Trust Board: January 2015 Subject: Safe Staffing Level’s Update Report -Compliance with Hard Truths Doc- Dec 2014 Report Author: Ben Chambers, Lead Nurse for Clinical Assurance Purpose: Discussion Key Issues: Health/Social Impact: Staff in hospitals where the staff levels are not deemed safe have been known to have higher burnout rates and were approximately twice as likely to be dissatisfied in their job. Good staffing levels will lead to positive outcomes for people using our services Financial Implications: £1.2m has had to be identified to facilitate improved staffing levels on the wards. Ongoing review of this investment with our commissioners should be considered and agreed going forward for any deficits in staffing establishment that may affect compliance with delivering safe staffing levels Diversity/Equality Impact Assessment: No Equality issues have come to light; the review has considered all protected characteristics equally. Recommendation to Board: The Board is asked to note the improvement in staffing levels and the direction of travel. Trust wide Compliance with safe staffing levels November 2014: Registered Nurse Day hours – 8,393 planned, 9,341 worked representing 111% fill rate overall. Registered Nurse Night hours – 7,634 planned 7,186 worked representing 94% fill rate. Care Support Worker Day Hours – 16,885 planned, 19,8086 worked representing 117% fill rate Care Support Worker Night Hours- 9,680 planned, 12,337 worked representing 127% fill rate 24/7 Safe Staffing Levels – Monthly Update Report 1.0 Introduction NHS England and the Care Quality Commission issued joint guidance to Trusts on the delivery of the ‘Hard Truths’ commitments, associated with publishing staffing data regarding nursing and care staff levels. We have embraced the Safe Staffing agenda and implemented a number of initiatives such as our surge and escalation process to ensure we receive real time intelligence from our front line staff, on how we are meeting safe staffing levels. A review of the hours worked against plan for registered nurses in our 24/7 wards for the month of November, shows appropriate shift cover for the day shift and a reasonable cover of the night shift, with exceptions discussed below. Out of the 8,393 planned day shift registered nurse hours 9341 were worked representing a 111% fill rate overall representing a 1% increase on last months figures. 7,634 night shift registered nurse hours were planned and 7,186 hours were actually worked representing a 94% fill rate, which is lower than expected and represents a 3% decrease on last months figures. Our fill rate for Care Support Workers was high for both day and night cover with fill rates of 117% & 127% respectively. These figures however represent a 6% and 5% decrease in fill rate (respectfully) which as the tables below will show means that the number of staff required to manage the sickness levels and acuity on the wards more closely matched the anticipated safe staffing levels than during the previous month. 2.0 Monthly Safe Staffing Compliance Update As in October, the November data shows a reduction in the number of wards which had a figure below the 90% of expected staff and the reason for these lower than expected figures are discussed below. We analysed data by looking at the nursing hours planned against actual hours worked including those hours covered by NHS Professionals. The overall picture suggesting that staffing levels within the 24/7 services are becoming increasingly consistent in operating above the safe staffing levels agreed for their services. Encouragingly this month there has been a % reduction in the number of staff over the anticipated safe staffing levels. Safe Staffing Levels – Compliance with Hard Truths Doc BC 11.14 2 Key for charts: Red indicates <90%, blue indicates 90% – 110% and yellow indicates >110%. 2.1 Services for People with a Learning Disability Division Due to the care needs of people using our Learning Disability Service our skill mix includes a high proportion of care support workers to support with activities of daily living, as such our care support staff planned number is much greater than those for registered nurses. Table 1 – LD safe staffing data November 2014 Ward Name Registered Nurse Total Total Monthly Monthly Planned Actual Hours Hours Bramdean 330.0 341 April Cottage 319.0 341 Oakwood 308.0 314 Ashmount & Derby 330.0 416 Larkfield 330.0 339 Care Staff Registered Nurse Care Staff Nov-14 Total Total Total Total Total Total Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual % Registered % HCA % Registered % HCA Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Day Day night night 1,320.0 1,023 231.0 220 924.0 452 103% 77% 95% 49% 1,595.0 1,191 242.0 240 726.0 455 107% 75% 99% 63% 2,464.0 2,418 220.0 220 660.0 660 102% 98% 100% 100% 1,980.0 2,510 220.0 220 440.0 664 126% 127% 100% 151% 990.0 1,025 231.0 221 231.0 221 103% 104% 96% 96% Brief summary by ward 1) Bramdean –Low fill rates for HCA cover have been discussed at the monthly Erostering review meeting. Their budget is currently being reviewed to determine whether they have been correctly adjusted for the safe staffing levels agreed and whether these levels remain appropriate with their current reduced bed number. Recruitment to fill substantive posts is currently underway and will reduce the number of shifts which are staffed through NHSP following successful long term development posts created in collaboration with NHSP and SABP. 2) April Cottage – As with Bramdean, April Cottage’s budget is currently being reviewed to determine whether they have been correctly adjusted for the safe staffing levels agreed and whether these levels remain appropriate with their current reduced bed number. Regular agency staff booked for fixed periods of time are being used to increase the consistency of the staffing on the ward while substantive posts are recruited to. 3) Oakwood – consistent good staffing levels. 4) Ashmount and Derby – consistent good staffing levels with high acuity accounting for the higher than expected use of HCAs at night. The improvements in ensuring day shifts have appropriate levels of qualified nursing staff seen last month have been continued. Safe Staffing Levels – Compliance with Hard Truths Doc BC 11.14 3 5) Larkfield – consistent good staffing levels reported for November, with improvements seen in the ward consistently reaching safe staffing levels across the shift types. The risk on the Trust High Level Risk Register outlining the current staffing issues at Larkfield will be reviewed when each shift type is filled to 100% or over. Current Actions There is ongoing recruitment in the Division to meet the agreed safe staffing levels and the recruitment issues at Larkfield are on the Trust High Level Risk Register although it is noted that the levels reported for October and November suggest that they are addressing these immediate concerns. Senior Managers aware of the issues at April cottage and Bramdean around reduced bed occupancy and the safe staffing levels for these wards regarding HCA use is being reviewed. 2.2 Mental Health and Social Care Division Due to the high levels of dependency and acuity of some of the people using our Acute Mental Health Wards, there is a need for quick responsiveness and flexibility regarding additional resource, for example when people are escorted off the ward or are placed on enhanced observation. We work closely with our front line staff to ensure that any additional demands on staff are escalated, to ensure prompt action is taken to provide the required support. Table 2 – WAA safe staffing data Nov 2014 Ward Name Registered Nurse Total Total Monthly Monthly Planned Actual Hours Hours 24 7 Wingfield 506.0 785 24 7 Blake 759.0 838 24 7 Clare 759.0 756 24 7 Anderson 506.0 511 24 7 Delius 506.0 532 24 7 Elgar 506.0 547 24 7 Fenby (PICU) 506.0 732 Care Staff Registered Nurse Care Staff Nov-14 Total Total Total Total Total Total Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual % Registered % HCA % Registered % HCA Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Day Day night night 506.0 724 759.0 564 506.0 750 155% 143% 74% 148% 1,012.0 962 759.0 756 759.0 845 110% 95% 100% 111% 506.0 605 506.0 507 506.0 575 100% 120% 100% 114% 506.0 646 506.0 503 253.0 344 101% 128% 99% 136% 506.0 580 506.0 499 253.0 346 105% 115% 99% 137% 506.0 755 506.0 488 253.0 520 108% 149% 96% 206% 759.0 700 506.0 484 506.0 927 145% 92% 96% 183% Brief summary by ward 1) Wingfield ward – generally has good cover across the 24hr shifts. The low fill rate for qualified staff at nights has been investigated as it has occurred in previous months. On occasions due to short notice cancellations the ward has not been able to staff the Safe Staffing Levels – Compliance with Hard Truths Doc BC 11.14 4 ward with the 3 expected qualified staff HCAs have been used to ensure that the overall number of staff have been available on the ward during these shifts. Further work is necessary to ensure forward compliance with agreed levels as from the 01.12.14 the ward increased its active bed number to 24. To maintain the safe staffing levels there will now be 3 qualified and 3 CSW staff on throughout the 2 shifts covering the 24hr period. The additional staffing ratios are to support the increase in people anticipated on the ward and to ensure that the Section 136 area can be effectively and safely managed. 2) Blake ward – good consistent cover with HCA low fill rate during the day a result of the acuity of the ward on some shifts requiring an additional qualified member of staff. The Staffing ratios are currently being reviewed as from 01.12.14 Blake ward has reduced their number of active beds to 17 beds. However as they also manage 2 Section 136 assessment areas their ratios are likely to remain higher than wards with a similar number of beds. The ward manager has talked positively about now having recruited to the last of his vacancies which will increase the consistency of care across the shifts as there should be a reduction in the use of NHSP staff. 3) Clare ward – good consistent cover. 4) Anderson ward – well balanced cover with additional HCA use at nights due to acuity. 5) Delius ward – good consistent cover. The ward manager reports that Fenby now staffed to manager the Section 136 assessment area has eased the staffing pressures on Delius, although they are currently recruiting to some staffing posts. 6) Elgar ward – good consistent cover – the higher than expected use of HCA’s across the 24 hr period was accounted for by acuity and 1:1 support needs. 7) Fenby ward – appropriate cover across the 24 hr period. Improvement work continues. Current Actions There is an ongoing programme of reviewing staffing cover in these wards. The 136 assessment facilities at the ACU, Wingfield and Fenby are now being supported by designated staff to help regulate the impact of 136 assessments on the staffing levels of the acute wards. Blake ward has reduced their active beds to 17 and Wingfield increased their active beds to 24 from the 01.12.14. This will adjust the safe staffing levels for each ward going forward. There remains a number of staff who are currently unable to work either due to sickness or other issues. The Division will continue to facilitate and review the support of these staff. Safe Staffing Levels – Compliance with Hard Truths Doc BC 11.14 5 2.3 Older Peoples Mental Health Division Due to the care needs of people using our older people’s services our skill mix includes a high proportion of care support workers to support with activities of daily living, as such our care support staff planned number are much greater than those for registered nurses. Table 3 - OP safe staffing data November 2014 Ward Name Victoria Albert Hayworth House Spenser Ward Bluebell Ward Primrose Ward Registered Nurse Total Total Monthly Monthly Planned Actual Hours Hours 726.0 835 506.0 508 506.0 493 484.0 521 253.0 258 253.0 275 Care Staff Registered Nurse Care Staff Nov-14 Total Total Total Total Total Total Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual % Registered % HCA % Registered % HCA Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Day Day night night 726.0 1,521 484.0 484 726.0 1,265 115% 209% 100% 174% 759.0 2,053 484.0 484 726.0 1,483 100% 270% 100% 204% 1,012.0 1,157 506.0 313 759.0 1,325 97% 114% 62% 175% 726.0 723 484.0 481 726.0 483 108% 100% 99% 67% 506.0 555 242.0 252 484.0 596 102% 110% 104% 123% 506.0 657 242.0 253 242.0 428 109% 130% 105% 177% Brief summary by ward 1) Victoria ward – consistent cover across the 24/7 period. The above 100% expected HCA use is largely accounted for enhanced observation. A programme of review is currently underway to provide additional support to the ward including observing practice to determine if 1:1 support is the most effective way of maintaining safety on the ward. 2) Albert ward – consistent cover across the 24/7 period. The significantly higher than expected use of HCAs is similar to last month and reflects the current need for enhanced observation due to the acuity of the ward. 3) Hayworth House – consistent cover across the 24/7 period. More HCAs were required at night than anticipated again this may be because of enhanced observation which were more easily accommodated during the day shifts and to compensate for the nearly 40% less than expected use of qualified staff at nights. Despite the ward increasing the percentage of night shifts with the expected allocation of qualified staff in October to 70%, this figure has fallen again to 62% in November – the Lead Nurse for Quality Assurance will discuss these figures with the inpatient service manager to address this ongoing issue. 4) Spencer ward – good cover during the day, but lower than expected HCA cover at night. In October Spencer ward reduced its bed numbers from 20 –18 which has resulted in their ratio of Qualified staff during the day reducing by 1. CSW support at Safe Staffing Levels – Compliance with Hard Truths Doc BC 11.14 6 night needs to be further discussed with the service manager to ensure safe staffing levels are maintained. 5) Bluebell have significantly reduced the number of staff additional use of staff for all of their shifts this month so that most (apart for HCAs at night) are operating within the optimum staffing levels. This is accounted for by a reduction in the acuity and redeployment of staff. 6) Primrose’s qualified staffing levels are good and consistent – the HCA level is again high but have continued to reduce from September’s fill rates where both HCA staffing levels for day and night shift were over 200%. Current Actions Where there are either low or unusually high fill rates, queries have been escalated to the Divisional Director and discussions continue with the teams at the monthly safe staffing meetings to support the teams in ensuring improvements in fill rate are achieved – this appears to be working with Bluebell and Primrose trending towards anticipated levels. Further work is required with Hayworth and Spencer to understand and address their lower than expected night fill rates. 3.0 Display information about the nurses and care staff present on each ward. We now have full compliance with the displaying of nursing numbers on the wards. Further ongoing audit will be undertaken to ensure the process remains embedded. 4.0 Processes in place to enable staffing establishments to be met The Director of Quality (DoN) continues to coordinate the available staff programme which reviews & ensures the improvement in the quality of roster planning by ward. The review team analyse possible future breaches on planned rosters, which should identify any unforeseen low levels of staffing. This information is then compared with NHSP booking data which will allow for the robust monitoring of quality. This process also allows us to check that appropriate allowances have been made in establishments for planned and unplanned leave and the supervisory role of the ward manager. Safe Staffing Levels – Compliance with Hard Truths Doc BC 11.14 7 5.0 Reasons for Gaps in Staffing fill rate Over the coming months the Clinical Lead will be reviewing the safe staffing figures with the teams to better understand the reporting levels. Recruitment processes commenced in September are now helping some wards to reach their full staffing levels reducing the amount of NHSP required. It is anticipated that this will lead to an improved level of compliance to safe staffing levels going forward. Recruitment processes continue for wards where vacancies have since arisen. The Trust weekly operational review meeting monitors progress against all staffing risks currently on the Trust Risk Register. 6.0 Impact on Key Quality Outcome Measures For the month of November no direct correlation has been identified between fill rate and inability to deliver on quality outcome measures. Rates of NHSP use should reduce over the coming months as the reconfigured wards recruit to their new safe staffing levels and the recruitment to vacancies since September 2014 bring in new staff. The Quality team through its circle of support process is working to ensure there is enhanced effectiveness of the additional resource in improving quality and care on the wards. Ben Chambers – Lead Nurse for Clinical Assurance. Safe Staffing Levels – Compliance with Hard Truths Doc BC 11.14 8