What needs to be in place for informed risk-based planning decisions Establish proposal context - Define the risk-based planning objectives Establish alternatives - Evaluate alternatives - Implement decision Monitor decision - Evaluate effectiveness of tools used, decision made and context changes Fire Response Pla EP n Analysts - GIS EP Environmental and risk plan EP Inventory of Experts and consultants EP Response options EP Develop a compendium of case studies to illustrate best practices (include case studies w ithin the proposal ” Guide” ) P rovide a lexicon of defi nitions for common understanding on w ebsite (and abbreviations) Clarify and defi ne roles and responsibilities in planning, development and emergency management, and others Es tab li s h p o li c y fr am ew o r k OCP th at in c lu d es HRVA in fo rm ati o n Zo n in g it Dev elo p m en t Perm Areas es , Pro v in c ial g u id eli n s tan d ard s an d en ts reg u lato ry req u ir em c es s Es tab li s h p o li c y p ro CRHNet Establish “ Risk Tolerance” threshold Include public opportunities consultations input / feedback Develop w hat the “ level of safety” / risk threshold is must be adopted by the community develop policy around this An in-depth Regional hazard, risk and vulnerability Phase constuction to maintain facility operation at all times Essential facility at risk from one hazard contingency plan? EP “Lia b Imm ility u for p nity” b y a ove st over law r s cha climate ight nge issu es Environmental survey Transportation study / plan - bridges - response time - critical access EP Haz ard ous ma teri al s -m ould tudy - as bes tos - le ad ple o e p e r u Mak e s ed t o ar e t r ai n n d r ep o r t s u n d er s t a w h at t h e an d k n o wo n s o f t h ei r i m p l i c at i en t s ar e. as s es s m Develop Comprehensive Hazard Mapping – Local and Provincial + Flooding + Earthquakes + Landslides + Fire + Tsunami Hazard zone wide mitigation and contingency alternatives? - upstream mitigation - mutual aid coverage - cost sharing down stream- warning systems- structural or non structuralsafe room EP Re-assessment of a 200 year and 300 year flood EP T S R WO E S A C O I R A N E C S Full spe cifie HRV d A by Q P EP Tools EP CRHNet EP . g . e EP Stan dard i ze in a way Est ab lis h to o l ch ec kl is t th at en su res th is p ro cess E V I T A L RE SK RI S L E V LE e to t i s b e W at e n i m e s dis n o i t a m r i n fo p p i n g GIS Ma Local Fire Protection Establish terms of reference for products and services commissioned from consultant to make them understandable and usable. Ens u re co m p at ib ili ty an d cr o ss referen ci n g o f al l p o lic ies an d p lans m ed ia” w e n “ f o e s u Mak e n out io t a m r fo in t e to g b ac k . e s n o p s e r d an Evaluate risk against existing tolerance level EP (based on comparable risks) and buildings Modeling tools for impact of development CRHNet Develop checklist for planner when development roles involved bylaws triggered codes public consultation etc... Development / Emergency Management Connection to regional growth strategies, sustainability, climate change, Develop / provide checklist for developers listing what reports documents assessments etc How is the bldg. design to mitigate risk? Outline proposal process and requirements for multiple areas of expertise to engage within you municipality and provide crosstraining between Planners and emergency managers Validate is 200 yr adquate Assess condition / strength of EP Geotech Study surrounding EP final design? infrastructure how it relates to e.g. overpass hazards -> does it include mitigation options? EP CRHNet Process description t site c u d Co n i c if s p ec g at i o n s ti i n v es u i r ed q as r e Affect on surrounding properties Conduct a land-use review Is the application form complete? Initiate checklist / tracking for application internal department external agencies EP EP Co-ordinate and identify all information / comments received from referrals. in s ap g fy s i t n n o Id e l i c at i ap p nalysis a t fi e n e b t s o C E T US TR T D R E P EX PO P U S N RH et C Other Hazards (Fire, earthquake, slide) Review technological studies 1. hydrology of creek flood risk 2. geo-tech of this site and retaining wall Overview from planning dept. narrow down options based on costs: impacts; priorities; risk ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION of w e i n v o e r ed a s t a c b u d n nt n o i e o t C lica opm w ap p d ev el b y l a s t h e r o v al ap p EP (BLDG) EP HEALTH ASSESSEMENT EP EP Conduct an internal / external referral process based on checklist ORR Evac routes EP EP ility b a t s l a r Structu firehall Is report on bridge EP included? Costs of bridge upgrade? Conduct an overall cost / benefit analysis er d r o n i s Plan CHECKLIST Evaluate growth in service area DFO Establish context and MoE report back to MoTI t erdevelopers a ew t a common languages p r i v v i d er s pro EP EP Bylaw review zoning / OCP What info is required to EP decide? What do we have? What is missing? EP of et e m t i s ie: doe an c & e d co building et PD e m e d upgra ds standar OTHER S OPTION ud y t s e g n a h Climate C EP EP Net Conduct a review based on hazard mapping areas / hazard risk assessment / OCP – DP areas EP EP EP EP EP to CRH blic u p e i n c l u d at i o n lt c onsu 1. Evaluate Impact on response plans / capabilities EP (Recognition) Decision on how this proposal affects future hazard management decisions in the hazard zone. EP Can the hall be renovated at a lo wer cost to correct th e health issues for the FF's in the short term? What hazard s are introd uced with th e CRHNet EP Centre for Natural Hazard Research, SFU Natural Resources Canada Public Safety Canada Justice Institute of British Columbia Pearces 2 Consulting Consistent integrated review by stakeholders, EP QP reports -> whole watershed HRVA -> functionality of hall for response -> life safety for structure Keynote on land-use decision practices Breakout and panel discussions to define best practices Graphic record of contributions to planner's guide WHO'S IDEA Participants of September, 2009 Centre for Natural Hazards Research workshop see www.sfu.ca/cnhr/workshops Integrated Partnership for Regional Emergency Management ncy e g r e m e including m an ag er s Provide input to decision makers in a comprehensive way that shows how input (engineering, environmental, social) has been incorporated and evaluated. ie:Remove the black box that follows the reams of “ professional studies and opinions” QP reports w. mit igation options for entire watershed - cost / benefit d egree of mitigation - priority options de e u v l i In c u l at m c u ac t s p m i What warning systems are in place? Completed analysis which would be forwarded to applicant if he wishes to proceed to evaluation stage – which could / would include changes to the proposal the report to Director of Planning for evaluation / options to decision makers. - Risk tolerance criteria EP EP Current worth of Bldg Read / Apply OCP (Official Community Plan) A s s u m e: ing tion d l i Bu st r u c c o n er i al t ma WORKSHOP DESIGN EP EP EP Check Zoning Consider mitigation alternatives and techniques Building Code et s er i n g e m ine En g d ar d s n St a SPR Identify hazards Subject Probability ranking - Budget nvolve subject matter experts (SMEs) EP EP EP EP Risk-based Land-use Decision Support Workshop EP Emergency + Protective Services t c e j o r p How n i h t i w fits n o i t a c i n u m m co y g e t a r t s - response + redundancy options - structure priorities CRHNet Building a best practices guide for land-use decision makers in support of improved disaster resilience This panel is the outcome of breakout 3 of the workshop and represents the participants contribution to a bestpractices guide to risk-based land-use planning. You are invited to add your comments and best-practices to this poster, and join an on-line discussion on building disaster resilience through risk-based land-use decision making. You can join For further information: http://www.sfu.ca/cnhr/workshops Bert Struik Geological Survey of Canada Simon Fraser University bert.struik@nrcan.gc.ca 604-375-6413 of e g a s u t n e r r Cu e Fire Respons Public interests influence feedback potential on s t s c n A o i t a l u Reg ws a l By ? Y H W Evaluate impacts and risks Per f o r m HVRA CRHNet EP EP EP "macro" issues what needs to happen for any development proposal? Focus on mitigation Consider costbenefits Equity E ab o x am p l e m ea u t w h a : b e c l che n ? W t f i r e ear c k h aza ed ? h at h s o u r c m ak r d ? f i r s u c c es as b ee e c o n e i t c l e e s af e ms ? w i l dn s i d e ar w f h at at er i al i r e r ed s h m ak in i n g t h e d eas b ee ? n pro c c es s i s i o n . What hazard would lead to evacuation? an Op p d“ ort m u h a ak i n n i t y ap p p e gt pe hin n ” a o do rs w nly gs “ d e n ' t a h en we v el s s u m o e as p m u s en t ua ” l ty li i b a i L - Ask for more information EP EP Dec is io n m ak in g n eed s t o b e in t eg r at ed Professiona ls, public and all need to have inp ut Decision makers decide Hazard and resilience evaluation process Reconsider the project Ensure financials / funding is in place and conforms to requirements Federal and Provincial and Local government hazard overview mapping needs to be up dated and then the OCP land-use designations need to be evaluated A procedure or process to rationalize previous land-use decisions Commission hazard overview review based on new information Establish procedure to handle situations there's preexisting risk Review OCPs and DPAs how to handle existing establish spheres Verify Review HRVA deficiency? has it changed as a result of the project? Have to start with an adopted risk criteria to monitor against to d t n r m e haza e e l e eo n – s c a p e , m i T u a t i la n d t im l r e v an t h e o v e n a n d o g e s t io o n in g la c h a e g is m it t t s a ls e . L p e r e n t im r e mo v e r i u reqnge cha Resilience value per dollar invested? Review decision criteria – Review options and soundness of recommendation (argument) by Fire Dept. EP Did we consider alternatives? ll e a g re w e o w le d rst s fi n r k ld e d ? h o o lv e , in v t io n s n c y na erge rs, e m n a g e n it y ma mmu co Who were stakeholders correct? Are there any new hazard / risk reports generated since the decision? previous and current were all hazards incorporated? were all actors included? Checklist of simple clear questions Criteria Decision meet existing standards? Environmental risk tolerance up slope down slope Integrated evaluation team Base decision on criteria TIME - EVENT FOR Evaluate against original options pdf to council + recommend Review - bylaw - OCP - envir - hazards Limited opportunities for monitoring of given development under the provincial legislation OCP review updated Opportunity: Prov. government can amend legislation to require local government to base DP to be based on hazard mapping. Prov. could establish a density transfer bank to reduce development within hazards. EP EP EP EEPP $ to ensure service versus $ to change location Format for guide: Chapters for different types of hazards with short time frame to respond to issues identified. EP EP go back to square one EPEP Consultation with community Fo r t h e t h e ev d ec al u b e i s i o n at i o n c r i t c l ea i t m o f u s eer i a h a r w h a u s t d to s [b t d ec m ak e een ] isio n. the Evaluate the OHS us o d r a Haz rials e mat P EP E Make recommendations to decision makers EP EP Is there a process where our tools / guidelines / standards can be continuously reviewed and updated? Who feeds info back to the planners? and what is the process? Idea: Adopt provincial legislation that requires retrofitting of development at time of sale. Section 56 of the community charter requires building inspectors to call for site specific geotechnical reports at time of building permit if a potential hazards is identified. This can address changes in hazards on the landscape in an existing parcel. Is a covenant required to ensure ongoing attention to issues? D ev elop m aint en an ce sc he d ule re qu ir ed fo r ke y co m po ne nt s d ra in ag e in sp ec tion s fo un d at io ns re ta in in g w all et c… Building inspection n a e r e h Is t . t n e d i c in Mul t i- g uid e s b y v ar ian t c o mmun it y Trigger as to when LUPs use current standards versus old ones Ra pid Da ma Ass ge ess me n Conduct joint exercises o o h r u hbo g 3 Nei y t i n u m m o C 4 d T o o ls – p r o v in c ia dat aba l s use I C e I sof t wa S r in p u t d e a * e v a lu t a at e Post r eno. respo nse t ime - exer cise Community vulnerability evaluation if at a h t s a he e s r d u h a e f t is s s E nis k e a o it in r c r u lt c t d y in e s j e r e n c r ro t u ge : n p a p r ie io c m e ns at e la c u p va n. e la p f y rk i r o e v tw s e y n a w f o th pa g n i d l i 1 Bu 2 S it e Notify impacted stakeholders: if you find issues related to their plans. H av e e xt e rio r co n d it io n s ch an g e d th at im p ac ts th e site o r vice ve rs a? ie : su rr o u n d in g ar e a Verify plans used to ensure whatever amendment is required On budget? On schedule? if not why not?Incident data capture I s t here a need t o d e v e lo p new p o lic ie s / st andards? or m et hods of assessm ent Tool kit and proposals d u c ati o n e c li b u p e id v Pr o ks. to in fo r m r e: r is In c o r p o r at e c o n s id er at io n s o f r eg io n al g r o w t h p lan EP EP BUILD MITIGATION NETWORK Retrospective evaluation for purpose of learning and operational improvement Monitor decision Monitor decision incorporating HRVA results into OCP (Official Community Plan) EP Build workshop template for your community nd o yo tt be en r g o ex m fo i ve nt ge t y at co na n i eg r a m at e o r t u i n t ns . e c r p p ore u t i o l o m so Understand legislative requirements, Best management practices Def in e Ris k an d pr ov id e st an dard fo r ris k as sess m en t pr oc es s / gu id el in es ltiu m re En s uar t m en t i n d ep l v em en t i n v o u at i o n ev al es s pro c Workplace legislation BUILD TOOLS TO CREATE GUIDES Implement decision Regional Review and Update Big Job with Urban losses to life / property - liability analysis Promote planning for disaster resilience Reduce disastrous infrastructure damage re k i F ea Br Ed u c ate s taff re: an d p u rp o s e, c o n ten t A ap p li c ati o n o f HRV res u lt s Develop guidelines to evaluate development proposals 2 Despite challenges, the existing fire hall is sig. sub-standard residents need fire protection HELP CREATE A PLANNER'S GUIDEBOOK New u e d s d r a h az o t en t m p lo d ev e o f f ) (r u n Develop policies and bylaws for new and existing developments Overall risk analysis as well as hazard analysis EP to in d h e l a r iv id p e t o e (? u a l n s u r in g e t ) t d e c e t a n g o o h e r a k e is io h a t ns co d n d o res n o u u a v ld t o u t c lt in o id h a n o m g ed ve es e . be t ha s en t Question: What good is monitoring if local gov't does not have jurisdiction to require action? Evaluate effectiveness of tools and decisions Grants / funding - flood protection $ from province EP - other CRHNet EP IS YOUR LAND-USE PLAN CREATING A DISASTER OR BUILDING RESILIENCE? - community feedback - open house to elicit comments from public Critical to have good collaboration between the decision makers Solicit Public Input Evaluate alternatives OCP Reso ur ces - st ak eh ol ders - m on ey - tim e will the et Land-use planners, criticalinfrastructure owners and managers, insurers, researchers and practitioners of land-use policy, and emergency managers. Educate Public Ro ad d es i g n i ca n u m ion Co m t a c Ed u d n a Che nei ck w ghb hol our e hoo d d r es s d a d n a y f i t n Id e rns l i ab i l i t y c o n c e w h en : - i n d i v i d u al s s - communitie m ak e ns o i t a d n e m m o r ec N A FIN L I L O F T sis R PO naly a O it s WHO SHOULD ATTENDED Create residential task force Consider the trade-offs A I C A pp ro ac h - st an dard m et ho do lo gi es rank in g K l o To CRHN t ions EP CRHNet ory t a l u Reg es n i l e Gu i d EP Conduct multistakeholder HRVA Pro d u ct - Map p in g - Plan - Pri o ri ti es EP Decision making is iterative Ri p ar i an Zo n e Tool kit STANDARD RISK ASSESSME NT Risk Competiti on Mitigation Options - how can you just focus on just this creek? prioritize - bldg and renovations 1st and then mitigation - dykes - catchment basins - on firehall site - side effects from this September 17, 2010 Simon Fraser University Harbour Centre Campus 515 W. Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Evaluate consequences ( HVR Terri tory comp etiti - Present many scenario to counsel. (not just architectural) - cost / effectivenss analysis - all hazard analysis (should be safe for many analaysis) - Eliminate undesirable options focus on best EP options - Is bridge at risk? Workshop Identify alternatives and k s Ri , d r a lit y i z b a a H er n l u nt V e m ess s s A A) sk i R h lis b a t s E ce n a r To l e nd a h ar c e s e R nd u o r g B a ck Test the integrity of the containment wall Engage public Public consultations ? Council Presentations on concept ? EP nce a r e l o t k h ris Establis criteria arios n e c s c fi ci - for spe Multidimensional working group Land-use Decision Support: Reducing Risk from Hazards Identify alternatives Existing infrastructure Evaluate vulnerability Define the risk-based planning objectives Create a strategic, proactive timely communications plan to advise critical audiences of process and its implications Evaluate context for change Monitor and Evaluate Decision: Establish the decision criteria Evaluate Development Proposal and Make Decision: Establish proposal context Receive the Development Proposal: Establish proposal context Establish Pre-Development Proposal Tools and Mechanisms: Cr ea te op po rt un it ie s fo r kn ow le dg e ex ch an ge be tw ee n de pa rt m en ts , lo ca l go ve rn m en t, pr ov in cial ag en cies , th e pu blic Risk e c n a r e Tol tested ed + r o t i n (mo t