15June 1997 OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS ELSlSVIER Optics Communications I39 (1997) 125- 13I Full length article Localized synchronization of two coupled solid state lasers Rachel Kuske a31,Thomas Emeux b ’ Department of Mathematics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-2125, USA b UniuersitL:Libre de Bruxelles, Optique Nonline’aire ThPorique, Campus Plaine, C.P. 231, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium Received 18 November 1996; accepted 22 January 1997 Abstract Two coupled lasers exhibiting oscillatory intensities are known to synchronize in phase or out-of-phase and with equal intensities. But a different form of synchronization - called localization - has been discussed recently in the literature of coupled oscillators. Localization means that the two lasers may exhibit different intensities. We show that this phenomenon is possible in a system of two coupled solid state lasers differing only by their detunings. We determine the bifurcation diagram of the localized states and obtain analytical conditions for stable localization. 1. Introduction Arrays of coupled lasers have been proposed as devices for applications that require high optical power from a laser source such as high speed optical recording, high speed printing, and space communications [I]. Maximum power is achieved provided that all lasers are perfectly synchronized in phase but experiments and linear stability theories have shown that laser arrays have a natural tendency for antiphasing. This is particularly dramatic for arrays of coupled semiconductor lasers because of the strong phase/amplitude coupling [2]. Recent theoretical activities have proposed external synchronization mechanisms such as injecting an external electrical field into all lasers [3] or by coupling lasers in parallel [4]. These methods assume very weak coupling between lasers so that the intensities of each laser are nearly steady. In Ref. [5], the response of two laterally coupled Nd:YAG lasers differing only by their detunings [6] is analyzed in detail. It is demonstrated theoretically and experimentally that an amplitude-phase instability may appear for weak coupling. This is possible because the natural damping of the laser oscillations is relatively slow compared to the typical time scale of the oscillations. This particular property on the ’ Present address: Tufts University, Department of Mathematics, Bromfield Pearson Bldg. Medford. MA 02 155, USA. solid state laser allows different forms of amplitude/phase synchronization between lasers. This contrasts to weakly coupled limit-cycle oscillators modeling chemical or biological systems which only exhibit phase instabilities [ 121. The long time synchronization of two coupled identical oscillators may occur in phase or out-of-phase and with equal amplitudes. But a different form of synchronization - called localization - has been investigated recently [8,9]. Localization means that one or more oscillators in the population exhibit large amplitude oscillations while the amplitude of the oscillations of the remaining oscillators is small. For a system of two coupled oscillators, a localized state thus means that the first and the second oscillators exhibit large and small amplitude oscillations, respectively. Stable localized states may coexist with equal intensities states in the bifurcation diagram. But they may dominate if a parameter controlling the amplitude of the oscillations is different for each laser [lo]. The main purpose of this paper is to find general conditions for stable localization in a system of coupled lasers. Although, localization is a phenomena that was first described for a large population of oscillators, we concentrate on a system of two lasers for which detailed quantitative observations are possible. In Refs. [5] and [6], a simple model of two coupled solid state lasers has been investigated and solutions characterized by identical intensities have been analyzed. In this paper, we are specifically interested in finding solutions exhibiting different intensities. To this end, we analyze the two W30-4018/97/$17.00 Copyright 0 1997 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PI1 SOO30-4018(97)00062-X 126 R. Kuske. T. Erneux/Oprics Communications coupled solid state laser equations using asymptotic techniques and derive bifurcation equations for localized solutions. These equations are then investigated and analytical results are compared with the numerical bifurcation solutions. We find that branches of localized states are limited in the bifurcation diagram but that this limitation gradually disappears as the difference between individual pumps is changed. Because our bifurcation analysis applies to a large class of lasers exhibiting similar relaxation properties (solid state, CO, and semiconductor lasers), our results are relevant for other coupled lasers systems. The plan of the paper is as follows. We introduce the model in Section 2 and describe the bifurcation equations for the localized states. In Section 3, we investigate these equations in detail. All mathematical details are concentrated in the Appendix but are not needed for the comprehension of the main results. 2. Two coupled solid state lasers The dimensionless equations for a system of two spatially coupled, single transverse and longitudinal mode solid state lasers are given by [6] Ei=(Fj-1 +~co~)E~-KE,, F;=r[Aj-(l+IEi12)~], (1) (2) where j,k = 1,2 and k f j. The variables Ej(t) and q(t) are the complex electrical field and gain for the jth laser, respectively. y = r,/r5 is defined as the ratio of the cavity round trip time 7, and the fluorescence time of the laser medium rr. K > 0 measures the coupling between the lasers due entirely through spatial overlap of the fields [6]. Aj is the dimensionless pump which is assumed larger than its threshold value (i.e., A, > 1). wi denotes the dimensionless detuning of the jth laser (wj = Oj/r,>. Note that y is typically an 0(10d3) small quantity for solid state lasers. Its low value explains why amplitude/phase instabilities are observed as soon as K = O(y) [5,7]. In Ref. [5], the bifurcation diagram of the time-periodic states was studied assuming equal pumps (A, = AZ). In this paper, we concentrate on the phenomenon of localization for arbitrary values of A, and A,. However, a stable localized state already exists for A, = A, as shown numerically in Fig. 1. The figure represents the intensities li = 1Ej12 as functions of the scaled time s = nt, where 0= (2(A, - 1)~) “2 is defined as the laser relaxation oscillations frequency. As we shall demonstrate, the amplitude of the oscillations at laser 1 and laser 2 are typically O(1) and O(h), respectively. The laser problem depends on several parameters and we wish to understand their specific effects on the localized states. It will be convenient for our asymptotic analysis to rewrite Eqs. (1) and (2) in dimensionless form. In terms of s = Ot, Eq. (1) and Eq. (2) become Eqs. (28)-(32) I39 (1997) 125-131 411 3 2 1 12 0 0 S Fig. 1. Localized oscillatory intensities. The solution has been obtained by integrating Eqs. (28)-(32) and then by evaluating I, = ISj( 1+ yj) = (A j - 1Xl + ?;I. Note that the oscillations are out of phase. The values of the parameters are A, = A, = 2, p = 0.03,~ = 0.01.6 = 0.9. The initial conditions were x,(O) = - 1.6, y,(O)=O.23, s,(O)= -0.06, y,(O)= -0.11, $(0)=4.586 and the solution is represented after an interval of time equal to 400. in the Appendix. These equations less parameters given by e = y0-‘, exhibit four dimension- S= AR-‘, The parameter E = O( y I/‘) -=z 1 measures the natural weak damping of the laser oscillations. The parameter 6 is the difference between the two detunings normalized by the laser relaxation oscillations frequency. The parameter p is a scaled coupling coefficient which we assume O(y ‘1’) small. The parameter q is the ratio of steady state intensities and equals 1 if A I = A,. Note that we may determine the steady state solutions of Eqs. (1) and (2) analytically and we may reduce the number of equations if we assume equal intensity solutions and q = 1 [S]. But we are interested in determining if stable periodic solutions characterized by different intensities are possible. To this end, our analysis of the laser equations will be based on the asymptotic limit p = O(E) + 0, keeping 6 and q fixed. Specifically, we seek a solution characterized by O(1) intensity oscillations for laser 1 and small intensity oscillations for laser 2. All mathematical details are described in the Appendix. We investigate two possibilities corresponding to the case S f & and the case S = &. If 6 + \/(;;, we find the solution (u) 62 &I, 4 = 42p + =Z,,[l + Y(s+ PY21W)lr O,J)], (4) (9 where Z, = Aj - 1 (j = 1 or 2) is the steady state intensity R. Kuske, T. Emeu.~/Optics Communicarivrls 139 11997) 125-131 127 and S = 6s. In (4). the oscillations are O(1) large and the 2n-periodic function Y(S.6) satisfies Eq. (38). In Eq. (5). the oscillations are O( p 1 small and the function _v,,(S,S) is passively related to Y(S,S) (see Eq. (41)). The solution (4) depends on the phase 0, which satisfies the bifurcation equation (43) or equivalently As 1 - S increases, the amplitude of the oscillations increases and can be obtained numerically from Eq. (38). The phase 0, is determined from Eq. (6) until a limit point S = S,, < I is reached. The limit point corresponds to 0, = rr and is the solution of the following equation (assuming G > 0) \1;7cos(H,)G(S) - fiG( +EA,K(G) =O. (6) In Eq. (6), G( S ) and K(S) > 0 denote functions of 6 which are defined by (44). The coefficient E is related to the damping coefficient E as E= E/T’. (7) S,,) + RA, R( S,,) (14) = 0. Thus, the oscillations of laser 1 are possible for the interval S,, < 6 < 1, or equivalently, in terms of the deviation D defined by (1 I), the interval D,, < D < DC, where D,!and DC are defined by D,, z @-Z/3y-‘/“( S,, - fi) Thus. the bifurcation problem for solution (4) and (5) is reduced to the solutions of the phase equation (6). It is laser 1 that controls the oscillations of the coupled lasers system. The oscillations of laser 2 are simply entrained by the oscillations of laser I. However. the solution (4) and (5) is mathematically valid only if 6 f 6, = \l;7/k (k = 1,2,...). The points 6, are ~oirrts of reronunce. We investigate the principal resonance 6 = S, = fi. The intensity of laser 1 is still given by (4) (with 6 = 6, ) but the intensity of laser 2 takes a different form. We now find There are no restrictions on the oscillations of laser 2 since they are passively related to the oscillations of laser I if 6 # 6,. If S = S,, the oscillations of laser 2 are described by Eq. (10). From the real and imaginary parts, we obtain two conditions given by (h) sin( &) = 0. S= A:/, /,=/,?[I =[,,[I + Y(S+ e,,s,>]. +2/3”7R,sin(S+H,)]. (8) (9) By contrast to (5). the oscillations of laser 2 are O( p ‘/j) and nearly harmonic in time. The amplitude R, and the phase 0z satisfy the bifurcation equation (55) for cr2 = R,exp(0?) or equivalently 2Da?+ +;a,- iF(t),) = 0. (IO) and D,,=/L~‘/~~-‘/~(~ 2DR, - &). + f R; - +,)cos(&) (‘5) = 0, (16) (17) We analyze these conditions in terms of D assuming F( 0, ) > 0. From (16) and (17), we find two branches of solutions given by (i) H?=Oand D(RZ)= -iRi+- F(O,) 2qR, (ii) H,=aand D(R?)= -iRi-- ’ F(B,) 2qRz In (IO). the function F( 0, ) is defined by (56). The coefficient D = D( 6) is proportional to the deviation S - 6, and is given by D s p-V4-‘/?(S - S,), (II) Thus, we determine H, from Eq. (6) and then obtain R2 and tl? from the real and imaginary parts of Eq. (IO). The bifurcation problem for S near 6, is richer than the general case 6 + S, because it depends on both laser 1 and laser 2. 3. Bifurcation diagram of the localized states We wish to find the amplitude of the oscillations for each laser as a function of the control parameter 6. From (46). we note that the oscillations of laser I exist only if Sr 1. (12) As I - 6 approaches zero, the oscillations are of the form X= -2R,sin(S) and Y= 2R,cos(S) where R, = [6(1 - 6)]““. (‘3) Assuming F(B,) > 0, the branch of solutions (19) exhibits a limit point at D = DL2 where 1 DLy2 3F(0,) ___ 2q i (18) (19) given by 7’3 (20) 1 These branches of solutions are represented in Fig. 2 for the case q = I (same pumps). Specifically, Fig. 2 shows the bifurcation diagram of the localized states in terms of the amplitudes R, and R, of the oscillations of laser 1 and laser 2, respectively (these amplitudes are defined as R, 5 max(x,)/2, R, = max(.x2)/(2P’/3) where x, and xa are obtained nume&lly from Eqs. (28)-(32). We have found that (13) is a good approximation of R, while the implicit expression (19) with F(B,) = l/2 is a good approximations of R,. Both amplitudes are shown in terms of the deviation D defined by (11). The localized states obtained numerically from Eqs. (28)-(32) are shown by dots in the bifurcation diagram. Note that these states are competing with solutions exhibiting equal intensities. They are not shown in the bifurcation diagram of Fig. 2. Furthermore, we did not look for localized states that belong to the R. Kuske. T. Emeu.x/Optics 128 Communications 2 second branch of solutions (specifically, the branch of solutions given by (18) and corresponding to the upper line in Fig. 2b). In Fig. 3, we examine the effect of q by slightly changing the values of the pump parameters. Its main effect is noted by comparing Fig. 3a and Fig. 2a. We observe a shift of the point D, defined in (15): DC = 0 if q = 1 but is O(1) as soon as the deviation 1q - l( is O( p ‘13). The localized states obtained numerically from Fqs. (28)-(32) are shown by dots. We note that the branch of numerical solutions shown in Fig. 3a does not terminate 2 R2 I39 (1997) 125-131 RI (4 Fig. 3. Bifurcation diagram of the localized states for two lasers differing by their pumps. Same values of the fixed parameters as in Fig. 2 except A, = 2.15 and A, = 2. The dots corresponds to stable localized states obtained by integrating the laser equations (28)-(32) from 6 = 0.96 to 6 = 1.1. The critical points D,,and 0, are shown in the figure and have been determined from (15). We find D,, = -0.02 and 0,. = 0.76. point D = DC: a different analysis assuming both R, and /3 ‘j3R2 small is needed to explain the D > DC part of the bifurcation diagram. at the Fig. 2. Bifurcation diagram of the localized states for two identical lasers. We represent the bifurcation diagram of the localized states in terms of R, = max(x,)/2 and R, = max(x2)/(2/3’/3). The values of the fixed parameters are A, = A, = 2, /3 = 0.03, E = 0.01. The dots correspond to stable localized states obtained by integrating numerically the laser equations (28)-(32) from 6 = 0.9 to 6 = 0.96. The lines are approximations described in Section 2. The approximation for R,(D) is given by (13) with 6 = fi (1 + p ‘/ ‘D) and the approximation for R,(D) is given by the implicit expressions (18) or (19). If 6 < 0.9 or if 6 > 0.96, we have found numerically that the laser system approaches a state characterized by equal intensities. The critical points DL,,DC and DL2 are shown in the figure and have been determined from (15) and (20) with F(B,)=1/2. We find D,,=-0.95,D,=O and DL,= - 0.42. 4. Discussion We have determined localized states in a system of two coupled solid state lasers. Specifically, we derived bifurcation equations for time-periodic solutions exhibiting O(1) amplitude oscillations for laser 1 and small amplitude oscillations for laser 2. For laser 1, the amplitude of the oscillations is large and is determined by a simple periodicity condition. It does not depend on the small parameters E and p proportional to the damping and coupling coefficients, respectively. However, these parameters influence the phase of the oscillations. For laser 2, the small amplitude oscillations depend passively on the oscillations of laser 1 unless 129 R. Kuske, T. Erneux/Optics Communications 139 (1997) 125-131 the detuning difference is close to resonance points. Then, the amplitude of-the oscillations of laser 2 strongly depends on the coupling coefficient as we demonstrated for the principal resonance. Our bifurcation analysis showed that stable localized states may compete with states exhibiting equal intensities (if q = 1) or nearly equal intensities (if q = 1). If the lasers have identical pumps (q = 1), the branch of stable localized states is limited in the bifurcation diagram by the condition Eqs. (23)-(25), we remove the y term in the resulting equations by introducing the deviations xj and Yi given by I, = R and F, = 1 + 2~j, Isj( 1 + y,) where lsi E Aj - 1 denotes the steady state intensity. laser equations (23)-(25) then become x; = -y, - ex,(l+Z,,(l +Y,,), Y; = (1 + Y,)X, - P&b D,, CD CD,: The (28) + Y,)(l + Yz) COS((cr)~ (21) (see Fig. 2). This explains why the localized states are difficult to find numerically if both lasers are identical. However, if the pumps are slightly changed (q f l), the domain of stable localized states can be larger because (29) x;= -qyr- Ex2(1+1s,(l +Y*))7 +Yz)xz-PLli’(l 6 Y;=(l (22) D>DL, (27) +y,)(1 (30) +Y*) cos(+), (31) then becomes the only restriction (see Fig. 3). The success of our analysis is based on the fact that our laser problem is equivalent to a problem of two lasers controlled by the same periodic modulation. As a result, branches of periodic states do not emerge as Hopf bifurcation branches as they do in other coupled lasers systems +fi r1 E = yfi-‘. 6mAfl-‘, El. (’ +“) ____ (1 fY,) sin($) (32) ’ where 5. Appendix /3=2Kfi-‘, A,-] andq=--- 5. I. Bifurcation equations In this appendix, we derive the bifurcations equations for the localized states. We reformulate the laser equations in terms of amplitude and phase variables. Substituting E, = fi exp(i+,) into Eqs. (1) and (2) gives 1i=2(F,- l)fi-2K\iil,l,cos(~), Prime now means differentiation with respect to s. If p is small and if 6 = O(l), we find $= $(O) + SS from Eq. (32). Inserting I,!J= 6s into (29) and (31), we obtain equations for two weakly modulated oscillators which we investigate. (23) 5.2. Leading approximation F,‘=y[Aj $‘=A+K (33) A,-1’ (25) We determine a periodic solution Eqs. (28)-(32) assuming that (x,,y,) is O(1) and that (x2,y2) is small. Specifically, we seek a 2~periodic solution of the form where A = w2 - w, is the difference between the detunings and 4 = I#+ - 4, is the difference between the phases. In order to determine time-periodic solutions of Eqs. (23)(25), it will be useful to introduce a new basic time s defined by (XZPY?) = P( s = nt, $=S++$,(S)+ (26) where fi = (2( A, - 1)~) I” is known as the laser relaxation oscillation frequency. This new time is suggested by the linearized problem for the steady state solution (Z,,Fj) = ( Aj - 1,l) which admits slowly decaying and 2n/fi periodic solutions if y is small. After inserting (26) into (X,?Y,) = (X,O(~)~Y,&)) + P(G%Y,,(S)) ~,,(~)~?J,,(~)) + + ‘.‘, (34) ..‘> (35) .. .. (36) where S = 8s. We consider scale E as the case S = O(1) fixed and e=PE. We introduce (34)-(37) (37) into Eqs. (28)-(32) and equate to 130 R. Kuske. T. Erneux/Optics Communications zero the coefficients of each power of p. The leading order equations for (xn,,yn,) and (x2,,Y2,) are given by sx;, = -y,,, 6.x;, = -qy2,, 6Y’,o = (1 -fY,O)X,O~ 6Y’,, =x2, - +,;m (38) COS(S)> v4 (39) where prime means differentiation with respect to S. Eq. (38) forms a conservative system of equations which admits an one-parameter family of periodic solutions. Its first integral is given by C=xfo +.v,~ - ln(1 + ylo) where C is the constant of integration (0 5 C < m). If S < 1, the 2rr-periodicity condition selects a specific value of C which determines the amplitude of the oscillations but not its phase. We thus write the solution as (~,o,Y,o)=(X(~-t~,,~),y(~+~,,~)), (40) where (X,Y) is defined as the 2n=periodic solution of Eqs. (38) and 0, is an arbitrary phase. Without loss of generalities, we may define S such that ylo = Y(S,S) is an even function of S (this property will be useful when we evaluate integrals of Y(S, S )>. We next consider Eq. (39) and determine a 2n-periodic solution of Eq. (39) with y,,, = Y(S + 0,,6). We find 6 x2, = xf, ( pk eikS + c.c.), yz, = --x;,, (41) 9 where pk is defined by ____Pk= k2@-q fi 2n1 IZVJ o 1 + Y(S+ @,,S) x cos(S) eeikSdS. (42) and cc. means complex conjugate. This solution is unbounded if S is close to 6, = G/k, i.e. near points of resonances. At and near 6 = S,, the approximation of (x2, y,) in power series of p fails. We study the interesting case S = 6, in the next subsection. Because 8, is still unknown, we examine the problem for (x, ,, y, ,) and apply a solvability condition. A similar method has been applied for a periodically modulated laser [ 13,141 so that we summarize the details. The solvability condition is obtained by differentiating the energy function C(x,, y,) = $ + y, - In(1 + y, > with respect to S and then by averaging the resulting right hand side from 0 to 27r (we note that /:rX ’ Y d 5 = - S#X 2 d X = 0 using the first equation in (38) and we take into account the fact that Y(.S,S) is an even function of S). We then obtain the following equation for 6, &cos(~,)G(~)+EA,K(~)=O, where G(6) and K(S) are functions of 6 defined by (43) 139 (1997) 125-131 These integrals must be evaluated numerically. Instructive approximations are obtained by determining a small amplitude solution of Eqs. (38) and then by evaluating the functions in (44). The small amplitude solution is constructed using the Poincare-Lindstedt’s method [ 11,151. We find _lu?“X2(t)d[. (45) where R = [6(1 - S)]“’ (46) measures the small amplitude of the periodic solution + 0(R2) and Y= (X(S),Y(S)) (i.e., X= -2Rsin(S) 2 Rcos(S) + O( R2)>. 5.3. Near resonance We now consider the near resonance problem if 6 is close to 6, = I&. From (41) and (42), we note the limit X?‘PXZl - P 1 I__ (& q 4T [, o2nl/l + Y(S+ 0,,6,) 1 eis + cc. xcos(S)e-‘kSdS (47) as IS - S, I--) 0. Thus, the solution becomes unbounded near 6 = 6, which means that our expansion of the solution in power series of p is no longer valid. We solve this problem by using the method of matched asymptotic expansions [ll]. To this end, we introduce the deviation D defined by +p2’3D), S=&(l (48) and seek a solution of the form (%,Y,) = (Xro(S),Y,o(S)) + V3( (X2TY2) = P”‘( X,,(S),Y,,(S)) $h = s + p “3$,(S) + ‘.., (49) + .. .. (50) X?,(%Y2,(S)) + P2’3( X2,(S)>Y2,(S)) f .. . (5’) We introduce (48)-(51) into Eqs. (28)-(32) and equate to zero the coefficients of each power of p’/3. The leading order equations for (xlo,ylo) and (x,,,y,,) are fix;0 = -y109 x;, = -hv,,, &v;o = (1 +Y,o)x,o, (52) hY’2, =x2,, (53) where prime means differentiation (53) has the solution x2, = & and K(6) and K(S)=4rR2, G(S)=2rR ( o2 eis + c.c.), with respect to S. Eq. yZ, = -ia, eis + c.c., (54) where cr2 is an unknown complex amplitude. The solution of Eqs. (52) is simply given by (40) but now evaluated at R. Ku&e. T. Emeur / Optics Communications 139 f 1997) 125-131 S = fi < 1. Because 0, and (Ye are unknown, we need to solve the higher-order problems and apply solvability conditions. The solvability condition for the (x2s,y2s) equations leads to an equation for LY, given by 2Dcr,+ &- &O,)=O, Y where F(0,) F(0,) = (55) is the function defined by +Jl;1+ y(s+ o,,fi) 111 D. Botez, D.E. Ackley. Phase-locked F(O,)/(2Dq)and using (SO), we then As jDj-*m,a1 ---t have = p F(O)> “3 - 2D9 e’.’ + C.C. (57) We have verified that (57) is matching (47) rewritten in terms of D using (481. The solvability condition for the (x,s,.~,~) equations is (43) evaluated at 6= fi. The integral (56) needs to be solved numerically. For small Y, it is approximately F(Ol)= +. (58) In summary, the described by Eq. satisfies Eq. 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