1,'I.,i l Trlnd ThinK'" . . • Ann WCll tht'I'I' Wll.~ tJIt~ pctl{"qtl'int! who net'er lookM \',llj'I'p II!' wnll gO/liS( \' )wn he cr(J,~,'1(ld ~h(' ~tt':d; iJUl thlli. him all fI~,t i:Jall'g~,' dull will lwhl u 'ThWI m~d!'IJf U'd\lCK in M~Il:..:.~t'l will b<J Il. I'hl ChI Why T'j~~tI Irl<'dinll Morulay 11011lhmlioll or i't.\ ,1I,l"t".1 1i'~fI,on Thund.. :t nj.Kh~,at;) P~) Ihe f\~ ~ ,,'cilJtk -,1/ Chi Th<.:tfl !"i)<,m ur til" ~ tlY hI \Vicnrt­ Un'"'' 217. ,:lVt'l\ * Ir;r>llCiml 111"10 lumrrj thut they ""crG Koinl{, n"w hI' imfftei1itltC'Iy llnlll:'tI hi'" k~~etllilfl'rl t;nd fur IIID Jlr<xt month. . * h~k Inlt emhnrrMl'lnK qlJ(!...tion~, ru know Why lltc'M~x!eAn bot. * And llwfl thcrc'l'1 fhu tlrnft\le who wlIfJ-llwiully di~ap.. i't:'lnlcll whvlI he fuund (JIJL (hat _G-in'Rurnmy-wfllI'n <!ilrd Yl't<tenlilY, thl' B!'iti~ll (k'lIt HuJ lwmh­ r'I'~ lu;nw~ lhe clwnllel 1(; t!la~t IIOdt<, The I'1Ild (ollow",1 th/lC (If night Inllt flU'nin!it the Mlltford truek fl1ctor.¥ uu!,;:dc Pllrk nfflcill!~ ht'Ue\'e it will hI! 0111 of op-crllUon for month!\. At the ~uml! time, Uritain's rlldiQ prD)H1j.!'IIlIt:JI ili'di1·t:c!t'llllL w(lrkcl"~ for GI!I'nlAllY'l:I wllr mnehilll', llritnln WMnu thl'n! to rofllSe work III nnd W.1> I)hult~ 1111 thv .oAF pJiUll' t" 1,luI'\l It;1 nnzi mll11utIH!hlring, tilt' l't!i(1t'11:~ Public: Not to Send dn,.;.\("1t cr Inq~iriQs WASHlNGl'ON.-'fhe l1Uvy deptlrtmenl IUllt night 'rhJ~ delight, wontIDr you bile, whkh e"Yer slmut :m >;quare feeL 11);! 'lmilA, mAd" -'rile Tech Pcp, i:1;;: ;,:~;:~ ::~:~nl:l;fltll~!'n~~!C;I~{~~'<l:l:~"i~: knIll, ttl tuM whl'ela DT..] nWr£ c(H1nC((!!J~ l'oJi unUJ till' ('twr;:y, rurhINI1~,J by the nntlll mol..cl", gill'j)!l ouL or hlil g!ldgd f1utgr(j"'n hili Unm. ing~, Wil ! Tonti h!uJ'L ' dr vu:-A . • to WIHl TUIl« Iii. man~' intertlsling pc.... .ll:lkt:.1Lk,puhllc.i(Lrcirain !tam .~'IE~ndinl("ttLWID:lbl..nJi:imt.hb ___ .~w...-... . di\'ic!uu! Il1juiriCH 1'(.'~jl1'dil1l; en8ualUc8 lo .ribal pcr~onncl. SltcemUned_::nt'-Onc which you tan tell ~hlch'ls the trout The l'Nlllest Wall mud!! throtlg-h the dllpnrtmcilt'f'I 101:.:tyw hy'tlrle~tt!lnllllf"thc ~~y th,e drhfer'~~~( . jlCrllOIi flm.. r;(l~f:,,;~~:~n~;:t.'1u~t.tl;!l~::d:t~ ~hl'foell &! JnrUIIll!M lI"rllIll:I!:!mb$, u~'eorpuA'CicMl-A RUIIK!lIn Jlon-rommilJl!1ioood offiCIIr, SuIcide bfOlHi6---A'lIoldrm-tllilted Ifir} who dyed by lutr own Induding Th~ eh~illy "oh\'l'd~d on F~br\lllry 21, lo~~ h¥>nd.e.r,.~d cl'limien, "r~nkuMJLI. wri"t-v!t1~ al!' RHal'lI: !'!(!l'It lhe .f....r:o.rt e!lrrl~1' u, the bottom "'Hit the "ht!" em (rUin II Mfillll RolJin"on t!l1l!l Ihe J:f1dg()t Ilh d8t1l ...Ith' thll ~tory or the /lInk· J'~ikwmphles •. , '.hnt turret! i~ durttJe ffioltJr, "I'\'e «,(It II lWW »lImc for lhc Bid friomt." 'the (UmnIlUI,j",r or !.he p-ir..:rnft "\Vbl'l-t l~ it?" ~ tf'lUl"r f~AK1<.? >!..yll thlll his Y~II' "nIl_~ebJlIl-lJcCtHllie l>he ,*von't p!IlY Without 1'1: lliammltt" !lid' virhllUy thul!'d In '''hllbtrt'M (!ntitt!Jy of wond n)1'1 .11 hR1H'-~n",~d, R;C a~'<{'flI_ h1M In a!lch II rn"tJuo' <In nn.. hallU th"y roM ti)e r~'" H or ;~l;~~~::~e~A1~~:: l:~-,; 'Tit., l!OU~"t A Herie~ 'Jf Idnc-llko r.att/J ..... 130 of IIII'll> SAN'r1tANClsCQ,_Cllmmnm1. tWo Urt!ttcd S!ltt~R nnh-.j "1.1 * uml ~hn l •• , dl~pl,,-yil'!g Of Three Ships wh,~n il',~ :tI.!lU l)<)W hI!. 1I1lrull ... nrk, ::r.>f.r thrife )'''-UII 6/!0 Nearly 700 Person, Di. inSinkings Yml tll~t(> WhItt C\'cr t("hinB(lO • of r.Clltb:. Rudolph, 0" h"j{M I.u whittle *ith r, I'I:r. o OfVessels LO\'I! [s IIklJ IIll ,\nd For It, But It Works i'I~DLAY, o. (l'Pl- WI!r",,,, Report Losses * flaw Trill'". No Rhyme or Reoson 2Commanders Ilud pill. Ie},!!. n!ll~jll~un Qf t4 lin,,!! i'n't hUrtl: d lhe !!l;i. ;~!::~~ ~~.r~;:l!~=;: 1~:;~;:'tJl~~ rn~ oombH~ ~Ilt the l'f!tOR t.o Anytbing, m,lft worlh an)'thir.t;'~ -~~i:w~¥~.u-;-iL ...but--l-11~"il;~~.,--­ "IF roillolhg Ior put\; wi1h !ll1r¥lY~ m.;.!:u:.~~..!::~:!;~ ., SPnlNGF!},;LD, O. tuM Ul>!1r old rumor )ul'l wherc till: s!nry ;:[' ~.~ '~··----t!lI--t-!ivc-+IWI)k-t<-\hal--.l-­ CqM:h Ed EI..:"P1H thdt ,~hlln (tJr)­ i~j~~il~l~;:fl~~l\~n;l{;:~'~\ld!:~:~:~~l~~~~i> !:~o:h~h:tc:~~'~;:: ~~llt~~~ ~:~e~!~~~~;:~;;':~;'~~l;~ ~~::~e~!:~:~~'~t~gdo them ':~:~~~l:,,~:::hrt.t~: ~~~~~h~ !::'Q::n~n b~~~d t:I~~ ~~;_~:~~ 'fill.! :'~:I:timls ill tbe ROlitilwC1t Pnelflc hllve )!"rcntly Fln~~~~t. }'OIltb-Gradually hccomet1 "a burnt-(j'ut 4imror, :~:ilV~~re::;~c\~::. ;;1:" p::~~ !,:e~!Cfll~:r!:~~~crh!~~' !~~i~:'~ cmllpliclllcd Mid delnyed rcporl'{ or ('~IIHloltie.'1, and, ibe ,Juh. lie L~ tlrlfNI to rermill trOnl initiating Jitdivldurtl jllqlllrle~ ThumlJ..:.-Modlfrn mooni of tnuts.l'lortatkm;:: .,;{:", Floo!!2In-~ctt;(thllChM'e' ggnc"to l~t d~, ",'* cU1>ulllti('tj, fU!xt or 1<111 of jll! Cjlllutllti;:u IU'<: nlwtlYfI notified liS .,'won lit pos8!b:t'," . ',:,' ":," "--' )111rjr hIltI a little 'atarn ~or:"e\'eI'yonri, A.~'d so tbi,'c,,"J POn'rLAKD.~nor.ne\'Jllc Ptimr' :Admini.8trll.tor PAil! ,J. HJ:I\W yesteNlllY llnllOUnC1!d thftt one tlie Illt'g~rit Ferro. StlJcon pllllllf'l tn the nfl-Uoli hn~ be'ol'l atltbariUld for ]m~ me/liMe eonalrueUon iJf north ecnll'ill Wllsh!ngton, 'fhl) wor prorluclloll lJ6ard 4UlthOritcd' ftll I:Onf'ltruct-irm due tv cclt....ol'llhlV RAid the exnct I~ntknf_would bti wlih~ until '1I·1uwr-uate.­ _~ __ ~ ~~, ~"'_'n~-" ____ ..,_ 'fhe flew plnnl '\\'lJIl!t' buill with def(;iiiie vli-llll eOI;!lQrn. or :)~,:~ .~~:~f\\n~~~.' o~l~~,~i~~~! i~~ :crlt:r~,~W~IJftr~A~~:~~j::~r ;;i!iC/l, coke, -Hcn}) -Hlcelnnd certaIn iypi!:~'Of Iroll 'or~1 ami clUU.'CUlll rClluirl:'rl 111 the FeJ'ro.3m~Dn CASH f., YOL-rt Tl'[,El'rflIT£R MuBela Bela Elecls Officers ENGELSTAD'S WCl<t mugno"iulh opc,'ntion 414 Mndi!;on proolic£titlri pl'ol!lllf!!:. Adminift~r'llt&l' RfWcr w'nli told th~ plant will employ 100 Utell upon completion {If lM tllt'de.ti(~~iie~' J51hiH: The plant will- IIfl(! 11 1nrgc-bloclC ot-powdt tr(1m the B<'tI:l1t'vilk-GrnUl1d COiliec proj(!(!t. Ferl'oRilicon will he uae~J cxwri~ivety in a now ilrooct'l!:!l rm' mukitlg mlla.;ttnshlm. and ani1Qurn:ed:~JlA"'fll", n north. II!: lO- InriuinrroIUH:ffi-t' t'lhorlly. . of lYer Ilriga~meht Wet!!-'flIw-nys"'\1hitc-'a.a u*wlliy loo~:~. ::~~ ~;~II::1d!:~t~e~~~~~D~r::~ 25 ~1Jeh b<11$ to b{) 8oundOO M Jlt!ivel'bm ltr-nmbflm-All'I.n.llA. nwlhn!l!~h!li:hIpflt"h'Jlllrt~ <'THE SHOE HOSPITAL ullQrtleloJly ttl he"" A«ou!I~¢d fur Ihl! Mtt'<:!f ne8riy'100 1mll;" . r~~~t;:n--'':?~ ::'~:':: book snow, Whm~ ii--:-~l'l' roo~~ ~*ill II. :;';~thing loo. 1•• ndn R p, 'McC<Jnn}'1J 01 t.h<> t'~:~;no~·~m;;:or::er E, 1', Cor qUALITY' WORK UOli "iiiiiii J~'<rf_,'Du.r ___ Oiiiiiiiiiiiiiil CIIJoIpuU I lll::t:~~~:,~~!_:;:n~~~ n'llv)'" firji. .Ji&htt ~arr1"I". had The j:ittle ~Id gl'lI}' ~';}ni! ,bent o\,~t-t~t! :;l~~h<j~lIoi.m;:k~ c:::;;;~ crl\d$~6~:;-~:~Y~"(h~i~~~~,,;~~t.'i'e~iikrat;ou:;~~'''· .. .,-,,,' ;':::M'-~~i'~ ~ ~ ~. ~_y~. }1I~~fS" Dliby! " ' . .# .,.m h~'you c6uld: you;t!on't h$t\iJ any tc(!l}t," '" ., -'" . ' ...;..'th~r ReVttl~6. bettcr lh:' a.~fl:~~.~:cta~;l;~n:-::'::'~ Jl'iMtf'JJI,'bomb(!r~; Hn Imld u'~ "~~ond (hrltt of oomb~r~ ~'U 1l\1In< He Mid tht: najyo rA the trc~t:tlvt. 1::1l1'fl~ JlrAdlcAlly lItnQinc«d LAj'I:t~r"lInd f{l~ trtw to IIlItnJon ~Mp. • What Ah(ould thl;.' young girl of tod.y do-.;...got married Ut'al$'() l'!l\'eol~11 Lhllt .!!<~rtd". hefortfhcr bar Wend ilOCll to \\'1'.1 (if- atfty'fijnj((e'tl~:'~'Aft ~lr\)yer!l wilry Jllll hit ~m hi nluh'l~? Thifi qu(mllon v,'A:a All_ked R ~;)mddOrltbk!: nUJri-: air fIIld""'l her of Umti8 during ~Ug:!OU$ week flt rQrums. 'dh;()UMial18 t~lmil!killl."" .;.,:i.. :.:.:: anll eonl<!tmlt'i!!i'. '."",O'c"" oo.".".• m af the Kratavil/s Shoe Shop 'flwv did b:l\'(' Ollt' Th(, nCll~, \\'110 for rowiJ1g', CfJllFC( !flluipmt'nl.lIl1vl) two lit: laYing nround lh~ir 1m 'hole~ lorn in !llc eedHr I in thc Oregon Stale flhul nrc l'CI'} rl,clnjt shell", Reavcr oarsmen lu)\'" ill ly dOlUtted them to the Ttu! truuble il'l Ihal tnolley tu ;liollp:sidt' tJI/,' ifornia Hnd to!) flW 11'\\" !lu~h i<helll!. in Conal Ii:;; O'SC oon;mefl. 111 the r hnnrHenJlped wheu tllC)' "UO<\!H whell they are :-Ie All: !Ii result they h.we lose races thAt the), ,l'hl'Htecoml Advanf.al be mote fftYf>nluly incH Most of the !NUn!\ iWl'i poor bOilt~, Intramural n~ta BUY UNITED STATES FENSE ONDS STAMPS Knl'pt. n HAW,,,? .. SI!tma Alph\1 'Tou OI'!lCjfll l'F, 1'1 X"'I'P Phi V~, Chi l'ltj .. Thun<ul Nothing will mll.kG' her J)lIlta T.1l Rolf. Thota Slp"PJv8, vfl.Wcalhl'l Alpha Chi Th!lta The happiet' on E..,ter DDt than a coN!&ge--from ' '. Kessey"l'l to bring ont bm' nil'\\' $J,rirtg' etI!tllttl.tile r 5ijl'ma Phi f:;p.Uo-n Y,~. Ot!lbl P)l1 Sltrm. x.PP'I I'll. BlL!wn Phi G.!ltmll Ot!11.a u, l)~ B IAS1 -:­ , ", ' " , lllHTORIAL STATF ' HOH,. }~~{'nt~:n~~OIlJ.IIYi;(il'g:,' Ir;dt) HAmilton nud ._A·~+':JQA_:·_-~~~olf~fi~;tt'Fu~:2re:nfjn; ""'"'''''' "N.,,, :EiHt1n'·.-.-;·.-:;-:':-:.-;-:-:::-;::~::·.-:~;7:-;:n(lh-Morftn-,,~ . -F~~;~I~;~-~{S~r~!,c~::, <_,":'.-:-<-,:,: ,).i-\-tij~"nri-Uj(y ]I!dl!ol'illl Hmlrd: H't'll.v AlldMI{I);t, _H.'Hy 01'1I\'(lA (finn ~j'hJj('rfl'r, )111Ii l\1flYI'r. Hl'lfllH~ LN', (~mlll!ILHertlrlg~r, \\'lill!1a 'l'lIrUf'T. j)j"k _Bl_"_",_~_--,-_ _ STA~'F F01( '('HIS 188lm editor: Gordon NelHon; Hssi14tnilt, GCOI'g"t' Dew(;,:",'. Hildegarde SchoeJer; llHHisLanl, Mal'ion .h"'ll /(jel'wk, Chinn~'h~;v'e~er,,;till il! worried over tb~lhdfa altuiltion and. thereareunconfirli1ed rumo,rs, in9hurllrkI!)g}hat Prellident LiJ RooHevelt lrtight be 'asked to fise hill il'!f1uince mediate dCl the d i s p u t e . ' ; - '" to N02!i, British Raids ContintJe of nel'vell against pQi Germllny~backed up gil! c~_:-,:~;;;r;~!~~'~~ifr.n~m~j~lt~on~.,~f;;l"~,t~tY~-=B,,:r'',IlI,,:jnlllllll':(ll,I,.~A~,,--1~w":C':il"'l"'."r~,..I>'~'l'(~'",-l~1,,;,:y~el~~'I~.Y~,. 'I;r,,~fh~~l~~.~rii~ll~I;.!~r~esDu~l~t~S.t:-~T~h~e~n~azis. apparently fear. commando raids, heavily , bombed two Englillhcoastal towns that might be used as in. Ho unll Shirley lI",,",,,,, va~ion springb6ardR. The GermanI'! Identified the towns as DOVel' and Portland. Last·nlght Getman planes once ag'lrin were back over Eriglan~, but apparently only on r~cort~ nuisance. " Earlier yesterday,. the British scnt fighters and bomb­ e1'11 across the 'channel to blast the ·nazi-held ports, The ~'aid followed that of night before last against the Matford Till truckfactqry outside Paris. British officials believe'it will be out of operation for months. A t the sathe time, Britain's radio propaganda is' di­ ]'cctcd atw6rkers forGerli1itly'S war machine. Britain warns : them to r~iilke ~ork iii nazi war piantl! as the RAF plans to ,blast all .IlliZi. manufacturing. Pu~licNottoSendlnquiries Tax diviaual injuiries regarding caeualtiel! totilivalpetsonneJ; The request was made through thedepatt.rtietWEi8i"tY~ fifth communique disclosing the loss of the airerlift tender Langley, the naval tanker Pecos and the destroyer Pea.ry. The navy says: ' "War conditions in the southwest PtHdfic have greatly c()mplicated and d~l~yed reports of casUalties, aM, the pub.' lie is urged to ret'~~in from initiating lhdividulil 1l1qUiffEill is regularly open until 10 regatdirtg easualties';" tsofJ~panese parentage, even' ., '. "'Th~next of kit! notified le~~~~.~.,.,~m~il~;::.~,~.~~~:.JP211';~O~~*:~~~ from·· Using. the Iibl'arY~btteleg~!l.m as" ., ih.MIIit~n'Y<A:rcil. American-born Japanese students 1'e'" StrE ReC Fi'ie FlaT Thu Flea ••' ..... ­ No.2, Is there any restriction regard­ ,n1llnWn,V8 in going to or from 'their homes '!" lISU~