Importing directly from Springer Link

Importing directly from Springer Link
Go to the SpringerLink page, your chosen article and choose Export citation
Choose RefWorks(RIS)
Then choose OPEN file
(if the program in Windows does not appear, go to select another program and choose
Copy all text: (Ctrl A) and (Ctrl C) – or save file
Go to RefWorks, choose References – IMPORT.
Import filter: RIS format
Database RIS format
When you click on FROM TEXT and paste your copied file it will look like this:
Or if you saved the file, click on ”From text file”
Then click on import
(I happened to choose part 111 but it works OK with Part 1 and !! as well) It works with all
chosen articles from Springer.
And if it does not work, look up the article and choose to import from Scopus, ProQuest or
Primo. Or even Google Scholar!