Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/roleofinformatioOOdufl 3B31 .M415 l^W£\ 13 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series THE ROLE OF INFORMATION AND SOCIAL INTERACTIONS IN RETIREMENT PLAN DECISIONS: EVIDENCE FROM A RANDOMIZED EXPERIMENT Esther Duflo Emmanel Saez Working Paper 02-23 March 21 ,2002 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 021 42 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at http://papers.ssm.com/paper.taf7abstract id=XXXXXX MASSACHui^'l . ,; v; OFT' JUN 1 3 2002 "libraries <tf Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series THE ROLE OF INFORMATION AND SOCIAL INTERACTIONS IN RETIREMENT PLAN DECISIONS: EVIDENCE FROM A RANDOMIZED EXPERIMENT Esther Duflo Emmanel Saez Working Paper 02-23 March 21, 2002 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 021 42 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at h1tp://papers. ssrn. com/paper. taf?abstract id=XXXXXX The Role of Information and Social Interactions in Retirement Plan Decisions: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment MIT and NBER Esther Duflo, Emmanuel Saez, Harvard University March 21, and NBER* 2002 Abstract This paper analyzes a randomized experiment to shed light on the role of information and social interactions in employees' decisions to enroll in retirement plan within a large university. a Tax Deferred Account (TDA) The experiment encouraged a random sample of employees in a subset of departments to attend a benefits information fair organized the university, by promising a monetary reward for attendance. The experiment more than tripled the attendance rate of these treated individuals (relative to controls), that of untreated individuals within departments where enrollment 5 and 1 1 months after the fair was on TDA enrollment receive the treatment results. is nobody was almost as large for individuals encouragement as for those network effects, social who did. We effects, some individuals were significantly higher in individuals were treated than in departments where in by and doubled treated. TDA departments where some treated. However, the effect treated departments who did not provide three interpretations, differential and motivational reward effects, to account for these (J EL D83, 122) 'We thank Daron Acemoglu, Orley Ashenfelter, Josh Angrist, David Autor, Abhijit Banerjee, David Card, Jonathan Gruber, Guido Imbens, Larry Katz, Jeffrey Kling, Botond Koszegi, Michael Kremer, Alan Krueger, David Laibson, Sendhil Mullainathan, and seminar participants very helpful comments and discussions. Foundation (SES-0078535). for their help and support or its benefits office. We in We at Berkeley, MIT, Princeton, and UCLA for gratefully acknowledge financial support from the National Science are especially grateful to all the members of the Benefits Office of the University organizing the experiment. This paper does not reflect the views of the university 1 Introduction Low levels of savings in the of what determines savings United States have generated substantial interest A decisions. in the question vast literature has studied the impact of Tax Deferred Accounts (hereafter, TDA), such as Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) and 401 (k)s, on re- tirement savings decisions, 1 and, concurrently, the impact of these plans' features on enrollment and contribution ployer's match), a rates. In addition to the tax savings and economic incentives (such as em- number of recent studies emphasize the role of non-economic factors, such as social interactions, financial education, inertia, how individual participation in a ticipation in one's department. TDA (2001a, 2001b) plan within a large university They obtain influence on the decision to enroll in show that default TDA When is affected by average par- suggestive evidence that peer effects have a strong plans. rules have contribution, and asset allocation. and commitment. Duflo and Saez (2000) study Madrian and Shea (2001) and Choi et al. an enormous impact on employees' participation, employees are enrolled by default in a TDA. very few opt out and most employees do not change the default contribution rate or the default allocation of assets. Thaler and Bernatzi (2001) show that inducing employees to commit to contribute a large fraction of their pay raises to the TDA dramatic positive impact on savings Bernheim and Garett (1996) and Bayer, Bernheim, rates. (the "Save More Tomorrow" program) has a and Scholz (1996), Bernheim, Garett and Maki (1997), among others, study the education. They role of financial present evidence that financial education tends to be remedial 2 but that increases participation in savings plans, suggesting that employees may it not be able to gather the necessary information on their own. This evidence, though suggestive, does not provide fully convincing proof that information and financial education can have a strong impact on participation decisions, because employers' decision to provide this information is TDA endogenous. Recently, Madrian and Shea (2002) studied the effects of benefits seminars within a large firm and showed interesting evidence of who attend seminars are self-selection in the decision to attend benefits: much more likely to be recent enrollees in the TDA plan. employees They found 'See Poterba, Venti and Wise (1996) and Engen, Gale and Scholz (1996) for a controversial debate summarizing the literature. 2 Employers resort to it when they compensated employees are too low. fail discrimination testing because the contribution rates of the not highly modest on positive effect of information seminars Financial education is participation after a few months. generally recognized as an potentially important avenue to improve 71% the quality of financial decision making. financial information sessions. A of the fortune 500 companies systematically hold 10% conducts them further (Summers, 2000) outlined a proposal to improve financial services of lower TDA occasionally. 3 financial literacy The U.S. Treasury and increase the access to income American households. In particular, the report stressed the importance of information on savings instruments and the role of social interaction decision to save. shed light The goal of this paper on both the is and social interactions TDA plan of a large university. enroll in the employer sponsored random experiment to analyze the evidence from a role of information effects in the to on the employees' decision to Our analysis improves upon the studies discussed above because the source of identification comes directly from the randomized experiment. This allows us to overcome some of the very presence of peer Each effects, to provide information on benefits. TDA, which Obviously, comparing the attend the TDA fair all its employees to a benefits In particular, a stated goal of the fair the university administration feels TDA enrollment decisions of enrollment, because the decision to attend the fair TDA This data come from a telephone survey of In spite of these difficulties, there which essentially focuses on is all is fair in order to increase the is too low (around 35%). attendees to those who did not of a causal effect of fair attendance fair is endogenous. 5 we have implemented the following experiment. of employees not yet enrolled in the 3 and invites would not provide convincing evidence selection problem, the in described notably in Manski (1993, 1995). 4 year, the university organizes enrollment rate in problems difficult identification To circumvent We selected and sent them an invitation 500 companies we conducted in letter the a on this random sample promising a $20 summer 2001. a growing empirical literature on peer effects using observational analysis social behavior, and the adoption of new technologies. For example, Case and Katz (1991) and Evans, Oates and Schwab (1992) on teenagers' behavior, Bertrand, Mullainathan and Luttner (1998) on welfare participation, Munshi (2000a) on contraception, and Besley and Case (1994), Foster and Rosenzweig (1995) and Munshi (2000b) on technology adoption in developing countries. Sorensen (2001) analyzes peer effects within departments of a university in the choice of Employer sponsored Health Plans using a methodology related to Duflo and Saez (2000). For example, individuals who had already decided to to contribute, may be more likely to attend the decision to attend information sessions. fair (see enroll, but are not sure exactly Madrian and Shea (2002) for how much they wanted evidence of selection in the reward for attending the fair. This type of experiment is a classical encouragement design, often who used in medical science, where treatments are offered to a random group of patients then decide whether or not to take the treatment. 6 Encouragement designs are rare in economics. An example on test scores who the study by Powers and Swinton (1984) is by randomly mailing analyze the effect of hours of study test preparation materials to students to encourage them to study. The second objective of our study designed our experiment such that who were "treated" individuals is we to analyze peer effects within departments. are able to estimate social interaction effects. sent the invitation letter were selected only from a subset of departments (the "treated" departments) A . number is random effects. Kremer and perhaps the most closely related to our study. They analyze an experiment design to evaluate own and external effects of a medical treatment against intestinal children in schools in Kenya, in treated schools Namely, of recent studies have also used experimental or quasi-experimental situations to study social interaction Miguel (2001) We therefore who and obtain evidence of spillover effects. worms They show that for children did not get the medicine were positively affected. However, in their case, variation in treatment status within a school was not randomized but occurred because some children were not present on treatment day. Katz et al. (2001) use random assignment to a housing voucher program for households living in high poverty public housing projects in the Boston area and find improvement of treated families Sacerdote (2001) uses random assignment of and finds peer social groups. first- year effects strongly influence levels of These latter two studies on in safety, health, and exposure to crime. students in Dartmouth college dorms academic effort as well as decisions to join social interactions differ from ours mainly because they study the effect of assigning individuals to different peer groups, whereas in our study, peer groups (departments) are fixed, and we analyze how individual decisions are affected by an exogenous change on the information set of some members of the peer group. The 6 first stage of our study analyzes the effect of the invitation letter on fair attendance. For example, Permutt and Hebel (1989) study the effect of maternal smoking on birth weight using randomly assigned free smoker's counseling to encourage mothers to quit smoking. effect of flu shots (recommended but not required) to a random subset Imbens et al. (2000) analyze of the of patients on flu outcomes. 'Following our previous discussion, the voucher program can be seen as an encouragement design to leave public housing projects. Treated individuals are three times as likely to attend the ingly, control individuals in treated fair as control individuals. departments are twice as likely to attend the Interest- control fair as individuals in non-treated departments, despite the fact that only original letter recipient could claim the $20 reward. tendance rate This shows that the invitation letters not only increased the for individuals who received The colleagues within departments. them but had also a spill-over social effect direct effect of the letter fair at- on their on attendance (purged from the peer effects) can also be estimated by comparing the attendance rates of treated and control individuals within treated departments only. The second effects stage of the study tries to estimate the causal effect of on the decision to enroll in the TDA. We show individuals in treated departments are significantly the TDA than control individuals. successful in increasing TDA enrollment between those departments who did not. of the financial colleagues, and for the former. fair was is no significant difference propose three different interpretations, not necessarily mutually TDA First, this enrollment. might be evidence of differential Employees who come to the plausible to think that the treatment effect is fair fair treatment only because because of their larger for the latter group than Second, there might be social network effects within departments. Fair attendees affect their subjective information they obtain at the literature. fair, same might also be explained by motivational reward might have started contributing to reward are different from those who decide to come to the it is after the fair, actually received our encouragement letter and those in the However, there might be able to spread information obtained from the results months TDA We attendance on likely to 11 in exclusive, to account for these facts. effects of fair and attendance and social This shows that our experiment, and hence the enrollment. who more that, 5 fair fair in their effects. departments. Third, our Paying individuals to attend the motivation and therefore the perceived value or quality of the fair. Such Our experiment does not effects have been documented in the social psychology allow us to separately identify these three effects but allows us to conclude that the important decision about how much it to save for retirement can be affected by small shocks such as a very small financial reward and/or the influence of peers, and thus does not seem to be the consequence of an elaborate decision process. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the benefits fair and the design of our experiment. Section 3 discusses the reduced form evidence. Section 4 develops a simple model to guide the subsequent analysis of our results. Section 5 provides additional evidence from a follow-up questionnaire and a general interpretation of our results. Finally, Section 6 offers a brief conclusion. Context and Experiment Design 2 Benefits and Benefits Fair 2.1 The university we study has approximately 12,500 employees. About a quarter members. are faculty Our study was provides retirement benefits to its 8 limited to non-faculty employees only. of the employees The employees through a traditional pension plan and a comple- mentary Tax Deferred Account (TDA) plan. Part of the traditional pension plan Contribution (DC) plan whereby 3.5% of an employee's salary tual fund account. 9 university Employees can is also voluntary contribute to a is a Defined put into an individual mu- TDA 403(b) plan. 10 Every employee can contribute to the 403(b) plan any percentage of their salary up to the IRS limit ($10,500 per year for each individual in 2001). In both the number DC and the TDA The university does not match contributions. plans, employees can choose to invest their contributions in any of four different vendors. Each year, the university organizes a benefits fair and learn about university. The all where all employees are invited to come benefits (such as health benefits, retirement benefits, etc..) provided fair is held on two consecutive days in early November in two by the different locations, each one close to the two separate main university campuses. About one week before the every employee receives a letter through university mail inviting her to attend the letter also provides a brief description of fair. fair, This the event. At the same time, under separate cover, every employee receives a packet describing in detail university benefits along with enrollment forms. November choices 8 is by submitting the enrollment form. lo If may change TDA choices are not influenced by and vice-versa. Non-faculty employees have an additional Defined Benefits plan in addition to the 403(b) plans are very similar to the better firms. her benefits the employee does not send back the form, her Duflo and Saez (2000) present suggestive evidence that staff employees faculty choices 9 "open enrollment" month during which each employee known 401 (k) plans but their use is DC plan. restricted to not- for-profits benefits choices are automatically carried over free to enroll in the TDA from the previous year. However, employees are or change their contribution level or investment decision at any time throughout the year. In both locations, the fair is held in a large hotel reception room. There are a large number of stands representing the university Benefits Office, and the various health and retirement benefits The service providers. university Benefits Office offers information on conversation with benefits office staff present at the pamphlets freely available at their stand. The benefits through direct all and through a number of information fair, benefits office also provides information on how the other stands at the fair are organized. These other stands are run by each of the specialized service providers. For example, each of the mutual fund vendors has a stand at which they provide information about the The fair TDA plan and the specific services they offer within that plan. computer program to also offers individuals the chance to use a specially designed come anytime during the three and analyze their specific situation. Employees are free to hours during which the fair is held, and visit a half any number of stands they want. Experiment Design 2.2 The university organizes the annual fair in order to disseminate information about benefits and help its (34%) is employees make better decisions. The university too low compared to other universities, and that this A simple comparison to change their benefits choices may be more identify the causal effect of fair attendance fair. on TDA We attend the enrollment, fair. we TDA work (Duflo and are very correlated Saez, 2000), among we have shown within departments, not can thus measure peer peers that did. all among staff to lack of information. fair and those who Clearly, those effect of the fair. likely to who plan Therefore, in order to to set up an "encouragement for attending the that the decisions to participate individuals within departments, which suggests the existence of social effects in enrollment decisions. effects may be due by promising a random subset of employees a small amount of money In previous into the the participation rate between the benefits choices of those who attend the do not does not provide an unbiased estimate of the design", feels Therefore, in order to shed light on social individuals within the treated departments received a letter. effects using individuals who didn't receive a letter, but who had We used a cross-section of administrative data provided as of aged We August 2000. less criteria, than 65 and sample to restricted the eligible to participate in the around 3,500 were enrolled TDA in the TDA employees staff TDA. 11 Of the as of all its 9,700 employees meeting these From now August 2000. once they are enrolled, 12 we focus on the decision to start participating into the sample of 6,200 non-enrolled individuals In the first step, we randomly is selected we on, refer 6,200 individuals were not As very few employees stop contributing by August 2000. employees non-faculty employees) (i.e. The remaining to these individuals as the pre-enrolled individuals. enrolled in the by the university on to the TDA TDA. Thus the our sample of primary interest. two thirds of the departments of the university (220 out of a total of 330) as follows. In order to maximize the power of the experiment (in a context in which we know there are strong department to their size number (i.e. of employees) effects), we and participation rate separated department into deciles of participation rates We 33 departments. first then ranked them by size matched departments according TDA in the among the staff. before the Each fair. We decile contains within each decile, and formed groups of three departments by putting three consecutive departments on these lists in the same triplet. Within each of these triplets, we randomly selected two departments to be part of the group of treated From now departments. we on, refer to the treated departments as the T departments and to departments. the control departments as the In the second step, within each of the treated departments, any individual not enrolled as of August 2000 was selected with probability one individuals. for We Treated department and for 1 who were where no treatments were One week before the fair, Part time employees working we less it is denoted by TO (T being selected). In total, there are 4,168 individuals in control group selected; composed of 2,039 being selected). The group formed by the employees in the for not The is and denote them by Tl (T not selected contains 2,129 individuals and Treated department and the treated departments. 11 This treatment group referred to this group as the Treated individuals treated departments for half. is formed by employees contains 2,043 individuals and in the control is denoted by departments 0. sent a letter via university mail to the 2,039 employees in the than 20 hours per week are not eligible for the TDA. Most of these employees are students of the university. 12 Only 80 of the 3,500 employees enrolled in the examine. More than five times as many employees TDA stopped contributing during the one year period we started contributing to the TDA during the same period. treatment group T\. The letter reminded them of the receive a check for $20 letter is reproduced At the their fair, we from us if they were to come to the up a stand and fair register at our desk. This appendix. in facsimile in the set and informed them that they would fair for the name. Unfortunately, the benefits employees office did who received our invitation letter to register not authorize us to record the names of the participants who stood at the fair coupons had different colors according to the status of the participant (active or retired), did not receive our letter. However, number We are thus confident carefully counted. In order to collect information on the we organized a had two parts, with a in the raffle affiliation raffle. TDA gave us half of the coupon. fair. and TDA asked departments versus affiliation and TDA in An who status). attendant fair all the in the letter. raffle raffle A Out affiliation of all we assume between want to stay raffle was held every 30 employees total of 1,617 active of the remaining 1,044 employees, is their department that fair attendants T and who (and hence provide their department enough to wait who for the departments as those who did what register. Therefore, in 1, 044/766. In order to assess the effects of the experiment and the fair on We present in Section 5 evidence supporting our non-selection hypothesis. modifying this assumption would next raffle. refused had been Therefore, did not register their department affiliation are distributed the attendance recorded in each department by a factor of 1 affiliation whether there was selection by do not believe this was the case: most of those at the fair long fair to participate to play the raffle did so because they visited our stand just after the previous raffle played, and did not the participants their department and registered raffle of participants. who wanted TDA. The important issue that arises decided to play the We which distributed at the entrance of the gift certificate. 573 of them had received our enrollment status. The Everybody had to fair. and the department Each twice. about three quarters) came to play the (i.e., T status We entered the hall. we accurately recorded the number and whether they were currently enrolled attended the attended the The coupons that were number written who number: a student and the few people who refused the coupon were fair, that minutes, and the prize was a $50 Macy's 766 who of active employees pass through the narrow entrance enter the fair their total entrance and distributed a coupon to each person allowed us to count the participants, we recorded fair affect our result. follows, we scale up 13 TDA participation, the However, we will discuss how The university provided us three waves of data. before the wave from October 2001 2001. we wave was obtained The second wave was from March 2001 fair. Finally, first (11 months months (4.5 after the fair) just and the third sent a short questionnaire (reproduced in the appendix) to 917 employees in April The questionnaire was designed to assess the intentions and evaluate the knowledge of An additional goal of sending out the questionnaire was to remind those that were not yet enrolled of their a cue to think about enrolling in the they were enrolled in the TDA, why TDA. TDA to send back the questionnaire, In the questionnaire, we promised a $10 Macy's we we asked employees whether they were not enrolled, whether they saved for retirement would send back the questionnaire within 6 weeks. questionnaire as follows. First, and (potentially) provide them status, through other means, and whether they had attended the restricted the We fair. In order to induce employees gift certificate to any employee who selected 917 employees to receive the sample to those who were not enrolled in the by March 2001. Second, one third of employees (301) were selected among the 573 participants selected fair. September 2000, after the fair). employees about retirement benefits. TDA in who among The did receive the invitation letter. the 1,499 employees last third (305) invitation letter). 14 of questionnaires We who The second fair third (311) of employees were received the invitation letter but did not were selected among our control group (those who come to the did not receive the did not intentionally leave out any departments, but since the number was not very large, there are a number of departments where we did not send any questionnaire. 15 Results: 3 Summary statistics and Reduced form In the presence of social interactions, employees who work themselves. They may be more likely to come 14 Out 15 These departments tend to be smaller, but once we control department belongs, the difference 16 This is in size something we observed at the is small. fair. TO if they did not receive the letter to the fair themselves, because they are reminded by others of the event, or because employees come to the of these 305 individuals. 160 are from the departments where some people in received the letter can be affected by the experiment even differences fair in groups. 16 They may control group and 145 are from the for the dummy also be more control group. indicating in which group the likely to enroll in the TDA even they do not come to the if fair by the action of those who went to the are directly influenced share the information they gathered at the themselves, either because they or because these individuals fair, Thus, employees are potentially subjected to fair. two kinds of treatments: they can receive the invitation can be in a group where some employees received the letter letter themselves (group Tl), and they (departments T). Those who receive the letter are, obviously, subject to both treatments. The summary statistics are displayed in we present the to (3), Table statistics for individuals 1, broken down into 4 groups. In columns who belong has the statistics for the entire group (group T), column (1) group of treated individuals (group Tl), and column individuals in treated departments (group TO). individuals who belong first individuals not enrolled in the differences in the which includes a level. 1 ' same the fair), (1), (2), (3), and (2) column (4), we It is present the statistics for important to note that all and the second row of Panel B) focus only on The fair. In Table differences are estimated and corrects standard TO and group for the has the statistics for the untreated on September 2000 before the (4) present has the statistics Column group Tl and group presents background characteristics. In the first we present by a regression, errors for clustering at the the differences between group 0, 2, T department and group 0, respectively. wave (on September 2000 before a very small proportion of employees started contributing to the TDA (the first wave from September 2000, but we used data from August 2000 to construct the randomization), but there in A TDA A variables across groups. group Tl and group TO, group Panel row of Panel triplet fixed-effect, Columns In (3) to the untreated departments (group 0). these statistics (except the is to treated departments T. (1) is no apparent difference across groups changes caused by the were still fair, not enrolled in the we first in these proportions. Since we are interested focus in the remaining of the analysis on individuals wave (i.e. who by September 2000). Since the groups were chosen randomly, the mean of observable characteristics such as sex, years of service, annual salary, and age, are very similar across groups. In panel B, As it it is visible we can As expected, none of the differences are significant. see that our inducement strategy from inspecting Table 1, had a strong effect on the probability this does not affect the point estimates of the differences. However, reduces the standard errors, by absorbing some unexplained differences across departments of similar sizes and pre-fair TDA enrollment rates. 10 of attending the fair: in treated departments, as In control departments, fewer than is highly significant (Table 5% column 2, much of individuals attended the receive the letter. is 28%, and Thus, the direct which are the same for is enrolled. The account fair attendance. 15.1% for those in the treated departments fair group (which is The (3) of control departments TDA is small and insignificant. 10% at the level. 1.26 percentage points is still, and the and 1.4 percentage point The enrollment). difference The difference people update their difference 20% TDA significant as well TDA group 19 TDA If enrollment. it is is parallelled 24% be increase represents a now is is 19% positive, but positive, and increase still very significant This impact is by an increased point estimate in table 2 is in their large in relative However, because small in absolute terms (an increase of is tiny compared to interventions we made about department we make the extreme assumption fair participation rate for (which would go up to 9%). In addition, The likely to enrollment (such as in Marian and Shea (2001), and Choi of course sensitive to the assumption departments, the group (it between group TO and group status very infrequently, did not register at our desk. from 18 Eleven months significant. in the likelihood of enrollment after 11 months). that change the default rules for who 2). between treated departments and only 1.5% points of enrollment, on a base of 36%)). This effect is Table Obtaining significant differences between these randomly chosen groups means terms (an increase of This result and between groups Tl and TO that our experiment did have an impact on 18 due to no significant difference between groups Tl and TO, however. 19 is after the fair, enrollment is higher in solely After 4.5 months, relatively few people have participation. between groups TO and difference effect, 13.8%. The is enrolled than employees in control departments (4.9% versus 4%). This represents a There a did not out any social Table 2 (2) of who However, employees in treated departments are already significantly more in the enrollment rate. for attendance rate of those effect of receiving the letter (taking between the TO group and the TDA look at controls in the social effects almost as high, at 10.2%, and highly significant (see column we In Panel C, shows that groups TO and Tl) displayed on column difference in the attendance rate social effects) is 1 fair. difference, 16.5%, on large part of the effect of our experiment received our letter The fair. Comparing treated individuals versus (1)). treated departments in columns (2) and (3) of Table who 21.4% of individuals attended the as TDA TO group would we show below fall that down affiliation of fair non registered individuals come all to 11% but that the increase in 11 t-statistic of about 1. be higher than for attendance in the TO still fair participation. even slightly negative, with a attendants (2001a, 2001b)) or that offer individuals the option to allocate automatically future pay et al. rises to TDA contributions (Thaler and Bernatzi (2001)). summary, the In a large effect on encouragement on effect TDA who we present and in Tables 1 2 suggest that the incentive scheme had participation of treated departments (due to a combination of the direct fair effect and the multiplier effect of social interactions), as well as a significant enrollment. This shows that the fair had an effect on the decision to enroll in the TDA. However, those results within treated departments, there who received the letter and those is no difference The next did not. in TDA enrollment between section presents simple models to interpret these results. Understanding the Effects of the Experiment 4 Fair attendance 4.1 Let us analyze the decision to attend the first with letter its As we have fair. promise of a $20 reward increases the probability of attending the this increase in the probability of attending the fair effects in the decision to attend the fair individuals. form seen, receiving our invitation A because TO by <5. As we have individuals are simple way to capture these two effects more fair. Denote seen, there are peer likely to attend than to posit the simple following reduced is specification: f = 5U + liD + e\ 1 where U is /' a is the dummy dummy for attending the fair for f.i in (1). Actually, these presented in Table 20 As /* is 2. e' % is and a is number is random D l a individual effect, dummy indicator for Table 3 presents the estimation parameters 5 in the Taking the difference of the averages of equation a 0-1 variable, equation (1) to ensure that this (1) of e two parameters were already estimated reduced form results (1) across groups T\ and not strictly correct. The left-hand-side should be replaced with the probability of attending the fair for individual of i, indicator for receiving the inducement letter, being in a treated department. 20 Column and individual (1) i, and always between restrictions and 1. imposed on the parameters and the distribution These technicalities can thus are ignored to keep the presentation focused on identification questions. 12 be taken care of easily and TO shows that S group Ti, i TO and = = 0,1. fri — fro where fri denotes average fair attendance shows that = fi fro — /o- given department decides to go to the them information about the her colleagues attend the might talk about it sufficiently if Second, fair. for it can take two forms. fair is First, if an individual in a she might talk to her colleagues about the them who We who received the letter divided by the model these peer each department influence the individual number fair, it effects must be number of of employees in the department) in attendance decision. fair the letter rate in the department of individual fair may by assuming Let us denote by / the average attendance rate in the department of individual on and thus received the letter ready to pay some people $20 to attend the as well. fair, that the average fair attendance rate and the average "letter rate" (defined as the employees give employee receiving the she does not go herself to the if For example, colleagues of those them to attend fair, to join her, and thus increase the probability also conceivable that an is to her colleagues, even the benefits office important fair, details, or ask also affect their attendance rate. think that individuals in Similarly, taking the difference of the averages of equation (1) across groups Peer effects in the decision to attend the letter among The i. and by L i, invitation letter effect and the peer effects participation can be captured by the simple following linear model (see e.g. Manski (1993)) f where v l is the random individual i = 5Li effect, +AL + and (3\ < 1, equation states that getting the letter increases the and the probability of everybody of employees in the department), 1 in the /31 f +v and own A i (2) , are the peer effect coefficients. This probability of attending the fair by 5, department of attending by A/TV (N being the number and that an exogenous percent translates into a final increased fair direct increase in fair attendance of attendance of 1/(1 — (3\) percent through the multiplier peer effect. Obviously, our experiment does not allow us to identify because we have only two instruments: receiving the letter being in a T all L 1 three parameters and the dummy 5, A, and indicator D l (3\ for (versus 0) department. However, the following semi-reduced form of equation 2 identified, 13 is f = 5L + 5 R L + v'\ i Equation (3) can be easily derived from by (2) first (3) averaging equation obtain an expression for /, and then plugging this expression for / in that 5 R = —S + + (A — <5)/(l /?i). The parameters 5 our experiment 21 and can be estimated with an IV regression using Column number (2) of Table 3 presents the estimate of equation of letters is 0.28, and is an increase significant: in The (3). 10% U by department to Simple algebra shows (2). and 5 R of equation (2) (3) are identified and D 1 as instruments. 22 coefficient of the average in the proportion of people received a letter in the department lead to an increase of 2.8% in participation of those not themselves receive the It is perhaps reasonable to impose the additional restriction on equation In that case, equation (2) fair. is identified fair and j3\ attendance only and D l we obtain The as instruments. for large is /3i results are reported on is 1/(1 — letter will induce, the TDA 4.2.1 is, if A= 0, i.e., she decides to go column by September 2000, using (3) of in Table 3. The estimate attendance increases the by 7.5%. Put another way, the multiplier peer an additional person induced to go to the effect, that (2) fair because of the on average four additional individuals to attend Participation The Model showed in Section 3 that individuals in groups Tl and TO This specification externalities 22 that through a trickle-down individuals in group 21 4, did fair. 4.2 We = ft) TDA and precisely estimated: a 10% increase probability that an individual attends the fair effect who can be estimated by running the IV regression (2) on the sample of individuals not enrolled in the U who letter. a person receiving a letter can influence her colleagues to the with TO but only equally likely to enroll in the are in the is group Tl are more TDA same departments and thus exposed similar to that of Acemoglu and Angrist likely to (1999), fair than after the fair. Individuals in to the who attend the same network seek to estimate effects at human capital on earnings. The average L is not exogenous because it is computed over September 2000). 14 all employees (enrolled or not in the TDA by the department The only level. between the 7T and TO groups difference received the inducement letter and hence are that the direct fair effect is zero for those Reduced form evidence from Section than individuals phenomena can explain these First, as individuals in is who likely to attend the have attended the fair and to enroll group TO are more likely to attend the (compared to group for individuals) is measured for the for those individuals treatment effect of TO same population. The who come because the attend the fair for fair just for thus do not get much out This suggests group TO are more in the TDA afterward. Three had a than group individuals, positive effect on their latter effect is the treatment effect of TDA the of the inducement letter while the former effect those individuals it. it group TO individuals effect for who are induced to It is come is fair the to the fair because plausible to think that individuals the $20 might not be very interested in the content of the of likely individuals) because these treatment effects they have been influenced to attend by their colleagues. who fair. not necessarily contradictory with the zero treatment effect group Tl individuals (compared to group are not in fair important to note that this positive treatment is T\ individual results. plausible to think that for this group, attending the fair has participation. It that because of the $20 reward. fair just showed that individuals both to attend the group in 3 also more is In contrast, individuals induced to come by fair and their colleagues (with no financial reward) are likely to be more interested by the event and thus end up being more influenced treatment effect by what they learn We at the fair. will develop and formalize this differential below using the theory of Local Average Treatment Effects (LATE) developed by Imbens and Angrist (1994), and Angrist, Imbens, and Rubin (1996). The second reason why group TO individuals is individuals are that, because of our experiment, and individuals may be influenced by could influence TDA social more likely to enroll in the T departments network effects. TDA We assume, however, that only start enrolling in the TDA. fair attendees who Peer effects within departments who are not enrolled in the Individuals already enrolled in the TDA who attend the decides to enroll in the TDA, can fair fair. TDA induce their colleagues to presumably influence through the second channel and not through the information collected at the 15 departments with their colleagues and thus increase the 23 Second, an individual enrollment rate in their department. 23 are different from enrollment through two channels. First, individuals might share the information obtained on the TDA than group their colleagues directly might also discuss her decision with colleagues, and induce some of them to enroll as Third and more subtle, it is conceivable that, even for an individual well. who would have come to the fair with no external inducement, receiving the letter offering the $20 reward modifies her psychological motivation for attending the the fair, she might convince herself that she really interested in the content of the fair. but there is of rewards. and This literature and Cooper incentives for acting as if direction than providing Lepper et al. (1973) . This type of just for the $20 effect is now paid to attend and thus that she not is not standard in economic models These is summarized in Ross and Nisbett (1991) (pp. 65-67). Festinger (1978) showed that providing people with small financial et al. they hold a given belief promotes greater change in the "rewarded" them with large incentives. Perhaps most closely related to our setting, showed that school children who are rewarded to play with magic markers are less likely to enjoy "work" coming is is substantial evidence in the psychology literature on the motivational consequences (1959) al. Because the individual fair. it than children who are not, as results generated a substantial amount if "play" had subjectively turned into of interest because they go against the conventional reinforcement theory that would appear more intuitive. These three effects, namely the differential treatment effect, the social network and effect, the motivational reward effect can be captured the following simple linear model as follows. Let us assume that i fair attendance increases the probability of by 71 Let us denote by y % the . dummy TDA participation of individual for individual participation in the TDA. We posit the following specification i y The fact that 7* treatment effect. The the treatment effect social network /* effect is Finally, the motivational -y 1 is + l7+ti*. (4) captured by the average reward effect fair participation rate / can be captured by assuming that potentially (negatively) correlated with the letter treatment order to simplify the presentation, It i can vary from individual to individual captures the potentially differential in the department. 24 =7 let . In us assume that -f takes to following simple form would be possible to develop a more general non-linear model but strategy and interpretation. Therefore, U we consider only the simple 16 linear this would not change our estimation framework. . = 7& - 7* where 75 is independent of L the motivational reward assuming that v = ! (this is the and thus that attendance on outcomes fair 7' TDA literature we observe only one on differential independent of is enrollment, effect amounts to simply V In order to define treatment 0. useful to introduce the notion of potential it is i, had he been treatment 1 Monotonicity in group Tl, TO, or 0. Obviously, for each As the of the three potential outcomes for fair attendance. effects has recognized (see Imbens and Angrist (1994)), in order to be able to identify parameters of interest, Assumption component), and v represents effect of the groups Tl, TO, or attendance decision of individual i, standard treatment For each individual, we denote by /'(Tl), /'(TO), and /'(0) the for fair attendance. individual (5) Assuming no motivational reward effect. Each individual belongs to one effects of fair vL\ we need make to Assumption: for each individual the following assumption: /'(Tl) i, > /'(TO) > /'(0). This assumption states that receiving the letter can only encourage individuals to attend the fair (and in no case deter them), and that having one's colleagues receive the letter can also only encourage an individual to attend the fair (relative to the situation where no colleagues receive the letter). This assumption sounds very plausible in the situation we analyze. The Monotonicity assumption implies that the population can be partitioned into four different types. First, the never takers are individuals = such that /'(Tl) /'(TO) = /'(0) = 0. These individuals do not attend the fair and would not attend regardless of the group to which they belong. Second, 1 > /'(TO) financial /'(0) define the financial reward compliers type as individuals such that /'(Tl) = 0. These individuals attend the = /'(TO) = 1 > /'(0) department receives the = only if they receive the These individuals would not attend the 0. letter, but attend the (whether or not they themselves receive the individuals such that /'(Tl) of the fair letter = with the reward promise. Third, we define the social interaction compliers as individuals such that /'(Tl) in their = we = /'(TO) = /'(0) letter). = 1. group to which they belong. We make the following additional assumption. 17 fair if fair if nobody they are in a treated department Finally, we define the always takers as These individuals attend the fair regardless . Assumption 2 Exclusion restriction assumption: u l The assumption means that the letter inviting the decisions of those fair that the error term attendance). who do 25 The we is fair To assess the extent to appendix). There is no assignment status has no direct effect on fair its effect sent did not mention TDA TDA but only benefits in general, and status (see the facsimile in appendix). TDA significant difference in we send the affect decisions, TDA participation after 6 status (see months between departments to which we sent the questionnaire and departments to which we did not (the ference is dif- actually negative at -0.093 percentage points with a standard error of 1.3 percentage Within departments to which the questionnaire was points). l TDA participation which asked detailed questions about 2, L on individual and departmental which written communication could questionnaires described in section U letter (beyond did not contain any mention of the employee's independent of independent of the employee to the not attend the letter ul is sent, the difference is only 0.90 percentage points (with a standard error of 0.94 percentage points) and not statistically significant either. Therefore, the targeted questionnaire participation to the TDA. It is thus is who sent that employees no more did not seem to TDA affect individuals' Assumption 1, a fair enrollment. This echoes the results in Choi et al two versions of a questionnaire to randomly selected employees, and found who likely to TDA plausible to think that, as stated in invitation letter does not directly affect (2001a), on received a questionnaire with subsequently enroll in the more questions about retirement savings were TDA than those who received a version without those questions. 26 Taking the average of equation (4) over groups Tl and TO, and taking the difference, we obtain yT1 - y T0 = E\y'\T\] - £[y 2 |T0] = E\^s f - vf + Tf + u Using the exclusion assumption stating that u r is l \Tl] - E[Ys f + Tf + u*\T0}. independent of L*, we have yTi-yro = E\^ {f{T\) - f(T0))} - vE[f\T\]. 5 However note that assumption those who attended the fair, 1 does not rule out the possibility that the letter can affect the by reducing the fair's effectiveness (through the motivational reward TDA effect status of described above) " This is also evidence that information conveyed through mailing 18 may not have a great impact on final decisions. Using the monotonicity assumption, we then obtain VTi ~ = E{fs \f(Tl) - f (TO) = Vto As P{f(Tl) = 1) = hi 1 and P{p{Tl) ~ f f° JT\ — JTO Thus comparing individuals -/ 1] l T(f (Tl) - • (T0) = E[fs \f(Tl) - = /'(TO) = fn - 1) /'(TO) = 1] = /to, we individuals TO - - (6) . - JTO sum provides an estimate of the of the direct average treatment effect for financial reward compilers and the motivational reward effect. that the social network effects (term Tf) cancel out in the comparison of groups because they are common Individuals in group in TO and effects, TO do TO individuals in effect involved in this over groups TO and y T0 0, Tl and TO do not receive the inducement individuals in group TO. As none of the individuals in groups reward Note to both groups. but some of the peers of individuals in because of network 1) finally obtain /T1 -„ JT1 T\ and - uP(f(Tl) = 1) receive the letter. are more TO and As we have seen attend the likely to fair receive the letter, there is letter in Section 3, than individuals no motivational comparison. More precisely, taking the average of equation and taking the difference, -go = Etf\T0] - E\y l \0] (4) we have = E\Y(f(T0) - f(0))}+T\fT - /„]. Hence, we finally obtain vto JTO -yo = — 70 Thus comparing group TO treatment Our to group effect for social interaction analysis has treatment E tf\fi {T0) _ r (0) = +r . fr ~ fo JTO - provides an estimate of the (7) JO sum compilers and the social network shown that there are effect for financial i] of the direct average effect. four parameters of interest in the model: the average reward compilers, the average treatment effect for social interaction compilers, the social network effect parameter T, and the motivational reward effect v. experiment provides us with only two instruments identify all four parameters together. these four parameters can Only if L and l D l , thus it is clear that we Our cannot, we make additional assumptions about two we estimate the remaining two parameters. In the next 19 subsection, of we discuss three alternative assumptions under which the remaining parameters of the be estimated. is proceed not with the intention of claiming any particular set of assumptions correct, but rather to explore the implications of each assumption. Interpretation under Alternative Identification Assumptions 4.2.2 • We model could No motivational reward and no social network effects In that situation, both parameters T and v are equal to zero, and we can identify both average treatment effects for financial reward compilers and social interaction compilers. Under these assumption, equation (6) reduces to: V ~ f P JT\ ~ JTO 1 Thus, the average treatment IV regression of TDA departments using U effect for financial enrollment on JTO of TDA enrollment on - fair =E[ 1 i i \f (T0)-f i (0) we have = l}. months and 11 months and (9) JO compliers can be obtained by an attendance on the sample of individuals (2) (8) attendance on the sample of individuals in treated effect for social interaction an instrument. Column 4.5 fair 1]. reward compilers can be obtained by a simple as an instrument. Similarly, using (7), yT°- yo The average treatment = EtflfiTl) - f (TO) = (3) in in TO or Table 4 present these IV estimates, after the fair. IV regression groups using for TDA D % as enrollment Consistent with the reduced form evidence, the IV estimates suggest a positive treatment effect on social interaction compliers, and no effect on financial reward compliers. The results in column (3) can be thought of as an upper bound on the effects of the fair itself for the population of social interaction compliers. These individuals are not affected in (9) by the motivational reward, but would be an upper bound of the direct if peers effects are present, the effect of the fair. IV estimate This upper bound is 13.5 percentage points after 4.5 months, and 14.8 percentage points after 11 months. These effects are of comparable size (slightly higher) than those estimated by Madrian and Shea (2002) non-experimental set-up. • Constant Treatment Effects with no motivational reward 20 effect in a If there is no motivational reward same across individuals and equal to and equation are identified = 7, and the standard treatment the both parameters, 7 and T of the structural equation (4) 0) reduces to (6) 7 §^f°= JT\ ~ JTO This ratio is (10) . the IV estimate presented in column (2) in table Therefore, under these restrictive assumptions, is we can conclude 4, which we discuss above. that the direct effect of the = Therefore the overall effect of (7 fair - + r)/ + u, yT attendance on TDA (7 fair and T, we obtain zero for everyone. Taking the average of equation (4) over departments yo effect 7' is effect (u + r)/r + «• (n) participation, taking into account all the social effects, is the ratio =7+ f^f It - r. (12) Jo This overall effect of one additional person attending the the direct causal effect 7 of the fair, and the months and (for participation after 4.5 made here, the difference of The implied • estimates of T columns (1) are 10.14% social effects after 11 In both cases, the overall effect of the 4. (2) gives and 6.7%, on TDA T from equation and after 4.5 and 11 T = 0. who the sum of These estimates (4). an estimate of the social In this case, the standard treatment effect 75 (for those (7), since is (1) in table Under the assumptions significant. Constant Treatment Effects and no social network be obtained directly from participation months) are presented in column fair is positive and fair months effect parameter. respectively. 27 effects did not receive the letter) can In turn, equation (6), with the 75, can be used to recover v. Using the estimates of fri, and fro from table first 2, term set to we obtain an estimate of v of 0.0927 after 4.5 months, and 0.0620 after 11 months. Under these assumptions, receiving the letter reduces the treatment effect of the fair by 4.5 2 months, and 42% for TDA 69% for TDA participation after participation after 11 months. 'Estimates of the direct and social effects parameters (and their standard errors) can also be directly obtained by an IV estimation of equation (4) (where 7 1 = 7), using -D, 21 and L, as instruments. The distinction between differential treatment effects, social network effects, tional reward effects apart. Thus, it is is clear conceptually but our experiment does not allow us to tell useful to describe needed to separate these is a a first what type effects. Differential of alternative experimental designs them would be treatment effects arise in our setting because there stage in our experiment where individuals decide whether or not to attend the result, only a self-selected fraction of individuals attends the fair. Motivational arise and motiva- because individuals receive a monetary payment attending the for fair. reward As effects fair. Social network effects could be identified with the following experiment. Within a subsample of the "treated" departments, a subsample of employees would all attend automatically an information session. This could be done by making attendance a job requirement of employees. One could then test whether the TDA among participation rises relative to that of individuals in untreated departments. the colleagues of the treated Motivational reward effects could be estimated by paying people for attending an information session in a situation where everybody is supposed to attend. For example, in information sessions about benefits. In many new firms, some departments, presented as a normal process through which all hires are often invited to attend this information session could new employees go. be In other departments, attending this information session could be presented as voluntary but a financial reward could be offered for attendance (large enough to induce virtually everybody to attend). If everybody attends in both cases, the average treatment effect would be expected to be the same in both groups in the absence of a motivational reward effect. 28 Evidence of differential treatment effects could potentially be obtained by using non-monetary incentives of various intensity to attend the fair. fair. For example, some employees could be sent a letter simply reminding them of the benefits Others could be sent a more pointed be obtained at the fair. person to attend the fair. groups of compilers and 28 in Note that this setting One them that important information can could also use emails, personal phone These may letter telling different calls or even remind them in encouragement designs are associated with thus allow estimation of different would be close to the experiments carried out Ross and Nisbett (1991). 22 in fair treatment different effects. the social psychology literature reviewed Direct and Overall effects of the 4.3 The model developed clarifies comparisons with naive estimates fair: when the errors that can be done ignoring social effects in experi- mental data. The data also allow us to compare experimental results with observational Table 6 presents alternative estimates of the Columns TDA and (1) (2) are, respectively, the effect of the fair The OLS estimate is OLS estimate is IV fair. (3) TDA who dummy and for participation on fair at- Given as large as the IV estimate. This in benefits to is not surprising, be more likely to attend versus IV estimates and 0.082 is we do not know the estimate attendees TDA who is fair by an is dummy in earlier, information on average than non column (4), TDA the who came effect and the effect based on the fair among attend the TDA all on TDA enrollment. who who received the invitation received the letter. participants is much higher among the sample of fair employees (above 50% versus around 30%). This shows fair, participants (see fair paper would lead to a in this to the fair except for those the sample of those the fraction of likely to we as an instrument, in the complete we have developed effect of identity of those more significant. In actually treated) and overestimate the direct effect on those did not receive the letter than participants are The naive estimate would underestimate the overall effect of the group obtained we noted letter between the estimate of the overall lies misguided causal interpretation of the OLS estimate the overall effect of the and 11 months and are received the letter. Ignoring the analysis the TDA on treated as an instrument for average participation. after 4.5 TO comparison. The For example, as we (3), IV estimate that uses the (since part of the "control" Since of the overall effect of the fair participation on average fair participation in each department, using the sample. This estimate that direct sample (treated and control departments) of employees not enrolled full whether the department present the "naive", letter, TDA for receiving the letter as instrument. more interested (4) present alternative TDA coefficients are 0.057 30 are by September 2000. In column regression of 29 dummy more than three times participation using the in the As we explained above, the T 30 Columns who of the direct effect on estimate, the two estimates are statistically indistinguishable, but given that one would expect those T\ IV and the OLS estimates can be estimated by running an IV regression of the lack of precision of the IV fair. 0.052 and significant. tendance in treated departments, using the the the participation of attending the fair after 11 months; they are limited to employees in departments. 29 the effect of results. probably because they are more interested Madrian and Shea (2002) 23 for in benefits evidence of self-selection). Interpretation and Additional evidence 5 The did the experiment influence fact that, despite the large participation? remaining difference in fair attendance, there is no difference TDA participation between the treated and untreated individuals within treated departments, while there TDA a significant difference in is partments. As we discussed above, the first participation between treated and untreated de- stage results are a clear indication of social effects in the decision to attend the fair, while the interpretation of the more delicate: reward a TDA striking results of the experiment are the large spillover effects at the fair attendance stage, and the in Why Interpretation: 5.1 they could be due to social effects, or common effects, differential TDA participation results treatment effects, is motivational a combination of the three. These three different explanations have, however, feature. They suggests that an individual's decision to participate in the TDA is and not only by the information content of the affected by small changes in the environment, fair. If the results can be entirely explained by social effects, they suggest very strong peer effects, compared to the fair direct effect of the fair. This could be true in two models. conveys useful information, but any information obtained by a diffused to the entire department he belongs to. This not participate in the more than group effect of at least TDA much fair, that at least one in large is member = 0), who is entirely due to the increase fair. departments (93%) than thus that of the if, completely in turn participate in the probability that Indeed, according to the registration the probability that at least one department larger in treated is This model has an additional testable implication: the one member of the department attends the implication of the model than 0). being in a treated department data we collected at the fair is > participant would explain why group Tl individuals do any more than group TO individuals (7 individuals (F fair In the first model, the as one in untreated TDA attends the departments (55%). would expect, the difference department attends the departments, the difference in member fair is larger in An in the probability small departments participation after 4.5 or 11 months between treated and control departments should also be larger within the smaller departments. Indeed, the difference between treated and untreated departments in the probability that at least one person attends the fair is 59% in the department of 81 employees or 24 less (department size for 16% the median employee), and we show A in panel identical in the in the departments with more than 81 employees. However, as form differences of table 5, the reduced two after 4.5 and 11 months are virtually This rejects the hypothesis of complete diffusion of sets of departments. information. Under the second model when individuals letter inviting others to tive of attend the more people attending the they are directly induce to enroll fair), what those who went to the see fair learnt at in fair (or the receiving a TDA (irrespec- the fair or decided to do). Those peer effects thus do not seem to stem from a rational herd behavior in an environment where information is scarce or difficult to obtain (as in the models of Banerjee (1992) or Bikhchandani, Hirshleifer and Welch (1992)). At the same time, there for Another explanation groups of compilers: it for the results is is fair is social pressure to conform to the case, for example, in the decision of that the treatment effects are different for different positive for social interaction compilers, but zero for the financial 5, we explore variations in the effect of the treatment. the (as no strong Bengladeshi women, as in Munshi (2000b)). reward compilers. In Table subgroup, clearly TDA the decisions of the majority regarding the adopt contraception is among those who various observable characteristics which Column (1) reports know received the letter (we average may lead to fair participation in the identity of those who each attended only for this group). Fair participation was larger in small departments than in large departments, and for women than for men. In column (2) and (3), we show the difference in TDA enrollment between treated and control departments after 4.5 and 11 months, respectively. After 4.5 months, the treatment rate before the experiment after 11 that it effect months, this difference shrunk takes more time for those in men and women. TDA Overall, there it social interaction compilers is salaries are high (panel D). departments with low is Panel C initial participation shows that the no evidence that treatment Any However, panel B) or disappeared (in panel D). This suggests participation. across groups defined by observables. and (in departments where the participation in was high (panel B) and average lower salaries to adjust their for seems somewhat larger differential treatment effects are the effects are effect and those with same widely different between financial reward thus not attributable to observable characteristics. Of course, could be due to an unobservable attribute uncorrected with these observable characteristic (like interest in the benefits). Importantly, even 25 if the results are entirely due to differential treatment effects, and they are responsible social interactions take Thus, in this case as well, social take steps which ultimately led to change their If in explaining the second stage results, attendance among the untreated individual in for the variation in fair treated departments. no part TDA network caused some people to effects participation decision. the results are in part explained by the motivational reward would effect, this also pro- vide evidence that individuals' decisions are influenced by small non-economic factors: attending the fair on their own, they are influenced by induced to go by the $20 reward. thus influences their final decision. making In fair Again, this suggests that individuals' process of decision influenced by small changes in the environments. is these potential explanations all influenced by things other than combined with the effects at the new information about is TDA effect of the fair participation stage on the is that the participation costs and benefits of the fact that the effect of the information fair itself terms (the upper bound of the no peer but are not when they have been small perturbation in their motivation to attend the summary, a common thread to decision This, is A it, when was modest TDA. in absolute social interaction compilers, assuming an increase of 14.8 percentage points in the participation rate after 11 months) suggests that an individual's decision to participate in the TDA is not taken as the outcome of a sophisticated decision process of information gathering and careful considerations of the alternatives. This is consistent with a growing on retirement savings behavior, showing that individuals believe that low (Choi et al. et al. (2001a), (2001a)), but that their project to increase Madrian and Shea (2002)), it body of evidence their savings rate are rarely followed is too by action (Choi and that retirement decision are characterized by very strong inertia and adherence to default rules (Madrian and Shea (2001), Choi et al. (2001b)). Thaler and Bertazi (2001) show that savings rates increase dramatically when individuals are offered to enroll in a program We now directly in earnings. in our experiment, employees. We in which they commit now to save a portion of their future increase examine the relationship between information and decision-making by examining responses to a follow-up questionnaire we sent to a sample of find results consistent with the above-mentioned literature. 26 Follow up questionnaires 5.2 A follow up questionnaire sent measure the employees' knowledge of the retirement benefits sj'stem questions to two questions designed to to 917 employees after the fair included in the university, as well as alternative retirement savings options available to employees elicit and to measure the extent of procrastination. Analysis of survey data presents an additional challenge, as the response rate to our questionnaire people TDA error was less than 50%. 31 Clearly, people who respond form a selected group: who respond after 6 is to the questionnaires are 8 percentage points months than those who received 0.017). As we have shown participation: thus this difference it in section 4.2, the questionnaire itself is entirely likely to enroll in the due to selection. had no causal Moreover, those TDA after 6 who effect on received the months than those did not get the questionnaire. 32 In addition, the selection seems different in treated versus control departments. it is example, but did not return the survey (the standard questionnaire and did not respond are less likely to enroll in the who more for only 35% The response in control responses across samples. rate in treated departments departments. On It may 45% (Table 1, panel D), while thus not be very informative to compare the the other hand, network effects within departments seem to have played an important role here too: the response rates within treated departments are essentially identical. had received the is fair invitation letter were able to among A tell treated and untreated individuals plausible explanation is their colleagues that that those we had who delivered on our promise of sending the reward. Since the response rates are the same, the assumption that the selection process is the same is reasonable. Thus, we can compare treated and untreated individuals within treated department. the response among These responses are not repre- sentative of the population in general, but representative of the segment of the population that tends to respond to this type of questionnaires. The results are presented in Table 7. People to have attended the fair than people to the questionnaire attended (while the control group, 31 32 This Since is a common 29% who who answered the questionnaire are more likely did not: in the treated group, 28% 43% of the respondents of the entire treated population attended), of the respondents attended (compared to 15.1%). problem: the survey on savings intention by Choi et we have shown above al. is in difference in (2001a) had a response rate of that the questionnaire had no causal effect on enrollment, this 27 The and 33% a sign of selection. , attendance (14%) whole (13.1%), which we had recorded rates with the at the fair. Yet, the satisfaction fair. is 33 attendance in this sample: our reward was less likely to find the treatment is fair useful for almost as large as the difference in fair participant induced by (thus supporting the hypothesis of differential having received the letter reduces effects), or that group than significantly higher for the control suggests either that the marginal it as a Respondents report very high satisfaction the treatment group (95% against 85%). This difference fair two groups similar to the difference in fair attendance between the is fair satisfaction (supporting the motivational reward effect hypothesis). we In panel B, who for those report the response to the question "why are you not enrolled in the could check as many likely to report that 10% the them report that they are not enrolled (none of answers as were applicable. are more likely to They Individuals in the treatment group are less is significant at say that they want to enroll soon, but have not found the time yet (45% versus 36%), although the t-statistic is just 1.3. 34 All the other reasons for not contributing are mentioned equally often in both groups. is are actually enrolled). they lack information (20% versus 30%). The difference They level. TDA?" The reason "plan to enroll soon" the single most often cited reason for not contributing in both groups. In panel C, we match this answer with their future behavior. Actual behavior nobody who did not Among are also more Panel D TDA?" Not 33 10% do so. 35 Thus, surprisingly, those in the treatment difference is This for only 75% in in the likely to so. Among treated have good intentions, but 1, likely to say that they obtain way we recorded departments at the fair-even of the participants. in fair participation: want to enrol on whether an individual went to the who were not is more group are more 9%, almost as large as the difference thus give a coefficient very close to attendee planned to enroll do letter individuals are This similarity suggests that there was no systematic bias The well short of intention. shows the answer to the question "where do you obtain information about the to report that one 35 who falls likely to procrastinate. though we recorded them 34 correlated with intention (virtually declare that they intended to enroll did so) but untreated individuals, 16.7% of those individuals, is which is also fair, a simple IV on the probability using the letter as instrument, would what Madrian and Shea (2002) obtain: all seminar 14% of those virtually yet enrolled in the plan were intending to enroll soon after the seminar. the ballpark of other studies. Following the survey conducted by Choi et who intended to enroll in the 14% of the attendees (who all TDA did. al. (2001a), Following the financial education session in Madrian and Shea (2002), intended to enroll) did. 28 it from the fair (and the difference, 11%, However, they are less likely is close to the 14% difference in fair attendance). to obtain information from the benefits fair information packet (77% versus 93%). Those two sources of information thus appear to be substitutes. The other sources of information seem to be used equally by both groups. E Panel employee is reports answers to the knowledge questions. or is not enrolled in the we asked them whether they know (DC) benefits are invested. TDA the (when we sent the number If Treatment and control groups are about as they are contributing: total 60% 74% and 71%, likely to give the correct answer part, since this letter in the knowing their (89% versus 94%). 37 DC plan and can choose have more than one randomly allocates them to one vendor. know the number status This could of vendors with who in received the letter are (94% versus 99%), and reflect whom answer the question, and, However, those TDA Defined Contribution Many employees respectively, ventured to 36 of each group gave the right answer. significantly less likely to report office whether the is none of them were). Second, whom their Employees are automatically enrolled they do not make a choice, the benefits question first letter, of vendors with to invest their contributions with four different vendors. vendor. The less likely to some over-confidence on their was sent only to those who were not contributing. This lends some support was high, the to the motivational reward hypothesis: in this group where the fair attendance treated group has less knowledge than the group that was not directly treated. In summary, participation in the fair did not seem to have a large impact on the information set of those who received the letter: they In fact, they are research. more seem to have substituted likely to fair attendance be unsure about their actual TDA for individual status, and to wrongly report themselves as contributing even though they are not. However, they are likely to think soon. Of of those 36 less they they suffer from a lack of information, and more likely to plan to enroll course, it who went does not imply that the fair did not have an impact on the information set to the fair without the letter (used here as the control group). Those who did not answer are counted as having given the wrong answer. ^Incidentally, this level of misclassification underscores the importance of working with administrative data when studying TDA savings behavior. 29 Conclusion 6 This paper has attempted to identify the causal effects of information and social interaction on employee decisions to enroll in an employer sponsored Tax Deferred Account retirement plan. Our encouragement strategy successfully induced treated employees to attend a benefits The experimental design allowed us to demonstrate that peer effects are an important factor in determining whether employees attend the In the second stage of the study, fair. we presented evidence that individuals affected by the experiment are indeed more likely to enroll in the we after the fair. Interestingly, among those whom we to be very small We find that the direct causal effect of fair attendance directly induced to attend the fair compared to the effect of proposed three different interpretations, and motivational reward effects, to us to distinguish unambiguously by means of a differentia] treatment on an attendee financial being in a department with high TDA reward seems fair participation. effects, social network effects, account for these findings. Our experiment does not allow among of a simple experiment in a social fair. these interpretations, thus illustrating how the analysis and economic context may be substantially more complicated than expected. We are, nevertheless, able to provide enrollment: attending the fair increases 15% 11 (in a sample of people months is who were an upper bound to the TDA participation 11 effect of months not enrolled). Average initially only 7.5% in the control group (of which 5% the benefits later TDA attended the by a on fair maximum of participation after fair). Mandatory fair participation might thus produce a non-negligible increase in the enrollment flow, comparable to the effect of introducing a it 25% employer matching contribution (Choi et al. 2001a). However, remains small compared to changing default enrollment rules (Madrian and Shea (2001)) or offering delayed enrollment, as in the enrollment the "Save More Tomorrow" program (Thaler and Bernatzi, 2001). This paper also provides experimental evidence that social interactions are a powerful mech- anism in the process of information acquisition (i.e., the decision to seek additional information). Individuals do not instantly learn about economic opportunities, and their informational envi- ronment has a strong effect on their economic decisions. Low household savings levels in the United States have concerned academics and policy makers. Recognizing that savings decisions 30 are influenced by peers' savings decisions could improve our understanding of enroll in TDAs, and may why individuals provide a rationale for organizing 401 (k)s through the workplace. large effect of a small reward on fair attendance, amplified by The social effects, also suggests that individuals do not optimally seek out and process information on their own. While the motivational reward effect must be addressed, encouraging employees to attend benefits fairs may be a useful complement to automatic enrollment. Finally, this study has shown that it is relatively simple and inexpensive to carry out an experiment within a large firm to study important economic research questions. 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Mimeo Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago. 35 Table 1: Descriptive Statistics, by groups Treat;ed departments Treated All (group T) (group Tl) (group TO) TDA 0.010 0.009 0.011 0.012 (.0021) (.0022) (.0024) 4168 2039 2129 2043 of observations 0.398 0.400 0.396 0.418 (.0076) (.0109) (.0107) (.011) Years of Service Salary 5.898 5.864 5.930 6.008 (.114) (.161) (.16) (-157) 38547 38807 38297 38213 (304) (438) (422) (416) 38.3 38.4 38.2 38.7 (.17) (.24) (.24) (.24) 4126 2020 2106 2018 Age Number of observations PANEL B: FAIR ATTENDANCE (REGISTRATION DATA) 0.214 0.280 0.151 0.049 (.0064) (.01) (.0078) (.0048) 4126 2020 2106 2018 Fair attendance among non-TDA enrollees Number of observations 0.192 0.063 (.0132) (.0103) 6687 3311 Fair attendance all (4) (.0015) participation Sex (% male) for (group 0) BACKGROUND CHARACTERISTICS A: before the fair (Sept. 2000) Number Departments (3) (2) (1) PANEL Untreated Untreated employes staff Number of observations PANEL C: TDA PARTICIPATION (ADMINISTRATIVE DATA) 0.045 0.053 0.049 TDA participation after 4.5 months Number 1 1 (.0049) (.0051) (.0045) 3726 1832 1894 1861 of observations TDA participation after months 0.088 0.089 0.088 0.075 (.005) (.0071) (.007) (.0065) 3246 1608 1638 1633 Number of observations PANEL Number RESPONSE RATE TO THE ADDITIONAL QUESTIONNAIRE D: Response 0.040 (.0035) rate 0.452 0.440 0.464 0.352 (.018) (.0201) (.0405) (.0402) 765 6F2 1_53 142 of observations Notes: 1 -Standard errors in parentheses. 2-The first part of Panel B includes all individuals not enrolled in the September 2000. The second part includes 3-The average collected at the fair participation in the fair. Since only registered, the participation 75% all in the TDA) non-treated department was obtained from the registration information of the participants was adjusted by 4-Demographic information and TDA by employes (enrolled or not TDA a proportionality factor. participation are all obtained from administrative data Table PANEL 2: A- Differences in background characteristics, fair attendance and Treated vs Untreated in treated depts. vs untreated depts. vs untreated depts. X T -X X Tr X T X T0-X Xti-X (1) (2) il) (4) -0.023 0.003 -0.027 -0.017 (.024) (.015) (.022) (.025) -0.169 -0.061 -0.089 -0.205 (.386) (.252) (.384) (.362) 524 369 208 760 (964) (561) (847) (1002) -0.56 0.16 -0.52 -0.48 (.53) (.33) (.52) (.49) 6144 4126 4124 4038 Age Number of observations 0.158 0.138 0.090 0.231 (.021) (.019) (.02) (.022) 6144 4126 4124 4038 Number of observations C: TDA PARTICIPATION participation after months 4.5 0.0097 -0.0068 0.0126 0.0075 (.0043) (.0063) (.0053) (.0048) 5587 3726 3755 3693 Number of observations TDA participation 1 1 after months 0.0141 0.0023 0.0133 0.0153 (.0063) (.0103) (.0082) (.007) 4879 3246 3271 3241 0.0070 0.1655 0.1465 Number of observations PANEL D: Treated FAIR ATTENDANCE Fair attendance PANEL in treated dcpts. BACKGROUND CHARACTERISTICS Salary TDA Untreated Treated depts. Years of Service B: participation, by treatment status vs untreated depts. Sex (% male) PANEL TDA RESPONSE TO THE QUESTIONNAIRE 0.1516 response rate to the questionnaire (.0366) (.0519) (.0521) (.0376) 907 765 295 754 Number of observations Notes: 1 -Regression adjusted differences in means: departments were matched according to size and participation, and triplets of departments of similar contribution The regressions control for the triplet to 2-Standard errors (reported in fair. Since only registered, the participation 75% is in the non-treated at the of the participants TDA participation are restricted to individuals who were all department level department was obtained from the registration information was adjusted by a proportionality 4-Demographic information and 5-The sample and size were formed. parentheses below the coefficient) are corrected for clustering 3-The average attendance or participation collected at the rate which the department belongs. factor. obtained from administrative data not enrolled in the TDA before the fair. Table 3: Individual and social effects on fair attendance Attended the ols Dummy for received letter Dummy for treated rv iv (2) (3) 0.138 0.132 0.133 (.019) (.019) (.019) 0.090 department (.022) Average number of letters in the 0.285 department Average participation fair in the fair (.072) 0.753 to the department (.094) Observations 6144 6144 6144 Notes: 1- All regressions control for the triplet to which the department belongs 2-Standard errors (reported 3-In the is in parentheses) are adjusted for clustering IV regressions, the instrument treated, a dummy set consists of a dummy for at the department level whether the department for whether the individual received the letters, and the triplet to the department belongs. which Table 4: IV regressions: Effect of fair attendance on T vs TDA participation 4.5 after months Number of observations TDA participation 1 1 after months Number of observations depts. Letter vs non-letter Non-letter in depts. (y-ryo)/(frfo) (1) in vs depts. T depts. Letter indiv. vs depts. depts. (yTi-yToVlfrrfro) (y-n-yo)/(frrfo) (2) (3) (4) 0.0568 -0.0446 0.1348 0.0300 (.0257) (.0402) (.0625) (.0195) 5587 3726 3755 3693 0.0817 0.0142 0.1488 0.0599 (.0399) (.0641) (.102) (.029) 4879 3246 3271 3241 Treated department Instruments T (y-ro-yoVCfro-fo) TLT0 T1,T0,0 Sample TDA participation Received T0,0 letter T1,0 Treated department Received Notes: 1- Dependent variables are individual enrollment 2- Independent variable is in the TDA 4.5 months and 1 lmonths individual fair attendance 3- All regressions control for the triplet of the department 4- Standard errors (in parentheses) are corrected for clustering at the department level after the fair letter Table 5: Fair attendance and treatment effect in different groups Difference Group T-Group TDA Fair attendance in Tl participation after 4.5 (letter recipients) A: DEPARMENT PANEL B: after 1 1 months (3) SIZE Below median (81) Above median TDA participation (2) (1) PANEL months (81) 0.328 0.009 0.013 (.015) (.0071) (.0106) 985 2797 2403 0.235 0.009 0.015 (.0132) (.0047) (.0079) 1035 2790 2476 DEPARTMENT AVERAGE PARTICIPATION Below median (34%) Above median (34%) IN THE TDA BEFORE THE EXPERIMENT 0.259 0.006 0.013 (.0134) (.0059) (.009) 1062 2929 2523 0.304 0.013 0.016 (.0149) (.0064) (.0094) 958 2658 2356 PANEL C: GENDER Women Men PANEL D: 0.320 0.012 0.014 (.0134) (.0071) (.01 12) 1213 3298 2843 0.221 0.007 0.011 (.0146) (.0071) (.0086) 807 2289 2036 SALARY Below Median ($34021) Above Median ($34021) 0.269 0.001 0.015 (.0141) (.006) (.0088) 983 2745 2291 0.291 0.018 0.015 (.0141) (.0065) (.0104) 2842 2588 1037 1-The sample 2-Columns 2 in column and 3: 1 is composed of individuals in group TI Regression adjusted differences in means: department were matched according to size and participation, and triplets The regressions control of departments of similar contribution rate and size were formed. for the triplet to 3-Standard errors (reported in which the department belongs. paretheses below the coefficient) corrected for clustering at the department level Table 6: Comparison with naive estimates: effect of the fair on TDA enrollment Overall effect Individual effect IV OLS IV "Naive" IV (1) (2) (3) (4) -0.045 0.016 0.057 0.001 (.04) (.011) (.026) (.026) 3726 1832 5587 5587 0.014 0.052 0.082 0.042 (.064) (.018) (.04) (.039) A. Participation after 4.5 months Fair attendance B. Participation after 11 months Fair attendance 3246 Sample 1608 Treated individuals departments Received Instrument who 4879 4879 Complete Complete received the letter sample NONE Treated department letter sample Received letter Notes: 1- Dependent variables are individual enrollment 2- Independent variable is in the TDA 4.5 months and 1 1 months after the fair individual fair attendance 3- All regressions control for the triplet of the department 4- Standard errors (in parentheses) are corrected for clustering at the department level 5- The sample in column (1) is limited to individuals (not enrolled in the departments. The sample in column (2) TDA by by Sept. 2000). Sept. 2000. The sample in is limited to individuals column (3) and TDA by Sept. 2000) in Treated who received the letter (not enrolled in the (4) is limited to individuals not enrolled in the TDA Table of the fair on attitudes and knowledge 7: Effect Treated departments Control (Received invitation) Treament (1) Difference (2) (3) A. Fair participation and impressions Fair participation Number of observations Fair satisfaction (for those who attended the fair B. Response to the question Not enough information Cannot afford "Why are you it 0.286 0.140 (.054) (.064) 301 70 371 0.849 0.950 -0.101 (.027) (.05) (.047) 0.306 -0.107 currently not enrolled in the 0.200 to save for retirement Plan to enroll soon but no time to do 0425 (.029) yet Other ways to save for retirement TDA?" (.025) (.059) (063) 0.328 0.371 -0.043 (.029) (.062) (.075) 0.446 0.355 0.091 (.031) (.061) (.07) 0.220 0.242 -0.022 (.026) (.055) (.063) 255 62 317 C. Enrollment 6 months after the questionnaires Individuals who report that they plan to enroll soon Individuals who did not report that they plan to enroll 0.099 0.167 -0.067 (.029) (.09) (.096) 0.020 0.000 0.020 (.013) (.01) D. Response to the question "where do you obtain information about benefits?" Benefits fair Benefits information packet Personal visit to the BO Other information seminar Colleagues Family or friends Administrative officer E. Knowledge about TDA status Reported that she knew the number of vendors with which she Gave the correct answer about TDA status the correct 0.254 0.117 (.052) (.054) 0.771 0.930 -0.158 (.024) (.031) (.039) 0.123 0.085 0.038 (.019) (.033) (.05) 0.204 0.211 -0.007 (.023) (.049) (.049) 0.252 0.310 -0.058 (.025) (.055) (.053) 0.265 0.239 0.026 (.026) (.051) (.051) 0.049 0.014 0.035 (.012) (.014) (.025) 300 71 371 benefits Reported that she knew her Gave 0.370 (.028) answer about pension plan 0.938 0.986 -0.048 (.014) (.014) (.022) 0.738 0.714 0.024 (.029) (.061) (.058) -0.056 0.887 0.944 (.018) (.028) (.033) 0.603 0.607 -0.004 (.032) (.066) (.069) 235 56 291 Notes 1-A11 statistics are weighted by population weight 2-Standard errors of the difference corrected for clustering 3-Sample is restricted to treated deparments at the department level October 31, 2000 Name Line 1 Line 2 City state zip Dear Name: You have just received your Open Enrollment packet from the Benefits Services Group, inviting you to the Benefits Fair 2001. The Fair will be held in two locations: November llam-2:30pm 7, ADDRESS ERASED November 8, 1 lam - 2:30pm ADDRESS ERASED This year, as part of a study (conducted jointly by the Benefits Services Group and economics researchers) impact of the Fair on benefits choices, we are offering a reward of $20 to 2,000 employees, just for attending the Fair. Funding for these rewards was contributed from a research grant. We selected those employees by a simple lottery, and your name was among those drawn. to better understand the In order to receive this name at weeks following the you that the you have a note find the Fair helpful in reward is to do is to Sincerely yours, of the Benefits Office Associate Director come main and give your check within the two to the Fair with this letter, hall. You will receive a making your benefits choices. However, we want to completely independent of your benefits decisions. of these dates (November 7 or November 8) there. Name all Fair. We hope that you will emphasize Make $20 reward, the registration table that will be located in the in your calendar, and we look forward to seeing st April 1 , 2001 Name Line 1 Line 2 City state zip Dear Name: We are currently studying whether benefits fairs, along with other information, convey the necessary information to we would members of the way of obtaining university community. you a few questions about your experience in obtaining information on the university retirement plans. If you could take a few minutes to complete the questionnaire attached to this letter, your response would be greatly appreciated. Your responses will be strictly confidential and will not be used In the context of our study, for any purpose other than the study. like to ask You may mail your responses in the envelope provided. we $10 Macy's As a token of our appreciation, we receive the completed questionnaire. Please return the questionnaire on or before 15. Sincerely, will send you a gift certificate when May First name, Last name Please answer the following 6 simple questions. if you are be used not sure of an answer. no purpose other than for (1) In addition to Your answers You will can check the "don't know" answer remain strictly confidential and will this study. your Basic Retirement Account, the university makes a monthly contribution of 3.5% of your monthly salary to an Individual Investment Account(s). decide how this contribution should be invested from a Through how many investment companies are list You of four investment companies. you currently investing this contribution? -One.... -Two.... -Three -Four -Don't (2) know The university offers a supplemental retirement plan called the Tax-Deferred (TDA) program. Through Account TDA program, you can add to your retirement savings by contributing a portion of your salary on a pre-tax basis. You pay no taxes on these savings or the investment income until you withdraw your funds. You decide how much to contribute choose how the and the university deducts your contributions from your paycheck. You to invest your savings from a wide range of funds offered by four different vendors You are not automatically enrolled in the Are you currently enrolled -Yes in the TDA program. Tax-Deferred Account (TDA)? (go to question 4) -No -Don't (3) [To be Why know only if you are not currently enrolled in the TDA] you currently not enrolled in the TDA (check all answers filled out are -You do not have enough information on the TDA: -Right now, you cannot afford to save for your retirement: -You plan to enroll soon, but did not have the occasion to do -You save for your retirement through other means: (NEXT PAGE, PLEASE) it yet: that apply)? First name, last name. (3b) If you check the last answer, which other means are you using to save for retirement: -TDA through spouse's employer: -Individual Retirement Account (IRA): -Employer provided pension plan (own): -Employer provided pension plan (spouse): -Other mutual funds: -Other (4) [To be filled out From which of the (check all by everybody] following sources do you get information about the retirement plans that apply)? -The benefits information fair: -Benefits information packet: -You came in person to the Benefits office: -You attended an information seminar: -Colleagues: -Family or friends: -The Administrative Officer of your department: -None (5) Did you attend the benefits information fair in the fall? -Yes: -No: (6) If you -Yes: -No: did, did you find it useful? MIT LIBRARIES 3 9080 02246 2334