Establish alternatives - Evaluate alternatives - Implement decision Monitor decision - Evaluate effectiveness of tools used, decision made and context changes Include public opportunities consultations input / feedback Develop what the “level of safety” / risk threshold is must be adopted by the community develop policy around this ople e p e r u s Make d to e n i a r t e r rts a o p e r d n understa what the and knowons of their implicati ents are. assessm An in-depth Regional hazard, risk and vulnerability edia” m w e n “ f o e s Make u tion out to get informa back. and response Develop Comprehensive Hazard Mapping – Local and Provincial + Flooding + Earthquakes + Landslides + Fire + Tsunami e to t i s b e W te a n i m e diss ation inform pping GIS Ma “Lia b Imm ility u for p nity” b y a ove st over law r s cha climate ight nge issu es Stan WORST CASE SCENARIO ANALYSIS dar d ize in a way Too l s f eva or luat e r isk Establish policy framework OCP that includes HRVA information Zoning it Development Perm Areas es, Provincial guidelin standards and ents regulatory requirem cess Establish policy pro Ensure compatibility and crossreferencing of all policies and plans Establish tool checklist that ensures this process Development / Emergency Management Connection to regional growth strategies, sustainability, climate change, Modeling tools for impact of development site t c u Cond ic if spec gations ti inves uired q as re Establish terms of reference for products and services commissioned from consultant to make them understandable and usable. Is the application form complete? roles involved bylaws triggered codes public consultation etc... in s ap g ify ons t n Ide licati app Initiate checklist / tracking for application internal department external agencies Develop / provide checklist for developers listing what Outline proposal process and requirements for multiple areas of expertise to engage within you municipality and provide crosstraining between Planners and emergency managers D E T S U T R R T O P P T U S R E P K R EX O W T E N Conduct a review based on hazard mapping areas / hazard risk assessment / OCP – DP areas Conduct a land-use review Develop checklist for planner when development reports documents assessments etc E V I T A L RE S L E V E L K S I R n a m e r fi e.g. n e z i it c s v lic b u p e includ ation lt consu f o ew on i v re sed a t c ba t u d n n n o Co licati opme w app devel byla s the roval app Co-ordinate and identify all information / comments received from referrals. DFO Establish context and MoE report back to rdevelopers e MoTI t a w e at rs v i common languages r p vide pro Conduct an internal / external referral process based on checklist ORR Evac routes What hazards are introduc ed with the development ? What warning systems a re in place? Natural Resources Canada Public Safety Canada Justice Institute of British Columbia Consistent integrated review by stakeholders, Pearces 2 Consulting WHO'S IDEA Participants of September, 2009 Centre for Natural Hazards Research workshop see Integrated Partnership for Regional Emergency Management ency g r e m e g includin managers Provide input to decision makers in a comprehensive way that shows how input (engineering, environmental, social) has been incorporated and evaluated. ie:Remove the black box that follows the reams of “professional studies and opinions” e d ve lu i t c la In u m cu acts p im Completed analysis which would be forwarded to applicant if he wishes to proceed to evaluation stage – which could / would include changes to the proposal the report to Director of Planning for evaluation / options to decision makers. Read / Apply OCP (Official Community Plan) Check Zoning Consider mitigation alternatives and techniques Perform HVRA Assume: SPR Identify hazards Subject Probability ranking ets ering e m ine Eng dards n Sta nvolve subject matter experts (SMEs) Risk-based Land-use Decision Support Workshop ct e j o r p w o H n i h t i w s t i f io t a c i n u m com y g e t a r t s n Building a best practices guide for land-use decision makers in support of improved disaster resilience This panel is the outcome of breakout 3 of the workshop and represents the participants contribution to a bestpractices guide to risk-based land-use planning. You are invited to add your comments and best-practices to this poster, and join an on-line discussion on building disaster resilience through risk-based land-use decision making. You can join For further information: Bert Struik Geological Survey of Canada Simon Fraser University 604-375-6413 re k i F ea Br Centre for Natural Hazard Research, SFU Keynote on land-use decision practices Breakout and panel discussions to define best practices Graphic record of contributions to planner's guide g n i d ion t il c u B stru con erial t ma WORKSHOP DESIGN on s t s c n A o i t a l u g e R s w a l By? Y H W Evaluate impacts and risks Consider costbenefits Equity E abo xample mea ut wha : be cl che n? W t fire ear c k e haza d? hat h sourc mak rd? fir succes as bee e con e it cle e safe ms? wildn side ar w f hat aterial ire red s? mak in th has b ing e e proc decis en ess ion . What hazard would lead to evaluation? Public interests influence feedback potential Make recommendations to decision makers Ask for more information Decision making needs to be integrat ed Professiona ls, public and all need to have inp ut Decision makers decide For the the ev de alu be cision ation crit clea it m of useeria ha r wha ust d to s [b t dec make een] isio n. the Can we evacuate safely? Is there a process where our tools / guidelines / standards can be continuously reviewed and updated? Hazard and resilience evaluation process Federal and Provincial and Local government hazard overview mapping needs to be up dated and then the OCP land-use designations need to be evaluated A procedure or process to rationalize previous land-use decisions Commission hazard overview review based on new information Establish procedure to handle situations there's preexisting risk Review OCPs and DPAs how to handle existing establish spheres Verify Review HRVA deficiency? has it changed as a result of the project? Have to start with an adopted risk criteria to monitor against Resilience value per dollar invested? Review decision criteria – Limited opportunities for monitoring of given development under the provincial legislation Did we consider alternatives? OCP review updated Opportunity: Prov. government can amend legislation to require local government to base DP to be based on hazard mapping. Prov. could establish a density transfer bank to reduce development within hazards. all e e g r we owled rst s fi n r k lde d? ho olve , inv tions ncy na erge rs, em nagenity ma mmu co Who were stakeholders correct? Are there any new hazard / risk reports generated since the decision? previous and current were all hazards incorporated? were all actors included? Checklist of simple clear questions Criteria Decision meet existing standards? Environmental risk tolerance up slope down slope go back to square one Who feeds info back to the planners? and what is the process? Format for guide: Chapters for different types of hazards with short time frame to respond to issues identified. to d t n r me haza e e l e eon – scap e, m i T uati land tim l r evan the oven and o ges tio g o n in la cha egis mitt ts als e. L per en tim remover i u reqnge cha Reconsider the project an Opp d“ o ma rtun ha kin ity p ap pe pen” g thi do ars w only ngs “de n't a hen vel ssu we as opm me us ent ua l ” Monitor decision Monitor decision Incorporate consideration s of regional growth plan Impact on response plans / capabilities Focus on mitigation Create a legacy Share your knowledge and experience Retrospective evaluation for purpose of learning and operational improvement to ind hel ar ivid p e to e (? ual nsur in get ) t dec e t an gooher ake isio hat ns co d n d o res n o u u av ld t o utc ltin oid ha n om g ed ve es e . be tha s en t Implement decision cation u d e c li b u p e Provid ks. to inform re: ris incorporating HRVA results into OCP (Official Community Plan) BUILD MITIGATION NETWORK Solicit Public Input Evaluate alternatives Resources - stakeholders - money - time Define Risk and provide standard for risk assessment process / guidelines Establish “Risk Tolerance” threshold Provide a lexicon of definitions for common understanding on website (and abbreviations) Clarify and define roles and responsibilities in planning, development and emergency management, and others Approach - standard methodologies ranking ltiu m re Ensuartment in dep lvement invo uation eval ess proc b o J Big n a b r U h wit e r t cen Build workshop template for your community Critical to have good collaboration between the decision makers Integrated evaluation team Idea: Adopt provincial legislation that requires retrofitting of development at time of sale. Evaluate effectiveness of tools and decisions Develop a compendium of case studies to illustrate best practices (include case studies within the proposal ”Guide”) Regional Review and Update Develop guidelines to evaluate development proposals BUILD TOOLS TO CREATE GUIDES nd o yo tt be en r go ex m fo ive nt ge ty at co na ni egr a m ate ortu int ns. e cr p re tio op mo olu s Understand legislative requirements, Best management practices Product - Mapping - Plan - Priorities Educate staff re: and purpose, content A application of HRV results Develop policies and bylaws for new and existing developments Promote planning for disaster resilience Reduce disastrous infrastructure damage Consider the trade-offs ss e r d d a d n a y f i Ident rns e c n o c y t i l i b a i l when: - individuals s - communitie make tions recommenda L A I C N A O I FIN L O F T POR s i s y anal Conduct multistakeholder HRVA HELP CREATE A PLANNER'S GUIDEBOOK New ue d s d r a haz o t t n e m lop deve off) (run Tool kit nd a h rc a e s Re nd u o r g k c a B STANDARD RISK ASSESSMENT ns o i t a nic u m ion Com t a c du E d an IS YOUR LAND-USE PLAN CREATING A DISASTER OR BUILDING RESILIENCE? Land-use planners, criticalinfrastructure owners and managers, insurers, researchers and practitioners of land-use policy, and emergency managers. Road design R (HV WHO SHOULD ATTENDED Create residential task force Educate Public Riparian Zone s it K l Too September 17, 2010 Simon Fraser University Harbour Centre Campus 515 W. Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Evaluate consequences will the rules be too costly Workshop Identify alternatives k is R h s i l Estab ce n a r e l To nd a k Ris , d ity ar l i z b a H era n l u nt V e m ess s s A A) ry o t a l Regu nes eli d i u G Risk Competition Land-use Decision Support: Reducing Risk from Hazards Identify alternatives Engage public Public consultations ? Council Presentations on concept ? Territ ory compe tition Question: What good is monitoring if local gov't does not have jurisdiction to require action? Section 56 of the community charter requires building inspectors to call for site specific geotechnical reports at time of building permit if a potential hazards is identified. This can address changes in hazards on the landscape in an existing parcel. Is a covenant required to ensure ongoing attention to issues? Develop maintenance schedule required for key components drainage inspections foundations retaining wall etc… Multi-guide s by variant community Trigger as to when LUPs use current standards versus old ones Conduct joint exercises at if a th as e re as d this u s h se f Enisk ea o it in r cr ult ct d y in es je re nc r ro tu ge : n p ap r ie io c me ns at e la cu p va n. e la p fy rk i r o e v tw s y ne a w f o th pa g ldin i u B 1 2 Site d o o h r u o b h g 3 Nei y t i n u m m o C 4 Notify impacted stakeholders: if you find issues related to their plans. Have exterior conditions changed that impacts the site or vice versa? ie: surrounding area Verify plans used to ensure whatever amendment is required On budget? On schedule? if not why not?Incident data capture Is there a need to develop new policies / standards? or methods of assessment Tools – provinc ia databa l s use IC e I softwa S r input d e a * evalu ta ate Create opportunities for knowledge exchange between departments, local government, provincial agencies, the public Tool kit and proposals Establish proposal context - Define the risk-based planning objectives Create a strategic, proactive timely communications plan to advise critical audiences of process and its implications Evaluate context for change What needs to be in place for informed risk-based planning decisions Establish the decision criteria Monitor and Evaluate Decision: Define the risk-based planning objectives Evaluate Development Proposal and Make Decision: Establish proposal context Receive the Development Proposal: Establish proposal context Establish Pre-Development Proposal Tools and Mechanisms: