CURRICULUM VITAE Julio F. Turrens, Ph.D. (6/15/2015)

Julio F. Turrens, Ph.D.
Birth date:
January 30, 1953
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Marital Status: Married to Barbara L. (Barnes) Turrens
College of Allied Health Professions
Dean’s Office, HAHN 3042
University of South Alabama
Mobile, AL 36688-0002
Phone: (251) 445-9250
Fax: (251) 445-9259
University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Degree equivalent to B.S. (Chemistry) 1978, School of Sciences.
Doctorate in Chemistry, 1980 (Major Professor: Dr. Alberto Boveris)
Research Associate, Department of Medicine, Duke University Medical Center, Durham,
N.C., (Drs. James Crapo and Bruce Freeman)
Post Doctoral Fellow, Department of Biochemistry, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore,
MD, (Dr. Albert L. Lehninger).
Fellowship of the Argentine Society of Biophysics to participate in the National Meeting held in
Pehuen-Co, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
ICRO-UNESCO Fellowship to participate in the International Training Course on Oxygen
Toxicity, University of Porto, Oporto, Portugal.
1985-87 Rockefeller Foundation Biotechnology Career Fellowship.
IUB Fellowship to Assist at the 13th International Congress of Biochemistry, Amsterdam, The
Phi Kappa Phi Scholar of the Year award, University of South Alabama.
Outstanding Scholar, University of South Alabama Alumni Association.
2005-2014 Selected every year among USA faculty members receiving the “Top Prof” award from the
USA chapter of the National College Senior Honor society Mortar Board
Inducted (honoris causa) to the honor society Omicron Delta Kappa for significant
contributions to the University of South Alabama.
2011Sigma Xi distinguished member
“50 Outstanding Faculty Award”, University of South Alabama.
Excellence in Research Award. Pat Capps Covey College of Allied Health Professions,
University of South Alabama
1978-81 Research Fellowship from the National Research Council (Argentina) to work in the
Department of Biochemistry, School of Medicine, University of Buenos Aires.
1984-87 Career Investigator of the National Research Council (CONICET), Argentina.
1986-87 Assistant Professor of Physical Chemistry, School of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, University of
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
1987-90 Assistant Professor of Biochemistry, College of Medicine, University of South Alabama, Mobile,
Julio F. Turrens, Ph.D.
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1990-93 Associate Professor of Biomedical Sciences, College of Allied Health Professions, University of
South Alabama.
1990-12 Adjunct Associate Professor of Biochemistry, College of Medicine, University of South Alabama.
1993Professor of Biomedical Sciences, College of Allied Health Professions, University of South
1994-96 Assistant-to-the-Dean for Research, College of Allied Health Professions, University of South
1998Director of Graduate Studies, College of Allied Health Professions, University of South Alabama.
1998-04 Director for Undergraduate Research, University of South Alabama.
2002- Alternate Representative for the University of South Alabama before the Alabama Council of
Graduate Deans.
2003- Graduate Coordinator of the interdisciplinary MS program in Environmental Toxicology.
2004Associate Dean, College of Allied Health Professions, University of South Alabama.
Allied Health Leadership Program, April 19-23, and September 26-October 1, 2005, Washington DC.
Participation in the workshop on Teaching Research Ethics, Poynter Center, Indiana University at
Bloomington, Indiana, May 10-12.
2006-07 Leadership Mobile, Class of 2007. Program organized by Mobile United.
Academic Leadership Program, University of South Alabama
Interprofessional Education Institute on May 4-7, Herndon, VA
1986-96 Member of the Committee on Symposia, International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
1989-94 Member of the International Cell Research Organization (ICRO).
1995-96 President-Elect of the Mobile Chapter of the Scientific Honor Society Sigma Xi.
1996-97 President of the Mobile Chapter of the Scientific Honor Society Sigma Xi.
2001-02 President Elect of the University of South Alabama chapter of Phi Kappa Phi
2002-04 President of the University of South Alabama chapter of Phi Kappa Phi
2004-06 Councilor, Biology Division, Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR).
2006-07 President of the Mobile Chapter of the Scientific Honor Society Sigma Xi
2008-17 Councilor, At Large Division, Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR).
2009Treasurer, University of South Alabama chapter of Phi Kappa Phi
2010-11 President of the Mobile Chapter of the Scientific Honor Society Sigma Xi
2010Member of the National Nominations Committee of Scientific Honor Society Sigma Xi
2012Chair, At-Large Division, Council on Undergraduate Research
Chair of the nominations committee for president-elect of Sigma Xi
2013Director of the Comprehensive Colleges and Universities Constituency on the Board of Sigma
HSC 101
BMD 322
BMD 493
GIS 501
Interprofessional Freshman Seminar
Biochemistry II (Metabolism)
Issues in Biomedical Sciences
Responsible Conduct of Research
1979-81 Teaching Assistant, Department of Biochemistry, School of Medicine, University of Buenos Aires,
Julio F. Turrens, Ph.D.
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Discussion Leader, Department of Biological Chemistry, The Johns Hopkins University School of
Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland.
Lecturer in Physical Chemistry, School of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, University of Buenos Aires,
Instructor in the Biochemistry course for the BEAR Program (undergraduate minority students),
School of Medicine, University of South Alabama.
Participation in the Enzymes and Proteins course (GMS 620) for graduate students.
Course Director, Medical Biochemistry, College of Medicine, University of South Alabama,.
Course Director and instructor for the Physiological Chemistry course, Department of Medical
Technology, College of Allied Health, University of South Alabama.
Physical Biochemistry for graduate students in the Department of Biochemistry of the School
of Medicine, in collaboration with Dr. Aladar Bencsath.
Member of the Committee to organize a course in Cell Biology for the Department of
Structural and Cellular Biology, School of Medicine, University of South Alabama.
Biochemistry I and II (BMD 321 & 322). Two Biochemistry courses covering Molecular
Biology and Metabolism. Department of Biomedical Sciences, College of Allied Health,
University of South Alabama.
Physiological Chemistry (MT 340) for the Department of Medical Technology, in collaboration
with Dr. Larry Powers.
Course on basic laboratory techniques (25 h/week during 8 weeks) for Bishop State
Community College students registered in the NIH-funded Bridge program with the University
of South Alabama.
Issues in Biomedical Sciences (BMD 493). An introduction to bioethics and applications to
basic biomedical sciences.
Creation of the USA Undergraduate Research Program. Director until 2006.
Biochemistry Laboratory (BMD 323) A laboratory course in biochemistry, including techniques
in molecular biology, enzymology and bioenergetics.
Fundamentals of Nutrition (BMD 390)
Research Integrity (GIS 501) A graduate level course on research integrity.
Creation of an Interdisciplinary MS program in Environmental Toxicology
First Year Experience for pre-health students
Organizer of the International Training Course on "Free Radicals and Excited States in Biological
Systems" sponsored by ICRO-UNESCO, IUB and PAABS. Buenos Aires, February 23-March 7.
Invited Lecturer at the International Training Course (ICRO-UNESCO) on "Oxygen Free Radicals:
Biochemical, Physiological and Pathological Aspects". Buenos Aires, Argentina, March 7-18.
Course on Oxygen Active Species in Biological Systems (UNDP-PEDECIBA). November 14-18,
Montevideo, Uruguay.
External Examiner of Caroline Bolter's thesis (Ph.D. in Zoology), University of Wester Ontario,
London, Ontario, Canada.
Visiting Scientist at the International Laboratory for Research on Animal Diseases (ILRAD),
Nairobi, Kenya, August 14-19.
Visiting Professor, Department of Biochemistry, School of Medicine, University of the Republic,
Montevideo, Uruguay.
Visiting Professor, Department of Physical Chemistry, School of Pharmacy and Biochemistry,
University of Buenos Aires.
Lecturer and organizer of the International Training Course (ICRO-UNESCO) and IUBMBSymposium on "Biochemistry of Parasitic Protozoa", Nairobi, Kenya, August 10-26, 1992.
Julio F. Turrens, Ph.D.
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Instructor in the Graduate Course on "Free Radicals in Biological Systems" organized by Dr. R.
Docampo, Department of Pathobiology, College of Veterinary Sciences, University of Illinois,
Urbana, IL.
External Examiner of Yiguang Lin' thesis (Ph.D. in Pharmacology) Faculty of Medicine, University
of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.
Judge in the area of Biochemistry for the 44th International Science and Engineering Fair, Biloxi,
MS, May 9-15.
Review of the undergraduate Biochemistry program at SUNY Geneseo, New York.
Member of on-site and off-site panels for SACS-COC (Southern Association of Colleges and
Site Visit panel to the “Protein Databank”, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, November 1-2.
Member of on-site panel for SACS-COC (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
Consultant for the European Commission to do Forensic Analysis of data for scientific papers,
Consultant for the Austrian Agency for Research Integrity to do Forensic Analysis of data for
scientific papers
Member of an off-site panel for SACS-COC (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
Member of the Committee on Symposia, International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular
Biology (IUBMB).
1989-94 Member of the International Cell Research Organization (ICRO).
1993Proposal Reviewer for the National Research Council of Uruguay (CONICYT).
Proposal Reviewer for the U.S. Department of Agriculture
1996-97 NIH Study Section for Small Business Innovative Research Grants (SBIR).
Proposal Reviewer for the National Agency of Scientific and Technical Promotion (SEPCyT),
Member of the study section for the U.S. Army Neurotoxin Exposure treatment Research
Program, through the American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS).
Member of the study section for the U.S. Army Neurotoxin Exposure treatment Research
Program, through the American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS).
2000-03 Member of the study section for Military Infectious Diseases Research Program (Panel on
Antiparasitic Drugs), through the American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS).
Proposal Reviewer for the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Proposal Reviewer for the National Research Council of Uruguay (CONICYT).
Proposal Reviewer for the Veterans Administration.
Proposal Reviewer for the ORI Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Resource Development
Proposal Reviewer for the National Science Foundation (NSF-REU, Biology Division).
NIH study section for the National Institutes of Diabetes and Kidney Diseases for an RFA on
“Preventing Mitochondrial Oxidative Stress in Obesity and Diabetes”.
Proposal Reviewer for the National Science Foundation (NSF-REU, Biology Division)
NIH review panel for the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases for an RFA on
“NIAID Partnerships with Public Private Partnerships (PPPs)”, April 2-3.
NIH review panel for the National Institutes of Diabetes and Kidney Diseases for an RFA on
“Biomarker Development for Diabetic Complications.”, April 11-12.
NSF-CCLI program. July 11-13.
NIH study section for the National Institutes of Diabetes and Kidney Diseases for the “Loan
Repayment Program for Clinical Researchers. May 2.
2008 date
Proposal Reviewer for FONCyT (Argentina).
Member of the study section for US Army Peer Reviewed Medical Research Program
(Leishmaniases) through the American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS). September
21-23, 2008.
Julio F. Turrens, Ph.D.
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NIH study section for the National Institutes of Diabetes and Kidney Diseases for the “Loan
Repayment Program for Clinical Researchers. April 13.
Proposal Reviewer for the National Science Foundation (NSF-REU, Biology/Chemistry),
December 7-8.
Site Visit to the Protein Databank, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, November 1-2.
Member of the “NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program” review panel, Washington, DC.
NIH study section for the National Institutes of Diabetes and Kidney Diseases for the “Loan
Repayment Program for Clinical Researchers.
Member of the “NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program” review panel, Washington, DC.
Member of the “NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program” review panel, Washington, DC.
NIH study section for the National Institutes of Diabetes and Kidney Diseases for the “Loan
Repayment Program for Clinical Researchers.
NIH study section for the National Institutes of Diabetes and Kidney Diseases for the “Loan
Repayment Program for Clinical Researchers.
Proposal Reviewer for the Clemente Estable Foundation, Uruguay.
Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics.
Antioxidantes y Calidad de Vida (Argentina).
Free Radical Biology and Medicine.
Cell Biology Education (Managing Editor)
PLoS One, (Managing Editor)
American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB)
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Sigma Xi
Phi Kappa Phi
Union of Concerned Scientists
Boveris, A.; Docampo, R.; Turrens, J.F. and Stoppani, A.O.M. (1977) Action of - and
lapachone on hydrogen peroxide production and cell growth in Trypanosoma cruzi (Spanish).
Rev. Asoc. Arg. Microbiol. 9: 54-61.
Poderoso, J.J.; Boveris, A.; Jorge, M.A.; Gherardi, C.R.; Turrens, J.F. and Stoppani, A.O.M. (1978).
Mitochondrial function during septic shock (Spanish). Medicina (Buenos Aires) 38: 371-377.
Boveris, A.; Docampo, R.; Turrens, J.F. and Stoppani A.O.M. (1978) Effect of -lapachone on
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Turrens, J.F.; Boveris, A.; Gros, E.G. and Stoppani, A.O.M. (1980) Subcellular distribution of ergosterol
and 5,7-diene sterols in Trypanosoma cruzi (Spanish). Medicina (Buenos Aires) 40: 137-144.
Boveris, A.; Sies, H.; Martino, E.E.; Docampo, R.; Turrens, J.F. and Stoppani, A.O.M. (1980) Deficient
metabolic utilization of hydrogen peroxide in Trypanosoma cruzi. Biochem. J. 188: 643-648.
Boveris, A. and Turrens, J.F. (1980) Production of superoxide anion and hydrogen peroxide by the
NADH-dehydrogenase of mammalian mitochondria. In "Chemical and Biochemical Aspects of
Superoxide Anion and Superoxide Dismutases" (Bannister, J.V. and Hill, H.A.O., eds.) Elsevier, North
Holland, pp. 84-91.
Turrens, J.F. and Boveris, A. (1980) Generation of superoxide anion by the NADH-dehydrogenase of
bovine heart mitochondria. Biochem. J. 191: 421-427.
Docampo, R.; Moreno, S.N.J.; Turrens, J.F.; Katzin, A.M.; Gonzalez Cappa, S.M. and Stoppani,
A.O.M. (1981). Biochemical and ultrastructural alterations produced by miconazol in Trypanosoma
cruzi. Molec. Biochem. Parasitol., 3: 169-180.
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Turrens, J.F.; Freeman, B.A.; Levitt, J.G. and Crapo, J.D. (1982) The effect of hyperoxia on
superoxide production by lung submitochondrial particles. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 217: 401-410.
Turrens, J.F.; Freeman, B.A. and Crapo, J.D. (1982) Hyperoxia increases hydrogen peroxide release
from lung mitochondria and microsomes. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 217: 411-421.
Crapo, J.D.; Freeman, B.A.; Barry, B.E.; Turrens, J.F. and Young, S.L. (1983) Mechanisms of
hyperoxic injury to the pulmonary microcirculation. The Physiologist, 26: 170-176.
Freeman, B.A.; Turrens, J.F. and Crapo, J.D. (1983) Liposome-entrapped SOD and catalase augment
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Turrens, J.F.; Crapo, J.D. and Freeman, B.A. (1984) Protection against oxygen toxicity by intravenous
injection of liposomes containing catalase and superoxide dismutase. J. Clin. Invest. 73: 87-95.
Goijman, S.G.; Turrens, J.F.; Marini-Bettolo, G.B. and Stoppani, A.O.M. (1984) Inhibition of growth and
macromolecule biosynthesis in Trypanosoma cruzi by natural products: Effect of miconidine and
tingenone (Spanish). Medicina (Buenos Aires) 44: 361-370.
Goijman, S.G.; Turrens, J.F.; Marini-Bettolo, G.B. and Stoppani, A.O.M. (1985). Effect of tingenone on
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Turrens, J.F.; Alexandre, A. and Lehninger, A.L. (1985) Ubisemiquinone is the electron donor for
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Freeman, B.A.; Turrens, J.F.; Mirza, Z.; Crapo, J.D. and Young, S.L. (1985). Modulation of oxidant
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Boveris, A.; Hertig, C.M. and Turrens, J.F. (1986) Fumarate reductase and other mitochondrial
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Turrens, J.F.; Bickar, D. and Lehninger, A.L. (1986) Inhibitors of the mitochondrial cytochrome b-c1
complex inhibit the cyanide-insensitive respiration of Trypanosoma brucei. Molec. Biochem. Parasitol.
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Turrens, J.F.; Giulivi, C. and Boveris, A. (1986) Intracellular hydrogen peroxide stimulates low level
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Turrens, J.F. (1986) Inhibitory action of the antitumor agent lonidamine on respiration of Trypanosoma
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Turrens, J.F.; Giulivi, C. and Boveris, A. (1986) Increased spontaneous chemiluminescence from liver
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Bickar, D.; Turrens, J.F. and Lehninger A.L. (1986) The mechanism by which oxygen and cytochrome c
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Turrens, J.F. (1986) The potential of antispermatogenic drugs against trypanosomatids. Parasitology
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Turrens, J.F. and Cazzulo, J.J. (1987) Inhibition of growth and respiration of Leishmania mexicana by
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Prat, A.G. and Turrens, J.F. (1987) Free radical production during phagocytosis (Spanish). Rev.
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Turrens, J.F. (1987) Possible role of the NADH-fumarate reductase on superoxide anion and hydrogen
peroxide production in Trypanosoma brucei. Molec. Biochem. Parasitol. 25: 55-60.
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30. Turrens, J.F. and McCord, J.M. (1988) How significant is the reoxidation of ferrocytochrome c by
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31. Turrens, J.F. (1988). Superoxide Dismutases. Drugs of Today, 24: 755-765.
32. Turrens, J.F. (1988). Discussion Summary: In vivo measurement of radicals. In "Oxy radicals in
Molecular Biology and Pathology", (Cerutti, P.A., Fridovich, I. and McCord, J.M. eds.), UCLA Symposia
on Molecular and Cellular Biology, New Series, Vol. 82: 353-355, Alan R. Liss, Inc. New York.
33. Turrens, J.F. (1988). Low level chemiluminescence: a non invasive assay for determining lipid
peroxidation. In "Oxy radicals in Molecular Biology and Pathology", (Cerutti, P.A., Fridovich, I. and
McCord, J.M. eds.), UCLA Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology, New Series, Vol. 82: 473-477,
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34. Giulivi, C.; Turrens, J.F. and Boveris, A. (1988) Chemiluminescence enhancement by trypanocidal
drugs and by inhibition of antioxidant enzymes in Trypanosoma cruzi, Molec. Biochem. Parasitol., 30:
35. Turrens, J.F., Giulivi, C., Pinus, C.R., Lavagno, C. and Boveris A. (1988) Changes in spontaneous lung
chemiluminescence upon paraquat administration. J. Free Rad. Biol. Med., 5: 319-323.
36. Turrens, J.F., Giulivi, C., Pinus, C.R., Roldan, E.J.A., Lavagno, C. and Boveris A. (1988) Low level
chemiluminescence from isolated rat hepatocytes, intact lung and intestine in situ. In "Oxygen radicals
in Biology and Medicine" (Semic ,M.G., Taylor, K.A., Ward, J.F. and von Sonntag, C. eds.), Plenum
Press, New York, pp. 239-242.
37. Roldan, E.J.A.; Pinus, C.R.; Turrens, J.F. and Boveris A. (1989) Chemiluminescence of ischemic and
reperfused intestine in vivo. Gut, 30: 184-187.
38. Turrens, J.F. (1989) New approaches in the development of antiprotozoal agents. Drugs of Today, 25:
39. Turrens, J.F. (1989) The role of succinate in the respiratory chain of Trypanosoma brucei procyclic
trypomastigotes. Biochem. J., 259: 363-368.
40. Turrens, J.F. and McCord, J.M. (1989) Mitochondrial generation of reactive oxygen species. In: Clinical
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41. Puntarulo, S.; Turrens, J.F. and Cederbaum, A.I. (1989) Oxygen-concentration dependence of
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42. Turrens, J.F. and McCord, J.M. (1990) Free radical production by the mitochondrion. In: "Free
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43. Turrens, J.F. and Villalta, F. (1990) Intermediary metabolism in Trypanosoma cruzi. in "Chemotherapy
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44. Prat, A.G. and Turrens, J.F. (1990) Ascorbate- and hemoglobin-dependent brain chemiluminescence.
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45. Turrens, J.F. (1991) The potential of antioxidant enzymes as therapeutic agents in vivo. Xenobiotica,
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46. Turrens, J.F.; Beconi, M.; Barilla, J.; Chavez, U. and McCord, J.M. (1991). Mitochondrial generation of
oxygen radicals during reoxygenation of ischemic tissues. Free Rad. Res. Commun., 12: 681-689.
47. Prat, A.G.; Bolter, C.; Chavez, U.B.; Taylor, C.; Chefurka, W. and Turrens, J.F. (1991). Isolation of
Cytochrome c peroxidase for monitoring H2O2 production. Free Rad. Biol. Med., 11: 537-544.
48. Turrens, J.F. (1991) Mitochondrial metabolism of African trypanosomes. In "Biochemical Protozoology"
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49. Radi, R.; Turrens, J.F. and Freeman, B.A. (1991) Cytochrome c-catalyzed lipid peroxidation by
hydrogen peroxide: implications for mitochondrial damage. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 288: 118-125.
50. Mracek, J.; Snyder, S.J.; Chavez, U.B. and Turrens, J.F. (1991). A soluble fumarate reductase in
Trypanosoma brucei procyclic trypomastigotes. J. Protozool. 38: 554-558.
51. Radi, R.; Turrens, J.F.; Chang, L.Y.; Bush, K.M., Crapo,J.D. and Freeman, B.A. (1991) Detection of
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52. Turrens, J.F.; Thornton, J.; Barnard, M.L.; Snyder, S.J.; Liu, G. and Downey, J.M. (1992). Protection
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J. Physiol., 262:H585-H589.
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53. Denicola-Seoane, A.; Rubbo, H.; Prodanov, E. and Turrens, J.F. (1992) Succinate-dependent
metabolism in Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigotes. Molec. Biochem. Parasitol., 54:43-50.
54. Barnard, M.L.; Gurdian, S.; Diep, D.; Ladd, M. and Turrens, J.F. (1993) Protein and amino acid
oxidation is associated with increased chemiluminescence. Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 300: 651-656.
55. Peralta, J.G.; Barnard, M.L. and Turrens, J.F. (1993) Characteristics of neutrophil influx in rat lungs
following fecal peritonitis., Inflammation, 17:263-271.
56. Barnard, M.L.; Gurdian, S.; Turrens, J.F. (1993) Activated polymorphonuclear leukocytes increase low
level chemiluminescence of isolated perfused rat lungs. J. Appl. Physiol., 75:933-939.
57. Barnard, M.L., Muller-Eberhard, U. and Turrens, J.F. (1993) Hemopexin attenuates heme-mediated
lung chemiluminescence, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 192:82-87.
58. Barnard, M.L.; Snyder, S.J.; Engerson, T.D. and Turrens, J.F. (1993) Antioxidant enzyme status of
ischemic and postischemic liver and ischemic kidney in rats. Free Rad. Biol. Med., 15: 227-232.
59. Radi, R.; Sims, S.; Cassina, A. and Turrens, J.F. (1993) Mitochondrial catalase prevents H2O2dependent lipid peroxidation and cytochrome c is a catalyst in this process. Free Rad. Biol. Med., 15:
60. McCord, J.M. and Turrens, J.F. (1994) Ischemia and Reperfusion. In "Current Topics in Bioenergetics:
Molecular aspects of Mitochondrial Pathology" (Lee, C.P. ed.). Academic Press, Orlando, 17: 173-195.
61. Galleano, M., Farre, S.M., Turrens, J.F. and Puntarulo, S. (1994) Resistance of rat kidney mitochondrial
membranes to acute iron overload. Toxicology, 88:141-149.
62. Phung, C.; Ezieme, J.A. and Turrens, J.F. (1994) Hydrogen peroxide metabolism in skeletal muscle
mitochondria. Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 315:479-482.
63. Turrens, J.F. (1994) Intracellular sources of oxidative species under normal and pathologic conditions
(Spanish). Antioxidantes y calidad de vida. 1: 16-19.
64. Watts, B.P.; Barnard, M.L. and Turrens, J.F. (1995) Peroxynitrite-dependent chemiluminescence of
amino acids, proteins and intact cells. Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 317:324-330.
65. Sun, J.Z.; Tang, X.L.; Park, S.W.; Qiu, Y., Turrens, J.F. and Bolli, R. (1996) Evidence for an essential
role of oxygen-derived free radicals in the genesis of late preconditioning against myocardial stunning
in conscious pigs. J. Clin. Invest., 97: 562-576.
66. Umbreit, J. N.; Conrad, M. E.; Moore, E.G.; Desai, M.P. and Turrens, J.F. (1996) Paraferritin: aprotein
complex with ferrireductase activity is associated with iron absorption in rats. Biochemistry, 35:64606469.
67. Barnard, M.; Robertson, B.; Watts Jr., B.P. and Turrens, J.F. (1997) Role of nitric oxide and superoxide
anion in spontaneous lung chemiluminescence. American J. Physiol., Lung Cellular and Molecular
Physiology, 272:L262-L267
68. Watts, B.P. Jr.; Zhong, L.; Docampo,R. and Turrens, J.F. (1996) Inhibition of Trypanosoma cruzi and T.
brucei NADH fumarate reductase by benznidazole and antihelmintic imidazole derivatives. Molec.
Biochem. Parasitol., 82:125-129.
69. Turrens, J.F. (1997) Superoxide production by the mitochondrial respiratory chain. Biosciences
Reports, 17:3-8.
70. Barrett,V.J.; Leiby, D.A.; Odom, J.; Mitiko Otani, M.; Rowe, J.; Roote,J.; Cox, K.; Brown, K.; Hoiles, J.,
Sáez-Alquézar, A. and Turrens, J.F. (1997) Negligible prevalence of antibodies against Trypanosoma
cruzi among blood donors in the Southeastern United States., Am. J. Clin. Pathol., 108:499-503.
71. Turrens, J.F.; Lariccia, J. and Nair, G. (1997) Resveratrol has no effect on lipoprotein profile and does
not prevent peroxidation of serum lipids in normal rats. Free Radical Research, 27:557-562.
72. Tang, X.L.; S.W.; Qiu, Y., Turrens, J.F. Sun, J.Z.; and Bolli, R. (1997) Late preconditioning against
stunning is not mediated by increased antioxidant defenses in conscious pigs., Am. J. Physiol.,
73. Turrens, J.F. (1997) A simple way for students to understand the Michaelis and Menten equation.
Advances in Physiology Education, 18:136.
74. Pollet, E., Martínez, J.A., Metha, B., Watts, Jr., B.P. and Turrens, J.F. (1998) Role of tryptophan
oxidation in peroxynitrite-dependent protein chemiluminescence, Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 349:7480.
75. Hernandez, F.R. and Turrens, J.F. (1998) Rotenone at high concentrations inhibits NADH-fumarate
reductase and the mitochondrial respiratory chain of Trypanosoma brucei and T. cruzi . Molec.
Julio F. Turrens, Ph.D.
Page 9
Biochem. Parasitol., 93:135-137, 1998.
76. Barrett, V.J., Turrens J.F. (1998) More data on Chagas Disease. Am. J. Clin. Pathol., 110:818
(Letter to the editor).
77. Turrens, J.F., Newton, C.L., Zhong,L., Hernandez, F.R., Whitfield, J. and Docampo, R. (1999)
Mercaptopyridine-N-oxide, a NADH-fumarate reductase inhibitor, blocks Trypanosoma cruzi growth
in culture and in infected myoblasts, FEMS Microbiology Letters, 175:217-221.
78. Turrens, J.F. (1999) Comment response on “Differences in Energy Metabolism Between
Trypanosomatidae - Tielens et al.” Parasitology Today, 15:346-47.
79. Shi, S.R.; Gu, J.; Turrens, J.F.; Cote, R.J. and Taylor, C.R. (2000) Development of a AR technique:
philosophy and theoretical basis. In “Antigen retrieval techniques: Immunohistochemistry and
Molecular Morphology” (Shi, S.R.; Gu, J. and Taylor, C.R., eds.), Ethan Publishing Company,
Natick, MA., pp: 17-39.
80. Christmas, P. B. and Turrens, J.F. (2000) Separation of NADH-Fumarate Reductase and
Succinate Dehydrogenase activities in Trypanosoma cruzi,.FEMS Microbiology Letters, 183:225228.
81. Turrens, J. F. (2000) Intracellular formation of oxidative species under normal and pathological
conditions (In Spanish). Antioxidantes y calidad de vida (Edición Iberoamericana para Venezuela) 1:
82. Turrens, J. F. (2001) Increased superoxide and Down syndrome. Medical Hypotheses, 56:617619.
83. Turrens, J.F. and Davidson, E. (2001) Data manipulation by undergraduates and the risk of future
academic misconduct. CUR Quarterly, 22:64-65.
84. Turrens, J. F., Staik, I. M., Gilbert, D. K., Small, W.C. and Burling, J.D. (2002) Undergraduate
academic cheating as a risk factor for future professional misconduct. In “Investigating Research
Integrity”: Proceedings of the First ORI Research Conference on Research Integrity; edited by:
Nicholas H. Steneck & Mary D. Scheetz, pp 49-51 (
85. Turrens, J.F. (2002) Mitochondrial formation of oxidative species under pathological conditions (In
Spanish). Antioxidantes y calidad de vida,, March 2002.
86. Tang,X.L.; Takano,H.; Rizvi,A.; Turrens,J.F.; Qiu,Y.; Wu,W.J.; Zhang,Q.; Bolli,R. (2002) Oxidant
species trigger late preconditioning against myocardial stunning in conscious rabbits. Am.J.Physiol
Heart Circ.Physiol, 282: H281-H291.
87. Denicola, A., Rubbo, H., Haden, L. and Turrens, J.F. (2002) Extramitochondrial localization of
NADH-fumarate reductase in trypanosomatids. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 133:23-27.
88. Turrens, J.F. (2003) Undergraduate Research at the University of South Alabama. CUR Quarterly,
89. Turrens, J.F., Robinson, E., Freeman, S. and George, B.F. (2003) Spectral Analysis of Light
Emitted During the Oxidation of Lipids and Proteins. Proceedings of the SPIE conference on
Medical Imaging, 5031:149-152.
90. Turrens, J.F. (2003) Mitochondrial Formation of Reactive Oxygen Species, J. Physiol., 552:335344.
91. Turrens, J.F. (2004) Oxidative Stress and Antioxidant Defenses: a Target for the Treatment of
Diseases Caused by Parasitic Protozoa Mol. Aspects Med., 25:211-220.
92. Turrens, J.F. (2005) Teaching Research Integrity and Bioethics to Science Undergraduates. Cell
Biology Education, 4:330-334.
93. Turrens, J.F. and McCord, J.M. (2006) Commentary: The iron superoxide dismutases of
Trypanosomatidae, Free Rad. Biol. Med., 40:193-95.
94. Turrens, J.F., (2007) Formation of Reactive Oxygen Species in Mitochondria. In “Mitochondria: the
dynamic organelle” (Schaffer, S. and Suleiman, S., eds.), a volume within a series entitled
“Encyclopedia of Biochemistry” (Dhalla, N, sequence editor). Springer Verlag publishers, pp 185196
95. Ricci, C., Pastukh, V., Leonard, J., Turrens, J., Wilson, G., Schaffer, D., Schaffer, S.W. (2008)
Mitochondrial DNA damage triggers mitochondrial-superoxide generation and apoptosis. Am J
Julio F. Turrens, Ph.D.
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Physiol Cell Physiol. 294:C413-22.
96. Turrens, J.F., (2008) Spontaneous chemiluminescence as a method to monitor oxidative stress in
biological systems. In “Handbook of Chemiluminescent Methods in Oxidative Stress Assessment”
(I. Popov, G. Lewin, eds.). Transworld Research Network, publishers; pp 1-13.
97. Turrens, J.F., (2010) Superoxide Dismutases and catalases. In Comprehensive Toxicology
(Charlene McQueen, Ed.), Vol. 4: Biotransformation. Oxford: Elsevier, pp. 219-227.
98. Turrens, J.F. (2012) The enzyme NADH-fumarate reductase in trypanosomatids: a potential target
against parasitic diseases. Molec. Cell. Pharmacol.,4:117-122.
99. Turrens, J.F. (2013) Reactive Oxygen Species, in: Encyclopedia of Biophysics (Roberts, G.C.K.,
ed.), Springer, Chapter 49, pp 2198-2200.
100.Turrens, J.F. (2013) Structure and Function of Proteins, in “Organic and Bio-molecular Chemistry",
[Eds. UNESCO-EOLSS Joint Committee], in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems(EOLSS),
Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford ,UK, []
101. Millner, V., Mulekar, M. and Turrens, J.F. (2015) Parents’ Beliefs Regarding Sex Education for
Their Children in Southern Alabama Public Schools, Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 12:101–
102.Turrens, JF. (2015) Superoxide Dismutase and Catalase. Elsevier Reference Module in Biomedical
Sciences. This is an updated version of a previous book chapter (# 97).
1. Turrens, J.F.; Boveris, A.; Docampo, R. and Stoppani A.O.M. (1979). Effect of beta-lapachone on
superoxide and hydrogen peroxide formation in Trypanosoma cruzi (Spanish). Acta Physiol.
Latinoamer. 29: 162.
2. Turrens, J.F.; Freeman, B.A. and Crapo, J.D. (1982) The effect of hyperoxia on hydrogen peroxide
production by porcine lung mitochondria and microsomes. Federation Proc. 41: 766.
3. Freeman, B.A.; Turrens, J.F.; Young S.L. and Crapo, J.D. (1982) Augmentation of cultured
endothelial cells and lung superoxide dismutase and catalase activities following treatment with
enzymes entrapped in phospholipid vesicles. Federation Proc. 41: 940.
4. Turrens, J.F.; Crapo, J.D. and Freeman, B.A. (1983) Protection against oxygen toxicity by
intravenous injection of liposomes containing catalase and superoxide dismutase. Federation Proc.
42: 1894.
5. Freeman, B.A.; Turrens, J.F.; Crapo, J.D. and Young S.L. (1983) Protection against oxygen toxicity
in rats and endothelial cells following treatment with liposome-entrapped superoxide dismutase and
catalase. Ann. Rev. Resp. Dis. 127: 273.
6. Koch, O.R.; Turrens, J.F. and Boveris, A. (1984) Chloramphenicol induced mitochondrial changes:
similarity with ethanol-induced alterations. Alcoholism Clin. Exptl. Res. 8: 249.
7. Bickar, D.; Turrens, J.F. and Lehninger, A.L. (1985) Possible direct electron transport from
cytochrome c to cytochrome a3. Federation Proc. 43: 678.
8. Giulivi, C.; Turrens, J.F. and Boveris, A. (1986) Free Radical metabolism in Trypanosoma cruzi
(Spanish). Arch. Biol. Med. Experimentales (Chile) 19: R 207.
9. Roldan, E.J.A.; Turrens, J.F.; Pinus, C.R. and Boveris, A. (1987) Agents that modify the postischemic oxidative damage to rat intestine (Spanish). Acta Physiol. Pharmacol. Latinoamer. 37: 7576.
10. Pinus, C.R.; Turrens, J.F.; Roldan, E.J.A. and Boveris, A. (1987) In vivo studies on paraquatdependent pulmonary damage (Spanish). Acta Physiol. Pharmacol. Latinoamer. 37: 78.
11. Snyder, S.J.; Barnard, M.L., Engerson, T.D., and Turrens, J.F. (1991) Antioxidant enzyme levels in
ischemic and post ischemic rat liver. FASEB J., 5(5), # 5262.
12. Barnard, M.L.: Snyder, S.J., Engerson, T.D., and Turrens, J.F. (1991) Mitochondrial disfunction
following rat kidney ischemia and rat liver ischemia or reperfusion. FASEB J., 5(5), # 5263.
13. Engerson T.D.; Snyder, S.L.; Barnard, M.L.; Jones, H.P. and Turrens, J.F. (1991) Inhibition of
xanthine oxidase (XO) does not prevent ischemia/reperfusion injury in the isolated rat liver. FASEB
J., 5(5), # 5265.
Julio F. Turrens, Ph.D.
Page 11
14. Turrens,J.F.; Thornton, J; Liu,G.S.; Barnard,M; Snyder,S. and Downey, J.M. (1991) Preconditioning
does not alter rabbit heart's antioxidant defenses. Circulation, 84(4): #765.
15. Omar, B.; Chavez, U.; Turrens, J.F.; Bose, S. and McCord, J.M. (1991) Preconditioning preserves
developed tension, enzymes and mitochondrial integrity in isolated rabbit heart. Circulation, 84(4): #
16. Barnard, M.L.; Gurdian, S. and Turrens, J.F. (1992). Lung chemiluminescence monitors increased
oxidant stress. FASEB J., 6(4) # 703.
17. Turrens, J.F.; Gurdian, S.; Diep, D. and Barnard, M.L. (1992) Protein and amino acid oxidation are
detected by low level chemiluminescence. FASEB J., 6(4) # 5634.
18. Turrens, J.F.; Rubbo, H.; Denicola-Seoane, A.; Moreno, S.N.J. and Docampo, R. (1992). Fumarate
reductase activity in Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigotes and amastigotes and Leishmania donovani
promastigotes. Am.J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 47 (4) # 75.
19. Barnard, M.L.; Peralta, J.G. and Turrens, J.F. (1993) Neutrophil influx in rat lungs following fecal
peritonitis. FASEB J., 7: # 2116.
20. Turrens, J.F., Watts, B.P. Jr. and Ezieme, J.A. (1993) Nucleic acids do not contribute to the overall
chemiluminescence during oxidative stress. Free Rad. Biol. Med., 15: 487, # 2:34.
21. Turrens, J.F. and Barnard, M.L. (1993) Role of nitric oxide on spontaneous chemiluminescencence
of isolted perfused rat lungs. Free Rad. Biol. Med., 15: 501, # 4:31.
22. Newton, C.L. and Turrens, J.F. (1995) Synthesis of potential anti-trypanosomal agents. J. Alabama
Acad. Sci. 66:83.
23. Omar, B. and Turrens, J.F. (1996) Xanthine oxidase pontentiates Cu-induced lipid peroxidation of
human plasma. FASEB J., 10 (3) # 2992.
24. Turrens, J.F.; Zhong, L.; Pillar, W.; Newton, C.L.' Watts Jr., B.P. and Docampo,R. (1996) The
fumarate reductase inhibitor MPNO inhibits respiration of Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigotes and
growth of amastigotes in cultured myoblasts. Am.J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 55 (2) # 340.
25. Turrens, J.; Omar, B. and Beezley, A. (1997) Preconditioning perfusate protects the isolated rabbit
heart against ischemia-reperfusion injury. FASEB J., 11 # 1646.
26. Omar, B., Hussein, N., Bewzley, A. and Turrens, J. (1997) Nitroprusside abolishes protection by
nitro-L-arginine but not preconditioning in isolated perfused rabbit hearts. FASEB J., 11 # 2764.
27. Hussein, N., Omar, B., Hamid, S. and Turrens, J. (1997) Insulin protects the isolated rabbit heart
against ischemia/reperfusion injury in the absence of glucose. FASEB J. 11, #2772.
28. Turrens, J.F., Watts, Jr., B.P., Zhong, L. and Docampo, R. (1998) Fumarate reductase inhibitors as
potential drugs against chagas disease. J. Alabama Acad. Sci., 69:58.
29. Turrens, J.F., Freeman, S. and Arnold, S. (2001) Spectral analysis of light emitted during the
oxidation of aromatic amino acids. Free Rad.Biol.Med. 31:S121, # 366.
30. Turrens, J.F., Ruiz, J.C., Owens, M. and Pannell, L. (2005) Chemiluminescence during protein
oxidation is accompanied by modification of specific amino acid side chains. FASEB J. 19: A487,
Rational Approach for developing new chemotherapy against Chagas' disease. May 1979, CIMAE
Foundation, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Generation of superoxide anion by the mitochondrial respiratory chain. November 1981, Duke
University Medical Center, Durham, N.C., U.S.A.
Lung oxygen toxicity. March 1985, Department of Biochemistry, School of Medicine, University of
Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Protection against oxygen toxicity by intravenous injection of liposomes containing antioxidant
enzymes, May 1985, Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas "Fundación Campomar", Buenos
Aires, Argentina.
Mechanism of pulmonary oxygen toxicity. June 1985, CIMAE Foundation, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Julio F. Turrens, Ph.D.
Page 12
Mitochondrial generation of superoxide anion. September 1985, NIEHS, Research Triangle Park,
North Carolina, U.S.A.
Changes in the steady-state concentration of oxygen radicals measured by chemiluminescence.
June 1986, University of South Alabama, Mobile, Alabama, U.S.A.
Hydroperoxide Metabolism in biological systems. July 1986, Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica
(CNEA), Ezeiza, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Chemiluminescence: a non-invasive technique for determining free radical generation in tissues".
September 1986, Department of Anesthesiology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham,
Free radicals and lung oxygen toxicity. March 1987, Medical Sciences Auditorium, University of
South Alabama, Mobile, Alabama.
Mitochondrial generation of oxygen radicals. December 1987, Institute for Toxicology, University of
Southern California, Los Angeles, USA.
Generation of oxygen radicals during reoxygenation of ischemic tissues. October 1988, Department
of Surgery, School of Medicine, University of Barcelona, Spain.Session Convener and Speaker at
the UCLA sponsored symposium on "Oxy radicals in Molecular Biology and Pathology", Park City,
Utah, January 25-29, 1988.
Meeting on "Free Radicals in Biology and Medicine: Ischemia and Reperfusion injury", Point Clear,
Alabama, March 7-9, 1988.
IUB-sponsored Symposium on "Oxygen Free Radicals: Biochemical, Physiological and Pathological
Aspects". Buenos Aires, Argentina, March 17-18, 1988.
State Meeting of the Alabama Society for Respiratory Care on: "Oxygen Radicals and Oxygen
Toxicity", Mobile, Alabama, April 15, 1988.
Symposium on "Clinical Ischemic Syndromes: Mechanisms and Consequences of Tissue Injury",
Ann Arbor, Michigan, May 19-20, 1988.
Symposium on "Approaches to the Treatment of Ischemic Reperfusion Injury", during the Meeting of
the American Chemical Society, Los Angeles, September 25-30, 1988.
NATO Advanced Research Workshop on: "Action of Free Radicals and Active forms of Oxygen on
Lipoproteins and Membrane Lipids: Cellular Interactions and Atherogenesis", Ile de Bendor, France,
October 5-8, 1988.
Workshop on "Chemotherapy in Trypanosomiasis", ILRAD, Nairobi, Kenya, August 21-24, 1989.
V International Conference on Superoxide and Superoxide Dismutases, Jerusalem, Israel,
September 18-22, 1989.
Session Chairman and Speaker at the VI Brazilian Congress of Toxicology, Sao Paulo, Brazil,
October 21-26, 1989.
Gordon Conference on Quinproteins and Pyrroloquinoline, Andover, N.H., July 1990.
Oxygen radical metabolism in biological systems. October 1990, Department of Biochemistry,
School of Medicine, University of Uruguay, Montevideo, Uruguay.
The respiratory chain of trypanosomes. August, 1991, Department of Physical Chemistry, School of
Pharmacy and Biochemistry, University of Buenos Aires.
Polymorphonuclear cell-dependent lung chemiluminescence. August, 1991, Department of
Physical Chemistry, School of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, University of Buenos Aires.
III Argentine Congress of Protozoology and Chagas' Disease, Buenos Aires, Argentina, November
Protein- and amino acid-dependent chemiluminescence. July, 1992, Department of Physical
Chemistry, School of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, University of Buenos Aires.
Lecturer for the International Training Course (ICRO-UNESCO) on "Biochemistry of Parasitic
Protozoa", Nairobi, Kenya, August 10-23, 1992.
IUBMB-Symposium on "Biochemistry of Parasitic Protozoa", Nairobi, Kenya, August 24-26, 1992.
Mitochondrial metabolism during ischemia and reperfusion. September, 1992. Department of
Cardiology, College of Medicine, University of South Alabama.
Mitochondrial Production of Oxygen Radicals, Department of Medicine, Section of Cardiology,
Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, April, 1993.
Julio F. Turrens, Ph.D.
Page 13
Oxygen toxicity, Department of Pathobiology, College of Veterinary Sciences, University of Illinois,
Urbana, IL. September, 1993.
Free Radicals, chemistry and induced tissue injury. Symposium on Tissue Injury by Free Radicals
and its Clinical Implications. University of South Alabama, Department of Neurology and
Neurosurgery, December, 1993.
Invited Lecturer at the International Training Course (ICRO-UNESCO) on "Oxygen Radicals in
Biochemistry, Biophysics and Medicine", Buenos Aires, Argentina, March 7-16, 1994.
IUBMB-Symposium on "Oxygen Radicals in Biochemistry, Biophysics and Medicine", Buenos Aires,
Argentina, March 17-18, 1994.
Satellite Meeting on Free Radicals in Biology, XVIth Meeting of the International Union of
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, September 1994, Chandigarh, India.
Turrens, J.F. Role of nitric oxide-derived oxidants in spontaneous chemiluminescence. Department
of Physiology, College of Medicine, University of South Alabama, December 1, 1994.
Turrens, J.F. Role of oxidative species in disease. USA frontiers of Science. Sigma Xi distinguished
lecture series. USA College of Medicine. February 14, 1995.
Turrens, J.F. Applications of chemiluminescence to determine oxidative stress in biological
systems. Institute for Experimental Biology and Medicine (IBYME), Buenos Aires, Argentina, March
31, 1995.
Turrens, J.F. Role of nitric oxide-derived oxidants in spontaneous chemiluminescence. Department
of Physical Chemistry, School of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
March, 1995.
1995 "Bioenergetics" Gordon Conference, Andover, N.H., July 1995.
International Congress on Free Radicals in Health and Disease, Instambul, Turkey, September
25th Annual Meeting of the American Aging Association, San Antonio, TX, October 1995.
Invited lecturer at the International Course on Free Radicals, Excited States and Antioxidant
Defenses y Biological Systems, Montevideo, Uruguay, December, 1995.
International Symposium on Free Radicals, Excited States and Antioxidant Defenses y Biological
Systems, Montevideo, Uruguay, December 1995.
2nd International Conference on Clinical Chemiluminescence, Berlin, Germany, April 1996.
VIII Biennial Meeting of the International Society for Free Radical Research, Barcelona, Spain
October, 1996.
Invited lecture at the National Institutes of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) RTP, North
Carolina, March 1997.
Invited Lecturer at the International Training Course (ICRO-UNESCO) on "Antioxidants in
Physiology, Biochemistry and Biophysics", Buenos Aires, Argentina, March 10-19, 1996.
II International Medical Meeting on Antioxidants and Quality of Life, Buenos Aires, Argentina,
September 1997.
Organizer and Discussion Moderator of a session on “Data Manipulation: An Issue of Research
Integrity for Undergraduates” at the Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) 9th National
Conference, Connecticut College, New London, CN, June 20-22, 2002.
Pathogen Trypanosomes-Mammalian Host-Cell Interactions: Biochemistry, Cell Biology, and
Prospects for Drug Development, September 26-October 8, 2004, Montevideo, Uruguay.
Workshop on Teaching Bioethics and Research Integrity to Undergraduates. 11th Conference of the
Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR), DePauw University, June 2006.
Teaching Bioethics and Research Integrity to Science Undergraduate and Graduate Students.
Sponsored by Sigma Xi, Auburn University, October 25, 2007.
Metabolic differences between parasite and host as a target against diseases caused by parasitic
protozoa. Jacksonville University, February 7, 2008.
Responsible Conduct of Research and Professional Ethics in Science, ACS presentation to
chemistry students at Hendrix College, Conway, Arkansas, October 2012.
Workshop on "Professionalism and Responsible Conduct of Research". Center for
NanoBiotechnology and Life Sciences Research, Alabama State University, October, 2012.
Julio F. Turrens, Ph.D.
Page 14
“Teaching Responsible Conduct of Research”, CUR Conference on Research Experiences for
Undergraduates, Washington, DC. October, 2013.
CUR webinar on Responsible Conduct for Research, with Tina Gunsalus (NSF-CORE), September 17,
Keynote speaker at the Iowa State University Stupka symposium. Department of Biochemistry and
Biophysics, Ames, IA, April 3, 2014.
“Teaching RCR” to undergraduates” during the “Research Experiences for Undergraduates
Symposium” October 26-27, 2014, Arlington, VA
“Reactive oxidant species in biological systems: production, systems of defense and physiological
implications” 18th International Congress on Hyperbaric Medicine, December 2-6, 2014.
A. Major Professor for PhD students
Cecilia Giulivi, School of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, Univ. of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Homero Rubbo, School of Medicine, University of Uruguay, Montevideo, Uruguay.
B. Dissertation/Thesis Committees for Graduate Students
Mr. Greg McKelvey, Department of Biochemistry, M.D./Ph.D. Program
Bassam Omar, M.D., Department of Biochemistry.
Mr. Robert Speed, Department of Microbiology.
Mr. Todd D. Engerson, Department of Physiology, M.D./Ph.D Program.
Mr. Westley Driggers, Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology (Ph.D. Program).
Mr. Lance Russell, Department of Biology (M.S. Program).
Mr. Bryan Hollensworth, Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology (Ph.D. Program).
Mr. Mamoru Nozawa, Environmental Toxicology (M.S. Program)
Mr. Pierre Kadeba, Environmental Toxicology (M.S. Program)
Mr. Brad Swiger, Department of Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology (Ph.D. Program).
Mr. Craig Ricci, Department of Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology (Ph.D. Program).
Mr. Rai Khan, Environmental Toxicology (M.S. Program)
Mr. Carlos Mario Genes Robles, Bioloegy (MS program), Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y
Naturales, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellin- Colombia
2008-10 Ms. Chian Ju Jong, Environmental Toxicology (M.S. Program)
2009-date Mr. Luai Hasoun, Department of Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology (Ph.D. Program).
2010-11 Ms. Jyoti Rai, Environmental Toxicology (M.S. Program)
2010-14 Ms. Chian Ju Jong, Department of Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology (Ph.D. Program
2012-date Michael Perez, Department of Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology (Ph.D. Program).
Michele Barnard, Ph.D., University of South Alabama.
Jorge Peralta, MD, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
"Paraquat and Bleomycin as inducers of peroxidative damage to lung cells." Intramural
Research Grant, College of Medicine, University of South Alabama, $5,000, April 13, 1987 for
one year, Julio F. Turrens, P.I.
"Purification and properties of the NADH-fumarate reductase from Trypanosoma brucei
procyclic trypomastigotes and T. cruzi epimastigotes." World Health Organization, $35,000,
for three years, Julio F. Turrens, P.I.
Julio F. Turrens, Ph.D.
Page 15
"Effect of inhibitors of the NADH-fumarate dehydrogenase on cell growth and peroxide
metabolism in Trypanosoma brucei." Research Contract with Merck, Sharp and Dohme Labs.,
$ 5,000, Julio F. Turrens, P.I.
"Role of mitochondrial generation of oxygen radicals in reperfusion damage to ischemic rabbit
and rat heart." American Heart Association (Alabama Affiliate), # AL-G-880007, 20,000 for
1st year and $ 25,000 for the 2nd year, Julio F. Turrens, P.I.
"Evaluation of the roles of Captopril and Zofenopril as antioxidant Compounds" Research
Contract with Squibb Labs. (Joe M. McCord, PI).
"Mitochondrial metabolism after reperfusion of ischemic rat heart". American Heart
Association (Alabama Affiliate). # AL-G-900002-R. $ 12,500. Julio F. Turrens, P.I.
"Xanthine oxidase-mediated injury in ischemic tissue". NIH Award # 5 RO1 DK40359-03.
Harold P. Jones, P.I. Transferred to Julio F. Turrens as P.I. 5% effort. $ 54,298.
"Xanthine oxidase-mediated tissue injury in ischemic kidney". American Heart Association #
89-1009 P.I.: Julio F. Turrens. 30% Effort. $ 29,964.
Travel Grant Award from the American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
(ASBMB) to attend the 15th Congress of the International Union of Biochemistry, Jerusalem,
"Role of NADH-fumarate reductase in Trypanosoma brucei". NIH Award # 1 R15 AI32703-01,
P.I. Julio F. Turrens. 5% effort. $ 97,100.
"Effect of hyperbaric oxygen alone and in combination with chemotherapeutic agents on
Trypanosoma brucei infection in mice". Intramural grant, $ 2,500; P.I.: Sheldon Gottlieb.
"An educational pathway for minority science students". NIH Initiative for minority students,
10% effort, co-investigator, P.I. Steve Itaya, Ph.D., $ 323,667.
"Nitric oxide-dependent oxidative stress in capillary endothelial cells", American Heart
Association, Alabama Affiliate # G-94-0019, P.I. Julio F. Turrens. 20% effort; $ 59,000.
Travel Grant Award from the American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
(ASBMB) to attend the 16th Congress of the International Union of Biochemistry, New Delhi,
"Prevalence of antibodies against T. cruzi in the blood supplies of South Eastern United
States", World Health Organization, $ 30,000.
"Serorevalence of antibodies against Trypanosoma cruzi in the blood supplies of South
Eastern United States", Intramural grant, $ 5,000, co-investigator, P.I. Ms. Vicki Barret.
"An educational pathway for minority science students". NIH Initiative for minority students,
10% effort, co-investigator, P.I. Steve Itaya, Ph.D., $ 482,822.
"NADH-fumarate reductase: a target against Chagas' Disease", NIH (1 R15 AI32703-01),
"An educational pathway for minority science students". NIH Initiative for minority students,
8% effort, co-investigator, P.I. Steve Itaya, Ph.D., $787,431.
“Undergraduate Summer Research Program”. University of South Alabama Foundation.
“USA Undergraduate Summer Research Program”. NASA/Alabama Space Grant Consortium,
"Analysis of light emitted during oxidative stress”, NIH: (1 R15 GM60971-01A1) $130,600.
“3rd USA Undergraduate Summer Research Program” NASA/Alabama Space Grant
Consortium, $10,000.
“Endothelial cell phenotypes” Co-investigator (10% effort) NIH P01HL66299-2. Mark
Gillespie, PI.
“4th Undergraduate Summer Research Program at USA”. NASA/Alabama Space Grant
Consortium, $25,000.
“Structure and Function of Proteins” National Science Foundation Research Experiences for
Undergraduates. (NSF-REU # DBI 0097389). $ 237,924.
Undergraduate Summer Research Program at USA”. NASA/Alabama Space Grant
Consortium, $15,000.
“REU: Structure and Function of Proteins” National Science Foundation Research
Experiences for Undergraduates. (NSF #0353562). $ 332,749.
Julio F. Turrens, Ph.D.
Page 16
“6th Undergraduate Summer Research Program at USA”. NASA/Alabama Space Grant
Consortium, $20,000.
“7th Undergraduate Summer Research Program at USA”. NASA/Alabama Space Grant
Consortium, $20,000 (Co-PI, with Dr. Anne Boettcher).
Education grant from Sigma Xi to support the Science Olympiad at the University of South
Alabama. $1,000.
US Navy-SBIR. Development of a Field Medical Sterilizer to be used in Austere
Environments. PI Terry Woodbridge and Stuart Rutchik, Airocare. Subcontract with the
University of South Alabama. $37,260.
Sigma Xi Multi-Chapter Collaboration:” Science Discussion Series in Alabama”. Omar
Oyarzabal (PI, Auburn University) and Julio Turrens (Co-PI, University of South Alabama).
“REU: Structure and Function of Proteins” National Science Foundation Research
Experiences for Undergraduates. (NSF #0751684). $ 287,525.
“Teenage Pregnancy Prevention: Integrating Services, Programs and Strategies. Center for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), $607,904. (Co PI; Dr. Vaughn Millner, PI).
“REU: Structure and Function of Proteins” National Science Foundation Research
Experiences for Undergraduates. (NSF #DBI-1156596). $ 297,740 (Co PI, Dr. Anne
Boettcher, PI).