Turtle Graphics Victor Norman CS104 Calvin College

Turtle Graphics
Victor Norman
Calvin College
Reading Quiz
• Counts toward your grade.
Quick Introduction to Objects
• You have to instantiate the object, making a
variable refer to it:
– turt = turtle.Turtle()
• You call (or "invoke") methods on it:
– turt.forward(10)
– turt.doSomething(33, 22, 11)
• It is like asking the object to do something to
itself: give me back a value or move yourself, or
draw something, or change a value.
• The object stores its own state (or characteristics,
properties, or attributes).
Clicker Question
for Loop Syntax
• Pattern:
for <var> in <sequence>:
# multiple statements
• Examples:
for aVal in [3, 11, 22, 0, -3]:
for aVal in [“I’m”, “a”, “lumberjack”, “and”,
“I’m”, “ok”, 8, math.pi]:
for Loop Examples
for val in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:
total = 0
for val in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20]:
total = total + val
total = 0
for val in range(1, 21):
total = total + val
range(start, stop, step)
• Built-in function
• Generates list of integers starting at start,
going up to (but not including) stop, by
increments of step.
• Can omit start  uses 0. E.g., range(10)
• Can omit step  uses 1. E.g., range(3, 7)
range() Examples
• generates list of numbers 0, 1, 2, …, 29.
range(2, 30)
• generates list of numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, …, 29.
range(-3, 3, 2)
• generates list of numbers -3, -1, 1.
range(20, 0, -1)
• generates list of numbers 20, 19, 18, 17, …, 2, 1.
Clicker Questions
import statement
• import pulls a module in to your program.
• A module is a file with code and variables in it.
– math module has sin(), cos(), round(), pi, e, etc.
– myro has init(), forward(), backward(), etc.
• import loads the module in, but all the stuff in
it is still in it. Access it via the “dot operator”.
– import loads the “box” in but your code still has to
reach into the box to get at the functions, variables,
• e.g., math.sin(), math.pi
import (cont)
• If you want to pull something (everything) out
of the “box”, you can do this
from math import sin
from math import *
Then you don’t need to tell your code to reach
into the module to get the function/variable.
– e.g., can use sin() instead of math.sin()
– init() instead of myro.init().
• Do the few TuringsCraft questions before lab
on Thursday.
• (Optionally) Practice your typing skills:
play.typeracer.com or some other site…