HB31 .M415 working paper department of economics THE STRUCTURE OF WAGES AND INVESTMENTS GENERAL TRAINING Daron Acemoglu Jorn-Steffen Pischke No. 97-24 November, 1997 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 WORKING PAPER DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS THE STRUCTURE OF WAGES AND INVESTMENT IN GENERAL TRAINING Daron Acemoglu Jorn-Steffen Pischke No. 97-24 November, 1997 MASSACHUSEHS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASS. 02139 The Structure and Investment Daron Acemoglu MIT of Wages General Training in Jorn-Steffen Pischke MIT * and University of Chicago November 1997 Abstract In the standard model of for general training. firms may human When capital with perfect labor markets, workers pay labor market frictions compress the structure of wages, invest in the general skills of their employees. The reason is that the wage structure turns "technologically" general skills into "specific" skills. Labor market frictions and institutions, such as minimum wages and union wage setting, are crucial in shaping the wage structure, and thus have an important impact on training. Our results suggest that the more frictional and regulated labor markets in Europe and Japan may generate more firm-sponsored distortion in the general training than the U.S.. Keywords: Imperfect Labor Markets, General Human Capital, Firm Sponsored Training JEL Classification: J24, J31, J41 We thank Kevin Lang, Sherwin Rosen, Eric Smith, Robert Topel, Michael Waldman, and varFinancial Support from the German Federal Ministry for Research and Technology and National Science Foundation Grant SBR-9602116 (Acemoglu) is gratefully acknowledged. * ious seminar participants for comments. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/structureofwagesOOacem Introduction 1 In the standard theory of human capital as developed and human distinction between general specific the current employer are specific whereas by Becker (1964), there capital. Skills skills this paper, human capital, which are as useful with some other and employers have no incentive to we develop the theory of hiiman capital when all the benefits of invest in these skills. In labor markets are imperfect. In contrast to the standard theory, labor market frictions imply that firms to invest in the general skills of their workers. a sharp which are only useful with employer are general. In competitive labor markets, workers capture their general is In particular, if may be willing these frictions distort the structure of wages within the firm away from the competitive benchmark and to the benefit of unskilled workers, with general general skills. skills, We credit it will be profitable for the firm to find that contrary to conventional wisdom, market problems are neither necessary nor labor market imperfections which make provide workers for firms to sufficient. pay for The key is technologically general skills effectively specific, because trained workers do not get paid their full marginal product when they change jobs.^ The link between the structure of wages and training enables us to investigate the impact of labor market institutions on human capital accumulation. There are important differences between labor market institutions of Anglo-Saxon economies. Continental Europe and Japan. For example, in contrast to the U.S. Sweden unions play a very important fioors set role in and the U.K., Germany, and wage determination, and there are wage by minimum wages and unemployment benefits. Many these institutional differences compress the structure of wages 1996, in economists believe that Blau and Kahn, (e.g. Edin and Topel, 1997). Comparisons of wage dispersion and returns to education support this view. For example, in the raid 1980s, the log difference of ninetieth and tenth percentile wages was 1.73 in the U.S., 1.11 in the U.K. as 0.67 in Sweden, 1.22 in France and 1.01 in Japan believe that distorted in human opposed to 0.83 in Germany, (OECD, 1993). Many wage structures reduce not only employment, but capital (e.g. Lindbeck, et compressed wage structure will al. 1993). economists also investments In contrast, our theory predicts that a induce firms to pay for training, even though the technologically general. Therefore, the European and Japanese labor market skills are institutions ^In the standard theory, firms pay for skills that are specific, and which skills are specific is determined by technology, hi contrast, we focus on skills that are technologically general, in the sense that absent frictions, they will be as useful with other employers. Market structure and institutions determine, in equilibrium, which skills are turned into effectively "specific" skills. Becker (1964) realized that this may happen when he wrote that "in extreme types of monopsony ... job alternatives for trained and untrained workers are nil, and aU training, no matter what its nature, would be specific to the firm." (p. 50, 3rd ed.), but did not pursue this further. may contribute to, rather than reduce, human capital accumulation. In line with these predictions, the incidence of training appears to be higher in the U.S.: OECD (1994, Table 4.7) reports that 23.6 percent of Germany and 71.5 percent of those in training. By way 67.1 percent of new young workers hires in in the U.S., which has a any formal less distorted wage structure and less training than evidence that firms bear part of the cost of investments in is technologically general in France, seven years of labor market experience.^ first other countries, there in Japan receive formal of comparison, only 10.2 percent of U.S. workers receive training during their Even Europe and Japan than For example, Barron, Berger and Black (1997) report skills.^ that productivity growth associated with training exceeds wage growth by a factor of ten, even though firms claim that most of this training Further, many temporary is valuable at other employers. help agencies in the U.S. also provide general training to employees, such as computer and typing and 1993). Studies of the costs skills, and bear the monetary new costs (Krueger prodiictivity of apprentices have also typically concluded that apprentices do not pay for the Ryan In particular, full cost of training. (1980) reports sizeable net costs of apprenticeship training in a U.S. shipyard. Similarly, von Bardeleben, Beicht, and Feher (1995) find that the net costs of training are substantial in large German firms, even though the content of these programs are highly regulated and apprentices are given exams by outside boards, which implies that the skills are mostly general. The main idea of our paper can be explained using Figure of a worker, /(r), as a function of his employer and work for that he will receive his /(r) — skills, r. another firm, and in the process, he incurs a cost A. Assuming full product upon quitting, the worker's outside option So the worker receives i(;(t) = /(r) — A. incentive to invest in the worker's skills because irrespective of the value of r. as the special case with the general is A = skills of their The 0, > r. is v{t) = and keep the In this case, the employer has no its profits are equal to /(r) — w{t) = A be thought of so in competitive markets, employers do not invest in employees. Next consider the case where the wage structure skilled workers), that is /(r) — w{t) = A(r) and now makes greater profits from as the dotted curve in the figure. workers with high this outside option perfectly competitive labor market can compressed (distorted against more A'(r) which draws the product Siippose that this worker can quit his A. Suppose that the current employer can pay worker. 1, The firm Therefore, as long as the costs of worker training are not too large, ^However, it has to be borne in mind that these training data are collected using different methods and are not easily comparable. ^The evidence in Bishop (1987) suggests that in the U.S., wages across workers doing the same job in the same firm differ much less than productivity, so that even in the U.S., the structure of wages is distorted against more skilled workers. f(T) f(x) ^^^^__ /y<r \ f(T) -A W(T) = f{T) - A(T) \ \ / = w(t) ,----- Finn-sponsored training No firm-sponsored training Figure the firm will invest in The main r. The Wage Structure and Training 1: This contributions of is the basic story of our paper. om paper are the focus on how labor market imperfections transform technologically general the structure of wages and training. distort the structure of be discussed may Our finding on how wages and encourage training are in Section 2, distorted, firms and the skills into specific skills which will also establish that invest in general skills link we draw between labor market institutions also novel. when the and workers may These results will structure of wages not, even is when workers have access to perfect credit markets. Why should the structure of wages be distorted against more skilled workers? analyze this issue in Section as imion wage setting 3. We show that a range We of labor market institutions, such and minimum wages, and plausible frictions, such as search, infor- mational asymmetries and efficiency wages, can lead exactly to this type of distortion. Further, even when trading in the labor market technologically general and specific skills of their workers. may is frictionless, the interaction between induce firms to invest in the general skills Therefore, our model predicts that in a variety of circumstances, we should observe firm-sponsored investments in general training. Moreover, such invest- ments should be more common when labor market structure of wages against more skilled workers. frictions and institutions distort the Other papers on firm- sponsored invest- ment in general training have investigated much more specific models, some of those we analyze similar to the ones and so they in Section 3, will be discussed there. Partial Equilibrium 2 The Environment 2.1 Consider the following two-period model. In period how much choose r G There IR+. is to invest in the worker's general no production by in this period u!{t), < For example, u[t) which 1, the worker and/or the employer human and we denote the wage of the worker in the first period, conditioned on the training that the worker receives. is payment from the worker to the represents a the worker either stays with the firm and produces oiitput and as a function of his skill level (training) r, or he quits assume that with probability to be productive together q, which we denote by capital, is In period firm. 2, paid a wage rate, w{t) We and obtains an outside wage. the firm and the worker receive a negative shock, cease and separate. With probability 1 — the worker and the <?, firm can continue their productive relation, q will therefore be a measure of turnover in our model. There is no discoimting, and all agents are risk-neutral and have preferences defined over the unique good of this economy. — Each worker produces output y capital of other workers."* The /(r) cost of acquiring r imits of is an increasing, differentiable and concave function. skill is c{t) in terms of the final by the firm (although the worker can pay c{r) everywhere is and hmr^oo c'{t*) — c'(t) it by having ^{t) oo. These ensure that the good and < and convex, and but serves to highlight the economic mechanism we are interested may We we will discuss how technologically specific The consider two cases below. first is worker cannot make any transfers to the firm In terms of our notation, u){t) ^This assumption human capital adjusted freely, H is not as restrictive as and physical capital the output of a worker y an optimizing firm will it skills is extreme, 0. the presence of in: and general providing him with = The second 0. appears. K, F{H,K), human capital. skills interact. human For example, if case is for the total output is exhibits constant returns to scale human capital, K/H, capital, nor expenses the perfect credit /(r) will be independent of the level of keep the ratio of physical to = the credit constrained regime where the for > c(0) given by can he take a wage cut during training in order to compensate the firm of training. = is transform technologically general capital into firm-specific In Section 3.6 incurred is assume that c'(0) > cost of training, r* assimiption that there are no (technologically) firm specific frictions We 0). first-best training level, r*, and from the assumptions on the /'(r*), The for strictly increasing, differentiable = number and human /{t) independent of the a function of and H. This constant. K is can be because markets regime where the worker is < not affected by credit constraints, so uj{t) is possible. Training in a Perfectly Competitive Labor Market 2.2 If a worker quits after the first period, she receives a wage of v{t) in the outside labor market. In this section, we take the outside wage structure v{t) as given and look at the determination of the internal wage structure w{t). labor market is = competitive, which implies v{t) To /(r), start with, suppose that the and the worker can and qiiit take a job in the outside market at no cost. Therefore, workers have to be paid their marginal product:^ iu{t) full Proposition Then r competitive. Due — we v[t) = /(r). The following result are in the credit constrained regime is immediate: and labor markets are 0. to the severe credit constraints, the worker cannot be training, so is 1 Suppose = made to bear the cost of no investment takes place, even though the optimal amoimt of training, strictly positive. It is sometimes asserted that credit constraints faced by workers induce firms to invest in general training. Proposition 1 r*, may shows that credit constraints are not sufficient for firm sponsored investments in training. Before we turn to the core of our analysis, it is also useful to state the of Becker (1964), that with perfect credit markets, first-best training workers pay for main conclusion is achieved and it. Proposition 2 (Becker) Suppose we bor murkets are competitive. Then t are in the perfect capital markets regime — and t* cu{t*) = and la- —c{t*). Note that the presence of separations with probability q is of no consequence because the worker will get exactly the same returns for his general himian capital in the outside market. 2.3 Frictional In this section, is, Labor Markets with Credit Constraints we model frictional labor despite that fact that r firm, he section, v{t) will get a lower we and general wage than discuss in detail its is how relation to /(r). his markets by assuming that v{t) human capital, if < /(r). That the worker separates from the marginal product in the current firm. In the next different forms of frictions For now, the fact that v{t) 'Recall that marginal product of the worker is and < equal to /(r) not /'(r) institutions determine /(r) imphes that there is a surplus that the firm and the worker can share when they are together. We we adopt the Nash bargaining approach. exposition in this section, For the also start with the credit constrained regime and return to the case of perfect credit markets below. Asymmetric Nash bargaining and risk-neutrahty imply that w{t), the wage current firm, is = Iu{t) where /? 6 firm, that [0, 1] is is v{t) how much profit the firm would obtain loss of generality, important point to note level of training over the wage - v{t) rate. ttq (1) , is the outside option of the the worker we normalize ttq to left and took alternative 0. is independent a feature of the temporal structure of our economy. is chosen by the firm, and then the worker and the firm bargain is At if TTo] that the equilibrium wage rate w{t) is of c{t), the cost of training. This The + P [/(r) - the bargaining power of the worker, employment. Without An at the this point the training costs are already sunk. Profits of the firm are: 7t{t) = {l-q) [fir) - where we have incorporated the separation, and the worker is (1 - /?)(! - with probability q) [/(r) q, - v{t)] - c{r). there will be an invohmtary the costs of training are borne by the firm because all The credit constrained. = c{t) fact that imposed that also - w{r)] firm chooses r to maximize 7r(r), which gives the first-order condition: (l-/?)(l-g)(/'(f)-./(f))-c'(f) The necessary condition for f capital of the worker, is 7r'(0) > that 0, > tional, P < 1, and q < 1. Then are: /'(O) as long /'(O) in general skills. This the central result of our paper. workers. The = > 0, human necessary conditions for firm v'{0) and (1 — /3)(1 — q) > 0. condition, > v'{0), the firm loill invest a positive In contrast to the case of competitive labor may have an incentive to invest /'(O) > '''(O), nests the key idea of markets, in frictional markets, the firm skills of its (2) are in the credit constrained regime, labor markets are fric- amount is 0. for the firm to invest in the general Since c'(0) 0. sponsored investment in general training Proposition 3 Suppose we is = in the general otu model;^ it ^The additional requirements that /3 < 1 and g < 1 are straightforward to understand. They ensure that the firm gets some rents from the relation, that is some of the bargaining power is vested in the firm and the relation does not end with probability 1. implies that the wage structure the firm to invest in the general wage pay w{t), that will it structure is /'(r) > is + /3/'(r) profits distorted only relevant to the firm is librium training, wage linked to the external (1 - (2) to ensure f wage structme > v'{t) equivalent to is and the firm < > /3 r* and = (/? is.^ wage structure encourages firms than the 0, v'{t*) g = 0, > 0, and or if ^>'{t*) = for training, equi- first-best training level, r*. > g pay to it In immediately follows from are necessary but not sufficient t*). A key comparative static result is immediate. Let = ?;(t) av{T) + b. Then, everything being equal, a reduction in a increases investment in training, r (see equation else the structure, v{t). hi particular, Therefore, /'(r) P)v'{t). f, is generally strictly less that f = external distorted particular, as long as equation is from trained workers. In other words, the internal wage structure when the Even though a A What the worker. w'{t), so that wages increase less with skills than does productivity makes higher is = implies w'{t) (1) skills of the internal wage structure. However, the internal wage is endogenous, and compressed at the point of no training, enconraging is (2)). decrease in a reduces the outside option of skilled workers relative to the outside opportunities of the unskilled, compressing the wage structure. This implies that the firm can capture additional rents from the skilled, so more skills. Therefore, contrary to conventional wisdom, a can improve human invests it in the worker's more compressed wage structure capital investments. Another useful comparative ately implies that df/dq benefits from training < 0. static result is with respect to turnover, q. (2) Therefore, turnover reduces training, because the firm only when the worker higher turnover makes this less likely. stays It is and produces represents an important market failure (e.g. second period, and in the often argued that high turnover economies such as the U.S. do not generate sufficient investments in worker skills, and that Ward (1992) find that the with ten years of experience Pischke, 1998) or two are much more is or f suggests 'This make is = r* irrespective of the level of why high in q. it is one (Acemoglu and Germany, where young workers formal training (see also OECD, 1994). But the state- failures are difficult to interpret against the backgroimd of Becker's model of training: as = market, while (Dustmann and Meghir, 1997) ments regarding turnover, training and market f For ex- median number of jobs held by male worker six in the U.S. labor likely to receive this Blinder and Krueger, 1996). Indeed, cross- sectional comparisons reveal that high turnover countries have lower training. ample, Topel and immedi- we saw, in competitive markets either Our model explains these turnover causes low training, and why a feature of Nash Bargaining. Other bargaining solutions this may correlations and represent a market will give similar results, the dependence of the internal on the external wage structure less transparent. but would failure.^ While we stress that find it is an important link between general training and turnover, we should not differences in worker mobihty which lead to variations in firm- sponsored training. To see this, suppose that differences in q are being generated differences in workers' costs of not by differ may be moving = A'(r) skill level (i.e. to a new employer, A. As long 0), as in the baseline case in Figiu-e training. In the = same vein, the presence of turnover /'(t) everywhere, there A 2.4 the firm is not sufficient for not sufficient for training: with is would be no training irrespective of the value of q. Note on Welfare Interestingly, the distortion of the is 1, do able to extract a fraction of the rents created by imperfect mobility, but will not invest in training. Therefore, the mere presence of mobility costs ?/(r) as these costs by wage structure may actually improve the well-known theory of the second-best at work. and cannot invest in their general skills, training distortion, in this case in the labor market, may If welfare. This workers are credit constrained outcomes are inefficient. Another induce firms to undertake some of these investments, and improve output and welfare. If labor market frictions did not affect any other choices, a to v{t) 1, = af{T) + b with a would increase human eqinlibrium training f frictions will < tilting 1, i.e. the outside wage function This capital investments. = < r* when 7;(t) have a number of allocative need to be compared to the benefits in move from = costs, v{t) down will also increase net = /(r) as in Figure output since Naturally, in practice, increased /(r). such as lower employment. These costs terms of better training incentives. In any case, the implications of labor market frictions on training are worth bearing in mind when suggesting labor market reforms. For example, proposals for reducing union power and removing other regulations ical in the labor market, which are on the current polit- agenda, could have unforeseen consequences regarding the system where employers pay 2.5 German German apprenticeship for the general training of their workers. Firm Sponsored Training Without Credit Constraints We now discuss the impact of labor market frictions on training in the presence of perfect capital markets. The trTith is presiimably between these two extreme cases, but our analysis in this section will give the general idea. ^Since f < r*, a further reduction in f would reduce Most important, we welfare. Also note that if find that the training differences across countries are due to variations in the intensity of specific training, the standard theory would no market failure. through formal training programs. predict the negative relation between turnover and training, but there would be However, we find this unlikely because most observed training 8 is common contrary to market problems are not necessary beliefs, credit the cost of general training. Whether they do or not for firms to bear once again determined by the is labor market imperfections and institntions which shape the wage structure. We also assume that training investments by firms and workers are chosen non- cooperatively. In particular, the worker and the firm simultaneously choose the amount of money they wish to spend on training, respectively, c^ and c/. + y{Tnc) (1 Intuitively, wage The = such that c{Tnc) is T-nc is - + c-w " Q)P[f{'^nc) + (1 — - ^{Tnc)] with probability Pfir) Cf, 01 Tnc — I c~^{cw + C/). by clioosiug Cyj probability q, he is order condition for the worker's contribution first v'{rnc) + Thcu > tlic and and taking c„, = nothing from its — (1 q){l — j3) — [f{Tnc) if investment in the worker. The first is essentially the generically, one of them same as (2). parties will bear the full cost of training. 'T-nc — "^f- -^^ contrast if t^ > > Despite the fact that training the firm may end up paying More to is (3) by choosing c/ > a quit, and the firm gets is > < if c/ = implication precisely, let r^ general, is: (4) 0, is be the little or all level of training all the cost of training and the cost of training, and is not credit constrained, our results that no contribution from workers) to be be severely credit constrained. the firm to pay for training. economies with compressed wage structures that one of the Then: (4). and the worker observe that the more distorted the wage structTire the more likely Cf for all the costs of training. Therefore, for firms pay for general training (with we do not need the workers — c/ then the worker bears is = if t^ then the firm will bear Tf, c^ = The that satisfies (3) as equality, and r/ be the solution to Tf > Inspection of equations (3) and (4) implies that will hold as a strict inequality. Proposition 4 Suppose receives v{t). order condition for the firm (l-<?)(l-/3)[/'(T„e)-^/(r„,)]-c'(r„,) which and C^ if v[Tnc)\ Note that with probability q there as given. maximize is: < maximizes will take c/ as given. will forced to quit, {l-q)P[f{Tnc)-v'{rr,c)]-c'{Tnc) Similarly, the firm worker of training the worker stays with the firm and in this case his q, With P)v{t). Cyj = The amoimt is (i.e. the lower Therefore, siich as It is OTir true, also interesting to is ?/ relative to /'), model predicts that in Germany and Sweden, employers should pay for general training, while in the U.S. it may be cost of a range of training investments (such as vocational courses). firm is paying for training, a further distortion in the whereas when workers are paying wage structure (3) for the firm and makes the wages will shows that, somewhat paradoxically, (4) more it the increases training, for training, a distortion in the structure of reduce training. Finally, inspection of a larger bargaining power who bear Moreover, when the workers likely that the firm, rather than the worker, will finance the costs of training. The analysis in this subsection assTimed that contributions to training are coop eratively, in period in the sense that the firm and the worker did not write a binding contract determining training and second-period wages. 1 It is generally appreciated that these types of contracts are difficult to write and enforce. Nonetheless, tive to also analyze the case make longer possible to because where training decisions are made cooperatively. how predictions regarding contract for a higher wage in period 2. What of interest, however, is 0, when higher training because v{t) Specific The no 1 and that even in the is As generally suboptimal. is < who will also benefit from his /(r).^ Mechanisms and the Role of Institutions previous section described our simple theory of firm sponsored investment in general training. We It is the firm and the worker decide to increase training, they will create a positive externality on the worker's future employers, 3 instriic- the cost of training will be shared, presence of cooperative investments, the amount of training > it is always possible for the worker to pay more for training in period it is long as g made non- The key ingredient was a compressed wage structure such that found that the crucial condition to ensure this > /'(r) is v'{t), that opportunities for the worker should improve less than his productivity more skills. v{t), is worker, Therefore, the shape of the outside wage function in the of crxicial importance. it is Even though an equilibrium object. In this is this section /'(r) is, when he > w'{t). outside acquires skill- wage space, taken as given by the firm and the we discuss how a range of plausible labor market frictions lead to a distortion in the external wage structure, v{t), inducing firm sponsored training. We place special emphasis on the role of different institutional arrangements in influencing v{t) and equilibrium training. Throughout simplify our discussion by assuming that the worker cannot pay for any of the training ^The exception is the model discussed marginal product of the worker with the (1997) for a more costs, so is severely credit constrained, we only study in subsection 3.6, new employer 10 we and the firm's incentives to invest where v{t) is less than /(t) but equal to the Acemoglu model with search so that there are no externalities. See detailed discussion of this type of inefficiency in the context of a frictions. this section, Our aim in skills. each model in this section major ideas rather than analyze to bring ont the is For this reason we keep the exposition as simple as possible. fully. Minimum Wages and Other Wage 3.1 Floors common intervention in the labor market is the imposition of wage floors, due to minimum wages and high reservation wages caused by unemployment benefits. Minimum wages and replacement ratios are relatively low in the U.S. and the Perhaps the most U.K. as compared to the higher do these levels in France and other European economies. How institiitional differences affect training? minimum wage can never lead to more training when labor markets are competitive (Rosen, 1972). The intuition for this result is simple: because workers pay for training through lower wages, a minimum wage may well It is known that the imposition of a prevent the firm from reducing wages enough during the training period. rationale behind the introduction of "training subminima" in wage moving consider a labor market with frictions, where v{t) cost, unrelated to skill. and of power {P = 1) so that w{t) Next consider a wage benefits = = minimum /(r) — A, due to, say, not distorted, thus is Also suppose that the firm has 0. all (2) is kinked at is wm, a from the the bargaining floor wm due to either minimum wages or imemployment which increase the value of unemployment to workers (independently of structure of wages which = ^(r). skill). then: iu{t) = max {wm, f{r) - A} thus distorted at low levels of maximize /(r) — w{t) — to the important to realize that this distortion does not It is lead to firm-sponsored training; v{r) itself previous section would imply f The recent U.S. is laws. Now in many This c{t). We will have f > (5) , r. The firm then chooses r as long as the firm chooses to operate, because the condition for a positive training level, a distortion in the structure of wages, is satisfied. Hence, in the presence of labor market frictions, will increase training (unless they induce the firm to shut down).^° Notice the stark contrast of these predictions to the standard With competitive markets, a minimum wage ^° T* . The = just below /(O) human is capital model. most detrimental to exact level of training depends on the relative positions of the kink in the wage relation and In particular, let r be such that /(t) operate and choose t f minimum wages T*. Finally, if r > — t* t. If r > r* and /(t*) < - A = c{t*) Then, ium- and /(r*) > + wm, c{t*) or not to operate. 11 if t + wm < r* f < r* and c{t) < A, the firm will then the firm will operate and choose if and c{f) > A, then the firm will choose the accumulation of general a wage cut in the > minimum wage would such a = w'(0) capital because 0, results training where workers bear the costs, regarding the impact of is prevents the worker from taking down not shut the firm, and woiild and those based on Becker's theory minimum wages on training. At the international is mixed. Leighton and Mincer (1981) find negative and positive effects for effects of the level, minimum wages male workers Sicilian (1997) find negative effects for women. Unions 3.2 Another important institutional difference across economies Germany and Scandinavian tion, our level, consistent with the pattern that the more heavily regulated European labor on training, while Grossberg and In of general instructive to look at the empirical evidence it is markets generate more firm-sponsored training than the U.S. At the micro evidence With inducing the firm to invest in general training Given the contrast between our result it period to compensate the firm for the costs of training. first frictions, in contrast, imply /'(O) human the role played by unions. countries imions are heavily involved in while in the U.S. they have traditionally been has been declining. Furthermore, structure against is commonly it is less prominent and their importance believed that unions compress the more highly paid workers (Freeman and Medoff, In this subsection discussed above). we turn We to union wage wage determina- 1984). setting (instead of individual assume that a union can set the entire wage Nash bargains wage structure w{t) the beginning of the period, and then the firm chooses training. Hence, this model at is an analogue to the standard monopoly imion (right-to-manage) model, except that we replace the firm's labor /(r) > start The situation. We assume that v{t) so that the workers do not leave for outside = /(r) — w{t) — c{t). with the simple case where the union can only choose one wage for The union first > firm maximizes ^{t) training levels, w{t) by the decision with the training decision. v{t) and the union sets w{t) opportunities. We demand = w, and we will then see that the union cannot improve over this will anticipate the order condition, /'(r) the wage does not vary with skill The union simply maximizes = behavior of the firm which can be summarized c'{t). It is This implies that the imion > 0, immediately obvious from the fact that that the firm will choose the efficient training level r*. the wage income of the worker (since the worker paying for the costs of training). However, constraint of the firm, 7t{t*) all it has to make is not sure to obey the participation otherwise the firm will prefer not to hire any workers. will set the wage 12 so as to extract all rents and force the firm down wage to zero profits. Therefore, the optimal The > firm invests in training because /'(r) is = f{r*) — c{t*)}'^ = 0. The training investment w* w;'(r) because the union gets a fixed payment and the firm efficient is the full is residual claimant. This immediately implies that the imion cannot do better by choosing the whole wage among covered schedule, w{t). If there were ex ante heterogeneity would no longer choose a union would still single wage. However, workers, the union can be shown in it this case that the choose to compress the wage structure and induce the firm to invest in training. The model once again contrast with the standard predictions of oiir wage predict that by compressing the would be more structure, imions should encourage firms to spon- wage In contrast, in the standard approach a distortion of the sor training programs. structure against We theory. workers would reduce the retiirn to training and workers skilled The less willing to invest. general pattern predicted by our model again consistent with international comparisons. But, the micro evidence is once is mixed. by Dimcan and Stafford (1980) and Mincer (1983) based on the PSID, Lillard Stiidies and Tan (1992) based on the CPS, and Barron, Fuess, and Loewenstein (1987) based EOPP on the find negative effects of imion status on Black (1997), on the other hand, report insignificant imion and vey. Barron, Berger, and training. effects using the EOPP data find positive effects for formal training in the Small Business Administration Lynch (1992) UK, Booth also finds positive effects for formal training in the (1991) reports more training for union workers NLSY. For and Green (1993) finds siu'- the more training for unionized workers in small establishments but not in large establishments. Search and Monopsony 3.3 Consider the same set-up as in Section find a new new firm if he quits. With firm and with probability which is independent of t}"^ If determine wages. Since there second bargain he will get output. is 0. probability p^j is — p^,, the worker second period the worker has to the worker is fact that there is is successful and finds a unemployed and receives benefit no further period, the worker's outside option Pfir) and his new is (3, for the h is 1 — /3 of the a special, but nonessential, feature. In depend on whether the rest of the economy establishment based or centralized. In and induce training r*. would hold in the case where unemployment insurance systems. in this worker as above, firm will capture a proportion no further period ^'Interestingly, this result does not set in the he finds an employer, he has to bargain with this firm to competitive and whether bargaining w= — but Assuming the same bargaining power, a wage W2{t) The 1 2, is all cases, unionized or the union will lu* ^^All our results b = 13 6(t) and 6'(t) < /'(r), as is the case for most the Appendix same the The (1 we analyze residt. outside option of the worker in the bargain of the — Pw)b. The PwP)f'{T) v'{0). = This We the case where this economy has infinite horizon and estabhsh first is period is v{t) order condition for the firm's investment in training As c'{t). first = PwPfir) + is (1 in Section 2, the condition for firm-sponsored training equivalent to: PwPf'{0) < refer to this situation as search /'(O) which will be satisfied if p^, induced monopsony; because it is < 1 /3)(1 — /'(O) > P< 1. — is or costly for the worker to change employers, the firm has some monopsony power and this enables the The firm to capture part of the higher output due to the worker's higher productivity. costs of leaving the current firm, which imderlie the First, the twofold. him and capture a worker anticipates that his future quitting. who qints can suffer of the firm, are employers will also bargain with certain fraction of his productivity. Thus, the potential future employers contribute to the Second, a worker monopsony power monopsony power imemployment and monopsony power of of the current employer. this reduces the retiu^n to Moreover, the possibility of unemployment reduces the return to leaving the current firm especially for the more skihed workers, because skiUs are not useful when unemployed. This also contributes to the distortion in the wage structure and to firmsponsored training (see the Appendix and also Acemoglu 1997, Interestingly, this model predicts that when the labor market in the sense that p^, the exit rate higher, we should observe more model discussed in the in Prance. 48.2% The same reduce OECD result is more lower and "frictional" imemployment obtained in the dynamic once again contrary to conventional human capital investments, but in line with (1993) reports the monthly exit rates from in the U.S., So the economies with lower is is is This result frictions broad international comparisons. as follows: from imemployment, training. Appendix. wisdom that labor market imemployment for further details). 22% in Japan, exit rates 7.6% in Germany and 6.7% once again are the ones with more investments in training, as predicted by our model. 3.4 Skills Asymmetric Information may be technically general, but outside employers whether a worker actually possesses these is skills or in may be what amount the case, the outside wage will not reflect these uncredentialled them fully so that /'(r) > v'{t). or quality. skills, If this or not reflect This has been suggested by Katz and Ziderman (1990) and analyzed by Chang and Wang this notion using imable to ascertain (1996). Bishop (1994) finds empirical support for data from the National Federation of Independent Business Siirvey. However, information advantages of the incumbent employers 14 may lead to firm spon- sored training even if the skills apprenticeship programs are well-known, thus r employer tial still German are easily observable. For example, the content of observed by outside firms, but the is has superior information regarding the ability of workers. its We ini- have analyzed this case in Acemoglu and Pischke (1998), and the following adverse selection model A based on our previous work. Workers have two different is abilities denoted by r/. = 0. proportion p are low ability and, for simplicity, we normalize their ability to The remaining proportion 1 —p are high ability with = 77 1. The production t] fimction is /(r,7y) =r7?. The incumbent of period 1. At firm does not this time, know the ability of a particular must decide about it worker at the beginning At the end training. the worker's type and offers a wage which can be contingent on do not know worker They offer a but observe the ability, original employer whenever the outside wage that there are other reasons for quits. Even exogenous reasons with probabihty To avoid power issues of bargaining to low ability workers. The outside market is and v{t), < = /3 will lose in the outside of workers This implies that 0. market of to high all ensure that the outside separate. Since low ability workers some high ability will also quit to In equilibrium, expected productivity take and the are: , The incumbent employer keeps ability. wage wage competitive, but as noted above, cannot distinguish high ability advantage of the higher outside wage. wage the bargaining a fraction A of these workers to tiu'nover. who > all will offer the lowest possible it wage equals the expected productivity v{t) assume also Therefore, a firm will offer a 0. will therefore qiiit, We their w{T,ri), workers will separate for workers from the low ability ones. Competition workers w{T,r]). with asymmetric information, we give In addition, = ability workers, w{T,r]) v{t) if > Workers quit A. by setting to the inciimbent firm worker has received. ability. higher, v{t) is learns it Outside firms ability. level of training the wage, v{t), conditional on training, but not of period 1 A(1-p)t . a fraction (1 — A)(l — p) of workers, all of which are high Therefore, profits are given by: 7r(T) = (1 - A)(l - - p) [r w{t, - 1)] cir) In words, the firm pays the cost of training for observed before training. After training all = (1 all workers because worker ability - A)(l -p)[r- v{t)] - c{t). is not low ability and a proportion A of high ability workers leave, the firm pays v{t) to the remaining workers, and makes profits equal to T — ?;(t) per worker. The first 7r'(r) = order condition for training (1 - A)(l - p) [1 15 - v'{r)] - is: c'{r) = 0. (6) The = firm only retains highly skilled workers, so /'(r) the necessary and sufficient condition for firm sponsored training condition that the wage structure should be compressed. condition is always satisfied, because v'{t) = — A(l + [p have also is ?;'(0) < 1, = c'(0) — p)] < A(l 0, our famihar immediate to see that It is p)/ we Since 1. 1. this Intuitively, the presence of low ability workers in the second hand market implies that firms view workers in this market as lemons, and therefore are imwilling to pay high wages. More important, they do not increase their wage offers by because training is not useful to low ability workers much who for workers with higher r, are the majority of those in the second hand market. Many example are of the assumptions in this The reasons of exposition. crucial assumption is inessential and were only made for that training and ability are comple- ments, which we captured by the multiplicative production hmction /(r, r/) = To tt]. see the importance of complementarity between unobserved ability and training, consider = t + V\Tj = instead that f{r,rj) The outside satisfied at r wage now = 0, rj. pr The outside wage + A(l-p)(l + TTZ p + X{l-p) r) ; in this case = A(l-p) p + X{l-p)' , T increases one for one with r, that and the firm does not is = v'{t) 1. Therefore, (6) invest in the training of its workers. This to the fact that training raises the productivity of the amount. Asymmetric information is: more and less due able by an equal leads to rents for the incximbent firm, but still is is it does not lead to a distortion of the wage structure. In Acemoghi and Pischke among German (1998), apprentices. We we present empirical evidence for adverse selection show that apprentices who leave their training firm who stay Unlike other quitters and workers who because of the military draft (an exogenous separation) earn more than those at the apprenticeship firm and other quitters. stay at the training firm, military quitters are freed from the adverse selection problem, because the reason 3.5 for their separation is EfRciency Wages Suppose that the firm it observed by the outside market. invests in general training in the first period. In the second period, chooses what wage to offer to the worker. requires the firm to e in pay an exerts no effort and produces nothing. contractible, there as before, r If e a moral hazard problem which is The worker can efficiency wage. which case he produces /(r) where, There is either exert effort at cost general human capital. Or he or a variable highly correlated with e were would be no moral hazard problem. -^^ Instead, a worker who exerts '^It is natural that the effort level of the worker is not always observed. Also, in most firms, rather than the output of an individual worker, only the output of a whole division is observed, and this is not 16 no effort We has a probability q of getting caught. worker are risk-neutral, and there a limited is assume that both the firm and the liability constraint, so that the worker cannot be paid a negative salary Finally to simplify the analysis, we assume that the firm has all the bargaining power. Since a worker caught shirking will receive to exert effort 0, the incentive compatibility condition is: ty — e > — (1 q)w. Therefore, the firm trying to minimize costs would choose also a participation constraint for the worker to is participation constraint takes the form output or utility that the w > /(r) pation constraints above, where is is identical to (5) in the case of not so high as to shut Firm 3,6 We A > is can. There assume that the is the amoimt independent of of skill. is: in that case, this distortion will as e/q is A — - ^\ firm will then choose r to maximize profits /(r) wage fimction Our satisfied. worker loses by changing jobs, which w{t) =max<^ -J{r) As be e/'q if it that the optimal wage structure, which satisfies the incentive and partici- It is clear The w = Specific — w{r) — minimum Observe that this wages, with e/q replacing wm- c{t). encourage firms to invest in general training (as long down Human production). So in general f will be positive. ^'^ Capital human capital for clarity. However, it which are much more useful in the current analysis has so far concentrated on general undoubtedly true that there firm than the outside. skills exist skills Becker's (1964) classic analysis discussed investment in such and concluded that the firm should pay for at least part of the costs. Although Becker's analysis once again assumed competitive markets, in the presence of purely specific skills, particular, if markets will not be competitive in the most usual sense of this word. In a worker has some skills that can only be used in one firm, then for one of easy to use to provide incentives to individual workers. ^''The exact conditions for training are the same as those given in footnote 10. The assumption tliat independent of future job opportunities, and tlius of skills, is not crucial. The result holds as long as the constraint induces a relation between wages and skills less steeply sloped than /(r). The model by Loewenstein and Spletzer (1998) has a similar flavor. In their model firms can commit tlie incentive compatibihty constraint is ex ante to pay a certain wage in the second period in order to reduce turnover. Wlienever this constraint is binding for the firm, the firm has an incentive to invest in the worker's general skills. 17 the commodities, there only one buyer and one is not apply. In this subsection we show that will can also support firm investment in general Assume that output human specific source of the firm-specific is inessential: s, is period that the worker spends with the firm > in Jovanovic, 1979), so s these skills with some given as y = some /(r, s) where s is firm could be acquired during the it (j){s) positive The first example, via a learning mechanism as (for Alternatively, the firm chooses 0. cost function woiild always like to have now period the firm again chooses r at cost c{t). first skill, from perfect competition this deviation skills. in the second period In the capital. so price-taking behavior does seller, > such that df{T,0)/ds amount how much (f)'{0) of firm-specific skills. to invest in so that the firm Both scenarios are equivalent for the purposes of this section. Let us also adopt Bertrand competition More generally, even if v{r) is only useful in the current firm. among outside firms so that v{t) not equal to /(r, 0) it The independence be independent of will of w(r) of s = /(r, 0). s since s is the crucial ingredient is in this case. Assuming Nash Bargaining once more, we have iu{t) = /3/(t, s) + (1 — P)f{T, 0). The firm will then choose: max7r(T, = s) /(r, s) — w{t, s) — c{t). T As before, this v'{0) or training if imphes that the firm 5/(0, s)/dT > skills. f > only if /? < 1 and 5/(0, s)/dT > df{0, 0)/5r. Therefore, for firm sponsored investment in general we need d'^f{T,s)/dTds > and general will invest In fact, since c'(0) 0, that = 0, it is is a complementarity between firm-specific necessary and sufficient for firm-sponsored > investments in general training that 5^/(f, s)/dTds and < I. Although plausible counter-examples can be found, complementarity between general and specific fairly weak requirement. So our firm-sponsored general training To summarize, if is firm specific likely to exist. skills and general skills raises enabling the firm to invest in these general In this case, specific these rents are the same to invest in general skills skills. If specific in and general skills do not r as the production function. generate rents from the current employment relationship, but at all levels of general skill. skills. are complements in the pro- productivity more than outside wages, wage function has the same slope skills a analysis suggests that under a wide set of circumstances, duction function, increasing general interact, the outside skills is The firm has therefore no incentive -^^ ^^Related ideas have been discussed by other papers. Stevens (1994) considers skills which are neither mean that workers are unlikely to completely general nor completely specific and notes that this will face a perfect outside labor market for these skills. 18 However, she does not consider the interaction This result also goes in the direction of suggesting that European and Japanese economies should generate more investment in general training than their U.S. counterpart. As these economies have lower turnover, we might expect workers firm-specific skills, so that s will more to have be higher in Europe than in the U.S. This immediately implies that f should also be higher in Etirope. Therefore, our analysis in this subsec- we might expect more tion suggests that everything else being equal, economies with low turnover, because they above Finally, the formulation is will generate ent levels of physical capital, and physical and general then firms with more physical capital would Suppose there other firms. if It is is full is like to With human capital quits, first sight, this is its physical and the worker would receive not the case if However, this is not example seems to contradict our general premise that the worker, which is so. If capital is some degree stock of physical capital has of immobile, then the employer with a larger monopsony power over the human capital of spills over into the labor market. Conclusion When the wage structure is distorted of less skilled workers, firms away from competitive wage structure and may want need to be credit constrained. institutions. These results contrast work where firms would never regiilated labor markets between specific What and general matters is for this result to hold, skills as workers do not the form of labor market frictions and with the standard theory based on Becker's seminal invest in general skills. may in favor to invest in the general skills of their employees. Contrary to previous research, we showed that and human the source of the distortion in the wage structure. In other words, the imperfection in the capital market 4 his the capital market labor market imperfections are needed for firm financing of investments in general capital. differ- employ workers with more human perfect markets, the firm could just sell new employer when the worker At have capital are complements, for this firm to invest in the workers' marginal product on the outside market. This imperfect. human firm. If firms not perfectly mobile. This conclusion again crucially depends on the existence of some frictions. capital to the than merely specific one firm which has a higher stock of physical capital than would be profitable physical capital firm-specific skills. also useful in contexts other above could be physical capital of the training. For example, s capital. more general training in We also foimd that more frictional increase investment in training by distorting the a source for firms' investments in general training. Soskice (1995) discuss the case where general training is wage Franz and a by-product of specific training, i.e. the on the cost side rather than on the output side as in our analysis above. Bishop (1996) points out that individual skills may be general, but the particular mix of these general skills used by any single employer could be firm-specific. complementarity is 19 structure and encouraging firms to invest in the We the skills of their employees. view the presence of many firm-sponsored general training programs, such as German apprenticeship system, and the fact that U.S. employers send their workers to vocational and technical training that the forces we emphasize facilities without reducing their wages as evidence are present. Also, the fact that training programs are prominent in Europe and Japan, which have more regulated and more distorted wage structures, is in fine with our approach. frictional more markets and Future empirical work should test the more micro-level implications that follow from our analysis and contrast them with those of the standard theory. This paper also has implications for the interpretation of empirical results on the returns to training (e.g. Lynch, 1992). total increase in productivity whenever employers pay measured in if The wage returns to training only refiect the labor markets are competitive. for training, the true returns may Our work predicts that, exceed the returns to training terms of the wage, which are often estimated to be quite large already. 20 A Appendix: 5 Continuous Time Version of the Search Model Consider a continuous time each worker is infinite matched with a horizon version of the model of Section firm, who t = 0. is All worker-firm matches come to risk-neutral after losing its firm finds will be a of only possible in is at the rate Also a worker, once q. independent of his training worker finds a new worker at the rate pj random draw from the pool is and discoimt the future end at the exogenous rate tmemployed, finds a new firm at the rate p^ which and a firm now. The productivity of a worker /(r) in every period. For simplicity, training Both firms and workers are to The worker has no funds and cannot commit in the future in return for training receives training r period r. wage Namely, and the firm decides whether and how much invest in the general skills of the worker. to a lower 3.3. . The worker level, that the tmemployed workers, irrespective of the value of training. So workers with different levels of training have the same probability of getting a job. Suppose all workers have training f and consider a worker with training , r, then the value of being employed for this worker as a function of his training level r, J^(t), rJ^(r) where J^ {t) ing r. is = y;(r) is: + g(j^(r)-J^(r)) the present discoimted value of being unemployed for a worker of train- This equation Pissarides, 1990). is a standard dynamic programming equation (see for instance The worker job at the fiow probability q, gets w{t) every instant he in with the firm and loses his is which case he gets J^ and loses J^ . In turn we have; rJ^(r)=b + p^{j^{T)-j''{T)) And for the firm, the value of rJ^(r) employing a worker with training r = /(r)-t.(r)-Fg(j^-J^(r)) and the value of being imfiUed vacancy Nash Bargaining is: is: in this context implies that the present discounted values should shared. Therefore, w{t) will be chosen so as to maximize: VN1-/3 {j'^{r)-J^{r)Y{j^{r)^J^) 21 be This gives a standard wage rule: ^r) = or substituting for rJ^'{T) Pfir) + (1 , . = (Pu, +r+ r 0, Prj"" : w[t) Now in period t = - pyj'^iT) - since the worker is q) - P rJ^) - {Pfjr) ^ + q + (jpyj credit constrained and cannot invest in training, the firm will maximize: - J'{r) c{t) by choosing training r and taking the training only influences J^, which is not influence the choice of (7) level of all other workers, r, as given, in turn independent of the vahie of r. r. So the level of For this reason, the first-order condition of f f does takes the (7) simple form: (l-/?)/'(f) Since c'(0) = 0, for all /5 < 1 and r = + g + /?pJc'(f) (r + q + (5pw < other firms are solving a similar problem, we c», the firm will choose f = have f also f, > 0. Since all and a unique symmetric equilibrium. The reason why text. /? < 1 is necessary for firm-sponsored training However, the second condition is interesting. the future needs to feature in the calculations, g First < oo it is pu; — > oo is oo, thiis also required this last p^u < oo which means is necessary. requirement reiterates that labor market imperfections are necessary for firms to invest in the general it is < the case of perfectly competitive labor markets: the worker finds an employer immediately. Therefore, Moreover, from the reqiiires that r that the worker should not be leaving the firm for sure. Finally, In fact, familiar is clear that as p^ increases, there steady state imemployment in this economy higher unemployment is associated with is is less equal to u more investment skills of their workers. investment in training. = q/{q + Pw), in training. 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