FTL REPORT R80-3 PILOT WORKLOAD IN THE AIR TRANSPORT ENVIRONMENT: MEASUREMENT, THEORY, AND THE INFLUENCE OF AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL Jeffrey G. Katz May 1980 FTL REPORT R80-3 PILOT WORKLOAD INTHE AIR TRANSPORT ENVIRONMENT: MEASUREMENT, THEORY, AND THE INFLUENCE OF AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL JEFFREY G. KATZ Flight Transportation Laboratory Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 May 1980 ABSTRACT The operating environment of an air transport crew is characterized by multiple interrupting tasks, these tasks being composed of a mixture of purely physical control and purely Measurement of crew workload is mental planning processes. thus d difficult undertaking due to the necessity to resolve workload contributions imposed by several sources include physical efforts, mental task interruptions, tribute, subjective sources. efforts, and emotional disturbances. opinion rating scale is usa as an effective measure for this environment. These random A multiat- presented for air transport cockpit An analysis is performed which indicates tnat a major component of workload is induced by the federal air traffic control system. Mechanizations of this loading inClude speed and altitude restrictions imposed by regulation, confinement and restraint imposed by the structure of the National Airspace System, and loads induced by a stochastic interruption process associated with ATC voice communications, In fact, the analysis of a routine transport arrival into Boston's Lagan airport indicates that the (primarily system induced) workload levels in the terminal area, may be higher than the (primarily aircraft induced) workload levels on final approach. A fixed base, 3oeing 707 simulator was employed to investigate the consistency, sensitivity, and acceptability- of the 31, subjective rating scale. Four airline pilots and four general aviation, IFE pilots flew a series of routine, IF1i arrivals from hign altitude cruise into Boston's Logan airport, each arrival terminating with a standard instrument a-proacit. Consistent ratings were achieved across the airline suojects for all segments of the arrivals. In general, all subjects metaidulogy. seemed receptive to the subjective assessment :ABLE CF CONENTS page Chapter I.* INTTFCDUCTICN :otivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . CONCEP:S OF Workload . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . 4 . . . . 4 . . . . . . 11 17 . . . . 22 . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Workload Mental and . . THECRY . WCFKLOAD . . Objectives and OrganizAtion . . . . . . . . Functional Definiticns of Mental Workload Workloaid Capacity and Related Theory . . . Surrary I1. V.ZESUZES . . . . . JF MENTAL Physiological Brain upil Heart . . WORKLOAD. . . Dilation Eate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . leasures of Mental Workload . . . . :ask Measures . . Primary Mental Capacity Opinions Sutjective . . . Variability Spare IV. . Measures . . . Electrical Activity Dehavioral Suamary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 36 . . . .40 . . . . 48 50 TFAFFIC . . . . . . . . . . . 33 . . . . . . . 31 . . The Airspace Loading riechanisn :egulatory Loading iechanisms 3echanisms 29 . . Loading . . . . . . . . . . . 25 26 . . . . . . . . . . 24 . . . . 1 . . . PILOT WOIKLCAD AND THE IN'FLUZNCE CF AI CCNTE.OL 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 . . . . . . . . . . . 52 53 . .73 . 75 . . 75 . Discussion ot the Reyulatory and Airspace . Mechanism Ac V. * . * * * . . Expiicit Loading . Implicit Loading . WOr.KLOAD ANALYSIS . . OF A DCSTON . . . :he Scenario . Analysis Tools . .* . * . . . * . . . * Cockpit Activity Tirelines . Task Precedence Maps . . i . . . . . . . . . . . 77 . . . . 91 * * , * . . . . . . . . 92 94 . . . . 95 . 97 . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . * * . -w . . . AERIVAL * . . . . . Voice Communication Mechanisms . . . . Analysis of ATC and Intercrew Communications An . . Analysis Busvness . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 102 . . . . . . . 103 . . . . . . . 104 117 122 .. . . . . Mu ltiple Tasks and Interruptions.. Simultaneity Priority and :ask Tas- Constraints and . Slack . . Iriggers ATC and Intercrew Concluding Discussion VI. . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 . . . . . . 142 Communicatiar.s . . . . . 133 FLIGHT SIAULATOR EVALUATICN OF A SU3JECTIVE RATING SCALE . . . . . . . . . . Experimental Ctjectives Simulation Facility Flight Experimental Scenarios . Experimental Procedure . Preflight Briefing . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . 163 161 162 165 . . . . . . . . . . Concluding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 146 147 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 . . . . . . . . EIB3LICGRAPHY . . . . Warmup Flights Data Flights . . . Discussion of Results Discussicn . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 157 . . . 182 185 . page Appendix A. SCE a, FIGUE;S FOS THE ANALYSIS C. EX?IENCE COLS F70i WCRKLOAD ANALYSIS . . . . . . OF A BCSTON AFEIVAL QUESTICNNAIFE I ii . . .. . . . . . . . . 189 , . 210 . . 237 . A Chapter I INTEODUCTION Pilot worklodd has long been and manufacturers a concern tor the operators 'his of aircraft. stemmed from some threshold of workload, theory which states that beyond a pilot's performance will be concern degraded to unsafe levels and his ability to cope with unexpected emergencies will be seriously impaired. Unacceptable levels of workload, jeopardize safety in a system where the costs therefore associated with error are intolerably high. L3APT 0rL4 1.1 The late that brouqh t 1970s saw a increased public Siirilarly, safety. series of major attention to 757. recent, the Douglas DC9-80, These events issues of air the early 1980s will witness the intro- duction of at least three new technology, aircraft, airline accidents are all transport category the Boeing 767, significant and the Boeing contributors to heightaned research efforts in areas related to the human factors of cockpit design and operating safety. at this time of increased public concern, For, there remain few acceptable answers to the following questions: 1. Should an aircraft have a two or three man crew? 2. Against what standards snould safe new cockpit and use of instrumentation be the displays certifi- cated. Against what 3. standards should new flight procedures be evaluated. Tahe answers to the above understand crew. and measure questions require the the wor&load of ability to an air transport At present neither can be done to the satisfaction of the aviation community. CgBJECTVES 1.2 "Nj CLGANZATION This thesis research was conducted as p4rt of a multidisciplinary effort 1978-1933. It at MIt over the addresses several it two academic aspects of the workload addresses the state of recent workload problem. First, theory as applied to the duties and environment of transport crew operating under present-day Instrument Eules (.:Fa). measures these Related to this is discussed :neasures are erivironment. years, with a adapted for the literature particular use in an air Fligtt on workload emphasis on the air how transport Next, the linkage traffic these or interface between cockpit control systemt is two systems* other. A strongly The activity in each of influences framework for analyzing cribed that, nificant examined. in particular, influence of 'is activity in this interface useful in traffic the air and air the is des- examining the sigcontrol system on pilot workload. Finally, a complete analysis of a Boeing 707 arrival into Boston is described. This scenario serves as baseline for a series of were devised flight simulator experiments which to evaluate developed at :"T. a pilot workload 'reting These experiments explore some of the more the initial an Anglytic scale' also were designed to theoretical constructs examined in portions of this work, The flight simulator experiments and their results are discussed. Pilot worklodd is, however, very complicated stand conceptually. is today, a 'topical' subject. subject to analyze or It is, to under- The fundamental objective of this work to place pilot workload in'perspective by identifying and examining key aspects of the problem. Linatj.on of theory, In this thesis a con- analysis and experiment are employed in this task. *The aircratt systems includes crew, aircraft, and aircraft lynamics. The AIC system includes system architecture, the controller, ani other aircraft. -3 - Chaptor 1I CONCiPTS CF WORKLOAD THEORY nis chapter lays a framework which serves discussions of for the as the kasi-s The concepts later chapters. of are elaborated by collat- workload and workload measurement inq material from existing literature and troa research perthe present conjunction with formed in thesis. this In chapter the theory and conceptual description of workload is explained in a techniques for workload measurement casses The following general sense, chapter disair the: IFE, transport application. 2.1 WOEKLCAD U.D MENTAL 1_CAELADA Historically the major study of aperator, workload Tha t is, 4ancentrated on physical workload. was researchers and designers were mostly concerned with anatomical restrictions and liMits of human capabilites in terms of strength, effort and physical exertion. mental, became apparent that purely non-physical effort could, also seriously impair an operator's quently Later it his potential performance or the literature has more impoutance of mental workload. -* 4 - to err. Conse- recently recognized the his is It workload. or mental total worxload either exclusively with almost deal thesis will convenient to state that Total Workload = ?hysical W9rkload + lental Workload Physical workload is and research continues the human operator. Physical quantifiable today into physical loads on terms of hard ghysiological- par- in workloa, d an be measured perspiration rate as heart rate, ameters such and carbon dioxide expiration rate. However, in today's air transport environment the mental workload corponterit is increasingly the most impor- becoming tant component of total workload alone is discussed in this indreasing in hias been and, thesis. for this reason, Today's simplicity and automation. transformed into that The ot a 'flight pilot manages it cockpits are pilot's job manager' his complex (see system Lavcson,,1978). As the through the air, indeed physical levels of effort are quite be reduced.* low and continually seemed to cal loads cannot be ignored, Althougn physi- inentil loads have become increasingly more complex and crucial to understanding jilot *See Hay, et al, 1978, for an example ceductiLons in the DC9 series aircraft. .- 5- of physical task wor kloa d. :o this end, load is not must be clearly stated that mental work-- it directly proportional to performance nor is it the number of tasks being performed. 'intervening' variable (see Simpson is not directly observable. mental workload is mental workload is and Sheridin,1978), it In generil it can be said that some combination of mental effort, mation processing, an and emotion in infor- response to task demand. Mental workload has to do with a sense of mental effort, how hard one (1978) feels one As Simpson is working. an4- Sheridan point out 'one person can claim t3 have a feeling of great mental effort, no mental while another can claim to be exerting effort at all and both be performing at the same level. Sheridan and Stassen the human is linkages (1978) total workloal performance. Figure 2.1 is which shows, in system form, take place tas k. his system interfaced to through which when a human show in schematic a mince and postulate can influence the task reproducti..n of this concept the various interactions that controller (operator) works on a The figure theorizes how mental worKload is involved in affecting task performance and it ure, Xorm how that it is clear, from the fig- need not be directly related The figure also shows to task perfor- external variables which may be measwured (611,AM2 and 33) to be representative of workload. It should be noted, thouyh, that Sheridan's model of Work- load and Pertorinance shows tae I rect variables to be only indi- iteasures of workload. For a load it theoretical and conceptual uaderstanding is necessary to have a frdmework tor defining mnental workl.oad or a paradigm for (1978) have constructed case which is Sheridan arid Simpson analysis. a paradig reproduced in the piluting task, affect of work- for the figure 2.2. pilot workload They note that, there are three distinct functions which workload and which also affect performance. 1. judgement function that 'here is a is dependent on pilot experience and that will contain his long term planning efforts. 2. There is a supervisory which allocates time be spent short function and effort to on tasks. real-time, is This term a planning function. 3. in There is the function that sory motor in-bred task dmnost more fundamental sen- skill and reflexive operator. - 7 - action contains re.presents of the Assigned criterion workioad GIVEN SYSTEM AND FORCING FUNCTION HUMAN CONTROLLER Assigned task workload SYSTEMDISPLAYS SENSORS NROSEFFECTORS ''"""""OSLY II Asindklkwrla ,.4...,MANIPULATORSPRCS y) (~~~>T~isturb\ CONTROLLED isturb#W Pnce I In forma tion are "m ntal tional1 Emo processin workload woworkload Snfrbje tiiona nry 4SEODR PEyiolgyclScnayPi~t D3ananysDS a D3 d D. Figure 2.1: a --. Paradigm Control Human Operator --- Muni wrla? EnergyS.CONDARY statef toerrnea (wrla? THE PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT OERATOR T4EHUMAN JUDCYXrNT F'NCTION HENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS & memory Long term planning 1f Ci Experience Consequences _ Evaluation f I Pi g - Criteria for decision makin Task Arrivals (Previewed) y SUPERVISORY !f ~ FUNCTION Performance Monitoring Short term planning & memory Real time, offline Task effort allocation Selection of next task 1. Observe all tasks 2. Estimate Pj(Mi) given P 3. Schedul'e tasks U- 4. Determine Mi M Task specific s Supervisory Mental Work mental work SENSORY-MOTOR FUNCTIONtS AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS Task skills Real time, on-line n i B1 earning Mi B Behavioral actions applied to tasks M T Figure 2.2: Qualitative Paradigm for Pilot Mental Workload Task Competions Pi, Task Performe ihe paradigm characteristics of figure of pilot 2.2 fits motor functions will require is simple and requires little skill level will expend the known performance. at sone s&ill levels, Thus some pilots will effort. of and pilot workload The paradigifr also suggests that sory many virtually no senmental feel flying an ILS approach Yet pilots on a low ef.iort. considerable effort controlling tne aircraft and will not be able to adequately perform the long term planning juately. or short term supervisory For this less skilled pilot, functions then, ade- the workload may well be very high. This formulation of mental worikload also the long *erm planning function can suggests that load the pilot, as can the supervisory function, even though sensory motor tasks do not. This is a automation relieves matter of great practical the pilots of many importance as physical, sensory motor tasks (see foerger,1978). Zinally, it should be noted framework theorizes that that Sheridan and Simpson's both the aircraft systems operating environment affect the mental pilot. warKload of the IF3 The huindn factors design of aircraft systems reflect the importance of this influence. the operating environment is and has and the However, difficult to predict, been generally ignored in workload inf luence of the operating environment, tra.ffic control system is the influence of a priori, studies. specifically the air the subject of Chapter 4. - 10 - The 2.2 FUNNTICNAL D"F:NIIgjiS OF MEAL WOE KLOAD no yenerally accepted definition of mental work- There is laad despite yeirs of research iri mental workload and opera- al, of -1978) Force study A recent FAA Task tar workload. cites report et reviewed some common the state of the art, :his definitiori, (see Hay, two different quite appruaches to a definition: aggregate of the system ... determined is 'Level of pilot workload ... by ... placed on the the task demands the pilot by coupled with the actions required of the pilot to sitisfy those demands.' 'Level or the sum workload equals of somatic energy expended and task difficulty multiplied by the duration of this activity.' In functiotial deiinitions described this thesis the chapter 2.1 will be used. in the present research to go "t is beyond the scope of further than this in in atteimpt to coin a new definition for workload or mental to discuss in more however, workload. It is useful, detail the theoretical form of the mental ween task performance, ioad. relationships bet- effort and mental work- The ensuing discussion draws heavily on the pre- viodsly cited work of Simpson and Sheridan w-he interested reader is referred - 11 - to (1978)*. Chapter 2.3.2 . of Lodej :ormulation 11 a Workload The IFF piloting environment is characterized system where the pilot is tasks. tasks must be :his is essentidlly the in continuously working on many The tasks occur randomly (at time tfor and often his thesis be worked and ior each In tas&, i, by which time the task must td(i), This scenario is piloting task and it tative of the studied reguiced a different amount or effort to complete have been completed. on simultaneously. control behavior. on supervisory there %as a deadline, task i) paradigm Tuiga (1978) Tuld's paradigm each task of time as a is guite represenshown schemati- cally ky figure 2.3. In general, on task i, it is assumed that task performance, is a function of expended on that task6 model, is the behavioral Note that performance, postulated to be a function not effort, but of behavioral effort. places some utility on a task i leads him to errort. =(P Desired terms Simpson drid SLeridan (1978). - in this of mental The individual pilot of behavioral P(B= effort performance level aChieved on and a desired utility required amount P., 12 - In expend the algebraic M(ental (ffort Z.by M. PI ied p pilot Task i toi arrival - -- time _ td i _~iti~~h~ N* - iji@Thi1ThTh1Th]iillIillflfliillThliJIIll - '1 deadline 1 Other nown tasks I I I --I----1 I anticipated task I I I I TI14E Figure 2.3: Task Arrivals, Dgadlines and Mental Effort - 13 - t, present time Task Per formance P. P.-- inum Perfoinance in B. i Behavioral . mnif Activity B. I (A) GENERAL FUNCTION Task performance, P. Behavioral Activity, (B) STEP FUNCTION Figure 2.4: Task Performance Function, P (8 ) 1 - 14 - Zo meet his own performance criteria expend the required behavioral the pilot effort. will This is shown by figure 2.4. It is postulated that there is a monotonic relation- ship between behavioral acti~vity figure 2.5 shows, increasing and mental work. still levels As allow the same amount of behavioral activity to be performed with lesser expenditures of mental effort. Mental effort then is neous pilot. workload Mental a time dependent but instantaP parameter (5t)) for an individual work is the time integral of mental effort This work is Mental Work =Jt(t)dt 0 ' dependent on both the task, i, and the pilot, p. The pilot works in a multiple task environment. some time interval over which workload is measured, In the pilot may work on tasks simultaneously, or nearly so*. The total mental effort level, summed over all tasks, and using a moving average of interval T gives t . t.p p XL(t) = 1/T*gJM.(t)dt +J M(t)dt] i t-T s *It is a matter of contention whet'her pilots work on tasks simultaneously or whether they time-share. This point does not affect the present argument but may affect the choice of a model for a human operatgr. - 15 - Task Behavioral Activity B levels of skill Mental Work, M. Figure 2.5:. Behavioral Activity as a Function of Mental Work , instantaneous ment al effort Mental Work Rites Time, Figure 2.6: Mental Effort Level and Instanteous Mental Effort -MIA - t As shown in figure 2.6 this moving average smooth the instantaneous work neous work rate may exceed tends to effort so that instanta- the average effort level at times. WORKLOAD CAPACITY AND RELATED THEORY 2.3 With these description of the concepts of workload theory it is now possible to take relates workload to one additional step. a workload limit or This step capacity and it relates workload to performance*. Simpson and Sheridan state that associated with each task, tion. Total mental tasks and all and work is there is mental work with each psychomotor func- then the summation across all functions. MP= E N. Total Mental Work ij I i - task Pilot p j Associated with - function each psychomotor work level or capacity, element is some 'maximum , for a given pilot, p.' An J index of the utilization or loading of each psychomotor ele- MCAP ment is represented by M1/MCAP p = *This section also op cit. p<p<i draws heavily on Simpson - 17 - and Sheridan, Saturation of this element occurs when P= 1. It is ize the then theorized that an individual pilot will maximutility derived from a certain performance less the disutility of the mental workload. level dathematically this can be stated as p pp p p Sax(U) = Max(; U() -U ) p p ML< 1CAP. for each pshychomotor element j subject to and P.> P.for and task i (min. i- Implica tio n The thejodel most important cussed workload implication of formulation to this presence of multiple, suggests performance level) min the previously thesis relates randomly occurring tasks. disto the The model (see figure 2.7) that at different times different psychomotor elements are constraining Different types of task load unique manner. the pilot's workload. affect different elements in a Consequently, there will exist tradeoffs in performance on varying tasks that objective function cited in occur when maximizing the the formulation task tradeoff occurs explicitly due simultaneity of tasks in the above. This to the multiplicity and piloting environment (see fig- ure 2.8) In fact, queueing theory would suggest (see Senders and Posner, 1976) that performance will degrade as the probability of tasks of higher worked on, increases. priority than presently being This is shown by figure 2.9, that is also taken from Simpson and Sheridan. - 18 - -Motor component, Pilot Mental Work on Task 1 j=21 Sensory component, - Motor component, j=22 Pilot Mental- Work on Task 2 Figure 2.7: Mental Work Capacities for Two Simultaneous Tasks Pilot Performanc on Task 1, P1 Pilot Performance on Task 2, P 2 Figure 2.8: Performance Level Tradeoff for Two Simultaneous Tasks Overall Task Performance 1.0 Overall Workload Ratio Figure 2.9: Overall Task Performance vs. Workload Ratio - 20 - identified three categories of Simpson and Sheridan have task in the IFR piloting environment that define a hierarchy This hierarchy recognizes of task priority and precedence. the existence of a task multiplicity and interruption dimenThe task categories are sion to pilot workload. 1. - Operating tasks directly with the aircraft which concerned tasks operation of the be must handled Examples include air- immediately. craft maneuvering and control, and auditing radio communications. 2. tasks - Monitoring tasxs of criti- cal importance that may be delayed for a of time short period operating formed. tasks being per- include systems Examples monitoring, scan, are while out-the-window and instrument visual cross check- ing. 3. - tasks Planning tasks into idle periods deferrable of time. Exam- ples include retrieving ATIS information, planning approaches, puting landing data. - 21 - com- monitoring task If a the being performed, the monitoring deferred until planning task will be task has both planning with which The rate and randomness and monitoring tasks. the Similarly, been completed. operating task will preempt occurrence of an task is a planning is cued while occur will influence the work- the three categories of task load level perceived by a crewmember. SUMMARY 2,4 In the air transport environment the mental workload component is increasingly becoming the most significant portion workload has no thought of mental Despite this importance, of total pilot workload. It can be generally accepted definition. as some weighted combination of mental effort, information processing, and emotion in response to an operator's task demand. Theory would suggest that mental load is not a simple function of task performance. The task load by a of an air transport randomly occurring series tasks tend to another. crew is characterized of multiple occur simultaneously and tasks. These to interrupt one Pilots are thus trained to prioritize these tasks, ranking each task with a certain relative importance. Cer- tain types of task are easily deferrable for sustained per- iods (planning tasks). Others are deferrable for only brief periods while those of highest priority (monitoring tasks), (operating tasks) must be performed promptly. - 22 - It is posta- lated perceived workload of the magnitude of this that the influenced by the pilot will be interruption/queueing process. These simple concepts of workload theory are a basis on which to build experiments and analysis. this chapter digm of the IFR pilot presented in the further theoretical discussions of analysis of Chapter 5, useful The parais Chapter 4, used in in the in the experiments presented in and Chapter 6. - 23 - Chapter III OF MENTAL WORKLOAD MEASURES is the sum of his physical The total workload of a pilot and mental workload. the air transport environment, In the insignificant component of sical workloads are becoming total workload as cockpits transition 1978). more duties in Indeed the pilot's of a to a state of automa- simplistic designs integrated, tion and phy- et al the Late 1970s make him and supervisor flight manager (see Hay, than the 'stick jockey' of an earlier era or aviation (see Babcock,1976). These include the indices of perspiration rate. of methods. measurable by a number Physical workload is respiration rate, heart and however, is a rela- Mental workload, tively new concern to the engineer and operator. cal loads have reduced in of automated systems, due to new ing. As physi- magnitude due to the introduction mental load may have complexities and uncertainties in been increased decision mak- the most significant compo- Mental workload is today nent of total workload in many operational circumstances and it is a concept that is, as yet, not well understood. focused on measures of men- In this chapter attention is tal workload. measures for Candidate - 24 - the air transport and evaluated are discussed environment in terms of the results of previous research and with respect to the conceptual theory outlined An attempt in Chapter 2. made to is show how suitable these candidate techniques are for measuring the workload of an IFE, air transport pilot. This chapter is not meant to sible measures of be a compendium of all pos(see workload surveys measures promising results in have seen very which the air are Wier- Rather, this chap- wille,1979;Williges and Wierwille,1979). ter instead most likely to yield transport application or which common usage in measuring aircrew mental workload. 3.1 PHYSIOLOGICAL MEASUEES Physiological measures of mental workload are those meth- odologies which seek to infer nals are heart rate, This skin temperature, cldss of measure from workload is promising measurement by tapping physiological signals These, types of measures are but there is because it physiological functions of men- and matching these to known tal workload. and brain electrical the uncertainty and subjectivity portends to remove much of understood Examples of these sig- physiological signals. quantifiable, activity. workload levels by monitoring a great deal underway that should yield improvements ological workload measures. - 25 - still not well of basic research in the use of physi- 3.1.1 Brain Electrical Activity These techniques utilize electroencephelograph brain electrical activity. of the brain emit an is theorized that the neurons It electrical stimulus Belated Potential or EBP) records of (called an Event corresponds to the informa- that tion processing associated with a discrete external event. related stimulus (also referred The signal from an event to in the literature as an evoked response) is imbedded in Signal averaging the noise of an EEG record. low level and techniques must thus be used to' extract the ERP pulse which typically has a magnitude of 10 to 250 microvolts and pulse widths of 500 milliseconds Figure 3.1 shows using signal (see Donchin,1978). a typical ERP trace averaging techniques that was extracted The signal peaks are labelled by their positivity and by the time after the triggering event at which they occur. is a positive peak occurring triggering epoch. For example, a P300 peak 300 milliseconds after As figure 3.2 indicates, of the evoked response are the various regions theorized to correspond to vari- ous types of mental information processing. Of particular interest and latency have more complex. by both memory tasks. It thus is the P300 peak been found to vary as whose magnitude mental tasks become Research has shown that the P300 is tasks and by purely cognitive may eventually serve as a certain categories of mental loading. - 26 - affected processing direct index of - -T 0 20 ' to 10.4 pV 0 50 410 30 12pV I 0 11 100 200 300 400 500 1.'.SEC 02PV 0 2 4 12 10 8 6 Figure 3.1: An -Evoked Response Potential (ERP) 0 0 MSE C 100 "Sensory" 200 300 400 "Processing" Light Intensity Pattern Sharpness Color Movement Figure 3.2: Recognition Relevance Expectancy . , 5Q0 600 "Motor" 700 Tracking Components of the Visual Evoked Response - 27 - Unfortunately, workload measurement still must be overcome. brain electrical activity for the use of has some practical The primary problem is that the technicue as applied to operator workload is of research. problems that still Three problems that in an infant state must yet be solved are listed below. 1. Continuous task and (e.g. multiple tasks piloting tasks) are not pre- sently amenable to this technique. mental processes Different 2. fere 3. in different ways inter- with another and the effect of the P300 is not well known. one this on Signal averaging techniques require multiple tests of the same event on the same subject The great advantage in that directly being tapped using the reflect cognitive rather than of directly an inference loading of a subject. 28 loading are made based on some This offers a future pos- and repeatably - that the signals processing and variable external to the system. sibility ERP is - assessing the mental 3.1.2 Pupil Dilation The pupil dilation technique seeks ing by monitoring the expansion to infer mental load- and contraction of the pupil, relative to some baseline, as a subject works on some task. The technique is based as information surge the nervous Thus it processing loads of 'activation' Beatty, 1978). on theory which states that, are increased, results By coincidence, in the brain a forward stem* (see the brain stem also contains system mechanism that controls appears that pupil dilation pupil dilation. could serve as an index of information processing load. An instrument called a Whittaker Pupliiometer can be used to accurately measure the pupil diameter. it has been found that increase, as mental Using this device loads induced by the diameter of the pupil increases a task (see Beatty). Pupil response to task loading generally yields pupil diameter increases of fractions of a millimeter within 10 seconds of a loading increment. The pupil dilation method for assessing mental have immediate application in crete cockpit tasks. load required analyzing, This technique load may one at a time, dis- would allow the work- for each of the component subtasks in a larger These neasures could provide piloting task to be measured. very useful quantitative workload numbers for use in cockpit *The brain stem is the uppermost portion of the spinal cord. - 29 - design or flight procedure analysis. of the pupil dilation There are two serious deficiencies method. This measurement technique requires that the eyes' dilation due to ever, changes in mental load be resolved. How- the eye also responds to changes in lighting intensity difficult to detect changes due to and these changes make it mental loading. tially varying Air transport cockpits are subject to spaso are not intensities of light and testbed for the pupil dilaticn method. a good Also, new electronic flight instrument displays (like those of the Boeing 757 and 767) may accentuate this problem. The pupil dilation task type environments. As a direct measure of mental work- load in an air transport still cockpit, above. then, this technique is may provide useful information inadequate although it as was mentioned in continuous method is also untried Compared to the activity techniques mentioned in brain electrical the pupil dilation 3.1.1, technique may possess an additional advantage. The techni- ques of 3.1.1 measure the response to a task or probe exterof interest. nal or secondary to the task The pupil dila- tion method, on the other hand, measures the direct response of the nervous system to increases in As more is learned about the the primary task of interest. technique this advantage processing load from may prove the pupil dilation data more indirect physiological mea- more valuable than other, sures of mental load. - 30 - variability Vate Heart 3. 1.3 Heart rate variability sinus arrythmia) is cardiac or a technique that has shown some usefulCardiac arryth- (see Kalsbeek,1973). ness in basic research mia is (often referred to as calculated by measuring the duration between every from this computing an instantaneous two heart beats and heart rate. estimate of variance of The these estimates then serves as an expression of cardiac arrythmia. found lower heart rate variability Kalsbeek at higher levels of men- tal loading. It should be mentioned that heart rate variability is Heart rate was one of equivalent to an averaged heart rate. the heart rate mental loads. be an insignificant has been found to mental loading. sive, for assessing early methods not Most recently Smith (1979) However, index of did an exten- full mission simulation where heart rate was recorded throughout. (from some Smith attempted to correlate percentage changes baseline) high workload. rate with other in heart These 'other' indices number of errors in performing duties, ciated with tasks, and vigilance. of workload included decision times asso- Smith found no statisti- cally significant correlation between heart the three variables. significant only acting as heart In fact, with respect rate and any of rate was found to be to whether the subject was during the full mission simu- 'Pilot at Controls' lation. - indices of 31 - the sensitivity of driving simulator moving base to a side wind gust that was subjected whose magnitude and The heart rate location was changed to increment workload. variability technique was significant relationship found to to technique. rate variability the heart utilized a Their experiment evaluated Wierwille (1979) assessment techniques Hicks and their workload mental of study comparative recent a In statistically have no operationally defined level of workload. The technique was also found (issues of significance aside) to either subjective opinion ratings heart rate variability may significant workload effects if the had been increased, task perfor- or primary In their paper, mance as an index of mental load. Wierwille state that workload than be less sensitive to but doubt have shown number of test subjects that this would relative sensitivity as a workload Hicks and change its index when compared with primary task performance techni- the subjective opinion and ques. Heart rate variability index of mental workload for The fundamental are influenced by the piloting the IFR, air transport pilot. problem of the measurement lies in the fact that heart method probably rate and heart rate variability many factors besides mental environment. effort requirements promise as an does not show much These factors include physical and physical de.ficiencies, which may be separable from task related, data. - 32 - workload and neither of cardiac arrythmia Mulder into its (1978) has suggested breaking the heart rate data frequency spectrum components. that certain segments of a Mulder has found heart rate spectrum are affected by the degree of mental loading. Still, this has not been found to solve the primary problem of heart rate techniques. That is,. a great many factors affect heart rate variability other than mental loading. MEASUFES OF MENTAL BEHAVIOEAL 3.2 Behavioral measures the observation of infer mental seek to some behavioral craft/pilot system. grouped fourteen WORKLOAD Williges and behavioral output Wierwille workload workload from of the (1979) measures into airhave one of three major categories: 1. Primary Task Measures 2. Spare Mental Capacity Measures 3. Subjective Opinions Measures from each of these categories are discussed below. Piay 3.2.1 It is Task Measures hypothesized that as the mental workload of a crew- member increases, measures then, his performance may degrade. Primary task attempt to correlate changes in observed crew performance with changes in mental - 33 - 'wockload. It should be noted that the hypothesis underlying the use of primary task dan (1978), equivalent, ter 2). Simpson and Sheri- a point of some contention. measures is for instance, that performance is not contend nor simply related to mental workload (see Chap- Nevertheless, primary task measures have been %sed in general, extensively in workload analysis and, is found helpful in understanding what have been a very complex prob- lem. Examples of measures are primary task They numerous. dual tracking performance, include tracking performance, Generally, the tabulation of number of task errors. and one of these is related to an operationally defined metric of workload (e.g. etc.). or no. turbulence intensity, From these relationships the magnitude of workload as measured by primary task performance is In a six degree of of five workload assessment techniques. freedom driving simulator they scales utililizing the vals,visual occlusion, task performance. used five workload measures. performance, lane tracking then defined. performed a comparative study Hicks and Wierwille (1979) These were: of turns/second, of method subjective opinion equal appearing heart rate variability, and secondary Workload was incremented by changing the magnitude and location of wind gusts on the vehicle. five techniques, most sensitive inter- Of the primary task performance appeared to be the in the to variations increments of workload. - 34 - operationally defined ?rimary task measures of mental workload have limitations in their usefulness for the air transport pilot application. in First, mance many phases of flight in the airport terminal area where when tracking he holds this heading, the localizer course sonal error and accuracy criteria. vectored, pride to some pilots may consider vector heading hold their another pilot holds his heading +/ledge that the controller will give as about the he might be approach. on final this is that pilots problem related to aircraft are not be concerned but this pilot may accuracy with which For a pilot will be commanded to hold generally being vectored, a heading, is no simple perfor- accurately controls. the pilot measure which instance, there A have different per- For example, while being it a matter of personal 2 +/- degrees, while 5 degrees with the knowhim a new vector if the aircraft drifts off course. Next, there is the problem of cockpit automation. In most phases of an air transport mission at least one control axis of the aircraft is example of vectors in likely set the tor. controlled by an autopilot. the terminal area, For the the pilot will most autopilot heading bug to -the commanded vec- The auto pilot will then accurately track the heading, leaving the pilot free to attend to other duties. In the role of 'flight manager' pilots are trained to delegate more of the cockpit tasks to as workloads become high. the automatic flight control system With the autopilot in control, - 35 - it may be difficult to specify a primary tasi measure of pilot workload. Finally, the most fundamental problem of primary task measures of mental workload lies in the fact that pilots can and do exert more mental effort level of performance. pilot flying to mainatain An illustrative example of this is an ILS approach. Despite the minor difficulties in the cockpit, tive is to will disregard other tasks, course with flight is or a occurrence of the pilot's major objec- guide the aircraft precisely down land if necessary, a specified the ILS. He place the aircraft in auto- but he will keep the aircraft on the ILS strict precision. A pilot very likely exerting in this increased levels phase of of mental effort but his performance is unvarying. 3.2.2 Spare Mental Canacitgy Spare mental capacity techniques operator is basically a single CPU computer system. of processing That is, he has some fixed upper limit capability and model of been verified, it is the human channel instrument or single tasks on works absorb some percentage of hough this issume that operator this fixed capacity. the human operator a useful which the has not ,in fact, construct that has served as the basic foundation of much human factors research. - 36 Alt- - The most common mental workload measures using the theory component/time summation of spare mental capacity are task methods, and secondary or side-task measures. nent/time summation methods analyze the ture of an operators task load, time or total mental capacity performs some weighted tasks or over the total microscopic struc- assume a fraction of total that each task requires, average over the total number number of seconds. process results in a workload total operator capacity. Task compo- and of This averaging figure measured in percent of Hay, House, and Sulzer (1978) pro- vide examples of this process. Task analytic methods have also been computer simulations tied to sophisticated human operator, to aid in the of a design of cockpit and flight systems (see for example Wherry,1978;Hay et al,1978). Task analytic approaches tations in such as these have severe limi- the rather 'absurd arbitrariness loreover, can be associated task composition even the accuracy with which times to tasks, and the detail can be defined, Task component methods, be arrive at a percentage work- applied to the weights used to load figure. which must with which the is subject to question. offer at best an early design then, stage measure of mental workload. Secondary task measures are the second common classification within the measurement. spare mental capacity category These techniques require - 37 - of workload the subject to per- form a performance on the side task ject's measured as he works is The hypothesis on a major or primary task set of interest. if is that, underlying these techniques The sub- called side task). secondary task (also the subject's perhe must there- formance has degraded on the secondary task, primary task. fore be working harder on the - That is, the requiring the use of a cer- execution of the primary task is tain percentage of the subject's spare mental capacity. type of The specific secondary task Examples of side tasks include varies with the application. tracking side tasks, employed generally culty varies with side task performance) and mental arithmetic ing tasks **, One side task mate 10 to mary set of a song), results as an subjective time estimation (see the subject to esti- 15 second time intervals while actively(i.e. - tasks ***. These techniques require intervals The tasks. of light cancell- *, shown promising that has indicator of mental load is Hart,1978). tasks (diffi- adaptive tracking side perfoming a priare estimated have subject tap foot or repeatedly sing bars or retrospectively (ie. by comparing the number an interval with the remem- and complexity of events within bered duration of intervals similarly filled). *See Ogden,1977 **See Ephrath,1975 ***See Stephens, et al, 1980 - 38 - Time estima- tion techniques measure the degree of reliability and accu- racy of the subject's time estimates while the primary tasks are performed and compare these with their counterpart baseline time shape, estimates. Hart (1978) examines variations in central tendency and variability of time estimates as task demand changes. Secondary tasks, though commonly used in workload mea- surement have some fundamental problems in their use. Domi- nant among these is that secondary tasks are hard to differentiate from primary tasks. An experinental subject is very likely to devote much of his effort to working on the secondary, rather than secondary tasks, this problem. the primary task. to some extent, The use of adaptive reduces the magnitude of As with any neasurement system, however, the intrusiveness of the measure itself will affect the measured results. The intrusiveness of secondary tasks seems to be a serious limitation of spare mental capacity methodologies. For the air transport application, secondary tasks suffer yet another limitation. task environment. any given tire in thus be 'trained' An IFE pilot works He may work on in a multiple none or on five tasks at a flight mission. The secondary task must into the priority structure pilot performs other piloting duties. The introduction of a secondary task, then, may not indicate the 'true' of spare mental capacity in such a t'ime shared, task envirorment. - 39 - with which a percentage queuing-type N. 3.2.3 Subjective Opinions Subjective opinions of mental workload in are perhaps the most use. Sheridan that mental workload be defined jective Indeed experience of as his or most experimenters 'a her do common measure (1980) would suggest person's private sub- own cognitive calibrite their effort.' 'objective' measures against a subjective scale or interview. other measures discussed in ions are generally this chapter,. Like the subjective opin- used in conjunction with other workload measures and have been historically useful in this regard. Subjective opinion techniques utilize two basic formats: 1. Interview/Questionnaire 2. Rating Scales Interviews and questionnaires are generally tured, information gathering devices. workload metric scales, is thought to on the other hand, implemented according psychometric theory to the for assessing aircrew according to be rather linited. Rating body of literature known as (see Nunnally,1967). rating scales offer one of of the Their usefulness as a say be rigorously structured and Gartner and Murphy (1976) none loosely struc- state that subjective opinion the most promising methodologies mental workload, scales which they surveyed were the proper techniques - 40 - but note of attitude also that constructed scale con- Edwards.,1957). struction (see Such to rating or are subject unanchored, ambiguously worded, are scales generally intransitivities. The Cooper-Harper is craft handling qualities, scale in used by test pilots to rate air- scale, perhaps the best known rating of aircraft far the test and development use scale that a workload rating Figure 3.4 is figure 3.3). (see appears to have been modelled after the Cooper-Harper scale. more like a qualities/performance handling physical components of the scale than a the scale seems to emphasize, Also, workload rating scale. primarily, too similar and the scale reads the model is Unfortunately, workload, ignoring mental contributions. a multi attribute scale for Figures 3.5a and 3.5b depict measuring the workload of an IFR pilot that was developed at MIT. This scale (1S78) theory developed by perceived busyness,interruptions, occurrences of tasks (see Chapter 2.). reason why stress, 3.5b, Figure a specific rating and simultaneous and planning in turn, (from 3.5a) is weighs the magnitude of fraction of time busy, information processing, transport 3.5 uses the concepts of monitoring, operating, Simpson and the air on mental - workload in The scale of figure environment. the Cooper-Harper also modelled after is based on the scale but Sheridan is type seeks the chosen. It intensity of and the intensity of feeling or emo- - 41 - Satisfactoy Meets all requir- Acceptable ements and expectations, good enough without improvement. may have deficiencies which warrant improvement, but adequate for mission. Capable of being controlled or managed in context of mission, with available pilot attention. Clearly adequate for mission. Excellent, highly desirable All Good, pleasant, well behaved A2 Cai. Some0 m. I l' y unp l easn c_ it t h t "aa er s Good enough for mission without improvement. Pilot compensation, if required 4 to achieve acceptable performance Unsatisfactory is feasible. Reluctantly acceptable. Deficiencies which warrant improvement. Performance adequate for mission with feasible pilot compensation. Some minor but annoying deficiencies. Improvement is requested. Effect on performance is easily compensated for by pilot. Moderately objectionable deficiencies. IA3 A4 Improvement is needed. Reasonable performance requires considerable pilot compensation. AS Very objectionable deficiencies. Major improvements are needed. Requires best available pilot compensation to achieve acceptable performance. 'A6 I I Major deficiencies which require mandatory improvement for acceptance. Controllable. Performance inadequate for mission, or pilot compensation required for minimum acceptable performance in mission is too hiqh. Unacceptable Deficiencies which require mandatory improvement. Inadequate performance for mission even with maximum feasible pilot compensation. Controllable with difficulty. U7 Requires substantial pilot skill and attention to retain control and continue mission. Marginally controllable in mission. Requires maximum available pilot skill and attention to retain control. *U9 4 1 Uncontrollable Control will be lost during some portion of mission. Figure 3.3: Uncontrollable in mission. Cooper-Harper Scale Ui( OEM'A.NOS CN. THE PItO T IN SELECTED TASK OR REQUIRED OPERATION PItOT RATING PtTEFFORT NOT A FACTOR FOESIRED PERFORMAACEI WORKLOAD REDUCTION NIOT tAINIMAL PILOT EFFORT REQUIRED N-ECESSARY FOR DESIRED PERFORMANCE YES DESIREA PERFORMANCE REQUIRES MODERATE PILOT EFFORT IS WORKLOAD LEVEL SATISFACTORY? WORKLOAO AREDUCTION WARRANTED AOEQUATE PERFORMANCE REQUIRES CONSIDERABLE PItOT EFFORT ADEQUATE PE-RFOR.M'ANCE REQUIRES EXTENSIVE PILOT EFFORT A IS ADEQUATE PERFORMANCE ATTAINABLE WITH A TOLERABLE WORKLOAD? NOT PERFORMANCE ADEQUATE ATTAINABLE WITh MAXIMUM TOLERABLE PILOT EFFORT. CONTROLLABILITY NOT IN QUESTION WORKLOAD REDUCTION REQUIRED FOR ADEQUATE PERFORMANCE CONSIDERABLE PILOT EFFORT IS REQUIRED FOR CONTROL INTENSE PILOT EFFORT IS REQUIRED TO RETAIN CONTROL YES IS AIRCRAFT CONTROLLABLE? 5 V . REA L CORKLOADN CNT RY DANDATORY , CONTROL WILL BE LOST DURING SOME PORTION OF REQUIRED OPERATION PILOT DECISIONS Figure 3.4: A Workload Rating Scale 6 Chapter 6 of this thesis describes a flight simulator tion. figure 3.5. evaluation of the rating scale depicted in methodologies have limitations. ing, skill, to vary with the trainSecond, and emotional state of that subject. there is the problem that perceive his own the subject That workload. is, he thdt so 'hard' the test and to consistency within and related to scale sensitivity, across subjects may become there are questions Finally, after the fact. able to may not be duties that he forgets how immersed in his interval was, For instance, the workload likely rating a subject provides is subjective opinion measures, Like other mental workload limitations on the may impose use of subjective opinion rating scales. construction techniques, Proper scale training of sub- jects in the use of the rating scale and a structured experimental scenario problems. magnitude of should lessen the Hicks and Wierwille (1979), found that a second most sensitive indi- subjective rating scale was the cator (next to a primary task measure) mined. in fact, the above among five they exa- Hicks and Wierwille utilized the The scale used by method of equal appearing intervals. Aside from their sensitivity, subjective opinions have another advantage in that they are almost completely non-intrusive to the test. As such, these- techniques are far simtask or physiological type pier to implement than secondary - 4 4 - methodologies. to a much Subjective methods, then, lesser extent with the final should interfere or measured outcome of a workload experiment than other assessment techniques. - 45 - IFR TRANSPORT PILOT WORKLOAD SCALE Second Version, May 1979, MIT FTL/MML Start Is Workload Satisfactor Yes - Satisfactory no See Table Low Levels of Workload -- Such That All Tasks are Accomplished Promptly 0 S I. Is Workload Acceptable Yes - Acceptable ?no Is Workload Possible Moderate Levels of Workload Such That the Probability of Error or Omission is Low, But Improvements are Desirable High Levels of Workload -- Yes, But Unacceptable Such That the Probability of Errors or Omissions is Unacceptable no Impossible Figure 3.5a: It is Not Possible to Perform All Tasks Properly MIT Scale, Part I See Table A 4 THREE ATTRIBUTE RATING OF PILOT MENTAL WORKLOQ (continued) FRACTION OF TIME BUSY seldom have anything to do often occasionally have free moments of time: - very rarely fully occupied every single instant 2. INTENSITY OF THINKING/INFORMATION-PROCESSING activity is completely automatic; no conscious thinking or planning required cerebral effort and planning required due to problem low level, occasional complexity.. uncertainty., unpredictability., unfamiliarity, etc., is: moderate high level supreme mental effort and concentration are absolutely necessary 3. INTENSITY OF FEELING experience is relaxing, nothing to be concerned about emotional stress, anxiety, worry, frustration, confusion, etc., are:. mild, occasional moderate Ihigh level severe and intense psychological stress Figure 3.5b: MIT Scale, Part i 3.3 S LMMARY It can be measure of mental the air as yet, truthfully stated that there is, workload that is for use in well adapted measures cur- of the All transport environment. no infant state of research and far from well-understood, production type use. Physiologi- rently under cal measures study are in an directly related to the These techniques are, techniques tapping signals indices of mental load, promise as 'hard' show great electrical activity such as brain brain's information the however, processing. furthest of any of the surveyed from production type use. Behavioral measures may be that, of mental load are numerous of task demands, for a small set and it or for some currently available behavioral metho- range of workload, a dology is useable. These techniques are limited by the fact that many of the behavioral methods are based on human operator theories shown to be that have been inaccurate. An of primary task measures of men- example of this is the use tal load despite the fact that pilots can and do, on occa- sion, exert increasing levels of effort to maintain a specified constant level of performance. Two behavioral show promise for workload assessment techniques use in These are subjective time rating scales. the air transport appear to application. estimation and subjective opinion Their use also awaits the results of further - 48 - research, but results to date indicate that these two are viable techniques. It cannot be stated, at present, one universal rreasure of mental load, application. iety there will ever be even for the piloting As in the past, it is more likely that a var- of assessment applications and stated if that the will techniques workload ranges. be used It can, available uethodologies for various however, will be improved over those presently available to the aviation community, theory and experimental research in more mature stage. - 49 - be as this area progress to a Chapter IV PILOT WORKLCAD AND THE INELU-ENCE OF AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL The literature deals at length with the analytic and theroretic description of piloting tasks and their affect on pilot workload. The cockpit, however, is not an isolated unit consisting of pilots and flight controls. is a component pilots, of a larger the aircraft system The cockpit that encompasses controls and dynamics, way/air traffic control system. and the the air- Workloads are imposed not simply due to physically operating the aircraft but also due to the air itself. traffic control For example, and National Airspace an instrument approach is a series of turns, descents, and speed control maneuvers, of which require some physical and mental approved approach the execution effort.- procedure further constrains of maneuvers to be executed tical limits System and with a craft's approach speed , An FAA this series within certain lateral and ver- certain accuracy. specific Given an air- tasks in the cockpit are triggered by the constraints of the approach procedure. 'approved' approach what is procedure is an integral The component of referred to in this thesis as the 'ATC system.' The cockpit procedures and the air traffic control system are interrelated and the interface - 50 - between these two compo- nents directly affects the pilots workload. above both the system structure and the could be changed to effect a change in tion of pilotinq tasks, standing workloads in the explores the mechanisms under- air transport environment. This in some detail. the cockpit interact are discussed in relation procedures sis. Next, the timing and execu- an important issue in issue through which of Chapter 2. cockpit procedure and thus workload. The ATC/cockpit interface is chapter In the example and First the ATC the system to the workload concepts several tools for quantifying cockpit are described that are useful in workload analy- The tools are particularly useful in that they specif- ically address chapter a the ATC/cockpit relationship. routine arrival into Boston's analyzed using the concepts introduced in In the next Logan airport is this chapter. LOADIVG 8ECHANISMS 4.1 There are several mechanisms traffic control system can be load. through which the seen to influence pilot work- These mechanisms can, for convenience, be grouped into three categories: 1. Airspace mechanisms 2. Regulatory mechanisms 3. ATC voice ccmmunication mechanisms - air 51 - The airspace structure, Federal Aviation presence of the Regulations, and the character of air traffic control communications are assumed to be integral parts of what is referred to in this thesis as the ATC system. THE AIRSPACE LOADING MECHANISM 4.2 The airspace that is invoked pilot loading loading mechanism relates to by the the airspace struture of system. Examples of cockpit tasks that are cued by the airspace system are numerous. 1. Task: Change radio Required as aircraft frequency. passes an air or bend in traffic sector boundary an airway. 2. Task: Climb to an enroute altitude. Aircraft generally must maintain an altitude less than cruising altitude until craft imposed is clear by the planned their of the air- restrictions airspace terminal structure. 3. Task: Instrument approach proce- dure. There exist defined well lateral and vertical limits of protected airspace within which the approach maneuvers must be executed - 52 - (see Terminal Enroute These Standards). Procedure limits constraints which tend all to restrict tasks landing/approach a small executed within impose be to time win- dow. also define which procedures approach Instrument navigation fixes approach related Figure executed. 4.1 tasks are provides an physical cock- example of specific pit tasks that over are associated with navigation fixes. Summarizing, by constraining or loading mechanism operates the airspace invoking tasks. tasks are affected by workload, ty definition the system Because the pilot's be the pilot's so must (see Chapter 2). of the U.S. tasas evoked by common elements Table 4.1 lists National Airs- pace system. 4.3 PEGULATOEY LOADING MECHANISMS Certain aspects with the U.S. into law. and operating restrictions associated system have been regulated National Airspace There also exists a large body of nonregulatory, but recommended set of operating procedures that - 53 - have been defined to standardize aircraft movement within for air traffic control purposes. the system This body of rules tends to restrict and predefine piloting tasks, and thus loads the pilot above the conditions encountered in an uncontrolled environment. Regulatory loading mechnanisms are a mechanism discussed in pace loading however, subset of the airsIt section 4.1. convenient to separate out this subset for organi- zational purposes. Table 4.2 lists the documents which spe- cify rules and operating procedures for aircraft. be noted that although some nonregulatory information, tion stresses Table is, common the documents should contain the Federal Aviation Administra- adherence to 4.3 lists of It these procedures, tasks invoked by the nontheless. regulatory constraints, as defined by these documents. A simple example will serve to illustrate the regulatory loading mechanism and its affect on cockpit activity. ure 4.2 is an annotated schematic of into Presque Isle, Maine. Fig- an instrument arrival Presque Isle, though not typical of most domestic transport operations, is presently a terminal into which Delta Airlines schedules arrivals. - 54 - three Boeing 727 I. VOR C CONTROL SECTOR A VOR Changeover Point o Switch Nav to VOR C CONTROL SECTOR B 030 V 14 VOR B VOR A o Change Nav Receiver o Turn Left 60 degrees Compulsory Reporting Potint o If non-radar environment, report position and give estimate to next fix Figure 4.1: ARTCC Sector Boundary Flight Along Federal Airways o Change Communications Frequency o Transmit Messages Table 4.1: Airspace Task Triggers Airspace Component Associated Tasks VOR o Turn o Navigation Frequency Change o VOR Course Selector Change Airway o Turn Intersection (Bend in Airway) - o Reset Course Selector '-N- VOR Changeover Point o Change Navigation Frequency Control Sector Boundary o Change Communication Frequency o Ident Transponder o Transmit Message Terminal Area Boundary o Climb/Descend o Accelerate/Decelerate to Designated Speed for Air Traffic Control - 56 - I ..... Table 4.2: Documents Containing Flight Operating Rules Document Federal Aviation Regulations Contains o Part 91 - contains general rules pertaining to all aircraft o o Part 135 - contains additional operating rules for scheduled air taxi operations Part 121 - contains additional operating rules for scheduled air transport category operations Advisory Circulars o Contains nonregulatory advisories and practices which pertain to specific parts of the Federal Aviation Regulations Airman's Information Manual, Part I o Contains nonregulatory information regarding recommended operating practices and other general information concerning operations under Instrument Flight Rules. Table 4.3: Common Tasks Invoked by the Regulatory Mechanism Trigger Tasks Required by Law Descend Below 10000ft o Slow to less than 250 knots Cross 18000ft o Change altimeter setting Hold at a fix o Slow below maximum authorized holding speed (as specified in Airman's Information Manual, Part 1. o Fly holding maneuver as per AIM, Part 1. Cleared for the approach o Fly approach procedure as prescribed in Federal Aviation Regulations, Part 97. - 58 - 134 179 314 359 A 79 E G Procedure Turn Must Within lOnm of VOR I C , be Executed 2500ft 4* I 1260ft 1~1 I 2.5nm Figure 4.2: 140ft G 2.3nm The Presque Isle Approach Procedure From figure 4.2 and Table 4.4 it is clear that Ethe proce- dural requirements of the approach constrain certain cockpit tasks executed to be entirely clear, at predefined however, to what extent these constraints approach. affect total workload during the full impact of 7o measure the regulatory and airspace constraints on crew a chrono- workload it is necessary to enumerate, in detail, logical record of cockpit activity during the approach. record of cockpit activity not It is points. is referred to as a This cockpit activity timeline. Figure 4.3 is a cockpit activity timeline* 727's ajproach to runway 19. In constructing the timeline, a priori, some assumptions were necessary. was assumed to begin its approach assumed to be at The 727 aircraft over the Presque Isle TOR at 2500 feet, on a heading of 359 degrees. craft was also for a Boeing The subject air- the speed and in the air- craft configuration specified by the Delta Operations manual for the initial approach segment. the timeline are taken from Pilot's Operating Manual, the figure, manual. The procedures shown in the Delta Airlines, Book I. were estimated using Boeing 727 Cockpit event times, on speeds called for by this Wind velocity was taken to be zero. *For readers unfamiliar with timeline analysis, sion is included in the appendix. - 60 - a discus- The task that, in timeline for the Presque Isle approach addition to the tasks that are defined shows in Table 4.4 by the procedure, other tasks associated with the safe operation of the aircraft must be squeezed in between the procedural constraints. For example, the timeline indicates that the on Panel 3 of figure 4.3, checklist is performed by the first and second officers. must generally be completed in the VOR is reached. If a landing gear problem) , being read and This checklist the 100 second period before difficulty should occur would have little the crew (e.g. a time for decision making in this high task load situation. Panel 4 of the timeline indicates another problem area of According tc figure 4.2, the procedure. VOR the pilot must step down, 2,5 miles later, first to 1140 feet. upon reaching the to 1260 feet and then, The timeline shows that the second step down begins only 20 seconds after the first has been corpleted. Moreover, 140 knots throughout the phase, the pilot is if he will applying speed control techniques in nuous Again, tracking tasks the nature of the procedure tively higher task demand situation. that at this higher loading, the cockpit, there is a if to maintain be intermittently addition to the conti- quick and the step has step-down descents. invoked this relaTheory would suggest difficulties should arise in greater probability that the pilot will make an error. - 61 - Figure 4.4 is useful for identifying the which the Presque Isle approach of the arriving 727. constraints imposes an cockpit activity The boxes of figure 4,.4 represent dis- crete events and are positioned along event paths with which they can be associated. left to right Time, on the figure, increases from to the left of so that an event another (on the same path) is constrained to precede that task. A solid line connecting two events indicates task is being performed between these seconds between parentheses. such events is A dotted That is, constraint. ween these two events that some two and the number of indicated by the line indicates a soft number in precedence there is no task being performed betbut the event on the left must pre- , cede the event on the right end of the dotted line. It is implied that the time between two events which are connected by a soft precedence constraint is zero seconds. (See the appendix greater than or equal to for a detailed explanation of task precedence maps in wcrkload analysis) The task precedence map of capability in certain events example rence displays the precedence with trigger certain'other cockpit (see Panel 1 of figure 4.4) to precede raint. that it figure 4.4 possesses a unique event D1 by the events. which For event Al is constrained dotted soft-precedence const- Crossing the VOR outbound, event Al, cues the occurof event Dl, the beginning- of outbound - 62 - tracking. - Event Al also cues event D2, in turn, cues event C1, event B1, is D8, The implication is other shows that almost all events and D9. Event except event A2, D8 then cues that one position event, events. Further are triggered A4, examination (or constrained) by events along path A, the position event path. now to figure 4.2 it Event D2, Panel 2 of the figure indicates that tasks C3, constraining five .MWANAM" the extension of 5 degrees of flap. As another example, event A4 cues a slowing maneuver. ---- Referring can be. seen that all events on Path A, are predefined by the instrument approach procedure itself. - 63 - I Table 4.4: Presque Isle Approach Tasks Location Major Control Tasks Triggered A (at VOR) o Becin outbound timing (1 minute) B (1 min. from A) o Turn to 314 degrees C (45 sec. from B) o Turn to 134 degrees D (intercepting o Descend to 2000ft "finaI") o Turn to 179 E (VOR) - o Descend to 1260ft F.(2.5 DME) o Descend to ll40ft F (4.8 DME) o Make GO/NO GO Descision ( 7T- 7r77to 314 7 HEAD ING -H359 TASKS ----------- desl { _ 14 d e- g) -' m--------------------m----- ALTITUDE H2500f -H25 0 0 TASKS SPEED Se-ec-t 15F--E L-t--- )Se 5 FIa Iectp 2) SlI ow TASKS to 4Hi 4 Slow 16)i4 6010 to - I k t 150 AND NAVIG. PLANNING TASKS '.----.---.--------.---.--------------------COMMUNIC. TASKS 5|3) P 2) P2-:Fla 20 .. ,.. -- 40- : Flap_ 4 1 2 P2 Fla 60 l 100 80 __I Figure 4.3: Cockpit Activity Timeline, Presque Isle 4 P1 t * 9, 0 ( TLl HEADING TASKS ALTITUDE TASKS SPEED TASKS iTLl NAVIG. AND PLANNING 5 No Smoke-On 2) Set Alt.3 Se t A/S Bug 4)Set EPR Bug Bu s TASKS COMMUNIC. TASKS \ 6)P3: e-ugs t Alt.|13)P2:Gear -P-3: A/S and ~ EPR Bugs' 10) P3:No 12)P1 :Gear Down| Flap 25 l SmkJL_ P2:Set 9 7 P2:Set 220 I lP2 240' Down FI ap 25 ) r B Lodg Cpte :On 260 280 300 1 0 0- TASKS onw NAVIG. AND 6)Missed Apprch Decision PLANNING - TASKS COMMUN IC. 115JP2:1260ft] tL6)iiijinrd TASKS -* a 320 ......... 310 360 4( 380 PA - - .. TL 3,4.. - - - - NG 4) rack 179 RadialI 'UDE 4)Maintain - 2- ll40ft T 2 TL 2-.... .. .....- ....- - -. -- - - - -- -- - - - - TL 2-6 3.AND qING 5 m i ______________ 0P5 m-. ........- m- mTL . -..-. -. -..- -. - -- - - ---- -- JN IC. 17) P2 MAP 420 44 a0 460 500 480 P5 Pos it ion Eve ts (85) A Altitude Events & I 0 I * Communications Events (Interc C2\ -- 115 deg ------- Il a 60,430)\ Pl ann ing Eve ts E (0,333) Figure 4.4: -- - .. ... . - . (4 Task Precedence Map, . .. Presque Isle -- . . . - .E ( I ( (0) (205,205) Bl - Leave 2500 B2 2000 ft / / - - - - Loc 1 ~izer~ 205, f t 333)Z \(205, (D ---- Arrive -- - 30) \ / he ckKD I list (205,430) / Dl 1 Begin Level off - -- ff (205,358) G) - - - -- - . - 3)E - , 370) (300, 300) 5 1B B4 Arri ve feave B3 12600 ftl I 200 00,937 370,418) (345,418) B6 Arrive 1140 ft .382,430t\ (C)-\ ~(382,430) O D14~ D1 DBegin Descent _ (300,373 egin Begin Leveloff _j 30,, 3709418) (30,15) 1~EJ------------------------ D Begin . _ Descent Leveloff D16 D15 ]~Begin - - - - ---- ---- --- -I'issedE (382 ,430 j) 4.3.1 Discussion of the Regulatory and Airspace Mechanism It has been argued in this chapter that control system has a strong influence rate of the cockpit crew. the air traffic on the task demand The discussion to this point has shown how the structure of the airspace system tends to constrain and invoke Reiated to cockpit tasks. exists a body of rules, this, there which instrument pilots must follow, that have been instituted to control the movement and behavior of aircraft in the system. ATC system has an affect on port environment. be that it is There is no doubt that the crew workload in As cockpits become the system the air trans- more advanced it may structure, not the operating requirements of the aircraft , which induces the predominant pilot loading. Some further discussion, though, is neces- sary on the nature of this ATC/cockpit interaction. An important factor in the ATC/cockpit interface that has been omitted in the previous discussion is flight operations procedure. Flight procedures also influence the workload level of the crew, though they are designed to minimize such loading effects. An example of poor procedure design will clarify this point. Suppose that' an aircraft's that full glideslope. flaps should operations manual be extended specifies upon intercepting the Suppose further that the subject aircraft type tends to pitch nose-up as full flaps are extended - 7' A W (as is the This procedure induces a relatively case on many aircraft). time of glideslope intercep- high workload situation at the The high workload would result from the pilot having tion. pitching moment while for the upward to compensate transition down- effecting the aircraft's smoota same time craft operations should be noted that most air- It wards onto the glidepath. flap extension manuals call for glideslope interception at the prior to (see Delta Airlines Boeing 727 oper- ating Manual and American Airlines B707 Operating Manuals). through the cockpit task demand triggering method as the affect also procedure can Flight same constraint/task airspace and regulatory mechanisms. ure 4.4,, event D1 is in the example of fig- seen to trigger event D2 and this then It triggers event C1. In is the flight procedure as specified the operating manual that imposes these constraints. Most often the design of airspace or the design coordination with performed in traffic control procedure is the design of safe flight procedure. of air Nevertheless some fed- eral procedures have been implemented which are questionable in Noteable in their workload implications. the steep, decelerating noise this regard are abatement arrival procedures which have been implemented at some terminal areas. It is difficult to conceive of the National Airspace sys- tem changing For or of regulated procedures this reason it may seem - 74 changing markedly. unimportant - to analyze the of influence Despite workload. influence. this, useful to is it system control traffic air the on crew recognize this Understanding the complexitites involved in the workload of an air transport crew can only help in designing Also as systems such as systems that are workload tolerant. RNAV and ATC point navigation) (point to DABS radar are implemented, systems based on system will indeed change. the will be important to have analyzed the airs- At that time it pace and regulatory loading mechanisms. 4.4 ATC VCICE COMMUNICATICN 4.4.1 MECHANISMS Explicit Loading There are essentially two which air traffic control different mechanisms through voice communications affect pilot workload. First, there is which is Every ATC message an explicit mechanist.invokes, directed to an aircraft as a minimum the tasks: In addition 1. Grasp microphone 2. Respond to message more complex tasks, clearances directed to most messages an aircraft invoke These messages come in the form of ATC and advisories. Table 4.5 lists some piloting tasks that are triggered by ATC messages. - 75 - common discussed the airspace mechanism gered by For instance, section 4.2. in must reduce their speed inbound aircraft all often trig- invoke piloting tasks are ATC messages that to 313 knots or less when crossing a particular sector boundary, in and is unaware of this is however, pilot, the terminal area. order to reduce delays in in Table 4.5) tion task, the sector boundary is that defines where airspace structure) (see no. 2, to execute the speed reduc- causes the pilot but it also unaware of A message the location of the sector boundary. The (a component of the this task must be initiated. The ideas of interruptions, constraints, and triggers are important concepts Figure 4.5 is visualizing another. It in the constraints is also helpful map is especially that imposes event on identifying when one event in In one useful for is which a task precedence map* triggers another to occur. dence Chapter 3.4). workload analysis (see this context the task precefor identifying useful how air traffic control messages cue piloting tasks. box C2 to box The dotted precedence constaint connecting E2 indicates that event E2 is C2. The Begin cued by the ATC message of box Slowing event of box communications event, Cl. However, also cued event C1 is Summarizing, Al. by a sector boundary event, Dl is 76 - in turn cued as the subject *See section 4.3 for a brief explanation of maps, or the appendix for more detail. - by a precedence 9 boundary the controller initiates aircraft crosses a sector in turn evokes a command which a speed control task in the Figure 4.5 thus highlights the difference between cockpit. a task invoked by the airspace mechanism and task invoked by the communications mechanism. 4.4.2 Implicit Loading This is load the pilot. sages tend to through which a second mechanism There exists ATC mesto as the referred implicit ATC loading mechanism. the pilot whether they are directed a transmission occurs. tion from other tasks when (see Morgenstern) area, These experiments found could recite the aircraft, frequently transport pilots identification and altitude of multiple both preceding and trailing the subject aircraft. An example will mechanism. transmissions. control voice that Experi- the terminal traffic situation in air traffic based on This that pilots construct a have shown of the air mental image not. to him or pilots divert some atten- occurs because trained instrument ments frequency load the air traffic control Transmissions on illustrate another form of the implicit arriving at the terminal Suppose area expecting an ILS a flight is- to runway 4 the message, with - presently about Suppose now that the control- fifteen minutes froniw landing. ler contacts this aircraft and is 77 - 'Amend clear- Table 4.5: Explicit Loading Due to ATC Messages Message 1) "Descend to 18000" Type Tasks Invoked Clearance o Descent Maneuver o Descent Checklist 2) "Reduce Speed to Clearance o Speed Control 310 knots." 3) "Turn left 080, intercept the ILS Runway 4R." Maneuver Turning Maneuver Navigation Maneuver Clearance and approach checklists 4) "Reports of moderate o Planning Request Advisory turbulence at FL240 for New Altitude by a 707." or for Speed Reduction to Penetration Speed 5) "Descend pilot's discretion to 8000ft Clearance o Plan Descent Rate and Top-of-Descent Point to Allow idle Thrust Arrival 6) "Expect 10 minute Advisory o Locate MILlS intersection. delay at MILIS intersection." o Slow enroute or prepare to hold. - 78 - s it ion A2 - en ts CVOR -...- (1 80) -ro- Cnrosus ISector t itude en ts Leave 18000 ft V R 0... (0)Leave -.... 1000f t mmun i cat i on s\ (160)\ C1 ents to 310\ knots\ anual Control ents *DI D2 i BeginBe Slowing Slowing 1250 kts IManeuvr ning ts El Begin- - - Figure - - 4.5: - - Communications - - - - vs. - Airspace - - - Mechanisms - - - - - - ance. This clearance Expect VOR-DME approach to runway 27.' causes a large planning task to short period of time. be executed in a relatively Such a clearance can also implicitly arouse anxiety introduce confusion and in the cockpit chapter 3 for the effects of anxiety on mental load). this type of ATC induce large message could upon the crew even though (see Thus, mental loads the associated physical tasks are rather minor. In fact, All ATC transmissions mentally load the pilot. it is hypothesized that at some workload level a pilot can- not control the aircraft within strict tolerances and interThe effect of radio pret ATC messages at the the same time. messages on pilot workload is representation of figure workload, on an ordinal, the schematic summarized by The 4.6. figure suggests subjective scale is lowest that in the and higher in the terminal long descent phase of an arrival area vectoring and final approach portions. These are work- load ratings measured with the vectoring and altitude clearances as the only ATC communications. Overlayed onto plot of ATC rating of the workload (Channel Util. channel utilization Time/Total Air Time, figure 4.6 over 20 averaged is a = Busy Air second intervals). The channel utilization curve was sampled during a peak hour on an IFR day at Boston, Massachusetts. The data represent samples from one center sector, one transition approach sec- - 80 - ATC Channel Utilization 33% 30% Workload Level "Final" Workload Level Level TIME Figure 4.6: ATC Communications and Pilot Workload C 0 co 1) 0 TERMINAL aVECTORING DESCENT FINAL '4- -4 0 Z0 100 500 1000 1500 Time into Mission(sec.) a) Smoothed Communications Message Rate 4) 0~ 'U L. 4) 'U 0~ 2 I 4) U, 0 00 I- DESCENT TERMINAL .... 4|VECTORING F1NAL M In 100 ' 1000 500 Time into Mission(sec.) b) Communications Channel Utilization Figure 4.7: High Rate Profile for a 'Busy' - 82 - LAX Arrival tor, and one local tower control position. sesses a shape common to communications The curve posactivity at many terminals in the U.S. Figure 4.6 indicates that terminal area vectoring arrival is the channel utilization during and final approach segments double that for the long descent segment. over, in this sample, is slightly higher than that during the vectoring portion. that although, the nominal workload due final approach More- channel utilization on final approach What the-figure suggests is pilots, of the may be low, for experienced to flying the aircraft on the mental loading induced by high ATC channel utilization may add a significant increment to the total pilot workload level. during the long cantly affect the High channel utilization descent phase of an arrival could signifi- measured workload on what low workload segment. Figure 4.7 is munications profile during a 'busy' is generally a an example of the comvisual arrival into Los Angeles. Air traffic control voice communications crew. load the cockpit This loading is generally applied in three ways: 1. or Clearances advisories execute some physical the pilot to or mental piloting task. - require 83 - C 0* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Transmissions/20 second interval a) ILS-DME APPROACHES, 0830-0930 I 0~ 1 0 1 a 2 2 a 3 4 b) ILS-DME APPROACHES, Figure 4.8: I a 5 6 7 Transmissions/20 second interval 1815-1915 Communications Transmission Histogram - 84 - 2. Transmissions divert attention away from other tasks as the pilot mon- itors the message, whether the mes- sage is to him, addressed aircraft, 3. another or the controller. A message may invoke tensions, confusion or anxiety in the crewmem- bers. Because the crew occurrence of workload it is voice communications worthwhile discussing some features of ATC communications. First, voice messages is a stochastic process. affects important the occurrence of Messages occur with some probability and associated with this probabilistic distribution is ure 4.8 for is a mean message arrival rate and variance. an example of a typical message occurrences transmission histogram probability (i.e. occurring in a given time interval). Fig- of n messages It possesses a charac- teristic Poisson shape. Because messages mean message rate is that is useful It mechanism. It important. shows as that of use, is though, a set of transmission loading that probablility figure 4.8 vary 85 - the one system parameter and hour of the day. - manner, the communications should be noted, approach in for example, a probabilistic in quantifying distributions such weather, occur in by airport, Figure 4.9, histograms for a 'busy' arrival into Los Angeles. air traffic control The stochastic nature of messages is quite complex and deserves special attention in pilot workload analysis. discussion on this contains a more detailed of this thesis The appendix subject. characterization useful of the Boston arrival discussed previously. as a mechanism. communications are examples of and 4.10b Figure 4.10a be constructed can also 'message profile' An ATC this for the same Figure 4.10a displays the number of messages sampled in an 80 second interval verFigure 4.10b, on the sus the time into the flight mission. utilization versus time into indicates channel other hand, mission for this same message data. It is the 'communications figure 4.10a, about the to gain additional information mentary manner, nature of in a comple- to use figure 4.10a and 4.10b useful profile.' For example, in the number of messages/second during the vec- toring portion of the arrival is rate during final approach. tions (see figure 4.10b) nearly the same approach is that about 50% of However, the message the channel utiliza- for these two arrival segments are What is (30-33%). happening tower control messages are but of short mean duration. during final more numerous, A typical Tower dialogue might appear as below: Controller: Delta 11, - 86 clear for take off - U >-.-TI C L 0 14 No. of Messages/20 second interval a)Center Sector 1| 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 No. of Messages/20 second interval b)Approach Control Sector .3' .2.- r 1 ..K1.F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 No. of Messages/20 second interval c)Tower Control Sector Figure 4.9: Transmission Histograms for a 'Busy' LAX Arrival - 87 - Visual Fl NAL -4 DESCENT Time into Mission(sec.) a) Smoothed Communications Message Rate RMINAL DESCENT 100 ijV 1000 500 b) Communi cations Channel Figure 4.10: TO0R IN G - 1500 into Mission(sec.) Ti Ut i zamtie A Communications Profile - 88 F1 NAL Delta 11: Delta 11 is Delta 409, Controller: Delta 409: This is contrasted rolling. Position and hold 4R. Position and hold 4R, Delta 409. to the terminal vectoring segment where there are fewer messages/second but these, on average, tend to be longer in duration. The communications histogram, time profile, varies with day, tion frequency. weather,,. Figure 4.11, ent the profile is for for data collected like the transmission airport and communica- for example, shows how differ- a Boston departure control frequency during the same time period as that for The difference between figure 4.10 and 4.11 is figure 4.10. quite striking and reiterates the importance of communica- tions in workload analysis. Summarizing, load the pilot. air traffic control communications tend to They are characterized by a stochastic pro- cess which interruprts, commands and distracts the crew. -workload studies it therefore important to is It magnitude of this loading source. message occurrence rate, sion time, and averaged averaged is In identify the suggested that mean message rate versus mis- channel utilization versus mission time are system parameters useful in describing this mechanism. - 89 - C 0 U 0) 'U U) 100 200 300 400 Time into Mission(sec.) a) Smoothed Communications Message Rate 100 200 300 400 Time into Mission(sec.) b) Communications Channel Utilization Figure 4.11: Communications Profile for a Boston Departure Frequency - on - Chapter V WORKLOAD ANALYSIS 0? A BOSTON ARRIVAL Up to this the air the critical elements point, transport environment have length. To comprehend the these elements it is arrival of been discussed wide reaching useful to examine, a Boeing 707 in at some implications of in detail, This chapter, ple of workload analysis. of workload an exam- examines the then, aircraft into Boston's Logan air- port, breaking the arrival down into analytic detail. Three forms of These are analysis are considered in cockpit activity timeline dence analysis, communications. task-prece- Each of these approaches provides slightly Each method crew workload during the yields evidence as to the source of as to whether the workload level pilot loads and, a priori, is analysis, of the air traffic control and an analysis different information pertinent to arrival. this chapter. relatively higher or lower than some baseline level. particular attention is the analysis of this chapter, to the influence In given of the.air traffic control system on crew is the basis for a workload. The scenario examined in this chapter series of flight simulator experiments that were designed to - 91 - evaluate candidate measures of air transport pilot workload. necessary to have a theoretical basis for however, It was, comparison in order to understand the results of the experiments then, The analysis that follows, results. validity of on the comment order to and in their serves a dual role: 1. will It the illustrate concepts outlined in the first chapters. 2. It a reference serve as will for the simulator experiments described in later chapters. THZ SCENARIO 5.1 The scenario as Clipper L4) aircraft involves a Boeing 707 (identified that begins its arrival into Boston at 36000 feet over the Albany, Clipper 54 is given a New York VOE. series of clearances that determine its arrival profile into Boston. The arrival approach point after terminates at the Catefory has the airplane approach to Logan airport's runway 4R. executed II missed an ILS Figure 5.1 depicts the scenario graphically. It is convenient to segment the Boston arrival into three portions. below The limits of the three segments are as indicated with separate for references timeline and the task precedence map. - 92 - the cockpit activity Albany, VOR NY MANJO Intersection Gardner VOR 118 deg. magnetic course Boston Loaan 160 035 MILT LOM Plan View (Courses shown are magnetic) a) 36000 ft -j 22000 '4- M) 6000 3000 00 ft b) Altitude Profile A Boston Arrival Figure 5.1: - 93 - -N- Segment Timeline Precedence Event Cruise Descent 0-840 seconds A1-A3,B1-B5,C1-C2, D1-D7,E1-E3 A4-A6, B6-B10,C3-C9, 840-1360 Vectoring D8-D23 A7-B11-B13,C1O, 1360-1600 Final. D24,E4 This segmentation is segments has quite a each of these required cockpit segment performed because, activity. as will distinct composition of is hypothesized It be shown, will have a significantly different that each level of average workload than the other two. 5,2 ANALYSIS TOOLS The following analysis makes use of three analytic tools each of which yields different information pertinent to crew workload during the Boston arrival. These tools are, pectively, 1. Cockpit Activity Timelines' 2. Task Precedence Maps - 94 - res- ATC Communications Analysis 3. Because the figures on which these analyses are based are rather long and complex, they have been placed in Appendix B of this thesis so as not to break up the body of the text of the chapter. figures in Each page of the panel number of the form P-XX. Appendix B has a The panel numbers are used to refer to particular sections of the dence map. Data timeline and prece- used in constructing the chapter were gathered on numerous figures in this flight simulations of the scenario discussed above. 5.2.1 Cockpit Activity Timelines Task timelines are a historically useful tool for quantifying cockpit activity, A timeline is essentially a graph that identifies cockpit tasks, gives estimates of task duration, and tabulates this information in chronological order. Although task timelines have they have some limitations which tool in workload analysis, should be noted. First, able or measurable. not all cockpit tasks are identifi- Second, most mental planning tasks For example, therefore be omitted from the cannot be identified and must timeline. been an historically useful of arbitrariness exists in some degree the detail with which tasks are broken down. in microscopic detail as a a turn maneuver can be described sequential combination of many hand., - 95 For instance, - eye, and foot move- ments, each of which require fractions cute. Alternatively, as a 'turn' The of a second to exe- this maneuver can simply be described of seven seconds total duration. precision of timelines is another The time required Appendix A.2). vary between pilots, limitation(see to perform a task will vary with the conditions of flight, and vary with the existing workload level. Timelines, best suited to describing only a nominal flight. then, are There will be wide variations in practice from this nominal timeline. The usefulness of task tirelines, tations, should not be overlooked. description of Timelines can provide a cockpit activity to detail and accuracy. It is despite the above limi- a reasonable also possible degree of to derive rough estimates of physical effort requirements from the timeline. Moreover, timelines can readily be expanded to reflect the following: 1. The uncertainty associated with each task's time of occurrence. 2. The simultaneity of multiple tasks in the cockpit. 3. The random interruption associated with ATC and communications. - 96 - process intercrew 4. identifiable plan- The presence of ning tasks. The timeline this thesis format used in includes enhance- ments that are designed to highlight the workload parameters mentioned above. used, 5,2. 2 These features are explained, as they are later sections of this chapter. in Task Precedence aps A task precedence map is another be cockpit activity constructed from represents a map type of graph which can timeline data. It events that occur or schedule of discrete in the cockpit where an event is 1. The beginning or end of some physicockpit task(e.g. cal a descent maneuver. 2. The occurrence of a physical event (e.g. the arrival of an ATC message or the passage of a VOR) The task precedence map displays events, uncertainty of these event times, time of event, and the precedence const- raints that must be maintained between events. Task precedence maps differ greatly from cockpit activity timelines both in their construction, and in task precedence map is most useful - 97 , in their use. a very macroscopic The or aggregate form where only major events are displayed. identifying the way in are useful in other events. events constrain They which certain cockpit There exists an unwritten system of task priority among instrument pilots. The prece- dence map maps out these priorities and shows how the timing series of tasks of a and execnwtion requirement to execute some other series of tasks. map displays precedence events, constraints, as this hierarchy a schedule on the other hand, which they convey. The timeline can be of cockpit activity, interruptions, busyness, and physical effort. will be shown later that the timeline and actually complement one another in Events ,on a ated. There is event and the precedence are denoted by boxes along paths with which they are associ- physical significance to an generally some the path to which it has been aggregate event paths have been assigned. Position Event Path (the geographic position of the aircraft) 2. Altitude Event Path - 98 Five defined for the purposes of this thesis: 1. It workload analysis. task precedence map, and are positioned of are most useful in analyzing the microscopic detail referred to in The task and event flexibility or slack. Activity timelines, the minute detail by the constrained is - 3. Communications Event Path 4. Manual Control Event Path 5. Planning Event Path Event paths may be independent, physically connected or constrained in temporal order only. An event on one path may be constrained to precede an event on another path. denoted by a A constraint is solid line between any two solid or a dotted line. events indicates that a physical task occurs between the two events and the duration, onds, of this task is A in sec- indicated by the number in parentheses located on the constraint, approximately midway between the two events(see for example figure 5.2,events B1 and B2). A 'soft' precedence constraint is indicated by line connecting two events two events constraint, map It is irplied, that are then, connected by to precede the that the time beta soft precedence must be greater than or equal to zero seconds. The implication dence is constrained the left event to event on the right. ween (see events C1-D1 of figure 5.2). being performed between two such events, No physical task is but the a dotted displays 'earliest' and of all the constraints that graphically a 'latest' is that there at which each tiine* the preceis an event can *Event times on the precedence map are taken to be deterministic. With some simplifying assumptions (i.e. norral- 99 F. occur. These limit times appear, in seconds, as the number3 in parentheses beneath each event box. 'latest' time is the rightmost the is the leftirost number, The 'earliest' time - number. The differencebetween the earliest referred to as the slack. an event is and latest times for strictly The slack, speaking, is a measure of the uncertainty in the event time. It is precedence flexibility a tasks associated Slack is that flexibility allowed the crew- with an event. by all as the executing the crewmember has in pilot or member thought of more pragmatically the constraints shown interacting on the The existence of slack can be depicted on a map. timeline by allowing tasks to slide from their nominal (or earliest) time to a Task Limit defined by the slack value of a precedence map. Given some degree of task flexibility an operator working on multiple tasks is manner as to likely to perform these tasks in reward minimize some variable (see such a Tulga). Instrument pilots are trained to perform tasks on a priority basis that uaximizes safety and that minimizes workload ( or task demand rate). If no slack exists for a particular event, then its associated tasks must be worked on promptly, increasing task demand rate and thus instantaneous workload. A path along which the slack is always zero is ity) stochastic event times can also be used. - 100 - called the Posi ti on Events A - A2 Cross VOR B -(180) Cross Sector A A Al t i tude Even ts ...-..10..- \nLeave 10000ft 18ooft Communi cations Events Cl Reduce to 310 knots \by -- Begin Slowing Maneuvr E El E2 - Begin nnc C D2 BegD Slowing 250 kts D1 D Planning Events C2 Turblnce Reportet 707 (160) Manual Control Events E B Leave 100 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -E Turblnc Planin nni Figure 5.2: A Task Precedence Map i 'critical path' double line and is denoted on the precedence map by a (see Path A of figure 5.2). the task precedence map is _o summarize, load analysis because of its dence constraints, capability to highlight prece- task priorities, The precedence map, useful in work- though- derived and task flexibility. from timeline data, is much more macroscopic in its scope and in its use. Analysis of ATC ajnd Intercrew commun 1ations 5.2.3 Section four of chapter four discusses the through which ATC communications may In a similar manner mechanisms tend to load the-crew. intercrew communications may tend to interrupt and distract the crew and thus induce higher workload levels. of voice Due to such effects the statistical properties communications messages will Boston arrival. be examined Particular attention will be devoted to 1. Interruptions due to messages 2. Tasks triggered by messages 3. Effects (.i.e. of Channel Utilization Busy Air Time/Total Mission Time) and message rate 4. for the Comparison of message between mission segments - 102 - properties 5.3 AN ANALYSIS In this section, six parameters are examined that (by the cate relative levels of pilot workload. 1. and that indi- characterize the nature, theory of Chapter 2) Busyness - These are: the amount of time i.e. cockpit tasks and spent working on only moni- or performing not idle toring tasks. 2. Task Multiplicity and Interruptions - degree The to multiple which tasks are present and the magnitude of task interruptions which then results. 3. Task Simultaneity degree to - The which multiple tasks occur simultaneously. 4. Task priority the priority structure ing different Examine - and Slack for execut- tasks and determine the time flexibility or deferrability which each task is then allowed. 5. Constraints ority and Triggers - structure defines - 103 - The pri- a set of constraints between constraints identify of the ATC/cockpit These tasks. - whichelements system strongly influence, crew activity and also identify which events trigger other events to occur. 6. ATC-and intercrew The conmunications - statitistical messages and the properties of activity messages invoke. Each of the above parameters are three scenario segments (cruise descent, and final aFproach). investigated for the terminal vectoring, The section that follows contains a concluding synopsis of the analysis. 5.3.1 Busyness Chapter two categorized tasks into three broad classifi- cations: Operating tasks ately, Tasks which must be such as responding to an ATC handled immedimessage or cont- rolling the aircraft. Monitoring time period, Tasks which can e.g. be deferred for systems monitoring. - 104 - a small Table 5,la) Number of Tasks for the Boston Arrival tt t . -- ' (Excluding all "Hold" category and communications tasks.) Headitn AltltuAe Speed Nav /PIann ng Total Cruise Descent 7 18 3 2 30 Terminal Vectoring 9 16 4 11 40 Final Approach 4 6 3 8 21 Table 5.1b) Busy Time (seconds) (Excluding all "Hold" category and communications tasks.) Total Segment Heading Altitude Cruise Descent 820 121 Terminal Vectoring 174 104 42 75 309/520 Final Approach 246 173 32 38 233/240 Speed Nav/Planning 840/840 * Note: Total is not the summation in this case, since many tasks occur simultaneously. - 105 - Table 5.2: Mean Task Interarrival Time (seconds) Nav/Planning Mission Segment Heading Altitude Speed Cruise Descent 1# 43 390 550# 31 Terminal Vectoring 86 32 97 46 17 Final Approach 13 16 33 35 16 * Notes:- * Includes all tasks except communications tasks. # indicates datum unreliable due to small sample size. Table 5.3: Mission Mean Task Interarrival Times (seconds) Including Communications Tasks Excluding Communications Tasks Segment All Tasks1 All Tasks3 All Tasks for 2 Pilot Flying All Tasks for 4 Pilot Flying. Cruise Descent 31 31 31 31 Terminal Vectoring 17 17 13 15 Final Approach 16 18 12 12 Notes: 1 - Excludes communications tasks. 2 - As specified by flight manual, also excludes comm. tasks. 3 - Includes intercrew communications and ATC messages to/from CL 54. 4 - Same as above, but includes only intercrew messages which pilot must command or respond. - 1O6 - Planning - Tasks which can be deferred for a longer such as approach planning. period, an IFE, The nature of the piloting tasks in environment is air transport such that there are phases of flight when the crew is nearly idle (performing mostly monitoring tasks) and there are phases of flight when the crew is three categories of task). (working on all is extremely active Busyness, then, one parameter which characterizes the workload level of a It crew. task load (in extent, be quantified to some may terms of number of tasks (an indication of relative difficulty), the percentage of segment time on working at least one by measuring active), task type and busy time (i.e. during which a crewmember is task). The Cruise Descent Segment At fourteen minutes in duration, ment is the longest in that this segment includes a steps at 22000, 14000, changes the most It long and 8000 feet. Figure 5.1 indicates descent with altitude There are two course The segment length seems to be during the descent. notable feature of this portion of the scenario. is an important feature because, if workload is measured 14 minutes, the instantaneous peaks as an average over the in the scenario. the cruise descent seg- workload will be smoothed out by the averaging process. - 107 - Panels 1-9 of figure B.1 contain the task information for the tracking task associated panels shows that the primary task and that it to a VCR is other tasks generally verifies this Panel 4, than 20 sec- the data of figure B.1 by itself, for example, Excluding VOR tracking task as there are 30 tasks occurring in The number of tasks is, these and that observation quantitatively. communications tasks (and counting the one task), with flying also clear that there have a duration of less Table 5.1a was compiled from onds. of these persists throughout occurring other tasks relatively few and is From the timeline it the segment. are A brief examination segment. the cruise descent 840 seconds. misleading. Vieving some tasks are continuous (e.g. while other tasks task), heading category tracking the are of rapid succession with other tasks (see tasks 6,7,8 in the altitude category). Thus, the short duration, small number of tasks does crew is idle. is ing but occur in not necessarily imply From Table 5.2 it can be seen that the pilot busy working on at least one task, the cruise that the Moreover, descent. include hold category tasks. 100% of the time durTable 5.2 does These tasks require intermitpilot to some extent, tent crew attention and load the are not included in the data of Table 5.1 or 5.2. he Te minal Vectoring Segment - not 108 - but The terminal vectoring minutes in segment is approximately duration or slightly more duration as- the descent segment. than half as long, in Panels 9-14 of figure B.1 describe the cockpit activity for the segment. parison of these panels with Panels toring segment is eight A cross com- 1-9 shows that the vec- much more complex, much busier than the descent seguent. Figure 5.1 shows that the ario is vectoring portion of the scen- dominated by four turns, turn to 130, a turn to 160 degrees, and a turn to a turn to 080, final approach course. three required altitude changes Moreover, are descents from 8000 to 6000 feet, and from 3000 to 2000 feet. intercept the this segment (see figure a 5.1b). includes These from 6000 to 3000.feet, This aircraft maneuvering seems to dominate the activity on the timeline of Panels 9 through Table 14. 5.1a indicates altitude category that there tasks for the are 25 heading and vectoring segment as com- pared to 25 heading and altitude category tasks for the descent segment. are squeezed, However, now, these 25 aircraft maneuvering tasks into half the tine frame of the cruise descent. Navigation and planning tasks (28') of the 39 total segment. This is planning tasks in compose a major percentage tasks occurring during the vectoring in comparison with only two navigation and the descent segment. - 109 - Six of the 11 plan- ning tasks occur in rapid sequence the performance of the 'before line and are associated with landing' Again, on Panel 10 of the time- checklist. Table 5.2 indicates that (assuming one crewmember leading. the pilot is tasks) performs all task 60% (309/520) least one composition of tasks however, indicate is much different than that There is for the descent segment. cruise descent time for the the timeline, Panels 9-14 of segment, working on at time during the descent segment. of the This is coirpared to 100% busy that the is somewhat mis- by itself, the number of tasks, a greater variety in the number and type of tasks than those which present themselves in Panels 1-8. the vectoring occur during Tasks which portion of the mission are more numerous, but of shorter mean duration than those during the timeline it is From observation cruise descent. obvious which type of situa- not immediately tion tends to induce higher workload levels. situation, This is short dura- long duration tasks, rather than few, higher level. The theory of case of many, Chapter 2 would suggest that the tion tasks, of the due to the fact that in induces a the former tasks are continually intercupted or preempted by theory suggests that, Thus, tasks of higher priority. dur- induced levels of workload may be ing the vectoring segment, higher than during the cruise - 110 descent segment, - despite the fact that the busy time for this segment is than that for the vectoring segment) time for lower (60% busy the cruise (100% busy time). descent Final Approach Segment The final approach is characterized stant descent-rate maneuver. mission segment is four minutes, vectoring segment. The duration of con- this final duration of the half the Examination of the 'track localizer' and by a straight, Panels 14-16 shows that 'track glideslope' tasks dominate the activity of this segment. As indicated which must in Table 5.1a, there are 21 the segment.. be performed during total tasks This can be compared with 40 tasks for the vectoring segment which has a duration that is twice that of this final approach segment. The composition of these tasks appears similar to the composition of tasks for the vectoring segment. tasks (6/21) Again 28% of the are navigation and planning tasks. The number of tasks should not be used alone in quantifying cockpit activity on final approach. the two simultaneous track- 'Number of Tasks' metric weighs ('track ing tasks with other, localizer' This is because the and 'track glideslope') (e.g. Seat Belt Sign - On). less difficult tasks The busy times of Table 5.1b complement the 'Number data by the time the crew indicating how much of - 111 equally - of Task' is busy, regardless of the number of tasks. The table shows that, on final approach, the crew is working on at least one task 95% (233/240) of the segment time. Further examination of Table 5.1 final approach segment show Panels 14-16 of the that the composition of is a many tasks tasks during combination of cruise descent and vectoring segments. (21 in 240 seconds) timeline and the that for the There appears to be some of which are long dura- tion (the tracking tasks) and some of which are short dura- tion Planning tasks). (the Navigation and Based on the busyness of this segment one would expect the measured work- load level to te approximately the same or greater than that for the vectoring, but greater than that for the cruise descent segment. 5.3.2 Aultiple Tasks and Interruptions The Cruise Descent Segment At any particular point in the activity timeline evident that the piloting task involves multiple, ing tasks. it is interrupt- The timeline format of figure B.1 highlights the occurrence of this interruption process. Panel 7 provides an example of this feature. In the time period 620 to 680 seconds, a course change, a level off - the pilot pertorms followed by a further descent 112 - initiation (see Alt. navigation course scanning the colulmn) ( see Nav/Planning setting Panel horizontally time (660 seconds) along a column) . line of By constant the multiplicity of tasks becomes appar- At 620 seconds a speed ent. and he also must reselect his and and altitude hold* task are being monitored while the heading category tracking task is being performed. At 670 seconds a left turn executed simultaneously with the execution is being of a short dura- tion, three task altitude sequence. Quantifying the magnitude of the interruption Table 5.2 gives mean task interarrival times. average time between the occurrence of two the timeline in figure B.1). small (refer to some of It does appear, most to though, (based on are unreliable. that the altitude tasks contribute the interruption process the scenario tasks cruise descent segment) interarrival times rate of 1 task every 43 seconds. on That is, the Because the number of tasks is Table 5.1a for the these computed process, with a mean interarrival This is as expected based structure portrayed in figures 5.1a and 5.1b. are holding a descent rate, e.g. *Eold category tasks, that run indicated by the solid lines with arrowheads, through the center of task columns on the timeline. *Mission mean interarrival time is computed by grouping maintaining the chronological all tasks in one category, mean interarrival times. computing relationships, and then one task. as Simultaneous tasks are counted - 113 - The Mission* mean interarrival emphasizes how multiple, In Table 5.2, however, is which is 25X better interrupting tasks load the pilot. the Mission interarrival time between tasks tasks, time, smaller than the 43 of 31 seconds seconds between indicated for altitude tasks. In this long descent segment it is the altitude tasks which are most numerous (17 altitude tasks, see Table 5.1). dom occurrence of tasks in three However, the ran- other categories has reduced the Mission mean task interarrival time from approximately 43 to arrival 31 seconds between tasks. rate, induced by the This higher task multiple task environment, should tend to increase the workload level of the crew above that encountered in a single task mode. Terminal Vectoring Segment. Panels 9 through 14 of the indicate that the multiple task ated interruption process is cockpit activity timeline environment and its associ- much more evident in toring segment tnat in the cruise descent segment. across the timeline this more apparent. of heading, at 940, At these altitude, occurring either 1240, and manner. - 114 a combination and Nav/?ianning simultaneously or in a - Scanning 1320 seconds makes mission times speed, the vec- rapid, tasks are sequtntial Table 5.2 task interarrival times based on The altitude and the Nav/Planning task catego- figure B.1. ries have gives mean the smallest task quent task occurrence) interarrival times at 32 (most fre- and 46 seconds between tasks, respectively. For the altitude category tasks this is ler 43 than the second figure cruise descent segment. which smal- obtains during the Heading tasks, with mean interarri- val times of 86 seconds would seem to be the least demanding task category with respect to task interruptions, despite the fact that the vectoring turns are a predominant physical task during this segment. The dission mean interarrival times reflect the marked shown in impact of the multiple task environment on crew task load during the vectoring segment. mean interarrival time of 17 seconds Table 5.2 The Mission is 50% of the interar- rival times for altitude tasks alone and 20% of the interarrival time for heading tasks alone. four task categories The interaction of the (communications tasks have not counted) in quadruplex has the effect of dramatically ing the task interarrival time perceived by The 17 second task interarrival ment is been reduc- a crewmember. time for the vectoring seg- roughly half that for the cruise descent. The crew- members should thus perceive themselves as being much busier and find tasks interrupting one another more frequently during the vectoring segment than the descent segment. basis of perceived busyness due to interruptions, - 115 - On the one would for the relatively higher to be expect workload terminal vectoring segment of the Boston arrival. Final Approach Segment Compariscn of the final approach the degree to tions caused by task which multiple tasks and distrac- Scanning across interruptions occur. -at times 1380 figure B.1 terminal vectoring that they are roughly equi- segments on figure B.1 suggests valent in and and 1460 seconds, for instance, in most task categories sim- shows that tasks are occurring Beyond time 1500 seconds there are two simul- ultaneously. taneous tracking tasks and one 'hold' task being performed category speed control by the pilot as he flies the aircraft down the Instrument Landing System. Table 5.3 indicates that altitude category (ignoring the heading cate- most often during final approach gory due very segment. same as the close to the seconds between at 16 value for the also 16 sec- terminal vectoring Because the Mission mean interarrival time is the mean interarrival time of data suggest that as in size) Mission mean task interarrival time is tasks. onds, to the small sample tasks occur altitude tasks, task interruptions are not the terminal vectoring segment.* the as pronounced However, another *In the terminal vectoring segment the Mission mean task least 50% of the value of the interarrival time was at time for all task categories minimum task interarrival task This effective reduction in table 5.2. shown in 116 - effect is taking place that is Table 5.3. not reflected in the data of This is the effect of task simultaneity which is discussed in a later section. Task Simultaneity 5.3.3 The mean the fact task interarrival times discussed that instance, some tasks occur on Panel 7 of figure left turn to simultaneously. B.1, 111 degrees and a above ignore it is apparent that a descent initiation sequence occur simultaneously at 667 seconds in to the scenario. presence of task simultaneity will but is not metric. measured well by For The thus affect crew loading the task interarrival time This section examines the degree to which task sim- ultaneity is p-resent in each of the three arrival segments. The Cruise Descent Segment The degree of task simultaneity during the cruise descent can be inferred from the Task Simultaneity histogram of figure 5.3. In this figure the number of occurrences of simul- taneous tasks have been counted based on the nominal time of task occurrence shown in figure B.1. These data were then normalized to construct the histogram. interarrival time was said to be due to an interruption process caused by the presence of multiple tasks. - 117 - .9 .8 .7 .6 .5 .4 pp .3 .2 .1 J ~ 1 2 2 3 3 B I 4a 4 5 5 Simultaneous Tasks a)Cruise Descent Segment-Excluding Communications Tasks 1 2 4 5 Simultaneous Tasks 3 b)Cruise Descent Segment-Including Communications Tasks Figure 5.3: Task Simultaneity Histogram for the Cruise Descent Segment - 118 - 1 2 3 4 5 Simul taneous Tasks a)Vectoring Segment-Excluding Communications Tasks 1 2 3 4 5 Simul taneous Tasks b)Vectoring Segment-including Communications Tasks Figure 5.4: Task Simultaneity Histogram for the Terminal Vectoring Segment .9 .8 .7 .6 .5 .4 .3 .2 1 2 3 4 5 Simultaneous Tasks a)Final Approach Segment-Excluding Communications Tasks 1 2 3 4 5 Simultaneous Tasks b)Final Approach Segment-including Communications Tasks Figure 5.5: Task Simultaneity Histogram for the Final Approach Segment - 120 - Figure 5.3a indicates that there are frequent occurrences of heading tracking the indicates that throughout the cruise descent. any other category this tracking so task is timeline continuous a task occurring in performed simultaneously Nevertheless, occurrences of three, task Thus, must be task. of the Observation tasks. two simultaneous with shows few figure 5.3a or five simultaneous tasks and four, siultaneity should not significantly affect crew busyness during the cruise descent. The Terminal Vectoring Segment The teriinal Figure 5.4a shows that there is tasks occur. bility that two ously. seen in that three tasks will comparing figures 5.3a the vectoring segment task). This tasks are more and 5.4a. there is a high occur simultane- That is, consistent with is perfectly during probability that one (not simultaneously by itself and a much these segments can be The major difference between task will occur a large proba- tasks will occur simultaneously smaller probability the which simultaneous the degree to in cruise descent segment similar to segment appears vectoring with another the fact that mean task interarrival times are smaller during the vectoring segment. Tasks occur more often, numerous and that but they simply do not occur simultaneously. The Final Approach Segment - 121 - Task the earlier mission segments. during final approach than in This is that the 5.5a which indicates evident from figure three, frequency of occurrence of two, tasks is consideration important more a is Siirultaneity and four simultaneous significant. terminal vectoring and the approach 5.3.2 showed of section The discussion multiple tasks occur- a high incidence of 'final' there is ring, which the task interarrival the incidence occurring simultaneously shows that during however, Figure 5.5a, nearly time metric on final approach, ignores. four tasks and three, of two, the same for another is degree to which tasks interrupt one Because of segments have final This suggests that the identical task interarrival times. these two segments. that the the busyness perceived by the pilot may be greater on final approach than Due to the joint influence of during the vectoring segment. total workload uncertain whether measured is it however, other parameters, than during during 'final' will be greater the vectoring segment. 5,3.4 .T'ask Priority and Slack In section 5.1.1, it timelines are inaccurate associated with the timeline. That is was explained that cockpit activity because there uncertainty is an nominal task execution time figure (see Panel 7, to a heading of 111 degrees - B.1), shown on a the left turn may be initiated at 627 seconds 122 - or it may be initiated later task to be executed. The current than the more important workload level task initiation time. pilot can also affect the may elect if there is a to begin work on nominal task time The pilot a task either earlier shown on an of the or later activity timeline, this decision being based on what his experience, training, and workload level indicate to him. The task precedence map discussed in quely determines the limits within These task limits parentheses, which a task must occur. are indicated by the numbers enclosed in The difference between the second number of the pair and the first number is equivalent to the total 'earliest 5. 1.2 uni- located beneath event boxes of the task prece- dence map. is section referred to as the 'slack'. time range It (beyond the so-called tine') through which the task may be slid. Slack, then is an indication of the priority of a task or of the time flexibility task. The trained that a pilot has IFR pilot would be in executing a expected to utilize event slack in a manner which allows tasks to be executed in a time sequence that minimizes his probability of error. the timeline of figure B.1, nominal time of occurrence all tasks are shown (their 'earliest time'). In at their Task limits for a task are denoted by dark bars and an accompanying TL 1-9 (Task Limit for task 1 thhough 9 of this column). The slack, on the timeline, - is thus the difference between 123 - the time the TL bars at which are shown and the time at section 5.1 for the which the associated task occurs, jhe Cruise Descent Segment For the long descent limits of each portion (see mission segment on the figure B.2 shows that the average, large. task precedence map) noncritical slack is On Panel 1 of the figure, no slack (off the critical path) has a value of less than 100 seconds. onds, The minimum which were shown noncritical slack value of again associated with is (see event C2,D3) in table 5.1 to be the type for this segment. D4-D6, What is tasks. Events slack values E1,E2, and 940 seconds, and E3 early in associated with show slack values the descent, but these tasks In of 1600, will be important operating the air transport environ- operating and monitoring tasks while another executes planning tasks. - planning As discussed in Chap- are preempted by more one pilot may execute figure B.2 to start the execution of plan- or monitoring category tasks. ment, 1 and 2 of respectively. the pilot will tend deferred as they most numerous task on the critical path (see rost notable from Panels very large ning tasks altitude tasks and E3). are the ter 2, 166 seconds Panel 2 of figure 3.2 also indicates large slack values for events not events B5, Paths B, C, and slack values greater than 300 sec- E of the Panel have mean 1220, very 124 - the large slack values have For the long descent segment important implications: 1. Though the planning tasks require substantial time to execute 70 indicates a nominal Panel 2, B.1, (figure seconds for review the approach procedure) task flexibility is that its to one crewmember the large enough so presence is not likely to induce high workloads. 2. Panels 1-9 of the timeline indicate a few occurrences of Again, tasks. simultaneous due to slack valu-es that range from 166 to 1600 second, the occurrence tasks is high also not work of simultaneous likely to induce loads during the long descent segment. The Terminal Vectoring Segment A brief examination of Panels 2-5 of figure B.2 indicates that the terminal vectoring segment* descent. plexities than the cruise has many Despite this, more comfurther events A4-A6, AOn the task precedence map of figure B.2, D8-D23, inclusive, contain the terminal C3-C9, B6-B10, vectoring segment. - 125 - examination of the figure shows that event slacks, off the are smaller than the slack values for cruise critical path, descent segment. In all cases are less the event slacks for than 415 seconds. this segment is D18 The minimum nonzero 46 seconds which occurs for (see Panel 5, rences of figure slack values slack in events D17 and There are numerous occur- B.2). less than slack values for the segment cal path) the vectoring segment 120 seconds. The mean (excluding events on the. criti- are listed below. Event Path Mean Slack(seconds) A 246 B 171 C 0 D 133 the terminal vectoring segment The mean event slacks for are much Most notable are descent segment. values for the straller than the the 171 and 133 second on path B and D, values of 587 and 356 seconds respectively. - 126 values for These can be compared to for the mean event - events slack on This sug- paths 3 and D during the cruise descent segment. gests that the time in crew will have much less which they may flexibility in execute required tasks. the On average tasks may only be slid 30% of the time distance allowed during the intertask constraints will cause workload ing the than during vectoring segment that the This indicates cruise descent segment. to be higher durdescent the cruise segment. Final Approach Segment 8.2 describe the nature of the Panels 6 and 7 of figure event slacks for the final approach segment. ble feature that most The most nota- on the critical path of the events lie map is the task precedence of this portion of and thus have -slack values of zero seconds. 6 and 7 of the figure Scanning across Panels it can be off the critical path (Events seen that the only two events A9 and C10) have slack values of 123 and 213 seconds. values are comparable to the vectoring segment and the mean values), average slack values much smaller cent segment. 127 for the of 30% of values for the cruise des- than the mean - (on the order These - tireline of figure B.1 The cockpit activity little more information final approach 14-16 on the effects of of figure B.l shows occurring and these slack during the the scenario. portion of that there Scanning Panels are numerous are occurring in multiple ries (refer to sections 5.2 and provides a task caiego- Since most of these 5.3). tasks are associated with events on the critical path, ever, promptly. how- flexibility and are constrained they possess no time to be executed tasks several tasks that nomi- Moreover, nally occur during the cruise descent and vectoring portion of the missions have slack values that allow their execution to be slid well approach segment into the final 14 and 16 of the figure). example the Task Limits on Panels This suggests that if sually busy, the terminal vectoring segment is unu- some tasks may be deferred for execution duLing final approach. Because additional tasks must then be exe- cuted within the increasingly tight constraints the critical path, result. (see for This a higher task effect is imposed by demand situation caused by the low would average slack value during final approach. then, is much more tightly constrained than the vectoring segment. Most of the final The final approach segment, approach tasks path and are associated with therefore must afforded large be executed events on promptly rather degrees of time flexibility. - 128 - the critical than Whether this tightly constrained level for the situation results in a higher workload final approach segment will be whether perturbations to cockpit activity a function of (e.g. an emer- gency) during earlier flight segments cause tasks from these earlier segments to be deferred into the tightly constrained final approach segment. 5.3.5 Constraints and Triggers In workload analysis it is crew loading. que in useful to examine sources of ihe task precedence map of figure B.2 is uni- this context as it ATC/cockpit system indicates which elements are constraining one another of the and which ATC/cockpit events trigger other to occur. The Cruise rescent Segment The discussion of section 5.2.2 (the double lined tical path which events are path in figure B.1) imposing the primary constraints Panels 1 triggers. explained that the cri- and 2 of figure B.2 show duration of the cruise descent segment, That is, the aircraft's position gering most sented in chapter 4, the air and task that for the ?ath A is critical. along the airway is Following the cockpit events. indicates trig- arguments pre- it is the airspace loading mechanism of trafic control system that is triggering activity and inducing the predominan't cockpit load. - 129 - cockpit present on Panel B5 cues 2 of the figure where at the occurrence of a aircraft altered its path of in the a change airspeed, 250 knots slowing maneuver to is the airway triggering most cockpit activity. structure that is If the cruising flight oc changed its distribution of time also 10000 feet Event path A suggests that it However, (Event D6). is the Regulatory Loading mechanism The effect of cockpit activity would result. due to indicates some event triggering Figure B.2 also flight procedure. In particular, flight procedure calls for two checklists to be executed one at 18000 feet and one at This effect is denoted by the soft-precedence 10,003 feet. constraint connecting Event E4 and E2 and that connecting B5 and 23. Observation of the cockpit activity timeline in vicinity of these events indicates that loading at occurrence limits (see P5,P8-9, these events a busy time nor do not particular cockpit enough (1220 and 940) loreover, task induce the the task procedures are large so that high workloads are not likely to be induced. Terminal Vectoring however, greatly increase does this procedure of many simultaneous tasks. for these figure B.1), the Segment - 130 - figure B.2, Observation of Panels 2-6, the terminal vectoring segment the for the major portion of communications path. the along Path C, critical path lies indicates that That is, during the vectoring segment most events are trig- gered by air traffic control communications the execution and constrains communications events between these the timing Also events. are associated with timing of tasks that events on non-critical paths. Boston arrival provides an The vectoring portion of the referred to in example of what was loading of the pilot due to air traffic control messages. for instance, trig- Event C4 (refer to Panel 2, figure B.2), gers the occurrence of the Begin Descent event, 27, 28 category in the altitude (see Panel 12, D8. event are timeline this Begin Descent ated with as explicit chapter 4 category and figure B.1). task 5 in Associtasks 26, the speed Panel 4 of figure B.2 shows how communication event C6 triggers a turning maneuver associated with events D13 and D14. air traffic control then, In this segment, messages exert a dominant influence on the nature and timing of the crew's task load. the vectoring segment where There are other portions of tasks are triggered example, event A5, by events off the figure B.2) - triggers a turning event 1-31 For at Manjo intersection the aircraft's arrival P2, critical path. - (see (Event D10) Associated 8,9 on heading tasks These tasks figure B.l. of Panel 10, D10 are with event are triggered only indirectly by the critical path. Final Approach Segment The critical path for the final approach segment wanders figure B.2). cockpit B (see P6-7, During the early stages of the final approach, position along tasks are triggered by the aircraft's An example of this is the localizer. event E4 on Panel 6 of event by the localizer interception triggered essen- event is Checklist' This 'Eegin the precedence map. tially and then to path A to path D from event path (note Panel 14 that event E4 and A6 have the same earliest time). of the cockpit activity timeline indicates that Nav/Planning tasks 14,15 and associated with communications task 43 are this event. As the aircraft arrives at the point glideslope of becomes critical. interception, the altitude path (Path B) The aircraft's position on the glidepath then triggers cock- pit events. Figure 8.1 occurs. provides the for the extension of 40 glidepath. Similarly, - 132 degrees of flap position in are both triggered by the aircraft's the how this for and selection of landing On Panel 15 the call gear extension and detail on communications - relation to events 56-63 (Panel 16) aircraft's altitude, also triggered by the are once the glidepath has been intercepted. It clear from entirely airspace structure (i.e. glidepath angle, The ing. etc.) structure of workload and again the aircraft operations manual, loads. approach speeds the critical and paths. as specified in the significant role the in the specified in particular, If, clearly altitude event plays a were changed, path would be affected. this is the location of the cri- flight procedure,- However, inducing task the approach procedure the instrument the position path along map whether the primary cause of pilot load- is indicated on the precedence map by tical not the instrument approach procedure, affect crew definitely does precedence the task is final approach it should be noted that during length of the critical In some circumstances the length of the nominal path could affect workload level (see appendix A.2). 5.3.6 ATC and Intercrew Communications suggests that the structure The discussion of chapter 4 of air traffic control communications to occur. induce explicit Similarly, required inter- and implicit loads on the crew. crew communications can cause can interruptions and distraction these communications is The nature of important element of this workload analysis. - 133 - thus an 5.6 Figure depicted in was the using constructed column on the communications dialogue of the timeline It represents a 'low' message rate relative to figure B.1. Figure 5.7 repre- some- of the data presented in chapter 4. sents a ATC 'high' that was also message rate profile used in the flight simulator experiments described in the next chapter. The The high rate profile is on the (for reference) included timeline of figure B. 1, but is Appendix C. not shown this profile is dialogue for in included here strictly for discussion and comparison with the 'low' rate profile. The Cruise Descent Segment ATC message rate relative to Figure 5.6 represents a low Figure 5.6a shows some of the data presented in Chapter 4. that during the long descent this profile averages only one message in an 80 second This corresponds interval. channel utilization (see figure 5.6b) ment. Examination of Panels 1-9 to a of 8% during the seg- of the timeline indicates that messages are likely to cause few interruptions. can be From the timeline it intercrew communications cent. Table 5.3 occurring during (see columns 3 and 4) communications are likely to table seen that there are also few indicates that interarrival time tasks is unchanged if communications - 134 - des- verifies that ATC cause few interruptions. mean the the cruise The between events are included as C 8 10 00 0 co 4- 0 FI NA L -I DESCENT Ti'me into Miss ion(sec.) a) Smoothed Communications Message Rate 30 C 0' 4) 20 RMI NAL TORING DESCENT .| 4FINAL-4 10 5 100 1000 500 b) Communications Channel Figure 5.6: 1500 Time into Mission(sec.) Utilization A Low Message Rate Communications Profile - 135 - DESCENT 100 - TERMINAL VECTORING *1FINAL - 1500 Time into Mission(sec.) a) Smoothed Communications Message Rate 500 1000 0 E co co TERMINAL DESCENT 100 .--+VE CTORING 500 -J|F1NAL 1000 1500 Time into Mission(sec.) b) Communications Channel Utilization Figure 5.7: A High Message Rate Communications Profile - 136 - tasks that the crew must monitor. shows that the presence of ATC and intercrew does not alter figure 5,3 Similarly, the degree of task co munications simultaneity during this segment The Terminal Vectoring Segment It is e-vident messages is much during the cruise from figure 5.6 that the intensity of ATC greater during the vectoring descent. segment than The average message rate is 7 messages in an 80 second period as compared to 1 per 80 secChannel utilization (see fig- onds for the descent segment. has increased from 8% for the descent to approxi- ure 5.6b) mately 30% for the vectoring however, segment. that the message rate is It still should be noted, quite 'low'. figure 5.7a shows a communications profile of The message rate of nearly 14 messages per 80 second interval, twice that for the 'low' that these figures include Recall rate profile. only ATC messages (messages to/from ATC by/for any aircraft) Nevertheless, and no intercrew communications. the loading effects of voice communications are expected to be much more significant during the vectoring segment than during the cruise descent. Panels 9-14 of the tiweline indicate that required intercrew communications associated with checklist execution are numerous but of small average duration. - 137 - These intercrew - On,' or 'Shoulder Harness - tasks such as 'Seat Belt Sign As intercrew communications become more numerous Fasten.'. they, associated cockpit trigger an tend to communications also will tend to interrupt other tasks, too, disrupt men- tal planning tasks and thus implicitly load the crew through the same mechanism as ATC messages 5.3 shows Table effects the communications of voice on the nission mean task interarri- (both ATC and intercrew) val time. In this table each crete task in addition message is counted as a disother four to the task categories Voice communication mes- 5.2. that are tabulated in Table sages are (see Chapter 4.4). separate category of taken to be a task because the crew's attention is diverted from other tasks, to monitor a message. Also, in order messages to which a crewmember must respond require physical effort to grasp the microphone and to speak. sages as from an Table 5.3 shows that the inclusion of mes- Mission task interarrival time tasks reduces the average of 17 seconds between tasks.. tasks and If only pilot tmust participate between tasks to strong effect on the presence are 15 seconds between tasks. of voice communications lias a the magnitude of the during the vectoring segment. - which the standard flight procedure) (per included, the interarrival time is In either case, nessages in 13 seconds 133 - interruption process Another effect caused crew communications 5. 4b. is by the presence of seen by The figure indicates ATC and inter- comparing figures that, if 5.4a and communications tasks are counted along with the other four task categories of the timeline, then the degree of From figure affected. sion of task simultaneity is 5.4b it is messages significantly strongly apparent that the inclu- increases the frequency of occurrence of three and four simultaneous tasks. , may perceive himself thus, more effort due to the The pilot to be incrementally exerting influence of voice messages during this segment. Examination of figure few ATC messages that explicitly B.2 (Panels 2-5) are directed to load the crew. shows that the Clipper 54 tend to 'This is because the critical path lies along the communication event path for most of the vectoring segment. Most of these messages invoke Explicit loading due to descent maneuvers to be executed. ATC messages is very evident, turning or then, during the vectoring segment. Following the above discussion, how the high it is message rate profile shown in possible to infer figure 5.7 will affect crew loading during the vectoring segment. rate will cause arrival of ATC the interruption process messages and the necessity - 139 - The high induced by the to monitor them, ATC Voice Communications mechanism will the crew due to the with the low rate profile be greater than in (and in 5.6 figure explicit loading due messages because implicit mental loading of The to be greatly intensified. to The the aircraft subject are scenarios described by fig- dialogue which figure 5.7 represents by introducing additional messages is produced of not be affected to ATC messages would directed depicted The magnitude the timeline). unchanged in the communications ure 5.6 and 5.7. that is directed to traffic in the terminal area, other than Clipper 54. The Final Approach Segment average message rate at 10 Figure 5.6 indicates that the messages per during the approach segment than the final channel utilization for ment. The nearly identical at 30%. higher during is -slightly 80 second interval This vectoring seg- these two suggests segments is that messages encountered on the Tower control frequency are slightly more frequent, but of shorter mean duration. According to Panels 14-16 of the timeline, messages occurring are directed to aircraft. few of the ATC Clipper 54, the subject This is substantiated by Panels 6 and 7 of figure B.2 which shows that, unlike the vectoring segment, the critical event path event path. fore, does not ccincide with the communications Explicit loading due to ATC messages is, likely to be minimal. - 140 - ther- Implicit loading effects sages are expected to be tions are counted intercrew. mes- significant during this segment of Again Iable 5.3 indicates the arrival. time is due to ArC and as tasks, that when communica- the mission task interarrival reduced from 16 to 12 seconds between tasks. high rate segment, profile of into the were introduced figure 5.7 If the messages would be greatly implicit loading due to This increase woulld tend to increase the nomi- increased. for the segment as the nal workload level interruptions due to messages increased. magnitude of the Note that these interruptions occur when there are two simultaneous tracking tasks being performed task slack and when the timeline indic'ates that (and thus tasks are tightly values are very small constrained to be executed promptly). Again, the simultaneity histogram of figure 5.5 provides additional information with regards to voice communications. Comparison of figures 5,5a and 5.5b shows that the inclusion of voice messages as shape of the simultaneity histogram. communications task and five of occurrence tasks is reduced. markedly changes The presence category causes the frequency simultaneous tasks to be The frequency of voice discrete tasks of two of the of three significantly increased. and four simultaneous As in the vectoring segment, the presence communications on final approach incrementally increase perceived workload. this increment is the should tend to The magnitude of investigated experimentally by introducing - 141 - the higher message rate communications profile of figure 5.7 (see Chapter 6). CCNCLUDING DISCUSSION 5.4 The previous sections have described nature, of cockpit task loads during a simulated a priori, was then analyzed This task load Boston arrival. context of the in some detail the workload elements discussed in in the chapter two. It was found that the -task load and workload characteristics of the three arrival segments vectoring, final approach) (cruise descent, terminal area are quite different, necessitat- ing the separate consideration of these segments in workload analysis. This section summarizes the implication of the preceding analysis and serves to tie the chapter together. It should be noted that the phrase 'workload been used in the relative sense in this chapter. ario portrayed in this analysis IFR, is transport category arrival. workload is has The scen- modelled after a normal, In probably never excessive. some baseline, level' this nominal case the However, compared to the nominal workload level can be inferred to be relatively higher or lower over different time intervals of an arrival. The Cruise Descent - 142 - The cruise descent was shown to be a rather long segment where task loading was minimal as were interruptions to this this segment but slack as to these are afforded sufficient allow ample time in which to perform these tasks satisfactoto be relatively low, Workload levels were inferred rily. occur during tasks do Several major planning task load. with the exception that high ATC messages rates may signifiworkload through the impli- cantly increase perceived pilot cit loading mechanism discussed in Chapter 4. The 'erminal Vectoring Segment shown to be half the The terminal vectoring segment was duration but Interruptions caused number of tasks performea per second. by the occurrence of multiple shown to decrease the mean seconds, for the descent, planning tasks and simultaneous task interarrival to terms of task load in with roughly twice the 17 seconds. tasks were time from 31 Navigation and comprising approximately were significant, 30% of the total number of tasks during the segment. Voice communications significantly contribute to crew The task precedence map loading in the vectoring segment. of figure D.2 indicates that ATC communications explicitly trigger numerous tasks to be executed. Intercrew commnunica- tions associated with checklist execution also introduces an - 143 - loading effect by reducing additional implicit mean task 13 seconds from interarrival time to the mission 17 seconds (see Table 5.3). The nominal workload level would appear to be relatively higher than that for the cruise descent segment based on the analysis of the chapter and the theory discussed in chapter two. the segment are still generous, The slack values for values during cruise descent. though markedly less than the It is suggested values may result that the presence of in smaller average slack high workloads should a cockpit emer- gency or difficulty occur. The Final Approach Segment The final approach vectoring segment was shown to be very in terms of busyness similar to the and interruptions. The notable difference between the two segments is that most tasks which occur on 'final' are associated with events that lie along the critical path of figure B.2. have little time flexibility and must be executed promptly. This segment contains the associated with flying the simultaneous tracking Instrument Landing System. analysis presented provides no information culty of These tasks thus this task but does suggest - 144 - tasks The as to the diffi- that the presence of high ATC message rates, intercrew communications, and other required operating tasks can induce relatively high workload or introduced approach, instantaneous task It levels. from 'final' is by external workload data presented cause above satisfactory level during 'final' that during the cruise descent. the during the final sources could demand rates to rise appears that the is higher than little slack extraneous tasks deferred until final approach, clear are afforded Because tasks levels. whether It is not workload during relatively higher or lower than the level for the vectoring segment. - l4s - Chapter VI FLIGHT SIMULATOR EVALUATICN OF A SUBJECTIVE RATING SCALE This chapter a series describes flight of simulator a preliminary test of the experiments that were designed as 11IT, subjective pilot workload rating scale. EXPERIMENTAL OBJECTIVES 6.1 described in this chapter The experiments nary in nature. were prelimi- workload scale is Because the MIT has undergone only elementary design iterarions, new and the struc- ture of the scale is expected to evolve, to some extent, as The properties of rat- it is used by engineers and pilots. ing scales are strongly influenced by errors of construction and implementation. step in Experimental use developing the accepted form. scale rating is thus an important into a useful and Such 'development' is the primary objective of the experiments described herein. Next, this thesis has described some relatively new con- cepts in the theory of described in this these concepts. pilot workload. The simulator test chapter were designed to the following issues were In particular, investigated experimentally: - 146 explore some of - 1. Sensitivity of the scale versus the performance of sensitivity mea- sures. 2. among of ratings Consistency across subjects for and the same nomi- nal task load. 3. The relationship between busyness and perceived workload. 4. to the scale of Sensitivity implicit loading of the ATC communica- tions. 6.2 FACILITY FLIGHT SIMULATICN Flight missions were simulated using 707 simulator. Figures a fixed base Boeing 6.1 and 6.2 show the exterior and interior of the aircraft cab. Although the cab mockup is substantially accurate replica of the 707, station is configured no flight engineer's without flight controls and from figures 6.1 and 6.2 that there is is Again, station. it should the cockpit is thus no physical cockpit motion. no provision for out-the-window are some the co-pilot's particular, In noticeable features missing. there a there is be noted fixed base and Moreover, there visual simulation so all simulated flights represented instrument meteorological conditions (IMC). - 147 - Figure 6.1: Figure 6.2: Cab Mock-Up Cab Mock-Up Interior - 148 - Flight Instruments The flight instruments computer and displayed were generated in real on cathode ray tubes center of the captain's and first time by a located in the officer's panel. The com- puter generated flight instruments moved in a realistic manner and were displayed essentially flicker free. seen from figure 6.2, airspeed, FMI7, altimeter, attitude director indicator, indicator were the Collins generated. and vertical speed, aorizontal The ADI/HSI was FD-109 flight director. experiments only raw data (Flight As can be situation modelled after However, during the Director Mode - Off) was displayed and so no command bars were generated. The Simulation The facility's simulation capability Adage AGT-30 minicomputer which was cent to the cockpit area. functions in 1, was located in based on a room adja- The Adage computer served three the simulation process: It simulated the equations of motion of the Boeing 707. 2. It sampled and stored control inputs from the flight performance data cockpit from the experiments. 3, It generated an the flight, as the simulation ran. 149 - instrument displays per second and a new Cockpit controls were sampled 15 times aircraft state was computed 30 times per second. Flight instrument displays were updated 5 times per second. - loop closed computer form Adage and the the cockpit Together used simulation capability flight in the these High computation speeds allowed for good res- experiments. ponse to pilot control inputs. Crew Statior.s For this Therefore, test series the only the captain's panel switches, ries were operating station can be seen 6.2 it From figure detail. captain was the placards, It guite complete. test subject. was outfitted to that the overhead and functional accesso- was felt that attention to such detail was important in simulating the cockpit environSeemingly unimportant hand move- ment for workload studies. that are important elements ments all comprise distractions the 'loading' of process in detail was attempted in 6.3 EXPERIMENTAL Two basic flight evaluation tests. 6.4) cruise involved the cockpit. Attention preparing this experimental to study. SCENARIOS profiles were used Each flight profile an instrument arrival configuration, an through Boston's Logan airport. Scenario to form five unique tests. - 150 - in the rating scale (see figures 6.3 and from a high altitude instrument approach to 'parameters were adjusted Albany, NY Gardner VOR 118 deg. magnetic course ' MANJO Intersection Boston Lo an S11 160 035 MILT LOM Plan View (Courses shown are magnetic) a) 36000 ft 22000 6000 100 ft b) Altitude Profile Figure 6.3: ILS 4R Arrival Profile - 151 - Albany, NY VAR 9- Gardner VOR MANJO In ters. 118 degrees magnetic course 15.0 DME-Goston 090 Boston Logan a) - Plan View (Courses shown are magnetic) Albany, NY VR 36000 ft 4000 Boston .Logan b) Altitude Profile Figure 6.4: VOR-DME 15R Arrival Profile - 152 - The basic profile shown until the federal airways reached the Boston terminal area at tored to the 6.3 consisted New York at 36000 feet. arrival frowF Albany, routed along in figure This first to Logan's runway 4R. subject aircraft The flight was simulated aircraft which point it final approach course of the Logan airport. of an was vec- active runway at profile included an ILS approach mission was terminated when the 'The published Category reached the II missed approach point. (that of figure 6.4) was nearly The second flight profile identical to the first. from Albany, N.Y., It consisted of but concluded, instead, with vectors to a VOR-DME approach to runway 15R. minated upon the same arrival the arrival of Again, the flight was ter- the simulated aircraft at the published missed approach point. Workload Parameters Each of the above flight profiles was altered in one of three ways to increment the nominal workload level: 1. Increment the A'C message rate (i.e., the rate at which radio mes- sages occur Figures 6.5 on the frequency). and 6.6 show the high and low rate message profiles which were used. - 1 r3 - 2. Execute the flight profile of figor ure 6.4 rather than that of 6.3, vice-versa. 3. of unexpected change Introduce an the instrument approach, just prior the approach to initiating proce- dure. Altering the workload level in this manner had the advantage that no artificial tasks (such as were introduced, cancelling task) a secondary, que eiliminated it the intrusion effects of This techni- secondary loading The disadvantage of this technique, however, methodologies. was that control was while some maintained over the workload increment. still light was create workload difficult to levels that This may have caused difficul- were incrementally 'higher'. ties in exercising the sensitivity of the measure. present objective, the though, value of For the using realistic loading mechanisms was thought to be important in evaluating a workload measure for the air transport environment. Five unique test scenarios were thus defined. The sce- narios are summarized in Table 6.1 and a test matrix that is helpful for identifying 6.7. these scenarios is shown These five experiments allowed the hypotheses previ- ously outlined to be examined more closely. - 154 in figure - (U CO 0 F INAL DESCENT -Ai Time into Mission(sec.) a) Smoothed Communications Message Rate 0, 30 (A E C Cn a.0. 0 20 U Cn to DES CENT MI NAL 0 R ING - -|V . F INAL-4 U, 10 5 1000 500 100 b) Communications Channel Figure 6.5: . 1500 Time into Mission (sec.) Utilization Low Message Rate Communications Profile - 155 - DESCENT 100 TERMINAL --imVECTORING1 500 FINAL 4 1500 Time into Mission(sec.) a) Smoothed Communications Message Rate 1000 C) 8, QU eo. en &9 DESCENT 100 .. TERMINAL VECTORING F INAL M 1000 500 1500 Time into Mission(sec.) b) Communications Channel Utilization Figure 6.6: High Message Rate Communications Profile - 156 - EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE 6.4 Test subjects their participation in 1. Preflight Briefing 2. Warmup Flights 3. Data Flights 4. Post Flight Critique MIT scale as part of the rating scale evaluation. These experimental scale's use step process as completed a four flights were aimed at a measure of the pilot's for other crew stations All simulated flights situated evaluating the workload only. was not tested here. the subject as pilot-in-commanual flight. No or flight director information was provided. It mand and pilot-at-controls in The auto pilot was, ever, necessary to simulate the captain's duties, how- his cock- pit station, and the captain's interaction with his crew. As has been mentioned,- the cated to detail, was no flight duties with formed by captain's station was repli- the copilot's engineer's which a was less detailed and there station. captain normally the copilot. Primary Also, there are, engineer interacts were examples of were preparation of landing/approach checklists. The flight per- these duties data and the reading of in actual line operations, intercrew communications that take place between captain and - 157 - .. ........ Table 6.1: Scenario Summary Scenario No. Description Albany arrival to an ILS runway 4R. ATC message profile. Low Albany arrival to an ILS runway 4R. ATC message profile. High Albany arrival to VOR-DME 15R. ATC message profile. Low Albany arrival with a planned approach to an ILS runway 4R. Approach switched to VOR-DME 15R, just prior to MANJO intersection. Low ATC message profile. Albany arrival with a planned approach to a VOR-DME 15R. Approach switched to ILS runway 4R, just prior to MANJO intersection. High ATC message profile. - 158 -? ATC Message Profile .. ' lit Yes Change in App roach? ATC Message Profil'e Low High Albany Arrival ILS 4R Scenario 2 Scenario 1 Scenario 5 - Scenario 3 Albany Arrival VOR-DME 15R Figure 6.7: 1 Scenario 4 Scenario Test Matrix - I ;C) - The experiments were not simulated. These communications flight engineer. thus replicated a two-pilot crew such as currently exists on the Boeing 737 and DC-9 aircraft. the pilot subjects acted as both pilot-in-command Again, and as pilot-at-controls for the entire duration of the test scenarios. for by the The copilot was told to perform those commanded by flight operations manual and the captain-subject. duties called The copilot could not, however, acti- vate the control wheel or rudder. 6,4.1 Preflight Briefing Prior to flying the simulator, to fill out an Basically this subject pilots were asked experience questionaire (see Appendix C). questionnaire identified the -subject's cur- rency and general experience in IFP and air transport operations. Pilots were next briefed on the purpose of the experiment and given assessment briefing, a detailed scale. briefing on the Upon completion use of of the workload the rating scale subject pilots were then briefed and familiarized with the MIT simulation facility. Each pilot was supplied with a set of instrument enroute and approach charts for the New England area. Pilots unfamiliar with given the opportunity to review these charts. - 160 - the area were subjects were Test procedures. crew These procedures were drawn from the operations that operates the Boeing 707-320 airline manual of a U.S. aircraft. set of a standard briefed on The procedures were thus representative of stanbriefed on Each pilot was also dard operating practices. and as as pilot-in-command his responsibilites and duties pilot-at-controls. Subjects were briefed, in addition, whose role the copilot, the duties and responsibilities of on was played by an MIT researcher experienced as an IFR pilot. should be noted that the majority of the participating It subject this evaluation were Boston pilots in subjects were, for the most part, Boston area and with the Logan airport. and so very based. The familiar with the standard instrument approaches for subject pilots were 707 pilots None of the the characteristics of the simulated aircraft were unfamiliar, initially, to all. The preflight briefing required an average of one hour to complete (excluding the questionnaire). 6.4.2 Warwup Flights Test subjects flew a series of 'warmup' tom the pilots to the flight procedures characteristics of the simulator. up scenarios in flown. the and to the operating Table 6.2 lists the warm they were generally which order in flights to accus- warmup flying period was reduced In some cases the - 161 - I- particularly adept at flying the as some of the pilots were simulator. In other cases the subject pilot until the warmup phase seemed at ease and was extended performing to nominal IFR standards of acceptability. TABLE 6.2 Warmup Flight Scenarios Arrival from Gardner VOR at 14000 feet with vectors i) to an ILS approach to runway 4R. ii) iii) Approaches began Two practice approaches on the ILS 4R. at 2000 feet, 2 miles west of the final approach course, on an intercept heading of 70 degrees. Full VOR-DME approach to runway 27. Approach begins south of the Boston VOR at 2000 feet. Note: 6.4.3 A low ATC message rate was used during the warmup. Data Flights Subject pilots flew three arrivals collected. during which data was In some instances fewer than three arrivals were flown due to equipment malfunction. data was sampled in a wanner comparisons to In all cases, however, that allowed a variety of data Workload data be made. that was sampled could be compared across measure types, across pilot groups, between flight segments, and across test scenarios. Flimht Data: Performance - 162 - The pilot's mean absolute deviation precision approaches) and frcm localizer segment of each arrival. (on all approaches) It has been shown that, in some performance data is sensitive to variations in total Performance data could thus be used in a compari- workload. tive path (on computer during the final approach was sampled by the Adage cases, from glide manner with the rating scale results for final approach. (physical control activity) The displacement of controls was sampled and recorded on data flights. Controls sampled were aileron, elevator, pitch trim. activity load. an analog chart recorder during it was hypothesized that the and flight control (ir.manual flight) might serve as an index of work- This data, then serves as another measure for compar- itive use. Flight Data: Subjective Ratings Each data flight consisted, These were the cruise descent, segments. toring, and final approach segments. val, these segments had durations of 14, subject was an arrival, asked to average segment For the ILS 4R arri8, and 4 minutes, 4 and 4 minutes. segments had durations of 14, segment of terminal area vec- for the VCR-D E 15R arrival, Similarly, respectively. of three mission logically, use the rating scale minimize discontinuity effects. - 163 - and the to assess Freeze 'points were workload. After each simulation was frozen the these his selected to In addition pilot's workload. lot/observer also rated the subject was an atterpt to investigate vers to rate the copi- pilot's self-assessment, to the workload. It This the ability of trained obsera cross-check on also provided the ability of a crewmember to evaluate his own workload. Flight Data: Video A low light-level pilot's hands camera's over the captain's Control field-of-view of the camera brake, right shoulder so and flight instrument field-of-view. The camera the cockpit. record audio and video activity in was focused all flights to camera was used during (such group were movements that the within the outside as altitude alert, the speed and throttle) could also be noted. Several subjects were asked to view the video replay of after completion of this flight. one of their test flights, Again the video was frozen at the end of a segment of interest, at was asked to which time the subject segment workload. reassess the This data was expected to yield informa- tion on the ability of pilots to self-assess their workload and to experiment with post-test, pilot calibration*. *Calibration would involve telling a flight represented a two not a four. - 164 - subject that this DISCUSSION OF RESULTS 6.5 In total 8 pilots participated in ation tests. Of the rating scale evalu- these four were airline pilots with over 4000 hours of air transport experience and four were general aviation pilots, aviation, with less than 1003 two This sample size proved IFE experience. adequate for identifying some properties some problems associated with its provide a hypotheses. data base major rating scale to be scale and As these the sample was not meant with which The discussion of the implementation. tests were preliminary in nature, to hours of general that to statistically test follows highlights the properties and problems that were noted in testing. The Learning Curve The prixary difficulty experiments was a marked by the subject pilots. a particular flight jects became the encountered in these simulator learning curve effect demonstrated That is, pilot workload ratings for phase consistently dropped as intimately comfortable with the flight procedures. the sub- simulator and occurred despite This concerted efforts to circumvent learning curve effects by establishing a rather long briefing/warmup flight section 6.3. Pilots spent approximately six hours MIT facility during their mately three period as described in participation. hour of this three was spent - Of this approxi- flying the simulator hours was spent in 165 warmup flights. - at the and one The result of the pronounced learning curve was that consistency, within a subject, much of the rating data. later runs, afte& It is evident effects on the was not evident in Consistency was the learning curve had from figure 6.8a that the evident only in 'flattened out'. same scenario con- sistently produced lower ratings in later runs, subject pilot. Morever, test data for a given figure 6.8b indicates that, in sev- eral cases, these lower workload ratings were accompanied by better performance. Together, these data confirm the pres- ence of strong learing curve effects. These learning curve effects can be drawn from the rating tant to note. It strongly influence scale. is limit the conclusions which scale data and thus are impor- believed that such other experiments The following conclusions can effects utilizing the will rating be drawn with regard to learning curve effects and the use of rating scales: 1. If consistency desired, across or within the experiment will repeated until such time bilize. have to be as the ratings sta- Performance stabilization and verbal questionnaires are inadequate indicators learning curve plateaus. well subjects is show excellent 6.8) - 166 Subjects may very performance but lower and lower workload - of assess ratings (see figure FA 2 [] FA - General Aviation Pilot. Final Approach 02 TV - Airline Pilot. Terminal Vectoring Suoerscript indicates subject- nr. FA 2 Run No. a) Workload vs. Run No. #2 #1 FA Subject iNo. - 5 FA - Subject t # #1 FA - Subject 3 d#2 100 b) Workload vs. Figure 6.8: 200 - Indicates Run No. )- Indicates Ai rline Subject []- Indicates General Aviation Subject 400 300 RMS Deviation from PLS 4R Performance Learning Curve Effects - 167 - If 2. unfamiliarity or surprise is an the measurement experiment, is desireable in the issue in but consistency rating lata, ject pilots must be then sub- chosen with very similar experience and skill levels. It that pilots emergency work- in this kind of measurement -load environment, extensive training Such training also appears should in the use of woUld have the scale. necessarily calibrate the subjects to the rating scale. Egocentricity Second in importance to learning rating scale data is tricity. Flight curve problems in the the apparent probLem of subject egocen- officers and pilots, sect, have very protected egos. as a sociological As a group they seem parti- cularly proud of their skills and their flight positions and thus seem to be cautious in truthfully assess the extent to which their workload. experiments encountered one In particular, subject who would not test situation higher than the they will these rate any lowest conceivable rating (a one or a two). Figure 6.9 shows 'outlier' for that subject number the final approach 3 is indeed scenario that an involved a VOR-DME approach to runway 15, with a low message rate. For this run the subject assessed his workload as being very low - 168 - 4 0 30 O 3 Egocentric .C_ Outlier (D -o 02 . 2 0 400. '800 1600 1200 2000 2200 Mean Absolute Devjat ion from Final Approach (f et) Figure 6.9: Effects of Egocentricity and, yet, his performance was well outside the tolerances of instrument flight rules. the subject's multi Also, for this particular segment, attribute rankings state that the sub- ject perceived only occasional moments of free time, ate levels --of-information processing intensity, levels of emotional stress and confusion. seem-incon-sistent wi-th a run where moderand mild These perceptions the sub ject was one half a mile off course and his rated workload as low as a 2. In these experiments, egocentricity appeared problem with only one subject and therefore not as Despite this, it its a affect on the data is significant as the learning is to be curve effect. thought that egocentricity may pose a difficulty in future use of the pilot workload rating scale. These tests seemed to indicate that further ego problems could be eliminated by including the following steps as part of the preflight briefing: 1. Ensure that pilots understand that assessing the workload reguired by a flight procedures flight environwent. that are they are in a It given is being evaluated, the set of cockpit and procedures not the subject pilot. 2. The subject of how ment, pilots should not be 'most' pilots rate a unless the intent - 170 - is made aware particular segto calibrate the subjects to the scale. also not if The subjects should be unintentionally made to being compared they are to feel as a pilot of higher or lower skill/experience/prestige. These steps seemed to have rinimized further data integrity flaws due to subject egocentricity. Workload Perception: One of the Self-Assessment vs. objectives of this test question marks associated with the scales, concerns the his own workload. general, ver*, assessment was indeed, use of subjective rating pilot to assess Figure 6.10 indicates that there was, in displays The figure of this series and, ability of a subject excellent agreement with most Cbserver Assessment between subject and that the lower than the subject's observer's assessment, Alt- does not prove that subjects can hough figure 6.10 certainly assess their own workload, scatter, surprisingly little scatter indicating obser- it does lend some supportive evi- dence to this hypothesis. One subject pilot was scale so that he was, nominal assessment as results of this run. was good familiar enough at cued intervals, he flew. with the rating able to call out a Figure 6.11 shows the It should be noted that, again, there agreement between subject and observer**. Also, *Observer and subject assessments were made independently. **Note that the observer's assessment was made upon viewing - 171 - 0 0 0 0 411 Subject High/ Observer Low 1 Subject Low/ Observer High 2 Observer's Rating a) Airline Subjects ISubject High/ 4Observer Low Subject Low/ Observer High Observer's Rating b) General Aviation Subjects Figure 6.10: Subject vs. Observer Ratings the video replay. - 172 - of special interest, the jaggedness in the early portions of the rating profile ( see figure 6. 11) well to the correspond timeline of figure B.1 of nominal task load depicted in the the appendix. reassess their workload using the of their flights and then scale. case did these reassessments In no different ratings and remained unchanged. in most Finally, whether they debriefing, a video replay were asked to view Several test subjects cases yield markedly the original rating each subject was asked, felt it during to judge or was possible perceive their own workload. The was a unanimous affirmative, which was generally expressed with a strong if desire to try the response to this inquiry self assessment to its value. there was some doubt as procedure, This was perhaps the strongest evidence in favor of the subjective assessment It technique. of workload indicates that pilots do seem (over the range to feel levels tested) that they are able to rate their cwn workload. Workload, Performance, Chapter 2 summarized tional Simpson and Sheridan's relationships between skill level. is and Skill Level workload, is performance, funcand Simpson and Sheridan would contend that there no simple relationship between workload (1978) not equivalent to - 173 these parameters and that performance. - Figure 6.8b Cruise Descent Terminal Vectoring Final Approach I I I A 1 a I' j I ' I a I -J Observer's Assessment Subject's Assessment Minutes into mission Figure 6.11: . Continuous Workload Assessment for -an ILS 4R Arrival ~,b. shows examples several performance, all perceived of consistent with of which are versus workload the theory outlined in chapter 2. The general aviation pilot points) assessed identical ratings for 2. two runs with the and yet his performance improved by same nominal task load, a factor of (indicated by the rectangular, The two examples using (the circular data points) indicate airline pilot data both a workload reduc- tion and a performance improvement in the later runs. as the pilots' skill increased their performance improved and their workload was rated as lower. general aviation pilot, as his skill Thus For the case of the level in performing the final approach increased, he was able to expend a comparable amount of effort and yet 6.8b that the Notice in perform better. general aviation pilot performed airline pilot as well as the (on figure (on his 2nd his earlier run) nearly run), but the general aviation subject rated his workload to too, is con- be much higher than the airline subject. This, sistent with theory which states that, the skill level of one pilot is higher than that if of another, the more skilled pilot will exert less effort to perform the same tasks*. Workload and Busyness *In this case the general aviation subject's experience, is a fraction- of that of the airline measured in hours, Hours experience was taken here to be a proxy subject's. although flight hours is not always a good for skill, metric of relative skill. - 175 - It is of busy time' interesting to note . that 'percentage appears to functional relationship bear no simple That is, the data indicates numerous exam- ceived workload. both the task timeline of ples of low workload levels where figure B.1 and indicate high -- cases-were the multi attribute ran-kings (see table 6.3) periods where workload during low levels of busyness. these low level effort. there are also examples activity tiueline and the in instrument approach a-f-airy-difficult maneuver using almost reflexive, relatively high of the subject The subjects levels of busyness. perform Conversely, to per- of the cockpit multi attribute rankings indicate These data provide further suppor- tive evidence to the theory outlined in chapter 2 which suggests that busyness, alone, is not a good workload measure, even in an aircraft under manual control. Rating Consistency within a Subject Due to the learning curve cussed previously, and egocentricity effects dis- the simulator tests did not yield any reliable data on the repeatibility of ratings for equivalent nominal task loads, within a subject. Rating Consistency across Sutlects Ignoring the t'est subjects' earlier curve effects, there is some encouraging evidence that con- sistent ratings, across pilots, shows rating data for runs due to learning the - are attainable. high 176 - ATC message Figure 6.12 rate, ILS Table 6.3: Workload Ratings vs. Multi attribute Busyness Rankings Busyness Attribute Workload Rating Always Idle .. Have Free Moments often Occas. Rarely Always Fully Occupied 4 x 3 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 4 x x iii x 2 x 3 4 x iv x 5 4 o 4 5 3 < C3 x x x x x S4 iL x approach to runway 4R. data points Observing (the circular points), ratings are fairly consistent. eral concensus only the airline subject it is The figure indicates a gen- that the cruise descent terminal vectoring stage is apparent that these a 2 or 3, phase is a 1, the and that--the final approach is a 2 or 3. Eecall that these rankings are results of the quite consistent with the analysis of chapter 5. gested that the cruise descent phase of induce the lowest workload levels ments. The analysis also whether the ment. the arrival should of the three arrival seg- concluded that nominal workload lower than that higher or This analysis sug- on final it was unclear approach should for the terminal be vectoring seg- Note also that all segments seem to have a fairly low nominal workload. of chapter 2 This, too, is consistent with the theory and the analysis presented in reconfirms what is already common knowledge. nal workloads excessive, on routine, air chapter 5. That is, nomi- transport arrivals despite the complexity It are not and busyness depicted in figure B.1 of the appendix. Observation of the general aviation subject ratings indicates that In subject. in part, consistency is part, less obvious this is for this due to the small sample size and to a greater degree of data scatter. in scatter is very likely due - class of 178 to 'the - This increase wider variation in 0 0 05 0- 0Cruise Descent Figure 6.12: Terminal Vectoring Rating Consistency for an ILS 4R arrival Indicates General Aviation Subject Indicates Airline Subject Final Approach experience and skill that is pilots, than is Cne trend present among general aviation present among Part 121, that is evident in airline pilots. figure 6.12 is that the general aviation subjects seemed to have, on average, the workload for this scenario to transport pilots. be higher than This lends some skill/performance/workload rated have the further support for the relationships discussed previ- ously. To summarize, the data does provide evidence showing that consistent ratings are attainable. however, cularly The small sample size, limits the conclusiveness of this evidence, parti- with regard to the repeatability of a subject's rat- ing. Sensitivity of the Scale to ATC tssg Rate These tests provided no reliable indication that the rating scale was sensitive to an increase in the implicit loading effects of learning curve workload ATC messages. Once again, effects occurred across scenarios designed to investigate implicit loading, due to that were causing this data to be unuseable for this purpose. Pilots did, message however, scenarios. react on In several occasions to the one instance, insisted on knowing the distance a subject pilot of his aircraft from other simulated aircraft and several times- prompted the controller - 180 - for this information. ject had a As discussed in chapter 4, mental image of the local this sub- traffic situation and knew that there were aircraft not far behind him in the ter- minal area. As another example of implicit thought one of their ATC loads, pilots several clearances to be ambiguous. From the clearance Clipper 54, depart MANJO at 6000 feet on a heading of 170 degrees it was not obvious to these pilots whether they were .cleared down to 6000 feet, generally discussed Following this, the clearance these captains itself and, in some examined navigation charts for minimum altitudes instances, or asked ATC ance. or not. to confirm their interpretation None of these extra tasks lytic description of a timeline instantaneous workload of the clear- is noted on the task anaand all contribute of the crewmember. to the Moreover, the confusion aroused by this message was apparent to the observer, upon replay of the video record- and to the subjects, ing. Despite these noted occurrences effects due to ATC messages, any reliable evidence as to effects. Moreover, experiments was such of implicit the rating data do not provide the scale's sensitivity to such the control of the flight simulator that the multi' attribute provide no evidence of these effects. - loading 181 - ratings also 6.6 CONCLUDING DISCUSSICN ro conclude, it is important to restate that these flight simulator evaluation tests scale were preliminary They were not intended to provide demonstrated the sensitivity and Indeed, the acceptance air transport final in nature. evidence that universality of the scale. of a workload rating scale for the environment will necessarily -regnire experi- mentation in high fidelity simulators and in real aircraft. Such tests will require input from many pilots, ers, and operator. manufactur- Such acceptance was not the objective of these experiments. The experiments described in this chapter great deal of valuable information on the properties noted that of the MIT scale. learning curve did yield a the proper use and on In particular, effects caused it ratings to was drop steadily as pilots became more familiar with the simulator. Performance, showed little at the same time, ment. Pilots thus required verbal statements or no improve- longer test sessions, and performance levels that despite suggested their mastery of the flight simulator/crew procedures. Despite effects, mined. limitations on the data imposed by learning curve some theoretical concepts were Of special interest were results which consistently showed that perceived workload is mance, nor is successfully exa- not equivalent to perfor- the level of busyness equivalent to perceived - 182 - The data showed instances of low workload ratings workload. showed high workload 100% busyness and it also at times of ratings at times of low busyness. Surprising rating an equivalent for consistency, load/scenario, was achieved across pilots. task There was, how- a noteable tendency for the general aviation subjects ever, higher workload ratings, to assess for a given scenario, than their air transport counterparts. Due to the presence of pronounced learning curve effects, the test data did not yield any reliable information on the sensitivity of the MIT scale to implicit loading by mentioned, that though, 'incidents' were observed test rate, scenarios. ATC messages. a number of implicit to occur during the It was It loading high message simply not clear available data whether the scale should be from the was sensitive to the pres- ence of this loading mechanism. It can be concluded that ciated with the use of any subjective for pilot workload. the £II scale It tion. there are indeed problems assoassessment technique these experiments indicate that Yet, can provide valuable and consistent informa- further research be undertaken is suggested that using high fidelity flight simulation technology with experienced, lize These experiments must uti- line crews as subjects. structured scenarios that include traffic control. ATC imposes - the presence of air perh-aps the most influential 183 - constraints and is the predominant source of stochastic disturbances to the nominal task load. The results of these tests indicate that only the low end of the rating scale is arrivals. there is exercised by routine, air transport To exercise the full range of the workload scale, no doubt that a introduces abnormalities structured and emergencies will. With this 'apparatus' as an possible to obtain the consistency, sensitivity, scenario set experimental base, more conclusive which be required. it would be evidence on scale and acceptability that the experi- ments described in this chapter suggest exist. Finally, the overwhelming participating in response of the subject pilots these evaluation tests, they could perceive their own workload. expressed an eager desire to try the This finding may be the most Moreover, subjects subjective technique. important result of the rating scale evaluation series. - was that they felt 184 - BIBLIOGRAPHY BabcockG. L. and Stone,E.B., Pilot Error - Past, Present and Future Paper Presented to the Aviation Psychology October 18, 1977. Association San Francisco, CA Beatty, Jackson, Pupil Dilation as an Index of Workload Proceedings of the Symposium on Man-System Interface Advances in Workload Study. Air Line Pilots Association. Washington, D.C. July 31 and August 1, 1978. 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Kamil, Daryanian, Bahman, Experimentatio-n in Supervisory Control and Flight Management Progress Report, Man-Machine Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, September 1978. - 188 - Appendix A SCEE TOOLS FOR WORKLOAD ANALYSIS describes several This section available for analytic tools quantifying cockpit activity and that are for charac- These techniques are useful for terizing cockpit workload. analyzing flight procedures in the design phase, priori investigations of crew workload. They and for a are particu- larly useful in that they serve to quantify what has historically been Moreover, a very qualitative subject. these analytic methodologies focus on the mechanisms through which the ATC system interacts with cockpit activity. A.1 Cockpit Activity Timelines the standard format Cockpit activity timelines represent for the quantification of evolved from the and represent, crew activity. cockpit late 1930's idea of simply stated, Figure A.1 The figure portrays activity. Timelines scientific management a time and provides an 100 seconds of cockpit motion study of example timeline. activity during the localizer intercept phase of a Boeing 707 arrival. - 189 - 1", 2';i. 2)Se t Bug 3)Turn 130 1)e 1)e uu 135)Level -of f -_36) Tr im 7 H500f pmtT (2500ft) I TL7 T So 20 ts IH200ktsi 3 Select 20HFla NAVIG. AND Tune 119,J PLANNING TASKS OP: 83)CL 54,Turn ~ J.2)C lap201OOZ~InTwr 130 1.4)CL 51 .,Contact 54,Trn ~110 9m U d ±Z 8 4Resp., 401 2:sp. Flp4)ep 1320. Figure A.1: 13. . V 1}6o . 13§0 100 Seconds of a Cockpit Activity Timeline ) A.1 groups tasks into five The timeline format of figure categories. These are 1. Heading Tasks 2. Altitude Tasks 3. Speed Tasks 4. Navigation and Planning Tasks 5. Communications Tasks (Includes both intercrew and ATC.messages.) Time into the flight mission is depicted, in seconds, along the bottom edge of the figure. Discrete and continuous tasks are denoted on the timeline by the shaded boxes. The length of these boxes corresponds to the nominal time required to perform this task. though placed at some nominal time of occurrence, relative to one another along the dotted 'task is, pilots have some degree of tasks and may choose to for a task, may slide tracks.' flexibility in executing levels increase. Tasks limit a task may not (i.e. task precedence is fixed) and they may only slide toward increasing mission times. over, That defer the execution initiation time as workload slide across one another Tasks, may only slide as far as (the darkened T1 tars). - 191 - More- its associated task For example, gory, in figure A. 1, under the heading task cate- Tasks 10-13 may slide as far as the Task Limit bars at 1340 seconds. Tasks 10 and 11(21) may not, however, cross over, and thus occur later than, larly, the figure shows that Heading category Task--14 and 15 may not slide at all. (22) slack.-- zero- - Tasks 12 and 13. Tasks 14 Simi- and 15 are said to have ---- --- Uses of Activity Timelines Because of the cockpit activity timeline's detail, it be used in figure a variety of ways. A.1 is particularly useful locating tize intervals where Notice, task First, in a format used in visual sense where busy periods are interruption and for example, the multiplicity from for extended or is pronounced. at 1380 seconds on figure A.1 that five categories of task are occurring simultaneously. readily apparent may the figure how the communications tend to interrupt It is also intercrew and ATC other task activity during this portion of the arrival. (21)*Tasks 10 and 11 are not time of occurrence is on the figure. Their nominal earlier than 1300 seconds. (22)*Tasks may only slide toward increasing time since the nominal time of occurrence used ' here is equivalent to a tasks's earliest time of occurrence. (23)*Timeline data is either collected - 192 - from actual or simu- The nominal data(23) depicted on the timeline can also be used to estimate certain workload indices. A list of these would include Percentage of time 1. busy working on tasks 2. No. 3. Mean task duration 4. Mean task interarrival of simultaneous tasks Cockpit activity timelines are also of flight procedures to highlight effort or task multiplicity. to Timelines can be constructed Tirelines design of workload tolerant, timeline loads. known can, thus, or they may tasks of spebe used in the coordinated crew procedures. it is also possible to use the cockpit activity to estimate physical crew loads or mental crew Physical crew loads may be estimated by summing the physical efforts shown on the timeline. inputting the modiJls figure A.1). include only the delegated cific crewmembers. Finally, useful in the design areas of obvious extended to include all cockpit tasks (as in be constructed time required Mental to lated flight tests, ing assumptions. subtasks efforts can be estimated by activity data into human (refer to Hay, et al, perform the operator simulation 1978 for descriptions of these or estimated using a set of operat- 193 - techniques). Limitations of Timelines Cockpit activity tiwelines, have related to timelines, noted. First, tielines, and task analytic limitations which should despite their detail, made accurate to any microscopic standards. is be cannot be That is, there a great deal of uncertainty* in the construction of time- lines which must be recognized. instance, Task execution time, varies with pilot skill, pilot workload, personality. Similarly, there will may never be timeline, performed and still arbitrariness in the A turn, detail to not shown on the for example, which activity all tasks eye, Related to this, which must Many mental planning tasks occur There is des- may be described in compliand foot movements, be more simply described as 'a seconds duration. identify others, Some tasks subject to arbitrariness. cated detail as a series of hand, or. it may and pilot may be included. The activity timeline is cribed. for be wide variations in practice from the procedure noted in a timeline. is methods it turn,' is be performed of several not possible to by the crew. that are not readily iden- tifiable and must therefore be omitted from the timeline. - 194 - the timeline format of figure A. 1 does not indi- Finally, weighting scheme to determine a common practice to use some el al, These techniques seem counter to current theory (see and are not used in this report. 1980) Moray, Hay, effort for each task type (see occupied or on 1978).. based on either time workload from timeline data percentage is a fairly It cate how much effort each task requires. (24) Summary The issues complex subject. a very Cockpit workload is this area are still at the forefront of theoretical and experimental research. The any quantitative work in involved in detail and the nominal information that timelines provide is a bare necessity, without which an understanding of the crew impossible. workload is Task Precedence Maps A.2 a i.e. figure Hold A.1 by 200 knots. Holding solid - 195 tasks arrowheads, with lines - an are 'easier' and attention Hold tolerances. with continuously i.e. task, intermittent only error large has a and requires which worked be must on task, tracking a between distinction which task precision, strict task = the make does (24)lt in indicated e.g. that H200kts Instrument pilots are trained, the tasks of this, in general, to prioritize their multiple task environment. Because of there exists an identifiable hierarchy of task prior- ity and precedence among piloting certain cockpit events tend to of other cockpit events. terminal area, pilot will event, tasks. Related to this, cue or trigger the execution For example. on a descent into the as. an aircraft approaches 100 slow the aircraft to 250 'arrive 10000 knots or feet, less. feet,' triggers the execution the The of the slowing maneuver. .ask precedence maps provide a of the constraints, precedence, the piloting environment. dology, task precedence crete events that graphical representation and triggers which exist in An analog of the PEET(25) methomaps represent a schedule take place in the cockpit. of dis- Events, as used here, denote the occurrence of a physical event such as the passage of an IS message. marker beacon or the arrival of an ATC The precedence map depicts events, time of the events, the uncertainty associated with the event times, and the precedence which must be maintained between events. Elements of the Precedence Map (25)*PERT Planning, Evaluation, and Review Technique. Also referred to as CPM - Critical Path Methods. See Hillier and Lieberman, 1967. - 196 - A precedence map cockpit events constraints. consists (see figure A.2) event paths, (rectangular boxes), ing two events is referred to it formed and event Constraints are indicated by solid, or dotted, lines connecting two or more events. raint. of physical as a 'hard' precedence const- indicates that some between the A solid line connect- physical task is two events, the being per- task duration denoted by the number enclosed in parentheses. being Moreover, an event to the left must precede an event to its right, along connected paths. A 'soft' precedence constraint (see figure A.3) indicates that Zvent 1 must precede Event 2, Event 2 at which time after no definite Event 1 must occur, physical task.separates the two. and Event 1, but there is in figure A.3b, since no The time between Event 2 must be greater than or equal to zero seccnds. Associated with each event is an earliest time at which the event can occur and a latest time at which the event can occur. These values are indicated by the left and rightmost enclosed numbers, For example, which the in parentheses beneath the for Event 1, figure A.3a, turn maneuver can begin mission and the latest time is between these two slack.' Event slack numbers event boxes. the earliest time at is 120 seconds 323 seconds. is referred to The difference as the represents the 'uncertainty in - 19 7 into the 'event the time I (N / / / / / - -- - . - -- - - - aContac - tower" / (1387,1600) 0 . Stop turn (1357,1357) .S tart intcpt Iturn -(1387,1387) Stop turn (15) .. .. .. .. ...Q o .... \--- - 1402,457) E4 E~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a -- -- -- .... -- ... -& -MN - - - '- - -- '- -- -- . . . .. . eg in 7 -echan. te le I j t - (1387,1600) Figure A.2: A Task Precedence Map P6 E (120,323) a) (127,330) Hard Precedence Constraint 2 1 BeginBegin Pitch i Mnv r. (120,330) (120,330) b) Soft Precedence Constraint Figure A.3: Precedence Constraints - 199 - of occurrence of It each event. path along which the slack is should be noted that the always zero is referred to as the critical path. Contructing a Task Pregedence Map A task precedence map may be constructed by following a simple four step procedure. 1. Break down events the task into a componcnts and desired level cockpit of detail of events. 2. Set the nominal time of . task or event occur- rence, on the activity tineline, to the ear- liest time for an event. 3. Sweep forward through the events have raints timeline until all been placed on the indicated, map, const- and earliest times final scenario event, assigned. 4. Beginning with the sweep backwards through the timeline, setting the 'latest time' time' to the smallest 'earliest imposed by the constraints. - 200 - An example using figure A.2 will illustrate this process. Cn the activity tizeline, Event D22) nominally begins at 1387 seconds At approximately this same time, sion. the intercept turn, miles outside of (associated with the intercept into the mis- but definitely after the aircraft arrives at the localizer, the outer marker. The 5 activity timeline indicates, also, that the intercept turn requires 15 seconds and so event D23 occurs at 1402 seconds earliest. ATC arrives at, but not before, will be told procedure dictates (1387 + 15), that when the aircraft the 5 mile point, to contact the tower at the the aircraft (Event C10). Flight procedure further dictates that the Mechanical checklist be initiated upon intercepting localizer. is the Thus Event E4, constrained to occur at or after Event A6, which in this case occurs simultaneously with Event A7. Event C10 is assigned an 'earliest time' of 1387 since it is constrained earlier than event to occur no larly, Event E4 may then be 1387. Should two be the assigned an 'earliest Simitime' of or more precedence constraints affect a then the 'earliest time' assigned single event, C10 perhaps, should A7. largest value imposed by the appropriate constraints. 'Latest times' the final event. by sweeping For instance, Event A8 (not shown) 'latest time' of 1457. the 'latest time' backwards from are assigned has a Event A7 mu'st therefore be assigned of - 201 - Minimum (1457-70 or 1600 seconds as imposed by Event C10) This process continues backward until been assigned a 'latest time'. the first Note, event has on figure A.2, along the double line the slack is always zero. double-lined path indicates the location Thus, that the of the critical uses in workload path. Uses of Precedence laps Precedence maps have several obvious analysis or flight procedure design. use of the slack values. be in the the The most obvious may time slideability of tasks Thus, for each cockpit task, and placed on the cockpit These values indicate defined on the timeline. a Task Limit may be identified activity timeline. . Figure A.1 shows the presence of Task Limits by darkened TL bars, where these bars are located at the 'latest time' associated with specific events. The value of the slack, itself, may indicate the poten- tial for high workload situations, or the workload tolerance, of a set of flight procedures. large, tasks associated for long periods duced. with these events may should tasks of higher Similarly, tasks are not That is, if slack values are if priority be intro- mean slack values are readily deferrable, - 202 - be deferred and the small, then introduction of sources may lead to poten- high priority tasks by exogenous tially high workload situations. The precedence map also highlights triggers by indicating which Thus, in figure A.2, point triggers events constrain other events. the aircraft's the radio frequency other instances the existence of task one event arrival at the 5 mile command to may trigger occur. a long sequence of other events and their associated task to occur. some cases, be appropriate to It may, in change procedure if sequence becomes inordinately complex In the task with very small aver- age slack values. Finally, critical the precedence map indicates event path. path is The critical constrains all other paths and events. cal path is changed the 'earliest' other paths will be affected. constraints. lengthened, or events If that path which Thus, if the criti- and 'latest' Moreover, generally indicates which path or the dominant the presence of a times on all the critical path set of events is imposing path is the critical along the critical modified tructuring flight procedures or ATC procedure, thus by res- the nominal workload will be modified. Summarizing, tool pilot task precedence maps for evaluating or crew cockpit procedure They workload. are are a useful analytic in derived from activity timeline data but are different in - 2023 - the context that of cockpit 1. They identify a events which critical path of other constrains all cockpit events. 2. They highlight formal precedence constraints. 3. They indicate which system elements are triggering other cockpit events to occur. The precedence mAp is generally most useful when constructed with a more macroscopic level of detail as microscopic detail with which is compared to the activity timelines are gener- ally constructed. It suggested that these two tools should be used in a complementary manner in workload analy- sis. Stochastic Analysis of ATC Communications A.3 It has been shown that ATC communications are a source of loading to an air transport crew. This loading acts through two types of mechanisms. 1. Explicit mechanisms - ATC messages in the form of advisories or clearances that cause the pilot to exe- cute some set of physical or mental planning tasks. - 204 - 2. Implicit mechanisms - implicitly interrupt and Some messages, the crew. ere A2C messages weather warnings arouse anxieties distract e.g. sev- can also and confusion in the cockpit. The extent to which explicit be determined precedence maps. from mechanisms affect the crew can timelines cockpit activity Implicit loading, however, of the random occurrences of ATC messages. and task is the result It is useful to examine some of the features of this stochastic process. Each message crew. distracts or diverts characterizes 'message occurrence,' of messages or (1975) the magnitude of in a given time interval, mean message rate can this the mean no. be computed. Dunlay has exairined this in some detail. The most comprehensive treatment of the statistical perties of ATC communications was performed by Hunter, (1974) is Given a probability distribution for interruption process. tion. of the The probability that a message will occur, then, parameter which one the attention in the development of proet al an ATC communications simula- Hunter defined three groups of data that characterize all ATC message activity. These are - 205 - Communication transaction 1. dialogue between (CT) - A a controller and one aircraft. - (TR) Transmission 2. When a micro- phone is keyed. - One phrase Message element (ME) 3. of which or message or many, none, sector an aircraft For every CT there typically participates in several CTs. and there may be one or more TRs, may be be a transmission. in one ATC and A.5 show, As figure A.4 in there may several message elements in each transmission. CT/aircraft, In addition, TR/CT, the random variable. lated over, length of time of each transmission is a Hunter created 'dictionaries' which tabulisted elements and all message transmissions in and ME/TP are all random variables. which these elements the proportion occurred. (26) of More- he identified probability distributions that described CT/aircraft, craft in found the TR/CT, and TIBE/TR, For a control sector. given the number of airthe New York area Hunter following distributions to representative of the data (26)*Hunter used data from the areas, - New York and Houston control 206 - Single Aircraft ( PerforrL ce Communicptions time in' seconds AA i. S- miwn w. n 'I'.' U La f~2 F- Communications Transaction (time length varies) 'I Aircraft Initial CT on Entering Sector Aircraft Final CT on Departing Sector Composite L. -g ~-- Communications A C3]time Performance ~IUWUUE~4I - in 1 scn A time in seconds Figure A.4: WE 1W9 U V9 WE A - Air Traffic Communications Performance - ~ a 2 kin / Aam en=ine w A~ .~ nm - Single CT Transmission 2 (Pilot) I 1...- . * (Transmission) * \1 0 1. Pause Altitude Con. Altitude .: TR Time in Seconds Two Message Elements Figure A.5: ) I < 2 sec. Decomposition of a Connunications Transaction . .1 * NI\ I Trins. 4 (Pilot) Transmission 3 (Cont.) CT' Time in Seconds Single TR / 0 1 r-t L ML P rn Transact inn) (Communica tions Transactinn) Transmission I (Cant.) I E L N-. k en mm . .3 *J CT/aircraft - Doubly shifted, negataive binomial distribution TE/CT - Truncated, negative binomial distribution Time/TR - Gamma Distribution It is suggested that in workload tions to Hunter's techniques should simulation approximabe used in constructing doreover, it is a realistic ATC communications scenario. suggested that in the workload analysis of a mission phase, the statistical parameters that describe the ATC communica- tions provide an indication of the magnitude of the implicit loads due tc messages. - 209 - Appendix B FIGURES FOR THE ANALYSIS OF 210 - A BOSTON AERIVAL COCKPIT ACTIVITY TIMELINES - Task #10 Duration=10 sec. Task #11 Duration=l LEGEND Task Slide Limit for Task #11 sec. Tills TL1O Head ing -..0 Tasks Task category Task Sliding Track. Tasks may slide from their nominal time (shown) to right only. Tasks retain precedence depicted, i.e. Task 10 may slide as far as TL 10, but it may not cross over Task 11. Al t itude H2000 fpm Tasks Indicates a Hold type task, i.e. Hold 2000 feet per minute descent rate. Time, in seconds, into mission. Hold type tasks require only intermittent attention from crew. 80o 8010 100 ])Set Heading HEADING 2)Track 107 Radial TASKS )Set Alert 2) Pi tch Down 3)Trim ALTITUDE H3000ffm I(FL330 TASKS SPEED 1)Throttles -Idle H .82M4 TASKS L-a- - -mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm _ m-- - - - - - - - m m NAVIG. AND PLANNING TASKS COMMUNIC. 1)CL54 Mintain FL220 TASKS J2) Res ponse ,CL 54 20 Figure B.l: 40 60 80 Cockpit Activity Timeline, ILS 4R Arrival 100 HEAD ING ~t 'fll~ Ra ial 2)Track 107 Uf~ AL TITUDE (FL300) H3000f m -- TAS KS -mm - =m mo a -m -m "M -m "M ------------- -m - -m m - mm - -o - -m m - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - -m SPEED H .82MI TAS KS 1; NAVIG. X - -- - -- - -- - - AND --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- -------- PLANNING TAS KS AA388,Maintain FL220 COMMUNI C. TAS KS 3)BOS Cent., AA.8. .----- 120 10 60 20 180 P2 ) 4 HEADING 5)Track 118 Radial TASKS TL 1-8 9)Set Altimeters ALTITUDE to field H2000; (FLl90) TASKS TL1 SPEED H320 kts TASKS NAVIG. AND PLANNING TASKS - m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m - m COMMUN IC. TASKS m m . 420 m m m - m m 440 m m m m m m m m 460 m m m m 480 - 500 P5 DING -i 5) Track 118 Rad ialI KS 10) Pi tch Up I TUDE . 1 )Trim to 500f H2000fpm (16000 KS ED H320kts KS IG. AND NNING KS Smmmem MUNIC. m m m mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm NN MN E KS mm mw m 1)AA388 clear 8000 cross GDN 14000 12) Response, AA388 540 m 560 m I 3)P2:1000ft Above Above -580 600 P6 14)Set Alert 115) P itch Down 12)Pitch Level ALTITUDE 13)Trim TASKS m mm m m m m 16) Trim (14000ft) AIO NNN OWMNMEAm m aimm mmmm mmmmmummmum m mm mmmm mmlMImmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmm H320kts m m M AMImM IAMIm (slowing TL2 m m m mAmmm mimm mn MEANm MEAm mummmmmm 2)Set CDI 111 degrees Moms mmmm m 620 mN mE Msm m mN m m1 mmm 649 m m 660 (i) "m9m m m m m m 680 m m m m m m, 700 a TASKS 3)Slowm t o2500 SPEE TASKS TAS KS 5,4 720IG ,AND. 2:10 7,07,0 P8 P9 '6 A( - M - am -ny m mmm wmm mom amm ALTITUDE IH2Obo pm TASKS M mm ~~~~~ "M = o o=9 mo H250 or less -=moo m Mm M m ow M mUW mWm - Mm in L22)P2:1000ft Roger Above 23)Ck i 24)Leaving ]st 6)k ist MANJO,CL 54 9A 94o i 960 . 80 . . 4 PO HEAD ING H160deg TASKS 160deg. TL 14-1 24)Level off 6000ft 25)Trim ALTITUDE HR6000ift TASKS 4)Throttles to 1.6EPR SPEED H250kts or less ______ TASKS m NAVIG. m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m AND PLANNING TASKS 2AA38 ,Depart MANJO 160,6000ft COMMUNIC. TASKS -7)! nitIial Cal 1-up, AA388 5 9Q20 )q40 30)CL 54,Turb. Advisory 29)Resp., AA388 1060 31Resp., CL 54 , 100 (00 Pill H160de 27)Pitch - --- - T26)Set Alert ALTITUDE Down H2000fpm 28)Trim to 2000fpm TASKS ., TL m m ii§mm~ imomm mmm on" mk- 2 j.3. )Throttles IdleH250 or less H220kts IO)Tune 110.3 OW iim COMMUNIC. m mm m imm 2m m m m Oremmm m mm m mamn m m m mm mmi 32)CL 54 , Clear 3000 TASKS 34) P2:1000- 33)S Resp.1, CL 54 mom~~* u1g0Q 11,40 M= .Gsmom - JiWi, inm m m m M~ u680 , , , 0 Above nr~uuLlm m 1290 P12 Im TASKS NAVIG. AND 2)OSeat Belt n mSi mm PLANNING TASKS 36"CL COMMUNI C. 2 54, f clear - TASKS t35) Ck li st #12. 1220 1240 13)Res p. CL S 1260 1280 1300 P13 LT TL I O HEADNG)Tu 130 I 16)Set Bug 4)Set Bug 7) Intercpt 08 T Turn TASKS T5-m m-I -f7 f'm -v 36)Trim ALTITUDEH5fm TASKS T2 TL - SPEED.)hote TASKS I3Slect eclect 30 Fa (250 1f 55e .e ,1ue1 20 F- ec 30FlS TASKS COMMUNIC 3 CL 5 ,Turn 130 TASKSResp 42)C Pl: F1ap2 41)P2: Flap ~~CL 5 3 n s 44)CL 4,Contact , 47)P2:1ap3 CL 54 206 CL 54 54 1320 20 340 . 0 46)PI :Flap 0 130 1L 0 P1 4 - HEADING / £ 4, 18Tack Localizer TASKS we - TL 35, 36)Td ALTITUDE 3 )Pitch Cag TASKS )T r. i- 40)Track G1 des o e T r - m - m - m ------ m - SPEED - -~am - m - m - - 01 --- M" H 40kts TASKS mm NAVIG. m WN m IIIIII01 an IIIIm AND PLANNING m m mmw m TASKS eso to 51)DL s411 52)Resp., COMMUNIC. 5)Re TASKS 3 ..- id -... L-- (PI Ckist clear toff DL 411 53)PI:Gear, Fla 40 55)P 2:Pumps on Press normi --- and P2) ima iap 40 LAm 1 1420 . 1440 18)20 a----54TP2:Gea r ,56)P2:Spe ed Bra ke Fow' d 1460 1480 15007 P15 7£) "C I* P16 - 228 - Ir ( fASK PRECEDENCE MAP - LEGEND (20) (60) Event Box Event No. B Event Description vent Path Indicator Latest time of occurrence Earliest time of event occurrence - Position Event Path B 0 0 - Altitude Event Path ''Hard precedence constraint. Al occurs 20 seconds before A2. - Communications Event Path A2 - Manual Control Event Path - Planning Event Path 'Soft' precedence constraint. B3 may occur at any time after event A2. (360) (300) Grisy XN (300 ,300) B3 -- - (300,937) (0,637)' (80) .. Leave 1800oft \(300,937) 380,1017) C I /_ 0 4-- ' I _ 'SC I I I / DI ~~Begin B -Leave 22000ft I ......... .. .. .. .. . . e. Descent (0,466) E2 ----------------- E 180ooft Cklist (380,1600) (0,1600) Pd Figure B.2: Task P: Iff1 I 0 )dence Map, IL71S 4R Arrival) . 1 t I 0 GA) - - - - - B5 Arr ive liOQOftI ---V I / (61O 7110 / ----- LeveI -of (430,826) fDescent 40826 )to 80QQ (660,826) \ DA__ evel- - 00 0 (760 ,1 250k~t (660,1126) (660,1600) P2 --KD -B LeaveB 6000ft (1140,1140)%- -- - - - - - Bg In -Descent "- - '- - -- -D [to 3000f (994,1240) (0140,1240) P3 r~T1 ~ KI / (9Z~L (9zct'o9z~) / / - i 408n) &9 '~ S _______ -- - ~ A J B ig 0----------------. ----------- -In' m m m m m m m m mgo -m -A m m m m -- m m m -----0 c (1340,134o) (1300,1300)' 134Rf L-E E - i I JU-Iilrn i _(024.1340O) E(280jl32L6) LLLU...JJ -- ----- - --- ---- P5 40 I / / / - / / / / / @11~~~~~~~ _ - / - __ _.- "ontacC tower" / (1387,1600) (15) ,1357) (1387,1387) D 457) (1387,1600) (1457,1457) 4E E P7 )- R q Appendix C EXPERIENCE QUESTICNNAIRE - 237 - SUBJ NO. I PILOT EXPERIENCE QUESTIONNAIRE SubJect Name Part 121 or 135 Experience? Yes TEST NO.a No Total No. of Hours Total No. of Hours under Simulated or Actual'IFR RECENT EXPERIENCE Last 30 Days Lost 6 Months Hours Total Hours IFR (Simulated or Actual) No. of Instrument Approaches Estimated No. of Non-Precis ion Approaches Do you, on a regular basis, fly into the following terminals (check as many as necessary): Atlanta Los Angeles San Francisco New York Washington, D.C. Chicago Type of aircraft you fly most often (list one, or at most, two) I- - 238 -