Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/interestgroupselOOsnyd HB31 Il415 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series INTEREST GROUPS & THE ELECTORAL CONTROL OF POLITICIANS James M. Snyder, Jr. Michael M. Ting Working Paper 05-3 February 3, 2005 RoomE52-251 50 Memorial Drive 02142 Cambridge, MA This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection http://ssrn.com/abstract=661582 at INTEREST GROUPS AND THE ELECTORAL CONTROL OF POLITICIANS 1 James M. Snyder, Departments Jr. of Political Science and Economics Massachusetts Institute of Technology Michael M. Ting Department of Political Science and SIPA Columbia University February 3, 2005 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY FEB 1 1 LIBRARIES 1 We Brook acknowledge the financial support of National Science Foundation Grant SESthank David Austen-Smith, Clare Leaver, and panel participants at the 2004 Stony gratefully 0079035. We Political Economy Conference and 2004 annual meetings of the Midwest Political Science Association, Society for Social Choice and Welfare, and American Political Science Association for useful comments and discussion. Abstract Are elections used to select good candidate types or to reward performance? These goals can be incompatible because the retention of good types prevents citizens from using votes We develop a model of repeated electoral competition that examboth incentives. In each period, a randomly-drawn interest group attempts to "buy" an incumbent's policy choice, and a voter chooses whether to replace the incumbent with an unknown challenger. The model predicts that "above average" incumbents face little discipline, but others are disciplined increasingly and re-elected at a higher rate as the interest group becomes more extreme. Extensions of the model consider term limits, long-lived groups, and to discipline incumbents. ines — multiple groups. — 1. Interest group politics How one of the most important topics in political economy and However, while theorists have been analyzing formal models of interest political science. group politics is more than for thirty years, one aspect of the should strategic voters vote when they know ways the voters do not policies in Introduction like? problem remains underdeveloped: that interest groups are trying to skew This issue has been overlooked because existing models focus on the calculations and strategic interactions of interest groups and As a result, politicians. these models treat voters as a black box, or at best as myopic actors that respond 1 only to the short-run campaign promises of the current election. One obvious tions voters and place to turn politicians approximately as is the work on political agency, which focuses on the calcula- make in a principal- agent far as the interest framework. That literature goes back group literature - Barro (1973) and has produced important insights about the possibilities and vs. Stigler (1971) limits of using elections to 2 control the behavior of politicians and/or select "good" types of politicians. models in - None of the this literature, however, explicitly incorporate interest groups as a strategic actor. This paper takes a step toward combining the two literatures - to our knowledge, the first step. We analyze an infinite horizon game in which a representative voter office-holder in each period. In each election, the voter chooses a randomly-drawn challenger. about holding office. The elects a single between an incumbent and voter cares about policy outcomes, while politicians care Each period, Nature also draws an interest group that can offer a contract to the incumbent for choosing particular policies. Each challengers' value of office (denoted w) is drawn from a stationary until she achieves office. l An distribution and cannot be revealed to the voter incumbent's "price" for an interest group therefore depends on See Peltzman (1976), Denzau and Munger (1986), Grossman and Helpman (1994, and 2001, Chapters and Persson and Tabellini (2000, Chapter 7) for examples of the former, and Austen-Smith (1987), 7-9), (1994), and Grossman and Helpman (1996, and 2001, Chapter 10) for examples of the latter. sampling of the literature includes Ferejohn (1986), Rogoff and Sibert (1988), Austen-Smith and Banks (1989), Rogoff (1990), Banks and Sundaram (1993, 1998), Harrington (1993), Fearon (1999), Barganza (2000), Besley and Smart (2001), Hindriks and Belleflamme (2001), Le Borgne and Lockwood (2001a, 2001b), Besley (2003), Smart and Sturm (2003, 2004). Baron 2 A The w. voter thus has incentives both to retain good incumbent types as well as to induce good performance from them. We study several variants of this model. In the first, the voter can stationary contracts for controlling the politician. In the second, commit to optimal we drop the commitment assumption and examine both stationary and simple (two-state) non-stationary The model is then extended to incorporate finite replaced after serving their T-th term. Finally, lived interest Our and results reveal several equilibria. where incumbents must be briefly consider the cases of an infinitely- important features of the tension between inducing performance she will re-elect an incumbent only The limits, group and multiple interest groups. selecting types. In an environment point. we term voter may where the voter can commit to re-election contracts, the chosen policy if is sufficiently close to her ideal allow policy to deviate from her ideal point somewhat, however, to prevent excessive interest group vote buying. Policies that are too far from the group's ideal will induce the group to "buy" expected lifetime payoff. An its ideal policy instead, at a cost equal to the incumbent's incumbent's "price" therefore depends on her anticipation of future re-elections. For a given incumbent type, the voter thereby maximizes her policy re-election in all future periods. However, the voter may performance from every incumbent type. Since incumbents who value command by promising office maximum more highly also higher prices, voters have an incentive to remove "low- to" incumbents. Therefore, in the contracting equilibrium the voter will always and always remove retained if when is it utility not wish to induce sufficiently keep sufficiently high quality incumbents low quality incumbents. In between, incumbents may be groups are extreme, as this allows the voter to achieve some policy performance most needed. Somewhat counterintuitively, our election rates should increase as policies diverge When we remove the assumption of of equilibrium assumed. induce performance is In an model thus predicts that from the voter's re- ideal. re-election contracts, the results depend on the form equilibrium in stationary strategies, the voter's ability to severely constrained. Since votes are cast after policies are chosen, the voter's type-selection incentives are too strong and all incumbent types produce the same policy results as the worst type. When we additionally drop the strong stationarity restriction, however, the results can change dramatically. We show that by using simple non-stationary contracting equilibrium can be restored. We should note that this "trigger" strategies the not an obvious result, is because we cannot use standard repeated-game punishment strategies, since the punishment instrument eliminates players. we consider a few extensions Finally, imposed, an incumbent's term of office acts increases, the price of her vote decreases. formance, and becomes As a result, in to this framework. much The finite term limits are As an incumbent's experience her w. like When voter therefore loses the ability to induce per- incumbents as they become more experienced. less likely to re-elect both the contracting and non-stationary, non-contracting environments, voters cannot benefit from term limits. group and multiple groups. We also briefly consider the effect of a long-lived interest The former weakens a voter's electoral control group more "buying power," while the latter strengthens it when groups by giving the are on ideologically opposite sides of the voter. Several recent papers in the literature on political agency argue that elections are mainly about "selecting good types" rather than "sanctioning poor performance" and Smart, 2001; Besley, 2003). The argument 1999; Besley preferences, and if the game is if when it question of type: re-elect her, 3 See, e.g., politicians have policy then in any subgame it clearly: "although the electorate would to a retrospective voting rule to motivate self-interested politicians optimally, comes time preferences?" if Fearon, they care only about selecting politicians with "good" preferences. Fearon (1999, page 57) states commit that finite or if politicians are finitely-lived, perfect equilibrium voters will behave as like to is (e.g., If and to vote it makes sense which candidate is more for the electorate to focus completely if they believe the incumbent's type Dutta (1995) for be principled and share the public's likely to voters believe the incumbent's type on the is is better than average, then they must worse than average, then they must a more general treatment of such repeated dynamic games. 4 replace her. This logic might apply to a world in which politicians actually have policy preferences. However, some theorists argue that, at least in the long run, office-motivated politicians out policy-motivated politicians will drive Calvert, 1986). (e.g., assuming that politicians nonetheless act as for if An alternative rationale they are policy motivated is to assert that they have "induced" policy preferences - induced by some underlying contract with a Our set of interest groups. results show that the argument in the previous paragraph does not necessary hold in a world where politicians' have "policy preferences" that are induced by payments from interest groups. As noted above, in our model the voter can employ a voting strategy that both sanctions and selects, even with finitely-lived politicians. that required is is that players use non-stationary strategies of a very simple type. All One key difference between a world with politicians and interest groups and a world with policy- motivated politicians to prevent is that in the first bad policy outcomes, while case voters must always monitor in the second case voters politicians in order who have found a "good" politician can simply let her act according to her preferences. 2. Our model We horizon. common is one of policy-making and elections in a single constituency over an denote periods with a subscript factor 5 In each period interest that the 4 it P The Model € t Players t. all infinite discount future payoffs by a (0, 1). — 1,2,... there are four players; a politician (P), a group (G t ), and an election challenger (C ). t median voter (M), an Since the incumbent is endogenous, note (redundantly) denotes the incumbent politician of a given period, with Co representing first incumbent. Thus if Ci defeats Co, then P "becomes" Ci in period 2, and so on. 3, page 14) states the problem as follows: "the existence of good types makes commit to a re-election rule as they are no longer indifferent (ex post) between the incumbent and a randomly selected challenger. Voters would actually prefer to commit to the Besley (2003, Chapter impossible for voters to voting for is used under moral hazard. However, they cannot do so. This finding casts light on the moral hazard model to a small variation of the model which includes politician types. This is because the strict indifference rule that underpins incentives in that case allows the voters to commit. Once this indifference is broken, then there is actually a constraint on optimal voting strategies." voting rule that fragility of the > P and C period care about holding office, while M in different assumed that is G : 3ft is CT politician w elected in period wT to denote generic types. u but has quasilinear + | : £>(3ft+) — » r, G G may In each period t ; thus, in period G t 's 7 v(0) > ideal policy B(X) : X— = 0, —> all 3ft_ is and [0,1] "type." receives t, w t is Each g is t We T. £ X. u M (x w t t ), where An incumbent receives a office thereafter) refer to as a politician's "type," drawn an incumbent according to the i.i.d. - drawn CT G t B = {b X — : receives: b t (x t ). t, when she receives: b t (x t ), continuous and single-peaked. Let gt with support of moves i.i.d. assume that = argmax Xt u Gt (-) G X denote according to the probability measure for all G t u Gl (x , t ) = v(x t —g t) with in each period t is as follows. All actions are perfectly observable players unless otherwise noted. Group Draw. Nature selects group Alternatively, we could assume that their preferences results. P 5 so that groiip utility functions are identical up to changes in type. The sequence by t = wT + t : can control t with support Q. She does not have policy preferences, [0, 1] u Gt (x ) where u Gt We receive non-zero utility only in period t M t, but possibly holding u p (x t ,w T ) Finally, G and a non-negative transfer or "bribe" b utility over measurable} offered by b M 9ft. m = argmax« M (-) per period upon each election. probability measure 9ft C In each period continuous and single-peaked and (i.e., fixed benefit of and use X policy in can credibly commit to these payments. ( Player utilities are represented as follows. —> The care about policy. t ways; the former by voting, and the latter by offering payments in return for policies chosen. It uM X G and an element x t from the convex, compact set is t t - i.e., all G t . groups have the same ideal point in their willingness to pay for favorable policy shifts. g, but differ in the intensity of This yields qualitatively similar G Vote Buying. P Policy Choice. a transfer schedule b & B, unobserved by M. 6 P offers t C We (0). t If M casts a vote r period t. H x t t 's for the G {0, 1} over revealed to x incumbent That strategy /3t : as follows. Let H t x Q > {0, 1} is, after the policy choice, maps P (1) or elect a challenger Strategies for each player denote the set of game histories prior to » the history through period t—1, the choice. histories, types, bribes, Xt ' H t x Finally, ft B~ X x F x * M's strategy p t : and policy choices into a vote The Contracting Game in each period M we t, M subgame examine a case game be modified in which M may write G t 's so that instead of choosing a vote vote buying. Following convention, we perfect equilibria (SSPE). This requires that players and optimally when faced with we first commits to a vote based on actions from that announces p t prior to the incumbent's type. Additionally, £r t — B maps x F history-independent strategies. M's period label re-elect or challenger. restrict attention to stationary we H and bribe schedules into a policy X— period. Formally, this requires that the act identically whether to unobserved by M. M. establish a baseline for comparison, "contracts." is t perfect equilibria in pure strategies. 3. To t w and her type into a bribe schedule. P's strategy B x F x is subgame histories, types, Q t mappings defined Then G politician type, w wins, t will derive are measurable maps C 7 chooses x t € X. Challenger Draw. Nature selects challenger Cj, where Election Voting. ' t t identical continuation games, and hence imply contract can thus condition only on gt will focus on the set of optimal SSPE for , x t , and M, which . 6 The unobservability 7 This gives intuitions hold all but is not required for our results. power to the group. However, our main results and assumptions about how the bargaining/agenda-setting power is of the transfer schedule simplifies the analysis of the bargaining/agenda-setting under a variety of different divided between the politician and the group, as discussed in note 8 below. A One-Shot Game. Suppose we drop time venience, p is able to commit to by £ v and C may = contract uG To set of if p(w,g,x) > {p) u G (-). By u G {c) g. M away from m. G(—w), then use a type (ii) Note that as G is that could achieve her ideal (i) v ; V= X {x € p(w, | g, x) = then clear that G's optimal contract must be It is 0}. 5 non-empty subsets; disjoint, choosing p = argmaxl£ c c = argmaxx6 p u G (x) u G {x) and and zero otherwise; or G zero otherwise. offers the type (i) — w. = m&xG(y) and = {x € X \ u G (x) g(y) = mm G{y)- unwilling to pay the cost of a type can then threaten to re-elect P > if y} denote the upper contour (•), G{y) is a closed interval There are two (ii) and only contract to if m is cases. move First, P's policy Second, chosen. if if M cannot induce any policy choice outside of G{—w), for otherwise G can contract to achieve x w G first T otherwise. the single-peakedness and continuity of u Let g(y) G G{—w), then g" = offer e for (i) choosing for two into derive M's voting contract, let G(y) containing tci the result for this case holds otherwise, x\ = lf ' | one of two types: w+e 777. X {x 6 offer (ii) X partition of offering the following contract: k*) = { { Hence, we P p. an optimal contract cannot be constant in policy at negligible cost of thus attempts begin by considering G's response to an arbitrary contract from M. Note generally, 1}, M chosen to induce the optimal policy from is M does not care about future policy choices, regardless of whether she We i.e., For con- single period. subscripts until returning to the repeated game. only to induce good performance; type w. Because game has only a the initially that decreases, = g. Thus the {g{-w) if m m if m€ g(-w) if m best policy that M can induce is: < g{-w) [g(-w) ,g(-w)] (2) > g{-w). G(w) shrinks. This reduces P's "price" for G, and in turn M's ability to discipline P. One contract that achieves this result ./ x p [w,g,x) = is: / x = x(w,g) 1 if (J otherwise. < . (3) One optimal (i) response for contract with e — > 0). G P would then be a chooses x(w,g) and The Repeated Game. In an P. is with zero payments re-elected. infinite period setting, because of multiple re-elections. As can induce from null contract incumbents (2) suggests, this may may a type expect higher payoffs affect the set of policies that Let l(w;{p(w,-)}) denote a type-iu incumbent's ex ante the draw of gt ) discounted expected payoff given a set of voting contracts. l (i.e., 8 (i.e., We M prior to simply write w when the contracts in question are generic or understood. Generalizing from the above discussion, it is possible for M to induce t "myopically" the following policies in period {-w-6l w ) {gm g t (—w — Sl w ) We if m <g if mG [g t if m gt { > t (-w-5l w (-w-6lw ),gt (-w-5lw )] — w — 5l w ). ) extend the previous analysis to the repeated case in two steps. M regardless of w incumbent always re-elected under these contracts, l w is and gt , strategy profiles (which The strategies in £'c offers a contract that achieves (4) in may not be Nash) as £'c may be thought Given w, M = (4) suppose that First, each period. w/(l — 5). We Since the refer to this set of . of as a "pure" ex post monitoring solution, in that M's contract achieves the best policy possible in period of politician retained. t: t without any regard for the type does better here than in the single-period case because repetition automatically raises P's continuation value. Second, consider whether a strategy profile in £'c can be sustained as an equilibrium. There are two simple cases in which it is. If w t is constant for all t, then M clearly has no 8 Here we briefly sketch what happens when all bargaining/agenda-setting power lies with P rather than G. Consider the case with < g(—w) < g. Suppose that there is a status quo or reversion policy s < m, which offers a contract is enacted if P does not propose anything or if G rejects all of P's proposals. Suppose of the form: p*(w,g,x) = 1 if x < xq and p*(w,g,x) = otherwise, with xq < g. Given the "threat point" G s, P can extract at most — u (s) in payments from G, by making G a take-it-or-leave-it offer of the form: x = g and b = —u G (s) (which G will accept). This yields P a payoff of — u G (s), since P will not be re-elected under the proposed contract from M. Alternatively, P can choose a policy that allows her to be re-elected. The best such policy for P is io itself, together with a take-it-or-leave-it offer to G of the form: x = Xq and m M G will again accept). This yields P a payoff of w + u g (xq) — u G (s). The optimal minimize xo s.t. w +u° (x ) — u G (s) > —u G (s), or minimize x s.t. u G (x ) > — w. The solution is therefore x(w,g) = g(— w). Thus, M's optimal contract, and the equilibrium policy outcome, is exactly as in the game analyzed in the paper where G has all of the bargaining/agenda-setting power. Note also that this is true regardless of the reversion policy s (as long as s < g(—w)). b — u g (xq) — u G (s) contract for (which M then solves: 9 incentive to select politician types. Similarly, then if T such that is M can achieve her ideal policy for any politician type. an optimal in E'c are also More mance is generally, in equilibria, so £c an optimal SSPE, = £' c m 6 G(~^h) where x*t tracting game, M will always replace an incumbent re-elect P, then G can offer = YltL\ from a type-u> incumbent utility t w t , . the policy choice under optimal play. is g and In these cases, strategy profiles expected from a replacement in the long run. Let vc {w) w) represent M's discounted expected for all a contract similar to (1), if better perfor- <^~ 1 Eu M (xj | wq = in the repeated con- M does not Thus, M re-elects Clearly, resulting in policy g t . if Pif: uM (x(w, gt )) + Sv c (w) > u M {gt ) + 5 f v c (w)uj(dw). Note that because a type-u; incumbent's future election prospects realizations of gt letting , Hence x(w, g uM C t , for t ) lies — between the solutions of (2) xt under (4) The integral in (5) represents the discounted expected value M good strict for all in her election choice. inf {w | w t ^ gt Obviously, . It will it as a challenger. We is do not require that game in a fictional . Thus, u M (x t ) > . from electing a challenger provides an important point of comparison therefore be convenient to define an "average" type > Jn v c (w)u>(dw)}, which v c (w) one-time incumbent in the lowest type that w G fi; rather, it is ex ante at least as may be thought which future challengers are all of as a drawn according UJ. Our first result according to type: all It is concave, then somewhat incumbent types are never (i.e., w are re-elected. they do not satisfy counter-intuitively, when groups (and hence equilibrium of the policy and re-election establishes a basic monotonicity of re-election results incumbents with types above not be re-elected for certain group types uM some uses these observations to characterize implications of optimal equilibria. if and future within [w, jzg]. fall contracts in £'c with the inequality prior to the revelation of may depend on her expected payoff from re-election must 0, (g t ), w = to e (5) JQ 10 In the latter case, incumbents are increasingly re-elected policies) are farther re-elected. (5)). Those below may from m. Finally, sufficiently low Proposition In any equilibrium in 1 Sc there exist , w 1 w2 and < w < w2 < w 1 such thai and: if for some |ttt. — gt \ r\ : [w M if u 1 ^ is 2 x T ] {0 if 1 if {0,1}. 77(10, about Proposition 6C many it also holds for belong to f2; if ^ 1 2 ] , non- decreasing in w, and non- decreasing in 1 are worth noting. First, while the result (but not necessarily all) SSPEs. Second, neither w 1 is nor stated w2 need they are simply cutpoints characterizing behavior for any w. Third, re-election outcomes depend greatly on And 1 Appendix. in the A few observations , is gt ) w <w w € [w w > w2 concave. Proof. All proofs are for —» r)(w,g t ) some neighborhood may below average types 7. of m, For example, if 7 is degenerate with gt not contained within is T and always be re-elected. Finally, the Q, = 3? + , ^ m, then w = w2 1 . then some "slightly" effect of S is ambiguous. High M can achieve her ideal However, they also give M a greater incentive values can enlarge Qt{-) and hence the range of group types for which policy, holding re-election strategies constant. to select good future politicians, thus expanding the set of politician and group types for which incumbents are kicked out. The exercise here establishes that in an environment in which voters tracts" for politicians, But because of the bluntness of the voter's contract instrument, both problems are solved in crude fashion. politician types (and only The voter may only select against the worst under certain circumstances), and may only move policy a limited are extreme. 4. We now write "con- an optimal strategy in a repeated game solves both shirking and type-selection problems. amount when groups may Equilibria in Stationary Strategies return to the case in which sequentially rational manner. We M cannot write contracts, but instead votes in a again restrict attention to SSPE, and focus on the optimal such equilibria for M, which we label £s . 11 Analogously with the previous section, we define v s (w) to be M's expected payoff in an arbitrary SSPE, starting from a period with a type-u; incumbent. At the voting stage, M's problem is By challengers. This implies that equality, p^(-) (1), is if P is Thus, must be constant in v s (w)u(dw). always retained. Likewise, is types such that (6) all In response, . (6) G t can offer ideal policy in every such period. all is if P is "below not satisfied with a contract of the form in The following result uses this continuation values (up to a set of measure zero) must be equal. = In any SSPE, v s (w) in equilibrium xt k almost everywhere for some M's incentive to k. select types effectively prevents formance. Whereas in the contracting case policies, / never re-elected. As a result, for intuition to establish that 1 > the if: "above average," then she and thus receives her Comment P stationarity, she re-elects vs (w) average," she random draw from among to choose between a type-w incumbent and a monitoring of per- M could induce high-it; types to choose "better" she cannot credibly force different types to choose different actions in a stationary equilibrium. There are many SSPEs. As a Gt offers trivial example, consider the equilibrium set P chooses gt and a contract of the form in (1) in each period. that since G t always receives her ideal policy, v s (w) equilibrium for M. A , is constant. M £o, in which elects Cj. Note Clearly, this is the worst more plausible equilibrium might feature the optimal (credible) use of re-election incentives. To characterize candidate type. If £s we make use , w = M if w Denote by can induce any policy can then achieve a policy of Thus, 1. w= ini{w E S7} the "lowest" w, then (similar to the discussion of the contracting case) with the appropriate voting strategy, it Comment of m were the only type in if tt, m in Gt(~^s) i n each period t. At best, € Gt{— i^)> an d 9 (~ Jr^) or 9t(~ 1^5) otherwise. then t P is thereby achieve the contracting result. 12 indifferent between all candidates and can The to take the same action The reason for this t if M = types), could induce a better In these +e offering r=^ for a . Proposition 2 In any equilibrium {w,gt ,bt ,Xt) all outside of Qt{— yr*)- lie would then be willing to "buy out" type-w politicians by policy choice of g t P*t straightforward: is must sometimes policy in expectation, then this policy G can credibly induce any type of politician as type-u; (hence creating a uniform expected value for she cannot do any better. cases, M following result establishes that while in £s for any type-w incumbent and , all t, gt , and bt : and 1 UH?y Xt(w,9ub t = ) I m if «*<&(- A) if m e [gt {-^-5 ),gt (-^s)] ta(-A) ifm>5 (- I^)i As M's strategy has elements in the contracting case, toring. of type selection and ex post moni- However, removing commitment to re-election schedules makes the selection of types irrelevant in equilibrium. This happens because of election choice occurs after P's policy choice. remove low types) then so strong that is spectively, removed). best that M can do is if The all G M's incentive to retain high types (respectively, they existed, they would always be re-elected Under these conditions to monitor stationarity, as well as the fact that t can easily buy its ideal policy. (re- Thus the types uniformly, and in a credible fashion. This causes the performance of each type to sink to that of the "least common denominator," or w, regardless of the distribution of the rest of candidate types. 5. The preceding welfare. Non-Stationary Strategies commit might play a results suggest that the ability to Here we demonstrate that this is not so. Instead, central role in voter by dropping the requirement of stationary equilibria and focusing instead on simple, non-stationary equilibria, the voter can do just as well as she could in the contracting We case. begin by noting a major difference between our model and other dynamic games in which non-stationary solution concepts are applied. In the game examined here, the only 13 plausible "punishment" device is, not re-electing P) removes the punished player. That (i.e., we do not have a repeated game. Combined with complete information, simplifies a potential defector's optimization problem. punisher's problem, in that equilibria. M. Such new politicians at a later date. It on the type of group drawn. However, our results require only that we examine the simplest such against 9 For example, the voter might punish a politician by not re-electing him, and "cooperate" with also condition also complicates the potential limits the promise of future "cooperative" interaction. it There are many kinds of non-stationary may It this greatly class of equilibria, in equilibria are characterized which P and by the triple (£ G c ,£ t play a "trigger" strategy ,n), the elements of which correspond to a cooperative phase, punishment phase, and punishment length, respectively. Play begins in the cooperative phase at t = 1, and upon any deviation by prescribed strategies, play continues in the punishment phase for n this phase, G t offers a contract of the form in re-elects P. After the P its During chooses gt in each period, and M never game play within the punishment phase Nash equilibrium, and that the from periods. 1 punishment phase, play reverts to the cooperative phase. perfection requires that the perfect (1), > M itself strategies in the cooperative phase Subgame be a subgame be consistent with the incentives posed by the punishment phase. Cooperative phase strategies gies in £ c that meet two result in the may be may criteria. take First, forms, and for simplicity they must be stationary. 10 we focus on strate- Second, they cannot punishment phase along the equilibrium path (though the punishment phase essential for inducing M to play according to phase cannot be reached in equilibrium least as many good as g t in each period, if and n £ c ). Clearly, then, the punishment the cooperative phase strategies yield a policy at is sufficiently large. We call strategies satisfying these requirements stationary trigger strategies. Even with its restrictions, many stationary trigger equilibria exist. The simplest example might be a "grim trigger" equilibrium (£s ,£ ,oo), where play proceeds according to the 3 See Dutta (1995) for a more general treatment of equilibria in dynamic games. 3 Note that the punishment phase strategies are stationary as 14 well. stationary equilibrium of the previous section. be where (E'c ,£ ,oo), M votes as she would in the "myopic" contracting game. incentive to deviate from its gt forever, a result which is As both weakly dominated by that under £ c Clearly, then, there in a very of these examples illustrate, and does not has no room is . rudimentary non-stationary setup. M's minmax payoff is simply that implied by Moreover, M's vote receiving a policy at gt in every period. i.e., period, M specified voting strategy, because doing so will result in receiving amongst types even for discrimination Another, more plausible, example might affect her payoffs in that period. 11 the last action in each is M However, Sq\ may still exploit P by replacing a "bad" incumbent after she chooses a policy in expectation of re-election. Thus, to establish a trigger equilibrium will it be important to check that M does not have sufficient incentive to do so. The following result uses these observations to characterize the optimal equilibrium for M, which Proposition 3 For n rium, £ c As outcome £c restores the contracting =£ c as the predicted result. 12 sufficiently large, in the optimal stationary trigger strategy equilib- . intuition might suggest, sufficiently long (and possibly infinite) will ensure that M does not exploit weak incumbents. observables, the punishment phase is punishment periods Because there no noise is in the never invoked in equilibrium. Thus, the simple non- stationary equilibrium derived in Proposition 3 produces policies that are identical in every period to those of the contracting equilibrium of Proposition Example 1. M and G t have quadratic Group and candidate types f2 = {1,5}, w(l) It is clear = that u(5) 1 2 is 5. The discount A is easily modified to T = = —x 2 and u Gt {x) {1,8}, 7(1) factor for all players is 5 = = = 7(8) —{gt = — x) 2 0.5, is = 25. This implies that and its M can induce a type-5 incumbent no analog to "suckering" one's opponent accommodate non-optimal stationary 15 . 0.8. type-5 incumbent must always be re-elected, and thus 5/(1—5) latter point implies that there The proof with u M (x) are distributed as follows: 0.5. <w < expected lifetime payoff 'The = utility, 1. in the prisoner's trigger equilibria as well. dilemma. up to to choose a policy v c (5) = —4.5/(1 A (» is 1 t . = Thus, when gt 1 (8), —22.5. Suppose that a type-1 incumbent an expected lifetime payoff of this results in the policy — 5) = away from g 5 units and vc (l) 6.71), « M similar exercise reveals that = 1(0. 5)/(l— 5(0.5)) the policy is only re-elected is 5/6. Thus, t + 0.5[-6.7l +Sv c (l)} 0.5[-l+5{v c {l)-hJ c {5))/2] if when g 2 and (3), ta = gt = 1 (8), -68.76. would receive —83.06 from always re-electing a type-1 incumbent, —69.17 from never re-electing a type-1 incumbent, and —91.25 from only = when gt electing 1; 8; thus the strategy of re-electing only when gt = 8 is re- optimal in a contracting environment. To complete the stationary strategy. obvious that for any n, It is type-5 incumbent. M re-elects a type-1 Finally, M Similarly, M will will clearly not re-elect a type-1 X>E^( > 5i ) t = + 5 10 = 1. if: (?) n > 1. Thus even a mild punishment Extensions Term Limits 6.1 We now T> extend our results to the case in which legislators terms. The model is unchanged with the exception that completes her T-th period of Note that at T= assume that a The main oo, the legislator office, model who 1 , . . . , to which M is serve no in period t, more than an incumbent automatically replaced with the challenger identical to that in the previous sections. intuition of our results Thus the extent { is she if, may We C t . continue to leaves office cannot return as a candidate. not only on her value of holding E t capable of sustaining "contract" behavior in this example. is 6. 6 incumbent when g Vc(l)+V c {5) n Substituting in values from above, (7) holds for any scheme M will follow its prescribed always have sufficient incentive to re-elect a incumbent when g V C (1) we check that trigger equilibrium, is office, that an incumbent's continuation value will depend but also on the number of possible terms remaining. can control politicians T} denote the term that the will also depend on both legislator is currently serving. 16 variables. Let We we begin with the optimal contracting equilibria, which resent the expected value to Section M 3, M of a type-u; legislator label £t- Let vt(w, 9) rep- with 9 terms of experience. may has two choices at the contracting stage. First, she 0+1) a type-(tot To 1) challenger, , reflect prior to the its where w t randomly drawn as is Let draw of gt Next, . let x(w, re-election contract (of the t g 9, t form + P performance. {i.e., x(w,T,g T). By t ) gt)- and the notation of Section M can induce in (3)) in a given period: m it me{g (-w-6lWi e),g (-w-5lw>e if m>g < g t {-w-6l Wt e) t t )] down >u M {g + 5 t) v {w,l)u{dw). f T (9) the expected payoff from an incumbent in her form in (1), G £ can then obtain its optimal policy Thus, , T)= M f u {g)j{dg) Jv +5 f vT (w, l)cu(dw). (10) Jn Expression (10) also implies that legislators in their penultimate terms will also be With a single possible period of office remaining at period performance by promising a single re-election. t +1 However, doing so policy of 3t+i, followed by the election of challenger discounted heavily, or challenger C t (8) (-w-6l Wi e). Since she cannot be re-elected, no voting contract can induce any vT ( w to control. elect if: offering a contract of the = we extend 9, ideal policy if 5v T (w,9+l) Finite term limits allow us to pin = its be of type before. t (-w-6l Wt e) u M (x{w,d,gt )) (9 buy gt ) represent the optimal policy that {-w-6lw>e ) Thus, the optimal contract re-elects term to t will denote the discounted expected payoffs of a type-(w,9) incumbent l w> e {gm final M may allow G the possible dependence of strategies on 3 as follows. through subsequent period. Second, in the in extract the optimal performance given P's expected lifetime and re-elect the incumbent, who (iw, As G t is extreme and M's C £ utility is concave, to re-electing P. 17 +i. t, M difficult can extract some will result in a period Unless future payoffs are M may simply prefer electing This logic suggests that incumbent M has a greater ability to use future elections to discipline earlier in their careers. Term to that of high values of w. Loosely speaking, low values of 9 have an limits therefore constrain the effect similar inducements that and reduce the long-term expected quality offered even to the "best" incumbents, may be of policies (from M's perspective). In an environment with interest groups and voting contracts, voters would then not be able to benefit from finite term limits. 13 The following result establishes these intuitions. Proposition 4 (ii) (in) Vt{w,9) vT (w, 9) (i) is < Combined with vt{w,9) is non- decreasing in w. non-increasing in vc(w), VT, 9,w Eft. (9), an easily established corollary is that mance becomes more demanding model, this implies that to keep an 9. incumbent M if u '(•) as 9 increases or w decreases. M's desire for policy perfor- As with the non-term limited concave, then progressively worse draws of g are required is t in office. Since incumbents become less desirable with seniority, our model suggests that term limits are limits that finite, re-election do not incorporate rates should change over time. when Previous models of term citizens' type-selection incentives {e.g., Lopez 2002) might therefore underestimate the impact of term limits on incumbent turnover rates. The next result shows that an incumbent's ex ante re-election probability, or the probaof Gj, decreases weakly over time. 14 any incumbent is bility re-election prior to the draw Proposition 5 The ex ante re-election probability of non-increasing in Because type-(iu,T) incumbents have an ex ante re-election probability of sition 5 implies that unless incumbents are never re-elected 13 {e.g., if u;(0) = 1, zero, j{m) 9. Propo- = 1, or In the model of Smaxt and Sturm (2004), term-limits can help voters, but no interest groups are present. "Consistent with this prediction, Smart and Sturm (2004) estimate that term-limited U.S. governors are less likely to be re-elected than governors without term limits. 18 T= 1), there exist incumbent types for which the ex ante re-election probability decreasing. The compares usefully with Proposition result also some types (w > w) With are always retained. might be retained with certainty w high for sufficiently term finite and low 8, strictly which established that 1, limits, is a type-(u>, incumbent 6) but her ex ante re-election probability declines to zero eventually. Our to Proposition section. the assumption of voting contracts and final result eliminates therefore an analog is We consider the same class of stationary trigger strategies as in the previous 3. As with the non-term limited case, the result is that simple non-stationary strategies (such as (&r, Sq, oo)) are sufficient to support strategy profiles in St- Proposition 6 For c egy equilibrium, S Example T= = any re-elected from gt Now re-elect, ~ sufficiently large, in the optimal stationary trigger strat- St- maintain of the parameters of all politician will be induced -32.5; thus, vT (5, 2) is by = G t Example 1, and additionally assume T-th term incumbents to choose a policy of g t v T (l, 2) = v2 = -32.5 + is zero for then will receive it 5.76 (7) for g t As — 8 gt , while by re-electing a type-(io, M a result, w = and With expected values of each possible contract. these values, it w, and policy 8(v T (l, l)+vr(5, l))/2. for g t is = M does not will expect a If incumbent 1) can induce a policy of 5 (1). all The expected . consider the set of possible contracts for newly-elected politicians. lifetime payoff of w. of and n Clearly, the expected lifetime payoff of 2. utility We 2. T finite 1, and a policy possible to calculate the We provide several examples here and omit several obviously non-optimal cases: • Never Re-elect: vt(w, • Re-elect • iff w = t>r(5,l) ~ Always Re-elect: 5: 1) = w; vt(w, 1) v 2 and vT (5, 1) w v 2 for v T (l, 1) = all = —162.5. -5.76 2 /2 + 5v 2 \ ~ vT (l, 1) -139.80, -128.45. -133.27, uT (5,l) v T (l, ss 1) ps -7 2 /2 + 5v 2 and uT (5, -125.38. 19 1) « -5.76 2 /2 + 5v 2 : vT (l, 1) ~ • Re-elect w= iff + <J(ut(1, 1) • Re-elect and ur (5, • Re-elect w 1) 5 or g t 2 wr(5, 1) (-5.76 2 wr(5,l) « -117.68. M would + + « 1) Sv 2 vT (l, Sv 2 )/2 « v 2 and u T (5, 1) -136.85, uT (5, 1) ra (-5.76 2 ] « 1) -128.69, uT (5, = (-7 2 + Sv 2 )/2 + [-1 2 + 5{v T {l, 1) [-1 2 + + + + 1) 5(y r (l, l) ( « and is + uT (5, 5(v T (l, 1) + vT (5, uT (5, l))/2]/2; v T (l, ideally write contracts that promise new [-1 2 + + l))/2]/2 -123.22. l))/2]/2 and 1) w -125.57, when politicians re-election groups are extreme. This strategy minimizes the damage that extreme (gt do, 5v 2 )/2 -124.03. = (-7 2 + dT; 2 )/2 + [-l 2 + ur (l,l) 8: = uT (l, 1) 8: v T {l, 1) 8: w Thus, = -5.76 /2 & = iff = t vT (5, l))/2]/2; u T (l, w= iff and g 5 = 8) groups can not very costly because the policies "bought" by moderate groups (g t — 1) is relatively benign. necessary to check that It is finally M does not have an incentive to deviate from election strategy. Carrying a calculation identical to that in (7), if n > its re- M will re-elect an incumbent 2. 6.2 Infinitely- Lived Groups Now analysis fates. consider the case of a single group, G, that was simplified Under repeated by the fact that is present in all periods. 15 The preceding groups did not care about incumbents' electoral interaction, however, the group also participates in the retention of incumbents. To see how an that a voter G is infinitely-lived may affect voting able to offer optimal contracts, as in must accept a politician type. and bribing £c Under . its relatively unfavorable policy in all periods once G does better in periods the policy will be her ideal point, 15 group g. when It is clear, M strategies, suppose (myopic) bribing strategy, M finds a sufficiently good chooses not to re-elect the incumbent, as then, that G has an incentive to "buy out" For a treatment of dynamic interaction of long-lived interests and politicians in the regulatory context, see Salant (1995), Martimort (1999), and Faure-Grimaud and Martimort (2003). 20 high incumbent types in order to induce a fresh draw of politicians. In turn, incentive to loosen We that contract to prevent 5 3. = As in the previous examples, let 0.8. G's utility at 3 (8) under type-5 (type-1) incumbent. = -64 + Under the = -125 —104.17 5(vc (l) - for a type-5 for a type-1 e + <5(-104.17 To induce G G . incumbent, and v° (1) - = u M (x) — —x 2 Q = , = — (8 — x) 2 . {1,5}, oj(1) = Under £c M ; , w(5) = always results in a policy easily calculated that f c (5) is would have a continuation value of v^(5) G incumbent. to choose a policy at g -25 - Sc £c = —45 and -136.67. ta 45)/2 strategies in It analog of M. now given by u G (x) is for the and always removes type-1 incumbents. This retains type-5 incumbents, 0.8) from forcing such replacements. stationary contracts that are optimal for is, and v c {\) G with two-type example, in which we solve illustrate this logic Example 0.5, its M will have an = + 5(v G (l) - = —(8 — 3) 2 /(l — 125)/2, implying v G (l) « can do better by paying 25 + e to a type-5 incumbent This results in a new incumbent, and an expected payoff of 8. 125)/2 « -116.67. not to buy out a type-5 incumbent, G's continuation value from a type-5 incumbent must solve the following system: v V Solving yields v G (l) = —50 = ^{v G (5) + v G (l)) G = -25+ -(v G (5)+v G (l)). 5 (5) and v G {5) this implies that its policy choice distant from M's S G (l) x = is is given then to offer some e if 5(v c {l) - 85.16)/2 As the example « ' ~_ 5 = -75, or 8 is always re-elected, — \/l5, which is more by a short-lived group. M's optimal contract she chooses any policy in [— 8 + vl5, 8 — vl5]- G's > policy choices reduce M's expected payoff: -64 + by — ideal than the policy (3) chosen therefore re-elects a type-5 incumbent best response —75. Since a type-5 incumbent for choosing policy at 8 now t> c (5) = 80\/l5 — 395 — vl5. The ~ resulting —85.16 and v c (l) ~ -163.44. suggests, we claim that optimal contracting 21 equilibria of games with larger type sets will share M will retain points, type that P and all allowing her to remain in Two The who features. always retained by M, is policies that are closer to 6.3 two because there First, and kick out sufficiently high types, M's G will office. ideal, no variation group in be indifferent between paying w/{\—5) to buy out This implies that higher types but that these policies will continue to choose be closer to g than under £c will extension considers what happens when two groups are drawn £*(') = (* l (with positive support on 1)2). . in each period, G simultaneously offer voting contracts to P. The groups are generically labeled ideal points g ideal lower types. Second, for any Groups Interest final is all As in the basic T l ), u° utility functions model, each group 1 with , l (-), and upper contour Now "lives" for a single period. sets each group's bribes must take into account not only the cost of the politician's expected remaining payoff from The offers office, effect of but also any bribes from the other group as an additional group , G then 2 will of type w, this induces have an incentive to "buy out" raises the possibility that also G 1 might have an incentive to adjust from again usefully illustrated by supposing that a voter is optimal contracts according to £c to group m) and an incumbent its well. in turn G 1 . In the presence of only some policy P. x' 6 [m, g 1 ]. But G if x' 1 (with g 1 €" £ (— jt^), G This upsets the bribing strategy of be willing to pay more to buy back contract to prevent policy from being > 2 P. drawn too 1 M far , and may away 77i. The fully-developed model of competitive vote-buying illustrate two general features realized distributions of here. is we simply quite complex, so we show that under a In both examples, variety of g\ the median voter can achieve her ideal policy with a very simple stationary voting contract. Example P Let m G ^(-3^) D G 2 (-jzg) anticipates re-election in re-elect G 4. 2 's P if and only best response is if all for all future periods, and that she chooses m. Then if G 1 M offers identical to the one-group case; 22 (g\g i.e., 2 ) 1 2 G T x T . Suppose that adopts the following contract: P for any policy, no payment for any policy. no payment to offer By symmetry. G lT s best response Since this outcome policy in. is is M for clearly optimal for contract to re-elect a type-ir rncumbent P policy. any draw" of and only if P if m chooses therefore chooses *g'.cr). ^77. is M always Thus, the part of a subgame is equmbrium. Example Let u G'(-) be concave and sy 5. m £ £r(— jz|) 2 for all (g^.g P wish to buy out Suppose that P tract: re-elect 1 S F x ) I" 2 mm etric, P if anticipates re-election in and only g r = 1 Gl all G (m) - u Likewise, let G offer Gl b {x) ) must be strategies, offered to choosing g~') : = -w/(l-5) I b (x). however. is G 1 otherwise. -u G2 (m) + e receives P then ) — uP'fa 1 ) and Thus, letting x = sf if x =m is 2 (g ) for choosing — vP'lg m 1 ) for any x 1 2 g or g G : . P (otherwise. 1 » clearly optimal for is M for —u G~ (g^-re at least — uP'lg 1 ) will strictly prefer 2u G'(m) 2 . m. Under ^(x) and == G receives u//(l — 5) + 2 e — 0. 6 (x) and 6 (j) are always re-elects P: hence P"s expected payoff subgame if chooses m. For each group no more than Since this outcome therefore part of a = — uG 1 (g to choose an}- policy other than strictly better. voting contract. the contract: otherwise. P receives —u so G' can receive 2 concavity) P offer otherwise. [ m. and would al~\v; ifx=^ if 2 = to 2 (g G1 let -u GV) f for choosing and the contract: 2 Under these G 1 M adopts the con- future periods, and that [ 2 . . -u GV) u l m — g1 > g2 — m. 2 g 2 she chooses m. Further, if < m < 1 Thus, without loss of generality. . in the absence of a bribe from b {x) is any for hence P's expected payoff at the beginning of each period re-elects P; perfect payment to offer no — e. which by best responses to M's any draw of (s1 ,^2 ), yzj- This set of bribing M and voting contracts perfect equihbrium. The two examples may be combined straightforwardly to show that when group functions are symmetric and concave, and groups are either "close" to 23 m utility (in the sense that m 6 Q {— TZ5) H G (— ttx)) m for a type-io incumbent. 2 l or on opposite sides of m, then This incumbent M can always obtain a policy at always re-elected. is These examples suggest that multiple groups can play a may policy outcomes. Extreme policy outcomes of 77i, and will never group at least one group is not close. result moderating both groups are on the same side seems safe to conjecture that the outcome It be more extreme than the most extreme group. However, since the most extreme will tend to be more extreme as the number of groups increases, the overall adding groups on the same side of m is 7. The models developed unclear. We in a voter's incentives, discipline to improve effect of leave this for future work. Discussion here integrate strategic interest groups and strategic voters in a general framework of policy-making and elections. As a if significant role in may be because there a strong short-run incentive to use electoral and because a group can policy, result, the strategies of selecting good This combination introduces a tension exploit a promise to retain a politician. politician types and rewarding good performance are often incompatible. The results illustrate the effects of this tension models generally predict that incumbents who Incumbents who value office less highly can be disciplined as the interest group becomes when adopted policy performance policies are is more extreme. greater. This causes We also find that a long-lived interest group weakens a voter's electoral control, while multiple groups strengthen to term-limited officials predicts that term limits have an effect similar Thus, term limits reduce policy performance to a reduction in the value of holding office. from a voter's perspective. In turn, they give voters a greater incentive to replace as their limit approaches. term may it. The extension for The value office highly are difficult to discipline. more extreme, because the short-term gain from re-election rates to increase under a variety of assumptions. limits among Our model cannot citizens. While it is officials explain the apparently high level of support predicted that most voters should oppose them, 24 in survey On initiative voting data voters typically support term limits by a 2 to the other hand, one key prediction of our model there of and is is 1 margin. consistent with the data. Specifically, considerable evidence that conservative and Republican voters are more supportive term limits than voters are probably liberal more and Democratic voters. The policy preferences of conservative closely aligned with organized interest groups, since organized interest groups have a pro-business, conservative in orientation and Tierney, 1986). Term limits are therefore likely to 25 move (e.g., most well- Schlozman policy in their direction. Appendix Proof of Proposition By bent. stationarity, We first any for w we also drop (wlog) we use w all G and f2, v c (w) (ii) = YltZi 5 t~ 1 to denote the type of a generic incum- time subscripts. define an extended value function v c coincides with v c w For convenience 1. : — 5R + E[u M (x* > \ K, which wq = on Q, and equals M's expected payoff satisfies: w)\ for any in a fictional incumbent and challengers drawn according to probability measure following lemma will Lemma 1 v c (w) is Proof. We be useful w v c (w) (i) g" — v c (w) That Q. is, vc game with a type- otherwise. The to for deriving the result. non- decreasing in w. show that exists a voting strategy for < any two incumbent types, w' and w", where w' w", there p that implements the same policy and re-election outcome for both incumbent types. For any optimal re-election strategy p*(w, empty) subsets; V(w,g) It is 0}. c, arg X {x € p*(w,g,x) x) we = 1} | partition = argmaxl€ p(KI]S)U G (x) and max xe c(™, 5 respectively. G ) u G (x) and offers the (ii) w = Let x*w jfSj, where £ Now {x G X p*(w,g,x) this, = offer contract (i) 7 ({ 9 G T | V{w,g) = \ offer (i) w + 6l w + e for e for choosing p and if: w- 5l w # (11) . ^ 0, letting e — it is » clear 0}). denote the equilibrium policy with a type-u; incumbent and type-g group. There are two cases. First, show = disjoint (possibly otherwise. These contracts result in policy choices of type Because P can assure herself of re-election whenever V(w,g) l two into and C(w,g) otherwise; or u G (p) > u a (c) - that X then clear that G's optimal contract must be of one of two types: choosing p c = = g, if w' and g are such that x*w , G C(w',g), then we claim x*w note that g G C(w\g) implies (by the definition of suppose g G V(w',g). Then by (11), G should offer a type 26 c) (i) x*w , = , = g. To g automatically. contract: contradiction. To implement the G for all x. then offers she chooses g and Second, if a contract promising is w' and g are such that x*w To show that feasible for all {g x*w M can choose: p(w",g,x) policy x*w G F V{w',g) \ g , g f is that offered to a type-u/ incumbent. Now types We and , 1 if x This implies that for x^, , > and p(w",g,x) = l(w';{p* ()}). Further, x all ^ G offers a type P then receives e+w+8l(w"; {p(w", , and (i) x*w , , u G (x^, ) > contract f3*(w',g) identical to g, x)}) for choosing re-elected. is w = inf {w vc {w) \ > w G clos(Q). which characterizes the re-election choice, as follows. fn v c (w)iv(dw)}. Note that use this notation to rewrite (5), Lemma M approach in Q(—w — 5l w )). Then (4) (i.e., the optimal policy in u M {x(w,g)) By Lemma 1 and the fact that The next lemma Lemma 2 u M (x(w, g)) will is w", where w' < w" By . be useful i.e., because w' > u M {g) + > u M (g) implies given v c (w), following the M re-elects P of type w Sv c {w). holds if: (12) trivially, (12) holds for all g if for deriving properties of (12). u M (x(w',g)) > u M (x(w" (4), this is begin with two observations: (ii) 5vc (w) u M (x(w,g)) possible only w' for all g; + P can induce from 1 non- decreasing in w. Proof. Suppose otherwise; We = hence l(w";{p(w",x,g)}) 0}; Thus she chooses x*w otherwise. = outcome consider any optimal stationary contracting equilibrium. Define the set of "average" as: w. = Thus otherwise. to implement the desired Denote by x(w,g) the optimal policy that w> g, x) chosen, note that p(w",g, x) implies that re-election u G (x) — w — 5l(w"]{p(w",g,x)}). Hence, policy x*w choosing policy g and e for G V(w', g), then , G V(w',g) implies that (11) holds. , can choose p(w", not re-elected. is with a type-w" incumbent, otherwise. M desired outcome with a type-u>" incumbent, < (i) , g)) for some g and types w' and if: + 5lw ,>w" + 5lw n. by (4), (13) implies that w", (13) implies that j(T w ') 27 (13) u M (x(w',g)) > u M (x(w",g)) > 7(r„ »), where T w = J {g' G r type w} (12) holds for | the set of group types such that a type-it; incumbent is is re- elected in equilibrium. T Partition 7(T 1 > ) T 1 = Tw n into We now 0. r2 = T (T \ r^") and > T1 \ Note that by observation . 1 T and T consider the behavior of v c (w) over 2 (ii), Let v c (w,g') represent . M's discounted expected payoff conditional on a type-w incumbent and type-g' group. G T 1 the First, for g' uM (x(w', Noting that = that vc (w\, eV i come 5v c (w') is v c {w") lg €r , | not re-elected), any for / iI ) 2 G F n T w », g' i = stationarity, v c (^')ls'er 2 we have v c (w') > < w2 > may = M as well. w. Additionally, by where T> w n w< C J? w which is M G T clear fl = = T w ») (F \ (i.e., for all x. outcome 1 for This con- for a = x where type-w" x(w",g') and the outcome, note that x(w",g') = (13) implies M can achieve this outcome in any period, > = j(T This condition Lemma it is v c (w")\ g e r2. 1 is 2, + 7(r 2 )u c (u;)| s )v c (w)\ g er i > Lemma note that by (12), for any , (14) can guarantee an out- 2 also the is offer p(w',g',x) Because w, the right-hand side of this condition for all g' offer p(w',g',x) g, may v c (w"), contradicting — v c (w)). 5(v c (w) i any w, v c (w) Finally, note that for (g) Jrl u G (x). Thus, u G (x(w"',</)) > u G (g') — w" — 5l w », which by =1 To characterize 6vc {w"). v c (w",g)-y{dg). For any To show that x(w",g') u G (x(w",g')) > u G (g')—w'—5l w results, M no re-election and x otherwise. argmaxx p »( 10 " ig > u M {x{w", g')) + , And = p(w',g',x) Thus > identical to that with a type-ui" incumbent. incumbent. w < 5vc (w) € T 2 we show that with a type-u/ incumbent g' tract clearly results in u > u M (g') + Jr i vc (w' ,g)i(dg) a type- it/' incumbent by (12) imply: = max{u M (x(w, g')) + 5v c (w), u M (g') + 5v c (w)}, any w, v c (w,g') for Second, for + g')) T 1 and definition of , w < iu, positive the left-hand side is Combining 1. P is not re-elected satisfied trivially is 6r 2. / and by if w — w Lemma 1 u M (x(w, g))— if: and g = m. For non-increasing in non-negative and non-decreasing in w. w, there exists a non-empty set of group types T>w satisfying the condition, > for To characterize w w" > 1 , w'. Thus, (12) implies P w2 = is sup{u> G fi | never re-elected 28 3g G F if fl T> w }, for all g: and u M (x(w otherwise. , g)) — u M (g) < 6(v c (w)—v c (w)). Because this condition To show any > vc (w) w = = hence, x(w, g) p; Putting all T> w < w" > for side w — l w', w follow. First, note that the left-hand side of (12) Second, g', (12) holds for if M if u g" such that \m G type-g" group; that is, g' and non-decreasing in g Proof of Comment [u; = £ Vw M if u implies g" $ Vw it is all > <7t , b tl vs or , and x t and (3t(w',gt ) v s (w') (ii) . = Given < vs Vw }, Y C for and at otherwise. 0. note that by the definition of Two T> w ). comparative statics also holds for a type-u>" incumbent. increasing in \m Therefore, rj(w,g) . Let v s counted expected payoff from electing a challenger. v s (w') ], = / . — is Thus, for any g\. it also holds for a non-decreasing in w, concave. is Suppose otherwise. 1. ,^; l(g 1 Additionally, zero. is a type-^' group, then (12) holds for g'\, if \ 2 Clearly, 0. w < w2 clear that non-decreasing in w. Thus, given g and is u M (x(w,g)) — u M (g) — g"\ > \m — SI 1 1 a type-u/ incumbent, then concave, then is it is , and the condition holds w >w >w > for r\ sup{u> 6 2 of the derived inequalities together, characterize the re-election function w', w2 w = positive is T>w realized re-election choices are given by: r](w,g) w" > for g and the left-hand side of the condition Vw n C Because than that satisfying the condition, consider and therefore the right-hand v c (0), 0. To w existence of a stricter is Suppose that . G this voting strategy, otherwise, for some e > t JQ v s (w)LLi(dw) represent the Then holds. (i) 's = for By best response some w' € O, = P^(w',gt ) a contract of the form in (i.e., either (5), p*t {w' ,g t ,b t ,x t ) is: dis- e i£ (1)). (i) = 1 for xt = gt, Clearly, = 9t- Note that retaining a type-u/ politician in each M u (g)j(dg). But in any period t, M can achieve at least this induces policy choice Xt( w> 9t^t) > = f^ Jr period implies v s (w') uM {gt ) by adopting strategy Hence, v s > = 1 or all gt , bt , and x t thus, v s ; ^ > M Jr u (g)-y(dg). v s (w'): contradiction. Now suppose that types. If cj(W) (i), p*{-) > 0, (ii) holds. Let VV = {w | v s (w) then there exists a non-empty this set of types is empty: contradiction. Proof of Proposition 2. We first We < v s } denote the set of "below average" set of types {ii' \ conclude that uj(W) v s (w') = v s }. By part 0. prove that any strategy profile in £s 29 > is an equilibrium, and then prove incumbent type w, she optimal. We For M, since P's policy choice optimality. amongst indifferent is fl , = , G = argmaxXiCg m or is ™->u M (x t ). Generally, , uM ^) ^ uM (^), and e Gt{-^r5 ) and x t = m otherwise, M chooses the optimal policy for t m $ Gt(-tt) if I { if candidates. Thus, any voting strategy p t all fix p*t as follows: p*(w, gt b t xl) where x t constant with respect to the is within Gt(— 1^5)- If of , we allow G wi G Gt{— 335), m; otherwise, she must choose xt which by the single-peakedness or g t (—-j^g) (though occur only p£(-) requires that re-election uM must choose t either #.(— j^fj) is P re-election in the out of equilibrium event that chooses a better policy). Now consider G least -j=g to induce construction of If m g" t 's P Gt{-)-> to choose she is Gt{—YZg), then for Y^, so Gj does not chooses x t b t (x t ) if > Given incentives. and ^ rn xl, P x t G Gt{— jt^) \ %u e > 0. -^ such xt for ^ xt b t (x t ) for all Letting Next, given pi and m e — j3* > , = x t Thus . bt (x t ) G optimally t if = otherwise. Thus her strategy payoffs for £s 6 £?t(— j=j) ^t(— ^), then If To prove m is P receives P some gt such that Assume without . xt = e^ offer at — u Gt (m) < ) , ^ = Gt (g t ) ui u Gt -=^ by = 0. (m) < b t (x t ) —u Gt (x t ), and P offers: xt contract. -^ + receives ^+ e for e for choosing m and zero choosing x £ and either zero or -^ xl as specified. M. Note that by Comment m (<) gt must t optimality, suppose that there exist stationary equilibria £'s with strictly higher there exists > t G otherwise, v s (w) 1, constant with respect to w, and that in is M receives her ideal policy whenever m € Gt{~iZg)- Since = argmax Clearly, x t . we obtain the optimal 0, if otherwise. g" then n °t re-elected and u is 1 some 1^5)1 any policy other than m. But since u Gt (g P*(w,gt ) for ^ Gt{~ unwilling to do so and thus optimally offers {3*(w, gt ) all offer pi Xt(. w ,9t^t) m g" Gt{— 1^5); Xti loss of generality that — 1^5)1 u £t( \Xt{ w * Sti^t)) 30 Hence in £'s for a w >9t>bt) > 5ft > m, < — ^r6 - type-w incumbent 9t{~\Z^) (< 9 t {~ 1^5)) so that Xt( w i 9t-> Let Gt replace &t) its > f° r 9t(~iZ$)- equilibrium contract with: ^+ = — b t (x t) P's dominant policy choice is gt x e if , — t G and gt and zero otherwise. , — ^=j. receives t Then, letting Thus, X*{ w >9t,b t e — > 0, cannot be an ) equilibrium policy: contradiction. We Proof of Proposition 3. as a cooperative phase. Suppose otherwise; proceed in two steps. First, we establish the optimality of £c M that i.e., attains higher discounted expected utility under another set of cooperative phase strategy profiles £. voting strategy under It is clear £ and , an d {Xt( let {/?«(•)} that to be a cooperative phase, - )} {/?*(•)} denote the contract p is (-) = Pt{ht, stationary because •) f>t{h't , for all = •) t ) Pt{h", straightforward to verify that since H ht £ J3t (-) phase, they are also best responses to p t must be best responses each of the contracting H G , and (-)- strategies, respectively. in the cooperative phase. for all h't h" c t t Xt(') are best Since J5t {-) and Let {p £ (-)} denote M's and P's and {Xt(')} other as well as to (p t (-)}. Suppose that in each period c G game M offers This contract strategy in the cooperative phase. It is responses to p t (-) in a cooperative Xt(') cannot induce a punishment phase (by assumption), they induce the same continuation games under p c (-) and Pt(-). c Therefore, the policies realized under the stationary contracts {p (-)} are identical to those under £ for all ht 6 H t . This contradicts the optimality of £c in the contracting game. Second, we show that trigger strategies of the form (£c £0l n) constitute a subgame perfect , equilibrium for sufficiently large n. In the punishment phase, no action can affect the duration of the phase. For any period between electing and as in (1), /?*(•) Now in and in a punishment phase, given Xt re-electing, so chooses p£(-) Xt(') = 9t , = Given 0. (") p£(-) = = 0, 9t> M is indifferent a bribing strategy are clearly Nash. consider the cooperative phase. Because £c we need check only re-elect t that M /?*(•) and Xt(') are best responses to {pt(:)} casts re-election votes in accordance with an incumbent in equilibrium £c . M will not if: n-l / v c {w)u{o\w) Jil Since u M (x t (w,gt )) > u M (g > J2 &EU 7 t ) (9t) + & n v c {w)uj{dw). (15) = trivially, this condition holds. Next, 31 M re-elects an incumbent in equilibrium if: n—l > Y, v c (w) Clearly, under £c v c (w) , > $ J Vu J Y^JLo $ Eu r. M M {g t ) + 5 n w (g t ) for all (possibly infinite) such that (16) holds for n > all vc (w)u(dw). / 6 For n*. Thus, there exists some n* fi. all (16) such n, £c sustainable as the is cooperative phase of a trigger equilibrium. Proof of Proposition > such that vt{w',9) 4. Suppose otherwise. Then there (i) incumbent x wdg denote the policy chosen for offers -/ a // x 9, , gt,x) f = < w") G an arbitrary P and t ideal point g t Suppose that . 1 if M x = x*(w',9,gt ) and p*(w', 9, gt ,x*w , * for all 9, gt = ) y < , Let . and x, 1 (17) otherwise. [ is, (w' the type-io" incumbent the following contract: plw That when G* has choosing policy x for t M fi, Let p*(w,9,gt ,x) represent the optimal voting contract vt{vj",9). offered to a type- (w, 9) w',w" € exist incumbent re-elects the type- (w", 6) and only if if she chooses the equilibrium policy of a type-(w', 9) incumbent, and the type-(u/, 9) incumbent is offered re-election ac- cording to her optimal contract. It is clear that under />(), the type-(u/', 9) incumbent incumbent is not re-elected. In these cases thus obtaining x t = gt (w', 9) Now x w' of l e,g t w can write a contract of the form consider cases in which a type-(u/, 9) incumbent = ^~ e l0^w',i)w" > Ya=b 0, receives zero. G may t some contract u Gt (x)—w"—5l w » t e is where T w > t e = {g is \ P*i By re-elected. incumbent assures 9) group types such that a type-(w',9) incumbent offering t not re-elected whenever a typein (1), . whenever possible, the type- (w", n S G is an expected payoff herself of w \8,g, x w>,e, g = ) re-elected. By choosing policy is 1} , induce the type-{w" 9) incumbent to deviate from x^, , > b(x) satisfying b(x) > u Gt {x*w , incumbent to achieve policy e x, ). But then where w l > expected lifetime payoff. Since w' + 5l w g t g > t G = w"-\-5l w n t g for some x ^ x*w could have offered w'+5l w l YlJ=e fi ~e l{F w ',i)w' < w" + 5l w" e, t 32 is ^ ne set not choosing x*w 6gt > t e , g g , °f M only by This implies . to the type-(u/, 9) a type-(w', 9) incumbent's this implies that x*w , e could not have been chosen by a type-(u/, 9) incumbent. Thus x*w , feasibly implementable is g by a type-(u/', 9) incumbent. We conclude that in an optimal contracting equilibrium, a type-(io", be induced to choose policies at least as good as those chosen by a < Thus, vt(w',9) vt{w, This proof 9"). ./ = X v c [w) for part all (ii), 1 J vt{w,9) if for a type-(io, 9) X = = X *w,8",,ygt . . , . T}, but with aild [9' < 9") such that vt(w, < 9') < p(-) redefined as follows: P*{w,e",gU X* g,, ' y ) = 1 (18) ' vt(w, oo) for any w. Since vt{w,oo) Let F Wt e 5. incumbent for all 9 (1 when r = 0, {1, (i), = {g < is is p*(w,9 g,xl j ) 1. then Tw ^i = v c (w), vt{w,9) < g) The = 1} denote the set of group ex ante re-election probability claim that in an optimal equilibrium for M, T). Suppose that F w j C T w ^2 J re-elected. We then j(T Wi e). < 9 | proceed via induction on the set {T Wt e for all 9 IVa-i 6 otherwise. types such that a type-(u;, 9) incumbent We 9" w£fl. I Proof of Proposition rVe C r^^a 9', < [ By exist identical to that in part is p(w, Q, 9 ,g t ,x) (hi) incumbent. type-(io', 9) vt(w",9): contradiction. Suppose otherwise. Then there (ii) incumbent can 9) trivially \ T—t < C F Wt g-i and the < 9 for all 9 result is T}. Clearly, and some t (1 T w g C T w ^i < < t established. Otherwise, by T). If (9), for any g € r w> g-i, the induction hypothesis implies: u M (x(w,9-l,g)) + SvT (w,9)>u M (g) + 5 f vT (w, l)<j(dw\. (19) Jo, To show that a to establish that type-(iu, 9—2) incumbent is re-elected when G t is of type g, it is sufficient M g)) + 5vT (w, 9-1) > u {x(w, 6-1, g)) + 5v T (w, 9). By > vt(w, 9). Thus it is sufficient to show that u M (x(w, 9—2, g)) > u M (x(w, 9-2, Proposition 4(h), Vt{w, 9—1) u M (x(w,9 — l.g)). By (8), this is Expanding terms, is: this true if w + 5l Wi &-i > w + 5l w or equivalently: l w ,e-\ > l-wfi- t-0 T-e+i £ fi, «5*«J7(r„,jH. fl -i) k=o > £ fe=o 33 k wMe ), 5 ury(r ( 20 ) which holds if 7(rWi +^_1 ) > Proof of Proposition proof of Proposition We show that ^ and F Wi g-i C Yw hypothesis. Therefore, < ~/(T Wi ktf) over fc k < T—9. This is implied by the induction the induction hypothesis holds for r+1. Optimality follows from an analogous argument to that in the 6. 3. form (£t,£o,ti) constitute a subgame perfect trigger strategies of the equilibrium for sufficiently large n. In the punishment phase, no action can affect the duration of the phase. For any period between electing and /?*(•) Now = M 9t are clearly an incumbent that M in equilibrium / vT (w, l)u(dw) M (x incumbent t (w, gt )) = > u M {g t) in equilibrium Given p* = (•) t 9ti 0, M is indifferent a bribing strategy Nash. and j3t {-) Xt(') are best responses to {pt{-)} M will not if: > y S J Eu M {g t ) + 5 n trivially, this lWdw). f vT (w, (21) Jn j^ condition holds. Next, M re-elects a type-(u;,#) if: n—1 vT (w, 9 + 1) > V 5 J Eu M (g f) + 5 under £?, Vt(w, 6+1) > Yl'jLo ^^ uM {9t) n* (possibly infinite) such that (22) holds for all ^ n / Jn ,-=o Clearly, 0. = Xt(') casts re-election votes in accordance with &r- Jn Since u chooses p*t (•) consider the cooperative phase. Because we need check only re-elect punishment phase, given in a re-electing, so as in (1), and Xt(') in St, t for all n > w n*. vT (w, l)w(dtw). G Cl For and all 6. 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