Performance Comparison of U.K. Low-Energy Cooling Systems by Energy Simulation by Erik L. Olsen B.S., Mechanical Engineering Purdue University, 2000 Submitted to the Department of Architecture in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Building Technology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology June 2002 @2002 Massachusetts Institute of Technology All rights reserved Signature of Author '-7 Department of Architecture May 10, 2002 . - Certified by Qingyan (Yan) Chen Associate Professor of Building Technology L Thesis Supervisor Accepted by V'V Stanford Anderson on Graduate Students Chairman, Department Committee MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY JUN 2 4 2002 LIBRARIES ROTCH blbrries Mff Document Services Room 14-0551 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139 Ph: 617.253.2800 Email: DISCLAIMER NOTICE The accompanying media item for this thesis is available in the MIT Libraries or Institute Archives. Thank you. 2 Performance Comparison of U.K. Low-Energy Cooling Systems by Energy Simulation by Erik L. Olsen Submitted to the Department of Architecture on May 10, 2002, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Building Technology Abstract Building energy simulation is an important tool for evaluating the energy consumption of a building and can provide guidance in the design of a building and its mechanical systems. EnergyPlus is a new energy simulation program meant to be a major advance over existing energy simulation programs. This study uses EnergyPlus to compare several alternative low-energy cooling systems for an office building in suburban London and compare them to the chilled ceiling system installed in the actual building. Prior to modeling the full-scale building, several validation studies demonstrate the accuracy of EnergyPlus and the author's competency as an EnergyPlus user. Systems considered include displacement ventilation, traditional mixing variable air volume ventilation, night cooling, and natural ventilation. Several changes were made to the EnergyPlus source code to model these systems appropriately. Most notable are a displacement ventilation three-node vertical temperature gradient model and a simple model for prediction of the natural ventilation rate. A detailed building model is created from inputs gathered from both building design documents and measured data. An excellent comparison between simulated and measured space temperatures over a one-month period demonstrates the accuracy of the model. System comparisons show that systems using free cooling from outside air and night cooling use the least energy and have the smallest equipment. Natural ventilation alone is insufficient to maintain summer comfort within the building, but could be used within a hybrid ventilation system. Conclusions are that EnergyPlus should be adopted for general use, because it represents a major improvement over previous energy simulation programs and is capable of modeling real-world buildings. A hybrid ventilation system would have the lowest building system energy use, but displacement ventilation is also a good choice, and could be implemented with few changes to the existing building. Thesis Supervisor: Qingyan Chen Title: Associate Professor of Building Technology Acknowledgements Many thanks to Yan Chen for his guidance, and for knowing when it was needed and when it wasn't. Grateful thanks to Steven Wisby, David O'Sullivan, Ian Howe, and everyone else at BP Sunbury for their assistance in gathering building design data and instrumenting the building. Many thanks to Christine Walker and Roger Chang for their contributions during the site visit. Thanks to John Zhai and Brent Griffith for programming and CFD assistance and many thought-provoking conversations. Thank you to the National Science Foundation for providing the support that made this work possible, and to my parents and community for providing the foundation on which it rests. Finally, thank you to Erin for her support and trust in me. Dedication For our future children, may this be the first step in many to make your world a better place. Table of Contents 7 CH APTER 1: IN TR O DU CTION .................................................................................... 7 1.1 PROBLEM STATEMENT ............................................................................................ 1.2 PROBLEM DETAILS.................................................................................................. 1.3 OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................... 8 10 CHA PTER 2: BA CKG RO UN D .................................................................................... 11 2.1 LOw -ENERGY COOLING SYSTEM S ........................................................................ 2.2 ENERGY SIMULATION ........................................................................................... 11 CH APTER 3: VALIDA TION ..................................................................................... 18 24 3.1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 3.2 IEA COMMERCIAL BENCHMARK ............................................................................. 3.3 IEA EMPIRICAL VALIDATION .................................................................................. 3.4 D ISPLACEMENT VENTILATION .............................................................................. 24 24 29 42 3.5 MIT TEST CHAMBER ............................................................................................ 46 CHAPTER 4: ENERGYPLUS MODIFICATIONS.................................................... 54 4.1 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................... 4.2 D ISPLACEMENT VENTILATION .............................................................................. 54 54 4.3 A IRFLOW ................................................................................................................. 4.4 PLANT LOOPS........................................................................................................... 4.5 BASEBOARD HEATER ............................................................................................ 4.6 A IR SYSTEM ............................................................................................................. 4.7 N EW ENERGYPLUS CODE ........................................................................................ 61 62 CHAPTER 5: BUILDING ................................................................... 5.1 BASIC BUILDING MODEL ...................................................................................... 5.2 EXISTING BUILDING SYSTEM S .............................................................................. 5.3 A LTERNATIVE BUILDING SYSTEMS....................................................................... 5.4 ENERGY CONSUMPTION ........................................................................................ 5.5 SIM ULATION CASES SUMMARY............................................................................. CHAPTER 6: RESU LTS ........................................................................................... 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 EXISTING BUILDING VALIDATION......................................................................... ANNUAL ENERGY CONSUMPTION ........................................................................ EQUIPMENT SIZING ................................................................................................ THERMAL COMFORT .............................................................................................. 6.5 HYBRID SYSTEM .................................................................................................... 6.6 D ISCUSSION ........................................................................................................... 65 65 66 67 67 77 86 91 92 94 94 97 103 106 108 109 CHAPTER 7: RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS.............111 7.1 BUILDING M ODELING IN ENERGYPLUS.................................................................. 7.2 BUILDING A LOw -ENERGY COOLING SYSTEM S .................................................... I11 112 REFERE N CE S .............................................................................................................. 115 APPENDIX A: CHANGES TO ENERGYPLUS CODE ................. 120 A. 1 A .2 A .3 A .4 A .5 D ISPLACEMENT V ENTILATION .............................................................................. A IRFLOW ............................................................................................................... PLANT LOOPS........................................................................................................ BASEBOARD H EATER ............................................................................................ A IR SYSTEM .......................................................................................................... 120 122 125 127 128 Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Problem Statement The "green building" movement has gained momentum over the last decade as energy costs have risen (Hawken et al. 1999) and awareness of global warming and other fossil fuel related issues has increased worldwide. Although public energy policy debate is often focused on the development of alternative, renewable energy resources, demandside reduction can also significantly reduce dependence on unsustainable and environmentally harmful energy sources. Buildings use one-third of total U.S. energy and two-thirds of U.S. electricity (Hawken et al. 1999) and similar amounts in other developed countries, making them an obvious target for demand reduction. The single largest energy consumer in a building is the heating, ventilating, and airconditioning (HVAC) system, and much of the effort in the design of a low-energy building is focused on reducing the energy this system uses to provide a comfortable indoor environment. Many low-energy HVAC systems have been successfully developed and demonstrated in all types of climates; because cooling is required for the interior spaces of most office buildings year-round, these systems are generally referred to as low-energy cooling systems. These systems often provide additional benefits such as improved indoor air quality, which may enhance worker productivity. Many factors, such as initial costs, lifetime energy costs, maintenance costs, and occupant comfort and well being affect the selection of a specific system for a building. However, due to the complexity of the physical processes within a building, it can be very difficult to predict a building system's annual energy costs and ability to maintain occupant comfort. Many simplified models have been developed to aid in the design of low-energy cooling systems. However, most models are only useful for a specific system, and their simplified nature can give incorrect results. Energy simulation programs, however, are intended to model all energy flows within a building on a more detailed level and predict annual building energy usage and indoor environmental conditions. Their detailed nature makes them more adaptable to modeling nearly any building design. Although currently primarily used to evaluate a building design when it is complete, energy simulation can be used as a powerful tool for both the architectural and mechanical design of a building. This study demonstrates the use of an energy simulation program to evaluate various mechanical system designs for a U.K. office building. Many U.K. office buildings use traditional all-air heating and cooling systems. However, the mild climate throughout the U.K. makes many alternative, low-energy cooling systems both technologically and economically feasible. In this study, EnergyPlus, an energy simulation program released in April 2001 by the U.S. Department of Energy, is used to predict annual energy use, size equipment, and evaluate occupant comfort for several different systems. These results provide much more information than is often available to a designer and allow for a more informed building system selection. U 1.2 Problem Details 1.2.1 Building Many low-energy buildings have been designed and built in the U.K. over the last decade. The mild climate makes many low-energy cooling technologies feasible, and high energy costs provide motivation for using these technologies. The building selected for this study is Building A, located on the BP (British Petroleum) Sunbury campus in suburban London. Figure 1.1 shows an overall view of Building A. This building was selected because the HVAC system is very sophisticated and is meant to have low energy consumption. It therefore provides a good opportunity for the evaluation of an actual, installed low-energy cooling system and the comparison of this system to other potential systems. In addition, partial sponsorship of this research by BP allowed access to the information necessary to model the building. Building A uses underfloor air displacement ventilation with chilled ceilings, perimeter trench heaters, and perimeter chilled beams. Figure 1.2 shows a schematic of this system. Fresh air is supplied through many small diffusers located in the floor, above a supply plenum. The air is extracted through the ceiling light fixtures into a return plenum. The ceiling is made up of chilled ceiling panels that provide additional cooling. Chilled beams provide additional cooling near perimeter windows to prevent overheating due to solar gains, particularly during summer months. During winter months, trench heaters near the perimeter are used to overcome heat losses due to conduction through windows and infiltration of outside air. 1.2.2 Alternative Systems Although this system can potentially save energy over many conventional systems, it is very complex and is expensive to install. It is therefore desirable to compare this system to other, less complex low-energy systems that could be used in this building. Several systems have been selected based on their appropriateness to the U.K. climate and to this building. The systems were also selected such that they could actually be installed in the building without major architectural changes. Although in an ideal situation the ventilation, heating, and cooling strategies are taken into account in a building's Figure 1.1 BP Sunbury Building A Woar heat transmission Figure 1.2 Building A ventilation, cooling, and heating scheme architectural design, this is often not the case, and the mechanical design is performed after the architectural design is complete. The goal of this study is to compare systems that could be installed in the building with its basic design intact, such that the building could even be retrofitted with one of these systems if desired. The systems selected are: mixing variable-air volume (VAV), displacement ventilation, natural ventilation, and night cooling. The VAV system is the all-air system most commonly used in modem office buildings. The displacement ventilation system is essentially the same as the existing building without chilled ceilings. Natural ventilation draws unconditioned outside air through building openings such as windows without mechanical assistance. Finally, night cooling, where the system operates at night to precool the building, can be used with any of these systems. Further reasoning behind the selection of these systems, and more detailed descriptions, is given in section 2.1. 1.2.3 Energy Simulation Program Many energy simulation programs are available; each has its strengths and weaknesses. EnergyPlus was selected for this study for many reasons. First, it is the newest and most complete energy simulation program available; EnergyPlus includes many features that have not been available in previous programs. Further discussion of the features of EnergyPlus is given in section 2.2.5. In addition, the U.S. Department of Energy now only supports EnergyPlus and all major energy simulation development in the U.S. is being performed within EnergyPlus. Finally, EnergyPlus has been purposefully developed so that it may be easily modified. This is a necessary feature because standard energy simulation models must be changed slightly to model portions of the systems in this study. 1.3 Overview The details of this study are discussed in the following chapters. Chapter 2 provides background and literature review for low-energy cooling systems and energy simulation. Chapter 3 discusses several small EnergyPlus validation studies performed by the author. Chapter 4 presents several changes made to the EnergyPlus source code in order to correctly model the building systems. Chapter 5 discusses the modeling strategy for the building as a whole and each mechanical system. Chapter 6 presents the results of the energy simulations and compares the performance of the various systems, and Chapter 7 recommends the best system for Building A and gives conclusions on the use of EnergyPlus for modeling low-energy cooling systems. Chapter 2: Background 2.1 Low-Energy Cooling Systems Several low-energy cooling systems have been selected for comparison in this study. This section discusses the reasoning behind their selection, and then provides a description of each system. The basic operation of each system, how it saves energy, and what complexities the system introduces into energy simulation are presented. 2.1.1 Selection The first step in the comparison process is selecting which systems should be compared. The field of potential systems to choose from is enormous; case studies of buildings using many different technologies are given in Zimmermann and Andersson (1998). Table 2.1 lists some common low-energy cooling technologies. Some method must be used to reduce this field to a manageable number of systems for comparison. The systems considered here were selected for their suitability to the U.K. climate, to being modeled in EnergyPlus, and to being installed in Building A. Some systems can easily be eliminated due to their lack of suitability for the location being studied. Evaporative cooling, for example, is. clearly inappropriate for the humid, maritime U.K. climate, and sea/lake/river water cooling is not practical for Building A due to the lack of a nearby body of water. Guides such as the International Energy Agency "Selection Guidance for Low Energy Cooling Technologies" (IEA 1997) have been developed to aid in the selection of suitable systems based on local conditions. This guide provides brief summary sheets of several low-energy cooling technologies and a selection sheet used to rate their suitability for a given site. Suitability considerations alone, however, leave numerous systems that show potential for this site, as shown in Table 2.1. Table 2.1 Low-energy cooling technology selection chart Suitable for System Climate/Site / Night cooling Natural ventilation Slab cooling Evaporative cooling Dessicant cooling Chilled ceilings Chilled beams Displacement ventilation Ground cooling Aquifer Sea/river/lake water cooling V Suitable for Building V The systems considered should also be appropriate to the building being modeled without requiring major architectural changes. Although in an ideal situation the ventilation, heating, and cooling strategies are taken into account in a building's architectural design, the purpose of this study is to compare the performance of systems without making major architectural changes, such that the building could actually be retrofitted with one of the selected systems. This criteria eliminates slab cooling, which requires water or air channels to be incorporated into the structural concrete slab, and ground cooling, which requires water or air channels in the ground beneath the building. Finally, desiccant cooling, although technically applicable to this building and site, was eliminated because it is most effective when a waste heat source is available, which is not the case for this building. The remaining technologies were combined into five basic systems for comparison. The actual building system, chilled ceilings with constant volume underfloor air ventilation and perimeter trench heaters and chilled beams, was obviously selected. Underfloor air displacement ventilation was selected because this is essentially the same as the existing building without the chilled ceilings. A variable-air-volume mixing ventilation system was selected to act as a baseline case. Natural ventilation was selected because the U.K.'s extremely mild climate and the building's large glazed area make this approach potentially feasible. Finally, any of these systems can be modeled with night ventilation. Detailed descriptions and associated issue for each of these systems will now be presented. 2.1.2 VAV Mixing Ventilation The variable air volume mixing ventilation system, henceforth known as VAV, serves as the baseline case because it is the most common system in modem office buildings. Air is introduced at or near the ceiling level at relatively high velocities. The resulting jet is intended to mix fully with the room air to maintain the desired space temperature. Air at room temperature is exhausted near the floor from a sidewall. In the cooling mode, air is supplied at a constant temperature, generally around 15*C, and the air flowrate is varied to account for the variable space cooling load, hence the name variable air volume. In the heating mode, the air flowrate is maintained at a fixed minimum and is heated to varying temperatures by a terminal reheat unit to account for the variable space heating load. 2.1.3 Displacement Ventilation A displacement ventilation system supplies air at or near floor level at very low velocities (less than 0.5 m/s) and temperatures slightly below room temperature, typically 18*C. The air spreads across the floor and rises as it is heated by sources such as people and computers, creating a vertical temperature gradient, as shown in Figure 2.1. Exhausts are located at or near the ceiling. The heat sources create thermal plumes that increase in volume as they rise due to entrainment of ambient air. At the height where the plume airflow rate equals the supply airflow rate, a stationary front exists, creating two zones within the room. The lower zone has little recirculation flow (hence the term displacement ventilation) while the upper zone has recirculation (Yuan et. al. 1998). Figure 2.1 Displacement ventilation schematic In a correctly designed system, the occupied space is entirely within the lower zone and the vertical temperature gradient in the occupied zone is small enough to maintain thermal comfort; ankle to head temperature differences less than 3C are generally considered acceptable. Yuan et al. (1999a) provide design guidelines for displacement ventilation. Most office buildings require cooling in core spaces year round; an auxiliary heat source must be provided for perimeter spaces that require heating. This system has two primary advantages. The first is improved indoor air quality because 100% of the supply air reaches people and other contaminant sources, whereas in mixing ventilation a portion of the supply air remains in the upper portion of the room without reaching the majority of contaminant sources. The second is potentially reduced energy consumption due to the vertical temperature gradient within the space. Only the occupied zone must be maintained at the room setpoint temperature, while the remainder of the space may be warmer. Hence, the temperature difference between supply and exhaust air can be larger than for mixing ventilation. The cooling load, given by: qi= i cp, (Texhaust - T (2.1) can therefore be achieved with a lower airflow rate for displacement ventilation than mixing ventilation, resulting in reduced fan energy. Additionally, the higher supply air temperature can result in decreased chiller energy. Several researchers have demonstrated energy savings with displacement ventilation (Hu et. al. 1999; Chen et al. 1990). However, the complexity added by the non-uniform room air temperature distribution makes displacement ventilation systems more difficult to model and design than mixing ventilation systems. Yuan et al. (1998) provides a review of many issues and models associated with displacement ventilation. For energy simulation, it is essential that the temperature gradient be modeled correctly. Energy simulation programs generally assume that the room air is well mixed and at a uniform temperature. However, this is not the case for many actual systems, particularly displacement ventilation, where the system performance is greatly influenced by the vertical temperature gradient. Nodal models of varying complexity have been demonstrated for modeling the temperature gradient in an energy simulation (Rees 1995;Van der Kooi and Bedeke 1983). Yuan et al. (1999b) review the development of simplified models for the room temperature gradient. This study incorporates two of these models into EnergyPlus in order to simulate displacement ventilation. Although most previous studies focus on displacement ventilation where air is delivered via large, floor level diffusers (as in Fig. 2.1), underfloor air supply (as in Fig. 1.2) can also be thought of as a form of displacement ventilation. Here, the air is introduced to a plenum beneath the floor of the occupied space, and the air then reaches the space through numerous small diffusers located throughout the floor. Given low enough air velocities, this system can be considered reasonably similar to displacement ventilation. Because the building being considered has a raised floor with a supply plenum, this is the system considered in this study. Raised floor systems are advantageous because they reduce maintenance costs and provide for easy reconfiguration of office space. If desks are rearranged, the raised floor tiles can also be arranged to provide the best diffuser arrangement for the new configuration. Ducts and pipes can be located in the plenum and are easily accessed for maintenance simply by removing floor tiles. 2.1.4 Chilled Ceilings (with Displacement Ventilation) In a chilled ceiling system, chilled water is circulated through tubes bonded to a thin metal panel that forms some portion of the ceiling of the space. The panel absorbs radiant heat directly from the occupants and other heat sources, and it absorbs heat convectively from the room air. Ventilation is still necessary in order to provide fresh air, and it can be provided by either a mixing or displacement ventilation system. Figure 2.2 shows a schematic of chilled ceilings with displacement ventilation. Figure 2.2 Chilled ceilings with displacement ventilation With either form of ventilation, the introduction of chilled ceilings introduces new complexities which must be considered in the design and modeling of a system. The radiant asymmetry created by the panels can be uncomfortable if too large. Humidity control is essential in a space with chilled ceilings, because if the ceiling temperature were to fall below the dewpoint temperature, condensation would occur on the ceiling surface. For both of these reasons, ceiling temperatures are generally between 15 and 18'C. Feustel and Stetiu (1995) provide a review of issues associated with chilled ceilings. Conroy and Mumma (2001) present a design methodology for chilled ceilings. Because the volumetric heat capacity of water is 4000 times greater than that of air, it is much more efficient to remove heat from a space using water instead of air because less fluid must moved around the building; this is the primary reason chilled ceilings save energy. Chilled ceilings are often used in conjunction with displacement ventilation because displacement ventilation can only handle cooling loads up to 40 W/m 2 before using excessively high air flowrates. A displacement ventilation system with chilled ceilings can handle cooling loads greater than 100 W/m 2 . The energy savings from a chilled ceiling system depend greatly on the cooling load and how the system is installed. Niu et al. (1995) found that for the Dutch climate, which is similar to the U.K. climate, the energy use of a chilled ceiling system is similar to that of a VAV system, but that chilled ceilings would have much better performance in hot, humid climates. In addition, the chilled ceiling has considerably better performance when the water for the ceilings is directly chilled via cooling towers, which provide free evaporative cooling. Novoselac and Srebric (2002) also found that a chilled ceiling system becomes more efficient than a VAV system with increasing peak cooling loads. Although the chilled ceiling system reduces fan energy, it uses more cooling energy than a VAV system because the season for free cooling from outdoor air is longer for a VAV system than a chilled ceiling system. Chilled ceilings tend to counteract the vertical temperature gradient found with displacement ventilation, because the air is cooled near the ceiling and flows downward due to buoyancy, against the primary airflow direction. The extent of this effect is a function of the amount of cooling load removed by displacement ventilation, making this a key design parameter (Novoselac and Srebric 2002). A small displacement ventilation load reduces the vertical temperature gradient, improving thermal comfort, but reduces indoor air quality because of the increased mixing of room air. If the chilled ceiling load is large enough, the displacement ventilation flow pattern might disappear completely and the system characteristics are similar to mixing ventilation (Behne 1999). Chilled ceilings introduce new complexities in energy simulation because they are essentially room surfaces with embedded heat sinks. Both the transient conduction characteristics of the ceiling panel and its convective and radiant effects on the room must be modeled correctly. Strand and Pedersen (1997) and Niu (1994) discuss the implementation of chilled ceiling models into energy simulation programs. 2.1.5 Natural Ventilation Natural ventilation describes any system where unconditioned outside is drawn through the building without mechanical assistance, usually through open windows. If the airflow rate is large enough, the indoor air temperature can be maintained equal to the outdoor air temperature, or even lower than the outdoor air temperature if appropriate thermal storage techniques are used. Natural daytime ventilation is generally used in conjunction with natural night ventilation in order to allow for such thermal storage. Slightly higher air temperatures are also often acceptable in naturally ventilated buildings, because the increased air velocities and individual control over opening of windows allow occupant comfort at higher temperatures than with a mechanically ventilated building (Schiller 2000). There are two primary forms of natural ventilation: wind-induced and stack-induced. Wind-induced natural ventilation is caused by pressure differences between outside and inside due to wind. Generally, the windward side of a building is under higher pressure while the leeward side is under lower pressure. This causes a flow of outside air through the building, especially for cross-ventilation, where open windows are available on both sides of the building with an unrestricted airflow path between. Stack-induced natural ventilation is caused by pressure differences created by the buoyancy effect within a vertical space. The pressure at the bottom of the space is lower than the outdoor pressure, while the pressure at the top of the space is higher than the outdoor pressure. Hence, there is a flow of outside air from the bottom to the top of the space. In most buildings natural ventilation is cause by both wind and stack effects. A special form of natural ventilation that generally relies on both stack and wind effects is singlesided ventilation, where a room only has openings on one side. Naturally ventilated buildings must be carefully designed in order to provide sufficiently large ventilation rates. Allard et al. (1998) discusses numerous design strategies for natural ventilation; Alloca (2001) provides design guidelines for single-sided ventilation. Accurate prediction of the ventilation rate is essential for the evaluation of a natural ventilation scheme with energy simulation. Ventilation rates can be predicted using correlations developed by experiment (Heiselberg et al. 2001) or by computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation (Alloca 2001). More detailed predictions can be made by coupling CFD models or multi-zone network airflow models such as COMIS directly to the energy simulation. Several researchers have demonstrated the coupling of energy simulation to both network airflow models (Geros et al. 1999; Dorer and Weber 1999; Huang et al. 1999) and CFD models (Carrilho da Graga 2001). An important element of predicting the ventilation rate is the modeling of the airflow around a building. Although this is most accurately done with wind tunnel experiments, such experiments are expensive and time-consuming, so CFD is often used to predict the airflow patterns around a building. However, there are several issues associated with the use of CFD to predict outdoor airflow patterns: the k-s turbulence model commonly used has been shown to have limitations (Murakami et al. 1990), and the modeling of buildings with very porous facades as solid objects can be inadequate (Straaten 1967). Large eddy simulation can be used to overcome many of the limitations of the k-c model, but requires lengthy computing times. Note that this study attempts only a first-cut model of natural ventilation, and therefore uses the k-s model to model the building and its surroundings as solid objects. Natural ventilation need not always be used in isolation; if natural ventilation alone cannot maintain comfort conditions throughout the year, a supplemental mechanical system can be used during extreme weather conditions. The combination of natural and mechanical ventilation is known as hybrid ventilation, and can be extremely useful in locations where natural ventilation cannot always maintain comfort conditions. For example, Levermore et al. (2000) found the a clinic building in the U.K. with single-sided ventilation could maintain comfort conditions with pure natural ventilation in the north of the country, but that mechanical assistance would be necessary during peak periods in the area near London. 2.1.6 Night Ventilation Night ventilation can be used with any of the systems discussed above. Natural or mechanical ventilation is used to precool the mass of a building using cool night air. The mass then absorbs heat throughout the day, reducing the amount of cooling which must be provided by other means. For night ventilation to be effective, a significant amount of mass, generally the structural concrete slab, must be exposed, and the diurnal temperature variation must be sufficiently large. Many factors affect the performance of night ventilation, such as the thermal properties of the mass, its thickness and insulation level, and the ventilation rate. These factors must be considered carefully when modeling and designing buildings with night ventilation. If the thermal mass is too small, it will heat too quickly and the building will overheat during the day. An excessively large mass, however, may have too large of a time lag, resulting in a large heat release in the early morning hours just before the building is occupied. Balaras (1996) reviews the factors affecting night ventilation and a number of simplified models and design tools which have been developed for night ventilation. Kolokotroni et al. (1998) developed a simple pre-design tool for night ventilation. Night ventilation has been demonstrated as an effective means of saving energy in the U.K because of the region's relatively low peak summer air temperatures and medium to large diurnal temperature swing. Kolokotroni (2001) found that for U.K. buildings with daytime mechanical ventilation, mechanical night ventilation may not save energy because of the extra energy necessary to run the fans at night. However, if natural ventilation is used at night, annual cooling energy savings as large as 40% are possible for a well-designed building. Braham (2000) showed that natural ventilation with surface-cooled or core-cooled slabs and mechanical ventilation through hollow-core slabs all provide energy savings. Because energy simulation already accounts for the thermal mass of buildings surfaces, it does not require any special modifications in order to simulate most night ventilation cases other than making sure the night ventilation is appropriately scheduled. Several researches have demonstrated energy simulation of both mechanical and natural night ventilation (Ren and Dalenback 1995, Geros et al. 1999). Of course, some systems that rely heavily on night ventilation, such as slab cooling, may still require special modifications to an energy simulation program, but the modifications are necessary due to the nature of the system and not the fact that it is running at night. 2.2 Energy Simulation This section discusses the state of the art of energy simulation. The history of energy simulation methodologies and their basic theory is reviewed, followed by a discussion of validation techniques. Finally, the major elements of EnergyPlus are presented, especially with reference to how they represent an improvement over previous energy simulation programs. 2.2.1 History and Theory Numerous methods have been used to size equipment and predict energy consumption of HVAC systems. Strategies include very simple manual methods such as the degree-day and bin methods (ASHRAE 2001), regression methods, and detailed hour-by-hour computer simulation methods. The term energy simulation is generally reserved for true simulation methods that use time as the independent variable rather than outdoor temperature (Sowell and Hittle 1995). Sowell and Hittle (1995) provide a thorough review of the evolution of building energy simulation, which is briefly summarized here. The primary similarity between most energy simulation programs is the sequence of simulation: load, system, plant, and economics. These elements are generally simulated sequentially on an hourly basis for an entire year. Two primary approaches are used for load calculation: weighting factor and heat balance methods. The weighting factor technique divides the instantaneous heat gain from various sources over a time series, because some portion of the heat emitted from a source is not immediately convected into the room air but radiates to room surfaces, from which it is released over time. The first weighting factor program was developed in 1967 (GATC 1967); DOE-2, the most common commercially applied energy simulation program in the U.S. today, still uses the weighting factor method. The heat balance method uses more direct physical models by calculating instantaneous convective gains for each time step and enforcing a heat balance on the air and each surface. The first heat balance program was developed in 1978 (Kusuda. 1978). Two programs currently using the heat balance method are BLAST (Hittle 1979) and ESP-r (Clarke 1991). Both the weighting factor and heat balance method generally use conduction transfer functions to calculate transient conduction through building surfaces. Two primary approaches are also taken to simulating the secondary systems, consisting of components such as coils, fans, and mixing boxes. Most programs, such as DOE-2, provided the user with a fixed set of secondary systems. Other programs are componentbased, allowing users to build up custom systems from individual components. TRNSYS (Klein et al. 1994) is the most popular component-based program. Component-based simulations generally require more input effort and greater simulation times, but they allow for complete studies of many specialized systems. Plant models are generally simpler than system or load models. Manufacturer's data is often used to generate curve fits for fan, chiller, and pump performance, and a simple constant efficiency might be used for a boiler. Unit energy cost data may then be used to estimate actual energy costs. The sequential solution of loads, system, and plant clearly has its flaws, because these are not linked only one direction. If the equipment is undersized, the space temperature may actually "float" above the actual setpoint temperature, a condition that is not allowed in a sequential solution. Simultaneous solution of the space, system, and plant introduces difficulties with simulation stability, system control, and calculation of conduction transfer functions on the smaller time steps used in this simulation method. Taylor et al. (1991) demonstrated an early simultaneous solution method incorporated into BLAST, which eventually became IBLAST, the predecessor to EnergyPlus. An important consideration with energy simulation, as with any computer model, is the use of correct inputs. No matter how well written and physically accurate a program is, it will not give useful results unless the building is modeled correctly. The user should be careful to use the best data available for the building being modeled. Mottillo (2001) showed that the results of an energy simulation can be quite sensitive to some inputs, although the relative importance of inputs certainly varies depending on building type. Besides the building model, the annual weather data can significantly affect the results of an energy simulation. Crawley (1998) concluded that typical weather year data, such as TMY2 or WYEC2 data, is most appropriate for energy simulation of commercial buildings. 2.2.2 Validation An important part of the development of an energy simulation program is validation. Several validation studies were performed as the first part of this work. Validation is necessary to demonstrate both the accuracy of a program and the ability of a user to correctly model buildings using a program. Bloomfield (1999) reviews various validation techniques and projects. There are three primary means of validation: analytical tests, inter-model comparisons, and empirical validation. Analytical tests compare simulation results to analytical solutions for identical situations, and are therefore only appropriate for very simple cases or subroutines of energy simulation programs for which analytical solutions exists. These tests are generally carried out by program developers. Inter-model comparisons compare the results of various energy simulation programs. Although the truth standard of such a comparison is clearly weak, it is still a valuable tool for identifying major problems with a program; if the results of a program lie far out of the range of results from other programs, it probably has an error. However, for a given range of results from various programs, a program yielding results near the middle of the range cannot be considered any better than programs yielding results at the edges of the range (Judkoff and Neymark 1999). This is because of the lack of an absolute truth standard; results near the edge of the range are equally likely to be closest to the actual solution as results at the center of the range. The BESTEST benchmark tests are the most commonly used set of inter-model comparisons in the U.S. (Judkoff and Neymark 1994). Empirical validation compares simulation results to measured data for an actual building or test cell. A carefully performed experiment provides an excellent truth standard for comparison. However, much effort and skill is required to perform a good experiment: the experimental setup must be sufficiently documented in order to accurately model the building, and measured data must be reasonably accurate. Although all measurements have some error, the amount of error must be characterized and should be smaller than the amount of error expected from the simulation. Such experiments are difficult even for small test cells and are essentially impossible for an actual building. Perhaps the best publicly available dataset for empirical validation is the IEA Empirical Validation study (Lomas et al. 1994). 2.2.3 EnergyPlus Development of EnergyPlus began in 1995 as an effort to combine the best features of BLAST and DOE-2 and incorporate some other new features(Strand et al. 2000). These programs were believed to have reached maturity and their extremely old "spaghetti" code made them increasingly difficult to modify. EnergyPlus solves this problem with a modular program structure written in Fortran 90, which makes the code easy to understand and modify. In addition, EnergyPlus was developed as only a simulation engine, with no interface. Commercial developers can then develop proprietary interfaces for different markets and users, using the EnergyPlus simulation engine. The major improvement in EnergyPlus over previous energy simulation programs is the integrated solution of loads, system, and plant, allowing accurate space temperature predictions. The solution is based on the heat balance technique originally employed in IBLAST and is referred to as the Predictor-Corrector Method (EnergyPlus 2001). EnergyPlus adopts the standard energy simulation assumption that room air is well stirred, providing a uniform temperature. The air heat balance is then based on the equation: dT dt dt where: h A (Ti -TZ)+ Q + i N. Naces Nsi - i= Eflic(Ti -T)+ i1 rifc(Tif T)+ sys (2.2) N~j = sum of internal convective loads from people, computers, etc. i=1 Nsurfaces hi A (T,5 - T,) convective heat transfer from zone surfaces ihic,(T,; - T,) i=1 ri1 c p (Tif - Tz) = heat transfer due to infiltration Q,,,s= C heat transfer due to interzone air mixing = iiyc ,(T, -Ti) dT 2 dt = = air system output rate of energy storage in air The zone temperature derivative is calculated with a third order finite difference approximation: dT z ~(St)~ dt 11 6 T t 3I 3 +-T28 2Tt _1 -T 3Z 2z t -3 ~ (2.3) where: Tz = zone mean air temperature t = current time St = system timestep Equation 2.3 can be substituted in Eq. 2.2 and solved for the mean air temperature: N., ., EQ+ N~wf.. Nz_ hA Ti+ ic P T 5+ i fc T 6 8t +r il + ZhA + =i c T ,, - J 8t 3 '128 S 3T t~ +- T.* - T ~. c + rilc, + ri YSiic i=I This is the most fundamental equation in EnergyPlus. The introduction of the zone capacitance term, Cz (dTz/dt), allows the zone air temperature to vary. In previous heat balance programs, the left side of the heat balance equation (2.2) would be zero. Two timesteps are used. The first is a fixed timestep input by the user: the simulation timestep (default is 15 minutes), used for the surface heat balance, which has a relatively stable time constant on the order of an hour. A variable timestep is used for the air heat balance, which has a time constant dependent on the system load and can have an order as small as one minute. At the beginning of each simulation timestep, the system timestep is set equal to the simulation timestep; the system timestep is then reduced until it is sufficiently small. Using these two timesteps and Eq. 2.4, the predictor corrector technique then flows as follows: 1) The required system load (Qys) necessary to maintain the setpoint temperature is predicted by solving (2.4) for the system load with Tz equal to the setpoint temperature 2) The system and plant are simulated using this Qys as the demand to determine the actual system capacity. 3) This actual capacity is used in (2.4) to calculate the actual zone temperature. 4) The change in zone temperature from the previous timestep is calculated. If it is greater than 0.3 K, the entire procedure is repeated with the system timestep halved. The iteration continues until the zone temperature change is small enough or the system timestep is less than one minute. 0.3 K (1% of 300 K) is used as the criteria for timestep halving to prevent the air temperature from changing too quickly; if the change is less than 1 K, the system timestep is sufficiently smaller than the room air time constant. The entire method is shown in flowchart form in Figure 2.3. Other novel load modeling aspects of EnergyPlus are discussed thoroughly in the program documentation, including a moisture balance, conduction calculations, and window calculations (EnergyPlus 2001). Moisture balance calculations include optional surface.mass transfer calculations. Surface conduction is calculated using conduction transfer functions, but a new interpolation scheme has been used for calculating the interzonal mixing and surface T data for current zone timestep substitute setpoint temperature for Tz in (1.4), calculate predicted system load (predictor step) .--- reet with2 neSt=t/ calculate actual system supply capacity use calculated system parameters in (1.4) to calculate actual zone temperature (corrector step) ATz <0.3C n ye move to next system timestep Figure 2.2 Predictor-corrector method flowchart temperature and heat flux histories. This prevents the storage of very large history arrays when a shortened time step is used. Window calculations are based on the WINDOW 5 program (Winkelmann 2001). The system solution method is iterative, unlike the single-pass methods used in DOE-2 and BLAST (Strand et al. 2000). The system input is component-based, allowing users to create many types of systems. State variables are stored in nodes connecting various air loop equipment (fans, coils, etc.) and zone equipment (reheat coils, VAV boxes, plenums, etc.), and an iterative solution technique is used to solve for the state variables and their associated controls. Considerable effort has been spent on implementing appropriate system controls, although it should be noted that components are controlled using the "known" zone load, rather than attempting to simulate actual control schemes such as proportional-integral control. Plant equipment is also input and simulated with the component- and node-based approach. Curved-based models are currently used, but the modular code structure makes it easy to implement other models as necessary (Strand et al. 2000). Before EnergyPlus can be applied for practical simulations, it must be appropriately validated. Witte et-al. (2001) have performed a variety of analytical and inter-model comparative tests and found good agreement with published results. In addition, the author has performed an additional set of validation tests in order to demonstrate both the validity of EnergyPlus and the author's ability to model buildings correctly with EnergyPlus. Chapter 3: Validation 3.1 Introduction Because of its recent release in April 2001, EnergyPlus is not yet in widespread use and requires some experimental validation before it can confidently be used for building energy simulation. The difficulty in obtaining complete whole-building data necessary to experimentally validate an energy simulation required this validation to be undertaken primarily as a series of four smaller, independent studies, which when taken as a whole should provide reasonable confidence in a whole-building simulation. In addition, limited comparisons between simulation results and measured data for Building A have been performed; these are presented in Chapter 6. Three of the validation studies involved comparison of EnergyPlus predictions to previously published experimental data. The first is an inter-model comparison using simulation results from six other energy simulation programs reported in the International Energy Agency (IEA) Commercial Benchmarks study (Haapala et al. 1995). This study served as a simple first step for evaluating general performance, especially annual heating and cooling load predictions. The second study is an empirical validation using the extensive data provided in the IEA Empirical Validation Package (Lomas et al. 1994). This study provided a thorough validation of EnergyPlus models for building fabric heat gains and losses. The third study is also an empirical validation, using transient cooling load data for displacement ventilation (Chen 1988). This allowed validation of a modification of EnergyPlus incorporating the use of CFD-derived models, and also demonstrated the feasibility of this technique. The fourth study compares predicted ventilation system performance to data specially collected for this validation at the MIT Test Chamber facility. When taken together, these studies validate the two essential portions of building energy simulation: fabric gains and losses and ventilation system performance, and should provide confidence in any simulation performed by a knowledgeable EnergyPlus user. The validation also demonstrates that the author is a competent EnergyPlus user. The methods and results of each study will now be presented individually. 3.2 IEA Commercial Benchmark 3.2.1 Case Description The IEA Commercial Benchmark study serves an initial rough validation of EnergyPlus by comparing the results of EnergyPlus simulations to the results of other energy simulation programs. The study considers a module consisting of two identical office rooms and a connecting corridor, as shown in Figure 3.1. This module is surrounded on the four sides without windows by identical modules. Although the corridor is a continuous space in a real building, the ends of the corridor within the module were modeled as internal walls, as they were in the benchmark simulations. There is no mixing of air between the zones. Table 3.1 shows thermal properties of the wall Table 3.1 IEA benchmark wall properties (outside to inside) Floor Concrete Slab Carpet Ceiling Carpet Concrete Slab Heavyweight External Wall Brick . Foam Insulation Concrete Block Lightweight Internal Wall Plasterboard layer thermal thickness conductivity m W/mK 0.160 0.004 density specific heat thermal km J/kgK resistance m2K/W 1.130 0.300 1400 1600 1000 1380 - 0.004 0.160 0.300 1.130 1600 1400 1380 1000 - 0.102 0.061 0.100 0.950 0.040 0.510 1920 10 1400 920 1400 1000 - 0.010 0.160 950 840 - Cavity Plasterboard 0.050 0.010 0.160 950 840 0.180 - Door Chipboard 0.012 0.130 600 1380 - Air Gap Chipboard 0.020 0.012 0.130 600 1380 0.160 - Interior wall for calculation Room 2 (north) corridor Room 1 (south) 4n 4m 4.m Figure 3.1 lEA Commercial Benchmark module materials. All surfaces have a thermal emissivity of 0.9; solar absorptivity is 0.3 for interior surfaces and 0.7 for exterior surfaces. This study considered only one test case from the benchmark study, Case 3a, in which the axis of the module is oriented north-south, the module has no exterior shading, and the corridor is unheated. The other benchmark cases include several permutations of these features and their opposites; the module can be oriented east-west, have exterior shading, and the corridor can be heated. For this case, room 2 faces north and room 1 faces south. The ventilation scheme is somewhat impractical; each space is ventilated by 100% outside air at 3.0 ach from 07:00 to 17:00 and 0.5 ach from 17:00 and 07:00. Both rooms have an internal 500 W load from 08:00 to 16:00, which is 50% convective and 50% radiative. Both rooms are heated to a lower setpoint of 20*C and cooled to an upper setpoint of 25*C from 07:00 to 17:00, and heated to 18*C from 17:00 to 07:00, with no cooling during these hours. In the benchmark study, this case was modeled in six different energy simulation programs: BLAST, ESP, SERI-RES, S3PAS, TASE, and TRNSYS. The results of these simulations are meant to be used for comparative validation. Complete results of these simulations are available in Haapala et al. (1995). 3.2.2 EnergyPlus Model The building fabric modeling was mostly straightforward using the geometry and property specifications found in the benchmark study and discussed above. The glazing optical properties provided did not include the properties needed in an EnergyPlus model. The standard glass properties provided with EnergyPlus, shown in Table 3.2, were used as a substitute when necessary, such that the only properties used from the IEA report were a solar transmittance at normal incidence of 0.747 and a glass conductivity of 0.635. The window was modeled as two 3.175 mm glazings separated by a 13 mm airgap with no frame. Rather than modeling a complete air system, ventilation with outside air was accomplished by specifying a scheduled infiltration rate for each zone, which is equivalent to ventilation with outside air. Heating and cooling in the rooms was accomplished via purchased air, which also does not require specification of a complete air system. The most detailed models available in EnergyPlus were used in all cases. Both inside and outside convection used the "detailed," or variable convection coefficient algorithm, rather than the "simple," or fixed convection coefficient algorithm. For the inside, the detailed algorithm uses flat plate correlations dependent on the temperature difference, whereas the simple algorithm simply selects a coefficient dependent on the surface Table 3.2 EnergyPlus standard window glass and airgap properties Glass Properties Value Property Solar transmittance at 0.9 normal incidence Solar reflectance at 0.031 normal incidence IR transmittance at 0 normal incidence IR hemispherical emissivity Conductivity (W/mK) 0.84 Airg p Properties Property Units Value Density kg/m3 1.29 Density temp. derivative kg/m3-K -0.004 Conductivity W/m-K 0.0241 Conductivity temp. W/m-K2 7.6x10-5 kg/m-s kg/m-s-K 1.73x10-5 1x10-7 Prandtl number - 0.72 Prandtl number temp. derivative 1/K 1 0.0018 derivative 0.9 Viscosity Viscosity temp. derivative orientation. For the outside, the detailed algorithm uses correlations dependent on the temperature difference, wind speed, and surface roughness, while the simple algorithm is not dependent on temperature difference. Sky radiance was modeled as anisotropic, which accounts for anisotropy of sky diffuse solar radiation incident on exterior walls. A ten-minute timestep was used, which is the smallest timestep currently recommended for EnergyPlus stability. Weather data was taken from the file drycold_ blast2.epw, which is derived from the Denver, Colorado DRY-COLD.TMY file used in the benchmark simulations. The EnergyPlus input file and weather file are included on the attached compact disc. 3.2.3 Results Table 3.3 shows EnergyPlus predictions and the mean of the predictions from the benchmark simulations for various parameters. Minimum temperatures for rooms 1 and 2 are not shown because they are always heated, so the minimum temperature is fixed at 18*C. The predictions for annual heating energy and peak heating load are quite similar, differing by less than 6 percent. EnergyPlus predictions for annual cooling energy and peak cooling load are 10-20 percent less than the mean of the benchmark predictions. This deviation is acceptable because the benchmark predictions have not been validated with experimental data. EnergyPlus slightly overpredicts the temperature extremes, especially for the corridor minimum temperature, which is 2.6 *C less than the mean benchmark minimum. However, the benchmark predictions for minimum temperature span a range of nearly 4 *C. Figure 3.2 shows temperature predictions for a winter day. EnergyPlus clearly predicts lower temperatures than the other programs, but the temperature trends throughout the day are very similar to the other predictions. The discrepancy can also be explained by the fact that most of the other programs do not appear to account for variations in outdoor air density due to temperature. The low temperature for this day is -23*C. The resulting increased air density causes a higher mass flow due to infiltration, resulting in a lower corridor air temperature. Figure 3.2 shows EnergyPlus temperature predictions if the infiltration rate is reduced by 0.987/1.16, the ratio of the fixed air density in Denver recommended in the benchmark study to the actual air density at 23*C. This adjustment increases the temperature by about 1*C. The temperature is increased by another 1*C if the simple convection coefficient algorithm is used, which Table 3.3 Comparison of EnergyPlus and mean IEA benchmark predictions Parameter Annual heating energy Annual cooling energy Peak heating load Peak cooling load Room I maximum temp. Room 2 maximum temp. Corridor maximum temp. Corridor minimum temp. Units MWh MWh kW kW 0 C C 0 C 0 C 0 EnergyPlus 1.11 1.55 3.62 1.99 IEA Benchmark 1.18 1.71 3.72 2.48 29.4 29.4 29.8 6.7 28.8 0.6 *C 28.3 28.9 9.3 1.1 0 C 0.9 0 C -2.6 *C Difference -5.9 % -9.4 % -2.7 % -19.8 % 16 -E - Ea - E+ low inf. 14 ----- Eb - E+ low inf., simple conv. -B - BLAST *0 12 I- E -E+ -P 10 - - S - SERI-RES - 3 - S3PAS - TASE -T 8 ESP R -TRNSYS 6 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time (h) Figure 3.2 EnergyPlus and lEA Benchmark corridor Jan. 4 temperatures tends to predict higher convection coefficients and hence more heat flux from the rooms into the corridor. Some of the other programs used for simulation use fixed convection coefficients. Figure 3.3 shows temperature predictions for a summer day. EnergyPlus predictions are at the upper range of the other predictions, but again the temperature trends are similar. 31 30 E+ -E- E -B-BLAST (-29 E-P-ESP 2 1 3 28 3 - S - SERI-RES - 3- S3PAS CD 0. E - 2- - T - TASE R-TRNSYS 26 25 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time (h) Figure 3.3 EnergyPlus and lEA Benchmark corridor July 27 temperatures The discrepancy is smaller because difference in calculation of infiltration and convection from the outer walls does not have as large an effect in the summer, when the temperature difference between inside and outside is smaller. Because the benchmark results do not include experimental data, they cannot provide a robust validation. However, the comparison between EnergyPlus and benchmark results is strong enough to show that EnergyPlus holds promise as an energy simulation program and should be further validated. 3.3 lEA Empirical Validation 3.3.1 Case Description The IEA Empirical Validation study provides a more robust validation of EnergyPlus's simulation of fabric heat transfer by comparing simulation results to experimental data. This study uses experimental data collected in the U.K. under the direction of the U.K. Building Research Establishment (Lomas et al. 1994). Hourly temperature data was collected from several small test rooms on the edge of an airfield 70 km northwest of London. The rooms, shown in Figure 3.4, are of lightweight, timber framed construction with a concrete slab floor elevated above the ground. The rooms are tightly sealed to prevent infiltration. The roofspace above each room is vented. Each building consists of two identical rooms separated by a heavily insulated wall; they study does not state why each building contains two rooms. Data was collected for one room in each building. Data was collected for two different time periods for three different test rooms. A removable panel allowed for various glazings to be placed in the southern wall of the test rooms. The temperature within the rooms was uncontrolled for a week in May 1990 during which data was collected. An oil-filled electric panel radiator with a maximum power of 680 W was used to heat the rooms to a setpoint of 30'C from 06:00 to 18:00 for a week in October 1987. Table 3.4 summarizes the six different cases considered. Several energy simulation programs were originally used to model the experimental cases. The results of these simulations are discussed thoroughly in Lomas et al. (1994). The most general conclusion was that although most of the programs were able to predict some parameters within the range of uncertainty, none accurately predicted all parameters. 1506 1506 Figure 3.4 IEA Empirical Validation test rooms Table 3.4 lEA Empirical Validation experimental cases Case Date Heated? Glazing type Glazing area (M2 ) 1 May 1990 No None 0.0 2 May 1990 No Single 1.5 3 May 1990 No Double 1.5 4 Oct. 1987 Yes None 0.0 5 Oct. 1987 Yes Double 0.75 6 Oct. 1987 Yes Double 1.5 3.3.2 EnergyPlus Model The Empirical Validation Package includes extensive room construction information so that the building fabric may be modeled as accurately as possible. The validation package recommends specific surface constructions, which were implemented in the EnergyPlus model. Each wall is divided into several surfaces in order to account for the variable composition of the wall cross section. The only deviation from the specifications recommended in the validation package was the modeling of the west wall, which divides the test room from its neighboring twin. Rather than modeling the wall with an extra, highly insulated outer layer in order to create an essentially adiabatic wall, it was modeled with a symmetric section, with the outer surface temperature (the wall temperature in the other room) specified to be the same as this inner surface temperature. This also creates an adiabatic wall and is believed to better represent the actual physical configuration. As with the benchmark case, standard glass properties supplied with EnergyPlus were substituted when the properties provided were insufficient. Nonstandard properties used were a solar transmittance at normal incidence of 0.849 and a glass conductivity of 1.05 W/mK. The glazings were 4 mm thick, and the double-glazing had a 6 mm airgap, again with no frame. An infiltration rate of 1 ach was assumed for the roofspace, as recommended in the validation package. The radiator was modeled using the "High Temperature Radiant System" model with a 60/40 radiative/convective split. This split is specified in the validation package and was calculated using standard empirical results for convective and radiative heat transfer from a vertical heated plate. The controls on the radiator model required some tweaking in order to achieve the desired performance. An operative temperature throttling range of 26 - 30*C, corresponding to full to zero power, was found to have good performance. The actual radiator was controlled by a PID controller, but this type of control cannot be implemented in EnergyPlus. Attempts were made to account for the thermal mass of the radiator using the "Low Temperature Radiant System," because the validation package specifies the heater as having a 22-minute time constant. However, the results from this model did not differ significantly from the high temperature model. Exterior shading from the neighboring test buildings was included with the use of detached shading surfaces. The most detailed models available in EnergyPlus, described in the previous section, were used, along with a ten-minute timestep. The validation package includes experimental weather and data files. The weather files were used to create EnergyPlus weather input files using the weather format information in the EnergyPlus manual (EnergyPlus 2001). The EnergyPlus input files and weather files are included on the attached compact disc. 3.3.3 EnergyPlus Results Table 3.5 shows measured and predicted values of maximum and minimum temperatures, total energy consumption, and total south wall irradiation (svfr). The error bounds used were given were derived by Lomas et al (1994) from modeling parameter uncertainties using the Monte Carlo technique and SERI-RES. Hence, if the predicted value lies within the error bounds, then any discrepancy from the measured value may be due to uncertainty in the inputs, and not modeling errors in EnergyPlus. More accurate error bounds could be obtained by applying the same technique in EnergyPlus (rather than SERI-RES). However, the error bounds are not likely to change drastically because the energy simulation programs use similar underlying principles. The measurement uncertainty was estimated as ±0.2'C for all temperatures, and + 2% for the solar irradiance and energy consumption For the unheated cases, all of the parameters fall within the error bounds, which shows that EnergyPlus modeling of building fabric heat gains and losses is very good. Few of the parameters fall within the error bounds for the heated cases, indicating that there may be some problems with the high-temperature radiator model, which are discussed below. Only the two radiator models described above are currently available in EnergyPlus. Also note that no radiator models were necessary to model Building A. Table 3.5 Measured and predicted values of primary parameters and their uncertainty Period Description Unheated October Heated Parameter Measured Value Lower bound Predicted Value Upper bound Max Temp ['C] 16.8 15.7 16.2 17.5 Min Temp ['C] 9.2 8.6 8.8 10.0 Max Temp ['C] 32.6 31.2 33.0 35.0 Min Temp ['C] Max Temp ['C] 12.1 31.0 11.6 29.6 11.5 32.4 13.6 33.4 Min Temp ['C] 12.2 11.6 12.8 13.6 2 Svfr Irrad. [MJ/m ] 82.8 76.8 82.5 88.8 Energy [MJ] 117.1 105.3 99.3 122.3 Opaque Max Temp ['C] 29.8 29.4 29.9 30.2 Min Temp ['C] 14.6 14.0 12.7 16.4 Energy [MJ] 99.1 not available 75.2 not available Max Temp ['C] Min Temp ['C] 31.5 12.9 not available not available 33.0 not available 12.0 not available Energy [MJ] 89.3 78.1 65.1 92.7 Max Temp ['C] 37.8 36.5 42.0 40.5 Min Temp ['C] 11.9 11.5 11.6 13.9 Irrad. [MJ/m 2 ] 81.1 76.7 80.2 85.5 Small dbl. glz. Double glaz. Svfr. V Table 3.6 RMS error of predicted parameters Period Description Solar Irradiance W/m 2 Opaque Unheated October Heated Single glaz. Double glaz. Opaque Small dbl. glz. 35.60 52.53 Double glaz. Room Temp "C N. Wall Temp Floor Temp Ceiling Temp C C C _ Roofspace Temp kJ _C 0.93 0.65 0.63 0.74 3.02 - 1.33 1.09 1.42 1.83 2.35 1.58 1.09 1.67 2.90 3.19 - 2.30 2.50 1.46 1.95 1.04 0.93 1.24 1.40 3.40 201 3.16 289 2.93 2.81 2.16 2.58 3.48 325 Table 3.6 shows the RMS error of each of the predicted parameters over the entire measurement period. The RMS temperature error tends to be 0.5 - 1.00 C higher for the heated cases than the unheated cases. More detailed, hourly results will now be presented for each parameter measured. Solar Irradiance Figure 3.5 shows time variation of south wall solar irradiance for the October measurement period. The values do not agree exactly because the prediction is based on diffuse and global horizontal solar data, whereas the measurements are taken from instruments mounted on the south-facing wall. The agreement between predicted and measured south wall solar irradiance is excellent, with only slight variations in peak values noticeable. These may result from unpredictable variations in ground-reflected diffuse radiation. The error in total irradiation over each measurement period is less than 2 percent. 1000 900-800 -700 600 500 400300 200 100 010/19 10/20 Energy 10/21 10/22 10/23 10/24 Date Figure 3.5 South wall solar irradiance for October 1987 10/25 - Room Temperatures Figures 3.6 through 3.9 show time variation of room temperatures for the unglazed and double glazed cases. The predictions match the measured room temperatures fairly well. The unglazed, unheated case prediction (Fig. 3.6) slightly leads the temperature in time and slightly underpredicts the measured temperature. These errors are small enough that they may result from input uncertainties, as the maximum and minimum temperatures are within the error bounds. The glazed cases tend to overpredict the maximum temperature on days with large solar irradiation. For the unheated case (Fig. 3.7), these small overpredictions (on 5/25 and 5/26) may result from coincident overpredictions in the solar irradiance. For the heated case (Fig. 3.9), this attribution is not possible, because the peak solar irradiance is 35 30 C.) 25 E 20 a15 E 10 5 0 45/23 5/24 5/25 5/26 5/27 5/28 5/29 5/30 Date Figure 3.6 Unheated, unglazed room temperature 35 30 ,25 2 20 0.15 E 10 5 05/23 5/24 5/25 5/26 5/27 5/28 5/29 Date Figure 3.7 Unheated, double glazed room temperature 5/30 0 25 20 E 15 10/19 10/20 10/21 10/22 Date 10/23 10/24 10/25 Figure 3.8 Heated, unglazed room temperature 454035-0(30 25 CD20 E 0. 15 10 5 - 010/19 10/20 10/21 10/22 Date 10/23 10/24 10/25 Figure 3.9 Heated, double glazed room temperature actually underpredicted. The error in the heated cases is larger, probably because the solar irradiance is larger for these cases. This indicates that there may be a problem with the solar gains through the window, perhaps because of the incomplete window glass specifications in the validation guidebook (i.e., no reflectance given). However, note that the temperature extremes are not more than 0.1 *C outside of the error bounds for the unheated cases, and only two temperature extreme values are outside of the error bounds for the heated cases. These errors at the extremes are as large as 5 K for the heated, double glazed case, again indicating possible problems with the radiator model. The predicted room temperature leads the measured value in the heated cases. This is because the radiator was specified as having a 22 minute time constant, which is not included in the radiator model. This "step-function" radiator model also allows the temperature to begin dropping sooner when the radiator is shut off, yielding slightly IF--' - . -- W lower minimum temperatures. As previously stated, attempts to use different radiator models that include a thermal mass were unsuccessful in obtaining more accurate predictions than those shown. Surface Temperatures Figures 3.10 through 3.15 show time variation of representative interior surface temperatures. For the opaque cases (Figs. 3.10 and 3.11), the predicted surface temperatures follow the measured temperatures very well. For the glazed cases, EnergyPlus consistently overpredicts the maximum surface temperature. This was initially believed to result from the uncertainty in the surface absorptance or some other parameter. However, sensitivity studies using the maximum and minimum input values for several suspected parameters did not show variation in the surface temperatures large enough to account for the error. 35 - 30 25 - 2015 - 10..... Predicted f Measured 0 -L . 5/23 5/24 5/25 5/26 5/27 5/28 5/29 5/30 Date Figure 3.10 Floor temperature for unheated, unglazed room 40 - 35 30 0 - 25 - 20 - 0. E 1510 - ----- Predicted 5 I - Measured 0 4 . 10/19 10/20 10/21 10/22 Date 10/23 10/24 Figure 3.11 Floor temperature for heated, unglazed room 10/25 25 4 20 - 15E 0 n.j -I -.... -- Predicted - Measured 5/23 5/24 5/25 5/27 5/26 5/28 5/29 5/30 Date Figure 3.12 Floor temperature for unheated, single glazed room 35 30 25 ~20*) 1510- - Predicted 5 Measured 0-- 5/23 5/24 5/25 5/26 5/27 5/28 5/29 5/30 Date Figure 3.13 Ceiling temperature for unheated, single glazed room 40 35 -30 - 0 E15 10 -- ---Predicted 10 5- -- Measured 10/19 10/20 10/21 10/22 Date 10/23 10/24 10/25 Figure 3.14 Floor temperature for heated, small double glazed room i--, 77 - 35 30 0 25 - 10 7 0. 10 5 - 5- 10/19 10/20 10/21 10/22 Date 10/23 10/24 10/25 Figure 3.15 Ceiling temperature for heated, small double glazed room The problem therefore was thought to lie in the convection coefficient calculation, especially at higher surface temperatures, where higher buoyancy forces would highlight problems with natural convection coefficients. Because the room air temperature is relatively accurate, the correct heat flux from the wall is being achieved, but the predicted convection coefficient could be too low, yielding excessively high surface temperatures. The convection coefficient is especially suspect because the overpredictions are largest for the floor (highest h) and smallest for the ceiling (lowest h). A CFD study was used to evaluate convection coefficients and compare them to the EnergyPlus predicted values. The results of this study show that EnergyPlus does underpredict convection coefficients for the test rooms. The methods and results of this study will be discussed below. Roofspace Temperature Figures 3.16 and 3.17 show roofspace temperatures for the unheated and heated double glazed rooms. The roofspace temperature predictions are less accurate than any other prediction, but this is to be expected, as the validation guidebook makes no effort to 3530 25 20 ! 15- E 10- -Predicted 5 0 5/23 5/24 5/25 - Measured 5/26 5/27 5/28 5/29 5/30 Date Figure 3.16 Roofspace temperature for unheated, double glazed room V 35 ----- Predicted 30 -Measured 25- 20 . 15 CL10 - - '-5 0 -5 - 10/19 10/20 10/21 10/22 Date 10/23 10/24 10/25 Figure 3.17 Roofspace temperature for heated, double glazed room model the roofspace extremely accurately. The infiltration rate is the greatest unknown, as it was assumed to be constant at 1 ach, but would actually vary greatly. Given this unknown, the predictions are surprisingly good, especially for the unheated case. The predicted temperature tends to lead the actual temperature, and the heated case tends to overpredict the temperature extremes. Energy Consumption Figure 3.18 shows radiator energy consumption for the heated, double glazed room. EnergyPlus consistently underpredicts the radiator energy consumption. This is primarily due to the lack of any time lag in the radiator model, which allows the air to heat up faster than it actually does, and thus allows the radiator energy consumption to decrease more rapidly. The validation guidebook also suggests comparing energy savings of the doubleglazed case over the opaque case. The predicted energy savings is 34.2 MJ, while the 3000 Predicted Measured 2500 2000 1500---- 30 10001 1 500 10/19 10/20 10/21 10/22 Date 10/23 10/24 10/25 Figure 3.18 Radiator energy consumption for heated, double glazed room 38 Table 3.7 Surface temperatures for CFD simulation Surface floor Temperature (*C) 34.7 ceiling east wall west wall north wall south wall window 34.2 34.6 34.1 33.6 33.8 27.0 actual energy savings is 27.8 MJ. This comparison is not overly favorable; the error is 23 percent. These comparisons show that the current "step-function" radiator model is not appropriate for evaluating energy consumption. 3.3.4 CFD Study As stated above, a CFD study was performed using PHOENICS 3.3 in order to evaluate the room convection coefficients for comparison to the EnergyPlus predicted coefficients. The low Reynolds number model was used in order to account for the low velocities occurring in a pure natural convection case and thus determine the convection coefficients as accurately as possible. Wall temperature boundary conditions, shown in Table 3.7, were specified using the EnergyPlus predicted wall temperatures coincident with the peak room temperature for the unheated, single glazed case. A 40 x 42 x 44 (i x j x k) grid was used, with the first grid node a distance of 0.6 mm from the wall in order to yield a y* value of approximately 1 in the node adjacent to all surfaces. Convection coefficients were calculated by two different means for comparison. The first method is based on the net heat flux from the surface, such that h= q Tswface - (3.1) Troom The second method is based on the first node convection coefficient calculated via pure conduction, and then transformed to a room convection coefficient using the node temperature: h = k Ax (Tsace - (Tface - node) (3.2) Troom ) Following correction of an air density error within PHOENICS, these two values were found to match exactly. Figure 3.19 shows the velocities at the room midplane. The buoyancy effects of the cold window on the southern wall establish a fairly strong natural convection circulation pattern within the room, with maximum velocities greater 0.1 m/s. The circulation pattern is likely enhanced by the unusually small room geometry. This strong circulation pattern would clearly increase convection coefficients beyond those predicted by standard correlations. This could explain why the EnergyPlus surface temperature predictions are high for the glazed cases. The surface temperature predictions for the unglazed cases are Bl/l I I 2 I 5W/// I I -- 1.5 11 \ / - / - / / \ \ %lift \ Jll' -1 I ItlaI 0.5 --~ - 0 ~~~ - ,,,,l id I 0114im - 'M - ilf11M3 - MINf y 0.2 m/s Figure 3.19 CFD predicted velocities at room midplane accurate because this circulation pattern does not exist in those cases, because the cold window is not present. Table 3.8 shows EnergyPlus and CFD predicted convection coefficient values. As expected, the CFD values are consistently higher than the EnergyPlus values. Also note that the difference in coefficients is 171 percent for the floor and only 20 percent for the ceiling, as expected because the error in temperature predictions is greater for the floor than the ceiling. These results make it appear likely that the convection coefficient correlations used in EnergyPlus are the source of error in surface temperature predictions. However, the error may be especially large for this case because of the unusual room geometry. Table 3.8 Comparison of convection coefficient predictions E+ h (W/m 2-K) 1.78 CFD h (W/m 2-K) 4.82 % difference 171% ceiling 0.78 east wall west wall north wall 1.56 1.33 1.04 0.94 2.55 20% 64% 2.28 3.74 71% 259% window 2.34 3.63 55% Surface floor As a test of this theory, EnergyPlus was modified such that the newly calculated convection coefficients were used. Two methods were employed. In the simplest method, the convection coefficient for each surface was treated as fixed, constant at the values shown in Table 3.8. In the other method, the convection coefficients are variable, calculated using the EnergyPlus correlations, but increased by a constant factor determined by the ratio of the CFD and EnergyPlus values shown in Table 3.8, so that h CFD, peak T h= hh - (3.3) correlation h E+,peak T Figure 3.20 shows floor temperatures for the hottest day of the measurement period with all four convection coefficient calculation methods: fixed EnergyPlus, variable EnergyPlus, fixed CFD, and variable CFD. It is clear that even fairly significant changes in the convection coefficient do not have a large effect on the predictions. The floor temperatures for the fixed value methods are nearly identical, with a peak temperature of only 1.0C less than the original, variable EnergyPlus method. Therefore, although the EnergyPlus correlations may not be accurate in all cases, they are not the major cause of the error in surface temperature predictions. Additional sensitivity studies were performed in an attempt to isolate other sources of error in the surface temperature prediction, focusing on the floor temperature. The floor temperature was found to be most sensitive to changes in the concrete solar absorptivity, which governs the amount of solar energy directly absorbed by the floor. This explains why the floor temperature predictions are fairly accurate for the unglazed, opaque wall case, in which there is no solar input to the floor. The temperature prediction was also sensitive to the concrete specific heat, because higher specific heats yield a lower temperature increase for the same heat input. Figure 3.21 shows the lowest floor temperatures obtained, when the absorptivity is lowered from 0.5 to 0.4 (the lower end of - E+ variable h - CFD variable h E+ fixed h - CFD fixed h - Measured )2 E - 24 0 0 M~ 19 5/26/00 14 1 0:00 1 4:00 8:00 12:00 Time 16:00 20:00 0:00 Figure 3.20 Unheated single glazing floor temperature with various h calculation methods 30 25 -I Old New floor ac 0.5 0.4 floor c, 920 J/kg-K 1012 J/kg-k h calc method E+ variable CFD fixed 10- 5 -- Measured --- Original prediction Meured New prediction -+va-bl---fie 0 1 5/23 5/24 5/25 5/26 5/27 5/28 5/29 5/30 Date Figure 3.21 Unheated single glazing floor temperature: new and original predictions the uncertainty band), the specific heat is raised from 920 to 1012 J/kgK (the upper end of the uncertainty band), and the fixed CFD convection coefficient method is used. The peak temperature is reduced by 2.4'C. The remaining error, 2'C may be accounted for by errors in other input properties, the measurement error (±0.2*C), and a slight overprediction of the solar radiation incident on the window. In addition the error band given for the floor absorptivity is somewhat questionable, so the actual absorptivity could be even lower than 0.4. 3.3.5 Conclusions This validation exercise has shown that EnergyPlus can accurately model building fabric gains and losses, yielding accurate room air temperature predictions. However, surface temperature predictions can be high, especially for periods with large solar gains and high room air temperatures. These errors were thought to result from the inapplicability of the convection coefficient correlations used in EnergyPlus to the unusual room geometry. Although the convection coefficients correlations were found to be incorrect in this case, they are probably not the source of this error, which probably results from errors in several input properties, such as the floor absorptivity. The radiator model can predict the room temperature fairly well, but energy consumption predictions are not accurate because the model does not include the time lag apparent in an actual radiator. 3.4 Displacement Ventilation 3.4.1 Case Description The previous cases all rely on the assumption that the room air temperature is uniform, which is true in many cases. However, for some cases, such as displacement ventilation, Table 3.9 Displacement ventilation room materials Surface ceiling floor rear wall side walls parapet Thickness m 0.175 0.175 0.140 0.140 0.100 Density kg/m 2300 2300 700 700 30 Specific heat J/kgK 840 840 840 840 1470 Thermal conductivity W/mK 1.9 1.9 0.23 0.23 0.035 Figure 3.22 Displacement ventilation test room this is not the case. The displacement ventilation study provides a validation of one method of modifying EnergyPlus in order to account for non-uniform air temperature. This case is based on experiments carried out in a full scale climate room at Delft University (Chen 1988). The room, shown in Figure 3.22, has dimensions 5.6 x 3.0 x 3.2 (x,y,z) m, with a parapet height of 0.9 m. Room enclosure material properties are shown in Table 3.9. The floor and ceiling exterior surface temperatures are controlled to be equal to the ceiling and floor interior temperatures, respectively, as if identical rooms were located above and below the room. The wall exteriors are electrically heated such that they are adiabatic. The temperature of the space outside the window could not be found in published data; the window exterior surface temperature was assumed to be 24.5 'C. The room is cooled by displacement ventilation at a rate of 7 ach. The room temperature was initialized at 23.0 *C, after which a step heat input of 950 W was uniformly applied to the venetian blinds. The inlet temperature was then controlled such that the temperature in the middle of the occupied zone (x = 2.8 m, y = 1.5 m, z = 0.9 m) remained constant at 23.0 'C. The purpose of this case is to study the effect of adding a non-uniform air temperature distribution to EnergyPlus, in order to better represent the actual conditions of displacement ventilation. This case has previously been simulated using ACCURACY and non-uniform temperature distributions with excellent results; complete results are available in Chen (1988). 3.4.2 EnergyPlus Model The room surfaces were input using the properties specified in Table 3.9. Once again, the property data available for the window was incomplete, and EnergyPlus standard glass properties were substituted as necessary. The window is modeled as two 6 mm glazings separated by a 12.7 mm airgap. The outer surface of the ceiling was specified as the floor, and vice versa, in order to achieve a vertically re eating room. The wall exterior was specified as having a near-zero (0.000 1 W/m K) total (convective and radiative) heat transfer coefficient in order to prevent heat transfer through the walls. EnergyPlus does not allow a convection coefficient equal to zero. The window outer surface temperature was specified as fixed at 24.5 *C. The most detailed models available in EnergyPlus, described previously, were used, along with a ten-minute timestep. The choice of weather file was inconsequential because this model has no interaction with the outdoors. Cooling was again accomplished using "purchased air" at a supply temperature of 15 *C. Although this creates a variable air volume system, whereas the experiment used a constant air volume system, the effect on the room energy balance being considered is unchanged. The venetian blinds were modeled as an electrical load. The radiative/convective split was determined using experimentally determined heat transfer coefficients (Chen 1989). The coefficients are based on measured temperatures and heat fluxes at steady state, and yield a 70 percent convective load. In reality, the radiative/convective split varies with time, with the radiative portion decreasing as the room walls heat up. However, no transient heat transfer coefficient data was available, so the load was initially modeled as 70 percent convective for the entire experiment. Rather than directly coupling CFD with EnergyPlus in order to account for the nonuniform room temperature, CFD results previously obtained by Chen were used to account for the non-uniformity. Rather than calculating the convective heat flux from the surfaces based on the room air temperature, it was calculated based on a near-surface air temperature for each different surface. These temperatures were calculated from nonlinear functions for the difference in temperature between the air near the surface and the center of the room (23.0 *C): ATceiing = 0.036 + 6.99x10 3 - Q - 2.72xl0-. Q2 ATfloo = 0.026 - 1.83x10 3 - Q + 5.55xl0- Q2 ATwindow = 0.036 + 6.99x10 3 - Q - 2.72x10-. Q2 ATwus = 0.047 +2.10xlO - Q - 1.07x10 - ATparapet = 0 where Q is the room cooling load and is calculated as Q=ric (Tue - Ts) Q2 (3.4) (3.5) (3.6) (3.7) (3.8) (3.9) a. These functions were determined by curve fitting to temperature distributions determined using CFD (Chen 1988). The EnergyPlus input files are included on the attached compact disc. 3.4.3 Results Figure 3.23 shows the predicted and experimental cooling load versus time. The cooling load increases to the steady-state value of 950 W as the walls heat up and the air temperature stratification increases. However, the simulations that do not use the nonlinear temperature difference expressions, and instead assume uniform temperature throughout the room, significantly overpredict the cooling load. The predictions that do account for air temperature stratification match the experimental data well. However, the fixed 70 percent convective heat load still overpredicts the cooling load for the first three hours of the experiment. This may be because the heat load from the blinds initially has a larger radiative portion because the walls are cooler than they are at steady-state. To account for this, a simulation was performed with an arbitrary hourly schedule for the radiative/convective load split, with the convective load increasing from 54 to 70 percent, such that the simulation results for the non-uniform temperature simulation match the experimental data. Use of this arbitrary schedule without accounting for air temperature stratification still significantly overpredicts the cooling load. This validation shows the utility of coupling CFD with EnergyPlus when appropriate. Although this validation did not involve a direct coupling of CFD with EnergyPlus, similar results are obtained if such a coupling is used (Chen 1988). Alternatively, temperature difference expressions such as those used here can be used in some cases. 900 800 - $600 1500 x Experiment 0) 400 0300- -.-.--70% convective - original E+ 200 200 ----- variable convective - original E+ 100 0x 0 5 10 Time (hr) 15 Figure 3.23 Transient cooling load for displacement ventilation 20 if 3.5 MIT Test Chamber The previous three studies have been concerned with modeling heat losses and gains (both through the building fabric and due to internal loads) and the resultant heating or cooling loads. This study provides a validation of the air system models used to meet those loads. Experimental data for this study was collected at the MIT Test Chamber. 3.5.1 Experimental Facility The test facility, shown in Figure 3.24, consists of a well-insulated enclosure separated into two rooms by a partition wall with a large, double-glazed window. Not shown in the m '' 2A43 4. pesaM0W e wase I. Am *esT 4. Am 0's.YT 4. 6OWLAIMV. Pla T. SLOT 1. neLAM Cow." Figure 3.24 Sketch of the test chamber SUPPLYAIR 75000 40.00 30.00 -20.00 TC I 1P4 X AIR 10.00 124.e61 CFM TCSAN TOFLOS 36.93 PERCNT 125.00 CFM 1 TOS TCSA5 TCCCRII TCSRHS TCFPM 5.53 PERCNT 90.00 PERCNT 0.78 FPM TCR14C 0.00 PRCNT OATEMP 17.26 DEG C HUMID I OFF OARH 59.75 PERCN'T TCHUM 0.00 PRCNT TST21 50.00 2C TCPHC4000 0.00 PRCNT OCCUPIED 30.00 TCLTD LOW TEMP DET 20.00 OFF 10.00 TCLTDR LOW TMP RSET OFF 0.00 TCMAS 12.50 TCMAT 20.22 E Figure 3.25 Control interface and schematic of HVAC system 00 00 1250 CCFAN figure are two doors at either end, and the furniture shown in the figure was not present during the experiment. All walls have an insulating value of R-30, or 5.3 Km 2/W. The larger room is used as the test chamber and the smaller room as the climate chamber. The test chamber is supplied with air via two linear ceiling diffusers, and air is exhausted through a grill ceiling exhaust. The climate chamber is supplied with air via a rear wall diffuser and exhausted via a rear wall exhaust. Each chamber has a separate HVAC system. The two systems are nearly identical; the primary difference is that the supply and return fans for the test chamber have a variable-speed drive, whereas the fan speed for the test chamber is fixed. Figure 3.25 shows the configuration and control interface of the HVAC. system. This interface allows the operator to control various system setpoints. The control system also allows data for all data points in the control system to be recorded at a time interval specified by the operator. The facility measurement equipment includes a multi-gas monitor and analyzer and a thermocouple data logger. The multi-gas monitor was used to measure levels of a tracer gas, SF6, used to measure the ventilation rate. The concentration measurement error is 10%. Thermocouples were used to measure temperatures not monitored within the HVAC system. The data logger was used to record the temperatures, resulting in an overall error of 0.4*C. All thermocouples junctions were coated with aluminum paint to reduce the effect of radiation on air temperature measurements. 3.5.2 Experimental Setup Many experiments were required in order to identify and eliminate error sources before the final experimental setup was achieved. In the initial experimental setup, the climate chamber was heated to 32*C, while the test chamber was controlled to 20*C and 50% relative humidity. Air was supplied through a single circular opening in the test chambers, and a computer and several fluorescent lights were turned in order to create additional cooling load. Many changes were made to this setup before arriving at the final configuration described below; Table 3.10 shows the problems identified and the actions taken to solve them. Before beginning experimentation, there was some concern about the accuracy of the HVAC system temperature and relative humidity measurements. These measurements were verified by measuring the dry and wet bulb temperature at the sensor locations within the HVAC system. A 10" stainless steel temperature probe was inserted through a small hole in the duct, drilled in the same location as the HVAC system sensor, to measure the temperature for verification. Wet bulb temperature was measured by wrapping the probe with moistened paper towel. All HVAC system and probe measurements were found to agree within the accuracy of the probe (±0.5*C). In addition to the HVAC system temperature measurements, test chamber, climate chamber, and laboratory air temperatures were measured with thermocouple arrays. Figure 3.26 shows approximate locations of thermocouples inside and outside of the test chamber. Thermocouples in the laboratory were placed approximately 10 cm away from Table 3.10 Changes made to arrive at final test chamber experimental setup Problem Heating and cooling coils both run even when not dehumidifying Difficulty predicting latent cooling Difficulty measuring power consumption of computer and fluorescent lights Difficulty controlling and predicting supply air temperature Uncontrolled laboratory temperature creates varying conductive load through chamber walls Possible infiltration from laboratory Return air temperature measurement may not be accurate Test chamber air not well mixed Possible infiltration from climate chamber Varying climate chamber temperature creates varying conductive load through chamber window Solution Change control logic - if mixed air T < supply air setpoint, use heating coil, opposite for cooling coil Eliminate humidity control Remove electrical loads and switch to mild heating case - test chamber = 240, climate chamber = 16*C Set supply air setpoint as fixed and let test chamber temperature float Measure and record laboratory temperature with several thermocouples Run test chamber under positive pressure by reducing return fan speed Measure test chamber temperature with thermocouple array Change inlet to dual linear diffusers Close down climate chamber inlet dampers until climate chamber pressure <test chamber pressure Measure and record climate chamber temperature near window with several thermocouples classroom Location 1 1 Height (m) 0.5 1.5 2 1.0 3.0 (10 cm above test test chamber climate chamber 3 chamber roof) laboratory 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8,9,10 0.3 1.0 0.3 1.0 0.3 1.0 0.3 1.0 1.2 Figure 3.26 Temperature measurement locations the test chamber wall. The laboratory temperature was determined by averaging the four laboratory temperatures, test chamber temperature was determined by averaging the eight chamber temperatures, and the climate chamber temperature was determined by averaging the three climate chamber temperatures. The climate chamber temperature is only measured near the window because the measurement is used as an input for the window conduction calculation. Both chambers were ventilated at a constant rate with 100% outdoor air. The test chamber supply air temperature was maintained as a constant, while the climate chamber supply air temperature was allowed to vary in order to maintain a constant return air temperature. Because the facility is not equipped to directly measure coil loads, the heating or cooling coil load was simply calculated from an energy balance across the coil: lq=V p cp (Tppy ,r -Toutdr air) (3.10) where V is the known, constant volumetric flowrate. To reduce the coil temperature difference measurement error, the system was allowed to run overnight with no heating or cooling. The difference in supply air and outdoor air temperature in this adiabatic case (0.2*C) was then attributed to measurement error and added to the measured supply air temperature in order to achieve an accurate coil temperature difference measurement. In order to prevent infiltration, the test chamber was run under positive pressure relative to its surroundings. This was achieved by running the supply fan at a faster speed than the return fan (80% of maximum speed vs. 20% of maximum speed). The climate chamber was also found to be under.positive pressure, so the supply dampers for the climate chamber were closed down until it was at a lower pressure than the test chamber. In the final configuration, the test chamber pressure relative to the laboratory was 28 Pa, while the climate chamber pressure was 23 Pa. The test chamber ventilation rate was measured using the tracer gas system. The tracer gas, SF6, was injected at both diffusers at a constant flowrate and the system was allowed to run overnight to reach a steady-state concentration distribution. The SF6 concentration was then measured at each test chamber temperature measurement location (Fig. 3.26), as well as at two locations in the return duct, approximately 20 cm beyond the room outlet. The SF6 concentration in the supply air was measured just inside of both supply diffusers. The concentration at each location was found to vary by less than ±10% from the roomaverage value, indicating that the room air is fairly well mixed. Because most air actually exits the chamber through exfiltration, the room-average concentration was used to calculate the ventilation rate via a mass balance: S= SF6(3.11) outC.C in where Cin is the SF 6 concentration (m3 SF6/m 3 air) of the supply air, and Cout is the SF6 concentration of the air exiting the chamber, equivalent to the room-average concentration. The validation case is based on a single experiment. The ventilation rate was 0.145 m3/s, or 11.4 ach. This high ventilation rate was necessary to maintain sufficient positive pressure in the test chamber. The chambers were first run to steady state with a climate chamber return air temperature of 32*C and a test chamber supply air temperature of 14*C, in order to simulate a summer cooling case. The setpoints were then changed to Table 3.11 Test chamber experimental parameters add climate chamber return air temperature of 12*C and a test chamber supply air temperature of 32*C in order to simulate a heating case. These parameters are summarized in Table 3.11. The experiment was run from October 17 to October 24, 2001; the mode was switched from cooling to heating at 11:00 a.m. on October 19. 3.5.3 EnergyPlus Model All insulated test chamber surfaces were modeled as resistance-only surfaces (no thermal mass) with a resistance of 5.3 Km 2/W. The thermal mass was not included because it was not known. The window glass properties shown in Table 3.2 were used because no other window glass properties were available. The window was modeled as two 3 mm glazings separated by a 12 mm airgap. The most detailed models available in EnergyPlus, described previously, were used, along with a ten-minute timestep. Two additional zones, representing the laboratory and the climate chamber, were created in order to apply the measured laboratory and climate chamber temperatures on the opposite side of the test chamber surfaces. The only purpose of these zones was to ensure that the air temperature on the test chamber outer surfaces was correct. Both zones were ventilated with purchased air in the EnergyPlus model. Hourly zone setpoint schedules were input from the measured average hourly climate chamber and laboratory temperatures. The resulting zone temperatures in the model match the measured space temperatures. The test chamber was ventilated with air supplied directly from the ventilation system ("Direct Air"). The heating coil was modeled as an electric heating coil with an efficiency of 1.0. The cooling coil was modeled as a simple water cooling coil. The only performance-related inputs for this coil are the UA value (1200 W/K) and the relative humidity leaving the coil (95%). The model assumes that the relative humidity leaving the coil will never be higher than this value. This coil model does not include any more detailed latent cooling predictions and latent cooling was therefore not considered in this study. The test chamber supply air temperature was set as constant, 14*C for the cooling mode and 32*C for the heating mode. The outdoor air temperature and humidity were supplied via a weather file created from experimental data. The input fields of concern in the - weather file were the outdoor dry bulb temperature, relative humidity, and dewpoint. This model does not interact with the outdoors other than through the outdoor air intake, so any other inputs in the weather file are irrelevant. The dewpoint was calculated from the measured relative humidity and dry bulb temperature using a spreadsheet with a psychrometric function calculator. The EnergyPlus input file and weather file are included on the attached compact disc. 3.5.4 Results The results are presented for the predictions of four parameters: heating coil load, sensible cooling coil load, room air humidity ratio, and room air temperature. The comparison of coil load predictions essentially evaluates the coil controls in EnergyPlus, because the load for both the simulation and the measurement is calculated using the measured air flowrate. Differences in coil loads therefore result from differences in supply air temperature due to imperfect control of the actual coils. EnergyPlus assumes the coil is controlled to always provide a supply air temperature at exactly the setpoint; such perfect control cannot be achieved with an actual coil. Figures 3.27 and 3.28 show predicted and measured heating and cooling coil loads. The heating coil load prediction is very good. This is because the coil is electric and therefore responds very quickly, providing control very close to the perfect control assumed in EnergyPlus. The total predicted heater energy has a 2 percent error from the actual heater energy for the experimental period. The cooling coil sensible load prediction is somewhat less accurate. This is because the coil uses chilled water. The chilled water inlet temperature is not maintained exactly constant and a three-way valve controls its flowrate, so it cannot be controlled as perfectly as the heating coil. In addition, the coil control loop may need additional tuning. The total predicted sensible cooling energy has a 13 percent error from the actual sensible cooling energy for the experimental period. Figure 3.29 shows the predicted and measured room air humidity ratio. The prediction is fairly good and demonstrates the mass balance in EnergyPlus. A large source of error in this comparison is the measurement itself. The humidity measurements are taken from the HVAC relative humidity probes. The corresponding room air temperature is then 4000 35003000- l0 2500 'S 2000C) 0 .51500 - 1000- .. Predicted Measured 5000 __ 10/17 10/18 10/19 10/20 Date 10/21 10/22 10/23 Figure 3.27 Predicted and measured heating coil load 10/24 600 0 0 0 500 400300- C 200 C 1000-10/17 10/18 Date 10/19 Figure 3.28 Predicted and measured cooling coil sensible load 0+ 10/17 10/18 10/19 10/20 10/21 10/22 10/23 10/24 Date Figure 3.29 Predicted and measured room air humidity ratio used to calculate the humidity ratio. However, the room relative humidity measurement comes from a single point in the return duct, rather than a more accurate room average. Due to this large source of error, the prediction and measurement are considered generally in agreement. Figure 3.30 shows the predicted and measured room air temperatures. After reaching steady state, the temperatures are in good agreement for the cooling mode, with errors less than 0.30 C between October 18 and 19. For the heating mode, however, the error is much larger, usually 3-4'C. Several factors may contribute to this error. Part of the error may be due to incomplete mixing; the air supply is in the ceiling, which encourages mixing when the supply air is cold, but when then supply air hot, it may tend to stay in 31.0 29.0 27.0 - 0~ 25.0 23.0 0-21.0 E ...Predicted 19.0 -- Measured 17.0 15.0 10/17 10/18 10/19 10/20 10/21 10/22 10/23 10/24 Date Figure 3.30 Predicted and measured room air temperatures the upper portion of the room. In addition, the construction details of the chamber are not known with great accuracy, which can affect the accuracy of the heat balance calculation. Finally, the temperatures on the outside of the chamber floor and north wall could not be controlled or measured, because these surfaces are outside of the laboratory. This unknown could also affect the heat balance calculation. 3.5.5 Conclusions The results of the MIT test chamber study are mixed. EnergyPlus coil load predictions are fairly accurate, although they tend to be better for electric coils, which more closely reach the perfect control assumed in EnergyPlus. The mass balance calculations are also accurate. However, although the temperature predictions are good for the cooling mode, in general, the results of this experiment cannot be used to provide a good evaluation of EnergyPlus temperature predictions because of numerous experimental unknowns. In particular, the room construction is not known in the detail necessary to provide an accurate energy simulation validation, and not all variables could be controlled or measured. Fortunately, a limited comparison between measured and predicted temperatures has also been performed for Building A; these results are presented in Chapter 6. Chapter 4: EnergyPlus Modifications 4.1 Introduction Several modifications to the EnergyPlus vi.0 program code were necessary in order to appropriately model the systems considered in this study. Some of these changes were necessary to implement new physical models, while others were simple bug fixes or changes to information flow. The most complex change was the addition of a model for the displacement ventilation vertical temperature gradient. EnergyPlus assumes the room air is well mixed and at a uniform temperature, so this modification must be made in order to model displacement ventilation. New, improved methods for calculating rates of interzone air mixing and outside air infiltration (used for natural ventilation) were also added. Changes were made to the plant loop simulation to allow more complex loop configurations. The baseboard heater model was modified to allow it to also be used to model a chilled beam. Finally, the supply and return air path simulation was changed slightly to allow the supply and return plenums to be modeled appropriately, and a bug in the economizer model was fixed. Each of these changes will now be discussed in detail. All changes were made to EnergyPlus v1.0b23. The structure and calling tree of EnergyPlus are fairly complicated; an introduction is provided in the program documentation (EnergyPlus 2001). Although an effort has been made to document and present the most vital portions of the changes in Appendix A, the best record and explanation of the program is the code itself. The complete program code for each variation of EnergyPlus used in this study is included on the attached compact disc. 4.2 Displacement Ventilation Modeling of the vertical temperature gradient is essential to a meaningful energy simulation of a displacement ventilation system. The vertical temperature gradient affects occupant comfort, convective heat transfer from zone surfaces, and the air flowrate necessary to maintain comfort conditions. Many models of varying complexity have been proposed to account for the temperature gradient. This study uses a relatively simple model as a demonstration of the implementation of a nodal model into EnergyPlus. If more detailed, exact models are available for the system being considered, they could be used in place of this model. The simple model implemented into EnergyPlus has three nodes: the air temperature near the floor (Tf), at the head level (Th), and at the ceiling, or exhaust, level (Te). The supply air temperature is assumed to rapidly rise as the air enters the space, due to heat gains from the floor. The temperature gradient is assumed linear between each node, as shown in Figure 4.1. The room height is H, the head level height is a, and the distance from the head to the ceiling is b. The volume-weighted zone average temperature, Tz, is: aTf+HTh+bT( a Tf+Th b Th+T TH 2 H 2 2H Ts Tf T Figure 4.1 Displacement ventilation three-node model This model influences the energy simulation in several ways. Rather than using the mean air temperature for convection calculations from each surface, the air temperature near the surface is used: Tf for the floor, Tz for the walls, and Te for the ceiling. The air system is no longer controlled to maintain the mean air temperature at the setpoint; instead, the head temperature (Th) is maintained at the setpoint. Finally, the ankle-head temperature difference, Th - Tf, is important to thermal comfort. Temperature differences greater than 3*C will result in a large fraction of dissatisfied occupants. An essential portion of the model is the prediction of Tf and Th. These temperatures are a function of nearly every factor affecting the room air: the supply air temperature and flowrate, convective gains from surfaces, and convective gains from internal loads. Analytical formulas or empirical correlations can be used to predict these temperatures. The nodal temperatures are often expressed as dimensionless temperatures, 9j, for each node j = f, h, or z): 0 =j _(4.2) jT, -T, where T. is the supply air temperature. Several researchers have shown that the dimensionless air temperature near the floor decreases as the ventilation rate decreases (Yuan et al. 1999b). Mundt (1990) assumed that convection from the floor raises the supply air temperature from T. to Tf and that radiative heat transfer from the ceiling to the floor maintains the energy balance on the floor surface. She then developed a simple analytical formula to calculate Or f = A K-+- (a, ac, (4.3) +1 where: A ar acf = floor area = radiative heat transfer coefficient from the ceiling to the floor = convective heat transfer coefficient from the floor to the room air This formula is used to calculate Of in this study. The heat transfer coefficients are assumed constant, such that: -+ Ccr = 2.54 (4.4) CCef Yuan et al. (1999b) used CFD to create a database of displacement ventilation parameters for a variety of spaces. Assuming some fraction of the convective loads is added to the air between foot and heat level, they used the database to develop a correlation for the temperature difference between head and foot: (4.5) Th -T, = 0.295Q,, + 0.132Q, +0.185Qex Tb-sysCT where = heat from occupants, desks lamps, and equipment = heat from overhead lighting Qoe Qi = heat from the exterior wall and window surfaces and the transmitted solar Qex radiation This expression is used to calculate the head-foot temperature difference in this study. The nodal temperatures must be incorporated into the air heat balance equation. The temperature at any node can easily be expressed in terms of Te, Ts, and Oj: Tj = OjTe + (4.6) (1- Ojfts In addition, the exhaust temperature can be expressed in terms of Th, Ts, and Oh: (4.7) Te =T+ (Oh Oh These expressions are substituted into the heat balance equation in order to solve for the exhaust air temperature or the predicted system load. When heat transfer from surfaces to air at different temperatures is accounted for, the heat balance equation becomes: dT N Nnl uams Q + E hAf(T, -T,)+ Zd _=C 0 fC dt N, Nwailsrace, hw,,(Ts -Tz)+ h'eTA(T -) Asi-Te) H(4.8) +rhc(Ti zTx) + rhffiifcp(Tff -T)+ in p inf z + p z sys i=1 where: Ns, = sum of internal convective loads from people, computers, etc. 1 i=1 Nfloor surfaces ShfAf,(T,, i=1 - Tf) = convective heat transfer from zone floor surfaces Nwansurfaces hA,(T, -T) i=1 convective heat transfer from zone wall surfaces - Nceiingsufaces JhcAc (Tj,- Te) = convective heat transfer from zone ceiling surfaces i=1 Nzones = heat transfer due to interzone air mixing ijc,(Tz -T) i=1 ri iafc,(Tinf ( -T.) = rihyc,(T Cd T dt = = heat transfer due to infiltration -T) air system output = rate of energy storage in air The zone temperature derivative is again calculated with a third order finite difference approximation: ~ (11 ~ (8t)- -T dT _ 28t 2 6 dt , 12__ 8t3 -3T t +-T 3 T- t (4.9) Z where the terms are defined as in Eq. (1.4). For use in the predictor-corrector method, the heat balance equation (4.8) must be put into two forms: one form solves for the system output, the other for the exhaust temperature. This is most easily done by separating the room and surface temperature factors, so that: Naoorsufaces Nnoorsufaces ZhfAf(T, -Tf) = IhfAfTSi, Nfloorstfaces hfAfTf - (4.10) i=1 i=1 i=1 The summation notation is now dropped for simplicity; all summations remain implied. The heat balance equation can now be expressed as: C, (11 T -3T2 8t 6 Z T-38t = _ 2 3 + hfAfTi -hfAfTf + hAWTi -hA.Tz + hCAcT,j -hcATe + iicp(Ti - Tz)+ rifc, (Ti., -Tz)+ Q (4.11) This can be rearranged to solve directly for the system load: hfAfTi +hAT, +h.A.T, Q,=s 68t+h.A. +rhic, +IrifcPTz +hfAfTf + hcAcT, - +1iicTz +r hinf cTi. + 3T- t - 3 TY28t +Q. + ITI38tJ ( Note that the last term in (4.12) does not depend on the zone air temperatures and therefore need not be recalculated for each iteration of the predictor step. To solve (4.11) for the exhaust temperature, dimensionless temperatures can used to express all other temperatures as a function of the exhaust temperature. First, the system output is expressed in terms of the supply and exhaust temperatures and (4.11) is rearranged with simplified notation: HAT+ hfAfTf + HAeT, =HAT (4.13) where HA - 11C +hA, 6 8t +riic, +ri15,,c, HA , = hCA. + rii,,,c, HAT = ii,,,cT,, + hAT - ( 3T-ta _ +hAT, -2 + + hcAcT + riticT. + rif.cTi., + Q 1T 1 Tz can be expressed as the volume-weighted average of the nodal temperatures: HAz( 2H T + ITh+ 2 2H Te)+ hfAfTf + HA.Te =HAT (4.14) Finally, the nodal temperatures are expressed in terms of the exhaust temperature, supply temperature, and dimensionless temperature, and the equation is solved for the exhaust temperature: HA +(, -)T, Te= 2 (Of 2 H -+hfA) +(O, f) H -1)T, 1 (4.15) +O +-J + hfAfOf + HAc H Note that HAT, HAz, and HA, do not depend on the zone air temperatures and therefore need not be recalculated for each iteration of the corrector step. The predictor-correct method for coupling the air heat balance and the system output becomes considerably more complex when this displacement ventilation model is used. This is because of the linking of the dimensionless temperatures to the system output. The required system output is predicted based on the dimensionless temperatures, but the dimensionless temperatures partially depend on the system output. Therefore, some iteration is required within both the predictor and corrector steps. The solution method flows as follows: 1) Predict the needed system load, Q,,, necessary to maintain Th at the setpoint temperature: 1a) Using Oh from the previous timestep or iteration, T, from the previous timestep, and Th equal to the setpoint, calculate Te from (4.7) lb) Use Te to calculate Tf from (4.6) using Of from the previous timestep or iteration, then calculate Tz from (4.1) Ic) Solve for Q,, using (4.12) and the temperatures found in la) and Ib) 1d) Solve for insyic, using Ts from the previous timestep 1e) Calculate new dimensionless temperatures Oh and Of from (4.3) and (4.5) If) Evaluate each AOj from the previous iteration. If either is greater than 0.01, iterate with Oj = 0.15 Oj,new + 0.85 Oj,old 2) Simulate the system and plant using this Q,,, as the demand to determine the system capacity. 3) Calculate the actual zone temperature: 3a) Using Oh and Of from the previous timestep or iteration and the actual system supply temperature and flowrate, calculate Te from (4.15) 3b) Calculate new dimensionless temperatures from (4.3) and (4.5) 3c) Evaluate each AO3 from the previous iteration. If either is greater than 0.001, iterate with Oj = 0.5 Oj,new + 0.5 6j,old 4) Evaluate ATz and each AOj from the previous timestep. If ATz> 0.3 K or any AOj> 0.005, repeat the entire procedure with the system timestep halved. The entire procedure is summarized in Figure 4.2. Several notes should be made concerning this procedure. The system load is predicted using the supply air temperature from the previous timestep. However, the supply air temperature is nearly constant over time, especially if the system is never overloaded, so the prediction is still valid. The relaxation factors and convergence criteria in step If and 3c were determined to provide a reasonably stable yet fast solution. Although the criteria for change in dimensionless temperature in steps 3c and 4 appear very stringent, they were found to be necessary to obtain a consistently stable solution. Finally, the addition. of the test of the change in the dimensionless temperatures from the previous timestep (step 4) helps to prevent the room conditions from changing too quickly. Again, the criterion was chosen after some experimentation by the author. This computational method has been successfully implemented in EnergyPlus. Nearly all of the changes are made in the module ZoneTempPredictorCorrector.f90, which handles the heart of the predictor-corrector calculation. Major features of the code are presented in Appendix A. 1, and the complete code is included on the attached compact disc. set Th = setpoint temperature solve for T. using Oh from previous iteration, T,, and T 0 Solve for Q,, Use m,,c, T. and T, to calculate new Oj values each A0j from rvious iteration < 0.01? no <+yes calculate actual system supply capacity use calculated system parameters and O3values from previous iteration to calculate actual T. A- W iterate with O = 0.5 0j; a + 05 .- Oj,ne. zonal models calculate actual 03 values from system parameters and actual T, 0 U each A03 from previous iteration < 0.001? no yes from previous system timestep, AT, <0.3*C, A0; < 0.005? no yes move to next system timestep Figure 4.2 Displacement ventilation model predictor-corrector method flowchart 4.3 Airflow Two changes were made to the indoor airflow models. The first allows for a simple prediction of the air flowrate in the natural ventilation case, while the second allows for a variable rate of interzone air mixing based on the temperature difference between zones. 4.3.1 Natural Ventilation The natural ventilation model assumes pure cross ventilation from the windward to the leeward side of the building. Figure 4.3 shows this model in schematic form. Outdoor air enters the windward side of the building. Air from the zone on the windward side of the building then flows into the zone on the leeward side of the building, and air from this leeward zone is exhausted outside. The actual airflow can be modeled using EnergyPlus infiltration and mixing models, but some method must be used to predict the airflow rate. The simplest method of predicting the air flowrate through an open window is with a large-opening correlation, where some fraction of the static pressure difference across the opening is assumed to be converted to dynamic pressure (velocity): Vair = CDA 2A (4.16) Pair where: CD A Ap = volumetric air flowrate through window = opening discharge coefficient, usually ~0.6 = effective opening area = pressure difference between inside and outside This expression has been used for the simple natural ventilation model in EnergyPlus. The discharge coefficient and effective opening area are assumed constant; the determination of these constants for Building A is discussed in Chapter 5. The pressure on an exterior surface relative to atmospheric pressure at the same height can be calculated using a pressure coefficient, Cp, where some fraction of the wind dynamic pressure is assumed to be converted to static pressure: Pextrelative =C 2 pa where Umet is the meteorological windspeed. leeward side windward side Figure 4.3 Natural ventilation schematic (4.17) The total ventilation rate for each floor can be calculated based on the pressure difference between the two primary facades, located on opposite sides of the building. The pressure difference, Ap, used in Equation (4.16), can therefore be calculated using: Ap =(C 1 2-C,Pair m (4.18) where C, and Cp,2 are the surface-averaged pressure coefficients on the two primary facades. The pressure coefficients are not constant but vary with wind speed and direction. Determination of pressure coefficients for many wind speeds and directions is complex and time-consuming. For this study, the pressure coefficient has been determined for eight wind directions and assumed constant with wind speed for each direction. The pressure coefficient for any wind direction is determined by linear interpolation between two known pressure coefficients. The determination of pressure coefficients for Building A is discussed in Chapter 5. All of the changes necessary to implement this natural ventilation model were made in the module HeatBalanceAirManager.f90. Major features of the code are presented in Appendix A.2, and the complete code is included on the attached compact disc. 4.3.2 Interzone Mixing A simple change to the EnergyPlus "CrossMixing" model was made to allow for a slightly more sophisticated interzone mixing model. This interzone mixing model is used to model mixing between the perimeter and central zones for each half-floor plate. The original CrossMixing object allows for interzone air mixing at a constant rate that can be modified by a schedule value. A temperature difference can be specified so that the crossmixing is only active if the temperature difference is greater than some value. In the new model, the crossmixing rate is assume to vary linearly between zero at a temperature difference of zero and the design level at some specified temperature difference, and remain constant at the design level for larger temperature differences: A IAT crossmixing = Tdesign .,g 'design1 design , I AT (4.19) > ATdesign where AT is the temperature difference between the zones. The implementation of this model is very straightforward and is presented in Appendix A.2. 4.4 Plant Loops EnergyPlus vl.0 only allows very simple plant (water-side) loops. The primary restriction on plant loops is that only one set of demand side components may be placed in parallel, because only one splitter and one mixer are allowed on the demand side. Figure 4.4 shows the basic plant loop configuration. As many components can be placed in parallel as desired. However, if another set of parallel components needed to be placed after the demand-side mixer, this could not be done. Two new components have been created to handle this need: crossover pipes and controlled crossover pipes. 4.4.1 Crossover Pipes The crossover pipe allows more than one set of components in parallel by creating multiple plant loops that exchange information. A crossover pipe is both a demand and supply side component. It performs a very simple function: the demand side inlet information is passed to the supply side outlet information, and the supply side inlet information is passed to the demand side outlet information. This is illustrated in Figure 4.5. The primary plant loop is essentially the same as that in Figure 4.3, except that the crossover pipe is placed after the demand-side mixer. In the secondary plant loop, the only supply component is the crossover pipe and there is no supply bypass. Hence, the demand side of the secondary loop receives the fluid that leaves the demand side mixer of the primary loop, but all of the flow then returns to the supply side of the primary loop. Figure 4.4 EnergyPlus plant loop configuration Primary Plant Secondary Plant Loop Loop Figure 4.5 Plant loop configuration with crossover pipe The crossover pipe is specified as a new object in EnergyPlus that the user inputs in the same manner as any other plant component. The implementation of this object is presented in Appendix A.3.1. 4.4.2 Controlled Crossover Pipes If the basic crossover pipe is used, there is no control over the temperature of the fluid in the secondary plant loop. In order to allow for secondary plant loops that are maintained at some fixed temperature setpoint, controlled crossover pipes were developed. A controlled crossover pipe is essentially the same as a crossover pipe, except that it controls the amount of flow passing through itself such that the secondary loop is maintained at its setpoint temperature. Hence, the controlled crossover pipe must be used in conjunction with a bypass. Figure 4.6 shows the basic configuration of a controlled crossover pipe. Note that the controlled crossover pipe may be placed in parallel with other components, but it may not be placed in series after a mixer (as with the crossover pipe), because this would require a second splitter and mixer in order to accommodate the bypass. The controlled crossover pipe operates by calculating the flowrate necessary to maintain the secondary loop at setpoint temperature. The cooling or heating load is determined from the secondary loop mass flowrate and the temperature difference between the crossover pipe inlet and the setpoint: Qrequired iicondary c Primary Plant Loop (4.20) - Tn (ins T Secondary Plant Loop a 0 r ontrolledcrossover pipe | I Figure 4.6 Plant loop configuration with controlled crossover pipe The required crossover pipe mass flowrate is the determined from this load and the temperature difference between the crossover pipe inlets: m - crossover pipe - Qrequired c T - Ti (4.21) The remainder of the flow will be routed through the bypass by the EnergyPlus flow resolver. The implementation of the controlled crossover pipes is presented in Appendix A.3.2. 4.5 Baseboard Heater Both the chilled beams and trench heaters in Building A were modeled using the BASEBOARD HEATER:WATER:CONVECTIVE object. This component is essentially a natural convection driven water-air heat exchanger located within the zone, and can actually perform heating or cooling even though it is labeled as a heater. However, some small changes to the model were necessary in order to fix bugs in the existing model and control the component correctly. Two bug fixes were performed: in the original code, the water mass flowrate was not set to zero if the component was not active, and the calculated flowrate was never stored in the Baseboard data structure. In addition, the original code set the air mass flowrate constant and equal to a constant convective airflow speed (0.5 m/s), which is clearly an error, because the total flowrate depends on both the speed and the cross sectional area. In the new code, the air flowrate is still assumed constant, but it has been multiplied by the density of air and the approximate area of the trench heaters and chilled beams for Building A to yield a flowrate (5.4 kg/s). Finally, new control conditions appropriate to Building A have been implemented. The water mass flowrate is set to zero if the air temperature is between 20 and 25*C, allowing for a deadband where no chilled beams or trench heaters are active. The water flowrate is also set to zero if both the water and air temperatures are less than 20*C; this prevents a chilled beam from attempting to heat cold air. The implementation of these bug fixes is presented in Appendix A.4. 4.6 Air System Several small changes were made to the air system simulation in order to fix bugs and eliminate restrictions originally imposed in EnergyPlus. Each of these will be briefly discussed. The original EnergyPlus code only allows for up to a three-deck system. This means that there can only be up to three supply air outlets and return air inlets that connect the air handling system and the distribution system in the building. However, six inlets and outlets were found to be necessary to simulate the system in Building A appropriately. The air system input processing code was easily modified to allow for as many inlets and outlet as desired. The author also found that although the data structure for air system mixers was in place, there was no code to actually simulate the mixer. The addition of this calculation was straightforward. The mixer outlet properties are determined by summing the product of the mass flowrate and each property over all mixer inlets, and then dividing by the total mass flowrate. Several bugs relating to the simulation of the supply plenum and the economizer were also discovered but easily fixed. The implementation of all of the above changes to the air system is discussed in Appendix A.5. 4.7 New EnergyPlus Code All of the changes discussed above have been successfully implemented in EnergyPlus. Important portions of the actual code are presented in Appendix A. The complete program code is very large - 121 modules totaling 7.3 MB. However, most of the changes are concentrated in small segments of code, so that less than 10 modules have actually been modified. Two primary types of changes have been made: changes to calculations and changes to inputs. Calculation changes simply consist of changing equations and affect very few lines of code, and in the case of the displacement ventilation model, involve the addition of new iteration loops. Input changes are also fairly simple because a library of input processing routines already exists within EnergyPlus. Some input changes involve the creation of new input objects, which must also be defined in the EnergyPlus input data dictionary file (EnergyPlus.idd). Three final versions of EnergyPlus were used in this study. The first, Crossover.exe, includes all changes discussed above except for the displacement ventilation and natural ventilation models. This version was used to simulate the existing building systems and the VAV system. The second, DispVent.exe, also includes the displacement ventilation model and was used to simulate the displacement ventilation system. Finally, NatVent.exe only has the changes necessary to simulate natural ventilation, and was use to simulate the natural ventilation system. Complete source code, compiled executables, and input data dictionaries for each of these EnergyPlus versions are included on the attached compact disc. Chapter 5: Building A Models Several EnergyPlus models were created to represent Building A and the various systems considered in this study. These models are all based on the same physical configuration of Building A, with only the mechanical systems changed. This chapter first presents the basic Building A model, followed by the models of the various mechanical systems studied. All EnergyPlus input files (.idf) are included on the attached compact disc. 5.1 Basic Building Model 5.1.1 Building A Description Building A is located on the BP Sunbury campus, Sunbury-on-Thames, England, about 20 miles west-southwest of central London. The buildin has three floors which all open to a central atrium. The net internal floor area is 4800 m . Note that throughout this study the floors are referred to by the European numbering convention: ground, first, second (G, 1, 2). Figure 5.1 shows a general section of the building. The building fagade is nearly 100 percent glazing. The clerestory level provides daylight to the atrium. Central mechanical equipment is located on the upper roof level, above the atrium. Figure 5.2 shows the first floor plan. Each floor has two major zones: north and south, which are separated by the atrium. Each of these zones will be referred to as a half-floor plate. The location and number of interior partitions varies from floor to floor. In general, the floor plan is very open. Figure 5.3 shows a more detailed section, including the location of supply and return plenums, trench heaters, and chilled beams. Atrium Figure 5.1 Building A section A-A Figure 5.2 Building A first floor plan Figure 5.3 Building A detailed section In the EnergyPlus model, each floor has eight zones, four for each half-floor plate. The atrium is not modeled because smoke air flow visualization tests showed little interaction between the air in the atrium and the rest of the building, and the internal and external gains and losses in the atrium are very small compared to the remainder of the building. The four zones corresponding to each half-floor plate are the central zone, perimeter zone, supply plenum, and return plenum. The occupied space is divided into a central zone and a perimeter zone to account for the perimeter heating and cooling system, and because direct solar gains would tend to be concentrated on the floor of the perimeter zone, rather than spread across the floor of the entire space. The perimeter zone was chosen to have depth of 3 m on all three sides of the occupied space, as shown in Figure 5.4. This distance was chosen because it is the distance from the windows to the point where the dropped ceiling becomes level, and because perimeter effects are unlikely to penetrate more than 3 m into the space. There is some interaction between the perimeter and central zones that will be discussed later in this chapter. S central zone 3 :3 m perimet-- ne--------------3 -- perimeter zone -- }3 m -in ----------------------------- 54m Figure 5.4 Definition of central and perimeter zones for each half-floor plate Figure 5.5 Overall model geometry and detail of supply and return plenums For each half-floor plate, the supply plenum is a single zone (54 x 15 m) located beneath both the central and perimeter zones. Similarly, the return plenum is a single zone located above both the central and perimeter zones. The structural concrete floor slab separates the return plenum for one floor from the supply plenum for the floor above. Figure 5.5 shows the overall geometry of the EnergyPlus model and a cutaway detail of the supply and return plenum geometry. 5.1.2 Simulation Parameters There are a number of general simulation parameters that must be specified for any EnergyPlus model. Most of these involve a choice between different available models. In general, the most detailed models available in EnergyPlus have been chosen. Table 5.1 shows the general simulation parameters for all simulations in this study. The detailed convection algorithms use correlations to determine the convection coefficient, rather than assuming a simple constant convection coefficient. The CTF solution algorithm uses only conduction transfer functions for the surface heat balance calculations, rather than the moisture balance algorithms also available. The full exterior solar distribution means that detailed shadowing calculations are performed for the building exterior, but all radiant solar energy transmitted to a zone is assumed to strike the floor. EnergyPlus does include a full interior and exterior solar distribution model, which projects the appropriate amount of transmitted solar energy onto each internal surface. This model was not used because the only internal surfaces in the model are floors and ceilings, so all of the radiant energy would strike the floor, and because this model does not work with concave zones such as the perimeter zone. Table 5.1 EnergyPlus simulation parameters Parameter Solar Distribution Timesteps in Hour Inside Convection Algorithm Outside Convection Algorithm Sky Radiance Distribution Solution Algorithm Setting Used FullExterior 4 Detailed Detailed Anisotropic CTF 5.1.3 Materials There are relatively few materials in the building model, considering the complexity of the building geometry. Table 5.2 lists the different constructions used and the properties of their component layers. Note that complete data was not available for some materials, such as the spandrel panel insulation and the raised floor carpet, so they were modeled as thermal resistances with no mass. However, these materials have little thermal mass so this does not adversely affect the model. The floor slab, which is uninsulated, is used between the floors G and 1 and between floors 1 and 2. The ground slab is in contact with the ground, underneath floor G, while the roof slab is above floor 2. Note that the thermal and solar absorptivity of the plywood in the raised floor is very low because the raised floor is backed with a foil lining. Table 5.2 Building A material properties (outside to inside) thickness specific thermal density W/mK kg/m 3 J/kgK conductivity heat I thermal solar a a thermal Jresistance m2K/W Floor Slab Lightweight Concrete 0.11 1.10 1950 840 0.9 0.5 -- Ground Floor Slab Polyurethane Concrete 0.08 0.275 0.024 1.40 24 2400 159 900 0.85 0.9 0.9 0.5 -- Roof Slab Polyurethane Lightweight Concrete 0.08 0.12 0.024 1.10 24 1950 159 840 0.85 0.9 0.9 0.5 -- Spandrel Aluminum Spandrel Panel 0.003 200 2700 900 0.82 0.14 -- Airgap 0.015 -- -- -- -- -- 0.16 -- - Rockwool 0.1 -- -- -- 0.87 0.87 2.7 Raised Floor Plywood 0.031 0.12 540 1210 0.07 0.15 -- Carpet w/Rubber Pad -- -- -- -- 0.85 0.85 0.22 Dropped (Chilled) Ceiling Ceiling Insulation Ceiling Panel 0.025 0.003 0.038 150 45 2700 710 870 0.07 0.15 -- 0.85 0.9 -- The exterior of building A is nearly 100% glazing. The aluminum spandrel panels cover the perimeter of the supply and return plenums, but the remainder of the fagade is completely glazed. EnergyPlus does not allow a surface to be specified as all glazing; windows must be specified as a subsurface of an existing surface. To model the glazings, an inert surface with zero absorptivity and very high resistance was created, and a window subsurface was then created which covered nearly the entire area of this surface. The type of glazing is different for each fagade. Glass properties were selected from the EnergyPlus database according to the type of glass specified for each glazing. Two types of glass are used: green and clear, low-emissivity. Different thicknesses of these glass types are used on the various facades. Table 5.3 shows the properties of the glass and the various glazing constructions. All glazings are filled with air. The standard EnergyPlus air properties (Table 3.2) were used. Curtain wall mullions were not included in the glazing model. Building A uses an thermally broken curtain wall system, and the spacing between mullions is fairly large (~I m), so their effect on conduction through the glazing is fairly small. Table 5.3 Building A glazing properties and constructions (outside to inside) Property Solar transmittance at normal incidence Solar reflectance at normal incidence: outer side Solar reflectance at normal incidence: inner side IR transmittance at normal incidence IR hemispherical emissivity: outer side IR hemispherical emissivity: inner side Conductivity (W/mK) Green Low-e Clear 0.487 0.6 0.056 0.031 0.056 0.17 0 0 0.84 0.1 0.84 0.84 0.9 0.9 Thickness (mm) South Facade Green Glass Airgap Clear Low-e Glass North Faeade Green Glass Airgap Clear Low-e Glass East/West Facades Green Glass Airgap -Clear Low-e Glass 6 16 10 6 20 6 6 16 6 5.1.4 Shading Building A has both interior and exterior shading. The exterior shading system consists of arrays of solar panels on the southern fagade, roof overhangs, and walkways at each floor level around the perimeter of the building. The interior shading system consists of manually operated venetian blinds. Figure 5.6 shows a section of the shading system at the second floor. The walkways, roof overhangs, and solar panels were modeled as EnergyPlus Surface:Shading:Attached objects. The shading surfaces are visible as the pink surfaces in Figure 5.5. The walkways are metal gratings that are not completely opaque. However, the grating is fairly dense, so the walkways were modeled as opaque surfaces. Figure 5.6 Section of shading system at second floor Pir Figure 5.7 Detached shading surfaces In addition to the shading system, Building A is also shaded by surrounding buildings. The facades of buildings directly south, west, or east of Building A were modeled as EnergyPlus Surface:Shading:Detached objects. Figure 5.7 shows the geometry of the detached shading surfaces. The only difference between attached and detached shading surfaces is the method used to input their geometry. Both models shade all direct and diffuse solar radiation and do not account for reflected radiation. Internal blinds present a modeling challenge because the occupants can operate them. Close observations of blind positions in each zone at various times were made for several days during a visit to the building in January 2002. These observations provided a general idea of how the current occupants operate the blinds. Some blinds were observed always shut, others always opened, and others open or shut depending on the amount of glare on the window. EnergyPlus WINDOWSHADINGCONTROL objects were used to control the blinds. For zones where the blinds were always shut or always open, they were scheduled as so. For zones where the blind position depended on the amount of solar glare, the trigger SolarOnWindow was used to specify the blinds as open unless the amount of solar radiation striking the window exceeds some threshold value, in which case the blinds are closed. Thresholds of 100, 150, or 250 W/m 2 were chosen based on the observed occupant sensitivity to glare and experimentation with EnergyPlus. Open blinds were assumed to have no effect on the window. Closed blind properties were chosen from listings for light colored venetian blinds in the ASHRAE Fundamentals (ASHRAE 2001) and are listed in Table 5.4. Table 5.4 Closed venetian blind optical properties Property solar transmittance solar reflectance thermal hemispherical emissivity thermal transmittance Value 0.05 0.55 0.85 0.05 5.1.5 Exterior Environment EnergyPlus receives nearly all exterior environment information on an hourly basis from the input weather file. The weather file used for all simulations was UKEnglandLondonGatwick.epw, an EnergyPlus weather file derived from the ASHRAE International Weather for Energy Calculations (IWEC) dataset for Gatwick airport. The EnergyPlus documentation (EnergyPlus 2001) has more information on the weather file format and contents. This weather file is included on the attached compact disc. In addition to the weather file, the Building A model interacts with the environment via ground temperatures. Typical U.K. ground temperatures used in all simulations were obtained from energy simulation researchers in the U.K. (Hand 2002). Table 5.5 shows the U.K. ground temperatures at a depth of 1.5 m. Table 5.5 Ground temperatures at 1.5 m depth Month Temp. (*C) Jan 7.3 Feb 6.5 Mar 6.6 Apr 7.3 May 9.1 Jun 11.4 Jul 13.5 Aug Sep 14.3 14.1 Oct Nov 11.7 10.7 Dec 8.7 5.1.6 Internal Gains Internal gains for Building A have three sources: lighting, equipment, and people. Characterizing these loads accurately for any energy simulation can be challenging because they are dependent on occupant behavior and the energy use of many electrical devices (computers, printers, copiers, etc.). However, Building A was instrumented for long-term energy monitoring in January 2002, providing the unusual opportunity to obtain lighting and equipment gains from measurements. The electrical distribution system includes individual distribution boards for plugs (busbars in the supply plenum) and lights for each half-floor plate. These circuits have been instrumented with data loggers that record the electrical power at fifteen-minute intervals. Data from these loggers for February 2002 (1/28/02 - 3/06/02) was averaged to obtain hourly load profiles for a typical weekday and weekend day for each half-floor plate. Figures 5.8 - 5.11 show the hourly electrical equipment and lighting loads for the typical weekday and weekend. All loads have been normalized based on an internal floor area 12 E 10- . -J C 64 0 2 0: 0:00 3:00 6:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 18:00 21:00 Time Figure 5.8 Typical weekday electrical equipment load profile 0:00 0 0:00 3:00 6:00 9:00 I 12:00 15:00 18:00 21:00 Time Figure 5.9 Typical weekday overhead lighting load profile 0:00 4.0 ---- 3.5 3.0 SOUTH G NORTH G -SOUTH 1 - 1 -NORTH -SOUTH c 4.0 --- 3,5 SOUTH G NORTH -SOUTH 2 30 NORTH 2 1 -NORTH 1 -SOUTH 2 5-E 25-.5 01.0 .5 11.5 0.0 2 -NORTH 2 0* ' _ _ 0.0 0.0 0:00 3:00 6:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 18:00 21:00 0:00 Time Figure 5.10 Typical weekend electrical equipment load profile 0.0 0:00 3:00 6:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 18:00 21:00 0:00 Time Figure 5.11 Typical weekend overhead lighting load profile of 810 m2 for each half-floor plate. The equipment load varies greatly from zone to zone; peak loads vary from less than 4 W/m 2 to nearly 8 W/m 2 . This is because the density of people and their associated equipment varies greatly. The first floor is the least dense and has the lowest equipment loads. The equipment load for every floor is considerably lower than typical office equipment loads, which are often 10 - 15 W/m 2 (ASHRAE 2001). This is because many energy-saving types of equipment, such as flat-panel LCD monitors, are used throughout the building. The baseline load, which is fairly constant over the night and weekend, also varies from zone to zone. It is generally higher for the northern zones because vending areas are on the northern side of the building. The lighting load is more constant from zone to zone because the installed lighting density is the same throughout the building. However, daylight-sensitive dimmers and motion sensors control the lights and therefore create some load variation. The load peaks at the end of the day as the sun sets and daylight disappears. The loads also decrease slightly with increasing height because the upper floors receive more daylight. This load profile was assumed constant throughout the year. The load profile would actually vary over the year as the length of the day and amount of daylight change, but annual measurements providing such a complete profile are not yet available. The portion of equipment and lighting loads that is radiant versus convective must also be specified. For the equipment load, this was determined based on the number of each type of equipment and its approximate load and radiant/convective split given in the ASHRAE Fundamentals (ASHRAE 2001). The estimated split was constant at 16% radiant, 84% convective throughout the building. The overhead lights fixtures act as the inlet to the return plenum, so that the lights are ventilated. The lights were modeled so that when the mechanical system is active, the convective load from the lights only reaches the return air and does not enter the space. The radiant/convective split used was the ASHRAE value for recessed, vented fluorescent lights: 59% radiant/41% convective. Finally, the equipment and lighting loads must be split between the central and perimeter zones. The installed lighting is approximately 10% in the perimeter zone, with the remainder in the central zone, so this was the division for the load in the model. The fraction of the equipment load in each perimeter zone was estimated from a count of the number of each type of equipment in the perimeter zone. The fraction varies from zone to zone, from zero for the second floor to 21 percent for the first floor north. The internal gains from people must also be modeled. A single person was assumed to produced a constant total load (sensible and latent) of 115 W, based on ASHRAE recommended values for light office work (ASHRAE 2001). The EnergyPlus PEOPLE model automatically calculates the portion of this load that is latent. The sensible load was assumed to be 58% radiant/42% convective. The maximum number of people in each zone, shown in Table 5.6, was estimated by counting the number of desks in that zone. Note that the density of people varies greatly; the second floor has far more people than the other two floors. This maximum is multiplied by an hourly fractional office occupancy schedule, shown in Figure 5.12. This schedule, which is assumed constant for the entire building, was estimated from the electrical equipment load data by determining the ratio of the current equipment load to the peak equipment load for each hour of the day, where the baseline equipment load has been subtracted from both loads so that only the portion affected by occupants is considered. This schedule is only used for weekdays; the building is assumed to be unoccupied during weekends. Table 5.6 Maximum number of people in each zone Location Centra Zone South G 46 North G 39 South 1 42 North 1 43 South 2 North 2 75 79 9 17 12 7 10 6 Perimeter Zone Max. # People 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 -- - - - . - 0.00 0:00 3:00 6:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 18:00 21:00 Time Figure 5.12 Fractional weekday office occupancy schedule 0:00 5.1.7 Interior Airflow The only interior airflow included in the EnergyPlus model is the mixing between the central and perimeter zones. Airflow visualizations performed with smoke pencils in Building A showed that the interaction between the atrium and each half-floor plate is minimal, so airflow between half-floor plates through the atrium was not modeled. The mixing between the central and perimeter zones is difficult to characterize because there is no physical barrier between these zones. However, the mixing would be minimal when the zones are at the same temperature because there is no force to drive airflow. Similarly, the mixing rate would become very large at large temperature gradients, because strong buoyancy affects would drive the airflow. In this study, the mixing rate has been assumed to vary linearly with the temperature difference between the zones, up to some maximum mixing rate and temperature difference, beyond which the mixing rate is constant. A maximum mixing rate of 3 m 3/s (14 ach based on the perimeter zone volume) was assumed to occur at a temperature difference of 5 K. Beyond this temperature difference, the mixing rate remains constant. The implementation of this model in EnergyPlus is discussed in Chapter 4. 5.2 Existing Building Systems The existing building system consists of an underfloor air distribution system with chilled ceilings, perimeter trench heaters, and perimeter chilled beams. Fairly complex chilled and hot water loops are used to add and remove heat to these components. Each part of the system has been included in the EnergyPlus model and will be discussed in detail below. The building as it is currently operated has many obvious opportunities for energy savings. Therefore, two basic models of the existing building were developed. The first, referred to as the Existing Building model, attempts to model the building as it is actually operated. The second, referred to as the Improved Operations model, changes the operation of the existing building systems to take of these obvious opportunities for energy savings. 5.2.1 Air System The Building A air system consists of two air handling units that deliver fresh air through two independent supply risers. The supply risers both deliver the air to all six supply plenums serving the six half-floor plates. Air is exhausted through the return plenums to two return risers that exhaust air through the air handling units. Because both air handling units serve all six half-floor plates, they have been lumped together and modeled as a single unit within EnergyPlus. Air Handling Unit Figure 5.13 shows a schematic of the air handling unit, which includes supply and return fans, a preheat coil, economizer, cooling coil, and a reheat coil. The modeling of each of these components will be discussed briefly. exhaust air fan fa< return air economizer outdoor air [j supplysupply airi fa0jspl preheat coil cooling coil reheat coil Figure 5.13 Air handling system schematic The preheat coil and economizer were both modeled within an Outside Air System. The preheat coil was modeled as a Simple Water Heating Coil with a UA value of 10,000 W/K and a maximum water flowrate of 5.2 kg/s. Although the exact UA value of the coil was not known, it only affects the model in extreme conditions when the coil cannot meet the load. Because this condition is very unlikely, all coils were modeled as simple coils with fixed UA values. UA values were chosen to be sufficiently large to prevent to coil from being overloaded. All coil maximum water flowrates were taken from building design drawings and were found to be sufficiently high to prevent any of the coils from overloading during peak periods. The preheat coil was controlled to prevent the air temperature after the coil from falling below 5'C. The economizer was modeled as an Outside Air Mixer. In the actual building, it is controlled such that 100% outdoor air is used for the entire day after 8 a.m., 50% outdoor air from 6 - 8 a.m., and 100% return air before 6 a.m. This control scheme is used in the Existing Building model. However, there are clearly cases where using 100% outside air in the early morning would be beneficial, especially in the summer when cool morning outside air can be used for free cooling. Therefore, in the Improved Operations model, the economizer is allowed to vary the mix of outside and recirculated air to keep the mixed air temperature equal to the supply air setpoint when possible. The conditions above for minimum amounts of outside air are unchanged, but more outside air can be used if necessary. The supply fan was modeled as a Simple Variable Volume Fan with a pressure drop of 500 Pa and a constant efficiency of 0.6. These parameters were simply chosen as rough estimates because no fan data was available. The only affect the fan has on the model is a slight rise in temperature due to fan inefficiencies, so these estimates are acceptable. This model was not used to estimate fan electrical consumption; this estimate is discussed later in this chapter. The return fan has a very small effect on the system other than its electrical consumption and was not included in the model. The cooling coil was modeled as a Simple Water Cooling Coil with a UA value of 40,000 W/K, maximum water flowrate of 13.8 kg/s, and maximum relative humidity leaving the coil 90%. This means that no detailed latent cooling capacity calculation are performed. The reheat coil was modeled as a Simple Water Heating Coil with a UA value of 10,000 W/K and a maximum water flowrate of 5.6 kg/s. There are three control modes for these two coils: heating, cooling, and dehumidification. If the mixed air humidity ratio is above the humidity ratio setpoint, dehumidification is not needed. In this case either the heating or cooling coil is controlled to maintain the supply air temperature at setpoint. If dehumidification is needed, the cooling coil is controlled to provide dehumidification such that the air leaving the coil has a humidity ratio equal to the setpoint. The reheat coil is then controlled to heat the supply air to the setpoint temperature. The humidity ratio setpoint is 9 g/kg, which corresponds to a dewpoint 12.4'C. This low dewpoint is needed to prevent condensation on the chilled ceilings. The actual system is controlled by the air dewpoint; in EnergyPlus this type of control must be based on the humidity ratio. The supply air setpoint is 18.5'C after 8 a.m. and 21.5'C before 8 a.m. Air Distribution Upon leaving the air handling unit the air is distributed to six supply plenums, one for each half-floor plate. The air in the supply plenum enters the space through numerous circular floor diffusers. Figure 5.14 shows the type of diffuser used in Building A. The air leaves the space and enters the return plenums through the ceiling-mounted ventilated light fixtures. The air from the six return plenums then returns to the air handling unit. This distribution is performed in two stages within EnergyPlus. The air leaving the air handling unit is split into six different supply air paths, one for each supply plenum. The air flows through the supply plenum, and then flows through a splitter that supplies both the central and perimeter zones corresponding to that supply plenum. The same approach is taken in reverse for the return air. Figure 5.15 shows this distribution system in schematic form. Although the second splitter does not physically exist, it must be included in EnergyPlus in order to supply air to both the central and perimeter zones from the same plenum. The heat transfer processes within the supply plenum are modeled in the same method as for any other zone. Note that EnergyPlus does not actually model ducts and therefore does not account for heat gains within the duct system. Finally, note that the current version of EnergyPlus requires a terminal distribution unit to be specified after the second splitter. In this case, a VAV box was specified with a minimum airflow rate equal to its maximum airflow rate and an electric heating coil with a capacity of 0 W. Figure 5.14 Building A floor diffuser it. it -- i +returnplenum , perimeter' zone 1 1k central zone J 4- supply plenum Figure 5.15 Air distribution schematic The underfloor air system can potentially create a vertical temperature gradient that can make the assumption of uniform room temperature inaccurate. However, this system uses very large airflow rates that tend to make the temperature gradient very small. When the chilled ceiling is active, it further destroys the temperature gradient. Measurements made during January 2002 showed that the floor to ceiling temperature difference is generally less than 2*C. This small gradient makes the assumption of uniform room temperature reasonably accurate, especially compared to the much larger gradients arising in a displacement ventilation system. Flowrates The supply flowrate for the entire system and each zone is constant. Supply rates for each zone were determined from measurements taken during January 2002. Duct traverses were performed within the supply and return risers at each floor level using a hot-wire anemometer. The average velocity across the duct was used to determine the supply air flowrate. This flowrate was then divided evenly between the perimeter and central zones based on the ratio of their floor areas (1:2.5). Table 5.7 shows the supply air rates used in the Existing Building model. The flowrates are very high for a system Table 5.7 Air supply rates for Existing Building and Improved Operations models Location Air S tpiRaBui ln Improved Operations Air Supply Rate (m 3/S) South G North G South 1 North 1 South 2 North 2 2.23 2.23 2.41 2.49 3.67 2.77 0.56 0.49 0.52 0.53 0.85 0.89 that is intended to provide only fresh air. The total system flowrate is approximately 40 L/s/person based on the maximum number of occupants shown in Table 5.6. The Improved Operations model uses more reasonable flowrates for each zone of 10 L/s/person, a widely recognized standard for fresh air supply rate. The perimeter air supply rate is held constant for each zone at 0.1 m3/s in the Improved Operations model. The entire system is off during the night and weekends. Electrical monitoring showed that the building system was generally turning on at 4 a.m. and off at 7 p.m. on weekdays. This operation schedule was used in the Existing Building model. In the Improved Operations model, the system turns on at a more reasonable time of 6 a.m. and still turns off at 7 p.m. 5.2.2 Radiant and Convective Units Chilled Ceilings The entire ceiling of the central zone of each half-floor plate is composed of chilled ceiling panels. Figure 5.16 shows a cutaway view of a typical chilled ceiling panel. The materials composing the chilled ceiling are given in Table 5.2. The chilled ceiling consists of metal chilled water tubing bonded to a thin metal panel. The back side of the ceiling panel is lined with insulation. Each central zone was modeled with a single Hydronic Low Temperature Radiant System to represent the chilled ceilings. This EnergyPlus model is intended to represent chilled ceilings, chilled concrete slabs, radiant concrete slabs, or any other surface that has an embedded heat source. Geometric inputs for this model were estimated from building design drawings. The tubing inside diameter was estimated to be 15 mm and the total tubing length per half-floor plate was 2300 m for southern zones and 2700 m for northern zones. Maximum cold water flowrates were also taken building design drawings and vary from 2.8 to 3.6 kg/s. The chilled ceiling control is based on the zone mean air temperature. The control varies the flowrate linearly from zero flow at 24.5*C to the maximum flowrate at 25.5*C. This corresponds to a 1 C throttling range centered around 25*C. This control approximates the actual building controls, in which the panel flow is not variable, but simply on or off. Flow to the panel is turned on if the proportional-integral temperature error exceeds some set value. EnergyPlus does not have provisions for this type of control. Figure 5.16 Chilled ceiling panel cutaway view ChilledBeams In the perimeter zone, the chilled ceiling is replaced with chilled beams, which have a higher cooling capacity. The chilled beam is essentially a long and narrow finned tube heat exchanger. Figure 5.17 shows a typical chilled beam. The chilled beam is mounted near the ceiling. Hot air rises and passes through the chilled beam, where it is cooled and falls downward. Each perimeter zone was modeled with a single Convective Water Baseboard Heater to represent the chilled beams. This model was modified slightly to allow it to be used to model a chilled beam, as discussed in Chapter 4. The chilled beams were estimated to have a UA value of 600 W/K. As with the heating and cooling coils, this value does not have a large affect on the model because it only affects the performance of the beam when it is fully loaded, which requires extreme conditions. Maximum cold water flowrates were taken from building design drawings and vary from 1.7 to 2.2 kg/s. The chilled beams are controlled to maintain a setpoint temperature of 25'C. If the temperature is below 25'C, there is no flow to the chilled beam. When the temperature reaches 25'C, the flow through the chilled beam is varied to maintain this setpoint. As with the chilled ceilings, this control approximates the actual building controls, in which the flow is not variable, but simply on or off. Flow to the beam is turned on if the proportional-integral temperature error exceeds some set value. EnergyPlus does not have provisions for this type of control. Figure 5.17 Chilled beam Trench Heaters The perimeter zones also have trench heaters to overcome heat losses due to window conduction during the winter. Figure 5.18 shows a schematic of the operation of the trench heaters. The heater is placed in a trench at the base of the window. Air is cooled as it comes in contact with the window and flows downward into the trench. It then rises upwards after it is heated. Each perimeter zone was modeled with a single Convective Water Baseboard Heater to represent the trench heaters. The trench heaters were estimated to have a UA value of 400 W/K. As with the chilled beams, this value does not have a strong affect on the Figure 5.18 Trench heater schematic model. Maximum hot water flowrates were taken from building design drawings and vary from 0.7 to 1.4 kg/s. The trench heaters are controlled to maintain a setpoint temperature of 20*C. If the temperature is above 20'C, there is no flow to the trench heater. When the temperature falls to 20'C, the flow through the trench heater is varied to maintain this setpoint. This is very similar to the actual building controls, because unlike the chilled ceilings and beams, the trench heaters do have three-way valves allowing variable flow. 5.2.3 Plant Loops The Building A plant loops consist of the hot water loop, serving the heating coils and trench heaters, and the cold water loop, serving the cooling coil, chilled ceilings, and chilled beams. As with the air system, the plant loop simulation does not account for pressure drops or heat losses and gains between components. Hot Water Loop Figure 5.19 shows a schematic of the hot water loop. The only heat source is the boiler. From the boiler, water can flow through a bypass, either of the heating coils, or into the secondary loop. The secondary loop is maintained at a lower temperature than the primary loop and is fed with water from the primary loop as necessary to maintain this temperature. The secondary loop supplies the trench heaters. The primary and secondary loops are modeled as two independent loops connected by a heating crossover pipe. The heating crossover pipe is a new EnergyPlus component that, combined with a bypass, represents the area within the dashed box in Figure 5.19. Its operation is discussed in Chapter 4. Both loops operate at constant flowrate taken from the building design drawings. The primary loop flowrate is 18.5 L/s; the secondary loop flowrate is 7.28 L/s. The primary loop is maintained at a setpoint temperature of 80'C; the secondary loop is maintained at a setpoint temperature of 520 C. The secondary loop in the actual building actually has a variable setpoint temperature dependent on the outside air temperature. This type of setpoint control is not possible in Primary Loop Secondary Loop U,, o boiler U, Cc I 0 0 heating crossover pipe Figure 5.19 Hot water loop schematic EnergyPlus. Exclusion of this variable setpoint from the model does not have a large affect on the energy consumption of the system and is therefore acceptable. Detailed pump performance information was not available and pump energy consumption was therefore excluded from this study. This is acceptable because the pumping energy is small compared to the fan, chiller, and boiler energy, and because the pumping energy would be similar for the various systems considered. Pumps were included in the EnergyPlus models, but only because flow will not move through the loop without them. The secondary loop flowrate varies in the actual building in order to save pumping energy. However, because the pumping energy is not considered, the use of a constant flowrate is acceptable for this study. Finally, the boiler was modeled as a simple gas-fired boiler with a constant efficiency of 0.95. Detailed performance data for the boiler was unavailable. The actual building uses two boilers in parallel; they have been lumped together for this study. Cold Water Loop Figure 5.20 shows a schematic of the cold water loop. The only cooling source is the chiller. From the chiller, water can flow through a bypass, or the cooling coil. The warmer water exiting the cooling coil and bypass then flows through either another bypass or the secondary loop. The secondary loop is maintained at a higher temperature than the primary loop and is fed with water from the primary loop as necessary to maintain this temperature. The secondary loop supplies the chilled ceilings and beams. The primary and secondary loops are modeled as two independent loops connected by a cooling crossover pipe, similar to the hot water loop. However, because the cooling crossover pipe and its bypass are in series with the cooling coil, a second mixer and splitter are required. Because a second mixer and splitter are not allowed by EnergyPlus, a crossover pipe is used to create a third intermediate loop which has no components other than the cooling crossover pipe and its bypass. The operation of the crossover pipe is described in Chapter 4. Primary Loop Secondary Loop cooling crossover pipe Intermediate Loop Figure 5.20 Cold water loop schematic As with the hot water loops, both cold water loops operate at constant flowrate taken from the building design drawings. The primary loop flowrate is 33.5 L/s; the secondary loop flowrate is 31.2 L/s. The primary loop is maintained at a setpoint temperature of 6*C; the secondary loop is maintained at a setpoint temperature of 15'C. The primary loop in the actual building has a variable setpoint temperature dependent on the need for dehumidification. The setpoint is 6*C when dehumidification is needed and 10*C at other times. This type of setpoint control is not possible in EnergyPlus. Exclusion of this variable setpoint from the model does not have a large affect on the energy consumption of the system and is therefore acceptable. This setpoint variation was included in the calculation of chiller energy consumption, discussed later in this chapter. As with the hot water loops, pumps were included in the EnergyPlus models only because flow will not move through the loop without them. The secondary loop flowrate varies in the actual building in order to save pumping energy. However, because the pumping energy is not considered, the use of a constant flowrate is acceptable for this study. Building A uses two 500 kW air-cooled chillers which are lumped together as one for this simulation. EnergyPlus does not include an air-cooled chiller model, so the cooling was provided by Purchased Chilled Water with a 1 MW nominal capacity. Calculation of the electrical energy consumption of the chillers is discussed later in this chapter. 5.3 Alternative Building Systems Several variations of the existing building model presented above were developed to model alternative building systems. These systems include the VAV system, displacement ventilation system, natural ventilation, and any of these system modeled with night cooling. Every system is a variation on the Improved Operations model presented above. Only the portions of the model discussed below have been changed from the basic Improved Operations model. 5.3.1 Displacement Ventilation System The displacement ventilation model is very similar to the Improved Operations model. Three major changes are made: the chilled ceilings are removed, the air system has a variable airflow rate, and the displacement ventilation vertical temperature gradient model is used. The chilled ceilings are removed from the model because the displacement ventilation system is used to remove 100% of the cooling load in the central zone. Although the chilled ceiling model is removed, the insulated ceiling panels remain in place with the same physical properties as the chilled ceiling. The model simply treats the chilled ceilings as if they are always off. Because the ventilation system is used to remove the entire cooling load in the central zone, it must have a variable airflow rate in order to meet the additional load that was removed by the chilled ceilings. The minimum airflow rate for each zone is the same as in the Improved Operations model, but the airflow rate in the central zones can increase if necessary to maintain the setpoint temperature. The supply air rate in the perimeter zones remains at a fixed minimum; additional loads in these zones are still handled by chilled beams and trench heaters. The minimum amount of outside air is also unchanged. When the airflow rate is increased above the minimum rate, the economizer mixes recirculated air and outside air to maintain the mixed air temperature at the supply air setpoint if possible. The supply air temperature for a displacement ventilation system is normally about 18*C. However, this system uses a supply plenum in which there is considerable heat gain, especially during summer months. The air temperature can rise as much as 3*C within the supply plenum due to heat gains from the raised floor. Therefore, a lower supply air setpoint (for the air leaving the air handling unit and entering the supply plenum) was used during warmer months so that the air leaving the supply plenum would be near 18*C. The supply air setpoint was scheduled to reset annually: April through October, the supply air setpoint was 15*C for the entire day; November through March, the supply air setpoint was 18*C after 8 a.m. and 20*C before 8 a.m. Finally, the displacement ventilation vertical temperature gradient model was for the central zone with this system. This model is discussed in chapter 4. Note that when this model is used, the airflow rate is varied in order to maintain the head level temperature at the setpoint, rather than the mean air temperature. The head level setpoint was 25*C. The temperature distribution in the perimeter zones is different because of the trench heaters and chilled beams; these zones are assumed to remain well mixed with a uniform temperature distribution. Several variations on the displacement ventilation model were considered. Because the chilled ceilings are removed, condensation is no longer as serious of a concern and the humidity requirement can be relaxed. A higher humidity model was created with a supply air humidity ratio setpoint of 10 g/kg. There was also some concern that the heat gains in the supply plenum partially resulted from heat from the warm return plenum conducting through the structural floor slab, which is uninsulated. An insulated floor slab model was created with a 25 mm layer of polystyrene insulation on the underside of the first and second floor slabs (k=0.035 W/mK, p = 24 kg/m3 , c,= 1210 J/kgK, atjm = 0.85, asolar = 0.9). Finally, a model without the chilled beams was considered. In the no chilled beams model, the perimeter airflow rate can increase above the minimum airflow rate and is varied in order to maintain the setpoint of 25*C. The perimeter is assumed to be well mixed, so the vertical temperature gradient model was not used for this zone. 5.3.2 VAV System The VAV system is identical to the displacement ventilation system except that the supply plenum is not used. Instead, the air is introduced directly into the space, and diffusers are assumed to be located such that the room air is well mixed. Note that although the supply plenum is not used, the raised floor is still in place. The return air is still drawn through the return plenum. Because the room air is well mixed, the air flowrate is varied to maintain the mean room temperature at the setpoint of 25 0C. The supply air setpoint follows the same seasonal reset schedule as the displacement ventilation supply air setpoint. This provides the 15*C supply air temperature typical of VAV systems when cooling is needed, and a warmer 180C supply air temperature when extra cooling is not needed in the central zone and heating is needed in the perimeter zone. The ventilation rate cannot be decreased further when heating is needed because fresh air ventilation is still required. The baseline VAV model is meant to represent a traditional all-air system, so it also excludes the chilled beams. The air flowrate in the perimeter zones is increased in order to provide cooling to 25 0C when necessary. The trench heaters remain in place, so that when heating is needed, the air flowrate remains at the minimum level and the water flowrate to the trench heaters is varied to maintain the 20*C setpoint. Two variations to the VAV model were also considered. In the first, the chilled beams are included, so that the perimeter air flowrate is always at the minimum and the chilled beams provide additional cooling, as in the displacement ventilation system. The second case relaxes the space humidity requirement, as was done with displacement ventilation system. The supply air humidity ratio setpoint is raised from 9 to 10 g/kg, corresponding to 50% relative humidity at 25*C. 5.3.3 Night Cooling Each of the three systems presented above can also be operated in a night cooling mode, in which the air system is operated at night in order to precool the building. For all three systems, the daytime system operation is unchanged from the cases above. At night, the air system supplies a high flowrate of unconditioned, cool outside air to the central zone. Night cooling operation begins at 11 p.m. and continues until normal system operation begins at 6 a.m. At night, the system runs at a fixed maximum flowrate until a setpoint of 18*C is reached. The system then varies the flowrate in order to maintain the 18*C setpoint, but does not let the flowrate drop below the daytime minimum flowrate. Although in an actual building the controls might be set to turn the system off again once the setpoint is reached, this type of control cannot be implemented in EnergyPlus. Finally, note that night cooling is not used during the coldest months. The night cooling mode is only operable April through October; the normal operating modes described previously are used November through March. This simplified seasonal reset control must be used because EnergyPlus does not have provisions for logic-based controls, which might be used to activate night cooling based on the outdoor temperature. Several other changes to the existing models were included in the night cooling models to increase the effectiveness of night cooling. For both the displacement ventilation and existing building (improved operations) case, the underside of the floor slabs were insulated, as described previously for the displacement ventilation case. This is to prevent any coolth stored in the floor slab from being released to the air in the return plenum beneath the slab. For the VAV system, which does not use the supply plenum, the raised floor was removed. Without the raised floor removed, there would not be any thermal mass exposed to the supply air and there would be little potential for effective night cooling. Finally, for the VAV and displacement ventilation systems, the relaxed humidity setpoint of 10 g/kg was used. Two different nighttime maximum air flowrates were considered. A higher flowrate may help to further precool the building, but it also requires greater fan power. The higher rate was 5 ach for each system. The lower rate was 2.5 ach for the existing building system and 3.5 ach for the displacement ventilation and VAV systems. A slightly higher rate was used for the alternative systems because they require higher maximum daytime air change rates. In EnergyPlus, the maximum nighttime air change rate is also the maximum daytime air change rate. If the maximum daytime rate is too low, there are periods when the system is running at maximum flowrate and still cannot meet the cooling load. 5.3.4 Natural Ventilation The natural ventilation system is very different from the systems presented above. All of the building systems discussed above are removed. The only conditioning of the building is provided by naturally driven airflow through windows. Pure cross ventilation from one 88 side of the building to the other is assumed. The cross ventilation model and its implementation into EnergyPlus are discussed in Chapter 4. Controls on the natural ventilation rate have not been implemented. The windows are assumed to be completely open at all times, yielding the maximum possible ventilation rate. This is acceptable for evaluating summer conditions because in the mild U.K. climate, the outdoor temperature is nearly always lower than the indoor temperature, so the maximum ventilation rate is desirable throughout the day. However, this model cannot be used for winter case where the ventilation rate should be kept very low and heat recovery should be used. Therefore, this model is only used to evaluate summer comfort conditions and determine the feasibility of natural ventilation for this building. To apply the cross ventilation model to a specific building, the effective opening area, opening discharge coefficient, and outside pressure coefficients must be determined. The effective opening area was estimated using an architectural worksheet for natural ventilation design (Moore 1993). The windows were assumed to be bottom-hinged casement type windows with a total area of 120 m 2 and an effective opening ratio of 0.75 on both the southern and northern facades, yielding an effective opening area of 90 M2 The opening discharge coefficient (CD) for each set of windows (north and south) was assumed to be 0.6. To estimate a discharge coefficient for the internal resistance of the building, a CFD model of a single floor was created in PHOENICS 3.3. Figure 5.21 shows the geometry of this model. The south fagade was specified as an inlet at a pressure of 2 Pa and the north fagade was specified as an outlet at a pressure of 0 Pa. Using the total flowrate through the space and the effective opening area of 90 M2 , the interior discharge coefficient was estimated to be 0.72. The product of this discharge coefficient and the discharge coefficient for the windows on each fagade yields an overall discharge coefficient of 0.26. Finally, the surface-averaged pressure coefficients on the southern and northern facades at each floor level were determined for eight different wind directions. A CFD model of Figure 5.21 Second floor PHOENICS model geometry Building A and the BP Sunbury campus was created in PHOENICS 3.3. Figure 5.22 shows the model geometry. The wind speed profile was estimated using a power-law boundary layer model for suburban areas (ASHRAE 2001): UH = U m et niet (5.1) ( H met where UH = local approaching wind speed at height H Umet= 4.5 m/s = mean summer meteorological wind speed wind boundary layer thickness at meteorological station 8met =270 m Hmet - 10 m height of meteorological station anemometer amet= 0.14 wind boundary layer exponent at meteorological station 6= 370 m suburban area wind boundary layer thickness a = 0.22 = suburban area wind boundary layer exponent Figure 5.22 BP Sunbury campus PHOENICS model geometry 6.0 4.02.0 0.0 -2.0 -4.0 -6.0 -8.0 -10.0 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 Wind Direction (deg CW from N) Figure 5.23 Variation of pressure coefficients with wind direction The pressures on each facade were extracted from the PHOENICS results and used to determine pressure coefficients (C,) from Eq. (4.17). Figure 5.23 shows the variation of pressure coefficients with wind direction. Winds from the south or northwest results in the highest pressure differences and will yield the highest ventilation rates. Three natural ventilation cases were considered. In the first, the building is left completely unchanged from its existing configuration. However, the raised floors and lowered ceilings in this case prevent any appreciable heat storage in the floor slab and therefore limit the effectiveness of natural ventilation. Therefore, two additional cases were considered: one with the raised floors removed, and one with the lowered ceilings removed. Either of these actions partially exposes the thermal mass of the floor slab and increases the potential for thermal comfort with natural ventilation. 5.4 Energy Consumption This study considers energy consumption by fans, boilers, and chillers. As previously mentioned, detailed pump performance information was not available and pump energy consumption was therefore excluded from this study. This is acceptable because the pumping energy is small compared to the fan, chiller, and boiler energy, and because the pumping energy would be similar for the various systems considered. Very limited information was also available for the fans, boilers, and chillers, so the methods used to estimate the electrical and gas energy consumption of each of these components will be discussed briefly. The boiler model is very simple and has been discussed previously. The boiler is assumed to operate at a constant efficiency of 0.95. The chiller model is based on a curve fit of the manufacturer's performance data. The only performance data available was maximum cooling capacity and power input for various ambient temperatures and chilled water temperatures; part load performance data was not available. A curve fit of this data was used to generate an expression for the chiller coefficient of performance (COP) as a function of ambient temperature T: COP = aT2+ bT + c (5.2) Two sets of coefficients a, b, and c were used: one corresponding to a chilled water temperature of 60C and one corresponding to a chilled water temperature of 10*C. Table 5.8 shows these coefficients. The higher chilled water temperature was used to determine the COP whenever dehumidification was not needed. Table 5.8 Coefficients for COP expression Water Temperature 60C 0.0014 -0.1846 7.7638 100C 0.0015 -0.2005 8.3009 The hourly chiller electricity consumption was then determined by dividing the hourly chiller cooling load by the predicted chiller COP for that hour. The annual chiller electricity consumption is the sum of the hourly values for the entire year. The fan model is based on the cube-law: fan power is proportional to the cube of the flowrate. Electrical monitoring showed that the fan power consumption for the existing building is approximately 35 kW, and duct traverses Sdiscussed in 5.2.1) showed that the total building air supply rate is approximately 15.8 m Is. These two measurements were used to determine a proportionality constant that predicts the fan power for any of the building systems: P (in W)=8.9-V (in m3 /s) (5.3) This simple fan model does not account for variations in fan efficiency or the fact that the power law often does not hold exactly, especially when flowrates becomes low and the flow is not completely turbulent. However, no other information was available for estimating the fan power. 5.5 Simulation Cases Summary Several basic building simulation cases and their variations have been described. Table 5.9 summarizes the differences between these cases. The EnergyPlus input data file (.idf) for each case is included on the attached compact disc. Table 5.9 Summary of Building A simulation cases Night Minimum Central Perimeter Supply Ventilation Chilled Chilled Trench Plenum Zone Zone Supply Air Economizer Ceilings Beams Heaters Used Maximum Rate Supply Air Supply Air Rate 3 m /s Supply Air Setpoint (April - October) Supply Air Humidity Insulated Raised Setpoint Ratio Floor Floor (November. Slab Present Setpoint March) ach *C Cc g/kg 9 Lowered Ceiling Present Existing Building Existing Building 15.8 no constant constant yes yes Improved Operations yes yes 0 18.5 18.5 no yes yes 3.84 yes constant constant yes yes yes yes 0 18.5 18.5 9 no yes yes Slab 3.84 yes constant constant yes yes yes yes 0 18.5 18.5 9 yes yes yes Night Cooling High Rate 3.84 yes constant constant yes yes yes yes 5 18.5 18.5 9 yes yes yes Night Cooling Low Rate 3.84 yes constant constant yes yes yes yes 25 18.5 18.5 9 yes yes yes Displacement Ventilation 3.84 yes variable constant no yes yes yes 0 15 18 9 no yes yes Insulated Slab 3.84 yes variable constant no yes yes yes 0 15 18 9 yes yes yes Higher Humidity 3.84 yes variable constant no yes yes yes 0 15 18 10 yes yes yes No Chilled Beams Night Cooling High Rate 3.84 3.84 yes yes variable variable variable constant no no no yes yes yes yes yes 0 5 15 15 18 18 9 10 no yes yes yes yes yes Night Cooling Low Rate 3.84 yes variable constant no yes yes yes 3.5 15 18 10 yes yes yes VAV 3.84 yes variable variable no no yes no 0 15 18 9 no yes yes Higher Humidity 3.84 yes variable variable no no yes no 0 15 18 10 no yes yes ._____ .Insulated Displacement Ventilation VAV Chilled Beams 3.84 yes variable constant no yes yes no 0 15 18 9 no yes yes Night Cooling High Rate 3.84 yes variable variable no no yes no 5 15 18 10 no no yes Night Cooling Low Rate 3.84 yes variable variable no no yes no 3.5 15 18 10 no no yes Natural Ventilation - -- No Raised Floor - - - - -- No Lowered Ceiling - - - - Natural Ventilation - - - no yes yes - - - no no yes - - - no yes no Chapter 6: Results The results of the Building A energy simulations are presented in this chapter. Results presented include a simple validation case, annual energy consumption, equipment sizing, and thermal comfort evaluations. 6.1 Existing Building Validation Extensive instrumentation of Building A installed in January 2002 has provided experimental data which can be used for a simple validation of the Building A model. This validation consists of a comparison of predicted central zone temperature to measured zone temperatures. For a comparison with measured data to be meaningful, the simulation must be performed with weather data corresponding to the actual conditions at the time the measurements were taken. A weather station was installed on the roof of Building A to collect this data. Outdoor temperature, relative humidity, barometric pressure, wind speed, and total horizontal solar radiation were measured at 15 minute intervals. Data for February 2002 was translated into an EnergyPlus hourly weather file, included on the attached compact disc. The measured total horizontal solar radiation was split into direct and diffuse components for the weather file using estimates derived from standard solar irradiance models (ASHRAE 2001). Space temperatures in Building A were measured using compact HOBO thermocouple dataloggers mounted on desk dividers, approximately at seated head height. The temperature measurements have an error of ±0.5*C and were taken at 15 minute intervals. Three dataloggers were distributed evenly across the floor area of the central zone for each half-floor plate, as shown in Figure 6.1. The average of the three measurements is taken as the zone temperature. Figures 6.2 - 6.4 show predicted and measured space temperatures for the southern zones for a single week in February. The agreement is very good; the error is generally less than 1*C and nearly always less than 2*C, except for some anomalous periods discussed X xx X x X =temperature datalogger location Figure 6.1 Temperature datalogger locations on typical floor plan I -- 26 024 e 22 0. E - 20 18 Monday 16 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1 02/18 02/19 02/20 02/21 02/22 02/23 02/24 02/25 Date Figure 6.2 Ground floor south measured and simulated zone air temperatures 28 --..-. South 1 Simulation 26 _-- South 1 Measurement O 24 - - m22 - E i20A 02/18 02/19 02/20 02/21 02/22 02/23 02/24 02/25 Date Figure 6.3 First floor south measured and simulated zone air temperatures U 28 ----- South 2 Simulation 26 -South 2 Measurement ~ UO2422 0 - 18Monday 16 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1 1 1 1 02/18 02/19 02/20 02/21 02/22 Friday Saturday 02/23 Sunday 02/24 02/25 Date Figure 6.4 Second floor south measured and simulated zone air temperatures below. For the central zones, the largest factor affecting the daytime temperature variation is the ratio of internal loads to supply air rate. These zones have little interaction with the outdoors and little thermal mass, so the temperature is controlled by the internal heat gains and cooling provided by the supply air. The agreement between simulation and measurement during the day indicates that these key parameters have been modeled with reasonable accuracy. This is particularly remarkable because the simulation internal loads are on a schedule that is the same for each weekday, whereas the actual internal loads vary according to day-to-day building usage. There are exceptions to the generally good comparison. These occur during periods when the building system clearly remained active through the night or over the weekend. For the week shown, the system clearly remained on Wednesday night and during the day on Saturday, because the measured temperature remains very stable over these periods. This indicates a malfunction in the building control system and does not need to be included in the simulation. The rate of temperature drop at night, after the system has shut off, is largely controlled by the thermal mass of the building and conduction losses through the perimeter. The agreement between the simulation and measurement at night shows that these parameters have also been modeled accurately. This simple validation study provides confidence in the accuracy of the Building A model. It shows that the internal loads, air systems, and building fabric have been modeled accurately. Although it does not provide a direct validation of energy consumption predictions, the energy used by the mechanical systems depends very strongly on these parameters. This model can therefore be used to evaluate the performance of various mechanical systems with confidence. 6.2 Annual Energy Consumption The annual energy use of the three largest system energy consumers: chiller, boiler, and fans, has been evaluated for each mechanical system presented in Chapter 5. The results for these components are presented individually, followed by the total system annual energy cost. 6.2.1 Chiller Electricity Consumption Figure 6.5 shows annual chiller electricity consumption for each mechanical system. The existing building cases require the most chiller energy. The improved operations case requires slightly more chiller energy than the original existing building case. This is because when the airflow rate is reduced in the improved operations case, the opportunity for free cooling from air is reduced and the chilled ceilings must be used instead. Use of the chilled ceilings always requires chiller energy in order to provide cooling. Insulating the concrete floor slab has no appreciable affect on the chiller energy. This indicates that the heat gains to the supply air within the supply plenum are originating primarily from the raised floor above the plenum, rather than the concrete slab below the plenum. The use of night cooling significantly reduces the chiller energy. The higher 30 - - T 25 - 20 15 150 0 4A1 ~ 00 c4) Exstn Buldn DipaemnA Vetiato Fgr 6.5 Anua chile elcrct consuptio nighttime ventilation rate yields a 23 percent reduction in chiller energy, while the lower nighttime ventilation rate yields a 16 percent reduction in chiller energy. The displacement ventilation system uses less chiller energy than the existing building. This is because the replacement of the chilled ceilings with an all-air system in the central zone increases the opportunity for free cooling from outside air. When the chilled beams are removed, the chiller energy decreases even further for the same reason. As with the existing building, insulating the floor slab has no appreciable affect. Increasing the humidity setpoint reduces the chiller energy very slightly, indicating that only a small portion of the chiller energy is used for overcooling to provide dehumidification. As with the existing building, night cooling significantly reduces the chiller energy for the displacement ventilation system. However, unlike the existing building, both ventilation rates are equally effective, reducing the chiller energy by 20 percent. This is possible because in both case, the ventilation rate decreases to the minimum fresh air rate once an 18*C setpoint is reached, so they can have equivalent precooling effects on the building. Finally, the VAV system uses less chiller energy than either the displacement ventilation or existing building systems. This is primarily because the VAV system is an all-air system and therefore maximizes the potential for free cooling. However, even when chilled beams are used with the VAV system, it still uses less chiller energy than the displacement ventilation system. This is because in the displacement-ventilation system, the central zone mean air temperature is actually higher than 25*C, so that mixing of this air into the perimeter zone causes increased loads on the chilled beams, which maintain the perimeter zone at 25*C. In the VAV system, the load on the chilled beams is lower because the mean air temperature of the perimeter and central zones is the same. Although the displacement ventilation system has slightly lower air supply rates and therefore requires less outside air cooling, this difference between the systems is smaller than the chilled beam load difference, so that the VAV system uses slightly less chiller energy. Increasing the humidity setpoint has a slightly larger effect on the chiller energy for the VAV system than the displacement ventilation system (9% vs. 4% reduction). This is because the VAV system uses higher airflow rates and therefore requires more dehumidification of outside air. Night cooling is extremely effective for the VAV system. The chiller energy is reduced by 33 percent with either ventilation rate. Recall, however, that the night cooling mode requires the floor plenum to be removed, because otherwise no thermal mass is exposed to the supply air. These results show that reductions in the existing building chiller energy of up to 64% (for the night cooling VAV system) are possible. All of the systems considered still rely upon mechanical chillers in order to provide chilled water. Use of cooling towers for free cooling of chilled water could provide even greater energy savings. This study focuses on alternative space conditioning systems, rather than alternative plant systems, so cooling towers have not been considered here. 6.2.2 Boiler Gas Consumption Figure 6.6 shows annual boiler gas consumption for each mechanical system. Much of the heating energy is used to heat outside air. The gas use for the existing building case is four times higher than that of any of the other cases because the minimum supply rate of outdoor air is four times higher for this case. The gas consumption for the improved operations case is much lower because it uses the lower outdoor air supply rate. Insulating the floor slab has no appreciable affect on boiler energy. Night cooling increases the required boiler energy because when the system returns to normal operation at 6 a.m., the supply air must be heated to the setpoint. However, up to 50 percent recirculated air may be used before 8 a.m. If night cooling is not used, this recirculated air is significantly warmer and less heating is required to reach setpoint. If better night cooling controls could be implemented in the energy simulation, this small increase in boiler energy would not be present. The displacement ventilation and VAV systems both use about 25 percent less heating energy than the existing building systems. This is because the existing building uses a year round setpoint of 18.5*C, while the other systems operate with a 15*C setpoint for much of the year and therefore require less heating to reach setpoint, especially during early morning hours. 510 _________________- 140 - 120 p 100 l ~ w 80 0 ~ S60 I 2 40 20 0 Cj Existing Building c: c 0c% ~ - ' - ~4 Displacement Ventilation VAV Figure 6.6 Annual boiler natural gas consumption ~~1 VariatiQns on the VAV and displacement ventilation systems follow identical trends. The change in heating energy for any of these variations is relatively small (less than 6 percent). Increasing the humidity setpoint slightly reduces the boiler energy because lessreheat energy is needed. Systems without chilled beams use slightly less boiler energy because more warm air is available for recirculation. This increases the mixed air temperature, yielding longer periods when no heating is of outside air neccesary. Night cooling slightly increases the boiler energy for the same reasons as with the existing building. These results show that enormous reductions in boiler energy are possible by reducing the outside air minimum supply rate. Further savings can be achieved by using systems with lower supply air setpoints. Much of the boiler energy is used to heat outside air. Most of this energy could be eliminated with the use of a heat recovery loop or enthalpy recovery wheel that extracts heat from the exhaust stream. Again, this study focuses on alternative space conditioning systems, so this option has not been considered. Because the minimum outside air supply rate for all systems (except the existing building) is the same, the energy savings from a heat recovery loop would be similar for all systems, and the relative energy usage comparison would not change drastically. 6.2.3 Fan Electricity Consumption The fan energy use is the most variable element between systems, because the cube law translates somewhat small changes in fan flowrate into very large changes in fan power. Figure 6.7 shows annual fan electrical energy consumption for each system. The existing building requires much more fan energy than the other systems because it uses a very high constant supply air rate. The improved operations case, however, uses a constant supply air rate four times lower than the existing building and removes the cooling load with the chilled ceilings. This results in a fan energy that is 1/64* that of the existing building. The fan energy for all other systems is higher than that for the improved operations case because they use a variable supply air rate, with the minimum rate equal to the improved operations supply air rate. Insulating the floor slab has no effect on the fan energy for the existing building because the same constant supply air rate is still used. The night cooling cases, however, do increase the fan energy. In the night cooling cases, the fans run for longer periods and at higher speeds than for the existing building. The higher maximum night ventilation rate in the night cooling high case results in an annual fan energy more than three times greater than that for the night cooling low case. The displacement ventilation case fan energy is 2.4 times the improved operations fan energy. This is because the removal of the chilled ceilings requires an increased supply air rate in order to meet the cooling load. When the chilled beams are removed, the fan energy further increases, by a factor of 4.7, again because of the increased supply air rate needed to meet the cooling load. Insulating the floor slab reduces the fan energy very slightly because the supply air leaving the floor plenum is slightly cooler, requiring a lower supply air rate to meet the cooling load. 100 136 Existing Building Displacement Ventilation VAV Figure 6.7 Annual fan electrical energy consumption The night cooling systems use more fan energy than the basic displacement ventilation system, again because the fans operate for longer periods and at higher flowrates at night. However, the change is not as dramatic as for the existing building, because the use of night cooling reduces the daytime fan energy, whereas in the existing building the daytime fan energy remains the same. Finally, the VAV systems use the most fan energy because large air supply rates must be used to meet the cooling load. When chilled beams are used, the fan energy is reduced by 65 percent, but is still slightly higher than the displacement ventilation fan energy. This is because the vertical temperature gradient allows displacement ventilation to meet the same cooling load with a lower supply air rate. The increase in fan energy for the VAV night cooling high case is much smaller than with the other systems, and for the night cooling low case, the fan energy actually decreases 26 percent. This is because the night cooling is so effective that the increased fan running time is offset by large reductions in daytime fan power. These results demonstrate the sensitivity of fan electrical energy use to fan speed. Supply air rates above the minimum supply air rate must be justified by a reduction in energy use in another system component. However, careful operation of fans for longer periods of time, such as in night cooling, can actually result in decreased fan energy if sufficient thermal mass is available. 101 6.2.4 Total Energy Cost The annual energy use of three individual components has been presented. However, the best measure of a system's energy performance is its total annual energy cost. Energy costs can vary widely between markets and even with the time of day because of on- and off-peak pricing schemes. Such detailed energy cost information was not available for this study. Relative energy costs have been calculated based on a constant 3:1 electrical to gas energy cost ratio. Figure 6.8 shows the total annual energy cost for each mechanical system, normalized with respect to the basic VAV system annual energy cost. The existing building energy cost is more than four times greater than that of any other system, and 4.7 times greater than the improved operations energy cost. The night cooling high case results in an increased energy cost, but in the night cooling low case, the increased fan energy is offset by the decrease in chiller energy to yield a very small reduction in energy costs. The contribution of the fan energy to the total cost is small for the improved operations cases because of the low supply air rates in these cases. The displacement ventilation system energy cost is 17 percent less than the improved operations energy cost. Insulating the floor slab has no significant effect on the energy costs, and the reduction in chiller energy for the higher humidity case yields a very small =5.74 1.6 U Fan Energy Cost 1.4 III 1.2 I LI UN o er M L r nergy ost N Chiler Energy Cost 0.6 0.2 0.0 Existing Building VAV Displacement Ventilation Figure 6.8 Normalized total annual energy costs (3:1 electricity:gas cost ratio) 102 energy cost decrease. The decreased chiller energy with the removal of chilled beams is more than offset by the increased fan energy, resulting in a total energy cost increase. If the night cooling rate is low enough, the increased fan energy is offset by decreases in chiller energy to yield a very small cost decrease. The contribution of the fan energy to the total cost is small for most of the displacement ventilation cases because this system operates at the minimum supply air rate for much of the year. The VAV system energy cost is slightly larger than the displacement ventilation system energy cost. Again, the higher humidity case has a slightly lower energy cost. The energy cost is further reduced with the addition of chilled beams, in which the chiller energy increases but the fan energy decreases dramatically. Both night cooling cases also have lowered energy costs due to decreased fan and chiller energy. The night cooling low case has the lowest energy cost of any system, with a 12 percent cost reduction from the basic VAV system. 6.3 Equipment Sizing In addition to annual energy use, equipment sizing is important in the selection of a mechanical system. A system may have extremely low annual energy consumption but require unusually large equipment. If this equipment is too expensive, the payback period for choosing this system will be very long, and it is unlikely the system will be chosen. Equipment size and cost is related to peak load, although the relation is generally not linear. Peak loads for the chiller, boiler, and fans for each mechanical system are presented below. 6.3.1 Peak Chiller Load Figure 6.9 shows the peak chiller load for each mechanical system studied. The existing building requires the largest chiller size of nearly 500 kW. Note, however, that the actual building has two 500 kW chillers, indicating the installed cooling capacity is more than twice what is necessary. The improved operations case reduces the chiller size by 37 percent to just above 300 kW, because the decreased supply air rate eliminates unnecessary cooling and dehumidification of outside air. Variations on the improved operations case do not significantly affect the chiller size. This is because the peak load is dominated by the chilled ceiling load, which does not change dramatically with these variations. The displacement ventilation peak chiller load is 11 percent less than the improved operations peak load. The increased outside air load due to higher supply air rates in this case is counteracted by the removal of the chilled ceilings load. Insulating the floor slab has no significant effect on the peak load. Raising the humidity setpoint reduces the peak load 8 percent. Removing the chilled beams increases the peak load by 36 percent because in this case, the additional outside air cooling load becomes very large. Both night cooling cases significantly reduce the peak chiller load. The reduction is 26 percent for the high ventilation rate and 22 percent for the low ventilation rate. 103 500 450 400 350 300 -77-- 250 200 150 100 50 0 Figure 6.9 Peak chiller loads The VAV system has the highest peak chiller load, 22 percent greater than displacement ventilation peak and 8 percent greater than the improved operations peak. This is because of the large amount of outside air cooling needed for an all-air system. When chilled beams are added, the peak load is reduced 10 percent, but is still greater than the displacement ventilation peak load. This is because the VAV system requires higher supply air rates to meet the same cooling load. Raising the humidity setpoint also reduces the peak load 10 percent. As with the displacement ventilation system, both night cooling cases significantly reduce the peak chiller load. The reduction is 23 percent for the high ventilation rate and 20 percent for the low ventilation rate. These results show that chiller size depends greatly on the need for cooling of outside air; the chiller size is largest for all-air systems. Although the economizer allows air to be recirculated, the return air temperature is nearly always higher than the outside air temperature, meaning the mostly outside air is used. Use of night cooling tends to reduce the peak chiller load by about 20 percent. The addition of cooling towers to the plant would not affect the chiller size. This is because peak chiller loads correspond to high outdoor dry- and wet-bulb temperatures, which eliminate the potential for free evaporative cooling. 6.3.2 Peak Boiler Load Figure 6.10 shows the peak boiler load for each mechanical system. It is nearly constant, at 140-150 kW, for all systems except the existing building case. This is because the peak boiler load is dominated by the heating of outside air, and the existing building case 104 M456 140 ....... - 120 100 - 80 60 40 -~ Building t - - T --- r Displacement Ventilation Figure 6.10 Peak boiler loads uses a minimum outside air rate four times greater than the minimum outside air rate for the other systems. The peak boiler load is slightly lower for the VAV night cooling cases because the raised floor is removed in these cases. This allows for thermal storage of direct solar gains in the concrete floor slab, which reduces the load on the trench heaters. Because the boiler load is dominated by the heating of outside air, it could be dramatically reduced for any of these systems with the use of a heat recovery loop or enthalpy recovery wheel. As has been discussed, these modifications have been excluded from this study. Because the outside air supply rate is the same for each system, the peak boiler load reduction would be similar for all systems. 6.3.3 Peak Fan Flowrates Figure 6.11 shows the peak fan volumetric flowrate for each mechanical system. The peak fan flowrate varies widely between systems. For the existing building cases, the fan flowrate is determined by the minimum outside air rate, because these cases use a constant supply air rate. When night cooling is used, the peak fan flowrate is determined by the maximum nighttime ventilation rate. The displacement ventilation system requires a peak fan flowrate 2.7 times that of the improved operations case. This is because the supply air rate must be increased to handle the cooling load that is removed by the chilled ceilings in the existing building. Removing the chilled beams further increases the fan flowrate for the same reason. 105 iflzL'IllIzzzzzI_ Existing Building Displacement Ventilation VAV Figure 6.11 Peak fan volumetric flowrates Insulating the slab slightly reduces the fan flowrate because it lowers the supply air temperature to the space slightly. The effect of night cooling depends on the maximum night ventilation rate. The night cooling high ventilation rate is greater than the displacement ventilation peak fan flowrate and therefore increases the peak fan flowrate. The night cooling low case, however, decreases the peak fan flowrate because of the decreased daytime cooling load. The VAV system has the highest peak fan flowrate, 1.7 times greater than the displacement ventilation peak and 4.5 times greater than the minimum supply air rate. This can be reduced to only 1.2 times the displacement ventilation peak with the addition of chilled beams. Both night cooling cases also reduce the peak fan flowrate, again because of the decreased daytime cooling load provided by night cooling. These results show that the use of supply air for cooling, rather than for fresh air only, greatly increases the peak fan flowrate. This effect is most pronounced for an all-air system with no chilled beams or chilled ceilings. Use of night cooling can reduce the peak fan flowrate by slightly more than 10 percent. 6.4 Thermal Comfort Each mechanical system uses setpoints that maintain space temperatures between 20 and 25'C year round. The equipment has been sized such that these setpoints are always met, 106 U--. - _________________________________________________________ and these systems therefore always provide acceptable thermal comfort. The natural ventilation system, however, has no mechanical systems to maintain thermal comfort, so its ability to maintain acceptable conditions must evaluated. In addition, the displacement ventilation system creates vertical temperature gradients that may be uncomfortable if overly large. Thermal comfort evaluations for each of these systems are presented. 6.4.1 Natural Ventilation This study evaluates the feasibility of using pure natural ventilation for Building A. The feasibility of natural ventilation is determined by the summer comfort conditions within the building. Levermore et al. (2000) present two criteria for evaluating thermal comfort within a naturally ventilated building in the U.K.: 1. The temperature shall not exceed 25'C for more than 5% of the occupied year. 2. The temperature shall not exceed 28'C for more than 1%of the occupied year. These criteria are used to evaluate the effectiveness of natural ventilation for Building A. The occupied hours for Building A are 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Friday, corresponding to 2600 working hours. 5% of the occupied year is 130 hours and 1%of the occupied year is 26 hours. Figure 6.12 shows the number of occupied hours that the average building temperature exceeds a given temperature for each natural ventilation case. Removing either the raised floor or lowered ceiling shifts the curve downward because the thermal mass of the floor slab is exposed. This allows more heat gains to be absorbed by the floor slab during the day and released at night. Eliminating the raised floor shifts the curve the most because the direct sunlight strikes the floor and can be directly absorbed by the floor slab when the raised floor is removed. 250 -Existing 00 Building - -No Lowered Ceiling_ -- No Raised Floor 0 150 -- -- - -)F 100- 0 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Temperature (*C) 32 33 34 35 Figure 6.12 Thermal comfort evaluation for naturally ventilated building 107 None of these cases meet the comfort criteria given above. The best case exceeds 25'C for 191 hours and 28'C for 40 hours. Therefore, thermal comfort cannot be achieved with a pure natural ventilation system. However, the building is quite close to being within the comfort criteria. To achieve acceptable comfort conditions, a small mechanical system could be installed to provide cooling during peak periods, while natural ventilation could be used for most of the year. This is known as a hybrid ventilation system. An estimate of the energy use of such a system has been performed and is discussed below. 6.4.2 Displacement Ventilation The vertical temperature gradient created by displacement ventilation can be uncomfortable if too large. Head to ankle temperature differences less than 3 K are generally considered acceptable. For all of the displacement ventilation cases considered, the head to ankle temperature difference is always less than 3 K except for on the ground floor. For the ground floor, the temperature difference given by the vertical temperature gradient model is greater than 3 K for about 300 hours a year. This is because the concrete slab below the ground floor supply plenum is in contact with the ground. Because the ground temperatures are quite cool, the supply air temperature increases within the supply plenum much less than it does for the first or second floors. The lower supply air temperature to the space results in higher head to ankle temperature differences. Increased insulation levels beneath the ground floor slab or a small ground floor supply air reheat system might remedy this problem. 6.5 Hybrid System Because the natural ventilation system cannot maintain summer comfort conditions, a hybrid system has been proposed. This system would use natural ventilation for most of the year and a mechanical system for peak periods where heating or cooling is required. The energy use of such a system has been estimated by dividing the year into three seasons: natural ventilation, cooling, and heating. During the natural ventilation season, the mechanical system does not operate and no energy is used. During the cooling and heating seasons, the VAV system operates, with night cooling during the cooling season. The length of these seasons was determined with the no raised floor natural ventilation model. Interior temperatures were found to exceed 25'C only between June 15 and August 31, so this was specified as the cooling season. To determine the heating season, the natural ventilation rate was assumed to be controllable (by cracking windows) to provide the minimum fresh air rate for each zone during occupied hours. With this ventilation scheme, interior temperatures fell below 20'C between November 1 and March 31, so this was specified as the heating season. The energy use of the hybrid system is the energy use of the VAV system during the heating and cooling periods. Figure 6.13 shows the annual energy use this system compared to the best cases of the other mechanical systems, normalized with the annual 108 1.4 - MFan Energy Cost 1.2 1.2 MBoiler Energy Cost N Chiller Energy Cost 0 ~1.0- 0O.8 0.6 0.4 z 0.2 0.0 Existing Building Improved Operations Displacement VAV - Night VAV/Natural Ventilation - Cooling Low Ventilation Night Cooling Hybrid Low Figure 6.13 Normalized total annual energy cost of best-case systems energy use of the basic VAV system. The energy use of this system is 22 percent lower than that of the best purely mechanical system (VAV night cooling) and 42 percent lower than that of the existing building. Both the heating and fan energy are significantly reduced from the year-round VAV night cooling case. The estimate presented here represents the maximum possible energy use of the hybrid ventilation system, where the system is switched into a mechanical mode for an entire season. An actual hybrid system might switch between mechanical and natural modes on a daily basis during the heating and cooling seasons, further reducing the system energy use. This type of control has not been implemented in EnergyPlus and was therefore not simulated. 6.6 Discussion Several observations can be made when these results are taken as a whole. The first, and most obvious, is the importance of using appropriate outdoor air supply rates. The 40 L/s/person rate currently used in Building A results in annual energy costs more than four times greater than the costs for any of the other systems, which use a 10 L/s/person outdoor air supply rate. Second, use of free cooling from outside air should be used to fullest practical extent. The displacement ventilation and VAV systems both save energy over the existing building systems because they take advantage of this opportunity. In the existing building, any cooling that is not provided by air, which is supplied at a fixed minimum rate, must be performed by the chilled ceilings. The chilled ceilings operated on a chilled water loop that cannot take advantage of free cooling. Besides reducing energy use, free cooling also reduces the peak chiller load. 109 However, there is a limit to the advantages of free cooling. When chilled beams are not used in the perimeter, the energy consumption of both the displacement ventilation and VAV systems increases. The reduction in chiller energy comes at the cost of dramatically higher fan energy. Very high supply air rates are necessary to cool the perimeter. This also results in much larger fans when chilled beams are not used. Two changes that have little impact on the system performance are raising the humidity setpoint and insulating the floor slabs. Although raising the humidity setpoint even higher (above 10 g/kg) might allow for more appreciable energy savings, there could be some risk for condensation, so this action is not recommended. Night cooling is an effective technique for the displacement ventilation and VAV systems, reducing both energy use and equipment sizes. However, the maximum night ventilation rate must be chosen carefully - the cost of the fan energy becomes too high for this strategy to be beneficial if the ventilation rate is overly large. A maximum ventilation rate of 3.5 ach was more effective than 5 ach. Even when the floor slab mass is not directly exposed to the space, as with the displacement ventilation system, night cooling works because the coolth stored in the floor slab helps to keep the air in the supply plenum cool. Because the supply air rate is stays at a fixed minimum for the existing building cases, they cannot take full advantage of the coolth stored in the floor slab, and night cooling is not effective for these cases. Of the purely mechanical systems studied, the VAV and displacement ventilation systems with night cooling are the best choices for Building A. These systems have the lowest energy costs and smallest equipment. The VAV system uses slightly less energy than the displacement ventilation system because the impacts of night cooling are the strongest for the VAV system. However, the VAV system requires larger fans and chillers than the displacement ventilation system. In addition, displacement ventilation systems provide better indoor air quality than VAV systems. Therefore, the displacement ventilation system is the best choice for Building A if natural ventilation is not used. Although it presents the possibility of a zero-energy system, pure natural ventilation is not an effective strategy for Building A. Acceptable comfort levels cannot be maintained throughout the summer. However, Building A is not far out of the envelope for acceptable natural ventilation comfort conditions. A hybrid system using natural ventilation for part of the year and the VAV system during peak periods can maintain comfort conditions year-round. This system uses more than 20 percent less energy than the best purely mechanical system and more than 40 percent less energy than the existing building. This hybrid system is therefore the single best choice for Building A. 110 Chapter 7: Recommendations and Conclusions This study had two primary goals: 1) Demonstrate the use of EnergyPlus and evaluate its ability to model a technically sophisticated building. 2) Through this demonstration, compare the performance of several low-energy cooling systems for an office building in the U.K. Conclusions and recommendations for each of these goals are presented individually. 7.1 Building Modeling in EnergyPlus This study has thoroughly tested the capabilities of EnergyPlus through the development of several building models. Very simple models were created for the validation studies and an extremely detailed model of Building A was created. Several conclusions have been reached concerning EnergyPlus's building modeling capabilities. First, EnergyPlus uses good physical modeling techniques that provide trustworthy results. This is the most important benchmark for evaluating an energy simulation program. Both small-scale and full-scale empirical validation studies demonstrated that EnergyPlus results are well within the accuracy needed for building design. However, these validation studies cover a limited class of buildings. The small-scale validation is for a lightweight wood-frame structure, and the full-scale validation is for a lightweight concrete, fully glazed, deep plan office building. Further validation of EnergyPlus for more building classes should be performed to expand its range of applicability. EnergyPlus is a very flexible program. An experienced user can develop simplified building models quickly, but a building can be modeled in great detail if desired. This shows its potential as both a building design tool and a final design assessment tool. Important building elements can be considered in a simple model very early in the design stage, and greater detail, such as exterior and interior shading and complex mechanical systems, can be added as the design progresses. This also makes a detailed building model easier to construct. The Building A model began with only a few basic elements, and layers of detail were gradually added. The model can be tested repeatedly as it is built up, reducing the chance for error and time needed to fix the model. The EnergyPlus source code is well written and organized. This makes it fairly easy to change the program, making it even more flexible. Many engineers' programming experience should be sufficient to allow them to make simple changes without great trouble. For this study, many changes were implemented very quickly, often in less than a day. Even the displacement ventilation model, which is quite complex and intertwined with the existing program, was implemented in only a few weeks. Such a complex change is unnecessary for a typical building design, but the implementation of such a complex model by someone other than an original program developer shows the code's transparency. 111 The plant loops and system controls are the main components of EnergyPlus needing improvement. Although the models used for plant loop components are acceptable, connecting these components is difficult. To a beginner, it is the most confusing portion of EnergyPlus input. The requirement of a single splitter and mixer limits the program's ability to model real-world plant loops. To model the Building A plant loops correctly, new components had to be created to allow multiple splitters and mixers. The building system controls also need improvement. The number of control schemes is relatively limited, and the control schemes can be inconsistent between components. For example, the trench heater water flow is controlled to exactly maintain the zone air setpoint temperature, while the chilled ceiling water flow is throttled from zero the maximum flow across a given range of zone air temperatures. Logic-based control schemes, such as operating night cooling only if the daytime maximum temperature was above some minimum, cannot be used. Greater flexibility in the system controls should be implemented, so that the user can define the control scheme for each component and use logic-based controls if desired. A graphical input interface for EnergyPlus is also needed. Although EnergyPlus was purposefully developed as only a simulation engine with no interface, it will not be adopted for general use without an interface. The text input files are easy to read and modify, and a simple input file editor has been released, but the input process is still fairly laborious and the learning curve is steep. Building geometry, air loops, and plant loops would be especially easier to input with a graphical interface. Proprietary interfaces will hopefully solve this problem. In conclusion, EnergyPlus should be adopted as the new standard for energy simulation in the U.S., especially after graphical interfaces are released that make the program easier to use. It provides accurate results and greater flexibility than most programs currently in use. Although it is not perfect, EnergyPlus represents an improvement over DOE-2, the most widely used energy simulation program in the U.S., and holds tremendous potential for use in the design and evaluation of low-energy buildings. 7.2 Building A Low-Energy Cooling Systems Simulations performed using a detailed model of Building A have allowed the comparison of several alternative building systems. Systems considered include the existing building systems (chilled ceilings with underfloor air ventilation), underfloor displacement ventilation, variable-air volume (VAV) ventilation, night cooling, and natural ventilation. Several conclusions have been reached concerning the advantages of the various systems. First, the use of appropriate outside air supply rates is essential. The existing building uses 40 L/s/person of outside air. When this is reduced to a more standard 10 L/s/person, the annual energy consumption of the building is reduced more than fivefold, and peak boiler and chiller loads are also dramatically reduced. 112 Free cooling by ventilation with outside air is very effective in the mild U.K. climate. Both the displacement ventilation and VAV systems, which use a variable supply air rate to condition most of the building, take advantage of free cooling. The annual energy cost for these systems is about 20 percent less than for the existing building, which uses a fixed minimum supply air rate that does not take advantage of free cooling. However, this strategy is not effective for conditioning the perimeter of the building because of the large fan energy required to meet the perimeter cooling load. Night cooling is also effective in the mild U.K. climate, although the night ventilation rate must be chosen carefully. If the ventilation rate is too large, large fans that use an excessive amount of electricity are needed. With appropriate ventilation rates, the annual energy consumption, peak chiller load, and peak fan flowrate are all reduced. The largest impact is on the peak chiller load, which is reduced by 20 percent. Night cooling is most effective for the VAV system, which does not use a supply plenum and has thermal mass directly exposed to the occupied space. However, it also works with the displacement ventilation system, where the thermal mass is only exposed to the supply plenum. Night cooling is not effective for the existing building because of the low amount of cooling performed by the air in this system. The VAV and displacement ventilation systems with night cooling are the best mechanical systems for Building A. These systems have the lowest energy costs and smallest equipment of the systems studied. In addition, these systems eliminate the chilled ceilings, which are expensive. The VAV system uses slightly less energy than the displacement ventilation system because the impacts of night cooling are the strongest for the VAV system. However, the VAV system requires larger fans and chillers than the displacement ventilation system. In addition, displacement ventilation systems provide better indoor air quality than VAV systems. Therefore, if a purely mechanical system is used, the displacement ventilation system is the best choice for Building A. The natural ventilation simulation has been performed with inputs determined using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Natural ventilation alone cannot maintain appropriate summer comfort conditions for Building A. Even if the raised floor is removed to expose additional thermal mass, the comfort criteria fall slightly out of acceptable limits. However, a VAV system can be used to maintain comfort during extreme periods. This type of hybrid system is the best choice for Building A, using at least 20 percent less energy than any mechanical system. Finally, note that even greater energy savings would be possible with modifications to the air and plant loops. 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The complete program code for each variation of EnergyPlus used in this study is included on the attached compact disc. A.1 Displacement Ventilation The background theory for the displacement ventilation model implemented in EnergyPlus is presented in Chapter 4.2. Nearly all of the changes necessary to implement this model were made in the module ZoneTempPredictorCorrector.f90, which handles the heart of the predictor-corrector calculation. A new subroutine, CalcThetas, was created in this module to perform the calculation of the dimensionless temperatures from Eqs. (4.5) and (4.3), the nodal models. The calculation portion of this function is shown in Figure A. 1. Note that logical conditions were used to prevent the model from accidentally giving unreasonable results: if Th is less than Tf, then it is set equal to Tf, and if Th is greater than Te, Th is set equal to Te. The predictor step is performed in the CalcPredictedSystemLoad subroutine. This subroutine has four different sections for calculating the system load based on the type of setpoint: single heating, single cooling, single heating/cooling, or dual setpoint with deadband. The displacement ventilation model is only implemented into the single cooling setpoint calculation, because this is how a displacement ventilation system is normally controlled. !Mundt simple model NewThetafloor(ZoneNum) = 1.0/(2.54*Coefhas/Zone(ZoneNum)%.FloorArea + 1.0) IF (NewThetafloor(ZoneNum) .gt. 1.0) NevThetafloor(ZoneNum) = 1.0 Tf temp = Tsupply(ZoneNum) + NewThetafloor(ZoneNum)*(Tetemp - Tsupply(ZoneNum)) !Yuan model qinternal = 0.295*(SUMC(ZoneNum)-ZoneIntGain(ZoneNum)%QLTCON) qlights = 0 . 132*ZoneIntGain(ZoneNum)%QLTCON qwallstop = 0. 185*( SUMHATf (ZoneNum)-SUMHAf (ZoneNum)*Tf temp & +SUMHATc(ZoneNum)-SUMHAc(ZoneNum)*Tetemp & +SUMHATw(ZoneNum)-SUMHAwv(ZoneNum)*0. 5*(Floorratio(ZoneNum)*Tf temp & +Exhaustratio(ZoneNum)*Tetemp) qwallsbot = 1.0 + 0.185*0.5*SUMHAv(ZoneNum)/Coefhas Thtemp = (Tftemp + (qinternal+qlights+qwallstop)/Coefhas) / qwallsbot IF (Thtemp It. Tftemp) Thtemp = Tf temp IF (Thtemp .gt. Tetemp) Thtemp = Tetemp NewThetahead(ZoneNum) = (Thtemp - Tsupply(ZoneNum))/(Tetemp - Tsupply(ZoneNum)) RETURN Figure A.1 Calculation portion of CalcThetas subroutine 120 IF (DispVentActive(ActualZoneNum) eq. 1.0) THEN !determine true zone T for disp. vent. Thetachange = 1.0 Thtemp = TempZoneThermostatSetPoint (ActualZoneNum) Oldthetahead = NewThetahead(ActualZoneNum) Oldthetaf loor = NewThetaf loor(ActualZoneNum) k=0 IF ( MAT(ActualZoneNum) .gt. (Thtemp-5.0) ) THEN DO WHILE ((Thetachange .gt. 0.001) and. (k It. 100)) k-k+1 NewThetahead(ActualZoneNum) = 0.15*NewThetahead(ActualZoneNum) + 0.85*Oldthetahead NewThetafloor(ActualZoneNum) = 0.15*NewThetafloor(ActualZoneNum) + 0.85*Oldthetafloor Tetemp - (Thtemp + (NewThetahead(ActualZoneNum) - 1.0)*Tsupply(ActualZoneNum))/NewThetahead(ActualZoneNum) Tftemp - Tsupply(ActualZoneNum) + NewThetafloor(ActualZoneNum)*(Tetemp - Tsupply(ActualZoneNum)) TZtemp - 0.5 * (Floorratio(ActualZoneNum)*Tftemp + Thtemp + Exhaustratio(ActualZoneNum)*Tetemp) LoadToCoolingSetPoint - (TempDepZnLd(ActualZoneNum)*TZtemp + SUMHAf (ActualZoneNum)*Tf temp & + SUMHAc(ActualZoneNum)*Tetemp - TempIndZnLd(ActualZoneNum)) Oldthetahead = NevThetahead(ActualZoneNum) Oldthetaf loor = NewThetaf loor(ActualZoneNum) Coefhas = LoadToCoolingSetPoint / (Tsupply(ActualZoneNum) - Tetemp) CALL CalcThetas(ActualZoneNumCoefhasTetempTftemplThtempl) Thetachange = ABS(NewThetahead(ActualZoneNum) - Oldthetahead) Thetachange = MAX(ThetachangeABS(NewThetafloor(ActualZoneNu) END DO - Oldthetafloor)) ELSE LoadToCoolingSetPoint = 0 .0 ENDIF ELSE Figure A.2 Displacement ventilation portion of CalcPredictedSystemLoad subroutine Figure A.2 shows the displacement ventilation portion of this subroutine. Several features should be noted. A flag (DispVentActive) has been created to determine if displacement ventilation is active; the setting of this flag will be discussed below. The displacement ventilation calculation is performed if the flag is set, otherwise, the normal EnergyPlus heat balance calculation is performed (not shown in Fig. 4.4). If the mean air temperature is 5'C or more below the setpoint, the load prediction is not performed and the required system load is assumed equal to zero. This speeds up the calculation by avoiding iterations in the predictor step when extra cooling is clearly not required. Finally, the number of iterations is limited to 100 in order to speed up the calculation and prevent infinite loops. The corrector step is performed in the CorrectZoneAirTemp subroutine. Figure A.3 shows the evaluation of the DispVentActive flag within this subroutine. If the zone has been specified as being conditioned with displacement ventilation, and the system is running (mass flowrate greater than zero), then the displacement ventilation model is used. Note that this assumes that the temperature gradient immediately disappears and the entire zone is at the mean air temperature when the system turns off, where in reality it would dissipate over time. Figure A.4 shows the iteration loop for the displacement ventilation calculation in the CorrectZoneAirTemp subroutine. Again, the displacement ventilation calculation is only performed if the DispVentActive flag is set. 121 Tsupply(ZoneNum) = Node(ZoneEquipConfig(ControlledZoneNum)%InletNode(1))%Temp IF (ZoneEquipConfig(ControlledZoneNum)%DispVent and. & Node(ZoneEquipConfig(ControlledZoneNum)%InletNode(1))%MassFlowRate .GT. 0.0) THEN DispVentActive(ZoneNum) = 1.0 ELSE DispVentActive(ZoneNum) = 0.0 ENDIF Figure A.3 Evaluation of the DispVentActive flag DO WHILE ( (Deltathetafloor > 0.001) or. (Deltathetahead > 0.001) ) !loop to converg theta, T values NevThetafloor(ZoneNum) = 0.5*NevThetafloor(ZoneNum) + 0.S*Thetafloortemp NevThetahead (ZoneNum) = 0. 5-NevThetahead (ZoneNum) + 0. 5-Thetaheadtemp !0.5 relaxation factor to speed ! convergence Thetatop = ( (CoefSumhaz*Floorratio(ZoneNum) + SUKHAf(ZoneNum))*(1.0 - NewThetafloor(ZoneNum)) & + CoefSumhaz*(1.0 - NewThetahead(ZoneNum)) )-Tsupply(ZoneNum) Thetabot = Floorratio(ZoneNua)-NewThetaf loor(ZoneNum) + NewThetahead(ZoneNum) + Exhaustratio(ZoneNum) Texhaust(ZoneNum) = (CoefSumhat + Temphist - Thetatop)/ & (CoefSumhaz-Thetabot + SUMHAf (ZoneNum)*NewThetaf loor(ZoneNum) + CoefSumhae) !nodal models !store old theta values for comparison Thetaf loortemp = NewThetaf loor(ZoneNum) Thetaheadtemp = NewThetahead(ZoneNum) CALL CalcThetas(ZoneNum, Coef has ,Texhaust (ZoneNum), Tf loor(ZoneNum) ,Thead(ZoneNum)) Deltathetafloor = ABS(NewThetafloor(ZoneNum) - Thetafloortemp) Deltathetahead = ABS(NevThetahead(ZoneNum) - Thetaheadtemp) END DO Figure A.4 Displacement ventilation iteration loop in CorrectZoneAirTemp subroutine Several smaller changes were also made the ZoneTempPredictorCorrector.f90 module. Most of these dealt with storing current and previous timestep dimensionless temperatures so that they may be compared for the timestep-halving criterion. In addition, the zone interaction with the air system is based on the zone node temperature, which is stored in the air system data structure and represents the temperature of the air leaving the zone. In the original EnergyPlus model the zone node temperature is the same as the mean air temperature. In this model however, this temperature is changed to be equal to the zone exhaust temperature, Te. Small changes were also made to the ManageHVAC subroutine (in the module HVACManager.f9O) in order to implement the new timestep-halving criterion based on the dimensionless temperature change from the previous timestep. Finally, the InitlnteriorConvectionCoeffs subroutine (in the module HeatBalanceConvectionCoeffs.f90) was modified so that convection coefficients for walls, floors, and ceilings are calculated based on their respective air temperatures. The detailed convection coefficient correlations are unchanged; only the air temperatures used in the correlations are different. The complete program code is included on the attached compact disc. A.2 Airflow A.2.1 Natural Ventilation The background theory for the natural ventilation model implemented in EnergyPlus is presented in Chapter 4.3.1. All of the changes necessary to implement this natural 122 ventilation model were made in the module HeatBalanceAirManager.f9O. Several changes were made to the subroutine GetSimpleAirModellnputs in order to input new information relating to natural ventilation. A new input object, "Cp Values," was created to input the pressure coefficients for each fagade for eight wind directions. The only inputs for this object are the eight pressure coefficient values corresponding to wind directions 0 - 3150 at 450 increments. The "Mixing" and "Infiltration" objects were used to represent the natural ventilation airflow through each zone. Each floor is modeled as two zones; Chapter 5 gives a more complete description of the zones. The infiltration object is used to introduce outdoor air into the zone on the windward side of the building. The mixing object is used to introduce air from the windward zone into the leeward zone. Hence, the combination of the infiltration and mixing represents cross-ventilation through the building. A new value (%WhenActive) was introduced to the Mixing and Infiltration data types to represent whether a zone is on the leeward or windward side when the pressure difference is positive. In addition, a new value (%Level) was created to represent what floor of the building the zone is on. These inputs are also processed in the GetSimpleAirModellnputs subroutine. Figure A.5 shows the calculation of the natural ventilation air flowrate in the subroutine SetConvHeatGains. The DO loop index (Loop) corresponds to the each building level (Building A has three levels). The pressure coefficient for each side of the building is first determined by linear interpolation with the current wind direction. The pressure difference is then calculated from Equation (4.18) using the current wind speed. Finally, the air flowrate is calculated from Equation (4.16). Figure A.6 shows the implementation of the natural ventilation model into the infiltration calculation in the subroutine SetConvHeatGains. A logical statement is used to determine if natural ventilation infiltration is active for the current zone, and if it is, the infiltration rate is set equal to the natural ventilation rate corresponding the building level in which the zone is located. If not, the infiltration rate is equal set to the design level according to the standard EnergyPlus model. A similar operation is carried out for the mixing model in the subroutine CalcHeatBalanceAir. The complete natural ventilation program code is included on the attached compact disc. !simple natural ventilation calculation Cd = 0.26 !overall discharge coefficient A = 90.0 leffective opening area !cp value interpolation WindDir = MOD(WindDir,360.) J = 1 + INT( (WindDir-MOD(WindDir.45.))/45. DO Loop = 1,3 !cp value interpolation cpl(Loop) = Cpvalues(LoopJ) + ((Cpvalues(Loop,J+1)-Cpvalues(Loop,J))/45.)& *(WindDir - 45.*REAL(J-1)) cp2(Loop) = Cpvalues(Loop+3,J) + ((Cpvalues(Loop+3,J+1)-Cpvalues(Loop+3,J))/45.)& *(WindDir - 45.*REAL(J-1)) !calculations deltaP(Loop) = (cpl(Loop)-cp2(Loop))*(0.5*AirDensity*VindSpeed-2.)/100. 'south - north F difference Ivolumetric flowrate Q(Loop) = Cd(Loop)*A(Loop)*SQRT(2.0*ABS(deltaP(Loop))/AirDensity) END DO Figure A.5 Natural ventilation air flowrate calculation 123 ! Process the scheduled Infiltration for air heat balance DO Loop=lTotInfiltration NZ=Inf iltration(Loop)%ZonePtr natural ventilation calculation IF ( ((Infiltration(Loop)%UhenActive EQ. 1) AND. & (deltaP(Infiltration(Loop)%Level) .GT. 0.0)) OR. & ((Infiltration(Loop)%UhenActive EQ. -1) AND. & (deltaP(Infiltration(Loop)%Level) .LE. 0.0)) ) THEN MCPI(NZ)=Q(Infiltration(Loop)%Level)*AirDensity*CpAir ELSE IVF(NZ)=Infiltration(Loop)%Designevel*GetCurrentScheduleValue(Infiltration(Loop)%SchedPtr) MCPI(NZ)=IVF(NZ)*AirDensity-CpAir*( Infiltration(Loop)%ConstantTeraCoef + & ABS(OutDryBulbTemp-MAT(NZ) )*Infiltration(Loop)%TemperatureTermCoef & + UindSpeed*(Infiltration(Loop)%VelocityTeraCoef + & WindSpeed*Inf iltration(Loop)%VelocitySQTermCoef) ENDIF OAMFL(NZ)=MCPI(NZ)/CpAir MCPTI (NZ)=MCPI(NZ)*OutDryBulbTemp ENDDO Figure A.6 Natural ventilation infiltration calculation A.2.2 Interzone Mixing A simple change to the EnergyPlus CrossMixing model has been implemented to allow the crossmixing rate to be calculated from Eq. (4.19) as discussed in Chapter 4.3.2. The CrossMixing model differs from the Mixing model (used in the natural ventilation code above) because it accounts for the interchange of air between two zones, whereas the Mixing model accounts for air flowing from one zone into another; air does not flow in both directions. Figure A.7 shows the new CrossMixing calculation, which is found in the CalcHeatBalanceAir subroutine of the module HeatBalanceAirManager.f90. The only change to this calculation from the original EnergyPlus code is in the determination of the coefficient A. COMPUTE CROSS ZONE AIR MIXING DO J=1,TotCrossMixing N=CrossMixing(J)%ZonePtr M-CrossMixing ( J)%FroaZone TD=MTC(J) IF (TD .GE. 0.0) THEN TZN-MAT(N) TZM-MAT(M) IF ( (ABS(TZM-TZN) LT. TD) A = ABS(TZM-TZN)/TD ELSE A = AND. (TD NE. 0.0) ) THEN 1.0 ENDIF SET COEFFICIENTS MCPxN-A*MVFC(J)* & cpairfn(ZoneAirHuxRat(n),REAL(tzn))*rhoairfn(OutBaroPress.REAL(tzn),ZoneAirHumRat(n)) MCPM(N)=MCPM(N)+MCPxN MCPxM=A*MVFC(J)* & cpairfn(ZoneAirHuaRat(m),REAL(tzm))*rhoairfn(OutBaroPressREAL(tzm),ZoneAirHumRat(m)) MCPM(M)=MCPM(M)+MCPxM MCPTM(N)=MCPTM(N)+MCPxM*TZM MCPTM(H)=MCPTM(M)+MCPxN*TZN ENDIF ENDDO Figure A.7 Linear CrossMixing model calculation 124 A.3 Plant Loops A.3.1 Crossover Pipes The function of the crossover pipe object is presented in Chapter 4.4.1. The crossover pipe is specified as a new object in EnergyPlus (CROSSOVERPIPE) that the user inputs in the same manner as any other plant component. Figure A.8 shows the input data dictionary (idd) definition of the crossover pipe. The user inputs a component name and four node names corresponding to the inlets and outlets. This processing of this input is fairly straightforward; it is performed in the subroutine GetCrossoverPipelnput in the module PlantPipes.f90. The crossover pipe is simulated in the subroutine SimCrossoverPipes in the module PlantPipes.f90; the simulation is called by either the plant loop supply side manager or the plant loop demand side manager in the same manner any other component. Figure A.9 shows the simplicity of the actual simulation of the crossover pipe; it simply passes the node information from each inlet node to each outlet node. CROSSOVERPIPE, Al, A2, A3, A4, A5; \memo Passes inlet node state variables to outlet node state variables \field PipeName \field In et1 Node Name \field Outlet1 Node Name \field Inlet2 Node Name \field Outlet22 Node Name Figure A.8 Crossover pipe idd definition !PASS INFORMATION FROM INLET TO OUTLET NODE EnergySource: & SELECT CASE (CompType) CASE ('CROSSOVERPIPE') PipeNum=FindItemInList(NameCrossoverPipe%Name,NumCrossoverPipes) IF (PipeNum /= 0) THEN Node(CrossoverPipe(PipeNum)%OutletNodeNum2) = Node(CrossoverPipe(PipeNum)%InletNodeNual) Node(CrossoverPipe(PipeNum)%OutletNodeNum1) = Node(CrossoverPipe(PipeNux)%InletNodeNum2) ELSE CALL ShowFatalError('CrossoverPipe not found='//TRIM(Name)) ENDIF CASE DEFAULT CALL ShowFatalError('Invalid component, expected CROSSOVERPIPE='//TRIM(CompType)) END SELECT EnergySource Figure A.9 Crossover pipe simulation A.3.2 Controlled Crossover Pipes The function of the controlled crossover pipes is presented in Chapter 4.4.2. The input for a controlled crossover pipe is identical to that for a crossover pipe. Two additional objects are used for controlled crossover pipes: HEATING CROSSOVERPIPE, and COOLING CROSSOVERPIPE. The two are essentially identical, except the heating pipe is used for hot water loops and the cooling pipe is used for chilled water loops. The input statements are processed in the subroutines GetHeatingCrossoverPipelnput and GetCoolingCrossoverPipelnput, in the modules PlantOutsideHeatingSources.f90 and PlantOutsideCoolingSources.f90, respectively. 125 U. The simulation method for a controlled crossover pipe is based on the existing simulation for PURCHASED:CHILLED WATER in EnergyPlus. Figure A.10 shows the simulation of the cooling crossover pipe in the subroutine SimOutsideCooling in the module PlantOutsideCoolingSources.f90. The component's maximum capacity is determined from the maximum available flowrate and the difference in temperature between the demand and supply side inlets. The subroutine CalcCompCapacity then determines the component load (MyLoad) necessary to maintain the CalcCompCapacity then determines the component load (MyLoad) necessary to maintain the secondary loop setpoint temperature. SimCoolingCrossoverPipe then simulates the actual component by determining the flowrate needed to meet this load, and finally, the inlet temperatures are passed to the outlets and all mass flowrates are set equal to the calculated mass flowrate. CASE ('COOLING CROSSOVERPIPE') CompNum = FindItemInList(Name, CoolingCrossoverPipeName, NumCoolingCrossoverPipes) !Calculate Load ! MinPlr, MaxPir, OptPlr are not defined. Hence assume min = 0, max=opt=Noxcap InletNodel = CoolingCrossoverPipe(CompNum)%InletNodeNum1 InletNode2 = CoolingCrossoverPipe(CompNum)%InletNodeNum2 OutletNodel = CoolingCrossoverPipe(CompNum)%OutletNodeNum1 OutletNode2 = CoolingCrossoverPipe(CompNum)%OutletNodeNum2 IF (LoadFlag /=0) THEN MinCap = 0 MaxCap = CPCW(Node(InletNode2)%Temp)*(Node(InletNode2)%Temp - & Node(InletNodel)%Temp)*Node(InletNode2)%MassFlowRateMax OptCap = MaxCap CALL CalcCompCapacity(RemLoopDemand, MaxCap, MinCap, OptCap, LoadFlag, MyLoad) RETURN END IF CALL SimCool ingCrossoverPipe( RunFlag, CompNux, MyLoad ,Flowlock) Node(OutletNodel)%Temp = Node(InletNode2)%Temp Node(OutletNode2)%Temp = Node(InletNodel)%Temp Node(OutletNodel)%MassFlowRate = MassFlowRate Node(OutletNode2)%MassFlowRate = MassFlowRate Node(InletNodel)%MassFlowRate = MassFlowRate Node(InletNode2)%MassFlowRate = MassFlowRate Node(InletNodel)%MassFlowRateMaxAvail = MassFlowRate Node(OutletNodel)%MassFlowRateMaxAvail = MassFlowRate Node(OutletNode2)%MassFlovRateMaxAvail = Node(InletNode2)%MassFlowRateMaxAvail Node(OutletNode2)%MassFlowRateMinAvail = Node(InletNode2)%MassFlowRateMinAvail Figure A.10 Cooling crossover pipe simulation MassFlowRate = 0 !set inlet and outlet temperature variables InletTemp = Node(InletNode2)%Temp DeltaTemp = Node(InletNode2)%Temp - Node(InletNode2)%TempSetPoint IF (DeltaTemp .LE. 0) RETURN IF (MyLoad == 0 OR. NOT. RunFlag)RETURN ! If FlowLock is True, the new resolved mdot is used to update Purchased Cooling. IF (FlowLock==0) THEN IF (DeltaTemp / 0) THEN DeltaTemp = ABS(Node(InletNode2)%Temp - Node(InletNodel)%Temp) MassFlowRate = ABS(MyLoad/CPCW(Node(InletNode2)%Temp)/DeltaTemp) ELSE CALL ShoFatalError('DeltaTemp = 0 in SimPurchasedCooling mass flow calculation END IF ELSE ! If FlowLock is True MassFlowRate = Node(InletNode2)%MassFlowRate END IF Figure A.11 Cooling crossover pipe calculation 126 ) Figure A. 11 shows the calculation portion of the subroutine SimCoolingCrossoverPipe. Flow through the pipe is only allowed if the secondary side inlet temperature is greater than the secondary side setpoint. If so, the mass flowrate is calculated from Eq. (4.21). Any remaining flow will be routed through the bypass by the EnergyPlus flow resolver. The heating crossover pipe is simulated similarly with appropriate signs reversed. Complete source code including the crossover pipe and controlled crossover pipes is included on the attached compact disc. A.4 Baseboard Heater Several bug fixes have been implemented in the BASEBOARD HEATER:WATER:CONVECTIVE simulation routine. Figure A.12 shows the simulation of the baseboard heater in the subroutine SimHWConvective in the module BaseboardRadiator.f90; the actual calculation portion of the subroutine has been removed for brevity. Two bug fixes are included: in the original code, the water mass flowrate was not set to zero if the component was not active, and the calculated flowrate was never stored in the Baseboard data structure. In addition, the original code set the air mass flowrate constant and equal to a constant convective airflow speed (SimpConvAirFlowSpeed, 0.5 m/s), which is clearly an error, because the total flowrate depends on both the speed and the cross sectional area. Here, the air flowrate is still assumed constant, but it has been multiplied by the density of air and the approximate area of the trench heaters and chilled beams for Building A to yield a flowrate (5.4 kg/s). Finally, new control conditions appropriate to Building A have been implemented. The water mass flowrate is set to zero if the air temperature is between 20 and 25'C, allowing for a deadband where no chilled beams or trench heaters are active. The water flowrate is also set to zero if both the water and air temperatures are less than 20'C; this prevents a chilled beam from attempting to heat cold air. WaterInletTemp = Baseboard(BaseboardNum)%WaterInletTemp AirInletTemp = Baseboard(BaseboardNum)%AirInletTemp CpWater - CPHW(WaterInletTemp) CpAir = CpAirFn(Baseboard(BaseboardNum)%AirInletHumRatAirInletTemp) !AirMassFlovRate = SimpConvAirFlovSpeed AirMassFlowRate - 5.4 WaterMassFlovRate = Node(Baseboard(BaseboardNu)%WaterInletNode)%MassFlovRate CapacitanceAir = CpAir * AirMassFlovRate IF ((AirInletTemp GE. 20) and. (AirInletTemp .IE. 25)) WaterMassFlovRate - 0 !ELO 2/8/02 IF ((WaterInletTemp I.T.20) and. (AirInletTemp LT. 20)) WaterMassFlowRate = 0 1ELO 2/15/02 IF (GetCurrentScheduleValue(Baseboard(BaseboardNum)%SchedPtr) .GT.0. & .AND. WaterMassFlovRate.GT.0.0) THEN 'ALL CALCULATIONS PERFORMED HERE ELSE WaterMassFlovRate = 0. 'ELO 2/15/02 CapacitanceWater = 0 CapacitanceMax - CapacitanceAir CapacitanceMin = 0. NTU = 0. Effectiveness = 0. AirOutletTemp - AirInletTemp WaterOutletTemp = WaterInletTemp LoadMet = 0. Baseboard(BaseboardNum)%WaterOutletEnthalpy END IF Baseboard(BaseboardNum)%WaterInletEnthalpy Baseboard(BaseboardNu)%WaterOutletTemp = WaterOutletTemap Baseboard(BaseboardNu)%AirOutletTemp = AirOutletTemp Baseboard(BaseboardNux)%Pover = LoadMet Baseboard(BaseboardNum)%WaterMassFlowRate = VaterMassFlowRate ladded by ELO 2/7/02 Figure A.12 Baseboard heater simulation with calculations removed 127 K A.5 Air System Several small changes were necessary to the air system models as discussed in Chapter 4.6. The air system input processing code was easily modified to allow for as many inlets and outlet as desired. Figure A. 13 shows the code for processing the input statements for the air handling system outlets, found in the subroutine GetAirPathData in the module SimAirServingZones.f9O. The air handling system inlets are handled similarly. Code to simulate air system mixers was easily implemented in the subroutine UpdateBranchConnections in the module SimAirServingZones.f9O. Figure A. 14 shows the mixer simulation. The mixer outlet properties are determined by summing the product of the mass flowrate and each property over all mixer inlets, and then dividing by the total mass flowrate. ! Get the supply nodes CALL GetNodeNums (Names ( B) ,NumNodes,NodeNums) ! Allow at most 3 supply nodes (for a 3 deck system) 'IF (NumNodes > 3) THEN CALL ShowSevereError('Air System:Only 1st 3 Nodes will be used from:'//TRIM(Names(8))) ! ErrorsFound= true. !ENDIF IF (NumNodes.EQ.0) THEN CALL ShowSevereError('Air System:there must be at least 1 supply node in system '//TRIM(Names(l))) ErrorsFound= .true. END IF AirToZoneNodeInf o ( AirSysNum)%NunSupplyNodes - NumNodes I Allocate the supply node arrays in AirToZoneNodeInfo Allocate(AirToZoneHodeInfo(AirSysNun)%ZoneEquipSupplyNodeNum(AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirSysNum)%NumSupplyNodes)) Allocate(AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirSysNum)%AirLoopSupplyNodeNum(AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirSysNum)%NumSupplyNodes)) I Fill the supply node arrays with node numbers DO I - 1, AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirSysNum)%NunSupplyNodes AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirSysNu)%/ZoneEquipSupplyNodeNum(I) = NodeNums(I) END DO Figure A.13 Air loop outlet input processing IF (PrimaryAirSystem(AirLoopNum)%MixerExists) THEN ! if we are at an outlet branch, pass data through the mixer IF (PrimaryAirSystem(AirLoopNum)%MixerBranchNumOut . EQ. BranchNum) THEN OutletNodeNun = PrimaryAirSystem(AirloopNum)%MixerNodeNumOut Node(OutletHodeNux)%Temp = 0 Node(OutletNodeNum)%HumRat = 0 Node(OutletNodeNum)%Enthalpy = 0 Node(OutletNodeNum)%Press - 0 Node(OutletNodeNux)%MassFlowRate = 0 ! set the outlet properties flows DO InletNum=lPrimaryAirSystem(AiroopNum)%MixerTotalInletNodes InletNodeNum = PrimaryAirSystem(AirLoopNum)%Mixer%NodeNumIn(InletHum) MassFlowRate = Node(InletNodeNum)%MassFlowRate Node(OutletNodeNum)%Temp = Node(OutletNodeNum)%Temp + MassFlowRate*Node(InletNodeNum)%Temp Node(OutletNodeNum)%HumRat = Node(OutletNodeNum)%HumRat + MassFlowRate*Node(InletNodeNum)%HumRat Node(OutletNodeNum)%Enthalpy = Node(OutletNodeNum)%Enthalpy + MassFlowRate*Node(InletNodeNun)%Enthalpy Node(OutletNodeNum)%Press = Node(OutletNodeNum)%Press + MassFlowRate*Node(InletNodeNum)%Press Node(OutletNodeNum)%MassFlowRate = Node(OutletNodeNum)%MassFlowRate + MassFlowRate END DO IF (Node(OutletNodeNum)%MassFlowRate NE. 0) THEN Node(OutletNodeNum)%Temp = Node(OutletNodeNum)%Temp/Node(OutletNodeNum)%MassFlowRate Node(OutletNodeNum)%HumRat = Node(OutletNodeNum)%HumRat/Node(OutletNodeNun)%MassFlowRate Node(OutletNodeNum)%Enthalpy = Node(OutletNodeNum)%Enthalpy/Node(OutletNodeNum)%MassFlowRate Node(OutletNodeNum)%Press = Node(OutletNodeNum)%Press/Node(OutletNodeNum)%MassFlowRate ENDIF END IF END IF Figure A.14 Air loop mixer simulation 128 A small but very influential bug was found in the simulation of the supply plenum. For a variable volume system, after the zone has been simulated and the required flowrate determined, this flowrate must be passed backwards up the supply air path, so the total required flowrate is known by the air handling unit. However, the EnergyPlus authors inadvertently placed the reversed indexing used to step backward through the supply air path in the wrong DO loop, so that this information was never passed backwards, and the total air flowrate would not vary appropriately. The corrected simulation, found in subroutine SimZoneEquipment in module Zoneequipmentmanager.f90, is shown in Figure A.15. Finally, two bugs affecting the control of the economizer were found in the subroutine CalcOAController in module MixedAir.f90. The minimum fraction of outside air, defined as the ratio of the minimum allowable outside air mass flowrate to the total air loop mass flowrate, was not originally calculated using the correct variables, but was easily corrected. In addition, the outside air fraction was being set to the minimum fraction if the outside air temperature was greater than the mixed air setpoint. This is not a logical rule, because the outside air could still be cooler than the return air, in which case 100% outside air should be used. This condition was removed from the economizer control simulation. Again, complete program code including these changes is on the attached compact disc. ! Process supply air path components in reverse order DO SupplyAirPathNun = NuaSupplyAirPaths, 1, -1 DO CompNun = SupplyAirPath(SupplyAirPathNum)%NunOfComponents, 1. -1 SELECT CASE (SupplyAirPath(SupplyAirPathNum)%ComponentType(CompNum)) CASE ('ZONE SPLITTER') CALL SihAirLoopSplitter(SupplyAirPath(SupplyAirPathNum)%ComponentName(CompNum), FirstHVACIteration, FirstCall, SplitterInletChanged) & IF (SplitterInletChanged) THEN If the Splitter inlet conditions have been changed, the Air Loop must be resimulated SimAir = TRUE. END IF CASE ('ZONE SUPPLY PLENUM') CALL SinAirZonePlenux(SupplyAirPath(SupplyAirPathNum)%ComponentName(CompNum), FirstHVACIteration, FirstCall) CASE DEFAULT CALL ShowFatalError('Invalid Supply Air Path Component='// & TRIM(SupplyAirPath(SupplyAirPathNu)%ComponentType(CompNum))) END SELECT END DO Figure A.15 Supply air path reverse simulation 129 &