.1 Control Contractor shall be responsible for all necessary engineering and installations
to provide complete and operating control system as specified and indicated on
.2 All DDC based controls shall be interfaced with the existing DDC Andover and/or
Delta control systems. Andover system shall be installed and/or installations
suppervised by Houle Electric Ltd. Delta system shall be installed and/or installations
suppervised by ESC Controls Ltd. The company present service contracts guaranty
the system operation.
.3 All installed control equipment shall be of the same make and model as the existing
.4 All control software shall use the same control algorithms as the existing for the same
control sequences.
.5 All modifications of the existing DDC controls and the new controls shall be included
in the existing control graphics.
.6 All new control points shall be from existing or new Infinity Andover or Delta control
panels. New panels shall be interfaced with existing systems.
.7 Any new panels shall be located in the mechanical rooms.
.8 All required up-grade of existing controls graphical displays and all related cost shall
be included in the project scope of work.
.9 Controls Contractor shall assist Electrical Contractor during the variable frequency
drive start-ups and testing.
.10 Controls Contractor shall assist Balancing Contractor during the balancing, start-ups
and testing of mechanical systems.
Conform to requirements specified in this section.
Project records and O&M manuals specified in this section are to be completely
separate entities.
Final Control Diagrams
Provide before acceptance in both hard and soft copy.
.1 Changes to contract documents as well as addenda and contract extras.
.2 Changes to interface wiring.
.3 Major routing of conduit.
.4 Signal levels, set-points, reset curves, schedules.
.5 Where possible, bind with specified Operating and Maintenance Manuals.
.6 provide listing of alarm messages.
.7 provide soft copy of updated drawings on system and soft copy back-up.
.8 provide 1 non-fading "as-built" copy showing control and/or adjustment procedures. seal in
plastic laminate in rigid metal bound loose leaf.
Provide record documents, as-built drawings and Operation and Maintenance manual in
O&M Manuals
.1 O&M Manuals (both hard and soft copy) to be custom designed and contain material
pertinent to project only, and to provide full and complete coverage of subjects
referred to in controls section.
.2 Provide 2 soft copies and 2 hard copies in hard-back, 50 mm 3 ring, D-ring binders.
.3 Binders to be 2/3 maximum full.
.4 Provide index to full volume in each binder.
.5 Identify contents of each manual on cover and spine.
.6 Include names, addresses, telephone numbers of each sub-contractor having
installed equipment, local representative for each item of equipment, each system.
.7 Provide Table of Contents in each manual. Assemble each manual to conform to
Table of Contents with tab sheets placed before instructions covering subject.
.8 Furnish 1 complete set of hard and soft copies prior to system or equipment tests.
Furnish remainder upon acceptance.
.9 Include complete coverage in concise language readily understood by operating
personnel using common terminology of functional and operational requirements of
system. Do not presume knowledge of computers, electronics or in-depth control
Functional description to include:
.1 Functional description of theory of operation.
.2 Design philosophy.
.3 Specific functions of design philosophy and system.
.4 Full details of data communications, including data types and formats, data
processing and disposition data link components, interfaces and operator tests or
self-test of data link integrity.
.5 Explicit description of hardware and software functions, interfaces, requirements for
components in functions and operating modes.
.6 Description of person-machine interactions required to supplement system
description, known or established constraints on system operation, operating
procedures currently implemented or planned for implementation in automatic
System Operation to Include:
.1 Complete step-by-step procedures for operation of system including required
actions at each OWS.
.2 Operation of computer peripherals, input and output formats.
.3 Emergency, alarm and failure recovery.
.4 Step-by-step instructions for start-up, back-up equipment operation, execution of all
systems functions and operating modes, including key strokes for each command
so that operator need only refer to these pages for keystroke entries required to
call up display or to input command.
Software to include:
.1 Documentation of theory, design, interface requirements, functions, including test
and verification procedures.
.2 Detailed descriptions of program requirements and capabilities.
.3 Data necessary to permit modification, relocation, reprogramming and to permit
new and existing software modules to respond to changing system functional
requirements without disrupting normal operation.
.4 Software modules, fully annotated source code listings, error free object code files
ready for loading via peripheral device
.5 Complete program cross reference plus any linking requirements, data exchange
requirements, necessary subroutine lists, data file requirements, other information
necessary for proper loading, integration, interfacing, program execution.
.6 Software for each new controller and single section referencing all Controller
common parameters and functions.
.7 Maintenance: document maintenance procedures including inspection, periodic
preventive maintenance, fault diagnosis, repair or replacement of defective
components, including calibration, maintenance, repair of sensors, transmitters,
transducers, Controller interface firmware's, plus diagnostics and
repair/replacement of system hardware.
.8 Test procedures and reports: record implementation, description of test
procedures. Provide for measurement or observation of results.
.9 System configuration document:
.10 Basic system design and configuration.
.11 Provisions and procedures for planning, implementing, recording hardware and
software modifications required during installation, test and operating lifetime of
.12 Information to ensure co-ordination of hardware and software changes, data link
or message format/content changes, sensor or control changes in event that
system modifications are required.
.13 Full documentation of new system configurations.
Access Requirement
All functions of the system, storage of data, execution of commands, editing of
programs, creation and display of graphics, etc., must be available regardless of the
method of access to the system. Functionality must not be dependent on a continuous
connection to the DDC in the building, as there may not be a PC installed on-site.
SFU staff will be accessing the DDC by the following methods:
.1 Through an on-site desktop or notebook PC, connected to the DCC, but not
necessarily permanently installed.
.2 Through either a desktop PC or a notebook PC, which will connect to the DDC via
the internet.
.3 SFU requires two modes of access to the DDC:
.1 Through a text based terminal emulation interface available at all points of
connection to the DDC.
.2 Through the full graphics interface described below, where the graphics are
resident on any PC, whether connected directly to the DDC or remotely through
the internet.
Access Security
The system shall have a minimum of 4 levels of password access security.
Each level of access shall have different functionality assigned.
Operator Interface Software
Software required to access the control system and carry out all the specified
operator interface functions. This software will be for SFU use only, from either
on-site or remote access locations.
The operator interface software provided with the system shall be compatible
with the standard hardware and operating system and be fully supported by
the manufacturer for the next five years.
.3 Provide disk format to conform to Standard hardware and operating system.
Provide the following dynamic graphic data display capabilities:
Dynamic data display on each graphic which can accommodate any
combination of dynamic (point type) information, graphic symbols and
text, displayed at any location on the entire screen.
User control over attributes of dynamic data for display, including:
- values
- units
point names and full descriptions
auto/manual indication
access to full point parameters
text size
Dynamic linking of screens via definition of ``hot spots'' at any location on
User definable sizing of ``hot spots'' and ability to control colour and
transparency of same.
User-controllable automatic update of dynamic data.
Minimum of 64 dynamic graphic displays per Stand Alone Panel.
Minimum of 100 points per graphic display.
Ability to print directly from screen, to either a black & while, or colour
Automatic display of alarm indication and the ability to disable autodisplay of graphic.
Executing the dynamic colour graphics
Apply Graphic to match existing SFU systems to all colour graphics specified.
Provide all graphics listed in specified in the specification.
Static screen graphics generation software
Colour graphics generation software must provide the following capabilities:
.1 System that allows user to create, modify, and delete static graphics
.2 Minimum VGA resolution with sixteen colour capability.
.3 Mechanism for copying and editing graphics of similar layout.
.4 Mechanism for importing Windows graphics file formats, such as TIFF, GIF,
.5 Graphics creation features shall provide:
- User creation of symbols that can be stored for future use.
- Control of symbol location on screen.
- Control of line drawing, type, colour and thickness.
- Control of infill colour, background colour.
- Control of alpha-numeric text, including font size and colour.
Database Creation and Modification
.1 Provide means for addition, deletion, definition and modification of points and point
types through the operator interface.
.2 Provide links in the database such that if a point name is changed in database, all
database occurrences of that point will automatically be changed.
.3 Provide direct keyboard override of all physical and virtual points with an indication
on the display of any point that is operating under a keyboard override.
.4 The database for each physical or virtual point must only require definition once,
regardless of the number of locations where it is used.
Alarm Definition and Processing
Provide the following:
.1 Operator defined digital and analogue alarms including operator defined limits and
differentials from set points.
.2 Auto lockout of alarms when alarmed system is commanded off.
.3 Auto display of operator defined alarm messages.
.4 Operator defined routing of alarms.
.5 Log of points in alarm.
Provide point trend logging capability for any system point as follows:
.1 User defined start/stop time or continuous trending.
.2 Sampling period user-adjustable from 5 seconds to 24 hours as a minimum.
.3 Change of value or change of state initiated.
.4 Display and print a minimum of 4 points simultaneously across the page.
.5 Ability to automatically dump trend logs to disk in ASCII format.
Trend Graphing
System shall have the ability to graphically display logs or trended points in colour:
.1 Capability for display of a minimum of 4 points simultaneously, both analog and
digital on the same graph.
.2 Capability for auto-scaling and ability to manually control horizontal and vertical
Provide the capability to accumulate units of all analog and digital points.
Provide scheduling feature that allows for creation of start/stop schedules
use in programs as follows:
.1 Weekly - 20 minimum per SAP
- time of day, day
- weekend, alternate day
- direct override by Annual Schedules
- 8 daily stops/starts per day
.2 Annual - 6 minimum per SAP
- entire calendar year available
and their
Point Definitions
Analog Points
.1 System shall have the capability to accommodate user defined scale ranges
which can be attached to any input or output.
.2 Provide conversion tables or other mapping functions for analog input and
analog output points that define how the input or output hardware values relate to
the engineering units used.
.3 This function must accommodate non-linear relationships.
.4 If a conversion table type function is used, it must have a minimum of 10
individually definable segments.
.5 Provide capability to assign any user defined unit to the analog point (i.e.
percent, Deg C, Deg F, etc.).
Digital Points
.1 Provide the capability to define in database whether a digital input point is
normally open or normally closed.
.2 Provide the capability to assign any pair of engineering units to the relay
open and relay closed positions of digital output points. (i.e. start/stop, on/off,
Software Controllers
.1 Provide controllers, resident in each SAP and/or TUC, including a three-term,
proportional, integral, derivative, (PID) control algorithm.
.2 Provide, in each controller, the following set up and tuning capabilities:
.1 Direct or reverse acting.
.2 Output value to control, 0 to 100%.
.3 Set point.
.4 Proportional Gain.
.5 Integral gain.
.6 Derivative gain.
.7 Sampling time - variable from 1 to 60 seconds.
.8 Control loop bias.
.3 Provision shall exist for the modification of the above by OCL programs and/or the
operator while on-line through a terminal.
Operator Control Language (OCL) Capabilities
.1 The stand alone panels (SAPs) and soft terminal unit controllers (TUCs) shall have
the capability for the operator to develop and run custom application programs. For this,
the system shall have a proven OCL which shall be capable of reading the value and/or
status of all system points and initiating both digital and analog control actions from any
user defined combination of calculations and logical expressions which shall at a
minimum include:
- Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division;
- Square roots, summations, absolute differences;
- Logical ``not'', ``and'', ``or'', ``nor'', ``and'', ``less than'', ``greater than'', and ``equal to''
or their logical equivalents;
- Time delays in seconds, minutes or hours;
- Ability to embed comments in system generated documentation;
- Ability to use time-of-day and day-of-year in algebraic calculations; and
- Ability to use weekly and annual schedules.
Provide code for the following control strategies:
.1 If real time is between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM and minimum space
temperature is more than 0.5 deg C below the building objective temperature,
then start Pump #1.
.2 As soon as Pump #1 has been on for 10 minutes, turn on the boiler.
.3 If day of the year is before July 2, then factor A is equal to 0.1667 - (July 2 day of year)/1368, otherwise the factor A is equal to 0.1661 - (day of year - July
.4 Select high of space temperature #2, space temperature #3 and space
temperature #6.
.5 If the real time is greater than 8:00 AM minus a factor, times the difference
between the setpoint and space temperature and if the real time is less than 3:30
PM and if outside air temperature is less than 10 deg C, then enable boiler.
.6 The supplied system's OCL shall support the concept of output oriented
code, or in other words, a program shall be generated for each controlling output
or logical group of outputs. Required programs for each system are listed in the
generic start up logic, although manipulation will be required to achieve the intent
in each vendor's system.
OCL Editor
.1 Provide a full screen editor to enable editing of the OCL programs source code
down to character by character changes.
.2 Provide the capability in the editor of accepting programs from ASCII files that have
been created on other MS-DOS compatible computers and word processors.
.3 If a point is removed from the database, show an error signal for undefined
character on the appropriate line whenever a program using that point is viewed, edited
or printed.
Network Communications
Stand-Alone Panels (SAPs)
.1 Provide a fully networked system of SAPs which use a peer-to-peer
communications protocol to support the distributed control features as specified
herein. Each SAP shall be connected directly to the network. Each SAP shall
have equal network access priority and shall not require a separate interface
panel (gateway) to accomplish network communications.
.2 Provide a means to ensure communication integrity. Provide detail of your
system with proposal.
.3 To prevent damage to the system each data highway line shall be provided
with a means of isolation, either optically or by some other means. Provide
detail of your protection system with proposal.
.4 Upon failure of the network to communicate information from one SAP to other
SAPs, retain the last legitimate value of each point in the SAPs that require it,
and continue to control the systems based on those values. Failure of any
SAP, or any part of a SAP on the network, shall not affect the ability of the
network to communicate among the remaining SAPs.
.5 Each physical or virtual point shall have a user-definable, unique, system-wide
logical point mnemonic. The format of this point mnemonic shall conform to
BCBC Point Naming Convention. All point functions such as commands,
overrides, trends, reports, logs and graphics shall only need to use this unique
logical point mnemonic.
.6 Values, status's and attributes of physical and software points from one SAP
shall be available for use in any other SAPs. Any broadcast points, sendreceive blocks or any other form of table or database that
is required to initialize and accomplish this function shall be created solely,
and automatically, by the operating system, without the need for operator
intervention. Listings of physical and software points shall not include tables
referred to in this paragraph.
Terminal Unit Controllers (TUCs)
For systems which include terminal unit controllers (TUC's).
.1 TUC's shall be considered to be any panel connected to a sub- communication
network, where access to the features and points of the TUC is only obtainable
through the SAP to which the sub-network is connected. TUCs shall have a
limited number of inputs and outputs, which are specifically designed to control
one component serving a single thermostatic zone (e.g., VAV terminal unit,
dual-duct terminal unit, fan-coil unit, zone heat pump, etc.).
.2 The terminal unit controllers (TUCs) shall incorporate all of the requirements
for the stand-alone panels (SAPs), except for peer to peer communications
and auto-networking provisions.
.3 The auto-networking requirements defined for SAPs apply between the TUC
and the SAP it is connected to. If the TUC is connected to the main peer to
peer communication network, the full requirements apply.
System Display and Processing Speed
For multi SAP systems, the system processing speed is intended to address
inter-SAP communications and will be checked during the commissioning
phase by evaluating value updates from one SAP as received and displayed
in another SAP. This will be done by setting up a display of all SAP counters
and checking how frequently each counter is updated on the refreshed display
on site
Every counter shall show an updated value on the display within TWENTY
(20) seconds of the previous update value appearing. Provide confirmation
with Proposal that required system processing speed will be achieved.
Power Conditioning
.1 The system shall be protected from power line surges and voltage transients.
Provide with proposal, a technical description of this protection.
Power Failure Protection
.1 Provide automatic retention of RAM and real time clock from any power failure of at
least SEVENTY-TWO (72) hours duration.
.2 Provide for automatic restart of the system upon power return.
.3 The proposal shall describe the power failure protection system to be employed.
System may be tested to confirm rated hours.
Hardware Failure Isolation
.1 Any component malfunction shall not damage any of the remaining components.
Provide with proposal a technical description of how this is accomplished.
.2 Provide information on over voltage protection on inputs and outputs.
Ease of Hardware Replacement
SAP and TUC replacement shall be possible without any hardware modification.
Database Back-Up and Off-Line Storage
.1 The system shall have the capability to be taken off line in the event of failure or for
maintenance and returned to operation without the need for entering any portion of the
software program manually. To accomplish this, an off-line disk storage device shall be
utilized to provide software backup and reload.
.2 On-site backup and verification of the entire system, with full applications software,
shall be less thanTWO (2) seconds per real point. This feature will be checked during
commissioning stage.
.3 Explain in the Proposal how the back up is accomplished.
Each SAP on the main network proposed shall have enough random access
memory (RAM) for all of the following:
.1 Trend Logs - One and a Half (1.5) TL for each input and output point
connected to the SAP with 100 samples each.
.2 Controllers - TWO (2) for each analog output point connected to the SAP.
.3 Software Points - THREE (3) for each output point connected to the SAP.
.4 Operator Control Language (OCL) - TWENTY (20) syntactically correct lines
each with at least 4 operators, for each output point connected to the SAP.
.5 Descriptor - ONE (1) for each user definable point, real or software, in the
SAP. In addition, on multi-SAP systems, every descriptor in the system must be
accessible from every operator interface device.
.6 Time Schedules - ONE (1) for every 3 output points connected to the SAP.
.7 Totalizers - ONE (1) for each digital point in the SAP.
.8 In the event there are TUCs networked to the SAP, which do not have their
own memory meeting items .1 through .7, the SAP must have full memory for all
TUC points as well as points connected directly.
.9 Provide with Proposal, calculations which confirm the foregoing RAM
requirements are met for each SAP.
SAP Processing Speed
.1 Effective SAP Processing Speed - Maximum permissible execution time is TWO
(2) seconds. Execution time is defined as the time it takes the SAP CPU to
execute all application software in the SAP, with no system timing errors, from
some point in the software back to the same point, assuming full memory usage,
as defined in Clause 4.5 above, while simultaneously responding to operator or
terminal display requests and carrying out normal inter-SAP communications
averaged over a ONE (1)-minute period. This will be done during the
commissioning phase by setting up a counter in each SAP and monitoring their
counting rate.
System Display Speed
The minimum time to change from one dynamic screen to another is 7
seconds. This test will be carried out from a remote site with the standard
modem and will be the average of 10 typical displays for the project. Tests will be
carried out with the specified system configuration, excluding multi-user and
alarming functions.
Provide identification for all new control items.
Submit for approval samples of nameplates, identification tags and list of proposed
Provide nameplates and identification tapes and tags in English.
Nameplates for Panels
Identify faces with laminated plastic nameplates.
Nameplates for Field Devises
.1 Identify by plastic encased cards attached by chain.
.2 Data to include: point name, schematic designation number, model, capillary length,
size, range, set point, other pertinent data, function, fail-safe position.
.3 Companion cabinet: identify interior components using plastic enclosed cards.
Nameplates for Room Sensors
.1 Interior: identify by stick-on labels.
.2 Exterior: identify point name on face of cover using plastic laminate nameplates.
.3 Sizes: to suit.
.4 Lettering: to suit. Clearly legible.
Warning Signs
.1 New equipment (e.g. motors, starters) under remote automatic control: provide
orange coloured signs warning of automatic starting under control of EMCS.
.2 Sign to read: "Caution: This equipment is under automatic remote control of EMCS"
or equivalent to the Consultant's approval.
Nameplates for Wiring
.1 Provide numbered tape markings on wiring at panels, junction boxes, splitters,
cabinets, outlet boxes.
.2 Colour coding: to CSA C22.1. Use colour coded wiring in communications cables,
matched throughout system.
.3 Power wiring: identify at each panel.
Nameplates for Conduit
.1 Colour code all EMCS conduit.
.2 Locate coding on conduits, in exposed and concealed locations including removable
suspended ceilings, tunnels, shafts, on both sides of walls, floors, and at 45 ft
.3 Coding: use plastic tape or paint, 1” wide, fluorescent orange. Confirm colour with
the owner and the Consultant during "Preliminary Design Review".
Ensure that manufacturer's nameplates, CSA labels and identification nameplates are
visible and legible at all times.
Commissioning to be carried out under general direction of the Commissioning Engineer
(Contractor‟s staff) and in presence of the Consultant and the Owner as requested.
Obtain approval to start commissioning from the Consultant at least 7 days prior to start.
Information to include:
.1 Systems to be commissioned.
.2 Procedures, anticipated results.
.3 Names of commissioning personnel.
.4 Purpose
.5 Assurance that systems meet design criteria, design intents and requirements of
Design Requirements
.1 Commissioning Engineer to confirm with the Consultant that Design Criteria and
Design Intents are still applicable.
.2 Commissioning personnel to be fully aware of and qualified to interpret Design
Criteria and Design Intents.
Co-ordinate commissioning procedures with other Divisions
.1 Commissioning to commence only after satisfactory completion of start-up,
verification of performance and specified test period.
.2 Commissioning of occupancy-, weather-, and seasonal-sensitive systems to take
place during four (4) consecutive seasons, after facility has been accepted, taken
over and fully occupied.
.3 Commission systems considered as life safety systems before affected parts of
facility are occupied.
.1 Provide sufficient permanent and temporary instrumentation. Verify locations,
access, illumination for readings
.2 Instrumentation accuracy tolerances: higher order of magnitude than equipment,
or system, being tested
.3 Locations to be approved, readily accessible and readable
.4 Application: to conform to normal industry standards.
Operation of Systems
Operate systems as long as necessary to commission entire project.
Supervision and Monitoring
.1 Commissioning to be supervised by qualified supervisory personnel.
.2 Monitor progress.
.3 Keep detailed records of activities and results.
Documentation, O&M Manuals and training of O&M personnel to be complete to
satisfaction of the Consultant before starting commissioning.
Use of O&M Personnel
O&M personnel to assist in commissioning procedures as part of training
.1 Test each system independently and then in unison with other related systems.
.2 Test weather-sensitive systems twice - once at near winter design conditions and
again under near summer design conditions.
.3 Co-operate with Commissioning Engineer/Consultant to develop appropriate
commissioning procedures for systems.
.4 Commission integrated system using procedures prescribed by Commissioning
.5 Debug system software.
.6 Optimize operation, performance of systems by fine-tuning PID values and
modifying CDL's as required.
Verification of Results
Commissioning Engineer shall verify 30 % of reported results.
Demonstrate to the Consultant and the Owner operation of systems including sequence
of operations in regular and emergency modes, under normal and emergency
conditions, start-up, shut-down, interlocks, lock-outs.
Final Settings
Upon completion of commissioning to satisfaction of the Consultant, set and lock
devices in final position, permanently mark settings.
Final Report
.1 Submit report to Consultant.
.2 Report to include: Measurements, final settings, certified test results.
.3 Bear signature of commissioning technician and supervisor.
.4 Be subject to verification by the Owner and the Consultant.
.5 Report format to be approved by the Consultant before commissioning started.
Commissioning Activities During Warranty Period
.1 Continue system debugging and optimization.
.2 Perform two (2) checks of environmental conditions. Submit written report to the
.3 Revise "As-built" documentation, commissioning reports to reflect changes,
adjustments, modifications to EMCS as set during commissioning.
.4 Recommend additional changes, modifications deemed advisable in order to
improve performance, environmental conditions and energy consumption.
Maintenance Activities During Warranty Period
The intent of this paragraph is not to include normal day-to-day routine operation and
maintenance of system.
.1 Provide services, materials, equipment and maintain EMCS for specified
warranty period. Provide detailed preventative maintenance schedule for system
.2 Perform as minimum three (3) minor inspections and one major inspection (more
often if required by manufacturer) per year. Provide detailed written report to the
Major inspections to include, but not limited to:
.1 Minor inspection.
.2 Check signal, voltage and system isolation of new peripherals, interface and
.3 Run system software diagnostics as required.
.4 The following inspections will be considered minimum requirements, and shall
not be interpreted to mean satisfactory performance. Calibrations will be
performed using test equipment having traceable, certifiable accuracy at
minimum 50% greater than the accuracy of system displaying or logging the
value. Check and/or calibrate each field input/output device. Provide dated,
maintenance task lists to the Consultant as proof of execution of complete
system verification. Maintenance task lists to include the new sensor and output
point detail; point name, location, device type and range, measured value,
system displayed value, calibration detail, indication if adjustment required, and
any other action taken of recommended.
.5 Install software and firmware enhancements to ensure new components are
operating at most current revision for maximum capability and reliability. Perform
network analysis and provide report of results with detailed recommendations to
correct any problems found.
Minor inspections to include, but not limited to:
.1 Perform visual, operational checks to new peripheral equipment, interface
equipment and panels.
.2 Check equipment cooling fans as required.
.3 Perform inspections during regular working hours, 08:00 to 18:00 h, Monday
through Friday, excluding legal holidays.
.4 Visually check for mechanical faults, air leaks and proper pressure settings on
pneumatic components.
.5 Review system performance with the Consultant and the Owner and discuss
suggested or required changes.
Emergency Service Calls:
.1 Service calls will be initiated when there is indication that EMCS is not
functioning correctly. Have qualified control personnel available during contract
period to provide service to "CRITICAL" components whenever required at no
extra cost. Furnish the Owner with telephone number where service personnel
may be reached at any time. Service personnel to be on site ready to service
EMCS within 2 hours after receiving request for service. Perform work
continuously until EMCS restored to reliable operating condition.
.2 Operation: foregoing and other servicing to provide proper sequencing of
equipment and satisfactory operation of EMCS based on original design
conditions and to be as recommended by manufacturer.
.3 Records and logs: maintain records and logs of each maintenance task.
Organize cumulative records for each major component and for entire EMCS
chronologically. Complete forms and submit after inspection indicating that
planned and systematic maintenance has been accomplished.
.4 Work requests: record each service call request, when received separately on
approved form. Form to include serial number identifying component involved, its
location, date and time call received, nature of trouble, names of personnel
assigned, instructions of work to be done, amount and nature of materials used,
time and date work started, time and date of completion.
.5 System modifications: provide in writing. No system modification, including
operating parameters and control settings, to be made without prior written
approval of the Consultant and the Owner for the new controls installed under the
.6 Rectify deficiencies revealed by maintenance inspections and environmental
Completion of Commissioning
Commissioning to be considered as satisfactorily completed when objectives of
commissioning have been achieved to full satisfaction of the Consultant and the Owner.
Issuance of Final Completion Certificate
Final Certificate of Completion will not be issued until receipt of written approval
indicating the successful completion of specified commissioning activities including
receipt of commissioning documentation.
Commencement of Warranty Period
Date of the Consultant and the Owner acceptance of submitted declaration of
Substantial Performance shall be date for commencement for the warranty period.
Equipment Identification
.1 All new service isolation valves, control valves, chiller plant equipment, controls
and power connections shall be identified with labels acceptable to the owner, the
consultant. indicate identifications on as-built drawings.
.2 Wording on identification labels to be approved by the consultant prior to
.3 All identification to be in English.
Manufacturers and CSA Labels
Visible and legible after equipment is installed.
The following describes requirements for the Central hot water heating plant & primary
distribution system:
.1 Plant Description
Central boiler plant is a multiple boiler high temperature hot water heating plant with
three primary heating distribution zones, west, north-east and south-east. All boilers are
connected to common supply and return main headers. Each boiler has a water
circulating pump providing constant water flow for the boiler. The heating zones are fully
independent with independent connections to the main headers and independent zone
circulating pump groups. The heating zones operate as variable temperature variable
flow systems. The supply temperature is calculated in relation to an outdoor air
temperature schedule. The resulting supply water temperature set point is corrected in
relation to the temperature differential between the supply and the zone return water
temperatures. The zone pump variable frequency drives modulate the zone pump
speeds between the set minimum and full speeds to maintain the set pressure
differential between the supply and return system piping in the end mechanical rooms of
three heating zones.
.2 Plant Operating Data
Maximum supply water temperature: 120ºC
Minimum supply water temperature: 90ºC (summer, DHW heating only)
Maximum system operating pressure at boiler plant: 760 kPa (Ground Floor of Library
.1 General
System type: Variable flow variable temperature
Maximum supply water temperature: 120ºC
Minimum supply water temperature: 90ºC
System operating pressure: Variable with system location in relation to University
Central Boiler Plant
.2 Piping
Minimum Requirements:
All pipe to be schedule 40 Black Iron. Piping lay-out shall take into account grading,
insulation, thermal expansion, stressing and deformation of the piping. Fittings to be
from forged steel and flanged or welded for piping sizes over 50 mm in diameter and
threaded for piping sizes 50mm and smaller . Standard or long radius elbows and
welding tees shall be only specified. Flanges to be of raised face, steel weld-neck, lab
or back-welded slip-on type, compatible with mating flanges.
Design shall allow for piping system venting at all high points and draining at all low
.3 New Connections
Isolation valves with drain valves shall be installed into each supply and return piping
connection to the primary distribution system and/or to a building. The drain valves shall
be located on the connection side of isolation valves.
.4 Pumps
Minimum Requirements:
.1 Centrifugal base mounted or vertical in-line pump with premium efficiency motor.
Motor size up to 0.5HP to be single phase 120V, 0.5HP and bigger to be three
phase 480V. Minimum pump operating efficiency 75%.
.2 Each pump shall be equipped with a pressure gauge connected to pump suction and
discharge side with isolation valves to allow for the pump operating pressure
metering with one gauge only.
.3 Each operating zone pump(s) shall have one at least one stand-by pump with minimum 85% stand-by
.4 Variable pump flow control: Variable frequency drive (VFD) for all motors over 2HP.
.5 Manual Valves
Minimum Requirements:
All valves shall be of same manufacturer throughout where possible. Use pipe size
valves. Valves up to 50mm in diameter to be threaded, over 50mm in diameter flanged
for use with flanged fittings. Use ball valves for small isolation services and gate or
globe valves for services over 50mm. All valves shall be suitable for the system
maximum operating pressure at the project location and the maximum operating
temperature of 120ºC.
.6 Balancing Valves
Minimum Requirements:
Circuit setter type calibrated balance valve with flange connections, design for maximum
operating temperature of 120 C and maximum operating pressure suitable for the
system pressure at the valve location. Brass readout valves fitted with integral EPT
insert, check valves designed to minimized system fluid loss during the balancing and
monitoring process, calibrated nameplate to assure specific valve setting, internal seals
to prevent leakage, bronze construction.
.7 Triple Duty (Multi-Purpose) Valves
Acceptable Manufacturer: Related pump manufacturer.
Minimum Requirements:
Valve shall combine isolation, balancing and check valve duties; strait or convertible
strait/angled design, cast iron body, bronze gland, stainless steel stem sleeve, cast iron
non-lubricated plug, brass clapper, brass seat with dual O-ring seal. Valve shall be for
horizontal or vertical installation with plug type flow control, memory stops, bubble tight
shut-off, pointer and scale, spherical clapper, threaded valve metering connections, nonslam check valve, elastomer seat and no lubrication requirements, design for maximum
operating temperature of 120 C and maximum operating pressure suitable for the
system pressure at the valve location. .
.8 Pump Suction Diffusers
Acceptable Manufacturer: Related pump manufacturer.
Minimum Requirements:
Cast iron or ductile iron body, bronze start up strainer, stainless steel permanent
strainer, blow down connection for horizontal installation, design for maximum operating
temperature of 120 C and maximum operating pressure suitable for the system pressure
at the valve location.
.9 Strainers
Minimum Requirements:
Cast iron or ductile iron body, bronze start up strainer, stainless steel permanent
strainer, blow down connection for vertical or horizontal installation, design for maximum
operating temperature of 120 C and maximum operating pressure suitable for the
system pressure at the valve location.
.10 Air Vents
Minimum requirements:
high capacity type, design for maximum operating temperature of 120 c and maximum
operating pressure suitable for the system pressure at the valve location.
.11 Drain Valves
Minimum Requirements:
Globe type with bronze body and trim and composition disc, design for maximum
operating temperature of 120 C and maximum operating pressure suitable for the
system pressure at the valve location.
.12 Variable frequency drives
Provide new variable frequency drive(s) (VFD), for operating new variable flow pump
motor(s). The drive(s) shall have the following minimum specification:
.1 For use with supply voltage 48OVAC, 3-phase, 60Hz,
.2 3% integral input line reactor
.3 LCD control panel CDP312 mounted on door of the enclosure with alpha-numeric
display with local operator control allowing set up of drive parameters, load, fault
monitoring functions, speed with multiple programmable speed presets, etc.
Control functions to include start & stop (auto and manual modes); jog -manual,
uni-direction rotation limitable.
.4 Output Frequency, variable 0 to minimum 66Hz (normal full speed at 60Hz),
.5 6x 24VDC programmable digital inputs, input voltage 24V, filtering time (HW)
.6 3x analog inputs, 2x0(4)-20mA and 1x +/-0(2)-10V; resolution 12 bit
.7 2x programmable analog outputs 0(4)-20mA, resolution 10 bit
.8 3x programmable form C relay (digital) outputs, switch over contact 24V or
115/230VAC, max. 2A
.9 Reference voltage output: +/-10V, +/-0.5%, max. 10mA
.10 Auxiliary power output: +24V, +/-10%, max. 250mA
.11 Direct torque control (DTC) technology
.12 Load supervision of the motor
.13 NEMA 1 enclosure with cable connection box
.14 Bottom entry and exit
.15 CSA certified
.16 Parts and labour warranty for minimum 3 years
Drive shall provide operating protections for:
.17 Microprocessor fault
.18 Single phase (input and output)
.19 Over temperature
.20 Over current
.21 DC under voltage
.22 DC over voltage
.23 Short circuit/ ground fault in output connector
.24 Auxiliary voltage (short-circuit)
.25 Loss of analog input with the following selectable options:
a. fault/continue to operate
b. warning and run at a preset speed
c. warning and run at last speed reference
.26 Panel loss (if panel is controlling the drive and communication is broken)
.27 External fault
.28 Motor thermal supervision (software)
.29 Motor stalled
.30 Ground fault in the motor, motor cable or inverter
.31 Over-frequency
.32 Under-load function
.33 Internal fault
Acceptable drive manufacturer: ABB Inc., model ACS800-U1-0011, industrial quality.
Provide KLC series output filters sized for the pump motor rating current from TCI for
motor protection
Provide start-up, commissioning and training service with full documentation by supplier.
Allow for sufficient on site time to assist the drive supplier with commissioning and
providing training to the Owner. The following tests shall be performed during the
certified start-up:
1 Visual inspection
2 Insulation and dielectric tests
3 Electrical functional inspection for supply section
4 Electrical functional inspection for drive section
5 Electrical functional inspection for control section
Local manufacturer contact: John Archer P.Eng. of Hampton Power Systems Ltd., tel:
604 273 0561
Certified start-up agent: Inverter Technologies, contact person Collin Morrison, tel: 604
628 2212
.1 General Requirements
Energy metering station shall be installed into each new building piping connection
and/or into each new piping connection to the primary distribution system. The station
shall consist of a flow meter, remote signal converter and two temperature sensors
installed in the supply and return piping. The flow meter can be installed in the supply or
the return piping. The temperature sensors and the flow transmitter shall be interfaced
with the existing DDC based energy metering system.
.2 Flow Meter and Converter
General Requirements:
In-line magnetic flow meter with remote signal convertor,
Approved Manufacturer: Bailey Fisher Porter
Flow Meter Minimum Requirements:
.1 150# CS flanges and pressure rating,
.2 Teflon liner,
.3 Flush Hastelloy „C‟ electrodes,
.4 CSA approval, enclosure classification NEMA 4X,
.5 Fluid: Heating water
.6 Max. Water Temp: 1200C
Remote Signal Convertor Minimum Requirements:
.1 Surface mounting,
.2 Microprocessor-based with 4-20 mA DC output and HART communication and
pipe detection,
.3 LCD display with totalizer
.4 CSA approval, enclosure classification NEMA 4X,
.5 Power Service: 120/1/60 – 10A, max. power consumption less than 23W,
.6 10 meters interconnecting cable.
Assembly Minimum Requirements:
.1 10 meters maximum distance between flow meter and remote signal convertor,
.2 Reset flow range capability between 5% and 100% of meter maximum capacity,
.3 Minimum accuracy 0.5% of flow rate between 2% and 100% of flow range setting.
.3 Installations
.1 Install the meter centred to the piping with the water flow direction matching the
indication of flow direction on the meter. Review the manufacturer‟s installation
instructions prior of the work start and follow them during the installation. The
instructions shall be supplied with the meter.
.2 Install the remote signal convertor on wall at about 2.1 meters above finished floor
and at maximum distance of 10 meters from the flow meter.
.3 The existing university DDC based building management system comprises of two
hardware systems, Andover operated by Houle Electric and Delta operated by ESC.
All DDC based controls shall be interfaced with the existing DDC Andover or Delta
control systems and shall be installed or the installation supervised by Houle Electric
Ltd or ESC. The companies present service contracts guaranty the system
operations. All installed control equipment shall be of the same or compatible make
and model as the existing equipment. All control software shall use the same or
compatible control algorithms as the existing for the same control sequences. All
modifications of the existing DDC controls and the new controls shall be included in
the existing control graphics. Coordinate all controls with the Mechanical Contractor.
.4 Connect all new control points from existing or new Infinity Andover control panels.
Locate any new panels in the mechanical rooms. Install new pressure differential
sensor into existing heating piping in ceiling space of women washroom on 5000
Level and relocate existing DDC control system components as required.
.5 All required up-grade of existing controls graphical displays and all related cost shall
be included in the project scope of work.
Any satellite boiler plant proposed for new building shall be design to the operating
parameters of the university central heating system. The plant shall be connected to the
university central heating distribution system, capable to supply the heating water to the
building secondary heating systems and capable to supply heating water into the related
central system distribution zone or zone section in an emergency case. The boiler plant
capacity shall be consulted with the mechanical superintendent of SFU Facilities
.1 System Operating Data
Air Handling Unit Heating Coil Systems:
System type: Constant flow variable temperature
Maximum supply water temperature: 90ºC
Minimum supply water temperature: 55ºC (variable with coil selection and controls)
System operating pressure: Variable with system location in relation to University
Central Boiler Plant
Reheating Coil Systems:
System type: Variable flow variable temperature
Maximum supply water temperature: 80ºC
Minimum supply water temperature: 55ºC (variable with coil selection and controls)
System operating pressure: Variable with system location in relation to University
Central Boiler Plant
Variable pump flow control: Variable frequency drive (VFD) all motors over 2HP. For
VFD requirements see section 1.2 Primary Distribution
System – Variable Frequency Drives of this Guide Lines.
Perimeter Radiation Systems:
System type: Variable flow variable temperature
Maximum supply water temperature: 80ºC
Minimum supply water temperature: 45ºC (variable with heating element selection and
System operating pressure: Variable with system location in relation to University
Central Boiler Plant
Variable pump flow control: Variable frequency drive (VFD) all motors over 2HP. For
VFD requirements see section 1.2 Primary Distribution
System – Variable Frequency Drives of this Guide Lines.
.2 Piping
Minimum Requirements:
All pipe to be schedule 40 Black Iron or certified copper type L or K with soldered fittings
for small sizes. Piping lay-out shall take into account grading, insulation, thermal
expansion, stressing and deformation of the piping. Fittings to be from forged steel and
flanged or welded for piping sizes over 50 mm in diameter and threaded for piping sizes
50mm and smaller . Standard or long radius elbows and welding tees shall be only
specified. Flanges to be of raised face, steel weld-neck, lab or back-welded slip-on type,
compatible with mating flanges. Triple duty valves and main zone balancing valves shall
not be used for isolation services and shall be supplemented with separate isolation
Design shall allow for piping system venting at all high points and draining at all low
.3 New Connections
.1 Any secondary hot water heating system connected to the primary heating
distribution system shall be separated from the primary system with a 3-way mixing
valve or a heat exchanger. Each secondary distribution system shall have circulating
pump(s) capable to handle the system flow requirements.
.2 Isolation valves with drain valves shall be installed into each supply and return piping
connection to the secondary distribution system and/or to a building. The drain
valves shall be located on the connection side of isolation valves.
.3 All secondary hot water systems shall have sufficient number of individually
controlled zones. Each zone shall serve only rooms with same or very similar
occupancy and sensitivity to heating loads.
.4 Pumps
Minimum Requirements:
.1 Centrifugal base mounted or vertical in-line pump with premium efficiency motor.
Motor size upto 0.5HP to be single phase 120V, 0.5HP and bigger to be three phase
480V. Minimum pump operating efficiency 75%.
.2 Each pump shall be equipped with a pressure gauge connected to pump suction and
discharge side with isolation valves to allow for the pump operating pressure metering
with one gauge only.
.3 All main secondary zone pump(s) shall have at least one stand-by pump with
minimum 85% stand-by capacity in case of one pump failure.
.5 Manual Valves
Minimum Requirements:
All valves shall be of same manufacturer throughout where possible. Use pipe size
valves. Valves up to 50mm in diameter to be threaded, over 50mm in diameter flanged
for use with flanged fittings. Use ball valves for small isolation services and gate or
globe valves for services over 50mm. All valves shall be suitable for the system
maximum operating pressure at the project location and the maximum operating
temperature of 120ºC.
.6 Balancing Valves
Minimum Requirements:
Circuit setter type calibrated balance valve with flange connections, design for maximum
operating temperature of 120 C and maximum operating pressure suitable for the
system pressure at the valve location. Brass readout valves fitted with integral EPT
insert, check valves designed to minimized system fluid loss during the balancing and
monitoring process, calibrated nameplate to assure specific valve setting, internal seals
to prevent leakage, bronze construction.
.7 Triple Duty (Multi-Purpose) Valves
Acceptable Manufacturer: Related pump manufacturer.
Minimum Requirements:
Valve shall combine isolation, balancing and check valve duties; strait or convertible
strait/angled design, cast iron body, bronze gland, stainless steel stem sleeve, cast iron
non-lubricated plug, brass clapper, brass seat with dual O-ring seal. Valve shall be for
horizontal or vertical installation with plug type flow control, memory stops, bubble tight
shut-off, pointer and scale, spherical clapper, threaded valve metering connections, nonslam check valve, elastomer seat and no lubrication requirements, design for maximum
operating temperature of 120 C and maximum operating pressure suitable for the
system pressure at the valve location. .
.8 Pump Suction Diffusers
Acceptable Manufacturer: Related pump manufacturer.
Minimum Requirements:
Cast iron or ductile iron body, bronze start up strainer, stainless steel permanent
strainer, blow down connection for horizontal installation, design for maximum operating
temperature of 120 c and maximum operating pressure suitable for the system pressure
at the valve location.
.9 Strainers
Minimum Requirements:
Cast iron or ductile iron body, bronze start up strainer, stainless steel permanent
strainer, blow down connection for vertical or horizontal installation, design for maximum
operating temperature of 120 C and maximum operating pressure suitable for the
system pressure at the valve location.
.10 Air Vents
Minimum requirements:
High capacity type, design for maximum operating temperature of 120 c and maximum
operating pressure suitable for the system pressure at the valve location.
.11 Drain Valves
Minimum Requirements:
Globe type with bronze body and trim and composition disc, design for maximum
operating temperature of 120 C and maximum operating pressure suitable for the
system pressure at the valve location.
.12 Equipment Connections
Each heating equipment shall be equipped with isolation valve(s), balancing valve, drain
valve and vent valve where required to allow equipment isolation, draining, removal and
reinstallation without shutting down the corresponding secondary heating zone or
system. Each equipment shall have provisions for proper venting and balancing of
heating water flow.
.13 Hot Water Heating Elements
.1 Ceiling mounted radiant panels shall not be proposed, only wall hanged wall fin
elements, convectors, radiant panels, fan powered convectors etc. shall be used.
.2 The fan powered unit heaters and fan coil units shall be limited to storage areas
.1 Radiant floor heating shall be only proposed for student residences or special rooms
as lockers, shower rooms, swimming pool decks etc. All radiant floor proposals
shall be reviewed and accepted by Mechanical Superintendent of SFU Facilities
.2 All heating elements shall sized to only cover the room perimeter (building envelope)
heat losses with exception of air curtains or fan coil units protecting building entry
Chiller Plant
.1 General
Chiller plants shall serve individual buildings or combinations of adjacent buildings.
Plants shall be multiple chiller plants where applicable equipment rooms cooling system
(process cooling) shall be separated from system(s) serving air-conditioning air handling
systems. All chillers shall be connected to common supply and return main headers
allowing to interconnect chilled water zones, to take over one failed chiller with
remaining chillers and to isolate a failed chiller from remaining chillers without
interruption of their operations. The chilled water distribution zones shall be fully
independent with independent connections to the main headers and independent zone
circulating pump(s). The chiller plants with distribution zones shall operate as variable
temperature variable flow systems. The supply chilled water temperature to be
calculated in relation to an outdoor air temperature schedule. The resulting supply
chilled water temperature set point is corrected in relation to the temperature differential
between the supply and return chilled water temperatures.
.2 Plant Operating Data
Maximum chilled water supply temperature: 7ºC
Maximum system operating pressure: 760 kPa.
Variable pump flow control: Variable frequency drive (VFD) all motors over 2HP. For
VFD requirements see section 1.2 Primary Distribution
System – Variable Frequency Drives of this Guide Lines.
.3 Chillers
Design plants with screw and/or centrifugal chillers as dictated by plant design
capacities. Plants with 50 ton and smaller capacities can be design with reciprocating
chillers. Chiller refrigerant(s) shall be readily available from the chiller manufacturer with
guaranteed delivery during chiller life expectancy and to have acceptable toxicity, ozone
depletion factor and green house factor.
.4 Chilled Water Cooling with Air
Any chiller plant shall be lay-out and design with equipment allowing direct chilled water
cooling with a combination of heat exchanger with plant cooling tower(s) and/or plant air
cooled fluid cooler(s) when outdoor air temperatures allow.
.5 Distribution Systems
.6 System Operating Data
Air Handling Unit Cooling Coil Systems
System type: Constant flow variable temperature
Maximum supply water temperature: 10ºC (variable with coil selection and controls)
Minimum supply water temperature: 7ºC
System operating pressure: Variable with system location in relation to related chiller
Small Cooling Coil Systems:
System type: Variable flow variable temperature
Maximum supply water temperature: 12ºC (variable with coil selection and controls)
Minimum supply water temperature: 7ºC
System operating pressure: Variable with system location in relation to related chiller
Variable pump flow control: Variable frequency drive (VFD) all motors over 2HP.
.7 Piping
Minimum Requirements:
All chilled water piping shall be schedule 40 black iron with threaded, flanged, victaulic
or welded fittings. installation shall take into account grading, stressing and deformation
of the piping. the final installation shall be neat in grouping and appearance. fittings
shall be from forged steel suitable for installed steel piping. use standard or long radius
elbows and welding tees. Flanges shall be of raised face, steel weld-neck, lab or backwelded slip-on type, compatible with mating flanges. fittings up to 50mm diameter can
be threaded, but to meet the maximum cooling system operating pressure of 760 kpa.
Provide piping system venting at all high points and draining at all low points.
.8 New Connections
.1 Each distribution system shall have circulating pump(s) capable to handle the system
pressure and flow requirements.
.2 Isolation valves with drain valves shall be installed into each supply and return piping
connection to a distribution system and/or to a building. The drain valves shall be
located on the connection side of isolation valves.
.9 Pumps
Minimum Requirements:
.1 Centrifugal base mounted or vertical in-line pump with premium efficiency motor.
size up to 0.5HP to be single phase 120V, 0.5HP and bigger to be three phase 480V.
Minimum pump operating efficiency 75%.
.2 Each pump shall be equipped with a pressure gauge connected to pump suction and
discharge side with isolation valves to allow for the pump operating pressure metering
with one gauge only.
.3 All main secondary zone pump(s) shall have at least one stand-by pump with
minimum 85% stand-by capacity in case of one pump failure.
.10 Manual Valves
Minimum Requirements:
All valves shall be of same manufacturer throughout where possible. Use pipe size
valves. Valves up to 50mm in diameter to be threaded, over 50mm in diameter
flanged for use with flanged fittings or grooved for use with victaulic fittings. Use ball
valves for small isolation services and gate or butterfly valves for services over
50mm. All valves shall be suitable for the system maximum operating pressure at the
project location and the operating temperatures.
.11 Balancing Valves
Minimum Requirements:
Circuit setter type calibrated balance valve with flange connections, design for
system operating temperatures and maximum operating pressure at the valve
location. Brass readout valves fitted with integral EPT insert, check valves designed
to minimized system fluid loss during the balancing and monitoring process,
calibrated nameplate to assure specific valve setting, internal seals to prevent
leakage, bronze construction.
.12 Triple Duty (Multi-Purpose) Valves
Acceptable Manufacturer: Related pump manufacturer.
Minimum Requirements:
Valve shall combine isolation, balancing and check valve duties; strait or convertible
strait/angled design, cast iron body, bronze gland, stainless steel stem sleeve, cast
iron non-lubricated plug, brass clapper, brass seat with dual O-ring seal. Valve shall
be for horizontal or vertical installation with plug type flow control, memory stops,
bubble tight shut-off, pointer and scale, spherical clapper, threaded valve metering
connections, non-slam check valve, elastomer seat and no lubrication requirements,
design for system operating temperatures and maximum operating pressure at the
valve location. .
.13 Pump Suction Diffusers
Acceptable Manufacturer: Related pump manufacturer.
Minimum Requirements:
Cast iron or ductile iron body, bronze start up strainer, stainless steel permanent
strainer, blow down connection for horizontal installation, design for system operating
temperatures and maximum operating pressure at the valve location.
.14 Strainers
Minimum Requirements:
Cast iron or ductile iron body, bronze start up strainer, stainless steel permanent
strainer, blow down connection for vertical or horizontal installation, design for system
operating temperatures and maximum operating pressure at the valve location.
.15 Air Vents
Minimum requirements:
High capacity type, design for system operating temperatures and maximum operating
pressure at the valve location.
.16 Drain Valves
Minimum Requirements:
Globe type with bronze body and trim and composition disc, design for system operating
temperatures and maximum operating pressure at the valve location.
.17 Equipment Conections
Each chilled water cooling equipment shall be equiped with isolation valve(s), balancing
valve, drain valve and vent valve as required to allow for equipment isolation, draining,
removal and reinstallation without shutting down the corresponding chilled water zone or
system. Each equipment shall have provisions for proper venting and balancing of
chilled water flow.
.18 Switch Over (Heating/Cooling) Hydronic Systems
Switch over hydronic air conditioning systems (two and/or three pipe) including under
floor cooling shall not be used unless specifically required and approved.
.1 General
Variable air volume air systems shall be used everywhere applicable. The constant
airflow systems shall be used for make-up air services, rooms with high occupancy and
related high ventilation requirements and/or for areas requiring to maintain specific cross
pressurization between individual rooms and/or zones.
.2 Air Handling Equipment
All air handling units of air systems shall be located in mechanical rooms. Roof mounted
package units shall be used only for small dedicated systems. Any roof mounted
equipment location shall be coordinated and accepted by SFU Campus Planning &
Development department. Fan motor sizes up to 0.5HP to be single phase 120V, 0.5HP
and bigger to be three phase 480V.
Variable airflow control: Variable frequency drive (VFD) all motors over 1HP. For VFD
requirements see section 1.2 Primary Distribution System –
Variable Frequency Drives of this Guide Lines.
.3 Air System Zoning
Each large air system shall be divided into individually controlled thermal zones. The
maximum size for a perimeter zone shall be 75 m² and for an interior zone 190 m².
Corner rooms with two or more outside wall exposures shall have separate thermal
zones. Each room with high and variable occupancy as lecture rooms, classrooms,
teaching labs etc. shall have separate thermal zone. Equipment rooms and research
labs with 24 hour operation shall not be connected to large air systems but served with
small dedicated systems.
.4 Indoor Air Quality
Minimum ventilation air volumes, minimum and maximum space temperatures and
space relative humidity shall be maintain at levels required by WCB and ASHRAE
standards and/or activity in research and special occupancy rooms. SFU policy
generally does not require space air-conditioning or relative humidity control for people
comfort but only where is necessary for equipment operations.
.1 General
System exhaust volumes shall be evaluated in relation to the system duty and as
recommended by applicable standards, required area and room cross pressurization,
lab equipment and good engineering practices. All exhaust fans shall be selected to
handle required operation and duties and for highest possible efficiency. Fan motor
sizes up to 0.5HP to be single phase 120V, 0.5HP and bigger to be three phase 480V.
.2 General Exhaust Systems
General exhaust systems shall be used to provide increased room airflows through
summer month to increase the room thermal comfort and or provide required space
cross pressurization.
.3 Washroom Exhaust Systems
Washroom exhaust systems shall be sized for airflows recommended for public
washrooms by ASHRAE standards.
.4 Laboratory Exhaust Systems
Systems shall provide airflows required by the equipment manufacturer and by WCB
standards for the work area. Where required provide exhaust systems for individual
equipment and labs. Wherever allowed, individual room and equipment exhausts shall
be combined into larger systems. Heights of fume exhaust stacks and/or equivalent
exhaust fan airstreams shall be consulted and approved by SFU Work Safety Office.
.1 General
Commissioning to be carried out by an independent Commissioning Contractor, under
general direction of the Commissioning Engineer (Contractor‟s staff) and in presence of
the Consultant and the Owner as requested.
.2 Approvals
Obtain approval to start commissioning from the Consultant at least 7 days prior to start.
Information to include:
.1 Systems to be commissioned.
.2 Procedures, anticipated results.
.3 Names of commissioning personnel.
.4 Purpose
.5 Assurance that systems meet design criteria, design intents and requirements of
.3 Design Requirements
.1 Commissioning Engineer to confirm with the Consultant that Design Criteria and
Design Intents are still applicable.
.2 Commissioning personnel to be fully aware of and qualified to interpret Design
Criteria and Design Intents.
.4 Co-ordination
Co-ordinate commissioning procedures with other project Divisions
.5 Timing
.1 New Construction – To meet LEED Certification requirements.
.2 Retrofit projects - Commissioning to commence only after satisfactory completion
of start-up, verification of performance and specified test period.
.3 Commissioning of occupancy sensitive systems to take place after facility has been
accepted, taken over and fully occupied.
.4 Commission systems considered as life safety systems before affected parts of
facility are occupied.
.6 Instrumentation
.1 Provide sufficient permanent and temporary instrumentation. Verify locations,
access, illumination for readings
.2 Instrumentation accuracy tolerances: higher order of magnitude than equipment, or
system, being tested
.3 Locations to be approved, readily accessible and readable
.4 Application to conform to normal industry standards.
.7 Operation of Systems
Operate systems as long as necessary to commission entire project.
.8 Supervision and Monitoring
.1 Commissioning to be supervised by qualified supervisory personnel.
.2 Monitor progress.
.3 Keep detailed records of activities and results.
.9 Documentation
Documentation, O&M Manuals and any recommended training of O&M personnel to be
complete to satisfaction of the Consultant before starting commissioning.
.10 Use of O&M Personnel
O&M personnel to assist in commissioning procedures as part of training.
.11 Procedures
.1 Test each system independently and then in unison with other related systems.
.2 Co-operate with Commissioning Engineer/Consultant to develop appropriate
commissioning procedures for systems.
.3 Commission integrated system using procedures prescribed by Commissioning
.4 Repair system deficiencies.
.5 Optimize operation, performance of systems by fine tuning equipment operating
parameters and modifying equipment operational settings as required.
.12 Verification of Results
Commissioning Engineer shall verify at least 30 % of reported results.
.13 Demonstration
Demonstrate to the Consultant and the Owner operation of systems including sequence
of operations in regular and emergency modes, under normal and emergency
conditions, start-up, shut-down, interlocks, lock-outs.
.14 Final Settings
Upon completion of commissioning to satisfaction of the Consultant, set equipment
operating parameters in final position, permanently mark settings.
.15 Final Report
.1 Submit report to Consultant.
.2 Report to include: Measurements, final settings, certified test results.
.3 Bear signature of commissioning technician and supervisor.
.4 Be subject to verification by the Owner and the Consultant.
.5 Report format to be approved by the Consultant before commissioning started.
.16 Commissioning Activities During Warranty Period
.1 Continue system operation debugging and optimization.
.2 Revise "As-built" documentation, commissioning reports to reflect changes,
adjustments, modifications to component settings and system operation during
.3 Recommend additional changes, modifications deemed advisable in order to
improve performance, environmental conditions and energy consumption.
.17 Maintenance Activities During Warranty Period
The intent of this paragraph is not to include normal day-to-day routine operation and
maintenance of system.
.1 Provide services, materials, equipment and maintain system operations for
specified warranty period. Provide detailed preventative maintenance schedule
for system components.
.2 Perform as minimum three (3) minor inspections and one major inspection (more
often if required by manufacturer) per year. Provide detailed written report to the
Major Inspections to include, but not be limited to:
1. Minor inspection
2. Run system equipment diagnostics as required.
3. The following inspections will be considered minimum requirements, and shall
not be interpreted to mean satisfactory performance. Calibrations will be
performed using test equipment having traceable, certifiable accuracy at
minimum 50% greater than the accuracy of equipment components. Provide
dated, maintenance task lists to the Consultant as proof of execution of complete
system verification. Maintenance task lists to include the new equipment details;
equipment name, location, device type and range, measured value, system
design value, calibration detail, indication if adjustment required, and any other
action taken as recommended.
Minor Inspections to include, but not be limited to:
1. Perform visual, operational checks to new peripheral equipment, interface
equipment and panels.
2. Check equipment components as required.
3. Perform inspections during regular working hours, 08:00 to 18:00 h, Monday
through Friday, excluding legal holidays.
4. Visually check for mechanical faults, air leaks and proper operational settings on
5. Review system performance with the Consultant and the Owner and discuss
suggested or required changes.
Emergency Service Calls:
1. Service calls will be initiated when there is indication that system or system
component is not functioning correctly. Have qualified personnel available during
contract period to provide service to "CRITICAL" components whenever required
at no extra cost. Furnish the Owner with telephone number where service
personnel may be reached at any time. Service personnel to be on site ready to
service system and system components within 2 hours after receiving request for
service. Perform work continuously until the system is restored to reliable
operating condition.
Operation: foregoing and other servicing to provide proper sequencing of
equipment and satisfactory operation of systems based on original design
conditions and to be as recommended by manufacturer.
Records and logs: maintain records and logs of each maintenance task.
Organize cumulative records for each major component and for entire system.
Complete forms and submit after inspection indicating that planned and
systematic maintenance has been accomplished.
Work requests: record each service call request, when received separately on
approved form. Form to include number identifying component involved, its
location, date and time call received, nature of trouble, names of personnel
assigned, instructions of work to be done, amount and nature of materials used,
time and date work started, time and date of completion.
System modifications: provide in writing. No system modification, including
operating parameters and settings, to be made without prior written approval of
the Consultant and the Owner for the new systems installed under the project.
Rectify deficiencies revealed by maintenance inspections.
.18 Completion of Commissioning
Commissioning to be considered as satisfactorily completed when objectives of
commissioning have been achieved to full satisfaction of the Consultant and the Owner.
.19 Issuance of Final Completion Certificate
Final Certificate of Completion will not be issued until receipt of written approval
indicating the successful completion of specified commissioning activities including
receipt of commissioning documentation.
.20 Commencement of Warranty Period
Date of the Consultant and the Owner acceptance of submitted declaration of
Substantial Performance shall be date for commencement for the warranty period.
Balance air systems and general exhaust systems to air volumes indicated on Drawings.
Final balancing shall be done with all fans of served area running at full capacity after
completion of their balancing, testing and adjustments.
Balancing to be by an independent Balancing Agency (K.D. Engineering, Western
Mechanical). Air balance report to be to A.A.B.C. standards and 2 copies submitted to
the Consultant for review. The project will not be considered complete until the balance
report has been approved. The balance report shall include, but not be limited to the
Fan Data Sheet
-Make, model, serial number
-Motor HP, voltage, rated amps, running amps
-Fan RPM
-Design and actual supply airflow in l/s at full speed
-Fan operating inlet, discharge and total pressures in Pa.
Air Outlet Sheet
-Outlet number, make, model
-Required l/s, actual l/s
Single line drawing with outlets numbered corresponding to air outlet sheet
Testing to be by an independent Balancing Agency (K.D. Engineering, Western
Mechanical, Precision Air). System test report to be to A.A.B.C. standards and 2 copies
submitted to Mechanical Consultant for review. The project will not be considered
complete until the test report has been approved. The report shall include, but not be
limited to the following:
Fume Hood System Exhaust Fan:
Fan Data Sheet
-Make, model, serial number
-Motor HP, voltage, rated amps, running amps
-Fan RPM
-Exhaust airflow in l/s at fully open and fully closed sash of fume hood cabinet
-Fan operating inlet, discharge and total pressures in Pa.
Test and balance fume hoods to indicated airflows at sash opening at 400mm height at
recommended face velocity in relation to fume hood duties. Mark the sash height at design
airflows on fume hood faces.
Balance the water flows through hydronic systems at individual zone connections,
terminal equipment and components to flows indicated on drawings. Record terminal
equipment and components performances with corresponding entering and leaving
water temperatures. Submit balancing report indicating the specified and obtained water
flows and recorded operating performances and temperatures.
Test and balance system pumps to flows indicated in Equipment Schedules. The tests
and test reports shall include, but not be limited to the following:
Pump Data Sheet
-Make, model, serial number
-Motor HP, voltage, rated amps, running amps
-Pump RPM
-Design and actual water flows in l/s
-Design and actual head pressures in kPa
.1 General
All new buildings and substantial building additions requiring non potable services shall
have separate potable and non potable domestic water services. Central reduced
pressure back flow stations shall protect potable water services at connection points of
non potable services.
.2 Piping
All water piping shall be certified copper type L or K with soldered fittings. Installation
shall take into account grading, stressing and deformation of the piping. The final
installation shall be neat in grouping and appearance. Use standard radius elbows.
Maintain a minimum of 25mm space between adjacent valves and fittings.
.3 Valves (Rev. 1)
.1 Isolation Valves
Provide valves of same manufacturer throughout where possible. Use pipe size
valves. Valves up to 50mm diameter to be with sweat connections suitable for
soldering, over 50mm diameter to be threaded or flanged for use with threaded or
flanged fittings. Use ball valves for small isolation services up to 50mm diameter
and gate or globe valves for services over 50mm. All valves shall be suitable for
the potable water service, the system maximum operating pressure of 1,040 kpa
and for the system operating temperatures between 4° - 60°c.
Isolation valves up to 50mm size:
Minimum Requirements:
All bronze construction.
Isolation Valves Over 50MM Size:
Minimum Requirements:
Bronze body, stainless non-rising stem, bronze or stainless steel gate or disc, 150
class flanges.
.2 Drain Valves
Minimum Requirements:
Globe type hose bib suitable for 19mm hose connection with bronze body and trim
and composition disc suitable for domestic water service and system operating
pressure (1,040 kPa) and operating temperatures (4° - 60°C).
.3 Air Vents:
Minimum Requirements:
High capacity type suitable for potable water service, system operating
temperature and system operating pressure.
Acceptable Manufacturers: Watts, Armstrong, Taco or equal.
4 Check Valves:
Minimum Requirements:
Spring loaded non-slam type suitable for potable water service, system operating
temperature and system operating pressure.
.5 Strainers:
Minimum Requirement:
Way-pattern body with 316 ss. screen, screen cover and drain valve, suitable for
potable water service, system operating temperature and system operating
.6 Reduced Pressure Back Flow Preventer (RPBFP)
Line size reduced pressure zone assembly, temperature range 1° - 80°C,
maximum working pressure 1,040 kPa, bronze body construction, ball valve test
cocks, internal relief valve, single access cover and modular check construction
and low pressure drop.
.4 Domestic Hot Water Heating
Non slam check valves shall be installed into all cold water connections to domestic
water heaters heated by the university hot water heating system.
.5 Service Zones
Building water services shall be separated into service zones. Isolation valves with drain
valves shall be installed into each zone connection to building distribution systems. The
drain valves shall be located on the connection side of isolation valves.
.6 Building Connections
.1 Isolation valves with drain valves shall be installed into each piping connection to
the university primary cold water distribution system. Each major building
expansion and/or new building shall have separate connection. The drain valves
shall be located on the connection side of isolation valves.
.2 Water metering station shall be installed into each piping connection to major
building expansion and/or new building. Design of metering stations shall not
include any by-pass around the stations.
.3 University primary cold water distribution system operating pressure is between
620 and 690 kPa at the main system distribution station by Water Tower.
.4 All new building connections to primary cold water distribution system must be
protected with a pressure reducing stations capable to handle required water
flows and to reduce incoming service pressure to 485 kPa. All new pressure
reducing stations must be design with multiple parallel pressure reducing valves
allowing sufficient “stand-by capacity” in case of one valve failure.
.7 Domestic Hot Water Recirculation
System recirculation pumps shall be sized for a maximum water flow of 0.25 l/s.
Maximum piping flow velocity shall not exceed 1m/s.
.1 General
All new buildings and substantial building additions shall have separate storm and
sanitary sewer services and where required acid sewer services. Acid sewer services
shall terminate in a treatment and neutralization station before their connection to
sanitary service.
.2 Piping
All acid drain piping connected to lab sinks and fume hoods shall be of polypropylene
acid resistant piping recommended for lab installations with manufacturer recommended
fittings. All acid drain vent piping shall be from PVC.
All other drain and vent piping shall be from copper DWV piping, ABS piping and or cast
iron piping with recommended fittings as required by B.C. Plumbing code.
.3 Floor Drains
All floor drains to be primed including existing floor drains in renovated rooms.
.1 General
All new buildings and substantial building additions requiring non potable services shall
have separate potable and non potable domestic water services. Central reduced
pressure back flow stations shall protect potable water services at connection points of
non potable services.
.2 Piping
All gas piping shall be Schedule 40 Black Iron with threaded fittings. Installation shall
take into account grading, stressing and deformation of the piping. The final installation
shall be neat in grouping and appearance. Use standard radius elbows. Install isolation
valve into each gas connection and dirt leg on bottom of each pipe riser in front of the
final horizontal connection to the gas appliances, equipment and terminals.
.3 Service Zones
Building gas services shall be separated into service zones. Isolation valves shall be
installed into each zone connection to building distribution systems.
.4 Building Connections
.1 Isolation valve shall be installed into each piping connection to the university
primary natural gas distribution system. Each major building expansion and/or
new building shall have separate connection.
.2 Gas metering station shall be installed into each piping connection to major building
expansion and/or new building. Design of metering stations shall not include any
by-pass around the stations.
.3 University primary natural gas distribution system operating pressure is 35 kPa at
the main gas connection at Library Building.
.4 All new building connections to primary natural gas distribution system must be
protected with a pressure reducing stations capable to handle required gas flows
and to reduce incoming service pressure to required building pressure. All new
pressure reducing stations must be design with multiple parallel pressure reducing
valves allowing sufficient “stand-by capacity” in case of one valve failure.
.5 Satellite Boiler Plant
Satellite boiler plant shall be connected directly to the university central gas distribution
.1 Install isolation valves in to all plumbing fixture connections to plumbing fixtures
and equipment.
.2 All plumbing fixtures must be of low flow design for water conservation.
Water closets to meet the maximum 6 litre per flush requirements and minimum level
of 250g of solid waste removal per flush.
.3 All toilets to meet maximum performance test (MaP) rating of 250 as per Canadian
Water and Wastewater Association (CWWA) approved testing.
Laboratory Water
.1 Install non potable services.
.2 Where requested, install special water treatment stations in to supply lines to lab
equipment and plumbing fixtures.
.1 Install required nitrogen gas, compressed air and other gas services with
recommended piping and fixtures.
All mechanical systems and equipment shall have efficiencies exceeding by 25% the
latest issue of ASHRAE Energy Standard for Commercial and Institutional Buildings.
Central air system minimum ventilation (outside air) volumes shall be controlled by
CO2 concentration based performance controls.
.1 All new air-conditioning system equipment shall be directly air-cooled or cooled by
an air cooled closed loop hydronic and/or glycol system.
.2 All lab process equipment and systems requiring cold water shall be installed with
water recirculation and treatment systems. Only the minimum required make-up
water shall be used.
.3 All make-up water connections to mechanical systems shall be installed with water
metering stations.
University cold water distribution system pressures are indicated in Section 10 “Hot and
Cold Domestic Water Services” of this Mechanical Design Guidelines.
All sprinkler piping shall be Schedule 40 Black Iron with threaded, victaulic or welded
fittings. Installation shall take into account grading, stressing and deformation of the
piping. The final installation shall be neat in grouping and appearance. Use standard
radius elbows.
Sprinkler System Impairment
Contractor is responsible for all required arrangements and notifications required during
any shut-down of existing sprinkler system if required for the installation of new
mechanical systems. If required, all notifications, sprinkler permit application, Schedule
B1 and B2 Letters of Assurance for sprinkler modifications and other arrangements shall
comply with code NFPA 13A and with requirements of local authority having jurisdiction.
Before the sprinkler system shut down, the contractor shall:
.1 Determine the exact extent of the intended impairment
.2 Inspect the area of building to be involved and determine the sprinkler system
zones involved and increased risk
.3 Submit recommendations to the Owner about temporary protections and
termination of any hazardous operation at least 48 hours prior of any work.
.4 Notify the Burnaby fire department about the shutdown.
.5 Notify the Fire Alarm Company about the shutdown.
.6 After restoring the sprinkler zone to normal working order the contractor shall:
.7 Verify that all control valves of the modified sprinkler zone are fully open
.8 Conduct drain and alarm test on each sprinkler zone affected.
.9 Maintain as large a portion of the system in service as possible.
.10 Advise the Burnaby fire department and the Owner that protection has been
.11 Notify the Fire Alarm Company of Work in progress.
.12 The Owner will be responsible for notifications of shut-down and restoration of
sprinkler protection to the building insurer and the building supervisors.
.1 Equipment suppliers shall provide start-up and training of the Owner‟s maintenance
staff in the equipment operation and maintenance.
.2 Mechanical Contractor shall provide manpower to assist the equipment supplier with
the equipment start-up and training of the Owner‟s maintenance staff in the
equipment operation and maintenance including equipment controllers.
Prior to the request for the Substantial Completion and the substantial completion site
progress review, the Contractor shall provide “List of Deficiencies” and following items
shall be completed:
.1 Commissioning of systems, all equipment to be operational.
.2 Equipment cleaned inside and outside, lubricated, painted and touch-up completed.
.3 First calibration of controls completed.
.4 Testing of small air-conditioning and exhaust systems completed and the test report
sent for the Consultant‟s review.
.5 All testing of plumbing systems completed including final acceptance reports from
“Authorities Having Jurisdiction”.
.6 Balancing of air and hydronic systems completed and the balancing report sent for
the Consultant‟s review.
After fulfilling substantial performance requirements, demonstrate to and instruct the
owner representatives on the installed work using assistance of sub trades and/or
manufacturer's representatives. It is intended that all mechanical equipment and
controls installed will be checked and demonstrated in presence of the Owner and the
Mechanical Consultant.
Obtain a signed statement from the Owner certifying that the demonstration and
instructions have been given. Include the letter in the maintenance manuals.
.1 Provide instructions to the owner's representative on the operation and maintenance
procedures required for all installed systems and components related to the work.
Such instruction shall include familiarization of the maintenance staff with the
operation and maintenance manual, an explanation of how each system operates
and procedures to follow when the systems fail to operate normally.
.2 Provide written confirmation from the owner's representative that such instructions
have been given and accepted, within the understanding of the staff.
.2 Operating and Maintenance Manuals
Submit four (4) copies of operating and maintenance manuals for all mechanical and
control equipment installed under this contract. Documents shall be submitted in hard
covered binders. Submit documents to the Consultant for review prior to being
submitted to SFU Facilities Management.
.1 Provide three copies of the operation and maintenance manual, which is to
include all information required to enable the building maintenance staff to
effectively operate and maintain all installed mechanical equipment and modified
systems under the project contract.
.2 The manual shall include the following information in hard covered, three-ring
binder labeled “chiller plant replacement”, indexed for the different sections:
.6 Specified balancing and test reports,
.7 Certificates of tests.
Maintain 1 set of construction drawings on the construction site all the time. Mark-up with red
colour any changes to the construction drawings on the end of each day. Hand over the set to
the Consultant for Consultant‟s review after the project completion.
.1 Maintain in the jobsite office in up-to-date condition one complete set of white prints
of each of the contract drawings and one specification, including revision drawings,
marked clearly, legibly and indelibly in red, indicating 'as-built' conditions where such
conditions deviate from the original directions of the contract documents and
indicating final installation of piping and equipment. Such markings shall include but
shall not be limited to the following:
.3 At completion of construction employ a competent cad drafting service to transfer all
of the above as built information into auto cad v14 or later compatible drawing files of
each contract drawing. paper and soft copy of all such information shall be given to
the owner and the consultant as described elsewhere herein. all associated costs
shall be included in the contract amount.
.4 Each 'as-built' paper copy as defined above shall bear the contractor's identification,
signature, date of record and the notation "this document represents the indicated
part of the work as built".
.5 Provide sufficient paper copies of the above for:
.1 Each operation and maintenance manual,
.2 The consultant‟s records,
.1 Provide instructions to the owners representative on the operation and maintenance
procedures required for each system and for each component of each system. Sch
instruction shall include familiarization of the building staff with the 0 & m manual, an
explanation of how each system operates, where and how it is controlled manually,
where and how it is controlled electrically, where and how it is controlled for safety,
and advising of normal set positions and set points if applicable, and procedures to
follow when systems malfunction.
.2 Provide written confirmation from the owner‟s representative that such instructions
have been given and that they have been understood, within the understanding of
the operating staff.
.1 Guarantee the satisfactory operation of all new equipment and systems supplied and
installed for a period of not less than one year from the date of substantial
completion as declared by the consultant to the contractor. replace within 15 days
any part which fails or is found defective during this period at no cost to the owner,
providing that such failure is not due to the improper usage by the owner.
.2 No certificate given, payment made, or partial or entire use by the owner shall be
construed as acceptance of defective work or materials by the owner. the guarantee
is not to be shortened nor the terms altered due to the temporary usage of any
equipment or systems during the construction period.
.3 Any equipment, which has been used in the past by the owner and to be relocated
and/or reinstalled for use on this project, shall be cleaned and repaired as necessary
before being installed under this project. this contractor shall guarantee any
equipment repair work and the relocated equipment installation.
.4 This general guarantee shall not act as a waiver for any guarantee which is intended
to last for a period longer than one year.
The owner is entitled to the temporary and trial use of any and all mechanical equipment
or systems installed under this division of the work, even though such equipment or
system may not have been formally accepted by the consultant. The owner shall have
the privilege of such temporary or trial usage for such reasonable length of time as
deemed sufficient as soon as the contractor claims that portion of the work has been
completed in accordance with the contract documents.
All tests, correction of deficiencies and retests are the sole responsibility of the
contractor, and shall be performed after system installation has been completed and
prior to the system being put into continuous operation.
.2 Dive 48 hours notice to the consultant in advance of each set of tests, indicating in
writing: the testing agency, the schedule of tests, the testing procedure, and the type
of measuring equipment. obtain written approval prior to conducting such tests,
submitting detailed, typewritten test reports to the consultant within seven (7) days of
the completion of any test.
.3 The contractor shall also be responsible for performing or coordinating any of the
following tests:
.4 Also conduct and pay for the following tests:
.6 Provide instruments, meters, equipment and personnel required to conduct tests
during and at conclusion of project and for any retests subsequently necessary and
relating to this work.
.7 If requested, test any piece of equipment, device or material for a reasonable length
of time and at such time as the consultant or the owner may require to make a
complete and thorough test of the same to verify performance requirements before
final acceptance and completion of the work.
.8 Such tests shall not be construed as evidence of acceptance of any part of the
contract and it is agreed and understood that no claim for damage will be made for
any injury or breakage to any part or parts or by defective materials or workmanship
of any kind whatsoever.
.1 Supply all labour, materials, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to provide a
complete mechanical installation as indicated on the drawings and as set out in this
.2 Visit the site before tendering and examine all local and existing conditions on which
the work is dependent. no consideration will be granted for any misunderstanding of
work to be done resulting from failure to visit and examine the site.
.3 Advise the owner and the consultant of any specified equipment, material or
installation of same which appears inadequate or unsuitable, in violation of laws,
ordinances, rules or regulations of authorities having jurisdiction, or of any necessary
items of work omitted from the contract drawings during the project tender and
before proceeding with the work.
.4 Check project documents of other trades and coordinate with them the mechanical
installations to ensure orderly project progress and adequate equipment space. work
out jointly, with the consultant, the owner and all sub-contractors on the site,
solutions to interference problems.
.5 Coordinate all work before fabricating or installing any material or equipment. It is
important to ensure that all materials and equipment fit into the allocated spaces and
that all equipment can be properly serviced and replaced if and when required.
Advise the owner and the consultant of any space problems before fabricating or
installing any material or equipment.
.6 Demonstrate to the consultant on completion of the work that all equipment and
material installed can be properly and safely serviced and replaced if and when
.7 Make no deviations from the design intent, equipment performances and/or involve
extra cost without obtaining the consultant's written direction.
.8 Where mechanical work and materials are noted as being provided by the owner or
under other divisions of this specification, the responsibility for integrating such work
and materials into the complete mechanical installation shall remain within this
division of the specification.