DATE _3/18/02_ through rough ground plan with the cast. through once without scripts. Director sat Idown with cast and editted the script to make it Iti~:htf:r and more flowing. ITolmorrow, 3/19, in Strother at 7:00PM. etc: - IA(lded coffee can of wonns (preferrably live, but will work), coffee maker, and pen and Ist~ltiomu"y set. Rehearsal props are needed ASAP. Hickman will bring fishing poles after Easter. DATE _3/19/02_ the two doors in the hallway be working There is blocking that will require exits enltrrunct'S from the "rooms." through new opening sequence multiple times Lucy rund Phil. IT(lm)rr,OW at 7:00PM in Strother. etc: we have a sound designer? There needs to be Hush at the start of the show. needs to have a belt rund comical boxers as of his costume. IPIIRI'OFtM.ANCE _Faulkner King _ 7_ IWr.rlcp,j Notes: Act 1 Scene 1 and blocked the first few IT()m.,rnnw at 7:00 PM in Strother. Will be IW(lrking Act 1 Scene 1. etc: DATE _3120102 _ _Faulkner King _3121102_ ATTENDANCE: Greg L., Morgan M., David H., Carly A., Taylor D., julie L., Alan G., Chip H., Kathryn G., Kip S., Katie H. Scenery: Notes: IKattrryn sent out a mass email to the TComm dept. All new tlats have heen made. Fireplace will he in blue ioam instead of just painting it. find the crew. Hope to have a complete crew by next Thursday. Breakaway tlats will he bolted with wingnuts. Back doors to the hedroom and bathroom will he Iworlkin," doors. Cross-bracing of the staircase Rehearsal Notes: will get money to Carly to start purchasing Im'or.< tomorrow, She will also he given a key to prop box. Need book for rehearsal prop. PM in Strother. Tonight will he blocking 1-1, Itornonrow will he 1-2, etc: and Phil need to set up appt. to talk with Julie will put together the sound effects for the live I"'JU III their costumes. laulditonc:e vlewmg. ulie showed renderings of the costumes to David. DATE _3121/02_'ITOW, 5-7PM, in Strother. (1-2) etc: ( Ene B~S'5 ~ SCti-Ib) ,J-tI-\. Sth,dl~Y - SGef'\'<" ( JlAllell 11~ '-'4/1:P6 ? 7 - Cos f-t-twte. - L'j htrt17 - MJce.lA.p - 50wui b,( - i)"'J(d f~)i1! ifc'lI - Tc«~ L,( Lr..:-Lu Ab - b( /0r-eH"2 eli ,ter [ (i C eu;"'..<: --v_., r--: "j-J .A)t!L<)qC, tu~ (W,1u"1 ODU tJoble.. Mtik( ~) c. +c:. -) l f I-If.n YL\ J At,k I),b/)l~t- ~ II r 5f~,:1 __ h _ '1 n. (1 f~!lo..d I~unffr Dv)t-1n WI nebrennf:f J;r'1 7 I / 5h45kj ~DJO,cr )f1\ifh J<2S~ Gy-~ltld 7=(0111 ~ i.f CO 1'1\ ey- d ( Dud,)) Dud,'o d 2 ~)J) i('(~,'( • I ':;rl f)-f1'?S 3 fupe. f(ooy ._-_._----- '-,---_. ----_._. tJp5 Mo.t1(li~(X J ~+- d~S$(r des~rJer l ) ) , j 1 I ' I ! , ,. I - f (1\ '.' 1(, ) ;l '. i i Li} /'~ ~ ----~-------.- I '----'-r- -- -------- -----4<,,1. r i ______ -' I I 1(1 ~~cbr~~44J4 i .- /t~ ')~, j~~_~ diaf-i& :Us WG'~c .. lJ,j- ~ vf (~{6J tf -t S- .- ~ cw ~ ~ ~~-~ ~ ~ ~- ~ ~ ~ J)~ .--:hrn,d cit- ~ + ~ A'VlClJ-e. tc- -«) lAlCpR u ~ ~cd- LO/VY~ + /YVlh--dJ ((~) 1:0- vV\. Tc.,./k +0 dip l-kt\s, o~o,(+ i(ow nl""e/1 +t17l~ ~w rv:C\l\j rCop Ie do jDU. n eed ~ How M-en :}101}J (( c~c ~ct ve (l rod \ee H/1.95 (1 cv.L ~ \ I I -, I'f{;\ I~ , - - t I \ I _.1. ,.., \ 0$ ~t7 N " d--. ~ \Aj~ ~~ O-! D~J , ~~o~ 01 11> ----- O! . -I ~ 0]: Iv j I - ---(hip l-l 1-0 S"K-t - ~.-- .. 1 A11 - b Prj 9 lin - bF"1 ) Ned L/- b peopl~ lNi I(h~ve. ~ - I::; peofl<... Page 1 of 1 Hotinail Message MSN Home I Hotmail My MSN Web Search Home fijlnboX ,t.eompose I Shopping I rttddress BOOk] I Money Options - People Ir. Chat Help Calendar [5;;;e ~AclcI~~~)IIBI~kl I C~ Previous Next Free Newsletters Special Offers pop Mall Find Message Reminders Directories From : "Daniel Gooding" <> To : Subject: Ughting Report 032102 Date : Wed. 20 Mar 2002 20:25:44 -0500 Attachment: UghtingReoort0321.0U!QC (15k) i Delete I p':':ut:;ln~F=-o""lde-r-.. ..... - IReply II Reply All I [fOiWard] • • • GJ • [ • Printer FriendlY .Versll!I! ;'1 flicker box for fireplace - Derek is researching getting one for free posSibly, Indy Stage rents one for $50 perweek ._- '10+ nece$5cwcl we need to think of a way to reducethe glare from picture frames on the set - nv C; we need to think about the blocking of the actors on the office part of the set as this will affect how we light that set Derek and I are planning on hanging lights on Thursday and Friday, April 4th and 5th someone (and it can be Derek or me if needed) should ask Alan Gordon if we can hang later on Thursday as I will be in class from 1030-1145 and 1200-200 I need a set of the latest ground plans, drawings, etc. -JaJ k9 +0 b< '+allnd 1(\ the. I,f+ J sef Hotmail Services Cll\ ••otice: Attachments are automatically scanned for viruses using Clfft &.:'/ -t 5e. i- Explore MSN Free Games ~~~:c~: Deals Share Photos Send cash Chat Rooms Upgrade your career Find Old Friends Shop AT&T Wireless More ... D",nle.( -+ Alo.l1 I C\. I?t (' \Yl>Yl'j -b k;lj lilq I)ollj f Ch,p J J ur D~~Vk!~S~I~:hOI !.:"Jd Q~et-Ho~ Si\,,\c. MSN Home I My MSN I Hotmail I Web Search I Shopping I Money I h me People Ir. Chat © 2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. TERMS OF USE Advertise TRUSTe Approved Privacy Statement GetNetWise 1&a=49 1b4ee403b596a20713 7f5d... 3121/02 ifo cW ~~'f\ ~ \,t1vn () l , I Co-J!,Y,' ~,.z~VI'kJ cki uJ'<. (~ cYJ , ~\,f1 Props List for Faulkner King ACTl Iu Robbie's apartment: 'cU!.~ \~ - Paperwads to lay around Robbie's apartment '-l Books laying around Robbie's apartment Bee Ink Pen Yellow Pad of Paper White Handkerchief 2 Fishing Poles Beer - 3 (; 1)C.c_~'-::/) - ,_" Coli}..} Robbie's Book - Ucc, C0i11paet (7) FS. 9 IJt.t1=1Bobby's Small Poetry Notebook Phone '- chl./zd W",,+e\:.>uJ.:,c+ In Ms. Grayven's Office: - Several copies of classic novels Book of Gar~eltl cpmics Wastebasket €CA~U:\S Apple juice bottle -'iV1 ; C'..J<., J~ ,wl.' \ j Paper cup - ,J:.,if,W.. Pad of paper - 'i;:0vJ~ :~" [.<,l-d Pencil ' Can ofLysoVdisinfectant \'h"',.... - Li~" Ju;iYut..ACT II \).} , The Living Room: Notepad -:(,2.l.A; Paperwads laying around Fishing pole Laptop computer Pen Paper - --------- ~' '-7!~~/ r--..zJ i...tJL...' [1i';!:F ~ ;IE:- Cult CJ-<!v n r~714- ~ v~mJ Kdlut. liJ~~\ zfl4 W-( - Everything a designer could want to know abQut Faulkner ~ng: 1) Where (geographically) does this take place? (General locale, as >well as a more specific one such as,on a lake, in the:woods, in a >city, etc.) --Bloomington, IN on a lake. > >2) What time of day is this episod~? Season? --Friday afternoon in March for Act I, Saturday afterno'on (the next day) for Act II > >3) What is the time span from beginning to end? (Does it take place >in one or two days? How are they determined?) --Two days determined by act > >4) How does Robby afford his place? Grandparents left it to him when they died. > >5) Is it a spacious shanty cabin in the woods or an apartment in a >small town? (We're assuming since he's up and coming that he's not >very affluent, or if he is, how did he get his money and how does >that affect his home?) .--small house that his grandparents had owned, nothing fancy -I > ,- >6) Do Shelia and Robby live together? (If so, who's place is it >figuratively and realistically?) --No, it's Robbie's house. > >7) How long have Bobby and Earl known Robby? How long have Shelia >and Robby been together? How long has Shelia known Bobby and Earl? > Bobby, Earl, and Robbie have known each other since childhood. Sheila has known them for three years, ever since she met Robbie at college. >8) What are the Educational and Occupational backgrounds on >Bobby/Robby/Earl? Earl is a taxidermist--nocollege. Bobby is a mechanic--no college. Robbie attend IU as an English major. Sheila attended IU medical school and is a paramedic. > >9) Do the two settings have windows and doors to the outside? What >is outside of each set? What could be seen when windows and doors - -. >are open? --Ms. Grayven's office does not have windows. Robbie's house has windows and a door to the outside. > >10) ·How important is fishing really·to Robby? What is true passion? >(fishing, writing, his relationship with friends/girlfriend, >hobbies, etc.) --Robbie's true passion. is writing. Fishing is a hobby and a way of life for he and his friends. Sheila is very important to him. She's his sanity. 11 iA c~ e."U. <'" i2..J:') 0" J\ ~h~-::'Vl . !~; 0. /', ~ ,,1 () <4 .. '. /\j ~,; '.1 'j', '.'/'U ~, ) ,... '-t ! " 1 • I ('r .' ., d ~ I.) ) :1 !. - ., jl; )<)11':' vQJ {h'l~ .- f +, " " ;( :t:~,y. ~ ,- U" .-~... ", r ~,ec ~, ;, \)t1~i~ Is ;:ciledL{/e +",C)V' !i\l.{($ -t- (:'1'.:(' 'i '. ';0- JO: -/{; .. r:J -.J I" ,,1/ + ;? lY\,QJ 7jJ Tco!"'1 -+ T)/€/iT !J'c.J-- ')I'\,-l jJ (CI,', ~ e. 7 -.--------------~-,----,------------------- . If• I~/' , \b CJ::-wJL /' " ',.,'\-:":t",(" ~, I J> ~ 5111 U 4. ilk ~<~ ;t.P"'l -t,,J.{J)'t (MALt--/ 0\u"'f l;~ -~. eJu vII A9'C;~'\ '* --.:f A(I\V\ ~ c-Jd( £;bl~ No CO-"\e\"~5 -if f"'~ il~ Oy, s-h-;k( "A* ,.. 5.,..), - i-:'\'" (,,\J 'itf c\ ~I\ '+ +11(.' (~o.,r" -+ 61'\ n5~cs PRODUCTION SCHEDULE-FAULKNER KING Date: REHEARSALS March 4-7 7-10 March 18-22 7-10 March 24-28 7-10 March 31-April 4 7-10 April 5 7-10 *REHEARSAL WITH CAMERAS, April 6-7 7-10 f'1.\ ~ ~o,'" 10 .. P.M. Strother P.M. Strother P. M. Strother P. M. Strother P. M. ..lslefjle,{ ~er DIRECTOR, and ACTORS P.M. Te1ep1ex SET LOAD-IN April 1-2 9 A.M.-6 P.M. Teleplex LIGHTS April 9 A.M.-6 P.M. Teleplex ¥-5 FILMING April /11-11 (Without Audience) -.. Location: Time: Engineer Set-Up 5-7 P.M. Actors Call 6 P.M. Film 7-11 P.M. Engineer Set-Up 5-7 P.M. Actor Call 6 P.M. E'i J m 7 11]' ..M. '\....L. ,s:;3 I do Ff"" iz\ ~'1~tJ.;(l3 (All'+S:<{<;'- r;,: 3D April 12-13 (Wi th Audience) ------- ------_. C(('lYIe.fas: ;fAt:rew: Apn 1 1,-7 April :2 j~Jt. !ifni 3 ~3 R~~(",'(sC\..1 7- fOPM S+ro-th.~r 5-tr-dAer fhe",'i-re.... Hee+i Y1Cj >v-f Me,,+m--s) 7 :OD--/: ij,,- PJJ\ Te{efle.x ~fiDn ESU 5"-7f'1 )::,1"1 7- II PfV\ \I,e <-0 "3 - I [ A?f'll ~ Te1ep1ex 7: 00-7:'-15 Pf1 (~euj CreLt.! 1 Teleplex Fi I'" Aw:\ ("'1 te 'FIlM +- u,<t,;", t4' A-w:j,en <.~ ESV ~-IPJV\ Tdeplex Teleplex Fi 11"'\ 7-1/f'M [50 Film 6-1f'M ~-IOp~ Te/eplf:)< PRODUCTION SCHEDULE-FAULKNER KING Date: Location: Time: REHEARSALS 4-7 18-22 24-28 31-April 4 5 March March March March April. 7-10 7-10 7-10 7-10 7-10 *REHEARSAL WITH CAMERAS, 7-10 ~April 6-7 P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. Strother Strother Strother Strother 'l'elefjlelf DIRECTOR, and ACTORS P. M. Teleplex SET LOAD-IN April 1-2 9 A.M.-6 P.M. Teleplex -6 P.M. Te1ep1ex LIGHTS April '1-;; 9 FL ,~. FILMING 3+'1 1/ (iI\ wi April 8-11 (Without Audience) April 12-13 (With Audience) Engineer Set-Up 5-7 P.M. Actors Call 6 P.M. Film 7-11 P.M. Engineer Set-Up 5-7 P.M. Actor Call 6 P.M. Film 7-11 P.M. Teleplex Teleplex Sfro-{Ae. PRODUCTION SCHEDULE-FAULKNER KING Date: Time: REHEARSALS March 4-7 7-10 March 18-22 7-10 7-10 March 24-28 March 31-April 4 7-10 April 5 7-10 *REHEARSAL WITH CAMERAS, April 6-7 7-10 - Location: Strother P.M. P. M. Strother P. M. Strother P.M. Strother P. M. Te1ep1ex DIRECTOR, and ACTORS P. M. Te1ep1ex SET LOAD-IN April 1-2 9 A.M.-6 P.M. Te1ep1ex LIGHTS April 3-5 9 A.M.-6 P.M. Te1eplex FILMING April 8-11 (Without Audience) April 12-13 (With Audience) Engineer Set-Up 5-7 P.M. Actors Call 6 P.M. Film 7-11 P.M. Engineer Set-Up 5-7 P.M. Actor Call 6 P.M. Film 7-11 P.M. Teleplex Teleplex PRODUCTION SCHEDULE-FAULKNER KING Date: Time: Location: REHEARSALS March 4-7 7-10 7-10 March 18-22 March 24-28 7-10 March 31-April 4 7-10 April 5 7-10 *REHEARSAL WITH CAMERAS, April 6-7 7-10 P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. Strother Strother Strother Strother Telep1ex DIRECTOR, and ACTORS P.M. Teleplex SET LOAD-IN April 1-2 9 A.M.-6 P.M. Teleplex 9 A.M.-6 P.M. Teleplex LIGHTS April 3-5 FILMING - April 8-11 (Without Audience) April 12-13 (With Audience) Engineer Set-Up 5-7 P.M. Actors Call 6 P.M. Film 7-11 P.M. Engineer Set-Up 5-7 P.M. Actor Call 6 P.M. Film 7-11 P.M. Teleplex Teleplex PRODUCTION SCHEDULE-FAULKNER KING Date: Time: REHEARSALS March 4-7 7-10 March 18-22 7-10 March 24-28 7-10 March 31-April 4 7-10 April 5 7-10 *REHEARSAL WITH CAMERAS, April 6-7 7-10 - Location: P.M. Strother Strother P.M. P. M. Strother P. M. Strother P.M. Teleplex DIRECTOR, and ACTORS Teleplex P.M. SET LOAD-IN April 1-2 9 A.M.-6 P.M. Teleplex LIGHTS April 3-5 9 A.M.-6 P.M. Teleplex FILMING April 8-11 (Without Audience) April 12-13 (With Audience) Engineer Set-Up 5-7 P.M. Actors Call 6 P.M. Film 7-11 P.M. Engineer Set-Up 5-7 P.M. Actor Call 6 P.M. Film 7-11 P.M. Teleplex Teleplex PRODUCTION SCHEDULE-FAULKNER KING Date: Time: Location: 7-10 7-10 7-10 7-10 7-10 Strother Strother Strother Strother Teleplex REHEARSALS March March March March April 4-7 18-22 24-28 31-April 4 5 P. M. P.M. P.M. P. M. P.M. *REHEARSAL WITH CAMERAS, DIRECTOR, and ACTORS - April 6-7 7-10 P. M. Teleplex SET LOAD-IN April 1-2 9 A.M.-6 P.M. Teleplex LIGHTS April 3-5 9 A.M.-6 P.M. Teleplex FILMING April 8-11 (Without Audience) April 12-13 (With Audience) Engineer Set-Up 5-7 P.M. Actors Call 6 P.M. Film 7-11 P.M. Engineer Set-Up 5-7 P.M. Actor Call 6 P.M. Film 7-11 P.M. Teleplex Te1ep1ex PRODUCTION SCHEDULE-FAULKNER KING Date: Time: REHEARSALS March 4-7 7-10 March 18-22 7-10 March 24-28 7-10 March 31-April 4 7-10 7-10 April 5 *REHEARSAL WITH CAMERAS, April 6-7 7-10 - Location: Strother P. M. Strother P. M. Strother P.M. P. M. Strother P.M. Teleplex DIRECTOR, and ACTORS P. M. Teleplex SET LOAD-IN April 1-2 9 A.M.-6 P.M. Teleplex LIGHTS April 3-5 9 A.M.-6 P.M. Teleplex FILMING April 8-11 (Without Audience) April 12-13 (With Audience) Engineer Set-Up 5-7 P.M. Actors Call 6 P.M. Film 7-11 P.M. Engineer Set-Up 5-7 P.M. Actor Call 6 P.M. Film 7-11 P.M. Teleplex Teleplex PRODUCTION SCHEDULE-FAULKNER KING DATE: TIME: REHEARSALS 7-11 P.M. April 1 April 2 (Crew View) 7-11 P.M. LOCATION: WHO: Strother Strother Cast Cast/ Crew Cast 7-11 P.M. Strother April 3-5 *REHEARSALS WITH CAMERAS, DIRECTOR, and ACTORS ONLY 7-10 P.M. April 6-7 Teleplex SET LOAD-IN April 2-3 8 A.M.-6 P.M. Teleplex LIGHT SET-UP April 4-5 9 A.M.-6 P.M. Teleplex Engineer Set-Up 5-7 P.M. Actors Call 6 P.M. Film 7-11 P.M. Engineer Set-Up 6-8 P.M. Actors Call 7 P.M. Film 8-10 P.M. Strike 10P.M.-12 A.M. Teleplex FILMING April 8-11 (Without Audience) April 12-13 (With Audience) Cast/ Cameras Crew Cast Teleplex Crew Cast Cast/ Crew ** All Crew need to be present on April 2, 3, and 8-13. Camera crew need to be present on those dates PLUS April 67. PRODUCTION SCHEDULE-FAULKNER KING DATE: TIME: REHEARSALS 7-11 P.M. April 1 April 2 (Crew View) 7-11 P.M. LOCATION: WHO: Strother Strother Cast Cast/ Crew Cast Strother 7-11 P.M. April 3-5 *REHEARSALS WITH CAMERAS, DIRECTOR, and ACTORS ONLY 7-10 P.M. Te1ep1ex April 6-7 SET LOAD-IN April 2-3 8 A.M.-6 P.M. Te1ep1ex LIGHT SET-UP April 4-5 9 A.M.-6 P.M. Te1ep1ex Engineer Set-Up 5-7 P.M. Actors Call 6 P.M. Film 7-11 P.M. Engineer Set-Up 6-8 P.M. Actors Call 7 P.M. Film 8-10 P.M. Strike 10P.M.-12 A.M. Te1ep1ex FILMING April 8-11 (Without Audience) April 12-13 (Wi th Audience) Cast/ Cameras Crew Cast Te1ep1ex Crew Cast Cast/ Crew ** All Crew need to be present on April 2, 3, and 8-13. Camera crew need to be present on those dates PLUS April 67. PRODUCTION SCHEDULE-FAULKNER KING DATE: TIME: REHEARSALS 7-11 P.M. April 1 April 2 (Crew View) 7-11 P.M. LOCATION: WHO: Strother Strother Cast Cast! Crew Cast Strother 7-11 P.M. April 3-5 *REHEARSALS WITH CAMERAS, DIRECTOR, and ACTORS ONLY 7-10 P.M. Teleplex April 6-7 SET LOAD-IN April 2-3 8 A.M.-6 P.M. Teleplex LIGHT SET-UP April 4-5 9 A.M.-6 P.M. Teleplex Engineer Set-Up 5-7 P.M. Actors Call 6 P.M. Film 7-11 P.M. Engineer Set-Up 6-8 P.M. Actors Call 7 P.M. Film 8-10 P.M. Strike 10P.M.-12 A.M. Teleplex FILMING April 8-11 (Without Audience) April 12-13 (With Audience) Cast! Cameras Crew Cast Teleplex Crew Cast Cast/ Crew ** All Crew need to be present on April 2, 3, and 8-13. Camera crew need to be present on those dates PLUS April 67. PRODUCTION SCHEDULE-FAULKNER KING DATE: TIME: REHEARSALS 7-11 P.M. April 1 View) 7-11 P.M. 2 (Crew April LOCATION: WHO: Strother Strother Cast Cast/ Crew Cast Strother 7-11 P.M. April 3-5 *REHEARSALS WITH CAMERAS, DIRECTOR, and ACTORS ONLY 7-10 P.M. Teleplex April 6-7 SET LOAD-IN April 2-3 8 A.M.-6 P.M. Teleplex LIGHT SET-UP April 4-5 9 A.M.-6 P.M. Teleplex Engineer Set-Up 5-7 P.M. Actors Call 6 P.M. Film 7-11 P.M. Engineer Set-Up 6-8 P.M. Actors Call 7 P.M. Film 8-10 P.M. Strike 10P.M.-12 A.M. Teleplex FILMING April 8-11 (Without Audience) April 12-13 (With Audience) Cast/ Cameras Crew Cast Crew Teleplex Cast Cast/ Crew ** All Crew need to be present on April 2, 3, and 8-13. Camera crew need to be present on those dates PLUS April 67• PRODUCTION SCHEDULE-FAULKNER KING DATE: TIME: REHEARSALS 7-11 P.M. April 1 April 2 (Crew View) 7-11 P.M. LOCATION: WHO: Strother Strother Cast Cast/ Crew Cast Strother 7-11 P.M. April 3-5 *REHEARSALS WITH CAMERAS, DIRECTOR, and ACTORS ONLY 7-10 P.M. Teleplex April 6-7 SET LOAD-IN April 2-3 8 A.M.-6 P.M. Teleplex LIGHT SET-UP April 4-5 9 A.M.-6 P.M. Teleplex Engineer Set-Up 5-7 P.M. Actors Call 6 P.M. Film 7-11 P.M. Engineer Set-Up 6-8 P.M. Actors Call 7 P.M. Film 8-10 P.M. Strike 10P.M.-12 A.M. Teleplex FILMING April 8-11 (Without Audience) April 12-13 (With Audience) Cast/ Cameras Crew Cast Crew Teleplex Cast Cast/ Crew ** All Crew need to be present on April 2, 3, and 8-13. Camera crew need to be present on those dates PLUS April 67. - PRODUCTION SCHEDULE-FAULKNER KING DATE: TIME: REHEARSALS 7-11 P.M. April 1 April 2 (Crew View) 7-11 P.M. LOCATION: WHO: Strother Strother Cast Cast/ Crew Cast 7-11 P.M. Strother April 3-5 *REHEARSALS WITH CAMERAS, DIRECTOR, and ACTORS ONLY 7-10 P.M. Teleplex April 6-7 SET LOAD-IN April 2-3 8 A.M.-6 P.M. Teleplex LIGHT SET-UP April 4-5 9 A.M.-6 P.M. Teleplex Engineer Set-Up 5-7 P.M. Actors Call 6 P.M. Film 7-11 P.M. Engineer Set-Up 6-8 P.M. Actors Call 7 P.M. Film 8-10 P.M. Strike 10P.M.-12 A.M. Teleplex FILMING April 8-11 (Without Audience) April 12-13 (With Audience) Cast/ Cameras Crew Cast Crew Teleplex Cast Cast/ Crew ** All Crew need to be present on April 2, 3, and 8-13. Camera crew need to be present on those dates PLUS April 67. - PRODUCTION SCHEDULE-FAULKNER KING DATE: TIME: LOCATION: WHO: REHEARSALS April 1 April 2 (Crew View) 7-11 P.M. 7-11 P.M. Strother Strother Cast Cast! Crew Cast Strother 7-11 P.M. April 3-5 *REHEARSALS WITH CAMERAS, DIRECTOR, and ACTORS ONLY 7-10 P.M. Teleplex April 6-7 SET LOAD-IN April 2-3 8 A.M.-6 P.M. Teleplex LIGHT SET-UP April 4-5 9 A.M.-6 P.M. Teleplex Engineer Set-Up 5-7 P.M. Actors Call 6 P.M. Film 7-11 P.M. Engineer Set-Up 6-8 P.M. Actors Call 7 P.M. Film 8-10 P.M. Strike 10P.M.-12 A.M. Teleplex FILMING April 8-11 (Without Audience) April 12-13 (With Audience) Cast! Cameras Crew Cast Teleplex Crew Cast Cast! Crew ** All Crew need to be present on April 2, 3, and 8-13. Camera crew need to be present on those dates PLUS April 67• - PRODUCTION SCHEDULE-FAULKNER KING DATE: TIME: REHEARSALS 7-11 P.M. April 1 View) 7-11 P.M. 2 (Crew April LOCATION: WHO: Strother Strother Cast Cast/ Crew Cast 7-11 P.M. Strother April 3-5 *REHEARSALS WITH CAMERAS, DIRECTOR, and ACTORS ONLY 7-10 P.M. Teleplex April 6-7 SET LOAD-IN April 2-3 8 A.M.-6 P.M. Teleplex LIGHT SET-UP April 4-5 9 A.M.-6 P.M. Teleplex Engineer Set-Up 5-7 P.M. Actors Call 6 P.M. Film 7-11 P.M. Engineer Set-Up 6-8 P.M. Actors Call 7 P.M. Film 8-10 P.M. Strike 10P.M.-12 A.M. Teleplex FILMING April 8-11 (Without Audience) April 12-13 (With Audience) Cast/ Cameras Crew Cast Teleplex Crew Cast Cast/ Crew ** All Crew need to be present on April 2, 3, and 8-13. Camera crew need to be present on those dates PLUS April 67. PRODUCTION SCHEDULE-FAULKNER KING DATE: TIME: REHEARSALS 7-11 P.M. April 1 April 2 (Crew View) 7-11 P.M. LOCATION: WHO: Strother Strother Cast Cast/ Crew Cast Strother 7-11 P.M. April 3-5 *REHEARSALS WITH CAMERAS, DIRECTOR, and ACTORS ONLY 7-10 P.M. Teleplex April 6-7 SET LOAD-IN April 2-3 8 A.M.-6 P.M. Teleplex LIGHT SET-UP April 4-5 9 A.M.-6 P.M. Teleplex Engineer Set-Up 5-7 P.M. Actors Call 6 P.M. Film 7-11 P.M. Engineer Set-Up 6-8 P.M. Actors Call 7 P.M. Film 8-10 P.M. Strike 10P.M.-12 A.M. Teleplex FILMING April 8-11 (Without Audience) April 12-13 (With Audience) Cast/ Cameras Crew Cast Teleplex Crew Cast Cast/ Crew ** All Crew need to be present .on April 2, 3, and 8-13. Camera crew need to be present on those dates PLUS April 67• PRODUCTION SCHEDULE-FAULKNER KING DATE: TIME: REHEARSALS 7-11 P.M. April 1 April 2 (Crew View) 7-11 P.M. LOCATION: WHO: Strother Strother Cast Cast/ Crew Cast Strother 7-11 P.M. April 3-5 *REHEARSALS WITH CAMERAS, DIRECTOR, and ACTORS ONLY 7-10 P.M. Te1ep1ex April 6-7 SET LOAD-IN April 2-3 8 A.M.-6 P.M. Teleplex LIGHT SET-UP April 4-5 9 A.M.-6 P.M. Teleplex Engineer Set-Up 5-7 P.M. Actors Call 6 P.M. Film 7-11 P.M. Engineer Set-Up 6-8 P.M. Actors Call 7 P.M. Film 8-10 P.M. Strike 10P.M.-12 A.M. Teleplex FILMING April 8-11 (Without Audience) April 12-13 (With Audience) Cast/ Cameras Crew Cast Teleplex Crew Cast Cast/ Crew ** All Crew need to be present on April 2, 3, and 8-13. Camera crew need to be present on those dates PLUS April 67• - PRODUCTION SCHEDULE-FAULKNER KING DATE: TIME: REHEARSALS 7-11 P.M. April 1 Aoril 2 (Crew View) 7-11 P.M. LOCATION: WHO: Strother Strother Cast Cast/ Crew Cast Strother 7-11 P.M. April 3-5 *REHEARSALS WITH CAMERAS, DIRECTOR, and ACTORS ONLY Teleplex 7-10 P.M. April 6-7 SET LOAD-IN April 2-3 8 A.M.-6 P.M. Teleplex LIGHT SET-UP April 4-5 9 A.M.-6 P.M. Teleplex Engineer Set-Up 5-7 P.M. Actors Call 6 P.M. Film 7-11 P.M. Engineer Set-Up 6-8 P.M. Actors Call 7 P.M. Film 8-10 P.M. Strike 10P.M.-12 A.M. Teleplex FILMING April 8-11 (Without Audience) April 12-13 (With Audience) Cast/ Cameras Crew Cast Teleplex Crew Cast Cast/ Crew ** All Crew need to be present on April 2, 3, and 8-13. Camera crew need to be present on those dates PLUS April 67. - January 2002 - 2001-2002 Production Calendar S M Dee 1001 T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 6 10 7 11 12 Spring CIIlsse6 begin 14 13 Garbo's Innatable Theatre Company (Emens) 3 p.m. 15 19 16 Faculty MIg - Reh he&in: Radicals 11 a.m. Reh. resume: CAT 1 2 3 4 8 9 30 31 5 Muncie Symphony- 2:30p.m. 27 Cleveland Ballet: lecture/demo Cleveland Ballet - Master Class 11 a.m. Cleveland Ballet (Emens) 7:30 p.m. loa.m. Printed by Calendar Creator for Windows on 1fTI2OO2 S M Feb 2002 T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 • February 2002 2001-2002 Production Calendar MarlOOZ JanZOOl S M T W T F S SMTWTFS 1 8 15 22 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 1 2 3456789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 2 9 16 23 29 30 3 10 17 24 31 9 7 Shakespeare's Family 2:30p.m. 12 11 10 Alpha Night CAT7p.m. Reh begin: LNM 13 14 FacuHy Mlg11 a.m. 15 16 New Student Auditions Ragtime (Emens) 7:30 p.m. 17 18 19 CBt•••Roof Retreat (all 2:30p.m. day) 20 3 St. Petersburg State Ice Ballet (Emens) 2&7:30 p.m Muncie Symphony2:30p.m. US/IT 24 5 7 28 Closer Than Ever- 2:30 p.m. I Isadora Duncan I Printed by Calendar Creator for Windows on 1f712OO2 March 2002 2001-2002 Production Calendar Feb 2002 S M T W T 3 10 17 24 456 11 12 13 18 19 20 15 26 27 F Apr 2002 SMTWTFS S 1 2 789 14 15 16 21 22 23 28 7 14 21 28 123456 8 9 10 11 1l 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 3 6 7 8 9 13 14 15 16 r.R:-:-:i<-als;-:"2 ::::30'"'&" ad 8p.rn. 10 11 12 17 18 19 21 Penn & Teller (Emens) 7:30 p.m. Alpha Night LNM7p.m. 3 FacuHy Mlg- 118.m. Buddy (Emens) 7:30 p.m. Indiana SpriDg Break 24 25 7 6 Junior Art (Emens) 7:30 Choreography p.m. 28 Showcase 2:30 p.m. 31 Printed by Calendar Creator for Windows on 1nl2OO2 9 30 Apri12002 2001-2002 Production Calendar Monday Sunday 1 Tuesday 2 FOTWAD 6 p.m. 7 Night Music 2:30p.m. I 8 4 3 I Friday Thursday Wednesday Saturday 5 6 I 9 NAST - Minne.poHs I ALitil Night Music (U1 8p.m. 12 11 10 I I I I 13 Re"ex 11p.m.Strother Faculty MIg 11 a.m. Shakespeare Auditions lp.m. I NAST- 14 Workshop 116 2:30p.m. I I I J 15 TelevisionIVi eo Production 17 16 I Work.hop S ot#6 8 p.m. 19 18 School Per£ 101l.m. I '- 20 Laramie Auditions Ro"ex 11p.m. Strother I '21 22 Fest/viii of Dllnce2:30 p.m. Laramie Auditions 23 24 25 Cabaret Workshop 10B.rn. Cllisses end La VIe En Rose - Strother 7&10p.m. I Musical Theatre W ! I Banquet 27 Cabaret Workshop 1&7p.m. 7:30p.m. I Department 26 Cabaret (Emens) I '28 FestivlI ofDllnce 2002 (U )8p.m. J 29 30 Mar 2002 S M T W T F 3 10 17 24 31 I I FiDM/ O:Zuu ri<shop: Cave Pert. 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 I Printed by Calendar Creator for Windows on lf712OO2 S 2 9 16 2J 30 I May 1002 S M T W T F 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 S 4 11 18 25 l- May 2002 2001-2002 Production Calendar Apr 2002 SMTWTFS 123456 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 - 12 JunlOOl SMTWTFS I COlIJIIIellCement 1 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 8 15 22 29 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 5 8 9 30 31 SSJ begin. i I I: i NYC Showca.e I ; 19 20 Memorial Day Reb. begin: R&j --, Printed by Calendar Creator for Windows on 1fll2OO2 I ('f\ - 'T - 'rCOJ1 Y( , :)- ~'I{' / J.-lfJ (2'~ ! -3 r 31..{ P~ObU(T ION SCHEbULt . MoN '--'~-"'-'" --------- Dvs h VI uJlV"\e bH~,Y)t')t.r - Clet'S",; M d' ~\ 0D g ;00 -- J ,'00 l.J I2 rh 2>,' 00- : 00 - () : 00 9: 00 - II ' 0 F l o 00 - :2 - C) ,~ 0 tv'lCI\J iUE;, 0 3 10--1<:;' °- u. \J C'd \c,b k) ( V\c-t i /- ~7 \A). LL rc l.J A""-.e bE I:::S· 1- 5 Itef 11.-1 ,f'c ICJ5 k 1_ *( .r i2.1 c\ \ ''-( h,w, 1../ -s ~ :.:; tioLQ25 WO iLLII\Jq I~· T~hA Ii''::'' 1(1-~ \1-12 ~ \;1.120 1-\ N i) It 01v r kCM JAN CAT ON A (tor 1'-1 - r L t3 I 3 II TIN QcUf ). :XJ- & :/.)- KJl~Tt·~e~..s S--7 eJ"~~c:r, "d.,J e 0/-1 >- . W,l/ /Iff i.e. (0., \j197,;1~ - ~ c/~-> T~ F~6 - ? Ib I r:oo-- j;(!O 9 ; 3[. - IC'1 j- N\\VF CIG>seS Tlf loe,roc .- Xop/\eJ tee,! dGf L'v(I\'I~~) Jer ACT F I,l,·,,- 1+ I)h (d,'Y J,:1/ 6aS:5 e.Veh'~J ; (Jr her (c"cttl- ;lL"rc, I \,1, lie . I' Ir-, ;".d;vlde,c,/ J // \1/,'1 er·[ try \'.vt'ht ry i.{ /'Yl. v '-c,'h,ed bOer! ,i- ~ a elvie,s. L'/) /V1"'IC/.? va'! c hie v"d,e e.ver, up 0hd CCh~l,f5 tl,,,,, h, v/,I/' 0 Ihect-I'::.>/ M /it'-4ro 1Joo-lif l' ;flofl- /1{ !il) -r QJidfJ'l'f l'o<'-r.H'j IN ----ryr (OM-lifO ql()/, 'I, (iMO-tf;O /f P d-I){Tj /IfPf,-lq'!c rlOt) -/7)1) {l-/tJp-/b{'iO \ T - 3-0' w R 1/ :g .. .s- F - ;/{)I:)-- 00 /'Ob 8 3CJ --:=\'\,'0. \~~\ - I/-IL - v"''"''''"- Ft<.c"l-l'-f M\'\ \ d. : '0= 4'·= --------- \ ~ .. 4-S - "'S:oo \ -\ i-\- -"T\-t ~Ll~t ~~n~ (v\WF \\Q...L~ ~ " rR l\ (.L.-"v''v\. \ \:l""Y'" ~~ C\ ~ J -J'" . ,- l A./'i"~'"-'- \.;).w'. / -----------_._ ..... _- .. _- - - INT. - ROBBIE'S LIVING ROOM ROBBIE is sitting in his living room/study. There are papers and books everywhere. It's a cluttered mess. Balls of paper appear to have been thrown haphazardly across the room and there is a wastebasket full of them. ROBBIE sits on the couch looking pretty frazzled. He hasn't shaved in a few days and he's wearing a rumpled flannel shirt and blue jeans. He has a pen in one hand and he is pulling his other hand through his hair trying to calm himself. He has ink marks on his hands and face. With a sudden movement, he starts to scribble something on the yellow pad of paper he has before him. He stops and holds the notebook up to read what he just wrote, studying it intently. He yells and flings the notebook across the room. A door is heard bursting open as SHEILA hurriedly enters the room with a look of concern. SHEILA Are you okay, honey? ROBBIE (melodramatically, as if he were announcing a terminal illness) I have ... writer's block. SHEILA (concern disappearing from her face and somewhat curtly) Oh, so you're fine then. Good. You can help me then. You would not the day I had. I really need you to listen to me right now or I'll just explodeROBBIE What do you mean fine?! Fine?!!! I'm not fine! I have writer's block. Didn't you hear me? I would be fine if a car had ran over my foot this morning. I would be fine if I had gotten bit by a rabid raccoon. I might even be fine if my house burned down. But this?! This is not fine. SHEILA Sometimes you can be so inconsiderate. ROBBIE Me? Inconsiderate? Sheila, what the hell are you talking about? SHEILA I come over to your house, just looking for someone to listen to my stressful day at work and all you can do is whine about your stupid writer's block. ROBBIE (angrily) You're an EMT. Just how stressful couId your day possibly be? INT. - ROBBIE'S LIVING ROOM ROBBIE is sitting in his living room/study. There are papers and books everywhere. It's a cluttered mess. Balls of paper appear to have been thrown haphazardly across the room and there is a wastebasket full of them. ROBBIE sits on the couch looking pretty frazzled. He hasn't shaved in a few days and he's wearing a rumpled flannel shirt and blue jeans. He has a pen in one hand and he is pulling his other hand through his hair trying to caIrn himself. He has ink marks on his hands and face. With a sudden movement, he starts to scribble something on the yellow pad of paper he has before him. He stops and holds the notebook up to read what he just wrote, studying it intently. He yells and flings the notebook across the room. A door is heard bursting open as SHEILA hurriedly enters the room with a look of concern. SHEILA Are you okay, honey? ROBBIE (melodramatically, as ifhe were announcing a terminal illness) I have ... writer's block. SHEILA (concern disappearing from her face and somewhat curtly) Oh, so you're fine then. Good. You can help me then. You would not the day I had. I really need you to listen to me right now or I'll just explode-ROBBIE What do you mean fine?! Fine?!!! I'm not fine! I have writer's block. Didn't you hear me? I would be fine if a car had ran over my foot this morning. I would be fine if I had gotten bit by a rabid raccoon. I might even be fine ifmy house burned down. But this?! This is not fine. SHEILA Sometimes you can be so inconsiderate. ROBBIE Me? Inconsiderate? Sheila, what the hell are you talking about? SHEILA I come over to your house, just looking for someone to listen to my stressful day at work and all you can do is whine about your stupid writer's block. ROBBIE (angrily) You're an EMT. Just how stressful could your day possibly be? - INT. - ROBBIE'S LIVING ROOM ROBBIE is sitting in his living room/study. There are papers and books everywhere. It's a cluttered mess. Balls of paper appear to have been thrown haphazardly across the room and there is a wastebasket full of them. ROBBIE sits on the couch looking pretty frazzled. He hasn't shaved in a few days and he's wearing a rumpled flannel shirt and blue jeans. He has a pen in one hand and he is pulling his other hand through his hair trying to calm himself He has ink marks on his hands and face. With a sudden movement, he starts to scnbble something on the yellow pad of paper he has before him. He stops and holds the notebook up to read what he just wrote, studying it intently. He yells and flings the notebook across the room A door is heard bursting open as SHEILA hurriedly enters the room with a look of concern. SHEILA Are you okay, honey? ROBBIE (melodramatically, as ifhe were announcing a tenninal illness) I have ... writer's block. SHEILA (concern disappearing from her face and somewhat curtly) Oh, so you're fine then. Good. You can help me then. You would not the day I had. I really need you to listen to me right now or I'll just explode-ROBBIE What do you mean fine?! Fine?!!! I'm not fine! I have writer's block. Didn't you hear me? I would be fine ifa car had ran over my foot this morning. I would be fine ifl had gotten bit by a rabid raccoon. I might even be fine if my house burned down. But this?! This is not fine. SHEILA Sometimes you can be so inconsiderate. ROBBIE Me? Inconsiderate? Sheila, what the hell are you talking about? SHEILA I come over to your house, just looking for someone to listen to my stressful day at work and all you can do is whine about your stupid writer's block. ROBBIE (angrily) You're an EMT. Just how stressful could your day possibly be? - INT. - ROBBIE'S LIVING ROOM . ROBBIE is sitting in his living room/study. There are papers and books everywhere. It's a cluttered mess. Balls of paper appear to have been thrown haphazardly across the room and there is a wastebasket full of them. ROBBIE sits on the couch looking pretty frazzled. He hasn't shaved in a few days and he's wearing a rumpled flannel shirt and blue jeans. HI: has a pen in one hand and he is pulling his other hand through his hair trying to calm himself He has ink marks on his hands and face. With a sudden movement, he starts to scribble something on the yellow pad of paper he has before him. He stops and holds the notebook up to read what he just wrote, studying it intently. He yells and flings the notebook across the room. A door is heard bursting open as SHEILA hurriedly enters the room with a look of concern. SHEILA Are you okay, honey? ROBBIE (melodramatically, as ifhe were announcing a terminal illness) I have ... writer's block. SHEILA (concern disappearing from her face and somewhat curtly) Oh, so you're fine then. Good. You can help me then. You would not the day I had. I really need you to listen to me right now or I'll just explodeROBBIE What do you mean fine?! Fine?!!! I'm not fine! I have writer's block. Didn't you hear me? I would be fine if a car had ran over my foot this morning. I would be fine if I had gotten bit by a rabid raccoon. I might even be fine if my house burned down. But this?! This is not fine. SHEILA Sometimes you can be so inconsiderate. ROBBIE Me? Inconsiderate? Sheila, what the hell are you talking about? SHEILA I come over to your house, just looking for someone to listen to my stressful day at work and all you can do is whine about your stupid writer's block. ROBBIE (angrily) You're an EMT. Just how stressful could your day possibly be? - ROBBIE I know. I can't even write a clothing tag worth a crap. What am I going to do, Sheila? SHEILA I'm not sure. I never understood how a guy who considers his beer cap collection his most prized possession could ever write avant-garde romance in the first place. ROBBIE Thanks. You're helping so much. Is this how you talk to people on the job? (mimicking her) "Looks like you're fulling unconscious, sir, but I never understood why a man with a truck fender in his neck was walking around in the first place." SHEILA Don't get smart with me, mister. I'm trying to help here. ROBBIE Sorry, I'mjust not handling this very well. SHEILA Well, what did you do to break through your block before? ROBBIE That's the problem. I've never had a block before. I don't know what to do. SHEILA (seductively) So, this is your first time, big boy? ROBBIE Ha ha. Very funny. This is a serious problem here. This is how I make my living, for crying out loud. SHEILA Don't worry. McDonald's is always hiring. And it would probably pay about the same. ROBBIE You are helping so much. - ROBBIE I know. I can't even write a clothing tag worth a crap. What am I going to do, Sheila? SHEILA I'm not sure. I never understood how a guy who considers his beer cap collection his most prized possession could ever write avant-garde romance in the first place. ROBBIE Thanks. You're helping so much. Is this how you talk to people on the job? (mimicking her) "Looks like you're falling unconscious, sir, but I never understood why a man with a truck fender in his neck was walking around in the first place." SHEILA Don't get smart with me, mister. I'm trying to help here. ROBBIE Sorry, I'mjust not handling this very well. SHEILA Well, what did you do to break through your block before? ROBBIE That's the problem. I've never had a block before. I don't know what to do. SHEILA (seductively) So, this is your first time, big boy? ROBBIE Ha ha. Very funny. This is a serious problem here. This is how I make my living, for crying out loud. SHEILA Don't worry. McDonald's is always hiring. And it would probably pay about the same. ROBBIE You are helping so much. SITCOM SCRIPT PACKET Congratulations on being selected to submit a script for the sitcom next Spring! We're looking forward to reading your literary brilliance. Please remember these deadlines and tips during your preparation: - 1. Your final script is due OCTOBER 30. Rodger wrote the wrong deadline in your initial email, so please pay attention to this correction. 2. Please follow the same script format as the sample script we have included in this packet. 3. Use your mentors! 4. We realize that this is not a lot of time to prepare a script. Once we have selected a script, the writer will have ample time to work with the Producer on rewrites and revisions during t:he months before production begins. If you have questions, contact Kathryn Gilbert at: (H) 289-4043 (W) 285-8740 (9-11 A.M. MWF) (W) 287-0227 (1-4 P.M. MTWRF) - STUDENTS PERFORM NEW TV SITCOM FOR STUDIO AUDIENCE MUNCIE, Ind. -- Friends try to inspire, scare and seduce a romance novelist struggling with writer's block in an original television comedy staged April 12-13 at Ball State University. MFaulkner King," Ball State's first completely studentwritten and student-produced TV sitcom, will be performed and taped in front of a studio audience at 8 p.m. both days in the Teleplex, located in the Ball Communication Building. Ball State's Reflex improvisational comedy troupe will provide pre-show entertainment at 7:30 p.m. each day. Tickets are $5 for students and $7 for the general public, available at the University Theatre Box Office or at the door. Seating is limited. Proceeds from the sitcom performances will benefit Ball State's New York and Los Angeles theater showcases in early May. The showcases will give nearly a dozen senior theater majors an opportunity to perform for professional producers, agents and casting directors. MFaulkner King" is a half-hour situation comedy written, designed, directed and produced by Ball State theater and telecommunications students with assistance from the Teleplex. After the taping, the show will be edited and will air on local television next fall, said executive producer Kathryn Gilbert, a theater major and telecommunications minor. The comedy was written by student Taylor Dasher, winner of an on-campus script-writing contest last fall. The production will be submitted for the regional Emmy Awards. MIt's about an avant-garde romance writer with a terrible case of writer's block that his girlfriend and neighbors can't break," said director David Hamilton, a telecommunications major. MHis agent calls and needs a book soon. They try to inspire, scare and seduce him." -moreUniversity Relations 2000 W. University Ave. Muncie. IN 47306 (765) 285·1560 fax (765) 285-5442 add/l The audience will get a chance to see what happens behind the scenes during the production of a television show. All of the actors are theater majors with on-camera experience, Hamilton said. The production has blended theater and telecommunications crews. "It's hard to coordinate three different departments and keep the lines of communication open," Gilbert said. Theater and telecommunications crews use different terminology and have different ways of operating a production, she explained. The student cast includes Phil Brooks as the romance writer, Robbie; Lucy Bansley as his girlfriend, Sheila; Grant Cheney and Matt Hickman as the friendly neighbors, Earl and Bobby; and Jen Koch as Robbie's agent, Ms. Grayven. University Theatre Box Office hours are from 1 to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday and an hour before shows. Phone: (765) 285-8749. -30(Note to Editors: A print-quality photo can be downloaded from the Ball State University News Center on the World Wide Web. Go to and follow the instructions.) Ted Buck 4/10/02 SPRING 2002 SITCOM ____________CASTING CALL____________ The Departments of Theatre and Dance and Telecommunications, in conjunction with WIPB studios will be producing a sitcom pilot in the Spring of 2002. This production will be a live studio audience viewed sitcom produced in the WIPB studios. The episode will then be aired on Cardinal Stage and Screen. All ACTORS interested in this production should turn in an X 10 PICTURE and RESUME to AC 306 by November 2, 2001. All Department of Theatre and Dance Acting Option and Scholarship students are required to submit a 8 heads hot and resume, as this sitcom is a part of the regular theatre season. Actors will then be selected to come in for interviews. Contact Kathryn Gilbert (287-0227 [w] or 289-4043 [h]) or Rodger Smith (287-0117) if you have questions. The spring sitcom production is seeking a student director. The director will work with the student writer and producer to create a pilot sitcom supported by the Departments of Theatre, TCOM, and WIPB. The requirements are as follows: Position: Television Director for a joint TCOM/Theatre/WIPB Sitcom Production In the Spring of 2002 the departments of Theatre and Dance and Telecommunications in conjunction WIPB, will produce a television style sitcom pilot. This production will be a live studio audience viewed sitcom produced in the WIPB studios. The episode will then be aired on Cardinal Stage and Screen. Applications are requested from students interested in being the show's Director. 1. Interested students should submit a resume outlining their work as a director for either stage or camera or both. The resume should be accompanied by a one-page cover letter explaining why they should be selected to direct this production: --The resume with cover letter should be sent to the Department of Theatre and Dance, AC 306, C/O Dr. Rodger Smith no later than October 30, 2001. --The envelope should state clearly that it is for "Student Director, Sitcom 2002" Students who do not submit a resume and cover letter will not be considered. Additionally, but not required, students who have a reel or would like to submit examples of their work are encouraged to do so on VHS tape. 2. Three students will be interviewed for this opportunity and a Director selected by November 30, 2001. 3. The director will receive a cash award of $250 and work with faculty mentor Jim Shasky to create the final production. For additional information or questions, please contact either Dr. Rodger Smith (287-0117) or James Shasky (285-9070) . .. ----- ------ The spring sitcom production is seeking a student director. The director will work with the student writer and producer to create a pilot sitcom supported by the Departments of Theatre, TCOM, and WIPB. The requirements are as follows: Position: Television Director for a joint TCOM/Theatre/WIPB Sitcom Production In the Spring of 2002 the departments of Theatre and Dance and Telecommunications in conjunction WIPB, will produce a television style sitcom pilot. This production will be a live studio audience viewed sitcom produced in the WIPB studios. The episode will then be aired on Cardinal Stage and Screen. App1ications are requested from students interested in being the show's Director. 1. Interested students should submit a resume outlining their work as a director for either stage or camera or both. The resume should be accompanied by a one-page cover letter explaining why they should be selected to direct this production: --The resume with cover letter should be sent to the Department of Theatre and Dance, AC 306, C/O Dr. Rodger Smith no later than October 30, 2001. --The envelope should state clearly that it is for "Student Director, Sitcom 2002" Students who do not submit a resume and cover letter will not be considered. Additionally, but not required, students who have a reel or would like to submit examples of their work are encouraged to do so on VHS tape. 2. Three students will be interviewed for this opportunity and a Director selected by November 30, 2001. 3. The director will receive a cash award of $250 and work with faculty mentor Jim Shasky to create the final production. For additional information or questions, please contact either Dr. Rodger Smith (287-0117) or James Shasky (285-9070). To: From: Subject: <RWSMITH1@BSU.EDU> <> Director Sought for Sitcom cc: Date Sent: Wednesday, October 3, 2001 4:32 PM The spring sitcom production is seeking a student director. The director will work with the student writer and producer to create a pilot sitcom supported by the Departments of Theatre, TCOM, and WIPB. The requirements are as follows: Position: Television Director for a joint TCOMfTheatrelWlPB Sitcom Production In the Spring of 2002 the departments of Theatre & Dance and Telecommunication, in conjunction with WIPB, will produce a television style sitcom pilot. This production will be a live studio audience viewed sitcom produced in the WIPB studios. The episode will then be aired on Cardinal Stage and Screen. Applications are requested from students interested in being the show's Director. 1. Interested students should submit a resume outlining their work as a director for either stage or camera or both. The resume should be accompanied by a one-page cover letter explaining why they should be selected to direct this production: --The resume with cover letter should be sent to the Department of Theatre & Dance, AC 306, cIa Dr. Rodger Smith NLT 30 October 2001. --The envelope should state clearly it is for "Student Director, Sitcom 2002." Students who do not submit a resume and cover letter will not be considered. Additionally, but not required, students who have a reel or would like to submit examples of their work are encouraged to do so on VHS tape; 2. Three students will be interviewed for this opportunity and a Director selected by 30 November 2001 ; 3. The director will receive a cash award of $250 and work with faculty mentor Jim Shasky to create the final production. For additional information or questions, please contact either Dr. Rodger Smith (287-0117) or James Shasky (285-9079). "- 0oYl1 Ccris-h S-/'-f93 6c .').17 Page 1 To: From: Subject: Linda Smith; Rodger Smith; William Kovacsik; Lee Papa; Nancy Carlson; Bill Kovacsik; Rodger Smith Sitcom Treatments Chosen cc: Date Sent: Thursday, October 4, 2001 6:45 PM All, The following student treatments have been chosen to go to script. Students will now write scripts. Final drafts for selection are due 30 MOvemBer and first drafts should be completed NLT 20-Noverllber. 0, - oJ Each script will have a mentor, but that mentor is not to help write the piece, only to advise after a draft has been completed. Let me make that clear for students and faculty alike: Mentors review full scripts only, they do not help write scripts. Time doesn't allow for the kinds of faculty student relationships that would support a truly intense mentoring. Accordingly, each student is asked to bring only completed drafts to the mentor, as many as you like.... but completed drafts. You may call and ask for information, but please respect the mentor's time. Student treatments chosen and their mentors are as follows: 1. 2 3. 4. Morgan Mead and David Hamilton's THE REAL US -- faculty mentor, Dr. Lee Papa Alonso Miller's BS@BSU.EDU -- faculty mentor, Nancy Carlson Brad Gunter's WIRED -- faculty mentor, Dr. Rodger Smith Taylor Dasher's FAULKNER KING -- faculty mentor, Dr. William Kovacsik Students will be contacted by the student Executive Producer, Kathryn Gilbert, regarding submission of final draft and format. If chosen, the student writer should be prepared to enroll in 2 hours of honors or practicum credit and to work with a show mentor after selection in developing a final shooting script. Writers, directors, and producers of this project will be submitted for EMMY consideration. Congratulations to all those who submitted treatments and in particular to those selected. This should be great fun. Also, special thanks to the selection committee for their work and responses. Any questions please contact either Rodger Smith or Kathryn Gilbert at 287-0117. I, v,). poetA':" - J.,f-,/1 j , Qpy•. o..;p 1.•- -/( KJ. T-i::O"1 - d~.,clu14 #)J[¥v\ Wfd.:t BAl~ TATE U NIVERSITY VIR(j!:-':IA B. BALL CENTE.R FOR CREATIVE IN(~UIRY Muncie, Indiana 47306-0222 Phone: 765-287-0117 November 6, 2001 Dear Ms. Gilbert, Congratulations! You have been selected to act as Producer for the 2002 Sitcom produced by the Departments of Theatre and Dance and Telecommunications in conjunction with WIPB Studios. Please contact Dr. Rodger Smith so that you may meet with him and begin discussing casting, crew selection, script details, and scheduling. Congratulations again! Dr. Rodger Smi#l Jim Shasky S~ VIR(;[~IA B. BALL CE:-.lTER FOR CREATIVE INQL'IRY B A L u NIVERSITY TAT E Muncie. Indiana 47306~0222 Phon" 765-287-0117 November 6, 2001 Dear Mr. Dasher, Congratulations! Your script Faulkner King I=> ~I " " " " ' ' ' ' ' ' IVI un; ...vv2 Sitcom produced by the Departments of Theatre and Dance and Telecommunications in conjunction with WIPB Studios. The final script for production will be written by you and a team of writers, of which you will be given the title of Head Writer. The first draft will be due January 15th and the second on January 31 st, 2002. Your producer, Kathryn Gilbert, will be setting up a meeting with you soon to meet the other writers and to begin revising your script. Your cash award of $250 will be awarded at the completion of this project. Congratulations again! snu~ Dr. Rodger Jim Shasky :f".-5 B l lmS A TAT' UNIVERSITY VIRGINIA B. BAll CENTER FOR CREATIVE INQL'IRY Muncie, Indiana 47306-0222 Phon" 765-287-0117 November 6, 2001 Dear Ms. Gilbert, Congratulations! You have been selected to act as Producer for the 2002 Sitcom produced by the Departments of Theatre and Dance and Telecommunications in conjunction with WIPB Studios. Please contact Dr. Rodger Smith so that you may meet with him and begin discussing casting, crew selection, script details, and scheduling. Congratulations again! Dr. Rodger S m i A Jim Shasky S--> BA L TAT E U N ! VERS!TY VIRG!:-.lIA B. BALL CENTER FOR CREATIVE INQUIRY Muncie, Indiana 47306-0222 Phone: 765-287-01l7 November 6, 2001 Dear Mr. Hamilton, Congratulations! You have been selected to Direct the 2002 Sitcom produced by the Departments of Theatre and Dance and Telecommunications in conjunction with WIPB Studios. Your producer, Kathryn Gilbert, will be in contact with you soon to discuss casting. You will receive the cash award of $250 at the completion of this project. Congratulations again! Dr.ROdgerSnll~ Jim ShaskYS S Exec. Ploci. ~11 f\ ~·16e.rt 7 I PRobUCITON TECH Asst. Prod. birec.toy- K'o.ii e.. I-kn tJ6L'ld ~Y11ilhY) WIPB q~ ~ r-~- ~ u; r- • ;;"\ <" r,' CD .$- ""Z) ,... f f f ...c: vJ I-.J [t ~ ~:n \~ -0 q "\ CT =+:. ~ r- [§ F ~V\ s , 2. ~f"' ~ [E. ~~ ~ H .V ~l (' ?t> C> c: ~c: PRODUcTION FLOIA/ CHART Exec. Prod. ~11(\ 6ilbert 7 PRobULITOA/ TECH Asst. Prod. birec.tty J(oJi e. fie;, tJ 6JJd i-la.YI1 i1~ Y) • WIP/3 q~ ~ { r- ei:> - s:u; " < H _ 4 ~ ("'l .'""t7 w ~ f. - -0 ""!:> 7-' ~- f vol ..J;:: f t-..J [t !7. g..:n \~ } t:) !H 5: r- l~ '4-'" ~t lE g~ C7 c. ~V) C> -- §(' (I> "\ 17 0 ~t ..t;.- ~nf ~S- ....c:: ?":e ""i -& VI ~~ \1\ "\ - C> q "\ ~ f" ~ ;g ~ ~ PRObUCTIOAi FLOIN' CHART Exec. .Prod. ~11(\. blberf PRotlJCTTOAf TECH Asst. Prod. re etc¥' tJ6.l1id i-kfflilhy) KoJ; e.. Hen \::>i • wrPB <" H .V CD Pf<oDuCTIOAi FLOiN'. CHART Exec. .Prod. rGl11f\ blbert PRohlJCITOA/ TECH Asst. Prod. birec..fty- K'o..ti e.. Jib, tJ6.11id i-ta.111i1bYj • WIPB ~ni ~s~ ~ -c ""i -& V' -j "\ 0 ""t> 1-J • if ~~ - PRODUCTION FLOIA/ CHART Exec. Prod. ~11 (\. b Ibu+ PRohUCITOA! TECH !/-sst. Prod. birec.toY' Ko-ti e. J-kn tJ6.Vld I-/a.YI1i1hy) • wrp/3 9.~ ~ rJ;i f. u; 6 z H V ['. W :;). Cti r-; "\ ~ -.;> - -z:> J..I Ffl 5 lEg~ ~ - (' !H 5: r- q "'\ l~ ~,.... [fr f f- f ~ vJ --C: ~ g..:n ~ (1) "\ \~ ~ ~ -& (I> -% V' - • 0 C7 c. ~ c: ~$- -j ~ C> ~~ -t -0 "\ PRObUCTION FLOIA! CHART Exec. Prod. fG{IYjtl. 61lbert PRohlJCITOAJ TECH .4ss+. t>irec.roytJ6-liid 1-kr11i1hY) Prod. Ko.:1i e.. /-kJ, WIP6 4 • Z H .\1 W 4 • PRODUcTION FLOlA/ CHART Exec. Prod. ~11~ blbert 7 PRobUCITOAi TECH WIPe, Asst. Prod. \:)i re dt>y KoJi e.. Jien tJ6lf(d • f.klYlilfD'l • PRaDucTION FLOIA! CHART Exec. .Plod. ~11(\. 61lber+ I PRoblJCTTOA/ TECH .4ss+. Prod. /(oJi e.. He.n birec.foy- tJ6l1id Ita.Yl1i/hy) • q~ r J;; - ~ ~ ~~ C' • 6 < H "\ _v g:-- W I-' f f- f l-J vJ -C. [) ~ ("'I .$- ""D 4 ~l } ly rf ~ ~<t =+:. 2:. H .£ r- "' [§ l~ (' '!\-" r::7 "\ ~:n \~ q,-=> ~f , ('> i~ "\ ~~ tf~ ~ -t "l ..c: -& VI ~ ~ ~~ -t ~ ~ - "\ ~ 0 C7 c ~ 0; ~ PRODUCT.I:O!\J FLO&v CHART Exec. Prod. ~11(\. 6i Iber+ r PRoblJCITOA/ Asst. Prod. Ko--H e.. J-kn - TECH WIPB birec-toy AI a.t'\ tJ6lJid fb.Yl1iihY) Gov-c1o n qa=- r -. - . c..P f- u; • ~~. ;;(' "\ <" H .v §:'. -v ,... CD [f f f f - -Co vJ ~ • .!~ ~:n \~ Eft i5: ~cr ~ 0 ' !H £ r- iV\s , ~. '4-'"' "'\ ~CI\ _. § (' -0 ~ 0 C7 c. ~ C> c: ~Lo.lA/ PRODUCTION Exec. Ploci. ~11('. bJberf PRobUCITOA! TECH Asst. Prod. bi re c:ft>y- KoJi e.. /-kJ, t) ().lJid • 1-krt1iltD Y) CHART <" H .V W . Jennifer Koch Permanent Address Current Address 1425 South Park Dr. New Haven, IN 46774 (219)493-4645 Cell: (765)749-5904 501 N. Wheeling Ave Muncie, IN 47303 (765)284·5069 Weight: 110 D.D.B. 12113179 Honesty ... Lead: Kate En Passant Garners Phantoms Lead: Marie Lead: Frankie Muncie, In Dir. By Andy Burt Ball State University BaIl State University BaIl State University Height: 5'3" Film Experience Supporting: Kiki 2001 200 1 2001 2000 Stage Experience Surfacing Erin Original Cast BaIl State University 2000 En Vino Veritas Aerobics Instructor Ball State University 2000 Annie A Christmas Carol David and Lisa Original Cast Pepper Kate New HavenH.S. New Haven H.S. New Haven H.S. Guildenstern BaIl State University 2000 Eliza Dolittle Conservatory Project New Haven H.S. 1998 English Department Children of a Lesser God Orpheus and the Underworld Androcles and the Lion Dance! Dance! Dance! Stage Manager Costume Crew BaIl State University 2001 BaIl State University 2001 Assistant Dir./Props Crew WCRH, Campus News 43 WCRH, Campus News 43 Health AnchorlReporter Entertainment Anchor Ball State University Ball State University Ball State University Ball State University Tiny Tim 1998 1997 1996 Training Hamlet Pygmalion Related Experience Light Board Operator 2000 1998 2000 2000 ... e -- . Matthew Hickman Klipple Hall Box #68 Phone #: 214-7501 E-mail: Profile Height: 5' 10" Eyes: brown Hair: dirty blonde Weight: 150 lbs. Experience Theatrical You can't take it With You: Mr. Kirby Charlotte's Web: Mr. Zuckerman Bye Bye Birdie: Conrad Birdie Flowers for Algernon: Joe the baker Fiddler on the Roof: Chorus, bottle dancer. Androcles and the Lion: Roman Soldier, Call Boy Last Night of Ballyhoo: Peachy You Can't Take it With You: Ed Charrnichael Film Gateway: Kevin. Written, directed, and edited by David Hamilton and Morgan Mead -----.~--~-------------- Space Aces: Whip. Written, edited, and directed by Morgan Mead Charlie: Friend (an extra with a couple of lines). Written, directed, and edited by David Hamilton GRANT H. CHENEY DancerlActorlSinger GrantCheney@yahoo,com 2806 Lazy Ct. Lafayette, IN 47904 (765) 448-4411 14 DeMotte Hall Muncie, IN 47306 (765) 2 I 4-5995 5'10" 1551bs. Eyes: Brown Hair: Dark Brown DancerlSwingIHost Master of Ceremonies Joe Vegas Gee-tar Dancer Dancer Dancer Dancer Paramount's Kings Island Ball State University Muncie Center of Performing Arts University Theater - BSU University Theater - BSU University Theater - BSU KDS Dance Studio - BSU KDS Dance Studio - BSU DancerlStudent Instructional Performer Show Host Show Host Ron Pearson Advertising Corp. Riverside Productions wwm 91.3 fM Muncie, IN WJEf 91.9 fM Lafayette, IN Selected Performance Experience Nicktoons Summer Jam Royalty Fashion Show FAME West Side Story festival of Dance 2001 Dance! Dance! Dance! Senior Choreography Showcase Junior Choreography Showcase Film & Radio Ball State Television Commercials English Country Dances for Children Thursday Morning Radio Show Tuesday Afternoon Radio Show Training Dance - Michael Worcel (Tap, Jazz, Musical Theater), Katie Teuchtler (Ballet, Modem), Lou Ann Young (Ballet), Greg Lund (folk), Brent Holland (Hip-Hop) Acting - Don LaCasse, Bill Jenkins, Rodger Smith, Mandy fox, Beth Turcotte, Thomas Prill, Judith Buchman Vocal- Jeffrey Carter, Mandy fox, Jumi Kim, Rene Anderson, Eric VanCleave, Cecil Shoemaker Awards & Honors Ball State University: Alpha Psi Omega: Professional Theater Fraternity Department of Theater and Dance Upperclassmen Scholarship Alpha Lambda Delta: National Honors Society & Excellence in Leadership Program Completion John R. and Aline B Emens Scholarship Award and Sarah Pershing President's Fund Scholarship Special Skills Drive a Stick Shift, Motorcycle License, Swimming, Scuba Diving, Skiing (water and snow), Snowboarding, Rollerblading, Golf, Tennis, Play the Trumpet, Run Sound and Light Board, Set Design, Stage Management, Green Slime and Gak Pie Connoisseur Contacts Available on Request --- LUCY BANSLEY -LUCY BANSLEY (765)749-3957 THEATRE The Taming of the Shrew Biondella Minetrista Center Les Belles Soeurs Lisette Auditorium Theatre Wit Ensemble ACTF Much Ado About Nothing Gentlewoman University Theatre Cousin Tom the Writer Diane O'Donnell idream The confrontation Janie Jalupa idream Obsessed Writer/Director idream En Passant Allison Ball State University The Seance Mary McKenna Ball State University Ford Shopper Columbus, IN Galyan's Sporting Goods Dancer Indianapolis Ball State Recruitment Principal Ball State University INDEPENDENT FILMS COMMERCIALS EDUCATION 1998-2002 Ball State University, B.S. Theatre - Acting O!)tion TRAINING Acting: Dancing: Singing: Workshops: Cold Reading: Bridget O'Shaunassey, The Audition Studio Acting for the Camera: Dr. Rodger Smith Voice for the Actor: Mandy Fox Performance Shakespeare: Dr. Judy E. Yordon Jazz: Lou Conte Dance StudiO Alto: 3 Years of Advanced Chorus Rachael Patterson & Molly Glynn Hammond, The Audition Studio Deb Borilski, L.A. Casting Director Rachel Rothman, L.A. Personal Agent Cynda Williams, Professional Actress SPECIAL AWARDS Grand prize winner of uThe A&E Great American Student Screen Test" Won Best Actress Award for "En Passant" at Ball State University LUCY BANSLEY - LUCY BANSLEY Height: Weight: Hair: Eyes: 5'6" 115 Brown Brown (765)749-3957 Bust: 34 Waist: 26 Hips: 36 Dress: 4 Shoe: 8 Wit Ensemble ACTF The Taming of the Shrew Biondella Minetrista Center Much Ado About Nothing Gentlewoman University Theatre Les Belles Soeurs Lisette Auditorium Theatre Alky Wyn Illinois Theatre Festival A Piece of My Heart Sissy Auditorium Theatre En Passant Allison Ball State University The Window-Pane Mary McKenna Ball State University Phantoms Julie Ball State University Ford Shopper Columbus, IN Galyan's Sporting Goods Dancer Indianapolis Ball State Recruitment Principal Ball State University THEATRE (American College Theatre Festival) FILM COMMERCIALS EDUCATION 1998-2002 Ball State University, B.S. Theatre - Acting Option TRAINING Acting: Dancing: Singing: Workshops: Cold Reading: Bridget O'Shaunassey, Audition Studio Acting for the Camera: Dr. Rodger Smith Voice for the Actor: Mandy Fox Performance Shakespeare: Dr. Judy E. Yordon Intro to Luigi: Michael Worcel; Jazz I & II: Lou Conte Dance Studio 3 Years of Advanced Chorus Rachael Patterson & Molly Glynn Hammond, Audition Studio Deb Borilski, L.A. casting Director Rachel Rothman, L.A. Personal Agent Cynda Williams, Professional Actor SPECIAL AWARDS Grand prize winner of "The A&E Great American Screen Test" Won Best Actress for performance in "En Passant"