Document 11225886

01-10 Track/Soccer Facility
Work potentially includes a new restroom, press box, bleachers and lighting for the
track and a new locker room/ field house for the soccer/ track facility.
The project is currently on hold.
FP&C can potentially provide all design and some construction services for this project.
04-01 Shelby Interdisciplinary Science Building
The project is currently on hold.
04-33 Tennis Courts – Entry gate
Work involves the design and construction of a new entry “gate” structure for the varsity
tennis courts.
A revised design/cost estimate has been presented to the Athletic Department for
approval. The Athletic Department is working with the Development office on funding
for the project.
FP&C can potentially provide all design and construction services for this project.
05-05 USABC Health Sciences Space
Work involves the renovation of the existing Fairhope library (approximately 14,000 SF)
for use as classroom/office space for the Baldwin County Campus.
A preliminary renovation committee meeting was held on June 7 to discuss the program
and schedule for the work. The existing library will not be able to move out of the space
until at least August, 2006 and it is estimated that construction would take at least 4-5
months. FP&C to meet with the College of Nursing staff to determine preliminary
FP&C can potentially provide all design services for this project
05-08 Women’s Softball Field House Renovation
Work involves the renovation of, and possible addition to the “old” Intramural Office
(located on Old Shell Road) for the Women’s Softball Team.
FP&C is meeting with Athletics to determine the program and scope of the project.
FP&C can potentially provide all design and construction services for this project.
01-15 Mitchell College Of Business – Library (Learning Resource Center)
New 15,000 SF, free-standing, learning resource center for the College of Business. This
facility will potentially house a business library, E-commerce lab, financial investment
room, computer labs, faculty offices and associated administrative space.
The current schedule calls for completion of construction documents during the first
week in July. The final bid date will be dependent on a final resolution of funding. The
Associate Architect is also providing interior design and furniture selection/procurement
services. Landscape design/construction document work is in progress.
The Mitchell College of Business is currently in discussions with a number of local
contractors/building supply companies to provide installation and/or building materials
at no cost to the project. Potential trades/materials include roofing, glass and glazing,
drywall and brick. A final estimate of construction costs is scheduled to be submitted
during the week of July 11.
Per the Office of Sponsored programs, the University has received preliminary approval
of a H.U.D. grant. This money will be used to partially fund the design/construction of
the new building.
This project involves federal funds.
02-02 Children’s & Women’s Hospital – Parking Lot Renovation
Work includes new parking and drainage and the addition of a landscaped island that
would extend the sculpture park to the front door of the hospital.
The University Attorney’s office along with Children’s and Women’s Hospital
Administration and FP&C are currently working with the City of Mobile on a plan for
vacating Center Street. The major issue with the City remains the emergency evacuation
of the Mobile Infirmary. Discussions with the City of Mobile Administration for possible
funding of the drainage portion of the project are in progress but it appears that the
bond issue for this and other City engineering projects is on hold. Funding of this
portion of the work by the City is crucial to the project. To date, funding has not been
identified for the remaining portions of this project.
03-15 Bell Tower
New Bell Tower /plaza to be located on the existing AROTC site.
The Architect has revised the design and phasing schemes based on USA Administration
comments. The revised design and estimate of probable construction costs were
presented to USA Administration during the week of May 23.
04-04 Research Park – Office Building #2 – Tenant Work
Work involves the space planning and construction documents for the current tenants.
Design work remains on hold pending resolution of tenant programs/leases, however
approval for “go-ahead” for the first four tenants should be given by the middle of July.
04-15 Administration Building Renovation
Work includes the renovation of selected portions of the building vacated by “student
services” functions.
FP&C has issued “existing use” floor plans for use by the Administration in allocating
space in the building. Al Yeager is currently working on the building program.
FP&C is providing design services and can potentially provide construction phase
services for this project.
04-25 Nursing & Allied Health Building
Work includes the relocation of the College of Nursing and the College of Allied Health
to the main campus of the University.
The preliminary program has been completed and the Architect is currently revising
schematic plans to reflect USA Administration comments. USA Administration has
requested that Schematic Design be placed on hold upon resolution of the schematic
04-26 Campus Design Enhancements (Portals)
Current work includes the design of the entrance gates (portals) located at the Stadium
Drive and USA North Drive entrances to the campus.
Preliminary design work has been submitted to USA Administration for review/approval.
FP&C is also working with a potential donor of landscape materials.
05-04 Stanky Field Drainage / Parking Lot Improvements
Work includes revising the storm drainage from the dugouts and the addition of gravel
surfacing below the stadium and in the parking areas.
Preliminary estimates of potential construction cost were presented to USA
Administration. Based on these estimates the project was approved to go out for bid.
Proposals for engineering services are currently being evaluated.
05-06 SHAC Re Roofing
Work involves the removal and replacement of two sections of low-slope roofing on the
existing building.
FP&C is currently preparing construction documents for submittal to the Alabama
Building Commission. The project will be bid.
FP&C is providing design services for this project.
03-14 Chemistry Building – Structural Assessment
Work includes the investigation/analysis of the cracking and separation of the existing
exterior masonry walls and recommendations for repair.
The project is currently out for bid with bids due July 12. Conditions are being
FP&C can potentially provide some construction phase services for this project.
05-03 Student Center Cafeteria – Flooring
Work involves the potential removal of all existing vinyl tile and installing new “hard” tile
and base in the dining area of the existing cafeteria.
The proposed estimate was approved and the project is currently out for bid. Bids are
due on July 7. Work must take place between August 1- 19.
FP&C provided design and will provide partial construction services for this project.
00-08 Archaeology Building/A&S Museum
New 9000 SF Archaeology museum including archaeology office and storage area and a
gallery for Arts & Sciences.
Construction is approximately 65 % complete. Roofing/ masonry/interior finish work is
in progress. All interior color selections have been approved. FP&C is working with the
College of Arts & Sciences and Archaeology Department on furniture selection/
procurement. Substantial Completion is currently scheduled for September 28.
Additional funding has been secured for design of the exhibits and this work is in
This project involves federal funds.
00-39 Stanky Field – Stadium Redesign
Renovation of the existing stadium to include new seating structure, seating, press box,
stadium club and restroom/ concession upgrades.
Punch list work on the Architectural Package is approximately 95 % complete. FP&C is
working with the Contractor to establish liquidated damages for final payment and
project close-out. Signage installation is in progress. FP&C is working on
recommendations for new roofing material for the existing dugouts.
FP&C provided construction services for the foundation and other portions of this
project and also provided design services for the kitchen/concession areas, furniture
selection, audio-visual system, backstop screen, primary utilities, signage, plaques and
00-42 Cancer Center – KPH
New 102,000 SF comprehensive cancer center to include research and clinical functions
as well as administrative/ academic offices and support.
Phase1 – Contracts for the Site Work, Structural Steel and Concrete/foundation packages
have been awarded and preliminary work is in progress.
Phase 2 –The Glass/Glazing package is being re-bid with bids due on July 7. Contract
award on the remaining packages is in progress.
The University completed its review of the revised Owner/Construction Manager, Part B,
Agreement and has returned comments to the Construction Manager. The CM is also
completing the GMP and is preparing to present this to the University along with the
A counter proposal from the Construction Manager for additional Pre-Construction
services is currently being evaluated by USA Administration.
The design and procurement of interior furnishings/signage for the project will be by
FP&C. Telecommunication design services are in progress. The security consultant has
completed a review of the construction documents and minor revisions are in progress.
FP&C continues to work with the CRI team to identify a final list of equipment for the
proposed building.
The new underground telephone/data line installation is complete.
This project involves federal /State funds.
FP&C is providing some design phase services for this project.
02-05 Research Park – Phase I
Phase 1 includes the area bordered by University Blvd., USA North Drive, and Health
Services Drive and includes the Mentor Graphics/Bldg. #2 sites. Work includes the
development of an entrance drive, utility infrastructure and associated landscaping to
serve sites one through five. In support of this project the City of Mobile has agreed to
provide a traffic signal and improve the University Blvd. /Gaillard Drive intersection (the
main entrance to the Park).
Roadway/infrastructure construction is in progress and is approximately 80 % complete.
The schedule has been impacted due to Hurricane Ivan, delays in bridge delivery and the
need to bid out additional fill dirt. This work is scheduled to be complete in July.
Landscape installation will begin during the week of July 11. Fabrication of the signs is
in progress. Installation of the traffic signal poles by the City of Mobile is in progress.
02-07 Engineering Lab Renovation
Work includes plumbing and HVAC revisions to the existing design.
Construction is currently being completed.
02-09 USA Transportation System
Work includes a new shuttle storage facility, addition to and renovation of the existing
maintenance garage, road and tram ways and associated shuttle stop facilities.
Construction of the roadways, shuttle stops, bus barn and maintenance addition is
“substantially” complete - punch list/close-out work continues. FP&C accounting office
is currently working with the Grants Accounting and the office of Transportation on
resolution and close-out of the grant.
FP&C provided construction services on the Maintenance Renovation portion of the
This project involves federal funds.
03-13 Student Services Building
New 43,000 SF building to house the student services functions currently located in the
Administration building. This new building is to be located east of the Student Center
Roofing/exterior skin/interior rough-in work is in progress and the project is
approximately 35 % complete. Structural steel installation is in progress. The revised
schedule calls for “substantial completion” in January, 2005. All Color/material/finish
selections have been approved. Furniture design/ selection is complete and has been
approved by Academic and Financial affairs. Procurement is in progress. Interior signage
design is in progress as well. The Architect has incorporated the ATM (requested by the
USA Credit Union) into the project. The USA Credit Union will be responsible for all costs
associated with this addition.
04-02 ILB Mechanical Renovation
Work includes the replacement of the complete mechanical system including equipment
and distribution.
Construction is in progress and is on schedule. All work will take place during the
summer and will be completed prior to the start of the fall semester. The additional fire
alarm work required to bring the entire building up to code is being incorporated into
the existing schedule.
FP&C is providing miscellaneous construction services for the work.
04-04 Research Park - Office Building #2
New 35,000 SF speculative office building to be located on site #2 of the Technology
and Research Park.
Construction of the shell is in progress and is approximately 55% complete. Substantial
completion has been moved back to October, 2005. Tenant design is currently on hold
pending resolution of tenant space/lease issues. The schedule for tenant fit out will need
to be revised to account for this delay. No date has been established for tenant occupancy.
FP&C is providing construction services for the General Trades portion of the work.
04-18 Life Science Building – Auditorium
Work involves re-roofing and repair of existing interior finishes.
Re-roofing is complete except for minor flashing and final inspection. All FP&C
construction work has been completed.
FP&C provided design and construction (misc. wall repair/flashing) services for this
04-31 Hurricane Ivan
FP&C work involves the inspection of all main campus (except for Housing) roofs,
obtaining estimates to repair damage and the completion of the required FEMA forms.
All inspections, FEMA formwork and associated repair work have been completed. Reroofing is complete except for the Seaman’s Bethel. Work on this building is in progress
and is scheduled for completion during the week of July 11 (weather permitting).
FP&C coordinated with FEMA, made necessary roof inspections and completed all
required FEMA forms for this project. FP&C also provided design and some
construction/repair services for this project.
04-36 KPH Mammography Suite
Work involves the renovation of the existing 2,000 SF medical records area located on
the first floor of the west tower of Knollwood Hospital for a new mammography suite.
Construction is in progress. Knollwood Hospital is responsible for the construction
phase of this project.
FP&C provided design services for this project.
05-02 Hillsdale Demolition
Phase 1 involves the demolition of 417 vacant houses. Phase 2 involves the future
demolition of approximately 316 houses.
Demolition is in progress. Change Order #1 (demolition of 3 additional houses) has
been approved and this work is in progress. The project is on track for completion
within the Contract time period.
03-25 SGA Pavilion
Work includes one covered “picnic” pavilion and three sand volleyball courts to be
located adjacent to and just south of the new Intramural Fields. Project sponsored and
funded by the SGA (pavilion)/Campus Recreation (volleyball courts).
FP&C is provided all design and construction services for this project.
04-20 Bookstore Canopy Repair
Work involves the repair of the existing plaster soffit of the covered walkway between
the Bookstore and the Student Center cafeteria.
FP&C is provided all design and construction services for this project.