Fairmount Church Cooperative Nursery School, an established, cooperative preschool in Cleveland Heights, seeks a dynamic, professional, teacher for beginning preschoolers (2.5 year-olds and up) beginning immediately. The position involves teaching three mornings per week, Wednesday through Friday. Fairmount Church Cooperative Nursery School (FCCNS) is dedicated to nurturing, educating and enriching children as they ‘learn through play’ and learn how to share and cooperate with others. The school supports a classroom atmosphere of mutual respect, positive self-awareness, and learning at each child’s individual pace. The overall program is designed for three to five years of age and offers exposure to art, music, science, books, dramatic play and the world in which our children are growing up. The school is a non-profit, non-sectarian, non-discriminatory school whose primary concern is the enrichment of young children. Parents or guardians of students are welcome and encouraged to visit the school at any time and actively participate in the classroom through parent helping on a regular rotating schedule. FCCNS is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Teacher Job Description This position will serve as Lead Teacher in the 2-3 year-old classroom. Responsibilities for the FCCNS teacher will include but not be limited to the following: TEACHING DUTIES: In the classroom: Planning, supervising and implementing the program for the class in accordance with the policies and philosophy of the school Adapting the program to the needs of individual children with concerns for each child’s interests, challenges, special talents and individual style and pace of learning Including the various cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds of the children in the classroom curriculum Helping each child to become aware of their role as an integral member of a group Interacting with children during all facets of their preschool experience, including planned and unplanned activities, snack time and field trips Being a listener, nurturer, and mentor to the children Setting and maintaining clear and reasonable limits in the preschool setting, including basic social skills and school procedures, e.g., standing in line, taking turns, sharing, walking in a group or in line, sitting for circle time Providing a stimulating physical environment for children Maintaining health and safety standards, participating in daily and weekly clean-up, be willing and able to handle potty accidents Following center policies and licensing regulation. In general: Assuming an equal share of the joint housekeeping responsibilities of the staff. Attending and voting at all staff meetings and regular monthly Board meetings. Taking part in long and short range program planning evaluation. Participating in at least one recommended training program, conference, course and or other aspect of professional growth per year. Implementing methods for effectively utilizing the services of Parent Helpers Planning and implementing methods of establishing a positive relationship with parents of the students via daily contact, home visits, conferences, etc. Maintaining a record of class curriculum and daily log Participating in evaluation of job performances and other meetings with administrator Assisting in public relations events sponsored by the school Maintaining professional attitudes and being supportive of the school QUALIFICATIONS 1. Be professionally prepared as a teacher of young children 2. Strongly prefer a minimum of a CDA or an associate’s degree in early childhood education with ensuing experience in the classroom setting with the preschool age group. Further education or experience is a plus. 3. Preference will be given to candidates who can make a long-term commitment to the school. 4. Must be patient, sensitive and mature and able to relate well to both children and adults in a professional manner. 5. Must fulfill responsibilities in accordance with the school philosophy. 6. Must be of good general health as noted by a physical at the time of hiring, able to pick up and carry 35 lbs., and have a negative annual TB test. 7. Must meet meet requirements for staff in child care centers as defined by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (Non-conviction statement, Medical, Education Verification, BCII background check, FBI background check, Employee Policy Statement, In-service Training) 8. Must maintain valid certification in First Aid, Recognition and Prevention of Abuse and Neglect, and Communicable Diseases. New personnel should complete all three classes within 90 days of employment. This position is ideal for a parent with school age children as it has confined time requirements that do not conflict with parenting duties. APPLICATION Interested parties should send a cover letter and resume to FCCNS, c/o Ted Klopp, 2228 Westminster Rd., Cleveland Heights, OH 44118 or email to klipklopp@outlook.com. DEADLINE First round applications should be received by October 16, 2015. The application process may be extended if qualified applicants are still sought.