2005 Assessment Report

2005 Assessment Report
MPA Program
Completed By:
Urban Studies
Kristé Vedegys-Duhigg & Vera Vogelsang-Coombs
June 2, 2005
Goal 1:
Students will assume the challenges of public service by having a substantive foundation in general public administration (cited as the generalist outcome).
Students will understand
theories of public
Research Methods
Student performance in PAD
600, 604 , PSC 605/PAD 617
as per rubric
For 2004-2005 academic Year
PAD 600-N=91
62.64 % exemplary
35.16% Satisfactory
1.10% marginal
1.10% unsatisfactory
MPA assessment committee
will review data August 2005.
None at this time
MPA faculty will review
September 2005
PAD 604 N=58
77.59% exemplary
22.41% Satisfactory
PSC 605/PAD 617 N=46
50% exemplary
47.83% Satisfactory
2.17% marginal
Students will apply
constitutional and ethical
values of public administration.
Student performance in PAD
634 and 631 as per rubric
PAD 634 N=24
70.83% exemplary
29.17% Satisfactory
PAD 631 N=11 (Sp 05 only)
All students received an
Program: MPA Program
Department: Urban Studies
MPA assessment committee
will review data August 2005.
None at this time
MPA faculty will review
September 2005
2005 Assessment Report
Goal 2:
Students will assume the challenges of public service by having methodological skills in general public administration (cited as the methodological outcome).
Students will understand the
fundamentals of quantitative
Students will use statistical
analysis effectively.
Research Methods
Data track of PAD 501 and
PAD 601 as per rubric
Student performance track via
rubric in PAD 601
Students will assess the
economic and revenue
dimensions of public
Student performance track via
rubric in PAD 603
Students will know how to lead
a strategic planning process.
Student performance track via
rubric in PSC/PAD 635
Students will know how to
apply principles of public
personnel administration.
Student performance in PAD
630 as per rubric
90% of 501 students pass 601
in 04-05
PAD 601 N=60
36.67% exemplary
40% Satisfactory
23.33% marginal
PAD 603 N=51
27.45% exemplary
68.63% Satisfactory
3.92% marginal
PSC 635 N=38
44.74% exemplary
47.37% Satisfactory
7.89% marginal
PAD 630 N=53
88.68% exemplary
11.32% Satisfactory
Program: Students will understand theories of public administration.
Department: Urban Studies
MPA assessment committee
will review data August 2005.
MPA faculty will review
September 2005
MPA assessment committee
will review data August 2005.
MPA faculty will review
September 2005
MPA assessment committee
will review data August 2005.
MPA faculty will review
September 2005
MPA assessment committee
will review data August 2005.
MPA faculty will review
September 2005
MPA assessment committee
will review data August 2005.
MPA faculty will review
September 2005
None at this time
None at this time
None at this time
None at this time
None at this time
2005 Assessment Report
Goal 3:
Students will develop specialized skills in on of the Program’s substantive area: (1) public management, (2) economic development, and (3) health care administration
(cited as the specialization outcome).
Students will defend their
problem analysis, using
presentation technology,
before a panel of MPA faculty
members and practitioners.
Research Methods
This panel will use a special
rubric that assesses
students on the Program’s
six learning goals
Eight randomly selected capstones drawn
from CY 2003-2004 were evaluated. The
panel of faculty and practitioners used a
special rubric designed to assess student
performance along nine dimensions. The
scale ranged from 1 to 5 (high).
1: written communication: mean of
4.79/s.d. of .4179/variance of .0175
2: Project identification: mean of 4.73/s.d.
of .450/variance of .562069
3: MPA core ideas: mean of
4.60/s.d..7497/variance of .562
4: Information Gathering: mean of
4.60/s.d. of .5632/variance of .3172
5: Analysis: mean of 4.69/s.d. of
.69/variance of .48
6: Project identification: mean of
4.39/s.d. of .7 373/variance of .5437
7. Learning: mean of 4.52/s.d. of
.6877/variance of .4730
8. Quality of Oral Presentation: mean of
4.57/s.d. of .5683/variance of .323
Program: Students will understand theories of
Department: Urban Studies
9. Response to Questions: mean of
4.69/s.d. of .4708/variance of .2217
public administration.
MPA assessment
committee will review
data August 2005.
MPA faculty will
review September
None at this time.
2005 Assessment Report
Goal 3:
Students will prepare a
written problem analysis.
Research Methods
MPA faculty used a special
rubric designed to assess
student performance, based
on the 6 MPA learning goals.
The rubric used a seven-point
scale, from 0 to 6, See MPA
Program Assessment plan.
Nine randomly capstones
drawn from CY 2003-2004
were evaluated.
Mean for goal 1=3.154
Mean for goal 2=2.885
Mean for goal 3=2.761
Mean for goal 4=2.846
Mean for goal 5=3.173
Mean for goal 6=3.130
The MPA faculty reviewed the
data in April 2005.
The MPA identified a series of
follow-up actions. See the
attached report for the details.
Program: MPA faculty used a special rubric designed to assess student performance, based on the 6 MPA learning goals. The rubric used a seven-point
scale, from 0 to 6, See MPA Program Assessment plan. Nine randomly capstones drawn from CY 2003-2004 were evaluate
Department: Urban Studies