The Effects of the Interaction between Salinity and pH on Brine Shrimp Emergence Hypothesis: Procedure: Brine shrimp cysts were subjected to varying concentrations of salinity and PH. Brine shrimp cysts (eggs) were placed in clear plastic tumbler glasses which have a capacity of 9 fluid oz. Each container held 200 ml of dechlorinated water and 0.42 g brine shrimp cysts. The Control contained water at PH 8.0 and salinity consisting of 2 Tablespoons ocean salt dissolved in 1 Quart of dechlorinated water. Each container will be placed under plant lights and will be agitated to provide aeration. PH will be adjusted by the addition of white vinegar and/or baking soda. Samples were taken by taking two drops of water following agitation and counting live, emerging and encysted brine shrimp under a stereotypic microscope. The Experimental Design included combinations of the following PH and Salinity: PH 8.0 7.0 6.0 Salinity (%) 100% 75% 50%