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LIOKAK&E© - UCVVCi Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/insulationofpensOOdiam Oewe^ working paper department of economics INSULATION OF PENSIONS FROM POLITICAL RISK Peter Diamond 94-20 June 1994 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 INSULATION OF PENSIONS FROM POLITICAL RISK Peter Diamond 94-20 June 1994 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY OCT 2 1 1994 LIBRARIES Insulation of Pensions Peter from Political Risk Diamond June 1994 Abstract There are many sources of political risk to public provision analyzes legislation to alter the retirement income system. that some changes risks. in the is in This paper This approach naturally recognizes system are good responses to social Thus the discussion of pensions. risk, terms of the legislative actions. while others generate such Particular attention is paid to the roles of automatic pension adjustment and pension professionals in providing insulation. Briefly touched upon system being created. is the tendency of legislation to redistribute as a function of the type of A.. Introduction There are many sources of of excessive benefits political risk to the public provision people retiring when the system to combined with promises for future of pensions. One the granting not mature, particularly is A can not be met. retirees that is second is the when making of promises to future retirees that can not be met, perhaps because assets that could have financed such benefits have been used for other purposes. to the short-run condition against political risks I mean that we have third is excessive responsiveness of the government budget. benefits to the long-run condition of the The Chilean A A fourth of benefits excessive responsiveness of is government budget. 2 privatized mandatory pension system appears to provide (Diamond and Valdes-Prieto (1993), Diamond (1994)). good insulation By good insulation, not seen a number of actions that might have occurred. Under the new system, there has been no large infusion of government funds to preserve the expectations of Since the interest rates earned on the privatized funds have been large and there has workers. been no massive fraud, structure. budget. this may There has been no adjustment of pension benefits with the In 1985 when frozen, but nothing the government budget was was changed on being paid were very small; in part didn't reflect these circumstances as well the it new system. was, in trouble, the In part this I think, politically state COLA may as the social security of the government on the old system was reflect the fact that benefits insulated by the fact that the money flow through the government. 3 There was no use made of the mandatory savings plan -2- to do redistribution, even though there were presumption Also I see Perhaps, is that the no reason need to identify a source to anticipate a if interest rates major from the crisis as crisis; However, with a single data point so social security of financing affected particular My the political outcome. Chile goes through the aging transition. go down, the mandatory savings adjustment that should happen without a crisis. improve pensions for coal miners. calls to rate will have to change, but that is an not without a political struggle, but without a far, it is economic and hard to separate the role of privatization of political climate in Chile, and, of course, the particular political structure at the time of the Pinochet government. This paper explores the meaning of excessive in the opening paragraph and a description of changes in retirement income systems in terms of risks. Chilean approach that also offer insulation against some of these It considers alternatives to the risks, permitting a consideration of possible tradeoffs of other properties of retirement income systems with the degree of insulation. The approach taken is the analysis of legislation to alter the retirement income system. This approach naturally recognizes that some changes in the system are good responses to social risks, while others generate such institutional structure risks. Thus the discussion on the likelihood of is in terms of the effect of alternative legislative actions. Particular attention is paid to the roles of automatic pension adjustment and pension professionals in providing insulation. relationship The focus on legislation after the creation between the approach taken pattern of outcomes. This consideration to initiation is briefly -3- of the system omits consideration of the of the retirement income system and the touched upon in terms of the tendency of a function of the type of system being created. legislation to redistribute as To frame the economy. models It the analysis, the paper begins with discussion of the allocation of other risks in briefly mentions the income distribution system. of to illustrate patterns constitutional and risk bearing institutional effects modeled are all risk creation. on the patterns of B.. We and risk bearing in the asset is the social allocation that all Individuals are market is Pareto efficient. generically not Pareto efficient. comes with these choices. These have If markets are complete, then the allocation of 4 However, if markets are not complete, then Incomplete markets imply that allocations can 56 In considering efficiency, a critical element and for legislation. Other risks different properties in different market settings. be improved upon. followed by discussion of making) choices across different risk-expected return combinations. More important for our purposes is is familiar with issues of risk bearing in the asset market. as facing (and the allocation This There are then three simple is whether the allocation process happens once (with complete markets) or whether there are repeated times of decision making (with incomplete markets). Repeated decision making by multiple economic agents in the presence of a changing ability to choose complete markets). Of among alternatives is the source of inefficiencies (in contrast with course, banning future trades and forcing people to stay with whatever incomplete market plans they made earlier is not a cure for inefficiency. -4- In considering political risk, there are social risk that must be adapted One two elements. is the presence of significant a once-and-for-all allocation will not be efficient. to; the combination of limited complexity in legislation and a lack of Second commitment devices government. Taken together, these restrictions are akin to the incomplete market problem markets. When the lack of commitment devices by government has been approached of a time-consistency vocabulary, government and 7 its citizens. It has generally been modeled as a this seems to me at least as is for in asset in terms game between a important to recognize the risk associated with political competition as the risk associated with lack of commitment by a single government player. Moreover, in the game time-inconsistency problem. other issues. 8 context, reputation effects can play a major role in mitigating this In any event These resemble it has been much political business cycle issues 9, studied, so although I I will concentrate will view them on in the social insurance context. The mention of time inconsistency individual choice. 10 Once individuals wants to do welfare analysis. I in government policy reminds us of the same issue show time inconsistency, think that the same it is not generally clear in how one issue arises in the context of repeated democratic decision making that shows time inconsistency because of shifting political outcomes and preferences. But this is an issue that C. When creating a new I will not explore. Redistribution retirement income system, intertwined with other design issues. While it is -5- distribution issues are inevitably analytically convenient to ignore distribution issues, they his AEA should not go unmentioned. This concern has been well stated by Robert Solow in Presidential Address: "Most of us are conscious of a conflict we because, while think achieve distributional goals, minds and consciences usually a mistake to fiddle the price system to is it that arises in our we realize that the public and the political process are make the direct transfers we would If we oppose all distorting transfers, we end up opposing transfers prefer. Some of us seem to welcome the excuse, but most of us feel altogether. uncomfortable. I don't think there is any very good way to resolve that conflict perversely more in practice." willing to do that than to (1980, page 1.) In the realm of redistribution one can ask about the relationship between political insulation of the mandatory savings part of the pension scheme, and political insulation of the redistribution coming from the minimum pension. In Chile, any annuity purchased with mandatory savings must be indexed for minimum inflation, but the are periodic adjustments. A providing to the poor. pension is not automatically indexed. This does not appear to be a good more way So there system aimed to design a at integrated pension system might have had a different balance of insulation of the different parts. P.. It is natural to generations model. Nevertheless, I 12 A examine simple example of risk sharing social provision 1 ' of retirement insurance in an overlapping This permits consideration of some issues not present in will consider two period models, examples, reflecting aggregate income risk, for their simplicity. pure political -6- risk, I want finite models. to consider three and inaccuracy of expectations. Consider a two-period model with two types of agents. period one, before the government passes any legislation. two, which two random is legislation, if any. There market plays a central role is no production and no storage in the allocation B Type time of period-one legislation, but at the function u'(c',, c' 2 ), The set receives before the time of period- in this economy. Thus the way in which in credit which each risks of second maximize the expected value of the to y, in receives income y 2 in period of resources, representing both a way Each agent seeks income known type obtains consumption in the period without income and the period income are shared. A Type utility i=a,b. of Pareto optimal allocations has both types of agents having the same realized (ex post) intertemporal marginal rates of substitution. (We do individuals of a given type have different consumption levels.) not consider allocations where Thus the Pareto optimal allocations satisfy 1 u',(cV . <=', + c c' 2 + c b , b 2 Debreu theory, = y2 it b b 2 b )/u 2 (c „ c b 2 ), . is to at hand is how to achieve assume a complete conditional on the level of that c = y„ The question income = u b ,(c\, c' 2 )/u» 2 (c'„ c' 2 ) in period two. income in period We know that would be very expensive set the to try to one of these of markets. two is allocations. That is, One way, from Arrow- consumption a different good for each possible level of economy does not have this complete have them; and that the attempt to -7- in period two, set of markets; list all states of nature would fail, since something would happen Consider next the allocation that occurs assume that marginal 2. lump sum (ex E{u',(cY c", + c c'2 + c I b , b 2 in anticipated. only trading in a safe (real) bond. ante) redistributions c' 2 )}/E{u' 2 (c'„ c"2 )} The set between the two types, = E{u b ,(c b „ c b b 2 b )}/E{u 2(c „ c satisfy the equations b 2 )}, = y„ = y2 . We know these with complete markets (in Now, let B 2, i.e., everyone knows the true distribution of incomes (1)). us add to this system a pay-as-you-go on type A A consumers. We (PAYG) consumers used In the second period, the poll tax, given to type in taking expectations, allocations (in (2)) are less efficient than those described above period, there is a poll tax T, consumers. We of equilibrium allocations, have assumed that everyone has the same subjective probabilities in period two. benefit, if there is a position to go bankrupt. E, and that these expectations are correct; first was not goes to infinity sufficiently quickly with low incomes that individuals utility never allow themselves to be for different that T2 on , type social insurance system. In the to finance a benefit B, for type B consumers is B used to finance a have simplified the story by having no distortions associated with the social insurance system. -8- Let us consider restrictions on allowable legislation in period one and the possibility of new Limited legislation in period two. with complexity, or equal treatment ability to deal constitutional restrictions, or the determination of legislated outcomes might require or benefits or their relationship be the same for each generation. Assuming are of equal size reduces these possibilities to a single restriction, social that the generations T,=T 2 =B,=B 2 insurance accomplishes nothing in risk sharing; the allocation that taxes is . In this case, simply one of the allocations in (2), with the given level of redistribution. One method of introducing That is, we risk sharing is to introduce proportional taxes, t, the break even condition requires B]=t,y,. One period two. the PAYG and t 2 assume rather than the poll taxes. The question possibility is to legislate the that taxes are proportional to income. same is what tax rate, is legislated in period government does not choose becomes more complicated. Let t,^, with benefits determined by the to legislate such an indexed system, then the story government choose an income tax break even in period one, and legislate both values for both periods. government will need wants to break even. do one for break even condition. If the will In the first period, in period to legislate a change rate and benefit Then, in benefits or taxes (or both) in period two, the almost certainly, if it Provided that people can accurately predict exactly what the government two and provided that the government, ex post, will do the correct thing from an ex ante point of view, the government can produce an allocation satisfying the conditions in level that (1). -9- full efficiency However, we have introduced two complications in period two and what - what will the will people predict in period one. A E.. simple example of risk creation Let us continue with the same model as above, except that period income insurance. is determinate rather than random. There There also is government actually do no efficiency cost described here, provided that first Such reconsideration introduces to now no that second risk-sharing reason for social having a social insurance system of the kind period legislation political risk is we now assume not reconsidered in the second period. is from the perspective of individuals. Moreover, perceptions of the possible different outcomes affects the functioning of the capital market, even though there is no taxation of market income. capital the determination of political outcomes. 14 And 13 In order to proceed, we need a model of for the purposes of the design of social insurance, a model of the relationship between political outcomes and the social insurance system structure. To make this issue precise, (Different population sizes government in legislates we now assume would be a reasonable t,^ and B,=B 2 that y2 not random, but is not equal to y, alternative to consider.) In the first period the This works fine . is in the first period, B,=t,y,, but results a system with a surplus or deficit in period two, depending on the relative sizes of y and y2 Thus second period , legislation is now uncertainties that impact on the legislation yields a tax rate and a benefit break even condition, B 2 (L) = t 2 needed. Let legislative process. (L)y 2 . L be . a random variable reflecting the Thus we assume level that are functions that of L, and that second period satisfy the PAYG In this setup, the credit market in period one depends on -10- expectations about the legislative process. following first 8 , c' 2 = + s = s(1+r) (l-t,)y„ c b , + B 2 (L), = c c' 2 )} s in balance in period two b 2 is = E{yi\(c\, b b A if there is random period one. It is = L. The assumption that the social insurance it may still system will not not a necessary condition for there to be legislation in period two, It does seem more likely that there will how the dependence of legislated taxes and benefits, depicted as variable L, varies with the structure of social insurance put in place in two pieces a probability of - and a relationship between period-two legislation and period-one advance, 2 )}, (l-t 2 (L))y 2 - s(l+- natural to divide the question into legislation is in terms b imbalance. central question is functions of the b c 2 )}/E{u 2 (c „ c or uncertainty about period-two legislation in period one. be legislation and + B„ where expectations are taken over be s r. E{u',(c'„ c'2 )}/E{u' 2 (c'„ c equality of marginal expected utilities yields the order condition for the determination of the level of lending and borrowing, the rate of return, 3. The legislation. new legislation For example, if the of poll taxes, T, and benefits so that budget balance can be legislated happen that these levels are changed in the second period. Having first in and second period benefits and taxes the same might minimize the probability of legislation to change their levels. In addition, we would expect second period taxes and benefits to be a (stochastic) function of both what happened in period one and what That is, the legislated tax, t^L), is was voted in period one for period two. plausibly a function oft, and also of what -11- t2 would be if there were no The legislation. would legislation; this This setup lends inherited legislated naturally affect Below we previously legislated levels. There as outcomes with bargaining models of will turn to the further issue of the relationship of of the program. a second dimension to this issue is legislated outcomes. consideration of legislated levels of parameters as functions of itself to legislation to the structure outcomes are a default should there be no if one views the first period legislative process no more worthy of respect from the analyst than the second period process. legislation is prevents its viewed as unfair in the second period, would a design of the legislative process that undoing be a good thing? F.. In both sections above, (possibly) know If first period random incomes and Perceptions we assumed (possibly) these distributions; no one does. that random consumers knew the distributions of both legislated redistributions. Thus we need Consumers to consider the implications don't of possibly inaccurate forecasts. For example, consider the model of pure political risk (no aggregate income risk) where the social insurance system legislated in the first period is definitely not viable in the second period. Then, consumers planning their transactions the political outcomes. 4. E'{u',(cY c\ + s = Thus the equilibrium will satisfy c' 2 )}/E'{u' 2 (c'„ c'2 )} y, - T„ c b , = in the capital s = E b {u b ,(c b „ + B„ -12- b b b b b c 2 )}/E {u 2 (c „ c 2 )}, market must forecast c\ = s(l+r) + B2 , c b 2 = y2 - s(l+r) - T2 . This allocation differs from the one above in that have added individual tags I operator, reflecting the possibility of different beliefs by different consumers (although assumed the same for everyone of the same type) over the second period. While first G.. It some of taxes and benefits in the Some are needed. Hypothetical Examples might be useful to consider some circumstances where each of the above models has relevance. While it would be hypothetical ones. Consider an are levels still period benefits and taxes have been legislated, the second period random variables over which expectations levels are to the expectation growing rapidly and returns worked and saved elderly are at economy that is real examples, make do with I will undergoing rapid economic growth so that wages to capital are high, but the current elderly are not well off, having times of low wages and low rates of return. Possibly a large fraction of the below the poverty for elderly to pull some best to have threshold. many of them Politically, out of poverty. it is difficult to raise the But increasing benefits security system is easy since payroll tax revenues are high. viewed as an example of the model aggregate incomes in a way in section that tends to minimum in the PAYG social Passing such legislation can be 2 since the level of benefits move pension is sensitive to intertemporal marginal rates of substitution toward each other. As an example of political risk, consider a government that has tax revenues that are more -13- than proportionally sensitive to the business cycle (or are particularly sensitive to other variables). Assume that the government responds to retirement pensions. fiscal difficulties Then, viewing the state efficiency of risk bearing. is all expenditures, including of the budget as a random variable, the variation of government provided retirement pensions with the of the variation in other incomes by adjusting state of the government budget in excess an example of government created risk that worsens the This example differs from simply assuming that two political parties repeatedly change in controlling the government, with one party expanding retirement benefits and the second party reducing them since additional methods of it identifies a source insulation, rather than just a In both of these examples, I of variation need for insulation. have identified the pattern of consumption or income per capita as the basis for judging risk reducing and risk increasing changes. economic theory of risk sharing and that suggests is the basis for the proposal by Robert This reflects the Merton that social security benefits be indexed to consumption per capita (Merton, 1983). In sum, we would like to identify good reasons for varying benefits and taxes and bad reasons for varying them, and then to choose a structure for provision of retirement income that encourages the former and discourages the latter. encouragement and discouragement are probably the in politics. -14- It is probably worth remembering that right vocabularies - there are no guarantees H.. Legislated We have identified a pair of needs circumstances and a need not to modify it - Outcomes the need to modify social security in in others. Moreover, there that affect the likelihood of of such mechanisms on changes in change in the system. both circumstances. We want to And we to ask about ask about the effect probably want to distinguish between circumstances of increases and circumstances of decreases All of the simple a need for accurate Thus we want perceptions about the likelihood of both types of circumstances. mechanisms is some in both taxes models above incorporate some legislated outcomes. and At benefits. this stage of our knowledge of the determination of legislated outcomes, this process must remain something of a black box, with the argument relying on intuitions of the effect on derivations from a model of the legislative process. One legislation. source is There are three different types of sources of effects on elements of the constitution that affect process works in the consideration of social security; second benefit and cost determination process institutions on legislative behavior. culture that limits on to do, the legislative the role of the social security even when they could of other factors and (at least temporarily) are distinguishing between changing the rules covering legislation is, on the one hand from institutions that affect political context. reflect how This can be considered to be the development of a political do other things. That Of course is likely legislation; third is the role what governments choose we legislation, rather than these issues are not unique to social security. on the recent newspaper articles For example, on the opening up of the Japanese -15- rice it is interesting to market to imports and part, its on incomes of effect from the rise rice farmers. of countervailing lack of an independent claim for Japanese rice). political protection system was politically vulnerable, in power (exporters concerned about GATT) and income protection (other than the As economists,we may interesting to consider The historic cultural continuity not like the income protection to begin with, but what would have made it more secure. the Do tariffs of it is still have more (or less) political viability than quotas? Constitutional Rules I will refer to the rules These rules affect governing the functioning of the legislature as a constitution. how a government that the constitution might be continues to live by the constitution might behave, amended within the constitutional process and how how (and whether) the constitution might be replaced by an extra-constitutional process. There are many actions that governments might government. Any take. Any asset might be taken by expected receipt might be blocked by government. Conversely an asset might be given by government, an expectation that might otherwise be unrealized might be government. These are some of the second period legislated begin by considering Some common constitutional restrictions acts that fulfilled might be taken. by Let us on asset seizure generally. constitutions protect private property and private contractual arrangements by a restriction that government must compensate definition of a taking is if it "takes" private property. Of course the unclear so the implications on behavior of such a rule depend on ongoing -16- political and judicial processes. government contract Similarly, a manipulated. same damage-payment In addition the definition to of "private property" could be purchase an item rules as a private contract. Thus, one approach is normally subject to the to constitutional protection for social security is to give the social security system's promises the same which contracts or private property rather than the status of legislated behavior, future legislated changes. the promised level. benefits. This to status One would hope side. 13 the legislative process would make more a more little There are two sides may difficult the reduction that this difficulty in reduction may make predictability be on the low that Such to difficult since legislated such a change. have occurred or a change in the desired outcome subject to of benefits below act to limit promised promises would tend Generating such sluggishness in However, there (in someone's eyes) while enhancing the is an asymmetry here between benefit increases and benefit decreases. Thus, desired outcomes a time of temporary political power and might be hard An is reduce the ability to respond to either the particular risky outcomes protection from pure political risk. at would status as private (in someone's eyes) can be legislated reverse. alternative approach is to put the rules covering social security directly into the constitution, making changes more difficult since amending a constitution is generally a process requiring greater majorities or additional steps than with ordinary legislation. Social Security Design The full privatization and full funding of a defined-contribution plan, as in the Chilean model, seems to provide the most insulation. This suggests that this insulation off against other elements, such as the ability to provide insurance and cost. -17- should be traded However, this ignores the issue that insulation without limit is not uniformly good. It seems useful to distinguish different degrees of resistance to change along a path connecting a traditional unfunded defined benefit system with the Chilean model. The minimal design element for public provision of retirement no specific identification of a revenue source. plan, with income would be a Such a system would be very vulnerable to the state of the government budget. Traditionally, a payroll tax for the promised benefits. of the budget, although Earmarking it earmarked to pay This earmarking offers some insulation from fluctuations in the rest is increases sensitivity to fluctuations in the earmarked source of revenue. will generally require periodic legislation to align taxes automatic adjustment. benefit Automatic adjustment rules in a totally and benefits unless there is unfunded system may provide considerable insulation to benefit increases in that any benefit increase requires a simultaneous tax increase, although an immature system will have low tax such changes. Such an automatic-adjustment mechanism visible than in a nonautomatic system. rates may make and offer it resistance to the future rise in taxes The presence of earmarking the revenue will be used for other purposes; little more affects the likelihood that also affects the likelihood that other sources of revenue will be used for this expenditure and that the level of earmarked funds will be increased. Thus the absence of a fund may increase insulation in a system where benefits and taxes are adjusted to each other automatically. It is common for traditional systems to partially fund benefits so that any excess of earmarked revenue over benefits goes insulation from vagaries in the into a fund. The presence of a fund does provide some government budget, but -18- it probably increases the likelihood of on the basis of fund benefit increases (possibly unsustainable) for other purposes, a more difficult trick if there is Funding can be done with public in the trust debt. That availability and also of fund use no fund. this is primarily a political act can be seen following quotation from Bodie and Merton (1993). In commenting on the social security fund buildup in the U. S., they write: "In a private plan, funding is used to insure against default by the plan sponsor. Here the promise to pay benefits has the same level of full faith and credit of the government as the bonds used to fund the plan. Yet there seems to be a belief that this change may help to ensure that, when they reach retirement, workers will indeed receive benefits approximating those promised under the current benefit formula (i.e., the one in effect in 1992)." There is a role for such a promise in the effect on the legislative process. probably different degrees of likelihood in the following actions. just implicit social security debt, system, it might repudiate security system, it all might seize it government all assets. the pooling of groups of assets or legislative process. be taxed, but not or wealth. at That is, might repudiate debt, The it by the social security might seize private assets held by the social idea behind the reduction in likelihood there tends to be a - government might repudiate explicit public debt held income claims so a discriminatory rate A There are that they tend to norm of comes from be treated the same by the uniformity, assets or income flows can a rate different from other (similar) sources of income Insofar as groups are politically accepted as equal, they tend to get treated equally. This does not underestimate the ability of the political system to identify (or create) differences in order to have targeted benefits. By placing retirement income in the same equal treatment category with other forms of income, particularly privately provided retirement income or income -19- from assets generally, there in that it is to cite it to may be more political protection. Again, there easier to invoke equal treatment to guard against losses than for the general public guard against increased benefits. This similar to the possibility that the idea of a is comprehensive tax base affects the extent to which tax loopholes get The next step beyond funding with government debt probably increases the insulation from political assets may seem more From in that the may be asymmetry "real" to voters, this perspective, risk, is although more of an obligation legislated. funding with private it is a little to continue unclear assets. why promised private benefits. promised benefits are automatically adjusted to the availability of funds. That is, no This can be done with earmarking without funding. But earmarking without automatic adjustment is not the as earmarking with automatic adjustment; just as funding a defined benefit system different 16 a defined contribution system differs from a defined benefit system further legislative actions are required in order to carry out the promised benefits. same - This is from funding a defined contribution system. In addition to the issue of automatic adjustment, there is an issue of the visibility of the automatic adjustment. In defined contribution systems, benefits are automatically adjusted to measures of the performance of the economy. This adjustment at the time of setting benefits, rather than changing their by the "market." I think that a legislature would have It seems to me not very visible since It is even difficulty trying to between annuities and accumulations on a year by year be out of sight of the public. level. is basis. less visible if done it is set change the relationship This adjustment seems to need to that visibility in the public arena is a -20- it is two-edged Visibility prevents sword. light of day then of increased Thus But higher result visibility will also it is who pays a little for a harder to steal in the new benefit is a form tend to limit good professional reactions. useful to try to build a respected professional expertise, political pressures, that happen. political action: Forcing identification of at night. visibility. may be it it is some kinds of bad somewhat insulated from can try to guide the system into the kinds of changes that ought to Thus the Chilean system seems to provide insulation of individual accounts and by having decreased by having added visibility visibility as a from the absence of a stated benefit formula. It is there is natural to think of an annuity market as adjusting benefits to available resources, but no need for the resources to various to be physically present. That the benefits could be adjusted accounting measures that have no backing in physical assets. This Boskin, Kotlikoff and Shoven (1988) propose. additional (real) benefits (on retirement) based rates are set By doing on that years taxes paid. of these calculations from even less professionalism, but visible it it is political forces. than is a single essentially much However the accrual cycle affecting current easier to preserve the professional character Having many small decisions should make decision. can also be insulation for what forecasted to be in balance over these adjustments on an annual contributors and not current beneficiaries, is In their system, each year people accrue by actuaries based on forecasts so that the system the projection period. process is, Lack of visibility is insulation this for theft. Contrast this approach with one that adjusts annual benefits to annual revenues by proportionally changing all benefits to be paid that year. -21- While benefit recipients might be passive in the face of such announcements, it and so pressure on the system from politicians is more likely that there will politicians to protect benefits. be pressure on There will also be pressure to enlarge entitlements on the ground that actual benefits will be cut in the future. Taking away from people what they do not realize they have is much easier. Similarly, the public seems to think largely in nominal terms, so that reductions in cost-of-living adjustments are politically easier than adjustments in benefit levels, Of economists. course, this viability, since the is however curious the sort of political evaluation that this distinction is to may not have long run degree of understanding of the nominal-real distinction and its political acceptance by the public could change. More generally, the degree of money history, particularly exposure to inflation. illusion (inflation illusion) in the public Thus, in systems, protecting retirement incomes from inflation incomes. The obvious indexed system may be no Political is institutional response is to somewhat vulnerable some inadequately indexed is have an indexed system. of high social security an important part of protecting retirement to sufficiently high inflation rates direct cure for this, with avoidance depends on inflation the However, even an because of lags. There obvious solution. Context In addition to constitutional changes and different choice of parameters in the insurance institution, there are other ways to affect the distribution of legislated outcomes. One is by adding an institution that has some of the powers of the legislative body (but subject to override -22- by the banks. legislature), for Such an example an institution is then institution with some of the workings of independent charged with setting some parameters of social security and staffed with independent professionals. 1718 In addition to having direct control of some parameters, an that is required to report annually and/or to official actuarial office comment on any proposed legislation gives higher (and presumably resistance) to changes that the Office of the Actuary in Social Security 75 years. While prominence it is to these must forecast the Another approach in the to a benefit unsustainable. In the US financial balance of the system for little more political long run issues. comment on proposed system may be easy to ignore these pronouncements, this does give a With privatized management of a separate to institution with professional Having an independence can affect the dialogue about social security. political visibility central trust fund, there is again a set of professionals legislated changes in the private fund managers. to affecting political outcomes is by changing the description of the eyes of the public. For example, the vocabulary of individual accounts (as opposed formula) has suggestions to the public that to social security as a tax-transfer vulnerable than referring to it mechanism may affect legislated outcomes. in ordinary discourse may make Referring the system more one where benefits have been earned by as an insurance system, paying earlier premiums. Such a conversational change results in a primarily one-sided protection - harder to cut benefits, but not harder to raise them. in unsustainable benefit levels, then this If the greater risk is increases that result does not offer -23- much protection. An balance. - where vocabulary matters additional area One example of a whether this includes or subtler form of pressure deficit. the public definition of the budget balance One such a vocabulary choice. role for earmarking An To get some insulation from the social security This can be done in a variety of ways with One can simply differing degrees of insulation. government budget government budget, one can move the and expenditures outside the budget. of the budget the vocabulary of excludes the social security system. short run fluctuations in the state of the receipts is is not include social security in official definitions and a trust fund is to add to the sustainability independent institution managing the fund may of also add to this sustainability. The political viability If people creation. politically more Working of this paper. 19 do pay for the assets that go into in an exchange economy has kept Capital accumulation concern with insulation. A is my that period Perceived fairness has some analysis focused on risk, the central charge a major issue in the behavior of governments. comes from a desire to see One can more Some of capital accumulation, not consider the extent to which one wants accumulation than occurs in equilibrium how may be from similar analysis might be done of the capital accumulation question. Consider a three period model. consider its clearly perceived unfairness. the academic support for funding capital their accounts, these accounts insulated than if they are given such accounts. So too does political effects. of an arrangement can also depend on the circumstances of in each of the first two more or less One can periods. the level of capital accumulation that occurs depends on institution design in both and earlier periods. The government has many -24- tools to affect capital accumulation, of which funding retirement pensions Thus one needs is just one. to consider the relative merits of funding different institution designs that affect capital accumulation. idea that national defense is activities, as For example one might well as other try to inculcate the shaky unless future defense expenditures are funded. The politics of such an institution would probably work differently from one focused on retirement income. Conclusion I.. Right now, the two most visible risks to retirement income (other than through risks to the entire economy and budget and the formula. risk society 20 ) of excessive redistribution to early generations, masked The Chilean government are the risks of oversensitivity to the state of the structure does well with both of these incomes outside the government budget and by seeming in an unsustainable problems by moving retirement to require the identification source of financing for benefits for any group of individuals. It is of an explicit probably too soon to rule out the ability of the political system to tap these resources for government revenue needs or for redistributions. market rates is Requiring investment government the obvious route for the former. to "needier" accounts against such in (which moves probably may have Redistributing part of the return on portfolios an age component) lies in the identification them) as private property, entitled to the the public conception of the retirement debt, particularly debt paying less than is one route for the as other assets. If this income system plays an important -25- Protection of individual accounts (and the returns on same protection actual institutional structure. later. is correct, then role along with the These considerations suggest a value visibility to professional evaluation in it. in the creation of an institution giving status and of the condition of the retirement system and possible changes Since some systems are easier to communicate to the public, such systems are more easily protected by such an institution. Ongoing defined benefit systems are probably in greater need for protection than are defined contribution systems. may help provide It Automatic adjustment rules (or adjustment by independent professionals) more protection for such systems. would be good to have a more factual basis on the behavior of legislatures toward retirement systems in different settings in order to identify the set of risks be less speculative more carefully and to about the legislative process in thinking about this important topic. -26- A ppendix. A I Funded System started with a pure exchange economy to highlight the issue of creating behavior of legislatures in a setting happening economy. The use of a in the where there was fully To make of savers and legislative action want to consider a bring out some many possibilities impacts on the likely pattern of two-period economy with two groups not interact with each other in the private market. considered the present generation and future generations. generation ignores risk inaction. this point formally, I who do it and else (besides redistribution) funded system does not change the of legislative actions to create risks or share them, although outcomes of little risk sharing Lumping all The two groups can be of the future into a single issues of the carryover of institution design into the future, but does issues in a simple setting. Consider a two period model with two types of agents. period one, before the government passes any legislation. one, but this income is random of period-two legislation, if at the any. Type Type B There is its known b in period before the time a stochastic linear technology for converting R b savings decisions based on -27- first be the quantities of period-two income received for each unit of period-one income saved by the two types. makes receives income y" in receives income y time of period-one legislation, but period income into second period income. Let R" and trade with each other, so each A its The two groups can not (stochastic) options. Thus the credit market plays no separately by each group the way in which risks is role in the allocation the way to consumption maximize the expected value of the subject to the budget constraint we assume that each type obtains that the c' 2 =(y'-c',)R', i=a,b. government can not Using realized rate of return. transfers, but does not constraint of each group the second period and is this utility function u^c 1 ,, c' 2 ), i=a,b In keeping with the interpretation of the alter the levels by setting up a rule transferring between the two groups random in the of second-period income are determined. Each agent seeks model, of risks between the groups. Direct investment of investment, but can in period two risk share as a function of the formulation has individual savers recognize the presence of alter the rate of return on marginal investments. Thus the budget altered to read c'^Cy'-c'JR 1 + B'(R a ,R b ), i=a,b; with the constraint on government B*(Ra ,R b )+B b (R',R b )=0. b Purely risk-sharing legislation would have E{B'(R",R )}=0. Redistribution from the future to the present generation benefit level would be would have this expectation positive. risk sharing or risk creating Legislation with a zero expected depending on whether intertemporal marginal rates of substitution towards each other or pure political risk as discussed above). -28- it tended to move away from each other the (as with References Aghion, Philippe, and Patrick Bolton, 1990, Government domestic debt and the a political-economic model of the strategic role of debt, in R. Dornbusch and risk of default: M. Draghi ,eds., Public Debt Management: Theory and History. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1992, Picoeconomics: The Strategic Interaction of Successive Motivational Ainslie, George, States within the Person. 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In choosing careers, Pursuing some Again, incomplete markets imply a lack of Pareto efficiency in general. The 6. literature on insurance normally assumes that there is no social risk, and then explores the role of insurance markets in spreading individual risks (Malinvaud, 1972). social risks, then the allocation may have 7. Kydland and Prescott (1977). 8. Stokey (1989). 9. Alesina (1988), Nordhaus (1989). Once there are different properties. 10. Ainslie (1992), Strotz (1955), Schelling (1984), and the collection edited by Loewenstein and Elster (1992)). 1 1 There are large aggregate risks associated with the provision of retirement income. For US, the annual percentage reduction in age-adjusted central death rates for males was -0.19% for 1954-1968, but 1.56% for 1968-1988 (Social Security Technical Panel, example, in the 1991). For a discussion of the use of public debt to share risks in an OLG model with incomplete markets, see Gale (1990). For a discussion of optimal taxation in a Ramsey 12. economy with incomplete markets and social risk, see -31- Diamond and Mirrlees (1993). were real investments, with random aggregate returns, then full risk sharing would depend on two sources of risky income. Similarly, if type A's received random income in period two, with a different random structure and an identifiably different character (from the perspective of political identification) we would again have two sources of income risk. For a setup of this model with real investments, see the appendix. 13. If there 14. I will treat the political process as random relative to social security. That is, I assume in social security do not play a major role in the determination of For a model that determines voting for political parties as a function of expenditure, and debt policies the parties will follow, see Aghion and Bolton (1990). proposed changes that political the tax, outcomes. For example, before the U.S. system was indexed, the benefit formula and the calculation of lifetime average wages were both in nominal terms, making for periodic increases in 15. benefits in response to inflation. 16. The use of may private assets does affect the nature of political process since the rate of return well be different on the funds probably 17. This was not a satisfactory system. - even if the aggregate return to the affect legislated outcomes on economy is unchanged, and returns benefits. For a discussion of independent central banks, see Cukierman (1992). of Boskin, Kotlikoff and Shoven (1988), actuaries set the rate of conversion of current taxes paid into claims on annuitized retirement income. 18. For example, 19. A 20. Civil in the proposal model with war is capital is briefly presented in the appendix. tough on publicly provided retirement income. -32- ) 1 7 8 J L Date Due m 24 W»- Lib-26-67