The attached format is the standard document to be used when developing job descriptions for student employment. The following instructions are provided in order to ensure accurate, complete, and concise information needed to evaluate these positions fairly and accurately. POSTING DATES: The date range you want the posting to remain active on the job board. POSITION TITLE: Identifies the job accurately. Should be unique (not just ‘Student Worker’) so it can be located easily in Kronos and on the job board. DEPARTMENT: Name of your department. SUPERVISOR: Name and title of supervisor for this position. POSITION SUMMARY: Clear, concise, and brief (usually one to four sentences) description of overall job responsibilities. POSITION ACCOUNTABILITIES: Day-to-day duties and areas of responsibilities. Should be listed in order of importance. QUALIFICATIONS: Describes the abilities, knowledge, and certifications that the student is expected to bring to the job. May be required or preferred, but should be stated as such. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: State what the student is expected to gain from this job. These should include all transferrable skills as well as any major-related skills. DAYS/TIMES NEEDED: Indicate any days, times, and hours per week that are expected to be worked. If you do not have specific requirements, indicate “Flexible”. SALARY: Hourly pay rate FWS AWARD REQUIRED? Indicate “Yes” or “No” only. ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS REQUIRED TO APPLY: EMAIL TO SEND APPLICATION DOCUMENTS: Candidate Forms are automatically sent, so do not list that as a requirement. Remember that the Candidate Form contains fields that encompass what would be on a resume, cover letter, and class schedule, so you typically would not need to add many requirements in this field. You should only use this area if you require a writing sample, recommendation letter, or unofficial transcript. List the email address(es) where the Candidate Form and any additional application documents should be sent. Completed job posting forms should be sent as WORD documents (NOT PDFs) to the Student Employment Office at CSU STUDENT EMPLOYMENT JOB POSTING FORM POSTING DATES: list date range for how long you want the job posted POSITION TITLE: type title here DEPARTMENT: type department here SUPERVISOR: type supervisor here POSITION SUMMARY: type position summary here POSITION ACCOUNTABILITIES: type job duties here QUALIFICATIONS: type skills required here LEARNING OBJECTIVES: type skills learned on job here DAYS/TIMES NEEDED: type days/times needed here SALARY: type hourly pay rate here FWS AWARD REQUIRED? type “Yes” or “No” here ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS REQUIRED TO APPLY: type documents (other than Candidate Form) required here EMAIL TO SEND APPLICATION DOCUMENTS: list email address(es) here