Goal Team 2 Table Notes on Eight Taxonomy Questions

Combined Goal Team Meeting
October 22, 2010
Goal Organizational Morning Sessions
Goal Team 2 Table Notes
Table Number 6
Goal Team 2
Moderator: Jean Marie Fuhrman
Recorder: Darla Sharpe
Question 1
Validity to invite or restriction of access.
It is more important than ever to br4oaden definition of access to all
students (from application once on campus, answer centers, disabilities).
Yes keep this question by always paying attention to definition of access.
Parents and community need to be educated on access.
What do we mean by “access”?
Is the definition broad enough?
Question 2
Without a doubt, yes!
What do students expect (Question 3) when they don’t pass a class?
Perceptions are important.
Parents and community perspectives/perceptions need to be educated.
We need to meet the students’ needs.
Broaden question – Perceptions of students and their support system”.
Prospective – educate families, community.
Question 3
How can we better communicate to students online?
Course information – more thorough orientation for online.
Orientation should be more about expectations for online/hybrid learning.
We need to tell students enough about the format they are signing up for in
order to see if it is a good fit for them.
Limited resources supporting faculty teaching online course creates
Maybe follow-up question; what do successful and unsuccessful students
experience in both traditional and online course differs?
Change specifically just their initial contact, but add to it and throughout the
rest of their career here?
Modify here: to what extend to we demonstrate value added to our learning
support and what measures of learning are available to us?
How do encourage student use of support systems?
(Get rid of existing last questions.)
Model the SL of academic affairs at student affairs and adjunct faculty.
Question 4
Should be developed deeper and separated out.
Some of our processes work better as disjointed – like a new website.
Add a follow-up?
How do you collaboratively, in a transparent manner, develop and
communicate changes to our fiscal, facility and technology.
Student Affairs and Human Resources capabilities, polices and strategies
support and/or hinder students in meeting their learning goals?
Table Number 7
Goal Team 2
Moderator: Nicholas Bekas
Recorder: Cheryl Robinson
Question 1
External #1 change from 2003 to 2008?
Question 2
New questions?
Question 3
Aha! Overall to external.
What do we mean by community? Service district? Central Florida? State?
All of the above?
Where would international and SAGE fit it if it is service district?
External Question 3
What is meant by competitors?
Are we only talking about proprietary?
Table Number 8
Goal Team 2
Moderator: Allison Noe
Recorder: Dennis Weeks
Question 1
Still valid question/Dev. Ed needs.
Amplify what works here
How will we restrict it?
We need to do in future.
How would we compensate if restricted access.
As a broad question, we have options to look at possibilities.
Certain disabilities have some restrictions (all websites and visual).
Online classes offer more access (out of area), opens classroom seats.
Online also a liability – students can only get online but are not online
Not right for everybody.
Good for work folks (on line).
Question 2
We care, positive perception
What about those bounded around (their perception)?
Learning support.
Negative – answer center line is so long, can’t wait for hours and give up?
This question forces us to ask how students are experiencing us.
Keeps us working (on our toes).
Answer Center – fantastic job, but difference answers.
Process? Walk lines to fish out easy questions.
How are students experiencing us?
Question 3
Edit – Question hard to answer – streamline.
Experience Valencia – initial contact.
What is a successful or unsuccessful student?
Edit – What made “them” successful?
Edit – Define student profile
First generation international high achievers, disabilities, prep, veterans.
Different categories of students as they approach college
Define success out the door/coming into college.
Success at initial contact.
Question 4
Cumbersome questions?
Edit – How do our resources support or hinder learning.
Faculty not mentioned.
Too much in original.
Too broad as written.
Goals – what are “their” goals, 1 course, certificate, and refresher?
Continue to ask questions with edits – more users friendly.
Hel or hinder leaning goals?
Table Number 9
Goal Team 2
Moderator: Lucy Boudet
Recorder: Kurt Ewen
External Questions
Questions 3 & 4
Need to be broken down into smaller questions.
Edit the questions.
“Competitors” – why ask this question?
Who is not important?
What are they doing __________ important questions?
Question 1
Is good – keep it.
Question 2
Who are our community partners - Hospitals, Disney, UCF?
New Question #?
How will growth change our relationship with our community partnerships?
$ - How will funding impact our future and our relationships.
Who are our community partners?
Changes in funding and the impact to students/tuition.
Maybe change the order: 1, 4, 2, and 3.
What are the issues that matter most to the community and how will we
address them.