\ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/privatepublicsupOOholm wY HB31 .M415 \r\o.%-Z\ (7X) working paper department of economics PRIVA TE AND PUBLIC SUPPL Y OF LIQUIDITY Bengt Holmstrom Jean Tirole 96-21 June 1996 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 PRIVA TE AND PUBLIC SUPPL Y OF LIQUIDITY Bengt Holmstrom Jean Tirole 96-21 June 1996 ittute Private and Public Supply of Liquidity Bengt Holmstrom* and Jean Tirole*" First draft : This draft We September 21, 1995 : June 17, 1996 thank Daron Acemoglu, Sudipto Bhattacharya, Diamond, Mark Olivier Blanchard, Ricardo Marquez, Rafael Repullo, Jean-Charles Rochet, Julio Rotemberg, Andrei Shleifer, Jeremy Stein, Bob Wilson and Mike Woodford for helpful discussions and comments. This research was supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation. Caballero, Peter ** *" Paris, Gertler, Oliver Hart, Peter Howitt, Robert Department of Economics, MIT. IDEI and and MJT. GREMAQ (CNRS URA 947), Toulouse, CERAS (CNRS URA 2036), ABSTRACT This paper addresses a basic, yet unresolved question: Do claims on private assets provide sufficient liquidity for an efficient functioning of the productive sector? State have a role in creating liquidity and regulating it Or does the either through adjustments in the stock of government securities or by other means? In our model, firms can meet future liquidity needs in three ways: by issuing new claims and diluting old ones, by obtaining a credit line from a financial intermediary, and by holding claims on other firms. When there is no aggregate uncertainty, we show that these instruments are sufficient for attaining the socially optimal (second-best) contract between investors and firms. Such a contract imposes both a constraint on firms. Intermediaries coordinate the use of scarce liquidity When may be wasted and there is the social liquidity. optimum may not be The government can improve liquidity, by consumer income. Government bonds command a claims. The government should manage (boosting the value of liquidity when its securities) the shock government supplied leverage ratio and a liquidity only aggregate uncertainty, the private sector with regard to liquidity. future maximum is low. when Without intermediation, attainable. is no longer self-sufficient issuing bonds that commit premium over private liquidity the supply of liquidity by loosening liquidity the aggregate liquidity shock is high and tightening The paper thus provides a microeconomic rationale for liquidity as well as for an active government policy. Introduction 1. This paper addresses a basic, yet unresolved question: Do private assets provide sufficient liquidity for the efficient functioning of the productive sector? have a role in supplying additional liquidity and regulating it Or does the State through adjustments in the stock of government securities or by other means? These questions presume a demand for liquidity; worry about supply. So why do firms demand without demand there is no need to liquidity? In the standard theory of finance (and in the Arrow-Debreu world of general equilibrium), firms can at any time issue claims up to the full value of their expected returns. They have no reason to hold liquid reserves in new order to meet future financing needs, because they can just as well issue funding needs arise. As long as they use their funds to finance positive net present value projects, such firms will never encounter The first liquidity, that is, step in our analysis then advance financing model of moral hazard in claims as any is to liquidity problems. build a model in which there is essential. For this purpose we which the value of external claims are is a demand for use an entrepreneurial strictly less than the full value of the firm for the standard reason that the entrepreneur must be given a share of the firm in order to be motivated. The wedge between the full value and the external value of the firm limits the firm's ability to raise funds to finance positive net present value. In a dynamic minimum all projects that have setting, this feature implies that liquidity shocks could force the firm to terminate a project mid-stream even though the project has a positive continuation value. either in the To protect itself against form of marketed such risks, the firm wants to hold liquid reserves assets that can be readily sold or by arranging for credit in advance. We study the determinants of the firm's liquidity demand in a simple, hazard model. There are three periods. At date sized project that pays off at date 2. shock is a random The 1, the firm raises funds to invest in a variablethe firm experiences a liquidity shock. fraction of the date-0 investment investment that must be 1 At date made dynamic moral The and represents the amount of additional to continue the project. 1 If the necessary funds can be raised, It can be a cost overrun on the can represent a shortfall in the date-1 revenue, which could have been used to finance date-1 operating expenses. Or the shock might simply be information about the firm's date-2 returns. The central feature in all these cases is that the initial liquidity shock admits several interpretations. investment. Alternatively, it 1 the project proceeds, delivering a stochastic date-2 return that depends on the entrepreneur's effort. We show that the optimal date-0 contract limits both the initial investment level between the firm and the outside investors and the amount that the firm is allowed to spend on the liquidity shock, both constraints being proportional to the firm's initial assets. Because the firm is credit constrained, the second-best solution trades off the benefits of a higher initial see investment against the increased likelihood of having to terminate the project early and go it all firm to waste. This solution can be implemented in several ways. One the necessary funds in advance, but add a liquidity covenant in all is to give the which the firm promises to set aside a certain amount of funds to cover future liquidity needs. Alternatively, 2 intermediaries could fund future liquidity needs via a credit line. Having established a demand for liquidity, embedding the model of an individual firm number of such its firms. Each firm in we move on to study its supply by a general equilibrium model with a large (or intermediary) can issue arbitrary claims contingent date-2 financial position and these claims can be freely traded in the market. government can also supply no other the next. assets that firms 4 liquidity by selling securities such as and intermediaries can use 3 on The Treasury bonds. There are to transfer wealth from one period Thus, a firm can meet liquidity needs in four ways: by issuing claims on its to own productive assets, by holding claims on other firms, by holding government issued claims, or by using a credit line. Our main managing interest is in understanding the government's role in supplying and liquidity as a function of the severity and nature of the liquidity shocks. We consider two polar cases, one in which the firms' liquidity shocks are independent, so that there is no aggregate uncertainty, and the opposite case shock affects the firm's net worth, which determines 2 Our theory is in its which the firms' liquidity shocks financing capacity. too sparse to distinguish between different financial institutions. we When use language (intermediary, bank, etc) that suggests an institutional interpretation, should be interpreted as illustrative of many similar arrangements. 3 In contrast to much of the literature, we do not restrict the a spurious demand for publicly supplied issue, in order to avoid 4 We can set of claims that firms can liquidity. allow other assets, such as real estate, as long as their value does not the private sector's liquidity needs. See the conclusion. this fulfill are identical. we show In the absence of aggregate uncertainty, add useful liquidity beyond any role liquidity. The self-sufficiency of the private sector: which 0. is deterministic, government must exceed its 5 There date-1 continuation value of the private sector, date-0 value, else it shareholdings, or equivalently, by leveraging itself up with However, even though the private sector that individual firms will in general be unable to One might have could not have invested at date market solution this liquidity shocks We is in that could sell diluting the aggregate, would when we show needs by holding only suffice for each firm to the liquidity shock hits. liquidity. Thus, scarce liquidity is wasted. an optimal allocation can always be achieved by intermediaries. Intermediaries hold corporate securities and simultaneously grant credit lines to firms. take into account the fact that some firms (namely, those with low exhaust their credit lines at date to firms that 1. liquidity needs) will not act as liquidity pools or insurers in preventing a wasteful accumulation of liquidity by firms that end up being lucky at date Note that explains may that why strictly it is They Intermediaries can therefore redistribute excess liquidity do need extra funds. They intermediation its debt. satisfy their liquidity it by 1 general not efficient, because lucky firms with low end up holding excess show it new is self-sufficient in thought that hold a share of the market portfolio, which However, do not a simple intuition behind the is Therefore the private sector can raise sufficient funds at date private market instruments. securities provided by private claims, nor does the government have that managing aggregate in that 1. Thus, dominate financial markets. the anonymity of market claims, and not an informational handicap, financial markets can be inferior to intermediation. the credit line arrangement that yields a productive present value investments at date 1. By optimum The is that it critical feature of allows negative net contrast, claimholders can dispose of negative value claims in an anonymous financial market. In the presence of pure aggregate uncertainty, the earlier argument for private sector is self-sufficient breaks down. Now there can why the be no cross-subsidization, because each firm faces trouble exactly when the other firms do. As the private sector is unable to provide insurance there will be a liquidity shortage whenever the reinvestment need 5 If issued, government securities will carry 3 no premium. exceeds This creates a potential demand for value of corporate claims. date-1 the government-provided liquidity. We show improvement by issuing Treasury bonds, and premium. The private sector is government can achieve a Pareto the that that these bonds can be sold willing to purchase low-yielding securities because they serve as an input into the production process. In our risk-neutral rates model securities with different of return co-exist in equilibrium. It is important to point out what the government can achieve that the private sector cannot. In our model, individual investors can refuse to bring in sector at date 1 , that they 1 More if this is unprofitable. precisely, promise to supply new funds cannot at date date at a liquidity new we assume at date 1: funds to the corporate that individual investors For example they may pretend have no new endowment. This assumption is at both theoretically and empirically reasonable. In practice individuals can borrow very limited amounts without pledging assets as collateral (as in the case of a mortgage). Because the private sector has no power to audit at date 1. By income and levy contrast, the taxes, unable to check it is government has the power who to audit is lying about incomes and impose non- financial penalties (such as jail) to enforce tax payments. It can therefore, consumers, commit new funds at date l. 6 This is endowments on behalf of the what Treasury bonds issued at date achieve. When to issue the government issues securities at a premium and when firms are constrained a single security (equity), a firm has an incentive to free-ride on the liquidity provided by those firms that purchase government securities. The firm can buy their shares instead of government securities. by issuing multiple liquidity services We show that firms respond to the possibility of free riding securities so as to price discriminate much then sold at a liquidity (corporations) and those premium who between investors who value don't (consumers). Corporate debt relative to equity. However, these outcomes are not socially efficient in that they lead to distorted reinvestments in an effort to economize on the use of government provided liquidity. show that it is more efficient to If We have the government issue state-contingent bonds, which supply liquidity only as needed by the private sector. Such bonds have a high value 6 is when our model were one with overlapping generations, the government could commit future consumers as well as current ones. We and a low value when liquidity needs are low. liquidity needs are high interpret state- contingent bonds as a metaphor for an active government policy in which liquidity tight when shock is the aggregate liquidity shock made the aggregate unfavorable (high). Thus, the model offers a rationale, not only for government management of supplied liquidity, but also for the active The paper liquidity when favorable (low) and loose is is demanded by a embeds single firm. Section 3 model without aggregate uncertainty and shows demand for and supply of this model in a general equilibrium that the private sector is self-sufficient that intermediaries are used as liquidity pools. Section analyzes the by the government. Section 2 sets up a partial equilibrium model of organized as follows. is liquidity government and 4 studies aggregate uncertainty and securities, including the optimal use on state-contingent bonds. Section 5 relates our results to the literatures of credit rationing, intermediation and government debt. Section 6 concludes with remarks on the key features of the model and suggestions for future research. 2. Exogenous Liquidity Supply The model. 2. 1 This section studies the investment decision of an individual firm. There are three periods, investors There (consumers). t is = 0,1,2 and two types of agents, firms (entrepreneurs) and one (universal) good used both for consumption and investment. All agents are risk neutral with an additively separable undiscounted consumption streams. For the at moment we assume a zero rate of return and simply refer to shortage of liquidity. In later sections we the endogenous supply of liquidity, that it utility that the function over good can be stored as "cash". This guarantees that there we is no will drop this in how well financial assets can service future is, assumption as are interested in funding needs of firms. The firm has access initial investment investment made I I returns to a stochastic constant-returns-to-scale technology, which for an The scale of the RI if the project succeeds and if it fails. can be varied freely, subject only to financial constraints. The investment at date 0. At date 1, an additional, uncertain amount pi > of cash is is needed to finance cost overrruns or date-1 operating expenditures and thus to carry on with the project. The liquidity shock p is distributed according to the cumulative distribution function F, with a density function If pi is not paid, the project terminates f. the project continues and Investment the probability p its payoff (l° w)» subject to moral hazard in that the firm (entrepreneur) privately chooses is that the project succeeds. where Ph If pi is paid, realized at date 2. is firm behaves the probability of success pL and yields nothing. - Pl — Ap > proportional to the level of is Ph (high), investment its firm can either "behave" or "shirk". If the if shirks the probability of success is it 0. If the firm shirks, it continuation decision. If the project The timing of events is The is I. enjoys a private benefit, BI The firm makes the decision on p > 0, after the abandoned, no decision on p needs to be made. described in Figure DateO 1. Date 2 Datel Continue — * X -*- Liquidity shock Investment Financial ¥- -K- Moral hazard (pl) contract Outcome (Rl or 0) Abandon Figure 1 The wants to invest If the firm moment, we assume shock are endowment of firm has a date-0 all A we who pays investment are distributed. more funds than It is 7 it it will need to raise I - at dates A investors. from outside will see, nothing changes if A I amount of the project, the contingencies for the liquidity shocks, and finally key constraint on the contract has; there is outcome and the 1 and is no loss liquidity in how is that that the investors will which the project is the proceeds from the the firm cannot pay out limited liability. The assuming this. In the presence of a random date-1 shock must be thought of as being net of the date-1 revenue. of generality revenue stream, the liquidity 7 For the easy to show that an optimal allocation has the following simple structure. There 2. only the entrepreneur observes contract with the investors specifies the contribute at date 0, the scale continued at date-1, A, no endowments that the initial investment level, the project verifiable (as the liquidity shock). > I cash, A, and in firm invests The investors. < p p, all its funds project with the balance of the investment, initially continued is p. Neither the investors if and only if nor the firm receive anything f project R. I, 8 A, paid by the below a threshold the liquidity shock falls if the project fails abandoned. If the project succeeds, investors are paid R;I and the firm + R = - I is or is paid RJ, where Rj This allocation has three free parameters to be determined: the scale of the the cut-off p, and the investors' share Rj. To make the analysis interesting, present value if the firm is diligent, we but not will assume that the project has a positive net if it shirks: max fF(p)p H R-l-[V(p)dpl >0 >maxJF(p)p L R+B-l-j'pf(p)dp|. (1) P Note is that the first maximum is achieved by setting p = p t = p HR. That is, net present value maximized by continuing the project whenever the expected return exceeds the additional need for funding. We We will refer to p, as the first-best threshold. turn to the second-best solution. If the firm continues, it must be given an incentive to be diligent. This requires that (Ap)Rf I As is assume - Rb BI. (2) standard in models with limited liability, the firm must be bribed to be diligent. According R > , to (2), the that this minimum minimum is insufficient to required by investors is is bribe per unit of investment is Rf = Rb = B/Ap. 9 We so high that the residual share that can be pledged to investors, cover the expected cost of the investors' investment. If the return zero, this assumption holds if F(p)p <l+[V(p)dp for all p, (3) Jo where p 8 = p H (R-Rb) two-outcome world the investors' claim can either be interpreted as debt (the if it cannot) or as equity (there is no debt and the investors hold an equity share R/R). In this firm must pay back R^I and defaults 9 The minimum payment shared by efficiently. all to the entrepreneur can more broadly be interpreted as a rent employees of the firm. Without such rents, employees will not work as is the date-1 pledgeable per-unit return. that some equity investors is needed to Note that condition (3) is equivalent to the condition implement the threshold to outside 1 + {V(p)dp. that the investors' time preference is zero, the return they will require will also Given be zero as long as they have more cash than demanded by the firms. collectively maintain this assumption throughout the paper. , most favorable : F(Po)Po< cutoff p that is the investors' break-even constraint F(p) p H (R-R f )I With a zero We will and for a given rate of return, is >I-A+I [p f(p)dp. (4) Jo The left-hand side represents the ex ante "pledgable expected income" , which must exceed we the investors' expected outlays found on the right-hand side. Given (3), break-even constraint limits the firm's investment to a investment capacity. finite level, which Because investors break even, the firm's net we see that the might term its equals the social utility surplus of the project, namely = U(p,I) [F(p)p,-1- fpf(p)dp] I = m(p)I, (5) Jo where m(p), the term in brackets in (5), represents the investment. For a given p (4), that it is optimal to set , marginal return on a unit of the second-best solution therefore maximizes R = R b The . f I firm's investment capacity = is I, initial implying, by then k(p)A, (6a) where k(p)^^ 1 1 (6b) + ppf(p)dp-F(p)p Jo is the equity multiplier. multiplier can be In that case I-A liquidity < Maximal leverage is achieved by setting less than 1 if the expected liquidity 0. (The total investment, that is, demand at date p=p 1 is . The equity sufficiently high. the initial investment plus the expected payments, will of course exceed the firm's initial cash A.) Unless otherwise — specified, (this will It it we assume will be the case 0. denominator if the That that is, the firm in (6b) is less than 1 is a net borrower at date for p = p,). remains to determine the optimal continuation threshold. Intuition might suggest that would be optimal p,). > I-A that to let the firm continue Indeed, the first-best cut-off p, However, = whenever continuation is p H R maximizes the per-unit profit of investing, m(p). at p,, the equity multiplier k(p) is decreasing in p, indicating that choose a lower treshold than the ex post efficient one. Substituting one ought (6) into (5) through by F(p), one finds that the optimal (second-best) threshold, expected unit cost of < ex post efficient (p p*, to and dividing minimizes the expected investment: total p* minimizes l+fVcpjdp ^ (7)' *• F(p) It is not difficult to show that the optimal threshold satisfies p„(R-R b ) = p < These bounds can be given a simple economic by the < fact that if p p , ex post. The upper bound continuing is p* < p, = ,0 p H R. interpretation. (8) The lower bound is explained both the firm and the investors prefer to continue with the project is explained by the fact that if p negative, in which case an ex post Pareto > p„ the net present value of improvement could be achieved by having investors compensate the firm (which always likes to continue ex post) for abandoning the project. Since transfers from investors to the firm are not constrained compatibility, both parties Since k(p ) would agree to abandon the project given such a by incentive liquidity shock. represents the largest investment scale that the firm can achieve, while p x maximizes the ex post surplus, investment scale at date we see that the second-best solution trades off a larger against fewer liquidations (more investment) at date 1 . The firm 10 Note that p* does not depend on either p or p,, so how can (8) hold? The answer is that program (7) gives the optimal cut-off only if (1) and (3) hold. We must have p* > p else the firm would not be credit constrained at all and condition (3) would be violated. If p* > p,, investment would not be profitable and condition (1) would be violated. Note also that the first-order condition for (7) can be written , f'F(p)dp = 1. Jo A mean-preserving spread in the distribution of the liquidity shock therefore decreases P*. cannot freely choose both variables, because by (2) it is limited in its ability to transfer social surplus to investors. Consequently, the firm distributes available funds so that it is credit rationed both ex ante and ex post. For future reference, we record the following Lemma optimal for the firm to adopt a cut-offpolicy in which liquidity needs are met 1: // is < if and only if p p. The firm's investment capacity (i) p=p at I = k(p)A at p is quasi-concave in p, with a maximum with a maximum . The marginal return on investment m(p) (ii) result: is quasi-concave in p , =p r The firm's expected output (F(p)p,k(p)A) and the value of external claims on (Hi) output (F(p)p k(p)A) are quasi-concave in p optimum p=p' , with a maximum this at the second-best . Implementation of the optimal policy. 2 2 . Suppose the decision case, investors liquidity needs of the initial to continue the project is left to would be willing exceed p investors to inject more cash into the project if p In the latter case, even if the firm . by issuing senior when p 1 e (p , were allowed securities at date 1, because the maximal value of the firm's external claims liquidity needs at date be negotiated is it at date 1. In that < p , but not if to dilute the claims could not raise enough cash, pj. Thus, to cover the firm's p*) one must find a way for investors to commit sufficient funds at date 0. One credit in the solution is to give the firm amount p*I to be used for consume funds, and always permits. 11 11 I - A at date and extend liquidity needs at date 1. prefers to continue, it will it an irrevocable line of Given that the firm do so as long cannot as the credit line This implements the optimal solution. [Equivalently, the investors can extend an of credit be renegotiated for mutual advantage once p is realized? The answer is no. If p < p*, then p < p H R and it is ex post efficient to continue so there is no scope for renegotiation. Nor can both parties benefit from an increase in the line of credit when Could the p* < p < line pH R. Even though this increase raises total surplus, there is 10 no way to irrevocable credit line in the amount (p* -p ) I and grant the firm the right to dilute outside claims as needed to cover the liquidity shock.] In practice, individuals do not grant credit lines, because they cannot income or endowments. Ex commitments would be post, credit line which case investors would claim that they commit future either unprofitable, in have no funds, or be profitable, in which case a commitment was unnecessary. Instead, credit lines are granted by intermediaries such as banks, which can that they make commitments have enough funds to meet An of do so by that they can this amount is liquidity needs issuing shares that alternative solution is to How do can be met? In the next section, we later credit needs. own intermediaries guarantee that their show (both in practice and in our model), assuming of course This raises the question: pay off only give the firm 1(1 +p*) - A at date 2. demand kept in liquid assets. In other words, investors maintains a liquidity ratio equal to p7(l+p*), at least up to date liquidity ratio is a commonly observed debt covenant. As and require that p*I at date 1, in 1. that the firm Indeed, a minimum the case of credit lines, intermediaries are the natural party for overseeing the compliance of such a covenant. worth stressing that the partial equilibrium model does not distinguish between a It is credit line and the hoarding of liquid assets by the firm. But as the next section shows these two methods of providing reserves are no longer equivalent once general equilibrium aspects (namely, that the supply of liquid assets Remark 1: We assumed that the liquidity is not unlimited) are brought into consideration. shock is verifiable. Nothing is altered if only the firm observes the liquidity shock as long as the firm cannot use part of the credit line or financial assets for whenever p <p*. in the firm. A If consumption p > p", it rational investor because it Remark 2: If investors has exceeded its at date 1. Given the firm's reserves, it its can continue cannot continue, since no outsider can be induced to invest would infer that a firm that tries to raise new funds does reserves and therefore has experienced a shock p > p' > p so . cannot control the firm's use of funds, one can show that the firm does not want to distribute the funds between date-0 investment and date-1 investment in accordance with the second-best solution. Either distribute the surplus in a manner that the firm wants to invest less initially in satisfies the investors. 11 order to be able to continue in more states at date the firm wants to invest excessively < amount full 1(1 +p*) = I* To p and there is a cash illustrate the latter possibility, in illiquid assets. Despite the lack reinvestment, the project will often be continued, as the investors have an left for incentive to rescue the firm as long as p initially that Or of the soft-budget constraint problem). suppose that the firm invests the of cash . on being bailed out by the investors when p at date 0, relying partly shortfall (a version 1 < p Of course, . money they will not put any more want the investors might to claim into the venture, but this is not a credible commitment. Anticipating a "soft budget constraint", the firm may overinvest. Indeed the firm prefers investing I* rather than I if F(p-)p H Rb I FfcO < < This condition can be satisfied by adjusting We summarize Proposition 1. A firm (i) fti) F(Po)PhRJ*, or F(p )(l+p-). B so that p falls just below p'. this section in: In the second-best allocation: with initial capital The project is A invests I = k(p')A where k(-) is given by (6b). continued if and only if the liquidity shock falls below the cutoff p\ The cutoff p' lies strictly between the (per-unit-of-invcstment) pledgeable expected pH (R-B/Ap) and (iii) the expected return p, Neither party succeeds, the firm (iv) is is paid anything = return p = p„R. if the project is terminated or fails. If the project paid (B/Ap)I and the investors (R-B/Ap)I. This second-best allocation can be implemented by raising (I-A) in externalfundsfor the initial investment and extending the firm a line of credit in the amount p' I to be used for reinvestment. Alternatively, the firm gets (1 + p')l at date with the convenant that it keeps p'l in reserve for reinvestments. 3. Endogenous Liquidity Supply without Aggregate Uncertainty. 3.1 The economy. Next we embed our model in a general equilibrium framework. Our objective analyze the endogenous supply of liquidity. To 12 is to focus on the problem of creating assets that can meet the demand for liquidity at date 1, we drop the assumption that there an is exogenously given storage technology. The single consumption good can no longer be stored (there is no longer cash), nor are there any other private used to transfer wealth from one period to the next. The only private across periods is by buying claims issued by be assets (like real estate) that can firms. Later on, we way to transfer wealth will introduce government bonds. There is a continuum of firms with unit mass. Each firm endowed with Because of constant returns to stochastic technology described in section 2. A units of the As good at date and none and at dates 1 utility for E[c + Consumers receive per-period endowments required investments and taxes that + c, consumption endowed do not care about the is cj. that collectively are large may be is no 2. before, consumers and entrepreneurs are risk neutral and timing of consumption. Their expected the scale, there is assuming that firms have identical endowments; the representative firm loss in with is levied. enough Consumers cannot to finance all claims on their sell future endowments, because they can default with impunity. Any assets purchased their collective by the consumers must yield a zero expected return given endowments exceed investment demand. By may be willing a premium (a negative return) as long as those assets help them to meet to purchase assets at their liquidity needs. entirely determined contrast, firms that Thus, rates of return, to the extent they deviate from zero, will be by the productive sector. This is the convenience afforded by a linear preference structure. In this section Because there is we will consider the case a continuum of firms, there is where liquidity shocks are independent. no aggregate uncertainty and F(p) denotes both the ex ante probability that a given firm faces a liquidity shock below p and the realized fraction of firms with liquidity shock below p. The independence assumption and analysis in section 2 imply that the date-1 funds needed the productive optimum is the deterministic D= by the productive sector the to achieve amount [f'"pf(p)dp]I, (9) Jo where I is the representative firm's investment. The two ways of implementing the productive 13 optimum discussed in section 2, an irrevocable credit line or a liquidity requirement, both relied on an exogenously supplied liquid asset, cash. With cash no longer finance their liquidity needs additional claims at date 3.2 1 D we available, are led to investigate whether firms can by using available market instruments, that is, by issuing or by holding stakes in other firms. Financial markets. For the time being, assume that there are no intermediaries. There market for claims issued by firms. The financial market a given claim independent of is who holds anonymous is is in that the return (senior) securities in the financial market. Assuming amount thus maximum amount market value (the = pH (R-Rb)I The market value to dilute their claims investment. Of up to the full amount its by selling new it can raise) is Pol. must retain the stake claim in order to behave. Since date-0 investors, those cannot meet 1 that the firm is able to continue with the pqI reflects the fact that the firm securities, get nothing if the firm on it. We first compute the maximum amount that a firm can raise at date raised, its only a financial who bought RJ as an inside the firm's initial liquidity needs, they are willing (ex post) some of pqI in order to salvage their initial course, initial investors take the possibility of dilution into account in the pricing of initial claims. A firm is unable to meet its liquidity needs realized liquidity shock p falls in the interval (p ,p°]. by buying, is, at date 0, can the firm assure new claims whenever the Can a firm cover the potential shortfall by issuing claims issued by other firms and selling these claims at date 1? That itself enough liquidity through the financial market? The answer is in general negative. To develop an intuition for why firms' liquidity needs efficiently, let us the financial market assume may be unable to serve the (for illustration only) that all external claims are equity claims and that they are gathered in a single stock index (a mutual fund), which firms can buy. at date 1 , is The absence of aggregate shocks deterministic. with liquidity shock p continue at date 1. Suppose continues The total if implies that S, that the productive and only if p , the value of the stock index optimum of < p\ section 2 obtains; Then, a fraction F(p*) of firms will value of external claims on the productive sector at date 14 a firm 1 (and date 2) is v =F(p *r -\)p V, (10) t I. be diluted by the amount In the absence of credit lines, these external claims need to defined in (9), so, the value S, of the stock index at date S, D 1 is = V.-D = [F(p')p -fpf(p)dp]I=I-A. (11) Jo a Let us conduct the following thought experiment: Suppose that a fraction of the stock index index. At date 1, is All firms have the held by the firms themselves. e [0,1) same share in the each firm can then withstand liquidity shocks p satisfying pI<p For the right-hand side of (12) to be equal I + oS r to p*I for (12) < some a p* + f"pf(p)dp<[l + F(p-)]p 1, one must have: (13) . Jo Recalling that p* we in is independent of the extent of moral hazard as measured by conclude that for B large enough, that which case firms are unable index. much Intuitively, capital by when the firm's insider share much by small enough, condition (13) for p to withstand liquidity diluting itself at date the firm cannot raise is 1. Rb is little is inefficient. is violated large, an individual firm cannot raise Concurrently, the stock index has a low value and selling the stock index either. is not that the stock market liquidity in the aggregate. Rather, the ex post distribution The lucky (see (7)), shocks up to p* by holding the stock Actually, as the next section demonstrates, the issue delivers too B firms (those with liquidity shocks p < p ) of liquid assets hold shares in the stock index, which they do not need. Meanwhile, other firms cannot withstand their larger liquidity shocks because their share in the stock index 12 An example may be parameters are such that p helpful. = 1.1 is Suppose p and p, = 15 confined to be the average share. is 3. 12 uniformly distributed over [0,2] and the Then (7) implies p* = 2. The initial It is claim clear that the previous reasoning does not rely More (the stock index) that firms can purchase. between the threshold is total p* — value is on there being a single financial generally, S, — the difference of external claims and the aggregate reinvestment cost when the an upper bound on the combined value of all external date-0 claims on the productive sector. Hence, in the aggregate, the value of the financial claims held firms cannot exceed S,. Given that dilution cannot raise (all firms, if financial claims are uniformly distributed exceeding p 1 + more than p among 1 by the per firm, some firms firms) cannot withstand shocks S,. To conclude, anonymous financial markets cannot in general implement the productive optimum. 3.3 Intermediation. When the financial market fails to supply enough liquidity, the productive optimum can be implemented by introducing an intermediary that offers insurance against liquidity needs by pooling firm risks. The optimal insurance arrangement entails subsidizing firms with a high liquidity demand, allowing them to draw on the market value of firms that experience a low liquidity demand. We first check that there is enough liquidity in the aggregate to implement the secondbest policy. Let all individual firms be pooled together into a single firm, an conglomerate. Assuming that the conglomerate follows the second-best policy, where individual firms continue if and only if p < p*, the conglomerate can be sold of reinvestments) for the value F(p*)poI. The conglomerate needs to raise its liquidity needs. Since F(p*)poI - economy-wide D= S,, which is positive, the at date 1 (gross D (see (9)) to cover conglomerate can raise the necessary funds to implement the second-best policy. It remains to show that an intermediary can make value of the private sector. There are investment level is I = A/(.9). If A = many full use of the potential market equivalent ways in which this can be done. 9, then I = 10, with outside investors investing the firm 9. Thus, the outside investors' stake in the stock index is worth 1 = The and 1. But p*-po -9, implying that there will be realizations of p such that firms will need up to 9 shares of the stock index in order to continue. That is nine times as many shares as each can purchase at date 0. 16 simplest At date the intermediary be a conglomerate as above." is to let 0, it issues shares These shares are claims on the intermediary's financial position to investors. The intermediary uses the proceeds from share issue to buy up its all at date 2. 14 the external claims on firms. Firms' securities are priced so that the intermediary breaks even on each firm issue (ex ante). Similarity, the shares of the intermediary are so priced that investors break even. Assuming now will that the intermediary succeeds in sell for The portfolio. arrangement the amount S,, since its its shares its investment zero, guaranteeing that the is financially feasible. The intermediary proceeds all market value equals the value of intermediary's net "cash flow" at date is the credit line implementing the second-best policy, is to grant each firm a credit line equal to p*I. Attached to the covenant that a firm cannot issue or just a portion of its credit line at date 1. return to this point below). There new claims is at date 1. no charge for using However, the firm has no use A firm can use credit (we will for excess credit, since the enterpreneur cannot consume funds and any returns from market assets that the firm might purchase at date entrepreneur P ^ 1 will go to the intermediary (except for the portion if the project succeeds). Given the credit line, a firm can continue to the whenever P*- The only remaining 1 RJ, which goes meet to its issue is whether the intermediary can raise (deterministic) credit obligations D. But this follows argued above, that the private sector can in the aggregate raise A > enough funds at date immediately from the S, + D > D fact, (assuming I - 0). We Remark 1: liquidity because the value of financial claims held by a firm cannot be contingent on a firm's argued in section 3.1 that the financial market idiosyncratic liquidity shock. Consequently, firms with low fails to provide adequate liquidity shocks end up with excessive liquidity, that could be efficiently redistributed to firms with higher liquidity shocks. Such a redistribution however does not occur spontaneously at date liquidity-rich firms have no incentives to enter negative NPV 1, since the arrangements with liquidity- In our model, the number of intermediaries is indeterminate. We will describe the implementation of the second-best solution as if there were a single intermediary. 13 14 As in Jacklin (1987), it is important to avoid claims that can be redeemed at date 1, since such claims can lead to "bank runs". 17 poor ones. One may wonder what that it is an intermediary can do that the financial market cannot do. Intermediation docs not dominate financial markets on informational grounds. Rather, the critical feature of the credit line arrangement that yields a productive that is allows negative it NPV investments at date dispose of negative value claims in an Remark anonymous Because the private sector 2: securities. If issued, government is securities 15 By l. optimum contrast, claimholders can financial market. no self-sufficient there is role for government must yield the market rate of interest, here equal and they have no impact on the productive sector. to zero, Remark 3: Many alternative arrangements involving intermediation are equivalent to the described above. For instance, the intermediary could be made to resemble a bank by one letting firms issue shares directly to investors and having the intermediary hold only firm debt (claims senior to equity). amount of credit used, arrangement could The intermediary could rather than just an up-front fixed fee. call for a repayment of course, only if the project succeeds) the implied price for credit is less p , An than pi, the there no is is amount of if such fees are the firm uses pi therefore we We (< p*) illustrate, a credit 2 (which can be met, of of credit at date below par, as the expected repayment equals 1. Note (pp<)/p*)I, credit used. In fact, because firms are fully diluted must be imposed common, that which when p > how initial how surplus is is indeed underpriced ex post. redistributed among external claim claims are priced, but they have no effect on real outcomes and can proceed without pinning summarize to cover the intermediary's expected loss. In suggesting that use of credit Variations like these only influence holders and (p/p*) (R-R b)I at date To credit contract that charges an actuarially fair price for all realizations of p. additional up-front fee reality, also charge the firm according to the down these contractual details. 16 this section in: Proposition 2. In the absence of aggregate uncertainty: (i) The productive optimum cannot always be achieved through an (anonymous) financial 15 To offset the date-1 loss, the intermediary receives either an upfront commitment fee or securities in the firm at date 0. 16 Monitoring and control right considerations could be introduced to reduce contractual ambiguity, but the implications of such embellishments must await further research. 18 Ex post, market. (li) liquidity may be misallocated. The productive optimum can be implcmcmcd (if 1 - A > 0) by relying on private intermediation of credit. Intermediaries act as insurers against liquidity shocks, crosssubsidizing firms. Intermediaries need not observe individual liquidity shocks in order to implement the optimum. fiii) There offered at no par liquidity role for government (yielding zero interest) securities. If issued, and do not such securities must be affect real allocations. Endogenous Liquidity Supply with Pure Aggregate Uncertainty 4. 4. is The demand for government bonds. 1 In the previous section liquidity shocks extreme, the case where there is were independent. We now shift to the other only aggregate uncertainty. All firms experience the same liquidity shock. It is clear that in this case the private sector cannot be self-sufficient. With pure aggregate uncertainty, every firm needs to raise pi at the same time. Since a firm at most pj t0 outsiders at date 1, aggregate value of the private sector whenever p the problem, because at best which it demand the aggregate < p < is worth for liquidity will exceed the p\ Intermediation cannot overcome can realize the net ex post value of the productive sector, in this event is zero. This creates a demand for government supplied liquidity. The government can meet the demand thanks taxation. and sells to its assumed ability to commit future Suppose the government issues one-period bonds them at par. We facility equivalent to cash. can be achieved by having investors invest )I in the amount (p*-p )I at date 0, are then back to the environment analyzed in section 2, with government bonds providing a storage firms to spend (p*-p consumer endowments via (1 +p*)I - A in The productive optimum each firm at date 0, requiring of this amount on the purchase of bonds. 17 Since government bonds, issued at par, lead to the productive optimum, tells Lemma 1 us that the introduction of these bonds raises total output and expected aggregate 17 Alternatively, an intermediary can offer each firm a credit line (p"-p )I, backed by the purchase of an equal amount of government bonds. Firms can raise the missing PqI by issuing new shares. 19 investment (the date-0 investment plus the expected value of date-1 reinvestments). Note, however, that the to cover date-1 initial level of investment more of their resources decreases as firms save I Thus, issuing government bonds crowds out productive liquidity needs. investments at date 0, but increases (expected) reinvestments at date We record these results 1. in: Proposition 3. In the presence of aggregate uncertainty: The private sector ft) is not self-sufficient. Assuming that the net social cost of taxation fti) is zero, the government can ensure the productive optimum by issuing a sufficient amount of bonds at the market rate of interest (here, zero) in ftii) which case there is no demand for intermediation. The introduction of government bonds reduces date-0 investments and increases date-1 reinvestments (reduces liquidations). Expected output, aggregate investment firms all increase. The government's objective and 4.2 By restricting attention to made two section 4.1 taxation. 18 > 1) violated, the is still that there is in the no deadweight loss of deadweight loss of taxation. Second, that the profit subject to the government may want per unit of expected return. premia, there First, market rate of interest, gain in productive efficiency brought about by the bond issue government maximizes the firms' is premia. securities that yield the implicit assumptions. Otherwise, the assumption liquidity government must be traded off against the change (q and the value of We refer to to consumers breaking even. issue securities at a price If either q above par premium. For small q-1 as the liquidity a demand for government securities, since the private sector uses them as complementary inputs into the production process. As is well known, credit rationing models raise a welfare analysis. A government producers') would redistribute creates 18 more all that aims at endowments than one unit of output. On some maximizing difficult conceptual issues for total surplus to entrepreneurs as the other hand, a one unit of net worth government Or, more generally, the marginal deadweight loss of taxation (consumers' plus is that the only represents same at all dates, so the date-0 deadweight loss due to the income received by issuing government securities is equal to the date-1 (or date-2) deadweight loss associated with the reimbursement of the public debt. 20 I , consumers might confiscate some or conceptual issue we is all of the entrepreneurs' not specific to our model and lies initial beyond the limited scope of this this paper, on the government's objective investigate the effects of alternative assumptions will not wealth A. Because function. Instead, we simply assume that the government arranges for firms to bear the net cost of supplying liquidity, leaving consumers as well off as without government intervention (see, however, the up-coming remark on seignorage). The net tax effect incorporates the benefit of distributing the proceeds from the bond issue and the deadweight loss from taxing consumers that at the social Suppose optimum redeem the bonds the marginal deadweight loss of taxation deadweight loss were higher that the marginal government could then issue interest). to strictly gain; > bonds par at (at We conclude 1, say. The zero rate of made (at least that, for the optimal 19 l. The demand for government bonds. 4.3 Let us for the moment rule out cross-shareholdings and intermediation, through the analysis of section 2. 1 to see premium threshold > q-1 (We investment. p 0. For where use is cannot partially liquidate that a firm will later discuss the case of partial liquidation at the firm level.) made of I the fact that the securities is maximum For a )I dilution at date 1 (14) is p 1, so that (p-p ) needed to reach the threshold p. firm's net utility is now = m(p,q)k(p,q)A The government cannot gain by reimbursing deadweight loss of taxation its becomes >I-A + (j'pf(p)dp)l+(q-l)(p-p U,(p,q) 19 and run firms respond to the presence of a liquidity the investors' participation constraint , government The how moment, assume the F(p)p in than at date furthermore the firms would be weakly) better off by the increased supply of liquidity. apparent at date 1. It is must be time increasing. at date additional one-period at date The taxpayers would debt policy, q (or reducing date-0 taxes) at date is public debt at date 2, because the higher at date 2 than at date 21 (15). 1 by the same reasoning. where m(p,q) is = F(p)p,-l-J pf(p)dp-(q-l)(p-p „ ) fi the modified margin on per-unit-of-investment profit, and = k(p,q) -, (17) pf(p)dp + (q-l)(p-Po)-F(p)P 1+ Jo is the modified equity multiplier. The firm chooses the threshold p*(q) to minimize the expected unit cost of effective investment: —^ l+fpf(p)dp+(q-l)(p-p p * (q) minimizes ) (18) F(p) >p over p . As a generalization of condition (8) 20 we get Po<P*(q) + -^rr<Pr f(p We next ask whether this allocation (19) (q)) remains an equilibrium when firms are allowed we to issue and trade claims to issue a single security (equity), the equilibrium described above unravels because of free- riding. Suppose in a financial market. First that all firms issue shares at date 0. argue would not want to firms are constrained Suppose a contrario the financial market does not affect the equilibrium. Shares investors that, if that the must then trade buy them. But then an individual firm could needs more cheaply by buying shares rather than government bonds. To opening of at par, else satisfy its liquidity see this, note that the representative firm in the equilibrium without a financial market has an ex post value equal to (p*(q)-p)I > when the liquidity shock p falls in the interval (p ,P*(q)]- This value 20 The firm's optimal cut-off, p*(q), need not be monotone in q. The firm may respond an increase in q by reducing its date-0 investment and raising the date-1 cut-off. On the other hand, if q is high enough, shutting down all demand for bonds, the firm's date-0 to investment will be higher than if q were equal to 22 1 (see Proposition 3). stems from the excess amount of bonds other firms, an individual firm can it by holding enough shares holds. Hence, accommodate shocks in the arbitrarily close to p*(q) without paying any liquidity premium. Thus, the equilibrium without cross-shareholdings must unravel once firms are allowed to buy each others' shares. The intuition why the government charges the equilibrium breaks down Liquidity is clear: a premium. Each firm therefore wants purchase government bonds. Of course, all is a public good to free ride on firms that firms cannot follow the free-rider strategy, since then no firm would buy government bonds and there would be no protection at liquidity shocks 4.4 An above p analysis if all against . of the private sector's optimal policy. This section derives the private sector's optimal policy when a premium. The next section will analyze the implementation of the government charges this policy, in particular the private sector's response to the possibility of free-riding. Suppose the private sector buys (p —p )I bonds (where I is funds efficiently at date p, some firms must sector (p can resort shock is. All firms can withstand the liquidity shock if p shut down. Instead of shutting to partial ~PoV(p ~Po) of firms to continue is 1. the investment level of the representative firm) and allocates the liquidation to continue enough, it the (we can assume drawn randomly). Whether If p is high at this is may be better to down all industry < p, but if p > firms, however, the private level, that the identity allowing a fraction of firms that are allowed optimal depends on how high the liquidity return the bonds to the investors rather than use the funds for reinvestment. To determine the private sector's optimal policy, let zl be the face value of the bonds that the private sector buys and let X(p,z) be the fraction of firms allowed to continue the aggregate shock is p. Recalling that entrepreneurs get p H Rb = p, - p when per unit of investment in case of continuation, an optimal strategy can be found by solving the following program: 23 max X(/>,z)(p,-p )f(p)dp, I Jo I,X(0 a> (i) s.t. X(p,z)p f(p)dp-l[^X(p,z)pf(p)dp + (q-l) lJi (20) ) < (ii) X(p,z) < [l,— X. min P-P* I J Letting 5 be the Lagrangian multiplier for the budget constraint, the optimal choice of mil X(p ,z) = '['-. . z is 3X(p,z) U*z 3z brackets in the integrand some p < [( Pl is < p, if p >p (21) we have < + 5(p -p)]f(p)dp - 5(q-l) = 0. ) is p +z due to (21). Also, by (22) (21), the term in > non-negative. Therefore, (22) implies that 9X(5,z)/3z values of p, as 5 and (q-1) p -p lower integration bound that the <p is governed by the first-order condition: r' Note p -Pol > The choice of if X > X(p,z) 0. In particular, < 1, z < p - p , for + so that whenever z p = implying that the private sector uses the option of partial liquidation for these p-values. The reason the private sector resorts to partial liquidation should be clear. If the private sector bought enough bonds to allow choice of X would be unconstrained all firms to continue whenever p (X would equal or 1). The better to reduce z. Partial liquidation allows the private sector to of bonds. Only when bonds carry no opportunity cost ex post (q buy full = p, the first-order cost reduction in z would then be zero, while the first-order benefit would be q-1 be < > 0; of a would it economize on the use 1) will the private sector coverage against adverse liquidity shocks. We summarize the Proposition negative) 4. Ifq is strictly > characteristics of the optimal solution in 1, that is, if the net deadweight loss of taxation (which must be non- positive, the private sector's optimal solution is characterized 24 by two p and thresholds, CO Po < < P P such that: p, < Pi- (ii) The private sector buys zl (Hi) All firms continue if p p < < = solution is government bonds. p; the fraction p; no firms continue if p This > (p-Po)I > more (p—Po)/(p—Po) < 1 offirms continues if p < p. efficient, privately and socially, when firms than act independently. The last inequality in part (i) follows because h represents the marginal value of firm wealth and therefore must be greater than 1. The private sector's solution is better than the solution that individual firms could obtain (as described in section 4.2), because partial liquidation socially feasible at the industry level, but not at the firm level. is more efficient, The outcome also because consumers are as well off whether firms act alone or collectively. In both cases all the social surplus goes to the entrepreneurs. partial liquidation is been feasible at the firm level, the analysis 21 Note that had of section 4.3 would have coincided with that of this section, with the convention that X(p,z) would have denoted the fraction of the individual firm's investment that is not liquidated when the aggregate shock is p. Implementing the optimal policy: 4.5 We now There are two First, liquidation 21 It is is A rationale for multiple securities. turn to the implementation of the optimal policy derived in section 4.4. distinct issues for implementation. the private sector's optimal policy involves partial liquidation. infeasible at the firm level, worth noting it must be performed that the established social value If partial at the industry level. Financial of the private optimum depends on the government's objective function. If the government, instead of letting all the surplus to the entrepreneurs, surplus), it may chose to maximize its net revenue from selling bonds (that is, go consumer well be that restrictions on private arrangements would lead to a higher The private sector's optimal policy just described has two effects. On one hand makes bonds more valuable to firms, increasing their demand; on the other hand, it allows firms to bypass the government's mark-up, reducing the demand for bonds. This situation is reminiscent of a government trying to maximize seignorage in a monetary model. Seignorage may be higher if private liquidity creation by way of intermediation and crosssocial utility. it shareholdings is restricted. 25 markets in general cannot implement the partial liquidation policy described 4 since the private sector as a iii), government bonds. There intermediary is is whole would need to buy more than (p-p strictly Note thus a need for intermediation. in Proposition that the role )I of the here to implement the partial liquidation policy while economizing on expensive government bonds; by contrast in the absence of aggregate liquidity shock, liquid claims commanded no premium and properly among heterogenous firms. intermediation no longer plays a role We the private sector's. When 22 since the individual firm's case the solution for multiple securities is program coincides with conclude that under a pure aggregate shock intermediation is the issuing a clientele one. Free-riding is is infeasible. Second, and more interestingly, whether intermediation in either to dispatch liquidity partial liquidation is feasible at the firm level, necessary only when partial liquidation at the firm level an issue and was the role of intermediaries is used or not, free-riding is of multiple securities. The rationale may arise because firms that buy costly Treasury securities provide socially valuable liquidity to other firms that invest in them. The purchasers of Treasury securities however cannot internalize the value of this liquidity service if they also want to must be sold at sell who have no shares to consumers, liquidity needs. par to consumers, which precludes charging a liquidity premium to corporate purchasers of shares. Because the industry needs outside funding, optimum we conclude that the derived in section 4.4 cannot be achieved if firms issue a single security. In contrast, the use of multiple securities allows the issuer to price discriminate who Indeed shares value liquidity services differently (this point is among investors highly reminiscent of Gorton-Pennacchi (1990)). To illustrate the rationale for multiple securities without needing to introduce intermediaries, let us allow partial liquidation at the firm level. Let us construct an industry equilibrium that yields the same allocation as that obtained from program (20) as described in Proposition 4. In this equilibrium, all firms invest I (the level They 4 all pledge not to finance liquidity shocks exceeding p 'type- 1 firms", purchase other firms. 22 strictly At date Of course, when (p-p )I Treasury . A securities at price given in Proposition 4). fraction q and a of the firms, hold no shares in they issue a) equity, sold at par, and b) short-term (maturing at idiosyncratic and aggregate shocks coexist, intermediation again is preferred by firms as scarce liquidity is 26 wasted by financial markets. 1 -p date 1) debt with face value (p ) I with the covenants that a) they must fully at price q', dilute their equity before selling Treasury securities to finance liquidity needs can up sell shock is to (p-p )I . p, before servicing the short-term debt. shock p belongs The remaining it 23 Covenant worth no liquidation value of short-term in all the short-term debt of type-1 firms. Let any type of firm when claims debt a(p-p)I/(l-a) >(p-p Type-2 firms can continue p I), in type-1 firms. the (23) p< p. Suppose \p l to The aggregate new that p <p < I p. is when p X2 of E Then the equal to selling these debt claims withstand their liquidity shock, pi. to operate a fraction X 2 pI=X2 p they can pledge when ). and thus type-2 firms can, by )I, other hand, type-2 firms are partially liquidated is, 1 a be given by by a representative type-2 firm held diluting their initial investors (to obtain That at date 1-a of the firms, the "type-2 firms", do not purchase fraction a(p-p) = (l-a)(p-p is (p-p)I to the interval [p ,p]. Treasury securities, but buy There a) implies that equity in type-1 becomes valueless when the aggregate shock exceeds that the short-term debt is Covenant b) implies liquidity that they Treasury securities to finance their liquidity need when the aggregate firms carries no liquidity premium, as p and b) and by On the [p,p]. while type-1 firms are not. their assets, where + _^_(p-p)I. 1-or investors and further use the return on short-term debt (type-1 and type-2 firms) fraction X of assets that are not liquidated is therefore X - or+O-oOX, = a+(l-«) |— - — l_l-ap-p J P-Po P-Po 23 The debt expositional contract is contingent on the realization of the aggregate shock for convenience only. Alternatively, type-1 firms can substitute a class of nondilutable long-term (maturing at date 2) senior claim for the short-term debt and dispense with writing a covenant that is contingent on the aggregate shock. 27 and coincides with the fraction specified demand for Treasury securities is the same Note in Proposition 4. also that the aggregate as in the intermediated case from Proposition 4ii), as (23) implies that a(p-Po) I = (P - Po) L Last, the price of short-term senior debt, q', is set so that firms are indifferent We thus conclude that the optimal policy a type-1 and a type-2 firm. when issuing of multiple corporate securities When liquidation partial the firm at is between being implemented by the partial liquidation at the firm level is feasible. level is infeasible, the optimal policy must be implemented through intermediaries, and these intermediaries must similarly issue multiple securities in order to price discriminate 4 6 . State-contingent bonds. While partial liquidation reduces the the private sector given that the socially better and avoid free-riding. most deadweight loss of taxation and government issues non-contingent bonds, efficient solution. In this section we show how outcome by issuing state-contingent bonds. optimum when general We the is efficient it is for not the government can achieve a begin by characterizing the social state-contingent transfers between consumers and producers are allowed. A by social plan is defined the initial level of investment (i) I per firm, and (ii) a state-contingent continuation policy X(p) e [0,1] that determines the fraction of firms that continue when The the aggregate liquidity shock is p. social program exception that the transfers the social program is identical to the program studied are not constrained by an initial in section 4.4, with the purchase of bonds. Formally, solves: max X(p)(p,-p )f(p)dp, I f <D s.t. (i) Iqf X(p)(p -p)f(p)dp Jo (ii) < X(p) <1. 28 > I-A, (24) Letting 5 be the Lagiangian multiplier (again, 5 of entrepreneurial wealth), the solution to where p* is > program this ri1 if P [0 if p 1, because it is the shadow value is ^ P# > p\ , defined by ^-TT- < In contrast to the solution in section 4.4, the social firms continue, or no firm continues. program does not have only as needed. satisfies < p The 24 social the holder an specifies either that all for the difference is that the social hoard liquidity (by buying bonds); rather, transfers are provided Furthermore, since < p* to The explanation optimum 25 > 5, q > 1, we see that the socially optimal cut-off p* p,. optimum amount x(p) X*(p) can be implemented using state-contingent bonds, which pay as a function of the aggregate shock p. In particular, let the bonds have the following date-1 payoff: if P if p x(p) = 1°' lX*(p)(p-p -PoJ), <P or p > p*, <p<p*. Let the date-0 price of these bonds be set so that r\'(p)q(p-P()f(p)dp. Note that priced this way, bond revenues exactly compensate the consumers for the deadweight loss of taxation when the policy X*(p) It is social is followed. straightforward to check that with these payoffs and price, firms can replicate the optimum, if they so desire, by buying I bonds, where I is the socially optimal level of investment. This amount of bonds enables a firm to continue exactly when the social plan calls for continuation. Also, the firm's budget constraint coincides with the social budget constraint so that the firm can attract the required funds 24 if at date 0. would become relevant only if investors or entrepreneurs were the government could not use state-contingent transfers. Partial liquidation averse or from investors 29 risk Can the firm do better by deviating from the a better plan for the firm. In this plan, let I socially optimal plan? be the date-0 investment amount of state-contingent bonds the firm purchases, and To be feasible, the plan ex ante constraint I must satisfy both be the X(p) be the continuation policy. an ex ante and an ex post budget constraint. The -Iz f"X(p)(p -p)f(p)dp rX'(p)(q-l)(p-p )f(p)dp > I -A. (26) Jo post constraint is < X(p) < min{l,z X*(p)}. (27) Substituting the ex post constraint into the ex ante constraint, be feasible for a level, let zl is is Jo The ex let Suppose there social planner to replicate the firm's plan. it is Given immediate that it would that the social objective function coincides with the firm's, the firm's plan cannot be better than the social optimum. Hence, the firm prefers the socially optimal plan. Note that the partial liquidation if government need not be concerned by the bond possibility of free-riding and yields are state contingent, because firms holding have excess liquidity when p > p , bonds do not and therefore other firms cannot free-ride by holding their shares. Remark on seignorage. Suppose issuing government that the government aims at maximizing net revenue from of taxation. Let us compute an upper bound securities, ignoring costs on the government's net revenue. Let U( = m(p )k(p )A) denote the "autarky entrepreneur with assets A, that is is the utility she gets a lower bound on entrepreneurial max utility. when holding no utility" R of an reserves. Clearly, U Consider the following program: R I.MO , s.t. (i) lf° X(p)(p -p )f(p)dp 1 > U, Jo (28) (ii) -R-I fX(p)(p -p)f(p)dp >I-A, Jo JO (iii) < X(p) <1. 30 Constraint (ii) must break even. Substituting constraint reflects the fact that investors (which obviously holds with equality) into the objective function, is the dual of program That (24). optimum has the social is, we the (ii) see that program (28) same characterization whether the government maximizes entrepreneurial welfare subject to a deadweight loss of taxation or maximizes seignorage. An 4.7 interpretation The economic amount fixed of state-contingent bonds. rationale for using state-contingent most will provide excess liquidity in will cash in the bonds that they bonds Bonds is clear. states at date 1. that Firms (or intermediaries) do not need for reinvestment, forcing the government consumers and implement a wealth transfer that is unnecessary pay a and socially costly to tax (in the deadweight-loss-of-taxation interpretation). While partial liquidation reduces the tax burden, it still leaves slack and also distorts investment and liquidation decisions. attacks the root cause of the problem exactly as needed and eliminates Of is solution that a state-contingent bond, which dispenses liquidity wasteful transfers of wealth. course, this solution works ideally only in our idealized model. In reality, state- contingent bonds are not used. there all is The The most obvious reason why such bonds no aggregate, measurable be provided more liquidity. state that unequivocally identifies times There are other shocks than measured variables, and these shocks may realizations of the aggregate measures. call are not used is that when firms should liquidity shocks that move publicly for very different transfers for similar Macroeconomic policy is not a mechanical exercise, because new, unforeseen contingencies keep appearing. Rather than limiting government policy to bonds that are contingent on a few, foreseeable, and verifiable variables, a discretionary policy may be more desirable (at least if one ignores the political government policy). Thus, we want to view the use of state-contingent bonds as a metaphor for an active government policy rather than as a serious policy instrument The value of state-contingent bonds shows that, in its own right. besides creating liquidity, the government has a potential role in actively managing liquidity. Note that this contracts could be indexed on economy of is true even if private government actions or on the aggregate shock. In our model, optimal liquidity management entails increasing the value ofgovernment 31 bonds in times when at date 1, this is It liquidity 25 needs are high. Since we have assumed that bonds mature accompanied by a corresponding, immediate increase (decrease) may seem odd in taxes. that taxes are being raised in adverse liquidity states (recessions), as consumers might simultaneously be experiencing negative demand shocks. But Our underscores the importance of multiple shocks, as discussed above. specific result is clearly sensitive to the assumption that there is a single liquidity shock with experiencing no shocks at all. this just consumers an adverse demand shock that requires If consumers experience resources to be shifted to consumption, then taxation and the value of bonds should be reduced rather than increased, notwithstanding negative liquidity shocks. This does not negate the general logic that state-contingent bonds are of value, improve the allocation of resources through wealth that is, an active policy can transfers. We cannot associate state-contingent bonds with monetary or fiscal policies, model does not distinguish between nominal and drawn between the real effects monetary Note where is policies. fiscal will either first that we be accompanied by a it A related: imposes an inflation further parallel same is that, in when and liquidity is tight, fiscal policy that this is also true in reality, since loose consumers tight budget, forcing therefore adjust to immediately, with the linear taxes). fiscal only have a single instrument, corresponding to a case Some might argue they do in our model), or But certain analogies can be of state-contingent bonds and the alleged effects of and monetary policies are inversely loose and conversely. real claims. since our tax, to money pay up immediately (as which consumers might anticipate and effect as tightening the budget (barring non- the model, liquidity is tight when the value of bonds are low. Note 1, also that, if one imagined a second generation of entrepreneurs entering at date facing liquidity shocks at date 2, and producing at date 3, then tighter liquidity (lower bond prices) at date 1 would decrease their date 1 investments, and increase their date-2 reinvestments (by Proposition 3), as the cost of carrying liquidity into date 2 would relatively less expensive. In other words, reinvestments (of date-0 entrepreneurs) and tighter initial moving aggregate investment unambigously down 25 Note that we liquidity at date 1 become reduces both investments (of date-1 entrepreneurs), at date 1. Again, this conforms with are not rationalizing continuous government intervention, but rather intervention in severe circumstances. 32 standard views on policy effects. Furthermore, in a model with study bonds with longer maturities. more periods, With long-term bonds, wealth one could also transfers between consumers and producers would be accomplished by early redemptions (purchases) of these bonds (adding liquidity) or We do liquidity). not suggest that these parallels can be used to draw strong conclusions about real policies as Nevertheless, by issuing new bonds (tightening our model says nothing specifically about monetary or we find it fiscal interventions. reassuring that one can associate alleged features of real policies with the abstract state-contingent outcomes in the model. Also, the model gives some guidance for government interventions intended to accomplish wealth transfers between the producers and consumers in response to unforeseen, aggregate real shocks. As an illustration, consider the recent collapse of the Soviet Union. In several made accommodate European countries no attempt was initially wants stubborn stance on exchange rates as an active policy, to interpret the central banks' money was made very tight). The result to was a massive reduction as interest rates soared and asset values plunged. this shock (or, if in entrepreneurial one wealth Our analysis supports those who argued that the governments should have responded with policy measures that transferred wealth back to entrepreneurs, by bringing down. According interest rates to received wisdom (and validated by the subsequent events), a reduction in interest rates required a devaluation of the currencies or abandoning fixed exchange rates. In the logic of our model, and reality, too, believe in such an exchange rate policy should be seen as part of an insurance policy in which the government plays a 5. we central role. Relationship to the literature Several papers have relevance for our work, although they do not address in a unified way the main questions we are interested in, namely corporate liquidity needs, the partial self-sufficiency of the private sector, management by the government. Let us take and the foundations up these themes 33 for liquidity in order. supply and Corporate liquidity needs By now, there is a very large literature on credit rationing, making the point that investment will be constrained by the firm's net worth (for a survey, see for instance, Most of Bernanke-Gertler-Gilchrist (1994)). demand this literature does not deal with liquidity as such, but rather with the structure of optimal financial contracts, including the decision to liquidate assets in case of financial hardship. Obviously, decisions to liquidate are closely related to decisions to However, the make result that firms face a liquidity covenant in the optimal financial contract On of our knowledge new. to the best further investments, as illustrated in Hart (1995). the other hand, the result that investors firms with extra cash (or a credit line) ex ante, also Hart (1995)), by using a who show that is reminiscent of Hart and which is Moore (1989) (see been exploited in recent not investigated). as productive inputs as well as fact that real assets serve a dual purpose, collateral for debt, has must provide a given class of financial contracts can be improved upon similar arrangement (the optimality of The is papers by Kiyotaki and Moore (1993) and Shleifer and Vishny (1992). Both models are broadly concerned with the general equilibrium implications of wealth constrained financing. features with our model. may try to It The latter model, in particular, shares some has two firms, each facing an idiosyncratic demand shock. Firms piggy-back on each others' investment decisions to generate future income in hard times, not directly through security purchases, as we have it, but rather through the ability to sell assets to the other firm ex post. If the firms' liquidity shocks are not perfectly correlated (so that they are not in default simultaneously), then a liquidity shock but not the other, no other informed purchaser of albeit imperfect, Self-sufficiency it can its assets. way of enhancing sell its assets for In effect, the when one firm experiences a higher value than if there were model describes a market mediated, firm liquidity. and intermediation The study of the demand Diamond and Dybvig (1983). 26 for consumer liquidity was originated by Bryant (1980) and Diamond and Dybvig demonstrate that intermediaries can provide limited insurance by subsidizing consumers with high liquidity needs. Jacklin (1987), however shows that the associated cross-subsidy is infeasible in the presence of financial markets, as those consumers with low liquidity needs can pretend to have high liquidity 26 See also Ramakrishnan and Thakor (1984) and Williamson (1986). 34 needs, pocket the subsidy and reinvest the it in financial markets. 27 Thus, financial markets Diamond-Dybvig framework both reduce welfare and make intermediation misuse credit The main reason lines. Our results for the difference in conclusions how on the government should manage liquidity Diamond and Dybvig. contingent on the macroeconomic shock (the made 28 macroeconomic shock. our firms cannot own use other than In our model, obtained in section 4, In their model, while bank contracts with depositors cannot be depositors) that by B. are also quite different from those in policy can be is Entrepreneurs cannot divert corporate funds for their in the limited fashion captured By useless. improvements despite the existence of contrast, in our model, intermediaries bring strict financial markets. in government number of withdrawing made contingent on this government policies do not use more aggregate information than private contracts. Boyd and constructs a Prescott (1986), in a related effort to understand the role of intermediation, model which financial markets cannot duplicate the services provided by in intermediaries. Their model the efficent organization is not about the provision of liquidity as such, but rather about of monitoring. Financial markets are inefficient relative to intermediation, because financial contracts are assumed to be contingent on whether projects are evaluated and also on the outcome of the evaluation. Intermediaries, on the other hand, can offer contracts before an evaluation made, avoiding the problem of premature is information revelation. This seems to be an ad hoc limitation in favor of intermediation. Bhattacharya and Gale (1987) look at a variation of the Diamond-Dybvig model that is closer in structure to ours. In their model there are several banks (corresponding which experience idiosyncratic, "sectoral" firms), aggregate. The paper to our liquidity shocks that cancel out in the characterizes the socially optimal mechanism for sharing risks across banks, noting that this mechanism cannot be implemented through an interbank lending market. Whether a market in bank shares or some other institution could 27 Diamond (1995) shows that intermediaries have a role consumers have imperfect access to financial markets. 28 as The subsequent literature on bank runs we do in shock on the the short term at date 1 interest rate to play as long as some most part assumes independent shocks, macroeconomic uncertainty through a date-1 between date 1 and date 2, and shows that depositors for the section 3. Hellwig (1994) introduces who withdraw implement the must bear some of the aggregate 35 risk. social optimum is left The open. authors suggest that a central bank might be the right institution for carrying out interbank risk sharing. Government supplied The first of investment liquidity paper to argue that government debt can improve the intertemporal allocation by Diamond (1965). In an overlapping generations model he showed is government debt can crowd out private investment, which may be excessive. at par. in in the In his model, government bonds provide Another difference is that in Diamond no that absence of government debt liquidity services and are sold public debt crowds out private investment while our paper public debt boosts private investment by providing aggregate liquidity. Models of crossgenerational insurance (Fisher (1983), Pagano (1988) and Gale (1990)), and of asynchronized investment opportunities (Woodford (1990)) are expressely concerned with the role of government debt as a medium of transfer across periods. Woodford's paper is most closely related to ours. In one version of his model, he assumes that individuals periodically receive investment opportunities, which they cannot take advantage of without storing wealth from one period in a stationary to the next. state, the government debt possibility that is Government debt is a vehicle for storing wealth. He shows optimal level of government debt should be positive. thus the same The that role of However, Woodford does not consider the as in our paper. a private market in claims on output could accompUsh the same as government debt. It appears that it could, because there are no agency costs that would limit the sales of such private claims. In a related vein, Williamson (1992) demonstrates the benefits of fiat model in which adverse selection prevents entrepreneurs from pledging income. 29 Fiat money plays the role of a store of value (which government securities in our model, and may have of overlapping generations). Williamson's focus government securities (in the form of Indeed, Williamson concludes that that there exists 29 On fiat an equilibrium with the counterpart of from ours; he argues is one in favor of money) and against the trading of private claims. money has no value fiat a their entire future value because Williamson's model is distinct in money if private that Pareto claims are traded, and dominates the purely private the adverse selection problem and related issues, see also Banerjee-Maskin (1991) and the references see, fiat is money Williamson (1992). For other models on money and government debt, for instance, Bewley (1980) and Levine (1991). in 36 Our conclusions equilibrium as long as agents are prevented from trading private claims. are rather different. Finally, literature should be evident that our work has it on incomplete markets. Markets in some points of contact with the our model are incomplete because individuals cannot borrow against future income and because the value of a firm's claimholdings cannot be contingent on liquidity shock. its The latter intermediaries even though the intermediaries while the former problem that can be used to is partly resolved problem do not observe individual by the government, which to incomplete market 6. creates a literature, which source of incompleteness is new asset fact that the securities is related to a general states that generically an incomplete market and make everyone better off (Elul (1995)). literature, the liquidity shocks, improve the allocation of investment across periods. The government can improve on private outcomes by issuing new result in the effectively dealt with through is one can add an Of asset course, unlike this spelled out in our model. Concluding remarks. Rather than summarize our may raise results, and indicate directions in we wish to address some questions that our paper which the analysis could be extended. 30 First, the questions. What do we mean by literature. In liquidity? Liquidity has models with adverse information about an asset. been given various interpretations selection, liquidity is related to the degree of Assets about which there is in the asymmetric a great deal of asymmetric information are less liquid than assets which everyone knows equally well. Firms can address this illiquidity problem different informational in various demands on buyers. This Pennacchi (1990), where debt therefore a firm 30 ways. For instance, firms can issue claims that place may be is shown to is illustrated in be informationally less the paper by Gorton and demanding than equity and able to raise funds at a lower cost of capital by issuing both. We are grateful to Peter Diamond, Peter Howitt and Andrei Shleifer for raising 31 many of these questions. 31 which the government can influence the liquidity of bank liabilities by guaranteeing some of the bank debt through deposit insurance. In his model, liquidity coincides with reserves. His paper does not address why the government would like to supply liquidity, nor why it would want to influence liquidity by changing reserve requirements. But his paper, unlike ours, gives one In a related vein, Stein (1995) presents an adverse selection 37 model in In our model of moral hazard, assets are not illiquid because people assessments about their value. Rather, claims on firms fall by entrepreneurs, and outsider claims, held by claims, held completely illiquid in the sense that into categories: insider investors. Insider claims are entrepreneur were to if the two have different sell these claims in the market, the value of them (as well as of the external claims) would drop. External claims, on the other hand, are have assumed that the value therefore, insiders and can be sold entirely liquid at no discount at all times. Because we of insider claims exceeds the value of the firm's investment (and must chip in some of their initial endowment to raise funds), there is a potential shortage of liquid assets. Why do we need an agency model? This paragraphs. Without an agency problem, all question assets is largely answered would be fully liquid. by the previous Firms could sell claims up to the value of their investments at any point in time and could therefore undertake all socially productive investments. It is the inability to transfer all the social surplus to external investors that constrains the firm's financing opportunities. firm is credit constrained both ex ante As we have shown, and ex post. Therefore, ex post financing is the not forthcoming without ex ante commitments. Such commitments require assets that allow the firm to hoard liquidity (and pay for it in advance). This is what creates a demand for liquid assets. What if there were other real private assets in the model? The assumption are no other private assets than the investment projects themselves would be easy to introduce assets like real estate, from one period to the next. If there need for government securities, minimum amount of government p )I), real assets not eliminate this 32 it. but which could be used were enough of those if the securities was a assets, they that there simplification. It to transfer wealth would obviate the aggregate value of the assets fell below the needed to achieve a productive optimum ((/?* - would merely reduce the demand for government bonds, but they would Similarity, if the liquidation value of firms were positive rather than zero, would reduce the demand for government bonds. interpretation of the transmission mechanism of monetary 32 policy. Real estate would in general carry a liquidity premium for the same reason government bonds do in our model. We derive liquidity premia in a simplified setting in Holmstrom-Tirole (1996). It should also be noted that real estate prices are likely to move procyclically, making it a worse instrument than government provided insurance. 38 investment-capital the 75 intervention is ratio realistic? The model implies government that needed only when the aggregate demand for liquidity exceeds the value of the private sector. This seems grossly at odds with the empirical fact that the market value of the corporate sector is large relative to investment. Part of the explanation has to interpretation of investment. all As we do with the already pointed out, in our model reinvestments include the cash outlays (wages and working capital, for instance) needed to continue the firm, not just investments in physical capital. This figure is surely an order of magnitude larger than measured aggregate investment. Nevertheless, as p < driven p , that down is, it remains true that the private sector can continue on its own as long as long as the value of the initial claimholders' investment has not been to zero. Only when their investment has lost all its value step in. This is an unrealistic feature of the model. It is driven feature that external claims are fully liquid. To the extent that need the government by the equally new unrealistic issues of equity and debt are costly, because of difficulties in valuing these claims correctly, the private sector will run into reinvestment problems before the Similarly, the holdings of initial claimholders have lost monitors Qzrge shareholder, bank, venture 33 be diluted without generating further incentive problems. Thus, where the private all we of their investment. capitalist,...) cannot think of p as the point sector hits a serious debt capacity constraint. Let us finally suggest some extensions of our model. Currently, the link between the producer and the consumer sector is very simple and uninteresting. desirable to study a general equilibrium extension that could highlight It would be highly how consumer and producer shocks would affect the overall economy and feed back on each sector. This might give a more realistic picture of the need for transferring wealth in one direction or the other and therefore on also want to how the government should manage liquidity. In this context, one would be more careful about the deadweight losses caused by taxation and the role played by individual time preferences and risk aversion. Another important extension would introduce more periods into the model, perhaps by overlapping firms as earlier indicated. In such an extension, the government could issue long-term as well as short-term bonds, which would raise questions about managing the 33 It is straightforward to add monitors into our model, along the lines of Holmstrdm- Tirole (1994). 39 maturity structure of government debt. While intermediaries play a role in our model, it is merely conduits for forming contracts that are unavailable anonymous claims on corporate income are a rather passive one. They are in a financial market in which traded. In reality, intermediaries play a active role, monitoring investments and liquidity needs. This role a multi-period analysis, since one would have to worry about liquidity. In the present more would probably emerge how in firms use their excess model, excess liquidity was never misused by firms, since they had no use for the extra funds. 40 MIT LIBRARIES 3 9080 428 2534 References "A Walrasian Theory of Barter and Money: I", Bhattacharya, S. and D. 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