SMOV Status & Planning Meeting Notes 9/30/09 - Summary – NICMOS Cooling System control set point has been raised to 77 degK, up from 75K. Discussions/analyses are underway to determine final temperature set point prior to continuation of NICMOS SMOV. In the meantime, all three NICMOS cameras are exhibiting higher-than-expected dark current at both temperature settings. o - Observatory Status o - Details below and in the referenced attachments. All subsystems are nominal SI Status o WFC3 WFC3 SMOV is complete o COS (TKeyes) COS SMOV is complete Final report at next meeting o FGS/OTA FGS/OTA SMOV is complete o ACS ACS SMOV is complete. STIS STIS SMOV is complete o o NICMOS/NCS (TWiklind) Engineering NCS PID control setpoint changed from 75 to 77 deg K on Sep. 24 (267/1502) o As part of early NICMOS SMOV Plan o Decision on final NCS set-point expected on Oct. 01. Science (TWiklind) NICMOS SMOV has begun o So far only darks o Dark current is higher than expected in all three cameras @ 75 K 60% for NIC1 & 2 170% for NIC3 @ 77 K 125% for NIC1 & 2 380% for NIC3 o Also increase in hot/warm pixels Need to determine what part of dark current is caused by the increase in hot/warm pixels NICMOS Team is studying o o - For details, see attached NICMOS_SMOV_Report_20090930.ppt ERO program is complete. P&S Status o - ERO The NICMOS Team is evaluating the impact of this behavior on science operations for Cycle 17 Impact to science is significant but may not be severe Dark current is still at a relatively good level May simply imply some longer integration times o or possibly a switch to WFC3 Narrow-band observations at medium wavelengths may be impacted the most Nominal Operations o FOT Nominal o PACOR Nominal o OPUS (TEllis) Since the last SMOV status meeting we fast-tracked NICMOS data for proposal 11947 STIS data for proposal 12010. Reprocessed the exposures in association ib3h06020, which errored in calibration back on 8/21. o Howard Bushouse had determined that the two member exposures should not have been associated in this case, He filed a TRANS OPR to avoid this problem in the future. o Some database cleanup and reprocessing were required for members ib3h06m1 and m5 to be processed and archived as singletons. Finished figuring out what's needed to deal with the na7o01 and 02 exposures o (proposal 11406) that failed the DADS house-keeping updates recently. o These weren't collected into associations due to calibration being bypassed (dc_nic not triggered). o ARCH OPR 63593 was submitted to get the OPUS database records for the associations deleted Request was sent George Chapman to have the corresponding records in the SPSS database removed. o Learned that we will need a fixed version of the 'podwhacker' tool to deal with WFC3 dataset, ia2s66rkq o currently stuck in OTFR ('p' in the DP step of the clark pipeline). o Mike Swam filed OPUS OPR 63602 to get this fix done, It looks like it will be included in 2009.3. Archive (SAnderson) Nominal