Dual Gauge Programs, with Applications to Quadratic Programming and The Minimum-Norm Problem by Robert M. Freund Working Paper #1726-85 Revised August 1986 Abstract A gauge function f(.) positively homogeneous and is a nonnegative convex function that satisfies f(O)=O. are specific instances of a gauge function. Norms and pseudonorms This paper presents a gauge duality theory for a gauge program, which minimizing the value of a gauge function f(.) is is the problem of over a convex set. The gauge dual program is also a gauge program, unlike the standard Lagrange dual. We present sufficient conditions on f(-) the existence of optimal solutions to the gauge dual, with no duality gap. qualifications on the constraints. The gauge dual programs, program is than the standard dual, Keywords: and independent of any to the minimum lp norm problem. shown to provide a smaller duality gap in a certain sense discussed in the text. Gauge function, norm, quadratic program, Lagrange dual, Running Header: , , l 11, its The theory is applied to a class duality. _ll, program and These sufficient conditions are relatively weak and are easy to verify, and are of convex quadratic that ensure Dual Gauge Programs. Introduction A gauge function function f(.):RnRu{(+ =} is a nonnegative convex that is positively homogeneous and satisfies f(O)=O. and pseudonorms are specific instances of a gauge function. program is defined as an optimization P: f(.) is the form quadratic to Mx > b a gauge programming fall function. Many problems into this category, programming, in mathematical including strictly convex linear programming, problem on a polyhedron (see Luenberger and the minimum norm [9]). Duality for programs similar to P have been studied by Eisenberg [2], recently been generalized by Gwinner instances where explicit Lagrange programs A gauge minimize f(x) subject where problem of Norms like P can be stated, [7]. whose work has most Glassey [6] has examined duals of convex homogeneous without reference to primal variables. This paper presents a gauge duality theory for gauge programs that contrasts, but particular, is related to, the gauge dual D of P the Lagrange dual of P. In is also a gauge program, unlike its Lagrange dual. are feasible values of the primal and dual objective functions, z.v > D. The gauge duality theory states that if z and v then 1, with equality only if z and v are optimal values of P and This inequality is analagous to the weak duality relationship z > v for the Lagrange dual. We present sufficient that ensure that optimal solutions and that z-v=1 solutions. for these 1 conditions on f(.) to the dual gauge programs exist These sufficient conditions are III relatively weak and are easy to verify. They are independent of any qualification on the constraints of the gauge program, unlike the Slater condition In the case applicable to than the dual for Lagrange duality, for example. of quadratic a class programming, the theory developed of quadratic programs that class of strictly convex quadratic is equivalent program different is slightly broader programs. The gauge (by a monotone transformation) to a quadratic from the Lagrange dual. Another application of the gauge duality theory is problem of minimizing the The gauge dual certain is is shown lp norm of a vector over a polyhedron. to provide a smaller duality gap sense discussed in the text) hence provides a better for feasible values of to the than the standard dual, lower bound on the primal the dual, (in a than does and objective value, the standard dual program. A final application of the gauge duality theory programming, where the gauge dual is different is to linear (but equivalent to) the standard linear programming dual. In order 1 reviews to lay the groundwork for the ensuing theory, basic polarity properties of gauge functions. presents the gauge duality theory, which theorem, and necessary conditions valid. Section Section 2 includes a weak duality for a strong duality theorem to be The duality theory of Section 2 is generalized to gauge programs with nonlinear constraints in Section 3. Section 2 is applied to selected mathematical Section 4. programming, This section first The theory of programming problem in discusses convex quadratic followed by a duality analysis of the minimum problem, for which strictly convex quadratic programming 2 lp norm is a special case. The discussion shows that the duality gap for the gauge dual is in a certain sense smaller than that of the standard dual. Section 4 concludes with an analysis of linear programming in the context of gauge duality theory. 3 III 1. Preliminaries Let R denote the set numbers and real positively homogeneous f(ax) (i.e., = af(x) and pseudonorms are gauge functions. A let R=Ru{(+}. convex, nonnegative, is f(-) f(.):Rn-R is called a gauge if function Norms of for a > 0), and f(O)=O. A gauge function need not be symmetric and can take on the value +, unlike a pseudonorm or a norm. An example of a gauge function f(x)=f(xl, x2, ( Note that f(x) that f(x) = 0 x3) = all x = if 2x1-x2-x3 = 1 (Xl-x3),(xl-x2)12 (+ otherwise. the plane is finite only on for is In (a,a,a). {xER 3 12xl-x 2 -x this example, 3 f(.) = 0), and is symmetric. For any convex set C c by C = {yeRnlyTx 1 for all containing the origin, the polar of C, Rn, xC}. is a gauge function, and is a closed convex set C (see Rockafellar [12], p. If 121). if C is defined by C = then f(-) is defined = C if and only if C is a closed and C convex set containing the origin f(.) denoted C, f(x) {(xRnl (1) < 1) can be represented by f(x) where by convention, closed function and only if (i.e., the origin, function, ({ Furthermore, f(.) level sets of f(.) Also, the function (2) > OxEuC). = +=O. inf all of the C is a closed set. that contains closed gauge we denote = inf are closed) for any closed convex set C f(.) defined by called the closed gauge function corresponding to C. 4 is a (2) is a if For any gauge function = fo(y) f(.), inf Then f(.) is a closed gauge. (ylfo(y) 1), < Furthermore, define its {v > olyTx < vf(x) for all x). If C = 1}, (xlf(x) whereby f(.) is closed, if f(.) is polar function f(.) by closed, since then fOO(x) = C then C (3) = is closed. f(x), because C ° O = C. The following summarizes the above statements: Remark 1 (see Rockafellar f(.)ofO(.) [12], p. 129). induces a one-to-one symmetric correspondence in the of all closed gauges on R n . class The polarity operation the origin are polar to functions are polar Two closed convex sets containing each other if and only if their gauge X] to each other. We also have: Remark 2. If f(.) is a closed gauge function, then f(.) and f(.) can be written as: f(x) = sup yTx yECO and In the case when f(x) IX{{q, = fO(y) that yTx < Holder where 1/p + = fO(y) xHIp, 1/q = the lp norm, 1 p < , then inequality states The following generalization of the inequality can be stated as: Remark 3. f(x) and If f(.) fO(y) by f*(y) is a gauge function, are both finite or that For a given function f(.):Rn.R, = sup {yTx-f(x)). x If f(.) straightforward and demonstrate that 5 ij______l___l__l__I__C_ and 1, and the Holder = f(x)fO(y). xUpHUyHq = sup yTx xEC --__I___^_IIIII____.-- then yTx < f(x)fO(y) {f(x),fO(y)) # its (0,}). conjugate f*(.) is a gauge provided is defined function, then it is III fo(y) 0 if f*(y) If g(x) the function function, is = += if a-gauge function f(x,w):Rn+m-R < 1 fo(y) > defined by x E Rn and w defined by f(x,w) = g(x) and fo(y,z) where y E Rn and z go(y) if z = 0 +* if z 0 = Rm. 6 is E R, a gauge then 2. Dual Gauge Programs Consider the following nonlinear program: P: to subject where f(.) is z = f(x) minimize Mx > b The Lagrange dual of P a closed gauge function. is formulated as {f(x) - supremum {infimum > XT(Mx-b))), x to which can be simplified - supremum {bTX X > O f*(MTX))}, or LD: maximize v = bTX subject to fo(MTX) < 1 X > 0 Dual programs for classes of programs developed by Eisenberg how to construct problems. All [2] explicit duals [7]. Glassey [6] has shown for such problem for which is convex and positively homogeneous need not be nonnegative, to be finite-valued). P have been (with no primal variables) three authors work with a primal the objective function f(.) (f(.) and Gwinner that include as in our primal, but is restricted When applied to a gauge program P, however, the dual programs that each author develops is the program LD above. function with the polar If we exchange the objective constraint in LD, D: we obtain a dual gauge program: minimize subject v = fo(MTX) to bTX = 1 X > 0 7 gauge III Together, Note the pair that both the primal problems, and to primal appears (P) and dual programs, (D) are minimization their objective functions are polar gauge functions. variables X are restricted to be nonnegative and correspond The dual side P and D constitute dual gauge constraints. in the dual (RHS) of in The constraint matrix M in the primal the objective function, and the right-hand the primal appears in the equality constraint in the dual. The definition of other types constraint of of the gauge dual program D can be extended to linear constraints P is Mix = () bi, in the then in ith variable Xi to be unrestricted standard way. the dual D, in sign (less If the ith we require than or equal the to zero.) Note that the dual of the dual write the dual in to: y-MTX = 0 1 X > 0 = f(y). s with constraints To see this, v = g(y,X) bTX = where g(y,X) the primal. the format: minimize subject is Then (i), (i) (x) (ii) (t) (iii) (s). if we associate the variables x, (ii), (iii), and is: minimize z = gO(x,bt-Mx+s) subject to: t = 1 s > 0. 8 t, and the dual of this program Thus fOO(x) = gO(x,w) = However, f(x) when w=O, and gO(x,w) = +. O. if w the last program can be written as z = f(x) minimize Mx-s = subject to: b s >O is precisely the primal which P. The vector of variables x if x said to be feasible i.e. satisfy the linear constraints, (X) otherwise x (X) = +), (fO(MTX) If x infeasible. is then x feasible and f(x) If P is (X) < (X) is essentially (fo(MTX) < +), + infeasible otherwise P program; (D) 0), = +- f(x) If x(X) infeasible. is then x (X) is strongly feasible P (D) is an essentially solution, has no strongly feasible (D) (bTX=l, X > Mx > b is feasible but (X) for P (D) is a strongly feasible program. We have the following preliminary duality result for dual gauge programs. Theorem 1. Let z respectively. and v* respectively, then zv > v* = +~. is essentially infeasible, i.e., z = +o. = O, then D is essentially (iii) If v* = O, then P (iv) If x and X are feasible solutions values z and v, optimal respectively, solutions of P and D, If x and X are and (iii) f(x) = zv, and zv = 1, then x and X are respectively. by Remark 3. then we have This result shows follow by contradiction from 9 1. for P and D with objective strongly feasible for P and D, 1 = XTb < XTMx < fo(MTX) (ii) 1, and hence z*v* > i.e., If z* and (D), infeasible, (ii) (i), and strongly feasible for P and D, with objective values z and v, PROOF: (P) Then: If x and X are (i) be optimal values of (i). (iv) follows III from z. (i) is achieved by bound on z*, and by noting that 1/v is a lower [XI (i) Assertion value of corresponds to the standard duality result that the less is the max program Assertions equals min, then both are optimal. f(x) > 0 for any x, the min of if max (iii) and is Because f(.) = 0, the program P the same way that a standard in limit, program would have a value of -, i.e., If z* whereby z* > O. has achieved its absolute lower infeasible, (ii) in the standard theory. correspond to unbounded cases a gauge, to the value corresponds to the result that (iv) program, and assertion than or equal and hence the dual program is = +. v* In order to prove a strong duality theorem for the dual gauge programs their the optimal values, it is necessary A convex set S c Rn satisfies A gauge both C and C C = (xERnlf(x) the projection property if all S are closed convex sets, transformation A:Rn4Rm, set. to impose some qualifications on We proceed as follows. function f(.). projections of and that P and D both attain that z*v*=l P and D that asserts (z RmIz=Ax for E function f(.) satisfies i.e., if for any is some xES) a closed convex the projection qualification satisfy the projection property, where C is < 1). For notational convenience, assumed to be related by relations linear (1) and (2) f(-) if given by and C will be of the previous section, for the remainder of this paper. f(-) satisfies the projection f(.) satisfies the projection Note that by definition, qualification if and only if qualification. If C and C are convex and compact, the projection qualification, and hence projection qualification for 1 < p < 10 . f(x) = then f(-) satisfies xI1p satisfies the Also note that if C is a polyhedron (bounded or not), then C is a polyhedron Finally, note that satisfy the projection qualification. gauge function that satisfies f(x,w) = g(x) then f(..) The projection the projection satisfies and f(-) and f(.) if g(-) qualification, and the projection qualification. qualification allows us to prove the following results which will be useful in proving the strong duality theorem. Remark 4. satisfies the projection f(x) is PROOF: i.e. If f(.) have f(x) = {ulu sup yTx yECO finite, Lemma 1. is a nonempty closed convex set, If f(x) is then f(x) = yTx for some yCO. [X] If f(.) satisfies the projection qualification, and X is a vector yERn such that The for a given > O, for all xEUC, yTx < 1, and then there exists a for all xEX, yTx > 1. sets UC and X are convex and have no points in common. There thus exists a hyperplane satisfies the closed. if {uIU=yTx for some yECO}. by the projection qualification. polyhedron such that UC n X = PROOF: = sup = yTx for some yECO} a closed interval, qualification and = yTx for some yCO. finite, then f(x) We However, projection that separates them. qualification, all Furthermore, X is polyhedron. Because projections f(.) of uC are Consequently, according to remark 5 in the appendix, there exists a hyperplane that separates from X and does that yTx must be not meet UC. < a for all xEUC, Therefore, there exists and yTx a > [X] We can now prove: 11 aa ·-- for all xEX. positive, whereby by scaling we can presume completing the proof. -Ls(B is a __ UC (y,a)E(Rn,R) such Since x=O EUC, a it is equal to 1, 11 Theorem 2. and let Assume that f(.) z* and v* satisfies be the optimal the projection qualification, values of P and D, respectively. Then: (i) If P and D are both strongly feasible, then z*v* =1; and the optimal values of P and D are achieved for some x* (ii) and *. P is essentially infeasible and v*=O v*=O; is (i.e. z*=*) if and only if achieved for some feasible X* if P is infeasible. (iii) D is essentially z*=O; and z*=O infeasible (i.e. v*=o) if and only if is achieved for some feasible x* if D is infeasible. Let X = {xERnlMx > b}. PROOF: (i) then 0 < z* < += x f(x) = E X, Lemma and 0 /v*. 1, there < +. < v* Assume exists yRn so does convex set, since yTx y=MTX, XTb fO(MTX) = i.e. (1/v*)C, 1. x. and < [c,d] feasible point X*, dv* < v*, n X = and fr om x(1/v*)C, (i). and d < 1. there exists X and z* shown in Theorem 1. > 0 with Thus P achieves = f(x*) Regarding = l/v*. its minimum at some (ii), For the the "if" "only if" Then for any finite , whereby there exists a vector yRn as described in 12 Now and a contradiction. assume that P is essentially infeasible. UC (-a,d], shows that D achieves establishing the statement has been or is feasible for D, its minimum at some feasible point x*, A parallel argument (1/v*)C n X=¢, therefore (yTxlxE(l/v*)C) is a closed satisfy Mx > b, Now X = X/XTb for some But since C satisfies the projection a closed interval (1/XTb) fO(y) Then that satisfies yTx < 1 for all > 1 for all x that > We must now show that the contrary. and yTx > 1 for all feasible property, If P and D are strongly feasible, part o f part, > 0, Lemma Let X and X be constucted as above. 1. for D and f(MTX) < If 1/U, P is infeasible, exists X > 0 with MTX This completes The proof Theorem = 0 and (iii) 1/u for any U > 0, i.e. v*=O. then by a theorem of the alternative, there the proof of of < whereby v* Then X is feasible bTX = 1. Furthermore f(MT\) = 0 = v*. (ii). parallels that of (ii). [X] 2 thus provides a rather weak qualification on f(.) that is sufficient to guarantee the existence of primal and dual optimal solutions, namely that all projections of C and C be closed. Note that the projection qualification makes no reference to the constraints of P, in contrast to more typical Slater condition, which is in Eisenberg [2] sufficient conditions such as the used directly in Glassey and Gwinner [7]. As the proof Also note that f(.) + take on the value 2 is based theorem in > 0, qualification is then UC shown stemming from an that to guarantee the (i) of Theorem 2 asserts qualification is sufficient optimum z* where 0 < z* The proof < in order , part if uC and X are disjoint optimal solution when z*=0, makes no such assertion when is infeasible is To see that the projection to guarantee let f(.) the existence of be defined as in 13 _I projection that the projection consider the following example. C = {(xl,x2)eR2x2 > x/2) and _I The open separation. The rather stronger condition that the dual qualification is not sufficient can of Theorem for a gauge program to attain (ii) to be sufficient in this case. and "open separation" can be openly separated from X. sufficient Although part z*=O. need not be differentiable, (see the appendix), which states for some 2 indicates, the feasible region the feasible region of P. essentially on arguments and indirectly of Theorem a constraint qualification is not needed, because is polyhedral. 6] _____ (2). an Let Thus its III we have It 0 xO, X2=0 +o= x 1 70, X2=0 +00 X2 = f(xl,x2) that both C and C° the feasible Let < 0 {(Y1,Y2)ER2ly2 = to derive C is straightforward verify > O X2 x2/(2x 2 ) satisfy the projection qualification. region X of P be defined by X = -2 = X1 which = 1/(2x2), /(2x2) However, z*=0. Thus spirit of follows. z* and v* (rel there to (xl,x 2 ) for condition for strong duality in P and D in is given below. We define X = proceed as {xERnJAx > b), < } and The dual gauge programs P and D each attain their optima < and z*v* int Y) X n (rel o). = 0, bTX > 1). 1, if (rel int Co) f is precisely Fenchel's C = {xERnlf(x) int X) n (rel , and intersection of relative sufficient condition see Magnanti int C) # 0. shown to be equivalent Lagrange dual, Let We have Note that the condition on the has been where and is no feasible pair dual gauge programs P and D, Given CO = {yERnlfo(y) 2. Mx > b}, which goes to zero as x2 goes the Slater condition and Y = {yeRnly=ATX, Lemma 2 2 )=0. f(xl,x An alternate sufficient the Mx > b, large, By choosing x 1 =1 and x2 sufficiently infinity. {xER , and b = M f(xl,x2) 2 -Y 1 / 2 ), and to < interiors for strong duality, which to the Slater condition for the Unlike the projection qualification, [10]. this condition can be rather cumbersome to verify 14 in practice. We will not prove consequence of Theorem of Lemma proof Lemma 2 here. Its proof 2A of the next section, follows as an immediate which is a restatement 2 for a gauge program with nonlinear constraints. there indicates, the intersection condition of Lemma As the 2 guarantees strong duality by guaranteeing proper separation of z*C and X if z not attained. The projection qualification, on the other hand, gives us strong duality by guaranteeing open separation of z*C and X if not attained. In this sense, stronger qualification, separation valid because open separation is Nevertheless, indeed a "sufficiently" for all of the applications a stronger the projection weak condition so as to be in Section 4 of this paper. 15 ··_11_1___111________·_____··_·______ z* the projection qualification is a than proper separation. qualification is is is III 3. An Approach to Dual Gauge Programs with Nonlinear Constraints In this section, we show how the gauge duality theory developed in Section 2 for gauge programs (with linear constraints) can conceptually be extended to include nonlinear constraints. Consider the nonlinear gauge program NGP: subject where f(.) z = minimize f(x) to xEX is a closed gauge function, and X is a closed convex set, not necessarily a polyhedron. Corresponding to the gauge function f(.) fo(.). is its polar function In order to develop a nonlinear gauge dual of NGP, we also use a duality correspondence for the set X. X, define X' closed convex set by the relation X' Following McLinden = {yERnlyTx > 1 for all xEX}. [11], we will although this nomenclature context, X' For a given to X' is not universal. is the blocker of X the upper dual set of X.) refer in Fulkerson as the antipolar of X, (In a more restrictive 5]. In Ruys [13], We define the nonlinear gauge dual X' is of NGP to be the program minimize v = fO(y) NGD: subject In the dual, to yEX' the objective function is the polar function, and the dual objective function primal feasible dual region. is of the primal gauge the antipolar of the In order to characterize when the dual of the is the primal, we need to introduce some additional definitions. For a given nonempty convex set XcRn, X if for every xEX, x+er E X for all e 16 a vector rERn > O. is called a ray of X is a ray-like set if every element x of X is also a ray of X. X an antipolar set, Lemma 3 Ruys [13] is a raylike set. does not contain the PROOF: If X=¢, then X' is the origin, then X'=Rn, calls such an calls X auerole-reflexive). (see also McLinden [11], antipolar X' (McLinden [11] p. 176). For any set X c Rn, If X is closed, raylike, and = X. then X" which convex, its is raylike, and X"=X. If X, intersection of a family of closed halfspaces, and is closed and convex. If yX', then eyEX' for all e 1, and > so so X' is raylike. We now must show that set that does not contain if X is a nonempty closed, the origin, then X"=X. yTx > 1 for all yX', whereby xX", and Then there exists an element z of X" Because X is closed and (z) strictly separates with the property then by and so convex, from X, Let xeX. so X c X". that Suppose XX". (y,a) E (Rn, for all xX, and yTz < a. yTz > 1=a, a contradiction. This Thus a < O. Also yTz < a Because OX and X is nonempty, X' yTx > 0 for every xX, (y + ey)Tx Therefore (y + ey) (y + ey)Tz > yTz < a is for every e > 1 for all e > 0, . and so yTz > 0, Because for every xX. This in turn implies that > O, which contradicts [X] 3 implies that the dual of NGD closed, and X is a closed, contain the origin. yX', is nonempty. < O. Lemma f(-) EX' > 0, for all xX. yTx > 1 for every xX. > 1 for any R), Because X is raylike, xX and all e > 1, and hence yTx > 0 Then, If a being the case, yT(ex) > a for all Let y be any element of X'. Then there exists a hyperplane that rescaling we can assume that a=1. < O. raylike is not contained in X. and so there exists that yTx > a convex, Of course, convex, if X does 17 is precisely NGP whenever raylike set that does not contain the origin, then li z*=O, X'-$, and v*=, primal and dual, where z* and v* are the optimal values of the respectively. The following result is analogous to Theorem 1: Theorem 1A (Weak Duality). Let NGP and NGD, Then (i) respectively. z* and v* be optimal values for If x and y are strongly feasible for NGP and NGD, with objective values z and v, hence respectively, the zv > 1, and z*v* > 1. (ii) If z*=O, then NGD is essentially infeasible, (iii) If v*=O, then NGP (iv) If x and y are strongly feasible is essentially infeasible, objective values z and v, then x and y are optimal i.e. v*=+". i.e. z*=+o for NGP and NGD with respectively, and zv = 1, solutions of NGP and NGD, respectively. PROOF: If x and y are strongly feasible 1 < yTx < fo(y) f(x) = (ii), (iii), and (iv) zv, by Remark 3. follow from To see how to obtain the from NGP and NGD, X = let a raylike satisfying bTX Y = (yERnly=MTX for some X > 0 (i), The (xeRnjMx > b} > be for some Furthermore, > 1, satisfying bTX and and > 1}. X' = and define = 1), and note that X' linearly constrained gauge program P is equivalent to the program P: Define X = > 1) = (ERnMx raylike and contains Y. result shows [X] set that contains X. (yERnly=MTX for some X > 0 is This then linearly constrained problems P and D P be as given. (xeRnlxEeX for some Then X is (i). for NGP and NGD, minimize f(x) subject xEX 18 because even though the feasible region of P contains the feasible region of P, every point xEX has at least as large an objective function value as a corresponding point xX. The nonlinear gauge dual of P is D: minimize fO(MT\) subject to bTX > 1 >0 However, because f(.) is homogeneous, we can restrict our .attention to those X > 0 for which bTX = 1, obtaining the equivalent program: minimize fo(MTX) D: to bTX = 1 subject > 0 linear gauge dual. which is the We have the following strong duality result for the nonlinear Let E = {xERnlf(x) < case which is an extension of Lemma 2. CO = {yeRnlfO(y) < o). Given dual gauge programs NGP and NGD, where f(.) is Theorem 2A. closed and X is closed, convex, and raylike, values of NGP and NGD, respectively. and (rel } and int X') n (rel int ° O) # *, let z* and v* be optimal If (rel int X) n (rel int ) # 0 then z*v* = 1, and each program attains its optimum. PROOF: (rel int Theorem Let xo O). 1A, e (rel int X) n (rel int C) and y (rel int X') n Then both NGP and NGD are strongly feasible, and by 0 feasible xX. < z* < . Suppose that z* Then z*C n X = separated by a hyperplane H. is not attained by any , and so z*C and X can be properly Thus, there exists yERn and aR such that yTx > a for all xX, and yTx < a for all XEz*C. If a > 0, then we can presume a = 1 by rescaling if necessary. Then yX' 19 III and v* f(y) = < 0, Thus then a yTxo = 0. + x we can demonstrate ensures rel E int X, 0 for all and so v* X. E 0. whereby yTxo + (1-6)x) > 0, which Similarly, 0 for all XEX. xz*C, and hence for all xC. properly separate X from z*C. that a > 0, for NGD. for every xX, there exists turn means yTx = that yTx = l/z*. is optimal E z*C, Thus yT(6x X. is attained is attained in the primal, If z* so (z*/f(xO))xO (1-6)x E This in < 0. Thus H does not xO Because 6 > 1 such that implies yTx C, rel int 1 and y = Then ytxO > 0 because xO = 0, because OEz*C. because x Also, sup yTx < a/z* XEZ*C (/z*) since vz* > 1, we have z*v* = However, If a sup yTx = xEC in This contradiction the dual and then the above proof z*v* = 1. is still valid, long as z*C and X can be properly separated by a hyperplane H. z*C and X cannot be properly separated, appendix, there exists XE (rel int X)n(rel int z*C and OEz*C, there exists xE rel whereby x (z*/6)C, and so f(x) then by Theorem 6 of can be properly separated, and so v* 6 > 1 such that is attained in the Because int z*C). a contradiction. < z*, If 6x + (1-6)OEz*C, Thus z*C and X the dual, and z*v*=1. A parallel primal. argument establishes that z* is attained in the [X] The nonlinear gauge duality theory parallels the gauge duality theory for linear constraints. there It is only natural then to examine if is a parallel duality construction that extends the Lagrange- type dual LD to handle nonlinear constraints. and does not contain the origin, is closed, NGP can be written as f(x) minimize subject If X to yTx > g(y) 20 for all y E cone X', convex, where cone X' g(y) = max = {yeRnly = aw for some a > 0 and wX') and (a > Oy = aw for The above program some wX'). suitable format so that Gwinner's dual [7] is in a can be constructed, which is: g(y) maximize GwD: subject yTx < f(x) for all x to y E cone X' Because be if f(y) yTx < f(x) for all x if and only < 1, program GwD can transformed into NLD: maximize y,a a subject to fO(ay) 1 yEX' which we define as the program NLD. To see that NLD and GwD are identical, notice that for any feasible solution (y,a) to NLD, y' = (/g(y))y For every feasible wEX', and y = The for GwD with identical objective is feasible solution y' (1/d(w))y', a = of GwD, y' d(w) value. = Bw for some B > 0 and is feasible for NLD. dual nonlinear gauge programs NGP and NGD make up a neat theory in terms of polar explicit dual variables constraints functions and antipolar sets. However, the y do not directly correspond to primal (though they do indirectly), mention of constraints per se and there is no formal in either the primal special case of the general nonlinear theory is theory, instances of which will be seen or the dual. One of course the linear in the next section. An open issue regarding nonlinear gauge duality is under what circumstances can the nonlinear gauge dual program be written a finite number of constraints whose for every primal constraint? 21 variables explicitly in terms of include a multiplier li 4. Applications In this section we explore a number of mathematical models that correspond to a gauge program, programming, problems involving the Many of the applications will minimize x subject where f(-) that of P. However, including convex quadratic lp norm, involve programs and linear programming. of the form: f(Nx+d) to is a gauge. programming Ax > b Note that this format does not conform to it is equivalent to: g(x,s) minimize x,s subject to where g(x,s) = f(s). Ax -Nx + Is Furthermore, > b = d f(-) qualification if and only if g(.,.) satisfies does. the projection The gauge dual of this program is: minimize g(ATX-NTU, ) X,U subject to + dT bTX X> But gO(y,t) = f(t) when y=O, U = and gO(y,t) last program becomes minimize subject to fO(u) subject ATX-NTU bTX+dTU to X> 22 1 0 0 = 0 = 1 = + for y # O; thus this A. Convex Quadratic Programming The standard convex quadratic program QP: minimize subject (1/2)xTQx is given by + qTx Ax > b to where Q is a symmetric positive semi-definite matrix. into the form Q = MTM for some square the matrix Q can be factored matrix M. lies can If M is nonsingular in the row space of M, (i.e., subject which is positive definite), then q = MTs for some vector sERn, or if q and QP (1/2)xTMTMx + sTMx to Ax > b is equivalent to the gauge GP: minimize subject where f(.) = #'U 2 , program lMx+sU 2 to Ax > b and so f(.) satisfies Note that QP and GP are equivalent identical and their objective transformation. the projection qualification. in that their constraints are functions differ by a strictly monotone In examining the duality properties of QP and GP, first study the case where Q is the case when Q is positive Q is Q be written as minimize will Furthermore, positive definite, followed by semi-definite. Positive Definite When Q is positive definite the Lagrange dual bTX - maximize X of QP is (1/2)(XTA-qT)Q-1(ATX-q) (LQP), subject to see Dorn [1]. X > 0 The guage dual 11(MT)-IATX1{ minimize of GP, on the other hand, is 2 (GD), subject to (bT+qTQ-lAT)X X > 0 = 1 23 we II' to is equivalent which the quadratic program minimize XTAQ-1ATX subject to (bT+qTQ-1AT)X = 1 X >O (D). Note that both LQP and GD are strictly convex quadratic programs. constraints of LQP consist of the nonnegativity conditions X > 0, whereas the single equality constraint (bT+qTQ-1AT)X = 1. GD also includes The The following theorem shows the relationship between the gauge dual programs GD or GD and the Lagrange dual LQP: Theorem 3. (i) is a solution to If * a) t* 0 dual LQP, b) (ii) is positive definite, If Q t* GD and t* = X*TAQ-1ATX*, if and only if X = X*/t* solves t 0 if and only if \* then the Lagrange infeasible. = 0 if and only if QP is is a solution to LQP and t = bTX If a) then + qTQ-1ATX, then = X/t solves the guage dual GD, b) t = 0 if and only if QP has a solution x to Ax > b satisfying Mx + s = O, i.e., if and only if GD is infeasible. PROOF: The proof follows Tucker conditions The for GD and LQP. direct substitution. Q from an examination of the Karush-Kuhntransformations follow from [X] is Positive Semi-Definite We now turn our attention to the broader case, semi-definite and q lies some vector sRn. in the row space In this case, of M, whence q = MTs for the Lagrange dual 24 when Q is positive of QP is bTX - maximize (1/2)xTMTMx ',x (LQP'), subject to as in Dorn [1]. ATX - MTMx = MTs X> O The gauge dual of GP is minimize X,u null 2 subject to -ATX + MTu = bTX + sTU = 0 (GD'), 1 X > 0 which is equivalent to the quadratic program minimize uTu X, u subject -ATX + MTU = 0 to bTX + sTU = (GD') 1 X > 0 Analogous to Theorem 3, Theorem 4 demonstrates the relationship between the two different dual quadratic programs LQP' and GD'. Theorem 4. If Q is positive semi-definite, Q = MTM and q = MTs for some s ERn, then (i) (X*,u*) constitute an optimal solution to the gauge dual GD' if and only if there exists x*, t* such that (ii) (a) -ATX*+MTU*=O (b) bTX*+sTu*=l (c) X* (d) Ax* > bt* (e) U*=Mx*+st* (f) X*TAx*=X*Tbt* > 0 t*=O if and only if QP is infeasible. only if t$*O if and =X*/t*, x=x*/t* constitute a solution to the Lagrange dual LQP'. 25 III (iii) (X,x) constitute an optimal solution to the Lagrange dual LQP' if and only if there exists z such that (a) X > 0 (b) AT\-MTM=MTs (c) Az > b (d) MTMx=MTMz (e) XTAz=XTb XTb+sTs+sTMz=o if and only if QP has a solution Ax > b, (iv) Mx+s=O, i.e. if and only if GD' is infeasible. XTb+sTs+sTMz~o if and only if (X*,U*) solves the gauge dual t* D' with multipliers x*, t* given by: = 1/(XTb+sTs+sTMz) X* = Xt* U* = x* = zt*. The conditions (Mz+s)t* [X] (i) and (iii) of this theorem are simply the Karush- Kuhn-Tucker conditions, and the transformations in (ii) and (iv) follow from direct substitution. B. Programs with the l If f(x) = xllp, Norm 1 < p < . then the polar of f(.) YUq, where q must satisfy 1/p+l/q = 1. is In particular, p=1 or p= and only if q=* or q=1, respectively. Consider the lp norm program: minimize xt IwUp subject to Bw+Cz > d (GPp) 26 f(y) = if The gauge dual of GPp, derived using P and D, nBTXq minimize subject is to CTX = 0- dTX = 1 (GDq) X > 0 Because f(x) results of Theorem Note = Hxlp satisfies the projection qualification, 2 are valid solution s), which is a derived equivalent of i-I instance of GPp, by setting C M is a more general When pl, p, , d = s program than QP. (l/p) p w X,Z The Lagrange and p = 2. the program GPp is equivalent to minimize subject the (when Q is positive semi-definite and q=MTs has a can be cast as an B Thus GPp for GPp and GDq. that the program GP, quadratic program QP the (LPp) to dual of Bw+Cz > this d program is maximize XTd-(1/q)UBTn q q subject to = 0 CT (LDq) X> 0 The gauge dual GDq and the Lagrange dual LDq bear a relationship that generalizes the case of quadratic 4. This programming in Theorems 3 and relationship is demonstrated below. notation xP, where xERn, In the theorem, denotes the vector whose (sign xj)(Ixjlp). 27 the jth component is If pl and p, Theorem 5. If X* (i) t* then is an optimal solution to the gauge dual GDq and = \*T(B)(BTX*)q-1, then (a) t'*O if and only if =X*/t* solves the Lagrange dual LDq. (b) t*=O if and only if GPp If X is an optimal (ii) (a) XTd~O is infeasible. solution to the Lagrange dual LDq, then if and only if X*=X/XTd solves the gauge dual GDq. (b) XTd=o if and only if GPp has an optimal with value The proof of this 0, Cz > d has a solution. i.e. theorem follows solution [X] from examining the Karush-Kuhn- Tucker conditions and substituting in the transformations as given. Although the programs GPp and LPp are equivalent objective functions differ by a monotone dual GDq of GPp will yield a better the optimal To see this, LPp, and let let (w,z) and in GPp and LPp, X = X/(dTX) h = dTX - values of X and X in the gauge lower bound on the Lagrange dual LDq for LPp. to GPp and be the corresponding objective values of = wllp, ' = (l/p) P Uwlp Let X > . (w,z) 0 be any LDq with a positive objective value, and hence is a feasible solution to GDq. (l/q)JJBTx\ larger) be any strongly feasible solution namely feasible solution to transformation), (i.e., solution to GPp than will (their p p Let g = be the corresponding objective BTXUq, and function the programs GDq and LDq, respectively. Then 1/g and h each represent a lower bound on the optimal primal objective values for GPp and LPp, and the values numbers greater than or equal the respective dual pairs g and /h are to one that measure the duality gap in of programs, 28 as a ratio of the primal objective function value to the dual objective function value. We have: Lemma This 3. Under the above assumptions, lemma states ratio) < /h. that the corresponding duality gaps (measured as a is always smaller for the gauge dual GDq than for Lagrange dual inasmuch as monotone LDq. Of course, transformation. than does the comparison is somewhat unfair, Yet the proof below shows that the gauge intrinsically better convex inequality the Lagrange dual LDq. Proof of Lemma 3: < XTBw + XTCz the last the the objective functions of GPp and LPp differ by a dual GDq in a sense uses an XTd g Let w, = , z, TBw < , g, wNUp h, X, BTXHq < and X be as (/p)Nw inequality being an instance of the arithmetic and the geometric mean. nonnegative gaps in the three Let p + stated. Then (l/q)fBTX\q inequality between the s, t, and u represent the inequalities above, respectively. Then we have dTX+s+t+u ,g = I[w[[p BTXHq/(dtX) s+t+u 1 + = dTX dTX Therefore s+t+u g = Not 1 s+t+u < e the geometric 1 ++ = - . [X] Note is that the it inequalidT-(/)y between BThe arithmetic mean and an ives that itt mean that drives he rbetween the result. 29 the arithetic ean and i C. Linear Programming As a final LP: note, observe minimize that the linear programming problem: cTx subject to > b Ax can be formulated as a gauge program when positive. and C = In this case, 1) (xERnlf(x) to compute C = = max let f(x) = (xERnlcTx < yERnly = cv, v > 0), the optimal (cTx,O). 1). It value Then f(-) of LP is is a gauge is then straightforward and v if y=cv for some v > 0 +~ else fo(y) = The gauge dual DLP': of LP then minimize X,v ATX - bTX X is v cv = 0 = 1 > O which is equivalent to the standard linear program dual: DLP: maximize X subject to bTX ATX = c Acknowledgment I am very grateful to Professor Thomas Magnanti comments and careful for his valuable reading of a draft of this paper. 30 Appendix: Separation Theorems Given two convex sets X and Y in R n , X is properly separated from Y by a hyperplane H provided X and Y lie in the opposite closed halfspaces bounded by H, lie in H. following theorem and X and Y do not both of Fenchel [3] The characterizes when X and Y can be properly separated: Theorem 6 (Fenchel [3], nonempty convex sets see Rockafellar in Rn. hyperplane H if and only if Let X and Y be X and Y can be properly separated by a (rel If X and Y are convex sets Y by a hyperplane H provided X bounded by H and Y lies [12]). int X) in Rn, X (rel int n is = Y) . [X] openly separated from lies in one of the open halfspaces in the other closed halfspace. Clearly, if X is openly separated from Y, Klee's give criteria on X and Y that are sufficient for results of [8] then X and Y are properly separated. X to be openly separated from Y by some hyperplane H. Some of these criteria are given below. A convex set XcRn is is called evenly convex [4] provided that X the intersection of a family of open halfspaces. A set ZRn is called an asymptote of a convex set YcRn provided that Z is an affine variety, ZnY = ycRn is , and inf ({z-yH said to be boundedly polyhedral if its bounded polyhedron is a bounded polyhedron. [8] is yY) = zEZ, O. The set intersection with any One of Klee's results the following: Theorem 7 (Klee [8]) If X and Y are disjoint convex subsets of Rn, then X can be openly separated from Y if X's evenly convex, polyhedral. projections are all and Y admits no asymptote and Y is boundedly [X] 31 ________ in III Actually, Klee's results are much broader that the stated conditions are maximal precisely, and he also gives than indicated. He shows in a sense he defines five alternative criteria that guarantee that X can be openly separated from Y. Remark 5. If X and Y are disjoint convex sets and all projections X are closed, such and Y is a polyhedron, then there exists yERn and aER that yTx < a for PROOF: all xX and yTx > Any closed convex set for all xY. is evenly convex, since any closed convex set is equal to the intersection of the family of the closed halfspaces that contain it, halfspace is halfspaces. of X are of see Rockafellar the intersection Thus, of an conditions of Theorem of X are closed, If Y is a polyhedron, polyhedral, and admits no asymptote. all projections then Y is boundedly Thus X and Y satisfy the 7, whereby the desired 32 and each closed infinite family of open if all projections evenly convex. [12], result is obtained. [X]. References [1] W.S. Dorn, "Duality in quadratic Math. 18, 155-162, 1960. programming," Quart. Appl. [2] E. Eisenberg, "Duality in homogeneous programming," Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 12, 783-787 (1961). (3] W. 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