ill MIT LIBRARIES : ; 3 9080 02240 4666 1 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries T l5 i "DEWEY *£* Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series DYNAMIC EFFICIENCY, THE RISKLESS RATE PONZI AND DEBT GAMES UNDER UNCERTAINTY Blanchard Philippe Weil Olivier Working Paper 01-41 November 2001 RoomE52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 021 42 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at 290840 MASSACHUSETTS E. OF TECHNOLOGY Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series DYNAMIC EFFICIENCY, THE RISKLESS RATE PONZI AND DEBT GAMES UNDER UNCERTAINTY Blanchard Philippe Weil Olivier Working Paper 01 -41 November 2001 RoomE52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at xxxxx Dynamic Efficiency, the Riskless Rate and Debt Ponzi Games Under Uncertainty Olivier J. Blanchard Final version: Philippe Weil* November 2001 Abstract In a dynamically efficient and avoid the need economy, can this even feasible The paper then The average when roll its debt forever paper shows that such Ponzi games be infeasible even when the average may be government In a series of examples of production to raise taxes? economies with zero growth, a rate of return on bonds the average rate of return on reveals the structure is negative, bonds is may and positive. which underlies these examples. realized real rate of return on government debt for major OECD countries over the last 30 years has been smaller than the growth rate. Does this imply that governments can play a Ponzi debt game, rolling over their debt without ever increasing taxes? If only economies were both non stochastic and in steady this question would be a state, the answer to simple one. All interest rates would be the same, and if and NBER (email:; and Universite Libre de Bruxelles NBER ( The first draft of this paper was written in November 1990, and later circulated as NBER working paper 3992. For various reasons, * Respectively: MIT (ECARES), CEPR and mainly our inability to derive efficiency, mitted it we left a necessary and sufficient condition for the paper aside until recently, when, to this journal. We Ponzi games under dynamic the suggestion of the editors, we sub- decided to stay close to the earlier structure, but to add a section on developments since the paper was written. We thank Andrew Abel, Willem Buiter, John Campbell, for helpful discussions. Fumio Hayashi, Lawrence Summers and We thank anonymous referees and the editor, David Romer, We acknowledge support from the National Science Foundation. Mathias Dewatripont, Stanley Fischer, Giampaollo Oved Yosha at for useful suggestions. gratefully Galli, , the interest rate were less than the growth rate, the inefficient. In this case, the government could economy would be dynamically issue debt and never increasing taxes, and covering interest payments by would grow but the ratio of debt to at the interest rate, roll it over forever, new debt issues. Debt GNP would eventually tend to zero. Such a policy would crowd out the excessive capital accumulation characteristic of dynamically inefficient in general be Pareto improving. economies and, as we Actual economies however are stochastic. many growth would it in actual economies, there are some which are on average above the growth rate, has been shown in particular that stochastic economies are below. It rate. 2 But this brings and thus play First, that namic in the issue is below the initial ques- economies that are not plagued we take roll up over riskless debt, in this paper. constructed using the Socratic method. This means two things. is our objective in this paper is not to derive and Ponzi games. Instead, we efficiency existing theoretical results ours) to study an issue baffled. feasibility we results and unabashedly on dyrely in contexts quite different — that often leaves on from of Ponzi debt games in dynamically safe interest rates Second, that new theoretical explicitly (most often developed — the economies with low somewhat (i.e., can governments issue and Ponzi debt game? This a Our paper real rate us back, with an additional twist, to our dynamically efficient economies capital overaccumulation), cient And be dynamically efficient while having an average riskless tion. In by know, different interest rates, some which may also 1 effi- macroeconomists use an unorthodox exposition style. Instead we rely on a series of simple, but up common misconceptions on Ponzi games use these examples to move from the specific to the of proceeding from the general to the particular, increasingly richer, examples to clear in stochastic economies. general, and We to reveal the theoretical structure that and why Ponzi games can exist in we need to understand when dynamically efficient economies under uncer- tainty. Sections 1 features. First, and thus to 4 of the paper present our four examples. All share the following all characterize economies which are subject to technological shocks to uncertainty, so that assets ferent rates of return. Second, all with different risk characteristics have characterize overlapping generation economies 'These results require various conditions, both technical and substantive, to be such substantive condition is that the interest rate be equal to the an assumption which dynamic efficiency social satisfied. One marginal product of capital, fails for example if there are external returns to capital. For an analysis of and Ponzi games in an endogenous growth model with external returns to capital, see Saint-Paul (1992). 2 dif- See Abel, Mankiw, Summers and Zeckhauser (1989). — . with capital accumulation, thus economies for which capital overaccumulation dynamic relying — inefficiency is not ruled out a priori. But, third., in each case, on the criterion derived by Zilcha (1991), underlying parameters such the economy economies, we then ask what would happen ernment were to issue debt and And the existing debt. In our first taste actually dynamically efficient. is roll it debt-to-GNP to the over time, issuing we choose, and technology In each of these ratio if the gov- new debt to pay interest on each of the four examples gives us a very different answer. example, the average riskless rate is negative; nevertheless, the ex- pected value of the debt-to-GNP ratio under a rollover strategy explodes, and thus the government cannot play a debt Ponzi game. In the second, the average riskless rate ratio is again negative, and, furthermore, the expected value of the debt-to-GNP under rollover goes to in expected value But the does not imply that strictly positive probability, debt-to-GNP zero. ratio and is it is fact that a feasible. Ponzi game appears viable Indeed, in this example, with debt rollover leads to an arbitrarily large value of the thus again infeasible. By then, the reader may suspect that dynamic efficiency rules out Ponzi games, no matter what the behavior of the average riskless rate may be. But the last two examples show this guess to be wrong. In our third example, the riskless rate is always negative and under a Ponzi debt game, the debt-to-GNP ratio goes to zero with certainty, so that rollover indeed first. feasible. In that Our fourth example example the average offers a nearly perfect counterpoint to the riskless rate over two-period bonds, the government can We is positive; yet still by issuing and play a Ponzi debt game. rolling . spend section 5 of the paper to reveal the structure behind the why Ponzi games is results, two examples but not in the first two, and to acknowledge our many debts to the literature up to 1990, when this paper was first written. The literature on debt Ponzi games has made much to explain are feasible in the last progress since then (in the direction pointed out by this paper!): the last section of the paper reviews these contributions. We do not want to give the answers away reader, they are restated in the conclusion. in the introduction. For the busy A first example: a Diamond model with logarithmic 1 preferences Our example first uncertainty. consumers and in 3 is a straightforward extension of the Diamond (1965) model to Consider an overlapping generation economy in which two-period inelastically when young and retire when old, and normalized to one. 4 Assume that con- supply one unit of labor which population constant is sumers have time- and state-additive logarithmic preferences. An individual repborn resentative of the generation at time (l-/?)lnClit t therefore maximizes + /?E lnC2it+1 (1.1) t subject to W C + Kt+1 = lt = Qm+i (1.2) , Rt+iKt+i, t ual t W t t, is K t and the discount Output t measures subjective time preference. fl G (0, 1) produced according to a Cobb-Douglas technology. Output factor at time given by: t is Y=T t where K t of capital denotes capital per worker in output. at t K°, time t, (1.4) and a G the constant share (0, 1) The logarithm of the productivity shock independently and identically normally distributed, with a2 (1-3) and C^t+i denote first and second period consumptions of an individthe capital stock born at t, and R the wage and capital rental rates at t, where C\ at t T mean is assumed to be zero and variance Capital fully depreciates in production. . Equilibrium capital accumulation and dynamic efficiency 1.1 Solving for consumption from utility maximization, and replacing wages and rental rates by their values from Kt+1 profit maximization, gives: = {l-a)Fr K?, CM = (l-P)(l-a)T K?, C2 = aTt K?. t t , 3 4 This model We shall is by now t (1.5) (1.6) (1.7) standard. See for example Blanchard and Fischer (1989). throughout consider economies with no growth. Introducing non stochastic popu- lation or productivity growth would be straightforward, and only complicate notation. Note — this will young and — be relevant later that, at the old are perfectly correlated. any time Our the consumptions of the t, moment interest for the is how- ever in the behavior of capital. Denote, hereafter, the logarithm of an uppercase variable by lowercase counterpart. its = k t+ i And the behavior of output y t is = ln[(l We then - have + ak + ot)0\ t vt (1.8) . given by aln[(l - a)/3] + ay t + -\ vt (1.9) . Capital accumulation leads to serial correlation of capital and output in response to white noise shocks. We can now ask under what parameter values this economy is dynamically efficient. The criterion dynamic natural extension of the aggregative Cass (1972) under certainty that the is economy is dynamically efficient not exist another feasible sequence of capital which provides and efficiency there does if much at least as ag- consumption at all dates and in all states, consumption in at least one date or state. Zilcha (1991) has derived a necessary and sufficient condition for the efficiency of stationary economies such as the one gregate we consider. In this economy with constant population, higher aggregate strictly the condition is that un- conditional expectation of the logarithm of the gross marginal product of capital, Er t , be nonnegative. Here, Er = \na + (a- l)Efc t t a = In (1 so that the economy is dynamically efficient 8 the economy is 1 - 1 dynamically efficient. (1.10) <x)0. if >0. (1.11) a)(3 we assume In the rest of this section, and only if a = - 1 ' that condition (1.11) We now turn is satisfied and that to the determination of the riskless rate. 5 Note that the condition condition, is for dynamic aT K", exceed gross investment, K t if a > 0(1 - efficiency of Abel et — often not conclusive in particular models a), i.e., if and only if 6 t +\ > = 0. 0(1 is — a)T K^, t al. (1989) —which, being satisfied here. at all dates Gross and in all a sufficient = profits, RtKt states if and only The 1.2 riskless rate The equilibrium R t+1 riskfree rate of return on one-period bond (which a safe pays one unit of the consumption good in every state at date t + 1) satisfies the first-order condition for utility maximization: (l-P)C^=PR{+1 E C^, t (1.12) Evaluating the equilibrium risk free rate at a zero net supply of bonds, and thus re- and second-period consumption and ( .7), we get placing first- tions .6) ( 1 in ( 1 . 1 by their values from equa- 2) 1 R{+ , —^r«^ + Q = d-13) i\ which, using our distributional assumptions about v, implies that f r t+i == In Using (1.5), (1.14) and a+ - (a - a 2 /2. l)k t+1 (1.11), the unconditional (1.14) mean and variance of the logarithm of the riskfree rate are thus given by Er/+1 Varr/+1 so that, = ln(l+0)-a 2 /2, = (1.15) Z \1 +^o\ Q (1.16) finally, ER{+1 = (l + T2 9)e-°" ^ 1+a K (1.17) Were there no uncertainty, the net riskless rate would be equal to 9, and thus would be positive under dynamic efficiency. But if the variance of the technological shocks may be less 1 .3 is large enough, the average gross than one, and the net rate may be riskless rate under uncertainty negative. Debt Ponzi games Assume that the underlying parameters are such that the efficient and riskless rate Our that the average net riskless rate imply that the government can is negative. roll its economy is dynamically Does the average negative debt forever? strategy in assessing whether or not Ponzi debt games are feasible in each of our examples will be to characterize the behavior of debt using the interest rates corresponding to a zero net supply of debt, thus corresponding to the case where consumption and capital dynamics are given by ( 1.5) to (1.7). If Ponzi games are not feasible under such interest were we to do the same exercise we can show that be true rates, this will a fortiori corresponding to a positive at the interest rates supply of debt (an exercise however considerably more difficult analytically): under our assumption on the utility function which implies that saving fraction of labor income, Ponzi games crowd out (1987)) and thus raise, ceteris paribus, that Ponzi games are implodes over time under issues a small Let under a rollover at time amount of one-period the instead we can show debt-to-GNP ratio remain true if the government bonds issued ratio at time t time at 0. Then, follows (1.18) t f /Y ). [R t /(Yt /Yt _ l )}...[R{/(Y1 /Y )}(B Using the characterization of output and the and If {R f ...R{)B /Yu = = Bt/Yt a constant 0. riskless debt-to-GNP strategy, the is accumulation (see Weil interest rates, that the rollover, then this will enough amount of debt Bq be interest rates. all under such feasible capital riskless rate given in (1.19) equations (1.9) (1.14), this implies: t bt-Vt = (bo - yd) + t[ln(l + 9) - a 2 /2] - £> s (1.20) . s=l The logarithm of the debt-to-GNP ratio follows a random walk with drift, with in- novations equal to the technological shocks. This in turn implies that the expected value of the debt-to-GNP ratio follows: E[Bt /Yt } = [Bo/Yo](l + ey. (1.21) Thus, the behavior of the expected debt-to-GNP ratio rate 6, irrespective of the value of the average riskless rate. Ponzi game is not feasible: in expectation, proportional to GNP— an impossibility. What is is at work here the riskless rate from time. 6 t is t is known at This implies that a The behavior of debt at rate 6. is time As t, at is clear from equation (1.14), but varies stochastically through of the product of the — as opposed to the debt-to-GNP ratio— itself it debt becomes larger than saving, which Jensen's inequality. +1 simple: 6 What matters for the behavior of debt is the expectation average riskless rate grows to grows is is more complex. negative, expected debt initially decreases. Asymptotically however, If the it also riskless rates, not the product of the expected riskless average riskless rate This first is rates. This is why a negative consistent with an exploding expected debt-to-GNP ratio.' example gives a ative riskless rate (or, if we clear warning. were to allow An economy may have an average neg- for growth, an average riskless rate below the average growth rate) but this does not imply that the government can rollover economy debt forever; in this example, under the condition that the expected debt-to-GNP ratio grows cally efficient, the positive, regardless of the riskless rate. if One may at a rate ask however people were more risk averse than implied by logarithmic further decrease the average riskless rate and reintroduce We up take the issue in the next In this example, we maintain dynami- necessarily what would happen utility. room Wouldn't for a this Ponzi game? Allowing for more risk aversion the assumption that consumers mic intertemporal preferences, but no longer risk aversion to equal unity. is is example. A second example: 2 which The still have logarith- restrict their coefficient of relative rationale for adopting this specification while the assumption of a unit elasticity of intertemporal substitution is is that, neces- sary to preserve the simplicity of the model, the ability to choose the degree of risk aversion allows us to risk aversion examine the comparative dynamic on equilibrium returns and on the asymptotic effects rate of of increased growth of debt Ponzi games. we assume Thus, following Selden (1978) and Weil (1990), that consumers now maximize (l-^lnd. + ^ln^C^] where 7 > (7 ^ 1) is 1 ^ -^, 1 the coefficient of relative risk aversion. (2.1) 8 Equilibrium capital accumulation and dynamic efficiency 2. 1 Because of the assumption of logarithmic intertemporal preferences, consumers choose to save 7 A a constant fraction similar point has been made /5 in Galli of their lifetime wealth regardless of the coefand Giavazzi (1992) in the context of a Ramsey econ- omy. 8 Note that [E ( C' 2 1 /< 7+ 1 ' ] 1_ " ' r ' is simply the certainty equivalent of second period consumption for an individual with constant relative risk aversion 7. One can that the preferences represented in (2.1) reduce to the timein (1.1) when 7 — > 1. also verify, using L'Hospital's rule, and state- additive logarithmic form ficient tion out. of relative risk aversion: attitudes towards risk are irrelevant for consump- and savings decisions when income and substitution effects cancel each other As a consequence, the equilibrium consumption allocation and capital accu- mulation process are the same as in the previous section, and the condition for dynamic efficiency The 2.2 > as in (1.1 1), 9 is still, 0. riskless rate While the value of 7 does not matter for capital accumulation when intertemporal preferences are logarithmic, attitudes towards risk are of course a crucial determi- nant of the implicit Adapting the argument riskless interest rate. section, the equilibrium gross return on a safe claim in the previous on consumption at t + 1 must satisfy ?/>7 -77- Cu where the notation on R{'+\ is LJt PKt+1 ~=V* °2,i+l E C}~ 2,t+] t adopted to highlight the dependence of the riskless rate 7. Evaluating this expression along the no debt path, one finds that: Bl^ = ^^aK^. Under the lognormality assumption, R{?1 where R{+\ is (2.3) > t+i jt it =Rfi t 1 follows that: eW 2 (2.4) , the riskless rate for the unit risk aversion case computed (in loga- rithmic form) in (1.14). As a consequence, ER& = = ER&e^* ( 1+ ^ e [-(«/(i+-))]- The effect of increased risk aversion rate by the same factor in tivity shocks, the risk averse. all 2 states is 2 e [(i-7)]a 2 (2.5) _ thus to decrease proportionately the riskless and at all dates. For a given variance of produc- average net riskless rate can be very negative if agents are very Debt Ponzi games 2.3 we Following the same logic as in the previous section, debt-to-GNP under ratio rollover, We output characterized above. time at derive the behavior of the using the processes for the riskless rate and for get that the logarithm of the debt-to-GNP ratio under Ponzi finance follows: t t bt -y = - (b t y + ) i[ln(l + 6) + (1 2 - 2 7 )a /2] - £ v.. (2.6) s=l As before, the debt-to-GNP ratio follows a may now be a given variance of shocks, the drift Equation (2.6) in turn implies: random walk with + t ] The unconditional expected debt-to-GNP the constant rate (1 dynamic under ratio enough Ponzi the to and negative. 7 ' . 6)* e (1 ratio will 1 this all states. exceed any (2.7) . ratio thus game grows (or declines. The answer feasible? 9 . . ) at What is is no. required It is is not that the Equation (2.6) shows that the logarithm of random walk with finite limit, drift. It follows that the debt such as the ratio of saving to GNP, with expected debt-to-GNP ratio the expected debt to 2t Provided that agents are sufficiently risk averse, Ponzi ratio follows a if the -^ need not imply an exploding expected debt-to-GNP 0) is feasible in debt-to-GNP if > arbitrarily large that the expected value of the ratio go to zero. GNP even 9) e' So rollover. game be probability if + efficiency (9 1- However, for . E[B /Y = [B /y ](l t drift. rises, and with positive probability GNP ratio decreases. Thus, with strictly positive probability, GNP ratio goes to zero, the Ponzi game will prove the expected debt to infeasible. This second example shows that, in an the average riskless rate may be economy which negative, the expected value under rollover, and yet there Ponzi this game cannot be played the initial ratio may go efficient, to zero in a strictly positive probability that the The proximate cause of the result is that, in follows a random walk with drift: no matter amount of debt issued, there is a positive probability that the (non-stationary) debt-to-GNP ratio eventually exceeds particular the dynamically forever. example, the debt-to-GNP ratio how small is debt-to-GNP is wage income of the young —an event some given bound, and in inconsistent with equilibrium. This naturally raises another question. Could the government issue bonds with different risk characteristics so that, This is under some conditions, the debt indeed the main point raised by Bohn (1995). 10 to GNP ratio would instead be stationary around some value be critical made we to Section 6 below; there a mean and the probability that arbitrarily small or even zero? show shall that the answer is We it reaches defer the question no. A third example: An economy with stochastic stor- 3 age Assume that, as in our first example, consumers have time- and state-additive log- arithmic preferences. Assume, however, that the technology born at time receive a non-stochastic first period t is endowment W> 0, access to a stochastic constant returns to scale storage technology with and have random The logarithm of R is assumed to be identically and 2 /i and variance a Zilcha criterion, this economy is dynamically efficient if and only if gross rate of return Rt+i. 10 t independendy distributed with mean Using the People different. . E\nR = V>0. u t Under those assumptions, the consumption of the young, the consumption of the old and the capital stock are given by: C C = (1-/?)W, = PRtW, = (3W. lt 2t K t Because the endowment and capital is non stochastic, the (3.1) (3.2) (3.3) consumption of the young accumulation are also non stochastic. Because storage stochastic, is and independendy and identically distributed over time. In contrast to the previous examples, the consumption of young and old are not perfectly correlated, a point to which we shall return bethe consumption of the old is stochastic, low. 10 This model equilibria, model was 11 is also standard. It was used by Koda (1984) to study the existence of fiat currency and was more recently analyzed by Gale (1990) in the context of public debt. A similar also used by Summers (1984). Formally, our example, which has constant returns to storage does not satisfy the concavity conditions required for the Zilcha criterion to apply. those conditions, and has the depreciation random is same implications stochastic so that output is An alternative formalization, produced according variable. 11 which for the existence of debt rollover to Y = K t t a is — SK t satisfies one where where 5 is a Having characterized consumption, we can derive the implicit equilibrium on rate of return sumer, it is a one-period bond. From the —1— = &~ Rf = Thus order conditions of the con- first given by: if the variance of endowment and R a2 l 2 is also sufficiently large. is (3.4) . 1 on one-period bonds the rate of return be negative ER- 12 non stochastic. It may well Since both the first-period the riskless rate are constant, a necessary and for the feasibility of issuing at least a small quantity of debt sufficient condition and rolling over it is simply Rf < Thus, (3.5) 1. sharp contrast to our previous examples, in this dynamically efficient in economy, debt Ponzi games may actually be feasible. And the riskless rate plays a crucial role in determining the feasibility of Ponzi finance. Ponzi finance if and only if riskless rate the net riskless rate may feasible or not. A 4 is negative. 13 is This suggests that, after feasible all, the be an important variable in assessing whether Ponzi finance The last example shows that fourth example: this guess would also be is wrong. Serially correlated returns in storage We consider the same storage economy, but turns on storage. we assume 14 The reason for that the rate of return doing is identically and variance a 2 and with p , From Or, if we had used This result monetary '''This is p (4.1) and independently distributed with mean economy t is is fi and the unconditional expecta- dynamically efficient if and only if = (l+p)Elne>0, the preferences of section 2, if consumers are (4.2) sufficiently risk averse. closely related to Koda's (1984) characterization in this equilibria with constant example a e t et + i, Zilcha's criterion, taking the logarithm Elni? 13 More specifically, geometric MA(1) process: later. > — 1. tion of both sides of (4.1), this 12 allow for serially correlated re- be clear on storage follows R t+1 = where the logarithm of e now this will money supply. a direct application of Gale (1990). 12 model of the existence of or, equivalently, if Consider and only > if \x 0. now the following debt Ponzi game. At time debt in the form of two-period bonds, At time the government buys back 1, with the proceeds of new to what are now we the government issues later. one-period bonds, and pays and so on. To characterize issues of two-period bonds, the behavior of debt under this scheme, 0, one unit of good two periods titles determine the equilibrium prices first of one- and two-period bonds. The is price at time t of a two-period bond, issued at t — 1 and maturing at t + 1, simply, from the first-order condition of the consumers = Vlt 1-Pa E * {C2tt+1 j = E Rt +1 = e p Ee-\ t (4.3) t Note, for use below, that the average one-period gross riskless rate E(l/pit). 15 The average net -1 (Ee p )/(Ee > ) 1, riskless rate or equivalently, Notice, also for later use, that, if fi p is (1 thus is - non negative 2 p)a /2 > when one-period bond is 0. positive, the price of a — the current rate of return P2t [l-0 M C2,t+2 1 1 as the (4.4) . consider the dynamic behavior of debt (or endowment, low return on i t to first period a Ci,t+i = E (R t+ Rt+2) = ^ P Ee~ (i+p) e r Now given by if on storage is low 16 because storage today creates the expectation of a low future return. The price at time t of a newly issued two-period bond is high is and only if W, endowment, — is trivially —the ratio of debt constant). At time t, debt satisfies: PitBt = PltBtr-l, (4-5) so that B = > 15 By arbitrage, the rates of return to maturity 16 Given must be e t -i , a eF^ b ->' et means a ' on one-period bonds, and on old two-period bonds one year equal. high <4 6) lowpi t and a high 13 R t - Thus, the rate of growth of the debt Are there parameters such that is constant every period? From our is derivations above, The conditions on p, p and a are that p > 0, These conditions are satisfied for example by p = p it is is dynamically efficient answer clear that the (1 + p)a = o = 2 > p > - — (1 is p)a 2 . \. Thus, Ponzi finance using non-contingent two-period bonds though the economy p as economy is dynamically efficient, ii) the non negative, (iii) debt decreases or stays 2 yes. and of the same sign the i) average one-period net riskless rate deterministic, is feasible, al- and the average one-period net risk- less rate is positive. Dynamic 5 Why do efficiency results differ between the and Pareto-optimality first two and the last two examples? Under un- certainty, overlapping generation models differ from Ramsey economies in two ways. The first is that people have finite markets are incomplete. In all economic horizons. The second is that four examples, the condition that dynamic effi- ciency holds rules out the capital overaccumulation which feature. The feature. In the first equilibrium ing. two difference between the sets may arise from the first of examples comes from the second two examples, incomplete markets do not matter, and thus the last two, they do, and debt is Pareto improv- Pareto optimal. In the is We consider these propositions in more detail. In all four examples, the overlapping generation structure implies that the young cannot enter insurance contracts with the old so as to share risk in the first period of their life. But in the first two, the consumption of the young and the consumption of the old are perfectly correlated, so that there is no room anyway for further risk sharing. Indeed, in our first it is easy to check that the decentralized allocation two examples maximizes the following social welfare function oo E [£(l + #r 5 ((l t where 6 is defined as earlier and In line with previous literature, optimal: there hurting 17 some is no way to 1 V) is '' lnCu+s + PE t+s lnC2>(+s+1 therefore positive under this means dynamic that the market (5.1) )] efficiency. outcome is Pareto improve the welfare of current generations without future generation. Thus the government cannot See, for instance, Peled (1982), Aiyagari play Ponzi games, and Peled (1991), or Gottardi (1996). 14 no matter what the average expected value of the debt-to-GNP riskless rate or the ratio. This cal is not the case in the uncertainty falls last two examples. In the third example, technologi- only on the old at time t, while the consumption of the young remains constant. This suggests room for debt to provide such insurance, and indeed the case. This has been emphasized by Gale (1990) in the context of that who has shown this that example, the government can not only issue and rollover new debt, but further issue debt every period so as to maintain a constant debt- ratio. Not only is such a policy feasible but it is Pareto improving, amount of debt does not lead to a positive riskless rate. This can be seen easily. Carrying a constant amount of debt at a negative riskless rate is equivalent to transferring a constant amount, r from the young to the old. It is easy to-endowment so long as the to check that the condition for such a transfer to increase expected utility the riskless rate be negative. able to play a Ponzi game return. (This conclusion equivalent insurance role of the lated, a that why the government is bonds provide insurance and require a low rate of similar to that in Bertocchi (1991), who focuses on the phenomenon of bubbles.) The role for non contingent debt to provide may however be quite limited (or not present at all). This explains the debt in the low last example. When returns to storage are positively corre- realization of the rate of return riskfree rate next on storage is associated with a lower period and thus a high price of one-period bonds. Thus, issuing two period bonds and buying them back to the old. is Put another way, the reason that is is 18 as one-period bonds provides insurance The price they get for their bonds are low. This suggests that there is high when the returns to storage may be an optimal maturity for bonds, a line that has been explored by Gale. Indeed, this suggests the issuance of explicitly con- bonds to provide the needed insurance. And under those conditions, the government may well be able to issue and rollover debt. Should one conclude that Pareto suboptimality is a sufficient condition for the tingent feasibility of debt Ponzi games, for some form of debt? Surely not. Competitive economies may be Pareto suboptimal for reasons that have nothing inadequate intergenerational transfers. To see ple modification of this, to do with consider for example a sim- our third example. Assume that preferences and the storage technology facing each individual are the same as in that example, but that uncertainty 18 is idiosyncratic so that, while the return on individual storage is uncertain, The proof is immediate and holds for a general utility function. Expected utility when an interr takes place is U = Eu\W — K(t) — r, RK(t) + t). Straightforward generational transfer of size algebra shows that dU/dr > as long as Rf < 1. 15 aggregate storage not. is Assume further that individual realizations are private in- formation, preventing private contracts that pool away this individual uncertainty from being written. The lack of infra-generational sharing makes the equilibrium obviously Pareto suboptimal. Can the government play a Ponzi game? As aggregate variables are non we stochastic, debt games. The riskless rate is can, without loss of generality, look at riskless same the condition for Ponzi games to be feasible be negative, namely that example, storage is \x — cr 2 /2 < is 0. as it was sufficiently productive, there examples considered generally, for reasons that have in this condition is no scope is is yes, whenever the private marginal product of (which Ponzi is itself game is but given by Saint-Paul (1992), to capital. In his '' Pareto-improving? feasible, are paper the answer satisfied, if for for Ponzi finance. endogenously growing overlapping generations economy with from external increasing returns not is this nothing to do with uncertainty per An example with second-best theory. our example, so that the again that the average net riskless rate If this Should one conclude that Ponzi games, when In the four in se is not true but rather who studies an a distortion coming model, Ponzi games are feasible capital falls short of the growth rate always lower than the social rate of return on capital). But a debt never Pareto improving: since it lowers the growth is adversely affected. rate, it crowds out capital accumulation, so that eventually the welfare of some future generations Subsequent literature 6 The literature has made much progress since this paper was first written in 1990. Authors looking for existence conditions for fiat-currency equilibria (another name for debt Ponzi games) have confirmed the essential themes of the irrelevance of the average riskless rate, in providing intergenerational insurance. and the Some this paper: crucial role of debt Ponzi games papers have gone beyond the ter- and have provided the necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of monetary equilibria (or debt Ponzi games) we were unable to deritory explored here, rive ten years ago. Manuelli (1990) shows, omy (in which 19 in a stochastic overlapping generations exchange econ- the very issue of dynamic productive efficiency that preoccupied us Okuno and Zilcha (1980) have shown, under certainty, that the often-asserted connecbetween the Pareto suboptimality of "non-monetary" equilibria and the existence of "monetary" equilibria does not generally hold: their results about fiat currency translate almost directly Cass, tion to debt Ponzi games, and are valid, a fortiori under uncertainty. 16 is moot) that the sign of the expected riskfree interest rate puts the existence of they exist, often no restriction of currency equilibria. In addition, monetary equilibria, fiat do not look like simple deterministic transfers from the young to the old, but instead provide partial insurance (1990) constructs an example in which explains the value of money" when it is between generations. Manuelli indeed "this 'insurance' aspect that (p. 278). All this is of course in direct line, albeit in an exchange economy, with the message of our four Socratic examples. Also in a stochastic exchange economy, Chattopadhyay and Gottardi (1999) provide a necessary and sufficient for conditional Pareto optimality. Closer to our framework, Wang (1993) analyzes the existence and unique- ness of stationary equilibria in overlapping generations economies with stochastic production. He does not deal Diamond Ponzi games. In a stochastic fully analyzes safe economy with (1965) economy, Bertocchi (1994) care- capital similar to might be unable to remove sharing between generations. size, as we inefficiency, capital because of inadequate risk- based on stochastic multipliers. They empha- crucial for understanding ulative bubbles... [E]ven bles are sustainable example, she shows maximum principle for Markov controls between dynamic efficiency and Pareto did, that a "careful distinction is first to derive a complete characterization of Pareto optimality for economies with optimality our Furthermore, Bertocchi and Kehagias (1995) de- velop a stochastic version of Pontryagin's which enables them stochastic efficiency, optimality, or debt Ponzi games in the dynamically ^efficient case. Using a log-linear stochastic that safe debt however with dynamic if phenomena such when dynamic as Ponzi games and spec- efficiency obtains, Ponzi games and bub- they can provide insurance and thus improve, in the Pareto sense, the allocation of aggregate risk" (pp. 321-322). This is also the ize the results duction. message of Barbie, Hagedorn and Kaul (2000), of Chattopadhyay and Gottardi (1999) to an They provide a single necessary and who sufficient condition for conditional Pareto optimality with dynamically complete markets. This criterion eluded us sum when we wrote our paper — general- economy with pro- —which alas involves checking that a properly weighted of inverse contingent prices does not converge over any possible history of the economy. Chattopadhyay and Gottardi (1999) also show whenever the competitive equilibrium is Pareto suboptimal, Pareto optimality can always be restored by a scheme that closely resembles a Ponzi game, and rolls over an insurance that insurance contract in exchange for contributions. The lesson that "sophisticated" Ponzi games improve intergenerational risk sharing our example is indeed the one taught by 4. Last but not least,Barbie, Hagedorn and Kaul (2001) use data from the matu17 . rity structure of U.S. ically efficient (this ally government debt was the gist Pareto suboptimal. Barbie et for a "dynamic fiscal to argue empirically that the U.S. of the Abel al. (2001 ) et al. conclude that there policy" to insure against economy under uncertainty. is, macroeconomic running (sophisticated) debt Ponzi games icy involves is dynam- (1989) paper) but also conditiontherefore, This pol- risks. dynamically in a room efficient . Conclusion 7 Arguments as to whether governments can rollover debt are often cast in terms of a comparison of the average growth rate and average riskless rate. In a series of examples, we have shown that this may be misleading. The average riskless rate may be less than the growth rate while Ponzi games are infeasible, or it may be greater than the growth rate, while Ponzi games are feasible. Turning to the structure underlying those examples, we have shown that, even in economies in which equilibrium is dynamically efficient, Pareto suboptimality may also lead to the feasibility of Ponzi schemes. In thinking about the implications of Pareto suboptimality, this we have focused in paper on the suboptimality which comes naturally from the incompleteness of markets under uncertainty other reasons may why actual in overlapping generation models. But there are many economies may not be Pareto optima. Missing markets be missing for reasons ranging from asymmetric information to transaction costs, leading for a potential role Ponzi games. between 20 Distortions, from of public debt, and opening the possibility of externalities to taxation, risk adjusted interest rates Thus, Ponzi games may be feasible. and the And if social may also create marginal product of they are, they may wedges capital. 21 —but need not— be Pareto improving. How do we then establish, short of identifying the sources of failure of Pareto optimality, whether there section, we is scope for Ponzi games in a given economy? In the derive a necessary condition for Ponzi games. 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