DESIGN AND EVALUATION OF BRT AND LIMITED-STOP SERVICES By Harvey Scorcia B.S. Civil Engineering, Universidad de los Andes (2005) B.A. Music, Universidad de los Andes (2006) M.S. Civil Engineering, Universidad de los Andes (2006) Submitted to the Department of Urban Studies and Planning and the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degrees of Master in City Planning and Master of Science in Transportation at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology June 2010 © Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All rights reserved MASACHUSETTS INSTIUTE OF TECHNOLOGY JUL 15 2010 LIBRARIES ARCHIVES Signature of the Authui Department of Urban Studies and Planning Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering May 24, 2010 Certified by Nigel H.M. Wilson Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering Thesis Supervisor Certified by Researc ( John Attanucci <iate of Civil and Environmental Engineering Thesis Supervisor Accepted by Joseph Ferreira // Chairman, Master in City Planning Committee 07egment 9 Urjp tdies and Planning Accepted by Daniele Veneziano Chairman, Departmental Committee for Graduate Students DESIGN AND EVALUATION OF BRT AND LIMITED-STOP SERVICES By Harvey Scorcia Submitted to the Department of Urban Studies and Planning and the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering on May 20, 2010, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degrees of Master in City Planning and Master of Science in Transportation Abstract Many transit agencies operate limited-stop or Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) services overlapped with local services in corridors with high demand. These service strategies have the potential to improve bus performance as well as service quality. However, the implementation of these service strategies may lead to an increase in access times and waiting times for some passengers compared with an all-local service configuration. Therefore, agencies face trade-offs between reducing bus running times and reducing total passenger travel time when designing a service plan for these overlapping strategies. This thesis focuses on developing a methodology for the design and evaluation of service configurations for limited-stop (or BRT) services overlapping with local services. The developed methodology proposes evaluating limited-stop (or BRT) service configurations by six measures of effectiveness including: market share (passengers always waiting for the limited-stop service, passengers always waiting for the local service, and passengers always taking the first bus that comes), demand split, average passengers per trip, service running times, change in average passenger travel time, and change in corridor ridership. A model was developed to obtain the proposed measures of effectiveness for user-defined service configurations. This model is an improvement to that developed by Schwarcz (2004) since it allows forecasting ridership changes due to the implementation of these service configurations, assigns demand using a probabilistic choice approach, and models running time changes when BRT elements are introduced. The methodology developed to evaluate limited-stop and BRT services was applied to two CTA case studies: Chicago Avenue and 7 9 th Street. Different scenarios of limited-stop and BRT services overlapped with local services were tested, examining variations in stop spacing, service frequencies, and different BRT elements such as: right-of-way segregation, enhanced boarding, and Transit Signal Priority. The results of the analysis shows the critical importance of the enforcement of preferential rights-of-way (in BRT scenarios) to achieve high corridor performance and that frequency shares (the ratio of limit-stop services buses to local buses serving the corridor in an hour) should be greater than 50% for limited-stop services and greater than or equal to 60% for BRT services. Additionally, total demand, concentration of origins and destinations, average trip length, and trip length distribution were shown to be critical to the effectiveness of limited-stop and BRT services. Thesis Supervisor: Nigel H.N. Wilson Title: Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering Thesis Supervisor: John Attanucci Title: Research Associate of Civil and Environmental Engineering Thesis Reader: Christopher Zegras Title: Assistant Professor of Urban Studies and Planning ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This thesis is the culmination of 3 challenging years of my life. Coming to MIT was an experience that taught me to be a better person and to appreciate things I took for granted such as family, love and friendship. I have countless people who I want to thank: First, I would like to thank to my family for the unconditional support I have received during these years. There was no time that I felt I could not count with my mom Elsa, my dad Augusto, or my sister Yiya. Second, I offer my gratitude to the MIT faculty members who work with me. I want to thank Professor Nigel Wilson for guiding me through my research always pushing me towards excellence, to John Attanucci and Professor Rabi Mishalani for their guidance during the research process. Other faculty members I would like to thank for encourage me to come to MIT are German Lleras, Arturo Ardila, and Jorge Acevedo. Also, thanks to the Chicago Transit Authority for making this research possible. Third, I would like to thanks my 1-235 colleagues including Sean, Hazem, Catherine, DCBS, Martin, Liz, Valerie, Andrew, Winnie, Mike F., Mike H., Mike K., Clara, Yossi, Caroline, Matt, Nihit, Jay, Joe, Albert, Sam, and Miguel. Very special thanks to Tony and Jared for helping carrying out surveys in Chicago during Spring Break and to Ginny Siggia for her helping me with the administrative work. I cannot forget thanking my DUSP friends Renata and Andrea. Fourth, I would like to thank to Candy Brakewood for the unconditional help in Boston, Chicago, and London; thanks to Andre for the good times helping me to survive my second year; thanks to Carlos Mojica for all the provided help and listening to all my complaints about MIT during the first year; thanks to David Uniman for all the good times and always reminding me that MIT was just a small period of my life; thanks to Juliin G6mez for always laughing about my bad jokes; and thanks to Felipe Delgado for showing me Boston and remembering me there was life outside 1-235. Fifth, I thank to the people who were in Boston during this 3 years and that I could count with when need it including Tomis, Sandra, William, and Alvaro Sixth, I would like to thank my Colombian friends who always support me: Pablo Pirraga, Carlos Diaz, Oscar Torres, Juan Diego Villalobos, Walther Garcia, Juan Carlos Rodriguez, and Claudia Diaz. Last, I would like to thank Andrea Murcia for her love and patience during these years. I am very happy for being at this moment and I am looking forward to spend a long time together. Today, this is the end of a period of my life but "far from being the end, this is just the beginning" (Gomez, 2010). TABLE OF CONTENTS TA BLE O F CONTEN TS............................................................................................................................................6 LIST O F FIG URES.....................................................................................................................................................9 LIST O F TABLES ..................................................................................................................................................... 11 1 INTROD U CTIO N ........................................................................................................................................... 13 1.1 M OTIVATION............................................................................................................................................. 14 1.2 OBJECTIVES .............................................................................................................................................. 15 1.3 M ETHODOLOGY AND APPROACH .............................................................................................................. 16 1.4 THESIS ORGANIZATION ............................................................................................................................. 17 LITERATUR E REV IEW ............................................................................................................................... 19 2 2.1 MODELING AND EVALUATING LIMITED-STOP SERVICE: THE SCHWARCZ MODEL ................................ 19 2.1.1 Model Description ............................................................................................................................... 19 2.1.2 Model validation.................................................................................................................................. 21 2.1.3 CriticalAssessm ent ............................................................................................................................. 22 2.2 RIDERSHIP ESTIM ATION ............................................................................................................................ 23 2.3 PASSENGER SERVICE CHOICE ................................................................................................................... 27 2.4 RUNNING TIM ES........................................................................................................................................28 2.4.1 Right-of-way........................................................................................................................................28 2.4.2 Transit Signal Priority(TSP) .............................................................................................................. 29 2.4.3 Queue jumps/Bypass lanes .................................................................................................................. 30 2.4.4 Vehicle design andfare collection................................................................................................... 31 2.4.5 Stop spacing......................................................................................................................................... 32 2.5 ........... 32 2.5.1 Transmilenio........................................................................................................................................ 32 2.5.2 Los Angeles County Metropolitan TransportationAuthority (LACMTA): ................... 37 2.6 3 EXPERIENCES IN CITIES WITH CONVENTIONAL LIMITED-STOP AND BRT SERVICE......... SUMMARY ................................................................................. PREDICTING RID ERSH IP CH A N GES ................................................................................................... 3.1 PROPOSED M ETHODOLOGY.......................................................................................................................44 3.2 MEASURING TRAVEL TIME ELASTICITIES IN THE ASHLAND CORRIDOR IN CHICAGO.............................45 3.2.1 Service changes on the corridor...................................................................................................... 3.2.2 Ridership Changes...............................................................................................................................48 42 43 45 3.2.3 Changes in Passenger Travel Time ................................................................................................. 52 3.2.4 Travel Tim e Elasticities....................................................................................................................... 57 3.3 RIDERSHIP CHANGE WHEN IMPLEMENTING BRT LIMITED-STOP SERVICES........ 3.4 SUM M ARY ...................................................------- ....---------.----. 59 .......................... 60 ......................................................... 62 BUS SERVICE CHOICE: UNDERSTANDING PASSENGER BEHAVIOR ................... 4 62 4.1 CONCEPTUAL FRAM EW ORK ......................................................................--.-.-.-.-.--.-...... ......................... 4.2 PROPOSED MODELING APPROACH............................................................... ............ ...... 65 4.3 CTA CUSTOMER BEHAVIOR SURVEY ........................................................................ 73 Survey P rocess.. ............................................................................................ 4.3.2 Field Observations................................................................................................- 4.3.3 Data A nalysis.... ............................................................................. D ISCRETE CHOICE M ODEL ...........................................................- 4.4 73 .................................... 4.3.1 ... -............ . --.74 75 ........... ............................ ... ---........ ----. . .............................. 82 PROPOSED METHODOLOGY.................................................................-------------------------------...................85 5 -..... --..... -------..... M ODEL A PPROACH .....................................................- 5.2 M ODEL FRAM EW ORK ...........................................................-----------.-.....---...-------.................................. 5.3 M ODEL INPUTS......................................................................---- 5.4 RUNNING TIME ESTIMATION............................................................................-......-..... ..... - 85 -----........................................... 5.1 87 8 8. .---------.--................................. 90 ..------.. 5.4.1 Estimate base running times by type ..................................................................................... 90 5.4.2 Compute average m ovem ent speed.................................................................................................. 91 5.4.3 Dw ell tim e calibration......................................................................................................................... 92 5.4.4 Estim ate change in running tim e ...................................................................................................... 92 5.5 ORIGIN-DESTINATION (OD) DEMAND MATRIX ESTIMATION.................................................................95 5.6 PASSENGER DEMAND ASSIGNMENT AND ESTIMATION OF DEMAND CHANGES..........................................95 5.6.1 Passengertravel time estim ation...................................................................................................... 96 5.6 2 98 5.6.3 Market classification........................................................................................................................... ...... Service and Stop Assignment............................................................................................ .. 99 5.6.4 Example of market classificationand demand assignment ............................................................. 99 5.6.5 P redictingchanges in ridership...................................................................................................... 101 MODEL OUTPUTS: MEASURES FOR EVALUATING LIMITED-STOP SERVICE CONFIGURATIONS ................ 103 5.7 5 .7.1 Market Sh are ..................................................................................................................................... 10 4 5 .7.2 D em an d Sp lit ..................................................................................................................................... 104 5.7.3 A verage Passengersper Bus Trip.....................................................................................................104 5.7.4 Running Time Savings/Changes on Speeds ........................................................................ 104 5.7.5 Change in Average PassengerTravel Tim e ...................................................................................... 105 5.7.6 Chang e inRidership .......................................................................................................................... 105 5.8 SUM M ARY ........................................................................ . -------... . ----------------------.................................... 105 7 6 MODEL APPLICATION ............................................................................................................................. 6.1 CHICAGO CORRIDOR APPLICATION......................................................................................................... 106 106 6.1.1 CorridorDescription ......................................................................................................................... 106 6.1.2 Scenario 1. ConventionalLimited-Stop.............................. 110 6.1.3 Scenario 2: Moderate BRT enhancements...................................................113 6.1.4 Scenario 3 . F ull BR T ......................................................................................................................... 6.1.5 Summary of Chicago Avenue CorridorFindings 6.2 APPLICATION: 7 9 TH ........... ............................ 117 ........... 121 STREET CORRIDOR ................................................................................................... 122 6.2.1 CorridorDescription ......................................................................................................................... 122 6.2.2 Scenario 1: Conventional Limited-Stop..... .................................... 125 6.2.3 Scenario 2: ModerateBR T enhancements........................................128 6.2.4 Scenario 3: Full BR T ......................................................................................................................... 133 6.2.5 Summary of 79 'hCorridorFindings..... 137 7 ......... .............................. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMENDATIONS...........................................................................................139 7 .1 S UM M A R Y ............................................................................................................................................... 13 9 7.2 GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS............................................................................................................... 143 7.2.1 Corridors/Routeswith Potentialfor introducingBRT and/or Limited-Stop Services ....................... 143 7.2.2 BRT and Limited-Stop Service ConfigurationDesign.......................................................................145 7.3 C T A RECOM M EN DATION S ...................................................................................................................... 148 7.4 M OD EL L IM ITA TIO N S .............................................................................................................................. 150 7.5 FUTU RE R ESEA RCH ................................................................................................................................. 15 1 BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................................................................... 153 APPENDIX A .......................................................................................................................................................... 155 APPENDIX B...........................................................................................................................................................158 8 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2-1 Conceptual framework of the Schwarcz model ...................................................... Figure 2-2 Transmilenio System................................................................................................ Figure 2-3 Articulated and Bi-Articulated Transmilenio Buses ................................................ Figure 2-4 Transmilenio Right-of-Way.................................................................................... Figure 2-5 Transm ilenio station................................................................................................ Figure 2-6 Boarding and ticket validation processes................................................................ Figure 2-7 M etro Local bus ...................................................................................................... Figure 2-8 Metro Rapid System................................................................................................ Figure 2-9 Metro Rapid bus and station .................................................................................... Figure 2-10 Los Angeles Orange Line....................................................................................... Figure 2-11 Los Angeles Orange Line bus................................................................................ Figure 2-12 Overall customer rating of different transit modes in LA vs. Capital Cost .......... Figure 3-1 CTA Routes 9 and X9............................................................................................. Figure 3-2 Combined headways before and after the implementation of Route X9 ................. Figure 3-3 Average Daily Boardings Route 9/X9 .................................................................... Figure 3-4 R oute 9/X 9 ridership ................................................................................................ Figure 3-5 Route 9/X9 trip length histograms ........................................................................... Figure 3-6 Route 9/X9 ridership change by trip length, trip period and direction .................... Figure 3-7 Headway variation before and after implementation of Route X9 .......................... Figure 3-8 Speed profiles before and after implementation of Route X9.................................. Figure 3-9 Changes in travel time weighted by demand ........................................................... Figure 3-10 Travel Time Elasticities by Trip Length ................................................................ Figure 3-11 Average Travel Time Elasticities by Trip Length.................................................. Figure 4-1 Multinomial Logit Model......................................................................................... Figure 4-2 Cross-Nested Logit Model...................................................................................... Figure 4-3 Alternative Cross-Nested Logit Model Structures.................................................. Figure 4-4 Example of Path-size definition............................................................................. Figure 4-5 Access Time Diagram............................................................................................. Figure 4-6 In-Vehicle Time Diagram ......................................................................................... Figure 4-7 In-Vehicle Time for the Local Strategy .................................................................. Figure 4-8 Egress Time Diagram............................................................................................. Figure 4-9 Frequency of use and trip purpose during the morning in the Ashland and Cicero co rrid ors ........................................................................................................................................ Figure 4-10 Strategy by local service passengers boarding at a local stop................................ Figure 4-11 Strategy by local service passengers boarding at a combined stop....................... Figure 4-12 Strategy by limited-stop passengers boarding at a combined stop ....................... Figure 4-13 Demand Split between services and stops ............................................................. Figure 4-14 Market shares in the Ashland and Cicero Corridors ............................................. Figure 4-15 Demand split of local service passengers boarding at a local stop (N=39) ........... Figure 4-16 Demand split of local service passengers boarding at a combined stop (N=8 1) ...... Figure 4-17 Demand split of limited-stop service passengers boarding at a combined stop (N=4 1)........................................................................................................................................... Figure 5-1 M odel Fram ew ork.................................................................................................... Figure 5-2 Bus Travel Time Components .................................................................................. 20 33 34 35 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 46 47 48 49 51 52 54 55 57 58 59 64 64 65 67 68 70 70 72 76 77 77 77 78 79 80 80 80 88 91 Figure 5-3 Market Classification Example............................................................................... 99 Figure 6-1 C TA R oute 66 ........................................................................................................... 107 Figure 6-2 Route 66 Trip Length Distribution............................................................................ 108 Figure 6-3 Cumulative AM Peak Eastbound demand for Route 66 .................... 109 Figure 6-4 Running Time Components for Route 66 in the AM Peak eastbound.......... 109 Figure 6-5 Change in travel time by trip length for the limited-stop service only configuration for R ou te 6 6 ...................................................................................................................................... 112 Figure 6-6 Change in travel time by trip length for the moderate BRT only service configuration ..................................................................................................................................................... 115 Figure 6-7 R oute 66 Load Profile ............................................................................................... 116 Figure 6-8 Change in travel time by trip length for the full BRT only configuration ................ 120 Figure 6-9 C TA Route 79 ........................................................................................................... 123 Figure 6-10 Route 79 Trip Length Distribution.......................................................................... 124 Figure 6-11 Cumulative AM Peak Westbound demand for Route 79.................. 124 Figure 6-12 Running Time Components for Route 79 in the AM Peak westbound......... 125 Figure 6-13 Change in travel time by trip length for the limited-stop only service configuration for R ou te 6 6 ................................................................................................................................ 12 7 Figure 6-14 Change in travel time by trip length for the moderate BRT only service co nfigu ration ............................................................................................................................... 13 1 Figure 6-15 Route 79 Load Profile ............................................................................................. 132 Figure 6-16 Change in travel time by trip length for the full BRT only service configuration.. 136 LIST OF TABLES 25 Table 2-1 Typical service elasticities......................................................................................... 26 Table 2-2 Additional ridership impacts of selected BRT components ...................................... 29 Lanes.................................. HOV Freeway Exclusive and Busways on Table 2-3 Bus Speeds 29 Table 2-4 Bus Speeds on Dedicated Arterials ........................................................................... 29 Table 2-5 Bus Speeds in General Purpose Traffic Lanes ......................................................... Table 2-6 Passenger service times with single-channel passenger movement......................... 31 Table 2-7 Passenger service times with multiple-channel passenger movement ..................... 31 32 Table 2-8 Base Running Speeds for Dedicated Arterial Bus Lanes ......................................... 47 Table 3-1 Headways on Route 9 and X9 .................................................................................. 48 Table 3-2 Frequency split between Routes 9 and X9 ............................................................... 50 Table 3-3 Route 9/X 9 ridership split ........................................................................................ 50 Table 3-4 Route 9/X9 average trip lengths (miles).................................................................. 54 Table 3-5 Headway Variability for Routes 9 and X9 ............................................................... 55 .......................... X9 Route of Table 3-6 Average Speeds before and after the implementation 57 Table 3-7 Average Travel before and after Route X9 implementation .................................... 60 ...................................... components BRT Table 3-8 Additional ridership impacts of selected 75 Table 4-1 Num ber of surveys by type....................................................................................... 84 Table 4-2 Param eters of the logit model.................................................................................... 92 Table 5-1 Passenger service times with single-channel passenger movement ......................... 93 ...................................................... Lanes Bus Exclusive for Table 5-2 Base Running Times Table 5-3 Passenger service times with multiple-channel passenger movement ..................... 94 Table 5-4 Probabilities, access time, egress time, waiting time, and in-vehicle time ................ 101 101 Table 5-5 Passenger Travel Time Elasticities in Chicago .......................................................... 103 ............................... to Branding due ridership additional the of estimating 5-6 Example Table LimitedTable 6-1 Running times components in the Chicago Corridor Scenario 1: Conventional .......... ---.....- . 1 10 Stop S erv ice ....................................................................................................... Table 6-2 Chicago Corridor Scenario 1: Conventional Limited-Stop Service........................... 111 Table 6-3 Running times components in the Chicago Corridor Scenario 2: Moderate BRT ..... ----............... 113 Serv ices ......................................................................................................114 Table 6-4 Chicago Corridor Scenario 2: Moderate BRT Services ............................................. BRT Moderate demand: new of the effect Table 6-5 Chicago Corridor Scenario 2 including .... .............. 116 . . . . ................................................................................ Services ............. Services 118 BRT Full 3: Scenario Corridor Chicago in the components times Table 6-6 Running 119 Table 6-7 Chicago Corridor Scenario 3: Full BRT Services ...................................................... Table 6-8 Chicago Corridor Scenario 3 including the effect of new demand: Full BRT Services - - -- - - . 121 . . . . ........................................................................................................... Table 6-9 Running times components in the 79th Street Corridor Scenario 1: Conventional 126 L imited-Stop Service .................................................................................................................. Table 6-10 7 9 th Street Corridor Scenario 1: Conventional Limited-Stop Service...................... 127 Table 6-11 Running times components in the 7 9 th Street Corridor Scenario 2: Moderate BRT . --- .. . . . -------............... 12 9 Serv ices ............................................................................................. Table 6-12 7 9 th Street Corridor Scenario 2: Moderate BRT Services ........................................ 130 Table 6-13 7 9 th Corridor Scenario 2 including the effect of new demand: Moderate BRT Services 132 .................................................................................................... Table 6-14 Running times components in the 7 9 th Street Corridor Scenario 3: Full BRT Services ..................................................................................................................................................... 134 Table 6-15 7 9 th Street Corridor Scenario 3: Full BRT Services ................................................. 135 Table 6-16 7 9 th Corridor Scenario 3 including the effect of new demand: Full BRT Services.. 137 1 INTRODUCTION Conventional bus services in the largest US cities are characterized by having little or no special infrastructure, low quality waiting areas, no distinct image, and high stop densities. These characteristics often lead to poor performance with slow service, low reliability, and low productivity that has become more severe as congestion has worsened in large cities. In order to improve bus performance, enhance bus image, and increase ridership, transit agencies can implement different strategies. One no-cost strategy is to increase bus stop spacing; however, for political reasons this is often unacceptable since it will negatively affect people with disabilities or other mobility constraints. A second strategy is the implementation of limited-stop services overlapping with existing local services. A third, more costly, strategy is the implementation of Bus Rapid Transit' (BRT) services. There are two options of this latter strategy. The first is to discontinue the existing local service and replace it with a single BRT service. The second is to maintain local service but with a much lower frequency and implement an overlapping BRT service on the same corridor. This thesis focuses on developing a methodology for the design and evaluation of service configurations for limited-stop services overlapping with local services, and BRT services overlapping with local services. These two strategies have the potential to improve bus performance as well as passengers' perception of bus while still serving people with restricted mobility. Despite the fact that both of these service strategies have been implemented in cities such as Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, and Bogota, and that transit agencies and consultants have developed guidelines on how to implement them, there is no clear framework for the design and evaluation of service configurations for these types of high quality bus services. Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is defined as "a rubber-tired form of rapid transit that combines stations, vehicles, services, running ways, and ITS elements into an integrated system with a strong image and identity". TCRP Report 90. Bus Rapid Transit. Volume 1: Case Studies in Bus Rapid Transit (2003) One key problem with the design of these services, especially in the context of a constrained operating budget where the existing local service resources are split between the limited-stop service and the local service, is the trade-off between decreasing in-vehicle travel time (by increasing speeds) and increasing out-of-vehicle travel time (by increasing wait times and walk distances). For example, a low stop density configuration can reduce the in-vehicle time (and the running time), leading to a fleet size reduction; but, at the same time, this configuration could increase the access and egress time, to the point that the overall passenger travel time is increased with respect to the base case. Another design challenge with these services is the possible passenger load imbalance between the local and the limited-stop (or BRT) services. For instance, low frequencies on the limited-stop (or BRT) service can encourage passengers to take the local service leading to more crowded local buses and half-empty BRT buses. In addition, when planning BRT services, transit agencies need to assess the effect on route performance (and attractiveness for new riders) of variables such as vehicle size, right of way, transit signal priority, and boarding enhancements. To address the aforementioned problems, this thesis has as its primary goal to establish a methodology for the design and evaluation of service configurations of limited-stop and BRT services which overlap with existing local services. The configuration and BRT elements studied in this thesis are: bus stop locations (stop spacing), service frequencies (for the limited-stop or BRT service and for the local service), right-of-way (lane segregation level), enhanced boarding elements (i.e. fare media and bus design), and Transit Signal Priority (TSP). In order to assess different service configurations in a corridor, a model which estimates (for a single configuration) measures of effectiveness (demand split between services, average passengers per trip for both services, change in passengers travel time, service speed or running times, and change in corridor/route demand) will be developed. The model will be largely based on the one developed by Schwarcz (2004). 1.1 Motivation Many transit agencies in the US operate both limited-stop and local bus service in corridors with high demand. The combined services have the potential to benefit both the agency and the riders by reducing passenger travel times and operator cost. However, in a budget-constrained resource-neutral strategy, the implementation of a strategy with both services leads to an increase in access times and waiting times for some passengers compared with an all-local service configuration. Therefore, agencies face trade-offs between reducing bus running times and reducing total passenger travel time when designing a service plan for this strategy. Different configurations (varying bus stop densities, vehicle types, frequencies, fare technology, etc.) will result in different operational and infrastructure costs for the agency, as well as in different levels of service for the passengers. The methodology proposed in this thesis will help transit agencies in developing and evaluating service configurations for new or existing limited-stop services overlapping with local services. In addition, many transit agencies in the US are implementing or considering new BRT services. Some of these are the result of an evolution from conventional limited-stop services, and others are simply improvements to conventional local bus services. When a BRT service is implemented, there is often a focus on measuring its success by the increase in vehicle operating speeds, with less emphasis on other important measures such as passenger travel time savings, changes in productivity, or passenger distribution between local and BRT service. The methodology to design and evaluate limited-stop service configurations developed in this thesis will help provide a more balanced assessment of proposed service configurations based on more than one measure of effectiveness. 1.2 Objectives There are two primary objectives of this thesis. The first is to develop a methodology for the design and evaluation of configurations of limited-stop and BRT services overlapping with local services. The configuration elements within the scope of this thesis are: bus stops locations (stop spacing), service frequencies (for the limited-stop or BRT service and for the local service), right-of-way (lane segregation level), enhanced boarding elements (i.e. fare media and bus design), and Transit Signal Priority (TSP). The second is to apply the methodology to specific routes operated by the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA), examining several configurations, to develop some general recommendations for the design of limited-stop and BRT services, and to provide specific recommendations to the CTA regarding their strategy to implement and design BRT and limited-stop services. This thesis addresses the following specific questions: " How to model the relationship between the service configuration elements and the measures of effectiveness * How the key BRT elements, the stop spacing, and the service frequency split affect route performance * How to model the changes in ridership when limited-stop or BRT services are introduced " How passengers choose between local and limited-stop (or BRT) services 1.3 Methodology and Approach This thesis will be based on a model developed by Schwarcz (2004). This model has certain limitations such as the inability to predict changes in demand as a result of the implementation of limited-stop services, a deterministic approach for assigning passenger demand (between the limited-stop and the local services) which does not recognize that individual passengers have different preferences, and an inability to model BRT services. For the past decade or so, the CTA has operated numerous limited-stop services. The available information at the CTA largely from Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) and Automatic Passenger Counting (APC) systems provides detailed information on the changes (i.e. demand, running times, passenger travel times, etc.) in the corridors where limited-stop service has been implemented in addition to providing base data for other corridors where limited-stop or BRT services could be implemented in the future. To accomplish the objectives of this thesis, the following steps are necessary: e Review priorresearch on modeling limited-stop services. This step reviews the state-ofthe-art of modeling limited-stop and BRT services, and examines the areas where the previous model requires improvements such as the prediction of ridership changes due to the implementation of limited-stop and BRT services, the modeling of passenger service choices, and the modeling of running times including the effect of BRT elements. e Develop a methodologyfor examining andpredictingchanges in demand. Based on the experience and data from the CTA and the literature review, this step proposes a methodology to examine the relationship between changes in ridership and changes in travel times (including access, egress, waiting and in-vehicle time), and the effects of branding. e Develop a methodologyfor modeling the passengerchoices between limited-stop (or BRT) services and local services in the same corridor.A discrete choice model is developed for Chicago corridors based on the experience and data from the CTA, and a survey carried out on several limited-stop and local services in Chicago. * Develop a new model to design and evaluate service configurations of limited-stop (or BRT) services overlappingwith local service. This model evaluates a user-defined service configuration: meaning that the local and limited-stop frequencies and stops are specified, as well as the BRT elements (right-of-way, enhanced boarding and Transit Signal Priority). The model calculates several measures of effectiveness (based on comparison with the existing local service) including demand split between services, productivity for both services, and changes in passengers travel time, service speed (running times), and corridor/route demand. e Apply the model to CTA case studies and establish some generalrecommendationsfor the design of limited-stop and BRT services. This step interprets the effects of the service configuration elements (stop spacing, service frequencies, etc.) on corridor performance using the measures of effectiveness. Several configurations are examined including a sensitivity analysis of the different configurations and BRT elements. 1.4 Thesis Organization This thesis is organized as follows: Chapter 2 reviews and critiques the Schwarcz model to evaluate limited-stop services, presents a review of the state-of-the-art in the areas where the model needs improvement (including ridership prediction and developing a probabilistic approach for assigning demand between local and limited-stop services), and reviews several cities experiences with limited-stop and BRT services. Chapter 3 develops a methodology for assessing and predicting changes in demand when conventional limited-stop and BRT services overlapping with local services are introduced. The chapter explores the relationships between changes in passenger travel time (including access time, waiting time, and in-vehicle time) and changes in ridership, based on the experience of limited-stop services in Chicago. The chapter also proposes a methodology for accounting for the branding effects based on the literature review. Chapter 4 presents a methodology for developing a discrete-choice model for passengers choosing between local and limited-stop (or BRT) services. A specific discrete-choice model is developed for Chicago based on the CTA's AVL and APC data, and a survey carried out during spring 2009 in Chicago. The chapter also summarizes the survey results, and the field observations. Chapter 5 describes the enhanced limited-stop and BRT planning model. The new model predicts measures of effectiveness for a specific service configuration of limited-stop (or BRT) service overlapping with local service: the demand split between services, the productivity for both services, and the changes in passengers travel time including in-vehicle and out-of-vehicle time, services speed (running times), and demand. Chapter 6 applies the model to the Chicago Avenue corridor and the 7 9 th street corridor in the city of Chicago. Several configurations are modeled including limited-stop services overlapping with local services, BRT services (with different levels of lane segregation, enhanced boarding, and TSP) overlapping with local services, and variations of stop spacing and service frequencies. Chapter 7 summarizes the thesis findings, presents general recommendations for the design of limited-stop and BRT services overlapping with local services, including the impact of the different service configuration elements (stop spacing, service frequencies, right-of-way, enhanced boarding, and TSP), provides recommendations for the CTA, and presents suggestions for future research on this topic. 2 LITERATURE REVIEW This chapter is composed of five sections. The first summarizes the methodology proposed by Schwarcz (2004) to evaluate limited-stop bus service configurations and discuses its limitations. The second section reviews the state-of-the-art of how to estimate ridership for conventional limited-stop and BRT limited-stop services. The third section examines the literature in how to model passenger choices when limited-stop services overlap with local services. The fourth section summarizes the literature regarding modeling running times for limited-stop and BRT services. The fifth section reviews several cities' experiences with the aforementioned services. 2.1 Modeling and Evaluating Limited-Stop Service: The Schwarcz Model Schwarcz (2004) developed a descriptive model to evaluate limited-stop service that assesses future corridor performance based on the current local service and the proposed future service configuration. The performance of a specific proposed configuration is measured in terms of the market share2, the demand split between the local and the limited-stop service, the change in passenger's travel time, and the change in productivity. 2.1.1 Model Description Figure 2-1 presents the basic framework of the Schwarcz model. The model inputs include, for an specific time period and direction: the resources (number of buses and platform hours), the frequencies of both services, the current and proposed stop locations, the distance between stops, the demand at the stop level, the running times, and the travel time component "weights" (i.e. the relative importance of the various components of trip travel time -walking, waiting, and travelling on-board the bus- to typical passengers). This measure refers to the percentage of passengers that choose to wait for the limited-stop service, the percentage that choose to wait for the local service, and the percentage that choose to take whichever bus come first. 2 Assignment 1. Compute Travel Time components (Access + Waiting + In vehicle) for each OD pair, for three possibilities (Local, Limited, and First Bus) 2.Market Classification. For each OD pair take the min. travel time of the 3 cases 3. Assignment. " Stop assignment. Number of passengers per stop - Route assignment. Number of local and limited service passengers on Figure 2-1 Conceptual framework of the Schwarcz model The model starts by estimating of the Origin-Destination (OD) matrix of the existing local service. Unless an actual OD matrix is known from a detailed passenger survey, this matrix is estimated based on boardings and alightings counts at the stop level using Iterative Proportional Fitting (IPF) and the methodology proposed by Navick and Furth (1994). Once the OD matrix is estimated, the model performs the passenger assignment process in three steps. In the first step, the model computes the weighted travel time of every OD combination for three strategies: a) the passenger waits for the local service (local preferred), b) the passenger waits for the limited-stop service (limited preferred), and c) the passenger takes the first bus that arrives (choice) at a particular stop. The model assumes no access and egress time for any existing passengers travelling between proposed combined stops (stops served by both local and limited-stop buses) and estimates the extra walking (access and egress) times for the passengers boarding and/or alighting at the local-only stops. The waiting times are estimated based on the proposed frequencies and on the expected headway coefficient of variation. The in-vehicle times are estimated based on the distances traveled on the bus and the projected speeds. Equations (2-1), (2-2), and (2-3) show how the weighted travel times are estimated for the three possible strategies. TTLOC =WTLoc -W7T +IVTLoc TTLi, =[A Togi + A TDest ]W (2-1) -W +WT Lim ± TTcloice= A To,,, + (F)-A TDestJ. WAT + *WWT + WTom -w+ (2-2) IVTLin - WIV [(1 - F). IVTChoiceLoc + (F)-IVTLim]-W 4 (2-3) Where: TTLOc, TTLim, TTChoice are the total weighted travel times for local preferred, limited preferred, and choice passengers respectively WAT, WwT, WIVT are the travel time weights for access, wait, and in-vehicle time respectively. The model accounts for the fact that passengers perceive out-of-vehicle times to be more onerous that in-vehicle time. The suggested weights by Schwarcz are 2.5 for access time, 2 for waiting time, and 1 for in-vehicle time A Torigin, A TDest, are the origin and destination access times respectively WTLoc, WTLim, WTCom are the local, limited-stop, and combined service expected wait times respectively IVTLoc, IVTLim, IVTChoiceLoc, are the local, limited, and ChoiceLoc in-vehicle times respectively (ChoiceLoc is the in-vehicle time on the local service from the nearest limited-service stop) F, is the frequency share (the percentage of total bus trips that are provided on the limited-stop service) In the second step, the model assigns a market share for each OD pair based on the alternative with the minimum weighted travel time (local preferred, limited preferred, or choice). In the third step, the model assigns the current passengers to the bus stops and to the route (local or limited-stop) based on the market share established in the second step and the frequency share. The results of the second and third steps are aggregated to estimate measures of effectiveness of the proposed service configuration including: the market share (the total amount of passengers in each of the three strategies), the demand split (number of passengers taking each service), the change in average passenger travel time, and the productivity of each service (passengers/platform hours). 2.1.2 Model validation The Schwarcz model was validated by Scorcia using the data from the Ashland Avenue corridor in the city of Chicago where a limited-stop service (Route X9) was introduced overlapping the local service (Route 9) in summer 2006. The data collected before the implementation of the service was used to predict the change in passenger travel time, services speeds, productivity (passengers/platform hour), market classification, and demand split between routes and compared all these predictions with the actual numbers after 18 months of implementation. The validation process showed that the predictions of the model were accurate for the demand split, the service speeds, and the productivity. However, the market share prediction could not be validated since it requires a survey where passengers are asked whether they wait for the limitedstop service, wait for the local service, or take the first bus that comes. Route 9/X9 also showed ridership increases above the system average and increases in reliability that were not predictable using the Schwarz model. 2.1.3 Critical Assessment The Schwarcz model has several limitations. The first is that the model does not predict any change in demand when limited-stop service is implemented. However, transit agencies (including NYC Transit, Chicago Transit Authority, and Metro Rapid in Los Angeles) have found that the introduction of limited-stop service often results in ridership increases. BRT services in North America have also proven to be successful in attracting new ridership. For instance, the experience of six major urban areas, where BRT was implemented, including Los Angeles, Miami, Brisbane (Australia), Vancouver (BC), Boston, and Oakland have shown that "corridor ridership has grown faster than the reduction in transit travel time, suggesting demand/travel time elasticities over 1.O."(TCRP Report 118, 2007) The second limitation is that the Schwarcz model assumes that all passengers for a given OD choose the strategy (local preferred, limited preferred, or choice) that minimizes their weighted travel time. In other words, the model performs an all-or-nothing market share assignment. However, while the model seems to give reasonable results, it is well known that individual passengers' decisions are not based only on travel time but are also influenced by many other variables such as socioeconomic characteristics, age, weather conditions, availability of shelters at stops, real time information, trip purpose, and lack of awareness about the limited-stop service. Finally, other limitations of the Schwarcz model are: " The model was designed for limited-stop services and not for BRT services. " Running times for proposed limited-stop services are estimated with a simple approach based solely on the number of skipped stops. " It does not account for the effects of branding on ridership changes and on passengers' service choice behavior. " The model can only test one specific configuration at a time. * It is a descriptive rather than an optimization model. This thesis is focused on addressing some of these limitations, specifically by estimating ridership changes, including a probabilistic approach for assigning demand, and allowing one to evaluate not only limited-stop services but also BRT services. 2.2 Ridership Estimation Conventional limited-stop and BRT services have been successful in attracting new ridership in the US. Nonetheless, there is little prior research on ridership estimation for these services. The information available in the literature is not exclusive to how limited-stop services influence demand but rather discusses how general changes in service characteristics (i.e. fares, travel times, hours of service, and frequencies) affect ridership. TCRP Report 118 (2007) recommends two approaches for estimating BRT ridership: The first approach is to use either a four-step travel demand model or an incremental logit model. The four-stop model approach is appropriate for a system (or corridor) over long time horizons and with large-scale investments. The information needed includes estimates of current and future employment, surveys, land uses, and flows in the corridors. However, TCRP Report 118 (2007) advises that whenever possible, the incremental logit modeling approach should be used instead of running a full-scale travel demand model, since it only requires describing the system components that are anticipated to change and the individual passenger data for the influence area of the route or corridor under study. The incremental logit methodology estimates the changes in modal share based on the changes in level of service. The predicted changes in level of service are applied to the base OD matrix to predict future changes in mode choice. The future mode share is a function of the existing mode share and the change in utility for the mode of interest compared with changes in utility for all modes being analyzed. The utility functions usually include out-of-vehicle time, in-vehicle time, transfers, and fare. The formulation of the incremental logit model is as follows: P. Pi P =kv A.U, , e (2-4) AUi where:Pi is the baseline probability of using mode i P'i is the revised probability of using mode i AUi is the change in utility for mode i k is the number of travel modes available The second approach, which is also suitable to conventional limited-stop services overlapping with existing local services, is to apply service elasticities 3 . The application of the elasticity methodology is more appropriate for short time horizons, small-scale investments, and where the new service is overlaid on an existing service. The procedure consists of applying the various elasticities to service changes (i.e. fares elasticity to fare changes, travel time elasticity to travel time changes, and frequency elasticities to frequency changes). Service elasticities have been estimated from a variety of sources; however, these values can vary significantly across countries, regions, and cities. For this reason is recommended that each city develop its own values if possible. Table 2-1 presents a summary of the different services elasticities found in the literature. 3 Defined as the % change in ridership over the %change in level of service (i.e. travel time, frequency) Table 2-1 Typical service elasticities Item Application Range Bus Miles Bus Frequency Travel Time New routes or routes complementing existing services Service expansion Greater Frequency of existing route -0.3 to -0.5 0.6 to 1.0 0.3 to 0.5 Source: TCRP Report 99 and TCRP Report 118 TCRP Web Document 12 (2000) summarizes how changes in other service attributes (including span of service, out-of-vehicle times, reliability, and new express services) affect ridership. However, the document does not provide elasticities but instead presents evidence from different cases of how changes in these variables affected ridership. There is consensus in the literature that branding is a major element that can attract ridership to BRT services in addition to service improvements. The branding element is so important that some critics of limited-stop service, such as the Metro Rapid in Los Angeles, claim that those services are "a triumph of marketing over substance"4 . Different sources including Henke (2006), Baltes (2003), and Tann et al (2009) state that between 20% and 33% of ridership gains or increases in overall customer satisfaction with BRT service cannot be explained by traditional factors such as travel time, frequency, reliability, or capacity improvements but rather result from improvement in image and perception of the new service (branding). Despite the fact that different documents acknowledge the effect of branding on ridership, the TCRP Report 118 (2007) is the only document that suggests a method for estimating this effect. The method can be used either when predicting the new demand with a four-step travel demand model or with an elasticity approach. When using a four-step travel demand model, the report recommends adding a travel time bias constant to the BRT alternative equivalent to up to 10 4 minutes of in-vehicle time. When an elasticity method is used, the report suggests that BRT could attract up to 25% more riders than that obtained simply by applying elasticities. Table 2-2, taken from the TCRP Report 118, shows how the different BRT components affect the branding element in the ridership estimation process. Table 2-2 Additional ridership impacts of selected BRT components COMPONENT Running Ways (not additive) Grade-separated busway (special right-of way) All-day arterial bus lanes 10% busway (specially 20% 20% 15% At-grade busway (special) Median PERCENTAGE delineated) Peak-hour bus lanes Mixed traffic Stations (additive) Conventional shelter Unique/attractively designed shelter llumination Telephones/security phones Climate-controlled waiting area Passenger amenities Passenger services Vehicles (additive) Conventional vehicles Uniquely designed vehicles (external) Air conditioning Wide multi-door configuration Level boarding (low-floor or high platform) Service Patterns (additive) All-day service span High-frequency service (10 min or less) Clear, simple, service pattern Off-vehicle fare collection ITS Application (selective additive) Passenger information at stops Passenger information on vehicles BRT Brandina (additive) Vehicles and stations 5% 0% 0% 15% 0% 2% 2% 3% 3% 3% 2% 15% 0% 5% 0% 5% 5% 15% 4% 4% 4% 3% 10% 7% 3% 10% Source: TCRP Report 118 The proposed methodology can be divided into four steps. The first step is to select and add the BRT points for any components included in the proposed new BRT service to obtain the subtotal. The second step is to add the synergy points; if the subtotal points are greater than 60, the synergy points (15 points) are added, and if not, no points are added. The third is to add the subtotal and the synergy points to obtain the total points. When an incremental logit approach is used, the fourth step is to multiply the total points by 10 and the result is the bias constant that should be added to the BRT alternative in the discrete choice model. When an elasticity approach is used, the fourth step is to multiply the total points by 0.25 and that number is the percentage increase in ridership (with respect to the baseline riders that choose the BRT service over the local service) due to the branding effect. 2.3 Passenger Service Choice Previous research on how passengers choose between local and limited-stop services is sparse. TCRP Report 118 (2007) suggests that when a BRT operates as a limited-stop service configuration overlapping with a local service, the ridership allocation can be based on judgment, equal division between the services, or based on patterns of boarding and alighting and relative travel times. The document recommends that the split should be based upon origin to destination and boarding/alighting patterns, and/or market research but does not present a methodology. TCRP Report 118 provides the following set of equations that establish possible demand allocations based on relative running times between the BRT limited-stop and the local service. + PLim ited ( 2 -5)R BRT - Limited ~Limited 1+ tBRT (2-6) ±tRT(2) -1 tBRT e I + e tBRT PLimited (2-7) e Limited -- P~mtd e 1-t_T tBR T 1+e where:PLimited tBRT (2-8) is the share of riders assigned to the limited-stop service is the BRT (limited-stop) service running time relative to local service running time The validation of the Schwarcz model with the Ashland and Cicero limited-stop services in Chicago showed that similar frequencies on the local and the limited-stop service do not necessarily lead to similar demand split. In these cases given equal frequencies the demand split ranged between only 33% and 42% riders for the limited-stop service. The reasons for this include the lack of awareness and understanding of the limited-stop service, the small percentage of riders that always take the limited-stop service, and the large percentage of riders that take whichever bus comes first 5 . 2.4 Running Times This section focuses on the estimation of running times for BRT services since this is more complex than the conventional limited-stop service case. TCRP Reports 26 (1997), 90 (2003), 100 (2003), 118 (2007), and the NBRTI document (2008) illustrate how each of the BRT components affects running times. The travel time savings of BRT systems are a result of the combination of all the components; thus, it can be hard to isolate the effect of each of them since the results presented in the reports are usually empirical and based on the experience in different cities rather than on a modeling approach. In addition, the effectiveness of different components depends on the current split of the running time into movement, dwell, traffic, and traffic signal times. For example, a corridor with a small number of signals and where the bus delays are mainly affected by congestion will benefit more from a completely segregated right-of-way than from the implementation of Transit Signal Priority. In the next sub-sections the potential travel time savings and speed increases for the different BRT components are discussed. 2.4.1 Right-of-way The level of right-of-way segregation of the bus system is one of the more important variables affecting speed although speed is also a function of the stop spacing, dwell times, and traffic 5Established by a survey carried out by the author during March 2010 signals. Table 2-3 through Table 2-5 summarize bus speeds as a function of stop spacing and dwell times for busways and HOV lanes, for dedicated arterial lanes, and for general purpose traffic lanes respectively. Table 2-3 Bus Speeds on Busways and Exclusive Freeway HOV Lanes Average Stop Spacing (miles) 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Averae Dwell Time 15 30 21 mph 26 mph 30 mph 34 mph 35 mph 38 mph 37 mph 41 mph 39 mph 42 mph er Sto s secs 45 60 16 mph 18 mph 24 mph 27 mph 29 mph 32 mph 32 mph 35 mph 35 mph 37 mph Note: Assumes 50 mph top running speed in bus lane Source: Characteristics of Bus Rapid Transit for Decision-Making Table 2-4 Bus Speeds on Dedicated Arterials Average Stop Spacing (miles) 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 Average Dwell Time 10 20 7mph 9mph 13 mph 16 mph 15 mph 18 mph 22 mph 25 mph per Stos 30 6mph 11 mph 13 mph 20 mph (secs) 40 5mph 10 mph 11 mph 18 mph Note: Does not include the effect of traffic or signal delays. TCRP Report 100 establishes correction factors for accounting those Source: Characteristics of Bus Rapid Transit for Decision-Making Table 2-5 Bus Speeds in General Purpose Traffic Lanes Average Stop Spacing (miles) 0.1 0.2 0.3 Average Dwell Time 10 20 5mph 6mph 8 mph 9 mph 9 mph 10 mph 0.5 11 mph 10 mph per Stops 30 5mph 7 mph 8 mph (secs) 40 4mph 6 mph 7 mph 10 mph 9 mph Source: Characteristics of Bus Rapid Transit for Decision-Making 2.4.2 Transit Signal Priority (TSP) There is no agreement in the literature on how much travel time savings can be attributed to TSP. This is in part because of the different priority treatments available (including passive, active, real-time, and preemption) and also because transit agencies rarely provide comparable statistics. For example, reductions in traffic delays or travel times are often cited without providing further detail such as whether these reductions represent a saving of 2 seconds per intersection or 45 seconds per intersection, or whether the travel time savings are estimated for an average passenger trip or for the entire route. According to TCRP Report 118 (2007), travel time savings associated with TSP in North America and Europe have ranged from 2% to 18% with a typical reduction of 8%to 12%. The Evaluation Report for the City of Los Angeles (2003) established that for the case of Ventura and Wilshire/Whittier Corridors in Los Angeles, where 20% of the base running time was spent at traffic signals, the implementation of TSP reduced the traffic signal time by 35%. Furth 6 acknowledges the difficulty and lack of literature regarding the prediction of travel time reductions as a result of the implementation of a TSP strategy. Furth suggests the following to assess the percentage reduction in time spent at traffic lights: 0 10 to 20% traffic delay reduction for the typical timid priority applied in the US * PLUS 20 to 30% further traffic delay reduction from having a queue jump lane * PLUS 20% further traffic delay reduction from using aggressive priority tactics 2.4.3 Queue jumps/Bypass lanes BRT vehicles can bypass traffic queues at intersections through the application of a "queue jump" or "bypass lane". TCRP Report 118 estimates that travel time reductions as a result of the application of these elements are between 7-27 seconds per bus intersection with the highest savings during peak periods. 6 Interview by author with Professor Peter Furth. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Northeastern University, 2010 2.4.4 Vehicle design and fare collection The vehicle size and floor level play important roles in dwell times and can have a major impact on the running times depending on the number of stops, and the total ridership on a route. Wright (2007) stresses that reductions in dwell times are particularly important in high capacity BRT systems where the most efficient vehicle design can reduce passenger service times to as little as 0.3 seconds per passenger (Transmilenio in Bogota). Table 2-6 and Table 2-7 show the service time per passenger on a vehicle with a single door and multiple doors respectively. Table 2-6 Passenger service times with single-channel passenger movement Passenger Service time (s/p) Observed Range Suggested Default Situation BOARDING 2.5 2.25 to 2.75 Pre-payment* 3.5 3.4 to 3.6 Single ticket or token 4.0 3.6 to 4.3 Exact change 4.2 4.2 Swipe or dip card 3.5 3.0 to 3.7 Smart card ALIGHTING 3.3 2.6 to 3.7 Front door 2.1 1.4 to 2.7 Reardoor Note: * includes no fare, bus pass, free, and pay-on-exit. Note: Add 0.5 s/p to boarding times when standees are present and subtract 0.5 s/p from boarding and alighting times for lowfloor buses Source: TCRP Report 100 Table 2-7 Passenger service times with multiple-channel passenger movement Default Passenger Service Time (s/p) Available Rear Alighting Front Alighting Door Channels Boarding* 2.1 3.3 2.5 1 1.2 1.8 1.5 2 0.9 1.5 1.1 3 4 0.9 1.1 0.7 6 0.6 0.7 0.5 Note: * Assumes no on-board fare payment required Note: Increase boarding times by 20% when standees are present. For lowfloor buses, reduced boarding times by 20%, front alighting by 15%, and rear alighting times by 25% Source: TCRP Report 100 2.4.5 Stop spacing Stop spacing is the only major design component that a conventional limited-stop service has in common with BRT service. Table 2-8 provides estimates of bus running speeds as a function of stop spacing (without including the effect of dwell time) which are consistent with the average bus speed presented in Table 2-4 for dedicated arterial bus lanes. It is important to recognize that a reduction in stops might result in more passengers at each stop which will offset some of the benefits of fewer stops. Table 2-8 Base Running Speeds for Dedicated Arterial Bus Lanes Stops per mile Dwell Time 2 4 5 0s 2.06 min/mi 2.61 min/mi 2.94 min/mi 6 1 3.3 min/mi 1 7 8 10 3.72 min/mi 4.2 min/mi 5.34 min/mi Note: Interpolated from a Table with a range between 10-60 s dwell times. The original table does not provide numbers for 0 s dwell times but suggests that these values can be interpolated. Note: The provided values assume no signal or traffic delays. Note: For Central Business District (CBD): Add 1.2. CBD + Right Turns: Add 2.0. CBD + Right Turns + Lanes blocked by Traffic: Add 3.0. Note: For Arterial Roads with no traffic: Add 0.5-1.0. For Arterials with mixed traffic: Add: 1.0 Source: TCRP Report 100 2.5 Experiences in Cities with Conventional Limited-Stop and BRT Service This section describes two case studies of cities with significant experience in the operation with limited-stop and BRT services: Transmilenio in Bogota (Colombia) and Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transit Authority. 2.5.1 Transmilenio Bogota implemented the Transmilenio BRT system in December 2000. Transmilenio currently consists of 84 km of interconnected BRT lines, a fleet of 1,074 articulated buses and 5 biarticulated buses, and 114 stations. An integrated feeder network of 515 km and 438 conventional buses complements the BRT network providing access from surrounding neighborhoods. Figure 2-2 shows the current system. IMAPA GENEA Figure 2-2 Transmilenio System Transmilenio was conceived as a long term expansion plan consisting of seven Phases. At the moment Phases I and II7 have been implemented and Phase III is under construction. However, the implementation plans for the remaining phases are unclear due to the possible implementation of a rail-based transit system. The plan for Phase III, which had contemplated the implementation of 3 new corridors, has been modified. The new plan includes the original Avenida 26 and Avenida 10 corridors, but the Avenida 7, the third corridor, will possibly include just a segment of the original design, no overtaking lane at the stations, and some priority lanes (different from the fully segregated lanes typical of Transmilenio). The system is recognized world-wide for many reasons including its high capacity, high level of service, and low cost. During the morning peak period the system carries up to 43,000 I included the Avenida Caracas, Autopista Norte, and Calle 80 corridors. Phase II included the Avenida NQS, Avenida de las Americas, and Avenida Suba corridors 7 Phase pas/hour/dir (Steer Davies Gleave, 2007) and serves a daily demand of 1.5 million trips that represent 19% of all journeys made in Bogota. Surveys showed that the system was perceived by the great majority of Bogotanos to be a better option than the traditional public transportation services. Additionally, at least 10% of Transmilenio riders own a private automobile. After the implementation of the first two corridors (Avenida Caracas and Calle 80) bus speeds increased from 12 to 26 km/h in these corridors and the number of accidents in the Transmilenio corridors was also reduced significantly from 1060 to 220 per year, between 1999 and 2001 (Yepes, 2003). Key elements which allow the system to carry such high passenger volumes with high levels of service include: High-capacity buses. Transmilenio uses articulated high-floor buses with 160-passenger capacity and multiple wide doors, combined with high platforms to provide level boarding. In August 2009, the system started operating 5 bi-articulated buses with a 260-passenger capacity. Figure 2-3 shows the standard and bi-articulated Transmilenio buses. Figure 2-3 Articulated and Bi-Articulated Transmilenio Buses Exclusive lanes. All the corridors allow overtaking. In some cases the system has two exclusives lanes in each direction, and in others the system has one exclusive lane between stations and two lanes at each station to allow express buses to overtake local buses. Figure 2-4 shows the typical configurations. Figure 2-4 Transmilenio Right-of-Way Multiple stop bays at stations. The system use stations instead of stops with each station having between 1 and 3 platforms. Each platform can serve up to 80 buses per hour and has room to serve two buses in the same direction at the same time although typically one bus uses the platform at a time while the second waits for the platform to clear before serving passengers (without blocking the overtaking lane). Figure 2-5 shows a typical 3-platform station. Figure 2-5 Transmilenio station Enhanced boarding, There are different elements that together allow the system to have dwell times similar to metro systems. These elements are the use of contact-less smart cards that passengers must validate when entering a station, 3 wide doors on each articulated bus, and level boarding. Figure 2-6 shows the boarding and ticket validation processes at stations. Figure 2-6 Boarding and ticket validation processes Express and local services. To accommodate the high level of ridership, Transmilenio offers two main types of services: express and local. Without this it would be impossible for the stations along the busiest corridors to serve the large number of buses (more than 300) operating during the morning peak hour. It also increases the quality of service since the express services are faster than local services. The express services are particularly popular with customers making longer trips since significant travel time savings can be realized. At some stations customers have up to 10 different routes (local and express) available from which to choose. The average speed of the system is 22 km/h with highest speeds in the Norte Quito Sur (NQS) corridor and the slowest speeds in the Eje Ambiental corridor. The average speed of local services is 19 km/h and express services is 23 km/h. In the Avenida Caracas corridor, local buses spend 56% of the time moving, 23% at stations serving demand, and 21% at stop lights; while express buses spend 62% of the time moving, 14% at stations, and 24% at stop lights (Steer Davies Gleave, 2007). The system actually uses a third type of services during weekday peak periods called superexpress services which operate with fewer stops than express services. To deal with the difficulty that new and occasional passengers have identifying the routes that serve their origin and destination, Transmilenio uses a complex nomenclatures representing the user's trip in an array of colors, numbers, and letters. This nomenclature is not easily understood by riders and it led to a city-wide protest from passengers when a route redesign was performed after the implementation of Phase II. An important lesson from that experience is that the appropriate design of local and limited-stop services should focus not only on reducing travel times but also on ease of understanding for the customers. 2.5.2 Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LACMTA): LACMTA runs bus and heavy and light rail systems. The bus system is comprised of conventional (Metro Local), BRT-lite (Metro Rapid), and BRT (Orange Line) services as described bellow: Metro Local. Metro Local is the conventional bus service providing local, limited-stop (sometimes branded as Metro Limited), express (sometimes branded as metro express) and shuttle services. Buses are distinguished by their orange color (See Figure 2-7) although some old buses remain white with an orange stripe. Figure 2-7 Metro Local bus Metro Local buses have numbers indicating the type of service they offer: * 1-99: Local bus services to/from downtown Los Angeles and other areas * 100-299: East-west and north-south service, not necessarily serving downtown LA * 300-399: Metro Limited. Limited-stop services on local routes which make fewer stops and generally operate only during peak periods. Many have been replaced by Metro Rapid services e 400-500: Metro Express. These services have a different fare structure and usually run express for a portion of the route, then run either local or limited-stop in other areas. The main difference from the Metro Limited is that express services operate on freeways or transitways on a portion of their trip * 600-699: Shuttle and special event services Surveys of customers' perception of different LA transit modes carried out by Tann et al (2009) show that the Metro Local service has a severe image problem, and is generally regarded as a "lower-class" mode. Riding the bus carries a "shame factor" and most choice riders would not consider using it. Moreover, the fact that regular buses run in mixed traffic, and thus are prone to unreliability and travel delays due to congestion, is seen by riders as a major drawback compared with other transit modes. Metro Rapid. This is the BRT-lite service of Los Angeles operating 26 routes across a network of 450 miles (See Figure 2-8). Metr Rd SyseMa WiO R~pid rmlin p ACMTA l0130 urn3 7 Fg_ 1 MCA SNTA rmw - Elaborated by: Robert J. McConnell Figure 2-8 Metro Rapid System The main characteristics of the service are the limited-stops, spaced about % mile apart at major intersections and transfer points; the signal priority system, which grants priority to buses by extending the green phase or shortening the red phase of traffic signals; special low-floor buses differentiated from the rest of the fleet with a red-paint scheme; and special stop stations allocated at the far-side corners of intersections, beyond traffic lights, while local stops are on the near corner. These stop stations provide canopies, information, lighting, and real-time passenger information (electronic displays showing waiting passengers when the next bus is arriving). Figure 2-9 shows a Metro Rapid bus and stop. Figure 2-9 Metro Rapid bus and station The Metro Rapid program was launched in June 2000 and was implemented originally on only two lines. Since then, the Metro Rapid network has grown, replacing old limited-stop services (Metro Limited) further increasing their stop spacing. TCRP Report 90 (2003) reported speeds of the services are between 14 and 19 mph and the reported travel time saving are between 23% and 28% compared with the old system for the Ventura and Wilshire-Whittier Boulevards. The same corridors generated 26% and 33% increases in ridership. From those increases, between 16% and 20% could be explained by increases in frequency and speeds and the remaining 10% and 13% due to other changes (including branding). There have been two complaints from the customers about the system. The first is the separation of stops between local and the rapid service. This has lead to a dangerous phenomenon called the "Rapid Bus Shuffle", where waiting passengers at either stop runs to the other stop if a bus arrives. The second complaint was that many of the resources for Metro Rapid came from cuts in local service so riders not close to a Metro Rapid stop must wait longer than before or walk a longer distance to a Metro Rapid stop. For that reason the Bus Riders Union (BRU) filed a legal complaint and obtained a consent decree, with the LACMTA, establishing that the resources for Metro Rapid cannot come from cuts in local services of more than 33% (Consent Decree, Load Factor Service Plan, 2003). According to the survey of customers' perception of different LA transit modes carried out by Tall et al (2009), Metro Rapid is viewed by riders as express service which is part of the regular bus network. Despite the fact the users that have ridden it found it "reliable, quick, and with good real-time information" the system was not seen as a different transit mode. Therefore the Metro Rapid service is susceptible to the same negative perceptions associated with regular bus service. Metro Liner (Orange Line). The Orange Line is Los Angeles' full BRT system and one of the first full BRT systems in the US. The Orange Line began operations in October 2005 and consists off a 14-mile dedicated line that runs east-west through the San Fernando Valley (See Figure 2-10). The LACMTA identifies the Orange Line as a Metro Liner mode which is neither part of the metro rail system nor part of the metro bus system. However, the Metro Liner mode is meant to mimic the Metro Rail lines and in the maps it appears as another Metro Rail line. The Orange Line runs between Warner Center and the North Hollywood Metro Red Line subway station in the San Fernando Valley. Recently (December 2009), the Silver Line (another Metro Liner system) started operating on a 26-mile route between El Monte Station and the Artesia Transit Center near Carson. Canoga PaIbo 0ec.,e De~~~, Woodley SooTmaVn 0 Sepulveda N ys m 0 0rI Warner Center[ ValeyCoIegeo bNorth HoHywood Canyon Figure 2-10 Los Angeles Orange Line The main characteristics of the service are high-capacity low-floor articulated vehicles with three doors, differentiated from the rest of the fleet by a special silver paint scheme; rail-like stations; off-vehicle fare payment, that combined with the vehicle design, allows level boarding through all doors; and transit signal priority. Figure 2-11 shows an Orange Line bus. Figure 2-11 Los Angeles Orange Line bus A review of the performance performed by Vicent and Callahan (2007) of the Orange Line after one year of operations found that it had an average speed of around 17 mph in the peak periods (a similar speed to the Metro Rapid line running parallel on the Ventura Line). The LACMTA had projected the line to have between 5,000 and 7,500 average.weekday boardings for the first year of operations and 22,000 average boardings by 2020; however, by May 2006, the system had already achieved its 2020 goal. The Orange Line grew from 16,360 weekday trips in November 2005 to 20,619 weekday trips in November 2006 while the total ridership of the Gold Line, a 13.7-mile light rail service opened in 2003 and with a planned ridership of 30,000 boardings, grew from 16,910 weekday trips to 17,638 trips in the same period. According to the survey of customers' perception of different LA transit modes carried out by Tann et al (2009), the Orange Line service is viewed as something between the regular bus and rail. The document points how some customers use terms like "train-bus" and "bourgeois bus" to refer to the system. These terms suggest that the system "had succeeded in conveying the image of a premium rapid transit mode on a par with rail-based services." Tann et al (2009) also illustrate (See Figure 2-12) the capital cost vs. customer perception of different bus and rail services in LA. It is important to highlight from the figure that a BRT- lite limited-stop service and the Full BRT services both have a good image comparable to more costly rail systems. For example, the Metro Rapid system required a minimum investment and customers perceive it on par with the Blue Line (LRT). 4 4. 0 Red Line HRTjg Orange Line BRT .. GodLne LRT [L Metro Rapid 'BRT Lite 1Blue Line LRT T er 3 Tier 1 1 Local buLs 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Capital Cost per Mile ($M, 2005 dollars) Figure 2-12 Overall customer rating of different transit modes in LA vs. Capital Cost 2.6 Summary To conclude, this chapter has presented a review of the methodology and model developed by Schwarcz to evaluate limited-stop services overlapping with local services, prior research on the topic from academia and industry, and a description of two cities' experiences with these services. This research will be used to develop an improved model with the capability to predict ridership increases, assign demand with a probabilistic approach, and model both limited-stop and BRT services. The model will be applied to case studies in Chicago, and some general recommendations will be generated from the modeling process, empirical Chicago results, and other cities' experiences for the design and evaluation of limited-stop and BRT services overlapping with local services. 3 PREDICTING RIDERSHIP CHANGES The preceding chapter reviewed the model developed by Schwarcz to evaluate limited-stop bus services that overlap with local services, pointed out some of its limitations, and reviewed prior research related to forecasting ridership changes associated with the implementation of such services. This chapter provides a methodology, built upon prior research and the experience from the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) with its X-Routes (limited-stop services), to predict changes in ridership when a limited-stop (or BRT) service is introduced overlapping with an existing local service. The proposed methodology considers the ridership changes due to changes in passengers travel time and the effect of branding (in BRT cases). Travel time elasticities are the values often used to predict ridership impacts of changes in passenger travel time. This chapter presents a method for obtaining these values by measuring ridership changes and passenger travel time changes where limited-stop services have been implemented. After the elasticities are estimated, they can be used to predict ridership by combining their values with the modeled changes in passenger travel time. This chapter is divided into three sections. The first section explains in detail the proposed method for predicting ridership changes due to the implementation of limited-stop (or BRT) services with local service. The second section shows how travel time elasticities were estimated in a case study in Chicago (Route X9 in the Ashland Corridor). This section describes the changes implemented in the corridor, how those changes affected ridership and passenger travel time, and computes travel time elasticities8 . The third section explains the procedure to account for ridership increases due to the effect of branding. This effect is generally observed only when BRT services are implemented. 8 The elasticities found in this section can be safely used for predicting ridership changes in corridors with similar characteristics in Chicago; however, for predicting ridership changes in other US cities it is strongly recommended estimate city-specific elasticities and use these values in forecasting. 3.1 Proposed Methodology The proposed methodology has two steps to predict the change in ridership when a limited-stop or BRT service is introduced. The first step forecasts the ridership changes due to changes in passenger travel time (including access, egress, waiting, and in-vehicle time) based on the travel time elasticity. The idea is to account for the effect of changes in service speeds, frequencies, and stop spacing in one step rather than using separate elasticities for frequency and in-vehicle travel time as suggested in the literature (TCPP Report 95, 2004). The second step forecasts the ridership increases due to the branding effect described in TCRP Report 118 (2007) and laid out in Chapter 2 (section 2.2) of this thesis. This factor captures the extra ridership gains that are intrinsic to BRT systems with a distinct brand that cannot be explained strictly as a result of service improvements. In order to estimate the elasticities used in the first step, a data set with information prior to and after the implementation of a limited-stop service is needed. An ideal data set would include, for different routes, the total travel time (split into access, egress, waiting, and in-vehicle time) for each passenger before and after the implementation of the limited-stop service as well as trip characteristics, such as trip purpose and time of day, and passenger characteristics such as age, gender, car availability, willingness to walk, etc. With such a data set, it would be possible to compute the elasticities for different trip lengths, trip purposes, times of day, etc. and to test if there are significant differences between them. Unfortunately the available data is limited, and collecting a data set with the aforementioned characteristics would be burdensome. The data used on this thesis includes only the demand at the stop level, headways, headway coefficients of variation, and service running times, before and after the implementation of various limited-stop bus services in Chicago, including a full set of data for Route 9 and X9, in the Ashland corridor, and a set of data for the AM period for Route 54 and X54, in the Cicero corridor. With the available information, travel time elasticities can be estimated for different trip lengths and times of day. In cities with no experience with limited-stop services, values can be taken from corridors with similar characteristics in other cities. Although, it is preferable that each city estimates its own values. The hypothesis is that shorter trips have smaller elasticities than longer trips. The proposed formulation is presented in Equation (3-1). TravelTimeElasticity =% 3.2 Change in Ridership % _Change _ in _ Travel _Time (3-1) Measuring Travel Time Elasticities in the Ashland Corridor in Chicago The following sub-sections describe the service changes and estimate travel time elasticities for a case study in the Ashland Corridor in Chicago where limited-stop service was introduced. These values will be used later in case studies (Chapter 6) to forecast ridership changes due to the implementation of conventional limited-stop and BRT services in Chicago. 3.2.1 Service changes on the corridor In summer 2006 the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) implemented Route X9 overlapping with Route 9 (the old local service). Route 9 is a 20-mile route running from Irving Park, south along Ashland to 95th Street, with some buses continuing on to 103rd Street/Vicennes. This local route has 136 stops for the service running to 95th Street with an additional ten stops for the service running to 10 3 rd Street. The new Route X9 runs on the same arterial to 9 5 rd street, but with only 39 stops. Both services connect with six rail lines (Orange, Pink, Blue, Green and Brown line) as shown in Figure 3-1. Most Route X9 resources (platform hours) were taken from Route 9 with a few extra trips added. The combined peak period platform hours increased from 85.3 in fall 2005 to 91.0 in fall 2006 (Sweat, 2007). This means that the new combined headway of the local and limited-stop service was the same as the prior headway on the local route. Figure 3-2 shows the change in combined headway in the Ashland corridor between Fall 2005 and Fall 2007. As shown, most of the new resources were added during the midday and evening off-peak periods and in general brought some longer scheduled headways during these periods into line with the rest of the day. SB Headways (Fall 05 and 07) NB Headways (Fall 05 and 07) o~V c'j -T- -, t T0~ 0C1 Time of day (2007) -9 -9/X9 Time of day (2005) (2007) -9 in9/X9 (2005) Figure 3-2 Combined headways before and after the implementation of Route X9 For the peak periods there was only a small increase in frequency on the combined routes. Table 3-1 shows the changes in headways for those periods. Most service increases were in the AM period in the SB direction where the headway was reduced from 8 minutes in fall 2005 to 5 minutes in fall 2007. Table 3-1 Headways on Route 9 and X9 PM Peak AM Peak S 9 P Both BSB 8.5 9 12.0 X9 50 5.0 Both 8.5 1 SB -,12.0 8.0 X9 80 2006 2005 2007 2006 2005 2007 SB EEE 1EE 12. Based on these headways, Table 3-2 shows the frequency split (the percentage of total bus trips that are provided on the limited-stop and the local service) between Routes 9 and X9. The only imbalance in the frequencies is in the AM peak in the SB direction where the frequency split is 59% for the local service. Table 3-2 Frequency split between Routes 9 and X9 AM Peak 2006 9 X9 3.2.2 NB 53% 47% SB 59% 41% PM Peak 2006 2007 NB 53% 47% SB 59% 41% 9 X9 NB 52% 48% SB 52% 48% 2007 NB 50% 50% SB 52% 48% Ridership Changes Ridership increased steadily from several months after the implementation of the limited-stop service with the exception of only one month9 . From fall 2005 to fall 2007 ridership in the Ashland corridor increased from 32,078 daily trips to 35,825 daily trips, an increase of 11.7% compared with an increase of 2% on the full CTA bus system over the same period. Figure 3-3 shows ridership from June 2005 (a year before the introduction of Route X9) to December 2007 (18 months after its introduction) with the arrow indicating the start of Route X9 (June 2006). 40000 36000 m 2005 32000 i2006 28000 2007 24000 20000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Month Figure 3-3 Average Daily Boardings Route 9/X9 9February 2006 showed a decrease in ridership vs. February 2007 that can be explained by bad weather that month. See Guo et al. Weather Impact on Transit Ridership in Chicago (2007) Figure 3-4 shows in more detail the ridership increases during the AM and PM peak periods between fall 2005 (prior to the implementation of Route X9), 2006 and 2007. It is noteworthy that from fall 2006 to 2007 most of the ridership increases were seen on Route X9 rather than on Route 9. Minor ridership increases were seen between 2005 and 2006 (a few months after the implementation of Route X9); however, by fall 2007 ridership had increased in both directions (NB and SB) and both periods. It increased by 7.3 % in the AM peak from 6,664 trips in fall 2005 to 7,148 trips in fall 2007; and by 12.1% in the PM peak from 7,730 trips in fall 2005 to 8,864 trips in fall 2007. AM Period NB AM Period SB 5000 50004000 - :E 3000 - V0 2000 - 4000 0. 0. * X9 .9 E 3000 2000 . 1000- 1000 0- 0 Fall 2005 Fall 2006 Fall 2007 Fall 2005 Year Fall 2007 Year PM Period NB PM Period SB 50004000 Fall 2006 5000 4000 0. V 3000 - * X9 2000 .9 - 1000- a) 3000- * X9 2000- .9 1000- 01 0Fall 2005 Fall 2006 Year Fall 2007 Fall 2005 Fall 2006 Fall 2007 Year Figure 3-4 Route 9/X9 ridership The ridership split between the local and the limited-stop services is shown in Table 3-3. Despite the fact that the frequency split for most of the periods and directions is close to 50/50 (See Table 3-2), the ridership split is not close to 50/50: more riders take the local service than the limited- stop service. Table 3-3 Route 9/X9 ridership split AM Peak 2006 9 NB 60% SB 59% X9 40% 41% PM Peak 2006 2007 NB 57 43% SB 59% 9 NB 61% 41% X9 39% SB 2007 63% NB 57% SB 67% 37% 43% 37% The average trip length can be estimated based on the boardings and alightings at each stop and is shown in Table 3-4 before and after the implementation of Route X9. As expected, the local service is used more for short trips and the limited-stop service is used more for longer trips. However, the average trip lengths are still relatively short given the 20-mile route length. Table 3-4 Route 9/X9 average trip lengths (miles) 2005 NB X9 AM Peak 2006 2007 SBj NBl SB 3.5 3.0 NB 3.4 2005 SB 2.8 NB X9 PM Peak 2006 SB 1NB 2.9 2007 SB 3.3 NB 2.7 25 3.2 Computing the travel time elasticities on Route 9/X9 for different trip lengths (as proposed in section 3.1) requires assessing how the ridership increases occurred by trip length and what the relative changes in travel time were for the same trip lengths. To estimate the ridership increases for different trip lengths, Origin-Destination (OD) matrices were estimated, before and after the implementation of Route X9. The method used to build the OD matrices, without using an OD survey to generate the seed matrix, is the one proposed by Navick and Furth (1994). The information required for this estimation includes the stop level boardings and alightings for the period and the distance matrix which is used as the seed matrix. Figure 3-5 shows the trip length histograms resulting from the estimated OD matrices. Even though there was an overall increase in ridership, as shown in Figure 3-3, there was an initial reduction in the number of short trips, which was mostly recovered 18 months after the implementation of Route X9. Most of the ridership gains occurred for longer trips. AMSB AM NB 1400 1400 1200 1200 1000 1000 :E 800 o 600 82005 2006 U 2007 800 92005 m 2006 600 U 2007 400 400 200 200 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 Trip Length (Miles) 2 4 6 8 10 12 Trip Length (Miles) i PM NB PM SB 1400 1400 1200 1200 1000 1000 800 U 2005 800 U 2005 600 U 2007 a2006 600 U 2007 92006 400 400 200 200 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Trip Length 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Trip Length (Miles) Figure 3-5 Route 9/X9 trip length histograms Figure 3-6 shows the percentage change in ridership for different trip lengths, directions, and time periods. As expected, longer trips grew more than shorter trips; however, there is variation in the rate of growth by direction and time period. This variation is due to differences in travel time, trip purpose, and passenger characteristics. PM Peak AM Peak 20% 20% 15% 15% 10% 10% 5% SB *NB 5%'SB 0% 0% 2 3 More 0 1 2 3 -5%-5% Trip Length (Miles) More than 4 Trip Length (Miles) Figure 3-6 Route 9/X9 ridership change by trip length, trip period and direction 3.2.3 Changes in Passenger Travel Time In order to assess the changes in passenger travel time, it is necessary to compute the passenger travel times before and after the implementation of Route X9. The method for estimating the travel times is that proposed by Schwarcz and described in section 2.1. The model requires estimating the changes in access, egress, waiting, and in-vehicle times for all passengers before and after the implementation of the limited-stop service, assuming that each passenger chooses between waiting for the local, waiting for the limited-stop, or taking the first bus that comes based on the alternative that minimizes her weighted travel time. To estimate the access times, the waiting times, and the in-vehicle times, the model requires as inputs: headways, headway coefficient of variation, and speeds before and after the implementation of the new service. Each of these changes for Route 9/X9 is discussed below. Change in Headways As discussed in section 3.2.1, the combined headway of Route 9 and X9 was slightly increased with respect to Route 9 prior to the implementation of the limited-stop services. The Route 9 headway after the implementation of Route X9 in the peak periods is between 8.5 and 12 minutes and the Route X9 headway is 12 minutes as shown previously in Table 3-1. Change in Headway Coefficient of Variation The introduction of Route X9 increased the overall reliability of the service. Figure 3-7 shows the Coefficient of Variation (COV) squared for both peak periods, by direction. In all cases, the COV improved with the local and limited-stop services. The combined service (Route 9 and Route X9) in fall 2007 showed a small improvement in the COV compared with fall 2005, even though buses on the two routes now travel at different speeds and the combined headway is not scheduled to be uniform along the route. I NB PM Peak Headway COV 2 (2005) NB PM Peak Headway COV2 (2007) Distance along Route Distance along Route - Local - X Choice i SB PM Peak Headway COV 2 (2005) SB PM Peak Headway COV2 (2007) Distance along Route Distance along Route - Local - X Choice Figure 3-7 Headway variation before and after implementation of Route X9 Table 3-5 shows the average headway COV 2 for the Ashland corridor before and after the implementation of Route X9 with improved performance for both the local and X services. Table 3-5 Headway Variability for Routes 9 and X9 AM Average Headway COV 2 2005 2007 NB SB NB SB 9 0.68 0.48 0.25 0.40 019 0.24 X9 Both 0.68 0.48 0.58 0.69 PM Average Headway COV 2 9 X9 Both 2005 NB SB 0.60 0.85 2007 NB SB 0.45 0.61 0.60 0.66 0.85 0.26 0.53 0.88 Change in Speed The average bus speed in the corridor increased after the implementation of Route X9 with the local service speeds unchanged while the limited-stop services were on average 23% faster. Figure 3-8 shows the speed profiles by direction and time period in the Ashland corridor before and after the implementation of Route X9. NBAM Peak NB PM Peak 14 0. E 12 -.. 10 a. 0. 0 20 15 10 5 0 5 Distance (Miles) -*9 10 15 20 Distance (Miles) (2007) -m--X9 (2007) - -- *--9 (2007) -.- 9 (2005) *X9 (2007) -9 (2005) i SB AM Peak 0 5 SB PM Peak 20 15 10 0 5 X9 (2007) - 15 20 Distance (Miles) Distance (Miles) -- +--9 (2007) - 10 9 (2005) -4 9 (2007) -"--X9 (2007) -9 (2005) Figure 3-8 Speed profiles before and after implementation of Route X9 Table 3-6 presents the average speeds during the peak periods in both directions before and after the implementation of Route X9. Table 3-6 Average Speeds before and after the implementation of Route X9 AM Peak 2007 2005 SB NB SB NB 9 '-9:79 9.56 9.91 X9 9.33 11-64 12.03 PM Peak 2007 2005 SB NB SB @g 91 935 8.38.ilIl X9 '.n 8.41 11.15 Results After computing the changes in speed, headway, and headway coefficient of variation, the change in passenger travel time (including access, egress, waiting, and travel time) can be modeled for all passengers using the method proposed by Schwarcz. The change in passenger travel time was estimated for different lengths (i.e. 0-1 miles, 1-2 miles, etc.). The approach used was to average the change in travel times (obtained from the Schwarcz model) for all the OD pairs weighted by their demand. The advantage of this approach is that it only accounts for the changes in travel time in OD pairs with some demand and that it gives greater weight to the impacts shown on the most heavily used patters. Figure 3-9 shows the changes in travel time for the passengers for Route 9/X9 by time period and direction. As expected, longer trips have larger time savings. NBPM Peak 0 E 0 , -E SBPM Peak 0 6 4 -2- 8 10 12 -S X.E -10 -- , 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 -2- 10 Trip Length (miles) Trip Length (miles) Figure 3-9 Changes in travel time weighted by demand 112 271,T2.7 2.0 6 2.52.5 Table 3-7 shows the change in average travel time for Route 9/X9 by direction and time period. Table 3-7 Average Travel before and after Route X9 implementation AM Peak (min) 2005 2007 NB SB NB: SB 22 3.2.4 22.71 2005 24 PM Peak (min) 2007 SB SB Travel Time Elasticities Travel time elasticities were computed for different trip lengths based on the results from the percentage change in ridership (see Figure 3-6) and the percentage change in travel time (see Figure 3-9). Figure 3-10 shows the resulting travel time elasticities for Route 9/X9 by direction and time period. The figure also shows the results for Route 54/X54 during the AM period in the NB direction where a similar analysis to Route 9/X9 was applied. Figure 3-10 Travel Time Elasticities by Trip Length When the computed elasticities are averaged for different trip lengths, a decreasing trend is observed as trip length increases, meaning that, more long trips than short trips will be generated given the same percentage change in passenger travel time. This result is not surprising since it is reasonable that, for example, a 5% reduction in travel time for a 10-minute (i.e. 30 seconds) trip will attract fewer new riders than a 5% reduction for a 100-minute trip (i.e. 5 minutes). Figure 3-11 shows the computed average travel time elasticities together with the elasticities (in blue) estimated from running a linear regression on the average values. The values obtained from the estimated model from the linear regression, shown at the right of the figure, will be used for predicting ridership changes for new limited-stop services in Chicago in Chapter 6. Note that the evidence from the Ashland and Cicero corridors in Chicago shows a zero elasticity for trip lengths between zero and one mile given the small changes in travel time (less than 1.5 minutes) after the implementation of Routes X9 and X54 (see Figure 3-9). Zero elasticity for demand forecasts implies that a change on level of service (measured as a change in travel time) will not impact demand. As such, the use of zero elasticity should be viewed with caution. For service configurations that lead to small changes in travel time (less than 1.5 minutes) on the 0-1 mile trips, zero elasticity can be safely used; however, for service configurations that lead to significant changes in travel times, the use of a -0.71 elasticity is recommended (i.e. the elasticity used for 1-2 mile trips). 0 Trip Length (ml) -2 -3 -4 Elasticity 0 to 1 1 to 2 0.00 -0.71 2 to 3 3 to 4 More than 4 -1.42 -2.14 -2.85 Trip Length (Miles) Figure 3-11 Average Travel Time Elasticities by Trip Length 3.3 Ridership change when implementing BRT Limited-Stop Services As described in section 2.2, BRT services have been shown to attract up to 33% more ridership purely due to branding. The methodology proposed to accounting for the BRT branding effect is that proposed in TCRP Report 118 (2007). This method suggests how different BRT elements including running ways, stations, vehicles, service applications, and Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) can be used to calculate a factor that in the best case can add an extra 25% ridership to the estimates obtained from the travel time elasticities proposed previously in this chapter. The proposed methodology can be divided into four steps. The first step is to select and add the BRT points for any components included in the proposed new BRT service, as shown in Table 3-8, to obtain the subtotal. The second step is to add the synergy points; if the subtotal points are greater than 60, the synergy points (15 points) are added, and if not, no points are added. The third is to add the subtotal and the synergy points to obtain the total points. The fourth step is to multiply the total points by 0.25 and that number is the percentage increase in ridership (with respect to the base line riders that choose the BRT service over the local service) due to the branding effect. Table 3-8 Additional ridership impacts of selected BRT components COMPONENT Running Ways (not additive) Grade-separated busway (special right-of way) At-grade busway (special) Median arterial busway All-day bus lanes (specially delineated) Peak-hour bus lanes Mixed traffic Stations (additive) Conventional shelter Unique/attractively designed shelter llumination Telephones/security phones Climate-controlled waiting area Passenger amenities Passenger services Vehicles (additive) Conventional vehicles Uniquely designed vehicles (external) Air conditioning Wide multi-door configuration Level boarding (low-floor or high platform) Service Patterns (additive) All-day service span High-frequency service (10 min or less) Clear, simple, service pattern Off-vehicle fare collection ITS Application (selective additive) Passenger information at stops Passenger information on vehicles BRT Branding (additive) Vehicles and stations PERCENTAGE 20% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 0% 15% 0% 2% 2% 3% 3% 3% 2% 15% 0% 5% 0% 5% 5% 15% 4% 4% 4% 3% 10% 7% 3% 10% 7% Source: TCRP Report 118 3.4 Summary This chapter proposed a method for measuring and estimating the route/corridor changes in ridership when a limited-stop or a BRT service is introduced overlapping with the existing local service. The method accounts for the ridership changes due to corridor service improvements and branding. The service improvements are captured through passenger travel time changes (including access, egress, waiting, and in-vehicle) and travel time elasticities. The chapter calculates travel times elasticities for two corridors in the city of Chicago. The elasticities found in this section can be safely used for predicting ridership changes in corridors with characteristics similar to Chicago; however, for predicting ridership changes in other US cities it is strongly recommended first to estimate city-specific elasticities and use these values in forecasting. Finally, the chapter proposes using the methodology described in the TCRP Report 118 (2007) to account for the ridership increases due to branding. These increases should only be included when a BRT system is being implemented. 4 BUS SERVICE CHOICE: UNDERSTANDING PASSENGER BEHAVIOR Chapter 2 pointed out some limitations of the Schwarcz model for evaluating limited-stop bus services overlapped with local bus service. One of these limitations is how the model assigns passenger demand between the two services. Schwarcz (2004) used a deterministic approach based on all passengers on a specific OD pair choosing the strategy (wait for the local service, wait for the limited-stop service, or take the first service that comes) that minimizes their weighted travel time. In other words, the model performs an all-or-nothing assignment based on the estimated total travel time. However, it is well known that passengers have different preferences and that a probabilistic assignment that takes into account these differences would be more realistic. This chapter develops a probabilistic approach, built on a path-size logit model, to assign demand to the limited-stop (or BRT) services and the overlapping local service. The chapter is divided into four sections. The first section describes the conceptual framework. The second section lays out the proposed modeling approach. The third section analyzes passenger's bus service choices in Chicago based on a customer behavior survey carried out on overlapping limited-stop (X-Services) and local service. The last section estimates a logit model for Chicago using Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) and Automatic Passenger Counting (APC) data, and customer surveys. The parameters of the logit model and the results of surveys shown in this chapter can be safely applied to Chicago corridors; however, for other cities, it is strongly recommended applying the techniques proposed in this chapter to analyze passenger's bus service choices and to obtain city-specific parameters for the logit model. 4.1 Conceptual Framework Individuals choose among alternatives based on this personal characteristics and preferences and on the alternative's attributes. Therefore, bus service choice modeling should be based on these characteristics and preferences rather than on simply minimizing the passengers' weighted travel time. A logit model can include the passengers' characteristics and the alternatives' attributes and should give better assignment results than a deterministic assignment. At first glance a binomial logit model could model the passengers' choice between local and limited-stop service. However, the choice set that passengers have includes more than two alternatives. Specifically, passengers choose between three alternative strategies rather than between two services. The first strategy is to walk to their closest stop (either a local or a combined stop) and wait for the local bus; a customer who selects this alternative will be referred to as Local Preferred.The second strategy is to walk to the combined stop and wait for the limited-stop service; a customer who selects this alternative will be referred to as Limited Preferred.The third strategy is to walk to a combined stop and take the first service that comes (either a local or a limited-stop service); a customer who selects this alternative will be referred to as Choice. The characteristics of the third alternative are a combination of the other two as shown below: (4-1) ATFirstBuis =ATLimited ETFFtBuS = F - ETLiited + (1 WTHFstBus IVTFirstBus FirstBus 2 = (1 - F) - ETLoc (43) [1 + COV 2FirstBs F) - IVTChoiceLoc + F (4-2) IVTLimited (4-4) WhereATFirstBus is the access time for a Choice customer ATLimited is the access time for a Limited Preferred customer ETFirstBus is the egress time for a Choice customer ETLimited is the egress time for a Limited Preferred customer WTFirstBus is the expected waiting time for a Choice customer HFirstBusis the combined headway of the local and limited-stop service COVFirstBus is the Headway Coefficient of Variation of the combination of local and limited-stop service IVTFirstBus is the in-vehicle time for a Choice customer IVTChoiceLoc is the in-vehicle time for a local preferred customer from the closest combined stop IVTimited is the in-vehicle time for a limited preferred customer F, is the limited frequency share A multinomial logit model, such as the one presented in Figure 4-1, is not appropriate for this choice context because the third alternative is not independent of the other two; therefore, it cannot be treated as a single alternative being subject to the "red bus/blue bus paradox" discussed by Ben-Akiva and Lerman (1985). Limited-Stop First Bus Local Figure 4-1 Multinomial Logit Model A cross-nested logit model, such as the one presented in Figure 4-2, where the first-service-thatcomes alternative is a combination of the other two alternatives could solve this problem. Limited-Stop First Bus Local Figure 4-2 Cross-Nested Logit Model However, there are two problems with the cross-nested approach. The first is that the correlation between the wait-for-the-local strategy and the take-the-first-service-that-comes strategy is different when a passenger is closer to a combined stop rather than a local stop. Figure 4-3 shows a possible way to solve this problem by grouping the alternatives according to the nearest bus stop (local or combined). Despite the fact that the diagram shows four alternatives (wait for the local service at the local stop, wait for the local service at the combined stop, wait for the limited-stop service at the combined stop, or take the first service that comes) each passenger actually has a maximum choice set of three (or two 0 ) alternatives since the wait-for-the-local alternative depends on where the passenger lives and is the only alternative at the local stop. 10When a passenger lives in the vicinity of a combined stop and wants to travel between and Origin and Destination served by a limited-stop service, the choice set is reduced to two alternatives (waiting for the limited-stop service or taking the first service that comes) since waiting for the local service is not a reasonable alternative. Figure 4-3A shows the case of a passenger being closest to a local stop and Figure 4-3B shows the case of a passenger being closest to a combined stop. A Local B Limited-Stop First Bus Limited-Stop First Bus Local Figure 4-3 Alternative Cross-Nested Logit Model Structures The second problem with the cross-nested logit model is that the wait-for-the local and wait-forthe-limited-stop alternatives are not independent. For example, if a passenger lives closer to a combined stop, the access times for the local and the limited-stop alternatives are correlated, as are the waiting times. In summary, the access, egress, waiting, and in-vehicle times of the three alternatives are correlated, which makes the alternatives not independent. 4.2 Proposed modeling approach The bus service discrete choice model with the three (correlated) alternative strategies is similar to the discrete choice model in multi-modal networks. In these networks the individual faces multiple choices such as main mode, boarding nodes, access modes, egress modes, etc. For example, an individual can make the same complex trip in different ways such as bike to a metro station, take a train, and then walk to her final destination; or walk to a metro station, take a train, and then take a bus; or walk to the metro station, take a train, and then walk. Bovy et al.(2005) propose defining different choice sets of multi-modal routes that have large path overlaps between choices. In the previously example, the choice set is composed of three alternatives in which each use a different mode (i.e. walk, bus, metro, bike) and where they partially overlap with each other (e.g. an overlap in walking or biking to the metro station, an overlap in some portion of the train times, and some overlap during the final walking stage). The overlap between alternatives in the multi-modal network is similar to the problem outlined here for bus service choice where the three alternatives display correlated access, egress, waiting, and in-vehicle times. Ben-Akiva & Bierlaire (1999) and Ramming (2002) introduced a path-size (PS) factor that reduces an alternative's disutility in the case of overlap that can be used both in the multi-modal network problem and the route' 1 choice problem. Equation (4-5) shows the proposed formulation for estimating the probability of alternative i being chosen from a choice set C. If all links on an alternative i are unique, the path-size factor (PS) is equal to 1, and thus the disutility of the alternative is unchanged. If alternative i overlaps with other alternatives, the path-size PS is smaller than 1, and thus the disutility of the alternative increases while its relative attractiveness decreases. exp(V +1nPS, ) PUi ICQ " exp(Vj +I n PSj,) (4-5) jecc Where Vi is the disutility of alternative i PSi is the Path Size correction factor for alternative i and individual n CiQ are the available alternatives for individual n The path-size factor presented by Bovy (2005) and used by Ramming (2002) is the exponential path-size formulation which is presented in Equation(4-6). Psi= / 1 L. aErL, jE=C,, where: PSi 1i = la = Jai (4-6) Lj Path size factor for alternative i. It should be between 0 and 1. Set of legs of route alternative i The length of leg a Li= The total route length for alternative i Lj =The total route length for alternative j Cin= Set of different routes " The definition of route choice in this context refers to the decision of path or trajectory between two points. 6 aj = y = (Binary) Element of the assignment corresponding to alternative a and alternative j. If a leg a is unique (only used in alternative i), then 6ai =1 and Saj = 0 Vjwi Scaling parameter ( 0). Bovy et al. define the route legs (Ti) in different ways (i.e. time, length and spatial). Figure 4-4 provides an example of how to define the path-size factor. As shown, a passenger traveling between A and B can choose between three overlapping alternatives. The first alternative has 3 legs and consists on walking from I to II, taking the train from II to III, and then taking a bus from III to IV. The second alternative has 3 legs and consists on walking from I to II, taking the car from II to III, and then taking the bus from III to IV. The third alternative has 2 legs and consists in walking from I to 1I, and then biking from II to IV. 15 min/leg 2 5 min/leg 1 5 min/leg 1 A2. 4 min/leg 3 10 min/leg 2 4 min/leg3 B 5 min/leg 1 20 min/l eg 2 Figure 4-4 Example of Path-size definition Figure 4-4 also shows the overlap between alternatives during some portions of the trip. For example, all the alternatives overlap in the walk from I to II, and alternatives 1 and 2 overlap in the bus from III to IV. These overlaps can be defined either as time, length, or leg. Equations (4-7) and (4-8) show the path-size factor for alternative 1 in the case of time overlap and leg overlap respectively. 5 PS =--. 24 (24y 24 PSI= 15 11_________________ 24) )19 +24y (25) 1 3 1 +--24 (24>7 4 + -24 (24 24 1 1 1 1 .' (24> 24 (47 ( 29 1 -3) 3( 7-1 + -1 (4-8) The challenge in the bus service choice problem is defining the legs and the Path Size factors for each three strategy. In this problem, each strategy includes four segments (access, waiting, invehicle, and egress) that can be divided into legs that overlap with each other. The definition of these overlaps is given below. Access time The access time for the three defined strategies overlaps in the walking time to the local stop, since the model assumes that passengers going to a combined stop have to pass by the local stop. Figure 4-5 shows how the access time can be divided into two legs. The three strategies (wait for the local, wait for the limited-stop, or take the first bus that comes) overlap in the leg that represents the walking time to the local stop (ALoC)- Lc ALim~ALoc Origin 0 Local stop * Combined stop Figure 4-5 Access Time Diagram Based on Figure 4-5, Equations (4-9) through (4-11) present the number of legs into which the initial access time of the three alternatives can be divided. The local alternative has 1 leg, the limited-stop alternative has 2 legs, and the first-that-comes alternative has 2 legs. (49) ALoc =ALoc Am = ALoc + [ALim A FirstBus ALoc (4-10) - ALoc + [ALim - ALoc (4-11) Access time for the local alternative ALim = Access time for the limited-stop alternative AFirstBus = Access time for the first-bus-that-comes alternative where:ALoc= Waiting time Waiting times can be expressed similarly to access times. It can be assumed that the minimum expected waiting time is the one for the take-the-first-bus-that-comes strategy and that the expected waiting times for the wait-for-the-local and wait-for-the-limited strategies can be expressed in terms of the expected waiting time for the take-the-first-bus-that-comes strategy. Equations (4-12), through (4-14) present the number of legs into which the waiting time of the three alternatives can be divided. The local alternative has 2 legs, the limited-stop alternative has 2 legs, and the first that comes alternative has 1 leg. All the three alternatives share the WFirstBus leg. WTLoc = WTFirstBus + [WTLOc - WTFirstBus (4-12) + [WTLim - WTFirstBus (4-13) WTLi, = WTFirstBus WTFirstBus = WTFirstBus (4-14) where: WTLOc = Waiting time of the local alternative WTLim = Waiting time of the limited-stop alternative WFirstBus = Waiting time of the first-bus-that-comes alternative In-Vehicle time The approach for expressing in-vehicle times is similar to that used previously for access and waiting times. Figure 4-6 shows the In-Vehicle Time diagram where the overlap between the three alternatives for a trip from A to B can be observed. The figure shows how a person taking the limited-stop service will board and alight at combined stops that, in the example, are different than A and B. The in-vehicle time for the take-first-that-comes strategy is between the time on the local and the time on the limited-stop. TFirstBus JVTLoc A B * Local stop 0 Combined stop Figure 4-6 In-Vehicle Time Diagram The In-Vehicle time of the local strategy can also be expressed as shown in Figure 4-7. IVTLoc* 10 * IVTChoioeLoc I\/TLoc @0G A 0 P 0a B * Local stop " Combined stop Figure 4-7 In-Vehicle Time for the Local Strategy Equations (4-15), through (4-17) present the approach for expressing In-Vehicle times. IVTLoc = IVTLim +IVTLoc - IVTLim = IVTLim + IVTChoiceLoc +IVTLOC* -IVTLim IVTLin = IVTLim IVTFirstBus =IVTLim F + IVTChoiceLoc (1 - F) (4-15) (4-16) (4-17) where: IVTLoc = In-vehicle time local alternative IVTLimn = In-vehicle time limited-stop alternative IVTFirstBus =In-vehicle time first-bus-that-comes alternative IVTChoiceLoc = In-vehicle time in a local service from the origin closest combined stop IVTLOC* = In-vehicle time in local service from the origin closest local stop to the closest F, is the limited frequency share These equations can be rearranged as in Equations (4-18) through (4-20) where the number of legs into which the in-vehicle time of the three alternatives can be divided are presented. The local alternative has 6 legs, the limited-stop alternative has 2 legs, and the first that comes alternative has 2 legs. Different legs are shared between alternatives. IVTLOC = IVTLim F + IVTLim (1 - F)+ IVTChoceLoc (1 - F) + IVTLoc* (1 - F) + (IVTChoiceLoc + Loc )F - IVTLim IVTLim = IVTLimF + IVTLim (1 F) IVTFirstBus (4-18) =IVTLm F + IVTChoiceLoc (1- F) (4-19) (4-20) where: IVTLoc = In-vehicle time local alternative IVTLim = In-vehicle time limited-stop alternative IVTFirstBus = In-vehicle time first-bus-that-comes alternative IVTChoiceLoc = In-vehicle time in a local service from the origin closest combined stop IVTLOC* = In-vehicle time in local service from the origin closest local stop to the closest origin combined stop F, is the limited frequency share Egress Time The egress time is overlapped in the walking time from the combined stop to the local stop, since the model assumes that passengers on the limited-stop service alight at the combined stop and pass by the local stop. Figure 4-8 shows the Egress Time Diagram. The three strategies (wait for the local, wait for the limited-stop, or take the first bus that comes) overlap in the leg that represents the walking time to the local stop. Destin ation ELoc 0 EILim-ELoc O Local stop * Combined stDp Figure 4-8 Egress Time Diagram Equations (4-21) through (4-23) present the approach for expressing Egress times. ELoc = EL ELim = ELoc +[ELim EFirstBus (4-21) - ELoc = ELoc (1 - F) + ELim F (4-22) (4-23) where: ELoc = Egress time local alternative ELim= Egress time limited-stop alternative EFirstBus = Egress time first-bus-that-comes alternative F, is the limited frequency share These equations can be rearranged as in Equations (4-24) through (4-26) where the number of legs into which egress time of the three alternatives can be divided, is presented. The local alternative has 2 legs, the limited-stop alternative has 5 legs, and the first-that-comes has 2 legs. Different legs are shared between alternatives (the ELoc(1-F) leg is shared across all strategies, the ELoCF leg between the local and the limited strategies, and the ELimF leg between the limited and the first bus strategy). ELoc = ELoc (1 - F) + ELoc F (4-24) ELim ELoc (1 - F) + ELOc F + ELim F + ELim (1- F) - ELc =ELoc (1 EFirstBus where: ELoc = (4-25) (4-26) F)+ ELim F Egress time local alternative ELim = Egress time limited-stop alternative Egress time first bus that comes alternative F, is the limited frequency share EFirstBus = The four segments (access, waiting, in-vehicle, and egress) sum to produce the total passenger time alternative as shown in Equations (4-27) through (4-29). The path-size correction factor for the three alternatives can be developed based on the previously defined legs and computed using the Equation (4-6). ELoc (4-27) TTLim -ALim + WTLi, + IVTir + ELim (4-28) TTLOC =ALoc TTFirstBus + WTLOc + AFirstBus IVTLOC + + WTFirstBus ±IVTFirstBus +E FirstBus (4-29) CTA Customer Behavior Survey 4.3 A small survey was conducted of passengers riding buses in Chicago (the Ashland and Cicero corridors) to understand how passengers choose between local and limited-stop services and to estimate a path-size logit model for assigning demand between these services in Chicago following the methodology described in the previous section. 4.3.1 Survey Process The survey questions included: " Whether the passenger had waited for local service, limited-stop service, or took the first service that came * Whether or not the passenger was familiar with the X-Service * Trip purpose e If the combined stop was her closest stop " Number of blocks between origin (and destination) to the closest local and combined stop e The origin and the destination of her trip Three different versions of the survey were designed and distributed according to the service (local and limited-stop) and the stop where passengers boarded (local or combined stop). The surveys are included in Appendix A. The survey was conducted in March 2009 on the Ashland (Route 9/X9) and Cicero corridors (Route 54/X54). The survey procedure consisted of splitting the 4-person team into two teams. The first team, which had three members, administrated surveys on local services, and the second team, with one member, administrated surveys on the limited-stop services. The surveys were administrated simultaneously on both service types on each corridor. The reason for having the larger group on the local service was that for this service, two versions of the survey were administrated depending on whether the passenger boarded at a local stop or at a combined stop. One member kept track of the stops on the route and told the other team members which survey to hand out, at which stop passengers boarded and at what time the survey was carried out. The other two members handed out the survey to the customer, assisted them with questions about the survey, filled out the survey with customers' answers in some cases, or translated the survey into Spanish when necessary. 4.3.2 Field Observations During the onboard survey, the following observations were made: * X-service buses did not always attempt to overtake local service buses, instead they simply trailed behind the local service. This is not the desired operating plan and can be especially irksome for the limited-stop preferred passengers (the ones who wait for the Xservice) who will not see any benefits from the extra waiting and walking to a combined stop when this happens. Explicit instructions should be given to drivers to ensure that Xservice buses always overtake local service buses when possible. " Bus bunching appeared prevalent. As a result of the previously mentioned phenomenon, buses were observed to bunch for long periods. * The local service was usually more crowded than the X-service. " Most boardings occurred at combined stops. Local services serve few passengers at local stops while X-services and local services serve high passenger demand at combined stops. * In both corridors, there is a large population of Spanish speakers so any change in service should be publicized in both English and Spanish. 4.3.3 Data Analysis A total of 182 completed surveys were obtained including 133 on Route 9/X9 (carried out during the morning), and 49 on Route 54/X54 (carried out during the afternoon). Three versions of the survey were administrated based on the service used (local or limited-stop) and the stop where passengers boarded (local or combined stop). Table 4-1 shows the number of surveys completed by stop and service used. Of the total 182 surveys, only 145 were judged to be valid since some were incomplete or the information provided did not appear to be consistent (e.g. a passenger stating that she always waits for the X bus and then stating that she first goes to the local stop and if she does not see the local bus coming, she starts walking to the combined stop.) Table 4-1 Number of surveys by type 9/X9 54/X54 Total 34 12 67 26 32 11 133 49 43 On both corridors, more than 80% of the respondents ride the route more than 3 days a week. As expected, during the morning (when surveys in Route 9/X9 were carried out) most people were going to work or school and during the afternoon (when surveys in Route 54/X54 were carried out) most people were either returning home or going to work (see Figure 4-9). How many days a week do you ride Route 9/X9? 6% 11% 11%27% What is the purpose of the trip you are making now? Route 9/X9 15% 4%o17 9% MHome M 7days 0 5 to 6 15% U School 15%wo rk/Work-related 0 Shopping 1 ME1to 2 O Less than 1 N Social/Recreational E Ho spital/M edical 0 Other 41% 49% How many days a week do you ride Route 54/X54? What is the purpose of the trip you are making now? Route 54/X54 7% 10% 12% 1%28% 43% 4% 0 7 days *7dys120X 0 5 to 6 0 5 to 6 * to 2 01 Less than 1 M Home MSchool Sho 0 Wo rk/Wo rk-related 0Shopping L So cial/Recreatio nal 2 3%-/ MHospital/M edical 0 Other 6% 0 38% Figure 4-9 Frequency of use and trip purpose during the morning in the Ashland and Cicero corridors On both routes, 55%-57% of the riders were female, and 12%-16% of the riders had some difficulty walking long distances. With the information provided by the respondents, it is possible to establish, at the stop level, which were local preferred, limited-stop preferred or choice passengers. Figure 4-10 through Figure 4-12 present the split of demand between these three categories at the stop level for Route 9/X9 and Route 54/X54. Figure 4-10 Strategy by local service passengers boarding at a local stop Route 541X54. ( N22) Route 9/X9. (N=59) 7.5% 80% 80% 60% 60% 40% 40% 27% 25% 20% 20% 0% 0% Always take the local service Always take the local service Take the first bus that comes Take the first bus that comes Figure 4-11 Strategy by local service passengers boarding at a combined stop Route 54/X54. (N=10) Route 9/X9. (N=31) 80% 80% 60% 60% 0% 40% 20% 7o 19% Always take the X service 30% 20% - Take the first bus that comes Always take the X service Take the first bus that comes Figure 4-12 Strategy by limited-stop passengers boarding at a combined stop In order to estimate the overall split between the three strategies, it is also necessary to obtain the demand split between the local and the limited-stop services and between local and combined stops. This information was obtained from the Automatic Passenger Count (APC) and Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) data and is presented in Figure 4-13. Route 9/X9. AM Demand Split 34% o 38% Route 54/X54. PM Demand Split Local at Local Stop [ Local at Local Stop 4 I Local at Combined Stop o X at Combined 0 X at Combined Stop Stop 28% Local at Combined Stop 19% Figure 4-13 Demand Split between services and stops It is also important to recall that despite the fact that a choice passenger was earlier defined as someone who goes directly to a combined stop and takes the first bus that comes, it was found that 16% of all passengers first go to the local stop and if they do not see the local bus then walk to the combined stop. Of those passengers 75% ended up taking the local bus at the local stop. Given that the purpose of the modeling process is to correctly assign passengers to strategies (and later to services) passengers who took the local bus at the local stop and claimed that "they go to the local stop and then to the combined stop" were classified as local preferred. The demand split between the three strategies can be obtained by combining the survey results with the AVL and APC information. The overall split between the three strategies, for both corridors, is presented in Figure 4-14. From these results it can be seen that about a third of the riders are choice (take the first service that comes) and that only a small percentage (7% for Route 9/X9 and 14% for Route 54/X54) are limited preferred. Among the explanations for the low percentage of limited preferred customers are the frequency share of the limited-stop service (50% or less in some cases 12), a larger weight for waiting and access time compared with invehicle time, short trip lengths, the number of X-services bunched behind local services, difficulty for some passengers in walking, and the lack of familiarity of some customers with the X-services. Figure 4-14 Market shares in the Ashland and Cicero Corridors From the survey data it is also possible to estimate, as shown in Figure 4-15 through Figure 4-17: what percentage of passengers start their trips closest to a local stop; what percentage of passengers living closer to a local stop walk first to a local stop and then to a combined one; what percentage of passengers walk directly to the combined stop; what percentage of passengers are not familiar with the X-services; and what percentage of the passengers who take the first bus that comes (choice) wait for the X service if they see it coming behind the local service. 12 The CTA provides headways of 9 to 12 minutes for the local service and 13 minutes for the limited-stop service in SB direction in the Ashland corridor. 80% 70% - 50% 40% 30% 10%% 0% Go to the local stop and then to the combined stop Always take the local service Figure 4-15 Demand split of local service passengers boarding at a local stop (N=39) 80%70% 60% 50% 40% Take the fist buszthat comes isee the X bs coming behidlca 28Y 30% buen 20% bu 10% Always take the local service Take the first bus that comes t ais b fo he b ,n |Wa Take the first bus that comes Figure 4-16 Demand split of local service passengers boarding at a combined stop (N=81) 80% - 70%60% 50% 40% 47YTake the fist bus that comes if see te Xbus comng behinda but 30% 20% 10%0%- Always take the X service Take the first bus that comes Take the first bus that comes Figure 4-17 Demand split of limited-stop service passengers boarding at a combined stop (N=41) With the survey results combined with the APC and AVL data it is also possible to establish that for both corridors: * At least 13% of the passengers are not familiar with the X-service. An additional 3% of the surveyed passengers, who stated they are familiar with the X-service, also stated that they always wait for the local service despite travelling between stops served by the limited-stop service. * 22% of the passengers take the first service that comes although they wait for the Xservice if can see it coming behind the local service. e 37% of the riders live closer to a local stop. 0 13% of the riders go to a local stop and stay there, 16% of the riders first go to a local stop but if don't see the local service coming they walk to a combined stop, and 8%of the riders living closer to a local stop go directly to a combined stop. From the previous information, we can identify an opportunity to switch some passengers from the local to the limited-stop services by familiarizing customers with the X-services and providing real time information about the next X-service arrival time. Finally, it is possible to combine the AVL data with the survey data to obtain the total passenger travel time with the selected alternative for each individual surveyed as well as the time that the individual would have spent if she had chosen the other alternatives. The access time can be obtained by converting the number of blocks passengers walked to the initial stop and from their destination stop to their final destination to time by assuming a standard block distance and an average walking speed. The expected waiting time and the in-vehicle time can be obtained from the AVL data. By comparing the total travel time with the time of the alternative that would have minimized the passenger travel time for each respondent 46% of passengers were found not to have chosen the alternative that minimized their total travel time, which confirms the hypothesis that the decision making process varies across individuals and that a probabilistic assignment is more appropriate than a deterministic assignment. Discrete Choice Model 4.4 As previously mentioned, with the information available it is possible to establish (for each surveyed customer) the travel time (including access, egress, waiting, and in-vehicle time) for the chosen alternative as well as the travel time for the other two alternatives. The procedure to convert the surveyed data to access, egress, waiting, and in-vehicle times is presented below: " The initial and final access time was obtained based on the number of blocks walked assuming a block size of 400 feet and an average walking time of 250 ft/min (Transit Capacity and Quality of Service Manual, 1999). * The waiting time was obtained based on the headway and headway coefficient of variation (COV) for that route and period assuming random passenger arrivals over time. For Route 9/X9 in the NB direction, the expected waiting time for the local preferred was 6.1 min., for the limited preferred 6.1 min., and for the choice 4.1 min. Southbound, the expected waiting time for the local preferred was 5.3 min., for the limited preferred 6.7 min., and for the choice 4.3 min. For Route 54/X54 in the NB direction, the expected waiting time for the local preferred was 5.8 min, for the limited preferred 5.8 min, and for the choice 3.6 min. Southbound, the expected waiting time for the local preferred was 5.9 min., for the local preferred 5.8 min., and for the choice 3.7 min. e The in-vehicle time was obtained based on the individuals stated origin and destination converted to distance and then to time given the speed of the service. For Route 9/X9 in the NB direction, the average speed for the local service was 9.8 mph, and 11.4 mph for the limited-stop service. Southbound, the average speed for the local service was 8.4 mph, and 12.0 mph for the limited-stop service. For Route 54/X54 in the NB direction, the average speed for the local service was 9.7 mph, and 12.6 mph for the limited-stop service. Southbound, the average speed for the local service was 9.8 mph, and 12.9 mph for the limited-stop service. * The survey observations needed to be weighted since the sampled demand split obtained from the surveys does not correspond to the actual split that was obtained from the AVL and APC data. If the model is estimated without weighting the observations, all the parameter estimates would be consistent except the constants; however, by giving appropriate weights to the observations all the parameters estimated are consistent. In summary, a data set with the available alternatives, their characteristics, and the chosen alternative was built in order to estimate different logit models. As described in section 4.2, a path-size logit model (with a scale parameter y=1) is the approach used to model the bus service choice as defined in Equations (4-30) through (4-32). VLocal =aLocal + T±A TLocal VFirstBus =aFirstBus + JOATTA VLimited ~ 1AT WT WTLocal + IVT VTLocal + ln(PSLocaI) FirstBus +PWT WTFirstBus + 9jvTIVTFrstBus Limited + P+TI Limited ln(PSLimited ln(PSFitBus (4-30) (4-31) (4-32) where: VLoc, VFirstBus,and VLimited are the disutilities for the wait-for-the-local-service, take-thefirst-service-that-comes, and wait-for-the-limited-stop-service alternatives respectively aLoc is the alternative specific constant for the wait-for-the-local alternative aFirstcomes is the alternative specific constant for the take-the-first-that-comes alternative TATLocal, TATFirstBusand TATLimited are the total access times (including access and egress) for the wait-for-the-local-service, take-the service-that-comes, and wait-for-the-limitedstop-service alternatives respectively WTLocal, WTFirstBusand WTLimited are the expected waiting times for wait-for-the-localservice, take-the-first-service-that-comes, and wait-for-the-limited-stop-service alternatives respectively IVTLocal, IVTFirstBus, and IVTLimited are the in-vehicle times for wait-for-the-local-service, take-the-first-service-that-comes, and wait-for-the-limited-stop-service alternatives respectively PSLocal, PSFirstBus, and PSLimited are the Path-size correction factors the wait-for-the-localservice, take-the-first-service-that-comes, and wait-for-the-limited-stop-service alternatives respectively The results of estimating the model are presented in Table 4-2. Table 4-2 Parameters of the logit model Coefficient ASC Local Value 3.45 t-stat 4.13 1.55 -0.366 -0.408 -0.693 1.35 -2.98 -1.43 -1.33 ASC Express ASC First B In-Vehicle Time B Total Access Time B Waiting Time B PS 1I 2 Adj. p L(null) L(B) 0.366 -106.289 -62.367 From the results we can see that all the coefficients were significant and that if all the alternatives have the same characteristics (access, egress, waiting, and in-vehicle time) individuals prefer to wait for the local as their first choice, take the first bus that comes as their second choice, and to wait for the limited-stop service as their last choice. The results of this model were better than those obtained with a multinomial logit without the path-size correction factor".13 As expected, out-of-vehicle time is more onerous than the in-vehicle time. However, the total access time (access and egress) is less onerous than the waiting time which may be due to the small sample size. It was found that changing these coefficients did not significantly change the demand assignment. When the model was applied to assign passenger demand to new limitedstop services in Chicago (Chapter 6) the change in the coefficients (having a weight of 2 for waiting time relative to in-vehicle time and weight of 3 for the total access with respect to invehicle time) did not change the demand split by more than 5%. multinomial logit model without including the path size (PS) factor has an adjusted p2 of 0.339, a final loglikelihood of -65.262, and non statistically significance (at the 20% level) of the total access and waiting time variables. 13The 5 PROPOSED METHODOLOGY This chapter incorporates the improvements to the Schwarcz model that were described in the previous two chapters and presents an improved overall methodology for modeling and evaluating service configurations of limited-stop and BRT services overlapped with local services. The chapter describes the model approach, the model specifications (inputs, OD matrix estimation procedure, running time estimation procedure, and outputs), and measures for evaluating limited-stop service configurations. Model Approach 5.1 The model developed in this thesis is based on the previous model developed by Schwarcz (2004). The model is used to evaluate a specific service configuration of a limited-stop or BRT service overlapped with local service. In other words, the model does not find the best possible configuration but rather describes the performance of a user-defined service configuration. The model can be used either when limited-stop (or BRT) services are introduced overlapping with existing local services or when a revised service configuration is being proposed (e.g., changing combined stops, or upgrading a limited-stop to a BRT service). For a specific bus route, the user can define the following service plan characteristics: 0 Bus stop locations (stop spacing). 0 Frequencies for the limited-stop and the local services. The term frequency share is used here to refer to the percentage of total bus trips that are provided on the limited-stop service. * BRT elements: Level of segregation from traffic, fare media and other elements of enhanced boardings, and Transit Signal Priority (TSP). For a specific user-defined service configuration for a bus corridor, the model describes, for a time period, how it performs in terms of the following six measures: e Market Share: This refers to the split of passengers between local preferred, limited preferred, and choice. This is an indicator of the customer willingness to take the limited- stop service. * Demand Split: This is the percentage of passengers that take the local and the limitedstop services. This is an indicator of the level of use of both services. * Average passengers per trip: This is an indicator of the productivity of both services and the evenness of load between them. * Change in running times/change in corridor speed: This refers to the change in speeds for the "new" local and limited-stop services due to service enhancements (increases in stop spacing, and other BRT elements). This indicator measures the benefit for the operator in running time savings (that can reduce fleet and increase productivity). " Change in passengers' travel time: The change in the passenger's average travel time (including access, egress, waiting, and in-vehicle times) is an indicator of the benefit received by the passengers in terms of actual travel time savings. " Change in ridership: This is the change in ridership due to changes in passengers' travel time and branding elements. The model proposed in this chapter differs in three respects from the Schwarcz model: * The methodology to assign existing passenger demand on the corridor to the limited-stop and the local services. The new model uses a probabilistic approach, based on a path-size logit model, rather than a deterministic approach based on the assumption that all passengers between a specific OD pair minimize the weighted sum of their expected travel time when they choose a strategy (wait for the local service, wait for the limitedstop service, or take the first bus that comes). " Newly generated demand as the result of the implementation of limited-stop services is implemented including gains due to services improvements (travel time savings), and, in the case of BRT services, branding. " Besides estimating the changes in running time due to stop reduction, the model estimates the other savings due to BRT elements (level of segregation from traffic, fare media and enhanced boarding, and Transit Signal Priority) for the local and the limited-stop (or BRT) services. 5.2 Model framework Figure 5-1 presents the basic model framework. The modeling process is iterative and can be split into four stages. The first stage requires entering the inputs including the service frequencies, the passenger demand at the stop level for a specific period, the selected location of the local stops and combined stops, the running times (which are a function of the passenger demand split and are assumed in the first iteration), etc. The second stage computes the corridor/route stop Origin-Destination (OD) matrix. The third stage computes market assignment (the probability of each passenger waiting for the local service, waiting for the limited-stop service, or taking the first service that comes); then assigns passengers to the local and the limited stop service; and lastly computes the change in travel time for all the passengers and estimates the changes in ridership due to these changes and due to branding (when BRT components are included). The last stage consists of aggregating individual OD pair data to obtain the outputs of the model for the corridor/route which include the six indicators, including the passenger demand split, described in the previous section to evaluate limited-stop services overlapped with local services. With the passenger demand split estimation obtained in the last stage, the running times (from stage one) can be re-estimated and the procedure repeated until it converges. The four stages of the process are explained in detail in the next sections. Model 1. Compute Utility with Travel Time components (Access + Waiting + In vehicle) for each OD pair, for three possibilities (Local, Limited, and First that comes) 2.Market Classification. For each OD pair travel time take the probability for the 3 cases 3. Assignment. . Stop assignment. Number of passenger per stop 0 Route assignment. Number of people local and limited 4. New ridership. - Compute travel time changes for different trip lengths . Compute new riders based on travel time elasticities and current riders for each trip length If BRT. Add branding ridership . Assign new riders proportional to travel time savings Figure 5-1 Model Framework 5.3 Model inputs The inputs to the model are: " Stop locations: The local stops are assumed to remain the same after the implementation of the limited-stop service and a subset will be user-defined as combined stops (used by both the local and limited-stop services). * Distance between stops: This element is necessary for estimating the in-vehicle times as well as the differential access times for the local preferred, the limited preferred, and the choice customers. * Frequencies and frequency share: Three frequencies must be defined for analysis purposes: the local existing service prior to the implementation of the limited-stop service, the new limited-stop service, and the "new" local service. Using the latter two frequencies, the frequency share (the percentage of total bus trips that are provided on the limited-stop service) can be determined. Furthermore, the frequency of the prior local service is necessary for modeling the expected changes in waiting times. Headway distribution -as reflected in the Headway Coefficient of Variation (COV)-: This element is required, together with the frequencies, to model waiting times before and after the implementation of limited-stop or BRT service. The model needs as inputs the COV for the local service prior to the implementation of the new service (which can be obtained from the AVL data), the COV of the new local service, the COV of the limitedstop service, and the COV of the corridor (the combination of the limited-stop and the new local service). Through the validation of the Schwarcz model, it was found that the combined services (local and limited-stop) COV could be approximated as the local service COV prior to the implementation of the new service, that the COV of the limitedstop service could be approximated as one third of the COV of the corridor prior to the implementation of the new strategy, and that the COV for the "new" local service could be approximated as two thirds of the original COV. * BRT elements: The model requires defining if BRT elements, besides limited-stops, are included in the new service specifically: the level of segregation of traffic, the fare media, and the boarding and alighting characteristics. These elements are necessary for estimating the running times and the ridership gains due to branding. * Boardings and alightings at each stop: The number of passengers boarding and alighting by stop for each direction and time period are necessary for estimating an OD matrix and for assigning passengers to strategies, stops, and services. * Disutility functions: The disutility functions of the three strategies passengers can choose (wait for the local service, wait for the limited-stop service, or take the first service that comes) are necessary for performing the probabilistic assignment. For cities other than Chicago, it is recommended that the parameters of the utilities be estimated by following the methodology proposed in Chapter 4 rather than using the parameters presented in that chapter. * Travel time elasticities: For cities other than Chicago, travel time elasticities should be estimated using the methodology proposed in Chapter 3 rather than using the values found in that chapter. The elasticities provide an estimate of the ridership changes due to changes in passenger travel time (including access, egress, waiting, and in-vehicle time) for different trip lengths. * Running times. Running times are necessary for estimating the in-vehicle times and predicting the speed increases due to the various BRT elements. The next section describes the methodology proposed for estimating running times for the proposed services. 5.4 Running time estimation The methodology proposed for estimating running times for a user-defined limited-stop service (or change in a local service) has four steps: estimate base running times by type, compute average movement speed, dwell time calibration, and estimate change in running times. 5.4.1 Estimate base running times by type The first step is to assess the split of the running time into movement, dwell, traffic, and traffic signal time. These components are defined as follows: " The movement time is the time the bus is moving (even at a low speed). e The dwell time is the time the bus spends at stops serving passengers. This includes only the time the bus has its doors open. " The traffic time is the time the bus is not moving for various reasons including traffic interaction and congestion (e.g. a cab stopping in front of the bus). e The traffic signal time is the time the bus is not moving due to a red light. This split can be assessed from field observation or from detailed AVL data where the time spent in traffic, traffic lights, dwell times, and movement can be identified throughout the corridor/route. This split of running time helps in determining what type of improvement would have the greatest impact in the corridor. For example, a corridor with a large percentage of running time waiting at signalized intersections could benefit greatly from implementing Transit Signal Priority (TSP); or a corridor with a large percentage of the running time spent at stops (dwell times) could benefit greatly from the implementation of enhanced boarding elements such as low-floor buses, wider doors, off-vehicle fare collection, and level boarding. Figure 5-2, from TCRP Report 26 (1997), shows typical time allocation for routes in the US for different settings. The figure can be used as a guide, but data for the selected corridor should be used when applying this process to specific routes. 15 15 cBo AVG ?//SUBURBJH AVG 0 5 Travel Time, Minutes Source: TCRP Report 26 Figure 5-2 Bus Travel Time Components 5.4.2 Compute average movement speed The second step in estimating running times is computing the average movement speed. The average movement speed reflects how other vehicles on the road affect the speed of the bus and it can be estimated by dividing the route length by the movement time. 5.4.3 Dwell time calibration The third step is the calibration of the dwell time which is based on the number of bus trips serving the corridor in the study period, and assuming that demand is equally distributed among these trips. The total dwell time of a bus can be described with Equation (5-1). DT = ActualUsedStops -K + a -Boardings+ b -Alightings (5-1) Where DT is the total dwell time of a bus ActualUsedStops is the average stops per trip made by the service (note that this is different than the number of the stops along the corridor) K is the constant that describes the time to open and close the doors a is the coefficient for average boarding time per passenger b is the coefficient for average alighting time per passenger The values of a and b should come from a corridor assessment if possible or from Table 5-1. The total dwell time modeled using the equation should be close to the actual dwell time estimated in step 1. Table 5-1 Passenger service times with single-channel passenger movement Passenger Service time (s/p) Situation Observed Range Suggested Default BOARDING Pre-payment* 2.25 to 2.75 2.5 Single ticket or token 3.4 to 3.6 3.5 Exact change 3.6 to 4.3 4.0 Swipe or dip card 4.2 4.2 Smart card 3.0 to 3.7 3.5 ALIGHTING Front door 2.6 to 3.7 3.3 Reardoor 1.4 to 2.7 2.1 Note: * includes no fare, bus pass, free, and pay-on-exit. Note: Add 0.5 s/p to boarding times when standees present and subtract 0.5 s/p from boarding and alighting times on low-floor buses Source: TCRP Report 100 5.4.4 Estimate change in running time The last step is to estimate the changes in movement, dwell, traffic, and traffic signal times for the new local and the limited-stop services as described below. The change in movement time is estimated differently for limited-stop than for BRT services. For limited-stop services, the change depends on the number of skipped stops' 4 , which according to X-routes in Chicago is on average 35 seconds 5 . For BRT services, the change depends on the level of lane segregation (right of way) and is modeled as the increase in the average movement speeds. The average movement speed can be computed using the values presented in Table 5-2 note that the dwell time effect is treated separately -. Table 5-2 Base Running Times for Exclusive Bus Lanes Stops per mile Dwell Time 2 4 5 0s 2.06 min/mi 2.61 min/mi 2.94 min/mi 1 6 7 8 10 3.3 min/mi 3.72 min/mi 4.2 min/mi 5.34 min/mi Note: The provided values assume no signal or traffic delays. Note: For Arterial Roads with no traffic: Add 0.5-1.0. For Arterials with mixed traffic: Add: 1.0 Source: TCRP Report 100 The change in dwell time depends on the headway of the new local and limited-stop services, the passenger demand for each service, and the fare media/enhanced boarding elements of the new system. To estimate the dwell times it is necessary to repeat the procedure in step 2. First, the number of bus trips operated on each service is determined. Second, the demand for each service is estimated in the first iteration16 by assuming the demand split is equal to the frequency ratio of the services. Third, the demand for the local (or the limited-stop) service can be assumed to be equally split over the number of bus trips operated. The values of a and b can be taken from This refers to the difference between number of average used stops by the local service and the number of actual used combined stops by the limited-stop service. At the CTA, X-routes usually serve about 88% of the combined stops. 15 Average taken from the data of the X-routes in the Ashland and Cicero corridors before and after the implementation of the X-services. 16 As described earlier in the Chapter, the model is iterative since one of the outputs of the model is passenger demand split which is also required for estimating running times. Therefore, once the demand split is estimated, the running times can be re-estimated. 14 either Table 5-1 or Table 5-3 (depending on the number of doors, the enhanced boardings elements, and the fare media). Table 5-3 Passenger service times with multiple-channel passenger movement Available Door Channels 1 Default Passenger Service Time (s/p) Boarding* Front Alighting Rear Alighting 2.1 3.3 2.5 2 1.5 1.8 1.2 3 1.1 1.5 0.9 4 0.9 1.1 0.7 6 0.6 0.7 0.5 Note: * Assumes no on-board fare payment required Note: Increase boarding times by 20% when standees are present. For lowfloor buses, reduced boarding times by 20%, front alighting by 15%, and rear alighting times by 25% Source: TCRP Report 100 The change in traffic time depends on the level of segregation from general traffic. In the case of a fully segregated right-of-way which does not allow right turns or interaction with traffic, the traffic time can be reduced to zero. In the case of preferential right of way, the traffic time reduction depends on the number of right turns allowed, level of traffic in the adjacent lane, and the level of enforcement of the preferential lane. In this case about a 50% reduction in traffic time can be assumed. When simple limited-stop services are implemented a no reduction in traffic time should be expected. The change in traffic signals depends on many variables such as the preemption treatment in the corridor (Passive, Active, Real-Time, and Preemption). As discussed in Chapter 2, there is no general agreement in the literature on how much travel time savings can be attributed to transit signal priority. Furth17 acknowledges this difficulty and lack of literature on the prediction of travel time reductions as a result of the implementation of TSP strategies. For assessing the percentage reduction in time spent at traffic lights, Furth suggests using a range of: 0 10 to 20% traffic delay reduction for the typical timid priority applied in the US, 17 Interview by author with Professor Peter Furth. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Northeastern University, 2010 " PLUS 20 to 30% further traffic delay reduction from having a queue jump lane, * PLUS 20% further traffic delay reduction from using intelligent and aggressive signal priority tactics. Origin-Destination (OD) Demand Matrix Estimation 5.5 The OD demand matrix is estimated from the boardings and alightings at each stop using the methodology developed by Navick and Furth (1994) and also used by Schwarcz (2004). The methodology consists of using the distance matrix as a seed matrix and then using the Iterative Proportional Fitting (IPF) procedure. Passenger demand assignment and estimation of demand changes 5.6 Once the OD matrix has been estimated, the model assigns the demand and estimates the demand changes at the OD level. This process is carried out in four stages: e Calculate, at the OD pair level, the travel time split into access, egress, waiting, and invehicle times for each of the three strategies passengers can choose: waiting for the local service, waiting for the limited-stop service, or taking the first service that comes. " Assign passengers to one of these three strategies. * Assign passengers to one of the two "physical" services (local or limited-stop) according to the probability of choosing a strategy and the frequency share (the percentage of limited-stop bus trips to the total local and limited-stop bus trips). . Take the changes in passenger travel time based on the chosen strategy and apply the travel time elasticities to estimate ridership changes. If any BRT component is implemented, apart from limited stops, the increases in ridership due to the branding effect can be estimated with the methodology proposed by the TCRP Report 118 (2007) and described in section 2.2 of this thesis. The demand assignment process is explained in detail in the following sub-section. 5.6.1 Passenger travel time estimation Each component of the passenger travel time (access, egress, waiting, and in-vehicle times) should be computed at the OD pair level for the three strategies passengers can choose (waiting for the local service, waiting for the limited-stop service, or taking the first service that comes) as follows: Total Access Time Total access time (access and egress) is determined by multiplying the access and egress distance by the average walking speed which is assumed here to be 250 ft/minute (TCRP Report 100, 2003). For the purpose of the model, the quantity of interest is the differential access time between the local stop and the combined stop. If there is no information about the location of the actual origins and destinations of the passengers using the service, it could be assumed, as proposed by Schwarcz, that this differential walking time "is the distance from the nearest local stop to the nearest combined stop at the origin and/or destination" (Schwarcz, 2004). The total access time for local preferred customers is assumed to be zero, the distance from the closest origin (and destination) local stop to the closest combined stop divided by the average speed walking (250 ft/min) is the total access time for the limited preferred customers, and the total access time for choice customers is given by Equation (5-2). TA TFistBuS =ATLimited +F-ETLiited + (1 - F) - ETLimited (5-2) Where TA TFirstBus is the total access time for a choice customer A TLimited is the access time for a limited preferred customer ETLimnited is the egress time for a limited preferred customer ETLocal is the egress time for a local preferred customer F, is the limited frequency share Waiting Time Waiting times are estimated from the headways of the local and the limited-stop services, separately and combined (for choice riders). It can be assumed1 8 that the headway Coefficient of Variation (COV) is the same as prior to the implementation of the new service for the choice customers, two thirds of the previous value for the local preferred customers, and one third of the previous value for the limited preferred customers. The standard expression for expected waiting times, derived by Welding (1957) and Osuna and Newell (1972), shown in Equation (5-3) is used: E(w) = E(h) -[1+COV]2 2 (5-3) where:E(w) is the expected waiting time E(h) is the average headway (for the local service, the limited-stop service, or the combined services depending of the case) CO V is the headway Coefficient of Variation In-Vehicle Time In-vehicle times are obtained from the estimated speed from the running times and the distance between each OD pair. For choice customers, the in-vehicle time is assumed to be the weighted average time of both the local and the limited-stop services as shown in Equation (5-4). IVTFirstBus = (1- F)- IVTChoiceLoc + F - IVTLimitd (5-4) Where IVTFirstBus is the in-vehicle time for a choice customer IVTChoiceLoc is the in-vehicle time for a local preferred customer from the closest combined stop IVTLimited is the in-vehicle time for a limited preferred customer F, is the limited service frequency share 18This was found through the validation process of the Schwarcz model performed by the author in Route 9/X9 and Route 54/X54 in the city of Chicago. See Chapter 3, section 0, and Figure 3-7 to see an illustration of the change in COV in a corridor after the implementation of a limited-stop service 5.6.2 Market classification As described in Chapter 4, passengers choose between three strategies (waiting for the local service, waiting for the limited-stop service, or taking the first service that comes) rather than between bus services. In order to assign passengers to a market, it is necessary to estimate, for each OD pair, the access, egress, waiting, and in-vehicle times for each possible strategy as described in the previous section. With this information, it is possible to assign demand, between each OD pair, using a path-size logit model that can be estimated using the methodology proposed in Chapter 4. The probability that a passenger selects a specific strategy is given by Equation (5-5). C P(i Q exp (V. + In PSI,) 1exp(V +In PSj) (5-5) jecrn Where Vi is the disutility of alternative i PSi is the Path Size correction factor for alternative i and individual n Cin are the available alternatives for individual n For the CTA Routes analyzed, as described in Chapter 4, the estimated disutilities (V) for each alternative are given by Equations (5-6) through (5-8). VLocal =3.45 VFirstBus VLimited 0.408TATLocal -0.693WTLocal =1.55 - 0.408TATFistBu '408 Limited -0.366VTLocal -0.693WTFirstBus 0.693WTLimited + ln(PSLocl) -0.3661VTFirstBus 0. 3 6 6 VT ln(PSFirstBus) + ln(PSLimited) (5-6) (5-7) (5-8) where: VLocal, VFirstBus and VLimited are the disutilities for the wait-for-the-local-service, take-thefirst-service-that-comes, and wait-for-the-limited-stop-service alternatives respectively TA TLocal, TA TFirstBus and TATLimited are the total access times for the wait-for-the-localservice, take-the service-that-comes, and wait-for-the-limited-stop-service alternatives respectively WTLocal, WTFirstBus and WTLimitel are the expected waiting times for wait-for-the-localservice, take-the-first-service-that-comes, and wait-for-the-limited-stop-service alternatives respectively IVTLocal, IVTFirstBus, and IVTLimited are the in-vehicle times for wait-for-the-local-service, take-the-first-service-that-comes, and wait-for-the-limited-stop-service alternatives respectively PS is the Path-Size factor that corrects for the correlation between alternatives as described in Chapter 4 Service and Stop Assignment 5.6.3 The stop assignment is also performed at the OD pair level. Based on the market classification, the passengers that are local preferred are assigned to the local stop, and the limited preferred and choice customers are assigned to the combined stop. The service assignment is also based on the market classification: Passengers that are limited preferred are assigned to the limited-stop service, passengers that are local preferred are assigned to the local service, and choice passengers are assigned to the local or limited-stop service based on this frequency share. For example, if the frequency share in a corridor is 3:2, 60% of the choice riders are assigned to the limited-stop service and 40% to the local service. 5.6.4 Example of market classification and demand assignment Figure 5-3 shows a hypothetical limited-stop service overlapped with a local service, the local and the combined stops, the service frequencies, and access times between the local and the combined stops for a trip between Stop 1 and Stop 11. HeadwayLcd = 15 min HeadwayLimited: 10 mi IVTLoca = 20 min IVTChoiceLocal = 19 mi IVTLimited 15 mi IVThoice= 17 min 1 2 * * Combined Stop Local Stop Access timeLimited. 3 m 3 Figure 5-3 Market Classification Example 10 Egress timeLi 11 d: 2 mi 12 Other relevant information is: * From the OD matrix estimation, it was established that prior to the implementation of the limited-stop service, 20 trips occurred from Stop 1 to Stop 11. * The nearest combined stop to the origin is Stop 2 and the nearest combined stop to the destination is Stop 10. * The walking time from Stop 1 to Stop 2 is 3 minutes and the walking time from Stop 10 to Stop 11 is 2 minutes. * The existing local service headway is 6 minutes with a COV 2 of 0.6. * The proposed headways are 10 minutes for the limited-stop service and 15 minutes for the new local service. Therefore, the frequency share is 60% * The in-vehicle time for OD pair 1-11 was 21.5 minutes on the existing local service, 20 minutes on the new local service, 19 on the local choice19 service, and 15 minutes on the limited-stop service. " The trip distance is 3.5 miles. Based on the above information, the results presented in Table 5-4 can be obtained from the estimated logit model. 19The in-vehicle time for the local service from the nearest combined stop. 100 Table 5-4 Probabilities, access time, egress time, waiting time, and in-vehicle time Access Time E ress Time Waiting Time In-Vehicle Time In (PS) Total Time Local Limited preferred preferred 3.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 7.20 10.50 15.00 20.00 -0.27 -0.71 27.20 30.50 Choice 1.80 1.20 4.80 17.00 -0.77 24.80 P, From the model, it can be estimated that for this hypothetical example 13% of the passengers (2.5 passengers) are local preferred, 5% are limited preferred (1 passenger), and 82% (16.5 passengers) are choice. The service and stop assignment is also performed at the OD pair level. From the 20 passengers travelling between stops 1 and 11, 2.5 passengers are assigned to the local stop (stop 1), and 17.5 passengers to the combined stop (stop 2); and 9.1 passengers are assigned to the local service, and 10.9 passengers are assigned to the limited-stop service. 5.6.5 Predicting changes in ridership The changes in ridership are estimated in two steps. The first step predicts the ridership changes due to changes in passengers' travel time. These ridership changes are estimated using travel time elasticities for different trip lengths as explained and illustrated in Chapter 3. Table 5-5 shows the travel time elasticities estimated using data from several CTA corridors with limitedstop services. If the change in travel time is greater than 1.5 minutes for the 0-1 mile trips the use of a -0.71 elasticity is recommended (i.e. the elasticity used for 1-2 mile trips) since the zero elasticity for those trips is not appropriate if large changes in travel time are expected. Table 5-5 Passenger Travel Time Elasticities in Chicago Trip Length (mi) 0 to 1 1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 More than 4 Elasticity 0.00 -0.71 -1.42 -2.14 -2.85 101 For each OD pair, the travel time is estimated before and after the implementation of the limitedstop service. The travel times after the implementation are taken from the strategy chosen by the passengers and modeled in the market assignment. Continuing with the previous hypothetical example, the estimated change in ridership for the 111 OD pair is 5.2% (1 extra trip). The elasticity used for this calculation is -2.1 -given that this a 3.5-mile trip- and the estimate used for change in travel time is -2.4% (26.320 minutes before the implementation of the limited-stop service and 25.721 minutes after the implementation). The second step in estimating the change in ridership accounts for the branding effect due to the inclusion of various BRT elements. Table 5-6 shows an example of how to estimate the ridership increases due to branding in the case of the implementation of a full BRT service in a corridor/route with the following characteristics: * Special segregated at-grade bus lane * Unique design shelters with passenger amenities e Unique vehicle design * Frequency of 10 min or less * Off-vehicle fare collection e 20 Passenger information at stops Total Time in the Old Local = 0 (access and egress time) + 3*(1+.6) (waiting time) + 21.5 (in-vehicle time) 2 Total Time After the implementation = 30.5 * 0.13 (local preferred) + 27.2 * 0.05 (limited preferred) + 24.8 * 0.82 (choice) 102 Table 5-6 Example of estimating the additional ridership due to Branding COMPONENT Running Ways (not additive) Grade-separated busway (special right-of way) At-grade busway (special) Median arterial busway All-day bus lanes (specially delineated) Peak-hour bus lanes Mixed traffic Stations (additive) Conventional shelter Unique/attractively designed shelter llumination Telephones/security phones Climate-controlled waiting area Passenger amenities Passenger services Vehicles (additive) Conventional vehicles Uniquely designed vehicles (external) Air conditioning Wide multi-door configuration Level boarding (low-floor or high platform) Service Patterns (additive) All-day service span High-frequency service (10 min or less) Clear, simple, service pattern Off-vehicle fare collection ITS Application (selective additive) Passenger information at stops Passenger information on vehicles POINTS PERCENTAGE 15% 20% 0 20% 1 15% 10% 0 0 5% 0% 0 0 0% 5% 15% 0 0% 1 2% 0 2% 3% 0 0 3% 1 3% 2% 0 15% 15% 0% 0 1 5% 0% 0 1 5% 5% 1 11% 15% 4% 0 1 4% 4% 1 3% 1 77 10% 1 7% 3% 0 BRT Branding (additive) 10% 7% Vehicles and stations Brochures/schedules 7% 3% 1 0 60% 15% Subtotal Branding TOTAL 75% For the given example, a total of 75 points are obtained. This value is multiplied by 0.25 resulting in an expected increase in ridership of 18.75% (with respect to the base riders that choose the BRT service over the local service) due to the branding effect. 5.7 Model Outputs: Measures for Evaluating Limited-Stop Service Configurations The measures to evaluate different configurations of limited-stop services overlapped with local services are the outputs of the model and are described in the following sub-sections. 103 5.7.1 Market Share The market share refers to the split between local preferred, limited preferred, and choice riders. This indicator measures the customer's willingness to the take the limited-stop service (limited preferred passengers). A service configuration with few customers in the local preferred and most of the customers in the limited preferred is desirable. However, a configuration with few limited preferred customers but a large percentage of choice riders can be also successful since choice customers select the service based on the frequency share between both services. 5.7.2 Demand Split The final service split is obtained based on the market assignment. This is an indicator of the level of use of both services. Configurations with more riders on the limited-stop or BRT service than on the local service are desired. 5.7.3 Average Passengers per Bus Trip The average passengers per bus trip for the local and the limited-stop service is a measure of productivity of both services and the evenness of load between them. This measure is obtained based on the service frequencies and the demand. It is assumed that during the analyzed period (usually the AM or PM peak) the demand is uniformly distributed over the number of buses serving the corridor during that period. 5.7.4 Running Time Savings/Changes on Speeds This indicator measures the benefit for the operator as running time savings (that can reduce fleet and increase productivity). However, this indicator needs to be looked at carefully; for example, a fast limited-stop (or BRT) service can be the result of an imbalance in demand between the local (with crowded buses) and the limited-stop (or BRT) service. 104 5.7.5 Change in Average Passenger Travel Time The change in average passenger travel time is obtained based on the demand for each OD pair, the travel time before the implementation of the limited-stop service, and the estimated travel time after the implementation (based on the market assignment). This is an indicator of the benefit received by the passengers. Configurations with greater savings in average passenger travel time are most desirable and configurations with increases in average passenger travel time should not be implemented. 5.7.6 Change in Ridership The change in ridership is obtained based on the changes in travel time at the OD pair level, the OD Demand Matrix, the travel time elasticities, and the BRT branding elements. This indicator measures the new riders switching from other modes and routes, as well as induced demand. Configurations that attract more riders are the most desirable. However, it is important to consider the capacity of the services at peak times, since in the case of a large increase of demand, additional resources would need to be added to the corridor/route. 5.8 Summary This chapter presented a methodology for modeling and evaluating limited-stop and BRT services overlapped with local services. The methodology is an extension of that proposed by Schwarcz (2004). The new methodology allows forecasting ridership changes due to the implementation of these service configurations, assigns demand using a probabilistic (rather than a deterministic) approach, and models running time changes when BRT elements are introduced. 105 6 MODEL APPLICATION This chapter applies the methodology for modeling and evaluating limited-stop and BRT services overlapped with local services, developed in Chapter 5, to the Chicago Avenue and 7 9 th Street corridors in Chicago. These corridors were selected because they were part of the Chicago BRT Pilot Program22 . Different limited-stop and BRT service scenarios overlapped with local services are tested including variations in stop spacing, service frequencies, and different BRT elements including: right-of-way, enhanced boarding, and Transit Signal Priority (TSP). The outputs of the modeling process are used to evaluate the potential improvements of introducing limited-stop and BRT services in the selected corridors and understanding how different BRT elements, as well as stop spacing, and service frequencies, affect the corridors' performance. The chapter is divided into two sections; the first section applies the model to the Chicago Avenue corridor under different BRT and limited-stop service scenarios and summarizes the findings for the corridor. The second section applies the model to the 7 9 th Street corridor and reports the results found. 6.1 Chicago Corridor Application The following sub-sections describe the corridor, analyze its performance under different limited-stop and BRT services scenarios, and present findings for the implementation of limitedstop and BRT services in the corridor. 6.1.1 Corridor Description CTA Route 66 serves Chicago Avenue and is the baseline route for the scenarios tested. Route 66 is a 9-mile long route that runs from Austin, east along Chicago Avenue to Navy Pier and crossing three CTA rail lines (Blue, Brown, and Red line) as shown in Figure 6-1. Four corridors were selected including Jeffery, 7 9 1h, Chicago, and Halsted. See httn:// BRT%20IDOT%209-26-08.ndf 2 106 Figure 6-1 CTA Route 66 Based on the spring 2008 data from the Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) and the Automatic Passenger Count (APC) systems, the following characteristics of Route 66 have been established: * The route carries an average weekday ridership of 25,300 passengers making it the 3 rd heaviest CTA bus route. * During the morning peak period (from 6 to 9 am), the heaviest ridership is eastbound2 3 with 3,604 passengers. e The route has 74 bus stops with an average distance between stops of 0.12 miles (196 meters). * A bus makes an average of 39 stops per trip. * The average eastbound headway is 6 min. with an average COV 2 of 0.47. * 23 The average speed is 8.31 mph (13.37 kph). Unless otherwise noted this analysis focuses on the morning peak period and the eastbound direction. 107 * The averagepassenger travel time (including waiting and in-vehicle time) is 20 min. e The average trip length is 2.1 miles (3.37 km). Figure 6-2 shows the trip length distribution. 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 0 1 2 3 Trip Length (Miles) Figure 6-2 Route 66 Trip Length Distribution The cumulative demand for Route 66 eastbound during the morning peak period is shown in Figure 6-3. In this figure, the boardings (or alightings) for each stop were summed to obtain the total demand at each stop and then the stops were sorted by (decreasing) total demand and are shown as the cumulative demand function. A straight line would mean equally distributed demand at all stops along the corridor while a highly-curved line would mean highlyconcentrated demand. For Route 66, the top 20% of boarding stops serve about 56% of total demand and the top 20% of alighting stops serve 64% of demand. 108 C Cumulative Alightings Cumulative Boardings 100% 100% 80% - 80% 60% - 60% 40% - 40% 20% - 20% 0% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 0% 40% 100% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Percentage of total stops Percentage of total stops I Figure 6-3 Cumulative AM Peak Eastbound demand for Route 66 Based on field observations (4 trips) carried out by the author during summer 2008 the running time split for the AM peak eastbound was established. Additionally, the average running time was found to be 65 minutes for the same period and direction using the data from the CTA internal transitwebwebpage that publishes the average running times of different routes for different seasons. Figure 6-4 shows the running time broken down into movement, traffic, dwell, and traffic light components for the AM Peak eastbound. I Running Times Proportion 100%- 80% 60% 40% Running Time Components 20% 16% m Stop Lights o Dwell o Traffic * Moving Movement Traffic 33.2 10.2 Dwell 13.9 Traffic Lights Total (min) 7.7 65.0 20%- 0% ! Figure 6-4 Running Time Components for Route 66 in the AM Peak eastbound 109 6.1.2 Scenario 1: Conventional Limited-Stop Alternative conventional limited-stop service configurations are examined in this sub-section, distinguished by stop spacing and service frequency shares. Table 6-1 summarizes the configurations tested including two stop spacings (0.33 and 0.40 miles) and five frequency shares (local only, 1:1, 3:2, 2:1, and limited-stop only). The combined stops were selected based on their level of demand (boardings and alightings) and the distance between stops (allowing no more than three local stops between consecutive combined stops). The list of local and combined stops for the different configurations is shown in Appendix B. All the tested combinations of local and limited-stop service frequencies provide 10 bus trips per hour -the same as the current local frequency. In other words, all the tested scenarios would require similar bus resources. Table 6-1 summarizes the running times for different configurations. As shown, conventional limited-stop service only affects the movement and the dwell times as a result of the savings from skipping stops and the demand shift from the local to the limited-stop service. Change in running times ranges from 8.1 minutes to 12.4 minutes savings for the limited-stop service, with only small changes for the local service. Table 6-1 Running times components in the Chicago Corridor Scenario 1: Conventional Limited-Stop Service Sime (min) Local Movement Traffic Dwell Stop Lights Total Limited Movement Traffic Dwell Stop Lights Total Change Ine Change Time (mini Change Time (min) Chag Chne Time ng 1 (min) Change Chng Time (min) Change Chng Time I(min) Chne Time Chainge (min) 33.2 10.2 13.9 7.7 65.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 33.2 10.2 15.4 7.7 66.5 0.0 0.0 1.5 0.0 1.5 33.2 10.2 14.0 7.7 65.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 33.2 10.2 12.9 7.7 64.0 0.0 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -1.0 33.2 10.2 15.9 7.7 67.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 2.0 33.2 10.2 14.6 7.7 65.7 0.0 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.7 33.2 10.2 12.9 7.7 64.0 0.0 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -1.0 - - - - 25.1 -8.2 10.2 0.0 11.8 -2.1 7.7 0.0 54.8 -10.2 25.1 10.2 13.3 7.7 56.2 -8.2 0.0 -0.6 0.0 -8.8 25.1 10.2 14.0 7.7 57.0 -8.2 0.0 0.1 0.0 -8.1 22.1 10.2 11.1 7.7 51.1 -11.1 0.0 -2.8 0.0 -13.9 22.1 10.2 12.6 7.7 52.6 -11.1 0.0 -1.3 0.0 -12.4 22.1 10.2 13.8 7.7 53.8 -11.1 0.0 -0.1 0.0 -11.2 - 23.9 10.2 13.2 7.7 54.9 Change hag - -9.3 0.0 -0.7 0.0 -10.1 Note*: For the limited-stop only service configuration, it was assumed that the buses serve all the stops. For all the other configurations it was assumed that the limited-stop service serves an average of 88% of the combined stops (see section 5.4) Note: The estimated Running Times do not include the effect of new demand Running time savings in the corridor do not necessarily lead to increases in productivity, increases in ridership, or reductions in average passenger travel time. These improvements also 110 depend on the trip length distribution, the demand distribution across local and combined stops, and the trade-offs between increases in out-of-vehicle time and decreases in in-vehicle time. Table 6-2 shows the six indicators for the seven configurations tested. The effect of changes in total demand was not included in these indicators to avoid accounting for second order effects such as increases in running times (given longer dwell times) that would lead to increases in travel times, and changes in market share and demand split. Table 6-2 Chicago Corridor Scenario 1: Conventional Limited-Stop Service Market Shar Local Preferred Limited Preferred -5.8% 20.3% 8.9% 11.7% 2.9% 16.0% 24.5% 7.0% 11.1% 13.3% 3.9% 17.3% - Choice - 73.8% 79.5% 81.1% 68.5% 75.6% 78.8% - 100% - 57.2% 42.8% 40.6% 59.4% 30.5% 69.5% 58.7% 41.3% 41.4% 58.6% 30.7% 69.3% 100.0% 137.5 122.0 109.7 141.0 124.1 110.6 - 102.7 118.8 125.3 99.1 117.4 124.8 120.1 20.2 0.0% 20.8 3.2% 20.5 1.8% 20.3 0.5% 21.0 4.1% 20.6 2.5% 20.4 1.1% 20.4 1.0% 8.3 0.0% - 8.1 -2.3% 9.9 18.7% 8.3 -0.1% 9.6 15.6% 8.4 1.6% 9.5 14.1% 8.1 -3.0% 10.6 27.1% 8.2 -1.1% 10.3 23.5% 8.4 1.6% 10.0 20.8% 9.8 18.3% 3602 0.0% 3563 -1.1% 3624 0.6% 3663 1.7% 3547 -1.5% 3624 0.6% 3670 1.9% 3684 2.3% Demand Split Local Limited Average Passengers per Trip Local 120.1 Limited-Stop Average Travel Time (min) After Change Speed (mph) Local Change Limited-Stop Change Ridership After Change - Note: The Average Passengers per Trip, the Demand Split, and the speeds do not reflect any changes in total ridership There is no configuration that reduces the average passenger travel time compared with the base scenario (20.2 minutes) in spite of the up to 12.4 minute reduction in running time for the limited-stop service. The key reasons for this are the intrinsic route characteristics including the short average trip length (2.1 miles), the cumulative demand function, and the short route length (9 miles). Figure 6-5 shows, in detail, the changes in average passenger travel time for the limited-stop only configuration. Short trips (0-2 miles) show increases in average passenger travel time and longer trips (more than 2 miles) show decreases in average passenger travel time. These travel time decreases cannot compensate for the increases in travel time in shorter trips 111 given the trip length distribution (see Figure 6-2). 2.00 1 000.00 E F- -1.00-2.00- 0) -3.00- -4.00 -5.00 Trip Length (Miles) Figure 6-5 Change in travel time by trip length for the limited-stop service only configuration for Route 66 Table 6-2 also shows that greater frequency shares lead to lower average travel times and to larger ridership increases (between 1%and 2%). Moreover, the 0.33 mile limited-stop configurations perform slightly better than the 0.4 mile spacing since they lead to shorter average travel times. The best service design is a configuration with a 2:1 frequency share since it is the one that has the shortest average travel times, the highest percentage of limited preferred riders, the highest ridership with around 2% new riders, and the highest limited-stop service productivity. Configurations with a frequency share of 1:1 show the poorest performance in terms of demand split, the greatest disparity in productivity (and evenness of load) between the local and the limited-stop service, the lowest percentage of limited preferred riders, and highest average travel times. Note that the higher speeds for the limited-stop services in the 1:1 configurations result from low demand for the limited-stop buses (which leads to shorter dwell times). The limited-stop only service configuration shows the largest ridership increases (2.3%) given the travel time savings on longer trips (see Figure 6-5). This configuration can reduce resources needed in the corridor given the speed increases (from 8.31 to 9.83 mph); however, this configuration would increase average passenger travel time by 1% and it likely to be highly controversial since it will negatively affect people with mobility constraints. Recent attempts to increase general stop spacing in Chicago have been met with strong political opposition. 112 6.1.3 Scenario 2: Moderate BRT enhancements Different configurations of moderate BRT services are modeled in this sub-section. The configurations tested vary service frequencies, right-of-way, enhanced boarding elements, and Transit Signal Priority (TSP). The combined stops selected are the same as in Scenario 1 (see Appendix B). All the scenario 2 configurations have a total frequency of 10 buses per hour (the same as the existing local service frequency). The BRT elements tested include a preferential (rather than a segregated) lane, buses with two doors and fare payment prior to boarding the bus, and a 35% reduction in traffic light delays due to TSP (see 2.4.2). Table 6-3 shows the tested configurations which include three frequency shares (3:2, 2:1, limited-stop only) and three combinations of BRT elements (preferential lane only; enhanced boarding and TSP only; and preferential lane, enhanced boarding and TSP). Table 6-3 shows BRT effects on running times. Decreases in running times range from 13.8 to 24.7 minutes for the limited-stop service and from 0.8 to 9.8 minutes for the local service. Table 6-3 Running times components in the Chicago Corridor Scenario 2: Moderate BRT Services __ Local Movement Traffic Dwell Stop Lights Total Limited Movement Traffic Dwell Stop Lights Total _ _ Time Time Change i ime Change (min (min (min)___ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 33.2 10.2 13.9 7.7 65.0 - - - - - - Change men Change (min) u in Change """ (min) Change* Change Change 30.0 5.1 14.6 7.7 57.3 -3.2 -5.1 1.5 0.0 -7.7 30.0 5.1 13.1 7.7 55.9 -3.2 -5.1 0.1 0.0 -9.1 33.2 10.2 13.1 7.7 64.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.8 33.2 10.2 10.7 7.7 61.8 0.0 0.0 -2.4 0.0 -3.2 30.0 5.1 13.7 7.7 56.4 -3.2 -5.1 0.6 0.0 -8.6 30.0 5.1 12.4 7.7 55.2 -3.2 -5.1 -0.7 0.0 -9.8 24.7 5.1 12.9 7.7 50.4 -8.5 -5.1 -0.2 0.0 -14.7 24.7 5.1 13.7 7.7 51.2 -8.5 -5.1 0.6 0.0 -13.8 25.1 10.2 5.7 5.0 45.9 -8.2 0.0 -7.4 -2.7 -19.1 25.1 10.2 6.2 5.0 46.5 -8.2 0.0 -6.8 -2.7 -18.5 24.7 5.1 5.5 5.0 40.3 -8.5 -5.1 -7.5 -2.7 -24.7 24.7 5.1 5.7 5.0 40.5 -8.5 -5.1 -7.3 -2.7 -24.5 - 25.7 5.1 5.6 5.0 41.4 - -7.5 -5.1 -7.5 -2.7 -23.6 Note*: For limited-stop only service configuration, it was assumed that the buses serve all the stops. For all the other configurations it was assumed that the limited-stop service serves an average of 88% of the local stops (see section 5.4) Note: The estimated Running Times do not include the effect of new demand Table 6-4 shows the six indicators for the seven tested configurations. All configurations show better performance (higher speeds, shorter travel times, ridership increases, etc.) than the base 113 scenario. The effect of changes in total demand was not included in these indicators to avoid accounting for second order effects such as increases in running times (given longer dwell times) that would lead to increases in travel times, and changes in market share and demand split. Table 6-4 Chicago Corridor Scenario 2: Moderate BRT Services Local Preferred Limited Preferred Choice Demand Split Local Limited Average Passengers per Trip Local Limited-Stop Average Travel Time (min) After Change Speed (mph) Local Change Limited-Stop Change Ridership After without branding Change After including branding Total Change 9.9% 10.4% 79.6% 3.6% 15.1% 81.3% 6.9% 16.6% 76.5% 2.4% 20.8% 76.8% 7.8% 14.8% 77.4% 2.5% 20.0% 77.5% 100% - 41.8% 58.2% 31.2% 68.8% 37.5% 62.5% 28.5% 71.5% 38.7% 61.3% 28.9% 71.1% 120.1 - 125.4 116.5 112.6 123.8 112.6 125.1 102.6 128.8 116.3 122.6 104.1 128.1 120.1 20.2 0.0% 19.2 -4.9% 18.9 -5.9% 18.8 -6.7% 18.3 -9.1% 17.5 -12.9% 17.1 -15.2% 15.2 -24.6% 8.3 0.0% 9.4 13.4% 10.7 29.0% 9.7 16.2% 10.6 27.0% 8.4 1.2% 11.8 41.5% 8.7 5.2% 11.6 39.7% 9.6 15.2% 13.4 61.1% 9.8 17.8% 13.3 60.3% 13.0 56.9% 3900 8% 4136 14.8% 3935 9% 4183 16.1% 3981 11% 4234 17.5% 4067 13% 4357 21.0% 4240 18% 4653 29.2% 4322 20% 4803 33.3% 4662 29% 5455 51.4% - 3602 0% - - 100% - - Note: The high demand increase due to ridership in the limited-stop only configuration is explained by the fact that the methodology used multiplies the branding factor times the base ridership of the limited-stop service. For the limited-stop only case this is 100% of the demand prior the implementation of the new service. Note: The Average Passengers per Trip, the Demand Split, and the speeds do not reflect the change in ridership Table 6-4 also shows that greater frequency shares again lead to shorter travel times, higher percentage of limited preferred riders, higher percentage of limited preferred riders, greater productivity for the limited-stop service, and greater increases in ridership. In the case of Route 66, the implementation of enhanced boarding and TSP is slightly more effective in reducing travel times and attracting demand than the implementation of preferential treatment. However, in the first case, the local service speed does not show improvement since it 114 does not benefit from the enhanced boarding or the TSP while in the second case, the local service also benefits from preferential lanes. The BRT only scenario shows the best results in terms of travel time reductions and new riders. Figure 6-6 shows in detail the changes in average passenger travel time for different trip lengths. In contrast with the Scenario 1 limited-stop only service configuration, the BRT only configuration provides travel time savings for passengers across all trip lengths; however, the implementation of BRT only strategy can be controversial since it will force all the passengers living in the vicinity of a local stop to walk to their closest combined stop. 0 0 - 5 E -10 C f -15- -20 Trip Length (Miles) Figure 6-6 Change in travel time by trip length for the moderate BRT only service configuration Branding is a major component of the predicted ridership gains; however, the ridership forecast due to branding has a high degree of uncertainty that is the result of assuming the implementation of all BRT elements that account for the "branding effect" (and following the methodology) described in the TCRP Report 118 (2007). These ridership gains are not always achievable and/or may be constrained by the available bus capacity. Extra capacity may be needed with the implementation of BRT services. Table 6-5 shows the effect of the new ridership on demand split and average passengers per trip assuming no additional effect on running times. To assign the extra demand to both services, it was assumed that new riders attracted by increases in level of service would have the same market split as current riders and that new riders attracted by branding would take the BRT service. The results show that both the local and BRT services can have increased demand (change in passengers per 115 trip) with respect to the all-local base scenario of up to 14% and 51% respectively. Table 6-5 Chicago Corridor Scenario 2 including the effect of new demand: Moderate BRT Services uemana Local Limited Demand Split Local Limited Average Passengers per Trip Local Change (Respect to all local) Limited-Stop Change (Respect to all local) 1629 2507 1227 2956 1493 2741 1155 3203 1642 3011 1243 3560 54551 100% - 39% 61% 29% 71% 35% 65% 26% 74% 35% 65% 26% 74% - 120 136 13% 139 16% 123 2% 148 23% 124 4% 152 27% 115 -4% 160 33% 137 14% 167 39% 124 4% 178 48% - - 100% - 182 51% To estimate if extra capacity is need, it is necessary to examine the maximum load point of the route and observe if the extra demand for each service can be served by the same number of buses. Figure 6-7 shows that currently Route 66 has a maximum load of 52 passengers per bus. If demand on the local service is increased by 14%, the maximum load point using the same number of buses would be 60 people. Therefore, the capacity provided is not enough given a bus capacity of 55 passengers. Max Load Point =52 60 50 40 m 30 20 10 0 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 Distance (Miles) Figure 6-7 Route 66 Load Profile 116 The new demand for the local service (in the case of a 14% increase), would require one extra local bus per hour. This number is computed as: 14% extra riders per bus trip, under the 15minute headway, are equal to 60 passengers (52 x 1.14) per bus, this means that 5 more seats are needed per bus. Therefore, the extra demand is equal to 20 passengers per hour (5 x 60/15) that could be served with one extra 55-passenger bus. The 51 % demand increase for BRT buses would mean that the maximum load point would be 79 passengers. However, in this case this demand can be served with the proposed headway if articulated buses are used (since they have a 90-passenger capacity). 6.1.4 Scenario 3: Full BRT Different full BRT service configurations are modeled in this sub-section. As in Scenario 2, four different elements are tested: service frequencies, right-of-way segregation, enhanced boarding elements, and Transit Signal Priority (TSP). The combined stops selected are the same as in Scenario 2 (see Appendix B). All the scenario 3 combinations have a total frequency of 10 buses per hour (the same of the prior local frequency). The BRT elements tested include a completely segregated lane, buses with three doors with off-bus fare payment, and a 35% reduction on traffic light delays due to TSP (see section 2.4.2). The configurations tested include two frequency shares (3:2, and 2:1) and three BRT elements (segregated lane only; enhanced boarding and TSP only; and preferential lane, enhances boarding and TSP). Table 6-6 shows full BRT effects on all running time components. Decreases in running times range from 20.1 minutes to 34.8 minutes for the limited-stop service and from 0.8 minutes to 21.5 minutes for the local service. 117 Table 6-6 Running times components in the Chicago Corridor Scenario 3: Full BRT Services Headway(in)-Umed/Local t-lt- w1V - Change T __ Local Movement Traffic Dwell Stop Lights Total Limited Movement Traffic Dwell Stop Lights Total __ _ _ Change (min) (min)__ s S -1al . (min) TWIMDM W Change Change 201MMC (min) Change (min) Change T (min) Change mn 33.2 10.2 13.9 7.7 65.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 24.5 0.0 14.6 7.7 46.8 -8.7 -10.2 0.7 0.0 -18.2 25.5 0.0 13.3 4.7 43.5 -7.7 -10.2 -0.6 -3.0 -21.5 33.2 10.2 13.1 7.7 64.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.8 33.2 10.2 12.0 7.7 63.2 0.0 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -1.8 24.5 0.0 13.7 7.7 45.9 -8.7 -10.2 0.6 0.0 -19.1 24.5 0.0 12.4 7.7 44.6 -8.7 -10.2 -0.7 0.0 -20.4 - - - - - 20.8 0.0 12.7 7.7 41.1 -12.5 -10.2 -1.2 0.0 -23.9 20.8 0.0 13.8 7.7 42.3 -12.5 -10.2 -0.1 0.0 -22.7 25.1 10.2 4.5 5.0 44.8 -8.2 0.0 -8.6 -2.7 -20.2 25.1 10.2 4.6 5.0 44.9 -8.2 0.0 -8.5 -2.7 -20.1 20.8 0.0 4.4 5.0 30.2 -12.5 -10.2 -8.7 -2.7 -34.8 20.8 0.0 4.6 5.0 30.3 -12.5 -10.2 -8.5 -2.7 -34.7 21.8 0.0 4.5 5.0 31.3 Change* - -11.4 -10.2 -8.6 -2.7 -33.7 Note*: For limited-stop only service configuration, it was assumed that the buses serve all the stops. For all the other configurations it was assumed that the limited-stop service serves an average of 88% of the local stops (see section 5.4) Note: The estimated Running Times do not include the effect of new demand Table 6-7 shows the six indicators for the seven tested configurations. All configurations show a better performance (higher speeds, shorter travel times, greater ridership increases, etc.) than the base scenario and the Moderate BRT scenario. The effect of changes in total demand was not included in the indicators to avoid accounting for second order effects such as increase in running times (given longer dwell times) that would lead to increases on travel times, and changes in the market share and demand split. Table 6-7 shows again that higher frequency shares lead to greater reductions in travel time, higher percentage of limited preferred riders, greater productivity for the limited-stop service, and greater increases in ridership. The lower speeds on the limited-stop service configurations with high frequency shares are the result of high demand producing longer dwell times. 118 Table 6-7 Chicago Corridor Scenario 3: Full BRT Services Market Share Local Preferred Limited Preferred 10.5% 10.3% 3.8% 14.9% 81.2% 6.7% 17.3% 76.0% 2.1% 22.6% 75.3% 8.1% 15.3% 76.7% 2.6% 20.6% 76.8% 100% - 42.2% 57.8% 31.5% 68.5% 37.1% 62.9% 27.7% 72.3% 38.7% 61.3% 28.7% 71.3% 120.1 - 126.5 115.8 113.3 123.4 111.4 125.9 99.9 130.2 116.2 16. 122.6 103.5 105 128.4 120.1 20.2 0.0% 16.8 -16.7% 16.6 -17.5% 18.6 -7.7% 18.1 -10.2% 15.0 -25.4% 14.5 -27.9% 12.6 -37.6% 8.3 0.0% - 11.5 38.9% 13.1 58.1% 11.9 43.0% 12.8 53.8% 8.4 1.2% 12.1 45.1% 8.6 2.9% 12.0 44.8% 11.8 41.6% 17.9 115.5% 12.1 45.6% 17.8 114.4% - 17.2 107.0% 4393 22% 4659 29% 4415 23% 4730 31% 4022 12% 4322 20% 4115 14% 4460 24% 4763 32% 5249 46% 4852 35% 5416 50% 5197 44% 5990 66% . Choice. Service Split Local Limited Average Passengers per Trip Local Limited-Stop Average Travel Time (min) After Change Speed (mph) Local Change Limited-Stop Change Ridership After without branding Change After including branding Total Change - 3602 0% - - 100% - by the fact that Note: The high demand increase due to ridership in the limited-stop only configuration is explained For the service. limited-stop the of ridership base the times factor branding the multiplies used the methodology service. new the of implementation the prior demand limited-stop only case this is 100% of the Note: The Average Passengers per Trip, the Demand Split, and the speeds do not reflect any change in ridership For Route 66, the implementation of preferential treatment alone is more effective in reducing the travel times and attracting demand that implementing only enhanced boarding and TSP alone. The implementation of the exclusive lane also benefits the local service whereas other improvements only affect the BRT service. The BRT only scenario shows the best performance (travel time reductions, and new attracted riders). Figure 6-8 shows in detail the changes in average passenger travel time for different trip lengths. As for the full BRT configuration of Scenario 2, this configuration provides travel time savings for passengers across all trip lengths. Full BRT configurations provide the largest travel savings (37.6%). However, the implementation of this configuration will affect all passengers 119 ,~ living in the vicinity of a local stop and the passengers with walking disabilities. 0 -5 E -10 -15 -20 Trip Length (miles) Figure 6-8 Change in travel time by trip length for the full BRT only configuration Once more, branding is a major component of the predicted ridership gains; however, the ridership forecast due to branding has a high degree of uncertainty that is the result of assuming the implementation of all BRT elements that account for the "branding effect" (and following the methodology) described in the TCRP Report 118. These ridership gains are not always achievable and/or may be constrained by the available bus capacity. Extra capacity may be needed with the implementation of BRT services. Table 6-8 shows the effect of the new ridership on demand split and average passengers per trip assuming no effect on running times. To assign the extra demand to both services, it was assumed that new riders attracted by increases in level of service would have the same market split as current riders and that new riders attracted by branding would take the BRT service. The results show that the local and BRT services can have demand increases (change in passengers per trip) with respect to the all-local base scenario of up to 28% and 68% respectively. 120 Table 6-8 Chicago Corridor Scenario 3 including the effect of new demand: Full BRT Services 1852 1383 2807 3348 1492 2830 1138 3323 1845 3404 1385 4032 5990 100% - 40% 60% 29% 71% 35% 65% 26% 74% 35% 65% 26% 74% 100% 120 154 28% 156 30% 138 15% 167 39% 124 4% 157 31% 114 -5% 166 38% 154 28% 189 57% 138 15% 202 68% Local I A d i Demad Split Local Limited Average Passengers per Trip Local Change (Respect to all local) Limited-Stop Change (Respect to all local) - - 200 66% To estimate if extra capacity is need, it is necessary to examine the maximum load point of the route and observe if the extra demand for each service can be served by the same number of buses. As shown in Figure 6-7, currently Route 66 has a maximum load point of 52 passengers per bus. If demand on the local service is increased by 28%, the maximum load point using the same number of buses would be 67 people. Therefore, the capacity provided is not enough given a bus capacity of 55 passengers. The new demand for the local (in the case of a 28% increase), would require one extra local bus per hour. This number is computed as: 28% extra riders per bus trip, under a 15-minute headway, are to equal to 67 passengers (52 x 1.28) per bus, this means that 12 more seats are needed per bus. Therefore, the extra demand is equal to 48 passengers per hour (12 x 60/15) that can be served with one extra 55-passenger bus. The 68% extra demand for BRT buses would mean that the maximum load point would be 88 passengers. In this case this demand can be served with the proposed headways if articulated buses are used (since they have a 90-passenger capacity). 6.1.5 Summary of Chicago Avenue Corridor Findings The implementation of conventional limited-stop service overlapped with local service is not 121 recommended on Chicago Avenue since it will increase average travel times. This poor performance is the result of the route characteristics, specifically the short route length (9 miles) and average trip length (2.1 miles), and the cumulative demand function. In contrast, implementing a BRT service would improve the corridor performance. If a BRT system is implemented, right-of-way preferential treatment is key to achieving better performance as it can increase the movement speeds and reduce the traffic delay time. The recommended service frequency share is 2:1. A full BRT system could reduce travel time by up to 28% while a Moderate BRT system can reduce it by up to 18%. If service speeds and travel time need to be improved further, an aggressive TSP scheme could be implemented (reducing the traffic light delay time by more than 35%).If BRT configurations are implemented, it is strongly recommended to use articulated buses for the BRT services to provide the extra capacity that might be needed. In addition, one additional conventional local bus per hour might be needed as the result of demand increase. The analysis show that BRT-only configurations provide the best performance in terms of travel time reductions and ridership increases; however, implementing such a configuration will be controversial since it will be very difficult for people with walking disabilities and will significantly increase their access and egress times. Recent attempts to increase general stop spacing in Chicago have met with strong political opposition. 6.2 Application: 7 9 th Street Corridor This section describes the 7 9 th street corridor, analyzes its performance under different limited- stop and BRT service scenarios, and present findings for the implementation of limited-stop and BRT services in the corridor. 6.2.1 Corridor Description CTA Route 79 serves 7 9 th Corridor and is the baseline route for the different scenarios tested. Route 79 is a 12.2-mile long route that runs from the vicinity of Cicero, east along 79th corridor to the Lakefront. The service crosses the Red Line as shown in Figure 6-9. 122 Figure 6-9 CTA Route 79 Based on the CTA spring 2008 data from the Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) and the Automatic Passenger Count (APC) systems, the following characteristics of Route 79 have been established: " The route carries an average weekday ridership of 35,642 passengers making it the heaviest ridership CTA bus route. " During the morning peak period (from 6 to 9 am), the heaviest ridership is westbound with 3,892 passengers * 24 The route has 101 stops with an average distance between stops of 0.12 miles (196 meters). * A bus makes an average of 35 stops per trip. * The average headway is 4 min. with an average COV 2 of 0.75. " The average speed is 11.49 mph (18.49 kph). * The average passenger travel time (including waiting and in-vehicle time) is 15.6 min. 24 Unless otherwise noted this analysis focuses on the morning peak period and the westbound direction. 123 * The average trip length is 2.0 miles (3.37 km). Figure 6-10 shows the trip length distribution. 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 0 1 2 3 Trip Length (Miles) Figure 6-10 Route 79 Trip Length Distribution The cumulative demand for Route 79 westbound during the morning peak period is shown in Figure 6-11. The top 20% of boarding stops serve about 68% of total demand and the top 20% of alighting stops serve 83% of demand. Note that this is a significantly higher concentration than for Route 66. Cumulative Boardings Cummulative Alightings 100% 100% 80% 80% 60% 60% 40% 40% 20% 20% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 0% 40% Percentage of total stops 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Percentage of total stops Figure 6-11 Cumulative AM Peak Westbound demand for Route 79 124 Based on field observations (3 trips) carried out by the author during summer 2008 the running time split for the AM peak westbound was established. The average running time was found to be 63.7 minutes for the same period and direction using the data from the CTA internal transitweb webpage that publishes the average running time of all CTA routes for different seasons. Figure 6-12 shows the running time broken down into movement, traffic, dwell, and stop lights components for the AM Peak westbound. Running times Proportion 100% 19% 80% Running Time Components - Movement 60% 40% 20% Stop Lights 13%_. ODwell 0 Traffic * Moving - Traffic Dwell Lights Total (min) 37.5 8.6 10.4 7.2 63.7 - 0% Figure 6-12 Running Time Components for Route 79 in the AM Peak westbound 6.2.2 Scenario 1: Conventional Limited-Stop Alternative conventional limited-stop service configurations are examined in this sub-section, distinguished by stop spacing and service frequencies. Table 6-9 summarizes the changes in running times of the configurations tested including two stop spacings (0.37 and 0.42 miles) and four frequency shares (1:1, 3:2, 2:1, and limited-stop only). The combined stops were selected based on their level of demand (boardings and alightings) and the distance between stops (allowing no more than three local stops between consecutive combined stops). The list of local and combined stops for the different configurations is shown in Appendix B. All the tested combinations of local and limited-stop service frequencies provide 15 bus trips per hour -the same as the current local frequency on Route 79. In other words, all the tested scenarios would 125 require similar bus resources. As shown in Table 6-9, conventional limited-stop service affects the movement and dwell times as a result of the savings from skipping stops and the demand shift from the local to the limitedstop service. Changes in running time ranges from a decrease in 2.5 minutes to a decrease in 8.9 minutes for the limited-stop service, and from an increase in 1.6 minute to a 0.1 minute decrease for the local service. Table 6-9 Running times components in the 79th Street Corridor Scenario 1: Conventional Limited-Stop Service _______________________ Local Movement Traffic Dwell Stop Lights Total Limited Movement Traffic Dwell Stop Lights Total (min) Change a (min) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 37.5 8.6 12.0 7.2 65.3 0.0 37.51 0.0 8.55 1.6 11.26 0.0 7.24 1.6 64.6 32.8 8.6 8.4 7.2 57.1 -4.7 32.84 0.0 8.55 -2.0 9.42 0.0 7.24 -6.6 58.1 37.5 8.6 10.4 7.2 63.7 - - Change Time (min) Change Time Change (min) Time (min) 0.0 37.51 0.0 8.55 0.9 10.31 0.0 7.24 0.9 63.6 0.0 0.0 -0.1 0.0 -0.1 -4.7 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -5.7 -4.7 31.09 0.0 8.55 -0.4 7.95 0.0 7.24 -5.0 54.8 32.84 8.55 10.04 7.24 58.7 37.51 8.55 12.3 7.24 65.6 Change (min) 0.0 37.51 0.0 8.55 1.9 11.7 0.0 7.24 1.9 65.0 -6.4 0.0 -2.5 0.0 -8.9 31.09 8.55 8.98 7.24 55.9 Change (min) Change (min) Change hag - 0.0 0.0 1.3 0.0 1.3 37.51 8.55 10.57 7.24 63.9 0.0 0.0 0.2 0,0 0.2 - -6.4 0.0 -1.4 0.0 -7.8 31.09 8.55 9.76 7.24 56.6 -6.4 0.0 -0.6 0.0 -7.1 35.17 8.55 10.2 7.24 61.2 -2.3 0.0 -0.2 0.0 -2.5 Note*: For the limited-stop only service configuration, it was assumed that the buses serve all the stops. For all the other configurations it was assumed that the limited-stop service serve an average of 88% of the local stops (see section 5.4) Note: The estimated Running Times do not include the effect of new demand Running time savings in the corridor do not necessarily lead to increases in productivity, increases in ridership, or reductions in average passenger travel time. These improvements also depend on the trip length distribution, the demand distribution across local and combined stops, and the trade-offs between increases in out-of-vehicle time and decreases in in-vehicle time, etc. Table 6-10 shows the six indicators for the seven tested configurations. The effect of changes in total demand was not included in the indicators to avoid accounting for second order effects such as increases in running times (given longer dwell times) that would lead to increases on travel times, and changes in the market share and demand split. 126 Table 6-10 7 9 th Street Corridor Scenario 1: Conventional Limited-Stop Service E -~~ 4nlI., Market Share Local Preferred Limited Preferred D enIIIIU d S i~ 25.6% 7.8% 666% . 16.0% 14.2% 69.8% - 8.6% 19.3% 72.1% 30.6% 8.1% 61.3% 19.3% 14.6% 66.1% 10.5% 19.7% 69.8% 100% - 58.9% 41.1% 43.9% 56.1% 33.1% 66.9% 61.2% 38.8% 45.7% 54.3% 34.3% 65.7% 86.1 101.3 70.8 94.5 80.5 85.4 86.4 105.4 66.7 98.3 77.9 88.5 84.8 - 15.6 0.0% 16.3 4.7% 16.3 4.7% 16.1 3.7% 16.5 6.2% 16.5 6.2% 16.4 5.3% 15.9 2.0% 11.5 0.0% - 11.2 -2.3% 12.8 11.7% 11.3 -1.3% 12.6 9.7% 11.7 2.1% 12.5 8.6% 11.2 -2.9% 13.4 16.2% 11.3 -2.0% 13.1 14.0% 11.5 -0.3% 12.9 12.4% - 3872 0.0% 3738 -3.5% 3760 -2.9% 3794 -2.0% 3721 -3.9% 3742 -3.4% 3782 -2.3% 3834 -1.0% ItA PI Demand Split Local Limited Average Passengers per Trip Local Limited-Stop Average Travel Time (min) After Change Speed (mph) Local Change Limited-Stop Change Ridership After Change ~ 100% 86.1 - 12.0 4.2% , Note: The Average Passengers per Trip, the Service Split, and the speeds do not include the change in ridership There is no configuration that reduces the average passenger travel time with respect to the base scenario (15.6 minutes). The key reasons for this are the intrinsic route characteristics including the short average trip length (2.0 miles), the high speed of the existing local service (11.49 mph), and the small average number of stops serviced per trip (35 of 101 stops). Figure 6-13 shows the changes in travel time for different trip lengths of the limited-stop only service configuration, there are traVel time increases for trips shorter than 3 miles and modest increases for longer trips. 2 0 E - - -2 0 1 2 3 10) .c O-4-5 Trip Length (Miles) Figure 6-13 Change in travel time by trip length for the limited-stop only service configuration for Route 66 127 Table 6-10 shows that greater frequency shares lead to lower average travel times -as in Route 66- but there is no limited-stop configuration that show travel time reductions or increases in ridership with respect to the base scenario. Therefore, a configuration with limited-stop service overlapped with a local service does not seem appropriate for the 79th Street corridor. A limited-stop only service configuration does not improve the corridor performance either; although it does show the "best" performance of all proposed configurations with an increase in service speed from 11.5 mph to 12 mph. 6.2.3 Scenario 2: Moderate BRT enhancements Different configurations of moderate BRT services are analyzed in this sub-section. The configurations tested vary service frequencies, right-of-way, enhanced boarding elements, and Transit Signal Priority (TSP). The combined stops selected are the same as in the previous subsection (see Appendix B). As in scenario 1, all the scenario 2 combinations have combined frequency of 15 buses per hour (the same as the prior local frequency). The BRT elements tested include a preferential (rather than a segregated) lane, buses with two doors and off-vehicle fare payment, and a 35% reduction in traffic light delays due to TSP (see section 2.4.2). Table 6-11 shows the tested configurations which include two frequency shares (3:2, and 2:1) and three combinations of BRT elements (preferential lane only; enhanced boarding and TSP only; and preferential lane, enhanced boarding and TSP). Table 6-11 shows BRT service effects on running times components. Decreases in running times range from 13.1 to 23.2 minutes for the limited-stop service; and the change in running times for the local service ranges from a 0.4 minute increase to a 7.8 minute decrease. 128 Table 6-11 Running times components in the Time (min) Local Movement Traffic Dwell Stop Lights Total Limited Movement Traffic Dwell Stop Lights Total Change Time (mini Change 7 9 th Street Corridor Scenario 2: Moderate BRT Services I(min) Change (m Change (m Change (mini Change (mini Change (min) 37.5 8.6 10.4 7.2 63.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 34.9 4.3 11.3 7.2 57.6 -2.7 -4.3 0.9 0.0 -6.1 34.9 4.3 10.1 7.2 56.4 -2.7 -4.3 -0.4 0.0 -7.3 37.5 8.6 10.8 7.2 64.1 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.4 37.5 8.6 9.8 7.2 63.1 0.0 0.0 -0.6 0.0 -0.6 34.9 4.3 10.4 7.2 56.8 -2.7 -4.3 0.0 0.0 -6.9 34.9 4.3 9.5 7.2 55.9 -2.7 -4.3 -0.9 0.0 -7.8 - - 27.2 4.3 9.4 7.2 48.1 -10.4 -4.3 -1.0 0.0 -15.6 27.2 4.3 10.2 7.2 48.9 -10.4 -4.3 -0.2 0.0 -14.9 32.8 8.6 4.3 4.7 50.4 -4.7 0.0 -6.1 -2.5 -13.3 32.8 8.6 4.5 4.7 50.6 -4.7 0.0 -5.9 -2.5 -13.1 27.2 4.3 4.4 4.7 40.5 -10.4 -4.3 -6.0 -2.5 -23.2 27.2 4.3 4.5 4.7 40.7 -10.4 -4.3 -5.9 -2.5 -23.0 Change I 29.5 4.3 4.4 4.7 42.9 -8.0 -4.3 -6.0 -2.5 -20.8 Note*: For the limited-stop only service configuration, it was assumed that the buses serve all the stops. For all the other configurations it was assumed that the limited-stop service serves an average of 88% of the local stops (see section 5.4) Note: The estimated Running Times do not include the effect of new demand Table 6-12 shows the six indicators for the seven tested configurations. All configurations show better performance (higher speeds, shorter travel times, ridership increases, etc.) than the base scenario. The effect of changes in total demand was not included in the indicators to avoid accounting second order effects such as increases in running times (given longer dwell times) that would lead to increases in travel times, and changes in the market share and demand split. The results presented in Table 6-12 show that the implementation of a preferential lane is more effective in reducing travel times and attracting demand than the implementation of enhanced boarding and TSP only. The results also show that greater frequency shares (2:1) again lead to shorter travel times, greater productivity for the limited-stop service, greater increases in ridership, and higher percentage of limited preferred riders. 129 Table 6-12 7 9 1h Street Corridor Scenario 2: Moderate BRT Services iviarel anare Local Preferred Limited Preferred Choice Demand Split Local Limited Average Passengers per Trip Local Limited-Stop Average Travel Time (min) After Change Speed (mph) Local Change Limited-Stop Change Ridership After without branding Change After including branding Total Change 15.4% 15.6% 69.1% 8.2% 20.6% 71.3% 13.8% 17.6% 68.5% 7.0% 22.9% 70.1% 13.5% 19.0% 67.5% 6.7% 24.5% 68.8% 100% - 43.0% 57.0% 32.4% 67.6% 41.5% 58.5% 30.8% 69.2% 40.5% 59.5% 30.1% 69.9% - 86.1 92.5 81.8 83.6 87.3 89.2 84.0 79.6 89.3 87.1 85.4 77.7 90.2 - 15.6 0.0% 14.7 -5.6% 14.5 -6.9% 15.3 -1.4% 15.0 -3.5% 13.7 -12.0% 13.3 -14.4% 11.5 0.0% 12.7 10.5% 15.2 32.5% 13.0 12.9% 15.0 30.5% 11.4 -0.7% 14.5 26.5% 11.6 1.0% 14.5 25.9% 12.9 12.2% 18.1 57.3% 13.1 13.9% 18.0 56.7% 17.0 48.0% 4203 8.5% 4440 14.7% 4251 9.8% 4532 17.0% 4026 4.0% 4326 11.7% 4108 6.1% 4463 15.3% 4483 15.8% 4990 28.8% 4577 18.2% 5172 33.6% 4743 22.5% 5595 44.5% - - 3872 0.0% - - 100% 86.1 12.6 -19.2% - Note: The high demand increase due to ridership in the limited-stop only configuration is explained by the fact that the methodology used multiplies the branding factor times the base ridership of the limited-stop service. For the limited-stop only case this is 100% of the demand prior the implementation of the new service. Note: The Average Passengers per Trip, the Service Split, and the speeds do not include the change in ridership. The BRT only scenario shows, as in Route 66, the best performance (travel time reductions, and newly attracted riders). Figure 6-14 shows in detail the changes in average passenger travel time for different trip lengths. In contrast with the Scenario 1 only limited-stop service configuration, the BRT only configuration provides savings for passengers across all trip lengths; however, the implementation of this strategy will force all passengers living in the vicinity of a local stop to walk to a combined stop. 130 -5 E -10 C a - Co -15 0 Trip Length (Miles) Figure 6-14 Change in travel time by trip length for the moderate BRT only service configuration Large ridership increases are shown from the branding; however, the ridership forecast due to this effect has a high degree of uncertainty that is the result of assuming the implementation of all BRT elements that account to the "branding effect" (and following the methodology) described in the TCRP Report 118 (2007). In addition, these ridership gains are not always achievable and/or may be constrained by the available capacity. Branding is a major component of the predicted ridership gains; however, the ridership forecast due to branding has a high degree of uncertainty that is the result of assuming the implementation of all BRT elements that account for the "branding effect" (and following the methodology) described in the TCRP Report 118 (2007). These ridership gains are not always achievable and/or may be constrained by the available bus capacity. Extra capacity may be needed with the implementation of BRT services. Table 6-13 shows the effect of the new ridership on demand split and average passengers per trip assuming no additional effect on running times. To assign the extra demand to both services, it was assumed that new riders attracted by increases in level of service would have the same market split as current riders and that new riders attracted by branding would take the BRT service. The results show that the local and BRT services can have increased demand (change in passengers per trip) with respect to the all-local base scenario of up to 17% and 47% respectively. 131 Table 6-13 7 9 th Corridor Scenario 2 including the effect of new demand: Moderate BRT Services 101 0 12 None None None None None Stops Average distance (mi) Right of Way Enhanced Boarding TSP Frequjency Share: - Headway(min) Limited/Local Demand /4 31 0 37 Preferential Pre payment 2 door buses Low-floor buses Yes None Pre payment 2 door buses Low-floor buses Yes Preferential None None None None 3:2 2:1 3:2 2:1 3:2 2:1- 6.67/10 6/12 6.67/10 6/12 6.67/10 6/12 4!- Local 1807 1380 1672 1272 1815 1379 - Limited 2633 3153 2654 3191 3174 3793 5595 100% - 41% 59% 30% 70% 39% 61% 28% 72% 36% 64% 27% 73% 100% 86.1 100 17% 98 13% 92 7% 105 22% 93 8% 98 14% 85 -2% 106 24% 101 17% 118 37% 92 7% 126 47% - Service Split Local Limited Average Passengers per Trip Local Change (Respect to all local) Limited-Stop Change (Respect to all local) - - 124 44% To estimate if extra capacity is need, it is necessary to examine the maximum load point of the route and observe if the extra demand for each service can be served by the same number of buses. Figure 6-15 shows that currently Route 79 has a maximum load of 54 passengers per bus. If demand on the local service is increased by 17%, the maximum load point using the same number of buses would be 64 people. Therefore, the capacity provided is not enough given a bus capacity of 55 passengers. Max Load Point = 54 60 50 40 0 30 20 10 0 20000 40000 60000 Distance (Miles) Figure 6-15 Route 79 Load Profile The new demand for the local service (in the case of a 17% increase), would require one extra local bus per hour. This number is computed as: 17% extra riders per bus trip, under a 10132 minute headway, are equal to 64 passengers (54 x 1.17) per bus, this means that 9 more seats are needed per bus. Therefore, the extra demand is equal to 54 passengers per hour (9 x 60/10) that could be served with one extra 55-passenger bus. The 47% demand increase for BRT buses would mean that the maximum load point would be 80 passengers. However, in this case this demand can be served with the proposed headway if articulated buses are used (since they have a 90-passenger capacity). 6.2.4 Scenario 3: Full BRT Different full BRT service configurations are modeled in this sub-section. As in scenario 2, four different elements are tested: service frequencies, right-of-way segmentation, enhanced boarding elements, and Transit Signal Priority (TSP). The combined stops selected are the same as in scenario 2 (see Appendix B). All the scenario 3 combinations have a total (combined) of 15 bus trips per hour (the same as the current local service).The BRT elements include a completely segregated lane, buses with three doors with off-vehicle fare payment, and a 35% reduction in traffic light delays due to TSP (see section 2.4.2). The configurations tested include three frequency shares (3:2, 2:1, only limited-stop) and three BRT elements (segregated lane only; enhanced boarding and TSP only; and preferential lane, enhances boarding and TSP). Table 6-14 shows full BRT effects on all running time components. Decreases in running times range from 14.0 minutes to 34.0 minutes for the limited-stop service; and the change in running times for the local service ranges from a 0.2 minute increase to an 18.0 minute decrease. The effect of changes in total demand was not included in the measures to avoid accounting for second order effects such increases on running times (given longer dwell times) that would lead to increases on travel times, and changes in the market share and demand split 133 Table 6-14 Running times components in the Local Movement Traffic Dwell Stop Lights Total Limited Movement Traffic Dwell Stop Lights Total 7 9 th Street Corridor Scenario 3: Full BRT Services 37.5 8.6 10.4 7.2 63.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 28.2 0.0 11.3 7.2 46.7 -9.4 -8.6 0.9 0.0 -17.1 28.2 0.0 10.3 7.2 45.7 -9.4 -8.6 -0.1 0.0 -18.0 37.5 8.6 10.6 7.2 63.9 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 37.5 8.6 9.8 7.2 63.1 0.0 0.0 -0.6 0.0 -0.6 28.2 0.0 10.6 7.2 46.0 -9.4 -8.6 0.2 0.0 -17.7 28.2 0.0 10.3 7.2 45.7 -9.4 -8.6 -0.1 0.0 -18.0 - - - - 21.5 0.0 9.4 7.2 38.1 -16.0 -8.6 -1.0 0.0 -25.6 21.5 0.0 10.0 7.2 38.8 -16.0 -8.6 -0.4 0.0 -24.9 32.8 8.6 3.6 4.7 49.6 -4.7 0.0 -6.9 -2.5 -14.1 32.8 8.6 3.7 4.7 49.8 -4.7 0.0 -6.7 -2.5 -14.0 21.5 0.0 3.6 4.7 29.7 -16.0 -8.6 -6.9 -2.5 -34.0 21.5 0.0 3.6 7.2 32.3 -16.0 -8.6 -6.8 0.0 -31.4 - - 23.8 0.0 3.8 7.2 34.8 -13.7 -8.6 -6.6 0.0 -28.9 Note*: For the limited-stop only service configuration, it was assumed that the buses serve all the stops. For all the other configurations it was assumed that the limited-stop service serves an average of 88% of the local stops (see section 5.4) Note: The estimated Running Times do not include the effect of new demand Table 6-15 shows the six indicators for the seven tested configurations. All configurations show a better performance (higher speeds, shorter travel times, ridership increases, etc.) than the base scenario and the moderate BRT scenario. The effect of changes in total demand was not included in the indicators to avoid accounting for second order effects such as increases in running times (given longer dwell times) that would lead to increases in travel times, and changes in the market share and demand split. The results presented in Table 6-15, show that all configurations perform better than the base and the moderate BRT scenario with higher speeds, shorter travel times, higher percentage of limited preferred riders, greater ridership increases, etc. The results show that higher frequency shares lead to greater reductions in travel times, greater productivity for the limited-stop service, and greater increases in ridership. The implementation of preferential treatment alone in the 7 9 th corridor is substantially more effective in reducing average travel time and attracting demand than implementing enhanced boarding and TSP alone. 134 Table 6-15 7 9 th Street Corridor Scenario 3: Full BRT Services MarKet bnare 16.3% 15.1% 68.6% 8.6% 20.4% 71.0% 13.7% 17.9% 68.4% 6.9% 23.3% 69.8% 14.1% 19.2% 66.7% 7.3% 23.7% 69.0% 100% - 43.7% 56.3% 32.8% 67.2% 41.3% 58.7% 30.6% 69.4% 41.1% 58.9% 30.8% 69.2% - 86.1 94.1 80.7 84.6 86.8 88.9 84.2 79.0 89.6 88.5 84.5 79.5 89.3 - 15.6 0.0% 12.8 -17.5% 12.6 -18.7% 15.2 -2.1% 14.9 -4.3% 11.8 -24.4% 11.8 -24.5% 11.5 0.0% - 15.7 36.6% 19.2 67.0% 16.0 39.4% 18.9 64.4% 11.5 -0.3% 14.7 28.3% 11.6 1.0% 14.7 28.0% 15.9 38.5% 24.6 114.3% 16.0 39.4% 22.7 97.2% 21.0 82.9% 3872 0.0% 4714 21.7% 4992 28.9% 4761 23.0% 5093 31.5% 4054 4.7% 4355 12.5% 4141 6.9% 4497 16.1% 5018 29.6% 5519 42.5% 5012 29.4% 5601 44.7% 5157 33.2% 6008 55.2% Local Preferred Limited Preferred C~hoice Demand Split Limited Local Average Passengers per Trip After: Local After: Limited-Stop Average Travel Time (min) After Change Speed (mph) After: Local Change After: Limited-Stop Change Ridership After without branding Change After including branding Total Change - - 100% 86.1 11.1 -28.8% - Note: The high demand increase due to ridership in the limited-stop only configuration is explained by the fact that the methodology used multiplies the branding factor times the base ridership of the limited-stop service. For the limited-stop only case this is 100% of the demand prior the implementation of the new service. Note: The Average Passengers per Trip, the Service Split, and the speeds do not include the change in ridership The largest ridership increases and highest reduction in travel times are obtained in a BRT only scenario (travel time reductions, and new attracted riders). Figure 6-16 shows in detail the changes in average passenger travel time for different trip lengths. As for the moderate BRT scenario, this configuration provides travel time savings for passengers across all trip lengths. However, the implementation of this configuration will substantially affect all passengers living in the vicinity of a local stop and the passengers with disabilities or other mobility constraints. 135 Figure 6-16 Change in travel time by trip length for the full BRT only service configuration Again, branding is a major components of ridership gains; however, the ridership forecast due to this effect has a high degree of uncertainty that is the result of assuming the implementation of all BRT elements that account for the "branding effect" (and following the methodology) described in the TCRP Report 118 (2007). These ridership gains are not always achievable and/or may be constrained by the available bus capacity. Extra capacity may be needed with the implementation of BRT services. Table 6-16 shows the effect of the new ridership on demand split and average passengers per trip assuming no effect on running times. To assign the extra demand to both services, it was assumed that new riders attracted by increases in level of service would have the same market split as current riders and that new riders attracted by branding would take the BRT service. The results show that the local and BRT services can have demand increases (change in passengers per trip) with respect to the all-local base scenario of up to 33% and 57% respectively. 136 Table 6-16 7 9 th Corridor Scenario 3 including the effect of new demand: Full BRT Services Hoadwby Demand Local Limited Service Split Local Limited 1677 2679 1272 3226 2063 3456 1541 4061 6008 100% - 41% 59% 31% 69% 38% 62% 28% 72% 37% 63% 28% 72% - 86.1 115 33% 109 26% 104 21% 118 37% 93 8% 99 15% 85 -2% 108 25% 115 33% 128 49% 103 19% 135 57% - Average Passengers per Trip Local Change (Respect to all local) Limited-Stop Change (Respect to all local) 1559 2062 930~ 3534 - 100% 134 55% To estimate if extra capacity is need, it is necessary to examine the maximum load point of the route and observe if the extra demand for each service can be served by the same number of buses. Figure 6-15 shows that currently Route 79 has a maximum load point of 54 passengers. If demand on the local service is increased by 33%, the maximum load point using the same number of buses would be 72 people. Therefore, the capacity provided is not enough given a bus capacity of 55 passengers. The new demand for the local (in the case of a 33% increase), would require two extra local buses per hour. This number is computed as: 33% extra riders per bus trip, under a 10-minute headway, are equal to 72 passengers (54 x 1.33) per bus, this means that 18 more seats are needed per bus. Therefore, the extra demand is equal to 105 passengers per hour (18 x 60/10) that can be served with two extra 55-passenger buses. The 57% extra demand for BRT buses would mean that the maximum load point would be 85 passengers. However, in this case this demand can be served with the proposed headways if articulated buses are used (since they have a 90-passenger capacity). 6.2.5 Summary of 7 9 th Corridor Findings The implementation of a conventional limited-stop service overlapped with a local service is not 137 recommended since it will not improve the corridor performance. This poor performance is the result of the route characteristics, specifically the current high speed for the local service (11.49 mph) and the small number of stops serviced per trip (35 of 101 stops). On the other hand, a BRT service overlapped with a local service can be effective. If this configuration is implemented, right-of-way preferential treatment is key to achieve better performance since it can increase the movement speeds and reduce the traffic time. The recommended service frequency share is 2:1. A full BRT system could reduce travel times by up to 24% while a moderate BRT system can reduce that by at most 14%. If service speeds and travel time want to be improved further, an aggressive TSP scheme could be implemented (reducing in more than 35% the traffic lights time). If BRT configurations are implemented, it is strongly recommended to use articulated buses for the BRT services to provide the extra capacity that might be needed. In addition, one or two additional conventional local buses per hour might be needed as the result of demand increase. As for Route 66, the analysis show that BRT only configurations provide the best performance in terms of travel time reductions and ridership increases; however, implementing such a configuration can be controversial since it will force people with walking disabilities to increase their access and egress times. 138 7 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMENDATIONS This chapter summarizes the results of this research in five sections. The first section briefly describes the antecedents, the thesis findings, and the methodology developed for modeling and evaluating limited-stop or Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) services overlapping with local services. The second section establish general recommendations for the potential implementation and design of the previously mentioned services based on the results of the application of the model to the Chicago Avenue and 79th Street corridors in the city of Chicago. The third section gives specific recommendations to the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) regarding their deployment strategy for BRT and limited-stop services. The fourth section describes the model limitations. The last section offers suggestions for future work on this subject. 7.1 Summary Many transit agencies in the US run BRT, limited-stop and local bus services in corridors with high demand. The combinations of BRT or limited-stop services overlapping with local services have the potential to benefit transit agencies and riders by reducing passenger travel times and bus running times. However, in the context of a resource neutral strategy, the implementation of a strategy with BRT (or limited-stop) services overlapping with local services leads to an increase in access (and egress) time and waiting time for some passengers. Therefore, agencies face trade-offs between reducing bus running times, implementation cost (in the case of BRT), and reducing total passenger travel time when designing a service plan for this strategy. Different configurations (varying bus stop locations, vehicle types, frequencies, fare technology, levels of right-of-way segregation and Transit Signal Priority technologies) will result in different operational and infrastructure costs for the agency, as well as in different levels of service for the passengers. Transit agencies are interested in the implementation of these strategies in order to increase the operational speed (or running time savings), which in turn produces passenger travel time savings, changes in productivity, and potential changes in ridership. The main objective of this thesis was to develop a methodology for modeling and evaluating service configurations of conventional limited-stop or BRT services overlapping with local services. This methodology is 139 an enhancement of the one developed by Schwarcz (2004). It can help transit agencies choosing more effective service configurations when implementing these services and encourage them to avoid evaluating the success of a BRT (or limited-stop) service strategy based on only the increases in operational speeds but instead to consider different effectiveness measures that account for broader customer and agency impacts. These measures are: market share2 5 , demand split, average passengers per trip, average travel time (including, access, egress, waiting, and invehicle time), service speeds, and changes in ridership. Chapter 2 of this thesis summarized the methodology proposed by Schwarcz' thesis and pointed out its limitations (including its inability to predict ridership changes and its deterministic approach to assign passengers to markets). It also reviewed the state-of-the-art in estimating ridership changes when conventional limited-stop and BRT limited-stop services are implemented, how to model passenger choices when a limited-stop (or BRT) service overlaps with a local service, and how to model running times for limited-stop and BRT services. Lastly, the chapter reviews selected cities' experiences with the aforementioned services. Chapter 3 provided a methodology for predicting changes in ridership when a limited-stop (or BRT) service overlapping with a local service is introduced. The proposed methodology was built upon prior research and the experience of the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) with its limited-stop X-Routes. It was found that there are two components that account for ridership increases when the aforementioned services are implemented. The first component is the result of the reduction of passengers travel time (including access, egress, waiting, and in-vehicle time); it was found that ridership increases are more accrue for longer trips. The data from the Ashland and the Cicero corridors showed that travel time elasticities vary by trip length. These values found could be applied in modeling corridors with similar characteristics in Chicago; however, for predicting ridership changes in other US cities, it is strongly recommended to obtain the elasticities following the methodology of Chapter 3 rather than using the values found 25 Waiting for the local service at the closest local stop, walking to the nearest combined stop and waiting for the BRT (or limited-stop) service, or walking to the nearest combined stop and take the first bus that comes. 140 in this research. The second component that accounts for ridership increases is the branding element (only valid in BRT scenarios) that, according to literature, can account for up to 25% in ridership gains. The methodology proposed for accounting for the BRT branding elements is that proposed by TCRP Report 118 (2007). Chapter 4 developed a probabilistic approach to assigning passenger demand. The previous methodology (developed by Schwarcz) uses a deterministic approach that establishes that all passengers choose the strategy (wait for the local service, wait for the limited-stop service, or take the first service that comes) that minimizes their weighted travel time ignoring tastes and preference variations among passengers. The probabilistic approach uses a path-size logit model that was built using a set of surveys carried out on the X-routes and local routes serving the Ashland and the Cicero corridors in Chicago. The final product was a set of utility functions for each strategy that, as expected, showed that the out-of-vehicle time component is more onerous that the in-vehicle time. The parameters of the utility functions showed that, for the case of the surveyed limited-stop services of Chicago, if all the variables are equal (i.e. out-of-vehicle and in-vehicle times) the preferred strategy is to wait for the local bus, the second favored strategy is to take the first bus that comes, and the least favored strategy is to wait for the limited-stop service. The surveys showed that for the studied corridors at least 13% of riders are not familiar with the limited-stop service; that 22% of the passengers prefer waiting for the local service, 11% of the riders prefer waiting for the limited-stop service, and 67% take the first bus that come; and that 22% of the passengers that take the first bus that come wait for the limited-stop service if they see it coming behind the local bus. As with the results of Chapter 3, the estimated utility function parameters and survey analysis results could be applied to corridors with similar characteristics in Chicago; however, for modeling the passenger choices in other US cities, it is strongly recommended that site-specific utility functions be derived following the methodology of Chapter 4 rather than using the parameters found in Chapter 4. Chapter 5 developed an improved methodology (putting together the previous methodology with the findings of Chapters 2, 3 and 4) for modeling and evaluating BRT (or limited-stop) service configurations overlapping with local services. The model uses inputs such as the frequencies of the limited-stop (or BRT) and local service, stop locations, the distance between stops, the 141 demand at the stop level, the running times for both services26 , and the travel time components. The model starts with the estimation of the Origin-Destination (OD) matrix of the current local service using the boardings and alightings at the stops and an Iteration Proportional Fitting (IPF) methodology. After the OD matrix is estimated, the model performs the passenger assignment process in three steps. In the first step, the model computes the utility -which includes access, egress, waiting, and in-vehicle components- for every possible OD combination for the three strategies the passengers may choose: wait for the local service, wait for the limited-stop service, and take the first bus that comes. If there is no available information about the access and egress times, the model assigns a zero access/egress time to the ODs served only by the local service and estimates the extra walking times between the local and combined stops for the passengers boarding and/or alighting at stops served by the limited-stop service. The waiting times are estimated based on the proposed service frequencies and on the estimated changes in the headway coefficient of variation (i.e. service reliability). The in-vehicle times are estimated based on the trip distances and the projected speeds (running time estimate). In the second step, the model performs the market classification. In this step the model computes the probability of the three strategies (local, limited-stop, or first bus that comes) for each OD pair and then it aggregates the data. With the estimated probabilities, the percentage change in passenger travel time with respect to the base scenario is computed and then the travel time elasticities are applied to estimate the changes in ridership. In the third step, the model assigns the passengers to the bus stops and to the route (local service or limited-stop service). With the results of the passenger assignment, the model computes the evaluation measures to evaluate a service configuration, including: market share, demand split, average passengers per trip, average travel time, service speeds, and changes in ridership. The model requires 1 or 2 iterations, since the running times are a function of the demand (affecting the dwell times). Therefore, when the outputs of the model are obtained, they need to be checked against the input demand split assumption for each of the two services. 26 142 Chapter 6 applied the model to the Chicago and 7 9 th street corridors in Chicago. Different scenarios of limited-stop and BRT services overlapped with local services were tested, including variations in stop spacing, service frequencies, and BRT elements such as: right-of-way, enhanced boarding, and Transit Signal Priority (TSP). The outputs of the modeling process were used to evaluate the potential improvements from introducing limited-stop and BRT services in the selected corridors and understanding how the different BRT elements, the stop spacing, and the service frequencies, affect the performance of the corridors. 7.2 General Recommendations The following sub-sections present general recommendations for corridor selection and service configurations for the studied services based on the modeling results of Chapter 6, and on the general Chicago experience with limited-stop services. 7.2.1 Corridors/Routes with Potential for introducing BRT and/or Limited-Stop Services The following conditions are desirable for corridors/routes being considered for implementation of limited-stop (or BRT) service (overlapping with local service). High Frequency The limited-stop service overlapping with a local service strategy is feasible only in corridors served by an existing high frequency, high ridership route with headways of 8 minutes or less. In this way, the maximum headway on either service variation would not exceed 15 minutes. Implementing a limited-stop service in a corridor with low frequency local service (e.g. 15 minute headways) would lead to very long headways for the new local and limited-stop services (e.g. 30 minutes for each in the case of a 1:1 frequency split). Consequently, implementing a limited-stop service under this condition would increase the average travel time and result in most, if not all, passengers walking to a combined stop and boarding the first bus that comes. Generally, the highest demand corridors which support existing headways of 5 minutes or less are the best candidates for new limited-stop overlapping service. 143 Long PassengerTrip Lengths Longer average passenger trip lengths (greater than about 3 miles) are desired since it increases the number of limited preferred passengers and the likelihood of attracting new riders. The analysis of Chicago corridors where limited-stop services have been implemented (see Chapter 3) showed that longer trips have larger travel time elasticities than shorter trips. For longer trips, the reduction in in-vehicle time more than compensates for the increases in access, egress and waiting times for resource neutral implementation strategies. Concentrationof Origins and Destinations High concentration of stop origins and destinations is desired since it allows the limited-stop buses to serve most of the demand without increasing access and egress times for the limited preferred and choice passengers. These riders represent more than 60% of the market in the studied Chicago corridors where limited-stop services have been introduced (see Chapter 4). Greater Use of Low-Demand Stops It is important to examine the low-demand stops especially when the only corridor improvement is the implementation of a limited-stop service (with no other BRT elements). In this context, the only source of speed increases is the number of actual skip stops (the difference between the average number of stops served by the local service and the average number of stops served by the limited-stop service). This means that a limited-stop service would be faster than the local service only in a corridor where the remaining local stops demonstrate prior demand (boardings and alightings). In other words, skipping stops that are not used neither increases the speed of the limited-stop service nor reduces the speed of the current (or future) local service. For the case of Chicago, each skipped stop saves an average 35 seconds of running time of the limited-stop service. Heavy Traffic Congestion, Long Dwell Times, and Many Stop Lights Corridors with heavy traffic congestion, longer dwell times, and many stop lights are ideal candidates for BRT enhancements such as an exclusive-segregated lane, enhanced boarding 144 elements, and Transit Signal Priority (TSP). The potential of each BRT element (exclusive rightof-way, enhanced boarding, and TSP) depends on the corridor conditions. An assessment of the amount of time a bus in a corridor spends moving, interacting with traffic, at bus stops serving demand, and at stop lights would allow transit agencies to determine the most effective BRT elements to include. 7.2.2 BRT and Limited-Stop Service Configuration Design The design elements examined in this thesis are stop spacing, service frequency split, and BRT elements such as right-of-way segregation, enhanced boarding elements, and TSP. General recommendations regarding these elements are presented below: Stop Spacing A successful BRT (or limited-stop) service needs to serve the higher demand stops whether or not they are close to each other; therefore, there is not a general "optimal" stop spacing. Instead, the characteristics of each corridor define the most effective stop spacing strategy. Some corridors may even require a clustered (local) configuration of stops in a segment with highly concentrated demand and a wider distribution of stops in other segments. The methodology to select stops followed in Chapter 6 is similar to that proposed by El-Geneidy and Thtreault (2008). The methodology consists of ranking stops according to the demand (boardings and alightings) and converting the most popular stops into combined stops. This could be complemented by looking at the Origin-Destination (OD) matrix and taking the most popular OD stop pairs. Finally, if major gaps are noticed between the selected combined stops, some additional stops could be selected to fulfill a minimum spacing requirement. The stop selection methodology includes other considerations such as including major transfer points with other bus and rail services, and choosing a set of combined stops which are the same in both directions to avoid confusing passengers. 145 Service Frequency Split The service frequencies contemplated in this research always looked at resource neutral strategies where the combined frequencies of the local and limited-stop (or BRT) buses serving the studied corridor are equal to the frequency of the local service prior to the implementation of the new service. This implies that the waiting time for some passengers (local preferred and limited preferred) will be increased. By examining the modeling results of the studied corridors and CTA operating experience, it can be established that a frequency share (ratio of bus trips that are provided on the limited-stop service to trips provided on the local service) should be at least 1:1 for limited-stop services (with no other BRT element) overlapping with local services. However, it is desirable to use larger ratios (i.e. 3:2 or 2:1) since those configurations result in more even passenger distribution between the local and the limited-stop services. In other words, 3:2 and 2:1 configurations lead to scenarios in which the limited-stop service is equally or more crowded than the local service. When evaluating different frequency shares, it was found that 1:1 ratios provide faster limitedstops service than larger frequency shares at the expense of carrying a lower demand with shorter overall dwell times. For BRT services overlapping with local services, a frequency share of 1:1 demonstrates poor performance since the demand for the local service is usually greater than for the BRT service. Larger frequency splits (i.e. 3:2 or 2:1) show better performance by evening the demand between the local and the BRT service. Right-of-way Segregation The effectiveness of exclusive rights-of-way depends on the corridor characteristics (especially the level of traffic congestion) and the segregation level selected (preferential lanes, exclusive lanes at grade and grade separated exclusive lanes). A corridor with a low movement speed (which is assessed when the running times are broken into movement, dwell, traffic, and traffic signal times) would benefit more from the implementation of an exclusive right-of-way than a corridor with a higher movement speed. 146 Through the modeling of CTA Routes 66 and 79 in Chicago it was found that the enforcement of the exclusive or preferential lane is a major element in increasing the service speed in the corridor. Additionally, the implementation of this element not only benefits the BRT service but also the local service on the same street. However, the right-of-way implementation requires higher capital cost and may produce a strong opposition from car drivers who would be negatively affected if, for example, a parking or travel lane is removed. Enhanced boardingelements The effectiveness of the enhanced boarding elements depends on the dwell time's share of the running times. In the studied corridors, the dwell time was a not a large component of the running time (around 20%); therefore, the reduction of dwell times may not have a large effect on running times and passenger travel time reduction. The enhanced boarding elements include a large spectrum, from partially or completely eliminating the use of cash by encouraging the use of smart cards to a free and level boarding through multiple doors. It is important to recall that the enhanced boarding elements not only reduce dwell time and produce running time savings but also attracts new demand due to the branding effect. The inclusion of low-floor buses with multi-door access and attractive stations can account for up to 60 of the 100 points proposed in the TCRP Report 118 methodology for accounting for the branding effects. Transit Signal Priority(TSP) As with the other BRT elements, the effectiveness of the implementation of TSP depends on the share of time that the buses spend at traffic signals and on the different technologies and elements that are used. The literature and the transit agencies provide a wide range of potential time reductions, from a 5-second saving per intersection along the San Pablo Avenue in Oakland (TCRP Report 118, 2007) to a 100% reduction in traffic light delays in Zurich. According to the TCRP Report 118 (2007), "travel time savings associated with TSP in North America and Europe have a typical reduction of 8% to 12%". For the case of the Ventura and Wilshire/Whittier Corridors in Los Angeles, where 20% of the base running time was spent at 147 traffic signals, the implementation of TSP reduced signal delay by 35% (Transit Priority Evaluation. Evaluation Report for the city of Los Angeles, 2003). Furth 27 acknowledges the difficulty and lack of literature regarding the prediction of travel time reductions as a result of the implementation of a TSP strategy. For assessing the percentage reduction in time spent at traffic lights Furth suggests using a range of: * 10 to 20% traffic delay reduction for the typical timid priority applied in the US * PLUS 20 to 30% further traffic delay reduction from having a queue jump lane * PLUS 20% further signal delay reduction from using intelligent and aggressive priority tactics. 7.3 CTA Recommendations The implementation or modification of X-Routes (limited-stop services) and BRT services requires careful analysis since not every route of the system offers the potential for passenger travel time and running time savings. An evaluation framework, such as the one proposed in this thesis, should be applied looking at the passenger travel time, running times, productivity, etc. A configuration of a conventional limited-stop service overlapping a local service may not produce the desired results in the 7 9 th Streets and Chicago Avenue corridors where there would not be a reduction in passenger travel times. However, a configuration including a BRT service overlapping a local service may be effective in the same corridors since it would reduce passenger travel times and running times, and attract new riders. Based on the X-Route experience and the modeling results, CTA should move forward, having configurations with frequency share (ratio of limited-stop to local buses) greater than 50% for limited-stop services and greater or equal to 60% for BRT services. The reason to implement Interview by author with Professor Peter Furth. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Northeastern University, 2010 27 148 such configurations is to increase the share of limited preferred riders and to carry more passengers on the limited-stop (or BRT) service than on the local service. In a budget constrained scenario, an analysis with the proposed evaluation framework is recommended in order to decide either to abolish the existing limited-stop services and increase the local service frequency or abolish the local service and increase the limited-stop service with perhaps a few more stops. The surveys carried out during March o2009 showed that at least 13% of the passengers are not familiar with the X-Routes. CTA should look forward to promoting the use of the limited-stop service and encouraging riders and potential riders to consider these services. Some signs at local stops indicating where the closest combined stop is and publishing information about the higher speed of the limited-stop services should be considered. The promotion of these services should address the large segment of riders (and potential riders) that are Spanish speakers. Surveys also showed how real time bus arrival information can affect the split of passengers between the local and the limited-stop services. About 15% of the riders in the Ashland and Cicero corridors stated that they take the X-service if they see it coming behind the local service. During the survey field work it was observed that some limited-stop service buses are reluctant to overtake local service buses. This operational behavior can be especially annoying for the limited-stop preferred passengers (the ones who wait for the X-service) that do not see a benefit from the extra waiting and walking. Explicit instruction should be given to drivers to make sure the X-service always overtakes the local service at the combined stop or in its vicinity. The results from the modeling process of the Chicago and the 79th street corridors showed how the exclusive lane element accounts for a large share of the running time savings obtained with the implementation of BRT elements. For the studied corridors, it was found that a stop spacing of close to 0.5 miles was not as effective as shorter spacing (between 0.33 and 0.37 miles). However, the stop spacing is not as important as which stops are selected. The more effective configurations are ones where the busiest OD pairs are served by the limited-stop service and where the corridor has highly concentrated ODs. 149 7.4 Model Limitations The model developed in this thesis still has some limitations: " The demand assignment process does not account for different variables such as weather, or different BRT elements such as the availability of real time information, or shelters at combined stops. The literature found, as described in Chapter 2, that many of the BRT elements can change passengers' perception due to branding. Therefore, in a BRT service overlapped with a local service, the assignment obtained with this model should be taken as a lower bound for the passengers riding the BRT service. " The ridership branding predictions for BRT scenarios are based on a methodology proposed in the TCRP Report 118 (2007). The synergy of the BRT elements that allows up to an extra 25% ridership gain may not be realized in all contexts. For large-scale investment projects, it is recommended that forecasters use either a four-step travel demand model or an incremental logit model rather than the methodology proposed in the TCRP Report 118. e The running time estimation methodology is based on limited sources. For example, there is little information available on the running time reductions possible from different Transit Signal Priority (TSP) technologies, or estimation of movement times for different levels of right of way segregation. The running time estimates could also come from a micro simulation of the traffic in the corridor. * The improvements in reliability due to the implementation of limited-stop services are captured by using different assumed values of the COV of headways for the local preferred, limited preferred and choice customers. Using updated data from different sources could improve the estimation of the COV for future services and different COVs could be used at the segment level rather than using a single COV for the whole corridor. * Finally, the model is a descriptive evaluation tool, which can be used to evaluate a specific user-defined service configuration, rather than an optimization tool that finds the best possible configuration. An optimization model that, for example, maximizes average travel time savings or maximizes limited preferred customers might be more effective in improving the design of service plans for limited-stop and BRT services. 150 7.5 Future Research The methodology and evaluation framework proposed in this thesis to evaluate BRT (or limitedstop) services overlapping with local services has certain limitations that can be addressed by future researchers. " Revising the model to make it easier to use and more automated would be a significant enhancement. At the moment, the data coming from the APC and the AVL systems are preprocessed to remove outliers and to create the OD matrix. The probabilities of choosing each strategy, the demand assignment to the local and limited-stop (or BRT) services, the changes in ridership, etc. are manual, separate step spreadsheet operations. If these processes were integrated into a single software application, where the inputs are entered and the outputs are obtained more easily, it would make it more feasible to be used regularly by transit agencies. " The model evaluates single configurations; however, the model could be set up to iterate to find configurations that seek the largest passenger travel time savings under certain constraints (i.e. same stops in both directions, maximum and minimum distances between stops, maximum frequencies, etc.) e The model currently does not consider the cost of including different elements such as segregated right-of-way, transit signal priority, and change in vehicle-hours. A component that includes these costs could help agencies to pursue their goals more directly and would give an extra dimension to the evaluation framework. * The model has a basic approach for estimating the running times. The proposed approach is iterative since it is required as an input to estimate the demand split into the services (local and limited-stop) and to estimate the dwell times; subsequently, when the demand split is obtained from the outputs of the model, new estimated of the running times are performed and the model needs to be run a second time to converge. A new approach that uses a linear regression of the running times in order to assess the impact of the number of stops, the average actual served stops, the demands, etc. such as that proposed by ElGeneidy and Thtreault (2008) could be more efficient in assessing the limited-stop and local service running times. If the effects of BRT components (e.g., a dedicated lane, 151 signal priority, and enhanced boarding elements) need to be included, a micro simulation approach could be better. Routes/corridors can be evaluated in different segments since the running time splits between movement, dwell, traffic, and signal times changes along the corridor. The model could also account for the split of passengers using different fare media at stations (smart card, cash, magnetic cards, etc.) * The travel time elasticities found in Chapter 3 cannot be generalized to the US context. A more comprehensive examination of the relation between the change in the ridership and the change in passenger travel time due to the implementation of limited-stop services, including case studies of changes from all-local to all-limited-stop (or all-BRT) configurations, should be performed in order to obtain a better understanding of the phenomenon. * The utility functions estimated in Chapter 4 cannot be generalized to the US context. Passenger preferences for limited-stop and local services can vary. Additionally, the functions obtained should be considered a lower bound for a case where a BRT service overlaps with local service. Theoretically, the BRT service should be more appealing to the customers than the local services. A stated preference survey with choices between BRT and local services with different configurations could be an approach to understand how passengers would choose these services, and how passengers from other transportation modes could switch to use a BRT service. The methodology proposed in this thesis is a first step towards the design and evaluation of limited-stop and express services in a context of high-capacity BRT systems such as Transmilenio in Bogota where many origin and destinations are served by different local, limited-stop or express services. Passenger behavior and the design of these services need to be studied in a similar way to this thesis. However, other variables that will increase the level of complexity should be accounted for including walking times between platforms in a station and walking times from origin and destinations to stations, real time information, the number of available routes to serve an OD and how this level of complexity is understood (or not) by the customers. 152 BIBLIOGRAPHY Baltes M. Statistical Estimation of the Importance Customers Place on Specific Elements of Bus Rapid Transit. Proceedings of the 2003 Mid-Continent Transportation Research Symposium, Iowa State University. 2003 Ben-Akiva M., and Lerman S. Discrete Choice Analysis. MIT Press. 1985 Ben-Akiva M., Bierlaire M. Discrete choice methods and their applications to short-term travel decisions. Handbook of Transportatin Science, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston. 1999 Bovy P., Hoogendoorn-Lanser S., and van Nes R. Path-size modeling in multi-modal route choice analysis. 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"Bogota and TransMilenio" Presentation. World Bank. 154 APPENDIX A TYPE I. IN AN X BUS Route Stop Location Direction NB SB Day and Time 1. How many days a week do you ride this bus route? o 7 days 0 5 to 6 days 0 3 to 4 days 0 1to 2 days o Less than once per week 2. What is the purpose of the trip you are makingnow? O Home O School O Work/Work related-trip 0 Shopping 0 Social/Recreational trip 0 Hospital/Medical Trip 0 Other 3a. Was the bus stop where you boarded this bus the closestto where you began your trip? O Yes 0 No If 3a was NO 3b. H ow many blocks away is the closest bus stop to where youbeganyour trip? 4. H ow many blocks did you walk from where you be gan your trip to the stop where you board the bus? 5. At which stop street or major street intersection will you get off the bud? Address/Mayor intersection and 6. H ow many blocks will you walk after you get OFF the bus until you reach your destination? 7. Which bus route do youusually take? O I always take the first bus that comes (X or local) 0 I usually take the first bus that comes but if I se e the X bus coming behind thelocal I will take the X one 0 I always wait for the X bus 8. If youhad taken the Loc al bus, at which street or major street intersection would you get off the bud? Address/Mayor intersection and 9. If youhad taken the Localbus,how many blocks would you walk after you get off the bud? 10. Which of the following statemeds do you most identify with whentaking this route or any other CTA bus routes withXservice? O I go directly to the combined (local and X) stop 0 I go to the local stop and if I don't see the loc al bus coming I will start walking to the combined (loc al and X) stop 11. Are you: 0 Male 0 Female 12. Do youhave any difficulties that make it difficult to walk longer distanced? 0 Yes 0 No 155 TYPE II. IN A LOCAL BUS. PASSENGER BOARD AT LOCAL STOP Route Stop Location ,y,$pjj SB Day and Time 1. How many days a week do you ride this bus route? [ 7 days [ 5 to 6 days U 3 to 4 days 0 1 to 2 days O Less than once per week 2. What is the purpose of the trip you are making now? O Home U School U WorkWork related-trip o Shopping o Social/Re creational trip U H ospita/Me dical Trip o Other 3. H ow many blo cks did you walk from where you be gan your trip to the stop where you board the bus? 4. At which stop stre et or major stre et intersection will you get off the bus? Address/Mayor intersection _ and 5. How manyblo cks will you walk after you get OFF the bus util you reach your destination? 6 a. Are you familiar with the X bus and where it goes? o Yes U No If 6a was YES 6b 544of the following statements do you most identify with when taking this route or any other CTA bus mutes with X s ervic e? o I usually stay at the lo cal stop and wait for the loc al bus o If I don't see the loc al bus coming I will start walking to the combined (lo cal and X) stop 7. Are you: 0 Male O F emale 8. Do you have any difficulties that make it difficult to walk longer distanced? U Yes U No 156 TYPE III. IN A LOCAL BUS. PASSENGER BOARD AT COMBINED STOP Route Stop Location Direction NB SB Day and Time 1. How many days a week do you ride this bus route? 0 5 to 6 days 0 3 to 4 days 0 1 to 2 days o 7 days 2. What is the purpose of the trip you are makingnow? O Home 0 School 0 Work/Work related-trip 0 Social/Recreational trip 0 Hospital/Medical Trip 0 Less thanonce per week 0 Shopping 0 Other 3a. Was the bus stop where you boarded this bus the closest to where you be gan your trip? O Yes 0 No If3a was NO 3b. How manyblocks away is the closest bus stop to where youbeganyourtrip? 4. H ow many blo cks did you walk from where you be gan your trip to the stop where you board the bus? 5. At which stop stre et or major stre et intersection will you get off the bus? Address/Mayor intersection and 6. H ow many blocks will you walk after you get OFF the bus until you re ach your destination? 7a. Are you familiar with the X bus and where it goes? o Yes 0 No If 7a was a YES 7b. Which bus route do you usually take? 0 I always take the first bus that comes (X or local) 0 I usually take the first bus that comes but if I see the X bus coming behird the local I will take the Xone O I always wait for the local If7a was a YES 7c. you had taken the X bus, at which stre et or major stre et intersection would you get off the bus? Address/Mayor intersection and If 7a was a YES 7d. Wyouhad taken the X bus, how many blocks would you walk after you get off the bus? 8. Which of the following statements do you most identify with whentaking this route or any other CTA bus routes with X service? O I go directly to the combined (loc al and X) stop 0 I go to the loc al stop and if I don't see the loc al bus coming I will start walking to the combined (lo c al and X) stop 9. Are you: 0 Male 0 Female 10. Do youhave any difficulties that make it difficult to walk longer distances? O Yes 0 No 157 APPENDIX B Route 66 Proposed Combined Stops 1 CHICAGO 2 CHICAGO 3 CHICAGO 4 CHICAGO 5 CHICAGO 6 CHICAGO 7 CHICAGO 8 CHICAGO 9 CHICAGO 10 CHICAGO 11 CHICAGO 12 CHICAGO 13 CHICAGO 14 CHICAGO 15 CHICAGO 16 CHICAGO 17 CHICAGO 18 CHICAGO 19 CHICAGO 20 CHICAGO 21 CHICAGO 22 CHICAGO 23 CHICAGO 24 CHICAGO 25 CHICAGO 26 CHICAGO 27 CHICAGO 28 CHICAGO 29 CHICAGO 30 CHICAGO 31 CHICAGO 32 CHICAGO 33 CHICAGO 34 CHICAGO 35 CHICAGO 36 CHICAGO 37 CHICAGO 38 CHICAGO 39 CHICAGO 40 CHICAGO 41 CHICAGO 42 CHICAGO 43 CHICAGO 44 CHICAGO 45 CHICAGO 46 CHICAGO 47 CHICAGO 48 CHICAGO 49 CHICAGO Name + AUSTIN + MAYFIELD + MENARD (west leg) + WALLER (west leg) + CENTRAL + PINE + LONG + LOCKWOOD + LARAMIE + LECLAIRE + LAVERGNE + LAMON + CICERO + KILPATRICK + KILBOURN (east leg) + KOSTNER + KILDARE + KEELER + KARLOV + PULASKI + SPRINGFIELD + HAMLIN + LAWNDALE + CENTRAL PARK + ST. LOUIS + HOMAN + SPAULDING + KEDZIE + SACRAMENTO(west serv.dr.) + GRAND + CALIFORNIA + WASHTENAW + ROCKWELL + CAMPBELL + WESTERN + OAKLEY + LEAVITT + HOYNE + DAMEN + WOLCOTT + PAULINA + WOOD + ASHLAND + BISHOP + NOBLE + ELIZABETH (east leg) + MILWAUKEE + OGDEN + SANGAMON (west leg) Scenario 23 Stops 28 Stops 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 158 Name No 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 CHICAGO + HALSTED CHICAGO + 700 WEST CHICAGO + LARRABEE CHICAGO + HUDSON CHICAGO + ORLEANS CHICAGO + WELLS CHICAGO + LASALLE CHICAGO + CLARK CHICAGO + DEARBORN CHICAGO + STATE CHICAGO + WABASH CHICAGO + RUSH CHICAGO + MICHIGAN CHICAGO + MIES VAN DER ROHE CHICAGO + FAIRBANKS FAIRBANKS + SUPERIOR FAIRBANKS + HURON FAIRBANKS + ERIE FAIRBANKS + ONTARIO ONTARIO + FAIRBANKS FAIRBANKS + OHIO ILLINOIS + McCLURG ILLINOIS + PESHTIGO ILLINOIS + LAKE SHORE NAVY PIER + TERMINAL 23 Stops 28 Stops 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 159 Route 79 Proposed Combined Stops Name 1 79TH STREET + BRANDON 2 79TH STREET + SOUTH SHORE 3 79TH STREET + COLES (west leg) 4 79TH STREET + EXCHANGE AND METRA 5 79TH STREET + MUSKEGON (west leg) 6 79TH STREET + BURNHAM (east leg) 779THSTREET+ MARQUETTEAVENUE 8 79TH STREET + COLFAX 9 79TH STREET + ESSEX 10 79TH STREET + YATES 11 79TH STREET+ OGLESBY 12 79TH STREET + CRANDON 13 79TH STREET + LUELLA 14 79TH STREET + PAXTON 15 79TH STREET + CLYDE 16 79TH STREET+ JEFFERY 17 79TH STREET + BENNETT 18 79TH STREET + CREGIER 19 79TH STREET + EAST END (west leg) 20 79TH STREET + STONY ISLAND 21 79TH STREET + ANTHONY 22 79TH STREET + DORCHESTER 23 79TH STREET + KENWOOD 24 79TH STREET + KIMBARK 25 79TH STREET + WOODLAWN 26 79TH STREET + GREENWOOD 27 79TH STREET + ELLIS 28 79TH STREET + DREXEL 29 79TH STREET + COTTAGE GROVE 30 79TH STREET + LANGLEY 31 79TH STREET + ST. LAWRENCE 32 79TH STREET + EBERHART 33 79TH STREET + KING DRIVE 34 79TH STREET + CALUMET 35 79TH STREET + PRAIRIE 36 79TH STREET + INDIANA 37 79TH STREET + MICHIGAN 38 79TH STREET + WABASH 39 79TH STREET + STATE 40 79TH STREET + RED LINE STATION 41 79TH STREET + LAFAYETTE 42 79TH STREET + PERRY 43 79TH STREET + WENTWORTH 44 79TH STREET + PRINCETON 45 79TH STREET + VINCENNES 46 79TH STREET + EGGLESTON 47 79TH STREET + NORMAL 48 79TH STREET + FIELDING 49 79TH STREET + LOWE Scenario 27 Stops 31 Stops 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 160 Name 50 79TH STREET + UNION 51 79TH STREET+ EMERALD 52 79TH STREET + HALSTED 53 79TH STREET + PEORIA 54 79TH STREET + MORGAN 55 79TH STREET + ABERDEEN 56 79TH STREET + RACINE 57 79TH STREET + THROOP (west leg) 58 79TH STREET + LOOMIS 59 79TH STREET + LAFLIN (east leg) 60 79TH STREET + ASHLAND 61 79TH STREET + PAULINA 62 79TH STREET + WOOD 63 79TH STREET + WOLCOTT 64 79TH STREET + DAMEN 65 79TH STREET + HOYNE 66 79TH STREET + HAMILTON 67 79TH STREET + OAKLEY 68 79TH & WESTERN + TERMINAL (South bay) 69 79TH STREET + WESTERN 70 79TH STREET + CAMPBELL 71 79TH STREET + TALMAN 72 79TH STREET + WASHTENAW 73 79TH STREET + CALIFORNIA 74 79TH STREET + FRANCISCO 75 79TH STREET + SACRAMENTO 76 79TH STREET + ALBANY 77 79TH STREET + KEDZIE 78 79TH STREET + COLUMBUS (SOUTHWEST HWY.) 79 79TH STREET + SPAULDING 80 79TH STREET + HOMAN 81 79TH STREET + ST. LOUIS 82 79TH STREET + CENTRAL PARK 83 79TH STREET + LAWNDALE (east leg) 84 79TH STREET + HAMLIN (east leg) 85 79TH STREET + SPRINGFIELD (west leg) 86 79TH STREET + PULASKI 87 79TH STREET + KARLOV (east leg) 88 79TH STREET + TRIPP 89 79TH STREET + KOSTNER 90 79TH STREET + KILBOURN 91 79TH STREET + KENTON 92 79TH STREET + KILPATRICK (west leg) 93 79TH STREET + CICERO 94 79TH STREET + LAMON 95 79TH STREET + LAVERGNE (west leg) 96 79TH STREET + LECLAIRE 97 79TH STREET + LARAMIE 98 79TH STREET + LOCKWOOD 99 79TH STREET + STATE ROAD 100 79TH STREET + CENTRAL 101 CENTRAL+78TH STREET 27 Stops 31 Stops 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 161