Epsilen Groups – SWIG Project

Epsilen 2.0
Epsilen Groups – SWIG Project
Creating and Joining an Epsilen Group:
Creating and Joining an Epsilen Group:
1) Both you and your students must have an ePortfolio account – if necessary see “Creating an
Epsilen ePortfolio Account” on the Web site: http://www.qcc.cuny.edu/eportfolio/
2) Teacher: Login to Epsilen and Create a Group entitled “FA10 SWIG TeacherNameTeacherName” – set membership option to Invite & Request
3) Teacher: Tell students the EXACT name the Group
4) Student: Open ePortfolio, select Groups, and Search for the Group by name
5) Student: Click “Request Membership” button on the far right
6) Teacher: Go to the Group and view & accept membership requests
7) Student: Go to the Group and Create a Wiki using whatever your teacher requires – usually your
name - as the title
How to Solve the Dreaded “Wiki Drafts” Problem
The “View Wiki Drafts” button will only appear when one or more Group Members have forgotten to
Save or Update their Wiki after making changes.
Why is this problem? As long as there is a “View Wiki Drafts” button, no one will be able to edit the
Wiki. If you see the “View Wiki Drafts” button you must find the offending Wiki(s), and clear it.
Getting rid of the “View Wiki Drafts” button
1) Click the “View Wiki Drafts” button
2) Click the “Edit this Draft” button (there may be a few, but do them one at a time)
3) Scroll to the bottom and click the “Update Changes” button
4) Repeat for each Wiki that has a Draft
5) Verify that the “View Wiki Drafts” button is gone
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