(c) crown copyright Catalogue Reference:CAB/24/210 Image Reference:0029 THIS DOCUMENT I S THE PROPERTY OF HIS BRITANNIC MAJESTY S GOVERNMENT. 8 CRET. COPY NO 79(30). C A B I N E T . COMMITTEE ON THEg AGRICULTURAL MARKETING ^ Report. At t h e i r m e e t i n g on t h e 2 9 t h o f J a n u a r y , 1930, (Cabinet 5 ( 3 0 ) , C o n c l u s i o n 2 ) t h e C a b i n e t had b e f o r e them a memorandum by t h e M i n i s t e r of A g r i c u l t u r e (CP.25 (30)) outlining h i s p r o p o s a l s f o r l e g i s l a t i o n i n r e g a r d t o t h e m a r k e t i n g of a g r i c u l t u r a l c o m m o d i t i e s , and a g r e e d t h a t a C a b i n e t c o n s i s t i n g of Committee - The M i n i s t e r o f A g r i c u l t u r e and F i s h e r i e s (in the Chair) The P r e s i d e n t of t h e Board of T r a d e , The F i r s t Lord o f t h e Admiralty, The S e c r e t a r y o f S t a t e f o r Scotland, s h o u l d examine t h e memorandum and p r e p a r e a D r a f t B i l l submission I n t h e f i r s t instance to the for Cabinet. I n a c c o r d a n c e w i t h t h e w i s h e s of t h e C a b i n e t t h e Committee have had s p e c i a l r e g a r d t o t h e need f o r safeguarding the of consumers and h a v e h a d t h e b e n e f i t o f an o u t l i n e o f Interests the p r o p o s a l s of t h e P r e s i d e n t o f t h e Board of T r a d e f o r s e t t i n g up a Consumers 3. 1 Council. The d e l i b e r a t i o n s o f t h e Committee h a v e m a i n l y centered on t h i s q u e s t i o n of p r o t e c t i n g t h e consumer and o f s e c u r i n g that t h e b o d i e s c r e a t e d u n d e r t h e B i l l f o r t h e m a r k e t i n g of a g r i c u l t u r a l produce should n o t be able to a c t i n r e s t r a i n t of trade, by w i t h h o l d i n g s u p p l i e s from p a r t i c u l a r t r a d e r s o r o r g a n i s a t i o n s , p o i n t t o which t h e F i r s t Lord of t h e A d m i r a l t y , i n t h e i n t e r e s t s t h e C o - o p e r a t i v e Movement, a t t a c h e d g r e a t The Committee were a t f i r s t importance. d i s p o s e d t o reoommend that a of the A g r i c u l t u r a l Marketing B i l l should provide for the of t h e c o n s u m e r t h r o u g h t h e m a c h i n e r y o f t h e p r o p o s e d Council. In view, however, programme a n d t h e the l e g i s l a t i o n of t h e c o n g e s t i o n i n t h e consequent p r o t e c t i o n of t h e self-contained provisions when the for the consumer should be i n s e r t e d i n t h e B i l l . Bill, under which i f c o m p l a i n t i s made t o t h e M i n i s t e r w i t h r o g a r d t o t h e of a b o d y a d m i n i s t e r i n g a scheme u n d e r t h e B i l l , ad h o c C o m m i t t e e t o i n v e s t i g a t e such i n v e s t i g a t i o n the Minister body a d m i n i s t e r i n g fit t h s scheme t o r e c t i f y and to o r h e may r e q u i r e the matter. of p u t t i n g i n t o o many s a f e g u a r d s t h e consumer, s e t t i n g up m a r k e t i n g appoint the complaint, account the farmers would b e a p p r e h e n s i v e a operations h e may t h i s d e c i s i o n t h e Committee t o o k i n t o for These i s empowered b y o r d e r amend o r r e v o k e t h e s c h e m e a s h e t h i n k s and b e d i s i n c l i n e d 1 Parliamentary u n c e r t a i n t y as to the d a t e are s e t out i n Clause 3 of t h e D r a f t after Consumers s e t t i n g up t h e C o u n c i l would become l a w , the Committee d e c i d e d t h a t an i n d e p e n d e n t protection In the reaching undesirability otherwise to formulate scnanosfor bodies. On t h e s u g g e s t i o n o f t h e F i r s t h a s b e e n made c l e a r i n t h e B i l l Lord of t h e A d m i r a l t y (Clause 3(1) machinery f o r t h e i n v e s t i g a t i o n of on p a g e 7) t h a t complaints it the can be invoked If a marketing body i s a c t i n g c o n t r a r y t o the i n t e r e s t s of any body o f Co-operative consumers. Movement t o r a i s e T h i s would e n a b l e t h e C o n s u m e r s ' complaints not only as consumers b u t a l s o connection with attempts at r e s t r a i n t s supplies by p r o d u c e r s ' of t r a d e and p o t a t o e s , crisis i n the dairy industry prices. for schemes t o d e a l w i t h in order to avert a the possible d u r i n g t h e c o m i n g summer a n d a v o i d season of t h e p r e s e n t The C o m m i t t e e u n d e r s t a n d t h a t at the A g r i c u l t u r a l of organisations. l e g i s l a t i o n t o e n a b l e t h e f o r m a t i o n of repetition next in o r h o l d i n g up The C o m m i t t e e w e r e i m p r e s s e d w i t h t h e n e e d marketing of m i l k large Conference disastrous slump i n the farmers are displaying 1 a potato representatives considerable interest 20ft. in the proposals o u t l i n e d i n t h e B i l l which h a s been t o them c o n f i d e n t i a l l y , possibilities mainly because they foresee submitted the of d e a l i n g w i t h t h e s e two c o m m o d i t i e s a t an early date. 7, neither Industrial t h e m a c h i n e r y of t h e Companies Acts n o r of t h e and P r o v i d e n t the i n c o r p o r a t i o n S o c i e t i e s A c t s would b e s u i t a b l e of t h e a d m i n i s t r a t i v e b o d i e s for p u r p o s e s p r o p o s e d t o b e s e t up u n d e r t h e B i l l . therefore these bodies under the B i l l . marketing The B i l l provides i n Clause 2 special l e g i s l a t i v e for i n c o r p o r a t i n g for provisions T h i s i s on the analogy of c e r t a i n Dominion l e g i s l a t i o n under which similar m a r k e t i n g o r g a n i s a t i o n s h a v e b e e n s e t up. 8. The f i n a n c i a l provisions for creating Agricultural Marketing Funds f o r England and Wales and S c o t l a n d P a r t 2 of t h e B i l l as t o d e t a i l s , principles. provisions are s t i l l s e t out under d i s c u s s i o n w i t h t h e Treasury b u t t h e T r e a s u r y are i n agreement w i t h the The Committee a r e s a t i s f i e d w i t h t h e s e t out i n t h e Draft B i l l , subject of the Committee. N. BUXTON. Chairman. nistry of A g r i c u l t u r e 7 t h March, 1 9 3 0 . and F i s h e r i e s . general financial t o any d e t a i l e d a m e n d m e n t s w h i c h may b e a g r e e d b e t w e e n t h e D e p a r t m e n t s S i g n e d on b e h a l f In concerned. Agricultural Marketing- Bill. ARRANGEMENT PART OF CLAUSES. I. AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SCHEMES. Clause. 1. Schemes for regulating the marketing of agricultural products. 2. Provisions of schemes. 3. Investigation of complaints as to schemes. 4. General powers of Minister to amend or revoke schemes. 5. Effect of scheme on contracts. 6. Administrative boards to register with Minister and to furnish information to Minister. 7. Powers of administrative boards in England to raise agricultural short-term credits. 8. Powers of administrative boards in Scotland to raise agriculture short-term credits. 9. Report to be laid before Parliament. PART II. AGRICULTURAL MARKETING FUNDS. 10. 11. 12. 13. Agricultural Marketing Funds. Agricultural Marketing Facilities Committee. Short-term loans. Long-term loans. PART III. GENERAL. 14. 15. 16. Administration. Interpretation. Short title and extent. SCHEDULE. 100-5 a D R A F T OF A B I E B TO Provide for regulating the marketing- of agri- A.D. 1930. cultural products by the producers thereof, — for the establishment of Agricultural Marketing Funds for England and Scotland respectively, * for the making of advances out of those funds, to facilitate the marketing of agricultural products, and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid. B E it enacted by the King's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Eords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, 5 as follows :—PART AGRICULTURAL I. MARKETING- SCHEMES. 1.—(1) Any persons, who appear to the Minister to be substantially representative of the persons producing 10 in Great Britain or any part thereof any agricultural product, may submit to tne Minister a scheme, framed in accordance with the provisions of this P a r t of this Act, regulating the marketing of t h a t product b y the persons producing it in Great Britain or t h a t p a r t of 15 Great Britain, as the case m a y be, and, subject to the provisions of this section, the Minister may approve any scheme so submitted. 100-5 A Schemes for regulating the market­ ^[cultural products^ " 8 1930. (2) In determining for the purposes of the last fore­ going subsection whether the persons submitting a scheme ^ J' are substantially representative of the persons producing ' any product, the Minister shall have regard both to the number of persons represented and to the quantity of the product produced by them during any recent period. (3) A scheme may be submitted t o - a n d approved by the Minister regulating the marketing of two or more agricultural products, if it appears to the Minister t h a t those products are so closely related t h a t it is expedient that the marketing thereof should be regulated by one scheme. (4) Before approving a scheme submitted under this section the Minister shall cause notice of his intention to approve the scheme, and of the place where copies of the scheme may be inspected, and of the time within which and manner in which representations with respect to the scheme may be made, to be published in the Gazette and in such other manner as he thinks best for informing persons affected t h a t he proposes to approve the scheme. (5) The Minister, after considering a scheme sub­ mitted under this section and any representations duly made with respect thereto, and after holding such inquiries (if any) as he thinks fit, may, if he is satisfied t h a t the approval of t h e scheme would be in the national interest [and of national importance], by order, approve the scheme with or without modifications, and either generally or with respect to any part of the area specified therein : Provided that before approving a scheme with" modifications or with respect to any part of the area specified therein, the Minister shall give notice of the modifications which he proposes to make, or t h e p a r t of the area .in respect of which he proposes to approve the scheme, to the persons who submitted the scheme, and, if within three weeks after notice has been so given all those persons notify the Mhiister t h a t they desire to withdraw, the scheme, the Minister shall not approve it. (6) The Minister, immediately after approving a scheme, shall publish the scheme and the order approving it in the Gazette and in such other manner as he thinks best for informing the persons affected thereby that the scheme has been approved. n n 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 (7) Every scheme shall come into force on such A.D. 1930. elate, not being earlier than one month after t h e order — PART I approving the scheme was first published, as the Minister may specify in t h a t order, and the Minister ' 5 may specify different dates for different provisions of a scheme,.and every scheme and provision of a scheme for the time being i n force shall have effect as if it were enacted in this Act. c o n 2 . — ( 1 ) Every scheme approved under this Act shall Provisions 1 0 constitute, as a body corporate with a common seal and schemes, power to hold lands without licence in mortmain, a board to administer the scheme (hereafter in this section referred to as " t h e board " ) , so however t h a t the board shall, subject to the provisions of this Act, be composed— 15 (a) during such period as may be specified in the scheme, not being longer t h a n six months after the scheme comes into force, of persons nominated by the Minister: 0 1 20 25 30 35 40 (b) after t h e expiration of t h a t period, of repre­ sentatives elected, in such manner as may be provided by the scheme, by registered pro­ ducers. (2) Every scheme approved under this Act shall provide for the following matters— (a) for empowering the board— (i) to buy, sell, grade, pack, store, adapt for sale, advertise and transport the regulated product, or arrange for t h e buying, selling, grading, packing, storing, adapting for sale, advertising or transporting thereof; (ii) to t a k e such measures as may be provided in t h e scheme for stabilising the price of the regulated p r o d u c t ; (iii) to encourage agricultural research and edu­ cation;. (iv) to do all things necessary for or incidental to t h e exercise of their functions under the scheme; (v) to borrow money for the purpose of exercising any of the powers aforesaid; 100 A 2 A.D. 1930; p " " - (b) for the establishment of a fund (hereafter in this section referred to as " the fund ") for the pur­ poses of the scheme, for the administration and control of the fund by the board, in manner provided in the scheme, for the payment into the fund of all moneys received by the board, and for the payment out of the fund of any moneys required by the board for the exercise of their functions under the scheme; (c) for the keeping of accounts by the board, for the annual audit of the accounts, for the drawing up of an annual return of the receipts, expenditure, funds and effects of the board as audited, and for supplying a copy of the return to any registered producer on his application; (d) for enabling the board to be wound up under the provisions of P a r t X of the Companies Act, 1929, subject to t h e modifications and adapta­ tions set out in the Schedule to this Act; (e) for the registration by the board of any producer desiring to sell the regulated commodity and for prohibiting a producer from selling the regulated product unless he is so registered; ( / ) for requiring every registered producer to con­ tribute to the fund such sums as may from time to time be determined by the board to be necessary for the purpose of enabling the board to exercise their functions under the scheme, so however t h a t on any such deter­ mination of t h e board, t h e contribution of each producer shall be calculated in proportion to the quantity of the regulated product sold by him, either generally or for use in any parti­ cular manner, during such period as may be fixed by the scheme, being a period beginning before or after the scheme comes into force and ending within six months before the determi­ nation; and for the collection of such contri­ butions by or on behalf of the board; 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 (g) for the distribution to every registered producer, 40 in proportion to the quantity of the regulated product sold or adapted for sale by him during such period as may be fixed in the scheme (being a period beginning before or after t h e 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 scheme comes into force and ending within six A.D. 1930 months before the distribution), of such moneys PART I . for the time being standing to the credit of the —cont. fund as in the opinion of the board are not required for the purpose of enabling the board to exercise their functions under the scheme; (h) for securing that any producer who is aggrieved by any act or omission of the board may refer the matter to one or more independent arbitrators appointed in such manner as may be provided b y the scheme, and for the manner in which any such reference is to be heard and determined; (i) for the imposition on and recovery from any producer by the board of such monetary penalties as may be specified by the scheme in the event of t h a t producer contravening or failing to comply with the scheme; (j) for empowering the board t o exempt [any pro­ ducer, or] any class or description of producers, from all or any of the provisions of t h e scheme. (3) Any scheme approved under this Act may pro­ vide for all or any of the fohowing matters— (a) for requiring registered producers to sell the regulated product to, or through the agency of, the board or persons authorised for the purpose by t h e board; (b) for the determination from time to time by the board of the kind, variety or grade of the regulated product and the quantity of each kind, variety or grade, which may be sold by registered producers, either generally or for use in a n y particular manner, during such period as may be fixed by the board on t h e occasion of each determination, and for securing com­ pliance with any such determination; (c) for t h e determination from time to time by the board of t h e price at, below or above which, and the terms and conditions on which, t h e regulated product, or any land, variety or grade thereof, is to be sold by registered producers, either generally or for use in any particular manner, during such period as may be fixed by the board, on the occasion of each determina­ tion, and for securing compliance with any such determination; (d) for the determination by the board of the manner in which the regulated product is to 5 be graded, packed, stored, adapted for sale, insured, or transported by registered producers, or for requiring registered producers to deliver the regulated product to t h e board or to persons authorised by the board, for the purpose of 10 grading, packing, storing, adapting for sale, insuring or transporting i t ; (e) for empowering the board to advance to any registered producer, a part of the price which in the opinion of the board will be realised by 15 the sale of any quantity of the regulated pro­ duct produced or in course of production by him; (/) for prohibiting a producer from making a contract for the sale of the regulated commodity 20 over a period longer t h a n six "months without the approval of the board, and for the regis­ tration by the board of every contract so approved; (g) for requiring registered producers to keep accounts 25 and records in a form prescribed by the board; (h) for requiring registered producers to furnish to the board or any person authorised by the board, such estimates, returns, accounts and other information as the board may consider 30 necessary for the operation of the scheme; (i) for empowering any person authorised by the . board to inspect and take copies of any books, accounts or other documents kept by a regis­ tered producer relating to the regulated product; 35 (j) for empowering any person authorised by the board at any reasonable time to enter any land or premises occupied by a registered producer; (7c) for such matters as appear to the Minister to be incidental to, or consequential on, the foregoing 40 -provisions of this section, or to be necessary for giving effect to those provisions. (4) In this section the expression " regulated pro- A.D. 1930. d u c t " means a product to which the scheme applies, — f^' and which is produced in t h e area to which the scheme applies, the expression "producer"- means a peuson 5 producing a regulated product, and t h e expression " regis­ tered producer" means a producer for the time being registered under t h e scheme. FA 3.—(1) If a complaint is made to the Minister t h a t Investiga­ any provision of a scheme for the time being in force . under this Act, or anything done or omitted to be done " g ^ Q by. a board administering such a scheme, is contrary to the schema public interests, or contrary to the interest of any large body of consumers of the product to which the scheme applies, the Minister may appoint a committee to investigate the complaint. (2) A committee appointed by the Minister for the purposes of this section shall consist of a chairman and four other members, one of whom shall be an accountant. ( 3 ) The Minister shall not appoint as chairman, or as a member, of the committee a person who appears to him to have any pecuniary interest in the matter corn­ plained of, b u t for t h e purposes of this subsection a person shall not be deemed to have such an interest by reason only of t h e fact t h a t the complaint relates to a product of which t h a t person is a consumer. (4) For the purpose of the investigation of a complaint under this section, the board administering the scheme with respect to which the complaint was made shall furnish the committee with such accounts and other information as t h e committee considers relevant to the investigation. (5) After investigating t h e complaint the committee shall report to t h e Minister thereon, and the Minister, after considering the report— (a) may by order make such amendments in t h e scheme as he considers necessary or expedient for the purpose of rectifying the matter com­ plained of; or (b) m a y revoke the scheme; or (c) in the event of the matter complained of being an act or omission of an administrative board, may direct t h a t board to rectify the matter, t i o n 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 o f I A I N T S A . D . 1930 PART I . -—cont. and if the directions are not complied with, may. by order make such amendments in t h e scheme as he considers necessary for securing t h a t the directions will be complied with, and in particular may by such amendments provide 5 t h a t the board shall, for such period as may be specified in the amendments, be - composed of persons nominated by the Minister. (6) Any order made by the Minister under the fore­ going provisions of this section shall be published forth- J Q with after the making thereof in the Gazette and in such other manner as the Minister thinks best for bringing the order to the notice of persons affected thereby. (7) The Minister may appoint a secretary to any . committee appointed under this section, and may p a y such remuneration to t h e secretary so appointed, and such subsistence and travelling allowances to the chair­ man and members of the committee, and such other expenses of the committee, as he may with the approval of the Treasury determine, and any expenses incurred by 2 0 the Minister under this section shall be defrayed out of moneys provided by Parliament, General powers of Minister to amend or revoke schemes. 4.—(1) The Minister may, whether or not any complaint has been made under the last foregoing section, if he is of opinion that any provision of a scheme in 2 5 force under this Act, or any act or omission of a board administering such a scheme, is contrary to the public interests, lay before each House of Parliament the draft of an order amending or revoking the scheme, and unless either House, before the expiration of the period 3 0 of twenty days on which that House has sat next after the draft is laid before it, resolves t h a t the order shall not be made, the Minister may make an order in the terms of the draft, to take effect on such date after the expiration of that period as may be specified in the 3 5 order. (2) The Minister shall by order revoke a scheme in force under this Act— (a) if an order is made for the winding up of the board administering the scheme; 40 (6) in the case of a scheme regulating the marketing of any product -which is in force in any area, if [20 G E O . 5.] 5 10 15 20 25 30 Agricultural Marketing. a scheme regulating the marketing of that pro­ A;D. 1930. duct in an area comprising the first-mentioned PART I . area, comes into force under this Act. —cont. ( 3 ) The Minister may by order revoke a scheme in force under this Act if the board administering the scheme satisfy him t h a t the revocation of the scheme is desired by more than half the producers for the time being registered under the scheme. (4) In any case where the Minister revokes a scheme under this Act, except a case where an order has been made for the winding up of the board administering the scheme, t h e Minister shall by the order revoking the scheme, dissolve the board administering the scheme, b u t the provisions of the scheme relating to the winding up of the board shall remain in force notwithstanding the revocation of the scheme. (5) Any order made by the Minister under the foregoing provisions of this section shall be published forthwith after the making thereof in the Gazette and in such other manner as the Minister thinks best for bringing the order to the notice of persons affected therebjr and, except in a case where an order has been made for the winding up of the board administering the scheme, no such order shall take effect until the expiration of one month after the making thereof. (6) If the board administering any scheme for the time being in force under this Act submit to the Minister a n amendment of the scheme, the Minister may by order approve the amendment, so, however, t h a t the provisions of this Act relating to the approval of schemes shall apply to the approval of any amendment under this subsection. 5.—(1) A contract for the sale of an agricultural Effect of product shall Hot be void or unenforceable as between scheme on 3 5 t h e parties thereto by reason only that it cannot be contracts. performed without contravening or failing to comply with a scheme in force under this Act, if the contract— (a) was made before the date when the Minister first published notice of his intention to approve. 40 t h e scheme; or (b) has been registered in accordance with the provisions of the scheme by the board ad­ ministering the scheme. 100 B A.D. 1930. PART I . —cont. (2) I n the case of a contract which, at the date when it is made, can be performed without contravening any scheme in force at t h a t date under this Act and which subsequently, b y reason of an amendment of such a scheme, cannot be performed without contravening 5 the amended scheme, the last foregoing subsection shall have effect as if for t h e reference therein to the notice of the Minister's intention to approve the scheme there were substituted a reference to the order making the amendment. 10 Administra­ tive boards t o register with Minis­ t e r and to furnish in­ f ormation to Minister. 6 . — ( 1 ) The Minister shall keep a register of the boards administering schemes for t h e time being in force under this Act. (2) Every such board shall have an office to which all communications and notices may be addressed 1 5 and shall send to the Minister particulars of the situa­ tion of the office and of every change therein, and t h e Minister shall enter the particulars in t h e register aforesaid. ( 3 ) I t shall be the duty of every such board to 2 0 furnish to the Minister a copy of its annual return forth­ with after t h e drawing up thereof and such other returns, accounts, and information within its power as the Minister may at any time require. (4) The board administering any scheme for the 2 5 time being in force under this Act shall produce the books and accounts relating to the scheme to any person authorised for the purpose by the Minister at all reasonable times, and allow t h a t person to inspect and take copies of such books and accounts. 30 Powers of administra­ tive boards in England t o raise agricultural short-term credits. 7.—(1) A debenture issued by a board administering a scheme for the time being in force under this Act, which has its office in England, creating in favour of a bank a floating charge on property consisting of agricultural products or farming stock may be registered 3 5 in like manner as an agricultural charge under P a r t I I of the Agricultural Credits Act, 1 9 2 8 , and section nine of of t h a t Act shall apply to such a charge in like manner as it applies to an agricultural charge, and the charge, if so registered, shall as respects such property be valid 4 0 notwithstanding anything in the Bills of Sale Acts, 1 8 7 8 and 1 8 8 2 , and shall not be deemed to be a bill of sale within the meaning of those Acts. (2) Any such debenture may create a floating charge A.D. 1930. on any agricultural products the property in which is ' ­ vested in the administrative body. -cwit * (3) In this section the expressions " b a n k " and 5 "farming s t o c k " have the same meanings as in Part I I of the Agricultural Credits Act, 1928. 8 . Part I I of the Agricultural Credits (Scotland) Act, 1929, shall apply to a board administering a scheme for the time being in force under this Act which has its 10 office in Scotland, subject to the following modifications :— Powers of administra­ i g tfand jg agricultural V n t o co ra e short-term - credits. 9. The Minister shall in the year nineteen hundred Report to and thirty, and each subsequent year, lay be laid before Parliament a report upon the operation of all ^ j 15 t h e schemes for t h e time being in force under this Act. e f c a r PART r e i a m e n 1 II. AGRICULTURAL MARKETING FUNDS, 10.—(1) For the purposes of this Act, there shall be Agricultural established and maintained— Marketing 20 (a) a fund to be called " the Agricultural MarketingF u n d " (hereafter in this section referred t o as " the English fund " ) , which shall be adminis­ tered and controlled by the Minister of Agricul­ ture and Fisheries; and 25 (6) a fund to be called " the Agricultural Marketing (Scotland) F u n d " (hereafter in this section referred to as " the Scottish fund ") which shall be aclministered and controlled by the Secretary of State. 100 C Funds. (2) There shall be paid out of moneys provided by Parliament into the English and Scottish funds such sums as Parliament may from time to time determine : Provided that— (a) the sums so paid into the English fund shall 5 not, subject to the provisions of this section, exceed in the aggregate five hundred thousand pounds; and (b) the sums paid into the Scottish fund shall not, subject to the provisions of this section, 1 0 pounds. exceed ( 3 ) Any sums received by way of interest on any loan advanced under this Act out of either fund shall be paid to the Treasury, and any sums received by way of repayment of the principal of any such loan shall be 1 5 paid into the fund out of which the loan was advanced. (4) Any moneys standing to the credit of either fund may, with the approval of the Treasure', foe invested in any Government securities. (5) The Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries as 2 0 respects the English fund, and the Secretary of State as respects t h e Scottish fund, shall cause an account to be prepared and transmitted to the Comptroller and Auditor General for examination on or before the day of in every year, showing 2 5 the receipts into and issues out of the English and Scottish fund, as the case may be, in the financial year ending on the thirty-first day of March preceding, and t h e Comptroller and Auditor General shall certify and report upon the account, and the account and report 3 0 shall be laid before Parliament by the Treasury on or before the thirty-first day of J a n u a r y in the follow­ ing year if Parliament is then sitting, and if Parliament is not then sitting, then within one week after Parlia­ 35 ment is next assembled. (6) If it appears to the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries or the Secretary of State t h a t a sum represent­ ing the whole or any p a r t of t h e principal of any loan advanced out of the fund administered by him is not , likely to be recovered, he shall transmit to the Comptroller 4 0 and Auditor General with the account mentioned in the foregoing subsection a statement giving full particulars of the circumstances in which the loan is advanced and ^.D. 1930. the reason why it appears t h a t the sum- is not likely to — be recovered, and the Comptroller and Auditor General P A R T I I ; shall include in his report under the last foregoing sub— 5 section a report on that statement and if the Comptroller and Auditor General reports t h a t the sum aforesaid should be written off from the account of the assets of the fund, there m a y be paid into the fund out of moneys provided by Parliament an amount equal to that sum. conL 10 1 1 . For the purposes of this Act, there shall be Agricultural appointed, after consultation with the Treasury, an Marketing Agricultural Marketing Facilities Committee for England Facilities by the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, and an Agricultural Marketing Facilities Committee for Scotland. 15 by the Secretary of State, and any expenses incurred by the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries or the Secretary of State in connection with the said committees shall, up to an amount approved by the Treasury, be paid out of moneys provided by Parliament. o m m i 20 25 30 35 40 ee 12.—(1) On the approval of any scheme under this Short-term Act the Minister may on the recommendation of the loans. Agricultural Marketing Facilities Committee advance out of the Marketing Fund to the board adniinistering the scheme such sum as he may think necessary for the purpose of providing for expenses incurred in connection with the incorporation of t h a t board and the initial working of the scheme. (2) Any sums advanced under this section shall be repaid within two years, unless the advance is renewed as hereinafter provided, and any such advance may be made free of interest for t h a t period and on such other terms and conditions as the Minister, with the approval of the Treasury, m a y prescribe. (3) An advance made under this section shall not be renewed unless the renewal is recommended by the Agricultural Marketing Facilities Committee, and t h a t committee shall n o t recommend the renewal unless they are satisfied—­ (a) t h a t the board is in a position to repay forth­ with the sum advanced; - (b) t h a t the renewal is required to provide for additional services which the board propose to undertake; and 100 C 2 A.D. 1930. -- ' PART I I . '—cont. Long-term loans. (c) t h a t a d e q u a t e a r r a n g e m e n t s h a v e been, or will be, made t o repay t h e s u m advanced a t t h e e x p i r a t i o n of t h e period for which i t is t o b e -I renewed. If it appears to the Minister t h a t it is expedient 5 t h a t there should be made to a board administering a scheme for t h e time being in force under this Act advances which shall not be repayable until the expira­ tion of a period exceeding two years, he may, on t h e recommendation of the Agricultural Marketing Facilities 10 Committee, advance out of the Marketing Fund to t h a t board such sums as he m a y think fib, and any such advance shall be made on such terms and subject to such conditions and secured in such manner as t h e Minister, with the approval of the Treasury, may i g prescribe : provided t h a t the amount advanced under this section shall not a t any time exceed in t h e aggregate one-fifth of the sums paid into t h e fund out of moneys 20 provided by Parliament. PART III. GENERAL. Administra­ tion. 1 4 . — ( 1 ) I n relation t o a scheme which applies, or is proposed to be applied, to t h e whole of Great Britain or to England only or to any area wholly comprised in 2 5 England and in relation to any board administering such a scheme— " The Minister " means t h e Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries; 30 " The G a z e t t e " means the London Gazette; " The. Marketing F u n d " means t h e Agricultural Marketing F u n d ; " The Agricultural Marketing Facilities Committee " means t h e Agricultural Marketing Facilities 35 Committee for England. (2) I n relation to any scheme which applies or is proposed to be applied to Scotland only or to any area wholly comprised in Scotland and in relation to any A.D. 1930. board administering such a scheme— PART I I I . " The Minister " means the Secretary of S t a t e ; The Gazette " means the Edinburgh Gazette; ' " The Marketing F u n d " means the Agricultural Marketing (Scotland) F u n d ; " The Agricultural Marketing Facilities Committee " means the Agricultural Marketing Facilities Committee for Scotland. (i 5 10 (3) Where it is proposed t h a t a scheme under this Aot should apply to an area comprised partly in England and partly in Scotland, the following provisions of this subsection shall have effect— 15 (a) the scheme shall be submitted both to t h e Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries and to t h e Secretary of S t a t e ; 20 (b) the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries and the Secretary of State shall, after consultation with each other, decide which of the two is to deal with the scheme and shall notify the persons who submitted the scheme accordingly, and whichever is so decided is hereafter in this section .i'eferred to as the "responsible Minister; " 25 30 35 30 (c) for the purpose of the provisions of this Act other than provisions relating to the submission of a scheme, the following expressions have, in relation to any such scheme and the board administering any such scheme, the following meanings— " T h e Minister" means the responsible Minister; " The Gazette " means the London Gazette and Edinburgh Gazette: " The Agricultural Marketing Fund " means the Agricultual Marketing Fund admin­ istered by the responsible Minister; " The Agricultural Marketing Facilities Com­ mittee " means the Agricultural Market­ ing Facilities Committee appointed by the responsible Minister, ^-cont. A.D. 1930. 15. For the purposes of this Act the following ex­ — pressions have the meanings hereby respectively assigned PART I I I . to t h e m : ­ —cont. Interpre-.. tatioh: " Adapting for sale " includes subjecting to any pro­ cess of manufacture or treatment. 5 " Agricultural product " means— (a) a primary agricultural product, t h a t is to say, a product brought into existence by the cultivation of the soil, and a product or animal brought into existence by the 1 0 breeding or maintaining of horses, cattle or other livestock or poultry or the cultivation of bees; and (b) a secondary agricultural product, t h a t is to say, a product derived from any primary 1 5 agricultural product by any process of treat­ ment commonly carried out by persons bringing t h a t primary product into exist­ ence as aforesaid. " Functions " includes powers and duties. 20 " M a r k e t i n g " in relation to an agricultural pro­ duct includes selling, grading, packing, storing, adapting for sale, insuring, advertising and transporting. " Producing " in relation to any agricultural pro- 2 5 duct means bringing into existence a primary agricultural product as hereinbefore in this section defined or deriving a secondary agri­ cultural product as so defined from a primary agricultural product, and the expressions 3 0 " p r o d u c e r " and " p r o d u c t i o n " shall be con­ strued accordingly. Short title 16.—(1) This Act may be cited as the Agricultural and extent. Marketing Act, 1 9 3 0 . (2) This Act shall not extend to Northern Ireland. 30 SCHEDULE. , M O D I F I C A T I O N S AND ADAPTATIONS OF P A R T X OF T H E COMPANIES ACT, 1929 (HEREAFTER IN THIS S C H E D U L E R E F E R R E D TO AS " T H E A C T " ) T O B E 5 MADE IN THE CASE OF THE WINDING-UP OF ADMINISTRATIVE BOARDS. 1. For the purpose of section three hundred and thirty-eight of. the Act, the principal place of business of an administrative board shall be deemed to be the office, particulars whereof are 1 0 for the time being entered in the register kept by the Minister under this Act. 2. Sub-paragraph (ii) of paragraph (e) of subsection (1) of section three hundred and thirty-eight shall not apply, and sub­ paragraph (iii) of that paragraph shall apply as if the words 15 " or any member thereof as such " were omitted. 3. A petition for winding up an administrative board may be presented by the Minister as well as by any person authorised under the other provisions of the Act to present a petition for winding up a company. 4. For the purpose of subsection (1) of section three hundred and thirty-nine of the Act, every producer who, during the period of one year immediately before the commencement of the winding up, was registered under the scheme shall be liable to contribute to the payment of the debts and liabilities of the 25 board and to the payment of the costs and expenses of the winding-up such proportion as may be provided in the scheme of the aggregate sum paid or payable to him in respect of the sale of the regulated product during that year. ; 20 A.D.1930. Agricultural Marketing. DRAFT OF A B I L L To provide for regulating the marketing of agricultural products by the producers thereof, for the establishment of Agricultural Marketing Eunds for England and Scotland respectively, for the making of advances out of those funds, to facilitate the marketing of agricultural products, and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid. LXIII. (5.) 8th March 1930. 100-5