Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 836–845, 2005 q 2005 SETAC Printed in the USA 0730-7268/05 $12.00 1 .00 ASSESSING TRACE-METAL EXPOSURE TO AMERICAN DIPPERS IN MOUNTAIN STREAMS OF SOUTHWESTERN BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA CHRISTY A. MORRISSEY,† LEAH I. BENDELL-YOUNG,† and JOHN E. ELLIOTT*‡ †Department of Biological Sciences, Simon Fraser University, 8888 University Drive, Burnaby, British Columbia V5A 1S6, Canada ‡Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada, 5421 Robertson Road, Delta, British Columbia V4K 3N2 ( Received 1 March 2004; Accepted 8 September 2004) Abstract—To develop a suitable biomonitor of metal pollution in watersheds, we examined trends in exposure to nine trace elements in the diet (benthic invertebrates and fish), feathers (n 5 104), and feces (n 5 14) of an aquatic passerine, the American dipper (Cinclus mexicanus), from the Chilliwack watershed in British Columbia, Canada. We hypothesized that key differences may exist in exposure to metals for resident dippers that occupy the main river year-round and altitudinal migrants that breed on higher elevation tributaries because of differences in prey metal levels between locations or possible differences in diet composition. Metals most commonly detected in dipper feather samples in decreasing order were Zn . Cu . Hg . Se . Pb . Mn . Cd . Al . As. Resident dipper feathers contained significantly higher mean concentrations of mercury (0.64 mg/g dry wt), cadmium (0.19 mg/g dry wt), and copper (10.8 mg/g dry wt) relative to migrants. Mass balance models used to predict daily metal exposure for dippers with different diets and breeding locations within a watershed showed that variation in metal levels primarily was attributed to differences in the proportion of fish and invertebrates in the diet of residents and migrants. In comparing predicted metal exposure values to tolerable daily intakes (TDI), we found that most metals were below or within the range of TDI, except selenium, aluminum, and zinc. Other metals, such as cadmium, copper, and arsenic, were only of concern for dippers mainly feeding on insects; mercury was only of concern for dippers consuming high fish diets. The models were useful tools to demonstrate how shifts in diet and breeding location within a single watershed can result in changes in exposure that may be of toxicological significance. Keywords—Metals Feathers Feces American dipper Ecological risk assessment model for monitoring metal pollution in mountain streams because they integrate contaminant sources from their aquatic diet over time and space. Previous studies in the Chilliwack watershed of British Columbia revealed that American dippers have distinct altitudinal patterns of migration, which include seasonal movement upstream and downstream within a watershed [9]. Resident and altitudinal migrants shared common wintering grounds on the river, but most migrants moved upstream onto higher elevation creeks in the spring while residents remained on the river to breed. Eggs of resident dippers had higher levels of mercury and chlorinated hydrocarbons relative to creek migrants as a result of higher cumulative downstream loadings and differences in the proportion of fish and invertebrates in the diet [10]. Dipper diets consisted of 0 to 71% fish, with river residents consuming significantly more fish (42%) compared to creek migrants (22%) [10]. Therefore, we hypothesized that trace-metal concentrations in feathers and feces of resident and migrant American dippers also may reflect the birds’ migratory status or specific diet. Our main objective was to determine if any differences exist in metal exposure for resident dippers occupying the main river and migrant dippers breeding on watershed tributaries using feathers and feces as bioindicators. We further attempted to identify the major sources of metal contamination to resident and migrant dippers via their fish and invertebrate diet. This permitted us to quantify the magnitude of exposure from the major prey groups and potentially relate it to levels observed in feathers. Although some elements biologically are essential, all are toxic at high enough concentrations, with some having a very narrow window of essentiality and toxicity [11]. Thus, INTRODUCTION Trace metals are present in aquatic systems worldwide, largely from underlying substrates, natural erosion, volcanism, and hydrological cycles. However, mining processes [1], urban and agricultural runoff [2], industrial emissions [3], and deforestation [4] also can cause increased metal loads to watersheds. Although mountain streams appear remote from industrialization and urbanization, many still contain significant concentrations of heavy metals from natural and anthropogenic sources [5]. With concerns over environmental impacts of metals to freshwater ecosystems, it is important to be able to monitor the degree of metal exposure to organisms occupying mountain streams. The American dipper (Cinclus mexicanus) is a potentially useful biomonitor of stream pollution because it is a year-round resident of freshwater streams and has an exclusively aquatic diet comprised of benthic macroinvertebrates, small fish, and fish eggs. Many invertebrate taxa have the ability to bioaccumulate metals to high concentrations without inherent toxicity to the host species [6]. Freshwater fish also can bioaccumulate organometallic compounds, particularly methylmercury (MeHg) due to the high assimilation efficiency and the slow elimination rates of this compound [7]. Therefore, predators feeding on metal- contaminated biota, including the dipper, are at risk for elevated exposure from its aquatic diet. Strom et al. [8] confirmed adult and nestling American dippers were exposed to lead through their invertebrate prey in a mineimpacted river system. Therefore, dippers can be an effective * To whom correspondence may be addressed (john.elliott@ec.gc.ca). 836 Trace-metal exposure to American dippers Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 24, 2005 837 Fig. 1. Map of the study area: The Chilliwack River watershed located near the Canadian–U.S. border in southwestern British Columbia, Canada. in the interest of using the dipper as a biomonitor, we also modeled the potential toxicological risks of metal exposure to a dipper population with different migratory strategies and diets. MATERIALS AND METHODS Collection of samples Samples were collected from the Chilliwack River watershed (498109N, 1218040W), located in the Cascade Mountains in southwestern British Columbia, Canada (Fig. 1). The watershed drains an area of 1,274 km2 with elevation ranges from near sea level to over 2,000 m at several mountain peaks. Composite samples of benthic invertebrates and salmon fry were collected at eight different sites spaced at 4- to 5-km intervals along the main stem of the Chilliwack River. Additional composite samples of invertebrates were collected from seven different tributaries in the watershed. Aquatic larval invertebrates (;1-g dry wt) were collected either by kick sampling in the stream (disturbing the rocks directly upstream of a Surber sampler) or by turning over rocks by hand. The sample represented a mixture of insect taxa that dippers naturally would prey upon, including approximately equal proportions of ephemeropteran, plecopteran, and tricopteran larvae in addition to a much smaller fraction by mass of coleopteran and dipteran larvae. Up to 10 individual salmon fry (Oncorhynchus spp.) (age 01) that each weighed 100 to 200 mg fresh weight, were captured live from the Chilliwack River using a dip net and represented a composite sample of predominantly coho and chum salmon fry (;80%), but pink and chinook salmon (;20%) also were included. All samples were collected during the dipper breeding season before the spring freshet over a one-week period in late April 2000 and repeated again in 2001. Samples subsequently were washed three times with distilled deionized water to remove any surface contamination or stream water and then transferred and stored frozen in acid-rinsed glass vials until preparation for trace-metal analysis. Several breast feathers were removed from individual afterhatch-year dippers at the time of capture and banding for metal analysis. Contour (body) feathers are known to have low variability and should provide a good measure of individual metal levels across samples [12]. Individual dippers were sexed at the time of capture using wing chord measurements [13]. Through the use of color banding, only birds of known migratory status (river resident or creek migrant) were used for the metal analysis. We made the assumption that the majority of birds molted on their breeding site and that feather metal profiles would be indicative of the contaminants accumulated primarily at that site in the preceding year [10]. Each individual sample of seven to 10 feathers (average mass 5 13 6 4 mg) was stored in polyethylene bags and refrigerated until analyses. We used 104 adult feather samples for Hg analysis and 82 of these also were analyzed for additional multiple elements. Fecal samples (n 5 14) were collected from nestlings (n 5 5) opportunistically during banding of chicks at 12 to 14 d of age or by following adults (n 5 9) and collecting fresh feces off rocks, with care taken to avoid contamination from the substrate. Fecal samples were stored frozen in acid-washed plastic containers until analysis. 838 Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 24, 2005 Sample preparation and metal analysis Methods for sample preparation and digestion were adapted and modified from Canadian Wildlife Service method METCHEM-AA-02 [14] and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency method 200.3 [15]. Feathers were washed with pure acetone, 1% Triton-X solution alternated with several rinses of distilled deionized water to remove any external surface contamination. Samples were then air-dried for 48 h and finally oven-dried for 12 h. Invertebrate, fish, and fecal samples were freeze-dried for 24 to 48 h until constant weight was achieved. Samples were then weighed accurately into acid-washed glass flasks to the nearest 1 mg. The digestion procedure involved adding 5 ml of 70% ultrapure nitric acid (HNO3), slow heating to reduce volume, adding an additional 2 ml HNO3 while heating, and finally adding 1 ml of 30% ultrapure hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). All samples were reduced by heat to ,1 ml, diluted to 10 ml with distilled, deionized water, and then stored refrigerated in polypropylene vials until metal analysis. A minimum of two certified reference materials (Dolt-2 and Tort-2; National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, ON) and two procedural blanks were digested simultaneously with every batch of samples and analyzed for quality assurance. In addition, a standard calibration curve, analytical blanks, and spiked samples were run with each analysis. Metal analysis was performed using an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrophotometer (Levelton Engineering, Richmond, BC, Canada) for feathers and fecal samples or an inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrophotometer (Cavendish Analytical Laboratories, Vancouver, BC, Canada) for invertebrates and fish. More than 25 different elements were obtained from these analyses, but we report only the data for Hg, Cd, Pb, Se, Mn, Cu, Zn, Al, and As, hereinafter referred to as metals. All metal concentrations are expressed in mg/g dry weight (ppm). Recoveries of reference materials were within 10% of the certified values or were recovery corrected if outside this range (invertebrates and fish from 2000 only). Data analysis Both the arithmetic (6standard error) and geometric mean concentrations of metals detected in the diet, feathers, and feces were calculated and reported to facilitate comparison with other studies. In addition, we report the proportion of samples detected for each metal as a measure of prevalence. In the case of prey Hg concentrations, where detection frequency was low, we used a value of one-half the detection limit (invertebrates 5 0.005 mg/g and fish 5 0.01 mg/g) to permit statistical analysis and to provide a conservative value to use in the exposure models. Metal concentrations generally exhibited a nonnormal distribution (Shapiro-Wilk W test) and, therefore, were log-transformed to improve normality before performing statistical comparisons. We used a two-way analysis of variance followed by a Tukey multiple comparison procedure to compare the metal concentrations among river invertebrates, creek invertebrates, and fish by year. A threeway analysis of variance (generalized linear model) was used to analyze feathers for effects of migratory status: River resident (n 5 42) and creek migrant (n 5 40), collection year (1999, 2000, 2001), sex (male or female), and interaction terms. Nonsignificant interaction terms were removed sequentially from the analysis and nondetectable samples were not used. Given the limited number of fecal samples (n 5 14), the power for statistical comparisons was weak and, therefore, is C.A. Morrissey et al. only reported as means of all samples. Pearson product moment correlation coefficients (r) were used to test for correlations among metal concentrations in both feathers and feces. Statistical tests were performed using JMP INt Version 4.0 (SAS Institute, Cary NC, USA) and the significance level was set at a 5 0.05. Exposure models A mass balance approach was used to calculate daily metal exposure to American dippers depending on migratory status (river resident or creek migrant) and the relative contributions of fish and invertebrates to the diet. Models incorporated geometric mean metal concentrations detected in invertebrates and fish collected from the main river and tributaries of the Chilliwack watershed in addition to estimated daily intake of each prey item using published annual average energy requirements for dippers [16]. Given the importance of body mass in comparing daily exposure among species [17], we further corrected the daily exposure for average dipper body mass (55 g). We assumed that the primary route of exposure would be through oral ingestion. Some metals may be taken up through the water directly by drinking, but this was not accounted for. Therefore, a conservative metal-exposure model for American dippers in the Chilliwack River watershed was calculated as follows: Emetal 5 (Wf 3 Cf ) 1 (Wi 3 Ci ) BW (1) where Emetal 5 exposure to metal x (mg/g body wt/d), Wf 5 weight of fish eaten per day (g/d), Cf 5 geometric mean concentration of metal in fish (mg/g), Wi 5 weight of invertebrates eaten per day (g/d), Ci 5 geometric mean concentration of metal in invertebrates (mg/g), BW 5 body weight of dipper (mean 5 55 g). Weight of fish (Wf) and invertebrates (Wi) consumed on a daily basis were calculated using the following equations: Wf 5 [(Pf 1 DEE ) 3 AE ] 3 EDf (2) Wi 5 [(Pi 1 DEE ) 3 AE ] 3 EDi (3) where P 5 proportion of fish or invertebrates in the diet, DEE 5 average daily energy required by dippers (estimated ;48.04 kcal/d) [16], AE 5 assimilation efficiency correction factor for fish diet (85% or 1.15) or invertebrate diet (70% or 1.3), and ED 5 energy density of juvenile salmon (5.7 kcal/g dry wt) [18] or aquatic invertebrates (4.8 kcal/g dry wt) [19]. These estimates for daily food ingestion averaged 11.8 g/d dry weight, which closely matched the allometric equation of daily food ingestion rate for passerines (12.0 g/d dry wt) given by Nagy [20]. Each metal-exposure model was compared to a tolerable daily intake (TDI) calculated using the Canadian Tissue Residue Guidelines for the Protection of Wildlife Consumers of Aquatic Biota protocol [21]. The TDI is calculated from the results of avian chronic toxicity tests in which the substance was administered orally and sensitive endpoints were measured (Appendix 1). Tolerable daily intake is calculated using the geometric mean of the no-observable-adverse-effect level and the lowest-observable-adverse-effect level and dividing by an uncertainty factor (typically 10–100) to account for differences in sensitivity between species. TDI 5 (LOAEL 3 NOAEL)0.5 UF (4) Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 24, 2005 Trace-metal exposure to American dippers 839 Table 1. Summary of trace-metal concentrations and frequency of metal detection for aquatic invertebrates (n 5 30, except Hg: n 5 15) and salmon fry (fish; n 5 9, except Hg: n 5 17) from the Chilliwack River watershed (BC, Canada). Shown are arithmetic means (mg/g dry wt) 6 standard error with geometric means in parentheses. Data for 2000 and 2001 are combined. Geometric means with the same capital letters are not significantly different using one-way analysis of variance and Tukey multiple comparison procedure (a 5 0.05) Metal Hg Cd Pb Se Cu Mn Zn Al As River invertebrates Creek invertebrates Fish NDab (0.005)A 4.58 6 0.40 (4.31)A 0.67 6 0.12 (0.58)A 5.83 6 0.74 (5.55)A 33.29 6 1.96 (32.48)A 129.5 6 29.7 (99.8)A 228.6 6 17.1 (217.6)A 1,296.4 6 216.0 (1,040.3)A 3.73 6 0.50 (3.09)A 0.018 6 0.004b (0.011)A,B 3.66 6 0.40 (3.35)A 0.55 6 0.15 (0.41)A 6.08 6 0.79 (5.14)A 26.43 6 2.10 (25.17)B 107.9 6 17.4 (96.1)A 203.3 6 18.9 (190.5)A 1,586.0 6 303.7 (1,275.8)A 3.77 6 0.65 (3.01)A 0.035 6 0.01b (0.022)B 1.37 6 0.19 (1.27)B 0.42 6 0.10 (0.33)A 2.68 6 0.27 (2.58)B 9.05 6 1.23 (8.39)C 8.56 6 2.13 (7.07)B 87.76 6 7.8 (84.9)B 165.5 6 49.4 (119.9)B 0.63 6 0.10 (0.56)B Significance (p ) Invertebrate % detected Fish % detected 0.002 20 47 ,0.0001 100 100 NSc 70 100 0.006 100 100 ,0.0001 100 100 ,0.0001 100 100 ,0.0001 100 100 ,0.0001 100 100 ,0.0001 100 100 ND 5 no samples with detectable concentrations. For Hg, a value of half the detection limit was used to permit statistical analyses (detection limit 5 0.01 mg/g for invertebrates and 0.02 mg/ g for fish). c NS 5 not significant (p . 0.05). a b where TDI 5 tolerable daily intake, LOAEL 5 lowest-observed-adverse-effect level, NOAEL 5 no-observed-adverseeffect level, and UF 5 uncertainty factor. The no-observableadverse-effect-level and lowest-observable-adverse-effect level for suitable avian toxicity tests were taken from the literature and summarized by Sample et al. [17]. Our TDI estimates use the most-conservative uncertainty factor of 10 for all metals. The TDI value is in units of mg/g body weight/d for direct comparison with the values in the exposure model for American dippers. RESULTS Metals in diet items: Invertebrates and fish Invertebrate samples from the river and the tributaries generally did not differ significantly in metal concentrations (Table 1). Copper was the only metal found to be significantly higher in the river invertebrates relative to those collected from creeks (t28 5 22.45, p 5 0.02), although Cd, Pb, Mn, and Zn also showed similar patterns to Cu. In all cases except for Hg and Pb, fish had lower concentrations of metals than both the river and creek invertebrate samples (Table 1). For Hg, fish concentrations were almost four times higher and were detected more frequently than invertebrates. For Pb, there was no difference in residue levels between fish and invertebrate samples but lead was detected at a higher frequency in fish relative to invertebrates. Collection year had no effect for the majority of metals detected in invertebrates and fish. Only Se, Zn, and As were significantly lower (p , 0.0001) for invertebrates collected in 2000 relative to 2001. Metals in feathers and feces Metals most commonly detected in dipper feather samples in decreasing order were Zn . Cu . Hg . Se . Pb . Mn . Cd . Al . As. Migratory status (river resident or creek migrant) was significant in predicting higher feather Hg (0.64 mg/g), Cd (0.19 mg/g), and Cu (10.8 mg/g) concentrations in river residents compared to the creek migrants (Table 2). Aluminum (n 5 13) and As (n 5 1) were not detected frequently in dipper feathers. Feathers of adult dippers were further analyzed to determine the effects of migratory group, sex, and year on metal concentrations. Sex effected Mn ( p 5 0.002) and Zn ( p 5 0.03) concentrations with Cu being marginally insignificant ( p 5 0.06). In all cases, females tended to have higher feather metal concentrations relative to males. The year of collection was important for predicting Hg levels ( p , 0.0001) and Mn levels ( p 5 0.03). In general, levels were higher in 1999 for Hg and higher in 2001 for Mn. Migratory status was only an important effect in predicting higher Hg and Cd feather concentrations in resident feathers when corrected for the other variables. Mean metal concentrations for adult and nestling fecal samples were not significantly different and, therefore, were pooled and reported as a single value (Table 3). No differences existed in metal concentrations by sex or migratory status; however, due to small sample sizes, statistical power was limited. Metals were detected in 100% of the fecal samples analyzed, with the exception of one low-weight mercury sample. For all metals except Se, the fecal concentrations (geometric means) exceeded those in the invertebrate and fish prey items. Few metals in dipper feathers showed significant positive correlations; however, all were weak (r # 0.35) and bordered significance. Stronger correlations were found between several metals in the feces, including Mn with Al (r 5 0.80, p 5 0.0007) as well as for Hg and Se (r 5 0.73, p 5 0.005). Other correlations in fecal samples included As and Al (r 5 0.70, p 5 0.006), Hg and Zn (r 5 0.66, p 5 0.01), Mn and As (r 5 0.66, p 5 0.01), and Se with Cd (r 5 0.56, p 5 0.04). Only Hg and Zn were significantly correlated in both the feathers and feces. Exposure assessment In modeling the degree of daily metal exposure to dippers in the Chilliwack watershed, two general trends emerged. First, 840 Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 24, 2005 C.A. Morrissey et al. Table 2. Summary of mean trace-metal concentrations (only in detectable samples) and frequency of metal detection in adult feathers of resident and migrant American dippers from the Chilliwack River watershed (BC, Canada), 1999 to 2001 (Hg: n 5 104, other metals: n 5 82). Shown are arithmetic means (mg/g dry wt) 6 standard error with geometric means in parentheses Metal Hg Cd Pb Se Cu Mn Zn Al As a b All birds 0.69 6 0.05 (0.56) 0.18 6 0.03 (0.15) 0.97 6 0.15 (0.58) 6.03 6 0.25 (5.68) 12.12 6 1.47 (8.92) 1.21 6 0.19 (0.66) 131.8 6 2.5 (130.1) 54.9 6 20.3 (22.4) 12.28 % Detected 97 49 88 92 98 90 100 16 0.01 River resident Creek migrant 0.79 6 0.06 (0.64) 0.25 6 0.04 (0.19) 1.06 6 0.23 (0.57) 6.04 6 0.34 (5.62) 14.45 6 2.03 (10.8) 1.40 6 0.27 (0.70) 130.9 6 2.9 (129.7) 41.8 6 17.6 (17.7) 12.28 0.58 6 0.06 (0.50) 0.13 6 0.03 (0.12) 0.88 6 0.18 (0.59) 6.01 6 0.37 (5.75) 9.68 6 2.08 (7.29) 1.03 6 0.26 (0.63) 132.7 6 4.2 (130.6) 66.1 6 35.5 (27.4) NDb Significance (p ) 0.05 0.01 NSa NS 0.04 NS NS NS NS NS 5 not significant (p . 0.05). ND 5 no samples with detectable concentrations. for residents breeding on the river, the predicted exposure to Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn generally was higher than for migrant birds breeding on tributaries (Table 4). For Se, Al, As, Mn, and Hg, there were very little or no differences between river and creek locations, or creek values were slightly higher. Second, the effect of diet on metal concentrations generally exceeded that of migratory status (breeding location). For all metals except Hg, increasing proportions of fish relative to invertebrates in the diet resulted in a decrease in metal exposure (Table 4). Because Hg was more prevalent in salmon fry, greater consumption of fish resulted in higher predicted Hg exposure. Each exposure model for the metal of interest was compared to a TDI that represents a safe daily intake level for this species (based on body wt and daily dose) that should not cause any sublethal effects to populations [21] (Appendix). Our predicted Table 3. Summary of arithmetic (geometric) mean metal concentrations (mg/g dry wt) 6 standard error and frequency of metal detection in adult and nestling American dipper fecal samples (n 5 14) collected from the Chilliwack River watershed (BC, Canada) in 2001 Metal Hg Cd Pb Se Cu Mn Zn Al As Fecal metal concentration 0.036 6 0.005 (0.031) 5.97 6 1.04 (4.89) 3.65 6 1.03 (2.50) 4.83 6 0.43 (4.55) 53.28 6 4.54 (50.58) 311.53 6 47.28 (259.42) 396.10 6 42.09 (370.68) 2,780.5 6 388.30 (2,312.07) 5.05 6 1.03 (4.11) % Detected 93 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 daily metal exposure clearly exceeded TDIs for Se, Al, and Zn, while both Pb and Mn were well below TDI guidelines. Some models only exceeded the guideline depending on the individual’s diet or location or both (e.g., Hg, Cd, Cu, and As). DISCUSSION Because metals frequently are excreted through the feces or by deposition in the uropygial gland, salt gland, eggs, and molting feathers, measuring metal levels in excretory tissues is now a common tool to examine environmental pollution that is noninjurious and noninvasive to birds [12,22,23]. Through analysis of prey items, feathers, and feces, we found that American dippers in the Chilliwack River watershed were exposed to a suite of trace metals including Se, Cu, Zn, Al, Hg, and Cd. Although this watershed is not impacted by mining or other discharge point sources, several elements may be mobilized as a result of natural hydrological processes, soil erosion from deforestation, or long-range transport and atmospheric deposition. Metal profiles in dipper feathers generally reflected predicted daily exposure for river residents and creek migrants. However, the effect of diet appears to exceed that of breeding location for most trace metals because concentrations in prey were similar between the main river and tributaries (except Cu). Significance of feather and fecal metal levels with respect to diet Several studies have determined that Hg, Pb, and Cd among other metals are deposited significantly in the feather during the period of feather growth, producing metal profiles that remain inert and stable [24–26]. Metal concentrations in the feathers reflect levels in blood at the time of feather growth, either from current dietary sources or from mobilization of metals from internal organs [12]. Assuming dippers are molting and breeding in a consistent location among years, we anticipated that metal levels in feathers would reflect contaminant concentrations in prey at the breeding site either on a river or a higher elevation tributary. Morrissey et al. [10] found Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 24, 2005 Trace-metal exposure to American dippers 841 Table 4. Predicted daily exposure to metals (mg/g body wt/d) for resident and migrant American dippers in the Chilliwack watershed with diets of increasing proportions of fish relative to invertebrates (i.e., 25% fish and 75% invertebrates). Model uses mean metal concentrations for invertebrates and fish collected in 2000 and 2001, food ingestion rate, and mean body mass of American dippers (see Methods section for details). Tolerable daily intakes ([TDI] mg/g body wt/d) are shown as guidelines for safe levels for protection of American dippers Predicted daily exposure (mg/g body wt/d) Metal River residents Diet (% fish:% invertebrates Hg Cd Pb Se Cu Mn Zn Al As Creek migrants 0:100 25:75 50:50 75:25 0:100 25:75 50:50 75:25 TDI (mg/g body wt/d) 0.0012 1.14 0.14 1.22 7.7 23.6 51.5 246.0 0.73 0.0019 0.85 0.12 1.03 6.1 18.0 42.4 192.7 0.58 0.0026 0.57 0.10 0.84 4.6 12.4 33.2 139.4 0.43 0.0033 0.29 0.08 0.65 3.0 6.8 24.1 86.2 0.28 0.0026 0.79 0.10 1.31 6.0 22.7 45.1 301.6 0.71 0.0029 0.60 0.09 1.10 4.8 17.4 37.5 234.4 0.57 0.0033 0.40 0.08 0.88 3.7 12.0 30.0 167.2 0.42 0.0036 0.20 0.07 0.67 2.6 6.6 22.5 100.1 0.27 0.002 0.54 0.64 0.16 5.39 235.9 4.36 26.0 0.62 that stable isotope ratios in American dippers feathers generally followed the same pattern as isotope ratios in blood and prey. However, some individuals had alternate isotopic signatures, suggesting a movement away from the breeding site or a possible diet switch during molt. For Hg, Cd, and Cu, migratory status was significant in predicting feather metal profiles with river residents having higher concentrations than creek migrants. This primarily can be attributed to differences in the diet (proportion of fish and invertebrates) or differences in prey metal levels between the main river and tributaries. Other metals, including Se, Mn, Zn, and Al, also were found to differ between prey types but did not reflect dipper migratory status. The lack of formal statistical significance may have been caused by high sample variability as a result of dipper postbreeding movements, possible changes in diet during the molting period, or the inclusion of first-year birds with unknown natal and molting origin. Copper was the only element that was significantly higher in river invertebrates compared to creek invertebrates, but Cd also showed a similar trend. Therefore, the effect of breeding location was likely an important predictor of feather profiles of Cu and Cd. For Hg, we did not detect any differences in invertebrate concentrations between breeding locations, implying that differences in feather Hg between residents and migrants may be more strongly influenced by diet. Species that eat prey from different levels in the food chain have contaminant levels that are influenced strongly by diet [27]. Food chain differences among marine birds were important in explaining variation in metal concentrations in eggs [28] and tissues [29]. Invertebrates from the Chilliwack watershed typically had higher concentrations of all metals, placing insectivorous dippers at greater risk to increased metal intake. In contrast to most metals, Hg is of greater importance to aquatic birds on primarily fish diets due to the prevalence of the more toxic methylmercury in fish tissue [7]. Juvenile salmon from the Chilliwack River were found to have almost four times higher Hg concentrations and a higher frequency of detection than invertebrates. Furthermore, the highest Hg levels detected in dipper feathers (2.74 mg/g and 2.09 mg/g) were from a resident pair at the fish hatchery. This is consistent with our previous work, which showed that resident dippers consume higher proportions of fish and, subsequently, had higher Hg levels in eggs compared to migrants [10]. Therefore, where prey contaminant residues are not different among breeding locations, resident dippers consuming more fish generally will be at greater risk for exposure to Hg, though migrants mainly feeding on insects will be expected to have greater exposure to other metals. Although feathers have been used since the 1960s for indicating metal exposure in birds, more recent studies show fecal matter also can be a sensitive indicator of metal contamination [23,30]. Metals were detectable in almost all fecal samples collected at concentrations exceeding those of the prey items. Spahn and Sherry [31] similarly found that Little Blue heron (Egretta caerulea) fecal samples contained higher concentrations of metals than their prey, suggesting the feces largely represent the unabsorbed remnants of multiple food items. Because metals found in feces readily are detected, often at higher concentrations than the diet items, they can provide a nondestructive and quantifiable means of monitoring foodchain contamination from trace metals. Correlations among metal levels for the feathers and feces showed only a small number of significant relationships and only Hg was correlated significantly with Zn in both feathers and feces, indicating no clear patterns with respect to metal excretion mechanisms. However, key correlations among metals in fecal samples may be important for understanding the kinetics and toxicity of metals in dippers. Aluminum and Mn were correlated positively, suggesting similar metal availability or metabolism. Both elements typically are derived from natural mineral deposits. They were excreted in high concentrations in feces, indicating they are either abundant in this system or not readily bioavailable to the birds. Mercury also was correlated significantly with Se in feces. Inorganic Hg often is bound to Se in liver and other tissues, and Hg and Se can interact to counter the toxicity of each other [32]. Given the high levels of Se detected in invertebrate and dipper samples and the correlation with Hg in feces, these two elements may be interacting to produce ameliorative effects to dippers. Tolerable daily intakes and toxicity concerns Many bird populations may be subject to the effects of chronic exposure to low-level inorganic toxicants, resulting in reproductive dysfunction, increased susceptibility to disease or other stresses, and changes in normal behavior [33]. However, it is difficult to determine critical threshold levels relevant to all species. Relatively few controlled laboratory studies examine the effects of toxic metals on passerines and, because 842 Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 24, 2005 dippers belong to the unique family Cinclidae, the world’s only truly aquatic passerines, direct comparisons of toxicity tests from other passerine species may be inappropriate. For these reasons, we selected the approach of determining a tolerable daily intake value, which included a marginal uncertainty factor. The only metals to which dippers on any diet clearly exceeded the TDI guidelines were Zn, Se, and Al. Those elements are either homeostatically controlled or are essential elements where the range of essentiality and toxicity is not well understood. Evidence of Zn toxicity to wild birds is limited primarily because Zn is regulated internally even when birds are exposed to high levels of contamination [12,34]. However, mortality and reproductive effects from Se (particularly in the form selenomethionine) have been documented, especially for aquatic birds in areas receiving agricultural drainage [35,36]. Food-chain organisms, such as benthic invertebrates and fish, can accumulate high concentrations of Se without toxicity to the host; however, a dietary toxicity threshold for fish and wildlife is recommended at 3 mg/g dry weight [37]. Although we do not have any information about the concentrations of the more toxic organic form of Se (selenomethionine) in dipper prey, all the invertebrate samples and many fish samples collected from the Chilliwack watershed exceeded the 3-mg/g guideline. Harding and Paton [38] recorded no reproductive impairment with invertebrate Se concentrations of 4.2 mg/g wet weight at a coal mine site and feather Se concentrations almost identical to our study at exposed (pooled sample: 6.5 mg/g dry wt) and reference streams (pooled sample: 6.3 mg/g dry wt). In our study, feather concentrations were not different among migratory groups, but daily Se exposure was six times higher than the TDI levels for birds on exclusively invertebrate diets, indicating migrant dippers may be at a higher risk to potential toxic effects from selenium. Aluminum also has been reported to influence reproduction of insectivorous passerines breeding in acid-sensitive environments, particularly if Ca and P are limiting [39–41]. Several orders of aquatic invertebrates, including chironomids, caddisflies, stoneflies, and mayflies, have exhibited high Al concentrations of 0.1 to 0.3% body weight (dry wt) [42]. Invertebrates sampled in 2001 from the Chilliwack watershed had elevated Al levels in the range of 0.05 to 0.43% (mean 5 0.12% dry wt). Aluminum is of particular concern in acidsensitive regions, especially in ecosystems with exposed granite or other calcium-poor substrates, which are most severely affected by acidification [43]. The Chilliwack watershed, in addition to many similar river basins in the region, largely is composed of granite bedrock, making this system vulnerable to solubilization of metals that more readily are bioavailable to aquatic biota. Swain [44] listed the Chilliwack Lake, a source at the headwaters of the Chilliwack River, as one of 20% of British Columbia lakes with high sensitivity to acid inputs using measures of pH, calcium, and alkalinity. Acidified environments generally expose wildlife to increased dietary Al, Cd, Pb, and Hg [45]. Although Al was not detected readily in all dipper feather samples and was excreted in high concentrations in the feces, future studies to determine whether acid deposition is contributing to observed Al levels in invertebrates are warranted. Both Pb and Mn are found in environmental samples primarily from combustion of gasoline additives [46]. Lead and Mn were well below TDI values and were not elevated significantly in prey or feather samples from this watershed, nor C.A. Morrissey et al. were they at levels known to cause toxicity in birds [47,48]. Other metals, including Cd, Cu, and Hg, were found to exceed tolerable daily intakes depending on the diet, breeding location, or both. Cadmium and Cu are known to bioaccumulate in target organs (kidneys) in excess of the levels in the food supply [33,49]. For example, with continued long-term exposure to low-level dietary Cd exposure, there is a persistent increase in renal Cd with very little excretion that can lead to renal tubular necrosis at critical concentrations of 100 to 200 mg/g [33,50]. Other sublethal effects on immature and adult birds may be apparent at lower concentrations. Therefore, monitoring bioaccumulative elements, such as Cd and Cu, by insectivorous birds remains important. In general, Hg levels detected in prey and feathers were below reported toxic thresholds for birds. Heinz [51] found that dietary levels of 0.5 mg/g dry weight MeHg were significant to cause female mallards to lay fewer eggs and produce fewer young in addition to behavioral changes in ducklings. Barr [52] detected reductions in egg-laying and nest site and territory fidelity in Common loons (Gavia immer) on diets containing 0.2 to 0.3 mg/g wet weight. Although our invertebrate and fish concentrations were well below those values, predicted daily exposure was considerably greater for birds consuming high fish diets, thus exceeding the TDI. Consistent with the model, resident dippers had higher feather Hg concentrations, but within the range of 1 to 5 ppm, considered as background exposure [34]. Henny et al. [53] found American dippers at a mine-contaminated site in Oregon, USA, reproduced normally even with elevated total Hg concentrations in dipper invertebrate prey at 0.2 mg/g dry weight and in feathers at 1.2 mg/g dry weight. However, the authors did not consider potential exposure from fish at sites further downstream. Given that our exposure model and TDIs used in this study account for interspecific and intersite variability, TDI guidelines may be more appropriate than direct comparison of critical diet concentrations for other species or locations. Acknowledgement—We wish to thank I. Pollet, R. McKibbin, and several volunteers who conducted the fieldwork and J. Morrissey who assisted with the sample preparation and analysis. Levelton Engineering, Cavendish, and CanTest Laboratories conducted the metal analyses; M. Saffari, R. Leary, and B. Massuto provided advice and assistance on sample preparation and metal analysis; F. Cooke, R. Butler, and R. Ydenberg provided additional guidance throughout the study and on earlier drafts of the manuscript. This project primarily was funded by the Georgia Basin Ecosystem Initiative through Environment Canada. REFERENCES 1. 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Zn Zinc sulfate Cadmium chloride Copper oxide Lead acetate Metallic Cd Cu Pb Mn Se Al2(So4)3 Sodium arsenite Paris green Metal form Al As Metal Ringed dove Mallard Brown-headed cowbird Average Mallard 1-d-old chicks Japanese quail American kestrel Average Mallard Japanese quail Japanese quail Mallard Mallard Screech owl Black-crowned night heron Average White leghorn chicken Test species 109.7 5.14 2.46 3.8 1.45 47 1.13 3.85 2.49 0.0064 0.45 997 0.5 0.4 0.44 1.8 0.785 14.5 NOAEL (mg/kg/d) 614.3 12.84 7.38 10.11 20.03 61.7 11.3 21.56 16.43 0.064 0.9 5,583 1 0.8 1.5 10.08 3.345 131 LOAEL (mg/kg/d) 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Uncertainty factor 25.96 0.81 0.43 0.62 0.54 5.39 0.36 0.91 0.64 0.002 0.064 235.9 0.071 0.057 0.081 0.426 0.162 4.36 TDI [66] [51] [61] [47] [62] [63] [64] [65] [57] [58] [59] [60] [54] [55] [56] Reference Summary of toxicity data used to calculate tolerable daily intake (TDI) for American dippers. Selected toxicity tests on suitable avian species to obtain a no-observable-adverse-effect level (NOAEL) and lowest-observable-adverse-effect level (LOAEL) are adapted from Sample et al. [17]. Means of two or more suitable toxicity tests are used where applicable. For calculating TDI for Hg, a toxicity test for MeHg was used. See Sample et al. [17] for full description of methods and reference sources APPENDIX Trace-metal exposure to American dippers Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 24, 2005 845