Aeromagnetic and aeroradiometric profiles

Field Engineering Corporation, Technical
Library, P.O. Box 1569,Grand Junction,CO
ext. 278).
8I 501. (Telephone:303-242-8621,
Map references
of lhe World
ored haunt of the MescaleroApache,was on
the westernfringe of Comancheterritory by
the middle 1700' was the 1850's
before American military expeditions and
patrols beganto report, with little favor, on
of the area.
thephysicalfeaturesand resources
These reports, together with the constant
threatof Apacheraiding parties,discouraged
both travelersand settlersuntil the 1860's.The
demandfor beef at military postsand Indian
following the Civil War provided
a marketfor Texascattleand eventuallyled to
the establishment of ranches along the Pecos
Introduction of irrigated agriculture signaled a period of acceleratedsettlement of the
valley. Carlsbad, originally named Eddy after
one of the principal developers,owes its origin
to this industry. The discovery of potash minerals in Permian salt beds east of Carlsbad in
1925 led to a new industrial boom centered on
mining potash salts for use as fertilizers.
Carlsbad mines are now the leading potash
producers in the United States.
The accompanying
indexmapsshowthe location of aeromagneticand aeroradiometric
surveysfor which resultsare availableto the
public. A supplementallist of publications
and open-filereports is keyedto each index
map. Also included are aeromagneticand
mapspublishedor open-filed
by various statesand available only from the
states. Not included are airborne maps and
profilesby othergovernmentagencies
and private industry except when incorporatedin
USGSor individualstatepublications.
Many of the publicationslisted are GeophysicalInvestigationsMaps (GP). Theseand
other Surveymaps can be purchasedfrom the
Branch of Distribution,U.S. GeologicalSurvey, Bldg. 41, Box 25286, Federal Center,
Denver,CO 80225,for areaswestof the Mississippi River, including Alaska and Louisiana.
Professionalpapersand bulletinsthat are
not out of print can be purchasedby mail
from EasternDistributionBranch,Text Products Section,U.S. GeologicalSurvey,604 S.
Pickett Street,Alexandria, VA 22304and over
the counter from the U.S. GeologicalSurvey
Public InquiriesOffices (P.LO.'s) locatedin
Anchorage, Dallas, Denver, Los Angeles,
Menlo Park, Reston, Salt Lake City, San
Francisco,Spokane,and Washington,D.C.
Most all open-file reports are available in
May 1982
New Mexico GeologJ
microfiche or paper duplicate copies from
Open-FileServicesSection,U.S. Geological
Survey,Box 25425,FederalCenter,Denver,
CO 80225.(Telephone:
Pricesfor the abovepublicationsare published in the monthly listing "New Publications of theGeologicalSurvey." Currentprice
and availabilityinformationfor olderpublications canbe obtainedby callingor writing the
is requiredwhenordering.Orderby seriesand
number (GP-233, OF77-123,etc.) and title.
Do not mix orders for maps, professional
papers and bulletins, and open-files.Each
mustbe orderedfrom a separate
Someof the maps and profiles appearas illustrationsin professionaljournals, technical
books, and out-of-print governmentpublications. Thesemay be viewedat USGSlibraries
and many universitiesand public libraries.
may be examinedat libraries and certainofficesof the USGS,statesurveys, and universities.These locations are
notedin the stateindex.
The U.S. Departmentof Energy has completed an aerial radiometric and magneticreconnaisancesurvey program over the conterminous United Statesand part of Alaska in
support of the National Uranium Resource
Evaluation (NURE) program. Information on
these surveyscan be obtained from: Bendix
Regionalgeologicalinterpretationof aeromagnetic and gravity data for Rowe-Mora area,
New Mexico, by G. E. Andreasen,M. F.
Kane, and Isidore Zietz, ln Prof. Paper
400-8, p. 238-239,1960
Aeromagneticand gravity studiesof the Precambrianin northeasternNew Mexico, by
G. E. Andreasen,M. F. Kane, and Isidore
v.27, no. 3, p. 343-358,
Zietz, Geophysics,
1962,(fre.3 is an aeromagnetic
The Rio Grande trough near Albuquerque,
New Mexico,by H. R. Joesting,J. E. Case,
and L. E. Cordell,iz Prof. Paper424-D,p.
282-286,1961,(fig. 392.4showsmagnetic
profiles; reprintedin New MexicoGeological
Society,Guidebook l2th field conference,
CE){ 59.4.24-Aeroradioactivity survey and
geologyof the Gnome(Carlsbad)area,New
Mexicoand Texas(ARMS-l), by J. A. MacKallor, scalel:250,000,1965,(publishedby
the U.S. Atomic EnergyCommission,available from U.S. Departmentof Commerce,
National Technical Information Service,
Aeromagneticmap of the San Simon Valley
Counarea,Cochise,Graham,and Greenlee
ties, Arizona, and Hidalgo County, New
Mexico,2 sheets,scalel:125,000,(OF Rept.
6 G 1 3 9 )1, 9 6 6(,c o p i eosn f i l ea t 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ,
6 , 8 ,l l )
Bull. 126l-E-Mineral resourcesof the Blue
Range Primitive Area, GreenleeCounty,
Arizona, and Catron County, New Mexico,
by J. C. Rattd and others,with a sectionon
interpretationby G. P. Eaton,
91 p., 1969,(pl. I is a geologic-aeromagnetic
of the Black
Bull. 13l9-E-Mineral resources
RangePrimitive Area, Grant, Sierra, and
Catron Counties,New Mexico, by G. E.
Ericksenand others,162p.,1970,(pl. I is a
map,scaleI :63,360)
Aeromagnetic map of part of south-central
New Mexico, scale l:62,500, (OF Rept.
7 l - 2 8 8 ) ,t 9 7 1 ,( c o p i eosn f i l e a t 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 7 ,
Aeromagnetic map of the Jemez area, New
Mexico,scalel:250,000,(OF Rept.72-391),
1 9 7 2(,c o p i eosn f i l e a t1 , 2 , 3 ,4 , 7 , 8 , 9 , l 0 )
Aeromagnetic map of an area northeast of
SantaFe, New Mexico, scalel:62,500,(OF
Rept.73-290),1973,(copieson file at l, 2, 3,
4 , 7 , 8 ,l 0 )
Mineral resourcesof the PecosWildernessand
adjacentareas,SantaFe, SanMiguel, Mora,
Rio Arriba. and Taos Counties,New Mexico, by U.S. GeologicalSurvey,U.S. Bureau
of Mines.and New MexicoBureauof Mines
and Mineral Resources,ll7 p., aeromagneticmap scalel:62,5fi),(OF Rept.80-382),
1980,(copieson file at l, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, l0)
Aeromagneticmap of parts of the Silver City
southand Las Crucesl'by 2" quadrangles,
westernNew Mexico, scale l:250,000, (OF
Rept.7+l107), 1974,(copieson file at l, 2,
3, 4,'1,8, l0; copiesof the l:62,500maps
from which the l:250,000 map wasprepared
may be orderedfrom l0)
Aeromagneticmap of parts of the Socorroand
TularosaI " by 2" quadrangles,southwestern
New Mexico, scalel:250,000,(OF Rept. 7,tI 108),1974,(copieson file at I , 2, t, 4,7 , 8,
w .i .
.o'li.'-r-.r r.
l0; copies of the l:62,500 maps from which
the l:250,000 map was prepared may be ordered from l0)
Aeromagnetic map of the Jicarilla-White Oaks
area, Lincoln County, New Mexico, scale
l:62,500, (OF Rept. 74-lO4), 1974, (copies
o n f i l ea t 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 7 , 8 , 9 , l 0 )
Aeromagnetic map of an area east of Albuquerque, New Mexico, scale l:125,000, (OF
R e p t . 7 5 - 1 8 3 ) , 1 9 7 5 ,( c o p i e so n f i l e a t l , 2 , 3 ,
4 , 7 , 8 , 9 ,l 0 )
Aeromagnetic map of Santa Fe and vicinity,
New Mexico, scale l:125,000, (OF Rept. 751 8 4 ) , 1 9 7 5 ,( c o p i e so n f i l e a t l , 2 , 3 , 4 , 1 , I ,
9, l0)
Aeromagnetic map of an area north and east of
Socorro, New Mexico, scale l:125,000, (OF
R e p t . 7 5 - 1 8 5 ) , 1 9 7 5 ,( c o p i e so n f i l e a t l , 2 , 3 ,
4 , 7 , 8 , 9 ,l 0 )
Aeromagnetic map of Albuquerque and vicini t y , N e w M e x i c o , s c a l el : 1 2 5 , 0 0 0 ,( O F R e p t .
7 5 - 1 8 6 ) , 1 9 7 5 ,( c o p i e so n f i l e a t 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 7 ,
8, 9, l0)
Aeromagnetic map of an area north of Albuquerque, New Mexico, scale l:125,000, (OF
R e p t . 7 5 - 1 8 7 ) ,1 9 7 5 ,( c o p i e so n f i l e a t l , 2 , 3 ,
4 , 7 , 8 , 9 ,1 0 )
Combined geophysical studies at Kilbourne
Hole maar, New Mexico, by Lindrith Cordell, in New Mexico Geological Society,
Guidebook 26th field conference, p. 269271,1975, (fie. 3 is an aeromagneticmap)
Interpretation of magnetic surveys in intermontane valleys of Nevada and southern
New Mexico, by G. D. Bath, (OF Rept.
76-440), 1976, (data from U.S. Naval
Oceanographic Office; copies on file at l, 2,
3 , 4 , 7 , 8 , 9 ,1 2 )
Aeromagnetic map of an area north of Abiquiu, New Mexico, scale l:62,500 (OF Rept.
7 6 - 5 0 3 ) ,1 9 7 6 ,( c o p i e so n f i l e a t 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 7 ,
8,9, l0)
Aeromagnetic map of Wheeler Peak and vicinity, New Mexico, scale l:62,500, (OF Rept.
7 G 5 0 4 ) , 1 9 7 6 ,( c o p i e so n f i l e a t I , 2 , 3 , 4 , 7 ,
8,9, l0)
Aeromagnetic map of the Wheeler-Latir-Costilla section of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains in New Mexico, by L. Cordell, jz New
Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook 27th
field conference , p. 281-282, 1976
Aeromagnetic map of Carson and vicinity,
New Mexico, scale l:62,500, (OF Rept. 766 8 6 ) , 1 9 7 6 ,( c o p i e so n f i l e a t l , 2 , 3 , 4 , 7 , 8 ,
e, 10)
Residual magnetic intensity map of central
New Mexico, scale 1:250,000,(OF Rept. 768 0 6 ) , 1 9 7 6 ,( c o p i e so n f i l e a t l , 2 , 3 , 4 , 7 , 8 ,
9, r0)
Aeromagnetic and gravity studies of the Rio
Crande graben in New Mexico between Belen and Pilar, by L. Cordell, rn Tectonics
and mineral resources of the southwestern
North America, New Mexico Geological Soc i e t y , S p e c .P u b . N o . 6 , p . 6 2 - 7 0 , 1 9 7 6 ,( f i g .
l0 is an aeromagneticmap)
Aeromagnetic maps with geologic interpretations for the Tularosa Valley, south-central
New Mexico, by G. D. Bath, scalesl:62,5N
and l:400,000, (OF Rept. 7'7-258, 1977,
(data from U.S. Naval Oceanographic Off i c e ;( c o p i e so n f i l e a t 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 7 , 8 , 9 )
Bull. l45l-Mineral
resources of the Cila
Primitive Area and Gila Wilderness, Catron
and Grant Counties, New Mexico, by J. C.
Rattd and others, 229 p., 1979, (pl. 2B is an
aeromagneticmap, scale I :200,000)
AA Bull. 1453-Mineral resources of the White
Mountain Wilderness and adjacent areas,
Lincoln County, New Mexico, by K. Segerstrom and olherc, with a section on Aeromagnetic interpretation, by Lindrith Cord e l l , 1 3 5p . , s c a l el : 6 2 , 5 0 O , 1 9 ' 1 9
Aeromagnetic map of the north and west parts
of the Silver City 1' by 2' quadrangle, New
Mexico and Arizona, 5 sheets, scale
l:62,500, (OF Rept.
1979, (copies
o n f i l e a t1 , 2 , 3 ,4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , l l )
cc Aeromagnetic map of the Malpais area, New
Mexico, scale l:250,000, (OF Rept. 79l6M), 1979, (copies on file at l, 2, 3)
DD Aeromagnetic map of northeast Arizona and
northwest New Mexico, 4 sheets, scale
(OF Rept. 80-614),1980,(copies
, ,l 1 )
o nf i l e a 1
t ,2,3,5,6,7,8,1
Aeromagneticmap of the Pecosarea, New
Mexico,4 sheets,scalel:62,500,(OF Rept.
on file at 1,2, 3,7, I,
9, 10)
map of the BuckRobinsonPeak
area, Arizona and New Mexico, scale
l:62,500,(OF Rept. 80-995),1980,(copies
o n f i l ea t 1 , 2 , 3 ,5 , 6 , 7, 8 , 9 )
map of the Little Dog-PupCanAeromagnetic
yon area,New Mexico, scalel:62,500,(OF
Rept.80-997),1980,(copieson file at l, 2, 3,
7, 8, 9)
Aeromagneticmap of the southernpart of the
SilverCity l'by 2o quadrangle,
New Mexico, 4 sheets,scalel:62,500,(OF
Rept.80-l 128),1980,(copieson file at l, 2,
3 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9l l, )
map of an areasouthof Chama,
New Mexico, scalel:62,500,(OF Rept. 8l8 8 ) ,1 9 8 1(,c o p i eosn f i l e a tl , 2 , 3 , 4 , 7 , 8 , 9 )
Aeromagneticmapsof the followingareasare
by W. J. Dempseyand others,scaleI mi : 1
CP-IS-Parts of Guadalupeand De Baca
(R. 2l E.-R. 26E. andT. 3 N.-T. 6
N.), 1950
CP-16-Parts of Guadalupeand De Baca
(R. l6 E.-R. 2l E. andT. 3 N.-T.
6 N.), 1950
GP-l7-Parts of San Miguel and Guadalupe
(R. 2l E.-R. 25E. andT. 6 N.-T.
l2 N.), 1950
GP-18-Parts of San Miguel and Guadalupe
(R. l6 E.-R. 2l E. andT. 6 N.-T.
l0 N.), 1950
GP-3ss-Parts of southernColfax, northern
Mora, and westernHardingCounties,1963
GP-356-Parts of southern Mora, northern
SanMiguel,and westernHardingCounties,
(continued on p. 32)
New Mexico Geology
May 1982
Aeromagnetic maps
(continuedfrom p. 27)
Date and
Operatorsand owners
Operator-Burnhammine,ConsolidationCoal Co., 3535E
30th St., Farmington,NM 87401;Gen. Mgr.: Mike Thurman,sameaddress,
Propertyowner-Navajo Nation,WindowRock.AZ g6515
S a nJ u a nC o . ; s e c .2 5 ,T . 2 5 N . , R l 6 W .
belongingto the NavajoNation; southwest
of Farmington, NM, near Burnham
I l-23-81
Operator-Arroyo No. I (ID 2901820),
EnergyConsrrucrors, S a n d o v aCl o . ; s e c .1 6 ,T . 1 7 N . , R . 2 W . ;
Inc., P.O. Box 3002j,Sta.D, Albuquerque,NM g7l l0: Gen. strip; srateland; 42 mi out NM-44, turn
Mgr.: Jack A. Lawrence,sameaddress,phone:247_1062: left, backto townof SanLuis
Personin charge:Dick Rowan(EnergyConslructors),same
addressand phone;Gen. Supt.: Ed Murzyn, sameaddress
Propertyowner-Page Mill EnergyCorp., sameaddressand
Operator-Northeast Churchrock, Teton Exploration
Drilling Co., P.O. Drawer A-1, Casper,Wy g2603;cen.
Mgr.: Victor Magnus,sameaddress,phone:(307)265_4102;
Personin charge:Joe pendergast,(DUR 2000)p.O. Box
2125,Milan, NM, phone:287-4221;
Gen. Supt.:Kerry Roe,
P.O. DrawerA-1, Casper,Wy, phone:(307)265_4102
Propertyowner-United NuclearCorp., p.O. Drawer
Gallup,NM 87301
M c K i n l e yC o . ; s e c .1 7 , T . 1 6 N , R . l 6 W . ;
Grants mining district; uranium; typesurface; works-vent hole; private land;
from Grants, west on I-40 to Mccaffey
exit, service road west approx 5 mi, turn
right on CR hwy to end of road
357 GP-357-Central part of San Miguel County,
424 GP-424-Aeromagnetic and geologic map of
part of the Silver City mining region, Grant
County, New Mexico, by W. R. Jones, J. E.
C a s e ,a n d W . P . P r a t t , s c a l el : 6 3 , 3 6 0 , 1 9 7 4
462 GP-462-Natural gamma aeroradioactivity of
the Gnome (Carlsbad) area, New Mexico
and Texas, by J. A. MacKallor, scale
I :250.000. I 964
E3E GP-838-Aeromagnetic map of the MorenciMonticello area, southeastern Arizona and
southwestern New Mexico, scale l:250,000.
E61 GP-861-Aeromagnetic map of the Carlsbad
area, New Mexico and Texas. scale
l : 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 ,1 9 7 3
Map inspection locations
Oil and gas wells drilled
(continuedfrom p. 19)
Kinney, E. 8., 1967, The oil and gas fields of southeastern
New Mexico: Roswell Geological Society, 1967 symposium supplement, 195 p.
Meyer, R. F., 1966, Geology of Pennsylvanian and Wolfcampian rocks in southeast New Mexico: New Mexico
Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, Mem. 17, 123
Molenaar, C. M., 1977, Srratigraphy and depositional history of Uppcr Cretaceous rocks of the San Juan Basin
area, New Mexico and Colorado, with a note on economic resources:New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook 28th field conference, p. 159-166
Oil and Gas Journal, 1981, Permian Basin CO, targets pinp o i n t e d :O i l a n d G a s J o u r n a l , v . 7 9 , n o . 4 7 , p 1 8 5 - 1 8 6
Roberts, J. W , Barnes, J. J., and Wacker, H. J., 19'1'6,
Subsurface Paleozoic stratigraphy of the northeastern
New Mexico basin and arch complex: New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook 27th field conference. p. l4lt52
Speer, W. R., 1976, Oil and gas exploration in the Raton
Basin: New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook 27th
field conference, p. 217 -226
Thompson, Sam, III, Tovar R., J. C., and Conley, J N.,
1978, Oil and gas exploration wells in the pedreeosa
Basin: New Mexico Ceological Society, Cuidebook )9th
field conference, p. 331-342
Wheatley, R , 1981, 'Tight' designation sparks Abo play:
Swanson, M. L. Hubert, G. W. Luttrell, and V.
M . J u s s e n ,1 9 8 1 , 6 4 3p .
This report lists most of the rock-stratigraphic
names in published use in the United States
through 1975 and the major elements necessary
for their definition. The report was prepared primarily from U.S. Geological Survey lexicons publ i s h e d i n 1 9 3 8 , 1 9 5 7 , 1 9 6 6 , 1 9 7 0 ,a n d 1 9 8 1 , f r o m
library research, and from data in the fites of the
Survey's Geologic Names Committee. It also incorporates information
supplied by State
The information is maintained in the computer
of the U.S. Geological Survey in Reston (Virginia), Denver (Colorado), and Menlo Park (California). In the interests of usability the published
list is necessarilyselective. Informal names have
been omitted until given formal status. Names
used in charts, figures, map explanations, tables,
abstracts, or in text without proper description
must be consideredinformal.
U.S. Geological Survey Library, Rm. 4-A-100,
12201SunriseValley Dr., Reston, VA 22092
U.S. Geological Survey Library, 1526 Cole
Blvd. at W. Colfax Ave., Golden, CO (mail address: Stop 914, Box 25046, Federal Center.
Denver, CO 80225)
U.S. Geological Survey Library, 345 Middlefield Rd., Menlo Park, CA94025
P . I . O . , R m . 1 6 9 , F e d e r a lB u i l d i n g , t 9 6 l S t o u t
St., Denver, CO 80294
P . I . O . , R m . 7 6 3 8 , F e d e r a lB u i l d i n g , 3 0 0 N . L o s
Angeles St., Los Angeles, CA 90012
P.I.O., Rm. 504, Custom House, 555 Battery
St., San Francisco. CA 941I I
P . I . O . , R m . 1 C 4 5 ,F e d e r a lB u i l d i n g , I 1 0 0 C o m merce St., Dallas, TX 75242
P.I.O., Rm. 8105, Federal Building, 125 S.
Stare St., Salr Lake City, UT 84138
U.S. Geological Survey, 505 Marquette, NW,
A l b u q u e r q u e ,N M 8 7 1 2 5
New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources,Campus Station, Socorro, NM 87801
Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mining Technology,845N. Park Ave., Tucson, AZg5'l19
Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, University ofNevada, Reno, NV 89507
NonPrcrI oqrtuel on