Saving Dorset’s Disappearing History Sam Johnston Carola Campbell


Registered Charity No. 1000142

Saving Dorset’s Disappearing


Carola Campbell

Sam Johnston

Registered Charity No. 1000142

 DAT – successor body to Friends of Dorset’s Archives

 Shift in political and financial landscape

 Key objects of DAT are closely linked and complement

DHC’s strategic priorities

Registered Charity No. 1000142

Our key object is to promote the preservation, accessibility and understanding of Dorset’s archival


 Fundraising

 Collections Development

 Advocacy

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Registered Charity No. 1000142

About the DAT Organisation

 The Board is a new team

 My background

 The rest of the Team

 A small and doing community

 Every board member has a main focus

 Filling the skills gap is a work in progress

 The power of the patron & the president

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Registered Charity No. 1000142

DAT’s Strategy & Approach

 Align our activities to the History Centre’s plans, needs and geographic reach

 Fundraising projects must be compelling & fit a range of wallets

 Sponsor a Box for £10

 Emergency Purchase Fund

 History Centre’s major & key projects

 Event Programme

 Designed to reflect the History Centre’s Collections

 A fun evening/day out for our membership

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Registered Charity No. 1000142

 DAT role – hosting events and supporting volunteers

Registered Charity No. 1000142

DAT’s Strategy & Approach


 Proactively apply for grants in support of DHC projects

 Active communication with members via all channels

 Post &Telephone

 Internet & Social Media

 Moving Forward

 Develop a focus on learning and outreach

 Closer ties with other organisations

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Registered Charity No. 1000142

Registered Charity No. 1000142

Cooper-Dean archive project – DAT contribution

Registered Charity No. 1000142

The HLF Catalyst Project and its goals:

 Develop fundraising & membership growth strategies

 Grow entrepreneurial and communication skills

 Design and acquire communication & marketing material and tools, including updating our website

 Analysis of the local and National funding landscape to help develop a more focused strategy.

 Develop partnerships with other organisations

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Registered Charity No. 1000142

Plans for 2014-2015:

 Attract more members & supporters

 Raise significant funds for Bankes Project through grants & events

 Try to reach the £10k target for the Emergency Fund

 Launch the history competition in the local schools

 Continue to implement the Catalyst recommendations

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Registered Charity No. 1000142

Bankes of Kingston Lacy – HLF funded project 2014-2018

Registered Charity No. 1000142

 DAT role – raising the profile of the project

Registered Charity No. 1000142


 Increasingly competitive funding environment

 Service capacity shrinking so charitable support ever more important

 Fundraise for specifics – people know where their money is spent

 Target efforts to ensure maximum return

 Hybrid approach – service and Trust aligned

 Non-cash benefits - Political/public profile assisted by volunteer effort
