~nE3 could be in thG ~ockGts recc~mcnd ~·lave !o~ ~u~ch2~ad of th~ the tookkeop3r for f~~~ ~O cGnts fGljcr~. split thE t03k3 8man; tho top onE ;:::::\V3ntags olJer iT/ steff cdi~ors. You'll f:lxa~pls ;_.r---I to lcok at. them ~ould courses on ~t be additinral instructions. l~yout the time U8 of layouts, in the wack heFore our di~ rot h3VS any alt~ough an~ 3yr2cuse U,iversity ~~itton in~tia! p~per. guidelir12s or 8xampls3 later issued somB. ~Q Inci:~ont<311y, modular layout reI' inst2nce, you'll nat.e tllCl:: ue stre3sej followed the layout philosophies of ~r2phic ~XpErt Ed~urd Arnold. :lirG::tly into video displ3Y tar r in3ls, it jir8ct~ons ~o~ld be 2dvi~Qb12 to inclu~3 on VOT fornut 3nd rroc8duro (ie., ~lug line, ncme, how to 3snj :tory, J.. \ G" C • ) • Several it8ms WGre not became troublesone. ~entionad ir our manual which later One was instructions for keeping 2 file r-v "'~.t"tf"lt ::.... 1\ rL': r L r-" t... Cn ..J ~, ,-. _ ......... bsu dolly news IDENTIFICATION This is to certify that i~ a st"ff member of The D"ily News and is entitled to all (ourles ies normally auorded member s Of the working press -.-_. _\I "'1''1--' r-('" ::",-,A,';,--LL...;. ~-:_r -~, L" ~h~'S~ - pp ItN'd~Y ~~ , lOP o p-r IC;'\ L FALLOlC (DRIVer( .AReA. \ Euncbono.::l (Srrt.---"" u~fu \ 1}-1, "~L +v +k.o. reI.vJ.if; ~ \t; -e.a~y " \~ .--to '<", ? re. ( .e. cil.~ C (l ~ () ch 0 pQ (S \ 0 . C:> ,,0.. ~ i rlCl.-\ 'S. vr<- ' no...! 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Shc~ld feu establish () staff of six to eight reporters, as I 3U9QGstod, each should T~e J tor y c 4. i d:) tel a n:~ not 8 p:3 , S ~ ~G filE should inclu10 all rom hi::; po r tic u L: r be a t s • flows\.!'3:', e:<tr2:ilGly cl\ntroversic:ll or in\/8stigati\Jo story j.nformation should Court fc~ awe e k • tha J phcto~ S h0 ~iling U1d Cur staff f j "- e :, herr. i n m3!'kpj conto~ts, ~nnual I~ photogr3~hor3 with the Sup:::-arne s8vor~l other r. a p pro p r i ~atc 3 The and 2 t 81 Y h E: ad 8 d b~ck OF description briefly mentions a proceduro for mcdlocTO at best. W2 were forever out with verbal irstructions only, which is no ucy to run a newsp2per. ~njer t~e including i.d.s. 8:30 W33 3 next to hi3 desk. c~binot should be of the phctos' sonding qe:r:cmbe:::-, a photcg!'aph file systom, the ph8tc editor should Hi,J the il foldor in kcp:'31scwherCl. it is ukay for the police to seorch rowsrooms. ~aid As ~c; ~hota : have since worked assignment systems, and I recommend you consider the following: your teo!s. en sheot, typo a ti7712 sch2dule as shoL...'n in example a nimcograph 50-[~ shoulj inc!udo ~ 3pacD f~r the ~atc, t~o ~e3dings (photographer the dates in ascending ordaT (~3rch 1S, 11, 1~, etc.). You ~:ill :.lso need to pbotocopy photo 2ssi]nment cards liko the ones in example 58-F. [XH~lP LE Photogr3phE]:;:' 8 a.:n. 0:30 k;:3C 1C 1C::30 11 11 : 3J ~1oJn 1 1'.o...J,,-, • ? n 2 2:32 . /! • '; '7. n .....; -... 5 6 7 7:30 n r, CAMPUS VERBATll1 PHCfI'O ASS nNW11T ~~1!,q:,;r Date and Time of Photo FVent or Session: ---------------------------- Place: Dl':ADLJNF: : Number of Photos Needed: ------- Descripticn of Photo (s ) : ------------------------------. ------.- ---- ------------------- :i' more space needed, clmt. on back Phone #: contact: ------------------ DATF As~T,Nr~>'NT CAMI'US VEF'BAT 1M .PHOTO ~j[EET Date and Time of Photo Event or Session: Place: nTi'AnLINE: Nunlber of Photos Needed: Description of Photo(s): ----_. --------_.- _._--_.-------------- --------.------ if more space needed, cant. on back r'hone II: Contact: .. ----------------.------ _--------_._._-------_. Date and '\'ime of Photo liNent or Session: -------------------------- Place: Number of Photos Needed: ------- nK4DLINE: ------------------- DescriJ.ction of ?hoto (s) : if mor'" space needed, cont.· on back Contact: Phone AS~' rmrn BY DATE #: ---------------------- 2) The ~roc8dur3 goes l!ke th!s-- Let's say a itsslf to photo coverage: 2) he gets approval for the ide~ photo Prom the 3urorvlslng editor; b) he takes the photo assignment finding 3.n open the ~her0 n Pi - ,--" '-, '" - . I ' c. 1-' -'...., '-~ c-1 co .... ' J E~ch Jhich t ak8 S 2 slot. :: 0 p; n ,.. "-' ~ C ...; ~ '"" :I 1 p t 1" ,.....,-, I: I 1- ..L.-,,.. !':J ~hotG f~le is p3~8r () f' site 3 ~dlf and 2 sheets the ciJrd, hG gives it to the editor's ~~rk8d the picture ~ants t~c is an accordion ~83k bo purcho3 d at any officG surrly store. ~a; stot on the rcport~r l" t On ths photo '3ditor. file, what times is to be taken, tho phone numbor of with 2 ha:f sheets of carhon ,,\ SSE down in the space !"le wr5tc:: ~hoto co~ie3 two board 2nd checks to ,_ T, c) (not schedulod) on March '7t,· avail~ble ars cli~ 1 tbrough 31. t~ken ~8rch 3i~C8 the the photo e ,-j".j.. .. 1 ... 01' ~4, t h c: as 3 i 9 mEm tan d pI;] C 2 ,J i t iii t. h 13 I! 2 f; I' ThF origin31 copy is giv2n to tho photcgraphor who the ~. ,J of the nOt;::; 8VG;lt, 2nd t.he other cotJy is th2 cdi tor (or uhj chsvsr Edi tor appr.-ovc:! Oncs the photographQr has comp18t8~ th~" 33signment). the assignment, the photo is paper clipped to tho 3ssignment card and given to the managing editor or sports editor. the assignment card ahould be names cf and any other Tha infor~ation 3dva~tag85 o~ o~ On the back of r~Grl~ in ~he ~hoto inters3t. this systeM are ..,) J h" photo c::ditor can L........... be; bast under Sic tc'-' :'c, ~~chLdulc -t' ~) ~, -: ... Ut-- L..;;. I. r I VE- C DESIGfJ ~ ,:'I, ~ T ~rs Many ncw3papers today Jrd for goori reason. ~esigr t 1-: (3 .~ 1 • c' 0 r rc :: D n ::, U '":1 (; r t "1 1 r; , ..j _, , L c- ! ,~ I, ..... U .,;." ( ':' \ t ~roat 8mph2Gi~ en Tulevision neW3 has accustomed vi::: u ~, 1. 0 oP cntIs televi3ion news i ) ~ ~utting nst~~rk3 nnd tho hone conput8f, ;1',., ~ -1 _ i ',"",' ' i . . J d.: , '::j -0 _ ' . ,\ : t :: :.' .::: Ii ex': i tin g t i Little 2.:- 2 to ':J " lJ " ~0~~8r, 1hcn, th3t olc:= ~11 c tf but I ~ ~ 0 L.' : ~rDspectiv8 rD a kin 9 tho :J~.J lor: k cl ~_ f f 8:- editors cf the d n 't C t! ~ rl c tot G 1 k ; 3~, a;: t, h 8 r 8 '"1 E' • ti ~'-.':'."T""L .. 1_ J- " .. , :-,00, ... T t~inking if you're .J res Q:;: Q f1'!!"'" ' __ ..... - I tJ S about • 1 "I e +-c cC':rtoon:3 , 3) white Jpace. :t i,,-:: ~·lOU YDU ccmbine 1-01 thesE • \. I , clements 'which For instance, a horizontal ~in8 conveys calmness, li;-lC v:tality. formidabl~ 3sri~ Opp8cr~nc8; 2 vcrticzl lina, ty~cfac3s ~~~~ rli~nity, usually convey ~ and a d~agonal tradition21, scrif is splashier snd noro nodcrn. on the sutjcct oP ~hi].c of concepts aoj hnrB aro 30ne examplos 1~3gcs, to 2ch18ve thorn: ~C20S Fowcrful-- Use told san~ sn:if ty~n. with large lett2rs. rules, both wide and thin. Graceful-- Use it31ics, serif Thin rules, if ~ny, ty~c 2nd carefully corposed ara rocommended. they s h 0 u 1 d co [G ~) 10m I; n t e GC hot her, ~~pcriment closely cropped photos anj with crow~Ed and 12jouts occ3sionally. unbalancE~ r: r e c j " 0 t c 1. as h. !J s r; color, s c r ;:;; Ens, :::; ion -- ~ J 8 LJ C r SCi n s ~) e::- if t Y P 2 i:J r Gee ~n ~l Gn d 2 d • "Short- focus lT ty;:w phGtos orB bs.:;t. US8 stronglyhorizo;"1tz;2 ::;n:: vertical photos. If all you go to 2 oP this "ir.ago lT busir1CSS throws you, I 3uJgest public library The journalis8 library 2 n tit Ie d H ~18 W 2150 3~d chock out some boo!(s on ~ub2cribcs s r (J P G r J c s i 9 n 8 r _), to 2n Not 0 boo k ,H W excellon~ ~esign. public3tion hie his s r=: e c i 211 Y aimed ot this area. jo~n9 In of the your research, considor radesigning these elGmG~t2 ncw~~Qper: editorial, d~signing paS8-nu~ercus column logos, the 3taff box and policy I~ you run a fJ3JC of briefs, ways to handle it. Vcu can divide each section into :l~l" 1979-8r edition of th:: D u";"-1 ~'8"'" ~ r!-id ............. '- (ex.,.·",n1e, U'··I~ ~ou Or ~an d~vijG only port of tho s8ctions into boxo:::, , up and 0:do~~ P~J8, the and r~n c::m YClU your neus l~~c STP,T[ ~\;[lJS headline ,. t'-.Jn thin -,-::..nos t~is: cr\MPU~ ~ie;::;clina ~~[U: headline XXXX)(X)(XXXXX ~.l'\TTn"I"d i \J f"\ , -&. U, ,; r. i- r'f""11r ,\i ;,.... ...... J haodlinc x x >: >~ >': x;: :<)~ x x x x xxxxx.:< ;: x x :< X x :: ;: X}(;<xxxxx hS2,rlJinoe XXXYXX he3~linc headlino x x ;:: x x x ~< x X X /~ :.Jrder. '\'t~ ~it~ 0lattor ~rt ~nd n8W3pa~Gr, two W2yS ~Jhich ~hot03 l:a'/ Y:Jlj ~hQnovcr de it, ~~i\!f:~P should yOl) the br i~fs rossible. such as tho opinion p~gc and sports? I know of; runs atop the pago like so: SPC?TS , .... ..:... righ:- hand j with tho SPCRT3 result: 1 8di t:n- i a I xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXX)xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx>,':,: . . ~" ~ubse~uent of tho section's Pirst OPHJImJ 03dliil8 C c~rner ~.~' .' h eadl i r1::; >'. . ,-,/, ... (,"'" .,. '(.. "l\,-.,_ . " ,/ '< ..... v x>: Y. >: x ~< ~( :i >< >~ ;< ;( >~ A < ~< ~~ x;< x :.< ~< x x x )( ;< x x >: x X)~ ,.(;{ ;( x >. x. x .< X .~, ".f ",' '/ ., ',,: "\:' ',.' <'/ "~'-"~'\.""(""" ~< - bollstate doly news capsule 2 4 ... I u a 5 C· om~s bniefs 'I, K emlper award to Fisher Karen Fisher, Hagerstown freshman, won the James S. Kemper Foundation Scholarship in insurance. Fisher is in the honors program majoring in actuarial science and accounting. The award for $16,000 was presented at the opening session of the National Explorers President's Congress Monday in Phoenix, Arizona. Fisher is a member of Explorer Post 94 chartered to the Fnith United Lutheran Church in Richman. The award is made available by the Kemper Foundation to help with tuition and provide summer on-the-job training at one of Kemper's offices. The scholarship is awarded annually to an Explorer planning a career in insurance. "I W~IS worried about a summer job, but now because of the award I'm granted the chance to travel and the chance to work in insurance and see if I like it," said Fisher. Channber operas at theater Two ~~Oth-century chamber operas, the four-note opera by Tom Johnson and The Human Voice by Francis Poulenc, will be presented Tuesday, May 13 at Ball State Theatre at 8 p.m. dc~ys Bus seats for ERA march Two buses of Muncie area Equal Rights Amendment proponents will leave from the YWCA early Saturday morning to take part in a processional-style march in Chicago later that day. The march is intended to focul national attention on the ratifiction vote pending in the Illinois House of Representatives and to continue the momentum created last week when the amendment received a higher than expected margin of approval in committee. According to Charlotte Creech, coordinator of the local march delegation, a few spaces are still available on the Muncie buses which will depart at 5 a.m. and return around IIp.m. "The men, women and children in the Muncie delegation are indicative of the wide range of community support for the Equal Rights Amendment. And thanks to the generosity of numerous local organizations and individuals who cannot attend the march themselves, financial assistance is available for persons who cannot afford the full $15 fare," said Creech. . Bus reservations and further information may be obtained by calling Ms. Creech at 289-2749. ahead Today 1 p.m.-P1Ii Chi, the Psychology honomy. will be BpOt..oong en Inform'll reception for all -......an..... ,*"dtv and students In - . Sponsored by the Delaware County Opera' . c .... Association, the works will offer a contrast of light • • • • • •_• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • comedy and high drama. Tickets are $3.50 adults, $1.50 students and senior citizens. North 0u8d 102. e p.m.-Join Werner FeIowIhip'. lest event for ~ veer. Meet at Northaide Church of God. Bring ACk picnic aupper. AppIcetionl .... awllt*! for the M_ 0 . . . . . County SctIOIIIIhIp hgNnL In. . . . . per1iee. 1728, cell lee, 286-8T.lO. Monday 6:30 p.m. -Graduate 8 ....... Orgllniation (GaO' M..tiilg Room 138 WB. Agenda: Bec:1fon of new offlcere • .- - - . - - - - -_ _ _ _.-J capsule TODAY'S NEWS IN BRIEF r__ /~.il '-' . . "t!.r-f!!'- r__ ~c-s [liberals vow to fight for Itax justi( WASHINGTON (AP) Liberal tax activL'its, facing a heavy schedule of Proposition 13-style initiatives and referenda on Election Day next month, are vowing to wrestle the tax issue from conservatives. Their battle cry is a call for "tax justice," essentially an increase in corporate tax. collections and a redistribution of the tax burden from lower-and middle-income families, where property taxes hit hardest, to weaithier taxpayers. A weekend tax conference cor,vened by the National Conference on Alternative State and Local Public Policies revealed frustration among tax officials faced with acrosstheboard tax cuts along the lines of California's Proposition 13. That proposal was approved by California voters on June 6 in what many saw as the beginning of a taxpayers' revolt. Conservatives around the country have attempted since then to adopt the 'issue as their own. Youths in cou rts NEW YOHK (AP) - Sen. Edward M, Kennedy on Sunday urged that juveniles \vho commit violent crimes should be treated as adu~ts and" sentenced to "significant pUlHshment. In a speech to 2,000 law enforcement nation officials at the convention of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, the Massachusetts Democrat for the first time endorsed recent movements to trv juveniles accused of violent crimes in adult ccftuts rather than in the more protective atmosphere of juvenile c o u r t s . ' No pay for soldiers Many servicemen seeking 'dis~h~rgel at military bases across the country are finding they cannot receive their mustering-out pay because of a congressional impasse in", the military appropriations bill. An Associated Press spot check over the weekend found that servicemen and won\en are being offered extended duty or ~re being told their dL~charge pay will be malfled later. '('~ On wme bases, military public information officers said soliders have been told that cmt'Tgency needs can be met through special military aid programs. The Red Cross has also been suggested as a SOllTce for relief. Army Maj, Phillip Childre:iS, a public information officer at Fort Benjamin Harrison in Indiana said the Armv's Finance Center has explained the situatio~ to soliders who are leaving the service, "They tell them that they'll ! money they're due to their home ad said. "In cases where they don't ha\ money to get home. the Army E Relief and the Red Cross has bee out. .. Bill may be blocked \VASHINGTON (AP) - A Senate to cut federal taxes could fa roadblocks, including a possible f unless Senate Majority Leader R, Byrd is successful Monday in limitir on the tax-cutting bill. The tax proposal, a version c already has passed the House, I bogged down in the Senate over d various amendments not directly the reduction of 1979 income taxes. With adjournment scheduled on ~ the Senate also faces action this President Carter's long-delayed package and possible considerati( proposal to contain hospital costs, During the weekend, Sen. Gaylor D-Wis., opened the way for new for the tax bill when he said he '.vill the HumphreyHawkins full em measure to the bill. Opponent employment proposal said they \vOl a filibuster if Nelson carries out his p Guerrillas accept majority rule plar NEW YORK (AP) - Black lzuerrillas will accept the plan to turn Rhodesia over to majority rule after elections despite their leaders' rejection of the internal settlemen~ that has set up a black-shared transition rule, a black member of the transition government said Sunday. The Rev. Ndabaningi Sithole, one of three black Rhodesians sharing power with white Prime Minister Ian Smith pending elections said the guerrilla leaders know they cannot be elected and thereforc.... wish to be imposed as the next government. Sithole and Smith, who are traveling in this country with the permission, but not the welcome, of the U.S. government, appeared on NBC-TV's "Meet The Press." ~srael to give aid W ASHINCTON (AP) - lUBell Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan said Sunday that Israel will continue to prOVide arms and "indirect help" to Christhm forces in Lebanon, but he ruled out direct Israeli involvement in the fighting thc:c. Dayan said he hoped the ct:ase-fire in the ....::::::t.-.._===_==s: ' world fighting between Syrian troops and the Christians will hold. but added, "It is not our country and I can't say what settlement should be obtained." Frenchmen tote guns PARIS (AP) -. Once again the call is going out to France to take up arms, but thi~ time authoritif.s wish it would be ignored. A rising crime rate is pushing many Frenchmen toward gun-toting vigilantism. Three hundred concerned citizens gathered at a rally over the weekend and cheered as the speaker demanded "the death penalty for the hoodlums instead of the victims." Crime in France went up 15 percent In 1977, and although the rate of violent crime is lower than that of the United States, Britain and West Germany, the cry for "law and order" is getting louder. Fighting off burglars can be risky. French law strictly Hmits the defender to using a measure of force equal to the thrc you cannot shoot a burglar unit pointing a gun at you. Nonetheless, this year there have incidents in which victims killed Some of the incidents have becom€ points for the growing public out crime. The .most famous case is that ( Legras, a car mechanic in the town c After his summer hOllse was burgll times, he booby trapped it ane prominent signs warning that intrud be killed. . ... Burglars broke in all the same, an bombed radio exploded, killing . wounding another. Tube birth again CALCUTTA, India (AP) - Th( second known "tesHube baby" healthy and normal, a reporter ilL view the child 'Said 5nndav~· . :, , The father. Pravat Kumar Agan the United News of India he and his tried since 1963 to have a child .. T l. 'l-~er".·I::1te e.~-- Had! IGar. CdC£; to run do ri iJ • Cf1ul2.t3 8nCB you've decided Pacilitirs rub-en ~~dB to ~ofor8 12ttorin~ l~st n ~~ st':'ck you can ~or lo~g write the rulz5 jown a i~ SGC~ ~uch typef~cc, period of P~r :-ulGS for us used C~k2 on 5C-:. tho~~ ~.'i th it, pr~gross. ~~ke sure If you 8~2~9~ U'38 copies are ti~c. under you when y~u redosign. An exanple of th~ rulos SO~[ GENERAL PASTE-UP RULES: (... Berdars 1) All boxes in tha a.ily ~ ara dene with_a 1 peint border rula, axcapt rer ·inside/eu~sida,· which is dane with 2 paint r*la •. A one paint lina d.as, howavar, saparata tha inside and eutside sactiens. 2) 2 point rula is usad: -underlining ·days ahead,· "police baat,· Darts calendar,· ·sparts SUMMary,· aDd any standing head which I.~~ ae.d to dascribe the copy without utilization or a headline. -on "readouts,· ie. q80tes taken out or the text. A 2 point lina goes one pica abova and belew the readout. 3) Across tha top or the page, approxiMately one and a haIr picas rrOM the top blue line on the paste-up sheet,is a horizontal 4 point line. 4) Standing heads which ara inset inta 8 copy block 4x. NM.~IIMMXIIXl.MVMXIMMX~.~~) such as "raview,· "viewpoint,· "nation,· "stata,"nca.pus," atc. have a 2 p~int line t pica above tha type and 1 point line t pica b•• ew the type. Colulln heads 1) ColUMnists in the pictures should be racing into their naee. The picture should be approx. one inch in height. 2) The colullnist's nalle is typed in 18 point ronda bold, kerned one unit. Tha nalle or the calulIR is in 10 point universe, all capital letters. 3) Tha line t pica below the coluMnist' s pic.ture is one point. Above this line, approxiMately one and a haIr picas, is a 2 point line. It shauld bleed inta the picture. 4) The colullnist's na.a should be rlush right on tha 2 peint line. Tha nalla or the colulln should be in between tha 1 and 2 peint lines and rlush lart with tha picture. (~ore) rIV[-D ;:i~i!T r'1ISC[LLJ~~J=8US ShouJ.d you fin j 3Ur';~~Ef1 DUTIES duties Qnc con~l~ta you ~ :; elf iJ 0 r 2 d, y c u r-, i 9 h teo n sid e ~ : --L.:I'i.tin~ the - ..., ,-I d , ,-.J --Ty~iny --H81~J i3S',JGS' t~e edit.orials sandin; a ferm lctto= to 3toff 3tory 33signmant feature of 3unmsr feature for fOLJ 8:tlv~ti8~ first iSSU8 uith Roll C,311 ~h88tS fDr the news editor :-:'i'l.RT SIY. RCLL CALL & W:EKENO ~orsonally, officia~ first I ~~lcgat2d CC:!.:tOI, huge ....". ..... .. . pu~lication 3uthor~ty, 3078Cr.C ": :'::'["1 -' \ \,~ ! had little to do with Roll Call, tho t. ~G cr, of the ~n acade~ic o~h~r 10ar, Dr words, found 2 ~8ekenj, rgspon35b!~ ~':\~T 3[~'E~·~ GETT:r'~G ST;\~T[J The top urlitcrs nCU:3, They should bo ~jvcn ~~nu313, starr briefod en UGck of publication. Uorsc yet, th2~ Th 8 ~i3scd ~ C'L .." n,rl~ d8~dllne~. the inBx~c~i2nce~ T~2 ~roblcm • ~ 11 ~ ail UJ :::: ':::. ~< o r. ~~ i ~ c ," , he 3 r~ j :3 ~ i y TJ.. ~ J0 ',J 3 .~.:. . 1;.,. editor~, :t ulll be p:::'ocucti:::li-,. is univcr3al. :tuccnt f .i r: s t day. f~r~t !-: e ~ u :J t :3 hOD k hi:3 t-: '= ad. "We abD~~ ~evcr his ;ot out cJ • f:ight." k2'~f: in thnt initial UGGk, Y:Ju'll p:ooably [lese..: ,::;011,J 301uce. ens finCJ.l note: be 3urc to c211 c st3.ff fiscting the D83~itc all thE other hassles, it ~:l werking or; the D3ily and phone r·~CLJS. \'cu must 0130 8 C , L, .n9 , 1 distrib:.J:2 nu~b2r~. Don't \",o:;:-ry. If j 0 u ' v chi rcc cl :3 thin~s t ron SJ, =t U Q~. i f .~ 2 (~ ~ c r S D r1'1 c 1, will turn out 311 right. ~];dlT :ICt-:~ DilC: yeLl t R: STi1RT~O (It's long ti~8 befor~ you 3tOp) il Once you've survivci the first two or B[; 1 i Q \j c; i t. 0 r not., t h Q (~~ )'.J ~.J i 11 0 2 C ;] '~l L; r 0 U t 1 rI 8 , :; r , noar ruut:nc. [ditor-in-ChiEf: .- f-.. ;:...1 ~ ~ ~-S:3fJ r- •. ., C'.l- . i ___ : ~'--'. photo editor::;: ~.nl., 'Jinner, or ~ ") .J. i J 2-G J\ t.y;=iC:2J been in t~s :.12; [.hcu] nf~~C0 ~un lit~.c t~i~: (.'rT' , u_ The editor-in-c~ief sho~ld ecitorial pags pdItc:r tho ~-J ~ight hpfnrr·) .... - _.'."'" .. I bs ~ir~t prEp~rEj the chec~s by the opinion ::::h;~nr;C3, j f ,, __ , -",I! r) - "-.: / r-:ft.~r p~llinJ l~ ~h:: c'Jd;st "T;eet:nc;, the P~r any cd:tor'~ cr,:::'C' jDt IS cdito~ (\ . 'J ~~ ._. I ~.. writa Ternes to university Q~ n~~ic~a]3 Univcrcity or ~e2d8rs S~n2tc, ~ha ~8n~ ors in;:;ortollt to get This f[)ed~ack C3n COi.1C fro~ 0 £'" ! (-""~ ~:;"""i 1 r;; \.t~"~c.:t-J..Lc..; You ~hould also call r8~ortcrs nnd/or editors into 13-8). you r, 1"-:' 1 J\:""" ..J\....,.,... _'-'-" ....... :he f fie r:: and possil18. C 0 ~ fi' end ere 0 n j 8 n nth 0 "0 per 3 0 r G 11 Y \'J hen tJ \J C :;:- '.i .. 2'') REPOnT 1. NO" 2 'j: i,,, c ':!~'l\§!!_'" II 12~ Thl,.. 198\l.! ot the 215 Report coyers m! iesn~:8 ? t, ,rough '.:;. l:EEKEND Weekend was not critiqued in the first. lS3Ue o-t' 2 .~~ bp..::~use ::. wnnted tegt'le the statr time to really devalcp 1i befo.i.'e co;.'!JteT~ting, 'I'hcre Mve now been tour i:ssues or ~:leel{endi PHd I ~elieve it. is accu,,,:,ate ii.nd fair to say that ~leekend has 1mproved~ rather drwnaticnllY1 each issue., :rhe J'ink Panther issue last Friday was excellento Th~ COyer Has besu'tiful. the writing adequ.a~e, and the sl!lection or topi'!S excel lent.,rhe two-page s~read on pax-tying was well designed and conts.ined stox-les tilat were ot' strong, general inteNr;t to DJ'1 readers.., SOIfle ot th~ tugs Lave bt:!e!'l worl-:~d out in laying out tha TV guide and the overall layuut ,.,r the ·~J.i·i'~l.~l~ 1.S very good" UT!fortunately for the m and JLts readers~ Rbondll LttcheE. .eeKE':1d ed.t tor., will not be ba.ck next quarter., ~~he has b€'en selecte6 to wo:-k :It tn~ Indi~a St;tte Legislature as a political ncience trltern~ ~e9iJl)nSe to ',lepkend fl'o~ readH'5 has ':'1e~n ve ..... y ::oc.d. ~dvp.rtise!"s are delighted ">Ii t.h it and haV'ft new be~u"l req,uesting that. :_~,e 1 ~ ads 'M11l in "~.Je~kend, This is sOf':etiling the II·! has t1-ied to 3st.ablJ !;Iil foI" a 1('l( : Lime: at-reekly tAb tllat could "!lrt'Y i ts~~l:r tt'OL!twially and tr 'It wou~.d ha'J~" :oj. gcoo read~rship, :-Ieekend has truly been one nf the major pl'.lfJf>s of the D:·: 0paration this yOEtr. The ba1anc@ between c!amp.';3 and wire !!~T"S has improvelj a great deal since the fi1"'3't report" This is true not o:"1ty [or st?'aiiht news bl.l.t 8.190 for sports~ Tt:e pr~..mary problem now :3"'ems to be ('():'1Sj8 :anr-y . mere is still an occasional day=-b.xe r'-cudayl' Oct" ~~()n ",in'~h "t: .. () nn~ ... h ".~re \!Op:; and too little (~cccll copy is run, r,~olldays ir, ge11.eral eeo:i1 t.o be ~eak lncal news days, Weekend act::ivi ties &re Siv~ short .3hz-itt i~ the t:onday. edi tions, Otl s recent reputation for hard~tiHiT'..g inve~tii!ative reporting has been enhancf:d by such l!..'toeller.t 9u.:;iea ;1L tilese ~ "Uni'/erstt.1.e'S s~1are difftcul ~~ :1.n ot·tatni:-.· budgA.t i!lfor.nation from admj.nistI'ator3"~<!.o. 1 i 9/1 ?---t.y Jjll'J 1'a~~ ItGa;f ;;ctj,V1.st Unjon denl.ed o/"i . ~e space d~s;>i te service organization 1'h~ status"--P.., " 9/1~b7 Tanmy ~··mi th "Budget delays d1rector apprt;val" (concertll."g WOI:..!n~8 sports intol'matt,)U director}~~P~ 8,. 9/19--by Job-· Ct€l (he should have had a by-line) ":Lthleti(~ programs -try for ec.,t..aJ. t.Na't.iie~t" (a \lonparison ot men~s and w-ol~len;' s apor1:.IJ programs e t r..:3U)~· r ':. • /21.~b;,-· Randy nraMeier "B3U bud:.;et, boa..-d reeo't"da aV:ll l~ble ~~"' . '~':lic: Bracken"-P .. " 9/26--by Ji!p Praze "Parks, ~,tudent ~e!l.S.te COl1tlll~;:' t'rew~ .; "- -('. 1'1 9/2f.>--by Charlene t:lres "Few senators attend first 0;0 meet1(l!,{S"- ·f·, 1, 9/-:n-by Charl ... ne r"ires "ilayes study on pay scale de~.'l:ied for OT,e onth"-P, 1 t 9/29--by Jim ;''raze ":.pplyi~; for tood stamps te<!L);Ja job (or studente"-P" " 9J30..-b7 Kevin Larison ·'n.lack !raterni titls \iant hou~l::.n.g"-~P. ~; ?/2B--b7 'ramara :jmi th "Custodians propcsdd sehedules inay chan~'e to conserve enerQ" {a miserable headline)-~P, 1. 9/28--b7 Larry 'i'hom8s I / "Hayes study &rr1-;i'~s la te" (anvth~4' 1li:tge're:o~.c hi;t!(::.:':re) ··-..... 0 1, 1013-by Jim J.''ra:£e One of till! weakIlp.ssaa of m: cov~ra6'=! has be~n a. ~~i:tu'~ !:,J t( i.:.o;r 11:;; on certain stories. For example, in a atlJry on ~-redneDday, 9/28 and t.nothvr on ~''rid8.Y, ')/YJ, much was (;lllde of the plans to drum up spirit i. or the :first l-::r..me f'ootball game on Saturday. On rionday. 1013Lere is no mention of ."h.at I'lc·twllly happened Saturday., . ./\.lso, much was r~de of' !!enr,y JAneini 'a cor.ccrt in .!ldvance sto.':-iea in the Dt.'7. The cor-cert was -'aturdtly night. ~re was no mention of the oonoert in r:oOOa7'. papere The sports department is doing a much better now tbd earlier in the quarter. There has been i~ big improvement in coverage of 1111 campus sporta • .:ditorials also continue to st:..>"'ike ;it siz;nificant CaJnp,1S issues.. '!lle editorials on Student S~m.ate in par-.aclJlal'--9/~S and 9/Z'{--were e~cellent. They were particularly go<ld in that earlier eji toriale and stc~1es suggested a strong DH support of Student Senate" Th~se editorials cited above 1ndi<:!ste that despite the orr's desire to support t~e Senate, the newspaper will criticize-strongly-wh<;u it believes t.h~ Ser.a'::e is not working in the best interest.s of students" This is a. £00<1, heaJ.t.,..y al'?!'osch and policy for the m: to take;l It helps its o~ibility" Jim Le~n, a graduate !Iis job will editorials" COPY' DESK, l~e $~de~~, h&3 just been hired sa editorial page editor. to lay cut a:.1 edi t')ri~l. pages and to \r..... i t~ tscme of the ~IE.'JJLncs • .l!."l'£.. InconsistencY' is tl:e on17 woi'd that ca.n describe this area" One cia)' the edi ting is ve!':r good to excelloot, Il'!ld the very next day 1 t looks as if no one reaJ a.ny copy at aIle The1"e is too much inCOI18isteIlq" in matters at at-fle, also.. 1~or example, Some reporters and some eowreade.-, eVidently knlJW t~e ccn-ect style on abbre-n,ation or mmtths o Othera do not. l:OllthS are not abbl'evt,lted unless the date followso Thus, it is ()C)to 4, but in Octobe~1"~ .II.noti..el· inconsistene7: Is it :taeulty senate, faculty (university senate:), l'aC'.ll ty senate, or Pa·!ulty (University) Senate. Or 1. is ulliversity senate) f'aculty senate o Un1ve~"aity '3enate, or :"acul~ senate. :i.lso is senate capitalized when not pracedee by Studellt or Faculty" or University? I could list many othe:~ style que3tione. The point is: read, stud.7, and follow the stylebook .. Headlir1es have been f'air, at best. ',:'00 many &roe beir.g sent to the typesetter when a simple cbsel'Vation wou).d tell you that the)'. wonft f'it. Far too much time 1a being used rewriting headlines.. COW1t carefully. perhaps worse 1. headline content. Examples ot say-nctl:ing heads run in the IXh "Pledge to tel., steel cc.-orpanies by J~owen," "':-\equier3 !:ass' to open, It "Enrollment down, age up, wanen. still tight alcohol," u:lonorary plan. d&7," "Volleyball spikes to 8 - ,; field hockey lacks ' attae1t', "·.;est Side story e1'eates enthuslsau tr-JID choreography and lead""'~"r1ght Dros. group pertonl1s at Emena~ ItCarter makes attempt ttl keep price on gas, "Student Senate holds briet weekly meeting," "Conference planned," and "Intra.murals .. n III partial detense of head writers, 1 t should be pointed out that their Job i . made more diUicult by poor 1nstructiona f'rom editors. Por uample. it is nearl,. icpoasible to wri te a ona-..Une head tor • ODe or t.o-eol'UUI .~ story and have it say SUTthing meanin&-tul.. One ~.ri.!·~Ene that oCI::&ld be used to improve head content as well as visual Il,t'~:>activ(>A€~8 o~ the pa~: 1- and 2-column stories require at least a 2·1ina heed. 1-col~ stories look all right even if they have a 3-U...·18 head .. 3-column story can use either a 1-l1ne head or a 2-line hee.d, rut never 3 lines. The 1-line, 3-colUlt1\ story looks best it' if has n ld..cker.. The main head should then be indented slightly .. The __ column story has much the same "rules" as the 3-colurun stor.r_ The 5- and 6-column story should always use only a 1-line hel34. .!\ltd because the head will be 80 long, a kick~r usualll does not look v~ry good em tllf~:se heads. The siza ot type used should also take into consideZ'lltlon the ndi! rl.UI!lber or columns the heaa will rune Generally, thG gTeater the !lu£!'..Dsr ot cclumns, tb~ larger the type size should ~u There are absolute limi ts--both maximum and m1ni~tor the type size chosen tor heads. This is determi~ed in p&rt by the nUI!lber at columna the head will run" ii'or QUllnple, a3O-point type size is too small for any head lor~er than 2 eolumus Q I sug~est that someone develop a eha..1'"'t on such things &s thia.. It would improve page appearance an.1, hopefully, ~eadline content" :J)VERTISING Our 1'9.i th:t'ul bookkeeper, l·:rs. Piner, reports that the ad billing tar the month o:t September totaled C1S,662&42. This ¢ompares with a Septam'ber, 1976. billing ot .~14,236.30. That 1s a 31% incre~seo FAN'l'ASTICr! P. bas since requested approval ~or the ~cl~ee 01' a new calculator. Bert Benner and I h.;:ve put her on hold o pending l\ study of Consumer Guide. 'n: ;'.d J.)irector Damon Smith has wr1·~ten a letter ot resignation. T:"le restgnat10n 1Q effective "'riday, Cct .. 1"'. The job opening has b~n posted by the rersonn.el Ottice.. On-eampus emploY'e~s only ~ apply this week.. Next week others may apply .. The ad statt currently cor:sists ot 5 in clasai!ied, 8 in display ~d sales, 4 offiee secretaries--they are all trained to t&ke ads, 4 ad dasigners and artists, one an unpaid volunteer, ~ l·;z.S. Piner and her bevy ot ottice girls who do the bill1ng~ It's a big operation. ~. still are looking tor more ad saleamen., The)" earn a 1~ cCC!.'ll1ssion, reduced to an hourl;r wage ot ~2.30", There also aN two graduate assistallta assigned to the D!' advertising department. They currently are working as salesmen most ot the time. They double as ot'fi.ce workers, too . . 80 ago, a aeries ot classif led ads called tor readers to telephone a o~'l'ta1n number to learr. what the "Nllked Rider" was doing. The ad ~ed each day, but all inn ted inquires into the rrJ¥stery o~ the "Naked Rider." 'rhe "I-laked Rider" vas a ooYie showing at a local dr-ive-in, but the reader was not told this. '!'he mana:~er at the theater called to tell us that those class:lfieda ~ght him 7,000 pIlone calla! The classitieds are obviously yell read" A week or Gl"aduate a.alatant Don Seal •• 18 currently working OIl a project 'to enhanoe the aaleab1111::J' of II; advertisinc. He 18 usint; the Audit Dureau ot Circulation where he baa found some interesting tacts concerning Ball State students' -4-· readership of the io1uD.c16 city n,,!r,,;fl~per~~ I'~1'E: :~~·:;n~ ::ili! ,':: ..!.! i~~ 1:1:;') finishE.j his study... Much of the work he t9 do:l.~ 1rofill;:1l1;4::."~"t.j;I..) in .,i sales booklet/k.1t to be given to each Aal·e8per30n~ Our volunteer ad des1gne ..../art1at 13 p:t'eparing Q display :er Dil acv<arttsing to be shown at the Jlkmcie t.!a1l during 91111 state u.!!ys at tl. . l! !!a.ll, Cct, ,4-160 I~n open house tor Dt! ad clients and pot:mti~-l clients uill os held later this month or early in r:ovember.. Domino's and the 3tudent CI3-'lter Dintng Services, two ot the Dtl' best advertisers, have volunteere<l to provide the mJ wir~,.pizz6s and whatever else We! might want tor the O.Pf:T1 house. It could" out to be a very profi +.able event -ror the DU" SPECIAL ISSUES Two special editions at the DN are planned durillE the next w~k. On Saturday, Cct .. 8, a specinl 10=,4 page (broacshe~t) 1I00~corr;inJ issue will be published" Delivery will b.~ mada to the dorms. ".luIr.."\.i. JI01l3a~ .~·leBt {tu.ad, Emd the Student C8nter~ . fe are 111so coneiderillg put"':.ir..g out some of m:r new3dtands along the parade route ar.d tak:1.ng the rest 0-( the p!lpt:r21 to the football stadium, 'fhere \;;ill be n') charge tor these papera; which will have a full-coler pictur-e 011 the tront page The press run 'ioIill be increesOO from 12,000 to 15,,000 O-~ 16:000 tor this issue., t.:ay the rain god smile on us Saturday., u On 'l'hU:.~sd&y, Octo '3, the regular Dl! will contain an 8,.?age tab supplement on the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Cirp.us !O'eeQ. This:,rill also contain a tull-color pictur.! on the front ;:age ~llld ,dll be sinile!' to the :';ike-a-thon supplement we re.n last ray" Thesa are good mo::l,"y,-makers and best ot all, the Df! takes no risK) If' we fail to sell enoueh advertising to at le!lst cover coats, the sponsoring organizlStioll egrees to pay the dit'f'erauee" I believe such supplements' also serve a good PR func:tion for the OiT in its reuticn with Pall 3tate atudents and organizations, The Gr~.aks will love tne DE yet .. COUOOIS The length of colUll"nS has improved ainc.) ea.~ly ill the c;l.lartero Thq are now uBually ot a readabl~ length;; eY..cept fvr ~ OCN1Sic!1al barrage trom t:&ry r.1cGror,f" ~l.'he staff coh;mn9 have s.U. o,.,erc ...1f!le thei:" verbosi ty ~ One cri tic1stD ot staft cc,lumns is tl:~il' lack or good editing" I don't know it the copy desk is atr&1d to ~ttack these as they would other cop,y or note bu": sane otbel"tfise good colUCJll9 have b>gen dsstroyed by a lllck of ed1 tingo Examplez n:;'raze()logy" on 9/28. 1'hi~ column on the Sunshine Law and the DN'a p'!'Obla:no with administrators was vir.tually obli +'e~·ated by bad edt tingu A !:pec:'.al cor!rr.eIldation t<:. Euleda OU!J 1. gy for her evlumn on 9/29: "Sawyer your way th,:,40ugh scru)ol" work and lU'e" 1'111.s was a clever Ilieee and was l>F'!ll wri tten~ - The anonymous ''Ranger Gump" continues to serve Dtl readers a diet ot tasteless, Ju·.reni~a bu station graffiti. To his/her/tts credit, however, the Ranger has at U'ast beE.'\,tn to reduce the ler.gth ot the inane diatribes. Thinking ot the Ranger's future in this profession, I hope I..a.rr7 lo'lTBt reads the DU. l·t might be worth the investment tor GUlDp to buy a subscription for Flynto Tracy '.ramer's "Cardinal Sina" colUllll on 9126 was good satire on the annual .o\n excellent, sisniticant COIIIDentary on a aer10us C~ issueo SUch a eol\Dl 1s eapecial17 good when, aa this ODe did, 1 t student Senate tol11es. · ' . -5follw6 on the heels ot news stories and editorials critical ot a campus isaue~ A very effective piece ot Journalistic wr1ting~ PHCTOGRAPHY The technical quaIlty ot photos has improved, ar.-<i there have been some excellent piC~xre8 in terms ot content~ ~r e~plet the Kent state ahot ot deroonstrators atan11ng on a log waving a nag (9/26)-th.is ahot would have been even better had it been cropped ditt'er-ently 80 that the top ot the nag could be seen; tile lIarvert r-oon 9hot on p. 3, 9/29 was taken at an interest:'l.ng angle which allowed a feel o~ the restaurant' 8 atmofJphere to cane through; and the shot or the tella-,", eating watermelon on po 5, 9/19 was a good effort. This was one ot the vary few close-ups the DU has run this yearo Many potentially excellent piCtu...~8 halle been missed beca~se ot poor cropping-too little cropping" The intensity of ooncentratiol1 reql,lired to d" the ldnd of wOl'"k pictt~ in the yhot~ story on the t1:~-i t man (p" 5, 9/29) is an example of iailur." to tell the real story pictorially. Doth picutres run in that story are cluttered with rna.chincry, ceilings, etc. J leading the vimoie:o ~~</,::ly from the B .lbjeot of the atcry-·.t..l:la :rix~i t man himselt' a ~~e need t.o see his face, to learn something about the roan-the perscnd :le had a good face and woudeloful hands f0r a photo« Tha t story didn ~ t ~ptu!'e ito 1 There are :nany w-ays to tell a sports st.ory with a csman The tK 1s stuck on the OD=~.~~field ao-cslled action 8hoT.~ This is especially true of the football pictures., The trI reader bas not 'Jeen we coach yet, or the 1:.encch, the c~~, the cheerleaders, the locker room, etc~ The Kent State game story would have been better told with an off-the--field JttErl pic·t.\1re·. How can the agony of a last minute defeat b; shown.. The Dl-T showed action soots o There surely nn.:st ilave been some wonderful shots available in the dressing roo."Il or otf th€! field.. He neee fa~es, emotion~ smiles, tears, etcc 3 P'EA'1'UFES FeatUl"e stories, particu1arly h\!man inte:::'e~t stoM.es, are sorely lacking in the UN.. 'l'here art: Ii teraJ.1 y hundr'eds of interesting sta!f. faculty, and student.s at Eal.l State. They ba /e 3torie3 to te'.l.l of intereatj.ng t.hings tilSy de and ha'lfl:1 done. ·.:e need to captur3 some thing more of' the spin t, atMosphe"!"e, pel'soTlallty-what£:ver you ~nt to cl".ll 1t-o~ the Dall state communi·ty of people o 9 ••• Dr CC~CLU.'Jlr.!L TheN will be Ilnother 215 neport. It will arriv9 one day somewhat in the f'ashion (:t Rev .. Sm~k, a8 reported in the Dr! (P. 1, 9/29)headline: "Smock ~1.~ on C:ltl1pua .~or ae1"l1lOt!8, city COUI"t trial.," ~;bat wor.darful images that headltne conjure" upl The 215 Report will be resurreeted.., l\JIIeD. - (DLJ< .,. ". \J(IK H4 REVIEIJ r-\/n ...·~~t t..../\H··;;·- ! i.....~ --poor ~- fair .~- good ~-excollent 8-3 Friday, l\pril 13.g..o. Pluses- Non-s'affor ~ark Riner contributed a good naws photo 'or page 1 ••• Stev8 Gustafson's column concerning Eostor was timely and well-researched. I uaa told by many _ peoplo that it ",as his beat column the yoar •••. Qlivia naddox's feature about health rood Eastor baskets iiIi 0 uniquo ar.tle to the (oster holiday ••• thore ",as a good likeness of Joyce Aohr in Thornbro's uro cartoon ••• and the RHA story uas placed where it belong edt (when will they do something new~orthy?). ~inuses- lJe missed a good sidebar to University Sanate story. It cnncornad data about administrators being proportionately overpaid 8a 'acuity are undorpaid ••• three haadlines on the opinion page ended with question marks ••• 'Police beat' ran in California instead of Univers ••• ftCard~l. fly over weekend' headline, ... about baseball" team, was too imprecise ••• and all in all, there was way too much wira copy for a six-puge paper. 0' lJeekend. rriday, April 13** Pluses- David lJebb's reviaw of two movies about two of fiction's great heroes was well-written and a good idea ••• Reviews ~ prograssively improve. in Yeokend as the year ~oes on. I like the recent addition of the restaurant raview (though it W8S marred this woek by paste-up miscuas) ••• Uill Randy Brameiar's advice for the lovelorn 800n replace Dear Abby? Rinuses- Misspelled 'Pedal' on the cover ••• the bicycle theme "F"~ comas a little too closs to our spacial Bikeathon supplemont ••• layout ror the centerspread was airy, lacked creativity. ,. Tuesday, Apr11 17**} ~ . Pluaes- nice overall ~akoup 1n this issue ••• Victie Elmer's DCA concert story, with rovised laad, showed a good amount of depth and research ••• t",o excellent and all-tao-rare news shots by Nuci'ora and Ozone on page 1 ••• photo layout on page 4 was wall-balanced and had good news value ••• to-the-point editorial about aalary disputes yas very uell-uritten and long overdue ••• Pop's People column stirred talk at the breakfast table. Minusas- Questionable lead story (Pulitzer Priae winners) on page 1. I thought nays in capsule was of mora i~portance ••• Brameiar's coluan w.s decent, but 12tts~ start digging some muck in an area other than r.cruiting ••••lso a lot gf cutting was necessary do~nstalrs for page 6 tsports) ••• headline 'Regul.r um~ira. sought' was poor. Are the umpires profesaional b.seb.ll h", now 'Irregular?'.¥II¥II.M.X •••• M•••••••••• ..........WW •••••••••••• - Uednead.y, April 18'i Plueea-Good job getting the ArT suit story In the paper, mnalaerlng the clrcu.atancBs. Hinuses- Disasterous day tor the copy dosk: misspelled 'fourth' and ~~ 'sc8ndols' (t~lcBt) in h03dlinu9 on page 6; put wrong score in another hoad on 9ama pago ('Cards over Oen1son, 9-7'); and concerning tho headline for the women's tr~ck article, relays don't 'run, women run ralays ••• you hr.ow u~a desparate for campus neus when we promote 'arts calendar' in inaide/outsl.de ••• Thornbro' a cartoon would have baen lIora appropriate if Idi Amin hadn't lett his country two days earlier ••• 'Contestanta set tor Saturday's Miss Black Ball State Pageant' breaks 'headlinasa' rule for the copy desk. .8 Thursday, April 19 *0 Pluaea- Ka Sherburne u • story on Uoodwo~th'a closed aundacka and Surufka'a column about hunger wera the best stories at the day ••• editorial waa stroni~aleoa •• Thornbro had his b.at cartoon of the week (Bracken bank shot) ••• I'll praiae the headline on page 1 tor Just noting that the board had not alread)' approved the Saga contract ••• 'Pot luck' head on page 7 was Fe .7 •• t • ' . _, best headline'" of week, •• again, two photos on front page uas refreshing {nice work, JiJ:r, in getting cooperation from beginning photo classes) ••• and Judy U~sr gets a pat on the back tor covering two stories in one day. Ainuses- Cutline for the College of Ousinesa ph6to needed mora detalIs m)out the construction progress ••• copy for page 4 was w~ ahort when it came to paate-up ••• picture on page 6 was two-colulms overplayed (looka like tillar to ma) •• ~ "ante Cox'. volleyball story ~a8 dry •••-- needed more quotas. o • the headline 'Bike 'auction Saturday' came up way short (page 2) • •• and Judy Ueber t a Stude6t Senate story contained ta. t,.,o quotea (one Jeff ~ompson and ona from 'G') that didn't .ake aanse, 'DO. About the week: Ue nead moro campus nows!l! ~riting 'or tha weak was .dequate. whan we had it. Copy desk did a good Job except 'or Tuesday night. STORY and or THE U(EK: Editorial by Charlene IMire. (Negotiatel} Ita z ••• research praasn,.tlon apeak for itself. HEADLINE or THE UEEK: 'Thatt victi. gata 'pot' luck troll police.' Clever, Ann, clever. Too bad it had to ba buried at the bottom at page 7 on Thursday. FEATURE - or THE UEEK: Olivia Maddox'. 'eature about health food Ea.ter .oatly 'or ita unique angle. baaket~, 1I0TtS: Re..abe, the Bik ••than supple.ent will b. out in 2 weaks. S. . Jl. B~n 'or atory ••aign.ants. B.l •• -... -, (- ~OME OBSERVATIONS ABOUT WRITING AND REPORTING IN THE ON ~·from the first two yeske or winter quartsr. Be careful about using G01ERAlITH:S. such as "..!!!.eny concerned" or tt this occurs orten. n tfOY do you i<nol.J? HOtJ many Is "lIany"? Hoy ortenl-;-" of ten"? This type of construction has been cropping up in 'eatura storIes, especially. 1, ~tudBnts arEI 20 IDENTIfICATIONS of professors and stafr members are always tho39 given In thg B-Book. "Psychology proressor" i~ incorrect. "Professor of psychology" Is correct. j, Awoid using tho phras6 ACCORDING TO. precise and conveya the game meaning. "Said" is more PAP-TIAL QUOTES are almost al'.Jays unnoc9Bsary. Instead writing: He said it was "very cold," just Yrite the same sentence without the quotation marks. (.. = ~r ~) Always check HVPHENATIONS in the stylebook and/or cictiGnary, even ir you think you know the correct hyph9n2tl0'~ Tna49 i~ a great daal of variation in the ways hyphens are used" 6~ Jhs~ attributi~g a statement. th~ preferred form Is "Jones said" rather than "said Jonas~" If you have to INSERT more than thrge or four consequtlve 1."d:0 B story, do rnt write tharn 5..n -- type them and then cut and paste the 1,sart Into the ~tory~ Navar write j ;p,t.I'ucll'lns to in,~art p3ragraphs fr"m another p~geo 7~ tJ'H'CS Avoid REPETITION whe" using quotationss The quote should t~ add ~om'ithing to -the story!; not just fo~ the sake J~ " L~sd {-i~ i .,cl!.;dln~~ a direct QU~t9 ~ ~\jP.r:lC:5 ~ •• you must al.Ja)r3 ha.e ff·~st. name.,;" ~h8Ck and make sura names are spelled correctly t;., And. always by looking them up 1n the B-Book or Muncie phone booko 1n., LEl\OS Of f1EET!r~G STORIES -- tJor~< spuclflc into your lead o A lead tha~ 6~re di3cussed by ~he college council Saturda," is boring (bot~ 'or you and - to bring something says "Several Items 1n its meeting the reader)~ 110 Reillemb~r there is a diPrerence between the words C~MPJSE and COMPRIJE -- :hack the antr1 in the stylebook i y~u '3v~r have occaaio" to use ai ther thesa words 0 r 0" Wrlting In ACTIVE V1ICE creates a more lively story. meens writing "John Jones broke the window" instead of" "The window \ISS broker, by John Jones." 12. T~ls -. :jE':iERVATIONS il~;_1·'1 - 13. In QUOTATIONS, place the attribution at the first naturel break In the quote -- don't make your reader go through an entire paragraph without knowing who i8 talking. 14. Keep quotes short. I f . a long quotation is used, braak it betysen sentenc83 to form a ney paragraph. Parsons are Identiried by their titles In first rererence only. ~I 00 not use "Coach Wallace" or "Captain Smith" on second reference -- just use the last name. i5. 16 0 "SAID" Is almost aluays appropriate for attributIon. 00 not create more work for yourself by trying to think of ~ountless synonyms (stated. explained, noted, addad e ~7" MONTHS arR abbrevlat~d when used yith Gt11ebook for corrett abbreviations. d2tea~ •• ), Check the ~a~xx~.~~tx~wMni~8.xx~~R.xw&."gxax~w~bs~xl~atxt"~21¥B.x ~t~ii~~2~tthsx~~.~a~x~Z~BH~t",xthaxs&¥~xisx.i»~'~X.XRti.~azai i3~ Ab~ut NUMBERS: ~he~ usIng a number in the millions, ~lJays usa a numeral p 'alloyed by the word "million." ~x~mp19: 1 milllo~. Also, al~ay8 U8e numarals yith percentages. Examples: 2 oeroent. 9 -- percent, 86 percent. r.~\RT r'~I:,~r= r-[{CJUCTIO~,J break ~owr, ~roductio~ y~u pay for ~nlPunctio~3 it. : 1.<}::3 Iud:;; we h.::;d fou 0h8~ : WdS sditor-in-chiof. thing:; are Gvsr ::Gntcr T h ;? f.i r s t ti rT C I suggest you do thE 1) Daily Qeye :J r New~ of ::;t;uGJnt: ,,," r;; :: b (3 S t t ~ub~:ic "no-, j , , , -, t-' you ~ ~ct CI ~ith a-!:::::,oo3 ~~chin2~ c: hi ncb r 2 ck s ~ 0:'; n u h c.' n y' our c ch tor, fol1ou~ng: op8ratiors, that if the 7 .J \ J ~ut ::;nrj ~rE h""r"...J~ , d ' I, ;;:, f: h 8 new s p :3 P [) r 0 U ton r, e copies sent to thE dir2ctor th;] dcpart::isot c;hair~afl. not fixed, thsrc 3rc out ti elf' prodt~ctior.. :f possib~~ities :3 nelt r Tb:: kGy tc) thi~ sequence? 5.,3 ths T:8mo. jeUr harj r '") furthe= no r 8 fer ~ ' 8~~h3~izin; s~<Jn(~i:;, d~asti: thi:::; L: +....; , ..., :J ." ~cur ~oin~. ~nd if you st!ll gst wh i ch I action-- do net :3crry pic'~') ~ut th3 paper out. T 1. I'E:alizc of 3c\.:icc, but it soens to te, FI~,L~L critic:l ~;~;XT 1 J :JOROS OF I:<SPIf1P.TION c~itDr!21. you'll S J it be cr!ticized right b~ck,