Fixed Assets Department Banner Workflow, Argos and Jagnet Fixed Asset Staff Jerry Quintanilla 872-2780 Graciela Barajas 872-2780 Marcos Perez 872-6176 Julio Cuestas 872-2784 Purpose • The purpose of the annual physical inventory is for all Financial Managers to account for all college property and maintain its organization, location and custodian name up to date. Inventory Asset-Silver Tag(s) Current EM/FM Current EM/FM or New EM/FM Current EM/FM or New EM/FM Argos Jagnet Banner Workflow Banner Workflow Banner Workflow Reports Transfer Transfer Form Validation Form Confirmation Form By A# using the Begin Transfer Using: Verify Tag and Update: Shipping/Receiving: Equipment Manager FA Transfer Request or Description Organization Yes/No and by Custodian FA Mass Transfer By Silver Tag Location Approve and By Serial Number Auction: beckyc By Campus Complete Justification Custodian Approve/Disapprove Complete Complete By Bldg Room Email sent to: Requestor Tag History Financial Managers, Pending Approvals and Fixed Assets Non-Inventory-Purple/Green or No Tag Current EM/FM Current EM/FM or New EM/FM Jagnet Banner Workflow Banner Workflow Transfer Transfer Form Confirmation Form Begin Transfer Using: Verify Tag, Serial # and Shipping/Receiving: Non Inventory Assets Description or NA Yes/No Enter N/A for No Tag or Serial Number (Not Available) Approve/Disapprove Auction: beckyc Approve and Complete Justification Complete Email sent to: Requestor Financial Managers, and Fixed Assets Physical Inventory Report • Inventory Reports are run using Argos a. The Financial Manager’s A number is used to run the report b. The inventory report can be printed using a PDF format or Excel at anytime c. The report is required to be run in the Spring for the annual verification period Information To Verify Before updating an asset, the following information should be verified in Argos • Account for item • Complete Item description • Serial Number • Location (campus, building and room #) • Equipment Manager/Custodian • Organization Updating Asset Information • The update process will begin with Jagnet • Begin by selecting the tag type: silver, purple/green or no tag • The tag number is required and a complete justification to complete the transfer/update Update During Transfer Process • The following information must be updated: –Financial Manager/Custodian –Asset Organization (Current Orgn) –Asset Location (Codes Available in Argos, Jagnet and Fixed Asset Website) Assets for Surplus/Auction • The assets that need to be sent to Surplus/Auction must be transferred to Becky Cavazos • Include a complete justification for the transfer, the current location of the asset and a contact person Assets Not Located • For assets not located the location code #3 must be used • The justification should also include the date the asset was not found • The asset must be reported not found for three year before it will be presented to the President and Board of Trustee to be written off. Department Spot Check • In addition to completing the yearly physical inventory, the Fixed Assets Department is required to conduct a college property spot check by department. • This process is done to ensure that information provided by the departments is accurate and maintained in the Banner/Fixed Assets System. Process to Conduct Spot Checks • Schedule a meeting with the Financial Manager, Administrative Assistant, Secretary and other employees involved in the annual physical inventory process. • The Fixed Assets Department reviews the physical inventory report along with everyone at the meeting and concentrates on the assets stated not found by the department. Process to Conduct Spot Checks • The Fixed Assets Department will then conduct a search and try to find the assets. Once the spot check review is completed the following documentation is done: a. We create a report on items found b. Request updates in the Banner Workflow c. Provide copies of the spot check report to the Financial Manager d. The Fixed Asset Department keeps a copy for future audits or SACS. Banner Workflow Access • The Director of Purchasing has the forms needed for Banner Workflow access which includes Argos, Jagnet and Banner Workflow • This includes access for Financial Manager and their proxy • All Financial Manager are able to extend or delete a proxy in Banner Workflow by selecting the User Information option on the right side. A list of proxies will display, the proxy must be selected to be extended or deleted. Banner Workflow Access cont. • After selecting the proxy username the date and year can be extended by using the button on the right side of the date. • After the date/year is selected the “save” option must be selected. • If deleting a proxy, select the proxy then select the box on the left side of the proxy username and at the bottom select delete. Questions