Guiding Principles for Engineering Faculty Workload

Guiding Principles for Engineering Faculty Workload
Revised on Dec. 4, 2015
1. The following principles apply to only tenured and tenure-track faculty.
2. A faculty member’s total workload is 24 credit hours per academic year, divided among teaching
workload hours, research workload hours and workload hours for documented service or
administrative duties. In other words, the workload baseline is 24 credits.
3. Per AAUP Agreement Article 13.1D,”faculty who demonstrate significant participation in
productive and assessable scholarship/research/creative activity will be assigned fewer than 24
teaching workload hors per academic year (typically ranging between 6 and 16 teaching workload
hours per academic year).”
4. The faculty assigned teaching load will be based on the Faculty Activity Evaluation Model
(FAEM), for Fenn College of Engineering faculty. This model includes consideration of
activities in AAUP Agreement Article 13.1.B as applicable to the College of Engineering
Washkewicz College’s Faculty Activity Evaluation Model (FAEM)
<Based on FAAR for AY2012-13, AY2013-14 and AY2014-15>
The Faculty Activity Evaluation Model (FAEM) is a “point-system” where a faculty earns points for
research, teaching and service. This model is used to determine faculty’s teaching load for next academic
year. The evaluation period is the past three years.
1. If a faculty member took a professional leave during the past three years, the points received
during the remaining two years will be multiplied by 1.5 to get the three years equivalency unless
the faculty chooses otherwise.
2. A faculty member’s teaching load shall resume upon returning from his/her professional leave. In
the case of taking only one semester leave, the teaching load for the remaining semester shall be
half of the assigned annual teaching load.
3. New tenure-track or tenured faculty (i.e. those with no more than three years of service) shall be
evaluated by the same model (FAEM), but their maximum teaching load shall not exceed 16
credits per AY in their first three years.
4. All tenured or tenure-track faculty shall submit their FAAR by April 30 each year. Additional
information needed for the FAEM evaluation shall also be submitted to their Chair by the
predetermined deadline. Based on the submitted information, the Chair enters the scores, item by
item, for each faculty.
5. The assigned workload is ultimately determined by the Dean, upon consultation with department
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1. Journal Publication
Evaluation Basis: only the published materials in the past three years count. Detailed
information per publication must be submitted.
2 points per refereed journal publication
1 point per pure online open-access journals
2. Conference Proceedings
1 point per conference proceeding
3. Book Chapters
1 point per book chapter
4. External Grants Received*
1 point for every $25,000, based on averaged annual Research Expenditure in the
past three years.
*NOTE: For a joint project, proper fund distribution among PIs shall be considered.
5. External Grants Proposals Submitted, but Not Funded (based on the average of the
past three years)
0.5 point per proposal*
*Only the proposals submitted to Federal or State agencies count
6. Supporting Doctoral Students with Grants (based on the past three years)
2 point per student year* (as the student’s Dissertation advisor only)
*Student Year is defined as fully supporting one doctoral student for stipend and tuition for
an academic year (unless tuition is covered from the graduate program).
7. Supporting Master Students with Grants(based on the past three years)
1 point per student year* (as the student’s Thesis advisor only)
*Student Year is defined as fully supporting one Master student for stipend and tuition for
an academic year (unless tuition is covered from the graduate program).
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8. Invited Lectures/Presentations (based on the past three years)
High (Presentations* > 4)
Low (2 ≤ Presentations* ≤4)
*NOTE: This is limited to the presentations that do not turn into conference proceedings.
9. Conference Keynote Speaker (based on the past three years)
High (Speeches* > 4)
Low (2 ≤ Speeches* ≤4)
10. Conference Session Organizers (based on the past three years)
High (2 or more Organized Sessions*)
Low (1 Organized Session*)
*NOTE: This differs from chairing a conference session.
11. Final Funded Project Reports Submitted (based on the past three years)
High (Project Reports* ≥3)
Low (1 ≤ Project Reports* ≤2)
*NOTE: The final project reports are only for those containing proprietary information
or trade secret, and therefore cannot be published in any conference proceedings or
Journal papers.
12. New Reference Books or Textbooks Published (based on the past three years)
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High (Books*≥2)
Low (1 Book*)
*NOTE: Major revision may be considered as half of a new book (to be judged by the
13. Patents Awarded through CSU (based on the past three years)
2 points per awarded patent
14. Student Credit Hours (SCH) Generated (based on the average of the past three AYs)
High (SCH/AY* > 600)
Medium (500 <SCH/AY*≤ 600)
Low (400<SCH/AY*≤ 500)
*NOTE 1: The SCH/AY is the averaged SCH in the past three years, but excludes the SCH
generated in summer.
*NOTE 2: For example, teaching four 3 Cr. sections per AY with 42 students in each
section will generate 504 SCH/AY.
15. Undergraduate Students Advising* (based on the average of the past three AYs)
0.1 point per advised student**
*NOTE 1: The faculty must be an official undergraduate advisor assigned by the
**NOTE 2: Averaged number of undergraduate students per academic year for the past
three years.
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16. Graduate Students Advising* (based on the average of the past three AYs)
0.075 point per advised student**
* NOTE 1: The faculty must be an official graduate advisor assigned by the department
**NOTE 2: Averaged number of graduate students per academic year for the past three
17. Sponsored Undergraduate Research Supervision during Summer (based on the past
three years)
High (Projects > 6)
Medium (4 ≤ Projects ≤ 6)
Low (1 ≤ Projects ≤ 3)
18. Unsponsored Research Supervision (based on the past three years)
(Such as Master Project)
High (Supervisions*> 6)
Medium (4≤ Supervisions*≤6)
Low (1≤ Supervisions*≤3)
*NOTE 1: Supervision=1 means successful supervision of the same Master student until
completion. A Master project must be 3 credits or more.
*NOTE 2: This excludes supervision of honors thesis. Completion of an honors thesis will
receive one credit reduction per AAUP agreement.
*NOTE: Article 13.1.D states: “Service contributions constitute an expected component of all
faculty members’ workloads and shall be considered in the evaluative factors of Article 13.1.B”.
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19. Committee Service (On and Off Campus, based on the past three years)
On-Campus Activity
Basic Points
Extra points for chairing
a committee
High (Active committees*> 9)
Medium (7≤ Active committees*≤9)
Low (4≤ Active committees*≤6)
*NOTE: Active Committee is defined as meeting at least two times per semester or four
times per academic year.
Off-Campus Activity
Basic Points
HIGH (such as multiple trips to regional/national
committees, reviewed more than 6 papers per AY, served as
active Journal Editor/Associate Editor or Editor-in-chief)
Low (such as participated in multiple events in local
societies or communities, which should directly benefit
College of Engineering)
ASSIGNED WORKLOAD: The total score by summing the scores from Items 1 to 19 results in the
so-called “Assigned Workload” when converting from points to workload.
Teaching Workload Credit Hours Reduction and Course Release
A. Chair’s Discretion
One Credit Reduction: Each Chair may give some faculty up to 1 credit teaching
reduction for his or her contributions that are not covered in items 1 through 18, such
as serving an ad-hoc committee or teaching a course that the faculty had never taught
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before. Witten Justification to the Dean is needed. Application of such one-credit
reduction is limited to no more than two faculty members in each department.
New Course Development Reduction: Each Chair may give some faculty up to one credit
hour reduction for developing a new course. Please note that developing a course, but
without actually offering it within a year, does not warrant such reduction. Furthermore,
converting an existing course from 4 cr. to 3 cr. does not constitute developing a new
Special Duty Reduction: Depending upon the extent of special duty, each Chair may give
a faculty member some credit hours reduction for performing special duty such as ABET
coordinator who collect and analyze ABET data, and also write and submit an annual
program assessment to the University assessment office and C. C. to the Dean’s office.
The number of credit hours reduction shall be determined by the Dean, upon
recommendation by the Department Chair.
B. Multiple-Sections Credit Reduction
Per AAUP agreement, one credit for Teaching Five Different 3 Cr. or 4 Cr. Courses in a
single academic Year shall be reduced.
C. Additional Credit Reduction via Banked Credits* (per AAUP Agreement)
Type of Supervision
Conversion from points to credits
Thesis :1 pt. for committee member; 2
pts for committee Chair
Dissertation: 1 pt. for committee
member; 4 pts. for committee Chair
Honors Thesis: 1 pt. per completed
thesis supervision
Every 4 points shall be equivalent to 1
credit, but needs the accumulation of
at least 12 points in order to receive a
course release.
*For details, please refer to Article
11.4 in the latest AAUP Agreement.
D. Through the University’s Reduced Teaching Research Facilitation (RTRF) program:
The University’s Office of Research determines who are eligible to apply. The
program requirements are:
(1) The proposal must be submitted to an agency allowing Indirect Cost (IDC)
(2) The proposal must request at least $100k in total funding
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(3) No cost share can be requested as part of this grant application except for tuition
ACTUAL WORKLOAD: When considering credit reduction, debit/credit from the previous year,
banked credits, release time purchase and the University’s RTRF program, the assigned
workload will lead to “Actual Workload”.
End of Document
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