KEY CONCERNS OF EXECUTIVES MAKING IS DECISIONS Stuart E. Y. February 1987 Madnick Richard Wang #VP 1861-87 Key Concerns of Executives Making IS Decisions ABSTRACT: Inquiry of the nature of other (IS) system information executives' concerns can provide insight for IS decision makers to new develop IS organization strategically. study o and infrastructures, to position their This paper reports the results of a several hundred executives making IS decisions. The study indicates that IS executives are on attention connectivity, emerging and technologies voice/data) with (such strategic focusing as their networking, implications. as organizations evolve, the executives' focus moves Meanwhile, from structured operational and computational concerns, such backlog and security, as within the organization to unstructured temporal and strategic issues in the environment. These results further suggest a three phase networking (phase 1) provides process the backbone structure for the connectivity of diverse, and often incompatible, systems 2) which in turn computing (phase 3). where (phase makes available opportunities for strategic PAGE 1 1 INTRODUCTION "My job is to provide an effective and system to meet the corporate executive vice president service company results, of efficient delivery needs," says the information a major service company. was reorganized in 1986 to achieve synergistic primarily centralization through including host computers, local and remote networks, sites communications, Performance security office systems, and central voice and data departmental computing (capacity, response, reliability, availability) and are results, "The as crucial to is introduction of new technology. the the successful achievement of Our IS organization is being viewed as non-responsive due to (1) backlog, (2) unclear role/responsibility of IS vs. (3) micro computers which cannot connect to our need to know what options deployment of our resources, those deployment, and are effective the large users, and mainframe. for the We future for the expedient implementation of for the strategic capitalization of market-driven opportunities." In effect, this executive vice president was expressing the thoughts of many other executives who are responsible for making information systems (IS) significant advances in industries have business created applications. and capabilities of new improve decisions. the a computer wide range In and of recent years, telecommunciation opportunities for The price, speed-performance, capacity, information technologies continue to rapidly, and there appears to be unlimited IS potential that can be exploited to meet corporate information needs and to Page 2 realize the opportunities. a wide array of issues. prioritize, As quoted above, these concerns span The capability to clearly and predict major IS issues will help executives to focus attention and energy in making difficult the understand, decisions about commitment of their limited resources that will result in a higher return on investment in competitive information the era. ever However, more innovative and a widely accepted and current assessment of the important IS issues may not be easy. It is worth noting that oftentime it is the issues that become the biggest concerns over time. less obvious For example, five years before the personal computer emerged as a major force for facilitating end-user computing, there was little discussionof awareness of its potential impact [Dickson et. With the restructuring of the al. communication 1984]. industry, some companies have seen attractive new options [Clemons and McFarlan 1986]. In effect, the innovative technologies of communications and computers seem to increasingly redefine the competitive game for companies of all sizes. Are executives concerned formulating issues? strategies? about How are To answer these questions, literature and interviewed emerging they the technologies related authors to in other IS examined the (over a period of nine months) key executives making IS decisions. 2 KEY EXECUTIVES' IS CONCERNS Issues that surfaced from the interviews, such as those Page 3 cited by the executive vice president earlier, can be grouped into four clusters of IS concerns: 1) inter and intra organizational computing (such as networking, connectivity of diverse systems, and strategic computing), 2) management of change (such as introduction of new technology, deployment of resoures, and voice/data integration), 3) distributed processing (such as vs. performance, centralization decentralization, and departmental computing), and 4) operational issues (such as security and backlog). Figure 1 suggests a functional clusters of concerns: relationship of the four as organizations evolve, the executives' focus moves upward from the basic operational and computational concerns temporal within the organization to critical and strategic issues in the environment. Based on these interviews, a questionaire was rank the were collected designed to importance of key subtopics in each cluster, and data summarized from over three hundred executives. As in Table 1, the statistics support the clustering of issues surfaced in the initial study. organizational computing Moreover, inter and intra subtopics received the highest .rankings. Correlations were calculated for the key subtopics, and significance of these correlations were tested [Sachs, 1984], as shown in Figure correlation 2. A circle indicates that the is significant beyond 99.99% level of confidence, a medium circle for 99.9%, _111 large and a small circle __ for 99%. The PAGE 4 ORC LO Figure 1 Functional Relationship of IS Concerns PAGE 5 Table 1: List of Issues By Executives Making IS Decisions MEAN CLUSTERS OF ISSUES SD MED FIRST QUART THIRD QUART % AS TOP CONCERNS I. INTER AND INTRA ORGANIZATIONAL COMPUTING I.1 Networking 8.57 1.78 9.00 8.00 10.00 42.63 1.2 Connectivity of Diverse Systems 8.25 2.10 9.00 7.50 10.00 39.18 1.3 Strategic Computing 7.91 2.12 8.00 7.00 10.00 29.15 II. MANAGEMENT OF CHANGE II.1 Introdution of New Technology 7.98 1.75 8.00 7.00 9.00 24.13 II.2 Resources Deployment 7.57 2.05 8.00 6.00 9.00 20.38 II.3 Voice/Data Integration 7.07 2.34 7.00 6.00 9.00 16.61 III. DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING III.1 Performance 7.24 2.12 8.00 6.00 9.00 17.87 III.2 Centralization & Decentration 6.87 2.38 7.00 5.00 9.00 15.36 III.3 Departmental Computing 6.80 2.27 7.00 5.00 9.00 13.17 IV. OPERATIONAL ISSUES IV.1 Security 6.28 2.29 6.00 5.00 8.00 0.72 IV.2 Backlog 5.72 2.34 6.00 4.00 7.00 0.53 MEAN: Mean value (10 = extremely important, 1 = don't care) SD: Standard deviation of rank scores MED: Median value of rank scores FIRST QUART: First quartile; THIRD QUART: Third quartile % AS TOP: % who rank the issue as most important (Note: may total more than 100% due to ties for top rating by some executives) ____IY___^__C__C____n_____YII·-----^ ·s_·___llhXi--·l_-LII- ______ o > M 0 0 P4 c "4 a 4"4 C .0U..e0> Z 0ov a a 3 Or> 4U: u 1 0Iwo o rA u :0H Z& wo < :O t Q C 0 " z a * o 0 o n 1.1 Networking 1.2 Connectivity of M- n '-4 " k H - 4 M H N H . M4 4 H 14 .0 6 i . a 0 0 cJ Q o P4 4 ?AG C 4 I 0e H H 4 4 4 H · Oa o CU en ·U) m 4 4 H - H N H Diverse Systems 1.3 Strategic Computing II.1 Introdution of New Technology II.2 Resources Deployment 11.3 Voice/Data Integration III.1 Performance 111.2 Centralization & Decentration II.3 Departmental Computing IV.1 Security IV.2 Backlog Significant beyond 99.99% level of confidence Significant beyond 99.9% level of confidence Significant beyond 99% level of confidence Figure 2 Matrix of Significant Correlations Among Subtopics 6 PAGE 7 implications the rankings and correlations are discussed in of the following sections. Inter And Intra Organizational Computing 2.1 Of most importance to the executives interviewed are computing organizational intra and inter specifically topics, networking, connectivity, and strategic computing. a "There is an opportunity for us to save money by sharing network, " common and management says services. are Businesses a manager in charge of program planning diverse company and linked consolidation, (financial requirements "Our is decentralized. for corporate personel systems only Presently, we have four major data centers with each planning). Cost of data center having separate telecommunication networks. communication and the fact that each business communications network that often 'cross one another' ever closer to a 'corporate network'. uses data leads us The cultural implications and management challenge of such a network seem overwhelming." "The issues surrounding networking have become increasingly more diverse with the proliferation of network strategies and the offerings now available," says the director of the computing services and communication systems of a major retail chain. is most difficult established and to determine Given adopted. communication network spanning remote distributed input which some our 1400 standard will requirement business for units, "It be a 25 centers as well as international and PA= I domestic data centers, it is difficult to select the appropriate connection media which remains cost effective for the technologies installed at each location." support "Connectivity and networking are very important to our new divisional and organization, to help our divisions says expand into new, non-aerospace products and markets," vice president who is in the charge of the information resource management function of a major aerospace corporation. "Optimal utilization of corporate hardware and application assets in a multi-vendor, typically incompatible, environment is critical to the company," says the "Without corporation. network integration, CIO connectivity the strategic of of a major diverse information financial systems via run our to business cannot be accessed or delivered to all personnel within We are reviewing a number of operational the company. opinions from various information management driven companies." "Strategic computing involves future technology directions, sophisticated networking and telecommunication, utilizing large, centralized database environment, and effectively investments in hardware," says the director of a health care institute. "It is a powerful weapon in gaining and keeping a competitive edge over our health technology care to link competition. hospitals, Our clinics, organization physicians, uses IS nursing homes, and other affiliates together to form the complete family of health care providers and products." PAG Networking, connectivity, telecommunication technologies (Clemons and McFarlan, 1986; Millar, 1985; and strategic have EDP computing .using- become Analyzer, 9 topical 1986; issues Porter and Cash and McLeod, 1985; Cash and Konsynski, 1985; McFarlan, 1984]. McFarlan [1984] showed how companies could deploy their IS resources to implement competitive strategies as defined by Porter. information Porter technology and- Millar [19851 found that is changing the rules of competition in the following three ways: 1) changing the 2) advantage; and 3) spawning completely creating competitive new businesses. industry structure; Our study confirms that these issues are at the forefront of executives concerns. 43% of the executives cited networking as the facing their top concern organizations with a mean rating of importance of 8.57 on a 10-point scale as shown in connectivity as the Table 1. 39% mentioned top concern, with a mean of 8.25. 29% of the executives cited strategic computing as the top concern with a mean of 7.91. Moreover, the correlation between networking and connectivity is statistically significant. suggest a computing. structure likely evolution 3 we of inter and intra organizational Networking (phase 1) provides the necessary backbone for the connectivity of diverse, often incompatible, systems (phase 2) which in term makes for strategic computing (phase 3). _ In Figure 1111_ available opportunities PAGE 10 VALUE-ADDED AL S trategic '.Coimputing COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE COORDINATION AMONG SYSTEMS BACKBONE COMMUNICATION. STRUCTURE .... Applications, ......... I A^^^en1;Je . Connectivity m .......... It Networking ooo... ....................... Ii I Phase I / p......, A payroll and personnel data Other Applications, e.g. terminal access to remote systems to remote systems I I Phase II I I * v TIME Phase III Figure 3 Evolution of Inter and Intra Organizational Computing PAGE 11 From the perspective of Figure 3, our study indicates most of the executives surveyed are at phase networking as most critical currently, though 1 that and view connectivity and strategic computing are also viewed as extremely important. Two plausible reasons for the relative importance of networking are as the follows: (1) it is a necessary connectivity needed for many strategic (2) it prerequisite applications, for and also can provide other advantages such as reducing redundant communication costs, facilitating many consolidating -hardware usage, and operational requirements, such as convenient terminal access to remote systems. As the backbone network structure settles in, an increasing number of these executives will likely address connectivity and strategic computing issues more vigorously. high correlation between Although there is a networking and connectivity shown in this study, the role of networking and connectivity in to strategic computing is not consistently understood by these executives as evidenced by the correlations depicted 2. This relation may be because some progression from networking (phase executives 1) to in Figure envisage a direct strategic computing (phase 3), whereas others explicitly understand and see benefits in the intermediate requirement for connectivity (phase 2) which facilitates not only many enhances many operational strategic applications, payroll and personnel data. __ _ applications such as but also consolidated PAGE 12 a organizational intra networking, from evolving to systems, incompatible diverse of connectivity and inter America corporate in computing of deployment significant witness will It is prognosticated that the next decade strategic computing. 2.2 Management Of Change of Management technology, as (such change new of introduction deployment of resources, and integration effective the to crucial of voice and data) is also of survival many organizations. "In terms of function, our systems are available," the says major services division of a systems are vice senior technologically deficient and - of information "However, bank. midwest systems were developed prior to 1970. trends president richest the among the majority of the competition, it is critical to develop a new local tools. and wide Because of industry integrated deposit system employing the latest technology techniques those undertaking will be the One of the key side effects of this propagation rapid based of new technology throughout the division." "Deployment of resources is a very timely the division manager telecommunication optimum results of company. in network question," says of major engineering "Configuration of a computers for our organization consists of five separate systems interconnected by LAN's. Also there is joint use of PAGE 13 terminals have limited investment now, but we must make major soon on the organization We emerging CAD/CAE systems and other purposes. for resources corporate years. for which of Deployment will commitments the impact expands resources organizational responsibility." "Technology connectivity," is in says the place for universal director of communication information techology services at a leading university in has hard to effectively exploit this foundation in individual The department, group, endeavor will a provide which California installed a new $21M telecom system. just voice/data "We are working the of context and institutional productivity. new infrastructure the for university to keep its leadership." ranked 24% of the executives interviewed new technology as top concern facing their organizations the with a mean of 7.98, and 20% for mean of concern 7.57, with correlations 18% a ranked mean exist of resources voice/data 7.1. between In deployment viewed as specific also a addition; significant introduction of new technology and instances correlation between voice/data with integration as the top networking, connectivity, and voice/data, suggesting are of introduction of that new technologies. integration and networking they The is significant, indicating the consensus that voice/data goes with networking. PAGE 14 Many MIS/DP organizations mentioned management of change as a success critical factor technological planning to make it as non-disruptive as up introduction of new IS technologies has opened for opportunity potential forging for a singular, a company to redeploy its assets and The technology has given the organization rethink its strategy. the possible McFarlan [1984] suggested that, "in many cases, [Martin, 1982]. one-time range long involves which sharp tools that can produce new lasting gains in market share." being In sum, many forms of technology are numerous vendors. transmission, by Yemini and Misholi [1983] suggested that the integration of voice with 'the digital world' the introduced is occurring It is communication, and processing levels. important to establish a direction for the acquisition at and use of new information technology based on an improved understanding of burgeoning technologies and methods for delivery in the business environment. 2.3 Distributed Processing Performance, decentralization, says the director of a Philadelphia hospital. "The time are critical systems well as its existing data transmission lines of its on-line, real-time patient care system running at the the "System our response hospital is currently evaluating its existing telephone as and to terminal and operation," vs. computing are the next catagory of focus. departmental up-time centralization hospital. two locations of Providing fast, accurate, and reliable services PAG 15 is critical." "Centralization and decentralization is the director issue!" says of systems development and operations of a highly decentralized pharmaceutical company. changes the "We experienced several in our organization at the management committee level - hence there have been some pendulum swings in directions. It is very difficult to coordinate, realize any economies of scale, or standardize operations without architectural guidelines." "Departmental computing is a trend in informance services," says the vice president and manager of information services of a major bank. "It is growing rapidly with business/market strategies. We need to driven better prepare management to get the most out of this new trend." 17% of the executives interviewed cited performance as the top concern facing their organizations with a mean of 7.24. 15% mentioned top concern centralization with vs. a mean of 6.87. as the top concern significant with correlation centralization vs. a decentralization as the 13% cited departmental computing mean of between 6.8. There departmental decentralization, is also computing suggesting that a and they should be considered together. Price, have been decades. speed-performance, the reliability, and availability primary goals of information systems design for Research has been conducted to design large cost-effective systems with rapid Wang, 1986; Goyal and Agerwala, 1984]. 1___^1_1_______ __ response time In the capacity, Madnick and private sector, 16 PAGE commercial database Teradata's DBC machines, such as Britan Lee's IDM 500 and (Computerworld, 012 1985], specialized' to information management have been introduced. Centralization and decentralization has also been discussed extensively for almost a decade. Rockart [1978] provided a framework for analysis of centralization The framework consists of three and major dimensions: operations, systems development, and systems interesting al. to decentralization. systems management. It's that the 1984 Delphi study by Dickson et. note did not explicitly rank centralization and decentralization as an important IS issue. In sum, issues in distributed processing have been gathered around the efficient and smooth operation to meet organizational information needs responsively. 2.4 Operational Issues One interesting result was that very few operational issues, such as concern in their organizations. executives cited security and backlog, as the top Although they may not have been a top concern, many executives did view them as important. "There is increasing pressure on security from users within the corporation, customers, and suppliers because of the need for more electronic data exchange," says the director of a corporation. rail PAGE 17 not "A number of applications will until implemented be into the 1990's," says the general director of information well "Other systems of a brewing company. prioritization for considered been staffing level, will most probably not be 1990's. to department systems information management top Consequently, be given current and, ... not have items backlog the until addressed strongly perceives the rather lethargy than thrusting." "There is director of than corporate business systems. However, we would like setting priority. adding work more always productivity Some staff... fourth productive as venders claimed and says resources," the "We have a method for to more do products are without not as languages generation are not realistic for high volume transaction systems." It is not uncommon for organizations to have a development backlog ranging from one to four years. application Wang [1986] reported "infinite" corporation. fact, In the and opportunities and responsibilities various in a major user I IS groups is needed to optimize Definition of roles and provision of tools to facilitate end-user development must be clarified as much as possible. L computer A cooperative effort between potential. and backlog the problem of backlog and security is both technical and behavioral. personnel significant __ PAGE 18 In our study, although backlog did receive a mean importance of 5.72, less than .1% of the executives identified it as their top concern. participants noted In above view and of the comments the from perception of traditional may applications backlog as a major challenge, this finding in a recent study of 120 senior executives and and could explain dispersion actually reported by Arthur [1] where applications backlog was ranked 15 Co. on a list of 22 concerns. that be In fact, this finding is paralleled viewed as quite surprising. Anderson some of There are two related forces at this reaction: software work (1) new productivity tools development to end-users have lessened the magnitude of the backlog faced by many IS organizations, thereby reducing its emergence concerns of previously, new such important as strategic importance, that computing, and did (2) not the exist connectivity, and networking, has pushed backlog even further down the list. 3 FOCUSING ON KEY ISSUES The recent years have witnessed the IS field. governmental In units, effect, or all nonprofit revolutionary enterprises changes in (be they firms, organizations) face a technological revolution in capabilities of information storage, manipulation, and communication. The revolution is moving rapidly from the backoffice functions such as payroll, personel, budget, to the basic strategy and products of the enterprise. PA 19 A key to success for an executive will be the capability to clearly understand, prioritize, and predict major IS issues. noted by the chief corporation: "It executive is of the stake is the company's future. strategic options, and of a major As manufacturing utmost concern to me because at Articulate key implement new IS issues, develop infrastructures to compete globally will be the only way the company can survive in today and tomorrow's world." This study indicates that key executives making IS decisions tend to focus their attention on emerging technologies with strategic implications organizational computing computing. is based on a to facilitate Value adding backbone inter to and that communication intra chain of network (underpining new IS infrastructures), connectivity among diverse systems, and finally redefinition of strategic options for competitive advantage. Acknowledgements The authors wish to acknowledge John J. inspiration of the study, Jay F. advice, Yang W. versions of writing the Donovan paper, paper. and Special his Nunamaker for his support and Lee for her valuable comments the for Yufen thanks on the earlier Lin for her assistance in are extended to the executives who participated in our study and provided the survey data that made this paper possible. PAGE 20 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. REFERENCES Arthur Anderson & Co., The changing Shape of MIS, 1986. Ball, L., and Harris, R. SMIS Member: A Membership Analysis, MIS Quarterly, Vol. 6, no. 1, March 1982, pp. 19-38. Clemons, E.R., and McFarlan, E.W., Telecom: hookup or lose out, Harvard Business Review, July-August, 1986. Computerworld, "Data Base Machine's Appeal Rising," May 20, 1985, pp. W-2. Dickson, G.W., Leitheiser, R.L., and Wetherbe, J.C., Key Information Systems Issues for the 1980's, MIS Quarterly, 1984, pp. 135-159. 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