Ecology 71(3). 1990. pp. 1133-1143 O 1990 by the Ecolog~calSoc~etyof 4menca SHIFTING DEMOGRAPHIC CONTROL OF A PERENNIAL BUNCHGRASS ALONG A NATURAL HABITAT GRADIENT1 KIRKA. MOLONEY Department of Botany, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27706 USA' Abstract. The relative importance of competition vs. other environmental factors in determining the local distribution of a perennial bunchgrass species, Danthonia sericea, was investigated in two experiments, one in 1984 and another in 1985. Seeds were planted in a two-way split-plot experimental design under field conditions on the campus of Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, USA. One treatment, four planting regions in distinct demographic zones along a soil/vegetation gradient, was used to investigate the effect of gradient position on germination rates, early establishment success, growth rates, and early reproduction of Danthonia sericea. The second treatment, vegetation left intact or vegetation removed, was used to assess the relative importance of competition from neighboring herbaceous plants in regulating the same demographic processes. The demographic success of Danthonia sericea was enhanced at all positions along the gradient by vegetation removal. However, the magnitude of the response varied with year of experiment and with gradient position, indicating that the intensity of competition is dependent upon a variety of factors that shift over time and space. It is suggested that a complete understanding of the importance of any one factor, such as competition, in regulating species distributions can only be obtained by conducting experiments over a range of habitats and years. Key words: competition; Danthonia sericea; demographic control; experimental demography; ecotone: gradient; year-to-year variability. Any attempt to explain the distribution of a plant species along a complex habitat gradient must account for at least four tightly linked elements: (i) competitive interactions with other plant species; (ii) interactions with herbivores, pollinators, etc.; (iii) changes in physical environment; and (iv) the differential response to the first three elements at different life history stages (cf. Austin and Austin 1980, Lubchenco 1980, Louda 1982, Hay 1984, Austin et al. 1985, Goldberg 1985). Changes in demography that affect populations might be confined to one life history stage or be spread over several stages (Caswell and Werner 1978, Sebens 1982, Neilson and Wullstein 1983, Hamada et al. 1985). In plant populations, the inability to germinate or to establish seedlings can produce a barrier to dispersal beyond current boundaries (Lazenby 1955, Harris 1967, Tripathi and Harper 1973, Turkington et al. 1979, Fowler 1984). In other cases, where germination and initial establishment are possible, mortality may occur before age of reproduction (Quinn 1975) or reproduction may be limited in individuals reaching reproductive age, prohibiting the development of a self-perpetuating population (Cavers and Harper 1967, Watkinson 1985). By determining the life history stages that are most important in limiting the distributions of species, ' Manuscript received 23 February 1989; revised 26 September 1989; accepted 2 October 1989. * Present address: Center for Environmental Research, Corson Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853-2701 USA. a more thorough understanding of the processes regulating species' distributions can be obtained. A large number of field experiments investigating interspecific competition has been reported in the literature over the last several years (see the reviews by Connell 1983 and Schoener 1983). Many provide evidence that competition is an important process in natural populations. However, most d o not explicitly consider the impact of other components of the environment on competition in their analyses (although see Austin and Austin 1980, Keddy 198 l , Tilman 1984, Austin et al. 1985). One question that remains is the relative importance of competition in determining the distribution of plant species among different habitats of a natural resource gradient. The research I present in this paper investigates the relative importance of competition in determining the distribution of the bunchgrass Danthonia sericea Nutt. along a known soiVvegetation gradient (Moloney 1989). The study employed a simple, two-way split-plot experimental design. One treatment, location along the soil/vegetation gradient, investigated the effects of a concurrent change in the abiotic and biotic environment on demographic processes in Danthonia sericea. The second treatment, permitting competition in some quadrats and not in others, investigated the relative importance of competition. The work examined several life history stages, including germination, early establishment, postestablishment growth, and reproduction. (Postestablishment growth and reproduction, although touched upon briefly here, were the primary topics of another experiment involving tiller trans- KIRK A. MOLONEY 1134 plants and will be discussed in greater detail in a later Species Danthonia sericea, downy oatgrass, is a long-lived, perennial bunchgrass species, which grows primarily on well-drained, sandy soils at the edges of pine-oak forests on the coastal plain and piedmont of eastern North America. (Danthonia sericea will hereafter be referred to as Danthonia.) Danthonia grows primarily during the spring and fall. Individual genets form relatively discrete clusters of tillers. Most germination occurs in early spring after overwintering of dormant seed in the soil. At the study site discussed in this paper, culm formation began in early spring, pollination occurred in mid-May, and seed was dropped in early June. The species is discussed in greater detail in Moloney (1988). Study site The research was conducted in a field dominated by perennial grasses on the campus of Duke University, Durham, North Carolina (36"01N,78'54'W). The field was planted as gardens until abandoned during the early 1940s and has been mown each summer since (see Fowler 1978, Fowler and Antonovics 198 1, and Moloney 1989 for a detailed description of the study site). The experiments and demographic studies discussed in this paper were all situated in a 16 x 40 m area of the field. The study site was characterized by a slight elevational gradient paralleling the long axis, with an overall elevational displacement of 3 m and an aspect of 120". (A topographic map of the study site can be found in Moloney 1989.) The gradient extended from a stand of pine trees at the low point in the study area to the top of a knoll at the high point, with soil concentrations of several plant nutrients increasing monotonically in the same direction (Moloney 1989). The change in soil nutrients was also paralleled by a change in plant species composition, producing a dominant soil/vegetation gradient that characterizes the field (Moloney 1989). The study site was located near an area originally investigated by Fowler (1978). She found a correlation between depth-to-clay and the local composition of plant assemblages. She conjectured that Danthonla characterized nutrient-poor sites. A more detailed analysis by Moloney (1989) revealed that the distribution of Danthonla was related to intermediate levels of nutrient and water availability and to the distribution of other plant species in the community. These relationships involved both the primary soil/vegetation gradient and secondary vegetation gradients. The distribution of Danthonia, as found by Moloney (1989), varied widely within the confines of the study area and can be divided, roughly, into five regions by Ecology, Vol. 7 1, No. 3 cover values (Fig. 1). Cover estimates were obtained from four 0.25-m2 quadrats located 4-m apart at each of 10 transect locations in the field. The transects were spaced at 4-m intervals along the primary soil/vegetation gradient. (Greater detail regarding the sampling methodology is given in Moloney 1989.) In Region I, near the pine trees at the lower end of the study site (0-4 m in Fig. I), cover by Danthonia was at intermediate levels. Above this lay Region I1 (8-16 m in Fig. 1) where cover by Danthonia was relatively low, although individual plants were generally large and robust. Region I11 (16-24 m in Fig. 1) contained the densest population of Danthonia in the study site, with a sharp ecotonal break located nearby in Region IV (between 24-28 m in Fig. 1). A dense stand of Danthonia lay on one side of the ecotone and on the other side virtually no Danthon~aplants were found. Curiously, there was no correspondingly sharp break in soil structure at the ecotone (Moloney 1989). The ecotone is apparently a stable characteristic of the local distribution of the Danthonia population as it has been present for at least 14 yr in approximately the same location (K. A. Moloney, personal observation and J . Antonovics, personal colnlnunication). Region V (28-36 m in Fig. 1) lay above the ecotone at the top of the knoll. No Danthonia plants were present, except at the edges of the field where some root intrusion from surrounding pines and hardwoods allowed Danthonia to become established. Results from the experiments reported in this study will be compared to demographic patterns observed in the natural Danthonia field population as reported in Moloney (1988, 1989). The locations reported in the earlier papers are associated with the regions in this paper as follows: location A, Region I; locations B and C, Region 11; location D, Region 111; location E, Region IV; and location F, Region V (cf. Fig. 1 with Fig. 1 in Moloney 1989). Experimental des~gn Common protocol .for 1984 and 1985 gerrninatlon experiments. -Two Danthonia germination and establishment experiments were conducted; one was begun in 1984 and another in 1985. Details of the protocol differed between the two experiments, but the general design was the same. Each experiment utilized a splitplot, two-way factorial design with two levels o f a vegetation treatment (intact and removal) and four levels of a gradient treatment (four regions along the gradient). Experimental quadrats were isolated from the surrounding plant community by burying commercial lawn 0 edging around the perimeter to a depth of ~ 2 cm. The edging extended well below the bulk of the rooting zone, prohibiting root competition from outside the treatment (cf. Fowler and Antonovics 198 1). In each quadrat, vegetation was either left undisturbed (intact treatment) or all aboveground vegetation, exposed rootstock, and rhizomes were removed, disturbing the June 1990 SHIFTING DEMOGRAPHIC CONTROL Region Location (m) FIG. 1. Cover estimates of Danthonia sericea along the primary soil/vegetation gradient at the Durham study site. Mean cover values for 10 transect locations are connected by the solid line (-); x ' s indicate individual cover values for the four quadrats sampled at each transect location. Distances along the abscissa are measured relative to a reference transect located at metre zero. (See Moloney 1989 and Methods: Study slte for greater detail regarding sampling methodology.) soil as little as possible (removal treatment). Replicates of the vegetation treatments were located in Regions 11-V to represent four distinct demographic zones in the distribution of Danthonia along the primary soil/ vegetation gradient. (Region I was excluded for practical considerations of time and effort.) Danthonia seeds were collected from plants located in all regions of the field during the spring preceding initiation of each experiment. The seeds were then combined to form a composite sample of genotypes from the field. Individual seeds were planted at the base of toothpicks in each quadrat by inserting them into the soil to the base of the awn and were left enclosed by the lemma and palea as under natural conditions. Hairs on the lemma of Danthonia seeds are oriented towards the awn and help prevent them from becoming dislodged once buried. Protocol for 1984.-Danthonia seeds were collected from the field in June 1983, air-dried, and stored at room temperature in plastic bags until January 1984, at which time a large number of seeds were cold stratified in sand following the protocol outlined in Lindauer and Quinn (1972). Three replicate blocks with two 0.5 x 0.5 m quadrats in each, one for each level of the vegetation treatment, were located in each of the four regions of the experiment. Danthonia seeds (n = 100) spaced 3.5-cm apart were planted in each replicate in a 10 x 10 array on 25 and 26 April 1984. Censuses were begun immediately after planting and continued through the flowering period of June 1986. Censuses were conducted frequently in 1984 (4 May, 9 May, 13 May, 22 May, 27 May, 1 June, 11 June, 21 June, 10 July, and 14 August) and on 12 May 1985 and 18 June 1986. Protocol for 1985.-Danthonia seeds were collected from the field in June 1984, air-dried, and stored at room temperature in plastic bags. Five blocks, each consisting of four 0.25 x 0.25 m quadrats, were located in each of the four regions. There were two replicates of the removal and of the intact vegetation manipulations in each block. Seeds (n = 49) were planted into each quadrat in a 7 x 7 array with a 2.5-cm spacing during November 1984. Censuses were begun with the first observation of emergence during February 1985 and continued through the flowering period of June 1986. Censuses were conducted frequently in 1985 (7 February, 16 February, 4 March, 19 March, 27 March, 20 April, 30 May, and 30 July) and on 10 June 1986. Data collection and anab,sis Seeds were scored as successfully germinating upon first observation of emergence from the soil surface, but only if the seed leaves emerged next to a toothpick with the same orientation as the original planting position. This protocol insured that the large majority of seeds scored as germinating were ones actually planted into the experiment, particularly as the density of naturally germinating seeds in the field was generally quite low (Moloney 1988). Data concerning survivorship, growth, and reproduction of seedlings were obtained at each census following germination. Growth was characterized by determining the number of leaves per individual at each census and categorizing individuals into six size classes: (I) size class 1, 1-2 leaves; (2) size class 2, 3-6 leaves; (3) size class 3, 7-1 3 leaves; (4) size class 4, 14-27 leaves; (5) size class 5, 28-56 leaves; and (6) size class 6, > 56 leaves (see Moloney 1986 and KIRK A. MOLONEY 1136 1988 for a description of the technique used to determine appropriate size classes). Germination success was defined to be the proportion of seeds emerging over the course of the experiment and was analyzed using analysis of variance for a split-plot design. The block effect (B) was treated as a random variable with both the vegetation (V) and region (R) treatments being considered fixed. Data for proportion of seeds germinating within treatments were normalized by applying an arcsine-square-root transform, which is appropriate for an underlying binomial distribution (Snedecor and Cochran 1980). Survivorship, for the purposes of analysis, was defined to be the proportion of seedlings that survived from germination until 14 August 1984 for the 1984 experiment and until 30 July 1985 for the 1985 experiment. These dates were chosen to characterize survivorship through the critical months of seedling establishment. Data transformation and the design of the analysis for survivorship were similar to those used to study germination success. However, since survivorship was calculated as the number of surviving seedlings divided by the number of germinating seedlings, a weighted analysis of variance was used to account for differences in variance expected for observations based on different initial sample sizes (see Snedecor and Cochran 1980). Differences in the growth rates of Danthonia seedlings among regions were analyzed using contingency table analysis. (In this case, growth was represented by the distribution of Danthonia seedlings among size classes 1 yr after planting.) Only data from the cleared vegetation treatment were used as there were too few survivors in the intact vegetation for a comparison between vegetation treatments. Surviving individuals were categorized by size class for each replicate and were then pooled over replicates to produce one observation of size class distributions for each region. Region V was omitted in the 1985 analysis as there were no survivors in either vegetation treatment. Further pooling among the smaller size classes was also necessary. Data for size classes 1 through 3 were pooled for the 1984 experiment and data for size classes 1 and 2 were pooled for the 1985 experiment. Germination Germination by Danthonia occurred over a short period of time in the 1984 experiment. Over 99% of the germinating seedlings emerged over a 10-d period (4 May-13 May 1984). In the 1985 experiment, seedling emergence began earlier (February as opposed to May) and took longer to reach 99% total germination (over 72 d). The 1985 results were more indicative of natural germination patterns, due primarily to differences in experimental protocol (cf. Lindauer and Quinn 1972): seeds in the 1985 experiment overwintered in Ecology. Vol. 7 1. No. 3 the field, whereas seeds in the 1984 experiment were stratified in a cold room and planted in the spring. The proportion of Danthonia seeds germinating in the 1985 experiment was greater than in the 1984 experiment (Fig. 2). However, with the exception of Region 111, the between-year differences in the intact vegetation treatment were less dramatic than in the removal treatment. The effect of vegetation removal on germination success was highly significant in both germination experiments (Table l), with a greater proportion of seeds germinating in the removal quadrats (Fig. 2). The effects of region and region-by-vegetation interaction on germination were also significant for the 1985 experiment, but not the 1984 experiment. With the exception of Region 11, the proportion of seeds germinating across regions had the same rank order for both experiments and both vegetation treatments (Fig. 2). Germination was greatest in Region 111, intermediate in Region IV, and least in Region V, paralleling the natural distribution of plants in the field (cf. Fig. 1 and Fig. 2). Results for Region I1 were inconsistent between experiments. Region I1 had the highest germination rate for removal quadrats in the 1985 experiment and the lowest rate in the 1984 experiment. Intermediate levels of germination for intact vegetation quadrats were seen in Region I1 for both experiments. T o a large extent, the significant region-by-vegetation interaction in the 1985 experiment can be attributed to differences in germination success between vegetation treatments in Region 11. Postgerlnination survival In the 1984 experiment, survival was significantly greater in the removal quadrats in all four regions, with very few individuals surviving in the intact vegetation (Table 2, Fig. 3). Only Region I11 had an appreciable number of individuals surviving in the intact vegetation through the August census of the first growing season, and in this case most of the survivors died over winter (Fig. 3). In contrast, there was little mortality after the June 1984 census in the removal quadrats regardless of region. Survival rates in the 1985 experiment were generally low from time ofgermination through the midsummer census on 30 July 1985 (Fig. 3). Survivorship from July 1985 through June 1986 was relatively high in most treatment combinations (> 70%) with the exception of the intact quadrats of Region 111 (average survivorship of 28% over the period) and the intact and removal quadrats of Region V, where there was complete mortality by June 1986. Overall, survivorship in the 1985 experiment was lower than in the 1984 experiment for both removal and intact vegetation treatments (Fig. 3). The one major exception occurred in the removal quadrats of Region 11, where individuals had an average survival rate of 0.52 through the 30 July 1985 census. The high survivorship with vege- June 1990 SHIFTING DEMOGRAPHIC CONTROL 1984 Experiment 1137 T.ZBLE 1. Analysis of variance for total germination in the 1984 and 1985 split-plot germination experiments. SignifSum of icance F level Year df squares 3 0.147 0.64* NS 1984 8 0.612 1 0.165 13.631. ,006 NS 3 0.106 2.901. 8 0.097 1985 3 1.065 7.02* ,003 16 0.809 3.439 ,0008 V 1 1.907 154.99* ,0001 VxR 3 0.187 5.08* .01 V x B(R) 16 0.197 0.849 NS Error 40 3.45 * F ratio calculated using the B(R) mean square as the error term. t Block(R) and B(R) denote Block nested within Region. F ratlo calculated using the V x B(R) mean square as the error term. 5 F ratio calculated using the model error mean square as the error term. Source of variation Region Block(R)t Vegetation V x R V x B(R) R B(R) Region * 1985 Experiment 2 n 0.0 1 I II I III I IV I v Region Mean germination levels for Dunthonia sericea by region of the field and vegetation manipulation (removal and intact) in the 1984and 1985germination experiments. Means were calculated using arcsine-square-root transformed data and were backtransformed before plotting the figure. W germination rates in quadrats with vegetation left intact; germination rates in quadrats with vegetation removed. FIG.2. tation removal in Region I1 resulted in a highly significant region-by-vegetation interaction for the 1985 experiment (Table 2). Region was also highly significant as a main effect, due in part to the contrast between very low survivorship in Regions 111, IV, and V a n d high survivorship in the removal treatment of Region 11. Although significant, the vegetation treatment was substantially less important than either region o r region-by-vegetation interaction in explaining survivorship. Growth o f seedlings Growth rates of established seedlings were. in general, much greater in the removal quadrats than in the intact quadrats (Figs. 4 and 5). However, a few plants in Region I1 showed appreciable growth even in the presence of background vegetation (Fig. 5). Plants growing with vegetation removed were able to attain sizes comparable to the largest individuals of any age in the natural Danthonia population (Moloney 1988). A significant difference among regions for growth rates in the removal quadrats was found through contingency table analysis in the 1984 experiment (G = 19.15, P < .05, df = 9), whereas there was n o detectable difference in the 1985 experiment (G = 8.43, P < .38, df = 8). Early reproduction Seed was produced by the first June census following the year of germination in both experiments (Table 3). Only one plant in the intact vegetation, which was located in Region 11, produced seed in either experiment. In the 1984 experiment, culms were produced by plants in the removal quadrats of all of the regions and exhibited a threefold increase in output between the 1985 and 1986 June censuses (Table 3). In contrast, with the exception of two plants, reproduction in the 1985 experiment was confined t o the removal quadrats of Region 11. Vegetat~onefects on demographic processes Vegetation removal greatly enhanced germination rates and the establishment success of Danthonia. Soon after emergence from the soil surface, individual Danthonla plants typically produced two small leaves on a single tiller. Individuals emerging in intact vegetation grew much more slowly, producing few, if any, new leaves o r tillers over the course of the experiment. T h e early leaves continued to elongate while working u p through the surrounding vegetation, becoming spindly and requiring support from surrounding plants. Even- KIRK A. MOLONEY Ecology, Vol. 7 1. No. 3 TABLE2. Weighted analysis of variance for survivorship in 1984 Experiment the 1984 and 1985 split-plot germination experiments. Year 1984 Source of variation Region Block(R)t Vegetation VxR V x B(R) df Sum of squares F Significance level B(R) v II Ill IV v Region * 1985 Experiment II Ill IV VxR V x B(R) Error * F ratio calculated using the B(R) mean square as the error term. t Block(R)and B(R) denote Block nested within Region. F ratio calculated using the V x B(R) mean square as the error term. 5 F ratio calculated using the model error mean square as the error term. v Region Mean survivorshipfor Danthonia sericea by region of field and vegetation manipulation (removal and intact) in the 1984 and 1985 germination experiments. Means were calculated using arcsine-square-roottransformed data and were backtransformed before plotting the figure. W survivorship in quadrats with the vegetation left intact; survivorship in quadrats with vegetation removed. Solid lines (-) connect means for a late summer census conducted during the first growing season after emergence (14 August 1984 for the 1984 experiment and 30 July 1985 for the 1985 experiment). Dotted lines (. . . . .) connect means for the last census conducted in each experiment (18 June 1986 for the 1984 experiment and I0 June 1986 for the 1985 experiment). Note the change in vertical scale for the 1985 census. FIG.3. tually the seedlings became quite etiolated and most died, apparently from the inability t o photosynthesize a t rates greater than the compensation point. This process could take > 1 yr. The developmental pattern exhibited by plants emerging o n bare ground depended to a much greater extent o n region within the field and showed greater variation between experiments. However, plants successfully establishing o n bare ground produced new leaves and tillers fairly soon after emergence and were more robust in habit than plants growing in intact vegetation. In fact, the most robust individuals attained sizes comparable to the largest individuals found in the natural population within a single growing season. Survivorship improved markedly with vegetation removal in the 1984 experiment, whereas survivorship was low in the removal quadrats of the 1985 experiment, showing little improvement over survivorship in the vegetated quadrats. The latter result was apparently due to drought conditions during late spring a n d early summer of 1985. The only exception to the general trend was provided by Region I1 where survivorship in the removal quadrats was relatively high during 1985. The effect of vegetation removal o n postestablishment rates of growth and reproduction by Danthonia was difficult to assess quantitatively as very few individuals survived in the intact vegetation. However, surviving plants had substantially higher average growth rates in the removal quadrats and, with one exception, were the only ones to reproduce during the course of the experiment. T h e response by Danthonia to vegetation removal is not surprising in and of itself. Several studies have demonstrated that germination and establishment of plants can be greatly enhanced by the removal of vegetation ( H a n i s 1967, Hagon 1977, Werner 1977), although the effect of vegetation removal may depend o n patch size (Miles 1974, McConnaughay and Bazzaz 1987), stage of seedling development a t the time of vegetation removal (Miles 1974, Cavers and Harper 1967), and other factors such as size of seed (Gross 1984). T h e physiological processes involved in inducing a differential germination response to vegetation removal are complex and include a diversity of factors that are often species specific (see Fenner 1985 for a comprehensive review). For Danthonia, Quinn (1975) found a high rate of germination under a variety of 1139 SHIFTING DEMOGRAPHIC CONTROL June 1990 Region I1 Region Ill Region IV Region V August 1984 .;;; - Q May 1985 June 1986 n Size Class FIG.4. Proportional distribution of Danthonra sericea seedlings among six size classes at three census dates for the 1984 germination experiment. Data were pooled among replicates within each treatment combination. The proportional distribution of individuals among size classes is indicated by hatched bars for the vegetation-removal quadrats and by solid bars for the quadrats with vegetation left intact. moisture conditions, with only seeds planted initially into saturated soil exhibiting lower germination rates. This result suggests that the change in moisture availability induced by vegetation removal would not be enough to produce a differential germination response. Lindauer and Quinn (1 972) found that the germination response by Danthonia varied under different temperature regimes. Germination rates for Danthonia were higher when the daily maximum temperature was relatively low (20'-25°C) and declined as the daily maxi m u m temperature increased above 30" (Lindauer and Quinn 1972). Unfortunately, this suggests that germination rates should be greater under a closed canopy where the daily maximum temperature would be lower due to a deeper boundary layer, just the opposite of the pattern observed in this study. Lindauer and Quinn (1972) also found n o effect of light availability on germination rates. A significant germination response to a shift in the red/far red ratio has been observed for a large number of grassland species (Fenner 1980, Sil- vertown 1980). However, this aspect of the germination ecology of Danthonia has not been investigated. Interactions between vegetation and other environmental factors Although germination rates by Danthonia increased dramatically with vegetation removal, there was also a clear modifying effect of gradient position. A decline in the germination response to vegetation removal from Region 111 through Region V suggests that competitive effects play a greater role in intermediate regions of the field where Danthonia is most abundant. In Region I1 the effect of vegetation removal on germination rates was extremely variable; there was a very strong germination response to vegetation removal in 1985 and little o r n o response in 1984 (Fig. 2). However, since the 1985 protocol was more indicative of natural germination processes (seeds overwintered in the soil rather than in a coldroom), it appears that vegetation has the greatest negative impact on germination rates in KIRK A. MOLONEY Region II Region Ill Ecology, Vol. 71, No. 3 Region IV Region V July 1985 Size Class FIG. 5. Proportional distribution of Danthonla sericea seedlings among six size classes at two census dates for the 1985 germination experiment. Data were pooled among replicates within each treatment combination. The proportional distribution of individuals among size classes is indicated by hatched bars for the removal quadrats and by solid bars for the quadrats with vegetation left intact. TABLE 3. Mean is^) within-treatment values in the 1984 and 1985 germination experiments for (i) proportion of planted seed surviving as seedlings, (ii) proportion of surviving seedlings reproducing, (iii) culm production per reproducing individual, and (iv) culm production per replicate.* Values were determined for May 1985 (1984 experiment only) and June 1986 censuses. Treatment combinations Removal I1 111 Removal I1 Proportion surviving May 1985 June 1986 . I 5 i .21 . I 8 i .10 .15 i .21 .18 i .10 Proportion reproducing May 1985 June 1986 1984 experiment .65 i . 2 0 t .87 i .18t . I 5 i .12 .64 i .19 Culms per individual May 1985 * 2.42 0.81t 1.13 i 0.22 June 1986 * 5.83 3.07t 3.04 i 1.23 1985 experiment 111 Intact IV V I1 111 IV V * All means were calculated using within-replicate values (e.g., the average number of culms per reproducing individual was calculated within replicates before averaging over replicates). Three replicates (one per block) were used in calculating mean values for the 1984 experiment and 10 replicates (two per block) for the 1985 experiment, except as noted. t Based on two replicates, one replicate having no survivors. Based on one replicate, two replicates having no reproductive individuals. 6 Based on seven replicates, three replicates having no survivors. // Based on one reproductive individual. 7 Based on three replicates, seven replicates having no survivors. * June 1990 SHIFTING DEMOGRAPHIC CONTROL Region 11, in keeping with the general trend of a decreasing effect of vegetation on germination from Region I11 through Region V. Survivorship was strongly affected both by competition and by other environmental factors associated with gradient position, yet the relative importance of these factors varied markedly from region to region and from year to year. In the 1984 experiment, there was a general decline in survivorship in the absence of competition along the gradient from Region I1 through Region V, with the highest survival rates in Region I1 and the lowest rates in Region V. In contrast, more plants germinating in the intact vegetation died over the course of the experiment, irrespective of region. This suggests that survival rates along the gradient are most strongly affected by competitive interactions where Danthonia is most abundant, and are most strongly affected by factors other than competition where Danthonia is absent. However, the pattern observed in the 1985 experiment suggests a very different relationship. Survivorship in the presence of vegetation in the 1985 experiment was low, but equaled, or nearly equaled, survivorship in the absence of vegetation. (Again, Region I1 was the exception to the general trend.) Drought conditions during the spring and summer of 1985 evidently overwhelmed any influence of vegetation on survivorship. The worst conditions were observed in Region V where plants growing in the absence of vege- TABLE 3. Continued May 1985 Culms per replicate June 1986 1984 experiment 16.3 i 18.9 4.33 5.77 12.3 k 11.0 1.33 i 2.31 0 0 0 0 1985 experiment * 48.7 45.7 50.3 23.3 i 53.5 i 53.2 i 47.3 i 32.9 0 0 0 0 1141 tation were pushed by their elongating radicals out of the soil, which had become very loose and friable. The plants produced short, twisted leaves, most likely in response to desiccation stress and damage. Although survivorship in Regions I11 and IV was also low during 1985, patterns of growth and development were not as extreme. In Region 11, the survivorship response provided a marked constrast to the response observed in other regions of the field. Survivorship was greatly enhanced by the removal of vegetation, even during the drought of 1985. Not only was survivorship in 1985 relatively high in Region 11, but growth by survivors was rapid even where the vegetation had been left intact (Fig. 5). This result may be due to the fact that Region I1 was situated in a partial seep where water is available for longer periods during dry conditions (K. A. Moloney, personal observation), thus ameliorating stress conditions during the 1985 drought. Comparisons to the natural.field population The general decline in demographic performance by Danthonia from Region I11 through Region V mirrors a parallel decline in the natural Danthonia population (Moloney 1988, 1989). In addition, the extreme variability of demographic rates in Region 11, both within and between vegetation treatments, can be related to the structure of the natural field population, which consisted of a few scattered, but extremely robust, individuals in Region 11. Opportunities for recruitment are apparently limited in Region 11, but the conditions for growth are extremely good, even in the presence of intact vegetation. The trend for greater germination rates in the 1985 experiment was the opposite of the trend seen in the natural population, where germination rates were very high during 1984 and very low during all other years of observation (for 1984, 1985, and 1986 see Moloney 1988; for 1983, 1987, 1988, and 1989, K. A. Moloney, personalobservation). The higher germination rates observed in the natural population for 1984 might be related to differences in the annual availability of viable seed. However, the high levels of recruitment in 1984 followed a year of drought in 1983, which lowered aboveground cover (Moloney 1986). This result, coupled with the experimental result that germination rates increase after vegetation removal, suggests that there is a feedback mechanism in Danthonia that increases germination rates when aboveground competition is minimized. Rates of postemergence survivorship and growth among recruits in the natural population were lower than for recruits originally planted in the quadrats cleared of vegetation, but were higher than rates for recruits planted in intact vegetation (Moloney 1988). Time to first reproduction was greater among natural recruits than among recruits originally planted into cleared quadrats. The earliest observed reproduction 1142 KIRK A. MOLONEY among naturally germinating seedlings was 2 yr after emergence, and then only in a few scattered individuals located i n Region I1 (K. A. Moloney, personal ohserr a t ~ o n ) . In contrast. reproduction among seedlings planted in the cleared quadrats was widespread only 1 yr after emergence, a t least in the 1984 experiment. The intermediate level of demographic success for naturally germinating seedlings suggests that a majority of the recruits in the field germinate in safe sites that provide greater demographic potential than d o sites chosen by planting a t random within the intact vegetation (cf. Harper 1977, Silvertown 198 1, Fenner 1985). The natural safe sites, however, d o not provide conditions as favorable as sites from which the vegetation has been removed, a n d a s such the natural safe sites represent a relaxation, not elimination, of competition. T h e complete absence of Danthonia from Region V in the natural population appears t o be due t o a cumulative failure t o germinate a n d establish after germination, a n d not t o a n inability to grow once established; indeed, the few plants surviving in Region V during the 1984 experiment exhibited fairly substantial growth rates. What is difficult t o explain within the context of the experiment is the abrupt decline in abundance of the natural Danthonia population a t the ecotone located in Region IV. There is n o correspondingly abrupt change in the edaphic environment across the ecotone; in fact, earlier work has shown that there is a monotonic increase in soil fertility from Region I through Region V (Moloney 1986, 1989). In addition, there does not appear t o be a radical shift i n the demographic response across the ecotone for the characters investigated, although survivorship of emerging seedlings may be substantially reduced above the ecotonal boundary. An explanation for the presence of the ecotone may lie in a population model introduced by Watkinson (1 985). The model demonstrated that a n abrupt decline in the abundance of a population along a complex environmental gradient can be produced by a n interaction between density-independent and density-dependent factors affecting the population if there is a slight nonlinearity in the response across the gradient. Watkinson was considering intraspecific density-dependent interactions, but the argument can be extended t o include interspecific interactions a s well. Under this scenario, the ability of Danthonia t o become established collapses a t the ecotone d u e t o a nonlinear response t o competition against a gradually changing environmental background. Conclusion Although the removal of vegetation generally had a positive effect o n the demographic success of D a n thonia, the magnitude of the effect varied greatly across regions and between years. This suggests that a n interaction between competition a n d other environmental factors must be taken into account if we are t o Ecology. Vol. 7 1. No. 3 explain the causal relationship between population structure a n d environmental variation along natural gradients in the field. In fact, a n experiment that is designed t o test solely for competitive effects in one location might find that competition is important in a species like Danthonia, but might just as easily find that competition is not a very important process if the experiment is conducted a t a n adjacent site o r during a different year. Only by designing field experiments across a range of habitats a n d across a number of years can we begin to determine the relative importance of competition, o r any other factor, in shaping natural distributions. I would like to thank Janis Antonovics, my advisor, for his help in seeing this project to completion. Joy Belsky, Don Burdick, Deborah Clark, Nick Howell, Norma Fowler, Bill Schlesinger, Don Stone, Henry Wilbur, and the reviewers provided many useful suggestions. I would especially like to thank Martha and Naomi Rappaport, and Frosty Levy for their help in the field. Si Levin graciously provided a conducive environment for writing the final manuscript. Computing facilities were provided by DUCC and TUCC at Duke University and CIT at Cornell University. The research was supported in part by the Ecosystem Research Center at Cornell (for which this is publication ERC-215), a grant-in-aid from Sigma XI, and by National Science Foundation grant BSR-8806202. Austin. M. P., and B. 0 . Austin. 1980. Behavior of experimental plant communities along a nutrient gradient. Journal of Ecology 68:891-918. Austin. M. P.. R. H. Groves. L. M. F. Fresco, and P. E. Kaye. 1985. Relative growth of six thistle species along a nutrient gradient with multispecies competition. Journal of Ecology 73:667-684. 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Stable URL: Relative Growth of Six Thistle Species Along a Nutrient Gradient with Multispecies Competition M. P. Austin; R. H. Groves; L. M. F. Fresco; P. E. Kaye The Journal of Ecology, Vol. 73, No. 2. (Jul., 1985), pp. 667-684. Stable URL: Transient Behavior and Life History Analysis of Teasel (Dipsacus Sylvestris Huds.) Hal Caswell; Patricia A. Werner Ecology, Vol. 59, No. 1. (Jan., 1978), pp. 53-66. Stable URL: LINKED CITATIONS - Page 2 of 6 - Studies in the Dynamics of Plant Populations: I. The Fate of Seed and Transplants Introduced into Various Habitats P. B. Cavers; J. L. Harper The Journal of Ecology, Vol. 55, No. 1. (Mar., 1967), pp. 59-71. Stable URL: On the Prevalence and Relative Importance of Interspecific Competition: Evidence from Field Experiments Joseph H. Connell The American Naturalist, Vol. 122, No. 5, A Round Table on Research in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. (Nov., 1983), pp. 661-696. Stable URL: The Inhibition of Germination of Bidens pilosa Seeds by Leaf Canopy Shade in Some Natural Vegetation Types M. Fenner New Phytologist, Vol. 84, No. 1. (Jan., 1980), pp. 95-101. Stable URL: Competition and Coexistence in a North Carolina Grassland: I. Patterns in Undisturbed Vegetation Norma Fowler; Janis Antonovics The Journal of Ecology, Vol. 69, No. 3. (Nov., 1981), pp. 825-841. Stable URL: Effects of Soil pH, Competition, and Seed Predation on the Distributions of Two Tree Species Deborah E. Goldberg Ecology, Vol. 66, No. 2. (Apr., 1985), pp. 503-511. Stable URL: LINKED CITATIONS - Page 3 of 6 - Effects of Seed Size and Growth Form on Seedling Establishment of Six Monocarpic Perennial Plants Katherine L. Gross The Journal of Ecology, Vol. 72, No. 2. (Jul., 1984), pp. 369-387. Stable URL: Some Competitive Relationships between Agropyron spicatum and Bromus tectorum Grant A. Harris Ecological Monographs, Vol. 37, No. 2. (Spring, 1967), pp. 89-111. Stable URL: Patterns of Fish and Urchin Grazing on Caribbean Coral Reefs: Are Previous Results Typical? Mark E. Hay Ecology, Vol. 65, No. 2. (Apr., 1984), pp. 446-454. Stable URL: Experimental Demography of the Sand-Dune Annual, Cakile Edentula, Growing Along an Environmental Gradient in Nova Scotia P. A. Keddy The Journal of Ecology, Vol. 69, No. 2. (Jul., 1981), pp. 615-630. Stable URL: Germination and Establishment of Juncus Effusus L.: The Effect of Different Companion Species and of Variation in Soil and Fertility Conditions Alec Lazenby The Journal of Ecology, Vol. 43, No. 1. (Jan., 1955), pp. 103-119. Stable URL: LINKED CITATIONS - Page 4 of 6 - Germination Ecology of Danthonia sericea Populations Lawrence L. Lindauer; James A. Quinn American Journal of Botany, Vol. 59, No. 9. (Oct., 1972), pp. 942-951. Stable URL: Distribution Ecology: Variation in Plant Recruitment over a Gradient in Relation to Insect Seed Predation Svata M. Louda Ecological Monographs, Vol. 52, No. 1. 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(Oct., 1984), pp. 1445-1453. Stable URL: The Comparative Biology of Agropyron Repens (L.) Beauv. and A. Caninum (L.) Beauv.: I. The Growth of Mixed Populations Established from Tillers and from Seeds R. S. Tripathi; John L. Harper The Journal of Ecology, Vol. 61, No. 2. (Jul., 1973), pp. 353-368. Stable URL: The Growth, Distribution and Neighbour Relationships of Trifolium Repens in a Permanent Pasture: III. The Establishment and Growth of Trifolium Repens in Natural and Perturbed Sites R. Turkington; M. A. Cahn; A. Vardy; J. L. Harper The Journal of Ecology, Vol. 67, No. 1. (Mar., 1979), pp. 231-243. Stable URL: On the Abundance of Plants Along an Environmental Gradient A. R. Watkinson The Journal of Ecology, Vol. 73, No. 2. (Jul., 1985), pp. 569-578. Stable URL: Colonization Success of a "Biennial" Plant Species: Experimental Field Studies of Species Cohabitation and Replacement Patricia A. Werner Ecology, Vol. 58, No. 4. (Jul., 1977), pp. 840-849. Stable URL: