest that CTCs are just tumor cells inadvertently shed into the bloodstream and are not more aggressive than the solid tumors. Therefore, genes important for the growth of primary tumors should be transferrable to the circulating tumor cells. We could use primary tumors as a source of materials for hypothesis generation because they represent a more complete repertoire of cancer cells. Therefore, the 100 candidate genes mentioned in the preceding paragraph can be based on previous research that identified genes important for the growth of primary tumors. 5.2.2 The switch from dormancy to proliferation Since the majority of the CTCs are dormant, the central question remained to be explored is how single quiescent cells turn on their proliferative programs, sometimes even years after the removal of primary tumor. Finding out the genes that are important for the switch from an OFF to ON state in tumor cells is the key problem that needs to be addressed. As pointed out earlier, since CTCs are derived from solid tumors, the same “trigger” genes that can cause activation of the solid tumor should exert similar functions on CTCs. Working with solid tumors circumvents the problem of having inadequate materials for exploratory studies. The only difference that exists between a solid tumor and CTCs is that CTCs might have been deactivated by the circulation, that is, CTCs may be in the OFF state while actively growing tumor cells are in the ON state. Therefore, we need to deactivate the tumor cells before using them as the model system in the search for the trigger genes. That can be accomplished by disaggregating a solid tumor into single cells with a protease digestion, followed by culturing them in a suspension culture. Subsequently, disaggregated tumor cells can serve as a good proxy to circulating tumor cells. It is plausible that even a panel of cell lines can be used as relevant model system. We would then compare the genetic information between the clones that grow with the clones that stagnate. The growth of the cells can be marked by labeling the cells with a dye that is diluted every replication cycle. For initial analysis, we can sort the cells into non-proliferative and proliferative groups and analyzed the gene expression of the pooled sample by RNAseq analysis. RNAseq analysis can generate a list of genes that might be involved in turning on the proliferative program. The causal relationship of the putative genes to 99 Chapter 5: Discussions and Future Perspectives tumorigenesis needs to be evaluated by removing the genes individually and evaluating their effect on tumor initiation. Alternatively, an shRNA library can be used to infect a cell line [100] which is then followed for the rate of tumor initiation after culturing in suspension culture. The shRNA clones can then be amplified from both the proliferative cells and the dormant cells. Comparison between the proliferative and non-proliferative cells can potentially lead to the discovery of genes or network important for tumor initiation, which can then be targeted using inhibitors against the genes or network. 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