Stream Functional Responses to Metal-Enriched Leaf Material Hazel Walling and Leah Bendell, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia Methods - Figure 1. Proposed interactions of metals in aquatic foodwebs Hypotheses 1. Leaves grown in metal-enriched soil will have higher metal concentration and lower leaf quality. 2. Decomposition of metal-enriched leaves will be slower than non-enriched leaves. 3. Invertebrate richness and diversity associated with metal-enriched leaf packs will be lower. Site Locations West Vancouver North Vancouver Burrard Inlet Figure 2. Six streams of similar aspect (N-S), size (>2m) and elevation (250-300m) were chosen in North and West Vancouver, British Columbia, and sampled above the major urban development. Cd 0.6 3.5 Cu 35.7 197 Zn 123 315 Figure 3. Red alder (Alnus rubra) saplings were grown in Cd, Cu and Zn enriched soils approximating the province of British Columbia’s interim sediment quality guidelines (ISQG) and probable effect level (PEL) toxicity loads for metals in aquatic sediment. All metal concentrations were measured using ICP and atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Leaves were harvested to construct leaf packs, which were immersed in-stream to assess breakdown rate, and associated benthic invertebrate community. Results I. Metal uptake and leaf quality a. CTRL ISQG PEL Treatment %N b. % mass Reduction in ecosystem function (e.g. detrital processing) PEL (mg/ kg) Leaf Pack Experiment • 5g alder leaves/ pack • 10mm mesh • 3x 3 treatments/ 6 streams • 21-day immersion • Oct. 18-Nov. 8, 2010 • Inverts ID’d to family Mean Zn (ppm) - Reduced growth of aquatic organisms ISQG (mg/kg) Mean Cd (ppm) Metal loading in riparian plants Metal contaminants (traffic, industry) Metal c. CTRL ISQG PEL Treatment d. CTRL ISQG PEL Treatment %C CTRL ISQG PEL Treatment Figure 4. Mean copper (a), cadmium (b) and zinc (c) uptake in ppm and % mass of carbon and nitrogen (d) in red alder leaves prior to leaf pack construction. No significant difference in Cu uptake detected (Dunn’s method). Cadmium uptake between PEL and CTRL and ISQG leaves was significantly different (p<0.05 1-way ANOVA; Holm-Sidak method). Zinc uptake between PEL and CTRL and ISQG leaves was significantly different (p<0.05 1-way ANOVA; Holm-Sidak method). Initial %C differed between treatments (p=0.03), whereas %N did not (p=0.2; Wilcoxon test). II. Leaf decomposition rate III. Invertebrate community The following metrics were significantly associated with stream site, but not metal treatment: • Number of invertebrates • Number of orders • Number of EPT % Mass remaining Urbanization impairs structural and functional properties of aquatic ecosystems. Vehicle exhaust, industrial activities, manufacturing, landfills and waste disposal contribute metals and other pollutants to stream ecosystems. In urban areas, impervious surfaces (such as roads, buildings and compacted soils) further expedite delivery of pollutants through degraded riparian area and streams. While elevated concentrations of toxic metals in stream reduce benthic invertebrate diversity and thus, organic matter breakdown rates, few studies have examined the functional dynamics of metal-enriched plant material in stream ecosystems. We will address that information deficit by asking whether metal enrichment of leaves changes the way they are processed in-stream. Mean Cu (ppm) Background CTRL ISQG PEL Treatment Figure 5. % mass remaining was different between treatments (p> χ2: 0.0001; χ2 approximation of 1way ANOVA, blocked by stream). Marginally significant relationship between proportion EPT: Total invertebrates and treatment Discussion and future directions • Relationship between initial metal uptake and lower % carbon could influence decomposition rate and carbon movement through stream ecosystem • Further identification of insects to lower taxonomic resolution and functional roles necessary • Further studies of how metals influence functional processes in aquatic ecosystems are important