DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, AND TESTING OF A RAM EXTRUDER FOR HIGH VISCOSITY POLYMERS BY S. LUBISCHER JOSEPH SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULLFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AT THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY f JANUARY, 1973 SIGNATURE OF AUTHOR ,,, ./PARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING OCTOBER 6, 1972 CERTIFIED BY II I I I I I I t 1 l Ir l I I I r II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .HSIS SUPERVISOR ACCEPTED BY I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I II I II I I CHAIRMAN, DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON GRADUATE STUDENTS Archives FEB 141973 -2TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE Title Page ......... .... ..... Table of Contents .. List of Figures .... · · · · · · · · ·........... 4 Abstract ........... Acknowledgements I II I II IV Introduction · · · · · · · · ·........... ·· 5 ... ....... ... ........ 7 ........... Literature Review .. 10 an d Flo w of Granu lar Media II.1 Compression II.2 Polymer Properties II.3 Flow Behavior of Po lymers ... Experimental Work .. . 10 ........... 12 ........... 19 .......... 22 ults Id Flo III.1 Basic Concept of t he Ram Ext ruder ..... 22 III.2 Design III.3 . .... .... ...... ties· ........... 22 Instrumentation .. ........... 28 III.4 Tests and Res ........... 30 III.5 Limitations . ........... 32 ........... 36 Analysis. IV.1 Inapplicability IV.2 The High Elastic St ate and St ick-Slip of Viscous Fl ow Analysis Flow............... IV,3 ........... 36 38 The Theory of the H igh Elasti c State Applied to the Ram Extruder ............ IV.4 Heating Time IV.5 Powder IV.6 Maximum Output Conditions .............. 48 ........................... Compression and Air Expulsion 42 45 ... 48 -3CHAPTER V P AGE Conclusions .................................. 51 52 Appendix A: Detail Drawings ................. Appendix B: Equipment List .................. 62 Appendix C: Test Conditions, Results, and Calculations Appendix D: References 64 .................... 68 Density Measurements ............ .................................. 71 -4LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE PAGE 1. Schematic of Screwless Injection Machine 2. Viscosity Data for UHMWPE AC 260-100 3. Schematic Conce ption 4. Basic 5. Top View of App aratus Design of the o f the Ex truder 14 .. . *o o . om eeeoe View of Apparat us Bottom 7. Transducer 8. Velocity Traces 9. Velocity Traces Velocity Traces ress ure . . 11. Flow Rate . . Layo ut .... 10. vs. .... 23 Ram Extruder * ·.. US rop .. eoooe oemm moeoo mo· mooeo mo· me·m· moom · · · . mo· * 6. ....... 9 co mo· . ...... 24 ...... 25 ...... 25 ...... 29 ...... 33 ...... 34 ...... 35 P ressure Drop for Polybutadiene 12. Calculation of Tube Entrance Temperature Gradients ........................ 41 45 . -5- ABSTRACT DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, AND TESTING OF A RAM EXTRUDER FOR HIGH VISCOSITY POLYMERS by Joseph S. Lubischer Submitted to the Department Engineering fullfillment of Mechanical on October 6, 1972 in partial for the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering and the Degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering. A ram extruder for the direct extrusion of high viscosity polymers from powder has been successfully designed and tested. The extrusions, in terms of density, surface finish, dimensional accuracy, were of very high quality. heated by radial heat conduction, stick-slip phenomena. by theoretical polymers. and The flow, was found to exhibit a This has been satisfactorily explained considerations of the high elastic state of The mathematical technique and experimental data needed for determining the maximum output of the extruder while retaining a high quality extrudate is explained. Thesis Title: Supervisor: Nam P. Suh Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering -6ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Any thesis experience. is first and foremost As such, suggestion and insights writer from many different sources. acknowledge all, but I would to Nam Suh, my thesis and encouragements. Whitemore, cone to the It is impossible to like to thank a few. supervisor, First, for his help, criticisms, To Jack Leach, and Ralph Bowley, an educational Fred Anderson, I express my thanks Ralph for their assistance and advice in constructing the experimental apparatus. To my fellow students, I thank you for many thought provoking discussions. the Shell Companies Foundation Thanks must also go to and the Department of Mechanical Engineering for financial support and to Mr. Allan Margolies, Allied Chemical Co., for providing the polyethylene used. -7- I, INTRODUCTION Among the many new polymers are polyethylenes introduced in recent years with high molecular weights. Especially interesting are those with weight average molecular weights in excess of 1,750,000 u ltra-high Termed molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) [ 1], these polymers are seeing increasing usage because particular, of t:h eir unique physical properties. UHMWPE wit:h a molecul ar weight of 8 million, like other polyethyler le s, is very tough and chemically has a coeffieient of fFr iction flouroethylene (teflorl) cessable [2]. and a very high abrasion c)n g However, these polymers chained , they simply cessing mod es known to be inert, polytetra- are not easily proof UHMWPE in conventional screw extruders. "jam up" in the extruder. in which resistance.* Because of the very high viscosity melts, they cannot be extruded In practice to that of cornparable In use The pro- are counter-rotating twin-screw extruders, compression molding, and a "screwless injection machine". Twin screw extruders are undesirable because the large shearing forces created to the point where molecular break up the molecular weight, ties, are significantly altered. traditional * drawbacks and thus physical proper- Compression molding has the of low production This UHMWPE has been kindly provided is sold chains rates and of limitation by Allied under the designation AC 260-100. Chemical and -8- to single parts. A "screwless injection machine" has been introduced by Borg-Warner Machines which utilizes mating conical shear surfaces to heat the plastic, a powder metering screw, and two stuffer plungers respectively for transporting (Figure 1). ment in processing This machine high viscosity the powder and melt, is a significant polymers. However, improve- it is still complicated, expensive and, more importantly, utilizes shear work to melt the polymer. The aim of this research work has been the design, struction, and testing of a ram extruder polymers. In contrast it is simple, for high viscosity to all of the above processing inexpensive, and introduces con- methods, an absolutely minimal amount of shear work, thereby minimizing physical deterioration of the polymer. -9- 7- '- FE S Uw \ 4AUzLUS (YARMerSC-) \ OA/C \ RTOTOR SSAL rmLOW v,4 tvr FIGURE 1. Schematic of Screwless Injection Machine made by Borg-Warner Machines. -10II, LITERATURE REVIEW This chapter reviews to the design and analysis previous work which has been relevant of the ram extruder. Not surprising- ly, no work has been found dealing with the principles extruder operation. of ram The areas searched were powder flow, powder compression, polymer properties, and polymer flow. II,1 COMPRESSION AND FLOW OF GRANULAR MEDIA The only work found in the area of powder the free flow of powdered and flow along moving views and analyzes of powders. and granular surfaces shear of granular media and Poltorak along a surface They found that the resistance depended considerably also the rate of increase covered a two-phase force. Adler hoppers [3] re- the gravity flow force. [4] investigated at low normal to shear (coefficient of the shear stress. of external and They also dis- The first phase was a by an increase in the shearing phase was uniform movement One of the materials the stresses. on the normal pressure process of flow. flow accompanied The second shearing (such as blades). through Little work has been done concerning pressure Platonov stick-slip materials the factors which affect flow of powders. friction) flow dealt with under a constant used was granular poly- styrene. The compression of powdered materials has received signifi- -11- powders, and Holland Schwartz cant attention. [5], working with show that the stress state for initial yielding iron is given by the Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion y = C + tan~ (1) where y is shear stress, a is normal stress, C is the cohesion at zero normal stress, is the angle of internal and friction. decreases as densification proceeds. However, C increases and As a result, the failure envelope curves down, but can still be reasonably represented by the classical Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion. Lee and Schwartz [6] applied the modified Mohr- Coulomb criteria in an analysis of powder rolling. papers Several [7,8, and 9] have studied the failure of solid polymers pressure. under hydrostatic The data taken shows reasonable agreement with the Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion. Kawakita and Ludde [10] approach the problem compression via pressure-volume considerations. of powder They give pressure-volume equations for piston, tapping, and vibrating compaction. For piston compression, the following expression is given. C - V _ Uo o - V Vo abP ab 1 + bP (2) -12- where C is the degree of volume V o is the initial reduction, apparent volume, V is the volume under pressure P,and a and b are empirical constants. empirical, However, this equat ion is entirely has not been related the constants to the state of stress, and have not been related to any ph ysical of the material. Thus the usefulness properties of this expression is extremely limited In summary, previous work indicates that the deformation of powder compaction can be idealized through the use of the Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion. 11 ,2 POLYMER PROPERTIES Knowledge of the physical a great deal to be desired. properties of polymers Because of the leaves wide number of polymers, co-polymers, and polymer mixes, data must be collected from individual manufacturers. In addition, variations of many properties with temperature, state of stress, and stress rate are not well understood, let alone readily available. Also the inherent non-linearity of such properties as viscosity has made the synthesis of useful constituitive relations very difficult. As a result, almost all design and analysis related to polymers and polymer flows begins with very limiting assumptions regarding the nature of the properties. VISCOSITY In general, the viscosity the temperature-shear-shear rate variation of a polymer melt has been very difficult to of -13characterize, Recently, even though a great deal of work has been done. a computer simulation and 13] has utilized several of flow in extruders power law models [11, 12, to give a single viscosity curve. Viscosity relations which have been proposed for non-Newtonian fluids are given in Table 2-4, reference The most common, power law model primarily given of its "usability", because [14]. is the below: n: fl n = (2-3) nl1l I no A common modification is to include temperature dependance based on the Arrenh ius equati on: n The major = Aexp(-AE/RT)II problem w ith this model empirically determined Newtonian rates. is shown The actual viscosity in Figure also plotted. 2. (2-4) n - 1 is that it does yield beha vior at high and low shear data for the UHMWPE, AC 260-100, For compar ison , the power law model is This model, using equa tion (2-4), is n = (1.53-107) exp(-22.8/T) IjI-,7 The value of AE the was taken from McKelvey [14]. (2-5) -14,Inq _ VIZCOSITYDA T AR AC Za-I CI. rt DO UHMWPF viL. co -eR 3o0 °C. #PWov!ID)D BV * '/% ALLIED CHMetICA1tL C., /0' Q /O 1V7 ri %J r WER,LQ 01T rces , - 2 s .f SU4qr ICr6' To (se ) FIGURE 2. Viscosity Data and Power Law Model for UHMWPE AC 260-100, -15SPECIFIC HEAT A common the literature value of specific [15 and 16] cp for polyethylene given in is CPE = 0.55 Btu/lbm The data in reference heat for polyethylene °F (T=250C) (2-6) [16] shows the temperature up to 320°K. Forsythe dependance of [17] gives the temperature effect as Cp = cpo(l + bT) However, (2-7) no data has been found to support this equation range of the polymer melt. temperature done to the author's in the Also, no work has been knowledge on the relationship between molecular weight and specific heat. manufacturer heat of AC 260-100. for the specific No data is given by the DENS ITY The specific gravity of AC260-100 obtained by A.S.T.M. D792-62T. PE Naturally, .g.PEPH2 = is gi ven as .930, The density is thus 93 .9975 = .928 gr/cc due to compressibility effects, (2-8) the density has a strong temperature and pressure dependance. Though this phenomena has been studied , data is not generally generated by the -16- manufacturers. Forsythe [17] expressed the density change as a function of pressure and temperature: p [= aTPdT+ pTdP (2-9) Substituting the definitions of thermal expansion and volume compressibility he obtained dp = -pc*sdT + pdP Values of the constants were obtained equation and (2-10) , not being generally from manipulation available, of the Spencer-Gilmore of state as will be noted below. THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY The thermal temperature, conductivity has not been well established. of heat transfer in polymers the thermal conductivity not available temperature data, and its variation except within dependances Nor has the mode been well explained. of high molecular with weight an order of magnitude. Values for polymers are The found [18] are in such disagreement as to be meaningless. Data for thermal [16] show a decrease range -100°C to 50 0 C. Lohe [19], and Hennig conductivity of polyethylene in k with increasing However, temperature in the work by Fuller and Fricke [20] in the temperature 300°C is in serious disagreement. in reference [18], range 100°C to As a result, no conclusions -17can be made concerning the temperature dependance of the thermal conductivity of polymer melts. Fuller and Fricke also noted that thermal conductivity decreased with increasing complexity of the molecular chain. Hanson and Ho [21] propose a theory, and present limited to show that thermal conductivity weight. with molecular They also give data that shows thermal decreasing reached, increases with temperature at which increasing very slowly. for drawing conductivity until the melt temperature point the thermal data, conductivity is starts In general, however, data is insufficient any hard conclusions. CONSTITUITIVE RELATIONS The author has found only one attempt constituitive relation. In 1949, Spencer to develop a basic and Gilmore [22 and 23] propsed equation (2-11), the Spencer-Gilmore equation of (P + r) state, where (V - b) = RgT/Mw P is the external pressure, (2-11) V is volume, Rg is the gas constant, T is absolute mer weight, is internal pressure or cohesive energy density, and b is volume at absolute to have been arrived temperature, zero. Mw is the molecular Equation at from considerations (2-11) appears of the ideal gas law PV = RT (2-12) and Van der Waale's equation (P + a/v a )(v - b) (2-13) = BT cation of eq uation of (2-12) for higher pressures. modifi Though 2 -18of state, 1 imited, this equation can be used to derive expressions for the coefficients of therm al expansion and volume compress- ibility and the dens ity. is strai The derivation +) of the two coefficients ghtforward, involving only substitutions of their definitions , giving 1 (P 1 + Rwb (P + (2-14) )4 and = An expression equation (2-15) g for density can also be found ( by combining (10), (14), and (15) and integrating). the resulting use. +R expression is much too complicated It should furthermore equation of state However, to be of any be noted that the Spencer-Gilmore has never been tested for polymers ultra-high molecular weights. with -19- II,3 FLOW BEHAVIOR OF POLYMERS of this work, the author At the beginning on the flow characteristics papers work showed later experimental of polymer melts. many However, that the flow in the ram extruder exhibited a stick-slip phenomena. Since the work on viscous only a brief review flow is not applicable, reviewed of major work will be given. In 1951, Brinkman problem [24] solved the steady for a Newtonian state flow fluid with viscous heat generation. The governing equation =k MrDTJ _. r2(aPJ2 arar (2-16) 4+ [z was solved by evaluating an eigenvalue series for boundary conditions (1) where the tube walls are at To and the entering fluid is at To and (2) where the walls are insulated. results showed very significant viscous heat generation. temperature The rises due to the Bird [25] extended Brinkman's work to the case of non-Newtonian flow characterized by a power law viscosity. Toor [26] investigated the effects of compressibility the temperature profiles of power law fluids. energy equation = =k r where on The governing used was rT r r + n+2 n 2Te + n n is the power law index, 2 rn T is the coefficient (2-17) of thermal -20expansion, and W is the average across the tube. Toor [33] continues the inlet region in order to reach steady by the addition entering of the enthalpy flow. the distance He solves equation state flow. dissipation this work by examining to determine a tube with constant the entering volume rate of energy transport necessary (2-17), amended term, for a fluid wall temperature equal to that of He shows that that the center temperature initially decreases due to expansion, but then increases with axial distance due to viscous The Reynolds heat generation. number is a measure of distance required to reach a steady velocity profile and the Peclet number is a similar measure of the development of the temperature profile. equation for the distance less group analysis. profile to reach steady required files and notes basic theoretical agreement For high viscosity is pointed The Prandtl number relative rates of development. Lyche and Bird [27] obtained state pro- with the dimension- fluids, the velocity than the temperature develops much more rapidly profile. Toor develops an out as a measure a semi-analytical of the solution for the Graetz-Nusselt problem extended to non-Newtonian flow. Reduced temperature profiles for heating and cooling for different power law indexes are given. out the "urgent need for experimental tivities years and heat capacities A final comment data on thermal of non-Newtonian Toor [28] presented Newtonian a heat transfer analysis fluids with viscous heat generation conduct- fluids." later this comment is still very applicable. pointed Fifteen In 1958, of power law nonin a pipe. Gee -21- the basic equations governing and Lyon [29] derive here and give a computer under discussion the flow solution thereof for a particular material. Christiansen Newtonian be important a transient generation. [30,31, and 32] have worked but neglected flow problems heat generation Forsythe analysis and 33]. due to viscous the effects which have been shown to and compressibility [24,25,26, Gruntfest [34] present of a power law fluid with viscous heat The work was based partly on that of Kearsley [17 and 36] developed state flow of a temperature a numerical dependent solution improvement over the methods for the cooling of polymers well with experiments, solution--application a for steady, The results of Bird [25] and Toor [26] These results, though agreeing are limited by the nature to [35]. power law fluid with viscous heat generation and compressibility effects. showed on non- particular material. of a numerical -22- III, III.1 EXPERIMENTAL WORK BASIC CONCEPT OF THE RAM EXTRUDER The ram extruder of high viscosity was noted polymers. for continuous The usefulness in the introduction. illustrated stroke, uncovers (5) through which powder A reciprocating the wall friction of the powder pressure in section as A. where III,2 the polymer (2) falls into On the forward After a few strokes, is sufficient to cause a B every time the ram pushes forward, thereby compacting the powder. powder ram a port (3) in the feed stroke, the ram pushes the powder forward. of compacted of such a machine in the hopper that section of the chamber denoted build-up processing The basic concept may be through the use of Figure 3. (1), on every return block was designed This continuous slug is then forced through a heated tube (4) is melted. DESIGN Figure 4 shows the basic extruder contains detail of standard drawings equipment design. Appendix of the parts and Appendix used. A B is a list Figures 5 and 6 are photographs of the experimental apparatus, including instrumentation. The extrusion a inch ID. tube was 6 inches long with a 1 inch OD and Four 125 watt band heaters were used. Two iron-constantan thermocouples with off-on controllers monitored -23- V) 'I, 5.- w -0 S- x w E co -1 C) 0 c 0 c-, C ua uL c 4-) E 3 0 a P- UC, E 0) Cr4 c-l C; t LU K~- -24- ~. = 9; t % r-J .J x CS 1 t , o L a C) k cv Lz C.) -_ c H 4-- CC 7YM'~--II FIGURE 5. Top View of Apparatus FIGURE 6. Bottom View of Apparatus -26the barrel temperature. Thermocouples A and B were mounted 11 inches from the exit and entrance ends of the tube, respec- tively. probe was The tip of the thermocouple 3 inch from the inside wall. The thermal insulator between the feed block and the extrusion tube was included for two reasons. First, it was desired to maintain as sharp a temperature gradient as possible for later theoretical considerations. melted polymer near the piston cylinder. rise in this part. to jam in the and materials any (During start up it was always to turn on the water before Several designs tested. causes the piston The feed block was water cooled to prevent temperature necessary Second, powering for the thermal up the heaters.) insulator were These included teflon, steel, machinable glass, water cooled epoxy, and water cooled steel sleeve with a teflon insert. Ceramic materials were judged to be unsuitable. of the materials were not acceptable because Most of low mechanical strength, high thermal conductivity, surface roughness, or brittleness. steel-teflon strength The only successful design was the water cooled composite. teflon tended (See Appendix A.) However, the low to flow out between the steel sleeve the heated extrusion tube. filled this space without and Fortunately, the polyethylene apparent effect on the flow. The design was thus suitable for testing purposes though in practice a more durable design would be necessary. Some problems were encountered through the port in the feed block, in the free flow of powder particularly after the -27- powder had absorbed humidity. by simply enlargening All dificulties were eliminated the port. Significant problems resulted from the dry sliding friction between piston and cylinder. mild steel. Initially, both parts were made of However, after a break-in period piston seizures were repeated and rapid. Replacement with a brass piston and additional securement of the bushing prevented further problems. Periodic inspection of this arrangement showed signs of wear on the piston which The problem eliminate indicated that the design was defficient. is not overwhelming. non-axial Use of dual bushings forces and use of hardened to steel or low friction materials (such as teflon impregnated aluminum) should eliminate difficulties in the future. The air motor was run off an 80 psig line through lator. Valving on the air motor is controlled switches accuated by the lever arm. a regu- by two micro- By adjusting the switch positions, the stroke distance can be controlled. Shaft speed is influenced by supply pressure, adjusting screws which restrict the flow passages, and load. As a result, piston speed was quite difficult. a much less sensitive speed fine adjustment of the Future apparatus should employ control. The lever arm was designed stroke reduction factor of 3. to give a force magnification and -28- 111,3 INSTRUMENTATION Among the variables to be recorded were piston velocity, extrudate velocity, piston displacement, and piston force. The velocities were measured with a self-generating, magnetic core type transducers (ISA#1-313 [37]). of transducer is suitable of the measured specifics parameter are given apparatus, for uses where essentially can be tolerated. in Appendix it was necessary B. straight coupling was thus employed. arms. were encountered The arms were strengthened was inserted The instrument to mount the transducers piston and extrudate. Initial problems in the transducer no loading Due to the set-up of the with the moving shaft, This type in parallel A bent arm, rather than (Figures 5 and 7.) due to the spring effect of these at the bend and a teflon to prevent lateral motion. guide This eliminated all problems except that of piston velocity overshoot at the beginning of the return stroke. Since the unloaded piston velocity was obvious is a constant, could simply be ignored. this overshoot and The transducer outputs were fed into an oscilloscope with camera attachment. 60 cycle pickup was 12 mp for extrusion velocity. for piston velocity and 4 mp An LVDT (ISA#1-034) ment. was used to measure Output was fed into a Sanborn recorder piston displaceand calibrated with depth micrometer measurements of piston position. Piston force was to be calculated from measurements differential pressure across the air motor piston. taps were located in the cylinder of the Pressure walls at each end of the -29- s, x -n I- '- It" . ik, 0 %I Co -J LLr! VIl WC It, c) Q 'hS, -4j 1U 5- V -0 FiS i4 4. ,v Li CD i~ t7 A cr -30motor and connected via pressure transducer. "Poly-Flo" tubing to a differential (See Figure 6.) Output was fed to the Sanborn recorder and calibrated by comparison to a calibrated Bourdon tube gage at 20 psid. The transducer was mounted separately from all other apparatus to prevent vibration pick-up. 111,4 TESTS AND RESULTS A series of test were run to determine characteristics of the ram extruder. The factors varied were the stroke length, the barrel temperature, cycling rate. the operating and the speed or Stroke length was adjusted with the extruder operating by moving the valve controlling micro-switches. The travel was read directly from the LVDT output. The extruder tube temperature was controlled by setting the temperature controllers. to adjust, The speed of operation, as noted above, was difficult This was accentuated by the fact that if the machine began produced a partially melted extrudate, the process usually, even when slowed down, went to a new steady state situation only a thin outer layer of the extrusion was melted. where The author attempted to set the air motor speed adjusting screws and the regulator pressure to yield a maximum output condition for a given stroke and temperature. doing so is discussed Measurement of the success below. Variation of differential pressure and piston position were continuously recorded versus time. Pictures of piston in -31and extrudate velocities were taken during the test period of each specimen. return The specimens were marked, during the piston stroke, with a knife. A notation was made on the pressure trace to indicate marked. Appendix C contains the specimen notation, tempera- ture conditions, at which cycle the specimen and readings recordings and the specimens. taken directly was from the output These later include time, cycles, stroke, pressure, and specimen length, diameter, and weight. Calculations included are frequency, mass flow, average extrusion velocity, and residence time. Typical velocity traces under different conditions are shown in Figures 8,9, and 10. The upper trace is piston velocity, the lower is extrudate velocity. Measurements were made. Also, of the density of samples The method and results are included in Appendix at the end of tests for a given stroke melted polymer was pulled out of the tube. of the specimen, slicing from each specimen at the tube entrance, the extrudate axially, the D. the partially Only about inch did not pull out. By axial point at which the polymer first becomes completely melted was found. Presumably, in the ideal situation the polymer would first become completely melted at the tube exit. was judged to be about The specimens On this basis, the speed of operation 30-40% below the maximum themselves were of very high quality. Dimensional tolerance was within .001 inch. was excellent. extrudate Surface quality A few small bubbles were noticed for a short speed. (5/16) stroke. in the hot With the longer strokes, -32no bubbles were noticed at all. Density measurements, however, showed no dependance A large amount of iron oxide on stroke. did appear on the inside wall of the steel extrusion However, III,5 none of the specimens in any way. LIMITATIONS There are two primary work. were contaminated tube. limitations in this experimental First, difficulty in controlling the speed of operation, and therefore the residence time of the polymer in the heated section, prevented the extruder from attaining the maximum output steaty state condition. heaters were insufficient above 450°F. As a result, Second, the four 125 watt to keep the barrel temperature higher for short times, the polyethylene not studied. temperature ranges will not decompose) much (at which, were FIGURE 3a. Test No. 203 Vertical Scale: .667 in/sec/cm Sweep Speed: .5 sec/cm TemoeratureThermocouple A: 400F Thermocouple B: 400°F Stroke: .311 in FIGURE 8b. Test No. 221 Vertical Scale: .667 in/sec/cm .5 sec/cm Sweep Seed: TemperatureThermocouple A: 450F Thermocouple B: Stroke: .315 in 50°F FIGURE Sc. Test No. 242 Vertical Scale: 1.33 in/sec/cm SweeD Speed: .2 sec/cm TemperatureThermocouple A: 475°F Thermocouple B: 460°F Stroke: .320 in FIGURE ?a. Test No. 303 Vertical Scale: .667 in/sec/cm Swee Speed: .5 sec/cm Te moeratureeThermocouple A: 400' Thermocourle : 400 F Stroke: .488 in FIGURE 9b. Test No. 321 Vertical Scale: .667 in/sec/cm Sweep Seed: .5 sec/cm TemperatureThermocouDle A: 450'F Thermocouple B: 450°F Stroke: .438 in FIGURE 9c. Test No. 343 Vertical Scale: .667 in/sec/cm Sweep Speed: .2 sec/cm TemperatureThermocouple A: 475°F Thermocouole B: 460'F Stroke: .488 in FIGURE 10a. Test No. 402 Vertical Scale: .667 in/sec/cm Sweep Speed: .5 sec/cm TemperatureThermocouple A: 400°F Thermocouple B: 400°F Stroke: .582 in FIGURE lOb. Test No. 422 Vertical Scale: .667 in/sec/cm Sweep Speed: .5 sec/cm TemperatureThermocouple A: 450°F Thermocouple B: 450°F Stroke: .582 in FIGURE 10c. Test No. 443 Vertical Scale: .667 in/sec/cm Sweep Speed: .5 sec/cm TemperatureThermocouple A: 475°F Thermocouple B: 460°F Stroke: .574 in -36- IV, IV,1 INAPPLICABILITY ANALYSIS OF VISCOUS FLOW ANALYSIS It was initially supposed that the flow of polymer out the tube would behave as standard non-Newtonian fluid flow. There- fore, the governing equations were developed [38] assuming axi-symmetrical conditions , negligible axial heat conduction, negligible radial velocity and steady state. the effects of compressibility and thermal expansion developed following Toor [26]. momentum, and energy az{pz Davz 1 z az respectively, The equations of continuity, then reduced to, r (4-1) a = where aP rz r r rT Trz (4-2) az T.S. = n v 7 + An order of magnitude analysis under the approximate test conditi ons. as avZ rz ar (4-3) n is the viscosity, coefficient of thermal expansion, and was rewritten were 0 = WpcvT Expressions for e is the is the compressibility. was then performed for UHMWPE The continuity equation -37- 3az following Forsythe negligible V [17]. aZ z (4-4) showed The analysis in both the energy and momentum that the temperature were negligible. v7- was that equations changes due to compression and hence and expansion The resulting momentum and energy equations reduced to: apa 1 ar PCVVZH r rz 1 = i kr. 3v~z'z r (4-5) z + Trz a r r However, over the temperature range (300-450°F) for which the extruder was tested, the flow conditions were not describable by equations (4-5) and (4-6). and above the flow exhibited At test temperatures a definite This can be seen by comparing (upper and lower traces, In the range rod was clean and showed assumed respectively) of the extrusion on the interior wall. tube showed to be viscous polyethylene it must be to the tube walls. to the wall and application to this problem flow. a heavy iron oxide Since the extruded that the UHMWPE was not adhereing a viscous flow analysis velocities in Figures 8, 9, and 10. no signs of contamination, The flow was thus not sticking phenomena. the piston and extrusion of 300-325 0 F the flow appeared But inspection coating stidk-slip of 400° is impossible. of -38THE HIGH ELASTIC STATE AND STICK-SLIP FLOW IV.2 of this section is to explain The purpose and reasons for the stick-slip flow observed of stick-slip The phenomena attention in the literature. the nature of in the experiments. almost no flow has received However, a very recent paper by et. al. [39] sheds a great deal of light on the Vinogradov, In particular, it is shown that under certain subject. conditions in the high elastic a polymer state can exhibit stick-slip flow. Linear uncured polymers, with molecular weight above a temperature, can exist The high elastic state of the polymer The critical state is given viscosity nature of deformations. irreversible. for transition to the high as 2M 2Me M is the molecular corresponding states. by the rubbery nature are of course weight molecular M weight is characterized deformations Mc - where in the fluid and high elastic and by the reversible In the fluid state, elastic above the glass transition value and at temperatures critical > 10 weight, (4-7) Mc is the critical to the change power dependance in the nature on molecular weight, molecular of the and Me is the molecular weight of a chain section between nodes (entanglements). The values of Mc and Me for polyethylene about 2,000 and 4,000 respectively. are extremely low, Thus flow instability has -39has been widely noted for For AC260-100, polyethylene. we find that since =c 4,000 >> 10 (4-8) the necessary this UHMWPE easily meets criterion for possible transition to the high elastic state. Transi tion of a polymer system high elasti c state is dependent shear strai n rate. from the flui d state to the on the shear stre ss and the The critical transition to occur are denoted values of these parameters Tc for and Ic. Vinogr adov and co-workers state that the critical shear stress, Tc, does not increase wi th molecular weight and is, in fact, i ndependent the molecul ar weight. It is also suggested relatively insensitive to temperature. rate, c, is however dependent that Tc of should be The criti cal shear strain on molecular weight. The expression (4-9) ic= Ma is given. An effect of this relationship molecular weight distribution is that a narrow (MWD) implies the fluid state to the high elastic state. a sharp change from Since the initial viscosity dependance on molecular weight is no =o M( (4-10) -40- (where a is the power dependance of initial viscosity on the molecular weight), it is also found that the critical shear strain rate is inversely proportional to viscosity and is therefore proportional to temperature, equation (4-11). -1 Yc = Transition no T (4-11) to the high elastic in the nature of deformation. state also causes a change The primary changes are non- adhesion to solid surfaces and extrudate distortion. The latter has been referred to in [39] as elastic turbulence. In the literature, extrudate distortion has been generally referred to as flow instability (such as the so-called melt-fracture). The experimental work by [39] utilized a constant pressure drop apparatus rectangular to push a narrow MWD polybutadiene duct. The flow rate was measured the flow and extrudate a flow rate--pressure here as Figure region 11. distortion stick-slip pressure to continuous Branch the beginning is confined slippage as the III is characterized by very of small scale distortions extrudate during viscous flow. however, I is the The orthogonal arrows on the strong extrudate distortions. curve indicate and is reproduced Branch II is the spurt region, with flow progressing drop increases. of From the data, The branch of that curve denoted of viscous flow. a and the nature was observed. drop curve was obtained through in the Deformation in branch II, to the rounding off of the corners of the -41- 9dA" 1- IT 0o I -f | - -- 6 FIGURE 11. 6.' /o , h, L hA_ Flow rate dependance drop for polybutadiene on pressure [391. -42rectangular extrusion. of deformation from branch l6, for transition T 6 and II to branch to define a second set of critical convient IV,3 going Due to the major change in the nature III, it is parameters, between the two regions. THE THEORY OF THE HIGH ELASTIC STATE APPLIED TO THE RAM EXTRUDER In this section, explained the nature of the high elastic by [39] will be compared experimental work. to the results state as from this Similar to the experimental work of [39], this work uses a device which applies a relatively constant force to the polymer throughout the extrusion stroke. Also in this section, the possible factor on the pressure slippage effects gradient of the wall-polymer friction and the iron oxide coating on at the wall will be considered. Two situations from this experimental work are noted. First, at temperatures slip. of 4000 F and up, the flow was stick- Second,at temperatures of 300-3250 F both continuous slippage at the exit and some surface ruptures were observed. There are two possible explanations which account for these observations. The first explanation takes into account only the nature of the high elastic state, while the second includes considerations of the polymer-metal the pressure gradient. coefficient of friction and -43EXPLANATION ONE In both cases of critical (high and low temperature), parameters are obviously passed. flow is observed for transition to the high elastic and the polymer is therefore This suggests that the distortion is in the area where II of slippage and surface are noted. in region continuous At the lower temperature, II and III meet. regions These observations may be explained as follows. Tc state At the higher temperature, stick-slip Figure 11. polymer the first set Since is not temperature dependent, we might well assume that (the critical independent shear stress for ruptured of temperature. extrudate) And since pressures is also for both cases are roughly equal, we can assume that the shear stresses not very different. (the critical From section shear Thus the important IV.2, equation shear strain rate, parameter strain rate for a ruptured c, (4-ll),we Tc is are ' extrudate). note that the critical is temperature dependent. this is also true for f'. Then since piston Let us assume velocities were roughly the same, the shear strain rates induced would not be very different. Therefore, raising the barrel temperature could have raised the second critical such that the polymer was in region serious distortion. shear strain II--spurts rate, ¢{c, without -44Two EXPLANATION In this explanation, the exception assumed the reasoning that the strong above is taken observed phenomena. above is accepted temperature to be insufficient dependance of in explaning with c the Now the coefficient of friction between metals and polymers decreases with temperature after the polymer melting temperature is exceeded. Then for a given apllied pressure, the pressure gradient will become steeper as the temperature decreases. For low temperature, therefore, the state of stress would be very high near the tube entrance and low elsewhere. As the temperature is increased, the pressure gradient and the maximum stress decrease and a larger portion of the polymer is subjected to higher stresses. Observations indicate that for temperatures around 4000 F, the state of stress the polymer is sufficient in region smaller portion state which II. For temperatures of the polymer could account to put a large part of around 300°F, would be in a much higher for the distortions observed. a stress The continuous slippage noted at this temperature can be simply attributed to a combination polyethylene of the non-adhesiveness and the iron oxide acting as a dry lubricant. should be pointed out that the non-adhesiveness may become pronounced well below Tc and However, drawing a conclusion. the data is really It of the polymer c due to the MWD. The author feels that the second explanation reasonable. of the is more insufficient for -45- IV,4 HEATING TIME Of utmost in the design of this extruder importance the time necessary as the residence to melt the polymer. time (of an infinitely This is referred is to thin disk in the heated tube). Comments regarding the nature of gradients in the extruder tube are in order here [40]. into the polymer First, using a maximum (1.6 Btu/hr) the radial negligible. was found to be completely at the tube entrance temperature Second, heat flux gradient the gradient was found to be significant, as follows. Temperature conditions and physical dimensions are shown in Figure 12. extruder If the radial tube interface at the thermal gradients are small, 98% of the heat flux in region A will go through the steel sleeve. We can now equate j ( 7 . 1 I 70° 12. /7 . I I I FIGURE insulator-- 7 Calculation 'C000 of Tube Entrance Temperature Gradients -46for heat flux in the two regions provided expressions an equivalent with the area of the extruder T is then Averaging area for region B. given the interface area tube, we obtain AB = .56 sq. in. by (4-12) T T = 2150 F. which yields Taking sleeve is cooled by assuming the fact that the into account = 2- AxA, we find T = 1600 F. Ax Thus it seems that "shortening" 10% would we select of the heated section by about be reasonable. As noted too slow. in Chapter Thus another were run 30-40% III, the specimens correction factor, of about 35%, is necessary to obtain the effective residence time: tcorrected We can now treat the problem temperature ature. subjected (4-13) tmeasured (.9)(.65) to a sudden as a cylinder increase [41] have solved Carslaw and Jaeger at constant in the wall temper- this problem. solution for average and center temperature is plotted with V versus S as the coordinate axes where The -47v T V Tw S = - Ti (4-14) Ti (4-15) at r2 to be either T is taken Ttr t is the corrected diffusivity, a is the thermal or Tave residence time, and r is the cylinder radius. Residence times for the tests at 4000 F and 450°F were At 4000 F the average averaged. and at 4500 F it was 63.8 sec. effective residence approxima t , lI is 1 .23) that a fl diffusivity 01 ft 2 /hr. · (S at 450 ° a nd equation (4-13), the of polyethylene Calculating is .96). a t tem perature is S, we find (S at 400 ° These values of S indicate distribution exists in the polymer [41]. fla t temperature distribution could be explained A in several Applying time was 82.0 sec times are found to be 48.0 sec and The thermal 37.3 sec. residence w ays dependent. First, the melting Thu s the melting temperature, temperature for a given residence time could b e v ery close to the wall temperature. value of Tm, at this time, 300°F and be 1 ow Tm, is time The actual can only be stated as being above the wall temperature non-adhesion of the polyethylene (4000 or450°). and the presence Second, the of the oxide layer indicate the possible existence of a significant contact resistance. thermal of 2. Third, the thermal conductivity, and thus the diffusivity, In all could be in error by as much as a factor probability, all three explanations probably -48contribute to obtaining the calculated results. Modification of the experimental apparatus and further testing is definitely necessary. However, it is still believed temperature increase is caused and therefore that the polymer soley by radial heat conduction of the problem made above is the idealization valid. IV.5 POWDER COMPRESSION AND AIR EXPULSION During all the tests, no problem was ever encountered to inadequate powder compression or entrapped air. due As mentioned in the literature review, the powder compression can be analized by use of the Mohr-Coulomb cation of this criterion shows that the pressure The expulsion follows. criterion. Appli- in a cylinder drop is exponential. is explained as Initially the powder is compressed to near its (Preliminary data indicate that the com- results in an initial density.) diffuses compaction of air from the powder theoretical density. paction to powder yield As the temperature density of 90-95% increase back through the powder escapes past the piston. of the theoretical in the powder, to the tube entrance the air and This temperature activated diffusion process completely degases the polymer. IV,6 MAXIMUM OUTPUT CONDITIONS The residence proportional time necessary to the radius squared for melting of the powder and is also related is to the -49values of the melting the solution and the wall temperature temperature to the heating problem of an infinite via cylinder. If the melting temperature--time and degradation temperature-graphical time relationships are found, then an iterative solution may be used to find the minimum time. technique The only other necessary consideration that the shear stress and shear strain polymer Figure into range of extrudate 1l. background tm = f(Tm,Tda) =- where tm is the minimum extrusion velocity, temperature, thermal polymers. for this is simply length, Tm is the melting temperature, rY is inversely c even a low extrusion rate exceeding III in time, v is the average Td is the degradation to viscosity, strain residence Now, since rate do not move the (4-16) L is the barrel diffusivity. is to make sure distortion--branch The theoretical residence velocity and a is the proportional will cause of shear Y' for the case of high viscosity c Therefore the shear stress will be the primary factor controlling whether the polymer flow or in the region is primarily affected barrel length. is in the region of extrudate distortion. by the pressure Increasing would raise the pressure would increase. of stick-slip The shear stress drop which depends the length of the extrusion drop and therefore on the tube the shear stress For a given barrel temperature, the output mass flow is limited by that length of the extrusion tube -50which causes a pressure shear stress. establish maximum drop corresponding to the critical Much more experimental work will be necessary to all of the functions flow rate. needed to determine the -51- V. The ram extruder extrusion has been shown to be feasible of high viscosity is expected extruded. CONCLUSIONS UHMWPE in cylindrical that other high viscosity polymers for the form. It can also be The nature of the flow has been found to be stick- slip due to the fact that the polyethylene is in the high elastic state. Heating of the polymer tion. is by means of radial Thus the time required tional to the square to heat the polymer of the radius. mass flow is greatest As a result, heat conducis proporthe extruder for thin extrusions. The piston driving source should have separate velocity controls for extrusion and return strokes and a constant force should be applied by the piston for maximum output. stroke speed is limited by the time required The return for the powder to fall through the port. Maximum output may be calculated, if the melting temperature--time and degradation temperature--time relations are known, through circular use of the solution cylinder. the polymer appropriately Extrudate to heating quality can be kept high (i.e. stays in the region of stick-slip limiting the barrel of an infinite length. flow) by -52- APPENDIX A DETAIL DRAWINGS COMPONENT PAGE Extrusion Tube ......................... 53 Piston ................................. 54 Air Motor Adaptor ...................... 54 Lever .................................. 55 Connecting Rod ......................... 56 Spacer ................................. 56 Bushing ................................ 56 Lever Mount ............................ 57 Extruder Tube Mount .................... 57 Pins ................................... Feed Block ............................. 58 59 Thermal Insulator ...................... 60 Velocity Transducer Mount .............. 61 Displacement Transducer Mount .......... 61 -53- I I .o -. 1 N QcIIt -( ? 4i . t A II o1wo '. I~~~I t l~~~~~~al W k _ __ 41 LI) a - ~~~k~~* z ji;TC IiU I C I 1 I XN ! 0 (1 Ii -- i.k - ~ _ _ Nt 4c1 ..... ©_[_T -eI I 3.\- 'V I I Ra i ! I i 7i T . K 41 z - 'o t -54_., . I . . . .. I.. , %,. !s Wf 24ky-- -- -1~~~ ------ . 6215 "1.-- - i U- .... -.--v-,,, I Il - , IT V-o ur... Cs ,lI(/V/ IvC ,.- 1P9ppleaAyRC4rR CAC 1A4T; RA=5 rTOZ-c RACs ; Ft ,q T /A/S -: Z)c c t A II It 1 L 6 . ol --.of --- I __ ..I : 7r . I- TrH? 4V PIs T/ II ) /-/ 1 /--- i i . - _ 1 9/3 D,,. I-. -, II;. i A)P P-11- --. 0, l , s/ 1 I i '.-~~~~~~~~~~~~i _---1 L, l ,~I!: I i Ji //MorR AlreR MN4 (f) -- _ rTOt RAA6/ce;: -- - -/ ! - -.----- _ RE'ACYOMS2± k.,L iGFCIIS L. oo0 -55- V, RADA4S ,'y MxiAttM _... .007 --F o,- I i II i : ---- II 1 --I 0 2DR4L, e 4 2 / cekc d I; to i I I I 0 l i i " I,---X Z)RLL, /-) e I L_ I , - ' f - r-i l.__ / I f -_. 1 .ooZ . FvL#7-rC e-k < .2.O (X) T L&rAAE C S : F R4 CT/(AS ,C} Ce IAIt cE. A- P -56_ z - X s _ At ' 'I_ j ic :11 - -N I *- . r, 4 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I ,~~~~~~4 k Q$ 0 I , _ T9 1. td A i 6 , '$- '' ~ _ Li y . t ,- t IZ XrX - -4 2SZ' 0 o _~~~~~~~~~V _ 'W tY Pi,_ s< 0~~ *~~)~~~~~~ s I T. I R" | V k 4 34 d , -s t e 4 b~~~~~R~ C 1, G, V, W 4 -57- _.-. ----- -- I- "·n -·-rr IU r.rr·--·l I~ ~ ... it --IA F 1V- u I I Cn* i--z~I -II 0 iIi ~ I t~~3 ·CIq1 .-- _l L * i 14j t. , 1. 1\1 z! -\I ~ . c7 ) ;j -- % 4i , 1; %A Q b,-Z; J -58__ m IV I t mo t Na ]t IU kv rTQ x 00 aLI~~ i! el~~~~e i, / .<.. . .X 1 4J :I1 to .. , Q k $ 'k1 0. Z' ..-... o0'-c rr c'r ,goal0-f- Os'-e ' 4 C c' c ., L ' 0 ' z 1. ., -90o· _qoo I o. r3 e l$ Ira - --.- 0 0Sw 1'q~ 3t P Z' vi . -59- I + N - 00'/ - - -\ :t G, a 4i _ LI ;Sl 1-. \- R- t Cl k .I ., C4 -:t I V L.L 2 '1 I t -1 - ----- 'N / _ I_ -it __' _ _ _ -4 L) I ti ;' _ 1,k I / I f~ 1 11 t' 4 -. I- _ -Z k \6 Q C- J. I til Q : __ ---, - IA , - i *- j. . 1th' -J I. k11 k- t c .. :?u k 0 l' a] icq i-,: %.7- ,; J ----I IA i. W- . 0- I . I, ;!r---- I I1 0 I I I I -T- -- 4- ,L i I / LI~ -- ?P 'z 4i - I I V i: I Ii, - - '4 1- r. . ___ . ___ .--r - -__ I 11 I 0 .. 0 - / CO -" I,, - v -S'Zff I -# F" .. Ll I I 1 __ I) NZ, I t I 527/ t W -60- 14.- t I' -f.w 19 v h B 77 ,- , - uI '.7 - i, i U) 7- - "Aa .42 'It (i3 1 t-%< > · Ni - J Z ,it ,\ pj Iz10 Zli % 6 Q~z Lk t < -d- / X4 7 11 - 11 .- I s £~~ i -61- i I I I 1 ,?.7 UWA- .V's b-pro le/1. Y - Zo urV ( ) Va A'C RA /P DL1C T f A1 T: J/ 8 Rh. P l.E<- No10v-vr R r7r () Fk/,eqC-r I's 5 Y*JZ P,6 C.IM4 L. i , / ---,A6 r-- ... -IL. j \ ~....,.~.,......~ _}- -Lt- , -1=1I 1=D I .z L - __ I_____ IWL .1 I 0 f · __ _ Q Q O O 1#4 , n1lll · \ . , \ - -- --T - ... 4 /vz.1 Lj ____··___·_ ___P t .- I, ;Z ..... B 1 W I I I L_.L L-L iV F 1 I-. - -- , - - 1 O O0 0 '"Nt9 ii __. 't © I 3 iI /o -32£A/. () ( 3 /e J'-Pr#) DisPlAeemEcA) r ©) 0 i - .. ---- TZAD VLC-C-7R /t OUA~r MA r: . tA1AKt. /114 x rlf) () JO0LC-Rq i CCS'. FRALTb~lt Y* D6~'Cr#t4v.S± Y, o FSCJA4,1S.S -62- APPENDIX B EQUIPMENT LIST UHMWPE AC 260-100, Allied Chemical Co. Weight Average Molecular Weight of 8,000,000 Air Motor Piston type, Bellows-Valvair Inc. Bore: 3- in. Stroke: Force: 2 in. up Heaters 1500 Rating: at 150 psig. wide, variable range. Band type, Watlow Model: lbs electrically initiated. Valving: Speed: to Inc. 11344G 125 watts at 120 volts. Dimensions: 1 in. Thermocouples Iron-constantan. Temperature Controllers Off-on control ID, 1 in. width. type. West Model JP and Barber-Colman Pressure Transducer Model 297C. Differential type, Fredric Flader Inc. Model: PSB Range: 0-160 psi. -63- Displacement Transducer LVDT, Hewlett-Packard Model: Stroke: LinearSYN 585DT-1000. 1 in. Non-linearity: Velocity Transducers Inc. less than 1%. Magnetic core, Hewlett-Packard Model: LVSYN 7LV6-NB6. Stroke: Inc. 6 in. Non-linearity: Sensitivity: less than 1%. 150 mv/in/se c within 5% over full stroke. Recorder Sanborn 321 Dual Channel Carrier Ampl i fi er-Recorder. Oscilloscope Tektronix Type 564 Storage Scope with Camera C-27. -64APPENDIX C TEST CONDITIONS, RESULTS, AND CALCULATIONS Specimen Nomenclature: Test specimens first digit were labeled with three digit numbers. (2,3, or 4) indicates the second digit (0,2, or 4) indicates last number specifies Test conditions, through C-4. melted. the nominal stroke results Specimens a particular temperature. specimen and measurements The and The in a test set. are on pages C-2 202, 342, and 402 were incompletely -65Test# Stroke Thermocouple Temperature( 0 F) (in.) B 201 202 203 221 222 223 241 242 Number of Total Time of Cycles Test Average Piston Frequency (sec) A I . Total __ (Hz) | .311 400 400 87 .311 400 400 114 118.8 .78 .96 . 311 400 400 113 130.3 .87 .315 .304 450 450 84 89.7 .94 450 450 64 59.8 1.07 .304 450 450 144 110.3 1.30 .312 475 475 130 79 1.65 .320 460 475 119 69.6 1.71 .480 .484 400 400 51 105.5 .48 400 400 56 400 400 106 176.7 450 450 59 86.8 322 .488 .488 .492 450 450 65 85 323 .492 450 450 63 98.7 .765 .64 341 .492 475 475 82 89 .92 342 .496 460 475 81 65 1.25 .488 460 475 78 68 1.15 - - 301 302 303 321 343 - 111 .57 99 .60 .68 |- - 401 .582 400 400 37 89.8 .41 402 .582 400 400 35 96.4 .36 421 450 450 43 74 422 .582 .582 450 450 41 79.2 .58 .52 441 .582 475 475 62 84.3 .74 442 .578 .574 460 480 54 55.4 .975 460 475 46 54.6 .84 443 -66Test # Specimen Dimensions Average Air Motor Pressure (psid) Extrusion Ret urn - S Length (+.03in ) Weight(grs) (+.5mg) Diam. (+.001 i n .) a 201 5 1 7.25 .235 4.752 202 4 1 8.88 .234 203 4.5 1 9.42 .234 221 5.1 1 .2 6.07 .237 5.822 6.183 4.0485 222 5.25 1 .1 4.80 .236 3.203 .236 7.331 223 5.5 1 .1 A ,"I, I I. UU 241 7.75 2 10.57 .237 7.072 242 7.25 2 9.70 .237 6.5345 301 5.375 1 7.25 .235 4.782 302 3.5 1 8.17 .235 5.370 303 4.5 1 15.15 .235 9.984 321 5.5 1 .2 8.13 .236 5.432 322 4.75 1 .1 9.20 .236 323 6.25 1 .2 8.60 .237 6.098 5.744 341 6.5 1 .5 11.02 .236 342 7.5 2 10.48 .238 343 - 7.5 1- 9.98 2 · S ·---- ·- · · 7.368 7.078 6.739 .238 ·--- - 401 4 1 6.00 .234 3.921 402 4 1 7.12 .234 4.658 421 3.75 1.2 6.95 .235 4.581 422 4.5 1.3 6.34 .236 4.194 441 5.5 1.5 9.61 .236 442 5.5 1.75 10.08 .236 6.368 6.7215 443 6 1.7 6.83 .238 4.553 -67Test# Average Mass Flow ( lbm/hr) Residence Time Average Extrusion Velocity Average Pressure At Piston Face (sec) (psi) (ft/hr) _ _I : 201 .0685 19.6 91.9 3160 202 22.4 80.4 2530 203 .0801 .0775 21.7 83 2840 221 .0736 20.3 88.7 3220 222 .0875 24.1 74,7 3320 223 .1085 29.9 60.2 3470 241 .146 44.9 4950 242 .153 40.1 41.8 43 4580 I 301 .0740 20.6 87.4 3390 302 .0886 24.8 72.6 2210 303 .0924 25.7 70 2840 321 .102 28.1 64 3470 322 .117 32.5 55.3 3000 323 .095 26.1 69 3940 341 .135 37.2 48.3 4100 342 .178 48.3 37.3 4730 343 .162 44.0 40.9 4730 - i - .r F __ - 20.1 22.2 89.5 2530 81.1 2530 63.8 2370 .0865 28.2 24.0 75 2840 441 .1235 34.2 52.6 3470 442 .198 54.6 32.9 3470 443 .136 37.5 48 3790 401 .0714 402 .0790 421 .101 422 -68- APPENDIX D DENSITY MEASUREMENTS Two 1.25 inch (nominal) The samples were taken samples were cut from each specimen. approximately from the ends of the specimens. one-third The density was then found by the hydrostatic weighing technique.* weighed in a liquid, then in air. one may then calculate s mb + ms The specimen is first Knowing the specimen Ppm'm of the way in the liquid density, density. The equation is (D-1) mnet where Ps = density of specimen, = density of liquid, m = mass of specimen, mb = mass of basket (specimen mnet = mass of specimen The apparatus holder) and basket has been used to measure of 10- 5 gr/cc. The author, in liquid, and in liquid. densities to an accuracy due to the large number of specimens, attempted to achieve a final accuracy of 10- 4 gr/cc. mass was corrected *Apparatus for the bouyancy at the Materials assistance description Science effect of air using Center, MIT, was used. of Dr. J.A. Kalnajs is gratefully of the apparatus Specimen see A.Smakula acknowledged. The For a and V.Sils,"Precision Density Determination of Large Single Crystals by Hydrostatic Weighing",Phys.Rev.,99,#6(1955). -69m ms [1 + P a i r _ Pair ~s S where Pw is the density balance of the weights (+.02 mg), with stainless The bouyancy these measurements. static weighings therefore densities used. steel weights, effect H16 was used for of air in the hydroand was Ethanol was used for the liquid and a Wang for calculations. All masses in grams per cubic centimeter. calculations A Mettler was less than the error involved ignored. calculator (D-2) W P are in grams; all Constants are: = .78505 Pair = .001197 (for test conditions) Pw = 7.77 mb = 2.17920 The results are tabulated on the following page. for all -70Test # m s mnet +.05mg ms)corrected +.02mq- +.02mg I -_ Room Temp.(°C)/ PS +. 0001 (mmHg) -11 I g - - 201 1.57832 1. 5 8011 2.41870 .9253 202 1.56935 1. 57108 2.41748 .9254 203 11.62245 1.55463 1.624235 2.42667 .9262 1.55634 2.41635 .9262 221 1.64971 2.43100 .9265 223 -1.64790 1.67755 1.679395 2.43498 .9261 241 1.68686 1.68872 .9264 242 1.63830 1.64010 2.43681 2.42962 ~~- 222 I 301 . 1.62172 Humidity(%)/ Barametric Pressure -- 22/60/771 22/61/768 22 . _ _ _ _ _ 1.62350 2.42620 .9259 ll t1.66978 1. 67162 2.43366 .9260 303 1.65418 1. 65600 2.43119 .9260 321 1.62280 1.624585 2.42672 .9262 322 1.65149 1.65331 2.43097 .9261 323 1.64294 1.64475 2.42951 .9260 341 1.65940 1.661225 2.43229 .9262 342 1.73451 2.44351 .9260 343 1.67297 1.73642 1.67481 2. 43436 .9262 __I·_ ·-----D-·(-·-·-··UI·-· .9256 . _I 1.56039 1.63285 1.56211 1. 63465 2.41644 2.42736 1.62900 2.42702 .9259 422 1.62721 1.63533 1. 63713 2.42802 .9258 441 1.74651 1.74843 2.44507 .9258 401 402 421 .. X . -I 3 1 223/601/766111 3 1 22-8/60-/766 1 22-1/60/765 1 1 22 -/6 0/764 2 . _ ... .- .9256 442 I 1.78671 1.788675 2.45109 .9258 443 i1.67472 1.67656 2.43434 .9260 (Theoretical density 1 6 1/76 7 .9265 302 . - is .928 gr/cc.) 1 2 2-/60/764 - - -71- REFERENCES 1. Margolies, A.F.,"Effect of Molecular Weight on Properties of HDPE", 2. Craig, SPE J.,27(1971) R.F. ,Barnes, E.N., and Rakes, J.L.,"Extrusion of Extra High Molecular Weight High Density Polyethylene", SPE J.,24(l1968) 3. Adler,A.,"Flow Properties of Metal Powders",Intl.J. Powd er Metallurgy,5(1969) 4. Platonov,P. and Poltorak,V.,"Investigation of Shear of a Granular Material along a Bordering Surface", Powder Tech.,3(1969/70) 5. Schwartz,E.G. Criterion and Holland ,A.R.,"Determination of Yield for Iron Powder Undergoing Compaction", -1ntT.J. Powder Metallurgy ,5(1969) 6. Lee,R.S. and Schwartz,E.G.,"AnAnalysis of Roll Pressure Distribution in Powder Rolling",Intl. J. Powder Metallurgy, 3(1967) 7. 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