Presidential / Engineering Scholars Program

Presidential / Engineering Scholars Program
The Presidential / Engineering Scholars Program recognizes the outstanding
academic achievements and promise of a select group of admitted College of
Engineering students. Presidential / Engineering Scholars receive the following
special package of benefits and opportunities:
 A Boston University half-tuition scholarship, renewable for up to eight
semesters of undergraduate study, provided a grade point average of at
least 3.20 is maintained annually and that at least 12 credits are
completed each semester of the prior academic year.
 Guaranteed admission to a Boston University College of Engineering
Master of Engineering program, provided a 3.40 grade point average is
maintained during the Bachelor of Science program. Presidential /
Engineering Scholars are not required to take the Graduate Record Exam
(GRE). Scholars can apply for admission in the senior year of the
undergraduate program.
 One semester of funding in the first two years for up to 10 hours per
week to participate in a research program with a faculty member in
College of Engineering.