Productivity Growth in the Shrimp Farming Industry of Bangladesh: A Luenberger Productivity Indicator Approach Hasneen Jahan, PhD Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh Tihomir Ancev, PhD The University of Sydney, Australia 9/7/2014 IIFET 2014, Brisbane, Australia 1 Shrimp Aquaculture One of the fastest growing aquaculture activities in Bangladesh Earns foreign exchange earns 350 million US dollars a year, making up about 3% of total export earnings Contributes significantly to the employment and community development 600,000 people employed directly in shrimp aquaculture, who support approximately 3.5 million dependents Shrimp farming has therefore rapidly expanded in the coastal districts of Bangladesh due to favourable agro-climatic condition and low production cost. Currently, there are about 250,000 hectares of land occupied with shrimp farms in these regions, producing about 156 million tonnes of shrimp annually 9/7/2014 IIFET 2014, Brisbane, Australia 2 Shrimp farming districts Khulna Bagerhat Satkhira Cox’sbazar Chittagong Patuakhali Pirojpur Jessore 9/7/2014 IIFET 2014, Brisbane, Australia 3 Typical shrimp farm 9/7/2014 IIFET 2014, Brisbane, Australia 4 Shrimp production and export earning 350 700 Shrimp (V) Fish(V) 300 Shrimp(Q) 600 Fish(Q) 250 500 200 400 150 300 100 200 50 100 0 Qty in MT Million $ Linear (Shrimp(Q)) 0 Year 9/7/2014 IIFET 2014, Brisbane, Australia 5 Shrimp area trend Area (ha) Khulna Chittagong Barisal Dhaka Total Year 9/7/2014 IIFET 2014, Brisbane, Australia 6 Shrimp Aquaculture Environmental degradation is a major concern Increasing salinity, declining productivity of land, destruction of mangrove forests, declining inland capture fishery production The five-fold increase in soil salinity levels in many areas seriously hampers crop cultivation (Islam et al., 1999). The effects of shrimp farming-induced salinity on paddy rice production have a significant negative impact on its productivity (Umamaheswar et al., 2009). the rapid expansion of shrimp farming has drastically reduced the stock of indigenous fish varieties and destroyed mangrove flora and fauna (Gain, 1998). The ecological problems created by unplanned shrimp cultivation, particularly in the Chakaria Sundarbans resulted in extinction of mangroves in this area (Gregow, 1997). 9/7/2014 IIFET 2014, Brisbane, Australia 7 Area affected by soil salinity Soil Salinity status 80 % of salinity affected area 70 60 50 40 2000 30 2010 20 10 0 Khulna Bagerhat Satkhira Jessore Cox’s Bazar Chittagong Patuakhali Pirojpur Districts 9/7/2014 IIFET 2014, Brisbane, Australia 8 Water salinity Water Salinity status 35 Water salinity in EC 30 25 20 15 2000 2010 10 5 0 Khulna Bagerhat Satkhira Jessore Cox’s Bazar Chittagong Patuakhali Pirojpur Districts 9/7/2014 IIFET 2014, Brisbane, Australia 9 Mangrove forest destruction 9/7/2014 IIFET 2014, Brisbane, Australia 10 Research Objectives 9/7/2014 Productivity growth is an important goal for the sustainable growth of the shrimp industry. The application of productivity growth measurement with undesirable outputs is a comparatively new technique which can effectively address the productivity of farms and industry in the sustainable development perspective. The present paper aims to assess the dynamics of productivity growth of shrimp farming industry in Bangladesh over time, considering both economic and environmental outcomes associated with this sector A modified, environmentally adjusted Luenberger productivity indicator is applied for this purpose. This model can easily decompose the productivity growth into technological change and technical efficiency change components The analysis of productivity growth will help to identify performance of shrimp farms over time when the production technology adjusts some inputs and outputs in terms of economic and environmental variables IIFET 2014, Brisbane, Australia 11 Research Methods This paper applies the environmentally adjusted productivity measurement using directional distance function The directional distance function plays an important role in production theory and has the powerful advantage of taking into account the variation of both input and output bundles simultaneously. The Luenberger productivity indicator is constructed in terms of difference between directional distance functions. One of the major advantages of using the Luenberger productivity indicator is that it allows for inclusion of undesirable outputs. This indicator can also capture the time dimensions of a production process. It credits production units for reduction of undesirable outputs, providing a measure of productivity and indicates whether the environmentally adjusted productivity has improved over time 9/7/2014 IIFET 2014, Brisbane, Australia 12 Directional distance function DDF measures the maximum expansion of desirable outputs in the gy direction with the largest feasible proportional contraction in inputs and undesirable outputs in the –gx and –gb directions, respectively, or: Do x, y, b; g y gb , g x sup : y g y , b g x P( x g x ) Output directional distance function Do ( x, y, b; g y , gb ) sup : ( y g y , b gb ) P( x) 9/7/2014 IIFET 2014, Brisbane, Australia 13 Directional distance function Do ( x, y, b; g y , gb ) sup : ( y g y , b gb ) P( x) If the directional distance function value β is zero, the farm operate on the frontier and state; otherwise inefficiency Based on directional distance function, Chambers et al. (1996) introduced Luenberger Productivity Indicator to measure the productivity growth in APEC countries Luenberger productivity indicator is constructed in terms of difference between directional output distance functions and compares farm performances in adjacent periods, t, and t+1. 9/7/2014 IIFET 2014, Brisbane, Australia 14 Luenberger Productivity Indicator the Luenberger productivity indicator including undesirable outputs can be expressed by the following equation: 1 t 1 t t t Do ( x , y , b ; g ) Dot 1 ( xt 1, y t 1, bt 1; g ) Dot ( xt , yt , bt ; g ) Dot ( xt 1, y t 1, bt 1; g ) 2 If the value of L(.) is positive it indicates productivity growth while zero represents no change in productivity Luenberger productivity indicator can be decomposed additively into an efficiency change component (LECH), and a technical change component (LTCH). Ltt1 9/7/2014 AARES 2013, Sydney, Australia 15 Luenberger Productivity Indicator Luenberger Productivity Indicator can be decomposed into efficiency change and technical change components LECHtt 1 Dot ( xt , yt , bt ; g y , gb ) Dot 1 ( xt 1 , y t 1 , bt 1; g y , gb ) LETCtt 1 1 Dot 1 ( xt 1 , y t 1 , bt 1 ; g y , gb ) Dot ( xt 1 , y t 1 , bt 1; g y , gb ) 2 Dot 1 ( xt , y t , bt ; g y , gb ) Dot ( xt , y t , bt ; g y , gb ) LECH captures the efficiency change between periods t and t+1, i.e. catching up or falling behind relative to the best practice frontier. A positive (negative) value of indicates increase (decrease) in efficiency. LTCH measures shifts in the production possibilities frontier itself. A positive (negative) value of indicates technological progress (technological regress) between periods. 9/7/2014 IIFET 2014, Brisbane, Australia 16 The Luenberger productivity indicator 4/17/2015 IIFET 2014, Brisbane, Australia 17 Four Models Model 1: credits farm for expanding desirable outputs and simultaneously contracting undesirable outputs with directional vector g= (1,-1) Model 2: credits farm only for expanding desirable outputs while undesirable outputs are present, with directional vector g= (1,0) Model 3: credits farm for contracting undesirable outputs while desirable outputs are held constant with directional vector g=(0,-1) Model 4: excludes undesirable outputs from the production process and only considers the expansion of desirable outputs with directional vector g=(1). It is not environmentally adjusted. 9/7/2014 IIFET 2014, Brisbane, Australia 18 Data Eight coastal districts and 31 sub-districts were chosen where each sub-district acts as a representative farm. Each sub-district is considered as an observation unit resulting with 62 observational units for the two time periods analysed, i.e. 2000 and 2010. The variables are per hectare cost and return, shrimp area in hectare, % of salinity affected area, water salinity of river (EC) in ds/m, fish catch (kg/household), mangrove area in hectare Dot 1 ( x k 't , y k 't , bk 't ;1, 1) max y1= gross return from shrimp enterprises y2= average fish catch per household x= total cost for shrimp enterprises b1= soil salinity in shrimp farming sub-districts b2=water salinity b3= loss of mangrove forest in shrimp farming area 9/7/2014 IIFET 2014, Brisbane, Australia 19 Solving DDF The maximization problem for the mixed-period distance function,Dot 1 (t ) is, for ( xk , y k , bk ) with k 1,..., K observations,is obtained by solving the following linear programming technique: Dot 1 ( x k 't , y k 't , bk 't ;1, 1) max s.t. K t 1 t 1 t z y (1 ) y k km k ' m , m 1,..., M k 1 K t 1 t 1 t z b (1 ) b k ki k ' i , i 1,..., I k 1 K z k 1 t 1 t 1 k kn x xkt ' n , n 1,..., N zkt 1 0, k 1,...,K 9/7/2014 IIFET 2014, Brisbane, Australia 20 Results District Model 1(g=1, -1) PC EC TC Model 2 (g=1, 0) Model 3 (g=0, -1) Model 4 (g=1) PC PC PC EC TC EC TC EC TC Khulna -0.073 0.021 -0.094 -0.126 0.039 -0.145 -0.271 -0.258 -0.012 0.029 0.240 -0.211 Bagerhat -0.041 0.039 -0.080 -0.066 0.048 -0.111 -0.141 0.097 -0.239 -0.003 0.169 -0.172 Satkhira 0.043 0.135 -0.092 0.075 0.159 -0.161 -0.098 -0.027 -0.071 0.082 0.277 -0.195 Cox’s Bazar 0.039 0.068 -0.029 0.042 0.070 -0.028 0.050 0.024 0.026 0.045 0.241 -0.196 Chittagong 0.138 0.162 -0.024 0.307 0.392 -0.084 0.240 0.277 -0.037 0.238 0.478 -0.241 Jessore -0.067 0.000 -0.067 -0.136 0.000 -0.272 -0.293 0.000 -0.293 -0.307 0.017 -0.325 Patuakhali -0.262 -0.227 -0.036 -0.564 -0.253 -0.092 -0.527 -0.583 0.056 -0.347 -0.175 -0.172 Pirojpur -0.024 0.000 -0.024 0.001 0.000 0.002 0.161 0.425 -0.264 -0.179 0.107 -0.286 Average -0.031 0.025 -0.056 -0.023 0.057 -0.080 -0.110 -0.006 -0.104 -0.178 -0.100 -0.065 9/7/2014 IIFET 2014, Brisbane, Australia 21 Results The average productivity indicator for all sub-distrcits has a value of -.031, indicating that the environmentally adjusted productivity growth of the shrimp farming industry has decreased by -3.1% over a decade between 2000 to 2010. A comparison across districts indicates that sub-districts of Khulna and Bagerhat districts in Southwest region experienced a negative environmentally adjusted productivity growth of -7.3% and -4.1% respectively during the sample time period. On the other hand, sub-districts in Cox’s Bazar and Chittagong districts of the Southeast region have experienced a positive environmentally adjusted productivity growth, 3.9% and 13.8% respectively during the sample time period. The Southern region (Pirojpur and Patuakhali districts) has experienced a negative productivity growth, without any improvement, neither in technological features, nor in technical efficiency attributes. 9/7/2014 IIFET 2014, Brisbane, Australia 22 Results Although the analyses generate a mixed response of productivity change across farms, overall the farms have experienced negative productivity growth in the Southwest and Southern regions and positive productivity growth in Southeast region. One of the significant reason for productivity decline between two time points, 2000 and 2010 can be explained by the two major cyclones called ‘Sidr’ and ‘Aila’ which hit these area in 2007 and 2009 respectively. Since Model 4 ignores the environmental attributes by excluding undesirable outputs, the productivity measurement underestimates productivity growth from a welfare point of view. The results obtained from the Luenberger productivity indicators imply that the traditional technologies that are currently being used in the shrimp farming industry in Bangladesh need to be improved for the better performance of the industry; 9/7/2014 IIFET 2014, Brisbane, Australia 23 Results 0.3 Model 1 Productivity Growth 0.2 0.1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 PC EC -0.1 TC -0.2 -0.3 9/7/2014 Observation IIFET 2014, Brisbane, Australia 24 Results 0.8 Model 2 0.6 Productivity Growth 0.4 0.2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 PC EC -0.2 TC -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 9/7/2014 Observation IIFET 2014, Brisbane, Australia 25 Results 1 Model 3 0.8 Productivity Growth 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 PC EC -0.2 TC -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 9/7/2014 Observation IIFET 2014, Brisbane, Australia 26 Results 0.6 Model 4 Productivity Growth 0.4 0.2 PC 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 EC TC -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 9/7/2014 Observation IIFET 2014, Brisbane, Australia 27 Policy Implications The productivity measures are essential for the farm operators as well as for the policy makers for further initiatives to achieve the sustainable development goal. When this measures incorporate the environmental attributes it can provides the right indication for future actions. A well-defined shrimp policy which will focus on new environmental friendly technologies can ensure the sustainability of this vital industry. The results could provide the basis for implementing more regionspecific policies for shrimp industry which will be useful to improve environmental performance of shrimp farms in conjunction with their economic performance. The present study indicates the necessity of measuring environmentally adjusted productivity growth for the sustainable development of the shrimp industry and the government, business and academic communities can draw some lessons from it to take further necessary actions. 9/7/2014 IIFET 2014, Brisbane, Australia 28 Thank you 9/7/2014 IIFET 2014, Brisbane, Australia 29