Basic Skills Learning Center The Basic Skills Learning Center (BSLC) provides course mandated and course non-mandated reading, writing, study skills, ePortfolio support services and academic service-learning project support to Queensborough Community College students who are enrolled in Basic Educational Skills courses so that these students exit remediation and enroll in Queensborough Community College's gateway courses in a timely manner. Core Activities and Performance Core Activity Key PI Indicators Plan, develop, and implement an online CATW support Number of BE 112 and BE 205 students who participate in a CATW exit from remediation online intervention Increase by 15% the number of BE 112 and BE 205 students who attend a CATW exit from remediation review. Provide CATW support for BE 205 students through an ASL peer mentoring project CATW Pass Rates on Exit from Remediation Increase the CATW Pass Rates by 5% for BE 205 students. Explore the possibility of creating an activity tracking system that will be used by walk in BSLC Computer Lab Students Implementation of an activity tracking system Activity tracking system is implemented by spring 2012 Recruit, register, and implement 9 session ACT Reading Reviews for BE 122 Students Fall 2011 BE 122 ACT COMPASS exit from remediaton pass rates; volume of BE 122 students who attend a 9 session intervention Fall 2011 BE 122 Students attending a 9 session reading intervention will post Fall 2011 ACT COMPASS Reading exit-fromremediation pass rates that are equal to or greater than the pass rates of all Fall 2011 BE 122 students retesting on the exit-fromremediaton ACT COMPASS Reading exam;15% of students enrolled in the Fall BE 122 courses will enroll in a 9 session ACT COMPASS Review session Recruit, register, and implement 9 session ACT Reading Reviews for BE 226 students Fall 2011 BE 226 ACT COMPASS Reading exit from remediation Fall 2011 BE pass rates; volume of BE 226 students attending a 9 session 226 ACT reading intervention COMPASS Reading exit from remediation pass rates; volume of BE 226 students attending a 9 session reading intervention Recruit, plan, and implement a 9 session Health Related Academy reading review Fall 2011 ACT COMPASS Reading Exit from Remediation Pass Rates BE 122/226 students attending a 9 session Health Related Academy Reading Review will post scores similar to or greater than the pass rate of all BE 122/226 exit from remediation students' scores Recruit, register, and implement 20-hour ACT ACT COMPASS Reading Retest Pass Rate COMPASS Reading Workshop for BE 122 and BE 226 students with grades of NC ACT COMPASS Reading Retesting will maintain a 50% or better retesting pass rate; 5 percentage point increase from entering and exiting ACT scores Encourage Self-regulation and self-direction in BE Reading Students attending the BSLC Computer Lab Creation of Reading Prescription Form Students will find the Reading Prescripton Form helpful. Provide course mandated instructional technology in a supportive environment. BSLC Computer Lab Student Surveys Students will find the BSLC Computer Lab supportive. Increase the number of high impact strategies Number of BES faculty new to high impact strategies that are incorporated into BES courses Increase the number of full time BES faculty who utilize a high impact strategy by 50%; increase the number of adjunct BES faculty incorporating a high impact strtegy by 25%. Increase the number of QCC faculty who incorporate a service learning activity into their courses Number of faculty new to academic service-learning 20 faculty new to academic servicelearning will incorporate an academic servicelearning project during the 2011-12 year Sustain returning ASL faculty Number of 2010-11 ASL faculty repeating an ASL project in 2011- 50% of 2010 12 -11 ASL faculty will repeat an ASL project during 201112 Recruit new CBOs The number of new CBOs Increase the number of new CBOs Maintain returning CBO partnerships Number of returning CBO partnerships Maintain 3 existing CBO partnerships Maintain 3 existing CBO partnerships Ability to track ASL faculty and ASL projects Ability to retrieve information on ASL faculty and ASL projects Develop and maintain the ASL website Hits to the ASL website The ASL website will receive 100 hits. Increase student knowledge of academic service-learning Volume of classroom visits Establish a benchmark Provide ASL professional development Number of ASL workshops offered 50% of faculty attending an ASL workshop will incorporate an ASL project into their courses Plan, develop, coordinate, and implement ASL events Number of ASL events At least one major ASL event will be planned, developed,c oordinated, and implemented each semester to promote the ASL program, recruit new faculty, and recruit new CBOs. Market/inform the community of the ASL accomplishments/highlights Create, desgin, and distribute ASL newsletter Design, create, and distribute an ASL newsletter that will be distributed both on and off campus Study ASL impact on attainment of workplace ASL CTE IRB approved Student Survey skills ASL will positively impact workplace skills and civic engagement. Study the effectiveness of ASL projects in meeting community needs ASL Community Partner Survey CBOs will express satisfaction with the QCC ASL projects. Support ASL faculty with ASL project documentation Number of ASL faculty who are compliant with ASL documentation Compliance with ASL documentati on Support ASL faculty with ASL project implementation Number of ASL faculty who are assisted with project implementation Number of successful ASL projects that are implemented . Support ASL faculty with ASL presentations/grant proposals/ and publications Number of ASL faculty presentations/grant proposals/publications 10% of ASL faculty will present/ publish/ write grants Study the ASL impact on civic engagement Across the Disciplines Pedagogical Survey Results Number of faculty participating in the Across the Disciplines Pedagogical Survey Department-Sponsored Staff Development Activities Activity Type Topic Date Total June 2011 ACT COMPASS Reading Staff Development 6/6/2011 12 Academic Service-Learning 101 9/9/2011 27 Academic Service-Learning 101: Repeat 9/15/2011 10 Reflection Workshop: ASL and Reflection 10/5/2011 26 BSLC Orientation to New Hires 10/11/2011 4 Building Partnership Breakfast 11/4/2011 52 CATW Mock Test Orientation 11/8/2011 12 ACT COMPASS Reading Workshop Staff Development 1/3/2012 12 Academic Service-Learning 101 1/5/2012 15 both Department-Sponsored Staff Development Activities Activity Type Topic Date Campus Wide Tutor Training on Best Practices 1/25/2012 85 BSLC Staff Development 1/25/2012 10 ePortfolio BSLC Staff Development 2/7/2012 4 2/8/2012 25 Reflection Workshop 3/12/2012 25 Reflection: Repeat Session 3/13/2012 4 QCC Family Day at the Farm Volunteer Orientation 3/28/2012 50 QCC Earth Day Event 4/25/2012 200 CUNY Gen Ed Conference 5/11/2012 30 ASL Conversation on Reflection Workshop 5/22/2012 60 Benefits of ASL at New Faculty Welcome 8/25/2011 10 Nuts and Bolts: ASL Benefits 9/21/2011 10 Nuts and Bolts: Benefits of ASL 2/8/2012 10 Overview of BSLC Services and ASL to Dean Wilkes 2/22/2012 10 Online CATW Planning Updates 9/15/2011 4 Online CATW Updates and Planning 10/6/2011 5 Online CATW Updates and Planning 11/3/2011 5 CATW Tutor Training 2/3/2012 4 CATW Tutor Training 2/9/2012 6 BSLC Orientation for New Hires 2/23/2012 3 CATW Updates and Progress Reports 3/7/2012 8 Using Reflection Activities in the Classroom 3/13/2012 12 Academic Service-Learning Institute sponsored by St. John's University 6/14/2012 15 OASL organized and supported over 50 ASL projects that produced awareness 6/29/2012 for ASL 1500 Online CATW Informational Presentation to BES Department Total gave presentations organized Individual Faculty Support for maintaining reciprocity between QCC faculty and CBOs 6/29/2012 Professional Achievements and Activities of Individual Staff Achievement Type Other First Name Last Name Achievement Semester Josephine Pantaleo QCC Grants Recognition for grants received in 2009-10 Spring 2011 Josephine Pantaleo Chancellor's Annual Spring Reception Spring 2011 for recipients of grands during the past year. Josephine Pantaleo Chancellor's Recepton for Grant Awards Josephine Pantaleo Sixth Annual QCC Grants Recognition Fall 2011 Reception Awards Spring 2011 70 Professional Achievements and Activities of Individual Staff Achievement Type Other First Name Last Name Achievement Semester Josephine Pantaleo College and Community Colleagues Collaborate in Civc Engagment;New York Campus Compact 10th Anniversay Conference: Moving Us Forward; October 28, 2011 Fall 2011 Josephine Pantaleo QCC IT Seminar; presented on line digital reading materials developed by the BSLC; March 18, 2011 Spring 2011 Josephine Pantaleo Gen Ed Conference at York College; May 13, 2011; planned and co-presented Spring 2011 Josephine Pantaleo No Child Left Inside Broadening Horizons through Service-Learning: Year Two; Austin, Texas Spring 2011 Josephine Pantaleo No Child Left Inside: Service Learning Spring 2011 Partnerships with P-12 Students;National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD); May 30, 2011. Josephine Pantaleo Faculty Presentations of Pedagogical Research Projects:Scaffolding Peer mentoring across the Curriculum; October 12, 2011 Fall 2011 Sami Baig CUNY IT Conference Fall 2011 Vivian Kaufman Preventing Workplace Violence Spring 2011 Vivian Kaufman Security Awareness Class: "Good Cyber Citizenship" Spring 2011 Josephine Pantaleo ePortfolio Forum; AAC&U; January 2011 Spring 2011 Josephine Pantaleo The new CUNYwideIRBs:how Will the Fall 2011 Change Affect Your Human Subjects Research? CETL, November 2, 2011 Josephine Pantaleo QCC Conference of the College: Pathways Fall 2011 Josephine Pantaleo Preventing Workplace Violence Spring 2011 Josephine Pantaleo Campus Conversation on Gen Ed Spring 2011 Josephine Pantaleo Improving Intercultural Communicaton: QCC CETL and Inclusive Excellence Committee Fall 2011 Josephine Pantaleo Using Multimedia in the Diciplines; August 22, 2011 Fall 2011 Josephine Pantaleo New York Times Schools for Tomorrow Conference; NYC; September 22, 2011 Fall 2011 Josephine Pantaleo Reengaging Students by Combining Classroom and Computer-Based Instruction; May 3, 2011 Spring 2011 Conference Presentation, other Conference, workshop, training attended Professional Achievements and Activities of Individual Staff Achievement Type Other First Name Last Name Achievement Semester Josephine Pantaleo Convocation of the College; February Spring 2011 4, 2011 Josephine Pantaleo Making Connections Conference at LaGuardia CC; February 25, 2011 Spring 2011 Josephine Pantaleo LASSIE Webinar Meeting; February 28, 2011; review of federal requirements for completing service-learning documentation and record keeping Spring 2011 Josephine Pantaleo C2L Webinar; April 18, 2011 Spring 2011 Josephine Pantaleo ePortfolio Seminar at LaGuardia CC; May 6, 2011 Spring 2011 Josephine Pantaleo NYMAPS Conference; March 23, 2011 Spring 2011 Josephine Pantaleo QCC IT Symposium Spring 2011 Josephine Pantaleo Exploring the Lift: Reflection; Webinar; February 22, 2011 Spring 2011 Josephine Pantaleo Understanding Difference: Increasing Spring 2011 Intercultural Competence; March 3, 2011 and March 10, 2011 Josephine Pantaleo CATW Certification Training; Certification Received; March 27, 2011 attendance; certification received on March 31, 2011. Spring 2011 Josephine Pantaleo Not the Usual Ethnic Subjects: The Significance of Guido for Italian American Studies; The 2011 Spring Presidential Series at QCC Spring 2011 Josephine Pantaleo How Do You Pronounce It? What Are Fall 2011 Some Common Mispronunciations That Cause Miscommunications? --workshop provided for Campus Learnig Center Josephine Pantaleo ACT Reading COMPASS Workshop Strategies: Adding Pre and Post testing Spring 2011 Josephine Pantaleo Service-Learning Advisory Board Meeting; planned and hosted; April 29, 2011 Spring 2011 Josephine Pantaleo Service-Learning 101; planned, Spring 2011 implemented, and co-hosted; January 6, 2011 Josephine Pantaleo January 2011 Academic Service-Learning Institute; January 25, 2011 Curriculum or laboratory development, workshop conducted Spring 2011 Professional Achievements and Activities of Individual Staff Achievement Type Other First Name Last Name Achievement Semester Josephine Pantaleo Broadening Horizons through Service Spring 2011 Learning; American Association of Community Colleges;$ 14,000; 200920011 Josephine Pantaleo Developing Digital Technologies for Basic Educational Skills Career and Technical Students; Perkins Grant; $ 87,000; New York State Education Department Fall 2011 Josephine Pantaleo Perkins Grant Update to the Perkins Advisory Board Meeting Spring 2011 Josephine Pantaleo The Service Learner, the Voice of Student, Faculty, and Community; Academic Service-Learning newsletter Summer 2011 Josephine Pantaleo Grants Reviewer for the Disney Friends for Change grants (March 1, 2011 to March 7, 2011) Spring 2011 Vivian Kaufman QCC September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance Challenge Participant Fall 2011 Vivian Kaufman In Kind timekeeper for the Perkins Fall 2011 Grant: Designing Interactive Technology for CTE Basic Educational Skills Students Josephine Pantaleo Academic Senate: HEO Representative; member of the Computer Resources Committee Spring 2011 Josephine Pantaleo Academic Senate: HEO Representative Fall 2011 Josephine Pantaleo Affirmative Action: Recruitment and Inclusive Excellence committees Spring 2011 Josephine Pantaleo Affirmative Action: Recruitment and Inclusive Excellence Committees Fall 2011 Josephine Pantaleo Italian Heriage Month Committee member Fall 2011 Grants awarded (title, awarding agency, amount and period of award) Other (scholarly or creative achievements comparable to previous categories) Service as a reviewer/editor/ consultant Service to department, College, University, community, and/or professional society Professional Achievements and Activities of Individual Staff Achievement Type Other First Name Last Name Achievement Semester Josephine Pantaleo Sustainability Council Member; Curriculum Development Sub-Committee Chair Spring 2011 Josephine Pantaleo Sustainability Committee Member; Curriculum Development Sub-Committee, Chair Fall 2011 Josephine Pantaleo Freshman Academy Leader: Academic Service-Learning Coordinator Spring 2011 Josephine Pantaleo Freshman Academy Leader: Service-Learning Coordinator Fall 2011 Josephine Pantaleo Humanities Building Second Floor Monitor Spring 2011 Josephine Pantaleo Humanities Building Second Floor Monitor Fall 2011 Josephine Pantaleo Academic Service-Learning Event Planner for: Community Building Events and Earth Day Spring 2011 Josephine Pantaleo Building/Floor Emergency Coordinator for Humanities Building, 2nd floor. June 16, 2011 review of policies and procedures meeting Spring 2011 Josephine Pantaleo Eighth Confernce of the College: Spring 2011 Expanding Borders of the Classroom; assisted with planning and implementation Changes in Department within Last Year Change Type Change Reason Semester Replaced Overhead Projector Could not be repaired Spring 2012 Replaced Printer Could not be repaired Spring 2012 44 computers upgraded to Windows 7 Maintain relevancy and efficiency Spring 2012 Equipment Upgraded Smart Cart-Computer and Projector Dated hardware on the Smart Cart; projector was not repairable and the desktop was outdated. Spring 2012 Laptop Cart Updated 27 laptops software dated Spring 2012 Provide a one session ePortfolio overview Increase the use of high-impact strategies Fall 2011 Provide a one session ePortfolio overview Increase the use of high-impact strategies Spring 2012 Assist ST 100 instructors and classes activate Increase the use of high impact and use ePortfolio system strategies Spring 2012 College 101 Sessions scheduled in the BSLC computer lab Fall 2011 Services Assist College 101 by providing an additional computer lab sitefor its Technology Portion. Students register for Tigermail, CUNY Portal , ePortfolio, and CUNYfirst Changes in Department within Last Year Change Type Change Reason Semester College 101 Sessions scheduled in the BSLC computer lab Assist College 101 by providing an Spring 2012 additional computer lab usage area for its Technology Portion. Students register for Tigermail, CUNY Portal , ePortfolio, and CUNYfirst Developed a Reading Roadmap Encourage students to become more self-regulated and self-directed Fall 2011 Online Reading and Writing Support Services Provide alternative access to BES support services for BE students who have conflicting family and work schedules Spring 2012 Offer a CATW Mock Test Provide BE 112 and BE 205 Students with a simulated test taking environment prior to the actual test Fall 2011 Provide reading and writing test taking strategy workshops for BES Lower Level Students whose instructors have given an opportunity to retest placement exams Accelerate remediation Fall 2011 Provide reading and writing test taking strategy workshops for BES Lower Level Students whose instructors have given an opportunity to retest placement exams Accelerate remediation Spring 2012 Assessment and Evaluation KPI Target Outcome Actual Outcome Action Plan Number of BE 112 and BE 205 students who attend a CATW exit from remediation review online Increase by 15% the number of BE 112 and BE 205 students who attend a CATW exit from remediation review online. A benchmark of 15% was set for BE 112 and BE 205 students attending a CATW exit from remediation intervention; 89 BE 112 and BE 205 students signed up for an online CATW review, thus increasing participation; 40 of these 89 passed (44.9%) with a difference of 8.32 points between pre and post scores. CTE students who participated in the online CATW reviews posted a 57.5% pass rate. (An additional 215 BE 112 and BE 205 students attended a CATW in real time during 2011-12;187 BE 112 students participated in small group writing tutoring; 233 BE 205 students participated in small group tutoring) Continue to encourage Continuing attendance at CATW interventions by collaborating efforts through the BES adjunct supervisor; continue to offer CATW interventions facilitated by non-instructional adjuncts; promote the online CATW materials BE 205 D13 A students who parterned with BE 112 students and worked in a peer service learning tutoring project passed the CATW at a 58% pass rate (BE 112 students passed at a 61% pass rate) Encourage the faculty in Continuing this pilot to continue this practice and to promote this practice with BES colleagues. CATW Pass Rates on Increase by 5% the CATW Exit from exit from remediation pass Remediation rate when an ASL peer mentoring project is implemented Status Assessment and Evaluation KPI Target Outcome Actual Outcome Action Plan Status Implementing an activity tracking system Plan, develop, and implement an activity tracking system A Reading Prescription Roadmap Provide staff was planned, developed, and development on the use implemented of the Reading Prescription Roadmap with BES students Fall 2011 ACT COMPASS Reading Exit from Remediation Exam pass rate; volume of BE 122 students attending an intervention The Fall 2011 BE 122 students attending a 9 session reading intervention will post FAll 2011 ACT COMPASS Reading exit-from-remediation pass rates that are equal to or greater than the pass rates of all Fall 2011 BE 122 students retesting on the exit-from-remediation ACT COMPASS Reading exam; 15% of students enrolled in the Fall BE 122 courses will enroll in a 9 session ACT COMPASS Review session BE 122 students who attended a review passed the ACT COMPASS Reading exam at a 51% pass rate. The CUNY OIR Fall 2011 Pass rate in reading on exit from remediation was 43% (p.13 CUNY OIRA); 15 % of BE 122 students enrolled for a reading review. 110 BE students enrolled in an online reading review; BE 122 online students posted a pass rate of 51.1% Increase BE 122 Continuing attendance; continue to offer this intervention; collaborate with the adjunct supervisor to market these reviews with the adjuncts; offer the online reading review material to faculty. Fall 2011 ACT COMPASS Reading Exit from Remediation Exam pass rate; volume of BE 226 students attending a 9 session reading intervention The Fall 2011 ACT COMPASS pass rates for BE 226 students exiting remediation would increase from the Fall 2010 exit from remediation pass rates BE 226 students who attended a reading review posted a 35% pass rate. The CUNY OIR Fall 2011 Pass rate in reading on exit from remediation was 43% (p.13 CUNY OIRA; 12% of BE 226 students enrolled in a 9 session reading review session; students found the reading reviews helpful as demonstrated by their 97% response rate on helpfulness of the reviews; 8 BE 226 students enrolled in an online reading review and they posted a pass rate of 33.3 %. The BSLC will revisit the Continuing curriculum in the review sessions and add both vocabulary and additional reading comprehension passages. ACT COMPASS Reading Exit from Remediation Exam pass rate Students attending a Health Related Academy 9 session ACT COMPASS Reading Review will post scores similar to or higher than all students who attend an ACT COMPASS Reading Review BE reading students who Continue to offer Health attended a Health Related Related Academy 9 Academy 9 session review posted session reading reviews a 74% pass rate in Fall 2011 and a 55% pass rate in Spring 2012; therefore, Health Related Academy review students appear to post higher exit from remediation pass rates than students in the traditional reading review sessions. Continuing Continuing Assessment and Evaluation KPI Target Outcome Actual Outcome Action Plan Status ACT COMPASS Reading Workshop Retest Scores Maintain a 50% pass rate for BE 122/226 students with grades of NC; increase year end pass rate by 5% points. BE 122/226 students with grades of NC maintained a 50% pass rate for each of the workshops except for the fall 2011 cohort. All students posted a 62.3% pass rate for the year; BE 122 students posted a 76.4% pass rate; BE 226 students posted a 49.7% pass rate; First time retesters posted a 67.2% pass rate. The %point change between pre and post scores for all students was 7.83; for BE 122 students it was 9.34; for BE 226 student it was 6.02; and for first time retakers it was 6.61. The BSLC provided 342 students 20-hour workshops. Share these results with Continuing BES faculty who should be aware of a realistic range of improvement between pre and post testing; encourage BE reading faculty to adhere to cut off scores for advancement to workshop eligibility. Creation of Reading Prescription Form Encourage BES students to When asked:"Did the roadmap become self-regulated and help you figure out the areas you self-directed. needed to wrok on during your computer lab visit, 72% of 430 BE students responded that they found it helpful or very helpful; when asked if the roadmap made it easier for them to find the programs or practice material that they needed, 42.8% weren't sure while 15.6% of the 570 respondents said that the map make it easier or very easy. Develop scaffold Continuing directions for the use of the Reading Prescription Roadmap and follow up with additional BSLC staff development BSLC Computer Lab Student Satisfaction Survey 75% of BES students will be satisfied with the services provided by the BSLC Computer Lab. 94% of 504 BES students who responded to the BSLC Computer Lab survey were satisfied or very satisfied with the service that they received. (The BSLC serviced 3330 students during the 2011-12 academic year.) Hone the questions of Continuing the survey so that more concrete information may be gleaned. Number of BES instructors who incorporate a high impact strategy Increase the number of full time faculty who utilize one of the five high impact strategies by 50% and increase the number of adjunct faculty who utilize one of the five high impact strategies by 25%. Five full time faculty incorporated a high impact strategy; 12 adjunct faculty attempted a high impact strategy. Encourage high impact strategies that are of sufficient scope and depth by encouraging the use of reflective activities and rubrics. Number of faculty new to academic service-learning faculty 20 faculty new to academic 33 new faculty incorporated an Continue to market and Continuing service-learning will be academic service-learning project recruit ASL faculty recruited. into their course curricu through new faculty orientation and through Academic Service-Learning professional development events; showcase ASL through an ASL faculty video Continuing Assessment and Evaluation KPI Target Outcome Actual Outcome Action Plan Status Hits to ASL website The ASL website will receive 100 hits. The ASL website received 141 hits for the 2011-12 academic year Increase awareness of ASL website to faculty, students, CBOs increasing hits by 50%. Continuing ASL CTE Student Impact Survey A majority of students will report that academic service-learning positively impacted their attainment of workplace skills and civic engagement. An IRB approved survey was Hone the survey implemented in the spring semester; results are pending as of this date. Continuing Community Partner Survey A majority of community-based organizations will express satisfaction with academic service-learning projects. The Community Partner Survey has been submitted to the IRB for its approval. When the IRB approves the survey, it will be distributed to the QCC Academic Service-Learning community based organizations. Continuing Number of 2010-11 ASL faculty repeating an ASL project in 2011-12 50% of 2010-11 ASL faculty will repeat an academic service-learning project during 2011-12 75% of returning ASL faculty repeated an ASL project; a substantial amount of time is invested in bridge building so that faculty and CBO maintain reciprocity; substantial time was also spent on logistical coordination. Continue to provide Continuing bridge building support while working toward project sustainabilty. The OASL is reaching a saturation level, and it needs to explore the possibilty of expansion, in particular the hiring of an additional part time bridge builder. Number of ASL workshops offered 4 ASL workshops will result 5 ASL workshops were offered in 20 faculty recruited to resulting in 33 new faculty ASL incorporating an ASL project; 56 returning ASL faculty repeated an ASL project Continue to promote ASL Continuing by hosting ASL workshops and events resulting in a 10% increase in new ASL faculty Number of returning Maintain at least 3 ASL maintained 3 sustainable CBOs sustainable CBO partnersh partnerships Continue to maintain partnerships through emails, phone conversations, letters of acknowlegement; co-planning ASL activities; attending ASL workshops and conferences Continuing Number of ASL faculty who are compliant with ASL documentation 100% compliance with ASL 100% compliance with ASL documentation documentation Faculty will be encouraged to complete ASL project form before receiving stipend. Continuing Number of ASL faculty presentations/grant proposals/ publications 10% of ASL faculty will present/write grants/publish Continue to provide ASL faculty opportunities to present/write proposals/publis Continuing 30% of ASL faculty presented, wrote grants/published Assessment and Evaluation KPI Target Outcome Actual Outcome Across the Disciplines Increase the number of Increase the number of faculty Pedagogical Survey faculty participating in the participating in the Across the Results Across the Disciplines study Disciplines study Action Plan Status Promote CITI certification of ASL practitioners and encourage their participation in study Continuing Creation of an ASL newsletter Create, design, and distribute an ASL newsletter The first issue was created, Continue the writing and Continuing designed, and distributed in distribution of an ASL Summer 2011 and the second newsletter. edition was written and distributed in January 2012. Over 250 printed copies were distributed to the community and the newsletter was emailed to the QCC community and partnering agencies as well as to CUNY Central. Number of ASL Events At least one major ASL event will be planned, developed, coordinated, and implemented each semester In addition to the Community Building Breakfast, A College Open House event was begun in Fall 2011; during spring 2012, in addition to Earth Day,College Open House, Family Day at the Queens Farm, a Math Awareness Day, and an ASL Conversation on REflection were added. Provide College 101 Support Provide College 101 with a The BSLC provided a supplementary site for its supplementary site 22 times for Technology Portion College 101 Provide ST 100 classes ePortfolio development Support ST 100 Provide the 33 ST 100 classes were hosted in Continue to offer the Continuing BSLC as a supplementary the BSLC BSLC Computer Lab as a site for ST 100 ePortfolio supplementary site for development ST 100 classes Volume of Classroom Establish a benchmark of Visits classroom visits that provide an overview of academic service-learning. Continue to offer these Continuing events; explore expansion of OASL event schedule if the project is to expand. Continue to offer the Continuing BSLC Computer Lab as a supplementary site for College 101. A few classroom visits were Plan, develop, and made; yet, expanding this implement online ASL initiative proved difficult because student resources. of time constraints. Number of new Increase and establish a 10 new CBOs were recruited; a Given the office's Community-Based bench mark for the number bench mark of 2 new CBOs is staffing, outreach to Organizations (CBO) of new CBOs that can be being set CBOs is nearly recruited saturated.Explore expansion of personnel. Modified Modified Assessment Plan Core Activity KPI Increase the number of Number of BES faculty BES faculty who incorporating a high impact incorporate a High Impact strategy Strategy into their Courses Target Outcome Plan Increase the number of BES adjunct faculty who incorporate a high impact strategy into their course curricula by 5 faculty members. Adjunct faculty incorporating a high impact strategy will receive support through the newly appointed adjunct supervisor.The Office of Academic Service-Learning will assist the adjunct supervisor in marketing academic service-learning as well as ePortfolio usage. Assessment Plan Core Activity KPI Target Outcome Plan Provide BSLC staff Tutor Evaluation development on the use of the Reading Prescription Form 80% of BSLC Computer Lab staff members will be able to provide an overview of how to use the Reading Prescription Form Provide BSLC Staff Development that will focus on scaffold activities for the Reading Prescription Form Register BE 112 and BE 205 CATW interventions Registration for CATW intervention 15% of students enrolled in BE 112 and 15% of students enrolled in BE 205 will attend a CATW intervention CATW interventions will be marketed and promoted through BE 112 and BE 205 faculty; adjunct supervisor will promote with adjuncts Encourage BES ASL peer mentoring models Number of BES faculty incorporating an ASL peer mentoring model Four BES faculty will explore an ASL peer mentoring model Publicize the results of this ASL peer mentoring model Register BE 122 and BE 226 students for ACT COMPASS 9 session reviews Registration for ACT COMPASS 9 session reviews 15% of students enrolled in BE 122 and 15% of students enrolled in BE 226 will register for a 9 session ACT COMPASS reading review Outreach to BE 122 and BE 226 faculty on an individual basis; provide BSLC staff to visit classrooms for onsite sign up; market the higher pass rates on exit from remediation of those BE reading students who attend a reading review BE reading students attending a 9 session Health Related Academy reading review will post exit from remediation pass rates that are higher than all BE reading students attending 9 session reading reviews Market and outreach to BE students on the efficacy of this discipline specific review Plan and schedule a Health Exit-from-remediation pass Related Academy 9 session rates of reading review reading review students Pilot the use of clickers in Year End Retest pass rate on 65% year-end pass rate the 20-hour ACT COMPASS retesting Reading Workshops Provide staff development on the use of clickers; plan, develop, and implement a SurveyMonkey for the helpfulness of clicker usage; monitor the effectiveness of clicker usage on ACT COMPASS retesting Register BE 122 and BE 226 students with grades of NC for 20-hour ACT COMPASS Workshop Percent of BE 122 and BE 226 students with grades of NC who register for a workshop immediately after exiting BES 75% of BE 122 and BE 226 students with grades of NC will register for a 20-hour workshop immediately after exiting BES courses Collaborate with the BES Adjunct Supervisor in communicating with adjuncts the importance of notifying students with grades of NC to register for a 20-hour reading workshop immediately after completing the course; the BSLC will continue to call/email all BE 122/226 students with grades of NC to encourage them to register for a 20 -hour workshop Support ASL faculty through ASL professsional development ASL professional development opportunities 2 ASL professional development opportunities per semester which will result in a 10% increase in faculty new to ASL Collaborate with CETL in offering 2 ASL professional development opportunities per semester. Assessment Plan Core Activity KPI Target Outcome Plan Support ASL faculty in adding an additional high impact strategy to their course curricula Percent of ASL faculty incorporating another HI strategy to their ASL project 10% of ASL faculty will add an Provide staff development additional HI strategy to their course that focuses on multiple HI curricula strategies Plan, develop, coordinate, ASL Events and implement ASL events One major ASL event will be held The Office of ASL will plan, each semester which will result in on develop, coordinate, and site ASL project implementaion implement by collaborating with the Office of Student Activities and Student Affairs Maintain and develop CBO Number of sustainable CBO relationships partnerships Increase to 5 the number of sustainable CBO partnerships Encourage reciprocity at all times when collaborating with CBOs Study CBO outcomes and how ASL is meeting their needs CBO Survey Gain IRB approval for CBO survey; distribute and analyze results of survey CBOs will report that ASL meets the needs of their organizations Maintain and expand ASL website Hits to the ASL website Increase hits to ASL by 100 hits Plan and develop student academic service-learning resources Study student perception of ASL and its effects on workplace readiness skills ASL CTE Student Survey Increase student perception of ASL's Hone the survey questions relevance to workplace readiness skills Maintain and update ASL database Number of ASL projects 100% of ASL projects will be documented in ASL database documented in ASL database Explore hiring someone who will be responsible only for the updating of the database Market and promote the accomplishments of ASL ASL Newsletter and ASL Video Produce and distribute an ASL newsletter twice a year; produce an ASL video Maintain ongoing documentation and reporting of events so that events can be reported twice a year in the newsletter; continue to edit raw footage of ASL faculty into short ASL clips for promotional purposes Support ASL faculty research Number of faculty who join the Across the Disciplines Protocol Increase by 5, ASL faculty who participate in the Across the Disciplines Protocol Encourage ASL faculty to become CITI certified; coordinate the distribution of pre and post surveys; maintain surveys in a secure location; provide for data entry of the collected surveys. Provide ASL faculty opportunities for research Number of ASL faculty 20% of ASL faculty will present at presenting at conferences, workshops/conferences/and publish workshops, and who publish ASL findings. articles on ASL The Office of ASL will provide workshops in collaboration with CETL on publication opportunities; will assist ASL faculty in submitting workshop/ conferenceproposals; will provide links to workshop/conference opportunities on its ASL website; will update ASL faculty through emails Assessment Plan Core Activity KPI Target Outcome Encourage ASL faculty to support QCC's Sustainability Council Needs Number of ASL projects that 5 ASL projects will support the QCC will support QCC's Sustainability Council Needs Sustainability Council Needs Plan The Office of ASL will meet and ask the QCC Sustainability Council to identify its needs; the OASL will outreach to its ASL faculty which result in at least 5 ASL projects meeting the needs of this CBO. Provide supplementary site Number of ST 100 classes for ST 100 classes incorporting ePortfolio The BSLC will provide ST 100 classes The BSLC will offer its site to incorporating ePortfolio with an ST 100 classes that alternate site incorporate ePortfolio whenever there is space not used by BES students/faculty Acknowlege ASL efforts of faculty, CBOs, students, and staff Every ASL faculty, CBO, student, and Explore the hiring of an staff involved with the hourly who will be implementation of ASL will receive a responsible for this effort. letter of appreciation and acknowledgement at least once a year. ASL faculty will receive a letter of acknowlegement each semester for their professional files. Letters of appreciation and acknowledgement