Special Education Program Plan of Action to Address CEC Conditions and Resubmit 1st Resubmission Date: September 15, 2011 2nd Resubmission Date: March 15, 2012 or September 15, 2012 Tasks/Procedures to be Completed Complete CEC Matrix aligning courses with competencies Review examples in NCATE Assessment Library Examine the # of competencies addressed for each standard Summary of competencies addressed for each standard from eight SPA assessments Revise/create questions for second content assessment Send instructions and at least three rubric items for assessments 3-8 Responsible Individual(s) Specific Plan of Action Due Date All Course instructors completed All Course Instructors completed Laura – Assessment Case Study (Assessment 6) Darlos – Collaboration Project (Assessment 8) Darlos/Lynda: Lesson Plans (assessment 3) Darlos/Lynda: TWS (Assessment 5) Lynda: Language Case Study (Assessment 7) Mary: Field experience evaluation All: Competencies that you will address in the second content assessment. Dooley Send the competencies for assessments (could be a highlighted copy of the matrix) April 22 – send/give to Dooley Alert faculty to any potential holes/shortcomings in meeting standards. All course instructors (except Laura) Send questions for the second content assessment along with competency assessed; at least three rubric items if candidates are providing an essay/written response; if the questions are M/C, also send the choices for the response. Assessment: List the competencies at the beginning of the assessment; bold statements that reflect these competencies within the assessment; Rubric: Must include specific language from the CEC competencies and include precise (rather than general or vague) April 26 – Dooley provides summary to faculty April 29 – email to Dooley Laura – Assessment Case Study (Assessment 6) Darlos – Collaboration Project (Assessment 8) Darlos/Lynda: Lesson Plans (assessment 3) Darlos/Lynda: TWS (Assessment 5) April 29– email to Dooley Feedback to faculty on Second Content Assessment, Assessments 3-8, and rubrics Send all Rubrics for second content assessment and Assessments 3-8 Lynda: Language Case Study (Assessment 7) Mary: Field experience evaluation Dooley Feedback on rubrics Course instructors Laura – Assessment Case Study (Assessment 6) Darlos – Collaboration Project (Assessment 8) Darlos/Lynda: Lesson Plans (assessment 3) Darlos/Lynda: TWS (Assessment 5) Lynda: Language Case Study (Assessment 7) Mary: Field experience evaluation All (except Laura): Compete rubrics for 2nd content assessment Dooley Final Copy of Assessments Course Instructors Faculty collect data Course Instructors Faculty send data to Dana for tabulation Course instructors Meet to discuss data and develop a remediation plan Course Instructors description of the performance at each of the four levels included on the rubric. Second content assessment: Provide feedback about clarity of questions; extent to which the questions match the competency identified Assessments 3-8: Provide feedback about the clarity of the assessment, how well the assessment reflects the competencies identified Rubrics: Provide feedback about the specificity of the rubric items and their alignment with the competencies. Use feedback from May 2 as you finish the rubrics, Provide any suggestions for revision May 2 – Dooley responds to faculty regarding 2nd content assessment; assessments 3-8; and 3 rubric items May 6 – email to Dooley May 9 – Dooley responds to faculty Send final copy of revised assessments (2-8) May 10 to Dooley Evaluate assessments using rubrics; record May 10-13 each student’s performance Data has been recorded for individual May 17 – Data due students. Dana will aggregate individual to Dana by 3:00 data Review data; identify any changes in May 19, 3:30 assessments or rubrics that are needed; Faculty provide a written analysis of data for their assessment(s) Draft of Response to condition report Meet to discuss draft of report Revise Draft of resport Meet to discuss second draft of report Final Copy of Report for September 15 submission Meet to Discuss Fall Data Meet to discuss response from CEC Course instructors create remediation plan Format/example will be provided. May 24 Dooley Include all components requested by CEC June 1 Course instructors Dooley Course instructors If few changes were suggested on June 2, we could discuss the second draft via email June 2, 9:00 June 15 June 16, 10:00 Dooley Sept. 1 Course instructors Course instructors Jan. 13, 2012 February 3, 2012