TROPICS: insolation high year round, high sun angle and ~ constant duration GEO 101, February 6, 2014 Finish insolation variation Global environmental issues associated with insolation MID-LATITUDES: insolation highest at summer solstice, higher sun angle and longer day, lowest at winter solstice due to low angle and short day Poles: insolation highest at summer solstice due to 24 hour duration low angle sun, none at winter solstice Total annual insolation decreases as latitude increases Seasonality (difference between winter and summer) increases as latitude increases Insolation on the June Solstice Comparison between top of atmosphere and Earth surface Global average annual energy balance Duration factor 23.5°N Surplus Top of atmosphere Mid-High latitudes N. Pole Equator Deficit Tropics San Francisco St. Louis Washington DC 90°N Chart monthly insolation at the North Pole 70°N 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 60°N At top of the atmosphere 50°N 40°N 30°N 20°N 10°N 00°N 10°S 20°S Megajoules/m2/day 80°N 4 8 12 44 20 24 28 16 32 36 20 24 8 12 16 40 36 32 28 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 0 0 0 20 39 44 40 24 1 0 0 0 90° sun elevation 30°S 40°S 50°S 60°S 44 70°S 80°S 90°S 48 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1 50 Chart of monthly insolation at the North Pole (dark bars = N.P., light are Equator for reference) Chart monthly insolation at the South Pole 45 40 40 35 32 36 30 24 28 20 16 16 12 12 24 32 20 28 40 36 44 25 44 20 15 10 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 5 44 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct 25 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 37 49 Nov Dec Example only, do not use your sheet for this demo. problem. Class assignment: if your last name begins with A-B, do 80°N and 10°S 90° S C-D, do 70°N and 20°S E-H, do 60°N and 30°S I-L, do 50°N and 40°S M, do 40°N and 50°S N-Q, do 30°N and 60°S R-T, do 20°N and 70°S U-Z, do 10°N and 80°S Graphs will be due on Tuesday Ultraviolet Visible light Shortwave infrared Thermal infrared Two global environmental issues related to interaction of atmospheric gases, insolation, and outgoing Earth radiation From sun to earth Ozone Greenhouse gases From earth to space Incoming shortwave radiation 9% 41% Outgoing longwave radiation 50% 2 Earth’s atmosphere is unique: not at chemical equilibrium (entropy). Highly reactive atmosphere reveals life. For greenhouse warming and ozone depletion, be able to explain: •basics of how it works •problem O2 •causes of the problem O3 •consequences •possible solutions N2 Ozone depletion What is ozone? Naturally occurring form of oxygen with 3 oxygen atoms in molecule instead of usual two. O2 is what we need to breathe O3 is a highly reactive gas (like breathing chlorox fumes) Life (as we know it) evolved under ozone layer protection Land plants Oxygen revolution Photosynthetic bacteria Where is ozone? ~400 mya 90% of O3 found in stratosphere ~2.4 bya good ozone: blocks UV radiation ~3.7 bya 10% of O3 near Earth’s surface Carbon dioxide Methane Single cell organisms Sulfur dioxide bad ozone: toxic to life Nitrogen compounds Earth formed ~4.6 bya 3 Man-made chemicals that destroy ozone Normal equilibrium •CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons), HCFCs: refrigerants, foam blowing agents, aerosol propellants O2 + UV O + O •Halons: old fire extinguishers O2 + O O3 •Carbon tetrachloride: solvent O3 + UV O2 + O •Methyl chloroform: solvent, aerosols, cleaners, (labeled as 1,1,1-trichloroethane) Most O3 produced in tropical stratosphere and transported poleward •Methyl bromide: pesticide (soil fumigant) used heavily on tomatoes and strawberries (Banned in 2005) Manmade chemicals interfere with equilibrium All are long lasting Ozone Hole Area in million km2 Global environmental problem 30.0 Identified in 1980s 25.0 Stratospheric O3 concentrations decreasing 20.0 Most noticeable in Antarctica 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 TOMS = Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer OMI = Ozone Monitoring Instrument How do CFCs destroy ozone? How do CFCs destroy ozone? F Cl O C Cl Cl O Cl Ultraviolet radiation strikes a CFC molecule ...and causes a chlorine atom to break away O Chlorine atom collides with an ozone molecule ...creates molecule of regular oxygen and chlorine monoxide 4 How do CFCs destroy ozone? O In winter, chlorine attaches to ice clouds in stratosphere above pole. This keeps ozone-depleting chlorine “locked up” When ice melts in spring (September in Antarctica), chlorine is freed and attacks O3 “hole” Cl chlorine is freed to react again O Free oxygen atom collides with chlorine monoxide ...yields a molecule of regular oxygen and a free chlorine atom Globally, what’s being done about it? What’s so bad about it? Montreal Protocol, 1987 1% ozone loss ~ World production 5-7% increase in skin cancer World production Cataracts Immune system suppression Inhibits plant growth Montreal Protocol relatively successful because You personally can: 1. Problem obviously man-made 2. Scientists agreed on cause and solution 3. No major country’s economy based on CFCs •FIX leaky auto air conditioners (#1 CFC, HCFC, HFC source in US) 5 What are greenhouse gases? Greenhouse warming Range is from blue (low) to red (high) What are anthopogenic greenhouse gases? Approximate percent responsibility for problem How does it work? Halocarbons GG 6 Are current CO2 levels that unusual? Global Land and Ocean Temperature Anomalies 1880 - present Ice core records Causes of CO2 concentration increase Deforestation Causes of CO2 concentration increase What are fossil fuels? Burning of fossil fuels Liquid Solid Gas 7 Top Ten CO2 emitters in 2008 (million metric tons of carbon/ year) 2008 per capita fossil-fuel CO2 emission rates. expressed in metric tons of carbon. mpacts/science/each-countrys-share-of-co2.html Consequences may be • Higher sea levels due to ocean expansion and ice melting (inundation of island nations) What’s being done globally? Kyoto Protocol: 1997 : agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by % of 1990 levels. • More intense storms • Disruption of agriculture Entered into force on February 16, 2005 • Extinctions • Spread of tropical diseases Kyoto Protocol not as successful because 1. Problem itself highly debated 2. Developed countries’ economies based on fossil fuels 3. Developing countries’ forests are source of income 4. China’s energy needs met by coal United States never ratified protocol What can you do personally ? Conserve energy Drive fuel efficient vehicle Insulate home Recycle (saves energy) on-campus paper and aluminum Much more expensive to implement Kyoto Protocol Plant trees 8 9