USA Process Improvement Committee OUTCOME DOCUMENTATION FORM

USA Process Improvement Committee
Improvement Number: 0090
Original Improvement: Enrollment or Admissions Software
Text: The University Honors Program inquired about the acquisition of software program that
could streamline the process of compiling the approximately 200 applications it must process
each January. Students submit an application, which must be augmented with materials
submitted by the student through their application for admission to the university. The process
for acquiring the necessary documents from the admissions application has been a paper
process, requiring hard copies to be made and transported from Meisler Hall to the Seaman’s
Bethel. This limitation has introduced delay in the assembly of complete applications and
created inconveniences for faculty reviewers who have had to make multiple trips to the Bethel
because all of the packets they needed to review were not available at once.
Committee Member Activities:
Met with the faculty member who submitted the request to clarify needs and define
next steps.
Contacted Executive Director of Enrollment Services to request meeting.
Set a meeting
Held meeting 5-13-15 with representatives of enrollment services, admissions, and the
honors program. Agreed that providing access to Banner and Xtender would be an
acceptable improvement. Honors program to request access through computer services.
Once access is granted, admissions will train administrative assistant for honors program
in navigating to the information needed.
Next step: follow up in a couple of weeks.
Final Outcome:
Access has been granted to staff in the honors program to view admissions files in Banner and
Xtender. The administrative assistant for the honors program has been trained in navigating in
Banner and is able to access the information needed for completion of application packets.
With agreement of faculty member who requested the improvement, recommend project be
considered complete.