MIDDLE PHASE OF SCHOOLING CURRICULUM OVERVIEW The Cathedral College’s curriculum is informed by the Diocesan Catholic Education Office Learning Framework which states: Based on our shared values and beliefs, all learners in Catholic schools will have opportunities to be and to become reflective and self-directed learners as we journey with Christ in our everchanging world. In Queensland, the Queensland Studies Authority (QSA) has developed The Queensland Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Framework (QCAR) which outlines essential learnings for students in Year 1-9 in 8 Key Learning Areas (KLAs), namely: English, Mathematics, Science, Study of Society and the Environment (SOSE), Languages other than English (LOTE - Japanese), Arts Education, Technology Education, and Health & Physical Education. These essential learnings are used by the College to develop the curriculum in Years 8 and 9. A further Key Learning Area is also studied – Religious Education – and the syllabus developed by the Diocesan Catholic Education Office is followed. Religious Education is a mandatory subject for all year levels. In 2005, the TCC Middle Phase of Schooling Project was introduced, based on the Middle Phase of Schooling philosophy and principles. The project is managed by a Middle Phase of Schooling Co-ordinator, supported by seven core teachers who each teach their own special group of year 8 students in three subject areas. Each group of students has its own homeroom where teachers come to the students for lessons unless the students are scheduled for a class in a specialist area such as computer skills or food production. Year 9 students are also supported by core teachers. The Dimensions of Learning Program, which targets the development of effective knowledge acquisition and higher order thinking skills, is the major pedagogical framework used throughout the College to attain intellectual rigour. The Program develops the five Dimensions of Learning: Attitudes and Perceptions, Acquisition and Integration of Declarative and Procedural Knowledge, Extending and Refining Knowledge, Meaningful Use of Knowledge and Productive Habits of the Mind. N:\Data\ENROLMENTS\2010\Prospectus Inserts