Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/traditionalinstiOOmuns 1/ 1B31 H415 23 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series Traditional Institutions Meet the Modern Caste Gender and Schooling Choice Globalizing World: in a Economy Kaivan Munshi Mark Rosenzweig Working Paper 03-23 July 2003 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at http://papers.ssrn. com/paper. tat?abstract 16=424620 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SEP 1 9 2003 IBRARIES Traditional Institutions Meet the Modern World: Caste, Gender and Schooling Choice in a Globalizing Economy * Mark Rosenzweig* Kaivan Muiishi* July 2003 Abstract This paper addresses the question of how traditional institutions interact with the forces of globalization to shape the economic mobility and welfare of particular groups of individuals in the new economy. We explore the role of one such traditional institution career choices by gender in Bombay using - the caste system - in shaping new survey data on school enrollment and income over the past 20 years. Bombay's labor market was historically organized along rigid caste lines; such on mobility can be welfare enhancing when network externalities are present. But there We find that male working class - lower caste - networks continue to channel boys into local language schools that lead to the traditional occupation, despite the fact that returns to non-traditional white collar occupations rose restrictions was a large change in the returns to different occupations in the 1990s. dynamic inefficiency. In contrast, lower caste girls, who had low labor market participation rates and so did not benefit from the network, are taking full advantage of the opportunities that became available in the new economy by switching rapidly to English schools. Thus, caste continues to play a particular role in shaping schooling substantially, suggesting the possibility of a historically new economy of the 1990s. But the overall increase in English schooling in recent and the growing mismatch in education choices and hence occupational outcomes between boys and girls in the same caste, suggest that the remarkably resilient caste system might finally choices in the years, be starting to disintegrate. "Leena Abraham and Padma Velaskar of the Tata Institute of Social Sciences collaborated in the design of the survey instrument, carried out the survey, and provided many valuable insights. We are also very grateful to Suma Chitnis support and advice at every stage of the project. We received helpful comments from Jan Eeckhout. Research support from the Mellon Foundation at the University of Pennsylvania and the National Science Foundation is gratefully acknowledged. We are responsible for any errors that may remain. for her f Brown University, MIT Harvard University and NBER 1 Introduction The collapse of the former Soviet Union, followed 1990s, has restructured by the economic and and "globalized" many economies throughout the world. One consequence of this restructuring, which has been widely observed, the new financial liberalization of the benefits afforded is that some groups have taken advantage by globalization, while others appear to have been how addresses the question of whether and left of behind. This paper old institutions clash with the forces of globalization in shaping the response of particular groups of individuals to the new economy. In-formal institutions, such as community networks, are generally believed to play an important role in low-income countries by facilitating Lund economic activity when markets function imperfectly (Townsend 1994, Fafchamps and Less well understood 2000). is how such institutions affect the transformation of economies undergoing change, affecting in turn the distribution of benefits from macroeconomic structural reform. Although traditional institutions may have served a useful purpose when they were it is possible that they may constrain the response to new opportunities when first put in place, the structure of the economy changes unexpectedly. 1 One example of a traditional institution caste system in shaping career choices is by gender in of institutional rigidities in a along caste lines, the course of clusters Bombay is dynamic context generations. as the Bombay labor market was historically organized Chandavarkar (1994: 122,223), neither caste vocation nor the inheritance of special by which the industrial and financial city, jatis controlling particular formed within particular trades and occupations practices Bombay a useful and important setting in which to study the role with individual sub-castes or many study the role of the a dynamic urban context, using new data on schooling choices and income covering the past 20 years in center of the Indian economy. We the caste system in India. ... skills. [this] It occupational niches over for instance, describes how occupational distribution reflected was produced partly by exclusionary social groups, once they obtained a foothold in a particular occupation, not admit an outsider." 2 A particularly important feature of these caste networks While these traditional institutions might have enhanced welfare associated with static inefficiencies of their own "[caste] is would that they were were very likely Fafchamps (2002) and Banerjee in a second-best world, they prior to the restructuring. For example, and Munshi (2003) show how network segmentation along community lines could impose significant efficiency costs with respect to investment by traders in Africa and small manufacturing units in South India respectively. 2 In prior work on caste in the economics literature, caste is treated as an individual characteristic like ethnicity or race that is one of many determinants of human capital investment or income in India (e.g., Behrman 1988). In contrast, we study how the caste system operates as a community network, providing employment assistance to its members, which could in turn result in the persistence of occupational distributions within castes over many generations. most working class occupations dominated by lower caste men. active in participate in Women historically did not Bombay's labor market and so did not benefit from the caste networks, but both men and women scrupulously adhered to the social rule of Although Bombay was a predominantly industrial endogamous marriage within the city for a jati. hundred years, starting from the last quarter of the nineteenth century, the liberalization of the Indian economy in the 1990s saw a shift in We the city's economy towards the corporate and financial sectors. jatis, by gender, responded to these changes study how members of different in the returns to different occupations, and we will show that the historical pattern of networking within the jati continues to shape gender-specific, individual responses to these new opportunities strategy in this paper is tion, varied across jatis, across ways that human incomes, independent of pre-school Our in to assess boys and importantly affect the future distributions of will capital effects or credit constraints. 3 how schooling girls within choice, jatis, measured by the language of and over time. choice because most adults were already locked in to their occupations changes occurred. Schooling choice the Bombay economy and Bombay is entirely in English, but children choose local language) as the language of instruction in more expensive English education in in child into working class jobs, while significantly increases the likelihood of obtaining a coveted white- economic liberalization of the 1990s in the choice of the between English primary and secondary school at the Marathi channels the by extension the returns to English education, then from changes the unexpected economic an important determinant of future occupational outcomes time they enter primary school. Schooling collar job. If the focus on schooling thus reflects the contemporaneous perceptions of expected occupational returns. University education in and Marathi (the is when We instruc- effectively increased white-collar incomes, (future) occupational mobility can language of instruction made by be and identified parents of school-age children. 4 Ex- amination of the changing patterns of schooling choice by jati and gender thus permits an assessment of the interactions Our 3 A between traditional institutions and the new empirical analysis is realities of globalization. based on a survey of 4,700 households belonging to the Maharashtrian shown that historical institutions have long run consequences for growth in low-income and Robinson 2001; Banerjee and Iyer, 2002). These empirical findings, however, do not the mechanisms underlying such persistence. In our analysis, we show how caste-based job networks recent literature has countries (Acemoglu, Johnson provide insight into can preserve existing occupational distributions even in the face of the increasing returns to individual occupational mobility that accompany globalization. 4 Prior work on schooling enrollment in India has ignored this important dimension of schooling, which affects impor- tantly schooling attainment rural households. and economic mobility (Jacoby and Skoufias In 1990, approximately than English or Hindi). 28% 1997; Kochar, 2002). These studies examined of rural village schools provided instruction in a local language (other community and residing in Bombay's Dadar area and a survey of the schools conducted in 2001-2002. The household survey was based on a who attended stratified in the locale that random sample of all we students 28 of the 29 secondary schools in Dadar, which run from grade one to grade 10, over a twenty year period, 1982-2001. 5 The sample of households covers 59 the 20 cohorts of children period. English is who were jatis, and schooling decisions for attending or had attended the 28 neighborhood schools over that the language of instruction in 10 schools in Dadar, while Marathi is the language of instruction in the remaining 18 schools. The survey data suggest that the returns to English education, for given years of schooling, in- creased in the 1990s. Based on retrospective information on the annual earnings of the parents of the sampled children obtained from the survey, we estimated the returns to English and the returns to years of schooling at five points in time from 1980 through 2000 for working adults between the age 6 Figures of 30 and 55. language, for 1 and 2 provide the estimated returns to schooling attainment and schooling men and women, respectively, in each time period. years of schooling increased only mildly over time for both premium increased sharply from the 1980s 24% in 2000 English for in for men men and men and women. from approximately 0% in increase from the mid-1980s, which times-series data on enrollments in English- 1980 to is most rise 27% in In contrast, the English 15% 2000 for women. due likely to the decline The in 1980 to returns to around that time through the 1990s. and Marathi-medium schools changes in the returns to English significantly affected schooling choice jatis seen, the returns to to the 1990s for both sexes, rising from manufacturing jobs in Bombay, but continue to The As can be for also suggest that the both boys and girls, across and over time. Figure 3 and Figure 4 display the changing proportions of students enrolled in English schools for the 20 entering cohorts from 1982 (cohort=l) to 2001 (cohort=20) for three caste groupings - low, medium and high - and by gender. 7 The figures were constructed using the Epanech- nikov kernel function to nonparametrically regress schooling choice (l=English medium; 0=Marathi 5 One school refused to provide us with information on follows. Details of the survey are provided 6 The details of the estimation its students and will be ignored in all the discussion that below procedure are provided in the Appendix. The estimates of the returns to English and the returns to schooling (with standard errors) are provided in Table Al. 7 Children enter first grade at the age of six and complete tenth grade at the age of 15, so the current age of the students in our sample, with only a few exceptions, ranges from six to 25. Students in Bombay typically do not change the language of instruction midstream or switch schools after they enter jatis, as well as a few other elite jatis (CKP and Pathare Prabhus). first grade. High castes include Low all the Brahmin and castes include formerly untouchable backward castes (Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and Other Backward Castes, as defined by the government of India). Medium castes are drawn mostly from the cultivator jatis, such as the Marathas and the Kunbis, as well as other traditional vocations that were not considered to be ritually impure. medium) on the cohort variable for each caste group, taking into account the strong intergenerational state-dependence with respect to the language of instruction within the family. 8 Although jatis define the relevant boundary for the labor-market networks and form the relevant social unit in our analysis, 9 we aggregate the sub-castes for expositional convenience in these figures. Figures 3 and 4 show that enrollment rates in English-medium schools have grown substantially over time for both boys and girls and for However, the trajectory all castes. is much steeper for the 10 most recent cohorts, who would have entered school in the post-reform 1990s. Thus, the increase in the and Figure 2 appears to have shifted schooling choice towards returns to English observed in Figure English education. The 1 figures also indicate substantial differences in English schooling between castes The high at the beginning of the period, reflecting in part the circumstances of the colonial period. and administrative jobs under the castes in particular gained access to clerical lower castes were confined for the most part to working class jobs. Marathi education channels students into working likelihood of obtaining a white-collar job, girls we Consistent with the view that and that English education see in Figure 3 currently 25 years old (the oldest cohort) were and that class jobs, much more for the girls in the 1990s, there is likely to new economic The key question is why the for the network externalities. fail it appears of the 1990s, but to take advantage of the It is observed pattern in Figure 3 that we pursue in this paper commonly observed that working that informal sources accounted for 80% hires in four white-collar occupations in is But while the caste-gap new economy lower-caste boys seemingly dominated by men, are associated with higher workers and in English, opportunities. The explanation There have been schooled no convergence for the boys. Thus that caste continues to play a role in shaping schooling choices in the only for boys. increases the and Figure 4 that high-caste boys and this caste difference in schooling persists over the next 10 cohorts. narrows dramatically British, while the 38% of class occupations, levels of networking. all hires in is which tend to be For example, Rees (1966) found eight blue-collar occupations versus an early study based on set in Chicago. Similarly, 68% 50% of all of blue-collar of white-collar workers reported having received help finding a job in Gore's (1970) a very high degree of state dependence in schooling choice across generations. parents have been schooled in English, it is In particular, if both very unlikely that the child will be sent to a Marathi school. Details of the nonparametric estimation procedure are provided in the Appendix and parametric estimates of the schooling regression (with standard errors) are provided in Table A2. 9 As Morris (1965: 76) emphasizes in his historical account of the Bombay labor market, "for any analysis of labor recruitment [in Bombay] ... it is entirely inappropriate to lump into larger groups because of similarity of name, function, social status, or region-of-origin subcastes that are not endogamous." study of migrants in Bombay. These studies focus on men, the primary occupants of blue-collar jobs. And among the household heads in Dadar, 68% men of the in working class jobs found employment through a relative or a member of the community, while the corresponding workers was 44%. These differences in the might arise because the information acute in the working class jobs. level of statistic for white-collar networking across broad occupational categories and enforcement problems that give Once the (working network class) is networks are more rise to in place, there is a positive externality associated with participation in the network, and hence with the traditional occupational choice in the jati. This externality could give market networks, organized rise to restrictions We will show The paper is may result in dynamic inefficiencies organized in six sections. stitutional setting. In section 3 we when the The next lay out a model structure of the of schooling choice when The model persistence of occupational choice and hence schooling choice within castes, and to constrain mobility in the face of economic change. as the The model which individuals within castes economy changes, which has implications first put in place, economy changes. section provides a brief description of the in- are active, which incorporates within-caste heterogeneity in ability. castes restrict mobility and labor that although these might have been welfare-enhancing and indeed equalizing when they were such restrictions - at the level of the jati, then channel boys into particular (traditionally male) occupations and hence towards particular schooling choices. 10 restrictions on occupational mobility caste-based networks is used to explain the why networks attempt also provides predictions for will first exit the traditional which occupations for the selectivity of school choice. Section 4 describes the data and presents basic descriptive statistics that support the assumptions of the model. Section 5 tests the theory, assessing the role of caste networking in determining school choice terms of pre-school tivity in human capital of those who and the selec- the traditional occupations. Alternative exit explanations of school choice and thus occupational state dependence are also considered, including credit constraints, caste differences in pre-school human capital, preferences for (or advantages of) the parental occupation, and differences in school quality. Section 6 concludes. The results in this paper provide empirical support for the view that historical occupation patterns kept in place by caste-based networks continue to shape occupation patterns for the boys in the economy. Although our results indicate that differences in family income and in pre-school capital help explain differences in schooling choice across castes, these factors cannot, These restrictions may take the form of a conformist working class culture, observed in to be resistant to change (Kohn, 1977, conformity). is many new human by themselves economies, that tends the classic reference in the large sociological literature on class, values, and explain why groups that have traditionally been occupied in working class jobs remain in those jobs despite rising individual returns to non-traditional occupations. who historically kept take full In contrast, the lower-caste girls away from the labor market, and so have no network to constrain them, ties advantage of the opportunities that become available in the new economy. disparities in school choices between boys and girls The growing within the traditional jatis not only suggest a new balance of economic opportunities by gender, but also could threaten the long-run stability of the caste system, which is A complete understanding of initial conditions and the role of based on endogamous marriages within the sub-caste. the development process must thus not only take account of the pre-existing institutions in shaping the response to modernization and globalization, but how these consider 2 The A 2.1 traditional institutions are shaped in also turn by the forces of change. Institutional Setting Brief History of Bombay's economic Bombay City history begins in the last quarter of the eighteenth century as the largest trading port and the center Bombay's 1994, Katzenstein 1979). first of commerce on the West Coast cotton-textile mill was established nineteenth century onwards this industry dominated the city's economy. that this one industry employed as 1994). must But other much industries started to manufacturing accounted for 41% as when it replaced Surat of India (Chandavarkar in 1851, and from the The 1921 census 16.2% of the male population of the city late indicates (Chandavarkar expand from the 1930s onwards, and by the 1961 census, Bombay's employment (D'Monte 2002). of Although manufacturing continues to play an important role in the city's economy, the past two decades have seen a steady decline in the importance of this sector. The textile industry, which had dominated the economy from the last quarter of the nineteenth century up twentieth century, began to decline after a crippling strike shut in 1982-83. industrial More began wage gap between the apart from its service sector. The city is in India. to leave city manufacturing base, and advertising licensing industries Bombay and the Bombay down the till the middle of the mills for eighteen in the 1990s, as real estate prices rose rest of the months and the country widened (D'Monte 2002). But has also historically dominated India's commercial and the center of trade, banking, insurance and financial services, publishing, The and foreign investment decline in manufacturing in and the removal of controls on industrial 1991 gave a further boost to this sector, sharply increasing wages in corporate jobs, and commercial occupations This exogenous shock to the local economy in general. serves as the point of departure for our analysis. Although Bombay established by located in the is outsiders. It modern Indian was only with recruit Maharashtrian labor from the Konkan coast and the interior Deccan region .on a massive scale (Morris 1965). Bombay from clerical jobs as its and early times, and later several The Pathare Prabhus, who had lived in Maharashtrian Brahmin castes, found administrative and under the British. With the formation of the linguistic state of Maharashtra with capital in 1960, the Maharashtrian state was largely industrialization in the mid-nineteenth century that the and manufacturing companies started to mills state of Maharashtra, the city community Bombay also quickly gained control of local political power government jobs (Katzenstein 1979). But the Maharashtrian community was historically conspicuously absent from trade and commerce, the major source of recent economic opportunities. The question is how did different groups within this community respond to these new opportunities, as observed in the schooling choices of their children? Bombay's Labor Market 2.2 Bombay's industrial economy in the late nineteenth century century was characterized by wide fluctuations in the known well demand first half of the twentieth (Chandavarkar 1994). It is that such frequent job turnover can give rise to labor market networks, particularly when the quality of a freshly hired worker is difficult One scheme cannot be implemented. ers to search for fresh hires; firm, and through the to assess and performance-contingent wage contracts to organize these networks incumbent workers for labor will typically (Munshi 2003) uses incumbent work- have built up a reputation within the and so they have the incentive to bring back high quality recruits to maintain that reputation (and the economic rents that go with The presence it). of such recruitment networks has indeed been documented by numerous historians studying Bombay's economy prior to independence in 1947 (Chandavarkar 1994, Morris 1965, Burnett-Hurst 1925). These networks appear to have been organized around the jobber, a foreman or construction most ubiquitous site, who was and more importantly in the in charge of a work gang in the mill, factory, also in charge of labor recruitment. Indian industrial system, but the fluctuations in labor particular prominence in 11 dockyard, The jobber demand gave is al- his role Bombay. The jobber was known as the serang in the shipping industry. mukadam in the mills and the factories, maistry in the construction industry, and the Given the information and enforcement problems that are associated with the recruitment of short-term labor, it is workplace such as his kinship endogamous subcaste marriage ties not surprising that the "jobber had to lean on social connections outside his and neighborhood connections" (Chandavarkar 1994: 107). Here the or jati served as a natural social unit from which to recruit labor, because strengthen information flows and improve enforcement. This widespread use of caste- based networks led to a fragmentation of the Bombay labor market along social lines. The presence of caste clusters in the textile mills, for example, has been well documented. Gokhale's (1957) survey of textile workers in the 1950s showed that Maratha and Kunbi (both middle caste) men were evenly men distributed throughout the mill, while Harijan (low caste) were employed for the most part in the spinning section. Consistent with the presence of local (jobber-specific) networks, the caste clusters that were observed in particular mills often differed from the general pattern for the industry as a whole. The same sort of caste-based clustering has been documented among Bombay's dock workers (Cholia 1941), construction workers, and in the railway workshops (Burnett-Hurst 1925), in the leather and dyeing industries, and in the Bombay Municipal Corporation and Bombay the Electric Supply and Transportation Company (Chandavarkar 1994). Most historical accounts of caste-based networking Bombay's labor market are situated in prior to independence in 1947. But a few studies conducted over the subsequent decades suggest that these patterns tended to persist over many generations. Patel (1963) surveyed 500 mill workers in the Parel area, close to the site of our study, in 1961-62 members of their jati in the textile industry. of their relatives and 16% through and found that 81% 50% their friends, of the workers had relatives or of the workers got jobs in mills through the influence many of whom would have belonged to the same jati. Similarly Dandekar (1986) traced the evolution of a network of Jadhavs (a particular subcaste) from Sugao village in Satara district to one jobber who went the docks and later in the textile mills. In 1942, working were in the textile mills and in other 4% 67% in other factories. manufacturing industries, suggesting to of the By little Bombay in the 1930s, working Jadhav migrants from that 1977, change 58% were in first on village were in textile mills and 10% occupational patterns over a 35 year period. A noticeable feature of historical descriptions of caste-based networks in restricted to working class problems that give rise to jobs. This is Bombay is that they were not surprising, because the information and enforcement such networks tend to be more acute in those occupations. Further, most studies of caste-based networks in Bombay focus on male workers. Women were conspicuously absent from Bombay's labor force, particularly in the female labor force participation is working class jobs (Morris 1965). low in our sample of households as well, and that when and professional enter the workforce they tend to find clerical historical patterns of labor force participation dynamics, for boys and girls, that We will later see that we saw in by gender jobs, which are women do networked. These less will later help explain the schooling choice Figure 3 and Figure 4. The School System 2.3 The British were not on a large scale committed to providing mass education when they in the eighteenth century. The few schools and first colleges that began to colonize India were set up were based in the major cities and taught entirely in English; the objective at this stage was to create an Indian that would assist the British in administering the country (Nurullah and Naik 1947, But by 1850, missionary had begun to societies and some princely states not directly Kamat elite 1985). under the control of the British And establish a network of rural schools that taught in vernacular (local) languages. with Sir Charles Wood's Despatch of 1854, the British government finally assumed responsibility for the education of the entire population (Dakin, Tiffen and Widdowson 1968). Over the next century, education which had previously been restricted to a few business communities and the Brahmin castes spread to the middle castes, with an accompanying shift in the language of instruction away from English. as a legitimate medium and by independence of instruction for and schooling all grades in 1902 (Dakin, Tiffen and in 1947, a large fraction of Indian schools But university education, 1985). The Education Commission accepted Indian languages at least in the in the local language center - historically a major metropolitan areas, was always was sometimes seen to put the prospective suburb of and schools were established relatively the 18 Marathi schools in Dadar much Bombay later, 1959, and analysis highlights the all is 1947. - The corresponding the schools in the area have medium in English, college student at a cities. today with the expansion of the late in the area. 1968), taught in the local language (Kamat disadvantage. Thus, English and local language schools coexisted in the major Dadar was Widdowson city, it lies at its The average establishment year year for the 10 English schools now been operating for many is decades. of instruction as the salient feature of schooling choice. It is for not Our possible that the choice of the language of instruction merely proxies for school quality. Marathi schools can be private or municipal (government), while the English schools can be missionary or secular. These differences in the management lead to fairly wide variation in the availability of resources within each type of school. However, on average English-medium and Marathi-medium schools look very similar terms of the in facilities, attention and resources each student receives, and teacher qualifications. In parallel with the household survey, filled we carried out a survey of schools, based on a questionnaire out by school principals. This questionnaire elicited information on a variety of school character- istics, as well as recent student performance on the standardized school leaving examination to both Marathi (common and English schools) which allows us to compare the two types of schools as well as , the students across the schools. Table fications in the English and Marathi Panel A, describes school infrastructure and faculty quali- 1, The schools. of students per desk, computers per student, average student-teacher ratio, class and the proportion size, number of teachers with B.Ed, degrees and higher (postgraduate) degrees, are each very similar and statistically indistinguishable for the two types of schools. 12 Despite the increase in the and 4, demand no new schools were added this increased in this demand by adding for English education in the last 10 years, as seen in Figures 3 period in Dadar. The English language schools accommodated divisions in each grade, increasing the number of desks in each classroom, and by doubling students on each desk. Because the supply of schools was effectively fixed, we would expect through higher the English schools to extract fees and schooling costs subsidized by the state government. some economic in general. rents from this increased demand In contrast, fees in the Marathi schools are Our household survey on school collected information fees and other expenses (transportation, coaching classes, textbooks, uniforms, and stationary) in the last year. Table 1, Panel B shows that school fees are currently significantly higher in the English schools (2,000 versus 900 Rupees), as are other expenses (5,000 versus 3,000 Rupees). One other difference between the schools is in the performance of the students on the Secondary School Certificate (S.S.C.) school-leaving examination. Table on this exam over a five on this standardized As seen in Panel A Panel C reports student performance year period, 1997-2001. Students in the English schools perform test in terms of the percentage that pass, receive a first class, and a the school infrastructure and the qualifications of the teachers language of instruction. be explained by 1, We will show below that these substantial differential selection by ability into English much better distinction. do not vary by the differences in test performance can and Marathi schools, an implication of our network model of school choice. 12 A probit regression of school language that the joint set of characteristics 13 Scores above 35% is medium on the set of school characteristics in Table 1, Panel A, indicates not significantly different across the school types. are required to pass, scores above 60% are required for a 10 first class, and above 75% for a distinction. 3 A Our first Simple Model of Schooling Choice objective in this section is show how exogenous, historically-determined occupational to when network differences across otherwise identical jatis persist occupational choice translates into schooling choice, this explains the for the boys in Figure 3 (the model that we initial caste-gap that lay out in this section applies to the boys, as market networks are most active among the men). However, we later that labor should start to converge once the returns to English grow sufficiently large, which what we observed how network in that Figure. Our second externalities could give rise to and by extension schooling Because externalities are present. will is we observe we will show that jatis inconsistent with objective in this section will consequently be to endogenous social restrictions show show on occupational mobility, choice, preventing convergence across social groups in a changing economic environment. Population, 3.1 Community Structure, and Market Structure Consider a population with a continuum of individuals. of ability w, e |0,^,U. He lives for second period. Schooling choice Occupational choice is is two periods, studying is restricted to white-collar is the subsequent period. If Each individual is Education and Marathi respectively. in English is class Each individual then based on the type of job that he (correctly) anticipates he is in the and the working will receive in the white-collar will occupy in if not he less costly. born into a community or jati. There is economy, and we normalize so that the measure of individuals The class jobs. he expects to hold a white-collar job then he will study in English, study in Marathi which will and working level more expensive than Marathi education. Occupational based on the wage that the individual his schooling decision endowed with a is in the first period and working job, net of the pecuniary cost of schooling in English makes i restricted to instruction in English or Marathi, the local language. required to obtain a white-collar job, but choice Each individual a large in number of communities in this each cohort of a jati is equal to one. distribution of ability within each cohort does not vary over time or across jatis. 14 Within each jata-cohort there (with ability On We the is u= a measure Pi of low types (with ability lo = 0) and a measure Pm of medium types 1/2). demand will relax this side of this labor market, firms operate competitively in assumption in both the working the empirical work by allowing for heterogeneity in ability across 11 em class jatis. and the white-collar sectors. Firms which his (expected) productivity, sector, the worker's make zero profit, and the wage offered to a worker will thus be equal to in turn is determined by his (expected) wage, net of schooling costs, is to ability in the white-collar job, which in our set Although the white-collar worker's ability specified to up be #a>;. ability. In the white-collar Here 6 represents the returns also reflects the returns to English education. can be observed perfectly, the nature of the production technology prevents working class firms from directly observing their employees' ability before they commence work. We take it and so must base its wage on the measure of the employee's in the working that the firm has studied in Marathi, and hence class job, to infer the potential We will verify mechanism alternative is specified to below that map equilibrium, which will in turn An members that seek working is levels on average is available for will use the employment In our model, the working class ability. be P, the proportion of the jati-cohort that studied positively correlated with the worker's ability in is linking the working-class measure of employment Here the firm into his productivity. working class jobs. The class employee's this statistic jatis for scarce its unable to specify a performance- contingent wage contract, potential employee's expected ability. jati that wage, net of the cost of schooling, in Marathi. is wage to P is level of referrals that the jati class employment, which in the jati (as in Munshi 2003). based on competition between can generate is increasing in the in turn leads to higher working class wage in this set up. Each The expected working thus increasing in the proportion of the jati-cohort that studied in Marathi. 3.2 The Schooling Equilibrium We now proceed to derive the different schooling equilibria that can be sustained individual chooses the occupation, and hence the language of instruction, that maximizes his net depends on return. This return be schooled firms set a in Marathi in equilibrium, as described above. wage that To begin with, reflects we of the 1990s to be 6 equilibria < the worker's (expected) On the demand side of the labor market, ability. specify the returns to English education prior to the economic liberalization 1. Under conditions that we can be sustained: choose Marathi education, It is his ability, as well as the proportion of his jata-cohort that choose to (1) (3) specify below, with three levels of ability, three only low types choose Marathi education, (2) low and everyone in the jati medium types chooses Marathi education. easy to verify that no one in the jati wants to deviate from equilibrium 3 when < 1, because the white-collar occupation offers a lower return than the working class occupation even to the highest 12 . medium type. In equilibrium 2, types (and hence low types) prefer Marathi schooling, since they do better in working class jobs, under the following condition: Condition 1: § < PL + PM < 9- This condition also ensures that high types will not deviate from English schooling, since they strictly prefer the white-collar jobs. wish to deviate. Condition Exogenous Medium 2: PL < Finally, low types get Pj, > in equilibrium 1, so they do not types get 0/2 in this equilibrium, so they will not deviate as long as § historical circumstances determine the initial equilibrium of a within a single cohort in the jati determine the equilibrium that it will settle into in equilibrium selection within the same jati over time must be specified. period's equilibrium serves as a natural focal point when Because interactions jati. We any given period, assume that the previous multiple equilibria are available. previous period's equilibrium cannot be sustained, then the jati will move If the to the equilibrium that requires the smallest change in schooling decisions. This equilibrium selection criterion would arise, for is example, if there is state dependence in schooling decisions within a jati. A jati in which Marathi the predominant schooling choice cannot switch completely into English from one year to the next: Parents must help their children with school-work, and this is not possible Marathi. Older siblings will also be enrolled in Marathi schools, and send all siblings to the same map we move always more convenient to among those who choose Marathi sequentially from equilibrium 3 to equilibrium ability into productivity in the working 1. class sector, this nevertheless tells us that 3.3 Equilibrium Dynamics (Without Restrictions on Mobility) is different (static) equilibria that can be sustained the economic liberalization of the 1990s as an increase in assume that individuals correctly predict the 15 16 We our specification #, which level of 6 that will in this set up, reflects we proceed it be realized in the that the ability-productivity relationship results in a linear relationship between hence wages. 13 to model the returns to English. P We subsequent period Our data will later reveal strong intergenerational state dependence in the language of instruction. The relationship between the proportion of the jati educated in Marathi, P, and average ability is clearly take explicitly generally appropriate. 16 wage function in that sector schooling grows less While we do not of the Having derived the they were schooled in school. 15 Notice also that the ability distribution favorable as it is if non-linear. and productivity, and when they make be solved independently their schooling decision, so the equilibrium can cohorts during this period of change, just as we did above. Once to English to prepare themselves for white-collar jobs, However, equilibrium 2 is still feasible if 6 reaches one, high types will switch and equilibrium 3 can no longer be sustained. + Pm) > 2(Pl for successive 1, from Condition 1. Under the equilibrium selection rule described above, this implies that all jatis in equilibrium 3 will shift to equilibrium 2. But once 6 reaches 2{Pi + Pm), easy to verify from Condition it is 1 that the medium types will deviate as well and choose English education; jatis in equilibrium 2 will switch to equilibrium the convergence process case with N types. As is complete. shrinks over time, until all by lower types. The number of equilibria that can is between the deviating type and the next lower type not too large, and is that when easily satisfied Pl + Pm be it is easily verified that the preceding condition If is more easily satisfied ability for the if rise to a cascade. Although convergence would be ability. + Pm) > 1 Consider two ing class occupation. of its members individual An is With is would be replaced by 4(Pj, + Pm) > 1, initial deviation could induce subse- three types, such a cascade would be characterized by 1 individual drawn at random from drawn randomly from the other jati, it is is at when 9 reached one. would continue to be (weakly) ordered first jatis that start with a different proportion of their in the working class occupation N equilibria can This condition types were specified to be 1/4 rather not satisfied, then faster in this case, deviation For the general case with TV types, of 1. which implies with three types This description of the convergence process provides us with our Proposition the difference in ability For example, sequential a simultaneous shift from both equilibrium 3 and equilibrium 2 to equilibrium by in once again. the condition for sequential deviation quent deviation, giving small, is medium will than 1/2, then which the measure of deviating high types large. Further, (ii) sufficiently large. deviation once 8 reaches one in the three-type case requires that 2(Pi more be sustained thus and the reduction in the number of available equilibria occurs the measure of the deviating type (i) easily extended to the general jatis converge. will deviate sequentially, steps, as long as and 6 grows, high types will deviate in jatis in which they were previously schooled in Marathi, followed sequentially Types The process just described can be 1 testable implication: members in the work- the jati that started with a greater proportion at least as likely to be educated in Marathi as an any point in time. easy to derive conditions (as above) under which a total be sustained. These equilibria, n & 14 {1, ...,N}, can be ranked by the proportion of types Tn G < ^h ...,1 that choose Marathi schooling. For each equilibrium n, there exists a 9 n such [ that the equilibrium can be sustained for With equilibrium n — N— the possibility of a cascade 1, T/v_i when = all ^^ 9 < 9n and 6 reaches one. Thus, . 0jv-i > More for equilibrium = N, Tn = n 1 and 9^ = 1. On, with the weak inequality accounting for generally, for > any n we have n', Tn > Tn >, and 6n < 9n i. . Now consider two individuals drawn randomly from jatis in the n, n' equilibria, as above, and assume to begin with that 9 < 9n The individual belonging to the . jati in equilibrium n more is likely < to be schooled in Marathi than the individual belonging to the jati in equilibrium n' as long as 9 If 9 n < 9 n '+i, then he will continue to show a greater propensity to be schooled Marathi in 9n . until 9 reaches 9 n + \. u But thereafter, the two individuals are equally likely to be schooled in Marathi. i If 9 is monotonically increasing over time, then the implications for schooling choice across jatis just derived in terms of 9 Our map result directly into implications for schooling choice across jatis over time. depends on the sequential nature of the deviation process, with the highest types switching to English will follow the first, followed by lower types same schooling trajectory because apart from identical. Jatis that start Once any two as 9 increases. jatis converge, they their initial conditions they are otherwise with a higher proportion of working class jobs ultimately catch up with, but never surpass, those jatis that began ahead of them, providing us with our first result. Equilibrium Dynamics (With Endogenous Restrictions on Mobility) 3.4 We saw above that initial differences in occupational choice across otherwise identical jatis could persist due to the externality associated with the working class occupation. despite the fact that there is no direct interaction across cohorts network externalities provide us with an explanation laid out This persistence above cannot explain the absence of convergence in that Figure. discussion tells us that jatis that begin with different proportions of their jobs will ultimately converge. We now show that the existence Figure 3, obtained While these in the labor market. for the caste-gap in is the model as Indeed, the preceding members in working class of network externalities can give rise to restrictions on occupational mobility that are welfare-enhancing. Such restrictions will prevent or slow down convergence. To understand why restrictions on mobility might emerge, we first define With our three-type example, suppose that n = 3 and n = 2. Since #n = $ n + when 9 reaches 9„ = 1. In contrast, if n — 3 and n = 1, and 2(Pl + Pm) > jatis will converge when 9 reaches 9 n +i 1 / converge / . 15 1 a social welfare function. in this case, the 1, then 9„ < 9„i + i two jatis will and the two Assume that this function places equal situated in equilibrium 3, in weight on new welfare level decline when if is members which everyone studies Marathi, the payoffs from the working class occupation, to equilibrium 2 all Condition 1 is satisfied, a weighted average of Pm < in and increase the working wage in general, is When 1 9 = W— and 1, it is larger jati. Now the welfare in a jati simply the unweighted average of 1 we know that (Pl + Pm) 2 + (1 all this jati will shift — Pl ~ Pm)- The and so welfare must unambiguously in Section 2, there Bombay. Because working class jobs historically 1. which case Pl + As noted the equilibrium shifts. class in W— of the was intense competition for scarce numbers improve the jatts competitiveness, easy to see why social restrictions on occupational mobility could emerge endogenously. What is the mechanism through which such restrictions are implemented? There is extensive sociological literature that studies the link between class, values, and conformity 1977). The general view in this literature in their children, whereas working is (e.g., Kohn that middle class parents tend to encourage self-direction emphasize obedience and conformity: class parents men's social position, the more rigidly conservative their view of the an old and man and "The lower his social institutions and nonconformity" (Kohn 1977: 80). These differences in values are attributed less their tolerance of in turn to differences in the type of occupations that the middle class and the working class are engaged in. The model that we lay out in this section provides a particular explanation for the link working class occupations and a working class culture that externality associated with job networks. "Male is between resistant to change, motivated cliques," have by the been seen to play a particularly im- portant role in working class communities (Komarovsky 1967), shaping the aspirations and ultimately the labor market outcomes of young men. In our view, these cliques are, of course, nothing but the network. The sample do not display a similar resistance to change fact that the lower-caste girls in our can be attributed to the gender-specific nature of these job networks. Social restrictions that prevent the shift to the and medium changes in 9, for small because they preserve the externalities that the network provides. But they could give rise to substantial inefficiencies it is new equilibrium can be welfare-enhancing if they continue to persist when 9 grows large. For example, easy to verify that the social restrictions described above for equilibrium 3 will be inefficient once 6 reaches A 1 + (PL + PM ). welfare calculation that identifies the presence of such a dynamic inefficiency scope of this paper, but it is is beyond the possible to test for the presence of these social restrictions under the 16 maintained assumption that the ability distribution is the same across jatis and that no other market imperfections, such as credit constraints, are present. Proposition 2 Consider two ing class occupation. and the effect jatis that start with a different proportion of their members in the work- Schooling choice will converge across the jatis as the returns to English grow, of initial conditions on schooling choice will decline over time, unless restrictions on occupational mobility are in place. For the general case with N types and N equilibria, recall that choose Marathi education can be sustained as long as 9 equilibrium n and equilibrium 9 crosses 9 n If 9 is , and without n'; n > n' restrictions , < 9n . an equilibrium Now in which n types consider two jatis that start in and hence 9n < 6n >. Equilibrium n cannot be sustained once on deviation the two jatis will converge when 9 reaches # n '+i. increasing monotonically over time, then the convergence described above in terms of 9 occurs over time as well. The convergence is across jatis that ordered by ability across Marathi must just described Once we allow is driven by the fact that deviation to English with our three-type example, lose those types first, before 9 starts to grow. obtained. all jatis; we medium jatis in ability individuals in other jatis for social restrictions, this ordering by ability Social restrictions are likely to be stronger in jatis that are which case convergence might never occur. For instance, in equilibrium 3 which high types choose might remain stable as 9 grows, while it is is can deviate, when no longer necessarily more heavily networked, in possible with the three types that jatis jatis in equilibrium 2 shift to equilibrium 1. Differences in initial conditions persist in this case. The sequential-equilibrium into English model also has implications for the and Marathi schools. Within any jati, dynamics of selection, observation is among ability, the average ability of the English students must be greater than average ability among the Marathi students. Taking the average across implies that average ability must be greater by all jatis, this the English students at any point in time. This consistent with the significantly higher test scores obtained by students in the English schools in Table 1, despite the fact that English of the resources available per student and the and Marathi schools appear to be qualifications of the teachers. distribution within the English and Marathi schools change over time? deviation to English education is ordered by ability, so as 9 17 grows there is similar in terms But how does the Without ability social restrictions, a steadily worsening pool of Marathi students. have higher in ability, Jatis that begin ability must among also with a greater proportion of their members in working class jobs the Marathi students, but their shift into English, and hence the decline be more rapid, because all jatis ultimately converge. With social restrictions, heavily networked jatis continue to have a superior ability distribution within Marathi schools, but now there could be no convergence in ability among Marathi students across jatis. Although the model implies that the quality of the Marathi students unambiguously declines over time as the returns to English increase, the change is Average ambiguous. among ability in the quality of the pool of English students the English students is greater than average ability among the Marathi students the Marathi students at any point in time, but it is among those with the highest ability that deviate as 9 grows. For example, in the three-type case with no social restrictions, some jatis (in equilibrium 2) equilibrium have both 1) have only high ability children in English schools, while other medium and high ability children in English schools to begin with. implies that the quality of the English pool must improve when below its initial level when 6 reaches 2(Pi jatis switch into English schools at that point. the English schools becomes even more 4 With + Pm), But average because medium and high types social restrictions, the change in ability in all within difficult to predict. The Household Data The Survey 4.1 To examine the role of caste networks in shaping mobility during a period of change we carried out a household survey based on a stratified (by caste) random sample of all students who attended the 28 secondary schools in Dadar over a 20 year period, 1982-2001. This design provides information periods before and after the major Indian economic reforms. enrolled in the schools (grades We This reaches one, assuming sequential deviation, because only the high types from jatis in equilibrium 3 deviate at that point. ability drops jatis (in drew the roll 1 numbers of 20,596 students randomly from these 20 cohorts, and recovered records. student's name left is of Mahim, Matunga, Wadala, Prabhadevi, and with 8,092 eligible students to serve as the sampling frame typically a their Restricting attention to Maharashtrians residing in Dadar and the immediately adjacent neighborhoods we were A total of 101,567 students were currently to 10) or studied in grade 10 over the previous 10 years, 1991-2000. names and addresses from the school Parel, for the good indicator of the caste, 18 and we wanted close to for the survey. The one thousand upper 1,082 students from this population castes in the sample, so all selected for the survey. We drew randomly from the remaining students the target sample size was reached. observations, which The research slightly higher is who appeared The upper to be upper castes were in the sampling frame until castes account for 17.5% of the final sample of 4,945 than the 13.4% that we began with team interviewed the parents of the in the sampling frame. selected students at their residences. The sur- vey instrument elicited detailed subcaste information from the respondents and included sections on grandparents' education and occupation, parents' education and occupational and income histories (at five year intervals from 1980 to 2000), and as well as the student's siblings' subsequent education, occupation, income and marriage outcomes (where relevant). Information on transfers, assistance in finding jobs, 82.5% of and ties to eligible the community was also collected. households provided completed schedules. This especially given that some number of different reasons. Dadar who sent their children to study outside the area households who moved out complete the survey. And of the area how our still have obtained households residing in First, would be missing from the sample. Second, would be among the 17.5% of the respondents who did not third, students and current students who have dropped will discuss But we might of our addresses were 20 years old. a selective sample of households, for a a relatively high response rate, is from the out, identification strategy is first 10 cohorts who did not reach the tenth grade, would be missing from the sample. 18 In Section unlikely to be 5.1 we undermined by these potential sources of bias. 4.2 Descriptive Statistics: Caste, Occupational Networks and Schooling The data provide empirical support Section 3. First, for three features of the model of schooling choice laid out in the occupational distribution, a product of historical circumstances, varies by caste, and persists across generations, particularly among the men. Second, working with a higher level of referrals (networking). And third, working class jobs are associated class jobs are associated with lower levels of English schooling. The survey elicited For the grandparents, With information on parental occupations at we simply asked for the five year intervals from 1980 to 2000. main occupation over the individual's working life. regard to the last source of bias, the survey data do not indicate any significant selectivity with respect to two observable characteristics. Based on t-tests and Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests we could not reject the hypotheses that the sex-ratio of students and the distributions of parental incomes differed across the most recent eight cohorts (grades one through eight), in which there have been relatively few drop-outs, and the rest of the older cohorts, in which post eighth-grade drop-outs could be a potential problem. 19 The 90 occupations in the data were divided by roughly increasing levels of human capital into seven aggregate categories: unskilled manual, skilled manual, organized blue-collar, petty trade, business, and professional. We further working class occupations. collar as occupations. Petty trade is classified unskilled Clerical, business, manual, skilled clerical, manual, and organized blue- and professional were classified as white-collar treated as an intermediate unclassified occupation. Table 2 describes the occupational distribution across broad caste categories (low, medium, high), separately for the employed fathers, based on information in 1995, and the paternal grandfathers of the students in the sample. Columns 1-3 of Table 2 indicate that lower-caste fathers are likely to (18%). much more be employed in working class occupations (53% and 43%) as compared with high-caste fathers 19 The same and white-collar cross-caste pattern classifications, is obtained for individual occupations within the working class with the exception of clerical jobs. Notice also that the cross-caste patterns for the two major occupations, organized blue-collar and professional, are particularly striking for the fathers. The comparison there is little of the fathers in Columns many Columns 4-6 suggests that change in the basic occupational distribution, measured by the percentage of working class jobs, across the generations within listed as the 1-3 with the grandfathers in broad caste categories. The major difference is that farming is primary occupation for a large proportion of lower caste grandfathers, which suggests that of the lower caste fathers are first-generation migrants. from farming to manual jobs, clerical jobs, and professional 20 There appears to have been a switch jobs. But the percentage of blue-collar jobs remains stable across the generations. For the high castes, the major change across generations is the decline in blue-collar and clerical jobs, and the increase in professional occupations. Although most is relatively low men but is are employed, growing. Only high caste mothers entered the labor stable at 20% we 15% force. see that labor force participation for the of high caste Among women in Table 3 grandmothers worked; while just over half of the lower castes, the percentage employed remains across the generations, but notice that farming is listed as the primary occupation for a large number of working grandmothers. This suggests that urban employment must have increased sharply for the lower-caste women as well. 1 Note that we only use working class and white-collar occupations when computing this statistic. parent or grandparent will only list farming as their primary occupation if they were residing outside Bombay, in their home village. Not surprisingly, farming is rarely reported as the father's primary occupation. But it is for a substantial fraction of the grandfathers (19% for the low caste and 27% for the medium castes), which tells us that roughly one-quarter of the lower caste fathers are first-generation migrants. Migrants are by definition newcomers in the labor market, and so will be more susceptible to the information problems that generate a need for the caste networks. A 20 The occupational distribution across castes for the mothers in Table women pattern similar to that for the fathers. Lower-caste working is class class occupations for the major much more are occupations (44% and 32%) as compared with high caste an important difference between men and difference is men was women - 3, Columns be employed likely to women 1-3, displays a (9%). However, there although the large difference within the working in access to blue-collar jobs for the lower castes, for in access to unskilled in manual jobs; many of the lower caste women work women the as sweepers and domestic servants. Columns and Columns 4-6 suggest that there has been, 1-3 intergenerational change for an increase This in most is women because only the highest ability would have entered the labor manual and professional women, women the high-caste force. jobs (particularly The jobs. women For the lower castes, among across a single generation, that labor networks are weak women medium the have evidently shifted out of farming castes), skilled manual among among castes, that all we noted finding their first than the 44% of for the women women is in working class men class occupations are associated with received help from a relative or first business in the white-collar jobs Column with the view the women. job (or starting their men the lower caste earlier, consistent a higher level of job referrals (networking) and a lower level of English schooling. of the jobs, clerical jobs, particularly dramatic. This contrasts with the stability of the is Table 4 indicates that, as assumed in the model, working 68% there has been of the older generation (grandmothers) decline in the percentage of working class jobs occupational distribution for the men, for that significant the proportion of clerical jobs and a decline in the proportion of professional jobs. likely into unskilled Among within the castes. men, in contrast to the who if self-employed), which received a referral. same 3 reveal essentially the member Column of the 1 shows community in significantly higher is The corresponding statistics pattern, although the level of referrals for the generally lower than that for the men, perhaps because the networks for female jobs are less developed. Table 4, Columns 2 and 4, show that there is also a clear distinction between working the in 6% The working class jobs that attended secondary school of men in white-collar jobs. results that we have A similar pattern is in English is just over obtained for the women just described suggest that the level of referrals are negatively correlated across occupations within a generation. 21 and The percentage white-collar jobs with respect to the language of instruction in secondary school. men class of 1%, compared with in Column 4. and English schooling Figure 5 displays this relationship in more glish. detail by ranking occupations in ascending order of the percentage of evident from the figure that the level of referrals for the It is almost perfectly negatively correlated. men and men schooled in En- English schooling are Notice also that the negative correlation is sharpest for the organized blue-collar and professional jobs, which dominate the working class and white-collar occupations respectively. Figure 6 repeats the exercise for relationship between referrals women, where we and English schooling. Table 2 and Table 3 suggest that lower-caste men and women are schooling across castes. Not surprisingly the table indicates that a men received referrals, and that such In contrast, although lower caste of referrals is also women likely to saw that lower caste women are level of referrals men, and we much are are also much much hold working less likely to less likely to higher proportion of lower have been schooled be schooled Although we noted is less likely to enter little in English. in English, the level earlier that lower caste are more likely to hold working class jobs, which are associated with appear to cancel each other, leaving The men statistically indistinguishable across castes. women who work we much more Table 5 combines these results with the results in Table 4 to describe referrals and English class jobs. caste see a replication of the negative more referrals, the labor force. These two opposing effects variation in the level of referrals across castes for the low in any case, especially will later establish that labor when compared with market networks are women. the corresponding level for the effectively available for the men only Tables 2 through 4 provide support for the basic assumptions of the model with respect to the variation in the occupational distribution across castes and its persistence, the relationship between the occupational distribution and the level of referrals, and the relationship between the occupational distribution and English schooling. The data also suggest, however, that the modelling assumption that the ability distribution empirically. is Individual ability the is same across castes (or jatis) does not appear to be supported determined in part by investments in pre-school human capital so that the occupation that a particular jati gets locked into, as a consequence of historical circumstances, can affect future occupational choice via human that have had access to white-collar jobs for capital effects. many Children in a wealthy, educated jati generations will be nurtured very differently from children in a jati that was historically confined to manual schooling and monthly income separately by caste for jobs. Table 5 reports the mean years of men and women. As expected, high caste mothers and fathers have significantly more years of schooling and significantly higher incomes. This suggests that empirically pre-school across jatis, as well. When human capital could vary across broad caste categories, and estimating the effect of the historical occupational distribution on the 22 child's schooling choice we will consequently take account of the possibility that the occupational distribution could be correlated with the ability distribution in the jati. Empirical Analysis 5 Specification 5.1 The we implication of the model first tions) and Identification when will test is that occupation choices should persist over time (across genera- labor market networks are active. Because occupational choice whether schooling choice in the current generation is maps into schooling choice, determined by the occupational dis- tribution in the student's jati in the previous generation. There are 90 occupations listed in the data, and our first challenge tribution in the jati. their requirement of is We to construct a statistic that parsimoniously describes the occupational dis- saw human in the previous section that occupations ranked in ascending order by capital were decreasing in the level of referrals, The schooling, almost without exception. level of referrals and increasing in English and English schooling were consequently seen to be negatively correlated, at the level of the broad caste category, within a single generation. Given the underlying occupational basis correlation between English schooling and for this relationship, we would expect referrals at the jati level as well. this negative relationship should hold across generations; to find this negative When networks boys belonging to jatis are active, with a higher level of referrals will be less likely to be schooled in English. Note that we could as well have used the level of our measure of the occupational distribution in the they also reflect English schooling in the previous generation as jati. The advantage of using the referrals is the degree of state dependence in occupational choice across generations; we would expect such state dependence to be greater in heavily networked jatis. For both reasons discussed above, a student belonging to a jati characterized by a higher proportion of referrals will be likely to that be schooled in more Marathi when networks shape occupational choices across generations. The schooling regression that we estimate is consequently specified as Pr(El3 = 1) = aRj + X ZJ p+ Uj, (1) 21 With the three-type example discussed in Section 3, restrictions on mobility are required for equilibrium 3 (all types choose Marathi) when 9 reaches one, and for equilibrium 2 (low and medium types choose Marathi) when 9 reaches 2(Pt + Pm) > 1- Restrictions are thus more likely to be in place in more heavily networked jatis at any point in time. Moreover, both low and medium types are interested in maintaining equilibrium 3 when 9 reaches one, whereas only the low types have an incentive to sustain equilibrium 2 networked jatis are consequently also more likely to when be binding. 23 9 reaches 2(Pl + Pm). The restrictions in more heavily Ey = where Marathi. Rj we individual a < if dependence identification men in schooling choice, problem is schooled in English, in jati j that received Xy networks are active. and Uj measures the average An belonging to jati j i the proportion of expect to find reflect state 3, is 1 if Ey = ically been engaged in. is schooled in includes the parents' language of schooling to which motivated the equilibrium selection rule in Section ability (defined below) in the jati. arises when Rj and cjj are correlated. Although jatis might have been and education), depending on the type These differences could in the current generation, he a referral. Following the discussion above the same to begin with, we noted in the previous section that their members characteristics (income if now have very different of occupation that the jati has histor- result in different levels of pre-school human capital which would independently determine schooling choices. In addition, given imperfections in credit markets, liquidity constraints could prevent students from attending more ex- pensive English schools and this determinant of schooling choice could vary across jatis with different levels of income. With this broad definition of sociated with high Rj and low a network effect because less u/j, in ability, a traditionally working-class jati could be as- which case a family effect would be erroneously interpreted as able individuals with lower family resources independently select into Marathi schools. Our solution to this identification problem exploits the fact, are concentrated in working class jobs dominated by men. referrals for women were women indicated in in Table affect schooling choice for the boys, they should have in Section 3, then applies to boys difference in the access to job networks the presence of the network within the where a, is a dummy boys and l) little 3. or change occupational in the Thus, although the networks might no impact on the girls. The model only. Instead of using variation in the level of referrals across jatis to identify the presence of networks, as in equation = had in Table 4, that networks Recall from Table 5 that the levels of relatively low, consistent with the significant distribution across generations for Pr{Eij documented (1), we proceed by pooling both sexes instead to exploit this gender in the schooling regression to identify jati: = (a-a)Rj By + Xy0 + Xy By (0-0) + 1 B + j, - (2) lj represent the effect of the network and parents' language of schooling on the variable that takes a value of one for boys girls is and zero for girls. The advantage By of pooling the that the schooling regression can be estimated with jati fixed effects, fj 24 girls. = aRj + u>j. Although we can no longer identify a coefficient and the boys coefficient More on the interaction term generally, the coefficient of the effect of caste-based networks And a — a, the jati. on schooling choices Boys and pre-human different roles, the parental different, In an capital. and a= for the on the interaction term provides a conservative estimate girls in for the boys. that unobserved ability is an endogamous liquidity constraints will equally apply to also includes been very a consistent estimate of network-based occupational persistence identifies identifying assumption in this estimation strategy vary by gender within a stock. we can obtain on the Rj Bij interaction term. For the special case with exclusively male networks, directly. The directly, jati certainly share both boys and girls economy where men and women societal inputs that boys and the same genetic within the historically girls received in does not u)j But jati. ability performed very childhood might have which could have translated into gender differences in our measure of ability that vary with Rj. The term existence of a boy-girl ability differential within the jati implies that there in the residual of the schooling regression. differential when is 4>j is correlated with Rj, then the coefficient on the Rj jati fixed effects are included in the regression. uncorrelated with Rj test score • in equation (2). Marathi-medium school students, of the school attended. English of the infrastructure We B^. <pj B^ If an additional the gender ability- term could be biased even can directly verify that the 4>j • Bij term Bij by looking at the relationship between the standardized school-leaving and the determinants of school dependent variable is Let this term be is The choice, replacing schooling choice with the test score as the school leaving test score, given to both English-medium and will reflect the student's pre-school human capital and the quality and Marathi schools, however, were seen to be very similar and the qualifications of the teachers in terms in Section 2.3. If the ability differential <pj uncorrelated with the level of referrals Rj, then Rj Bij should have no effect on the test score, even - when it strongly affects schooling choice. Finally, in Section 4.1 we listed three potential sources of sampling bias, generated by missing Dadar households. First, particular households might school their children outside the particular households might have moved from Dadar over the past 20 particular households might have dropped out of school. differential ability across jatis. unobservables at the jati Caste discrimination level, in the The years. area. Second, Third, children from This selection could in principle lead to jati-Hxed effects procedure takes into account any differences in including differences that arise due to sampling selectivity. 22 labor market could also lead to differences in schooling choices across jatis. But historically 25 5.2 Caste-based Networks and Schooling Choice Table 6, Column 1 reports the estimates of the schooling choice regression, equation As noted, the sample covers 20 cohorts boys. 1982 (cohort=l) and 2001 (cohort=20). jati, of students aged six to 25, The The two level of referrals in the jati incorporates tend to be working class, the entered school between student's cohort (1 to 20), the level of referrals in his and the father's and the mother's language of instruction regressors. who (1), for secondary school, are included as in more heavily networked effects; with a greater propensity to school their children jatis Marathi, and more in heavily networked jatis are also characterized by greater occupational persistence across generations. Although we cannot disentangle these note that effects, if be no occupational persistence across generations, and the networks were absent, then there would referrals coefficient in the schooling choice regression would be zero. The cohort term is While the over time. included in this regression to account for the increase in the returns to English below that the estimated referral coefficient effects. The referrals coefficient is effect is positive and likely to human The Column 6, be constant over time for more in Table For now, we see that the referral coefficient significant, implying a with the be schooled in shift into we saw English in first we verify flexible cohort 6, and we will negative and is is implication of the model. English over time, which Figure his parents if the state dependence in schooling choice which Table clearly restrictive, unchanged when we allow is in English, consistent increase in the returns to English that much more is belonging to (historically) working class and more heavily networked jatis are be schooled less likely to specify in Table 6 also specified to also subsequently relax this restriction. significant; children we linear cohort effect that 1. were educated consistent with the is Finally, the results The cohort imply that a boy is in that language, verifying an important feature of our model. 2 includes variables that measure the determinants of the student's pre-school capital as well as the budget constraint, which could independently determine schooling choices. parents' years of education, conditional on their language of instruction in secondary school and the level of referrals in the capital. The jati, family's access to are likely significant determinants of children's pre-school own resources is measured by the total income of the father and the there does not appear to have been a policy of caste selection by the employers in any industry. 1965). There is in the specific caste concentrations that emerged The jobber was most Bombay (Morris manufacturing units in any case no reason why such discrimination would vary by caste (and hence by the likely responsible for Rj) and by gender. 26 in individual human level of referrals mother at the 23 Inclusion of these variables results in a substantial time when the child entered school. was previously proxying decline in the network effect, suggesting that the level of referrals extent for unobserved ability, but variable boy is is more due to human capital arises The estimates for based on equation is coefficients Columns reported in Column 4 own 3 and 4 in Table 6. Column women, not the men, in their jati. castes. 1 and 2. his father or Bombay mother thus in part 3 reports the estimates The estimated cohort effects, However, the referral coefficient becomes negligible the observed determinants of pre-school One explanation family resources are included. all if signs; the reports the estimates from the augmented specification that adds the Columns Column 4 once very low, across have sensible on parents' language of instruction, parents' education, and family income are similar to those for boys in for the girls in all Occupational persistence in wealthier. on the cohort coefficient more-expensive English-medium school parents' years of schooling and family income as additional regressors. and the The some effects. girls are (1); in a the family if significant. the coefficients on the additional regressors be schooled likely to more educated, or are And quite stable. remains negative and it to But we saw in human capital and access to for this result is that girls receive help Table 5 that the level of referrals for the Although not reported, we also found no correlation between schooling choice, for both boys and girls, when we from the women referrals is and replaced the level of referrals for the fathers with the level of referrals for the mothers. The results that of individual But up we have and family effects, as in A more robust equation (2). boys in on this Column 2. term is controlled for unobserved ability with a limited These estimates are reported and not the in Column 5 of Table 6. linear referral coefficient, girls is zero. girls. number of family with jati fixed As noted, only the can now be identified. The negative and significant, and very similar to the referrals coefficient for the Recall from equation (2) that the coefficient on the referral-boy interaction term provides us with a direct estimate of the referral coefficient for the boys the but not for the identification strategy estimates the schooling regression referral-boy interaction coefficient, coefficient with the view that caste-based networks, net characteristics, affect schooling decisions for the boys, we have only to this point, characteristics. just described are consistent The result that we obtained earlier for the girls in if the referral coefficient for Column 4 suggests that this might well be the case. 23 We use the income in 2000 for students current aged 6-10, the income in 1995 for students 11-15, the income in 1990 for students 16-20, and the income in 1985 for students 21-25. 27 The the similar to is girls, boys and what we obtained previously 5, for which now measures the cohort both boys and on the cohort-boy interaction term, which measures the coefficient and on the cohort variable in Column coefficient girls, is consequently small and statistically insignificant. likely because the very large proportion of women who generations would have been schooled in Marathi, which We is due explanation The boy dummy among itself is positive the men. This is stayed outside the workforce in previous expensive. is less to the presence of networks organized at the level of the that occupations get passed is down set of (90) dummies dummies is see little We account by including a 6, full statistically significant, suggesting that persistence in occupational choice additionally operates at the family we Column 6, alternative for the student's father's occupation, in addition to the regressors listed above. set of paternal occupational 6, Table But an jati. from father to son. at the family level, for such occupational persistence at the level of the family in umn The have argued throughout this paper that the persistence of occupational patterns across gen- erations The 1-4. difference in the cohort effect for significant, reflecting the historically higher levels of English schooling most Columns girls in effect for change any of the estimated in level. However, comparing Column 5 and Col- There coefficients. is still an independent, jati-\eve\ source of occupational persistence. Although the labor market in Bombay was by historically organized caste, the region of origin (within Maharashtra) also has been seen as determining the scope of the network (Chandavarkar To allow 1994). Konkan, Deccan, and Other. Our survey We we divide Maharashtra into 4 regions: Bombay, elicited information on where the grandparents grew up. the network, for this finer partition of use this response, for the paternal grandfather, to assign an origin region for each student. Deccan for the (in interior Maharashtra) and the Konkan (along the coast), were the main source regions supply of labor to region for 27% Bombay under of the grandfathers, the jati the British. Konkan the grandfathers, and that the remaining Replacing the 11% for We 42% find that of the grandfathers we obtained earlier in sample, and with four regions this leaves us with a very large Not surprisingly, there our results to the size of the and very small networks wide variation in the is Bombay is of the grandfathers, the listed as the origin Deccan came from other by the jati-iegion as the boundary of the network estimates are almost identical to what 7. The Table in Column number 5. 6, for of parts of the state. Column There are 59 7, the point jatis in of jatirregion units in size of these units. 20% our Column To check the robustness of network, we dropped very large networks (more than 250 observations) (less than 10 observations). The estimated 28 referral coefficient based on this Column substantially reduced sample, reported in 8 of Table 6, is close sample. 24 full The 7, Column 1, interacted with the boy dummy, as additional regressors. Table coefficients Columns 1-4, and the interactions with the boy Subsequently, Table also uninteracted dummy are referral coefficient differs to have a differential effect on boys' on schooling choice. The boy Table 7 and girls' what we obtained obtained in Table father's education Table dummy in 6, 6, Columns Table 5-8. 25 1-4. Table 6, (with one exception) small and statistically schooling choice in this setting 6, Columns all Previously In contrast, in by gender, family characteristics do not appear 5-8. with the boy we cannot - dummy Most importantly, the reject the has no effect we referral coefficient in these additional regressors and we saw is close to what we that without fixed effects the introduction of and family income sharply reduced the Columns 2 adds continues to be positive and significant, and the cohort effects hardly affected by the inclusion of is Column 7, and interacted with the boy dummy. joint hypothesis that the set of family characteristics interacted are similar to not include family on these additional regressors are similar to what we obtained previously Although the insignificant. 5-8, did includes parents' language of schooling, both uninteracted and and family income, parents' years of schooling The Columns regression specifications with jati fixed effects in Table 6, characteristics. in we obtained with the to what referral coefficient for both boys and see that the estimated referral coefficient is girls robust to the inclusion of additional regressors once the jati-hxed effects are included in the schooling regression. 5.3 The Caste-based Networks and Student Performance identification of the influence of the effects specification, relies boys and income girls will network on schooling choice for the boys, based on the fixed- on the assumption that the pre-school human capital difference between does not vary with the level of referrals be the same within a family for boys and within jati variations in parental resources and human 24 in the girls jati. Although parental schooling and and the results in Table 7 indicate that do not differentially affect the schooling capital It is possible to trim the sample even further - restricting attention to networks between 50 and 150 observations without affecting the estimated network effects. This result helps rule out the possibility that boys and girls with the same pre-school human capital are schooled differently even when networks are absent. Men and women historically had access to very different labor market opportunities in Bombay, which would be reflected in the schooling choices (including the language of instruction) that parents make for their children. If the difference in opportunities by gender varies across jatis with different levels of ability, then Rj B,j in equation (2) could spuriously affect schooling choice, yet have no effect on test scores if preschool human capital for the boys and girls is the same. We saw that the parents' language of schooling, educational attainment, and family income, controlled quite effectively for unobserved ability in Table 6. The fact that these family characteristics do not have a differential effect by gender on schooling choice is consequently reassuring; only the referral effect varies by gender, presumably as a consequence of the differential access to the job network. 29 choices of boys and girls, gender differences in human capital investment could nevertheless vary by jati. To obtain direct evidence on human capital differences by gender and we jati, use the survey information on performance on the school-leaving S.S.C. examination to directly measure capital. Our view of the jati network is that shapes schooling choices, but has no it effect human on subsequent school performance; students will perform to the best of their ability once they are enrolled in a particular school. 26 We noted in Section 2.3 that English and Marathi schools look very similar in terms of infrastructure and teacher qualifications. The large difference in student performance between the English and Marathi schools in Table 1, not expect the network to have a causal effect referrals at the jati level Similarly, once and test scores The we and Panel C on is thus presumably due to selection, and performance. test must therefore be due test scores to pre-school relationship human between job capital differences. include jati fixed effects, any relationship between the referrals-boy interaction term must be due to gender differences in pre-school basic specification of the student performance regression in Table 6 Any we do and Table dependent variable. 7, We except that schooling choice is human is capital across jatis. the same as the regressions reported replaced by the student's test score as the restrict attention to the first 10 cohorts (age 16-25), 17% attained school-leaving age, in these regressions. the S.S.C. examination (scored less which have already of the students aged 16-25 in the than 35%), so we first sample failed look at the effect of the referrals on the student's probability of success, before turning to the test score conditional on having passed the exam. Exam is success is specified to be the dependent variable in Table 8, the dependent variable in Columns 5-8. Column 1 restricts Columns 1-4, while the test score attention to boys, and includes the cohort, the parental background variables, and the level of referrals in the jati as regressors. is absent, suggesting that there has been coefficient is Column 2). The cohort effect negative but not statistically significant. results in change in Columns 1-2 suggest that failure The is S.S.C. we repeat the exercise just described again absent, and the coefficient on referrals exam is not particularly challenging, and the might have more to do with idiosyncratic characteristics, than with family or community background. However, the results that we report 26 We effect school performance over time, but the referral negative and marginally significant. Subsequently for the girls (Table 8, is little The cohort in Table 8, Columns who anticipate entering working class occupations in the future put less effort into and so perform less well in school. But if this were true, then referrals would be negatively correlated with test scores for the boys, but not for the girls, which is inconsistent with what we report below. could imagine that students their studies 30 4-5 for the test scores among the large proportion of students who passed the examination indicate The distribution of pre-school that students in the high- referral jatis have significantly lower scores. human capital thus does not appear to be the same across even with controls jatis, for individual parental characteristics. To assess boys and whether pre-school human capital varies systematically by gender across girls and estimate the estimates are reported in Table performance regression with test 8, Column The jati fixed effects. 3 for the pass rate and in Table 8, jatis, Column we pool fixed-effects 6 for the test score conditional on passing. For both dependent variables neither the cohort effect, the cohort-boy interaction, nor the coefficient The boy dummy is on the referral-boy interaction term is zero. More importantly, the small and statistically insignificant. negative referral coefficients in Columns 1-2 and 4-5 imply that jatis with more referrals are associated with lower ability. rule out a correlation regression. However, the negligible referral-boy between the capital, providing direct support level of referrals in a jati for the identifying and a boy-girl assumption Columns coefficients in differential in and 6 3 human in the fixed effects schooling choice 27 Schooling Choice over 5.4 from statistically significantly different The second Time implication of the model laid out in Section 3 is that jatis will converge over time, as the returns to English grow, unless restrictions on occupational mobility are in place. implies that the effect of the initial conditions, measured should grow less by the level of referrals Convergence among the fathers, important as a determinant of children's schooling decisions over time. To assess the persistence of the occupational distribution effect on schooling we create four cohort categories that evenly divide the 20 cohorts, and then estimate the referral coefficient separately for each category. We begin with a benchmark jaii-fixed effects regression, which maintains a constant referral cient but relaxes the restriction categories in Table 9, Column imposed thus 1. The estimated inclusion of the flexible cohort effect 7. far that cohort effects are linear, by including the cohort negative referral-boy coefficient and remains very similar to the results is unaffected by the shown in Tables 6 and Inclusion of the family background variables, uninteracted and interacted with the boy additional regressors again has no effect on the estimated referral coefficient An alternative explanation for the negligible referrals-boy coefficient in Columns Marathi schools are in fact of different quality, and that this quality differential differential. Such a knife edge result is unlikely to be obtained in practice. 31 coeffi- is 3 (Column and 6 is dummy, as 2). that English schools and exactly offset by the boy-girl ability Table 9, Column 3, allows for the changes in the referral coefficient across cohort categories. All the referral-boy-cohort coefficients are negative and significant except for the coefficient on the cohort category which is slightly less precisely estimated. and we can for the later cohorts, The first referral coefficient is actually increasing easily reject the convergence hypothesis which implies a decline in the referral effect over time. Once more, the estimated referral coefficients are robust to the inclusion of the family background variables as regressors is (Column Rejection of the convergence hypothesis 4). consistent with the patterns in Figure 3 and suggests that restrictions on social mobility are in place boys for in high-referral jatis. Selection into Marathi Schools over 5.5 The model who Time laid out in Section 3 also has implications for the compositional attend Marathi schools over time by jati: human First, the pre-school change in the students capital of boys entering Marathi schools should decline on average as the returns to English grow. Second, when there are no on mobility put restrictions ability among in place to exploit network externalities, the distribution of pre-school the boys entering Marathi schools will converge across that such convergence across jatis will be absent when all jatis over time. restrictions are in place. It is possible Note that the model has no prediction for selection by ability into English schools. We do not have a direct measure of pre-school human However, the results in Tables 8 capital. suggest that, net of income, parental schooling has a positive and significant effect on school perfor- mance. In particular father's schooling has a significant positive and the effects level as a do not proxy differ significantly for pre-school ability. 28 by the gender of the ability of To child. The question we address fathers increasingly exit Marathi schools on effect is We test scores for girls, thus use the father's schooling whether boys with more educated and whether and how the rate boys entering Martahi schools varies by boys and of decline in the pre-school jati. we estimate test the implications for school selectivity described above, regressions on the sub-sample of boys entering Marathi schools of the form: E(Sij where Sij is boy i | Eij results reported 0) = k + XRj + + uRj [iCij in jati j's father's years of schooling the level of referrals in the jati and The = below are ujj measures pre-school essentially the same if we 32 and C^ Cij is + t/juij (3) the boy's cohort. Rj measures ability in the entire jati; these terms replace father's schooling by mother's schooling. reflect the fact that pre-school ability conditional on selection into Marathi in the jati time. v < and the The level of referrals. The model, which ignores the variation in ability coefficient > with u)j The boys who entered Marathi schools was declining substantially is more-able boys in high-referral referral coefficient is jatis were shifting to the results in Column we add referral coefficient coefficients are The 1, A > still is jati fixed effects, no longer Column human in place But also The coefficient showing — the rates. ujj 8, which correlation be spurious. To assess the robustness + XRj + ipuij, in Table 10, of Column but the estimated cohort and referral-cohort 1. level of parental in the access to education across jatis in the parent generation, Columns - this tells us that the positive is constant schooling could, however, also depend on the access to education, which might have changed over time. referrals-cohort coefficient in capital during this period within-jati estimates allow ability to vary across jatis but assume that ability over time (both within and across generations). 0, The cohort 1. The in the 1990s. the negative Rj ujj] which subsume k identified, very similar to the results in ability effect in this case. we reported above might referrals-cohort coefficient that The Column English-medium schools at lower Rj have lower appears to dominate the positive selection A < \x estimated equation negative and significant, consistent with the results in Table indicate that jatis with higher referrals 2. first positive, consistent with the results in Table 9 that restrictions on mobility in the high-referral networks were The we estimates are reported in Table 10, on the referrals-cohort interaction term 0, restrictions. negative and significant as predicted, which implies that the pre-school is > across jatis, predicts that A English schooling occurred in the 1990s, the boys in cohorts 11-20. (3) for of the shift into a function of ability in general cohort terms reflect the change in this selection process over without restrictions and (possibly) v Because the major is If there was convergence then that could explain the positive 1-2 without requiring networks to be active. One test to rule out this alternative interpretation of our result would be to estimate the school selectivity regression for girls rather for the girls, than boys; we have already seen that the network has no and so both the cohort and the referrals-cohort the referrals-cohort term coefficient should Table 10, is picking up convergence be positive and significant Column effect effect on schooling choice should be absent. In contrast, in (fathers') schooling levels across jatis, then if this for the girls as well. 3 reports the basic selectivity regression for the girls attending Marathi schools with cohort, referrals-cohort, and referrals included as determinants of father's schooling, while Table 10, Column 4 repeats this regression with jati fixed effects. 33 The referrals coefficient in Column 3 is again negative (but insignificant) consistent with the lower levels of ability in high-referral cohort coefficient is but positive More importantly, insignificant. small in magnitude and statistically insignificant with the results obtained the referrals-cohort coefficient the point estimate - The jatis. , is actually negative is consistent - belonging to high-referral jatis are not restricted earlier that girls in families in their mobility. An alternative strategy to control for the confounding effect of changes in access to schooling among the fathers across jatis and over time pools boys and girls in the selectivity regression, which can then be estimated with a E(Sij where girls, jl, Eij | = 0) = full set of jati (/^ - p)Cij Bij dummies + {v - and Bij is a boy dummy B^, which subsume The as before. (rc — k)Bij + although we ruled this out in Table C^ subsume hj 0)Rj Cij Bij + f.j + Bij gj + C^ hj (4) v are the coefficients on the cohort variable and the referrals-cohort interaction fixed effects, fj The for the possibility that ability varies across jatis. gj interacted with the cohort variable: , jlCij + vRj (A 8. — X)Rj which subsume k + XRj + fixed effects interacted with the Bij, also allow ability to vary for the ipuij, boy allow dummy by gender across jatis, Finally, the fixed effects interacted with the cohort variable Cij and control for changes in access to schooling for the fathers both across jatis and over time. For the special case with in equation (4) should (3) is estimated with ft = 0, and positive in Columns 0, These is as is consistent with the model, the estimated coefficients coefficient jati fixed effects for significant, 1-2. = match the cohort the case; the cohort-boy coefficient is v boys and the referrals-cohort Table only. 10, Column coefficient when equation 5 suggests that this is indeed negative and significant and the referrals-cohort-boy coefficient and the point estimates are very similar to the corresponding results confirm that in the most heavily-networked jatis high-ability girls 29 exiting to English-medium schools at significantly faster rates than were boys. 0.9 quantile of the referrals distribution ranges from 0.2 to 0.7. coefficients The point The were 0.1 quantile estimates in Column thus suggest that over the period of the 90's the gap in father's schooling between boys and schooled in Marathi grew by 2.3 years in the highest-referral jatis (at the 0.9 quantile contrast, the ability-differential 29 The negative cohort-boy measured by the difference in the father's schooling or changes in the returns to English by gender (as in Figures 34 1 5 girls In between boys and human capital differential is declining over may be due to differences in labor force participation coefficient implies that the boy-girl pre-school time, independent of the influence of the male job network. This level). - and 2). girls, declined by as much period. This increasing as 5 years in the low-referral jatis (at the 0.1 quantile level) over the mismatch in ability levels same between the sexes within jatis and school types could have important implications for the future stability of the caste system, which relies on endogamous marriage, as discussed below. Table Columns 6-10 reports the estimates 10, of students, who we do not expect coefficient, in of the selectivity equations for the first 10 cohorts entered school in the 1980s. Schooling choices were stable over this period and thus to find changing selectivity effects for the boys or the Column in ability across jatis. in the post-1990's 6 and Column 8, is girls. As before, the referrals negative and significant, reflecting the persistent differences However, as expected and in contrast to the cohorts making schooling choices new economy, the cohort effect and the referrals-cohort and interacted with the boy dummy, are effect, both uninteracted insignificant in the pre-reform period. Disparities in ability across gender and caste groups within schools were evidently stable in the pre-reform period. Conclusion 6 As modernization proceeds around the world, there tutions may little is known about how such is a perception that indigenous pre-existing insti- importantly shape the course of the development process across different countries. Yet institutions actually affect the transformation of economies undergo- ing change or their impact on the economic mobility of particular groups of individuals. This paper examines the role of one long-standing traditional institution - the Indian caste system - in shaping career choices by gender in a rapidly globalizing economy. We have found that male working class networks, organized at the level of the sub-caste or jati, continue to channel boys into traditional occupations despite the fact that returns to non-traditional (white collar) occupations have risen substantially during the post- 1990s reform period. In contrast, girls, who have had historically low labor-market participation rates them, appear to be taking economy. It is full and few network ties to advantage of the opportunities that have become available constrain in the new generally believed that the benefits of globalization have accrued disproportionately to the elites in developing countries. In this setting group (girls) might surpass boys in the most heavily networked in educational we find instead that a previously disadvantaged attainment and employment outcomes in the future jatis. Although we have focused on how traditional institutions shape the responses of particular groups 35 of individuals to the new opportunities that accompany institutions are likely to be affected in turn by the globalization, our findings suggest that these forces of change. In our setting, an individual schooled in English no longer needs the traditional caste network; indeed, "the English educated form a caste Widowson, 1968: Simple 24). siblings of the students in our not members jati. has been remarked that by themselves" (M.P. Desai, 1952, quoted statistics in Dakin, Tiffin on marriage and migration that we computed Among the 792 married siblings in and for the elder sample would appear to support the view that English education ultimately undermine the caste network. outside their it will our sample, 11.8% married This contrasts with the parent generation in which only 3.6% of the partners were of the same inter-caste marriage, as the Marathi-educated. jati. Schooling in English appears to be contributing to this increase in 31.7% of the English-educated married outside And among the 750 siblings who their jati versus only are currently employed, 9.7% of 41.7% of the English- educated work outside Maharashtra versus only 11.0% of the Marathi-educated (these differences between the Marathi educated and the English educated are Both marriage outside the jati statistically significant at the and out-migration weaken caste ties 5% level). and the caste network. Increasing exposure to the modern economy through English education, and the mismatch in educational choices and future occupational outcomes between boys and girls in the same jati that we have documented, suggest that the forces of modernization could ultimately lead to the disintegration of a system that has remained firmly in place for thousands of years. 36 7 Appendix To estimate the returns women in each of the five time periods, we used ln(Wrf ) = at Ei + where W it is individual price index in that year), is i's £,-, An measures that individual, income real 5; is PtSi in period a t , ft + -yA + 5t it t + (nominal income normalized by the consumer 5t is a set of and 1980 and 1985 and As can be 2. women. An men and women. The schooling once the English schooling dummies in 1980 coefficient for the men F-test rejects the hypothesis that the English coefficients are The time period dummies, which and increasingly negative on the years of seen, the coefficient the same across the times periods. significant time period dummies, and e« also significant at the 5 percent level in each period except for the for Table Al reports the estimated in earnings over time. very precisely estimated in each time period for both is e it measure the returns to English and the returns to education and 5t measures secular changes on English schooling men and measure the language of instruction and the years of schooling coefficients that are displayed in Figures 1 schooling instruction, separately for a specification of the wage regression given by: his or her age in that period, a mean-zero disturbance term. in each period, and medium of to schooling attainment are included, are small reflect the returns to and insignificant Marathi in the 1980s, but the 1990s. Because Marathi schooling channels the individual into working class jobs, this result suggests that working wages declined over the 1990s in real class terms. To describe the dynamics of schooling choice nonparametrically in Figures 3 into account intergenerational state regression of schooling choice well as the father's dependence within the family, we ran a on the cohort variable, interacted with the and the mother's language of education and first 4, while taking stage parametric broad caste categories, as in secondary school. We constructed the cohort variable based on the year in which the child entered school; for example, cohort=l for individuals who are currently 25 years old entered school in 2001. This first stage regression the second stage nonparametric regression effect from the in the first and entered school is is in 1982, cohort=20 reported in Table A2. for six year olds The dependent who variable in schooling choice net of the estimated parental education stage (this two-step procedure is based on Porter 1996). Less than sample had gone to an English medium school, although castes. 37 this figure 3% was above 12% of parents in the high References [1] Acemoglu, Daron, Simon Johnson and James Robinson. 2001. The Colonial Origins of Comaprative p. [2] Development: An Empirical Investigation, American Economic Review, December, Vol. 91, 1369-1401. Banerjee, Abhijit and Laksmi Iyer (2002). History, Institutions and Economic Performance: Legacy of Colonial land Tenure Systems [3] Banerjee, Abhijit and Kaivan in India, The mimeo, MIT. Munshi (forthcoming). How Efficiently is Capital Allocated? Evi- dence from the Knitted Garment Industry in Tirupur, Review of Economic Studies. 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Bi£»h and 1990 StJ.t. 1945 tbhg l.y Year, 1900-2000 - 2(00 Wanei Agel 30-55 0.25 015 0.05- 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 Figure 3: English Schooling 0.7 ! - net parental education effect - Boys I I 0.6 0.5 LU .E 0.4 T3 Ql high O O o o o 0.3 tr medium 0.2 0.1 low i i 8 i 12 10 Cohort: bw=3 14 16 18 20 Figure 4: English Schooling 0.5 - net parental education effect - Girls I 1 0.45 0.4 •; - 0.35 high CD UJ o 0.3 o o 0.25 o I 0.2 0.15 - medium ^*~^. 0.1 low 0.05 1 8 i 10 Cohort: bw=3 12 14 16 18 20 Hgire5: Poxcvrftf TiTcnftL4R«tavfcl Unskilled msnujt Organ Figia*: ti' Blu* c»'l o Ih I PstTtn4* Jifc Rtfaxib niStilifcdin frgU^fcy Otojpadkm Kk ilkd manual Clerks I Business Profess »n$> r Fax art <f WanaifitaiRecaretl Jdb Refaxib siiSiii.ilki^ErigEjii.ly Occupation I Table 1: School Characteristics and Student Performance School type: English medium Marathi medium (1) (2) 36.71 35.76 (2.40) (2.17) Panel A: School characteristics (secondary section) Student-teacher ratio Class size 61.90 62.28 (3.69) (3.15) Students per desk 2.40 2.36 (0.10) (0.11) Proportion of teachers with B.Ed. 0.72 0.70 (0.07) (0.05) Proportion of teachers with higher degree 0.08 0.10 (0.03) (0.03) Computers per student Student enrollment in secondary section 0.02 0.02 (0.004) (0.005) 1528.40 1059.00 (360.64) (175.73) 2.14* 0.89* (0.06) (0.04) 4.90* 3.13* (0.16) (0.05) 92.59* 51.62* Panel B: School expenses Fees Other expenses Panel C: S.S.C. school leaving exam results (1997-2001) Percentage passed Percentage first class among passed Percentage distinction among passed (2.04) (5.95) 36.2* 24.23* (1.69) (3.35) 23.94* 6.90* (3.92) (1.87) 10 18 Number of schools Note: standard errors are in parentheses. * denotes rejection Panels A and C of the equality of means for the two types of schools with greater than use data from the school survey, Panel B uses School expenses are measured for the past year (2000-2001) 95% confidence. data from the household survey. in thousands of Rupees. Other school expenses include transportation, coaching classes, textbooks, uniforms, and stationary. Scores above and above 35% are required to pass 75% for distinction. S.S.C, scores above 60% are required for first class, Table 2: Occupational Choice by Caste Relationship to student: - Men grandfathers fathers Caste: Employment (%) low medium high low medium high (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 97.37 97.31 99.06 98.87 98.86 99.28 2.10 Occupational Distribution (%) Unskilled manual 11.09 7.84 4.41 9.00 3.63 Skilled manual 17.35 13.70 10.21 11.67 6.72 8.42 Organized blue-collar 22.87 19.22 2.90 22.89 24.23 7.67 4.00 4.51 2.52 3.11 3.20 3.34 28.84 Petty trade 28.09 36.64 20.81 22.22 23.79 Business 7.95 8.79 15.51 6.11 4.72 13.00 Professional 8.30 8.79 43.51 5.56 6.18 33.66 Farming 0.35 0.51 0.13 19.44 27.53 2.97 Clerical Percent working class 53.64 42.91 18.01 56.24 49.92 19.42 (standard error) (1.18) (117) (1.73) (1.29) (1.34) (1.75) 1,860 1,774 793 1,866 1,934 839 Total number of observations Note: occupational distribution Employment Working class = 1 is computed using employed individuals computed for fathers is as of 1995. Statistics in only. Columns 4-6 are reported for paternal grandfathers. unskilled manual, skilled manual, organized blue-collar, if if clerical, business professional. Occupational categories Unskilled manual : daily wage labor, deliveryman, servant, hotel worker, helper, cleaner/sweeper, porter, assistant, watchman, fisherman, gardener, barber, cobbler (chambhar), unskilled Skilled manual machine : film developer, goldsmith, Organized blue collar Bombay Electric Petty trade Clerical artist, priest, lab assistant, skilled mill worker, factory worker, peon, worker, traditional healer (vaidhya), computer operator. Bombay Port Trust (BPT) worker, Bombay Municipal Corporation (BMC) worker. Supply and Transportation (BEST) worker, hawker, storeman (storekeeper), salesman, agent, shopkeeper. supervisor, driver, police, clerk, conductor, stenographer, postmaster, receptionist, foreman/draftsman, secretary. : Business : : laborer, seaman. operator, plumber, welder, technician, electrician, mechanic, carpenter, fitter/turner, tailor, painter, : self business, medical representative, transporter, marketing, consultant, employer, contractor, politician (social worker/leader), merchant. Professional : tuitions, teacher, programmer, engineer, officer, manager, doctor, lawyer, nurse, librarian, superintendant, director, principal, architect, salaried Farming : farmer, agricultural laborer. employee lecturer, vice-chancellor, (service), chartered accountant, big business Table 3: Occupational Choice by Caste - Women grandmothers mothers Relationship to student: low medium high low medium high (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 20.56 20.01 51.23 19.31 18.59 15.57 Caste: Employment (%) Occupational Distributic >n (%) Unskilled manual 29.95 16.94 2.36 24.65 7.18 3.13 manual 8.82 8.47 •6.15 1.70 1.44 3.13 Organized blue-collar 4.01 4.92 0.47 8.50 4.31 0.78 Petty trade 3.74 3.83 1.18 1.13 0.57 0.00 31.55 40.71 46.34 4.25 2.30 19.53 4.55 2.46 3.78 2.27 1.44 3.91 17.38 22.68 39.72 5.10 8.62 67.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 52.41 74.14 1.56 Skilled Clerical Business Professional Farming Percent working class 44.44 31.53 9.09 75.00 51.14 7.14 (standard error) (2.22) (2.25) (2.06) (3.19) (4.36) (3.64) 1,887 1,954 857 1,885 1,953 854 Total number of observations Note: occupational distribution Employment Working for mothers class = 1 if is is computed using employed individuals computed as of 1995. Statistics in only. Columns 4-6 are reported for paternal grandmothers. unskilled manual, skilled manual, organized blue-collar, Occupational categories were defined in Table 2. if clerical, business professional. Table 4: Referrals and Schooling by Occupation Relationship to student: mother father Outcomes and choices: percentage that percentage that percentage that percentage that received referrals studied in English received referrals studied in English (1) (2) (3) (4) Occupation Unskilled manual 65.95 0.80 61.29 0.00 manual 60.13 2.24 45.56 5.56 Organized blue-collar 76.43 0.91 69.44 5.56 All working class 68.44 1.36 57.69 2.24 (standard error) (1.11) (0.28) (2.80) (0.84) Petty trade 57.89 1.75 61.76 2.94 Clerical 47.41 2.89 30.56 7.26 Business 49.29 8.53 41.86 9.30 Professional 32.77 11.38 29.25 14.47 All white-collar 43.76 6.20 30.64 10.13 (standard error) (1.02) (0.49) (1.60) (1.05) Number of observations 4,515 4,513 1,215 1,215 Skilled Note: statistics are A parent is A parent is computed using employed individuals said to have received a referral if a relative or said to have studied in English if only. Farmers are also excluded. member of the community found him/her he/she studied in that language Occupational categories were defined in Table 2. in secondary school. a job. Table 5: Referrals, English Schooling and Parental Characteristics by Caste Relationship to student: Percentage that received referrals Percentage that studied in English Years of schooling Monthly income (in thousands of Rs.) Number of observations Note: Standard errors are Statistics are mother father Caste: low medium high low medium high (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 60.58 58.02 37.25 13.50 12.13 19.16 (1.14) (1.13) (1.70) (0.80) (0.79) (1.19) 2.16 1.90 12.47 1.35 1.42 12.93 (0.44) (0.44) (0.66) (0.42) (0.41) (0.62) 9.63 10.22 13.82 8.03 8.73 13.49 (0.08) (0.08) (0.11) (0.09) (0.09) (0.13) 1.92 1.99 4.61 0.23 0.30 1.37 (0.08) (0.08) (0.12) (0.03) (0.03) (0.04) 1,852 1,896 835 1,852 1,896 835 in parentheses. computed using all parents in the sample, regardless of whether they are employed or not. A parent is said to have received a referral A parent is said to have studied in English if a relative or if he/she member of the community found him/her studied in that language in secondary school. a job. Table Dependent 6: Caste-based Networks and Schooling Choice English schooling variable: Network boundary: boys only Sample: girls (i) Referrals Referrals - jati-region jati boys and only (3) (2) -1.060 -0.377 -0.646 0.124 (0.148) (0.160) (0.167) "" — boy (6) (7) -0.398 -0.486 -0.389 -0.458 (0.091) (0.104) (0.079) (0.083) (5) (1) (0.164) girls - ~ (8) - 0.013 0.009 0.013 0.009 0.017 0.019 0.016 0.018 (0.002) (0.002) (0.002) (0.002) (0.002) (0.002) (0.002) (0.002) Cohort-boy " - " ~ Boy — ~ " Cohort Father studied in English Mother studied in English 0.320 0.236 0.388 0.309 (0.037) (0.033) (0.037) (0.026) 0.351 0.220 0.441 0.269 (0.041) (0.028) (0.071) (0.045) 0.023 "" "" Father's years of education "" " 0.023 ~ -0.002 -0.002 (0.002) (0003) 0.331 0.265 0.327 (0.049) (0.059) (0049) (0.059) 0.020 0.026 (0.003) Family income -0.003 (0.002) 0.270 - " - - — " ~ " -" "" — "" — "" ~ "" " " ~ "" No Yes No No (0.003) (0.004) Mother's years of education -0.002 (0.002) (0.003) " 0.005 0.009 (0.003) (0.005) No No No No R2 0.173 0.274 0.146 0.272 0.163 0.265 0.200 0.228 Number of observations 2,405 2,286 2,228 2,093 4,635 4.414 4,635 2,622 Occupation dummies Standard errors are parentheses. in Standard errors are robust to hetcrosccdasticity and clustered residuals within each English schooling = if ihe child is sent to I Referrals are measured al an English school, the level of the jati in Refenals measures ihe proportion of fathers Boy = 1 if the student Family income Column 6 Column is a boy, measured includes a 1-2: is full set in in Columns he/she is by jati and region who received jati or jati-rcgio sent to a Marathi school. in Columns 8-9. There are 59 jaiis and 4 regions (Bombay, Konkan, Dcccan. Other). a referral. if girl. thousands of Rs. of 90 father's occupation dummies. schooling choice for boys. Columns 3-4: schooling choice for Columns 5-8: schooling choice for both boys and Column 1-7, the social unit if girls. girls. Use both jati and jati-rcgion as the social unit. Social unit dummies 8 excludes very small (less than 10 observations) and very large (more than 250 observations) social units. arc included in all these regressions. Table Within-Jati Schooling Choice, Including Parental Characteristics 7: Dependent variable: English schooling parents' language of parents' language of Additional regressors: schooling + measures of schooling ability (1) Referrals - boy -0.348 -0.464 (0.089) (0.105) Cohort 0.014 0.010 (0.002) (0.002) Father studied in English Mother studied (2) 0.361 0.301 (0.034) (0.026) in English 0.389 0.259 (0.059) (0.043) — Father's years of education 0.021 (0.003) — Mother's years of education 0.024 (0.003) " Family income 0.007 (0.003) Boy Cohort-boy Father studied in English Mother studied 0.297 (0.077) -0.0005 -0.001 (0.002) (0.002) -0.080 -0.091 (0.039) (0.044) -0.069 -0.044 (0.053) (0.042) boy - in English 0.232 (0.051) boy - Father's years of education — boy - 0.002 (0.005) Mother's years of education - — boy -0.001 (0.004) Family income - boy -0.003 (0.005) R2 Number of observations 0.207 0.299 4,633 4,379 Standard errors are in parentheses. Standard errors are robust to heteroscedasticity and clustered residuals within each jati. English schooling = 1 if the child is sent to an English school, Referrals measures the proportion of fathers in the jati Boy = 1 if the student Family income is is a boy, measured Sample includes boys and in if girl. thousands of Rs. girls. who if he/she is sent to a Marathi school. received a referral. Table Student Performance 8: exam success Dependent variable: boys only Sample: girls only boys only (3) (4) (5) girls only -0.196 -0.136 -23.151 -23.650 (0.101) (0.116) (5.045) (4.080) — — — — Referrals - girls (2) (1) Referrals test scores conditional boys and boy -0.116 on passing boys and (0.109) Cohort -0.734 (5.761) -0.004 -0.004 -0.005 -0.505 -0.180 -0.190 (0.003) (0.003) (0.134) (0.204) (0.223) — — 0.070 " — (0.085) 3.794 (4.357) -0.053 -0.163 -0.105 4.901 2.323 1.847 (0.040) (0.088) (0.083) (1.397) (3.711) (4.028) Father studied in English Father's years (6) (0.004) Boy Mother studied girls -0.031 -0.014 0.024 3.312 -2.596 -2.772 (0.017) (0.021) (0.038) (2.200) (1.905) (1.632) in English 0.028 0.014 0.014 0.929 0.765 0.812 (0.006) (0.006) (0.006) (0.195) (0.225) (0.238) of education Mother's years of education 0.009 0.026 0.024 0.617 1.074 0.984 (0.004) (0.007) (0.006) (0.221) (0.199) (0.200) -0.001 -0.002 -0.001 0.260 0.122 0.107 (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.118) (0.076) (0.076) R 0.149 0.175 0.228 0.322 0.334 0.354 Number of observations 1,010 939 1,949 849 775 1,624 Family income 2 Standard errors are in parentheses. Standard errors are robust to heteroscedasticity and clustered residuals within each jati. Exam success = 1 if the child Test scores are based on a passed on the school leaving examination, maximum Referrals measures the proportion of fathers in the jati Boy = 1 if the The sample is student 1-3 boy, is use Columns 4-6 use measured exam in he/she failed. who received a referral. if girl. restricted to cohorts 1-10, Family income Columns is a if score of 100 points. who are past the school-leaving age. thousands of Rs. success as the dependent variable. test scores conditional on passing as the dependent variable. we run regressions separately for boys, girls, and then with both boys and girls. and Column 6 also include cohort, father/mother studied in English, father's/mother's In each case Column 3 and family income, interacted with boy. years of education, Table Schooling Choice over Time 9: English schooling Dependent variable: without family with family without family with family characteristics characteristics characteristics characteristics Additional repressors: Referrals - boy (1) (2) (3) (4) -0.426 -0.478 - - (0.090) (0.106) — — Referrals-boy-cohort 1 — Referrals-boy-cohort2 1 Cohort 2 Cohort 3 - boy Cohort 2 - boy Cohort 3 R - -0.416 (0.167) -0.352 -0.333 (0.100) (0.112) -0.523 -0.540 (0.145) (0.143) -0.607 -0.665 (0.256) (0.238) -0.261 -0.161 -0.261 -0.161 (0.031) (0.032) (0.030) (0.032) -0.231 -0.146 -0.231 -0.146 (0.031) (0.028) (0.031) (0.028) -0.161 -0.121 -0.161 -0.121 (0.030) (0.023) (0.030) (0.023) 0.236 0.261 0.338 0.364 (0.065) (0.091) (0.156) (0.149) 0.033 0.031 -0.152 -0.106 (0.038) (0.037) (0.209) (0.169) 0.052 0.031 -0.090 -0.153 (0.042) (0.035) (0.174) (0.151) 0.041 0.041 -0.007 -0.030 (0.032) (0.024) (0.117) (0.114) 0.164 0.301 0.164 0.301 4,635 4,379 4,635 4,379 Boy 1 — — Referrals-boy-cohort4 Cohort — — Referrals-boy-cohort3 Cohort — -0.269 (0.168) boy z Number of observations Standard errors are in parentheses. Standard errors are robust to heteroscedasticity and clustered residuals within each jati. English schooling = 1 if the child is sent to an English school, Referrals measures the proportion of fathers in the Boy = Cohort 1 if the 1: student is a Column 2 and Column 4 Family Jati boy, age 6-10, Cohort 2: who if he/she is sent to a Marathi school. received a referral. if girl. age 11-15, Cohort 3: age 16-20, Cohort 4: age 21-25. include family characteristics, separately and interacted with the characteristics include parents' language dummies jati are included in all regressions. of schooling and years of education, and Sample includes boys and girls. boy dummy. total family income. Table 10: Selection into Marathi Schools over Time father's years Dependent variable: 1-10 boys and boys girls Sample: (2) (3) (4) 0.423 0.219 0.153 0.240 -0.543 -0.087 (0.189) (0.191) (0.146) (0.326) (0.156) 0.117 (0.232) 1.430 1.204 -0.596 -0.280 -0.147 -0.258 1.054 0.310 (0.260) (0.376) (0.311) (0.323) (0.250) (0.554) (0.270) 1.469 -0.231 (0.414) (0.415) -30.991 -3.651 -10.256 -18.624 (6.894) (6.866) (2.035) (2.793) No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes 0.106 0.205 0.138 0.205 0.215 0.136 0.254 0.184 0.278 0.285 839 839 815 815 1,654 866 866 851 851 1,717 Number of observations in parentheses. Standard errors are robust to heteroscedasticity and clustered residuals within each jati. Referrals measures the proportion of fathers in the jati 1 -0.792 (0.252) (0.400) dummies and Column include (10) (8) (0.230) 2 Standard errors are (7) -0.577 Referrals-cohort-boy Referrals (6) (0.155) Referrals-cohort 5 girls (5) -0.697 Cohort-boy Column girls (0.230) Cohort R boys and boys girls (1) Jati of education 11-20 Cohort: jati who received a referral. dummies, jati-boy dummies, and jati-cohort dummies. All regressions are restricted to students in Marathi schools. Table Al: The Returns Dependent to Schooling Attainment and English log(income) variable: Parent: Age 0.030 0.048 0.077 (0.058) (0.197) -0.003 0.018 (0.070) (0.215) -0.293 -0.372 (0.076) (0.225) -0.495 -0.700 (0.081) (0.229) Period 5 Education Education Education Education English - English - English English English - - - - - - - 0.102 0.117 (0.007) (0.017) 1 period 2 0.099 0.115 (0.005) (0.009) 0.103 0.1 19 (0.004) (0.006) period 3 period 4 0.106 0.127 (0.003) (0.006) 0.110 0.137 (0.003) (0.005) period 5 period 0.152 -0.054 (0.157) (0.287) 1 0.186 0.048 (0.093) (0.140) period 2 0.199 0.266 (0.060) (0.095) period 3 period 4 0.234 0.228 (0.051) (0.084) 0.242 0.270 (0.051) (0.071) 0.285 0.419 13,638 3,068 period 5 R2 Number of observations Standard errors are (2) (0.004) Period 4 period (1) 0.017 Period 3 - mother (0.001) Period 2 Education father in parentheses. Standard errors are robust to heteroscedasticity and correlated residuals for each individual parent. Income Period is 1: measured The sample Education English = in Rupes per year. 1980, Period 2: 1985, Period 3: 1990, Period is is 1 restricted to measured by if 4: working individuals between the English was the 1995, Period the age 5: 2000. of 30 and 55 in each period. number of years of schooling. medium of instruction in the parent's secondary school, otherwise. Table A2: The Dynamics of Schooling Choice by Caste Dependent English schooling variable: Sample: Cohort Cohort Cohort Low low - - caste medium caste caste Medium caste Father studied in English Mother studied boys girls (1) (2) 0.014 0.005 (0.004) (0.003) 0.0007 0.012 (0.004) (0.004) -0.002 0.009 (0.004) (0.004) -0.306 -0.314 (0.051) (0.049) -0.262 -0.283 (0.051) (0.050) 0.315 0.396 (0.045) (0.048) 0.337 0.426 (0.048) (0.049) R2 0.170 0.151 Number of observations 2,405 2,228 in English Standard errors are in parentheses. The broad caste categories are low, medium and L high. nov itfJPDue Lib-26-67 MIT LIBRARIES 3 9080 02613 1406