Editing Your Student Page

Editing Your Student Page
Beginning this semester, you will have the opportunity to maintain information about yourself on the
department website.
From the Student Directory listing on the Economics Department website, there is a page with
information about you (your name, photo, office, email, and start year) as shown in the example below:
You can edit this page to enter additional information about yourself (a link to a personal page, your
teaching assignments, and up to five research papers) or update the existing information. The example
below shows how this new information appears:
 Your changes will not immediately appear on the website. They will be reviewed and
approved by the website moderator. If there are questions or problems with what
you have posted, you will be contacted for clarification.
 Do not use Internet Explorer to edit your pages. There are compatibility issues with
some versions of IE. You can use any other browser, such as Chrome, Firefox, or Safari.
How to edit your page
1) Within the Student Directory on the department website, click on your name to go to your page.
2) Scroll to the bottom of your page and click Login.
3) Enter your PennKey and password when prompted for them.
4) Click the Edit tab that appears above and to the left of your name.
A form appears containing basic information about you (name, start year, email address, office
location, etc). If any of the existing information is incorrect, you can alter it.
You can update your photo or include one, if one is not there now. All the images are 80x100
pixels; the moderator will resize any photo you upload to match this standard.
To create a link to a personal website, add the URL of the site in the Link field. (The link will read
Web Page and point to the URL you enter.) Don’t link to a Facebook page or anything that
reveals too much personal information about you. For information on creating a personal
website at Penn, go to the OpenScholar site and follow the instructions for requesting a site.
Any material you put there will not be easily transferrable once you leave Penn, but it provides
an easy-to-use and flexible option for posting details of your academic work.
To list the courses for which you are a recitation instructor or teaching assistant this semester,
enter the course number, section/recitation number, as well as your office hours for that course
within the Current Teaching Assignments area. There is space to enter up to three courses here.
You’ll want to revisit this area each semester as your teaching responsibilities change.
To post a research paper on your page, in the Research section upload the paper (PDF format),
enter its title, and an abstract. You can enter up to five papers. They must be in order from 1 to
5. The logic of the program looks for paper 1 first, if it doesn’t find one, it skips any others.
5) When you’re done, click the Save button.